Searchers ^ hap ' - P l t Annoii urices U. T l s [sJK[awJ...

Traffic Death Scoreboard 8«” ** * coBpantan a| 1^- 'O' ^54irt(x M ^ lc VftUcy. 1057 _ 33 Muitlc Valley,. 185B ... 2: .Idaho, 1057------------ \2i w m B :.„-.,,.ii. - - Z Searchers ^ Spot Lost ^ ^ Airplane ^ '• ■ ’ boisk, Au?Taa <V‘',“ ; r ~ t I men Aboard. Q R/»fch official* Mid therfl wsf il; of life near the-wrrcknuc, * near Shaetfcr hutle. IB mllw ''^jfjf^'pnrty was dLipMclied lo V- ^*rcncS,orily afUr.U o’clock - It'll monilnj' ' * ' y alremfl. objcct of ft two-.Mntc .1^1 Afarch Mn« early yesterday. W tu located Ij V Wnrren Hill, Nnmpn, ." rv,n Gamble. v.1io wtiV coordlnnl- » .?Jhf March from BoIm . said llinl - tltflnltely the mtwliin ph.iir I M. 5 d that the only UilnR left ot ' ,T « r and yellow Cc«nu 170 Uie tall iccUon. i .fv,oliineBppMentIycrMlicdJiiM J » after It took a« from U..LU- j CuHy at 3:15 p. m. and hemli-d \4 Butte. Mont. An nlcrt for Hip Z t w»» (tiven Ia£« Iftat nJcJJl n'ld I Cieireh wns beuun early yMtcr- iiyW Montana and Idnho alnnpii. Q • uar« ui#n two dozen'platifji wrrc »lf over Idnho'8 ruRRcd nnd ~t Imni* «oulh ccnlml aren nnd and T^i Monunft border Jooklng for j'X. W Hl»er and yellow C ^ n a wlilch tl.r.. Ju piloted by Paul Engte. Dobe. _Albt I I Aboard Uic plane were middle- ^lhelrmannBer,KenneUiNlchoU. X ifodt so Boise. Mnns and Mnmvllln S t Kheduled lor bouU at Ana- '^alW a:T»«'‘rch yesLerdny nf (hr eut« believed taken by Ensle wns Bjuceeutul. Tlio M arch was CAllPtl I'l ell temporarily yeaterday nfl^moon oJoci , iKtoit of poor nyins wenther. How , „ , mr. It »M resumed In the .evenlnu. , . tut leareher# /oiled to find «ny WCI of thtmlMlnjf aircraft. • vole Ovoblettld It'Wft* ^lonrlns ovpr rept lh« Mirth K « early today but ihftL , „ | ihBttlT alter dawn the wrnHirr to glta pilot* and obserTcrs ------- lMd Tlilbiilty. Pool Closed _ iXu lo iin unUMially hca\T 7 C iltu condition, th* pool at Har- , ^ ' ncn park vlU ba clo«ed unUi f I m. Sunday. ' Cltr Manager Joseph H. U ll- twt> reports lhat Ihe Harry si <Barry pool, oonnally open from in i, t _ J J lo 8 p. m. dally, will be open ucr >C' <j until Sunday(ronv) to 6 p.m . day __ Sm/ latlmore e*pl(\lnf that Uie RrnrJ witm TfflttiPT'-wnii largely res- -ni ponilble for the audden groM'lh of tha alga., if Backers May s Fight Suit on 'c .Work Rights S BOISE, Aug. 22 WU.A spokesman revlr fof the Idnho Freedom lo Work cnttl coaraUtet lndicnt«d yesterday, the Oct. nmip »UI make « legal counter- At ^ BOTx igRinst nn effort to keep the gnn wC Inltiatlvo off the 3:30 Korember ballot. .itaU: ^ A recommendation Utnl Uie com- liind ««ll« Intervene In a. lawsuit ew.i. tfomht by opponenta of the meas- local OT *111 bc considered at a meeting nnd IA ?. Cildwell tonight, attorney E. A. Beiir IW said, meet ' L ' Almoti CerUIn BLN WBion snld he felt the commit- ing. <« aoiild almost certainly inter- cond Dnlted Labor of Tdaho'and Ita m Dnrrell Dorman, filed the l-t 7 f ? Wednesday. They claimed peUUona requesting .. —— ..I ‘"'“'“ I''® were Improperly ob- I uinrt. DL-iirlct Judge W, Oliver Ab Sfcrtlarj- ot State James Young if a hope ye.sterday thal the ,,,j„ S iic . <,0™ according lo the .. we have received from the „ ’ m Ecneral," Young aald, “but , ^ 7c s _ , Quirk Aellon 8 * |h 'l ' ^^y- -- linTi, "'"y 'lelay cerUfIca- tw t.. *iu<aHon 10 Uio county ;Th. f a tf ^t°on miua"um“p;;>- LV .M aecreUiry ot stnle ^ 5*' 7^\ S certification when '‘" f , ol aencml ^-lon cnndldntca. This Is to be . j/": noi Inter thnn 35 days after to J. primary clccUon, or by Sept. 8, diM L Cftn bo de- "Jj) IC ‘£MiorcauT™ = ;g>'f ut *hlfh „ ouUftw conlracUi V *' condi i,. .* union membership a . '“°n or employmenl. . • . Composer Dies ” NNeaPOLI8 , Aug. 33 MV-Com- in a <li4 W al^r Schumann Tu-o >!ui it„i '"y “ft«i- undergoing Dei 'S « of MlnneaoU *ur- dcjve '«mt:al opcraUon for “an a in 8.i“, ‘•"'ri defect." .. the c CiW """- of Beverly Hlli*. Iro ’'"0*" *hen he migh Voiw.ffu’?!?, musical thorua, Ujo had tl Walter Schumann aingen, official shot C«au 23 (JJ-rrench Vice SA ' ’•t-iu 1:: " On«pard waj.shot and Utnh tliln/,"'''*''hfled yesterday while fores; f'fpoti IntemaUonal road ^»to/ii^ ® Armed 'Bang* state . 1 .appeared la that region, recel' ath •d ” “* '‘‘M 'r - — 33 JT S * ----- ' B m --13“ * y m ..-..1S8 ---- 1 A Uefjlonal N ct Ttirre nirm brn nf nn* lamily died wlien and crushed car al fiyracunf, N. The In Inl. Ilten nverturiiinr Hnherl Jacobs. 5. .Syi llirciwn troBi aulo aiiil rmsliecl l>y a hurr h Albert J. Slone, 41, aim wai klUtil. (AI* » PeMtions Ask On Liquor I Pctilions are beinK circulated . In oleclion to detijrmlne whether liiiuo approved. A Kroup of Twin Falln biisi hacking tlic attompt to brinp the liqi vot(^ Form er city nttornc.v, Rfiliorl i reprosentative for the Kroup. Hallei.s on the m utter wlicn conliictcd Thin Timca-NcwH. In order for a liquor bv ----------------------- ^ -------------------------- culled Area Grazing St"! . Session Held ‘^1 T 01 1 must o' m phoshoue SHOSHONE, Aug. a-No.ehanges in fnll grazing nllotmenla set earr tain a Her In the yrnr were mnde Thurs- several day nl the meeting of the Tnylor were n grnrJng artvLwry bonrd meeUn* here. Comim Tlie board reviewed appllcition permits by Individuals to eonitruel v ”L Improvements-on-fedtrril-TjinBe-ln — section four. Several Individuals were granted permlwilon to construel ..j . corrals, fencca nnd loading chutes. In q • - section «ven. about sevtii irana- , , . fers ot grailng privileges from one . Individual lo anottier were alloaed, Tho board discwued mailers of no: 3 8 range admlnlstrtitlon nnd problems no: 3.2 pertnlnlng crawlng from one range 1057, n to anoUier. Tlie only appllcsltons reviewed were for sheep and nol y~t cnttle, Mosl fall ranije gmzlng opens I fk] Oct. 15.' Allending the meeUng which bc- . , gnn al S non. nnd continued unlll /%1 3:30 pm. were nuwell Kenny. Dolse. .^tfllc supervisor ot the bureau of v Iiind monngi'mcnt: William Math* I ew.i, slnte range and forest officer: local personnel from llie bureau WAfl nnd u«rs ot tho range unlLi, Roy j, Beim. range manager, called the „udble meeting which was hed al ine ^ BLM office here. Roy Mlnlc. Oooii- yo„ ^|. Ing. chairman of the advisory board conducted tlio meeting. run 17 _ ------------------------- one thi Blind Meeting Is Slated Here . Momcn ' About 50 persons are expecled lo pnued attend Gem Slnte Blind; Inc., nn- j^nl it nual slnte convention Friday. Sal* p, urdny and Sunday at Uie American Lerfion hall In Twin Palb.,, Buwes Prtv will arrive Friday afternoon and llie adjoun event will open with a picnic lunch P®” at 5:30 p.m. at Uie Clly park, m -^ o" neglstratlon-nnd re s w " ^ ® ^ 'L n u s c h becln at 4 pm . at the Rogerson „,.m<vi holeP^lr. and Mrs. WlUlam Win- ^ Twin tS p<^ Prank ColUns, Idaho Falls, is presl- ^*Du»lne.'U5 meetings will begin Snt- urdarmominK at the ^American Je »to Legion hall. Lunch will be ser^ved P and more busine.« mecUngs held in Uie early afternoon. ^ , , i,o)d tl Tlie group will BO bowling from 3 J,,.., to 5:30 pjn. and attend a banquet lit 0:30 pjn. at Ihfthall. followe^y ^ a short program »nd a dance. *nie Utah Man Killed Jn Car Accident S.A. • SALT IL in a traffic accident and Wiled. Two eUier* were injurea. ^j,e Dead U Orrln 1* Preside driver of a car that collided with r ^ e k liv lha- northwest part of • . . a traffic light that w ,u »”t ' 2 " recelred. ' s' . . Newspaper Senriac' " _________ ^ [ri Truck-Car Misha ■rlien Ibouunds ot poundi of granlle iplllc le truck appartnlly hit the auto (Inl. km i. .Syracuse, >ta> killed In rar. Ills molher JC<^ hniildrr. Srnll Jacobs, 1, died laler in AI' wirepholn) _________________ k;Voting by Drink .■in Tvvin Falls fnr n city; i<iuur by the drink will lie; reiiettr biisitiessmen are reportedly: reporter liquor option (juestion to n' i!rl. N. W . Ballci.ien, i» loKlll i llei.sen declincil tn 'com nient 55 I'hiirsday afternoon by the (Prob r bv the drink ctcction to be lied by the cily commission- H, petitions siKncd by 20 per nt of the city's rcKintered »ter.'< be presented to le city clerk. ' /"> ThOKc drculallng the petitions I list obtain Bll signatures to meet e Tcquirement of 20 per ccnt ot rrenily registered volera, BUR Initial efforts in Ih# mov*'t*,oV mVht ( in a liquor election began here vcrnl weeks ngp. Postal cards Rrotinil :re mailed from the Chamber of flCtlon-l )mmerce office asking chnmber Der\ver embers how they felt about Uie ^ni lUOr question. irnnH n Ercvlous_Uquor_OBllon_clccllons, lich can be held even- two years. HgnWV :re held In -10{7, laso, 10S3 and up Wltb M. ' ' field un On Oct, 12. 1854, 2,501 voters bal- ;ed against Iho liquor opUon, 1.851 ted for. roping o u t e r re.suILi nre, J u n e 10. 1053, p l e t e d . i: 3.8M, yes: 3,591; Jan.- 24,'l050; Horse >: 3.277, yes: 1JJ3B, and Ju n e 17. a t 2:30 57. no: 2.767, yes: 2.115. nlid Bor ---------------------------- Idnho of Congress Still After End for 1958 Session WASHINGTON. Aug. 23 {UPD— posse. 10 house today hurdled another Judgin udblock lo adjournment by pass- for the * B B, 8lx-blilIon.dollar npproprla- ciilldrenj >n bill. and can: The measure, carrying fund.i to fancy wi n 17 government ngencle.s. replaces Thurst 10 tho President vetoed earlier this children’ onth because It contained a $580.- major pi 0.000 item he tell was unnccesfuir>'. duo to t) Tlie appropriation commit- e bowed to his Judgment nnd de- °rand ^d the funds Irom the new bill, drena p omcnu later. Uie house concurred, ic«" ,Mcd the bill by voice vole nnd nt it along to the senate. IJg rrtnnirw, Tempen Mount Prc.«ures mounted for alne die ijoumment tomorrow night. Tem- ■.n were beginning lo fray a.n tho Chicago Mm anm ta on. ww; in the senate. Sen. Frank J, #na a, , lusclie. D.. 0.. angrily accused Phiiae cmocraUc Leader Lyndon B. John- gome; C n at one point of rnmmlng bills only-gai passage without a chance for fair udy. • ■^ Johnson hotly denied It. He anld Chicago ! simply waj» trying to "get the New Yoi iblle business done" in an orderly Wynn ly. . Howard, Appealing again lo senalom to cievclan )ld their tongues, he renewed nls Boston ..lurance that eonBrcs.v can quit wilhel morrow night If member* cut whit«. iwn on talk. Delrol Rayburn Uudi ConcrcM at Waal In tho house, which was well up 1 I ila work. Speaker Sam Rayburn •.v:rlbed the expiring congre.ia Is bout tha most fruitful” one In lich he hM served. That goea all 0 way back to 1013. I In a mild Jibe al OOP members nRm’ the’ Democrallc-ccftitrolied con- whltUki KM, Rnybum aald Democrats fre- order .tei enUy had trouble dragBlngBepub- juia along In support of key polnts the program of Uieir Republican pojgj esidcnt. SecreUr — ------------------------ available ■Bids Asked SCJ IIAILEY. Aug. 23-Sealed bids for e.construcUon of a new hosplUl, SAN I be locaUd adjacent to Uie Chal- In Uie w Igor Inn at Bun Valley, have been no pro*t lied for by Uio trustees of Sun brand, t illey village and will be opened and Uie .3 p, m. Sept 5, in the offices E, a . -seagle, chairman of the WASH ard of inislees. • ^era whi Bids must be accompanied by not havo ^ IS than 8 per cent of the amount eourl tn thB bid. , . . , . « r^N FALLS, IDAHO. FRIDAY, A hap ' - P l I A m WAsni j S ^ weapon t< - Union ngr ban. The Great Br ’i ready to ^ ijuHpcnsioi under the a NX by-ihe Unit SsSws I O ElsenliQwt proposing 1 pencetiil pui ' Referring ^EIT policing a tliLi week, . V ' ' count of ih '■ •V prcpiired t< ^ rieiTOUnle a. nations wh ^ .. weapons fo --------- - ........ . clear weapi ■pilled from a toppllnr Iruck cslabllshme kniKklnK ll Into a parking controls syi ilher, Estelle Jarob^i. ZH. was exprrLV rci r in a hoipltal. Th* trucke/; “It this. . by llie otl: ___ . lc.ite(l nucli I der lo facll llrV llBilon.s. th pared, unle )ry weather wllh temperatures u,,. soviet IVO normal U in stpre for Mnglc t<..,iini Iley during Uie next five dnys, iiydrog :ordlng to Uie weather tore- of one yeai .1 for Uie period rccclved licrc | riegolln Ihe Associated Press. | There's n chance for » lllllr let from ihe henl," Mid the AI’ • (orter ns he read this forecast; Little or no preclpitaljoii. He snld I mperature.1 nverticlng above 1 wial with hlKhs of fio to 00 nnd I t»e United ,•» 65 to f!5. ! n'!" to 8U (Probably) ' tesU on a j lapacity Crow( Cassia Countj 5URLEY, Aug. 22—Rccord crowds, t ht of the Cnssia county rodeo nnd iund.i during the day. The rodeo wa.s ion-filled. Two incidents marred the e r\ver, wa-t inj'ured in the bull riding s animals stepped on hia leg and feet )d condition Friday nt Cottage hoa] it.«t went out in the arena at 9:30 p.m with lights showing on the Id until power was restored. of the delay, the calf- JL/1JIV ling events wero not com- t %. , ted. D lSt orse racing events ar# scheduled 2:30 pjn, Fridny In the arena TTl Bonnie Balrd. Heyburn. Mls.i f ' Q l ho of IS58. will bc featured dur- Ihe rodeo In a surrey wllh a Fred Kl ge on top. Miss Bnird will wear over lo dl: ly 90'i co.itume and will bc drlv- drunk drlv Dy a coachman vearing a stove- he nppeap ! hni nnd cutaway suit. A high- Judge Oeo tping leam will draw tho equip- was arres Marvin St noUier Intermission act will fen- LcRoy C s the Cnssla county sherllt's street. Frl se. - costs In T udging was completed Tliur.idny running n the 4-H style review, adults and his Dodge dren*' eloUilng. knitting, baking Uon of Sh . canning, rUB*. quilts and olher avenue w( :y work. city Mi hursday afternoon at Burley a fll^ned t dren's parade waa held. No crumbllsA lor parade will be held thb yenr fenso and to Uie eondlUon of repair work john Wl Burley sircctn. . fined 135 rand prize winner of Uie chll- license wa 3-a parade was a hospital floal when he (C«Hiin.Hi .n r» « . t. c«i.«« II y Police Jud Baseball Today NATIONAL LKAGUE _ " S'!--:=::===:S!KH^ i /lit and Folles; Sollo. EtsUm (5) Pro I S, Tnylor. X IC hildelphln at St. Louis, night tJNlTEr ie; ClnclnnaU al San Franciico, 22 itv-Dbi ^•Bames scheduled. . todny to c sored Deal . AMERICAN LEAGUE East whlcl cago .......... ....... ..... -...000 112—4 from tho V York ........................... 120 000—3 The see i^ynn and Loitnr; Kucka nnd will bo in vnrd, . than two' vcland --------- ---- ----Oil 100—3 peacc-mai ton .................................010 300-3 monUis, iTllhelm and Brown; Dclock and The 81-J Ite. its two-v lelrolt at BalUmore. Kansas City Thursday WaslilnBlon, night games. the Arab NEWS BULLI ■pmrBR, Colo,, Aug. 22 Wi-U, s. supreme lltaker said today a motion to rever.^e U11 ;r .temporarily halUng school inlegraUon In ruled on by oht JusUce." OISE. Aor. {UPI).:iOoTritobert E. Smyll reUry Eira Benson asUni Ibat he tmmedi liable to bolster the Idaho-eastern Oregen pw lona] delegation last week made a aimi been taken i« far. AN DIEOO, Cnllf., Aug. 23 MwA federal n he western freight truck tie-up, going Into i prospect of settlement. The talks resumed t nd. two other mediators and representalivu Uia trucking firms. WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 «V-By a one-vole I who wanted lo hand the supreme court 1 e been defeaUd. A 4M 0 vole killed a bill rt from atrlklnf down sUt«'laws not l^-dl I 00 lha aami aubiecl. N isi 1 •. AUGUST 22.. 1358 resident [sJK[awJ Sfuclear SniNGTOX. Aug. 22 f,?)—Preside n te.sts for one year slarliiig Oct. agrees lo m:iiiilaiii its current ban ' nie while Iloiisc. said ^ B rita in stands ~p\ to join in a oiie-yoar 1-^C IllO ision nf wiMpoiis tests -^T 1 i he siimc conditions Mieclllcd iiqwer alrt.v.ed In a stale- Tl/T mt the United SIn(r.^ b noc IVIpf Ig that luicU'iir lejiw for * I be h»ltcd. Members 1 ring to tecluilcnl l.ilk* on coniinlileM « ; a bnn. condudod nt Qenev:» Hcpubllcnn f rck, Elsenhiittcr snld; the election < united SlnlM. laHlng ac- >f the acncvii concluMcnw, Hepubllcnt ■d to proceed promptly lo l« an ngr<-emftii «llh olher whicli Iwve iMietl micleur P.- , *" s lor the siwpeaMon of lui- _ 'cnpoha loau nnd the nciunl hment of nn. Inlcrnailonnl .system on the bas^ of th e ^ ^ .'^ ^ f ', tcemnn nnd his. U arceptcd In principle ^ccrcury wll other nations which have commlltermt nuclear weapons, then, in or- couniya 48 t tacllllnlc the dcl«lled neuo- 1 , tho united Slates Is pre- “ 'L , unle.« tesllng Is re.iumed by , ' Viet union, lo withhold lur- ““J l sling on lUi pnrt of atomic droRcn weapons for a period convention 1 year from Ihe beginning of 13. Deii goUalions. RrpuUllcar pre.ildenl's announcement re cniidUlatcs a major shift In U.S. nuclear Turner and county 00 nld lhat aa part of Uie con- George Bllcl ted International aRrecmeni Tlio Dem ited Slnles would be prepared coriventlon > suspend nuclear weapons nnd 13 in 1 n year-by-ycar baslj subject committee c .<.iin»»j «n r «».>. c.Uwi. 11 Democratl' candidates a vd Sees sr£ , 1 Slmllnr m ty, Rodeo 35-ftttcnded the opening T ? o ^ » lr find thronged the fair- vas reported ns fast and rri o 10 evening. Don Kimball, A O O ing events when one bf _ rcet. lie waa reported in I ajji hospitarin Burley. The p.m. nnd earn were lined washinc ------------------------------------------ nt© invesUi « -g-, a week into I iv e i^ l'a c in f f S’„T^„ro” , ^ tnickinK uni ISU’lC t C o u rt •” "Da°ker^5S , Rftnlter, yes o r lip sin ess« n n tS “'mS I Klamm. Paul, was bound 0 district court on cliarges ut ,. driving, accond offense, when * pcrapir [leared before Rupert Probats George Redford Thursday. Ha irrestcd by Stato Patrolman n Snyder. oy crumbllM, 28. 150 Monroe Fridny wna .fined 125 nnd In Twin Pall# police court for ig a red traffic signal wlUi ^ odgo truck al the inUr.wc- f Shoshone atreet nnd Ptoirth j Manager Joseph UUmore iVs“*’a^£:h Uio complaint against >lls.i nfter witnessing the of. and making a cIUmo's arrest. * f"®' 1 Williams. Lebanon, Mo,. waa , *35 nnd costs and his drivers , s was suspended for 30 days he appeared before Jerome ' Judge Roberta Kehrtr 'Hiurs. , . rccUca ari,ln, oH.„c. Jg," mmarskjold Is , _ _ not the tr ’reparmg Travel “SS’cV h. TED NATIONS. N. Y., Aug. tm'on bega -Dag Hammorskjold prepared in 1052 at 1 to embark on an Arab-spon- ot the ' An peace mission to Uio Middle AcUon, a si ^hleh won unanimous approval Hot tho U.N. General Assembly. Kennedy secretary general reportedly ings also \ 0 in the,trouble area In less troveralal 1 two weeks, it will be his ninUi president 1 •making' trip to Uio irea In 29 Teamster Ul, . himself a 81-nnUon assembly wound up end of tht wo-week emergency session Hoffa, a dny night b} voUng 80-0 for tntor In thi rab resoluUon. Is not s ^ LETENS ____________________________ I SEOUU- tme court JusUce Charlea E. PoUee aaid 1 Uie auy of a circuit court 1 In UtUe Rock. Ark., "njlght gun batUt, mylle today wired agrieullura nedlalely make federal fiuds sgon poUto industry. Idaho’s ‘“"J* * ” similar request, bat no acUon t Up ol nl mediator aays negoUaUons Ul ito ila n th dny. have brouBht * JT l ed today with George Hlllen- - mai .Tj * ilivea of the Teamsters union jii patched vole margin, congress mem- urt a major leglslaUie rebuff ?»tv« bill dealgned to prevent tbel 9. di>eet conflict wlU> fMlenU !• IrriffBted Idaho Coanties M*«b>T «f Aodlt nurma ef ( . . A^wUUd rr««. «nS UnlX^d Tm. t Annoii Ready— t r Weapo riident Ei.-;cnhower announced toda.v )ct. :il, provided Russia meets two lan on nuclear testa, nn d further ag: no, GOP to Way lid Election Tj^„ eet Tonight , ?rs ot Ihe countr central wny ye.stcrc te.i of the Democratic nnd Wnotl rivor 1 nn p.irlle.1 nieel lonlght for m' ion ot officers to serva dur- U- S. coming two years. p a y m e n t CO ihcnns meet nl B p. m. in the L ittle Wood 'm ,“sr's KSr.' I the YWCA rooms. Twin fOUrttl dist it Republican central com- T hnlrman. Edwnrd U Bcnoll. JLOSlUi tils, explahu Uint a chnlr- C :i- chnlrman. sinte commit- Q nnd commltleewomnn nnd oQVS will be elected by precinct J erinrn from,, mosl or Ihe .1 1 48 precinct. ASK lew chnlrman, committee- d commlllefcwomnn nnU Uit “ be rty cnndldiites to the slate “ • Max Ha r repre.v:nlatlves and aennte wheat farmer end the Rcpubllenn stale cmUo nomlna or\ in Idaho Fnlis Sept. 12 133 votes, said XJciiolt noic.i. for n recount, illcan'counjy n'presenUillve Hanson told tc* are Ted Scott, Hnrry he has latlruc and William, J, LantinR, examine the 1 GOP 'senate eandldato is It possible to 1 Bllck. , •'Quite a ni Dcmocrnlle .•ilntc plnlform different, parl Ion Is .ilated for Sept. 12 been urging 1 in Bobe. reporla currcnt count,;' said H .ee chairman, Tom Alworth, definitely mni peel to this ;ratlc county representative Hanson inc les nro Warren Ttgan. W. A. <c«miii»,4 . n and Waller County allc senate candidate ia J. Newman. l-w l'flT ir mccUngs are being held out Idnho's 44 counUes to- I accordance wllh stato law. jketsGroj«jjp jerome ri^ 1 TVT ^nnd chnn b tu d y iN ew ^ d .innct *' - horses. Thu iamster Link;Lwi„“ o riiNGTON, Aug. 22 uv-s«i- economlcA : ^esUgators will delyd next teur horec llo link.1 between Tennutcr ,„:ii nnn Robert Barney Baker }• of the powers of the glnnt ana tne gri T union—Vice President Har- atocK. bons. ' HighllghLs r. 300 • pound Teamster or- Saturday will , yesterday completed nlmost livesiock Jud ys of IcsUmony before Uie tractor drivli rackets committee, rangins and open clai le comic to the dramaUc. The horae ah( Baker Called 'Scum* John Maxey . raplring Baker left Uie wit- «how opena , \nd after Chairman John L. for, Amerlcai ,nn, D„ Ark., called him a Appaloosaa. 1 r and counsel RobertT. Ken- Bans and Shi tbeied him an assoclato of A good cro vorld filUi and the acum of ins nlsht ol ited SUtes." of high windi KiUi the hearings In recess boqUia and .i ly indicated today’ tho pon- (Swanny) K< ex-convict’s troubles wiU\ introduced ai imiltce are not over. H« told Salt Lake ( :n Baker would cpnUnue aa Verda Kerby !ct of testimony when hear- Umer and Pi flUh next Tuesday to Gib- Umer. Plcku? cUvlUes in the St. Louia area, and Jack HI Probe to invplvo Strlks Ross Hefner, new phase of the Inquiry Into Chuck Hens< .nt Teamsters union and Ila clowns, nt, James R. Hoffa, will in- Special Bve n violence-punctuated St, lion and per nxicab strike In 1B53 and the deo queen ca aker allegedly played In It. Prescott, relg ellan contended that QU> vens, Plcasa: wpplled Baker with other trant, waa t :cr organlMra wllh an arsenal when ahe hr )la and holsUra lo match dur- but quickly p I strike. Baker swore, '•Thafa ed. Loy Ann e truth as far as rm con- didate, halte, ' a loose clnel r haa tesUfied hla rise In the to a smooth began after he met Gibbons The Valle at a meeUng in Washington team un • Americana for DcmocraUc orant perfoi , a self-styled liberal group. Hoffa Not Scheduled the ages Of ledy aald next weeka' hear- (cu... Iso will probe-Gibbona'.con- ------- lal election laat January aa ' - v n t of the St, LouU Joint ter ' Council, wlUi Gibbons [ a possible witness a t the -rki’ : the week. K law i a. a grim-faced, aUent apee- n the hearing room thU week, . achedule^ U> return to the A am, I sUind for aUeaat another 10 -fX i/1 ' . ____________ . SH03R0N - T l. 1 .. permit, firtj Loreans Fight UU Aug. 23 UV-South Korean but the aeci aaid Uiey lUKcsafully am- i 6 ^ a^res. : a communist landing party » caoal am Ight and. kUled Uirca NorUi acres of rani 1 agents In a blazing offshore Bureau of 1 itUe, ' were patrol! polict aald ther sant the morning and inlata' motorboat-and cap- providing. Ui a fourth North Korean op- { q the , off Haenam.rat the aouUf- ed out>of coi IP of Korea. miles east ■ -■ .1 .. rome, just a Plane Down ' MS lod at 13:10 p. m. to In- ^ jale rcporta Uiat an airplane down at the Mall» airfield. . report aald Uie pilot waa not ed. * , day. Tho wlr -ill i ’ ' ^ma la Je» . •. • > ■ i ' , ‘ ' FINA C . EDITK P~ ' rm c urices U. io-Susp€ ons Test oday the United States i.t ready to s two conditions. The conditions nr< r agrees to negotiations looking town ly Is Now Cle or Area Dam K. Aug. 22.(/P) — A district ^ourt or Ucrda.v for caHy construction of nn ver (him above Ciircy, Regional Direct J. S. bureau of reclamation said. Nel; t contract between the federal govei /ood River Irrigation district, coveri and related improvements, had bet district court. "A.s a result of the c approving the »■»«• tract,” said Ni Uff Ucmo recommended TT TtM commissioner >'sHeMay I m to the lowest bi sk Kecount The Asioebted Pre» ^or constni Hanson, southern Idaho Wood river dam. rmcr who lost the Demo- The amount ol minaUon for governor by aald, waa >1,003, said yesterday he may ask Uie entire projc lUnl. 12,012.000. told the AMOcialed Pre.M Nelson snld th istrucUd a Dolse lawyer to vide supplemenlj the 1057 law which makes OiSO acres of 1 » to recount the .voles. Wood river val a number nf people from capacity will b«' .parts of the sUto have 100 to 30,000.aer Ing me to ank for a re- The dnm will lid Hnpaon, "butl have nol fetl-to 133 teel mnde up my mind, I cx- project, authorii this week-end." ' July 1058, will I indlcnl«l that expense control by red i»»«4 r»n t. o u w Tl flows. ________ and Champion amed at Couni )ME, Auflr. ^ B o b :hnmpIoh=for 4-H fitting antt flhowJi net Hnll, grand champion for fIttL Thiiradny nt tho Jerome county falrj iniry exhibits Mntinued Friday with FTcontest^unoer way. The quality icA judging contests eind the Jerome )rBc show were featured dur ng thi will ride in the rodeo ■ s grand parade of’live- this for the final day on ,• will include 4-H and PPA • XJ Judging contests, a 4-H XXCIU Irivlng contest at 10 a.m. ^ } class light horsa judging. « show Is a new event, wiUi O UTiJv .xey as superintendent. The __ ____ ens a t I am .' wlUi classes TOREST PAP erlcan aaddiehs, Arabians, The AFL-OIO I as. Quarter homes, Mor- jts iinandal 1 1 SheUands. J I crowd attended Uie open- It of Uio n>deo, in aplte United Auto W< ivinds which earlier whipped industry ind outdoor exhibits. R. A. The fedcraUa ’) kerby. Moab, DUh, was councij j-eaterdi ed as producer. Bill Heaps, man committee ke Cily, was announcer; "give praeUcal Cerby. arena secretary nnd Uonally and Id Pearl Heaps was second tlAW" If an at Ickup men weer Bud Kerby A statement 1 k Hickey, Lone Tree. Wyo. by tho council 1 fner, SanU Ana, Calif, and Ford and Chn flenson, Tucson, Arlz., were bargain In goo4 other demands 1 events Included Inlroduc- UAW In flvo a I performance of Uie 12 ro- Earned to tl sn iMndldatea and of Nancy m committee . reigning queen. Karen Lo- heads George Icasant Plains Orange en- carey. David ) ras thrown from her horse Donald i Alber le brought It up too ahorUy, Belme and Jc kly recovered and r<-mount< represent rail. Ann Overman, Jaycea can- trical and othi Si Valler"junlo°r"'Riding club m under -Uie direction of Jim lerformed for the first time. pwip Of 32 riders betw een ______ IS of 11 sHd 17 performed BOISE, ^ g .. S'iSSS' - Boise couple fei ige Permit his wife, 68, lei aze Flares eross Desert HONE, Aug. 22—Two range Today 5 fit*! norUieast of Jerome Par* 1—Wt stray due to high winds wood river di ly afternoon. One fire Is out, county fairs second, intended to burn peilUona dre ^ . f o r xt-seedlng, Jumped i,.. tha drlzi) : and burned about 15.000 wreckage of 1 ' ranch and private land. near’Boise; El u of land management crews readr to susi itrolUng Uie area Friday ^ ^ ; and the fire can be held 4_£d Ig. the winds do. n o t. rise inc.;" Featur I the evening. The fire bum- tvtinL’' )f control aU night, about 10 p,„ 5_Kt isl and four north-of Je- pat«7—«a ut northeast of Butfkr Loaf ~ed Han^ Bu rhe fire burned about six g _ eross the desert. e tA n ’* econd tire Jumped Uie high- 1 burned up Uie side of Su* f butte. p.— winds struck Magic Valley o_e_'^. 4 ir the second nlghC Interfer- ounderaon Ri h Uie Csssla and Jeromo falra which opened Thurs- e winds bad a b a t^ by rodeo Jeiwne. . - I u— ■ 'V . ■’ — i'’ vJAL' i TION ^ I f' PRICE B CENTS ls T >endJ 3ting"i r to suspend nuclear , .1 is arc if the Soviet j.||l toward .a permanent ' lleared m Start III irt order cleared the ' 'd l if nn enlarged Little II )irector H. T. Nelson III Nelson aaid the re- . government nnd the m overing tho dnm ex- i ,kn d been npprovcd by , j!| the court's action in Ml t the repayment con- i iilL lid Nelson, “We have' ' I p nded to the assistant I! oner nnd chief engi- • e bureau ot reelamaUon imediate award bs made 'cst bidders, Lewis Hop- iny nnd A. R. Simme ot sh.. for the prime con- instruction of Uie LllUa : dam." lunt of Uielr bh), officials >1,003,045. Total cost, of projcct Is estimated at aid the project will pro- emental water for aboilt s of Innd in the Llltle T valley. The reservoir III be Increased from 12.- OOaerc-feet. n will bc raised from 77 ll !2 Teet. Nelson said tha i iU uthorized by congress In ' I' will provide somo flood . y reducing high . spring ms Are nty Fair •Hazeltdn,. WM ) h o w l^ 01, b e d -cottlp . fittlnff and ahowlnr '• fairgToundB. Judging with dairy fitting and ’ ility dairy and homo' irome Possctte’o ama- g the day. The Pos» rCiowm Ip UAW if : , rike Comes r PARK. Pa, Aug. 22 W- ■OIO has decided to Uirow: dal and manpower re- Mhlnd Walter ReuUier'a ato Workefs In event of a -.j lustry strike. . , . ; IcraUon's niUog aseeuthra esterdny cm ted a seren- mittee of ita members to icUcnl support' organlia- and financially to the an auto strike develops.. ment adopted unanimously luncll aald General Motors, I Chrysler have refused to a good faith on wage, and nands raised by ReuUier’a five monUia of bargaining, to tho ,An,-OIO’B T7AW mlttee were labor union eorge Harrison, James B. lavid Zhibinsky, Sava Uo- Albert Hayes, Joseph Jid Joseph Keenan. Tley , rail, steel. cloUUng, elec> d other types of workers. AW help waa Toted u Uia , > ehiefa wound up a week- . Ion here at a summer camp I cono mountains. SEARCn IS ON. , Aug. 33 I^ A d a and Bolso lerlff’a officers were plan- snrch today for an elderly . iple feared to be missing In north ot here. Sheriff's I said Emory Roseis. 74, and i 68, left Boise In their car . ay.- iH L IG H T S in l ly's TimevNewt l_W oy pared for UtUa iver dam: Cassia, Jerome falra well under way: la dreolatlnc' for *^uor. driaJtr la T*ln ge of missing plsna foond lise; Elsenhower says U. S. a suspend nuclear arms <-Edltorlal: "EztorUon, i^ tu re : •Tourtst’a Vlew- ^ R B o th d a photograph. flagpole prasent- . nf BttRT Memorial park. I — *-Outward to (ba iw w aterfow l season to let 4 In Idaho: JoAsna aon-foe# Into seml-flnali • ien'8 'BOlf toutsam ent ..-^v > i U -^erom e fair results, . ' ■ /

Transcript of Searchers ^ hap ' - P l t Annoii urices U. T l s [sJK[awJ...

