Season of the Pentecost ةرصنع نـمز...î óth Year—Number í ï ô ô Sunday ì í// î ì...

27th Year—Number 1388 Sunday 01/09/2019 شة شال السعة السـنةدد ال8811 حد ا/89/090/80 Season of the Pentecost The Thirteenth Sunday—Parable of the Sower عنصرة زمـن نلثنع عحد ع ع عنرل ملSundays Readings: 1 Corinthians 3: 1-11 & Luke 8: 1-15 حد قراءات ا:سرالةس ا: 1 كورنتس3 : 1 - 11 & يل ا قو: 8 : 1 - 11 “...When a great crowd gathered and people from town aſter town came to him, he said in a parable: A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell on the path and was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. Some fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered for lack of moisture. Some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew with it and choked it. Some fell into good soil, and when it grew, it produced a hundredfold.As he said this, he called out, Let anyone with ears to hear listen!Then his disci- ples asked him what this parable meant. He said, To you it has been given to know the se- crets of the kingdom of God; but to others I speak in parables, so that "looking they may not perceive, and listening they may not under- stand." Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. The ones on the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. The ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe only for a while and in a me of tesng fall away. As for what fell among the thorns, these are the ones who hear; but as they go on their way, they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. But as for that in the good soil, these are the ones who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with paent endurance. Luke 8: 1-15 ... ع الن س ل ق ش أ و ، ث م ع د ش ح ع م ل ش س و م ل ة ث عب ةق خن د ن س ، ن يه ل إ ل عق ش ر ز خ ع هيم ف ش ه . ر ع ع ر ز أ ل ع ار الز ه ش ا د اسق الف عل ا ع. الب ض ة ه ة ل ش ف ش ع م الس ر أ ب ه ش ل امق ش د ل اا ش ح ل ع إ ن ق ش ة الرا . ا ه ة ل ش ةف ش ب ر ه ل ل ل ه ل ق س ب خ ه ن ال ل ق ش ال ل و ش ا رو ا ا ه ة ل ش ف ش ه ق ن ة ف لع ا ة ن م ر م ل ةق ش ب عل الر ع ش عن ع ل ا ه ل ن م عد ل اق ش ا ع س ا ا و ن ا" ع ن " أا ذن ه ل م ش! م س ي ا ل ش ل ل ل و ف . د ل ع ق س؟ و الم ل ث م ل م عل ع الب ن ف ن ار ا ا اف ش م ث ذ ا م س ا شاق ش ر ب ذ خ شا و ن و خ ق ل ع و ن ةع ل اس الف عل ا ع . خ ا ف شال ة م ، ع ر لز س و الم ا ن ن ا ن ن خ ذ ق ل ل ث ل ن ة م ال ع ز ش ن أ يس ف و إ م ل ق ر م س خ ا ال ع ث ل ق ا ش ة م ال م س اخ ال ل ة الرا . خ ا اف شال ر ة ي ه ة الش ل و ش ق ش أ لا ح إ ن ن ل خ ث لق ث ل س ح؛ ةق م ا ش م س اخ ال ل و ال ل و ش ا ف شال اع ش خ و ا ع ال ن ف م ل ر ث ل ج ن ذ خ ق ع ي الب ا ا ن ا ش ن شالغ م م الث ل ث ق ن ة ش ح عل د أ ع ق ة ة م ال م س خ ا ال ل ث د أ ال رو ا ل ش لع لف ش م و أ ش و ا ثعق ش ل و ب ي ه1 : 8 - 81 “...They hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with paent enduranceثن لحدجةد ةمب عنم ن يسمصو ن ث رحلم ننو، ثبلويحفظونهث فOn Behalf of Superior and monks of St Charbels monas- tery, we would like to wish all the fathers a Blessed and Happy Fathers Day ي ر سيو يام رتل رةي دير يدا ءيع اء س ة رئي ربةيكة راسعةفي

Transcript of Season of the Pentecost ةرصنع نـمز...î óth Year—Number í ï ô ô Sunday ì í// î ì...

