Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara

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Transcript of Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara

  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    Sebuah Patung singa dari Candi Prambanan diapit dengan dua kapataru dan kinara-

    kinari (makhluk setengah burung setengah manusia bentuk orthomorphic)

  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    Lion dance

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Lion dance

    Chinese name

    Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese

    Alternative Chinese name

    Traditional Chinese or

    Vietnamese name

    Vietnamese ma ln / s tCh !"m /

    Korean name

    #an$%l an'a &

    Japanese name


    Lion dance)simplified Chinese*+ traditional Chinese*+pinyin* wsh is a form oftraditional dancein Chinese c%lt%reand other -sian co%ntries in .hich performers mimic a lions
  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    mo0ements in a lion cost%me1 The lion dance is %s%ally performed d%rin$ the Chinese !e. 2earand other Chinese traditional, c%lt%ral and reli$io%s festi0als1 3t may also 4e performed atimportant occasions s%ch as 4%siness openin$ e0ents, special cele4rations or .eddin$ceremonies, or may 4e %sed to hono%r special $%ests 4y the Chinese comm%nities1

    The Chinese lion dance is often mistakenly referred to asdra$on dance1 -n easy .ay to tell thedifference is that a lion is normally operated 4y t.o dancers, .hile a dra$on needs many people1-lso, in a lion dance, the performers faces are only seen occasionally, since they are inside thelion1 3n a dra$on dance, the performers faces can 4e easily seen since the dra$on is held onpoles1 Chinese lion dance f%ndamental mo0ements can 4e fo%nd in mostChinese martial arts1

    There are t.o main forms of the Chinese lion dance, the !orthern Lion and the So%thern Lion15oth forms are commonly fo%nd in China, 4%t aro%nd the .orld especially in So%th 6ast -sia,the So%thern Lion predominates as it .as spread 4y theChinese diasporacomm%nities .ho arehistorically mostly of So%thern Chinese ori$in1 Versions of the lion dance are also fo%nd in7apan,(orea,Ti4etand Vietnam1 -nother form of lion dance e8ists in 3ndonesian c%lt%re, 4%t

    this is of a different tradition and may 4e referred to as Sin$a 5aron$1


    9 #istory

    : ;e$ional types

    o :19 Chinese !orthern Lion

    o :1: Chinese So%thern Lion

    o :1< Vietnamese Lion

    o :1= 7apanese Lion

    o :1> (orean Lion

    o :1? Ti4etan Lion

    o :1@ 3ndonesian Lion

    < A%sic and instr%ments

    = Cost%mes

    > -ssociation .ith .%sh%/k%n$ f%
  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    ? B%rin$ Chinese !e. 2ears and festi0als

    @ 60ol%tion and competition

    3n politics

    D 3n pop%lar c%lt%re

    9E See also

    99 !otes

    9: 68ternal links


    Betails of the Son$ Bynasty paintin$ Gne #%ndred Children Hlayin$ in the Sprin$ ) 4y S% #anchen )$ children performin$ the lion dance1

    There has 4een an old tradition in China of dancers .earin$ masks to resem4le animals ormythical 4easts since antiI%ity, and performances descri4ed in ancient te8ts s%ch as .ild 4easts and phoeni8 danced may ha0e 4een masked dances1 J9KJ:K3n in Bynastyso%rces, dancers performin$ e8orcism rit%als .ere descri4ed as .earin$ 4earskin mask,J9Kand also mentioned in #an Bynastyte8ts that mime people ) performed as fish, dra$ons,and phoeni8es1JKJ?Kand introd%ced0ia Cental -sia1J@K-ccordin$ to ethnom%sicolo$ist La%rence Hicken, the Chinese .ord for lionitself,shi), .ritten asin the early periods, may ha0e 4een deri0ed from the Hersian .order1JKThe earliest %se of the .ordshizimeanin$ lion first appeared in #an Bynasty te8ts and hadstron$ association .ith Central -sia )an e0en earlier 4%t o4solete term for lion .assuanni)or, and lions .ere presented to the #an co%rt4y emissaries from Central -sia and theHarthian 6mpire1JDKBetailed descriptions of Lion Bance appeared d%rin$ the Tan$ Bynastyand already reco$niMed 4y .riters and poets then as a forei$n dance, ho.e0er, Lion dance may
  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    ha0e 4een recorded in China as early as the third cent%ry -B .here lion acts .ere referred to4y a Three (in$domsscholar Aen$ (an$ ) in a commentary onHanshu1J9EKJ99KJ9:K3n theearly periods it had association .ith 5%ddhism* it .as recorded in a!orthern Weite8t,Description of Buddhist Temples in Luoyang), that a parade for a stat%e of 5%ddhaof the Chan$Ii% Temple ) .as led 4y a lion to dri0e a.ay e0il spirits1J99KJ9 lions .ere each o0er < metres tall and each had 9: lion lads .ho teased the lions.ith red .hisks1J99KJ9>K-nother 0ersion of the lion dance .as performed 4y t.o persons, and descri4ed 4y the Tan$ poet 5ai 7%yiin his poem Western Lian$ -rts )!", .here thedance .as performed 4y hu)#, meanin$ here nonO#an people from Central -sia dancers .ho.ore a lion cost%me made of a .ooden head, a silk tail and f%rry 4ody, .ith eyes $ilded .ith$old and teeth plated .ith sil0er as .ell as ears that mo0ed, a form that resem4les todays Lion



    5y the ei$hth cent%ry, this lion dance had reached 7apan1 B%rin$ the Son$ Bynastythe lion dance .as commonly performed in festi0als and it .as kno.n as the !orthern Liond%rin$ the So%thern Son$1