Traffic Death Scoreboard

8«” ** * coBpantan a|

1^- 'O'

^ 5 4 i r t ( x M ^ lc VftUcy. 1057 _ 33 Muitlc Valley,. 185B . . . 2: .Idaho, 1057------------ \2iw m B : . „ - . , , . i i .

- - Z

Searchers Spot Lost A irp lane ^

' • ■ ’ boisk, Au?Taa <V‘',“ ; r ~ t

Imen A board. Q

R/»fch official* M id therfl wsf i l ; of life near the-w rrcknuc, *

near Shaetfcr hu tle . IB mllw

''^ j f j f ^ 'p n r ty was dLipMclied lo V-^ * rc n c S ,o r i ly a fU r .U o’clock -

It'll monilnj' ' * ' y alremfl. objcct of ft two-.Mntc

.1^1 Afarch M n« early yesterday. Wtu located IjV W nrren Hill, Nnmpn, ."rv,n Gamble. v.1io wtiV coordlnnl- »

.? Jh f March from B oIm . said llinl - tltflnltely th e mtwliin ph.iir

I M. 5 d that the only UilnR left ot ' , T « r and yellow Cc«nu 170

Uie tall iccUon. i .fv,oliineBppM entIycrM licdJiiM■ J » after I t took a « from U..LU- j

CuH y a t 3:15 p. m . and hemli-d \4Butte. Mont. An nlcrt for Hip ■

Z t w»» (tiven Ia£« Iftat nJcJJl n'ld IC ie ire h wns beuun early yMtcr- ■

iiyW Montana and Idnho alnnpii. Q — • uar« ui#n two dozen'p latifji wrrc

»lf over Idnho'8 ruRRcd nnd ~tImni* «oulh ccn lm l aren nnd andT ^ i Monunft border Jooklng for j'X.W Hl»er and yellow C ^ n a wlilch tl.r..Ju piloted by Paul Engte. Dobe. _Albt

I I Aboard Uic plane were middle-

^lhelrm annBer,K enneU iN lchoU . Xifodt so Boise. M nns and Mnmvllln S t Kheduled lo r bouU a t Ana-

'^ a lW a:T »« '‘rch yesLerdny nf (hr eut« believed taken by Ensle wns Bjuceeutul. Tlio M arch was CAllPtl I'l ell temporarily yeaterday nfl^moon oJoci

, iK toit of poor ny in s wenther. H ow , „, mr. It »M resumed In the .evenlnu. , .

tut leareher# /oiled to find «ny WCI of thtmlMlnjf a ircraft. • vo le

O voblettld It'Wft* ^ lo n rln s ovpr r e p t lh« Mirth K « early today bu t ihftL , „ | ihBttlT alter dawn the wrnHirr

to glta pilot* and obserTcrs ------- lMd Tlilbiilty.

Pool Closed_ iXu lo iin unUMially hca\T 7C i l t u condition, th* pool a t Har- , ^

' ncn park vlU ba clo«ed unUi f I m. Sunday. '

Cltr Manager Joseph H. U ll- twt> reports lh a t Ihe Harry s i

< Barry pool, oonnally open from in i, t _ J J lo 8 p. m. dally, will be open ucr > C ' < j until Sunday(ronv) t o 6 p .m . day__ Sm / latlmore e*pl(\lnf th a t Uie RrnrJ

witm TfflttiPT'-wnii largely res- -ni ponilble for the audden groM'lh of tha alga.,

if Backers May s Fight Suit on

'c .Work Rights S— BOISE, Aug. 22 WU.A spokesman revlr

fof the Idnho Freedom lo Work cnttl coaraUtet lndicnt«d yesterday, the Oct. nmip »UI make « legal counter- At

^ BOTx igRinst nn effort to keep the gnn w C Inltiatlvo off the 3:30

Korember ballot. .itaU:^ A recommendation Utnl Uie com- liind

««ll« Intervene In a . lawsuit ew.i. tfomht by opponenta of the meas- local OT *111 bc considered a t a meeting nnd

I A ?. Cildwell tonight, a ttorney E. A. Beiir IW said, meet' L ' Almoti CerUIn BLN

WBion snld he felt the commit- ing. <« aoiild alm ost certainly inter- cond

Dnlted Labor of T daho 'and Ita m Dnrrell D orm an, filed the l - t7 f ? Wednesday. T hey claimed

peUUona requesting .. —— ..I ‘" '“ '“ I''® were Improperly ob- I

uinrt. DL-iirlct Judge W, Oliver

■ AbSfcrtlarj- o t S ta te Jam es Young

i f a hope ye.sterday th a l the , , , j„

— S i i c . <,0™according lo the . .

we have received from the „ ’ m Ecneral," Young aald, “but , ^

7c s— _ , Quirk Aellon 8 * |h 'l ' ^^y-

- - linTi, " '" y 'lelay cerUfIca-tw t . . *iu<aHon 10 Uio county

;T h . f a t f t ° o n m iu a "u m “p;;>-LV.M aecreUiry o t stnle ^ 5*'

7 ^ \ S certification when '‘" f ,— • ol aencml

^-lon cnndldntca. T h is Is to be . j/": noi Inter thnn 35 days a fte r to J .

primary clccUon, o r by Sept. 8, diM L Cftn bo de- " J j )IC ‘£MiorcauT™ = ;g>'f ut*hlfh „ ouUftw conlracUi V *'condi i,. .* union membership a

. '“°n or employmen l. . • .

Composer Dies” NNeaPOLI8 , Aug. 33 MV-Com- in a

<li4 W a l^ r Schumann Tu-o>!ui it„i '" y “ f t« i- undergoing Dei ' S « of M lnneaoU *ur- dcjve'«mt:al opcraUon for “an a in

8.i“ , ‘• " 'r i defect." .. the cC i W " " " - of Beverly Hlli*. Iro

’' " 0* " *hen he migh Voiw.ffu’?!?, musical thorua, Ujo had tl W alter Schum ann aingen,

o f f i c i a l s h o tC«au 23 ( JJ - rre n c h Vice SA' ’•t-iu 1:: " On«pard w aj.sho t and Utnh tliln /," '''* ''h fled yesterday while fores; f'fpoti Intem aU onal road^»to/ii^ ® Armed 'Bang* state

.1 .appeared la th a t region, recel'


” “ * '‘‘M ' r -— 33 J T S * ----- ■ ' B“ ■ m

- - 1 3 “ * y m..-..1S8----1 A Uefjlonal Nct

■ ■■

Ttirre n irm b rn nf nn* lamily died wlien and crushed car a l fiyracunf, N. The In Inl. Ilten nverturiiinr Hnherl Jacobs. 5. .Syi llirciwn troBi aulo aiiil rmsliecl l>y a h u rr h Albert J . Slone, 41, aim wai klUtil. (AI* »

PeMtions Ask On Liquor I

P c t i l i o n s a r e beinK c irc u la te d . In o le c lio n to d e t i j rm ln e w h e th e r lii iu o a p p ro v e d . A K roup o f T w in F a lln b iis i h a c k in g tl i c a t t o m p t to b r in p th e liq i v o t(^ F o r m e r c i ty n tto rnc .v , R f ilio rl i r e p r o s e n t a t i v e f o r t h e K roup. H allei.s on th e m u t t e r w lic n con liic tcd T h in T im ca-N cw H . I n o r d e r fo r a l iq u o r b v ----------------------- -------------------------- c u lle d

Area Grazing St"! . Session Held ‘ 1

T 0 1 1 m ust o'm phoshoueSHOSHONE, Aug. a -N o.ehanges

in fnll grazing nllotmenla set earr ta in a Her In the y rn r were mnde Thurs- several day n l the meeting of the Tnylor were n grnrJng artvLwry bonrd meeUn* here. Comim

Tlie board reviewed appllcition permits by Individuals to eonitruel v ” L Improvements-on-fedtrril-TjinBe-ln — section four. Several Individuals were granted permlwilon to construel . . j . corrals, fencca nnd loading chutes. In q • - section « v e n . about sevtii irana- , , . fers o t g railng privileges from one .Individual lo anottier were alloaed,

Tho board discwued mailers of n o : 3 8 range admlnlstrtitlon nnd problems n o : 3.2 pertnlnlng crawlng from one range 1057, n to anoUier. Tlie only appllcsltons reviewed were for sheep and nol y~ t cnttle, Mosl fall ranije gmzlng opens I f k ] Oct. 15.'

Allending the meeUng which bc- . , gnn a l S non. nnd continued unlll /% 1 3 :30 pm . were nuw ell Kenny. Dolse..^tfllc supervisor o t the bureau of v Iiind monngi'mcnt: William Math* I ew.i, slnte range and forest officer: local personnel from llie bureau WAfl nnd u « r s o t tho range unlLi, Roy j, Beim. range manager, called the „ u d b le meeting which was hed a l ine ^ BLM office here. Roy Mlnlc. Oooii- y o „ ^|. Ing. chairm an of the advisory board conducted tlio meeting. ru n 17

_ ----------------------- -— - one thi

Blind Meeting Is Slated Here

. Momcn' About 50 persons are expecled lo pn u e d

a ttend Gem Sln te Blind; Inc., nn- j^ n l it nual s ln te convention Friday. Sal* p , urdny and Sunday a t Uie American Lerfion hall In Twin Palb.,, Buwes P r tv will arrive Friday afternoon and llie ad joun event will open with a picnic lunch P®” a t 5:30 p.m. a t Uie Clly park, m - ^ o"

neglstratlon-nnd r e s w " ^ ® ^ 'L n u s c h becln a t 4 p m . a t the Rogerson „,.m<vi h o le P ^ lr . and Mrs. WlUlam Win- ^

Tw in tS p < ^Prank ColUns, Idaho Falls, is presl-

^*Du»lne.'U5 meetings will begin Snt- u rd a rm o m in K a t the ^American J e »to Legion hall. Lunch will be ser ved P and more busine.« mecUngs held in Uie early afternoon. ^ , , i,o)d tl

Tlie group will BO bowling from 3 J , , . . , to 5:30 p jn . and attend a banquet lit 0:30 p jn . a t Ih fthall. fo llow e^ y a short program »nd a dance. *nie

Utah Man Killed Jn Car Accident S.A.


in a traffic accident and Wiled.Two eUier* were injurea. ^j,e

Dead U O rrln 1* Presidedriver of a car th a t collided with r ^ e k liv lha- northwest pa rt of • . .

a traffic light tha t

w , u »” t “ ' 2 "


' s' . .

Newspaper Senriac' • "

_________ ^

[ri Truck-Car Misha

■rlien Ibouunds ot poundi of granlle iplllc le truck appartnlly h i t th e au to (In l. km i. .Syracuse, >ta> killed In r a r . Ills molher JC< hniildrr. Srnll Jacobs, 1, died la ler in AI' wirepholn)_________________

k; Voting • by Drink.■in Tvvin F a l ls f n r n c i t y ;

i< iuur by th e d r in k w il l l ie ; re iie tt r b i is itie s sm e n a r e r e p o r t e d l y : reporter l iq u o r o p tio n ( ju e s t io n to n '

i!rl. N . W . B a llc i.ien , i» loK lll i lle i.sen declinc il tn 'c o m n ie n t 55 I 'h i i r s d a y a f te r n o o n b y t h e (Prob r b v th e d r in k c tc c t io n t o b e lie d by th e c ily c o m m is s io n - H, p e t i t io n s siK ncd b y 2 0 p e r n t o f th e c i ty 's r c K in te r e d »ter.'< m u .st be p r e s e n te d to le c i t y c le r k . ' /"> ThOKc drculallng the pe titions I list obtain Bll signatures to m eet e Tcquirement of 20 p e r c c n t ot rren ily registered volera, BUR In itia l efforts in Ih# m o v * 't* ,o V m V h t ( in a liquor election began here vcrnl weeks ngp. Postal card s Rro tin il :re mailed from the C ham ber of flCtlon-l )mmerce office asking chnm ber D er\ve r embers how they felt ab o u t Uie ^ni lUOr question. irnnH n Ercvlous_Uquor_OBllon_clccllons, lich can be held even- two years. HgnW V :re held In -10{7, laso, 10S3 and u p Wltb M. • • ' ' f ie ld un O n Oct, 12. 1854, 2,501 voters ba l- ;ed against Iho liquor opUon, 1.851 ted for. r o p in g o u te r re.suILi nre, June 10. 1053, p le te d . i: 3.8M, yes: 3,591; Jan.- 24 ,'l050 ; Horse >: 3.277, yes: 1JJ3B, and Ju n e 17. a t 2:30 57. no: 2.767, yes: 2.115. nlid Bor

---------------------------- Idnho of

Congress Still A fter End fo r 1958 Session

WASHINGTON. Aug. 23 {UPD— posse.10 house today hurdled a n o th e r Judgin udblock lo adjournment by pass- for the * B B, 8lx-blilIon.dollar npproprla- ciilldrenj >n bill. and can:T h e measure, carrying fund.i to fancy wi n 17 government ngencle.s. replaces Thurst 10 tho President vetoed earlie r th is children’ on th because It contained a $580.- m ajor pi 0.000 item he tell was unnccesfuir>'. duo to t) T lie appropriation com m it- e bowed to his Judgment nnd de- ° r a n d ^ d the funds Irom th e new bill, d ren a p o m c n u later. Uie house concurred, ic«" ,Mcd the bill by voice vole nnd •n t i t along to the senate. I J g

r rtn n irw , Tempen M ount P rc.«ures mounted for alne die ijoum m ent tomorrow n igh t. T em - ■.n were beginning lo fra y a.n tho Chicago M m a n m ta on. w w ;in the senate. Sen. F ra n k J, #na a , , lusclie. D.. 0 .. angrily accused Phiiae cmocraUc Leader Lyndon B. Jo h n - gome; C n a t one point of rnm m lng bills only-gai passage without a chance fo r fa ir

udy. • ■ ^Johnson hotly denied It. H e an ld Chicago ! simply waj» trying to "get the New Yoi iblle business done" in an orderly Wynn ly . . Howard,Appealing again lo senalom to cievclan )ld th e ir tongues, he renewed n ls Boston ..lurance th a t eonBrcs.v can qu it w ilhel morrow n ight If member* cu t w hit« . iwn on talk . Delrol

Rayburn U u d i ConcrcM a t Waal In tho house, which was well up 1 I ila work. Speaker Sam R ayburn •.v:rlbed the expiring congre.ia Is bout tha most fruitful” one In lic h he hM served. T h a t goea all 0 way back to 1013. IIn a m ild Jibe a l O O P m em bers n R m ’

th e ’ Democrallc-ccftitrolied con- w hltU ki KM, Rnybum aald Dem ocrats fre - order .teienUy had trouble dragB lngBepub-juia along In support o f key polnts th e program of Uieir R epublican p o j g j

esidcnt. SecreU r■ — ------------------------ available

■Bids Asked SCJIIAILEY. Aug. 23-Sealed bids fore.construcUon of a new hosplU l, SAN I be locaUd adjacent to Uie C h a l- In Uie w

Igor Inn a t Bun Valley, have been no pro*t lied for by Uio trustees o f Sun brand, t illey village and will be opened and Uie .3 p, m. Sept 5, in th e offices •E, a . -seagle, chairm an of the WASH

a rd of inislees. ’ • ^era whiBids m ust be accompanied by n o t havo ^ IS th a n 8 per cent of th e am oun t eourl tn thB bid. , . . , . «


hap ' - P l

IA m W A s n i

j S ^ w eapon t< - U nion ng r

ban . T he G re a t B r

’i read y to ^ ijuHpcnsioi

under th e a N X by-ihe Unit

S s S w s I O ElsenliQwt

proposing 1 pencetiil pui

' Referring ^ E I T policing a

• tliLi week,. V '

' count of ih'■ • V prcpiired t<

^ ■ rieiTOUnle a.• • nations wh

^ .. weapons fo— --------- - ........ . — clear weapi■pilled from a toppllnr Iruck cslabllshme

kniKklnK ll Into a parking controls syiilher, Estelle Jarob^i. ZH. was exprrLV rcir in a hoipltal. Th* trucke/; “It this.

. by llie otl:___ . lc.ite(l nucli

I der lo faclll l r V llBilon.s. th

pared, unle)ry weather w llh temperatures u ,,. sov ie tIVO normal U in stpre for Mnglc t<..,iiniIley during Uie next five dnys, iiydrog:ordlng to Uie weather tore- of one yeai.1 for Uie period rccclved licrc | riegolln

Ihe Associated Press. |There's n chance for » lll llr ‘ let from ihe henl," Mid the AI’ •(orter ns he read this forecast;Little or no preclpitaljoii. He snld Imperature.1 nverticlng above 1w ial with hlKhs of fio to 00 nnd I t»e United,•» 65 to f!5. ! n '!" to 8U(Probably) ' tesU on a j

lapacity Crow( Cassia Countj

5URLEY, A ug. 22— R ccord crow ds, t h t of th e C nssia coun ty rodeo nnd iund.i during th e d ay . The rodeo wa.s ion-filled. Two inc iden ts m arred th e e r\ver, wa-t in j'ured in th e bull r id in g s animals stepped on h ia leg and fee t )d condition F rid a y n t C ottage hoa] it.«t w ent o u t in th e a ren a a t 9 :3 0 p.m with ligh ts show ing on th e Id until pow er w as resto red of the delay, th e calf- J L /1 J IV ling events w ero n o t com- t % . ,ted. D l S torse racing events ar# scheduled2:30 pjn, Fridny In the arena TTl

Bonnie Balrd. Heyburn. Mls.i f ' Q l ho of IS58. will bc featured dur-Ihe rodeo In a surrey wllh a Fred Kl

ge on top. Miss Bnird will wear over lo dl:ly 90'i co.itume and will bc drlv- drunk drlvDy a coachman vearing a stove- h e nppeap! hni nnd cutaway suit. A high- Judge Oeotping leam will draw tho equip- was arres

M arvin StnoUier Intermission a c t will fen- LcRoy Cs the Cnssla county sherllt's street. Frlse. • - costs In Tudging was completed Tliur.idny running nthe 4-H style review, adults and h is Dodgedren*' eloUilng. knitting, baking Uon of Sh. canning, rUB*. quilts and olher avenue w(:y work. c ity Mihursday afternoon a t Burley a fll^ned tdren's parade waa held. No crumbllsAlor parade will be held th b yenr fenso andto Uie eondlUon of repair work jo h n Wl

Burley sircctn. . fined 135rand prize w inner of Uie chll- license wa3-a parade was a hospital floal when he

(C«Hiin.Hi .n r»« . t. c« i.«« II y Police Jud

Baseball TodayNATIONAL LKAGUE _ "S'!--:=::===:S!KH i

/ l i t and Folles; Sollo. EtsUm (5) P r o I S, Tnylor. ■ X I Childelphln a t S t. Louis, n ight tJN lT E rie ; ClnclnnaU a l San Franciico, 22 itv-D bi^•Bames scheduled. . todny to c

■ sored Deal. AMERICAN LEAGUE East whlcl

cago .......... ....... ..... -...000 112—4 from thoV York ...........................120 000—3 T he seei^ynn and Loitnr; Kucka nnd will bo invnrd, . • • than tw o 'vcland --------- --------Oil 100—3 peacc-m aiton .................................010 300-3 monUis,iTllhelm and Brown; Dclock and T he 81-JIte. its two-v lelrolt a t BalUmore. K ansas City ThursdayWaslilnBlon, n igh t games. • the Arab

NEWS BULLI■pmrBR, Colo,, Aug. 22 W i-U, s . supreme lltaker said today a motion to rever.^e U11 ;r .temporarily halUng school inlegraUon In ruled on by o h t JusUce."

OISE. Aor. {UPI).:iOoTritobert E. Smyll reUry E ira Benson a sU n i Ibat he tmmedi liable to bolster th e Idaho-eastern Oregen p w lo n a ] delegation la st week made a aimi been taken i« far.

AN DIEOO, Cnllf., Aug. 23 MwA federal n h e western fre igh t truck tie-up, going Into i prospect of settlem ent. T he talks resumed t nd. two other m ediators and representalivu Uia trucking firms.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 «V -B y a one-vole I who wanted lo hand the supreme court 1 e been defeaU d. A 4 M 0 vole killed a bill r t from atrlk lnf down sU t« 'law s not l^ -d l I 00 lha aam i aubiecl.

■ N i s i 1

•. AUGUST 22.. 1358

re s id e n t[sJK[awJSfuclear

S n iN G T O X . Aug. 22 f,?)— P res id e n te .sts for one year s la r li i ig O ct. ag re e s lo m:iiiilaiii its c u r re n t b an ' n ie w h ile Iloiisc. said ^B r i t a i n stands ~ p\ to jo in in a oiie-yoar 1 - ^ C I l l O

ision n f wiMpoiis tes ts -^ T 1 i he siimc conditions Mieclllcd

iiqwer alrt.v.ed In a stale- T l/T m t th e United SIn(r.^ b noc I V I p f Ig th a t luicU'iir lejiw for *I be h»ltcd. M embers 1ring to tecluilcnl l.ilk* on coniinlileM « ; a bnn. condudod n t Qenev:» Hcpubllcnn f rck, Elsenhiittcr snld; the election <

un ite d SlnlM. laHlng ac- >f the acncvii concluMcnw, Hepubllcnt ■d to proceed promptly lo l« an ngr<-emftii « llh olher

whicli Iwve iMietl micleur P.- , *" s lo r th e siwpeaMon of lui- _'cnpoha loau nnd the nciunl hm ent of nn. Inlcrnailonnl .sy s te m on the bas^ of t h e ^ ^ . ' ^ ^ f ' ,

tcem nn nndhis. U arceptcd In principle ^ cc rc u ry wll

o the r nations which have com m llterm t nuclear weapons, then, in or- coun iya 48 t tacllllnlc the dcl«lled neuo- 1, tho u n ite d Slates Is pre- “ 'L , unle.« tesllng Is re.iumed by , 'Viet u n ion , lo withhold lur- ““J l ‘ sling on lUi pnrt of atomic droRcn weapons for a period convention 1 year from Ihe beginning of 13. Deii

goUalions. RrpuUllcarpre.ildenl's announcement re cniidUlatcs a m ajor sh if t In U.S. nuclear T u rner and

co unty 0 0nld lh a t aa p a rt of Uie con- George Bllcl ted International aRrecmeni T lio Dem ited S ln les would be prepared coriventlon > suspend nuclear weapons nnd 13 in 1 n year-by-ycar baslj subject com m ittee c.<.iin»»j «n r «».>. c.Uwi. 11 Democratl'

• candidates a

vd Sees sr£, 1 S lm llnr m

ty, Rodeo35-ftttcnded th e opening T ? o ^ » l r find th ro n g e d th e fa ir- vas re p o rte d n s fa s t and r r i o 10 even ing . Don Kimball, A O O ing e v e n ts w hen one bf _ rcet. l i e w aa repo rted in I a j j i h o s p i ta r in B urley . The p .m . nnd ea rn w ere lined w a s h i n c------------------------------------------ nt© invesUi« -g-, a week in to I

iv e i^ l'ac in ff S’„T „ro”, ^ tnickinK uni

I S U ’l C t C o u r t •” "Da°ker^5S, Rftnlter, yes

o r l i p s i n e s s « n n t S “ 'm SI Klamm. Paul, was bound ”0 distric t court on cliarges ut , . driving, accond offense, when * pcrapir

[leared before R upert ProbatsGeorge Redford Thursday. Ha irrestcd by S tato Patrolman n Snyder.oy crum bllM , 28. 150 Monroe

Fridny wna .fined 125 nnd In Twin Pall# police court for ig a red traffic signal wlUi ^odgo truck a l the inUr.wc- f Shoshone a tre e t nnd Ptoirth j

M anager Joseph UU more iVs“*’a ^ £ :h Uio com plaint against

>lls.i n fter witnessing the o f. and m aking a cIUm o 's arrest. * f"®'1 Williams. Lebanon, Mo,. waa ,*35 nnd costs and his drivers ,s was suspended for 30 days “he appeared before Jerome 'Judge Roberta K eh r tr 'H iurs.

, . rccUca a ri,ln , oH.„c. J g , "

mmarskjold Is, _ _ n o t th e t r

’reparmg Travel “SS’cV h.T E D NATIONS. N. Y., Aug. tm 'on bega -D ag H am m orskjold prepared in 1052 a t 1 to em bark on a n Arab-spon- o t th e ' An peace m ission to Uio Middle AcUon, a si ^hleh won unanim ous approval Hottho U.N. G enera l Assembly. K ennedy

secretary general reportedly ings also \0 in th e ,tro u b le area In less troveralal 1 two weeks, i t will be his ninUi p resident 1 •making' tr ip to Uio ir e a In 29 T eam ster Ul, . him self a 81-nnUon assembly wound up end of tht

wo-week emergency session H offa, a dny n igh t b} voUng 80-0 for tn to r In thi rab resoluUon. Is n o t s ^

LETENS____________________________ I SE O U U -tme court JusUce Charlea E. PoUee aaid1 Uie a u y of a circuit court ‘ 1 In U tU e Rock. Ark., "njlght

gun batUt,mylle today wired agrieullura nedlalely m ake federal fiuds sgon poU to industry. Idaho’s ‘“ "J* * ” sim ilar request, b a t no acUon t Up ol

n l m ediator aays negoUaUons U lito ila n t h dny. have brouBht * J T led today w ith George Hlllen- - m a i .Tj*ilivea of th e Team sters union j i i

patchedvole m argin , congress mem-urt a m ajor leglslaUie rebuff ?»tv«

bill dealgned to prevent tbel 9 . di>eet conflict wlU> fMlenU

! • I r r if fB te d I d a h o C o a n t ie s

M*«b>T «f Aodlt nurma ef ( . . A^wUUd rr««. «nS UnlX d Tm.

t A nnoii R eady—t r W eaporiident Ei.-;cnhower announced toda.v )c t. : i l , provided R u s s ia m eets two lan on nuclear te s ta , nn d fu r th e r ag:

no, GOP to Way l i d Election T j ^ „

eet Tonight ,?rs o t Ihe coun tr cen tral w n y ye.stcrc te.i of the Democratic nnd W notl r iv o r 1 nn p.irlle.1 nieel lo n lg h t for m ' ion o t officers to serva dur- U - S.coming two years. p a y m e n t COihcnns meet nl B p. m. in the L i t t l e Wood'm, “sr's KSr.'I the YWCA rooms. Twin fO U rtt l d is t

i t Republican central com- T • hnlrm an. Edwnrd U Bcnoll. J L O S l U i tils, explahu Uint a chnlr- C:i- chnlrman. sinte com m it- Q nnd commltleewomnn nnd o Q V S will be elected by precinct J

erinrn from,, mosl or Ihe .1 1 48 precinct. A S K

lew chnlrman, committee- d commlllefcwomnn nnU Uit “ berty cnndldiites to th e sla te “ • Max Ha r repre.v:nlatlves and aennte wheat farm er end the Rcpubllenn sta le cmUo nomlna or\ in Idaho Fnlis Sept. 12 133 votes, said XJciiolt noic.i. for n recount,

illcan'counjy n'presenUillve Hanson told tc* are Ted Scott, Hnrry he has latlruc and William, J , LantinR, exam ine the 1 GOP 'senate eandldato is It possible to 1

Bllck. , •'Quite a n iDcmocrnlle .•ilntc plnlform d iffe ren t, parl Ion Is .ilated for Sept. 12 been urging 1

in Bobe. reporla c u rrcn t count,;' said H .ee chairman, Tom Alworth, definitely mni

peel to this ;ratlc county representative H anson inc les nro Warren T tgan . W . A. <c«miii»,4 . n and W aller County allc senate candidate ia J.

Newman. l - w l ' f l Tir mccUngs are being held out Idnho's 44 counUes to- I accordance w llh sta to law.

jketsGroj«jjp jeromer i ^ 1 TVT ^ n n d chnnb t u d y i N e w ^ d .innct

*' - horses. Thu

iam ster Link;Lwi„“ oriiNGTON, Aug. 22 u v - s « i - econom lcA : ^esUgators will delyd nex t t e u r h o r e c llo link.1 between T ennu tcr ,„ :iinnn Robert B arney Baker }• of th e powers of th e glnnt a n a tne g r i T union—Vice President H ar- a tocK . bons. ' HighllghLsr. 300 • pound T eam ste r o r- Saturday will , yesterday completed nlmost livesiock Jud ys of IcsUmony before Uie tractor drivli rackets committee, rang ins and open clai

le comic to the dram aUc. The horae ah( Baker Called 'Scum* John Maxey .

raplring Baker le ft Uie w it- «how opena , \n d a fte r Chairman Jo h n L. f o r , Amerlcai ,nn, D„ Ark., called h im a Appaloosaa. 1 r and counsel R o b e rtT . K en- Bans and Shi tbeied him an assoclato of A good cro vorld filUi and th e acum of in s n lsh t ol ited SUtes." of high windiKiUi th e hearings In recess boqUia and .i ly indicated today’ th o pon- (Swanny) K< e x-convict’s troubles wiU\ introduced ai

im iltce are not over. H « told Sa lt Lake ( :n Baker would cpnUnue aa Verda Kerby !ct of testimony w hen hear- Umer and Pi flUh nex t Tuesday to G ib- Umer. Plcku? cUvlUes in the S t. Louia area, and Jack HI Probe to invplvo S trlks Ross Hefner,new phase of the Inquiry Into Chuck Hens< .n t Teamsters union a n d Ila clowns, n t, Jam es R. Hoffa, will in- Special Bve n violence-punctuated S t, lion and per nxicab strike In 1B53 an d th e deo queen ca aker allegedly played In It. Prescott, relg ellan contended th a t QU> vens, Plcasa: wpplled Baker w ith o ther tran t, waa t :cr organlMra w llh an a rsenal when ahe h r )la and holsUra lo m atch d u r- but quickly p I strike. Baker swore, '•T hafa ed. Loy Ann e tru th as fa r as rm con- didate, halte,

' a loose clnel r haa tesUfied hla rise In th e to a smooth began after he m et G ibbons The Valle

a t a meeUng in W ashington team un • Americana for DcmocraUc o r a n t perfoi

, a self-styled liberal group.Hoffa Not Scheduled the ages Of

ledy aald next weeka' h e a r- ( c u . . .Iso will probe-G ibbona'.con- -------la l election laat Ja n u ary aa ' - v n t of the St, LouU Jo in t ter ' Council, wlUi Gibbons [ a possible witness a t the - r k i ’: the week. K l a w ia. a grim-faced, aUent apee- n the hearing room thU week, . achedule^ U> re tu rn to the A a m ,

I sUind for aU e aa t an o th er 10 - f X i / 1 '. ____________ . SH 03R 0N- T l . 1 .. perm it, f i r t jLoreans FightUU Aug. 23 UV-South K orean b u t the aeci aaid Uiey lUKcsafully am - i 6 ^ a^res.