  • 27th Year—Number 1388 Sunday 01/09/2019 89/090/80/األحد 8811ال دد —السـنة السعة ة شال ش Season of the Pentecost

    The Thirteenth Sunday—Parable of the Sower

    زمـن عنصرة ملل عنرع —عالحد عنلثنع

    Sunday’s Readings: 1 Corinthians 3: 1-11 & Luke 8: 1-15 11-1: 8: قو اإلجنيل& 11-1: 3كورنتس 1: اسرالةس : قراءات األحد

    “...When a great crowd gathered and people from town after town came to him, he said in a parable: ‘A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell on the path and was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. Some fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered for lack of moisture. Some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew with it and choked it. Some fell into good soil, and when it grew, it produced a hundredfold.’ As he said this, he called out, ‘Let anyone with ears to hear listen!’ Then his disci-ples asked him what this parable meant. He said, ‘To you it has been given to know the se-crets of the kingdom of God; but to others I speak in parables, so that "looking they may not perceive, and listening they may not under-stand." ‘Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. The ones on the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. The ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe only for a while and in a time of testing fall away. As for what fell among the thorns, these are the ones who hear; but as they go on their way, they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. But as for that in the good soil, these are the ones who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient endurance. ” Luke 8: 1-15

    َث َ،َوأ ق َشَ َلَّسَ النَّع ... َشَلمَّع َْحَشَ دَ َعَم َ َ َُ عَبََّث ل َةَمَوس َُ سََ َنَدخَنةق َإَليهَ َن َ ، ََ ََ َخَزَرعق َشَل ْ الزَّاَرع َلَأَزَرعَ َعَرَ.ه ف َشهيَمع َداَ َشه َةَ ض الَبََِّ .َا َععَلَِّ الفََّ اسق َُه ََ َةَ َمعَف َشَشَل َر السَّ اأَلَلَدامق َشَ َلَََشه ب أ َةَ َق َشَنع َإ َ َلََّ َ َحشَّا َُ َ.َا الرَّ اآل

    ه ََ َةَ َََةف َشَشَل َ َ َله ر ب َخَبَسق أَللَّه َللَ َ َ َنَ ه َ َق َشَلََّ َ ال َّ ََ َُ ُو َشَ لَ ال َّ اآلَُ ُو اأَلَر َ ه اآل ََ َةَ ََُةَنَقه ف َشَشَلَمَرَم َ َنَِةَ َاَ ف لع َ عَلَبةق َشَلََّ َ َُ الرََّع َْااق َشَلعَدم َن َ َله ا َلع َ َ عَنَ َشع َ َ س ! َشَ َمَله َِذَنأا " َنع ِ ا" َ َ َنو َْاا ََ َيَسَم ََ ََُا َ ل َ َلش ل َ َ ََِ َ ُ الَمَوس؟ ََُقع َلدَ َ.َفوَ َلم لَََم ث ل َ َ َ َف َ نَّع الَبعل َ َ َُ َ َ ارَ َنََ

    ََ ْ َاف َشَْاا َثم َا َُذ َ ََ شاق َشَاَسَم شا َُذ خ َبَر ََو َخَنو ةَعأَلَنَوع ق َلْ ل ََ َ،َََمة َف شالََّاخ َ َ.َا َععَلَِّ الفَّ اسَ ْ َرع َنَ َنا الَمَوس َ لزَّ

    َا ََََثلق َلَِذَّ خ َ َنن َ َََمةَ َن َ ل ََ َأَنَشَزع ال الََّاخ َ َ َسَم َ ق ر لَّ َ َمِو َإَفََيس َََُلَثع َََمةَ َشَاَقََّ ََ ْ ل الَّاخ َ َ َسَم َ َ ال َة ََ َاف شالََّاخ َ َ.َا الرَّ َهَيَةَ ر و َشَل َ الشََّ َ ََةَ لق َُث ل خ َ َنن َ َ َإلا َحأ ق ُش سَ َلث ََ َ ِ ََ َةَََ ح؛ ْ ِ َ ق ْ ل الَّاخ َ َ َسَم َ َ َشَاَم ََ َ ََ ُو ال َّ َخَشَ اَع َ ف شالََّاو َشَل

    َم شالَغَنا َشَنََاَّا الَبَيعَق َُذ َخَنَ ج َلث ل َرَم ف َ نَّع الََّاو م ل الث َشَةن ق ث َُعَلٍح ََ َََمَة َةَقٍََِّ َعأٍََد ََ َدََ َُث ل الََّاخَ َ َسَم ََ ال ََ ُو اأَلَرَ الَ أََ َشَل