    The So%thern Lion is a later de0elopment in the so%th of China, most likely ori$inatin$ in theN%an$don$pro0ince1 There are a n%m4er of myths associated .ith the ori$in of this dance* onestory relates that the dance ori$inated as a cele4ration in a 0illa$e .here a mythical monstercalled! s%ccessf%lly dri0en a.ay+J@KJ9@Kanother has it that theianlon$ 6mperordreamtof an a%spicio%s animal .hile on a to%r of So%thern China, and ordered that the ima$e of theanimal 4e recreated and %sed d%rin$ festi0als1 #o.e0er it is likely that the So%thern Lion ofN%an$Mho%is an adaptation of the !orthern Lion to local myths and characteristics, perhaps

    d%rin$ the Ain$ Bynasty1


    Regional types

    The t.o main types of lion dance in China are the !orthern and So%thern Lions1 There areho.e0er also a n%m4er of local forms of lion dance in different re$ions of China, and some ofthese lions may ha0e si$nificantly differences in appearance, for e8ample the Nreen Lion )$,in$9 Shi9 pop%lar .ith the #okkien peopleand Tai.anese1J:EKJ:9KGther ethnic minorities$ro%ps in China may also ha0e their o.n lion dances, for e8amples the lion dance of the A%slimminority in ShenIi% Co%ntyin #enan1J::KJ:KJ:?K

    Vario%s forms of lion dance are also fo%nd .idely in 6ast -sian co%ntries s%ch as 7apan, (orea,Vietnam, as .ell as amon$ the comm%nities in the #imalayan re$ion1

    Chinese Northern Lion
  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    !orthern Lion in a 0ariety sho.

    The Chinese !orthern Lion )simplified Chinese*%+ traditional Chinese*%+ pinyin*Bi shBance is often performed as a pair of male and female lions in the north of China1 !orthern lionsmay ha0e a $oldOpainted .ooden head, and sha$$y oran$e and yello. hair .ith a red 4o. on itshead to indicate a male lion, or a $reen 4o. )sometimes $reen hair to represent a female1 J:@KThere are ho.e0er re$ional 0ariations of the lion1

    !orthern lions resem4le Hekin$eseorF% Bo$s, and its mo0ements are lifelike d%rin$ aperformance1 -cro4atics are 0ery common, .ith st%nts like lifts, or 4alancin$ on a tieredplatform or on a $iant 4all1 !orthern lions sometimes appear as a family, .ith t.o lar$e ad%ltlions and a pair of small yo%n$ lions1 There are %s%ally t.o performers in one ad%lt lion, andone in the yo%n$ lion1 There may also 4e a .arrior character .ho holds a spherical o4'ect andleads the lions1J:K

    The dance of the !orthern Lion is $enerally more playf%l than the So%thern Lion1 ;e$ions .ith.ellOkno.n lion dance tro%pes incl%deP%sh%iin#e4eipro0ince, and!in$haiin!in$4o1 Thereare a n%m4er of 0ariations of the lion dance performance, for e8ample the #ea0enly Lion

    Bance )simplified Chinese*&'

    + traditional Chinese*&'

    + pinyin* Ti!n t" sh wfrom Pian$fen Co%ntyin Shan8iis a performance .here4y a n%m4er of lions clim4 %p a str%ct%re constr%cted o%t of .ooden stools,J9Kand there are also hi$hO.ire acts in0ol0in$lions

    Chinese Southern Lion

    So%thern Lion dance d%rin$ L%nar !e. 2ear :E9> in Haris

    The Chinese So%thern )simplified Chinese*(+ traditional Chinese*(+ pinyin*#$n shLion dance ori$inated from N%an$don$1 The So%thern Lion has a sin$le horn, and is associated.ith the le$end of a mythical monster called!ian1 The lion consists of a head .hich istraditionally constr%cted %sin$papierOmchQo0er a 4am4oo frame,J:DKand a 4ody made of
  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    d%ra4le layered cloth trimmed .ith f%r1 ! lions ho.e0er may 4e made .ith modernmaterials s%ch as al%mini%m instead of 4am4oo and are li$hter1 ! 0ersions may also applyshinier material o0er the traditional lacI%er s%ch as seI%in or laser sticker 4%t they do not last aslon$ as those .ith semiOd%ll lacI%er1 Aost modern lion dance cost%mes comes .ith a set ofmatchin$ pants, ho.e0er some practitioners %se 4lack k%n$ f% pants to appear more traditional1

    Aodern lion dance cost%mes are made to 4e 0ery d%ra4le and some are .aterproof1There are t.o main styles of N%an$don$or Cantonese Lion* the%ut Sanor%o Shan)Chinese*)*+ pinyin*%&sh!n+ literally* 5%ddha Ao%ntain, and theHo' SanorHe Shan)simplifiedChinese*+ traditional Chinese*+*+ pinyin* h(sh!n+ literally* Crane Ao%ntain, 4othnamed after their place of ori$in1 Gther minor styles incl%de the F%tO#ok )a hy4rid of F%t Sanand #ok San created in Sin$apore 4y (on$ Cho. W%i (oon in the 9D?Es, and the 7o. Na)performed 4y practitioners of 7o. family style k%n$ f%1 J:@KThe different lion types can 4eidentified from the desi$n of the lion head1

    - So%thern Lion Bance performance

    Fo Shan is the style many k%n$ f% schools adopt1 3t reI%ires in mo0es and stren$th inpost%re1 The lion 4ecomes the representation of the k%n$ f% school and only the most ad0ancedst%dents are allo.ed to perform1 Traditionally, the Fo Shan lion has 4ristles instead of f%r and ishea0ier than the modern ones no. pop%larly %sed1 3t also has a 0ery lon$ tail and eyes thats.i0el left and ri$ht1 Gn the 4ack there are $old foiled rims and a $ilded area .here the tro%pesname may 4e .ritten1 -ll the traditional style Fo Shan ha0e popO%p teeth, ton$%e, and s.i0elin$eyes1 The %nderside of the tail is .hite+ the desi$ns of the tail are also more sI%are and contain adiamond pattern $oin$ do.n the 4ack, and often has 4ells attached to the tail1 3t has a hi$h

    forehead, c%r0ed lips and a sharp horn on its head1J:@KTraditional Fo Shan lions are ornate inappearance, a n%m4er of re$ional styles ho.e0er ha0e de0eloped aro%nd the .orld1 The ne.erstyles of Fo Shan lions replace all the 4ristles .ith f%r and the tails are shorter1 They eyes arefi8ed in place, and the ton$%e and teeth do not pop %p1 The tail is more c%r0y in desi$n, does notha0e a diamond pattern, and lacks 4ells1,_Guangdong,_Guangdong
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    Lion dance at #ok San -ssociation in Sin$apore