: a communist landing party » caoal am Ight and. kUled Uirca NorUi acres of rani 1 agents In a blazing offshore Bureau of 1 itUe, ' were patrol!

polict aald t h e r s a n t the morning and inlata' m o to rboa t-and cap - providing. Ui a fourth North K orean op- {q the, off H aenam .ra t th e aouUf- ed out>of coi IP of Korea. miles east ■-■ .1.. rome, ju s t a

Plane Down 'M Slod a t 13:10 p. m . to In- ^

ja le rcporta Uiat an a irplanedown a t the M all» airfield. .report aald Uie pilot w aa no ted. * , day. T ho wlr- i l l i ’ ' ^ m a l a J e »

■ . •. • > ■

i ' , ‘ '


■ ■ r m c

urices U. io -S usp€ ons T est

oday th e U nited S ta te s i.t ready to s tw o conditions. T he conditions nr<

r ag ree s to n eg o tia tions looking tow n

ly Is Now Cle or Area DamK. A ug. 22.(/P) — A d is tr ic t ^ o u r t o r Ucrda.v fo r caH y construction o f nn ver (him above Ciircy, Regional D irec t J. S. bureau of reclam ation said . Nel; t c o n tra c t betw een th e federa l govei /ood R iver Ir r ig a tio n d is tric t, coveri

and re la ted im provem ents, had bet d is t r ic t cou rt. "A.s a re su lt o f th e c

app rov ing th e »■»«• • tra c t,” sa id N iUff Ucmo recom m ended

T T TtM com m issioner>'sHeMayI m to the lowest bi

sk KecountThe A sioebted P re » ^or constni

Hanson, southern Idaho Wood river dam . rmcr who lost th e Demo- T he am ount ol minaUon for governor by aald, waa >1,003, said yesterday he may ask Uie entire p ro jc

lUnl. 12,012.000.told the AMOcialed Pre.M Nelson snld th

istrucUd a Dolse lawyer to vide supplemenlj the 1057 law which makes OiSO acres of 1 » to recount the .voles. Wood river v a l a num ber nf people from capacity will b« ' .p a rts of the sU to have 100 to 30,000.aer Ing m e to ank for a re- The dnm will lid Hnpaon, " b u t l have no l f e t l - to 133 teel

mnde up my mind, I cx- project, authorii this week-end." ' July 1058, will I ind lcn l« l th a t expense control by red i»»«4 r » n t . o u w Tl flows. ________

and Champion amed at Couni)ME, Auflr. ^ B o b :hnmpIoh=for 4-H fitting antt flhowJi net Hnll, grand champion for fIttL Thiiradny nt tho Jerome county falrj iniry exhibits Mntinued Friday with FT contest^unoer way. The quality icA judging contests eind the Jerome )rBc show were featured dur ng thi will ride in the rodeo ■ s grand parade of’live-this fo r th e final day on , •■ will include 4-H and PPA • X J

Judging contests, a 4-H X X C I U Irivlng contest a t 10 a.m. ^} class ligh t horsa judging.« show Is a new event, wiUi O U T i J v.xey as superintendent. T he __ ____ens a t I a m .' wlUi classes TOREST PAP erlcan aaddiehs, Arabians, T he AFL-OIO I a s . Q uarter homes, M or- jts i in a n d a l 1 1 SheUands. JI crowd a ttended Uie open- I t of Uio n>deo, in aplte United A uto W< ivinds which earlie r whipped industry ind outdoor exhibits. R . A. T he fedcraUa ’) k e rby . Moab, D U h, was councij j-eaterdi ed as producer. Bill Heaps, m an committee ke Cily, was announcer; "give praeUcal Cerby. arena secretary nnd Uonally and Id P ea rl Heaps was second tlAW " If a n a t Ickup m en weer Bud Kerby A sta tem en t 1 k Hickey, Lone T ree . Wyo. by tho council 1 fner, S a n U A na, C alif, and Ford and C h n flenson, Tucson, Arlz., were bargain In goo4

o the r dem ands 1 events Included Inlroduc- UAW In flvo a I perform ance of Uie 12 ro- Earned to tl sn iMndldatea and of Nancy m com m ittee . reigning queen. K aren Lo- heads George Icasant Plains O range en- carey . D avid ) ras throw n from h e r horse Donald i Alber le brought I t u p too ahorUy, Belm e a n d Jc kly recovered and r<-mount< represent ra il . A nn O verman, Jaycea can- trical and othiSi

V aller"junlo°r"'R iding club m u n d e r -Uie direction of Jim lerformed for th e first time.p w ip Of 32 riders b e t w e e n ______IS of 11 sHd 17 perform ed BOISE, ^ g . .S'iSSS'

- Boise couple fei

ige Perm it” his wife, 68, lei

aze Flares eross D esertHONE, Aug. 22—Two range T o d a y 5fit* ! norUieast of Jerom e Par* 1—W tstray due to h igh winds w ood riv e r dily afternoon. O ne fire Is out, county fa ir s

second, intended to burn peilUona d r e^ . f o r xt-seedlng, Jumped i , . . th a drlzi): and burned about 15.000 w reckage of 1' ranch and p rivate land. near’Boise; Elu of land m anagem ent crews read r to susiitrolUng Uie a rea Friday ^ ^; a n d the fire can be held 4 _ £ dIg. th e winds do. n o t . rise inc .;" F e a tu rI the evening. T h e fire b u m - tvtinL’')f control aU night, about 10 p , „ 5_ K tisl and four north-of Je- p a t« 7 —« au t northeast of Butfkr Loaf ~ed H an^ Burhe fire burned about six g _eross the desert. e tA n’*econd tire Jumped Uie high- • 1 burned up Uie side of Su*f butte. p .—winds struck Magic Valley o _ e _ '^ . 4ir the second nlghC Interfer- ounderaon Ri h Uie Csssla and Jeromo falra which opened Thurs- e winds bad a b a t^ by rodeoJeiwne. . - I u —

■ ' V . ■’

— — i'’vJAL' i TION


f '


l s T> e n d J

3 t in g " ir to su sp en d nuclear , . 1 is a r c if th e Soviet j . | | l to w a rd .a perm anen t '

lleared m Start IIIi r t o rd e r cleared th e ' ' d l if nn en la rged L ittle I I ) i r e c to r H . T . Nelson I I I

N e lso n aaid th e re - . g o v e rn m e n t nnd th e m o v e r in g tho dnm ex- i ,k n d b e e n npprovcd b y , j ! | th e c o u r t 's action in M l t t h e re p ay m en t con- i iilL lid N e lso n , “ We have' ' I p nded to th e a ss is ta n t I! o n e r nnd chief engi- • e b u reau o t reelamaUon im edia te award bs made 'c s t b idders, Lewis Hop- iny n n d A. R . Simme o t sh .. fo r th e prime con- in s t ru c t io n of Uie LllUa : dam ."lunt of Uielr bh), officials >1,003,045. T otal cost, of p ro jcc t Is estimated a t

a id th e projec t will pro- e m enta l w ater for aboilt s of Innd in the Llltle T valley. The reservoir III be Increased from 12.- O O aerc-feet.n will bc raised from 77 • ll !2 Teet. Nelson said th a i iU uthorized by congress In ' I'

will provide somo flood . y reducing high . spring

ms Are nty Fair•H azeltdn ,. W M )h o w l ^ 01, b e d -cottlp . f i t t ln f f a n d a h o w ln r '• fa irgToundB . Ju d g in g

w ith d a iry f i t t in g a n d ’ i l i t y d a iry and hom o' irom e P o s s c tte ’o am a- g t h e d a y . T h e Pos»

rCiowm Ip UAW if : , rike Comesr PA R K . P a , Aug. 22 W - ■OIO h a s decided to Uirow: d a l a n d manpower re- M hlnd W alter ReuUier'a ato W orkefs In event of a -.j lustry s tr ike . . , . ;IcraU on 's niUog aseeuthra ’ esterdny c m te d a seren- m it te e o f ita members to icUcnl support' organlia- a n d financially to the a n a u to strike develops..

m en t adop ted unanimously luncll aa ld G eneral Motors,I C h rysle r have refused to a good fa ith on wage, and n a n d s raised by ReuUier’a five monUia of bargaining,

to th o ,A n,-O IO ’B T7AW m lttee were labor union eorge H arrison, James B. lavid Zhibinsky, Sava U o- A lbert Hayes, J o s e p h

Jid Jo seph Keenan. T le y , ra il , steel. cloUUng, elec> d o th e r types of workers.AW h e lp waa Toted u Uia ,> ehiefa wound up a week- . Ion h e re a t a summer camp I cono m ountains.

S E A R C n IS ON., Aug. 33 I ^ A d a and Bolso le rlff’a officers were plan- snrch today for an elderly . iple fea red to be missing In

n o r th o t here. Sheriff's I said E m ory Roseis. 74, and i 68, le f t Boise In the ir c ar . ay.-

i H L I G H T S i n l

ly's TimevNewtl_ W o y pa red for UtUa iver dam : Cassia, Jerome fa lra well under way:

la d re o la tln c ' for * ^ u o r .d r ia J tr la T * ln

ge of m issing plsna foond lise; E lsenhow er says U. S. a suspend nuclear arms

< - E d lto r la l : "EztorUon, i ^ t u r e : •Tourtst’a Vlew-

^ R B o t h d a photograph.flagpole prasent- .

n f BttRT Memorial park.I — *-Outward to (ba

iw w a te r fo w l season to • l e t 4 In Idaho: JoAsna a o n -fo e# Into seml-flnali • ien '8 'BOlf to u ts am e n t ..- v > i U -^ e r o m e fa ir results,

. ' ■ /


I“ ReaSyt6Bau

W e a p o n l e s t ■ •••“

t i jetennMlloii «t m e iljr tM »"»

■ S s s r s . p % - s : i s B E B S S

w h S n e w U a tS w 'looklns 11 I ^ b l e pem w ent b«m ftrc beUig --------

iliti ' ^ e m t l d e n t Mid nfgoUotoM will

I I.i ,!

. , • 1 D nlW States.____________ '

i||i Growd Attends ! i Cassia County SIS

I I R odeoO pener,.^I ' <rrsB Pm » 0"»> . . _____I J'ejirrylnB Bobbin Terry. B, who nw r—I • m « t of his Jlfe In a hojplla!• * « n DOIlo P«tlenu A nother patienti 1 « u Dllly Nielson. Nureo on th tI 'fl'oot WM-Pi>tty Nlelwn and the ------m I doctor WU Lex Owcr. Onry Howan , ,

' • l l - w im t h e them e. “Our nlends \ f * Around the W orld" • with Bu*«nn« M n l i l N le ten . Cliftrlene Tnv*"* 7 “ *°" 5*“''* IP • -mylor. BuiM ll Tnylor and Sue Swnr [ r ; Anne P*yne: eecond P f l M j l r t y - ^ I n

- birds, with the Dale llupert chll- ‘"nc dren. and Oilrd prize, a Chlnew Went

* rlckahftw wllh David Bedke and Per-

i ’ w S e r a 'l n the bareback rldlns• were Bunny Peak, Tucson. Arlz,. w. 2 : - i ln t; calf roping, not completed:t 'wddle brone riding. Bob A. nobln- ’• eon. Rockland; .buU^OBflns, Dave ^ V Ulrey, rredonla, Arl*.. 8,4 .«cqnds:- BnOimabuUrldlOB, Bob Bhleld»,Po-

t ^Mlsa'jdaho. Bonnie Baird, wu In- “ .troduced during tho Interalwloa ^ 1' n j# Twin Palla aherUfs posse rod,#.1, , ■ Algc

v2 Champions i« 'i l l Selected for K

j '; 4-H Contests |d5; r (Pro- P . f . On.) R. '

' I amoothly although they hare been ! .. training only- two monthi. One Thu • ■ young rider was thrown'and knock- »or»; •: ed out for » few minutes, but lm- son.

t ; mediately rejoined tbo group and kl • llnlihed the d ^ .I l l r. , .Bejults ot Jerome's pftrad».were VI

'.Arganlratlon dlrlslon, O o ^ ln g M W •'-^Chamber of Commerca, Xo t ; Jobs c so J * Daughter*, aecond and JayeetltJ i' • 'and Beta Sigma Phi, tied for third. M

I ‘ -In the commercial diTtolop, Idaho Ohrl

■; Department store, first; L-HerrUon, second, and the mtumountaln G u Di

• company, third. TS'K and 4-H dl- kina .-/Tliloa wlanera were PPA. first; Salt and ' -Lick <-H club, aecond; and Merry Ing; , Mlxera 4-H club, third. max

•• The Jerome county rodeo this year S Is w roT ed »>y the Rodeo Cowboy .

eswclatlon. TlUes are woa In the , * L RCA by the point aj-aUm. A M.OOO r. imrso u to ba woa a t Jerome. The ilBOA crtdlto each conMatant one ^ point for each dollar la prlie money

I' - iii-on throughout th e year at rodeoi . 1,; I approred by the aesoclaUon.

',■ R «ulta of Thursday nlghfi rodeo .-atJeioiftaw ere: ani

‘ Z- BuUdogglng: Poog Brenton, Globe,, ; -A ria , B.l, flratiplace; Rou »e(- !

.( Z ner, BanU Anna, Calif, M, Mcoad; He • •Bill Vaughn, Meridian. 13-7, third, boi

; ^ and Horry Charters. Melba, 13J, Mi •: fourth. Calf roping: Harry Charters, Mi

ii Melba, 10. first; Qene BchUtler, Sc ^Tw ln Palls, 16J, aecond; Rom Hef» bo ' ner. Santa Anna, Calif., 32.1 third,

^ and BUI Nell, Jackson Hole, Wyo., a 33.4, fourth.'H, Bareback riding: Jerry BUhop, . r-Tucson, Aria., first; Jack Hickey, i; i/Jne Trae, Wyo, second; John U - J i » Jeunesse, Jerome, third, and Emeat ” y elevens, Ooodlng, fourth. Bronc rid- _ r-ilng; Charlea Henson. Tucson. Arif., 1 1- first; Bud .lUrby. Moab, UUh, tee- ' ^ond , and Ernest Stevens, Ooodlnt, i. .third. Brama bull riding, Chet -1*11.

Phoenix, A rlt; S u n n y Payne,» Chandler. Aria., and Roaald Clark.•- Murray, U tah, third.

"i( S —

Kjk, E E o a d D e p a r t m e n t I t

' i I A s k i n g B i d J l a t e s I~ BOISE, Aug. 33 (UPD—The stale ° .<hl(ihway department today nn- ^;nounccd bid opening d a ta on live ;

s.» .:ipad construcUon projects In Idaho.'l The department said bids on a ,' .project to rebuild miles of the , d, - Montevlew road In Jeffenon counly , I ' 'a n d another tarldBo building eon- . *' -tract In Madison counly would be j. -.opened Sept. 0. . . ,■/- r Bids will be opened Sept. 10 for

‘TOadbuUdlng projects In Minidoka. rSonnevllle and Clark counties, The

; -Minidoka and Bonneville fonlracta are lor road conslruclion and Iho

Tciark. contract lncludc.i contlnicUon • ot culverts over two-creeks.

, I K e e p th e W h ite p la g ”; . o l S a i c t ; F ly ln s4

| ; | l : ■ H o w 1 9 d a v a tm th o ti t a lii!t : u a f f i c d e a t n m . o v r U a ffio

VaUeu. " ' -

P ' . ■■ ■ -: f: PAGE TWO____________ __

Weather, TemiMAGIC V A IiL E y-C learlng to n ig h t afU

•dr tom orrow . Little ehsnfe In t e m ^ > ‘o«' oir ton igh t SO lo 5». Low l u t n ig h t 52. 65 a

NORTHERN ID A H O -lJ ilr 'to n ig h t and em perature. H igh tomorrow 88 to 08; low to

NEW V O R K . Ang. 23 (UPI)—T he h lfh e i t i»tlon yesterday w»s 109 a t Oil* Bend. Arl; tported today . Lowesf this m orning w ai 32

-■ “!!' ‘' i ’i l K *V buQumu* -----------—- - I'of.itl

& ■ = = = = = : ; ; ■> .

ar.',— ::rr= ij. S! »r.gAii»»rM"T-T™-___ *1 ** .Spok«n»

Magic Valley ]MALTA—r u n e ra l aervlces for W ll- Ujo T?

Iliun LeaU r Hawkins will be held tlie. R« ftt noon Monday a l tho M alta o t the LDS church . Friends may call a t cludlmthe hom e In Brldse prior to th e Tw in : service. Concluding rlics will be held a t th e Lognn city cem etery OLE under dlrecU on ot Ihe Hall m or^ Ices fc

_____ S5iT W IN PALLS — Puneml scrvlccs mny c:

for C harles Marlon Patton will be cludln. conducted a t 3:30 p. m . Mondoy a t O lenn

Magic Valley ]M a r i e V a l l e y M e m o r i a l S t .

V lsiuntr hou rs a t Mnglc V alley VW M emorial hosp ital are from 2 -to 4 hospll and 7 to 8 p jn . ® P-*“

ADMITTED M rs. A lfreda Barrera, M rs. Jo h n Glc;

Clover. M rs. P rank Nielsen. F loyd Roy f Swnn a n d Jam es II. Benhnm, n il m an. Tw in P a lls : Mm. Stanley Q ualn - Hager tnnco a n d Mra. W aller Tcu’s. bo th ton. i Kimberly; Roy L uw cll nnd T erry im u . bo lh Jerom e; Paul W . Sco tt. CIh Itozcllon’ Douglas Commons. W en- Edna dcU; D avid CoaW and Mrs. G lenn Jeron W. H uffokcr. bolh Buhl, and M rs. PalLi. Allen D . Lee. Filer. shont

DISMIB8F.D K a re n Dawson and M rs. P a u l ’ a i

Worbcrg, bo th Tw in Palls; M rs. Edwa Ployd M a r s h and Mrs. R obert Crockett, bo lh HaUey; Law rcnce T Lind, H eybum : Edna Co*. F ile r: J O Mrs. Sam ue l H aight, Oakley; M rs. " August Mleb, Rupert; Byron L . T K lelnkopf. Jerome* aad Mrs. R oy XAlger, B U h l ._______

BIRTHSD augh ters were bom F r l d n y

m orning to M r. and Mrs. A lfredn B arrera . T a-ln Falls. an«HMr. a n d T h Mrs. S tan le y Qualntance. K lm bcr- exccc ly. D augh ters were bom T hursday ncro^ 10 M r. a n d M rs. F rank J . A nderson pioyr and M r. a n d Mrs. John Clover, a ll Frldi Tw in P a lls ; Mr. and Mra. G erald T li R. W ilson. Buhl, and to Mr. a n d ho l. Mra. O len Wiggins, CasUeford. of Jo T hu rsday b lrtlis also Included a fa r to n to M r. and Mrs. Dale H . P e te r- avail SOD, H ansen . Unu<

-------- year.Gooding Memorial

VlslUnft hours a l Goodlnft County M em orial hospital are from 3 to CSO a n d 7 to 8:30 p m . ;

ADMITTED M rs. J im Faulkner and M onte

O hrlstopheraon. both Gooding. D18^UBBED

D avid Chcsllk, Mrs. Don W a t- R®"® k ins a n d daughter. Robert Pe troch a n d M rs. Harvey Ragan, a ll G ood- , ; Ing; M ra. Charles U ndburg. H ager- m an , a n d M rs. Charles Bloom a n d son, G lenns Ferry.

BIRTHS “J f1 A eon waa bom to Mr. and M rs.I J im P au lkner. Gooding.

e Cottage, Burley c r SADMITTED

" M rs. C lara Jenka, Heybum: L . M . ' W h itake r. Rupert; Don K im ball,

0 D enver; M rs. W. L. Keller, Burley, a n d Rom ona Craven. Paul. S

e, DISMISSED “ 'i ! f- Bnnla Matthews, Oflklcy^ M rs. * 1; H elen Hellewell and O jcar A m ste ln . „ ; d, bo th P n u l; Mrs. Lavelta W illett.a, M alta ; Pau l Jensen, Idaho F alls ;», Mra. O rla Glaesman. Burley, and J , S co lt Desslre and Susan Deaslre. ,f . bo th R upert. ______ ^

Minidoka CountyADMTITED

M rs. Odell Hutchison. M alta , and V ’ M n . D a n A x tm a n , Sacram ento,^ ; c a l l l . . r

1'; Valley Board i;1 SetsWelcome ]

For Teachers sHAOERMAN, Aog.'aa—An cxecu-

' tlvo bo a rd meeUng of th e H ngcrmnn PTA waa held a t the home of Mrs. f"

B S R obert Adolf, president. W edncsdny a fternoon . P lana for th e teach ers recepU on wero made for th e first m eeting. Sept. 4, and com m ittees w

4.'® were appointed. niC ha irm an of standing commltlec.i il

' a re M ra. Henry C htrry and BIUIe Snap , p rogram : Mrs. O lenn H end -L ; rlckson. publicity and historian: M rs. O ene Leach,'congress publlcn-

' Uons; M rs. William Palm er. Mrs. V ernon RaveMcfoft- and Mrs. Don-

for a id H ulm e. membership: Mr*. F rank [ oka. H enslec, hosplUillty: M rs. LeRoy T he Jo lley , room moUiers: Mr». Frrink! '“ots B anehom , naUonal PTA macnxinc:

Ihe M rs R alph Behem s. budget and t l - ' :Uon na n ce . Chairm an for the procedure!

book will be announced la ter.— 1 S e p t. 18 was selected as the dale ^ fo r th e nex t execuUve board meei-j

* In s . IR efreshm ents were served follow.

Ing' th e meeUng by Mrs. Adolf, #*.' d a te d by h e r daughter, Carol, i

l l A l ^ t Ih*. oniV ihlnr t j„ t eomc*' II l » W m who «» iu u an aUbU '

A mnperatures

and tomorrow. L lllle change l a ' W ASI 5W ton igh t 85 to 65. am iy a

call upheat tem perature recorded In th e moat re . Arl*.. the U. 8 . w ealher bureau ocllve iI 32 «t Intem aU onal FalU, M lnn. Uonal e

T h e pi*h* *" nnd er®«"‘* --------------- -----Uft .OS reserve

....... - ....- »> '•« o rgan li<k 8 I ** guard.II l l If. Exclu , 1 1 *: have lj

J i BMlgnn »» « ,

un w p uii — :____ -------------------------tachm e■ Unde

_ - to dul;

F Funerals* . I Area

le Tft-ln F a lls m orluw Y chapel' by Jf^corda Id. Rev. E rnest Ha.nselblnd. pnator t the F irs t DaplUit church . Con- udlng rite* will be he ld a t the win FalU cemetery. H rs l

OLENNS PERRY—F uneral serv- : « for Amcfi B. Cash will bo he ld “ t 10:30 a. m . S a tu rd a y ,a t the B y ^Hapel in O lenns Pe rry . F riends ,ny cnll Friday n t the 'c h ap e l. C on- j ludlng rite s ' will be held a t th e ,Hcnns F e rry ccmeUry.

y Hospitals Evt---------------------------------------------- ’ K ;St. Benedict’s, Jeromevisiting hours a t S t; Benedict'*

lospllal aro from 3 lo -4. and to

- A D M nT EDG lenn Parson. Douglaa Commons, ‘

loy M lntun and Mrs. Edw ard Free- Tian, all W endell: M a rtin C urran , iagerm an: Mrs. O len M artin . Hazel- „ _ :on, ond Sharon Jo liaw n , Jerom e. „

DISMISSED .Chuck Jensen, Eugene Baines. ^ p ,-

Sdna H atlletd and W ayno Long, a ll . Jerome: Mrs. Robert B urton . Twin F^lLi. and Mrs. R obert Sloan, Sho- shone. KtiRcr

BIRTHSA son-wos bom lo M r. a n d M rs. „,nke

Edward Freem an. W endell. ■> scp

Job H unters SS___ _■ ■ Uon 1

E xceed Farm. mS: Listings H ere bS

T he supply of farm laborers fa r c a r l exceeds the num ber o f Job openings lcrq ncrOM Mnglc Valley, th o s tn te cm - Rnipi ploymenl security agcncy reported c a r l Frldny. Cllffc

T lie agency'* m onthly report, Id a - jjaubho Labor M arket, says th e n u m b e r -------of Job aeckers In Tw in P alla county - f a r outnumbers the jo b openings V I available and unem ploym ent con- Unuea h igh for thU season of the > ycnr. Ample locnl he lp wa.n available fo r short-tim e ngrlcu llum l Jobs which normally ore h a rd io fill. ’ ,

In -Ooodlng county, th e report no lcJ,-h belter thnn 'u s u a l supply of agrlcultum l w orkers hns been , available for bean hoeing, early po- taU> picking and o the r a ho rt sen- sonal Jobs. A BUfflclent num ber of general farm hnnd<t were also avail- Ar able to m eet Iho demnnd.i. Ju ly

Pood proce-wlng p lan ta a re c lw ed Cort fo r Uio sum m er In C a.ula counly, whci b u t w in reopen th e la tlc r p a r t of ott-ni August or September. G ra in harvenl offci la u n de r way b u t tho dem and for for I agricultural workers Is expccled to U . S be ligh t unUl th e po ta to ha rvest w beglai. th e report conUnues. • four

In Minidoka county, hocing o f row closi crop.H hn* U pered off as crops arc H e ' reach ing m aturity . Second tu tt in g on t o t hoy I* Just a ta rtln g . bu t since prop m M t of the h a y 1* baled In the field w ith plck-ujl bnllcre, Uie de- m and for workers Is m uch ligh ter th a n formerly. - *«i,|

T he num ber o f Job opportunlU es _ .J on farm s has been norm al for thi*Ume of the year b u t th e num ber of ‘"_ agricu ltu ral dny laborers f a r ex- . ^ ceeda th e demand In Jerom o coun- , ty . N on-agrlculUiral Jobs’ conUnucd to be In short supply. N o shorUigcs ‘"J] of workers are expected; however. thero m ay bo some Jobs avalloble a t S un Valley w hen aludenU leave sum m er Jobs lo r e tu rn to classes. A

■ — RUl

New Idea Told KSRENO. Aug. 32 A Japanese pho

surgeon saya he believes autom obile prci ex h n ait fumes and -lnduslrlal nmoke oVc may cause more lung cancer In th e anc UnlUd S lates th a n docs c lgarellc De< smoking.

Dr. Komel N nkayam a. professor pre of surgery a t the U niversity of C hi- wU

S ba medleal achool In J a p a n , told a uni ' regional meeting of ihe In tem atlo n - hel J . a l COUCKO of Surgeons U ia t the gpr ,1 Japanese smoke (nr moro heavily /] ^ thnn Americans bu t have a very tin |,y low Incidence of lung cancer. , , j r's CHICAGO SEEKS PARLEYS »t I ■st CHICAGO, Aug. 22 U W T hU city or es will bid for bolh. th e Dem ocratic 1

nnd Republican nnU onal conven- dci !C.i lions Jn 1060, says M ayor R ichard an m ilE . Dairy. ___________ an


n i]toyinkl

V A E N E SE\ a t a coal I

I i \ fam ily o

m '.'

] ■ . Stanfea?>■ \ TWIN FAILS M(

I 2C3 8 r«Avenue >

I .- Phone KE

rmy Reserve Call-up’ P lan spo,».h----------------- —-----------------------—Boy-8

Change MadeO sou th a i

/A SnlN O T O N , A ug. 22 W )-The p a r t ­ly aim ounced tod a y a reserve 1 up policy aim ed- to pu l the A*k» Bu at reccnUy tr a in e d re se rv is t on Appllc Ive d u ly ' f irs t In tim e of na- ^ u r s d a la l emergency. buildingrhe plan applies to 800.000 officers OOO singI enlisted m en In the ready brick vc crve who a re n o t membem o t u i n Vie [anlzcd imJta or o t the nnUonalnrd. ■ V andall2xclude'd a re Individuals- who ve been given key moblllavUon “ V ilgnmenta a n d m em bers of re- irch ond developm ent ualnlng de- *

Under the poHcy. rc*ervlsW called “du ly will r e p o r t directly to an

signed u n it In ste ad of to a recep- lU center. . ,,Area nnd corps commanders are ,/cn rcsponalbUlly for keeping :ords of th e capablllUes and eclal skills o t reserv ists w the men n bo assigned to u n its where theyII bo m ost needed . - F irs t p rio rity lo receive reln- rcem cnts from th e reserve pool * 11 bo assigned to active army or J L /J T J ganlzcd reserve im lts selected forr ly deployment.T h e arm y order w arns reservists M J i - a t In event of a nnUonol emcr- ncy they m ay get Icss.lhnn 30 days 1 ? lUco to rep o r t fo r active duly. ^ \

ivents Scheduled j By Richfield P T \ '

RIC iriT E L D . A ug. . 22‘-R lch lle ld TA chairm en m e t Tuesday evening - . le

Uie hom e of M rs. G m nt Flavel, i n it president. M r*. E. L. Strelgel, rogram chairm an , outlined plans r h a r ir the yenr’* m eetings. - a J - v"Study Up to Bo Sharp" was chos-

n aa the year’s them e. Supt. Clint J " , „| luRff. Mrs. C lifford Dnyley. and Mrs. lavel were o th e r member* of the * rogram com m ittee.Plan* for th e faculty luncheon ported

lept. 3 were m ade w ith Mrs. Thomas on d r i ^aughn and M rs. R alph Rlley.'Jr., rou te latncd lo m ake arrnngem enls. Mrs. a le ft nigcne Faddls, hospitality chair- too fa nan, will ex tend InvltaUons and B aker nnke floral presentaU ons. Ing It

Sept. 18 waa se t os dnte for the road n Irst pa rc n t-teo c h er mecUng nnd Don- eacher rccepUon. H ig h school room tin'n nothers and fa lh e ra for the recep- .500 Ion a re M rs. D onnld Wnlkcr. Mrs. .M fjor Jlcic Johnson. M rs. Albert' Pelley, nenut- vlrs. E dgar S lubbs. M rs. Eva Soren- . u t - d ' ;en. Mra. R obert Conner, and Mrs.5tanley W eym ant. ,

b th e r c hairm an appolntmenla are Jo" itni. Theo B rush, m em bership; Mrs, T h u rs 3arl Paulson, room mothers; M n . *or f< >R oy M agoffin, publicity; Mrs, eloselj ^alph Riley, ar., publlcaUona; M n . In th e :a r l Rlley. procedure book; Mrs. vard Clifford Dnyley. histo rian , and Ben clmrgi tlaubrlch. pa rlla i^cn tarlan ._________ th a n '

Mexican Officials To Se^e Ranch

MEXICO crry. Aug. 22 (U p d — t tn d i Mexico ha.1 Invoked a 41-year-old T hi constliuUonal provision to lnke tho porLi OSO,OOI>*acro C ananea ranch from Mexli Uio American fnm lly which h a d woul( owned It fo r 57 y e a n . - ta W i

An expropria tion decree-signed '^ n Ju ly 31- by P residen t Adblfo ‘Ruiz CorUnes wna published yesterdny. week when 11 appeared th a t the ranch 's nnd ott-nera would a government |« n a offer am ounting to about $4 an acre *' for the v a s t.p ro p e rty su a d d lln g Uic Inw ^ U . S. border. ,

W illiam C. G reene. Jr.. son of Uie In ID founder oC th e C ananea empire, was « “ * closeted Inst n ig h t wlUi h is lovi,7 cr3. McxI H e would n o t com m cn t Immediately for on the M exican seizure of Uie family h.oioi p rop trty . ‘

Earlier yesterday . I t was a n - . nounced th a t a g roup of Mexican . Investors h as b ough t th e nation’s J*'* telephone »yalem from the U. S.- Swedish com bine w hich had been operating It. r

T he U lephone 'ne tw ork was pur- chased for a repo rted 38 million dol- - , la rs from T eleponos de Mexico, a firm controlled JolnUy by America’s In terna tional T elephone and Tele- graph company a n d Sweden's Erics- son company. u ,g

A presiden tia l spokesman said t i R uls hod hoped th a t Uio Cananea jore: property could be obtained for n ,ijj Mcxlco by pu rchase, like Uie te le- phone system. O bservers believe the p^ia president waa determ ined to take over Ui'e property^ In one way or anolher, before h is term expires ^ Dec. 1.

•Tlie governm ent would nave preferred to purchase th e property^ without using a decree, bu t ]lUga-l tlniw nnd d lsngrecm enl among th e | heira mnde th is Impossible.’* Uie

’ spokesman sa id . I' .Tlie expropria tion decree directs ' the flnancc dep artm e n t lo se t a val-

Mc on the C unanea land and tb "pay Jl Immedlalely In c ash lo the person

/ o r persons show ing a r ig h t to It." c I t provides t h a t the agrlculturs - departm ent sha ll take over the land 1 and break It u p lnfo'T«nnll ranches

and farm s - to satisfy_the ' needs ofi

SERVICE k:o a llh o / [



Second.............lue North ■ - ‘ .: KE 3-1300


T w in Falls Newsi* o n S npper Ooe*U 1ty-8cout-iroop-7B-la-*pon»orlng . .- i l r . . n n cake supper a t 5:30 p.m. S a tu r - Centro, a t K llllnger'i store, .two m iles a fte r vl

h o n d two miles w est of S o u th Joseph

_____ • CorrecllI B uild ing Perm it 'T h e <ip llca tlon was made a t.c lty h a ll capella rsday by J . H. Seavcr fo r a ChrlsUn lin g p e rm it to con.',tniet a $13.- bo glvei sing le-fam lly . w ood-frame w ith n igh t, a t v eneer dwelling o t 864 M oun- f a m ^ v ie w drive c u t , ' the 'twi

d a tu m Reported W ienero bc rt L. Jones. 375 FU lm ore..Frl- Tw in to ld c liy police someone th rew O dd Pe

c k liqu id” on .h is c a r T h u rsd ay and Ti I t w hile I t was parked In f ro n t club wl. i la JM m c O O u llg in o y.ea _ t ^ p m . s sh a n d a talned Uie pa in t. plcnlo

-------- askedit AcUon s u r le d a n d wl<lAtcwlde Adjustm ent bu reau f ll- \ civil action 'T hursday.In T w in M a rta i Is Justice court against J o h n W . M arr y ton seek ing H 00i2 claim ed due T htirsd

bu rea u on a promls.iory no te , c lerk t I b u rea u la represented by L . B . C ity. » n n . 'Twin Falls altom ey.

