Seat It Project Evaluation

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  • 1. The Move It Project EvaluationI think my design is good and simple and it is rocking very well. the colors are not too scary and theyare not overlapping each other. If the next time we make this project again I would change the colorsand the the movement to rolling. I would use bigger eyes. The movement is rocking. When you tip theside of the toy to one end and leave it it will rock from side to side while the it is rocking the eyes willmove. The eyes are the good thing about the toy it makes some childish affect on them. The painting isalso dark and light of the same colors. I used the dark and light blue for the ocean and the dark greenwas for the body. For the head I used light green. This is my toy when it was fully completed and ready for the kids to play with it.Yes I am happy with the material I used which is wood. I chose wood because it is safety and you cansmoothen and it can be cut easily. It is also safe because you can easily sand and the rough edges with asand paper or with a disk-sander. The next time I do this project I would use use a spring with a blockat back of the turtle which will act as a tail. I will also want to make a rolling toy as it is more popularamong the children. Mine was a little popular at the beginning but as my friends got their toys whichwere bigger and had more movements.This is my toy with a kindergartner playing with it.Yes the color scheme is just what I excepted because I chose the colors which I chose in my finaldesign which were Dark green, light green, dark blue and light blue. I chose these colors because theywere the real color and they made it look a little real. The blue colors represented the ocean while thedark green was the body and the light green was the head. I had dark colors which I think did attractermuch kids to my toy.

2. This is the color scheme I used for my turtle. The arc is light and dark blue while the body is dark green. The color of the head is cyan ( greenish blue).To complete my project it took me two months. The next time I could do it quicker buy paying moreattention to it and by putting more effort on it. Well yes it would change the cost of manufacture as itwill look better and I would have done more designs or the size would be different it would also havedifferent movement which would make it a little more attractive.Yes, it would be easy for a company or a manufacture to set up a production line because its an easyproject and it could be done in minutes if there was assembly line there would be more then onerocking turtle in one day then in 2 months.My project is safe and it is not safe. I said that because the eyes could come of and the age group whosis playing with it will think that it is food and eat it. It is also safe because there are no sharp edges andthe surface are smooth because if it was rough on the surface it might cause some splinters.The techniques I used for my toy were both hand tool and power tools. The most often hand tool whichI worked with was the coping saw. The coping was very important to me as it could cut curves and it iseasy to handle. The dangerous thing about coping saw was that it could break easily of not handledcarefully. The coping saw was good for me as it was the only tool which could curves tool except theband saw which we were not allowed to use. I also used power tools like the pedestrian drill. I used itto make my turtles eye hole. I chose pedestrian drill because it is straight and it does not move and youcan have an accurate pin-point drilled hole. I think next time I would use the same tool as it is very easyto use. In this picture I am using a coping saw to cut the drawing that I drew on the pine wood. 3. My project would be most liked by kids who are 2 - 4 years old because when the kindergardenerscame in they were 4 - 5 years old and they liked toys which were about their size and had moremovements. I think boys would like this toy because they like dark colors and girls would not like it asthey like bright colors. The size is OK for the age group I am making it for because some of them areshot and some for them are tall.When I asked my friends what they think of my toy they said that it is good and it has a good shapewith real colors on it. They also said that is rocks pretty food and that the surface was smooth and theedges were curved with no sharp edges. Some of them said that the colors are too dark and you mightwant to change it. They said that because I used dark in most of the parts of they toy.My rocking toy works perfectly and they changes i might make on th next toy is the movement iwould have more movement in it. Instead of rocking I will make it rolling with wheels on it. I mightalso change the colors on it. I would have bright colors on it which would attract the small kids to it.The wood that we chose is sustainable because it can grow three time in your life time and it is easy tofind. The paint that we chose was acrylic paint which not poisonous if some one drink it or lick it. Thismakes us environmentally friendly.