    The #e Shan style lion is kno.n for its richness of e8pression, %niI%e foot.ork, impressi0eOlookin$ appearance and 0i$oro%s dr%mmin$ style1 The fo%nder of this style is tho%$ht to 4e theCanton Lion (in$ Fen$ Nen$Mhan$ )simplified Chinese*+ traditional Chinese*,-+pinyin*%)ng *+ngzh"ng in the early :Eth cent%ry1 Fen$ .as 4orn in a 0illa$e in #e Shan co%ntyin N%an$don$, and he .as instr%cted in martial arts and lion dance 4y his father1 Later, he alsost%died martial arts and So%thern lion dance inFoshan4efore ret%rnin$ to his hometo.n andsettin$ %p his o.n trainin$ hall1 #e de0eloped his %niI%e 0ersion of lion dance, creatin$ ne.techniI%es 4y st%dyin$ and mimickin$ mo0ement of cats, s%ch as catchin$ mo%se, playin$,catchin$ 4irds, hi$h escape, lyin$ lo. and rollin$1 #e and his disciples also made chan$es to thelion head, its forehead is, its horn ro%nded and it has a d%ck 4eak mo%th .ith flat lips1 J:@KThe 4ody of the lion is also more po.erf%l in str%ct%re .ith eyeOcatchin$ colo%rs1 To$ether .ithne. dance steps and a$ile foot.ork, a %niI%e rhythm in0ented 4y Fen$ called the Se0en StarBr%m, Fen$ created a ne. style of lion dancin$ that is hi$h in entertainment 0al%e and 0is%alappeal1 3n the early 9D:Es, the #e Shan lion dance .as performed .henS%n 2atOSenass%medoffice in N%an$Mho%, and created a stir1 -ro%nd 9D=>, #e Shan lion performers .ere oftenin0ited to perform in many places .ithin China and So%theast -sia d%rin$ cele4ratory festi0als1The #e Shan style 4ecame 0ery pop%lar in Sin$apore+ the lion acI%ired the title of Lion (in$ of(in$s, and has a kin$ character ). on its forehead1 F%rther impro0ement had 4een made 4ythe Sin$apore #ok San -ssociation, for e8ample makin$ the lion more catOlike 4y shortenin$the tail of #e Shan lion, and creatin$ ne. dr%m 4eat for the dance1

    Bifferent colors are %sed to si$nify the a$e and character of the lions1 The lion .ith .hite f%r isconsidered to 4e the oldest of the lions, .hile the lion .ith $olden yello. f%r is the middle child1The 4lack lion is considered the yo%n$est lion, and the mo0ement of this lion sho%ld 4e fast likea yo%n$ child or a headstron$ teena$er1 The colors may also represent the character of the lion*the $olden lion represents li0eliness, the red lion co%ra$e, and the $reen lion friendship1 Thereare also three lion types that represent three historical characters recorded in the classic ;omance

    of the Three (in$doms.ho .ere 4lood oath 4rothers that s.ore to restore the #an dynasty* J

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    - Chinese N%an Non$ )(.an (%n$lion %shers in the Chinese !e. 2earin Chinato.n,Aanhattan,!e. 2ork City)RS-1

    TheLiu Bei)Cantonese*Lau ,ei lion is the eldest of the three 4rothers and has a yello.)act%ally imperial yello. as he 4ecame the first emperor of the Sh%O#an (in$dom 4asedface .ith .hite 4eard and f%r )to denote his .isdom1 3t sports a m%lti colo%red tail).hite %nderside si$nifyin$ the colors of the fi0e elements as it .as 4elie0ed that 4ein$the 6mperor, he had the 4lessin$s of the hea0ens and th%s control of the fi0e elements1Glder Li% 5ei lions also ha0e 4lack in the tail .hile the ne. ones do not1 There are threecoins on the collar1 This lion is %sed 4y schools .ith an esta4lished Aartial art master)Sifu or or$aniMation and is kno.n as the-ui Shi)simplified Chinese*/+ traditionalChinese*/+ pinyin*-u. Sh+ literally* -%spicio%s Lion1

    The *uan *ong)Cantonese*/wan /ung lion has a red 4ased face, 4lack 4ristles, .ith alon$ 4lack 4eard )as he .as also kno.n as the B%ke .ith the 5ea%tif%l 5eard1 The tailis red and 4lack .ith .hite trim and a .hite %nderside1 #e is kno.n as the second 4rotherand sports t.o coins on the collar1 This Lion is kno.n as the0ing Shi)simplifiedChinese*0+ traditional Chinese*0+ pinyin*01ng Sh+ literally* -.akened Lion1This is a commonlyO%sed lion1

    The2hang %ei)Cantonese* 3heung %ei lion has a 4lack 4ased face .ith short 4lack4eard, small ears, and 4lack 4ristles1 The tail is 4lac' and white.ith .hite trim and a.hite %nderside1 Traditionally this lion also had 4ells attached to the 4ody, .hich ser0edas a .arnin$ like a rattler on a rattle snake1 5ein$ the yo%n$est of the three 4rothers, thereis a sin$le coin on the collar1 This Lion is kno.n as theDou Shi)simplified Chinese*1+ traditional Chinese*2+ pinyin*D5u Sh+ literally* Fi$htin$ Lion 4eca%se han$Fei had a I%ick temper and lo0ed to fi$ht1 This lion is %sed 4y cl%4s that .ere '%ststartin$ o%t or 4y those .ishin$ to make a challen$e1

    Later three more Lions .ere added to the $ro%p1 The Nreen Faced Lion representedhao 2%norhao )Cantonese* Chi% i Lon$1 The hao i Lon$ lion is a $reen lion .ith a $reen tail .ith4lack trim and a .hite %nderside, as .ell as a .hite 4eard and f%r and an iron horn1 #e is oftencalled the fo%rth 4rother, this lion is called the #eroic Lion 4eca%se it is said he rode thro%$h CaoCaos million man army and resc%ed Li% 5eis infant and fo%$ht his .ay 4ack o%t1 The 2ello.)yello./oran$e face and 4ody .ith .hite 4eard represented #%an$ hon$)Cantonese* Won$,_Manhattan,_Manhattan,_Manhattan,_Manhattan,_Manhattan
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    Ts%n$, .e .as $i0en this color .hen Li% 5ei rose to 4ecome 6mperor1 The #%an$ 7oon has af%ll yello. tail .ith .hite trim1 This lion is called the ;i$hteo%s Lion1 The .hite lion is kno.nas Aa Chao)Cantonese* Aa Chi%, he .as assi$ned this color 4eca%se he al.ays .ore a .hitearm 4and to 4attle a$ainst the 6mperor of Wei, Cao Cao, to si$nify that he .as in mo%rnin$ forhis father and 4rother .ho had 4een m%rdered 4y Cao Cao1 Th%s this lion .as kno.n as the