____________ ;____ m il. b<, _ , Tw in ]

Inver Facme- V . . / SJistrict Courtto r lipsiness concer

(Fr«oi P»ft On*) m 'talLS3, a n d Elm er Cook. 27, B u h l , -S T J r i re eac h fined t25 and coeta by itlce o f th e Peace Elll* A llen lo r vlng 80 miles In a 55-mlle tone .H evens appehrcd T uesday n n d “ „ h ., ok o n W ednesday. They were boUi ^ •csted Aug. 15 six mile* e a s t of s s by S ta le PaU-olman W alte r P k r

Charles E ugene B urton. 25, Colo- - p , lo. w ns cited for d riv ing Jl C u rsday m om lng a fte r an nccl- I t a b o u t Uiree miles cast o t H an - . V "" , on highw ay 30. ' - . ,3tAto Patro lm an R. E. Y oung re - Mr r lcd a 1950 Plymouth s ta tion w ag- Bince'

d riv en by M rs.'M nrjorlo B aker, n t pu j te 1. H ansen, stopped to m ake >n la i le ft tiUTi and Burton was driv ing acr bi > f a s t to stop. He ra n In to the Mr. .ker vchlcle from th e re a r knock- chand r I t npproxlm atcly 03 fee t u p th e tiie n i d n n d In to a borrow p it. ness rD am age to the fron t end of B u r- th e P; t 'n-1058 F o r d ,was csU m ated a t S u r 00. D am nge to th e re a r o f th e Corn lU on wagon waa nbout »500, «on.i, •puty She riff W.iyne H nnklna a s - Dcnhi Ited In Uie InvesUgaUon. Iwod;S h a ro n J . Johnson. 16. 1643 -Wll. npd ■ M la n e . w as.flned *20 and *3 cobIs m rsd a y In Twin Pall* police court r follow ing another vehicle loo asely. S h e was cited by cliy police 2* th e 500 block of Blue Lakes boule- L ,‘“

ird a f te r an accfdent. She wns larged w ith driving more cloecly lon ’‘watt reasonable a n d pruden t." jcm ct

Is Give Order G 1 of Americans sm dless peasant* Jn Sonorii' oU te ." flc'nl T h e re have been p e rsisten t rc - T liu r

orLt. however. Uiat a syndicate of On Icx lcan pollUclnns and financiers w 'tn ;ould lake over th e ranch , m a in - a du n lh lng It Inlacl. ty coiT h e •newspaper 'ExceLilor, com- dny i

nenUng on llie.iC Teporls. fcild thLt w ^ i ; /eek U ia t "polltlcill. dcmagoguery Ou ,nd acflulslUon of the land by a were Kind of financial pa ls" ..m ust no t McKi >e allow ed to defcnl lahd-reform

T h e C ananea ranch waa founded bring n iDbl by the late Texas com pany’s R u « WUUam C. Greene, who h a d gone lo Judg vlcxlco 13 years earlier to prospect :or coppcr. He sold o u t h U copper lo ld lngs and decided to concenU ate m cntUe ranching.

H e BCfiulred a trac t of la n d ex- lend ing along bolh sides of th e bor- eno Ic r betw een Mexico and Arizona [rom Douglas almost to Nogales, g r h e M exican porUon of th e ran c h 5 Includes th e towns of C ananea. S a n - g ■ Ul C ruz. Naco and Agua p r le U . 5 ' '

O nly Uie Mcxlcan acrcage Is .a f - > C eded by the expropriation order, j

T h e lan d Is &eml-arld. usab le for S tho m o st p a rt only as catU e range, g T he O rcenca now have ab o u t 37,00015 beef catUo on Uie M cxlcan side o f 'g th o line. 8

T h e coMUtutlon of 1D17.forbade O fore igners to ovm land w ith in G3 g m iles o f th e border, Rul* a c te d w n-)5 • d c r th is d a m e In ordering c x p ro - |^ p rlatloR of Uie land, a lthough I t had g n o t previously been Invoked. Igcx!



• 2 1 - IN . * ]W e e k e n d J

• '2 6 - I N . MP U L L M A N J H


liW i

FA L LS,'ID A H O , ■ , ■

tvs in Brief l^osi : Sa

tr.. f tnd-M n._Jam e*_B r,oy lc* ._E l______ ,itro, Calif,, have gone to PorU and A:r visiting a t Uie hom e of M rs. . - r t cph Blake.

, . —— r would berecUon decision•he concert scheduled by th e a u .ooo orclla singers from S ou thw este rn ,x h e rt:l5Uan college. T errell. Tcx..*w lll dote 20 Cgiven o t 8 p.m. Aug. 25. no t» to - canvassh t, as previously announced . T h e (hg p „ ,led Negro group will a p p e a r a t county'fw'ln Falla Church o f C h r is t . t^ ls wte

m e r lU o s t P lanned • e a ^ ° t)»'w in Palls lO O P lodge. Ju n io r thla d Fellows. Rebekah lodge No. 70 indicate 1 Twin Falls T U eta B h o Olrls b will hold a wiener r o a s t a t 7:30 ouUwtneI. SaUjrday a t Uie T w in Palla ,k . nfd i i« a . T hose -a lX cH d in irW e:ed to bring th e ir ta b le .service . .1 wieners and buns c r a sa lad . pig]^

irriage Lleensea w M h ekfarrlnge llcennes w ere Issued .w tio n lirsday by th e Ts,^ln P a lls county ' rk to R onald S, Rolllna. K ansas S °v,,y. Md.. nnd Jnne t K ay O la n d er. .h i ; Jess V-, H ow erton a n d Pear] it.nxeII. boUi Buhl, ond R o b e r t Berg, rin Fnlls, and K a th e r in e Miller, mberly. r . ^ , , Idaho’s it<« Reported ballbU Included among tb o se voting luraday morning to aUow a n easing ,the city zoning o rd inance w here vctinir <

Ighborhood shopping d U trlcU are D j^ n w ncem ed were Max B row n, m em - yoi r of th e planning a n d zoning com- ball ission, and city -.comm issioners «» a bo le sU r U rs e n and Jo h n W olff, count li lursday 's Tlmes-News rep o rte d th e n-neral imes of Robert W arberg a n d Mrs- ^alloU c rllng V aughn a s ’havlng voted for i* .n v b liberalization of th e o rd inance .

Iharles M. Patton ireportc:Passes at Age 8 7 - ^ “Charles Mnrlon P a tto n . 85. died cnndldf u-ly Friday a t h is hom o a t 1630 Ighth avenue east. ih# nrliMr. Patton, who h a d resided here nee 1030. was born N ov. 16. 2872.I Fulton, Mo. He eam o to Idnho | ’ 1 ^ 1 1012. living a t W heeler o n d W el- V ^JIC !v before coming to T w in Pnlls.Mr. Patlon ran a genera l m er- I ,

handUte store n t F ile r a n d w as In J I :ie new and used fu rn i tu re busl- . cs3 a t Welser. He waa a m em ber of 1C Presbyterian c hu rch In Missouri. Survivors Include hLi widow . Mrs. ’

:ora Sweet pn tlon . T w in F n lls; two «■ jn.1, ArUiur Pntlon . O gden , a n d « d ^ n icnham Patton. Wc.^t L in n . Ore.;*•0 daughters, Mrs. F lorence Brown, nd Mrs. . Helen B u rk h a rt, boUi hem w -win Falla; five g randch ild ren , ond «« iiree grent-grandchlldrco.Funpm l servlcc* will be conducted ^ Durli

t 3:30 p. m. M o n d a i-a t th e Twin me an 'nlLt m ortuary chapel by th e Rev. as chl« rn e s t Ha.iselblad. p a s to r o f the Hgence 'Irat B aptist church. C oncluding Germn lies will be held a t th e T w in Falls Judy emctery.

Governor VisitsHAILEY, Aug. 22 — A. W a ll^ Rl

llcvenson. Ogden, governor fo r Uie ^ 65Ui ROUIO' district, m a d e h is of- iclal visit hero W ednesdoy ond » « L niursdny. . , |

On W ednesday even ing h e m et i-lUi officers and co tnm llteem en In I club hssembly In th e B la in e coun- y courthouse. At the re g u la r T h u n - J iny nobn mccUng a t th e H ote l H la- ^ vaUia Tie spoke lo o il m em bers. ^

GucsU a t Uie reg u la r m eeting « vere Malcolm Brown, ond Archie k. kicKlnlcy, Kellogg; K e n n e th Sell- ^ fcr. W est Loa A ngelca; Thom as K Walker. Tw in Falls; R a lp h S . Help- ^ irlngch Pasadena. Cnllf., Carl k . lu.iehe and son, Los A ngdc.i. and ^ JudgelD oran H .,SutpU en, Ooodlng. ^

JAPAN RENEW S PL E A ^ , TOKYO. Aug. 22 W W Japan M - O

Tcwcd Its appeal to d a y fo r quick % 1 igreem ent by Uie a tom ic pow ers to ^ end nuclear weapon _ - J |


8 P ickoJ o r Y ou P ick I W !p Phono DA , 6 -5 0 7 5 | |^

P C r y s t a l S p r i n g s | i

^ O r c h a r d


Regularly $40!


A rr iv e In

S ty lo . . .

w i th


x S e d o n ^ ( > a t ' M o n e f f i a c ^

osiiigDemo gg Says He May Ask Recount "mS'tS

. _ s tre e t bcfc(Fu b r«c*.On*> ' elderly wt

Id be an Im portan t fac tor In his over coffeeislon. The reco u n t could cost him te tte rs coi00 or It could cost h im nothing. Sm al he recount law gives the candl- Jit pedc.ntr e 20 days a fle r th e official counly Mrs. Oouk vasa of vole* in w hich to selecl . .

precinct* hc w ants recounted, yellow hoc m ty canvasses were complewd mg iiquor-1 wtek. fofe ,%innli h e candidate m u st :pay ,»100 for w earing bl h precinct h e w ant* counted,.'He ine pieces s this 'm oney back If th e recounts for cooklr Icate enough discrepancy th a t a tw-o boya lewlde recount m ig h t change the M an car; come. T he s la te th e n pays for from slo n

W Precinct* Needed Lnllm oroL candidate for s ta te office m ust te rlng pol k a t least 10 precinct* wlUi n t bouquet 1 I t 2.500 vote*. T h e a ttorney gen- dow . , ,1 then orders a recount and the tow n fltre< ;Uoo Judges a n d county commls- And over) ners recount th e votes w ithin five V alley wi ,'s. Each candidate m ay be present b u t I 'm g send a representaU ve. —lanson said h e d idn ’t th ink there • n i a any fraud In th e prim ary, bu t he J4 | ( ) i 1 reason to believe there were ne mistakes m ade because of DOMOI iho’s perfora ted p rim ary election ibu

Buiy nan reaU nf rhe voter te a rs th e ba llo t In two. At Bog: Jng elUier th e R epublican or Uie abou t 3,0 mocraUe side. T he side which paUcnLs s voled U supposed to be pu t In marooned 1 ballot box ond th e o the r side In- , - a box for b lank b a llo ts .T h e re- L atvia, j n t law provides fo r the-a ltom ey E urope b ncral to Im pound bo th the voted uan ia , w IloU and Uie b lank balloU to aee 1P40.any got In th e wrong box. i-------------Hanson, who lives a t Fairfield. ■'Id he Is busy harvesU ng but hopes _

come to Boise nex t Monday. A porter reached h im a t a Gooding irehouse, w here he had Just de- ered a load .of seed. x o o ►.Tho R epublican gubernatorial ndldale is th e Incumbent, Robert . ' I Smylle. Ha h a d no oppoalUon In

e prlmnry. -— — w m e m

3ierk Resigns | T O ^

Job in HaileyHAILEY. Aug. 3 3 -A m y Gnmble '111 leave Sept. 12 fo r McMinnville. G T rT 'r c , where she will enroll n t L in- f •Id college. Miss Gam ble has llv- f >H n HAlley for six yenrj. where Ule was-<n8lilcr-clerk in the Idnho | | ^ < jwer company offices. She ha* len with th e com pany for 13 yearsId came to H ailey from Salmon •

During w o rld w ar U , Miss Gam- e served oversea* for two yearn 1 chief clerk for censorship Intel- jence In E ngland, France and — ermany.Judy Schaefer will fill Uie va- incy a t Uie pow er company. ;_____


R U M M A G E SALE | 1 2 0 r>27 Shoshone S tree t SonUi I N I9 I

r B L - BAT. - AUGUST 22, 23 I nV hej «:00 'U l B:0« I

I S p e e d w r i t i n g

5 . O p e n s S E P t E W

^ A bove T ro lin g e r 't Ph

^ • O NLY 2 weeks le f t to REI LEARN in 12 w e e k s .'. , th e m odeI , ABC m ethod of sho rth an d! HAVE YOU olwoys w anted to b ru

J ^ . ^ e p h o n ? f S n i c ,u ; ? 'N S1 ity .J ENROLL now a n d be ready to s ta r

2 Coil o r write for a dem ons 2 Until •ehoo l o p en i, con toc t MRS, J ' 7 9 1 Hoyburn, REdwoo

5 HOME-STUDY C o u rie i In S ^ ond SPEEDTYPI



^ 11 L ig t MTS

vlnyhi c


;£.s5 K ^ | I -


5een T o ^ling tow ard IntcMccilnii m

b t lo r . » t l . t e lm ™ " " ; - rly w om en ch«tn,K vlsomw-^ coffee . . . Folders

■rs covering cliy oHiei?!',, 5 - Sm all boy im ' J *

iedc.-itrlaa, cn■ Dougins Trull with new ha,'.;':. P re tty lutle ulrl vni,)w hoop . . ’. Man cnrciuiiy llquor-by-U ie drink petition 1:' .%lgnlng name . . . jr ,„ .„ \

r in s bluo t t o . , . . . pieces o t wire for mnkini; cooking over clmrconi f |„ ^> boya figh ting In cliy lu rk ' ) ’I c arry ing nm.'ilciil inMm, n s to re to double p,ulicd ta r f . n h o n e ' a tj'cet iiortli . '. .Imore nnd Normnn Cro.\ ipv *4 ng police station . . . \V u i,f .J quet In red In More , i .■ . . . C a t running ncrrxw f-o,:: n f ltree t w llh mouse In mmiiliI overhenrd, from tflurlsf -g'..':Icy wn.^n't• worth the 80 mi;'.;.I 'm g lad we went there."

Floods Hit Italy'OMODOSSOLA, Italy, Aur 72 * ortM itlal rnlns fell In norths- ■ y tdday. causing Hoods anrt cs a n d marooning tourL-.u t Bognaiico, hi-nlth rcMri tm- Ut 3,000 tourlsU, realdeiiu «rj Icnbt n t Uie local bnih.« t c . rooncd of flondecl

•atvla, n f la t country In nnrti—•ope betw een Estonia nnd i ^ “ lia , wo* annexed to Hu.uu •0.

fo o M ANV VOONb FGULEBT, raiN K ft A DiPuoM A l'i U K 6 A BAII.ROA-D TiCWLCT - toKH&TUlfJ TO RiPS ON- .WMEM IT a i n 't B&AUUVfc, slOTWiNi* BOT ^ omGTUin '* :r o PR O V e TMAT HA4PINV«4£D O N E !

P a a t perform ance Is whatget* us the buslne.<u and

,good SERVICES and VAL-U K ore w hat keep It.

N ig h t Phone RE 3-6571• 'W hen B etter Rooflag Is D eof

W eniDo II- ^ ■

ig School ^EMBER 9 ^

' t P horm ocy ^

o REGISTER . . . . Sm o d e r n . . . e o s y lo - le o tn \th a n d . ko b ru sh up on your: Typ* W

F iling . . . Spelling . . . ^:? N O W Isy o u ro p p o f tu n . ^

3 s t a r t d o s s e s on tim e . . . ^

im o n s t ro t io n . 'L

M RS. C . A. RINGWOOD { d w o o d 3-3179 J

In S p e e d w r it in g J T Y P IN G ' J

VVE1471L U G G ^

.11 wood W„ „ , t - ~ 1. M 1 w Sviny l p lu O c W p l '- U ^ ”

to -ichooL . , '

:day , a u g u s t 22, 1S53

Vetoed F u n d s . —B ill'Expected ]

Back in 1959 'waSHINOTON. Aust. 23 « ^ T h e : ^ a n o ro p ria llo n s ' c o m m 111 c c •

b***,^tucw nU y lodtvy to Presltlcnl veto o t ti 680-m H llon.

5 ? ^ Bpprcprlallon for th e civil rcUrcmcnt futnl.

“ nu t p robably ^

- r t Lhnt "the p resent Insolvency ot K fffund U of whichSftjioooocoo hn# been Incurrrd

W»gnho«cr ndm ln latrn - _

eommllt«'« com m ents nccom-

^ bill flnsnclnit m lM ellftneous kov- ;

“ n c T p ' i lS S ^ id d l t l o n o f SIOO.OOO ; IO (inan rt the recently cnucteU bill

S r M - ' - I" ^ n h o w e r vetoed th e ,b ill Aug. 4,

liv ing Costs j Go up to New

Record H igh ;WASHINGTON. Aur. 22, (T J P n -

■nie eost of livlnic cJImbed tn ,nnotb- , ^ a lM lm e hlRh In Ju ly , th e rov- , emment reported todny. ,

The Inlwr departm ent’s eon.siimer , Index Advanced 03 p e r c en t, The , cost of tronsporUtlon, som e food »nd m«Hcal « irc Inereaned. U'fil/e’ Bflcei of housing nnd recrcnilon dJnped sIlRhtly.

U WIU the 31st tim e In th e bx l a months th a t tho coat or lIvliiR I <Umbed to new hlfth ground . ,

Tlie July Index rose to 123.0 of the fc’ JM7*<9 price ovemRC o t 100, n il.i-* m uot It cott $12JQ ln.nt m o n th to '4 . Imy a bnaket of Rood« a n d nervlccs i / I lh«t cost tlO In 1047-40. )' I ' A top otJlclnl held o u t hope tlm t:

J Urlng costi would level o u t In com-9 Ing months.f j Commissioner of labo r atntl.itlcs.5 rvan Clngue, foresaw ovcrnll price £ OblUty pertl.itlng fo r "«lx montha.

esybo * year.” f l He nQted thn t the Ju ly Increase In

Ithe Index was the smallestTlBC for ^ , lhat month sinca 1054. H e noted ^ lh»t the Index hns jfbne « p In July In every year bu t two alnec im i.

The rise In the. p rice index mcon.n « g e tncrtaseii of from one to four ccttU tn hour for some 600.000 work- c n nhMt pay 1« tied to th e co tt of Uvlng.

Tlie deportment also repo rted thnt

Ithe Ute-home pay of ti factory worketi with three depcndchla rose fn>m n s i In June to »7S,88 in July.

The report lald consum er price.i la July BTtraged 2.6 p e r c e n t higher Uun In July 1057.

) Blggeit ■ factor In ta a t m onUrtellmb waa a one per c e n t Increnw ij tronjportatlon costs. T hla re-

r. ^ t e d climbing gaaollne prices ns

pricQ wars ended In acvcrnl cities ^ ■ and a 2 J per cent Jum p In used car

prices. Trarult fnrea a lso rose be- of hikes in five cities.

Vri The nntlonni Industrial conferencek board hnd announced yesterday thnt

tlie co«( or UvJng hftd dropped K (lightly,

i Horse Show SetJ GLENNS FERRY. Au(f. 22—The\ 'Riree Island Riding c lub w ill pre-0 « n i A tree horse ahow n i- 4 p.m.1 Sunday nl the nrena u n d e r the0 »pon.iorshlp of Mr. a n d M ra. Gene1 Lewis. Orenna.W T r^h le s will bo aw arded In west-^ em horsemnnahlp. wcstem-plen-’iure. I k _ trail claas and the ba rrel rncc . TlJtre

vlll bo ihree clnsses In eac h event, k ttcep t irall class 12 yenr# ' and ^ younger, 13 yeara th rough 17. and IB ^ years nnd older. T he R id ing club's

brldto and b it wUl be g iven awnyi »>thb'tiiow . IJ_

II® ’

< n p D O W K B T o w <

t m I n m an]


^ A Y, august 22. 1055

i ' " ■ . ■

BpysFindCo- J r B — •

>n> V '.vii


000 M t l k s i - , ^ W RI)"! J E w L i

H s ! V ^SdsGSSati^’r'

s:;. . . l l i M v i y ' i l m " ■■ H

i i

-1''®“' *»'all h ro ih en coollng off on V lii ov" 5 " f a uprlnllns Indian and

Mrtnke. 9, front. * n . . face n a th ln r tra wet nn the iia U f. »hlle hl> brnthet or the »latue,. and m nnl*. 4. and Kumc reiuinptlon of ll,e ihoirer. (AP wlrephott

■ii;e -------------------------------------------- -— ■ “

Poleast UAIiTIMORE. Md,. Aug- 22 W >HK —Robert Poore, 24. Incurred head

I ana nmi Injuries todny when a car in whleh he wns riding hll a pole,

J" . His brother. Harvey. M. was- •! summoned lo Jolina Hopkins hos-

Pltal,wh(.'ri‘ Robert WM taken. « En route home from the ho*. ' I

'">• pUal. a cor i n ' whlcli Harvey : I , wan riding h ll a pole; lie received

1 head nnd nrm injuries tind was taken to Joha< Hopkins hoitpllal. ,

' • Dolh were reported in sails- •, factory condlUon. •for ------------------- ------------ ■ I! ,Ited ^----------------------------- -------- -— ■ I

i K M I f e i i m i ,, of •

hat I W H O W A S THE f loo- I FIRST W O M A N IMil' I g o v e r n o r i n t h e B ^g |U N I T E D 5 TA T E S f I ^

D u r a i n o Y w n iT i: c O CHOUSE PAINT-------g a t J . 7 3 f

r h e ' —......... .. - I . . .— ............ -

'lm. « * ? « I ( oXfA) e s« I amsN 'w nthe l ............ ,ene!

!L"> ii * ~ I

V l f H Y P A Y I

Tower ChieftainL iah tw eig h t S tandard

: ^ a t ta b l« with t

Compare^■ ■ ■ ■ jjP pC K coiting m an

Prec(sio choroct

Juster; le ft , right .m odem Jtylir>g rr

, 13 pounds in COS'

1 b u y s A N Y TYPEWRITEH ower - R em in g to n - U n d e w o,a n y m o d e I « - » ix e « - N e w Dei

m T O W


. r u n ]oi£Ui U M lU r• M'^ciiarMltr k«ybo*nl m Page A d Indicator• Touch »dJusUr

AP thadmn allowance on A $ 5 TYPEWHITtW Rtjordltii rf

' p

CoolSpot Sur

^ HHSIS S L ' l M >>”'IF M Hi j [ H I ■ ■ one­r s


W K S ^ - y V - ■■ u « Hcpi ^ Rlx In I&JJ. • l'i»* on

, , V v 1 ( |H L f l E S 8 V H i Etr.cnho ■ B H lor

L eli:n nidL I . T J # i f - E a u i ic

w.-vniod piiiKn.

[ coiilcrciL l B r A L W '^ > i f c £ » « a : 'S e i t ^ non. hr9 B ^ v X » : j ^ a H 3 @ M F s <:j>‘>rth;ij l f c (ortcii

\ ■ * '3 K S f f l c ^ ® H S aUiKlf •

^ cnunt I polUlcn conipk't

4- .1 ^ tlic Uin


r a 'h iit 'd a y ItT SlT PauirM lnn. nhd~ B n and hU daj[, Ju it the apnt. I>DU{tas H M

ih ln r fay hlorking oft a tnuntaln | ^ H | nthera Itonald. 11. riding (be r ta r |B M :lua.iell, 1, right. paUenUy wait fa r | B I ^hMo)__________________I_________ U l

A L L ST A T E ’S 4 IN 1 1 H


Saves "H Homeowners Q

• Ono policy does the work H 9 o f f o u r . P r o t e c t s y o u n f l H again st loss by firo (dwell- M B tng a n d c o n ten t# ),'th eft, H H fam ily liability , ptua mnny H H o th e r hazards. Savo up to H g 2B% ogainat rate# for com- H j H pa rab le insurance protee- H 9 tio n under #aparnto poli­cies o f m ost o the r compnn> ies. Find o u t how much y o u c a n a n v o . C a ll an A gen t today.

Ken Ballantyne and E. John Goodrich

S ean . Roebuck d> Co. tltdr.403 Main Ave. West ‘

Phone RE 3-0821.

rW VcHj-r* m Boetf hwttfa wIM d

| A « - i -s t a t e I

MORE?lin Portablea r d - K e y b o a r d

\U C a s e

pare wUh o'thcri m ony dollar* morel

19“•clsion b u i l t p o tla b le h a j 84 K o c te r k e y b ^ f d ; to u c h od* rig h t m orflln s tops. Sleek,■>g m okes- i t c om poct. O n l/I cose.

T E R ! C h o o s e f r o m

r w o o d - R o y a l D e c o r a t o r C o l o r s

)WERER PORTABLEj, C om pert Wtth otheri-

Selling a t 121.00

O N A N r OLD I cenditlen.

>hone RE 3-0821 PARK FREE |


urvcy ShoM'S^idy <Voted Against ifct/ASlUNCrTON. Aur, p (U P Ii— By tiin ;hf W hile lloii.NC threw conirros- publican liil roll ciill. inio n cnr<l-i*ortln;; w ith the cltliie. U would Ilnd th n t oiiJy th e w uc ■ Ki-publlcii!i Ul coiiKre.ts oppo.ied unnnimm ■.Mdenf E ivnhow rr on Ills Uirce Uie Pent M lu tfly vu:\l" iMur.v - house b)lm vever..ll nlv> would find th a t llcpublifciiiw in Ihc h<ni.«e .mil ,In th e senate, lined up aKiUnst

"11 a pun y j,pci-ch la st spring. jord, I'Uhower iiidicnlcd lh a t suppo rt .,(«

lil. drfPiLv rooriranlr-f.lon; fo r- -ro^fti tr n nld and foirlKn irude prourniiw ^ eleven s nt're!w>rv froin_ncauljllcii»s w ho eyeri-tUH niod h ls ^up|>o^l In the 1968 cani>- «>'• reclMtloiV.'kcd nt til. WcdncMlny 'n ew s o n th iIcrcncL- If ihiit w;i.i Mill thi’ a ltuii- trade me n. he ii-])ll('(l ihiit hi- had never 23 Dcm< il th a t miy "iic man would forovi'r agnlnsl I felt hl-1 Mi|ii>ori boeiiii.'e of n In the i Kir voto <«r a RhiKlo atiilcm cnu Uiree Dc I he did .say thn l he would no l T h e ( Ult hlnu'clf 111 the ••wiiiie Ioc.tI C. D wo lUlcnl cnmp" wllh candldatra ‘'n t w ater, j npk'to IoKi;frlicad.V w llh h im on In d .; Wl ! Uirco ls.iilts. ■ W. Mall

H General Elei

f f l . f] ~

II I NOI g ■ ^



AND SA LOT . . f

w a ^ m m


yO neSolon ^ t e Must Bills Sr.,SN

lillll drfl„RM „ 01, . Ro- icnn would be 111 l(H;i;i'rhend.% vrtt«i nsal

the l'rr..ulrni on all ihree of Lviucs,biv;nis.- there wii.r a lniw l „k„u«1 11 ilmotw Mii)ii.nt tor rmrK.mlr.lnK PentnKon. 'n ia l bill pa .w d the .. e by a vote of « 2 to l And ftcnate 80 t.> n, nm nlnR tlp. Clltf fl.n.',iKrr, R . O . caM support only dLsM'miiu: vote on ihc d c 5 reorKani,Mti„n bill, ile al.-o a ai;nlii.M ihr bills nuthnrhlns .torclKU nld proKraiii for the cilr- C

year- and eMcndiiig ihe reel- al trade hiw. '“ IH'- 'J “'>cvengiT ,ne.'cl not worry, how- ™ ^ftb0Ut-iM»Umvmii(t-prratdenttal ,g i » u , n

> the forrUn nld and forelRn 0 incMurcs, 43 llepubllcans nnd , "Democrats In the houw vottd n sl the iidmliiisirntloii on both, he seniite. ^ix Hopubllcniis and e Democrat.^ vi.:od »Knln.M both, ie GOP fenaiora were llcnr>'Dworalink, Ida.: D»rr>- Gold- rr. Arlz,: Willi,m, E. Jenncr. “: w illiam !>ivnci-r. N. U.: GrorRe ”Malone. Nev., and Milton n .jllE A D Tl

k e r l ^


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G - E A U T O M A T I C

l /V A S H E R Sa s l o w a s


I K l W ^

100% <A ll W o o l P i le

5 9 5 ,SQUARE



W E A I j

M O R ^

:. N. D . Only Goldwater. Mal- id L angcr are candidates thl.i I Jcnner_l.'»_rel''’tng,,,nn<l the . ._ J , 2^ ^ Iwo do no t come up for eloc- ils November, R H ^

f ta n k A. Darrelt, R.. Wyo., ibo la n eanditliite th is yrar, S K E ngaln.'t the lulm lnlslratlon on ri»de bill and •■paired" C S K.1 11 on the furclRn'ald incn.i.

he rem aining 11 OOP senator* S Q f f iIR th is year, six were reoordrd K?ACg>[)orf ot the I'lvslclcni nn all * * 6

Issur.n. They were Sens, J.•Brail. Md.: Clmrlrs E. Potter. . € P ^ : I 'reik rlck O. I'.iyne. .Me,:m A. ^ u r te l l , Conn.: Edward MBBfi>’c. MlniV. and A rlhur'V . W at- j n K

I men In d lrrcl ehari;e nf Uirfa inoa lgn 'lo recaln control ot _____ WnBEe w obvioiuly illrt no l comldpr H M Ir t of th e Pri'Nldent on a ll three QM . to b r e.virntlal... Andrew J . Schoeppcl. Kans.. I Stnnn of the senatorial cnmpnlKn Rilttee ,'f tiu ! Tlrii- n icharil M, J ''<on, Pa., chairman of th e con- , ' | 'onal canijmlim conimlttee, both f

a iinlnsi Uie reclprocnl trndr I-Schotippel aljo waa ’'pnlrrd” • Rs t Uie foreign aid mef»uro. r ;

3 TIME3-NE\VS W ANT ADS. . f c i ^

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s O nly W asher T hat' C


CONDITIONS T O ™ '; ' " F o r cll W o ih o i Color F u l C




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I ■ 520 S o u th M ain

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I Normal ' N orm al 61oyWarm , W arin WarmWarm ’ Cold Col<\

1 Normal Slow -eieyr. 1

m i l iIbI ^ 9 9 V B I

EDROOM SInvood Bookcote Bod w ith M atching Fi M rs. D rester a nd Big M irror.

A V E15%

a v e 2 5 % " * ^

TUCk-A-BEry frieze fsb rlc t. Foam Rubber reven

zip-off coven.

o t com fortable n ig h t b ed 4f ir s t quolity innbrspring Jro is . M

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i v ' * s "i-FURN.-TY

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in g Footboard. M r. H


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BED Hreversible cushions

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lilP “" " »*™»«i„"S?ES!y5c“^^ "1 ' «> «:>£;» Bit*.*. fl«" FfindK.. C .U ^

*. ' . e x t o r t io n , in c .• • D0 7 - a i tc r day th e sordid stdry Team sters Union h a s been u n f ^ c d

iiiltlie senate racke ts com m ittee. The •ll tions of evil disclosed m u st give every ^American cause to shudder.

\ The tru th Is th a t th e Teamsters_ ^ * « a l l y _ a .u n l p n _ a i a l l . W ith t

I members m aking Ihem th c n n rg e s r oruanlzatlon In th e coun try , they ^ j vast in strum en t o f extortion. Thi Both upon the ir ow n members an hundreds and h u n d red s of buslnesse ■ndless-varlety of w ays.I The T eam sters' lead efsh lp ls honoj f i t h m ore th an th re e score ex-crlm ln

• t a describing them th u s , th e prefix *'e i ib o Joosely used. N ever h as a n orga I|ao brazenly paraded a roEfue’s galler

i - th e banner of leg itim acy .* This huge com bine ia absolutely fr i th corruption. I t ope ra te s as a mi bu reau of sto len fu n d s. I t practices I rso n . assau lt, te r ro r a n d blockmall ■' toldblooded efficiency o f th e Kremll t I ts president, J a m e s H offa. a mai teco rd f its h im p e rfec tly to m anj ^ e m b la g e of law breakers, is a lt d e f ia n t a n d con tem ptuous of th e a 6 f governm ent.

I W hen one of h la agen ts , the la t fae rd o rf , a tum bled In to a M ichigan ft ihass of burned fle sh , th e f irs t be ho h a d som ehow r u n afoul of 1 b igher-ups. Now th e -evidence Indli teas bu rned in one o f h is own arsoi typ ical Instance of h is un ion ’s crlmli fu ro ag a in s t a buslncM firm .