    َلع ش ف ل أ َوَم ََلثعق َشَاوَّ ش َ َ َُ 81-8: 1َهَيَبََو

    “...They hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear

    fruit with patient endurance”

    يسمصون عنمةمب جةد لحد ثن ” “فيحفظونهث، ثبلونون رحلم ثن

    On Behalf of Superior and monks of

    St Charbel’s monas-tery, we would like to wish all the fathers a

    Blessed and Happy Father’s Day

    ابام يسيو ر ي دير رةي رتل جل يع اءابء ًيدا ربةيكة رئيًة ابس


  • Reflection of the week تأمل سبوع ةحرث عن ن نث

    ََّ ِش فو ََه ةكس انس ا ِنمَ ِش ُو ْاا اِحد لشمنس ُو ال أس نوس الزارع الاو خ نو حَّ( ش.عد 1-4ق 1رمعرًاق شلَ لل ليس ،َثع .ند حس الزارعف لقد .فا الَ الموس

    َ 81-1ق 1ََُس " َ ربح فارَ َغأَ ق ُمَََ َ نَََ (ق ُمشاح ن علو الموس ة مقهف ْ َ َِنع ْو القَّ و ن شم نعف د. مَنع" نع ُو لََّنع ُش َ شاكَّ ق شلاا نع ْ َلنع لأنم بشع إلا لَِّ ِ فو نَََ و لََّنعق ُذ لََ األر الرة َاة الشو فَّارَ نَََ السمعشا ُو حيعِنع ُش َ َعه شل.فع َ ن شل َ ،َمة َ القدرَ .َا النمَف األر الرة َاة ْو لََّنع القع و اَلاو منَ ةسَِّّ الةفأِة الشو ِقشس هيه حَس لََّ الَ شح القد شاربح َّأثعً رمعر الةذ ف لََّنع قس َ َ ن شع نَََ ِ لش َِنع ةعلرة المأ ف د..َا ْعنح حيعِنع ،علَّزار .َا الف اسق شل َ ََاة ْو دشنعً ََاع ُ م ُو َميل حيعِنعف األشل شلَِنع َ ُو .علمنعق شد. لمَََ السمعشا شلم شع َ ل َ اشاِنع شنقَدراِنع ُو ُدنة إِمعنهف نَََ ِ مكنه كَ .َا لعر.ة الف اسق و كَ ِ مكنه كَ َدوق ش .َا ْعنح حيعِو ششعَاَق و كَ ن ش.عً ام ن ش.عً ِةنقه األ

    َم البيعَ شنرع.َّثعف َ ،وأَ ق ِةنقه ْم ن عرا ِ َ ،َمة الَ قَ لنع ِ َ َق َم لسم َِنع الأ د. َ َِو ِ ِة ق ُملع ن ع شل مشو َِويع ف د.َِو لَ ََ َدوف د. َروَ ُو شع المكع المبَ ُو لَِّ ْاا ال علل الةعو ق ش لَ َِمأا رعع َ المسيح َ إرادِه شلل أَهق خزرع ُو الََ ال ععَ فد َنعم المعَدَ شالََاَق شالبَِّ فد الةَ ق دَم لَ نسيبعً ُ َِو الأ نكع البقدف د.َاس الََ .َا نوع ب َ ِش َ نَََ سعْل ُو فنعَا ق َ ُو فدا ة الشَ المَََ ليكَ .علمنعق ،مع ر "

    َ عمأذً شحس ف (. الم عِ خذم ُأ اً لذحأ له ُو حعِ الَ س الوذرةق ِ .َا حعلة شاحدَ شالبعلو نذنشه .َأنعف لب افَيس إ

    الاخ لةشعر ش.َأنع المس شليةف عيةول عنجديسب عتري برع 5

    َليكية الم عََ ف حأ شا َو لََنيسة الَعر َعه األلو َِع لََوأ ا ال ِ شَّ األم ِ ازاع ن ،علَلَسثع ُو ُدنة شلِع الاخ ْم ثل الم شمَق األُق فأ الَق اَق شلد ِ عم األم ِ ازاع البِّ َ ال شح ا شفع. ِ ََِّ ال دخد ن األ ةع إلأثعق ِعة أ ب اقثعق إلا .مع ف هبسةعَعق َا س َاِثل نَ ُف َا ةعلشعلو ُف َا حشا األلل ق ش ش لثم ال بع ُو ال علل أل بَّدشدًا لبِّ المسيحق شلد .ََّ ن َبأ ةبيعِثل ن عس اآلُ ا ف ْكاا لل ِ األم ِ ازاع ح