    f%neral lion1 This lion is ne0er %sed e8cept for the f%neral of a Aaster or an important head of the$ro%p, and in s%ch cases the lion is %s%ally 4%rned ri$ht after %se as it is sym4olicallyina%spicio%s to 4e kept aro%nd1 This lion is sometimes conf%sed .ith the sil0er lion .hichsometimes has a .hite like colo%rin$1 These three alon$ .ith N%an 2% and han$ Fei .erekno.n as the Fi0e Ti$er Nenerals of Sh%n, each representin$ one of the colors of the fi0eelements1

    Vietnamese Lion

    Vietnamese Rnicorn and Un$ a at the :E9= TXt Harade in Little Sai$on, C-

    The lion dance is kno.n in Vietnam as the %nicorndance )Vietnamese* ma ln1 3t .as importedfrom China 4%t has acI%ired local characteristics1 Aost lions in Vietnam resem4le the Chinese

    So%thern Lion .ith sheeps f%r and not the traditional 4ristled hair, 4%t there are also distinctlocal forms that differ si$nificantly in appearance and performance1 The dance is performedprimarily at traditional festi0als s%ch asVietnamese l%nar ne. year)T6t and7ietnamese 8id9:utumn %esti;al)T6t trung thu, as .ell as d%rin$ other occasions s%ch as the openin$ of a ne.4%siness1 The dance .ith a 0ie. to .ard off e0il spirits, and the dances are typicallyaccompanied 4y martial artistsand acro4atics1

    - feat%re of the Vietnamese %nicorn dance is its dance partner aor the spirit of the earth,depicted as a lar$e 4ellied, 4roadly $rinnin$ man holdin$ a palmOleaf fan similar to the Chinese5i$ #ead 5%ddha )31 The $oodOhearted spirit, accordin$ to pop%lar 4eliefs, has to s%mmon the a%spicio%s %nicorn, and th%s d%rin$ the dance, takes the lead in clearin$

    the path for the %nicorn1 The comical appearance of Un$ a adds to the festi0e and merryOmakin$ nat%re of the dance1J

  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    Festi0al of AiyaMaki Shrine, 7apan

    7apan has a lon$ tradition of the lion dance and the dance is kno.n as shishi9mai) in7apanese1 3t is tho%$ht to ha0e 4een imported from China d%rin$ the Tan$ Bynasty, and 4ecameassociated .ith cele4ration of 5%ddhas 4irthday1 The oldest s%r0i0in$ lion mask, made ofpa%lo.nia.ood .ith an artic%lated 'a., is preser0ed in TYdaiO'iin 7apan1J

  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    3n Gkina.a, a similar dance e8ists, tho%$h the lion there is considered to 4e a le$endary shisa1The heads, 4odies and 4eha0ior of the shisa in the dance are I%ite different from the shishionmainland 7apan1 3nstead of dancin$ to the so%nds of fl%tes and dr%ms, the shisadanceis often performed to folk son$s played .ith thesanshin1

    Korean Lion

    (orean 5%kcheon$ sa'anore%m

    There are t.o main traditions of lion dance in (orea, thesaja9noreum, .hich is performed as ane8orcism drama+ and [email protected] is performed in association .ith masked drama1J

  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    The Sno. Lionis re$arded as an em4lem of Ti4et and the Sno. Lion Bance is pop%lar dance inTi4etan comm%nities and it is performed d%rin$ festi0als s%ch as d%rin$ the rit%al dance )chamfesti0al and the !e. 2ear1 The sno. lion dance may 4e performed as a sec%lar dance, or as arit%al dance performed 4y4on pomonks1 The dance may ha0e a lon$ history in Ti4et, 4%t mayalso ha0e 4een infl%enced 4y Chinese Lion Bance in the SinoOTi4etan 4orderland1 J=?K

    ndonesian Lion

    5aron$ of 5ali, 3ndonesiaAain articles* ;eo$and 5aron$ )mytholo$y

    The Chinese lion dance is referred to as 4arongsaiin 3ndonesia, often performed 4y Chinese3ndonesiand%rin$Amle'1 3ndonesians ho.e0er, has de0eloped their o.n style of lion dances1 Thelion dance )3ndonesian* 4arong in 3ndonesiahas different forms that are distinct to the localc%lt%res in 3ndonesia, and it is not kno.n if it has any relation to the Chinese lion1 JKThe most.ellOkno.n lion dances are performed in5aliand 7a0a1

    3n #ind% 5alinesec%lt%re, the 5aron$is the kin$ of $ood spirits, and the enemy of the demon

    I%een ;an$da1Like the Chinese lion, it reI%ires more dancers than in the 7a0anese ;eo$1;eo$Honoro$o, 3ndonesia

    The ;eo$dance of Honoro$oin 7a0a in0ol0es a lionfi$%re kno.n as thesinga 4arong1 3t is heldon special occasions s%ch as theLe4aran)6id alOFitr, City or ;e$ency anni0ersary, or3ndependence day carni0al1 - sin$le dancer, or waro', carries the hea0y lion mask a4o%t

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    Aen%E*EEA%sicians accompanyin$ lion dance at Seattles Chinato.nO3nternational Bistrict !i$htAarket, #in$ #ay Hark ):E9E

    ,ro4lems playing this file See media helpC

    The Chinese Lion Bance is performed accompanied 4y the m%sic of 4eatin$ of dr%ms, cym4als,and $on$s1 3nstr%ments synchronise to the lion dance mo0ements and actions1 F%t San, #ok San,F%t #ok, Cho. Nar, etc1 all play their 4eat differently1 6ach style plays a %niI%e 4eat1Be0elopments in electronic de0ices ha0e allo.ed m%sic to 4e played 0iaphone/ta4let/comp%ter/mp< player1 This has contri4%ted to the e0ol%tion of ho. people can playlion dance m%sic O .hich eliminates the need to carry aro%nd instr%ments ).hich can 4e I%itelar$e1