‘ *1 ► A businessm an q u o te d In Time r 1 ilsc lo ses th a t K le rd o rt was a veten

‘1 .Jnal racke teer o f th e w o rst o rder. An lii H of fa ’s m an.S I T T ho AFL-CIO b o u n ced th e Team;

I {inUl such tim e a s th e y ahould "c: ! th e ir u n io n a ffa irs a n d sweep out

fadershlp.I t la now a g rave question w hd

ki, fcuch course a s th is would ever beI I IT iere Is am ple re a so n to bclleva th % fcatlon Is beyond salvage. >

: To e lim inate I t i r o m th e n a tlo r ■' ^TOuld n o t bo u n lo n -b u s tln g , fo r th I; ieg itlm ate labo r b u t a crim inal i

whoso tru e n am e o u g h t to bo E x to r■ To se t u p a riv a l tran sp o rta tio n u

d e r h o n es t le ad e rsh ip w ould be a 1 d ea l costing h eav ily In sm ashed heo c d nerves and m oney . B ut th e tlm h a s come for th e AFL-CIO to consl p e rh ap s th e only w a y to remove t l s te rs ' h llg h t fro m th la country.

TRAGIC EXCEPTION, W hen d isa s te r s t r ik e s a t seo, U la

, I, xiafrowly confined . T h e wreckage c ' 'I' f a te d D u tch a ir l in e r w as spread ovei

; m ile of th e A tla n tic 130 miles off ,1. coast.; i B u t fo r th e com m ercial airlines :

|i: b u sy N orth A tla n tic rou te . I t was ecene.

Never before In th e years since H ended, w hich co n s titu te nlmost h is to ry of t r a n s a tla n tic civil avlt a p lane gone dow n in midocean period m ore th a n five m illion i h av e been safely flow n by a m ult In te rn a tio n a l c a rrie rs . ..

P lanes on th is ro u te have on a slons gone down a t o r n ea r alrfl

■ narrow er w aters. B u t. remarkably. I expanse of th& A tlan tic , so long

H to men. has been leaped thousandI w ithout grove m ishap .I The D utch line, KLM, a fa r-flu r

• N' w ith a good reco rd o t . ^ l c ! e n « tshared In th is ach ievem ent. 'h «

_ th a t th e A tlan tic record finally tljiV m arred Is understandab le , as is tl - 'I determ ination to seelc long fo r th

th e crash.T h a t quest, h ow ever, will n o t be i

Investigators n e e d to study m any p lane’s wreckaRC to determine th

an 'acc ld en t w llh assurance. In tl- too little c a n be salvaged,

fl P re sen t cjues a re slim, i t la 7 p lane m ay h av e passed througt , sto rm area . A nd whatever hapt

. cam e w ith v irtu a lly no warning : w aa n o tim e to sen d a radio mcssn

T rag ic as Is th is calamity in r

). w orst in civil av iation hlstoi^ u . b u t d raw a tte n tio n to the Rcnei Ish lng perfo rm ance of the intern: n o t on ly over th e .N o rth Atlar a ro u n d th e g lobe.'

T h a t reco rd Is n o t the produc I t re f lec ts th e carriers’ extreme ci

I o n d tra in in g of personnel, the i• 1; o f equ ip m en t fo r the long over-w

II 1 a n d th e a d h e ren ce to gouna nn,I I p rocedures.

’ 'W e m ay a ll n o t only hope hut)! ; w b a fh a p p e n e d off the IrUh coflI f a s a v e r y r a r e exce p tio n in oceaj

■ ' I '! ; ■. c o R N O R m J s i n

. ; 1 • E a s t G e r m a n C om m nnU ts'n

i ; iiig a b o u t th e i r young foika rcae • w es te rn s to r ie s , ^ e l t writers at

i l to w r ite soclftlist-love stortcj toI ; , w este rn s . T lie y w an t to switch ; i ^ a d ie t o f to a diet qj

t ,r„, T U C K E R ’S I

^ WH I Riiil l’W -“ T - l . WAfiHINOTON-PrMldCTtnpiar. on and In fftct, occeleratccimh i! breakup or polltlcftl porUej IliS .. ^ ; Un D. Booeevell ftnd Harry

- . rollltftry ccrici Cod*. w / . 7 a W ' ' llnarlaa. E ------------------g g B T I'Ucal lnd(dvaNC* , • ' W Th®_______ .1 .M and dlvlftlt--------—! -]* Ins °— '~ ii 'nil eral prinn

ate no lom—« 1.M bccauM of

----------- ot lh« D(— _ — t iioa

----------- ! 1'” T»V»»r . BCOuIe tat_____H*;«o -DOllUenl Tolccs and bouu. i

----------------ever been auch n spirit ofAmerican poUtlcs.

_______- ' • . •^ TWO EVIDENCES OF

New York'A so -catled "clllc lArv of th e wna repreicnted lor.ycnrt1HM before OR'*'"aided before ^ hnrd-fouRh

The p ro p er- the redular orRnnlevery decen t in a Harlem dUlrlct aboi

the DemocraU defeated Tn-» ~.,f nivted Rep. Adam C. Powell,

return to Washington lielr 1,500,000 welcomed .him a* tlielr cn;g e s r • ‘labor"- tho-Dcmocrats.---------------V arc In fa c t T h "* “re only two. nlUu^ evldencei of the voters’ fe'• r e g u lu l lr .n d MMlim.J a n d u pon • , .nesses In a n b a s ic h iffeb en c i

TlE fr-rranklln D. Roosevei-nnBV(»ftmhPrt -aJ •UgrmicnU. with the hel

S Anrt •ma*hfn« 1033 triumphs. IIminais. A na j^en a* to whether t Ix “ex” m u s t the Whlw and Federalists,o rganization Trumnn maintained Ui nllcrv u n d e r when. In IBtS. he declared,aiiery u n a c r Republic

examined." He won a lur;itely ridd led e . Dewey by corralling t a m am m oth

la ll w itn tn e <jorsed by a DemocraUc coiremiln. u p softening or party Uea i

m nn whoiG ^ h t . Next November voU, m an wnose J i„„g„un te between a R<manfige th is T h „ e are now no bilslc d!I • a lte rn a te ly pnrUes. h e a u th o rity d r a m a t ic examtlei

„ • , dramoUte this developmerJ la te FranK a. parley for the Democra'Igan hosp ita l and Uie abortive attempts t belief w as come the OOP nominee f<

-rn n r^ rf^ headed for rejection nt Uii™ a w h th n . H«U h u

Ind icates ne -Len" are. ia rson Jobs, a tlelan.i and party loyalists.rim ina l p re s - R-'* >033 nomlnaUon and t" P ^ resentment against the

Hall. 03 Republican notme m agazine innd Eisenhower in Uio Wl'e te r a n c tJ m - c rfu l opposition of the cr And he was forces. He is extremely r. A na ne was

•e a m s te rs o u t ^ “A n d ^y ^ J^ d M p f^ w itiw d "clean u p ” rec ftn u io n , Farley will p I o u t c o r r u p t l* n o t nearly oa well kno

Thom as E . Murray. Thoi S. H ognn-ft» Hall bowed I

w h eth er any »r be possible. NIXON’S WM btocfr a th l s o rg a n - dent Nixon’s IBM.prealdf1 alump. due largely to UiB.,n« >«nnA extremely silent oratlonal scene y^nal nroblems In recenti r th is is n o t Heading into what mnia l ayr^dlcate aa they admit and desplt< Sctortlon. Inc . - « r . the new speculation <inn im tnn « n - Warren, who would

Henry Cabot Lodge. Whoa a Diwer o r- „ ambassador to1 heads, f ra y - '<iui«M«d br HeciDr! tim e p l a f t i l y ------------------co n s ld e r .lt V 1 E W S O ' ve th e T eam -' V I JL VV O ^

DESERTEI IT Rep. Oracle Pfost a<

—7* ' proposed Chesapeake an'D N , ' as ahe has asserted, sheIt U n o t o lte n f '’™ * " ''i i ? ? ; S,'“ ‘ ®lit Ins hearings on the C aiIge of th e m - tjjaj tha schedule of tho1 over a sq u a re no lands was very tightI off th e Ir ish to bo apporUoned amon;

ested In many dlfferentho

was a un ique tail their tesUmony or n■ tho hearings could be ci

nee W orld w ar «bo* is "dutybound" to i Ume as the proponent* 1

(lost th e w hole hearings can be proml«aviation, h a s Joumment of congress li

icean. In th a t Tho difficulty is, of < on nassen iters P'ck up nf*t January w;“i S p u c i t y ' o , s r r

the senate before U can in a few ocea- Mflanahlle the price of- a lrflelds or In the pnrt area Is likely nbly. th e g roa t, V t eneouroge a repeat pe.long a b a r r ie r whelming support for isands of tlrpes area, in these clreumsU

of the park bill, slio apt

■hielr d ism ay ilally h a s been i t is difficult to bclit is th e ir voiced Hoffa, boss ot the Tear

The senate rackets or th e cause o f determine If Mr. Hi

payoff made by Dctro t be easy. C rash teamster*' airlke In 1041 aony p a r ts o f dJO tho oauso o t S “ l r i - S l t a In th is case, a ll Robert P. Kennedy, t

as to how the (eamslei t Is know n th e during all of those clgl rn,»,v, 1 Tlie curiosity will b<rough a v io len t u,ehappened to I t nt Uie racetrack or Uu mlng, fo r th e re Bui the most curloua ncssnge fo r help.. obviously a piker,

in niimh^M th o winning ot gaiy i t ™ o t V o '! pRcner'ally a s to n - . n o t s o in itcm atlonal lines “'Humbug," -which t A tlantic b u t a ll_ . . , . the nouns "humbURge^ a u c t o f c h a n c e , bugglsm" and Uie nd m e c a re In c h o ic e »uch word as “humbu: th e m a in te n a n c e Veteran congressmx •« -w ato r „r,loals. K S r C r i T i a a n 4 s a fe f ly in g c ieji humbug ever hur

tlve Ciimion’s phrnse v >e b u t e x p e c t t h a t ‘• 'e heat of debuU ■h coast w ill f ° « l“»nd he could ha'

l>y the lexicographer oceanic a i r t r a n a - someUilng. perhaps, li:

bug ever pcrpetritcd o — — . bURglHn."USH? • .In *>ny event. Mr.lata' nr<* fntnr^i 1 '’y many members ofcomplain* opponents was Sponk» rc.idlng too m any bin in question. alUioers are being u rged higher than tiie a*ej to supnlan t th e B'crcury Ezra Bctuo

'I mush. . program was actualli

3 n a t i o n a l T o u rilt

l L I G i S “| spe«ildent E lsenhow er h as carried U G C srated th e movement fw the Ues t h a t « ! « begun by Prank- ia rry 8 . T ru m an . Although a h „iry conventlanallst nnd dlsclp- p»um bH«r on, E U e n b o w c rh a a b e e n a jo - 1L",V 1 Independent. ' » t« r tr r t i• votes on once controversial vi.iior., j llvlslve m caau re i In these clos- ays Of congress, as well as s e v - 1 p rim a ry 're su lts and prospects. .m jg g E L s t U iat Uie American elector- w ash ., bi0 longer vo tes w ildly or blindly joundry : uie of th e ir belief In Uie virtuele D em ocratic or Republican -

F mood todav appears to be if akepU cU m and siisjilcion.' 'm e :e a re -n o t listening to Uie old • 'm W M aes. I t la doubtful If there has V C : " I * It of po litica l Independence in

OF .VOTERS' REVOLT — In /"silk stock ing dUlrlct." which r - ' f fW g M ^cars m th e house by mulU- Mills, th e Republican voters

'ought p r im a ry a m a n unpopu- irgnnlzatlo;!. pre.M h im .; about 40 blocks to the north, much for :d T nm m nny when they noml- r a th e r bo owell, a D em ocratic ■■renegade." there aro i lon Is assu red because the OOP ta ins. Ho Ir candidate a fte r h e deserted ronda la l

•nlUiough th e most apectacular :a' fevolt a g a in s t party loyalty,

f l n o ll* * system . V

ENCES BETW EEN T^VO PAR- g o m e U losevelt b roke up ancient i>oIlil- near S a n le help Of the . depression. In his bu t .no th : ihs. Indeed, the re was spcculn- a round he h e r Uie Republican party, like Rcdflelc illsta. w ould survive. h I s faml1 the a n tt-p a r ty momentum v a c a t i c lared th n t a n y /a rm cr or n-ork- vnrJouJ l jubllcan "o u g h t to have his head Idaho . Ha I surprise victory over Thomas ^ -ns rn u ng these norm ally Republican p r e s s e c

no rthernler's princip les, ns embodied and "hn ubllcanlsm” ond generally en- somo of ic congress, hove contributed to P end Orc Ues and to naUonwlde bewilder- spots mci r voters w ill find I t difficult to about thi a Rcpubllcon and a Democrat. "Tlicy a n

ale differences between Uie two we hove

. • • L. A. I[PLES—T w o New Y ork contests C anada, i pm ent—th e candidacy of Jam es " I h n ilocrats’-KS. S . senate nomlnntlOn. _m pt o t.L e o n o rd W. Hnll to be- lee for governor. Parley appears n t Uio D em ocratic convenHon a f • has quit. f

xre. f irs t o f a ll. workaday poll- J f ^ illits. F a rley •masterminded F . D. | 'and th e 1030 awcep. He quit only : the U ilrd -tcrm try. n n a tional chnirm an. helped to 10 W hile H ouse against the pow- iie conservnUve Taft-Knowlnnd luly p o p u la r wlUi orgnnlrJiUon ■ ^ ^ E l 10 nor P a r ley have ony use for dents o r m avericks.rglUmate claim s for reward ond says h e : ,-lH probably bow to a m an who on a pai 1 known to th o mass of voters— somo • g Thom as K . P ln lelter or F rank sUvtes." . wed to N elson Rockefeller. » ROod. . • local ser

roC K SLUM PING—Vice Presl- « l h im residential stock Is beginning to . . . .n n i 9 UlB M iddle ‘E as t erlsU. He hns . nt on th a t and oUier in tem a- “ ena. c ecent w eeks. ,, „i!.t-m a y be n 'T3emocratlc year.” esplto algna of Republican recov- “, " ^ e r . tlon cen tcr* nround Chief Justice rould appea l to th e liberals, and .. 1,0 h u d o n ,, m ch »n ouut^nd- )r to th e ■united Nations. j f j e * ^i n It n II I 1 having<cClor..N>w.p»^Byn.»e«U) w rvlccd

O P o t h e r s ^ -RTED 'IN A rP t f lc n “guessecost sees •’aom e real rnerlt* In th e o f Idali0 and O h io c a n a l liU torle park, m e, she ho* ta k e n a stranse wny of any th in s t f irs t excused hep delay in hold- s tuden t C and O p a rk bill on Uie ground o the r q

’ tho houAe subcommittee on pub- mi Ught a n d th o t time would hnve o; imong th e people who aro Inter- ^ o n g l fercn t bills. W hen Uie time for ^ ^ - 5 , ne, she h e a rd only proponenta of n iarlne nony of th e m wero eager to cur- o r m erely file staU m enta ao th a t be com pleted. Now ahe says Uint

to Rive th e opponents as much iM itthv mt* havo h a d and U iat no furUier omUed th i# year because Uie a d - ” l w id

."^f c o ^ e f* ^ th n t congress cannot !,ry w here I t leaves o tf now. A new Introduced ond ru n the gamut of

hearings a n d be passed again by ; can re g a in th e s ta tus It now has.:e o fH h s la n d needed to complete J kcly to m o u n t, and the auecesa of jfru8 tra tlng_ action this year wUl I

,t perform ance, despite the over- for th e b in by the Waahlngton

jmsUineca tf M rs. Pfost la a friend .0 appears to be the kind of friend,. “deserts you In a pinch."—W ash- t.

PIK E R !believe, b u t th e aggressive Jim m y . . T uam aters union , m ust be a piker.

Kets com m ittee , which waa trying Ir. H offa g o t a ahare In a SI7.SOO 3cU-olt Oaundry owners to avert a 1 1040, w as very much Interested in 'n on H offa 'a Income tax returns

r period a« mlaccllaneoui eoralnga,)llng.cdy. com m ittee counsel, waa curious maters' boaa could continuously win e e ight yeara.lit bo a harcd by many others who1 the s e c re t of continuous winning ir Uie g am in e tables.irlous th in g o t oil Is thn t'M r. HoCta )lker. H ere h e had a foolproof syk- I t gambUng—and slopped a t a mere xo rsl—S a l t Loke Tribune.

;0 IIUMBtlGADLE NOW leh firs t wna u.ied nbout 1735 as ' sh slang, la recognized by the dlc-i a noun n n d a verb. Listed nl.u are bURger."- -hum buggeri’' and "lium'*i le adjective "humbugnble." B ut nol imbuggy" la recognized, essmnn Clarcnce Cannon. D.. .Mo., I

to hove coined an ndjectlvc when!'8 fa rm bill aa the •■humbuB-

r hum bugged." Probably Reprcscnta-1 'ase was llie exlemponincou.i product ebute. I t h e had worked It out be- d have used worda already accepted iphera w ith equally telling result* I ips, like "humtjuggery's hum -1 Ited on a humbugable victim ot hum-^

Mr. C annon'a viewa are nol ahai'ed ra ot both porUes. One or hlx debate: Speaker Bam RnyUum. D.. Tex. The alUiough i t aeU price support floor*, tie a d m lnb tra tlon prefers, rellecta BcMon's bcllcf.n thn t sup p o rt should ' ntrols les.1 aevere. Tliere is a growing 1 old. aurplua-bulldlng price support ;tually h u abug^P orU & cd O re g o n la n .lQ fl


B e d tooHigh;------------declares Visitor" w w S : .W ., h.r« to itoD oTtmiihi or w th e world bH«nr for wfrnhrBml of-».»^ sto ry . Th«

ll»r» ar* >omt “flrtl lm- be, none Ca Dtit** ot Twin r*llt ••

* * Center OlSELL WEAVER, R e n t o u cat o t th e r , b u rn e r to r Poclflc Cnr hoppens 7 : "T ho speed of th e drlyera. P resident

I only drive BO Abdel N i ■ | | ^ ~ 1 miles p e r hour U nited An

1 when i t calls for publlc.- • 60 l l e a an ho ur. T here U

K B B j ' d r i v e r s drive too Uon In W faat." bualnesa wl

W eaver aays he n o dlsposlt h a s been In Id ar U nfted N> ho before. O ther fo r coopere

a ^ l B M th a n the f a a t EoAt pcncc drivers he snld he w estern

i f l K m ’i had n o t a e e n N aaser ale m u c h a r o u n d w hich dirt

w —w ■ T w ft Folia to lm- ' - i f he ah< h im . H e aald he did n o t care try ing to 1 fo r desert country bu t would a rda In hL

• b e In W aahlngton w here th a t would aro p len ty of trees and m oun- though he H e sn ld he.conaldered Id ah o purpos' "folrr* So far hi

: N T l E O F I ^ l ) . - 8 nn.-AnEelo.-h ig h school tenchcr: " I am ‘

ased w ith Uia crops a n d the ,Irriga tion -------- . . th e oulloo

n. W e havo f Naaser 1:e Irriga tion erty-sU-lckS a n Angelo rtkllybchln

noth ing .like " g r - . . o r Uie-netId here.-' i B u t th «if leld a n d people infam ily have tr u s t him 1 1 10 n e d I n ' S y r l o n a tu p arts or '■ ■ E n a W f W g rie f th a t>. He (wld^he s, ^

lem I d a h o '"hnve had n^iti.w A T Iof Uie finest fishing." Lake ^ X 1 OreUle was one of the fishing m entioned by Redfleld. Aaked U

t th e roads in Idnho h e aald, J L V y a re n l least equal U) any sta le ,ove troveled through."

a ! SW ICK, Rivers, M anitoba, ida. cap ta in In Conadlan ftnny; j e r o m Q Impreaaed wlUi th e h o sp iu t ty ■■mga to 1

£ t t h e service th e annui '" aU tlon a t t e n d - portm ent

an ts, the f i n e nlng a t t tourlat cabins nnd people sc

1 th e green T, find projects,L —JH M In Idaho," The p;^ Captain Swlek. W anda e

dlreeUonunit. Is tou ring ngcnt. M. Uie Pacific N o rth - of nil t v e s t . and C all- modeled fornla. H e ' l s nc- ton outfl componled by h is sewing. 1 wife and f o u r Ume fav< d o u g h t e r s. He , QilcrU

h e flnda most Items, prlcewlsc., In tem lss V p a r wlUi Conadlan item s b u t skit u B "Badgets are cheaper In Uie •s." Ho aald ho wns looking fo r selectlonj ood place to cam p. Bob O eer, 0*/“I service atatlon operator.- aaalst- jn ''* dim In finding a cam ping spot.

IIORWS SUMMERVILLE. Paaa- Jackson. ». C a lif , atudenf. "W hat la I t S h e ^ Ig to cost me It I le t you take cn Webs

p ic tu r . i.nd ( S i , .■ „ y .u , o . . . - , r ............^

S L n o r . l l l . :

w h i cSIng h is car „ jirlced when ap- vorltes.ached, by the ;

S : s i K , J w o orthlnK." T h e Sn-m.rTlII. d en t waa reluctant to answ er juygj. » ,er questions but said " I h aven’t a m u ch o t anyUilng here cxccpt Ids of farm stuff and a few plnccs Eakln. n g th e road selling s tu ff .’’ H e ngcnt, a :ed w here he could ge t a "sub- ahow cn xlne sandwich." He referred to ft All n ge sandwich served In th e easte rn sellevui >tes a n d California w hich Is m ade to help aJIclng a French loof of brcod Uielr ai

igthwlse and fUllng I t w ith lunch Sept. 1. :at, onions, plcklea. tom atoes, olive Mrs. an d garlic. I h e reporter, suggest- ments. ho t ty one o t the drive-lns. held a t

Modern FARMB e S a f e U n d e r


^ P r e p a y m e n t s i n G o o d

B o U s e d T o P a y L o a n

O n L e a n Y e a r s - F o r


JOHN M. BARKEIB u h l ~ P h o n o

U. N. TERRY ATwin Foil. — I!hono RE 3-1]

JESS PARSONSB u rle y — P h o n o 0 1

H. T. BREAZEALR u p e r t «— P h o n o HI

F a r m L o a n C o r r e i

. F o r



rfit*i Vijwpoint: CASHING.......... ........B yP E T E R E D SO lEIINOTON,‘( N E A T P e o p le a Ugbter. d w e tveh doing business In Naaaer's ■ Idle & s t fo r years p o in t o u t viewed with cen t upsets In th a t p a r t o f Is openly .tr r id nre no t the end of th e th a t unaUb T hM ore ______ ______ been aevsn

h s u d will

. u no dl.- " a S i ' * ”

1 W aahlngton to try to do pinn jo r th la w ith Nnaaer— yet. T h e re Li jjood much josltlon lo Invite h im to th e „,ore jifjigi

Notions general assem bly Nile's wfttei iperatlon on a general M iddle T here ha icnce selllem enl. ' * n m t Saudi « rn coyiieu In dealing w ith Nasaer’a ca

alems from uncertain ty , on ig igo yean dlrecUon he ta going. nnaty. whli

! ahowed a sincere in of strength to Improve the living a lan d - mite Kings

^ hla Middle E aa t poorhouse. nssnaslnatei ould be tine. So fa r he iiaa n ^ t Naaser i I h e stoutly-proclaims th n t a s merge Baui rpose. Arab Repinr he hn.i showTi more In te re s t F o r the ani cnturlng. If hUi purpose la to like to ab sh a n .em p lr t in I h e ^ i a a i e slielkdom c w ith communLit backing— gulf, ith himself os Its h e a d - th e n B u t Uier illook Is no t good. area tha tler la o hero now to the pov- om blU on- U-lcken and dow ntrodden w ho even Iran, ehlnd hla banners and slogans British wot i-new Arab naUonaUsm. ing Kuwathere arc plenty of im p o r ta n t necessary.

( In the Middle Eaat who m ia - T lie Brli Him even more than the w eat. non to nei ona ore discovering to th e ir shelkdoma th a t merger w ith the Egj-p- conat l>elw In the-U nited A rab R epublic Somg otI lilgher taxea for them a n d clea, like S Most do 1

a a o th i n g S ‘Jvent Draws/~ i 1 I nnd mlllUiGood C jow d™ .;-

lOME. Aug. 2J — T hem e of ^to riches" waa th e setUng fo r ■''‘I ‘hea

nnual 4.H home economic d e - ‘“’e ‘"*e” le n t ahow held W ednesday eve- mny >* a t the fa ir grounds. Over 200 Arab won e saw 4-H glrla r todel th e ir on w 5t3 , velopmenta program , waa n a rra ted b y ^ lU ia n y i l a supe rs and was under th e —Uon of Uie home dem onsU atlon t \ o t. Mra. Agnes H urst. G arm en ts ■ J l S fII tj-pea and m ateria ls were:led by the girls Including co l- - v t i ButflU, bedtime ouU lts, family V 1 Ig. stylish separates, nnd fu n ' favorites. n irnnKIcrU lnm ent wns provided a t mlsalon by Bea Fyke, who gave *;I t ualng ft variety of old h a ts JL , . iropa. Deborah C offm an played • ,'* ‘A , Uona on tho oocordlon. ,rls winning blue ribbons for • gorments were dlvW on II.) Shewmaker. M ym a Sheridan . ,,,V “ “ *'• n Myler. G ale.ThTm as. Joanne son . Shirley Fuller, L in d a ^ u c r , ,T y MarUn. Helen H ouston, K ar- Vebster, Edna SUvers, and P a tty w n • • members oUiing n i glrla are M arilyn Bol- B etty Jo Rehwolt, K riatl W righ t ™ ''e Judy Holtou-ay. • ac t to aU wing for fnmlly, T oni M artin , O lher ly •BomMbcrger' nnd 'S u e 'D y lc - noon'm e , s ty lU h 'aepftra tea.K ayH ender- Mrs. Lio; and Janet W alker. Fun tlm o f a - rome; R tea. Mary Gergens. Vederben

' ' - __________W hittier,

ood River 4-H Club Has Meet-Siv'L'

AILEV, Aug. 23 — T h e W ood ner in h sr Llvestockers 4-H club m e t a t Uie Mnn, ranch home of U r r y a n d Je rry sented h ed Tuesdoy nttem oon. Jom ea Ing Uie In. Blaine counly agricu ltu ra l gnUiered nt, showed them how to f i t and ard E; t w calves.U membcra' will m eet n t the levue park a t 0:30>n,m. Sundny help arrange a 'p ll» c t4 ® show Ir nnlmaU a t 'th e - a n n ^ l fair t. 1. \Irs. Jack Allred served re f rH h -its . The nex t meeUng w ill i f m1 a t the Druasell ran ch . I



lod Years M ay in Installments 'or Particulars


AGENCY3-1761 o , RE 3 -4 7 0 0

S AGENCY •OR 8-5362

AGENCY •r HE 6-3036

•respondents •



LLS, ID jm O .

3.TON >.1S O N ------------------ -Br. d ic ta to ria l con tro l. • 'r 's amblUona in Jo rdan are w ith suapiclon. Radio, Cairo (Uitor'* mt ty .trying to aUr u p revolt In >laUble kingdom . T here havs 7 ^ ,evsral p lo ts to assassinate thr** etbtr«*« usseln. »«»>■)in could be to m to plece-i If

support w e r e wlUidrawn. R e n e a i Syria. Ira q . S au d i Arabia

Tpt a ttem pU d to se lu parU / Oian. Israel m ig h t well be pro* ,,Into m oving lo th e Jordan weat bank. T h a t could mean „ unall war—possib ly becoming j

n m istrusts N a ss e r because pt'a se lsu re_pf. a comer of ae te rrito ry r-Atoo.-ye-Budttri ”

ir the 'A sw an d a m . i t would , lueh Sudanese la n d and moke 7 u ,- I ilfflcult fuU uU llratlon of the 3 ” “ ^

e haa been aom e speeulotlon vudi A robla m ig h t swing Into . « m p . T h t S n o d a»(L «» years old. I t Is a naUve d y which gives I t a n element ‘“ “ y

nglh n o t possessed by Hashe-* e» eho<S

er would n 'n tu ra ily like toBaudl A rabia In to his United ^ „Republic fo r 1 ^ on « a l lh .e same reason h e would nlso> absarb th e o il rich lltUe .".['.'■eonro fT C uw altT ^U iT PersIa-n

uiere axe oUierS In this same * h a t have long b a d a sim ilar ,®o n -Iraq , S a u d i Arabia and i!™ , .c r o a U.C B«ir. AUo. t l . . ^X would reaU t anyone’s annex- J*. • lu w o lt-w lth a rm e d loifce If u „ n

BrlUsh o ffe r Bimilar protec- B nearly 40 oU icr Independent 1'® loms on th e A rab ian peninsula Hmtfeiwecn Aden o n d Iraq. ig ot Uiese l i t t le Independen- , .X izike Bahrein and Q atr, have oil. _____ _do not, A nd th o rich ahelka f i / 'no inclination to khare their\ w llh Uielr p o o re r have-not>na In a n y A ra b federaUon y | Hwould conU lbuto sUbllily to I I Virea. IfWlally there la R usa lan economicnlllUry a id penetraU on In thee Enat. I t s u lU m aU pollUcal , ^.ives are th e m o s t dbturblng J]• In the w hole m esa.these e lem ents of uncertainly . , * iken aa IndlcaU ona th a t Uiere be many m ore ch an je a In Uie { , world before th e rp can be o .n,ouKh

on which any M iddle East-de- ment plan cou ld be e sW b ^ e d any cliance o t success. cjmaia)

------------------------- -pnrUculnrl;

strict Head 3 £ Visits Rotary __OSHONE. A ug. 22 - D istrict ry G overnor A . W alte r , Ste­rn. Ogden, U ta h , vlalted Uie . _Rotary club W ednesday noon, hla message t o the elub. he

sed good c itizensh ip and pro- m o t R o tary Ideals.'

aald the ro are three kinds of :ns, "those t h a t make Uilnga icn, those th a t woteh things ten and ' those t h a t don’t know ,'a hnppenlng." H e also urged bera to face up to Uie present, inre the obJecU ves of Rotary, to well bolnnced m em bership and ___

0 streng then ."o u r" heritage, her gueats a t. th o Wednesday i-meQU na-w cre-M rs. Stevenson; ---------;

Lloyd % i i th : E ^ J l Boer. Je- ;; Roy B ean . Shoahone: Earl Iirberg nnd R a lp h W. Caylor, I(tier, Calif.1 Tuesday even in g e district . m or m et, a t a Tsanquet a t tho i 'all cafe, w ith com m |llee mem- •• ^of the o rgan isa tion .

Ivcs of the m em bers held a dln- in honor o f M rs . Stevenson o t M anhattan cafe. G ifts were pre- ed her from th o group. Follow- Uio d in n e r, th e women all

lered a t th e ho m e of Mrs. How- ’■'E; Adkins for social hour. ____________


D efies Gravity —!

O INSTRUCTIONS Wilh hoop tiflht botk. fto rt hoop w ilh o fo tt lofw or of Ihe right hon<f.

R o to fb o d y ln d rc u -^ " i r S y C * lorm otlon ofloinit , 7 \ , \

th a h o o p . Do nottw is t b o d y . Hoopeon b e k « p t In p tr . ^ yp o tu o l m o tio n by *

body , fo rw ord and t f \b o c k w o rd motion \ p J \o f body , o r elTculaf j H '

•motion o f body. ^

100 WAYS T(• E X E R C IS E' R E D U C IN G r ..p i:”i


• GAMES1 0 M i n u t e s P r o c l lc . ploy''Slci|

M a k e s Y o u P ro iic lc n t.

sllMlSof . ■ L e^ U3NDON.

V _______/ f ______________ For_Uie..aisMrs. Jom ea

J T - . O nt,. la In iw hich usuo:

'• moUi Tk* rollowlBfl celomn! ding.Uti br Eujtoii* Durei and fot^ On Rnhiri I U>. McClur. •ri)dl<«U prMtdlni L drmth la Hftghdid wb«r« ho and ^ee th e loal itrs 'w on bMUn ta dootb br ■ m arried. He

• . change vov, r \ • «T » Pheraon. No

l e g a d e D o g T a k e s mony a t

ToU o f SKeepr t tru e th a t iheep a re so and a la te rj I a n im a l th a t when they get wedding, ni r backa they can 't ge t up away a s Flc su t 11 Is true lh a t "rolling" I

iheep w ith f o ^ o o d - b u t -

w ablo lo Bet up u n m U te d . 5oa U^conccri reason, however. U not reolly a lack o f atrenglh bu t r a th e r ^

r f o n . ? , S p rich a case, Uie sheep's heavy *:ta like a cushion, and being m l!d dow n wlUi a sW mnch full a . I t la simply unnble. tw lat ‘=‘’1?“ *“* m a s i t may. to roll ovfr so Uieg e l to lla feet. U nder Uie

stances th e sheep Is likely to Uie IDOO a -c i re unU l it dies, which m ay be ‘‘URurnl m od a tte r o t a n hour or ao. kjiown hla i

dc n th mny come so QUlckJy ‘‘" “ i Anierli ^ ■' le r of U « mi

I t Isn 't to<t due to Uie unna tu ra l poal- sta le s of the r th e nnlmnl the Rnaca of its T lie reaaoi exert n n Increojilng preiwuro wholly econi vltn l orgnnsp,eventually atop- reo.iona la t

Lhe acU on of Uio h e o rt o r In h um an p heavy Incren

ig h th e phenomenon Is com - Inevltobly. « Lrely r a re . It occurs o flcn dogs began, t 1 GO th n t good sheep he rde rs ' And ns th< na lan tly on the wntch for it. m epla o f ng Jln rly In tho wecka before th e a tnto ahow. ;

aheoring. nbnndonbd at , o f courae. U only one of Uie Icaa venture, h a za rd s they have to w ntch. (Coprtiti


• Free Candy for thi - • Finest Service in 1


W ASHINGTON ST. a n d TRU (A cro u from Rod a n d W h lU

ew-AmozinLO HO

- I t ' s E a s y — B a r r e l s o

I . COMPETITIVEPloy gionV liorsathoet e

IS K«tp ScortIioht o a a in .l ^loop circling ^ \ ^ ( C a fw ord thrust / I A \ a

« I

; X • KNOCK 'EM DOWN Twof lop tpeod try to knock d(

J \ \ w ithout slopping fh ilr ON

' ' G o o d f o r I. M O M — D A I

TO USE-FUN!king Roe«i-S«* who «ort w alk the '.Ing hooij rolotiog oround th» w oiil.