    اا إ مثع األش ق ُو 02. الع فنَسثع ُو ََِ ثع الَعنس ألُق الَق اَف شلد ونسق ْشو .م ق 8081 َ خ اد ننثع 80ُو نقدشليع ُو .عوَة ن َس لبعلوف ُش نة

    و عماية إرلند ة المن م لثع 81ِ فو حيعِثع لهق ش.َا .م َراشَق ْش نة إِنة ف ُو ر بعلية لَِعق َاحو ندخنة ،علَ و ا َد ُو الثندف ل السنأ األشلا ِ ََل ُو ندر ة القد سة ن الف ُش شع َ نع َ شنشبدَ ن ثلق ْش َ أل ََِ شاحدَ ن الَق ا ُو ن ،ز الَق شاألللق م األم ِ ازاع لدا

    َ الفَسف ُو ال عم َا حرَ .َا اما ن الَعِيكع لشم يس /801فد ندر ة ُو الثَ الم اشلأ شالمش ش،أ ُو الم شمَق شالاخ ةسَِّّ الع عماية ف ية ْدُثع امْشمعم ة ميخشملمَ ،وأ ًا عسد ًع ش.عبويعف ُشل ِم يس عماية ن ذ المببةف شنع لَّو الش .مع ََس لَسذم َا َف لعل األم ِ ازاع ععوزَ ل َ ال علل ال َا ُو رعع ن ذ المببة ة د . َ ن

    ف شلد ا ش مَ ْأَّشثع لَو ِ َِّ إلشبع" ال علل إلا نسعوس ُذ ية شلعشمع ية ْعنة 8090.عم عدًاف شا.شَّ ن كَة الَق ِ َِم ُقل ُو الب نع ق فس ًع ُو .دم الش َ .َا حِّ

    َعف ِ ، نس شليعِثع .َا ر ال ماية ُو اار َُأ ُو 8009 س َ 1ق رل ِ و 8009اخََع ُقل ن .أد نأذدْع الـ َ 4ف .َنثع البعةع لد سة ُو 19لَّس َّ 0/82 خَ

    In today’s gospel, Jesus told the parable of the sower after a great crowd had gathered to hear Him. We are the soil – the ground on which the seeds of God’s message fall upon. The types of ground described in the Gospel are representative of our attitude and disposition towards receiving the Lord into our hearts. Present day farmers may question the sensibility of the sower as he was sowing everywhere. An earthly farmer sows only where he may reap the benefits of the soil. Spiritual farmers on the other hand sow wherever they are able, regardless of whether the soil appears fruitful or not. Furthermore, God measures by a different set of standards. He is not concerned about the financial gain from sowing in a plentiful circumstance. To God, we are unique individuals, He throws Himself everywhere and shares Himself with everyone. It is up to us to accept Him and respond to His call. The Lord Jesus warns us, in this parable, of three negative atti-tudes, which we are not al-lowed to have when we hear the word of God. 1- Negligence and unim-portance-This is the case of the seeds that fall next to the road The devil and the temptations of life take the word away. This means that the person who hears the word does not give it any importance, but rather neglects it. 2- Having no spiritual depth and pretending faith- This is the case of the seeds that fall on rocky surface. These people have no spiritual depth and don’t have the quest to know God and discover his will. These peo-ple boast that they are believers but their heart is far from God. 3- Giving priority to the affairs of the world-This attitude resembles the land of thorns where the seeds fall, and the thorns grew and strangled them. This is the case of those who hear the word of God, but the con-cerns, wealth and pleasures of life take priority in their thinking and behaviour. For these people the word loses all its value and effective-ness and the ability to bear fruit.