    The lion dance cost%mes %sed in these performances can only 4e c%stom made in specialty craftshops in r%ral parts of China and ha0e to 4e imported at considera4le e8pense for most forei$nco%ntries o%tside -sia1 For $ro%ps in Western co%ntries, this is made possi4le thro%$h f%nds

    raised thro%$h s%4scriptions and pled$es made 4y mem4ers of local c%lt%ral and 4%sinesssocieties1 For co%ntries like Aalaysia .ith a s%4stantial Chinese pop%lation, local e8pertise may4e a0aila4le in makin$ the lion cost%mes and m%sical instr%ments .itho%t ha0in$ to importthem from China1

    Association "ith "ushu#$ung %u

    The Chinese lion dance has close relations to k%n$ f%or W[sh\)67 and the dancers are%s%ally martial art mem4ers of the local k%n$ f% cl%4or school1 They practice in their cl%4 andsome train hard to master the skill as one of the disciplines of the martial art1 3n $eneral, it is seenthat if a school has a capa4le tro%pe .ith many lions, it demonstrates the s%ccess of the school13t is also $enerally practised to$ether .ith Bra$on dancein some area1
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    Toronto Lion Bance team, W%sh% Hro'ect po%rin$ Chinese Teato person)s .ho0e reI%estedthem to at the Biamond 5anI%et #all in Aarkham, GntarioforChinese !e. 2ear:E9=

    &uring Chinese Ne" 'ears and %estivals

    Lett%ce 4ein$ offered to a lion, and a 5i$ #ead 5%ddha at the start of a Lion Bance d%rin$ aChinese !e. 2earfesti0al in 5ostons Chinato.n1

    B%rin$ the Chinese !e. 2ear, lion dance tro%pes from the Chinese martial art schools orChinese $%ild and associations .ill 0isit the ho%ses and shops of the Chinese comm%nity toperform the traditional c%stom of cai ?ing )8$, literally meanin$ pl%ckin$ the $reens,

    .here4y the lion pl%cks the a%spicio%s $reen 0e$eta4les like lett%ce either h%n$ on a pole orplaced on a ta4le in front of the premises1 The $reens )?ing is tied to$ether .ith a reden0elope containin$ money and may also incl%de a%spicio%s fr%it like oran$es1 3n Chinese c"i)8, pl%ck also so%nds like ci)9, meanin$ 0e$eta4le and c$i), meanin$ fort%ne1 Thelion .ill dance and approach the $reen and red en0elope like a c%rio%s cat, to eat the$reen and spit it o%t 4%t keep the red en0elope .hich is the re.ard for the lion tro%pe1 Thelion dance is 4elie0ed to 4rin$ $ood l%ck and fort%ne to the 4%siness1 B%rin$ the in$ Bynasty,,_Ontario,_Boston,_Boston,_Ontario,_Boston
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    there may 4e additional hidden meanin$s in the performances, for e8ample the $reen 0e$eta4les)?ing eaten 4y the lion may represent the in$ Aanch%s1J=@K

    Bifferent types of 0e$eta4les, fr%its, foods or %tensils .ith a%spicio%s and $ood sym4olicmeanin$s+ for instance pineapples, pamelos, 4ananas, oran$es, s%$ar cane shoots, cocon%ts, 4eer,

    clay pots or e0en cra4s can 4e %sed to 4e the $reens )$ to 4e pl%cked to $i0e differentdiffic%lty and challen$e for the lion dance performers1 5%t the diffic%lties of the challen$e sho%ldcomes .ith the 4i$$er the re.ards of the red en0elope $i0en1

    Chinese lion dance performin$ a cai chin$ .here the $reens are h%n$ hi$h a4o0e for the lionto pl%ck1

    3n the old days, the lett%ce .as h%n$ > to ? metres a4o0e $ro%nd and only a .ellOtrained martialartist co%ld reach the money .hile dancin$ .ith a hea0y lion head1 These e0ents 4ecame a p%4licchallen$e1 - lar$e s%m of money .as re.arded, and the a%dience e8pected a $ood sho.1Sometimes, if lions from m%ltiple martial arts schools approached the lett%ce at the same time,the lions are s%pposed to fi$ht to decide a .inner1 The lions had to fi$ht .ith stylistic lion mo0esinstead of chaotic street fi$htin$ styles1 The a%dience .o%ld '%d$e the I%ality of the martial art

    schools accordin$ to ho. the lions fo%$ht1 Since the schools rep%tation .ere at stake, the fi$hts.ere %s%ally fierce 4%t ci0iliMed1 The .inner lion .o%ld then %se creati0e methods and martialart skills to reach the hi$hOhan$in$ re.ard1 Some lions may dance on 4am4oo stilts and somemay step on h%man pyramids formed 4y fello. st%dents of the school1 The performers and theschools .o%ld $ain praise and respect on top of the lar$e monetary re.ard .hen they did .ell1The lion dance tro%pes are sometimes accompanied 4y 0ario%s characters s%ch as the 5i$ #ead5%ddha,

    B%rin$ the 9D>EsO?Es, in some areas .ith hi$h pop%lation of Chinese and -sian comm%nitiesespecially the Chinato.n in many forei$n co%ntries a4roadChinain the .orld, people .ho'oined lion dance tro%pes .ere $an$sterOlike and there .as a lot of fi$htin$ 4et.een lion dancetro%pes and k%n$ f% schools1 Harents .ere afraid to let their children 'oin lion dance tro%pes4eca%se of the $an$ster association .ith the mem4ers1 B%rin$ festi0als and performances,.hen lion dance tro%pes met, there may 4e fi$hts 4et.een $ro%ps1 Some lifts and acro4atic tricksare desi$ned for the lion to fi$ht and knock o0er other ri0al lions1 Herformers e0en hid da$$ersin their shoes and clothes, .hich co%ld 4e %sed to in'%re other lion dancers le$s, or e0en attacheda metal horn on their lions forehead, .hich co%ld 4e %sed to slash other lion heads1 The 0iolence4ecame so e8treme that at one point the #on$ (on$ $o0ernment 4anned lion dance completely1!o., as .ith many other co%ntries, lion dance tro%pes m%st attain a permit from the $o0ernment
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    in order to perform lion dance1 -ltho%$h there is still a certain de$ree of competiti0eness, tro%pesare a lot less 0iolent and a$$ressi0e1 Today, lion dance is a more sportOoriented acti0ity1 Liondance is more for recreation than a .ay of li0in$1 5%t there are still plenty of tro%pes .ho stillpractice the traditional .ays and ta4oos of the lion dance as it is practiced in the past1