"Skip th* lo o p " . . . be tter than topel G reat ill-purpos* exercising and gymnotlics.

O p c n F , i d o , i .


Last OneIDON. Ont.. Aiig. a IBb e .,a ia t.U m e - ln -28- , f „ - ~Jom ea Masse. St. la In the whirl of S v

uauolly precedes * ».eo.

Saturday . Mra. M as« viii ie laa t of her 21 ctilldrtn 5d. H er aon. Peter, will Vx" e vowa wllh Jean Mae on. Nova Scotia, In * cere

a t 81. Peler'a ' Roman* llc e groom-elecfa brmhtrs

ilaters hope, to allend th* ng. arriving from as (m. a s F lorida.

ig Uie weather. Probably tii, how ever, is the four fooiM U ia t preys on aheep. not omy d bu t for flport. * * ^t ngo. 11 was wolf ih it th e grea test losa. Today |t i, o te In the West and lhe rene". og in the Middle West ,nd

A to wolves have been pretty - Im lnoted through nenr ex. 'I of Uie predator. Tli# coyot«, ennce lo wc,ilem sheep herds to be reduced fairly near ih«Ible m ln lm um -lhanka to »:n t ot poison, trap.i tnd It. B u t ao far na the ^eireeada :onccrned, 11 appears thn l noi :a n 'b e done to eliminate him... a atrong ease can be madt show th n t he hna won.p arrived on the Atlantl: rd alm ost as aoon ns the m nn did. H ie annual alitrp ros regarded' aa one ot thi y'a m ost valuable from earl;II tlmea.I th e b irth of our republlt leoat during Uie first half o l_

)0‘s—ench prealdent a t his.In-II m ode 11 a point to let it b«

hla cont wna made oC th*A m erican wool._U.wna a mat- Ute m ost practical politics for 1 do ao.reason was sound. TlirouRh. le country, and e.ipeclnliy in ;n tra l, northern, and In the itotcs opening to Uie Went, vere spending large lums lo ; th e flne.1t ahrep from

N ew 'England. for example, m a jo r sheep raising area.

;n 't today. Nor a te the oUier of th e East,reason why Is by no means

' economic. One of the chief a la th a t the heav? Increase n o n population has meant a Increase In the canine as well, ably, more and more of tha « g a n .lo run sheep, as th e records o t the depart- o f agriculture In atale alter

ihow, th e farmers b t the East onbd aheep raising as a hope- enturc.^prtlKhl. ltt>. Xuian* Dumi)

e r g a l .


r the Kills | in Tovifn

rPE R 'S

tLESSi -R U C K U N B , * ^ h i U D riv t- ln )

ing» O Ps o f Funn ’lTIVE GAMESihoo* over bo"i« or stake*.


N Two p « p U twirling ^oopi .loek down eoch olh*f^»J»oop ^heir own.

tor aU ages!D A D — K I D S ! .

I! FUN!Now Only

1. 3 9lo c i.

e a i IB u t Hurryl

d a y 't u n t i l

'■ AUGUST 22.1058

Lawsuits A re “ r ^ t e d O v e r |

.Todd’s Death |rtollnr domoRC su it tiRnlmt Q

•"^-M iicence In th e plane cnisli gIwch WHf** he r hiwbnncf, Mike ^

® <” i ">’’I '.A ir d i iy on behnlf of ilie iff

Todd. ::;

Second RuU Filed g, , tlie «ame tim e. Mr*. Mnrln | g

utdow of w riter A rt Colm, H

lyilced dnmft«e.i ot I ' i .mil-

■‘“ fd e ten d n n L n a re Ayer .L e m Pi,n Inc., dcacrjbed niwJhc owner !?« o i ^ w r Of th e plnne: Trade- i « r 1 ^ . ■nd MIchiiel Todd coni- " y: inc.. mcvlntalnera and con-S,l er*oI P '" " ';omdiili a t Ayer Lcnw Plnn #nd ■n^dt-Ayer. bolh JocnK Linden S ' r , ynden . N . J . . did no l Im- cedUtely comment.

Eculne May Have Failed Tvj iwin-enRlno plnne. ntuned

-The U t" f c Ml“ T “y■o^ crashed ll Uie Zunl mountixlnn nenr OmnLi,

March 32. in nddlllon to “ rS d SnH'Cohik-nnp-vlctlm.-. 'were ■

pUol Dili Verner nnd copilot Tom

^On'^Mtirch 28 tho civil neronnu- iid board Issued n prelim inary r c M t on the crash w hich wild-the Ene-* rlRht enRlne mny hove fnll- Sddurlnit the faU l trip . W ith one tntlne inoperative, th e CAB *alil. ' me croft could n o t m ain ta in Uin • UXOO-feci altitude n t which 11 lind bftn iuUiorlzed to Ily. t •

Scliedules.Set - For L incoln’s ' Two-Day Fair

* ‘ snOSHONE. AUR. 22 -A lt home i,alexhibits a t the Lincoln ,],[

nunty fair A ur. 29 nnd 30 m tu t be jju etered no t la te r th a n 0 p.m. on

I Trfneiday n t th e fa ir biilldlnjc.Ts exiilbiw are n o t to be removed ( M ell 7:30 p jn . Saturdny .

I Ttie exhibits. will be dlnplnycd ]elT H neal and properly labeled J »(ih nune. county, project,

r iiiUloa and club nam e. Winner* **I will enter distric t In lr In Jerome.

JUked pToducta ahould be protecled br ctUopfinne. CloUtlnR proJecU Riujt b« Indlvldunlly packed In still P“ ' b« ti. Mrs. Burl A ldns la In charge Sep ot Ihl deptrtment. met

Demonslntlons by <-H club mem- Clo brn vlll b« lim ited to 20 mlniilc.v Tlie Iro rlnnlng tenm a’ will enter the dUWcl fair. T h e re mny be as wltl ntny demonatratlona entered as mei club leader* desire. 1

I CTolhlnc membcni from dlvUlon nI- ibmldstyle the.costum ea they have u , ,

side. HlRh w lnnera wUl enler ihe _ btrlct fair. T ho atyle revue will

Sliheld a t 2 p.m. Aub. 30. Leaders C ^ thsrco ere Mra. M yron 'Johnson * *ad itts . Dean B am ejr and Mrs. Bmer Penk. all Shoshone. r

■ All BlrU entered In <-H home *■ economics clubs a rc re<iiilrcd to en- 13 ter the homo cconomlca Judslng contei. Each con tca tan t ahall plnce L*.

. one e lm each of yeast bread, can- — nedfnilt-oreannea-vc(retftbIes.'lea~ — towli, slips, tabiB aetUngs, and nitnui. Each contea ton t will Rive « t te n reasons lo r p lacing one class last corresponds to h e r club pro]- w . Ten minutes will bo allowed fOT writing rcnaona.

The three h igh scoring members in Ihe home economics Judging « I M , .W ell will bo he ia « t 0 «.m.

30. « lli receive th e high award Md the second club w inners will be recwnlxed.

Mrs, Jnck Edwarda. D ietrich, and Mn. V. C, Ross. Shoshone, are In ^ oontLt economic* judg-

By BOB REESE ' n# Wl* » boylah looU ng young •Mn wllh an Iriah nam e and a Wttidly, f r e c k l ^ f w e ^ I ^ a *

l‘n -

f c " « ou t on a routine ( III I ^ Angeles.’ ho aald later.

Wd iilUn I reallM th a t h e was *»'« AtlanUc Ocean,

llirt ? ^“nious .‘.'wrong way" , l i K , , f ' '‘<cd, C orrigan had set /' Mmli P P*“"« In Dublin.^ 1 ing one of th e most ln ^ ^ iW e irnnM ccnn n igh ta In the

of av inlloni t • bfii,7 aome w ho couldn't

1 Cnn-lgan had become• acc ld en u ily or on

WrpMe. -W ro n r W ay* Corripinthe m an of th e hour. _ _

'«mfmbrr ih e y e ar? • ' ‘'*'"7 ou t of th#

rtn r m w i ," '" Ih®

»n,i « *■*''1 savings . . . ,a dcnlcr they could rely on.

^ '5 r .ir,v n .U 0 3 8 .

tttlnV ,! 3'*«“ «•>»aih ii’V ^®^»e, riym -'■'liUs.Vi*’''’ C o m m ^ la lUtlnp. ** «*•**« M l eoun ll W© mean

*'“ "ble paymenU'•lUhii >: reputa tion lor ^Uu , '“ f ' " ’“ ''e* ll pottlble for 8,1, ,? w llh confidence at

Co- 600 Block.South. D ia l REdwood S-J

flUDAY au gust 22.1058 ’

Winner* of tlie noush n u t National Ua» “ hale ptay are these mtml)cn» nf the Drpot C. ‘‘ third row. from left, Kirk Uilllam-i. Ten ' «III.Juhn»on! tttond row. Lonnie Itolyard,

’ Club Makes Plans t*o 1 For 4-H Exhibits Lt"il HAILEY, Auk, 22-Mcmbcr.» ol the lawyer, Willing Workers 4-H club arc mnk- (jcUcvc, j Ing flnnl preparatloivi to flhow the s Kork they h.ivt accomplblito Uie I past year a l Uie annual fair to be 5 t Sept. 1 In ihc,Dcllovue park. They

met a l ihe rinch home ot Elaine . .‘P* . Cloughton Wednesday afti-moon.I Mlvi ClouRhlon dcmonstrntod niak-^ i r Ing vanilla pudding, which lORtUicr _ Jl with cool-ade, cho served n s relrc^i- C s ments. |

Tlie group a lfl meet a t the Dclle- J Yue park S a tu r^ y to help pul up D c r ® their ahowbg stJind for th o fair. 1 ^

II• K odak Eiiiishing ], -D A IL T SERVTCS-

, LEEDOM PHOTO ,- 133 Shoshone Nortb • D ow csuin g Wa G ift B B G rc n B U np t

! — w v v v v v w w

'Y o ^ ^

b r i n g i n y o u r

O u r g r in d io g a o d n harfd le y o tir .g ra in s th e m an y g ra in bam


'm 14 Games, Lose I


p o l i t e

{.eainie champlonaiilp In K not- m o tt aipot Grill llavrkeyex. The boys are . Jiih n V

Terry Doildx, Alan Brown an ti none. Iyard, Roger Emmen. John M em- 1‘a ln t A

BODIES ARE FOUND - I TAOS. N. M..’ Aur.' 22 tU PD — * ,. S. forest ranger.'! todny found th e 1 xllc-1 of a prom inent CIovLv N. M.,j iwyer nnd h is chiropractor wife rlleved lost In the rriKKCd-SanKrc. e ChrJ.ito m ountains north and M l^ t. here. Dcn<l are Dce.-Blythe. _ nd Ciilhcrlno Ramsey Blythe, agos ol Immediately known.

- - 1 ! G U A R A N TE ED I


D e n t u r e R e p l a c e m e n t sR e p a i rs w h ile you w a it


(Oppnilte Idaho Tlieater)131 Shoshone North |

rhone RE 3-iM l I


Y ’ ' n


- J , ; , ...... _ I C


O c h o w s D ^


U R G R A l N ^ . ,a d m i x i a g e q u ip m e n t i s d e s i g n e d ti i n s p e e d i l y a n d w e l l . A s k u s a b o u h a n d l i n g s e n r i c c s w e c a n p c r f o n t


T ^ E S - N E W S , T W IN F A L

e None f dr Nariona

/ , ' fmBM

>tt and Ned W illiams, and fron t row. R lckj hn Wllllami and Ricky Johninn . The Haw ne. In tournam ent play th e llawkeyea di Int Mnatonga 5-0. (S toff photo-engraTlng>

DRIVE-IN CHI n te r d c rn o n in o H o n a l S

Motor-Vu Drive-In SUNDAY ->8:00 to

— S P E A K E I Wayne OrWart!



R E A D T I R I E S - N E W S W A

j v w w v w s v w w w v w


F a m o u s l a b o r a t P u r i n a C h o w s t a v a i l a b l e i n t h i s (

PURINA Cl. , P Q R ' s p e c i a l

! Special ra tlo iu , aucli aa anim ala. a re best handl fo rm . Complete ra tio n s w feeders who do n o t have

N ursing-C hew .K , a n d Calf Sforlana

H elp calvM arow o p to r a y w ay to brtfcdlag w eigh t

m on ths .

i { D A F Chow , i A q u a lity body ra tio n foi

s. |.j cow s a n d heilera.

B aby Pig Chew G e ts piga alarted fa s t . .

• PurJnb Pig Stortana!> H elpapigsm akek>w -co«t

p r r-j ja in s .

Fo l Calf Chew vF o r faa t efficient vain*-

B M fC h o wV / * >>0 G rand C bam pioa ol

tin g rationa.

: C hkkS lo rH naG ivea baby chicks a I s ta r t” . (

Chick Orewana B u ild s v igorous, u n i pu lleU F A S T . .

e d to g ' ^€4 ' ^ib o u t ______‘o n n . y ■ - *X


a^Tijle Lnsjd TheNEW

ever}' Holly a producer

.Producer le m e r K e d actor O n Peck. Wit pnrtiiFr. Wylcr, he 1 produced a

wCTPrrrH tiU- V busier westIt la in

million del -roc .c ic

worked brl barki'r n i i

^Voct In 1D30. t.<i

M B ila E frj-- a tlirec-w cn S R N y ^ ^ lour for h

aclura to c

Ume pitch! Uie

llm l Uie i Just UI agem inor shin arUsta. inki

ticky Oarlock. Seott WllUamt, ilaw keyea won U games. Init a defeated Magls Olasa andlng>____________ ____________

HURCH I ..ll Service I'lr

, • , weiIn Theater : o 8:45 A'.M.ER —rdwell (S o b ) I



W A N T A D S. , ' I

f l J V S A V U W U W U V k

EALER fayou...qua

ra lo ry * d es ig n ed , fafm >tcseed - 'S a n d C oncea tra tes are n o w lis community. __


k a s thoM fo r baby TU r U n W S Ian d led in compleU*M nre alao needed b y s S r T O r E C T t C av o th e ir ow n grain.

Milking Rations . «/. t . . i r Aak ua abou t completo milk

1 fo r d ry

Sow Chew U . GivM a sow w h at aba need

to develop- h i i i ^ Uttara.

»«t early f ttanin ti

O m elanaIS. F a U U b K e n a n y - p a c k e d .. .

a o f Fit*

Purina Laying R'ollen* k ’‘f ly to r Help hens produce a docen

egga on 4 Iba. o r feed o r la« Meat Poultry Aatlens . .

u n ifo rm Aak abou t rationa for broile and turkeya.

^ V


A W V V V W .

j d e . E v e r y H p l l y w o

l e r e L s P r o d u c e r , ]

■By HAL H()YI;K I Itlft," s;ild PcYO RK . Auii. 22 i^ '-ln» i(!e '.‘Jinrff of ihc

lollywoo<l nctor twliiy th rr r is nrtl.^t. .it) doi uccr slrugglhiK to get cut. i th e tjlniiir—n ucer^ Gregory Peek liiw ju .'t .'Cluj) won't 1

'\v 'iu i ' of ilie 'b p u ''rW illiam nrc-beuig mn

ed a block- W hy dor.i

, . f o u r | k U iK ?U b n ’t Jdollars. more money

i brletly a s ^ ^ 3^ * ^ j f l snld Peck, - M tliPTguw A. , ' U m e whrn II

iVoctd's fn lr fiK f 'Jn n i /M M H fo r iumii'one I. l.t now on ifai n»>U storlo.n nnd t c-wcck nntlonwlds promotion " t frcl thn Jr ht,i picture. ' Ivlvcs tu thU•gelling to t>f the thing for 1.1 • vntlilc-d, to do now." iiiid P « k . sniiU (j(, on imd

.Vhal we do like ihe old- prnclueer. Ai Itchmnn.'c.xccpl we go In fur nctor, you n tl-.tell ’m nniirr. j - i'i nIcally whftl hiis happened 1.' nrs.< or cn.ii: he m n)or stinllai .now o f in i ; . unrn." hr J l up Uie money for a puck- off. You hnv ;lu re deal. The studios tnke n jjnvr liiio nn sha re of the pi ollUi. and lh c \,u i( ,, " t^ke tho major share," j

;re Is always a day o^ reck o n - 'w e ll. Mosl o


.Now employed a t receptionist - secretary F irs t Federal Savings i i Loan AssoclaUon, w ell-paying position w llh a fu tu re Is Uie i au lt of Helen’s Ta-ln Fnlls Business Colic train ing .

FALL TERMCA REER S e c r e ta r ia l . . , CO U R SE S S te n o g r a p h ic

S H O R T CO U RSES T y p e w r itin (D o y o r E vening) C l e r k - T y f


or Twin FlaiityPURIN1 - H e r e a r e j u s t ' a f e w o f t h e < / p r o d u a s w e h a v e f o r y o u , ei ^ __f o r m u la t e d f o r t h e b i r d s o r a o

W ^ W S I e o N c ih e l p m a k e ' y o u r

rC Q G rain is th e ba se o f moat r^ T B ._ C oncen tra tea c o n ta in nu

C heck-R -M iied wil ■ P y ^ buUd weU-balancod ratioe

lion o f m eat, m ilk and «gj Cow C how Ceneantrofi

I Deaignod to m ake a tSfiSM w eli^a lanced milking

^ . i K V typical fa rm grains. Fi I IS ftT ju s t a "p ro te in suppler

Bullcy-latM u lt i-p u rp o a o B ulk) “ cow’s b«a t friend.” i b ility , bu lk , vitam ins, I n u tn o n ts . .

] J 5 Hoa C hown e ed s / J ( 9 | \ Fed w ith y o u r jr ra ln o>- C i M v F r o m m , H og Chowhe

V k f l F m arke t w eigh t bogaaU on. ® m onths.

' " " i Slaar Fofano1 . . .A O'* w ithou t still:

^ ra tions w ith S tee r Fater ( . 1 \ he lp c a ttle m ake fast ei

Cr«ap C how f! F o r heav ie r calvea a t V

Ij Chlckan Chow der«n B o th grow ing and layinr laM. be buUt w ith Chicken (

• g ra in . O ur Puri.. w X S t te ll ua how m uch to u

« • " « W e also c a r ry concentr .you get th e m ost fron

^ ' L , w ith b ro ile rs ynd tu rk e

IE SEED^t w in f a l l s

r v % % v v w

ivood-Actor,.*• { “f Q l AvCl’S by Wliether he

words or not. ; id Peck. ' Jtir.t n.t Uie m ajor hMltnted

iir-n n d thw p icseni drenm 5?!^ 't - . .,^J ?[* ™ i 1^1 ton . ,r 11, . m u l , .

r Uiry hnve b rn i good. Some — ------------)cj,l ptcture.1 liiive been nnd C r i n / i i c i l I K Minde by the liidepcndeni O p V t l a l 1

le^ndd'eri buJdeiw" n'lid^^rbfci P l t H l I K with directing and produc- BUHL', Aug.

-m’t Ju.1l the hope of making sel "Lndles Nigh oney he can keep, • they mcl Tuestbeen nctlnR for 15 yenrs," nnd R c:\fe. W :k. "Therf simply comes a dl.ilrlcl governo irn II Lm’l rnouKli 10 wnit i.i siiiu-u 10 nin I'one rise to pick ou t your Vl the Buhl clut; md tfll you when to work, .were prcAcnlcd I thnt nny nctor who sur- Vnnce Butter a thl.i huslnrM to r - 15 years K ent aile.'<. to d<

Ic-d, lu vnrylnK degree, to ' u wn.i anno iind become i> director or rnniii will bo e r. Alter nil. even ns an ehih wlUi procf ou nre direct lug yourself." *hoota lo go n 'l sinnd negllgpnce. Inil- betterment. when ll comes n „ „ y Jcnnii

:.'■ hi- snld. " II docKo't pny„p «.nh coio i hnve lo p u l eveo 'ltng you „ n t MWs Buh to nnytlilng to get ROod re- *po:uored anni

club.•liorouRlinrs.5 hn.-i pa id off -----------ost of his 28 p lc tu rc * -P 6ck READ TIMES-:



:tary a t A fter completing a course o f trc nUon A Buslne«s College. EdwardM,. . office poslUon a l Lloyd Robe

Business College training can w ueg# guamntCB of accurlng tho po«

cholcc. .

IM OPENS SEPT. 2. . A c c o u n tin g B usiness A d n

S a le s m a n s h ip G en e ra l B usii

-rlting G o m p to m e try•T y p is t O f f ic e M a c h in e s


Falls Coun NA CHOWSh e e iT ic iea t P u r i n a Ll, e a c h s p e c i f i c a l l y r a n im a l s y o u f e e d ,

CENTRATES ^SSfk■UR G R A I N .P A Y . . ^ j C j T f l d l

ioetra,tiona. F u n n a l an nu trie n ts g ra in I ■d w ith grain , th e y•ationa lo r produc-idcggi.

:e a Itop q ua lity , CHECK-R-king ration from _ServiceJu lky.L aa is th e ' ©“ f Check-R-M ii d ." Adds p a la ta - b lem m eans welins, body-buildinc back o f ua t h i n a

moat experieitnd 1

/ srinding and mixicain on the P u r iM • curacy is te sted ow helpavoubuU d Jy by Purina lab<«ga in feaa th a n jiea. This a igs is

aaaurance o f qualit - - tions from y o u r t

atilbeftrol. a teer Fatena save g ra in ,u t elBcient gains. !h Su@ U ^ ^

I a t weaning. {Hyf5 * * a 'S « 3 i '^

laying rationa can IH SS j z 's r *:ken Chowder a n d Id —Purina form ulas | 9 a i *"***• _

icentratM to h e lp IB “r TilirTi , from your s r a in ' M h b i g v ^ U b Q turkeys. I *”*” *'**7'*..........


1: i

' PAGE nvB':|!:I 1M3. a i t a r Iram tii* i ' >o_done_well_at , th e _ b a x ; ijnnn hns a creed h e lives I n ler he Iv e r puts I t In to H not. Asked to name h la , 'l lM

od w ork: try to g r o w * t Q | | l l tr nolhlng, and re m e r o b e r jI H y’-re ih'o oldest laws lo th e M H

they alnnd up,” ‘ . M H

al Events Is IH mned by Libns- llAug. 3 2 -T h e Lions c l u b n K

■s N ight" for Sept, 10 w hea H H Tuesday n igh t a t the A | U |

fe. W. Rny Duftln, BoUe, ] |W nvernor of th e Llona club J I M

hi club on U ial night. P ins; | q scnlcd to th e secretary,. .1 itler a n d lo ih* treasurer, l l | , X. to dc^lsnntc Ihelr offices. l |B |

nnnounccd a trapahoot, vII be erected by the Lions . |I proceeds from Ihe t r a p . L ] go lowsrda community I , « . - i l Jennings enteri.ilnod tha . I IB ^h colorcd slides of th e re- l l | | | s Buhl pngcKnl. which I«' I I annually by lha L lona ..'M j


^^B jk {jl

. m

§ 1 f K f mJ ■

fl1 o f trc in ln g .a t Twin I!^w ar4jjicceptcd an KI Roborson Agency. ' ■g can also b e your 1Qe position o f your It

; A d m in is t r a t io n 1 L B u s i n e s s , ' I

- ■ F i lin g . <


inty I

R-MIX I IviceR -M ir « » - IS w e h av eth i n a tio n ’s 1 thM d sra in -rogram. O ur L1 m ix ins ac- f, . ited regular- |; . la labora to- !iga ia you r • K .•q u a lity ™- . ^ ■y o u r grain . ,


~ I I I

CO.RE 3-1373


y H o u s e A c t i o n

i I K i l l s M i n e r a l 1—

j I S u b s i d i ^ T B i UI I I WASHIKOTOK, AuB. M M' —. p e , .b. II.I lunue Te»t«r«l*y cu t to piece*, ^ e n i-oo

: | M juieS ft domeaUo m lnem li iuMJcly »:«

I I “ rh® roU call »ole kllUns the till. V.iSI I 1H .16#, c tm e tfU r Utt m eu u re h*d 7;io I I been IcnwUvely killed then revived. J;Ji' I SirlJcr b ; «Undlng vote the hotue,

. '■ ii *cUnj aa ft commlltee. TOted 108-98 «iiet i l to jtr tke Ibo blll'i enactln* c lau jfr- »•«lit I kUI IL T hen on a roll call the hoiueI I I le re n ed Itaelf and the bUI aqueakedI I th n u s h 174-171.Rl B efort 'k im n j th« meaaure the }®:«I I house alaahed out mnny Im portant jj,o«I r portlona atrongly lupported by Ihe p.m.

!: , .S «nhow erftdm m l»tnktlonaaft*ub-h n rrlm _________ _ iil lL

l | ] l C oil W ai to B« Hl(h . Il>tl[ ■ '' l i had called for ft coppcr «U>ck-

pile, prieo supports for lead, itncf. ■ fluorspar and luneaU n and produc- ,j;oo

Uon incentiva pnj-menU for beryl. »;« chromite and columblum-tanUlmn. ,:(o

: * The proposed proRTnm would have 4id(i l j cost nearly f t'h a lf billion dollar* In J;}oI five years. itos

Diirlns th ree days of Interm ittent | ; m ' debate, proponents said the p ropam •;«;. needed to proUct domeatle pro-

. ^ ducers from competition wllh low- I I cojt forelitn labor, to relieve ucem - t :mIII - ployment In mines and amel(«ra, and

I I I to assure su p p lla of minerals need- -------Li J ed for nallonnl defense. ^I l f '----- :OpiMnenurnrTtued-uncmploynient | - ' | -flft In tho mines Is small, th a t this coun- V i l J III try has p lenty of the mlneraU In- m Tolred, and th a t windfalls voutd go ^I I to big firms w hich Import u well as

produce domestic m inerals. >Speakers from bolh parUea polnt-

' . ed out lh a t th e Elsenhower admlnls- r tratlon la itrongly aupportlng the

III proposal. A lew h inted th a t the WA White House had been applying of Uu

IL pressure in lU behalf Uils week. to pa}P Some b a ck e n o! th o bill said they t'oo*' would have preferred U rlff barriers, Coeurll-' for protecUon of domeaUc lead-ilno “ “"ki

■ miners, bu t lh a t the President would H nol Impose Im port tAses or quoUs ■ . as recommended by the ta riff com- V mlialon.I Exploration BlH Slpied “■ I f there waa W hite House prej- ' I sure, a d id n 't pay off. Only 40 Re-I publicans voted for the bill whileI 106 were agalnat It. .■ , Even a.» th e house acted Prcaident . ,W‘■ ituenhow cr algned Into law a billI to revive a federa l m ineral explora- I ; ,, „■ tion prOBram. I t continues n pro- ° , [ I sram which h n d been carried on by "Ut I the defense m inerals exploration ad- ^ I m lnb tra tlon w hich ended la s t JuneI 30. U nder I t th o ffovemment will con-f tlnue to ahar» explorftUon expenses ,' w llh m ining companies.

i U .S . R e p o r t s T e s t I "

:■ Q f G u i d e d M i s s i l e Kn,t;y CAPE CANAVERAL. F l a , AU(C. 32 ’’ W -A speedy Bom are Rulded missile ”)' blazed skyw ard yesterday In search , r

of ft sim ulated enemy a tU ck plane •oma 250 mllea ou t over Uie AUanUc.

The Bom are, th e naUon'a m ost de*I, pendable ground-to-a ir defense wea.

pon, traced a th in vapor trail acrou th e sky a s f t atreaked eastw ard nt three tim es th e speed of sound.

The 15,000-pound missile was aim* rnn ed a t ft- ptloUeAs drone ta rse t. bu t T vin for test purposes the Bom aro usually is preaet to veer off Ju s t before con- j *«*• a n tf t t

------------------------------ p i la f

S h e r i f f I s m huntk-Twin Pnlls county Sheriff Jam es “ “ U'

E . Benhftm waa adm itted to Magic Valley M em orial hospltikl Thursday ha ste. n lch t fo r ft phyalcal eheck. A mem­b er of h is fam ly aald they h a d been > up north on n sh o rt vacnUoh and CHI th e a herlft com plained Wednesday order o f ft p a in n e a r hU riba. Hla condl- by thi tion F riday w aa described as "sat- phers Isfactory" by ft honpltal a ttendan t. eraUoi

RO CK ETS TESTED X ^W A SH IN O T O N , AU(f. 22 10—Tlie

navy waa rcporU d yesterdny to be' launchlnK rockets (rom hiRh llylnR a irc raft In a progrnm aimed nl **; developing reconnaissance aatelllles. - L

SN A K E R IV E R R E P O R T | j P

(rm * r ^ r l i kr BsrMa «r lUtlraiMUi). iC*ol*tiu) Burrtj cad a

r , Inc BiriiM) 8;filWlon DUekarConUSlrt,. Kor.

‘Jsekion L*li* _ «I>.«00(«)*Mor*n .:.... ....... l.llio 1.11# |J6:r .ii.4d« R« ... IDO,:W><.> .,Iilind r>rk ItM. 4>.«S0|«)I s h X “ ™ Z I . s!*»o j'srfl I'M>nueii(»At,..... . i.»<o nto ':9o>Ui(hiud rum p. JJ 0• I.akt W «icoir~ «!ilO(«) ■ * ■ <; a i : s . “ s : : h i:! ;: i : ; ; : : i

‘ j i ; ■■■’; , ‘Ullnrr 8 S C«n>l .I.CO 2 Sin I Mllnrr Low UCt 2>S 2 1 ' 0 I

;5"?"r.‘£ 3 K ; • I, r A U u ri l ... »2) JJ32 }(■> l< .Mlln»r N 8C*n«I,1)' llrlateilhriw 7.*!1 *1^1 : ••i.Dv .shfii^.nikci i . l i t i;«:< I iol A mt t t i ’ In *«ond-

I.YMN-CnANDAI.t.______ ,J ni.lHcl Eniln.»r. rsGS_'1 Snak* ni>cr WaUrmiilrr. I

_____________ HUU Idaho___________|J

il ,<

FRIDAY-SATURDAY :j 'B a rb ara Stanu^clc |; i *i

B a rry Sullivan I, I ' I "FORTY GUNS" ! ■

CINEMASCOPE V ■rius, •• 3 \

Hedy L nm orr . J a n Sterlln* |! I "FEMALE ANIMAL" I I


B i o R E Y . D r i v e - I n a' ITheatre— Jerome I

B rish tcst Screen In Idaho ^ I

ENDS TO N IG H T ' I iW alt Dlaney’s Fnm oui - I -

Anlmnled ta les of U nde Remus 1- SONG OF THE SOUTH ]

PLUS !■ ' T lie Bowery Boya In


■ W lIin o g er» .Jr .ln *'WILD HERITAGE" = . .

- PLUS ■ ‘ ■ I ;! KMANHUNT in »h« JUNGLE "

* I

fc 'pA G B S IX ' ■ ■_______



<in( Tos O' Mamins TiU D*toUob«T it T?»dln* I’Ml ■ T:« « trr Criffta7':1I ChiihBlm Tr«ll »=«» O'* K.jlh

lili " - H Etiot rop'3l>oi> tATUROATSite Man Atttul Hull* l b .*;C» «:ge Toira Cmbt i l l Iiniboard «!10 Nf>i • .t:l« CUii^ «;>t Tsvd aoil'Ceun >:(S Han« U>« ArlItt . T:«0 Son* »f Wokmi

10:00 N<»< Tlio Urfuktail WllbIS:Ot Man About Mutla U rrrll:CON«-i, ' t:J> N » .lllO«Nti» filo .H'Woailtrrul ShP.BI. 10:» Darlrr’a Muilei : ;0( I.rt'a Talk IlporU 1I:0« 8'WondtrfuI Ht l ia t ^ llU9,8'Wond.rIuI 8bm il Karm Talr ~ lt:M W*«lb*r-1:00 ' I t i l i «-Wond«rful Sh1:0t mlka Tim* 1:00 tl'Wond«rlul Sbl;]9UiIlnr« V arltlln 1:09 K'Wondarful ab

liOO n'Wondtrtul Btt:M Utot , tiOO Coclm wlUi1:01 Malln>o< VarlatW UirtJn4:00 Ntot / 4:01 It'a Wondtrral4:0( llillbuard (.10 H'Woni!«r(ul StCIO TbttKr Kbr>»canl t i t t Ki>t<:U Malint* VarUtiM «:00'Muilo1:00 Nfwa 1:11 Dtfollona _(:M .HporU R nU n Till Ola Kallbti t t Iloollnc N><» til s nanrlns Tart/iiio n h a p a w l r 1 »:5o " lia

im 0 » ________ 10:00 DrMBlBi

Cutb®;krfor State’s Mines '— Are Forecast

WALLACE. A u j. 22 (fl— Failure *' of Uie defense m inerals subsidy bill }, to p a u Uie house brouRlit perdle- lioo « tlOQs of production cutbaclu In 'th e *>» « Coeur d'Alene m ln ln s district, but Bunker Hill—blRse.ii operator In tbe igioo si area—will probnbly no l hnve lo io:io Bi shut down n e x t m onlh as once *

.« in w• Bunker Hill P residen t John Bard- - ley SAld he wns deeply disappointed over failure or th e bill bu t felt th a t H t n ImprovlnR s a lu nnd self-lm p^ed production conlroU would enable the bl(T firm lo keep operatlnt;.