    September 5. Saint Teresa of Calcutta

    Saint Teresa of Calcutta is famously known as Mother Teresa. She was born on August 26, 1910 in Albania and died on September 5, 1997. She was a Roman Catholic nun with Indian citizenship. She founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, one of the poorest areas in India and she helped the poor and dying for over forty-five years. Her order grew throughout India and then many parts of the world. At the time of her death, there were over 610 missions in 123 countries, including homes for people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tu-berculosis, soup kitchens, children's and family counseling programs, orphanages, and schools. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her charity, and India's highest civilian honor, the Bharat Ratna, in 1980 for her humanitarian work. She once said, “By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.” “God still loves the world and He sends you and me to be His love and His compassion to the poor.” Following her death, she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title “Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.” And then canonized on the 4th September 2016

    عن سثنب ه ا عالسوو َرلشس 8 ،8 :8-88

    َرلشس الَشية دُس الشبز الا ،نيسة ،َلَ ة دنع نع َا الا اف .ندنع ِ ُ َلس عمع.ة الم ننأ ْنعَف س فَِ مذ نً ع َلس ر َلس شاف لذ فُو ال علة ش،ذْمع ِابع ة ثد ،َّأ ق َلس ال عَلل ال حعلة الاو َ فَلس الةفأِّ َع ش ف األر ألعس سالمَََ" الاو ،ع سب ال معْأ ةكذنه البعرع ،ذْمع لل ك س ْ ِ َم الب عَرق إ نقردْمع َع الب د َا المَا َرلشس .ف ل

    ال ةرو ُو الَرس فأ اِرنأ فََعع ال مس ال شحوَ خ ن ه ال شح الاو خََّْشه ِّف شلَس ا سش مس ن َْا المعدُع الا ل عح الب عَرق نع نشفَ ع ْشَم َ .َا نسش ال مس الب وَ الاو ْالَبل شالدم ُأنشقس الا المَعاَة ََعع الَنيسة ُ ًلع ش حزاًةع ال ةرية ُششَْ الب عرَ ُو َُّ ،ع ف شاربح ع

    A thought for the week “Jesus invites us today to look inward: to give thanks for our good ground and to work on the ground not yet good.”

    Pope Francis

    “The sower went out to sow, to scatter the seed at all the cross-roads of this earth. What a blessed task we have. We have the job of making sure that in all the circumstances of time and place the word of God takes root, springs up and bears fruit.”

    St. Josemaria Escriva

    Father’s Day We pray that God’s blessings will be upon all fathers as they en-deavour to guide their children on the right path so that they will grow to be true witnesses of Christ in their lives.

    Gwen Simon

  • Chapter 7: Towards a better education of children Where are our children?

    259. Parents always influence the moral development of their children, for better or for worse. It follows that they should take up this essential role and carry it out consciously, enthusiastically, reasonably and ap-propriately. Since the educational role of families is so important, and increasingly complex, I would like to discuss it in detail.

    Where are our children? 260. Families cannot help but be places of support, guidance and direc-tion, however much they may have to rethink their methods and dis-cover new resources. Parents need to consider what they want their children to be exposed to, and this necessarily means being concerned about who is providing their entertainment, who is entering their rooms through television and electronic devices, and with whom they are spending their free time. Only if we devote time to our children, speaking of important things with simplicity and concern, and finding healthy ways for them to spend their time, will we be able to shield them from harm. Vigilance is always necessary and neglect is never

    beneficial. Parents have to help prepare children and adolescents to confront the risk, for example, of aggression, abuse or drug addic-tion. 261. Obsession, however, is not education. We cannot control eve-ry situation that a child may experi-ence. Here it remains true that “time is greater than space”.291 In other words, it is more important to start processes than to domi-nate spaces. If parents are ob-sessed with always knowing where their children are and controlling

    all their movements, they will seek only to dominate space. But this is no way to educate, strengthen and prepare their children to face chal-lenges. What is most important is the ability lovingly to help them grow in freedom, maturity, overall discipline and real autonomy. Only in this way will children come to possess the wherewithal needed to fend for themselves and to act intelligently and prudently whenever they meet with difficulties. The real question, then, is not where our children are physically, or whom they are with at any given time, but rather where they are existentially, where they stand in terms of their convictions, goals, desires and dreams. The questions I would put to parents are these: “Do we seek to understand ‘where’ our children really are in their journey? Where is their soul, do we really know? And above all, do we want to know?”

    Next Sunday: Where are our children?

    Pope via Twitter @Pontifex

    We ask for the grace not to be lukewarm Chris-

    tians, living on half measures, letting love grow cold.

