Seasonal Max Profits for Harvest Moon, Animal Parade

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A listing of Seasonal Max Harvest Profits for Harvest Moon, Animal Parade

Transcript of Seasonal Max Profits for Harvest Moon, Animal Parade

Spring Full-Season Profits \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Bad Soil Poor Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit Crop Max Harvests Profit | Lettuce 5 1005G Lettuce 5 1030G | Potato 4 724G Wheat 6 802G | Spicy Pepper 5 705G Potato 4 744G | Turnip 4 644G Cabbage 4 744G | Wheat 5 640G Spicy Pepper 5 730G | Cabbage 3 543G Turnip 4 664G | Strawberry 3 514G Cocoa 5 645G | Pinkcat 5 500G Pinkcat 6 600G | Hyacinth 5 500G Hyacinth 6 600G | Flax 4 488G Tulip 6 540G | Cocoa 4 476G Strawberry 3 532G | Tulip 5 450G Flax 4 524G | Lavender 5 400G Lavender 6 480G | Pansy 5 350G Pansy 6 420G | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Decent Soil Good Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit Crop Max Harvests Profit | Wheat 8 1168G Cocoa 8 1204G | Lettuce 5 1085G Wheat 8 1184G | Cabbage 5 990G Lettuce 5 1100G | Potato 5 985G Strawberry 5 1060G | Pinkcat 9 900G Cabbage 5 1010G | Hyacinth 9 900G Potato 5 1000G | Turnip 5 885G Turnip 5 900G | Cocoa 6 856G Pinkcat 9 900G | Tulip 9 810G Hyacinth 9 900G | Strawberry 4 810G Tulip 9 810G | Spicy Pepper 5 785G Spicy Pepper 5 800G | Flax 5 740G Flax 5 770G | Lavender 9 720G Lavender 9 720G | Pansy 9 630G Pansy 9 630G | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Perfect Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit | Strawberry 6 1372G | Cocoa 8 1260G | Wheat 8 1240G | Lettuce 5 1150G | Cabbage 5 1065G | Potato 5 1050G | Turnip 5 950G | Pinkcat 9 900G | Hyacinth 9 900G | Spicy Pepper 5 850G | Flax 5 840G | Tulip 9 810G | Lavender 9 720G | Pansy 9 630G | ||\__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Summer Full-Season Profits | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Bad Soil Poor Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit Crop Max Harvests | Tea Leaves 9 1269G Tea Leaves 9 | Hibiscus 5 850G Hibiscus 6 | Tomato 5 805G Tomato 6 | Onion 5 805G Watermelon 4 | Honeydew 3 795G Honeydew 3 | Cucumber 5 790G Onion 5 | Sugarcane 5 705G Cucumber 5 | Sunflower 5 650G Sunflower 6 | Watermelon 3 624G Sugarcane 5 | Corn 4 624G Lily 6 | Lily 5 600G Corn 4 | Begonia 5 450G Begonia 6 | Blue Herb 5 200G Blue Herb 6 | Green Herb 5 50G Green Herb 6 | Morning Glory 5 -600G Morning Glory 6 | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Decent Soil Good Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit Crop Max Harvests | Hibiscus 9 1530G Hibiscus 9 | Tea Leaves 9 1422G Tomato 8 | Sunflower 9 1170G Tea Leaves 9 | Watermelon 5 1140G Honeydew 4 | Lily 9 1080G Sunflower 9 | Tomato 6 1076G Watermelon 5 | Honeydew 3 921G Corn 6 | Cucumber 5 890G Lily 9 | Onion 5 885G Cucumber 5 | Corn 5 880G Onion 5 | Begonia 9 810G Begonia 9 | Sugarcane 5 785G Sugarcane 5 | Blue Herb 9 360G Blue Herb 9 | Green Herb 9 90G Green Herb 9 | Morning Glory 9 -1080G Morning Glory 9 | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Perfect Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit | Honeydew 5 1720G | Tomato 8 1572G | Corn 8 1564G | Tea Leaves 9 1548G | Hibiscus 9 1530G | Watermelon 5 1220G | Sunflower 9 1170G | Lily 9 1080G | Cucumber 5 970G | Onion 5 950G | Sugarcane 5 850G | Begonia 9 810G | Blue Herb 9 360G[SUFSP] _ \ \Profit 1314G 1020G 1016G 856G 834G 830G 820G 780G 730G 720G 644G 540G 240G 60G -720GProfit 1530G 1500G 1449G 1268G 1170G 1160G 1094G 1080G 910G 900G 810G 800G 360G 90G -1080G| Green Herb 9 90G | Morning Glory 9 -1080G | | |\________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FAFSP] _ | Fall Full-Season Profits \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Bad Soil Poor Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit Crop Max Harvests Profit | Blue Mist Flower 3 1170G Blue Mist Flower 3 1170G | Moondrop Flower 9 1080G Eggplant 8 1096G | Eggplant 8 1072G Moondrop Flower 9 1080G | Rice 5 1040G Rice 5 1070G | Bell Pepper 6 986G Bell Pepper 6 1016G | Spinach 5 890G Spinach 5 920G | Cosmos 9 720G Carrot 4 736G | Chrysanthemum 9 630G Cosmos 9 720G | Carrot 3 534G Yam 5 690G | Grape 5 520G Chrysanthemum 9 630G | Yam 4 514G Rose 6 540G | Rose 5 450G Grape 5 535G | Pumpkin 3 423G Pumpkin 3 438G | Red Herb 5 150G Red Herb 5 150G | Purple Herb 5 50G Purple Herb 5 50G | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Decent Soil Good Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit Crop Max Harvests Profit | Blue Mist Flower 4 1560G Blue Mist Flower 5 1950G | Bell Pepper 8 1468G Bell Pepper 8 1500G | Eggplant 8 1168G Yam 8 1254G | Rice 5 1140G Eggplant 8 1184G | Moondrop Flower 9 1080G Rice 5 1160G | Carrot 5 990G Moondrop Flower 9 1080G | Spinach 5 990G Carrot 5 1010G | Yam 6 900G Spinach 5 1010G | Rose 9 810G Pumpkin 5 860G | Cosmos 9 720G Rose 9 810G | Pumpkin 4 654G Cosmos 9 720G | Chrysanthemum 9 630G Chrysanthemum 9 630G | Grape 5 590G Grape 5 600G | Red Herb 5 150G Red Herb 5 150G | Purple Herb 5 50G Purple Herb 5 50G | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Perfect Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit | Blue Mist Flower 5 1950G | Bell Pepper 8 1572G | Yam 8 1318G | Eggplant 8 1248G | Rice 5 1215G | Pumpkin 6 1104G | Moondrop Flower 9 1080G | Carrot 5 1070G | Spinach 5 1070G| Rose 9 810G | Cosmos 9 720G | Grape 5 645G | Chrysanthemum 9 630G | Red Herb 5 150G | Purple Herb 5 50G | | |\__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WIFSP] _ | Winter Full-Season Profits \ | \ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Bad Soil Poor Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit Crop Max Harvests Profit | Green Bell Flower 9 990G Green Bell Flower 9 990G | Snowflake Flower 5 750G Snowflake Flower 6 900G | Buckwheat 4 724G Buckwheat 4 744G | Anemone 5 450G Anemone 6 540G | Yellow Herb 4 80G Yellow Herb 5 100G | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Decent Soil Good Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit Crop Max Harvests Profit | Snowflake Flower 9 1350G Snowflake Flower 9 1350G | Green Bell Flower 9 990G Green Bell Flower 9 990G | Anemone 9 810G Anemone 9 810G | Buckwheat 4 784G Buckwheat 4 796G | Yellow Herb 6 120G Yellow Herb 6 120G | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Perfect Soil | | Crop Max Harvests Profit | Snowflake Flower 9 1350G | Green Bell Flower 9 990G | Buckwheat 4 832G | Anemone 9 810G | Yellow Herb 6 120G