“We have reached somewhat of a ^balance now nnd we don 't see the .|ncule need lo s h u t down as we once dill." WAS

But Uie p residen t of Hecla Mln- ,Ins company. L. J . RAndnll, said, 1 ^ , 7 , •T ie re wlll have to bo fu rther sliut- o u "

OUier officials seemed to feel the future Of Uie Industry wns now l ^ ely In the h a nds of President

Mosl rcsldenU of UiIs north Idaho m lnlnj distric t have been on edse for days ns th e ho a ie debated the “ v?? ’ bill, cut 11 to pieces nnd finally kill- . ed it. Most m ines and mills arc on a four-day week. n o t on,

Industry spoke.nmcn claim do- mesUc miners cnnnot compete wlUi cheaply produced .foreign meUils. “ “V They have been actively seeklnR aid 'Uirough tn rllfs nnd Im port quotas,

- - » Jytlc 01

Boy, 15, Shot ™ConldUon of K enne th ' Britton. 15. can so

rwin Falls, w ounded in the lee p rhu rtday by a .22 ca liber bullet, waa ^ ( T v {ood Friday according to nn a ttend- i n t ^ t Magic V alley Memorial hos- DiejjSr

T h e ’ youth w as preparing to go p S H lU fltlM m U hn B ,.I.,-Raybom -rnnch - k j ; louth o t Tw in F a lls T hursday when h e J 2 rifle h e he ld discharged os ♦ »e stepped from a porch.

> STRIKE AVERTED'CHICAaO. A ug. 23 on - A court

irder W ednesday averted a strike)3y the O rder o f R a ilroad Telegra- >her» th a t would have Ued up op- _ . uaUona of th e C hicago and North- * gegtem railw ay In e ig h t s ta to .


8 ;0 0 - ^ ^ l l : 0 0


^ 8 :0 0

r T H / f f F R E E H i R f s

;| L O V E N O V E L T H A T

0 S H O C K E D


f m n c o Te

Startsj e ' I •** T il *-«»<i Sundoy

J M i--------------------

• • s i . ; f - "

: VALLEY R A IK :_________ K E E P _ ^ _relea) ( lti« KUocydea) ( u


! S & ’

I .8bo<r 1:00 I'Ura Cixxl MutU

7iS0 To K**p Youn« 7;MSlOO At llaarl liOS

IT *100 Mor* Ut:il< ,.mlOiOO Nava Krporttr

CMBtry IJijJ ^rlnklln ' Uurduw

• CoonUT . ■ 0%'sr „

|] : t l X*«a n>adllnr* 'Ul Shew S:00 Unnr llaaurmta 1,44luale «>0» Ka«p tKnttrulaad ful Hbow *:30 Wtalhar titSul Sbow <:iO »toiU It 19 ^ tiOO

<iii N w ' ! s i s rul 8hoi* I 1CO Kr<P Enl>rt«ln«4 tiOtul Sho« SlOO Wllh t^nnr |, |Sul abnw 'S:tO .Sporia 10:00'■ul Bbow SiJO W**lh»r H ;00“ !;!! S . " “ .‘.‘i .™ . . ! SItrmi ' lOlDO Wllh Pop Mual* 4:1)0ul Sboir 11:00 U*i t;DO

ll i t t Na>t . . «:D0IJiOO N»w Nlfl/ 10 « :lt1:00 With Mil Kranj TlOO

^ IliO Kporta a t SO SlOOIlOO Nto Nidir to X:4t

i!;!:liOO K**9 NIfht Train i2i00 lartia SiOO K*«p NithI Train liOO

TiOO Nlihl Train 'til 10 ' IiOt MDlns 10:09 Sprlabltn-sunlufi

* * * *

T e l m s i o r

KLIX-TV i i i i(Channri 11) S:io 1.1

fUUAT *-00 ^

:90 I’HpI* Ar« Fupiir f i u >1:00 m f a r Fichu r .100 (.odrr*r Talaat ScguU;iS9 UB(t«rturr.nt JJaa iiO(l lnn«r flanelum i l j j f l:I0 (^nricltnllal Kll* ! ; » n,:?SgariL ^7S r';:t.% . ■ B lilO KUX llndllnai. , „ j l i

8ATUR0AT tSltO Ti :tO KI.IX lUaailna._______ m 08 KJ

Ijnerica’s Polio 2 I) Cases Again Are )

Up, Report Says tS;°p•WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 CR—P ar» Davii y ilc polio ense* increased ag a in «' s t week. Uie public henlUi service ' po rted today. ■ All4. C O u t o r Uie 233 polio cn.'tea re p o r t- haVe;pi I by Uie sUitM. lU were para lyU c. ■ ^1 ' T h is com pared w ith a revised r e - court t ir t o f S0 paralytic cases o u t of th e tion of 0 polio cnses in Uie week ended <^ocs m jg . B. T l ie . figures for th e com - la repri iTiU)le week last year wero 314 Raybor aes w llh 81 pnrnlytlc. ’ Eva F o r several weeks now lh a n u m - from / :r o f reported, paralytic cnaea haa talla o >t only increased bu t h a s exceeded *'■<»« ^ 10.10 In th e comparable 1057 week, a tto m t P ro m Jn n . 1 Uirough la s t S n tu r- ly th e re had been 801 pnraiyUc sea am ong the 1,S3S reported . A ITAII o r ago the totals were 1.055 p a ra - groups tic ou t bf 3.212 cnses. church

• ’ I ■ „ Sunda) NAVY MAN GRADUATES the ch

HANSEN. Aug. 3 2 -B u rl D. D u n - Eas>ey a . son of the Rev. and M rs. B u rl * D unean , was icheduled to ,’,rad -

,te F rid ay from recru it tra in in g Oambli th o naval Uiilnlng cen te r. S o b ^

ego.___________• ____________ -

11M Kimb«riy Rood


9.;30____ ^




■' r ' i:OiSE SAGAN'SiHB

a ■ ' " i e r f e m s a n i l e________ I JOHWKY t 2 n d


i i s i ,1»»-S:00 [, '

bUd.** OOORB OPEN 1:15 '

! .■ ■ ■ -■ ■ a M j H i i in .n . >



(U l» Klloeycle*) '- ( U l l KUoeyeieal fBlSAT

ntlDAT TiW lUnrral Saattf

7:M Bpert* v.rltlT Tltnt1 :0* John Maxton- *:Ja V.rlalr Tim*S:M N*i>a lOiOO Daa<* Tim*Il4( Coobor Daa*b*U .lO iM iN oa

lATUBifiAT• V " “ " t a .............. ....

<;0t Tog or UamlBi . I «s<2 OnaUaB'tKaml

i i i l K f e - -litO Bblaa Bounda OUSlOO KLIX Waw.W»t- l<08 i W«»a«100 XLlXNawaU^i S:30 llaalaaaa CdltWitiOt Kl.uM aa.„a *i<4 M.W, Carntrloloo Jobn SaiMn 1»:1» C«r*»f‘*j«» Jo‘hnVaiKa‘ sh o . n Jo iM .w J Coraar* 4 ;s s s :« -■ , r . s s ,N . - .JiOO John Uaxaen Shew 1:04 Monlwf'«:00 JuntauBhlna t :10 Msnilor7100 Wawa' • — *'i08 W«*ihar Dirt .SlOO Kawa . «:U Eli.flliMa CdllX:4t Cowbor Raaabill SiJO U. V. Ilaifrlda

lOilO Juit Jonta 7i0i MnnllorlliOO Nawa 7il0 xQraad Ola OpI2i00 Nawa S:00'xNa«aIlOO N*wa *ilS UoallorI lOt Wawa aad Blinoff • :J» Uonllor

lOiOO tCaaa* Tlia* '

) n ~ E o g .

rll XMrolt at Naw York SHOS:io ftan o( tba w*.it era causiao U f* ^ “th tTiiablik LincolnlOo iiKkl* and joeki*. . escaped

s S S " " * ”-" j=“ b; ■ r S S " ■ «: n u t* of nii*r NBO «none. 'IW Ounlmok* 008 side Of

: ! ! & “ & I . „ o S K ?

fiivorce Cases S Entered in T. F.

Two divorce actiona wero filed In were thi vin Falls d istric t court Thurjidny. wss golr David H. HaU charges adultery the driv . a com plaint against Je n n n e Bell rightsIC nJ. They were m nrrled a t PaTo then ba l4. Cnllf., on Aug. 10. 1952. They shouldei .Ve;one m inor child. He seeks cus« h it a hi dy 6f the minor child a n d naka the a'n embi u r t to m a k f '^ h equitable dlsposl- its whe< in of th e comm unity p roperty . He accident cs n o t nnme a correspondent. He coin eoi represented by Lloyd W ebb o t the Ptyigh. lybom and Rio’tMm law firm .Eva Roo H erm an seek* n divorce n o . )m Albinus Mnthew H erm an . De- c u n a lU of tho divorce w ere removed 3m the clerk of courts fiiea by an tom ey. 8 p. m.

-------------------------- Final plPICNIC SLATED

nA IE E T . Aug. 22 — T h e y o u th ___u—1oups of Uio Com m unity BapUal * * * * * u rch will ^old a poUuck dinner 7 * r mday afternoon. *niejr v/llt leave * ■ e church a t 3 p.m. a n d go (o t Qg. isley ho t springs w hero they will .i. v j;-1 Im before eaUtiR th e ir m eal. The t *^‘3 :v. Richard W illiam s a n d Amy I D tm ble. chairm en o l th e two groups, . f • ' U be In charge.____________ ______




m j O N L'


m i W l N G

; , T q jE S -K E W S, TWIN FA

T . E S ■ I ' E x------------------------_ j 1 --------------- -

[ IBCART ^---------- r -a 4 0 « 'K I1 5 m J« J----------- l i

J bo. " » * » ^s'l'pO Bporu<:0S KAIIT StortboaH U) — E

iMttf * ‘*‘ { '* 7 * .. qult« StS':I5 !«<«««

BporU f:4S UUn Amirlean space , aihlltbla liOO Carelfal InBouDd day.

T:St r.aopit in IbaN«*r* -MAktsIm bad nev

M aiOO Carnltal la Bound rocko t I

„ , i s i l i s " ' - ”-^ - ,11:00 N*wa Ha^dllna* physlcs

Hoar 11:02 Mu<l«brStarII(bt U nlvers3n>lBS n ISO N . . . |{*.dllnr«Kamllr I11S2 Muile bjr Blar|lcbt ,®r<<uit»r« ii:&sN*>* radlaU oRB* 12:00 Him off senaitlv : • a . ^ a*TUIlDAI ,

Si&BlllKnen LudW

'» « t l i o Vuleo Nawa “ Y<148 Morninc MalodI** HO mir 7:30 Jaroma Coi N*wa mllea niV .;; s s 5 £ ; r “ - ■■1:00 Tlniwatl'a N*»a

»:ss Uorainc M.iodin a rm y 's aj4» Hrmni. All Kalllu pound i

rrlda 10 :QS Woman*. World. ^Udw10:30 N«wa llndllnra th e dcn

“ ■■■■ awampiili;S5 KART Wh«!a « ln tl lln ll:ao N*wa llradllnaa Inch tU

la* ' 11 :SZ Iloun.Kup "T heamnzinf

eepingDrivefs” ' Cause Accidents m issionHOSHONE AUB. 23-51eepy d rlv - caused two Occidents recently in m onth coin county. Passengers narrowly iped In jury In boUi. 't < :2 0 -p jn . W ednesday W, D . know n , Boise, .w ent to sleep and h is r_ " *5 Pord ra r i o ff th e toad four and re-Quarlcra jnJJcs west of B h o - hne. Tho c a r w c n t off Uie r ig h t iJ I of th e rood a n d over a rock - t«_ “ . Dam age w as esUmatod a t »15. ^ o u M b Uier Joy o r h U two grondchll- “1 were In ju red .arller In tho w eek. 13 miles east i - iq u i < Richfield on highw ay D3 a lte r - sclentlii s. a 1S5B F o rd driven by F lore lta etrnUon ;e Pord, F t. W ayne, Ind., rolled ju ll bon r. Miss Fo rd a n d he r pauengcr, Ludw nard G . Crow ell, Longston. Okla.. th e rad e throw n o u t o f the cnr. T he cnr u jc re v, . going coat n round a curv'e, w hen between driver fell oalcep. I l ran off th e shielded

it side of th e ro a d about 195 feet, n back to th o le ft lUde off th e ulder, over a rock ledgei 130 feet, a highway s ig n nnd rolled over CHIC em bankm ent w here It landed on Runftien wheeU. I t w as demollslied. BoUi cap., b li IdenU w ere InvesURnUd by 'L ln - *i county D « u t y Sheriff C h n rltt “n a «> ijh. . ^ valued I

BOARD M E E T TONIGHT- |HOSHONE, A ug. 22-T lie L in - ' /t county fa ir bo a rd will meet a t ^I. m. today o t Uie court house. J ^ nl pinna fo r th e fair, to be held Aug. 29 a n d 30, will be mnde.

TV SERVICE IDay Phono RE 3-7111 l l

NigKr Phono RE 3-1037 *\\ C a


RDOT—■ ■ j l4 0 W I N M FALLS!


. . . b u t t h e d e v i l

B r i g i t t e S iSTARTS TODAY!!


Dxplorer’ IV Debt Reports B and O f-R ad ia tion

A PE CANAVERAL. F lo . Aug. 33 I2M.93, ] — E xplorer IV U Bending bock T h e bu 4 atorU Ing revelaUona obout a n Ihdebted inse bond of radlaUon f a r o u t In aory no t cc. ft p ro jec t official .said yester- Anderaor

I n ft Ilost o f the satellite's repo rt la S tew art

newa for scienUsts who hope’to ond Intei (Ot a m an In space In th e n e x t Luke,

years. T h e bileorge L>ud«lg, an associate In th e i i t t^ h . : 's lcs departm ent of th e S tato verslty of Iowa, sa id ,ea rly daUt n K a n t n E xplorer IV shows lh a t th e laUon te leUial. The sa tellite 's * sitlve Instrum ent package waa Ieloped a t the university. ., udw lg .aa ld Explorer IV 'sU ll U ly m r^ c e p u o n n n n o o d -j iB T jB ii —It w hirls around the globe every . m inutes, dipping aa low os 178

es nnd swinging as high as 1,368 es In apace,

Jxm g_O rblt Due Aunched July 2S aboard the ly 's Jup lto r-0 ropket,’ Uie 37.1 nd aatelllto Is expected to con- le In orbit for about five years. - ' udwig said Uiat above 1,200 miles de a th rays have come close to

mplnR the dellcato gelger a n d ' lUllnilon counters w ith in the 80- T S ^ tube satellite. Ir h e rocnlRcn ratings hnve been | „ K ing ," LudwlB said. / | I■he-OKiount-of lonlzatlon-eaused th e death rays Is mensured In :ntgcns. T he atomic energy com - *slon Bays th a t 50 per ccn t of th e plo exposed to a' to ta l 450 roen t-.1 o f gam m a rays wlU die w ith in a ___ —nUi. •

Quick D eath Probable .udwlg explained It sUll la no l iwn w h at lype<of radlaUon exists space , but added; " If th e raya

electrons, an unprotected m an lid die a fte r 45 hours o f exposure, >If they are the more violent pro-

pnrUcIes, unprotected m a n lid be dead In only -4'i hours." - mo of the two gelger counters d e th e aatelllto Is shielded by 3lh o f nn inch of lend to enable :ntlil« to compare radia tion pen- lUon. T he oUier b open to the bom bardm ent of the rays, / / i j

udwlg sa id Uiat nbove 1,200 miles rad ia tio n was so powerful th a t

re wna pracUcally no difference A'een Uie am ount received by the ;lded and unshielded counters.

GEMS STOLE.V H ICAOO, Aug. 22 Ml — Two jhen , one wearing a m ailm an's *> V \

b luffed their way In to a d lo- • * ' id m erchan t’s office yestorday i robbed It of gems th e firm IT ied n t $100,000 to $150,000.


$ 1 . 0 0 i l l lReady to Serve in 9

10 Minutes -■



I ?^;^Ta.90c I

11 in v e n te d

S s u r d o t 1~DOORS OPEN .

F r i ; 6 P .M . / iSijL Sat. 1 P.M.

K.alur. <lm« K.I.I., KID

a a l -H-

ibt Complaints Yo Filed by Bureau Cw t!agio VoUey A djustm ent bureou l _ t w e . . «parftt«_.,lndebt«lnfc«a ploint* Thursdoy In T w in Falls Ice cou rt seeking ft to ta l of sa . plus Interest. . s t ^ t w iIl e bureau claims VlrgU L oraen Is n !rh bted to th e bureau on » prom ls-

noto for SUG.M a n d to .0 . C. neraon fo r t29JO. ........I ft complaint again st N orm an va rt Uitf bureau seeks |131.«8 Intorcst allegedly due D r. H . C, h

tie bureau is represented by WU- I H . Bokes. T w in FaUo ftttom ey.

mnthemoULD TIM ES-NEW S W A N T ADS »ch00L •

T O D A Y & T O M O R R

I mDreAiroT" "flir;I "Gang W ar" " '? K 5 ,

---------RATIISDAT'D o n T r a T f t lk to -

J H I a a l i l


SHOW OF THE2 Great H ift! Difforcnt

Anything You've Ever S

" H a s o i l f r h e t h r i l l o f a ^

W a l t D i s n e y h i t ' 'Soys LOUE

Hollywood's Fc

" r i l refund your admission if you ond your kids aren 't

tickled p ink!"



iU D «K > «■»(.« OM IB O flU 'M ir I»WE MKHAawmon i

Lof« T h is I n a I Unforgettable l i l t ! J * ^ 1 6

^ ^ i i w i i i i i i i I A m a z i i

, You

H B H L ' J K i i l

■ B IB W i

C3!P i P ^ ^ ^ g ^OHPOH.TheDog I

SNOWFIRE— 8:00 AND 10:45- AdulH 65e -

Student* 50o vKIDDIES,.6 .1 2 , I iTri

- f r e e ' M * | j - a i

. iTUDAIt I D A Y . A U G U S T 2 2 .1'js,

Y o u t h s F in e dKO youUis were ttnM by T w in F a lls P o l ic t® - .^

Pum phrey . f o r ' op cm u M T ^ ciM w ith nolay mulfierl *» -K en t-L arsen rnB .“ 30(i —

»15 and 1 O. Thom a*. le , icn ntt.? ** tt, waa fined $25'and c « ^)Ui w ere c ltod by city po^,

G U ESTS MSTEd".A I L ^ . Aug. 22 -M r. J lur House and thrrt, cWmUnez. Calif., a re Rueu i i ^ le of he r paren ts, Mr. nna , r llie Bowldcn. They mu

hemaUca in th# OnkOtli

> R R W T ^

T1ma^l:10-l:40-4lU4:S». - | 7llt-ll«0.10:tt I

a - 4 t t T il t—«jb Afltr ■ ‘;«CUMr*ii Ab7iK*I :iSDATTilr*a rfi*nfa 1' '

I ’K M W i l f c l l i l l f u l l m

THE M OST IIF U L IIE YEAR ■o r c n t F ro m I HE v « ^ S e « ^ ^ I H

r ■

lO U E L L A PARSONS . I J's F am ed Columnist l ^ |

AGER | | ‘

MSSSUISid' IM ir ic M « M I> (U IC I& U ,»UM M u e riM o a M V

The Two Most nazing Characters You E ver Met!

joj^fLEECItThetimfc pyjiA^»WCHBY »IU*« t l

3 : 4 5 _ H 0 B 0 9:30

U t ^ y y j p _________ _ _


1 lU f u d fU«Pol« • « Preaenled tn Cll I- MfTNotb Ollrer, Iefl,.»n(! M n . Clark *?,, MinmltUe o t Ihe MS «na S cluU U'r £ , r S Tl>» project^w.1 Im llga ted «

Jis and S Club ]V Memorial G

1 n»s. plwiue and Xlngpolc for nn Inli «;rTT Barry pw k In tho no rth - tlons f

or IV ln Fftlls were n lty n !^ n tfd 10 Hie clly Wedncatltiy ilcnili. S^aion by the MS nnd S club. In n (Vf Iftnitffff JAwph Lntlnjore jic- n o la l « itd the glic on behnlf of th e thrco t%. »>soTitf preienUUon wn« ft cUmox " f tre.

rfiorolKl which began soinc throe r.eedllm tfui (CO ftt Ihe dentil of Mr. nnd <P

Diny. T*-in-Pcvll* re.,1- teu killed in ft hlRhwfty iKcldent.Stoben of the family donat- »><•■» ^ dlh« Und for tho pnrk.Un. Clftrt Klclnkopf. who hended _

Ctnnmlllee which purchn.^cd th e | ' i i < ] (JI. polnled out tim t the project « H J nilnm eni8r>'ofnlldcccM cdmcm- O kn of the club, and w ni InatlRiitcd 1 > I th* death of Mrs. Barry , a past ^ c n t of Utfi club.■ fsadi fw the project, which, cost . qpcrlmftttly »100. were raU cd-by . “ 0 ° « duo, lale of raRS nnd oUier KUfllla of Ui« club's ways and tani committee. The fund rccclved ,■“ 7 " ^ ~ Noln

P a r k i n f l f F i n e s” h e r COI

itoiiloflSI In bonds waa posted R e ite r . T itttliT tndThurtdnyw ithTPr-ln o^f a n T^pilc# for park ing vlolnUona. ^ -P °L CiUaUkn and W ajiia -B ates S i r hn/ ochtXtd a bonds fo r two over- tl=.;rtSt vlolaUons. '

taStU bonds were David R. above t ^ ffftfrcn B y , B etty Baker, siA t« Jsoliocre, L. R. Anderson, Leon vertical ^ f l t e tE m b e r to n , M arlon Me- waa no

1^ , Tbdma Tipton, Fe rn H on- fn«t>nei

CUuMn, R. A. Van E n - *red t t Mn. Olenn, Robert .S f fe iT

Jtosn. Mr*. John Peterson, c . R.

^ l4 « * r McNeil, P a t Tverdy, U d K hn , Pauline McOce. • I W■ AR Hftmllton. Clarence Holll- ■W a'JrNibicrrtniin-E.-RoserM rr —« h o steBT KaJbtltljch. Mrs. J . T . An- U ia n . !• * » . . Johff lioushielln . Lavon te n tla rj “o». UTf. Leonard Lane, Hulls im noU . retv farm, Waldo M artin , Fred ffulUy t

Marilyn Harrl.ion, Bobble F riday 1 •gi willlftm Jenkins, Sue Fowler. Su lphet t o r Morrison. Mr.v Doris S ln id- ^ .Jinet McCMlln. Wllllnm W ild- g . , | „ t . B lllta , "

of Pnradlse nre found In I ^habitant n t only two <

" E ^fU i-lhelr native New ifc]?- B lrd-of-P nrad lw '


E f fo r t a n W ith C r a f t s m a n B a

Clipper * Comb ■f ' l r s e liil, ; I

‘ Crcw A itachm enta

' W ' J ' S c t ................ 14.88 i

f ir s t lo Sears .- .. Then i

p u a ta a S ea n ^o a /t, m a n t f

fI .

5 <|ui> Gives Flag J

tn City M anafer Jom ph la llm n ra T w ln 'f -.lark Klelnknpf, chairm an of the Rlfl tor

ted u t the de«th of the U arry*,.. d ecejii,

* * * * . _ ■ ? -*

• Makes Presental Gifts at Harry E

n Initial booi.l from *cveral donn tructlon ons from re.ildent of the cotlimu- -Anoihi ii> ftt tho tImo of tho BArry's cliy hy

, of lllC cll In ncccpllntr U ie 'itlft. Lnllm ore Prlur

olt'd «i/i£ llKr. only. fA'o or mony. ni ireo month.i if u.-,ed rccularly . lie club wci ISO explnlncd ..the city's proRrahi Oliver, u . free devrIopm<;iii. notlnR th a l Uuk proj ledllnM nre plnnted a t the Mr.r I l i t coursc and ulbwed lo rcnch a pr.-Mdcnt iir size of from three lo five years vIco prc: 3foro traa<.plantpd to pnrkis, ?o K Bi-crcti ley can cope wlih th e Inevitable trenuurer ■anch brenklnc and o the r des- porter, n

--------------- Uciirin

Jirl, 15, Killed "SL ByFall;Second

Girl Saves SelfM O U NT WASHmOTON,. ''^ ‘11 “ >»-•JK. 22 (M^EIIccn ncHer. 1C, of the l^lxHikop ronx, N. Y., 011 an oulln« In Dash Inc w ns/ ish s la te forc.M. fell 150 feel to her :a th on a IcflKe yesterday, • nPI Nola ZIrln. 15, Ptrlcho, N. Y., nnr* o r wly escaped iilujiKlntf In to ihe 150- o t Bnsh niah lalla ROrRc allL-r ir compnnloii. CUilchlnR a t Ml.w L o lj . li te r ns she fell. MiM Z lrln sllppnl ‘f n narrow path 100 fee t from the c in t p of ^the Rorge but manaRcd to IM •Rold of brush a n d pu ll her- Open If back. 6U1T h s R eiter s in landed on a nar> Noon w w ater-filled ledfte w m e 250 feet ove th e base.BtAt« police who climbed ntmost rtlcally to m c h h e r said there IS n o th in* they could do. TJiey a d d «t«ned a rope around h e r and low- !d th # body to tho bottom by — —

Man SentencedBHOSiiONi:.-Aii(r,'-22=T70l-m6rca n . 14 yeans In Uie s ta te pen l- i i \ - fi t la ry wns given Carol W . Mason,Inols, when he entered a plea otIlty to ft charge of grand InreenyIdny In district courU Judge O f U. H H iIphen pronounced the sentence. ^ H p PMa.<K>n was speelflcally chargedLh sleallng an automobile. HeA Arrested Aug, ft n M ountain


S 3-2015 • EE 3-1019 • RE 3>5I16


a n d M o n e y 'B a rb e r S e t

7 . 8 8 ■

ten to School!


■ . ■ ■ , r Tl

5 and Pole For P

S S l S ' ir in 'j 'a t ii r e ild e n tt killed In » traffic acrldi '( tor llie{iark. Innd f«ir wlileli was diinaled itilly. Ix In m em ory of Mr.i. H arry, a pant pri eeaiea niembera, (StaU pholo-eneravlpg)

ic -k , i t il ———, • t» ' t k k s -.;ation of .

Barry ParkS'S:tlon Inlllcted b y children. . noihiT flag' w ns ako Riven Uic »• ' n - ' liy Mrs. Llnzy G rubb, a mem ber C '3 C :^ lie club, J -Tlor tr> th e p resen ta tion ccre- i.:iy, ni-wly tli 'c tcd oMlceru of Uie v K r ^J were Instnllea by M rs. NoiUi p'cr, who wiui p resident when th e ' I : project WHS r-tnrted. J- ' •lr.i. D .-B . OrlitKs was hwtnlted I,'Idem and Mni. Fred Hud.-ion, . A A / ' r prc!ildcnl. M rs. Alfred Hoiirie ccrftnrj’: Mrs. Irvlti Bodenstnb, ijjurer; Mrs. Jo h n Burkliiirt, re- M J ler, nnd Mrs. K leinkopf, auditor. f l '•iirUiK pre.ildent li M rs. M. J . • •••- • )ll.Uicr niembcrc o f the gift com -tee were Mrs. Nellie Pierce, and % .A '.■: n . C.-M cM ullen. Mr.i. Bodcn- I wa.'. In clinrRc of arm ngcm enta 1the dedication. ( j H

he clly donated Uie labor to In- •I the flagpole a n d plaljue. Mrs. liikopf rjild, O uesl nl th e m cel- / O - i was Arlene Krlckaon, l-'argo, N. D.


Lobster Tail I -Sr;prepared 8 iT 'V

Cantonese 6tyIo f • • ^5pcn 5 lo 10, IF* -

SUNDAYS— ^ 1 # ..^ ..- ,Noon to 10 p jn-



2 40 M A IN N O R TH ______ :

Park Dai:


m nrk la.' o f the I m nrlne fea r of «

Premie th e recoi atom ic T


th n t 5iee ldenl w Uint If aground slon and damaged g rea t dai 200,000 I'

THl> .t!lf lUi leLiur Ico wn.-< T h e *ubt N orw ay,: from Mo enhagen announce

' No T here '

Norwrgla Ing the >

Tliercicrlden t fteveral y e a n ago. T ho /•’Oi lated by members of th e IJ.irry ucpnrune .1 president of ih e club, and a ll energy < n>> for Iho ilSI-------------------- ---------------------- ‘'Ihere U: k n - a g e r K1.KCTR0 CUTE!)^lON, N. J.. Aug. 22 LT%-A teen- "®.

was electrocuted Inst n igh t 1 e working on a h l- f l phonograph SH08I1 ic cellar ot his home. T lie youUi M rs. W ar Carm en Lntorre, Jr„ IB.________ In S a lt Li

FARMERS, RANC r - and HOME OWNt u J Looking For A

Long T erm Reol Estota

> ; • ' W h y N ot Slop Y our B‘ . O n O ur M ortgogci

',*■ *■ (ConvcnUonal a n d F M J l. I


L ogon ' Sineo 1 8 9 2 ,

i Twin Falls Branch i233 Shoshone S treet No

Phone KEdwood 3-1Ca (Itepresentatlvea T b n u g h o o t Sfj

“ ▼ V ▼ T T ^

) W Y O U C A N E N J O '

:YCLE WASHINA ulo m a tlea lly y o u g a t Ih * c o rr te t wo»h condltteni fo r ony clothes load.

I » I 2 I 3 I 4 I ;

r* ^ 3 "



1 9 0 . 8 8 ^

„ . W /T f l *

‘ ~ MODEL 600R I. ••

N O ■


■TrLfAJ-L ^

- I . I * 74 i

— -------------- ------- — 3 1 8 -S O U T H -t


a in i s h V i s i t ' ; ? | p

?’orU.S..Siil) irCa'llc(l Off .....

)PENliA(;i:N ,,A„Ki-jj I .? -I) ,..,.:

n« bK.Kc inrof dHlll-.c-l-mU

n neclil>:i;i. ' Iemler ll..r.-, c . llaiiMTi a rtril nn ' V

ChaniT Aclmllipcl I ' '*«.•••COtlllliLvL.-.ii niiU 'i'i 'rd, " " j ithe clKincr fl' ;i iic. <■*

^ f " " t l i ; ' ' s ’i ::‘;:’' \ " ; ‘' Jjn d or br. Ijiu.ivrd in .•, o.lli- and It.'i pimi i ful .iimiue tru c in r' • ' iged, tlii'ri' w<nil<l ij,. vrryj . J ' t ' i : dani’iT" [<ir Ciiitrnlmi^ni's l . - V - 00 rc.Mclrni.-. I Kl..- -■p-skiitiii- v.•Liurely ulidn- itic- jml.irwa.-( sclu'diilirl (<irsubmiii-lnc >ull r;ill.:,; H rntfiii '.•ay, SaliirtI.iv ,.iui m il vt.Mi 0;,|n u

Monday m C"i>- k gen had b iru her only o ther ^ uncl'd slnji, CTT _No Duulil ,V1iont S iitrlv | s | M ^ B

ere wan if-. UKiicaiiou th a t Ihe H B M I Tglans had any Icsus ciiitrerii- I H I G H heere wns nn linmrcllaii* com- , from the U, f; drf->nM- or Mate rUnenti or ihi' U, ntomle ;y commt.s.-:IOM. A Mioke.'.man tho V . 8. A tlantic flei't said e U no doubt In our mind lh a t d sit o f the Skate to Denm ark


T K M T I.S 'U .ST K I)0 8 II0 N £ , Aug. ^2 — Mr. and W ard Raw.',on .ipent a few days J t Lake Clly tin.-, week.

________^ ^ 6 6 6 6 I

>ICHERS ‘§1 « - « ^NERS 1A . I • .Ota Loon?^___ .

jr Brand□ge? m t \.A. Loans) O . ^


2 . Utoh ' ?:h Office ___ ;t North V .1-7680 V-' V ^. 't S latio Valley) - ■’

4 H

^ ■ ■



H -U N C O L N - - - ”

rALLS, IpA H n ■“ '

V ■


w i J

s o

"H erzie" "Kei


“ A re you ready, Hezzle?” . . . 11 o f applause by lilernlly hundrcdi lovers wherever the “HooslcrB” i in person, would lauprh •hiimielf 1 on A dam 's rib l Don’t m iss th e f


FREES* 1 0 1


Fbbway 93 South T | a t N evada Iim U m eand transportation—«l E o ru Shu'S FREE BUS i Twin Fftllt dolly a l 7 p in . ^ IBob acer'B' West s PolntJ • H :e,'-_8unday bus servlc*. a t ' ■i.'nnd 7 p.m . j M ■ '


:en" "Gil" "

r Hot ShiHER

, . th ese words, have bcjftin tumultou Ireds o f thousands of enthtisiaslie rs” have played! Don’t mfss theshoTf lelf silly ! A nd thin group could play Lhe show l They’r e a t H o t ^ Shu no'



. C CHIC> C d in i

, S U N D A '

'iiijHt*U l H 3 i p 3 t a r i H i


"G abe"

hofs"RE!nultous show ersBlic “ Hot Shot” Iishbw! Scrooge,1 play Baearoue tu n o w l" N i t^ t




r 'O IH P I '*


1 ^ !