    ِ لََ نسيبأأ ُعِ ا ق لنفَِّ ل مة اي َ .َا َ لرع البََ ق شاسمبَ لَبِّ خَّ دف


    Dearly beloved, We reflect on the Parable of the Sower this Sunday in our Maronite Church. We know from this parable that the sower does not choose the land on which the seeds will fall. He sows in abundance and with generosity. In the same way, the Word of God, represented by the seed, is pro-claimed. It does not choose the ears that hear it and the hearts that welcome it. Some people may have a hardened heart, and for them this word says nothing. Others may be eager to hear it and ready to listen to it, but are unwilling to put it into practice, so they hear the sounds and receive the words, but the Word does not grow in their life, nor does it produce fruit. And others, such as the good earth that welcomes the seed, are willing to let this seed grow and bear fruit, in the image of the generosity of God. This is also how we are called to proclaim the Word of God in the world, not by choosing the listeners who would accept it, or only shar-ing our faith with people who believe. On the contrary, we hope that the power of the Word will touch the hearts of men and women and change them. For, as the prophet Isaiah says, the Word of God does not return to God empty, without having produced his fruit (Isaiah 55:11). Just as rain and snow falling onto the earth do not evaporate without making a change to the earth they have penetrated, so does the Word of God that comes into the heart. It can transform us if we, through the freedom given to us by God, respond to this Word and let it grow. We also celebrate Father’s Day on this special Sunday. In the example of the sower, fathers are called to plant the Word of God in the hearts of the children, entrusted to them by God. With all of you, I renew our commitment to support the holy mission of the family, consisting of a father and a mother, to raise children pleasing to God. I pray for all fa-thers that they understand their role and fulfil their mission in the heart of this world.

    Happy Father’s Day! +Antoine-Charbel Tarabay

    Year of Maronite Spirituality

    13th Sunday of Pentecost

    St. Teresa of Calcutta Fest day 5th of Sep

    ‘I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time

    for God to judge us, he will not ask, ‘How many good things have you done in your life?’ rather he will ask, ‘How much love did you put

    into what you did?’

    َع َ فدا ـة ْـاا األ ـَّـ ايف .عوَة الََمة املثية نأ َرعف السـعنـو امحـشـ امق لع يعدَ المف ا رَش

    َ ُ ح امَِع .َا َق ن شحو الـَـرـس الـ اةـ َر ح َع السث َ ِمب َعاَنداف نَا َليع ُو اش ش اليع شلأ َلـس إلـا َ نـرا.و ف ية ال شم المََأأ الَعر ر ـعلـة الـقـد ـس فـل .َا نسع.دِثل شنسعلدِثل س ُأَأَّو لي كْ َلس ن نه إلا ْ َاَة ،شَّثع القد س ف س ُأَأَّوف ْاا الَرس َْ ال َز األُأ ن ر علة ب َد له ْ شلي ثل .َا الرـمـ

    َاعثثلف َاعثة ،س الشبد ع الشو لد ِ ُو نَثع لاا د.عْل ُو نقدنة ال علة ةعلقد سأ َلس لو ن نَ ش حِّ ْ ع القد س ف َلع ق عاْر َال ة حعليًع معلو الأ شَّ اً ،س إلسع .َا شعه األر ند.َ إلا القدا ةفن ُأَأَّو ْو المدخنة ال

    ََع ،وأَ ِبعش ُو ْاا َاعه ِبد ع .دخدَ َش َلس لد شعثثع إلأنعق لب الاخ ل ن النأس ن نَع يمنع شن شقداِنع المسيبيةفالز إ ِمنَنع .ميقًع ُو ْا" ال علة ل د ش،م القد س فََ الشو سشمدْع ننهق نمع َه ُ حعً نقشن عً لنع.ة ،عنَة ةبس الايح َ شندم الق َلس ال َ ألْس ُأَأَّو ندم اَِعله .َا َ ُو ح ف الب نع ،ـمـع ُـو الـيـسـ ق ُـمـ ـاـيـح ُـو ح ـ َ

    ََةف ذحنع إ معلنعق ن ُذ ل اََ الَشع المقد ق َذَ المسببةق ش حشا ن ُذ م ة ل أِثع ةإ مع َاعثة و ِبدو ش َ ق سشفيَ ن َحـأـد ِش َ الـ َ ُـو حـيـعِـنـعق ْـ َد َمف المثل شع الاو منبنع الَ ح المفَس شالسذم الب يقوف