    3n a traditional performance, .hen the dancin$ lion enters a 0illa$e or to.nship, it is s%pposed topay its respects first at the local temple)s, then to the ancestors at the ancestral hall, and finallythro%$h the streets to 4rin$ happiness to all the people1

    (volution and competition

    Lion dance in competition may 4e performed on a series of small circ%lar platforms on polessimilar to the ones sho.n here1

    Lion dance has spread across the .orld d%e to the .orld.ide presence of the diaspora Chinesecomm%nities and immi$rant settlers in many co%ntries in the -mericas,6%rope, -sia, -frica,-%stralia, Hacific Holynesia, and in partic%lar, inSo%th 6ast there is a lar$e o0erseasChinesepresence1

    The dance has e0ol0ed considera4ly since the early days .hen it .as perform as a skill part ofChinese martial arts, and has $ro.n into a more artistic art that takes into acco%nts the lionse8pression and the nat%ral mo0ements, as .ell as the de0elopment of a more ela4orate acro4aticstyles and skills d%rin$ performances1 This may4e performed as a c%lt%ral performances ord%rin$ competitions1 This e0ol%tion and de0elopment has prod%ced the modern form of liondances and competition are held to find the 4est lion dance performances1 The competition may4e performed on a series of small circ%lar platforms raised on poles, and is '%d$ed 4ased on theskill and li0eliness of the lion to$ether .ith the creati0ity of the st%nts and choreo$raphedmo0es, as .ell as the diffic%lty of the acro4atics, and rhythmic and p%lsatin$ li0e instr%mentalaccompaniment that can capti0ate the spectators and the '%d$es of the competition1

    3nternational Lion Bance championships are held in many co%ntries, for e8ample in Aalaysia,Sin$apore, #on$ (on$ and Tai.an1J=K

    n politics

    The lion dance is seen as a representati0e part of Chinese c%lt%re in many o0erseas Chinesecomm%nities,J=DKand in some So%th 6ast -sian co%ntries, there .ere attempts to 4an or
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    disco%ra$e the dance in order to s%ppress the Chinese c%lt%ral identity in those co%ntries1 J>EKFore8ample, in Aalaysia, lion dance .as criticiMed 4y a Aalay politician in the 9D@Es as notAalaysian in style and s%$$ested that it 4e chan$ed to a ti$er dance, J>9Kand it .as 4anned e8ceptat Chinese !e. 2ear %ntil 9DDE1J>:KLion dance 4ecame a matter of political and p%4lic de4atea4o%t the national c%lt%re of the co%ntry1J=DKB%rin$ the S%hartoera in 3ndonesia, p%4lic

    e8pression of Chinese c%lt%re .as also 4anned and 4arongsai)lion dance procession .asconsidered pro0ocati0e and an affront to 3ndonesian nationalism1J>=K

    n popular culture

    3n the 9D?Es and 9D@Es, d%rin$ the era .hen the#on$ (on$s Chinese classic and martial artsmo0ies are 0ery pop%lar, k%n$ f%mo0ies incl%din$ 7et Lis Won$ Fei #%n$ has act%allyindirectly sho.s and indicates ho. lion dance .as practised .ith the k%n$ f%close coOrelationand k%n$ f%d%rin$ that time1 Those days, the lion dance .as mostly practised and perform as

    W%sh% or k%n$ f% skills, .ith the challen$e for the lion 4%ilt of chairs and ta4les stack %pto$ether for the lions to perform its st%nts and accomplish its challen$e1

    Se0eral 9DDEs mo0ies, incl%din$ a remade 0ersion of Won$ Fei #%n$, and the seI%els of EnceFpon a Time in 3hina, in0ol0e plots centered on Lion Bancin$, especially Ence Fpon a Time in3hina AAAandA71 The series main actor, 7et Lihas performed as a lion dancer in se0eral of hisfilms, incl%din$ So%thern style lion dancin$ in Ence Fpon a Time in 3hina AAA, Ence Fpon aTime in 3hina and :mericaand !orthern style lion dancin$ in Shaolin Temple Gand ShaolinTemple 1

    See also

    Wikimedia Commons has media related toLion dance1

    Malaysia portal

    Dance portal

    Chinese !e. 2ear

    C%lt%re of China

    Chinese dra$on

    Chinese phoeni8

    Chinese $%ardian lions
  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    Bance in China

    Foo Bo$, do$ 4reeds ori$inatin$ in China that resem4le Chinese $%ardian lions andhence are also called Foo or F% Bo$s or Lion Bo$s

    Hantomime horse

    5aron$ )mytholo$y






    %an ,en Li 3he IGJJKC 3hinese Shadow TheatreM HistoryN ,opular -eligionN and OomenOarriorsC 8c*ill9Pueen@s Fni;ersity ,ressC pC QRCASB#K9JKKUVKJC WShang Shu 9 Xu Shu 9 Xi and YiWC 3hinese TeZt ,rojectC Oang /efen IVUC The History of 3hinese DanceC 3hina Boo's [ ,eriodicalsC ppC GU\GKCASB#K9JUVVVQKC %aye 3hunfang %eiN edC IGJJGC 3hinese Theories of Theater and ,erformance from3onfucius to the ,resentC Fni;ersity of 8ichigan ,ressC ppC GR\GUCASB#K9JRKGJGC

    Berthold LauferC/leinere SchriftenM ,u4li'ationen aus der 2eit ;on VVV 4is VGUC G ;CpC VRRRCASB#K9UVUJGQUVGC 8ona Schrempf IGJJGN Wchapter Q 9 The ]arth9EZ and SnowlionWN in Toni Hu4erN:mdoTi4etans in TransitionM Society and 3ulture in the ,ost98ao ]raN BrillN pC VQRNASB#JJRVGUQUN During the ,ersian #ew Xear of #ewruzN a lion dance used to 4e performed4y young 4oysN some of them na'ed it seemsN who were sprin'led with cold waterC They were thussupposed to dri;e out e;il forces and the cold of the winterC 8arianne Huls4oschN ]liza4eth BedfordN 8artha 3hai'linN edsC IGJVJC:sian 8aterial3ultureC:msterdam Fni;ersity ,ressC ppC VVG\VVC Laurence ]C -C ,ic'en IVRC8usic for a Lion Dance of the Song DynastyC 8usica:siaticaM ;olume RC 3am4ridge Fni;ersity ,ressC pC GJVCASB#K9JUGVGKKC