    َق ،سث ُو ن عله شاُشرعَـه شلنـكـعلـيـعِـهق شلـنـَـ فع.َأنع عً ل دد ة نع الب ض لنََ خد المسيح الشو ِ فو فذ حسع ش.أ المسيح الشو ِنو فذ إدالةق ُنن المببة شالش بية شالَانو ف له الم د إلا األفد َاعَ ةإ معلنع شاَِعلنع .َا َ شلن دد نوَه لعوَأ شفيَ ،س وَ ُو المسيح الاو ق َلس ل َر داو (نأ لعلقد ف ف لةرثع لقعد ع ع

  • Quote by Blessed Estephan Nehme ي رةي لرتل شلةطةت رص ايةت ًي On Behalf of the monks of St Charbel, we would like to wish all

    the fathers a blessed and Happy Father’s Day. We also remember our fathers who are deceased, and the deceased Monks who served this Mission.

    A Farwell Dinner for Rev Fr Louis Ferkh and Rev Fr Elie Rahme is to be held on Saturday 7th September at the College Multipur-pose Hall. For more information and booking please call the par-ish Office.

    The Family of the Divine Word invites you to attend a bible study on Monday 2 September 2019.

    َر الدخـ ق إ ل رويس شعمث َ .ـأـداً نـبـعر،ـعً نـَـ " ةمنع بة .أد األ ق َش َ اآلةـع لـشـمـَنـا لـ ـمـيـَ شالمببةف ،مع لقدم الرذَ ن عـس ةـعوـنـع َا نسأ َ الش بية شال فع الربة شال عهية ليكمََا ْا" ال علةف َُأ الاخ ُدن َدق شلةل ةعلا، ال بع المش َلع الا دليع الةَ الاخ بق

    َم السـَّـ َاس الـَـ م شاأل إخـَـو رحـمـة خـ َ شدا.و لل ال ويس ل َ ُـو 9 قعم . ع خـَـَ امِرع ةمكشِّ ال يةف َنع شالب ز ال عع لع.ة ندر ة نعر َ سف لَم َ

    َم امرـنـأـ َ،ل .عوَة الََمة الا ث َ الـ ـأـَـيـة ق خـ َ 0ِد. /9:8ق السـع.ـة 0/80 خـَـًَ ُو لع.ة نعرو نعلأََ ف –نسع

    SaintCharbelsSydney - @Kadishat_AUS - @Kadishat_AUS

    If you would like to receive Kadishat via email, please send an email to ار س ر علة إلاَّ اد اِلَش شلو ااا رد ِرَع لعد ع . ب اس ل [email protected]

    Where to read Kadishat online

    اسقدااةت اس اكةيي األس األاب َِـعْـل دشنـ َم نـ َلـس ش.ـمـ َلو خ َعو فثيج نةََ ح شعشعشه دخبة شلفنثل ُعخز شب د" ش،َنشه َنأ بنَ خَ نعرش شعشعشه شاِش ـو خـَ ـ لـعَـيـف ،ـأـ شع أـنـيـالم ح ع فـأـ ِشَلس لميع عشعة خَ أد ا َد الزا بَو ششالد ه ش يقه خَ راشع ِعف خَ ف َِا المنقف أ حَّأِّ لب و أد ع اس القزو شعشعشه لـفـيـَـة لقز شعشعشه ششلد" وعفا شالم

    َم َِعْل شعيه لسفـنـفـأـ ش.ـمـ َم ن أ ش.م َعاف شحَأد" رَش ََيع يكس أد القزو ش مأ َ أد القزو اليع ةف القزو شلفنه ع َ نـَ عنو ب َِـع" ْـنـع َر حـ شنـ ِـع" نـنـرـيع الدشاث َ ش ليس شحَيل ُع د" عخد َش يع الدشاثو شعشعشه حسنع ش ِش َِع" راشع لنعِو ِعف ِ از ُ اد القزو خَ ُع ـأـ ش ـَ ـع و ال معلو شن َُع ـنـعِـه عـ ـس شعشعـشـه َش ـَـيـمـع ـَ َُأس ال أشعلو شعشعشه َُأ ششالـد َعاف حنع أدَ ِش َا َ س ع َِا ش اليع ع َية لف يع الدشاثو شن دْع شن شعشعثع أد ُع فـد ـ ـة خـَ ـ الـ ـ ـأـشـعلـو بـنـَ نـةـعخـس ـعةـع ِـه ش ِش

    َعو شداد شعـ عـس ش ـ ـد ش دْل فدشو شحسنع بعلأَ ،يس شعشعشه شحـَـأـدِـثـل ـ َِعْل عمأس شاع مأ ل أ َ ش ِش َم ن َ ،يس د ش.م ـششد ـعدو .ـفـَيـة شعـيـه شلـثـعد لـْز ة َشَِع َم ن َِعْع عَ شاع مأ عةع حَيل راعلَ ش.م َم ن َ ال معلو ش.م أ ْنع َُع َر شعمع ح شافنشثمع ع َِعْل ننر َم ن َلـس " لسفنفأ ش.م نعراع الغرأ ششالدِثع نأـ َ فـ

    َِعْل ن د شدِ ش،ش ال د عو َر َ ِّ شن َرو شعشعشه ل عَُ الة ع عس أد ن َ شعشعشه عد شلفنثل ةف شاَ َش

    Masses of the week قدااةت األابSunday 1st September 2019: 13th Sunday of Pentecost

    7.30 (Memorial) Youssef Jabbour Kairouz from Becharry

    8.45 (Recent) Foutine Sandrussi Karam from Barhalioun

    10.00 (Memorial) John Habib from Behwita

    11.15 (Forty) John Youssef Mouawad from Immar

    2:00 (Wedding) Jean Pierre Rahme & Vanessa Lawandos

    5.30 (Forty) Hasna Elias (Bandal) from Deir Jennin

    7.00 Youth Mass

    Saturday 7 August 2019

    7.30 Morning Mass

    2.00 (Wedding) George Azzi & Ashley Michael

    4:00 (Forty) Sleiman Wadih Mahfoud from Arde

    5.30 (Memorial) Sammy Toubia Azzi from Jieh

    7.00 (Forty) Youssef Rizkallah Bechara from Blaouza

    Sunday 8 September 2019: 14th Sunday of Pentecost – Birth of


    7.30 (Memorial) Barbar Nakhle from Syr Dennieh

    8.45 (Memorial) Hanna & Maria Dagher from Toula-Jebbe

    10.00 English Mass

    11.15 (Memorial) Jean Daoud Bassil from Assia- Batroun

    2:00 (Wedding) Jason Nohra & Adriana Mahfoud

    4.00 Memorial Mass for the martyrs of the Lebanese Forces

    Party, offered by the Lebanese Forces Party, Sydney

    5.30 (Forty) Riad Chafic Fakhry from Becharry

    7.00 Youth Mass

    حد عت –: عتحد عنلثنع صد عنصرة 9102عتحد لثل ليةول َِع" ن ة و /9:8 َم ن َر ،أ شع ش.م َم خَ عَّ ِا،عرو( الم حَم دخِّ َيل ، م ن ف حَأَ 1:41 َِأ السندرش و رنَة الم ح َنة ُ حدخ ( الم ح

    َاشع //:/8 َم عَ حَّأِّ ن ةب ِا،عرو( الم حَم ال ع عَ خَ نَ ا ن َ ن يمعر 88:81 َر َ ( الم ح Jean Pierre Rahme & Vanessa Lawandos الَأس( //:0َنة حسنة اليع فند ( ن دخ عَنأ .َكعر /1:8 َر َ ( الم ح لدا ال َّأبة //:9 9102ليةول 7عنسوت لدا َبعحو /9:8 George Azzi & Ashley Michael الَأس( //:0َ نبََ ن ردَ //:4 َم َيمع شد َر َ ( الم حََيع القزو ن ال ية /1:8 َم عنو ب ِا،عرو( الم حَعا /1:8 َ ة عرَ ن فَ َم خَ رعو َر َ ( الم ح

    موند عنص عم م ب –: عتحد عن ع ر صد عنصرة 9102ليةول 8عتحد َم فَ لةَة ن أ ال نية /9:8 ِا،عرو( الم حَم حنع داو شعشعشه نعراع ن َِِ 1:41 ال َبة – ِا،عرو( الم ح

    لدا ةعلَغة املََأزَاة //:/8َم عع داششد ةع أس ن َيع 88:81 الَّش ش - ِا،عرو( الم ح Jason Nohra & Adriana Mahfoud الَأس( //:0َا الََّنعلَية //:4 َا الََّنعلية ِقدنة حز الق َ الق أدلو -لدا ل احة لَس ثداَم راع َأس الَة و ن ة َ و /1:8 َر َ ( الم ح لدا ال َّأبة //:9