    Oolfgang Behr IGJJRC WHinc sunt leones ^ two ancient ]urasian migratory terms in3hinese re;isitedWI,D%C Anternational Yournal of 3entral :sian Studies 9C Oilt LC AdemaN edC IVUC The Dramatic Eeu;re of 3hu Xu9TunM VK 9 VRC BrillC pC UGCASB#KJJRJKGVQC Oang /efen IVUC The History of 3hinese DanceC 3hina Boo's [ ,eriodicalsC pC UCASB#K9JUVVVQKC :; = ?@A=N Eriginal teZtM BCDEFGHIJKLMN
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    W"WC )OPQC W_

  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    8ona Schrempf IGJJGN Toni Hu4erN edCN:mdo Ti4etans in TransitionM Society and3ulture in the ,ost98ao ]raI,D%N BrillN ppC VRK\VQNASB#JJRVGUQU 8arianne Huls4oschN ]liza4eth BedfordN 8artha 3hai'linN edsC IGJVJC:sian 8aterial3ultureC:msterdam Fni;ersity ,ressC pC VVKC Aalaysia A%ar Lion Bance Tro%pe is World Champion]!e. Straits Times ]99 Fe4r%ary

    9DD= Sharon :C 3arstens IGJVGC W3hapter N Dancing Lions and Disappearing HistoryM The#ational 3ulture De4ates and 3hinese 8alaysian 3ultureWCHistoriesN 3ulturesN AdentitiesMStudies in 8alaysian 3hinese OorldsC #FS ,ressC ppC VRR\VQCASB#K9KVQVGVC Oanning SunN edC IGJJQC8edia and the 3hinese DiasporaM 3ommunityN3ommunications and 3ommerceC -outledgeC pC VJCASB#K9JRVUUGJRC 4y 8C Yocelyn :rmstrongN -C Oarwic' :rmstrongN /C 8ullinerN edC IGJJVC 3hinese,opulations in 3ontemporary Southeast :sian SocietiesM AdentitiesN Anterdependence andAnternational AnfluenceC -outledgeC pC GGGCASB#K9JKJJKVVC Yean ]liza4eth DeBernardi IGJJRC,enangM -ites of Belonging in a 8alaysian 3hinese3ommunityC Stanford Fni;ersity ,ressC pC GUUCASB#K9JJRKRRQKC

    Leo Suryadinata IGJJC]thnic 3hinese in 3ontemporary AndonesiaCAnstitute ofSoutheast :sian StudiesC W3hinese Lion Dance Banned in Andonesias :cehWCYa'arta *lo4eC Decem4er GVN GJJ

    &ragon dance

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFor the no0el 4y 7ohn Christopher, see Bra$on Bance )no0el1

    Bra$on dance

    Traditional Chinese,189769,189769,189769,189769
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    Simplified Chinese H

    Alternative Chinese name

    Traditional Chinese

    This article contains Chinesete)t*Witho%tproper renderin$ s%pport, yo% may see I%estionmarks, 4o8es, or other sym4olsinstead ofChinese characters1

    &ragon dance)simplified Chinese*H+ traditional Chinese*+pinyin* w lbng is a formof traditional danceand performance inChinesec%lt%re1 Like the lion danceit is most often seenin festi0e cele4rations1 The dance is performed 4y a team of dancers .ho manip%late a lon$fle8i4le fi$%re of a dra$on %sin$ poles positioned at re$%lar inter0als alon$ the len$th of thedra$on1 The dance team mimics the s%pposed mo0ements of this ri0er spirit in a sin%o%s,%nd%latin$ manner1

    The dra$on dance is often performed d%rin$ Chinese !e. 2ear1 Chinese dra$onsare a sym4ol ofChina, and they are 4elie0ed to 4rin$ $ood l%ck to people, therefore the lon$er the dra$on in thedance, the more l%ck it .ill 4rin$ to the comm%nity1J9KThe dra$ons are 4elie0ed to possessI%alities that incl%de $reat, di$nity, fertility, .isdom and a%spicio%sness1 The appearanceof a dra$on is 4oth fri$htenin$ and 4old 4%t it has a 4ene0olent disposition, and so e0ent%ally4ecame an em4lem to represent imperial a%thority1 The mo0ements in a performancetraditionally sym4oliMe historical roles of dra$ons demonstratin$ and di$nity1


    9 #istory

    : Bra$on str%ct%re

    < Herformance

    o See also

    ? !otes

    @ 68ternal links

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    #an Bynasty stone relief en$ra0in$$ a form of Bra$on Bance1

    B%rin$ the #an Bynasty, different forms of the dra$on dance .ere mentioned1 ;ain danceperformed at times of dro%$ht may in0ol0e the %se of fi$%res of dra$on as Chinese dra$on.asassociated .ith rain in ancient China, for e8ample the dra$on2in$lon$.as considered a raindeity,J:Kand the Shenlon$had the to determine ho. m%ch .ind and rain to 4rin$1 JKGther dances in0ol0in$dra$ons may 4e fo%nd in a pop%lar form of entertainment d%rin$ the #an Bynasty, the 4aiZi)H 0ariety sho.s,.here performers called mime people ) dressed %p as 0ario%screat%res s%ch as 4easts, fish and dra$ons1 3n hisLyric ]ssay on Oestern 3apital) han$#en$recorded 0ario%s performances s%ch as performers .ho dressed as a $reen dra$on playin$a fl%te, and a fishOdra$on act .here fish transformed into a dra$on1 J?KJ@KJKThese ancient dancesho.e0er do not resem4le modern Bra$on Bance in their descriptions, and performances depictedin #an Bynasty stone relief en$ra0in$s s%$$est that the props %sed .ere c%m4ersome, %nlikemodern Bra$on Bance .here li$htO.ei$ht dra$ons are manip%lated 4y performers1JDK

    Harade of a Chinese dra$on in Seattle, c1 9DED

    The dra$on acts of the #an Bynasty .ere also mentioned in theTan$and Son$ Bynasty1 Fi$%ressimilar to the dra$on lantern ) %sed d%rin$ Lantern Festi0al.ere descri4ed in the Son$Bynasty .orkDreams of Splendor of the ]astern 3apital,.here fi$%res of dra$on mo%nted fordisplay .ere constr%cted o%t of $rass and cloth and inside .hich n%mero%s candle li$hts may 4eplaced1J9EKJ99KS%ch dra$on lanterns may 4e carried and paraded 4y performers in the street d%rin$the Lantern festi0al at ni$ht time,J9:Kand this may ha0e e0ol0ed into the modern form of the
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    dra$on dance .hich is often performed d%rin$ day time1 - .ide 0ariety of dra$on dances ha0ede0eloped in 0ario%s re$ions in China, for e8ample a form of dra$on dance from Ton$lian$Co%nty )IJH, .hich ori$inated as snake totem .orship, .as said to ha0e 4e$%n d%rin$ theAin$ Bynastyand 4ecame pop%lar in thein$ Bynasty1J9 to meters for the more acro4atic models, and %pto >E to @E meters for the lar$er parade and ceremonial styles1 The siMe and len$th of a dra$ondepend on the h%man a0aila4le, financial, materials, skills and siMe of the field1 -small or$aniMation cannot afford to r%n a 0ery lon$ dra$on 4eca%se it reI%ires considera4le

    h%man, $reat e8penses and special skills .hich are diffic%lt to mana$e1's_Republic_of_China,_Zhejiang's_Republic_of_China,_Zhejiang
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    Herformers holdin$ the dra$ons on poles in

    The normal len$th and siMe of the 4ody recommended for the dra$on is 99: feet )

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    spoil the .hole performance1 To 4e 0ery s%ccessf%l in the dance, the head of the Bra$on m%st 4ea4le to coordinate .ith the 4ody mo0ement to match the timin$ of the dr%m1 For lar$erceremonial and parade style dra$ons, the head can .ei$h as m%ch as 9: katis)9=1= k$, almost

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    Herformin$ in a dra$on dance team incorporates se0eral elements and skills+ it is somethin$ of acrossOo0er acti0ity, com4inin$ the trainin$ and mentality of a sports team .ith the sta$ecraft andflair of a performin$ arts tro%pe1 The 4asic skills are simple to learn, ho.e0er to 4ecome acompetent performer takes dedicated trainin$ %ntil mo0ements 4ecome second nat%re andcomple8 formations can 4e achie0ed Z .hich rely not only on the skill of the indi0id%al mem4er,

    4%t on concentration 4y the team as a .hole to mo0e in coOoperation1- do%4le dra$on dance, rarely seen in Western e8hi4itions, in0ol0es t.o tro%pes of dancersintert.inin$ the dra$ons1 60en rarer are dances .ith the f%ll array of nine dra$ons, since nine is aperfect n%m4er1 S%ch dances in0ol0e lar$e n%m4er of participants from 0ario%s or$aniMations,and are often only possi4le %nder the a%spices of a re$ional or national $o0ernment1


    - n%m4er of dra$on dance competitions ha0e 4een or$aniMed aro%nd the .orld1 3n competitionperformances ho.e0er, there are strict r%les $o0ernin$ the specifications of the dra$on 4ody and

    the ro%tine performed, and so dra$ons made for these e0ents and .hat are mostly seen in theimpressi0e sta$e sho.s are made for speed and a$ility, to 4e %sed 4y the performin$ team forma8im%m trick diffic%lty1 3n these dra$ons, the head is smaller and li$ht eno%$h to 4e .hippedaro%nd, and m%st 4e a minim%m of < k$, the 4ody pieces are a li$ht al%mini%m .ith cane and thema'ority of the hoops .ill 4e 0ery thin HVC t%4in$1 Herformances are typically O to 9EOmin%tero%tines .ith an accompanyin$ perc%ssion set1

    3n more recent times, l%mino%s dra$ons .here4y the dra$ons are painted .ith l%mino%s paintsthat fl%oresce %nder4lack li$htare also %sed in competition1

    n literature

    La.rence Ferlin$hettis poem The Nreat Chinese Bra$on, p%4lished in his 9D?9 antholo$yStarting from San inspired 4y the dra$on dance1 Nre$ory Stephenson says thedra$on ^ represents the force and mystery of life, the tr%e si$ht that sees the transl%cent in the material .orld1J9K6arl Lo0elaces no0el The dra$on cant dance%ses the theme of the Carni0al dance to e8plore social chan$e and history in the West 3ndies1J9DK

    -rth%r ;ansomeincorporates dra$on dances in his childrens 4ook Aissee Lee1 part of theS.allo.s and -maMons series, .hich is set in 9D

  • 7/25/2019 Sebuah Patung Singa Dari Candi Prambanan Diapit Dengan Dua Kapataru Dan Kinara


    WDragon DanceWC 3ultural 3hinaC Lihui XangN Deming :n IGJJCHand4oo' of 3hinese 8ythologyCEZford Fni;ersity,ressC pC VJRCASB#K9JVUGQQC Yeremy -o4erts IGJJRC3hinese 8ythology : to 2M : Xoung -eader@s 3ompanionC%acts on %ileC pC VCASB#KJVQJRKJJC

    Lihui XangN Deming :n IGJJCHand4oo' of 3hinese 8ythologyCEZford Fni;ersity,ressC ppC VJK\VJCASB#K9JVUGQQC WvwWC 3hinese TeZt ,rojectC -ichard *unde IGJJVC 3ulture and 3ustoms of 3hinaC *reenwoodC pC VJRCASB#K9JVQVVJC %aye 3hunfang %eiN edC IGJJGC 3hinese Theories of Theater and ,erformance from3onfucius to the ,resentC Fni;ersity of 8ichigan ,ressC ppC GR\GUCASB#K9JRKGJGC WWC Oang /efen IVUC The History of 3hinese DanceC 3hina Boo's [ ,eriodicalsC ppC GU\GKCASB#K9JUVVVQKC PQC pC QCASB#UKJQGQC