Si Gteap Atomic 0Fuel Is Used

' To Run Plant


■I t futled » U rw nuclCAT

♦ J - o J i S i l Ume Ihl* xnonUi. the

s i , muiy nOia m uora ao.• 'Hjo plutonium ta b«lnj| M •tbe fu 5 In lhe mBUrlivla t« tln 8 T ic to r »t« the AEX!'« nnUonal re- « to r KsUn* *t*‘'oa w est of here.

B«Mbe* 5.000 Klli»w»tU

Illl. K. ^ h ^ p o S e r reached -W M B .^ ,; I w * tli The retetor normftlly opcr-1 •. r S i * t 30WO th tnniil Ulow atla.

■ ' w ith only minor dM isn chanRM. j

- ; III. K s ' « r ^ £ r ; r u j ^

• I of .w ort by xm s. the m#ln Juel now

, • ^"piSijnlum l4 made by bombardlnR• I 13830 with neutroni. N aturw ur*n - —

I * I ■ jum contains 99 per eenl 0338 *ndII leas thJin one per cent u m I .I U235 H*rd lo G et VI -n iere U » lot of na tu ra l u ranium

ta toV w orld. but U335 b h a rd to

! extract. Plutonium can -be made

from It fairly easily. T hla conslder- ' ably cuts costa.

TTie reason plutonium woa n o l pe w ed before was bccause. I t w aa so *'U difficult to handle chemically and bn metallujBlcally. But It u n d e ro e n t M

, n » lo n , was easily made, a n d th e re - .' by lino for iuellns A»bombs. o.f

r I T he AZO's nonford. W ash., p la n t .I m knufaetured ttie plut<*jJum /uel «R 1 eJemenU for the reocUsr. I t now «I ' plana to make fuel elemenU from ^




NOTICE 18 HE!lKnr CIVKU By. Ihi Ol» T Tw gw ef tt« Cllr of Twin r«lli, J"" t i ; f . V S u ' t t . ’ W r M i K

r s r s «U<« >lat <17 ef B<pUmb*r. 18M. and Uol tr

I. iwe p » r ^ l « » ) P«n.llr «llt 1 - U:•ft»r d»llnQU«ncr. »>rop«rlr ownrr In Lowl Icnpforrmmt DIatrlel No. 7S U rc r M l^ ef Ilia tS^iuttwincnt and If h« tX ftll* W SH • UJ 4M«imnit br A unil Ig tttb . to contMt'lh* 0»>ce ot Uw Cltr U

JPI “V . SK'.’i'i."'’ " ' " ' ” S

I Julilltlii Aa>. »». » . I t. IMS' ' t MOnCE o r ATTACHMENT Uliu IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT OF Tlin t(I li E L B vnrn t judicial D isT n ic r o r uI k I THE STATE Of IDAHO. IN AND FOR n]



. A tu e h ^ t w u luutd «ul o( ill* ib(»«I I «nlltiS OtFBrt. In tbU MUon. en Auttut tl l i , Slit, !«(■, ailbwblni til* propnir « t ■•IdI I I I dafndant to Mcur* tbt pirmtnt of IK.* _I," I Il | . > Ceun lUt I l l l d ir ot Aaruit. IPS8. j; I I (BEAL) T . ^ . CTlVmS. „

ruUUht A y . « . ««. U. » . 17. IH. i m fl

s nIi;


0 ^®* *

I PRIZI"T---------------HoHiing-hr

f CLUa r ' ^Mli ■ ' ' '7,':!

^ A \ i V


t ........ ...FUELTAliKS,. ,^o x Y G m - ^ m j

r - ' / j R y / t Me y J ^ n M . g /

i - /^ p yli/FUEL

r i

®- By th e U te 18J»i rocktU had reael *' thoM of th e A m erlekn Iloeket toelely i f* lSi< tho.worW wo* onprepared fer an j

' IU b lito ry c an be U aeed back to lb hlblled from bo lld liir h«»»y artllltry .

^ M a w eapon. A n officer. W aller Domb “ M h li a n J a U n t a y p tw f. eMlhn*laiUo '* T heir f ira l m otor exploded In 1932.1 ’'*■ half miles. Dy 19S9 » one-ton rocket r '* At th e outbreak o f World w ar II

priority. However. I n 19« a complel* iR u so e h from th e baae a l F ccaeaande

' U. N. Debates A i Using Tram

NEW Y O R K . Aug. 22 (DPD—The T o t Dcople o f R uss ia cou ld b« hearlns tow so *'Uve" on th e ir radios the full de- pie Id bat* In th e TlnlU d N ations on the "J n t Mldeast crtala. • ^ »lr.e - B ut they a re n o t g e tU n j a word ^ e

n l **'*Th’e Soviet Bovem m ent Is using thli ,-i an estim ated 3,000 to 2,800 transm it- I t i « te n to Jam e tery m inu te o f tho wor m broadeaata b e am e d .to Russia fr6m li

the blK U. N . assem bly hall. Insi— So lealous n re the Jammers th a t

SUiey n o t only out-scrceched Pres- ^ Went Elsenhow er In hL*» openlna dny speech, bu t a lso blocked the ir own Forelun M in ister A ndrei-arom yko.

Why? notThe brondcftsta are-belnic trnns- i

, u m ilted by th o Voice of America. D ut -bo Uli they aro th o u iw dom cd Rusalan or mu In.- verbaUm trans lation Into Russian xro; P.',! by the official TJ.N. Interriretcrs o f anc h., tho speeches bc ln f m ade a t the ru j J»d time. •• • 'V' I" William Strieker, a New York — i n spokesman fo r V O A.'believes the ^ h« best explonntlon of th e Russians S j

Jamming even the ir own m an Is th a t they sim ply do n o t.w a n t their people to know thn t '•live" broad­casts of th e e n tire U .N . proceedings , a re being m ode dally. p .

— "Of course, wo don’t know th a t Is " the case," Strieker saldi "Mnybc >“

lin Bom# dum b m inor bu reaucra t *ot o r the word to Ja m and h e Just went «« OR ojiead and- Jammed O rom yko, too. ' 3H. "But m ore likely Is t h n t they don’t

w ant tho people to kn o w such pro- “«>' crams a re available. U aten ln s m lsh t ha

, , , get to be a reg u la r h a b it." O"' «>.• How do th o R usslona operate In J ttut thta "cleclronlo w ar?" thi

Strieker aald VOA Information ice **•' was th a t th e Jam m era were using " uld 3.000 to 2^00 Bepnrat« transm itters no

includlns cap tu red O erm an am iy ch: mobllo un lta w ith a range of only

m five to 20 mllea.________ |_________ j r a


P WIM% upl»

mlAY ond SUNDA

1 0 0!ES—FREIto~Biiy!~R^isler Free!'

IB 9 3V ■, ' . '

HE STARS (5 )-T he;E A D - ^


3MBUSTI0N: h a m b e r

' i

reaebed an >id»aDeed sU ie . Some of Go. le tr were a ch le v la r speeds near th a t of lo r anTlhlnc Uke th e performance ot th e ter to tbe end of W orld war I. w hen G erm ai I tr r . In MM th e a rm y begao JnrestifaU ni »omber|er, w aa p u t in charce ef tbe preje< uU o rocket a m ate u r , W emhcr to n B raun }32. But by 1934 a new model had soared t. :ket rose te five m iles, r 11 Hitler, un lm pre iied . canceled th e pr iplcUd rocket. la te r known aa the V-2, w ande In tb e I jo r ih a e a . ___________

Are Broadcast I insmitters to Jan5 They are s c a tte re d In vlUaRca and cecd { towns across th e naUon to keep peo- Ame• pie blacked o u t. th e! "Half a m in u te a fte r wc go on the Ame

air, they com o In on the same fre - Eaat 1 oueneles. T h ey broadcast w hnt a p - Di

pears to be ft w hla tle and also w m e- th e I thloB th a t so u n d s like a wolf call, c r :- I t erfecUvely acrnmbles nny spoken simi 5 word." ^Ud 1 in big c ities lik e Moscow ftnd t e n - ther

ingrad. moro p o w e r f u l Jamming Jam t t r a n s m i t t e r s are used, b u t the l i . stron«c.<t ones a re reserved for send- m ill f InR Soviet proRmma nround the cnst 1 world. Ruaslft tran im lU two nnd tho

one-half h o u rs da lly In English to oug: Nortli A m eflca. T he broadcast Is shoi not lam m ed in th o United Slates, u p ;

• The,VOA b roadcaa ls to Russia are H t ■•boosted" a t s to t lo n s In Tangier and to t f M unich to E u ropean Russia and^ Irom th e c o as t (niard ship. 'Courier. ’T h f anchored o f f R hodes, to southern D ut B Russia and i t s A siatic provinces. th a

VOA also b rcndcasts the U Ji. pro- sho IC------------------------------------------------- — Anc

j S tra n d ^ Lad Is. S- Taken Off Ledge Si'® K INGS CANYON NATIONAL , PARK, C alif.. A ug. 33 W—Rangers . yesterday rescued a Los Angeles boy I stranded 20 h o u r s 'o n a ledge 3M t feet above P a rad is e valley. j

Ed Dnye, 10. w as In good condl- t Uon b u t h u n g ry 'w hen brouRht . jj

down th e rocky slope. The second v.., it half o f the d e sce n t waa made In the _

dark.n I lansers u se d ropes to climb to i

the 8 by 12-foo t ledge about 7,000 J n feet above se a level.Iff "How he Kot the re we Rllll have rs not figured ou t.” sold Louta Hallock,' ly chief ranger. ]ly ..I ■.



M WH I - W o y 9 3 - l d o

FRk BREAKm SUN!H ' 9:00 a.m . t(



AY Chicken a in a I

^ Basket W

r 1 . 0 0



i ! -------- “ MUSTIE■ U o h o 'i M o M V c

^ C o m ., t



e V t2

IM fc^ ■ sSsSi

G oddard-* and ’ ThU g la a t was <6 fee >f aound.' D el In. atcood m otor run . I t m e te rrify in g V - t In history a r.Mkel w a rm any w a t p ro . d e tasta tln* raid by B r a U n t lh e rocket Not bbUI September, irojeet. U e hired of th e w ar aome IJHW i raun . Too U te to to m Uie t•ed to one and a when In A ocust. IMS. i

,blUty of a rockel-atoa e p ro jec t'* h l |h SBrvlval.•2. w as ready lo • N est: T he “Beep" De

t but Russ ^ im Each Word m

- accldceedlnes In Bn«1l4h. m ainly to N o rth . A m erica, In Prencli to E urope and th e N ea r East. In Spanish to L a tin shee] Amerlcw and In Chinese to th e P a r Bo E aat. W oo

D u rin g the dally noon recess o f to li th e K cneral assembly, there la a n o th - mllcj c r hou r-long broadcnst In A rabic fell BiunmlnB up the proceedings fo r th e w< AUdeast countries. S trieke r said th e re w as no IndlcaUoa Cairo waa y ju i Jam m ing . m

H e cstlm nted Russia spends >100 ^ m illion yearly to Jam fotelgn b ro ad - casts . Som e do get Uirtmgh because t i l l th o Jam m ing Is n o t usually so th o r - u ough. a n d by skipping nround on th a sho rt-w ave dial, Russians c an pick p u p fo re ign staUons. T ,

How m any Russians t r y 't o Italen i to th e se broadcasts? , '

"W ho knows?" snld S . t r l c k e r ' p ■They don 't hnve nny G allup poll. «J» D u t th e ir own Industrial-figures a re JjJ th a t th e re nre about 25 m illion ytn shortw ave sets In tho so v ie t un l?n .And w o learn from refugee nnd K o th e r sources Uint they lis ten f a rmoro th a n you might expect." ___

S triek e r recalled th a t Soviet P r e - ^ Dlldr N ik ita K hrushchev w as asked w hy th e Russian people were p re ­vented- from hearing fore ign sUv- Uons.

■■You don’t Invite Into you r fro n t y a rd m a n who calls you names.^' K hrushchev replied.

H e d id no t reply when aaked why th e people were no t pe rm itted to d e ­cide themselves w hether th e y were

5 being called names._______________

; D R . L . A . P E T E R S O N !

O steopath ic Physician

5 3 7 2nd A yo. N o rth ] RE 3-0123



I d a h o - H i v o d o L i n o

t E ikKFASTN D A Y . to 1:00 p.m.

L DINNERm a _ _ _ 4 9 C


lE-BRAUN^------------t V crsq tila Er^tet^alner

e. Enjoy Our



B y D o n - O a k l e y a[ - S

I fee t lonr. five fee l lo dU m e ter a n d wel*l I t aehlered a speed of nearly 3.500 mile*L w as M at to th e border o f space. B a t rt r B ritish bomber* In 1 9 « severely retard aber, 1M4.' did tb e f irs t V>2 eraah down i SOO were fired a t E ngland, m ore than 2,00< h e w ar. the V-2 wa*. how ever, tbe beral MS. the atomle age waa even n o r a horrlfj a tom bomb com bination ta m e d the rao

' H eard 'SotiBd th e W orld.

^m onSheepm an OL

Dies From ’VTound1DAH0_FALLS. Aug. 22 WV-An

iccldental gunshot wound yesterday r e a ]tilled Ervin Nielsen. 67 a p r o m in e n t-------iheepmnn from Ammon.

Bonneville counly C oroner Jack Wood said Nletoen was prepa ring j i to leave hU sheep cam p ab o u t 50 miles' e ast o f he re w hen a .23 rifle ^ tell to the floor a n d d ischarged. «

W ood sa id th e bulle t s tru c k NIel- len in the r ig h t side, ap p aren tly f W killing him Instan tly . I

Wood said a n autopsy w as,be ing 1 ^ performed to determ ine th e exact W ' course Uie bu lle t took._____________ S

H e l p s Y o u O v e r c o m e

FALSE TEETHL o o s t n e l i a n d W o r r y „

No tonf e'r b* aanOTnl or feel Ul**t- MM bea u ie of lOOBe. wob&lT fa>*« . -w«th, improT*d a lka- ■line inoa-«oUl) powder, eprtnklod on your pUCM boiiU them

l o ^ p litw . Oet VaBTBsni toOay a t any orus couBt«.


^ Watch for Ol




Stove Oi




; P h o n e 3 7 5 1 -

“ Yow

' and R alph Lone W €

^ 8 =

I ” i "

■elgbed over 14 ton*. W ltS T S T b o th ” llie* »n h o sr . F o r th e f ln t tim e . a Bt red tape , ih e GeaUpo and ik" ^ ^ itarded th e w ork . rwn on London. B n t by the end 2,000 a t th e b a rb e r of Antwerii.

lerald of th e a g e of *p*ee. D u t" '>rrif;latly u sh e re d In. the p o i t l - ' 'race fo r *pae« Inio a race .for ^

M E E T IN G SLATED GLENNS FE R R Y , Aug. 33—T hree

[sland Riding club wlU hold the ir)•egulnr rae llng a t 8 p-ni. Monday In Ae VFW hall.


J E W a R Y ^ ^ R E P A I R I N GD o n t chance losing a valuable diamond o r Jewelry s to n e . . we can m ake them snug lltUng and like new again.

T A N N E R ' S■ M F G . J E ^ L E R S fa

153 W E ST M AtN *


: Our F lee t of Green and G rey '

I E Lf I S T H E T I M

' O U R T A N K N


)ils . . . •V - T o i n s u r e o u r c u a

l i A A n a c e a n d S t o v e O i

a n d w e a r e N O W

a r r i v e s a t o u r b u l

M O INFERI I N i a a t n o a




O R 8-535;’our Independent Dealer — Ho

' f r i d :

ITelfare Plans Made at Meet DRA

BOISISHOSHONE, Aug. 33.:-Plan* fo r , „,0 Soturday. n ig h t weUare session , '7 B la in e sU ke LDS quarterly con - w aisn .

rence a t S u n VaUey-were made a t ho ’s Oc meeU ng of th e s tak e w elfare com - m en. Hi I ttee T uesday n ig h t a t . tb e local ^itirch. ______ 1Presiden t Valdo D . Benson. Carey. fV9CSC3» tnducled. Various' pro jec ts being t u id led In th e stoke were reviewed U J id reports made' ready for th e I I x iference . T h e pro jec ts Include iney . hay, catUe. po u to e s. wheal.3gs and baking.T h e Sa tu rday n igh t meel[hig will > h e ld a t 0:30 p. m . fo r a ll w ard e lfare w orkers. S take w orkers will .leet a t 6:30 p. m . T he n e x t stake Ie lfare m eeting will be held a t 3 ^ ., m . Sep t. 7, a t Uie Shoshone w ard. 4 . j

A stake youUi chorus rehearsa l S ^ Iso waa held Tuesday. M rs. A nretta

S p e c i a l F o r A l l B e e

Bean Bl9 H A R D S U R F i

• S H A R P E N E D

H a v e y o u r b e o n b l a d e s h a s h a r p e n e d a t A c m e M F i le r , a n d g e t u p t o 1 0 t ir L e t A c m e M a c h in e d o th h a v e th e b e s t b e a n b la c u s e d .

W E ’R E E X P E R T S - L E T 1

ACME MachinF I L E R

Acme M achine W orks n a n u fa c tn re a ac fam oni -Sllvertlp T ota lo and Beet D rar Hiller* (L U lcn ); Acme "M acle" Row Cr

ey Trucke—or Phone us a t RE

O HM E T O L E T . L

W I T H . T H E I


. Furnaccustomers the fines t. . . clean • Oil possible, we are using the \ DW TREATING every gallon ( bulk plant with—•'

R N O * F u e l 0


- to serve you faster, more ef f l

:e StampsE — B U D G E T P U

IILCO.EY5352Home O u J h c d and Operated

T I I D ’A Y , A U G U S T 2?; Uj.

»TBge. Bloke YWMiA Iirr, charge: The. group wnT'v le quarterly conference. ^ «

d r a f t <j-u .l F o n «BOISE. AugTai <UPI)»5?J' cUve S«_rvlce Dlrcclor. joh, . ralsh, today announced ih«, a-s October draft call itn. He said Uia naUonai Jn ' -r 11.000 men.« » £ 5 ( 5 C 3 a W ) C C G C c S ^

W A R B E R G ' S iMo v in gSTORAGE

! 3 - ^ 1


i0 0 t3 tX 3 0 0 0 ta C « 3 C « X X » ^

Bean Farmers!



s h a r d s u r f a c e d and M a c h in e W orks,

0 t im e s n o r m a l use. 0 t h e jo b a n d you'll b l a d e s y o u 'v e ever


line Works■ R

rea and dlitrlbnlM nallnnwldi t D ra^ Chain": Acme PoUlo ow Crop Cormgalora.

; K E 3 - 7 0 3 3




ice Oilsi l e a n e s t b u r n i n g F u r -

t h e b e s t o i l o b t a n a b l e ,

l o n o f t h i s o i l w h e n i t


effic ien tly .

PL A N '

y, Inc*t w i n F A l i S

R E 3-7033


' " " ^ ^ h e C h u n_ 11III FIIIHT

« U» Mo- u„r,

2 s ^ ^ i v ; v r s . ^ ; s :

S ^ » K r w - - ' ■-■ "ih. r ? r ’•-*'

'"“S i r i S r ™"i::."H'


S B ' i F s S ? ; ! " " ^ ;

B ll ip pSS- '■I"’" S.”iC S! InstftUaU

'*’"11. r lr^ . ®fi r o R I

i s s p i ^ ' H ■ i :<> ilo« I- Ll pf»*«nl thi unie

!«aHy BIG im O N BU\ ^ ^ W O R R ^ F R E E D

. UNITED OIL <'"nberly Rood)

jr c h e s ^ ~l ® More . Candi

.. »."■.;■■ si'V'-'' ■■ ' ' Listr '- BOISE. AU

I '- , f *■•'”• primary dcc^..ln '' '( ‘ »l-<Wr *m.' f^mpoiKfl CXIin -L -I 'lH - 'r •'•''•r,-,.'.n,; icrtlny In th■ lit ..ur r . . w ' a ' " . ' . ' ' " ’• •" V . state-* ojficc.

fuit Wurih. TjiB la rm t *IJ158,0S, nol

-Ii»c.-I».. l|n„rtn'm»'n'’,‘" l ' •• • much- u> runI ^

^•-y T',',rr V‘'- ■‘'" ' ' . r . ‘ll*trlct consi

I l s S l l S l i*-ild h u camp

"I K SAVIoil 'u 'T lir iu V <'• Cum

i i l i i i ' ' ’' l l i i

M a l

-rrv ic J p.m. WHt>r,^„ p«i"V munU.n _lh W.

I K 5 i “ S

S p f S s S

. "URNACESlEW ond USEDjilloUon, Sftles Si Servlci J



1 E A T I N G C O .

In StewmH—170 MAorica |r>

ilIYFor I T :r|f E DRIVING 1 ^


tJ c fo r lh u ilg H e f — ' ’’Bixca

y j»£E M IW N S ■ S 3—' ~ ' i l l ■ brnltci

d o w n g

- C O . '^ j i. Twin Fait.

)re Election H Arc ndidates File T>„r| .ist of Expense ° r v:. AUR. 3 i - w i - n v e - n » o r r ■“ ( • | i v r

clcctlon cnndltlntes fllcan expense etatcmcnui. y t f - BOISE A urn ,c ^ “ I<l<»ho «ccrcury ot i^„ho yesterd> r m t »um m entioned whji ‘‘" 'I cducfttora. nobc rt L. SiiiiimcrflHd. <«Acher educn Ub. *nld U co.1t him th a t Mon nnd corr

run unfliiccciuifully for it»p - aijitc-iupcrl:itic nom lnntlon for second iMructton. AUconRre.'umnn. won by 'n m .^tuy wn.i dlrccI, Poonlcllo. or cducntlon« Johnson. Arlmo. who won icnchcr cducm ubllcnn nomlnaUon os stnte died, and to cndrnt of public In.itrucllon. eriun. campalpn him J l,015.58. j o „ „Curtlii. O roflno mayor who oclobc'r Tho*.■npo.'ied for th e G O P 'nom l- D r ^:o con(tre.« from the Hr*t of the U»nt<f he upcnt »0« J ) 8. of educal

D. Price. Mftlad. tS3,H ex- Ocorfie D enn n nn imoppo-icd campnlRn education dlr< Jbllcnn s tn te ireaAiircr. and n . , f r^nlclii. K etchum . J400 In nn elemcntjir» c .•.ful c n m p n l s n for the h E Q im me stn te audito r no rtln a - um vc„lty 's e<

■ _________________ lees: Dr. Clarication pro(ess> Wn. DoLifl PT /

••iTi' milhin* h. "irr.',«h Waync Yorii».ij*u.r»: hut In of den t Of t h e -1~rh « w m ..ihrr I.M1.T (i,.n claUon; Mrs.

r.. . « r , ’ m.n .7." "n thj EmmCtt. Idnh oth»n. i-ri thi< mind I* In »oii. tlon. and Mr« "3 ‘ ',"‘*1''. member o t the

".™ ci« ".'u'Irnrr ' Knd Hrtlth ,>|ih•-s<Ti[ni:T»r'MnT»r/-ni.i7?-T:.!: — -----

Prad; ; , c : m o t o m a .

i f , m*n'> norm.l .IrUl* — A f r t f m ^'lent- c o j ; : : ) . j ' -nnd se t ou t' -------^ 1 elrfe votcnnci

lice were-imitr n in T m iik i i i l , « i . , Hic trail. fCliundar. Kol/ rnmmunlon. in n.m., too lat«. Th<.H wllh full < .nd f]nd thO W-<» u ' Mfi?? eiT. p f n w n o / ■ ■

ill Wr«»r mofnlni!, H-rvlf« brulnCS frOm Ucnp.] Church of th» AKenilon aCtlvC CratCt

« ot lh« r»«Ior. Ih* IIW. Norm»nrll. Thr IIf., Jwk VIcerr*, «)>o____________ ;i> Ih. vlMir of flu J»mr. thureh r Jn }<um* In Krpli-Ril>er. nnd hit

• “ N i l

s . ' & ; . r , r s : • W ALT*i^m''^ You'Vrlny’'VHrrrrVkke"n'‘. * SPA Cctkt. (If., anil Toiir own>ur f.mllr. rcwr trl.ndj, .nd » . n — —' ; W i L X ' ’r i , ; i . .T h 'i ‘i^hi: - ..1 th . «hi.r»h 7 p.m. Mond.r C A I E

iJO P.m^Tu'^iUr Crrl«un‘>tr^l1 luiiptr «t iht «hureh. Thrr» will L I ir«tn. You nr»J nol dma up. _ _nuL U .llownl. t( ;uu c b 'I mI Sea U l F o r •

lf<K i> dlih r«u ran >«l. othrr-

CONVn i"°h F o rF u

S;fa! •Iwhnn. .Iffrt am .ir '" '*** " 'j

T O ^ S - U ^ B J W A J ^ ADS. * Go!

lAuiTior^a u l k s

V ServiceI BACK O F MOON'S j, \ krwin F a llt RE 3 .2 2 6 0 ' J■iler DA 6 -4 3 0 0 \ r U K r

\ Office 181 iC L RA LBFLEISCa ( RE 3-3071

EE IT AT THE- m m i i m

New Gasoline and I Row Crop ft Cham

H B I \t'jllT>'rIf"' ' I

fh is la tho now work l ^ a r —tho moitpaui raclor built. In roccnt, nadonoUy recogni laaolino 880 dovolopod 66.29 drawbar ho dicsd . 6^.97. IIiom 660 models a ln tow, rocorda in pounds o f drawbar ptill: 71

liio ro’a a lot moro 16 boo in tho now loo xtra tmita to mako all your jobs go laaU ^m o in and look over tho now Powor«Bi rhich incroascfl pulling power alm ost < icavy going. ..Powor-l'rnction H itch, wh noro weight to tho rent whoda to loduco ivo tjm o..i‘PowoduaU>r wboola and ful toormg to B^vc >vu.

From overy anglo thcso powerfully bi sixca” aro your prort/eoi buy. You got sue onionccs oa tho rcetftil, rubber spring e witch key a t^ n g - .B u r e , long-laating mkca^..and a aihglo-Iovcr, G>forwaid-apc ion a t no extra co*t. Get tho tractor with [10 new 4 ^ plow Oliver 880.



■ T il

• . I ■ '

L r e . A s k e d ■ ■

D o S t u p e s I

i E d u c a t i o nAUB. 33 « r - T h e 6U t« of

sterday asked 11 c itlu n i fttors to m ake a study Of ducntlon. including exten> correspondence course*. ,

ip c rln tcn d cn t of public in . ...... Q TAlton Jones, said th e

directed by th e sU t« bosrdtion In o rder to c l a r i f y " _____ _tlucnUon ns I t now Li hsn- l to strenK then the pro-

uirsested a m eeting in late rh o se advised to serve In- ‘O tW A tr. J . F rederick Welliln. ne U niversity o f Idnho col- ^ iueaUon; Jo h ii J . Peacock, j _________

Senman. i tn t a vocntional d irector.

lertrude" Ncwcome. sta te ' \7 education supervisor; \ —X .;am pbell. d irec tor of the ' \'s educntional field serv- C larence Moore. ISC e d u -! sfessor; Mm. Georgs T on-,I PTA presiden t. |York. Lewiston, vice p resl- 'Jie-IdA lio education asso- ' v M rs. L orrnine Ooodwln.'Idnho C ltir«ns for Educa- i M rs. Jo h n W alters, Boise, t th e Idnho school trustees

Iactice Jump 5JMACHI. J a p an . Aur, S3 3k fru strn tcd Tokyo lover ^jlcldc no te in a teahouse ^ou t fo r th e famous sul- «

cnno oil M t. M lhnra. Po- • O ,e -immifloncd and not on ^ '1. fearlnc they m lijht be ^, T hey arrived In time to ^ ,10 w ould-bo suicide re- Wly ■ ijursln/i bum pj and ^from leaplnff Into an In- Ik*ra te r Instead of the hot O




LES DEPT. 5----- ^ ^ — JFor G at

DIVERSIONS S ,« Fum acea, Boilera % _

H ot W a te r T an k s ^

All Typos of - %GasAppUon«ei /: ^

\ ^ o r k ^ a r a n t e e d ^itatloHon Sorvieo AALVIN •WHITE J

W HITE 5IRNACE CO. 2»1880 K im berly n d . J l3 0 7 0 RE 3 -6 8 1 9 | ^ A

E ^ A I R ! I 5

m: I '5d Dieselimpion j ^

Mi I5

'■ powerful nw m p C A gniiod te a ts tb o I - ^la r h o rs e p o w e r .. . ^

a lao e a ta b lia h o d W11: 7998 a n d 8 U 8 . Jr rtx o rd -b re a k e rs ,* % ^£ u t e r a n d e a s ie r . W W .[>r>Booeter D riv e , ^M t o n e - th i rd fo r % ', w h ic h tran s fe rB Wluce s lip p a g e a n d ’ ^[ fuU -tim a p o w e r ^

y sm ooth Oliver St such added con- —ng sp a t...s a fe ty - ■iting doublo-dioo I1-spoed transm ia- Iw ith eucrythingr \



i t t h e " F u n S p o t ' '

S o u t h o f i


SAT., AUj : Starting At1 . .


* Smoked Barbecued


★ ^RliVlE RIBS I. SERVED W IT H : W hipped P

B arbecue Souco

Fresh W o x Beans

Boiled New Potatoes


C om bination Sated(Roquefort, T housand Island, I

Sliced T o m a to c i Ch:

A iio 'rted Relish T roy

R odishet Ripe, G reen on

' ‘ Sweet P ickles Dill F

Crcom C heese SwI

ASSORTED COLD K, Boiled H am Liverworti

Satom i • Bologna *1

P rim e R ibs Spam

SEA FOOD BOWLSFresh Boiled Shrim p (w ith si

A sserted Foreign Sard ines

SAUDSP otato S a lad . M ocaronl S

Jello Ront W aldorl

C orror a n d Rasln C

Sliced O nions a n d Cucum bei

K idney B ean Baked P.

H o t Sw eet Potatoes witi

GELATIN DESSERT!O range w ith P ea rs en d Plneap

Lime w ith G rap e fru it sect

Two bow ls w ith ossortei

4 K inds o f Plain Jello

Ind iv idua l Je llo D it (L arge bowl of whlppctl

CAKE FfC hocolate a n d p la in P

e tip 'e a k e s


j t c : i

VLLS, 'rpAHO . "

f t h e k o r d e r !

ITFFlS U P- — V -J G . 2 3 ^^ t 6:00 3 «

5 OF BEEF SRA R E A N D M e d i u m ^

led SPARE RIBS ^ o

ilNIA HAMS . ^

S OF BEEF ( Id P ototoes, - %

Brown Souce /~* jJ* J

Diced C rlip , Bacon W |

ocs k

id, F rench D resslnO %

Chilled C elery H earts ^ '

i G teen O n ions ^

I a n d S tu ffed O lives ^

ill Pickles ^

Swiss C heese ^


^orst 2

T urkey J ■ —

* V sh shrim p sauce) k '

“ . . Inl Salad P erfection

J o r f . S ^

Cole Slaw ^

nbers In W ine V in eg ar 9

i Pork a n d B eans ^

w ith M orthm allow s k -

TS -leap p le . | j

iectlon ^

ir te d flavors / k

<»iio ! ^

D ishes, w hipped c ream W- pped ct«*m)

FRUITS ^■ Poaches, P e a r t; Prunes' ^

Figs, G rap e fru it, ^

A sso rted -D iced F ra lts ^

actiis"Fun Spot" ^ SOOT

- J . 'I

____ . . . _ - . . . . . . ^ . ..

> P EI

R ap id ly becoming one o f th e m ost S a tu rd a y Night Supper sp o ts in tl D inirig o t Coctus Petefs B uffet Si t ru ly a reel odviinture in good ea tli th e finest foods a re u se d . . . f co o k ed and seosoned to perfectior^, sk ill o f c master chef! Served in i d in in g room (no reserv a tio n s need«

A ll you can eot

1 5 ; <

Your choice, a ll of the a

laft-Serve^ buffet st







W I N• 5 . 1 0 - ' 2 (

’5 0 - 1 0 0N oth ing to Buy — J u s t R ogit


RSi ’

m o st popular in the w esti

fe t Supper I*I ea tin g . Only . . perfectly

ctior^,with th e d in th e re a r needed).

lo tfor

0choice, soy or : the manu s t ierve yotUKlf.UfetstTla.




2 0

0R ogiiter


J ___

H I Joan Barnhouse ' ’’Ili A ndG . i. Woiton ’ i Exchange Vows-i

-II 'S«UCQ.IB Tho R«T. Donald Ko«m*n cm- : ' ' I B ' cUted « t Uie double ring «r*m ony

— IHI b«fo« * bBCkffround of .•.iffl b u S i of PMW nnd IW»t- #' I ed c#ndel*br«. Pink wMn ribbon

I' bow* mSrked Uic bridal tW e.

Given In mftrrlnHe by her fnlher

ih» bride wore » ballerlnn-lenjtth ; S w n of white CW ntllly l«ce «nd , iiik U ffe ta. The bodice wn* *t>Ied w ith liiree.quw tcr JchrUi *1«cvm and •n sc oop .neck llne thA ld rnpe iltaA V I1 ihc bnck which necenied the i

____ ^ I -h rge inffetn bow

fl B lta ^ e d to ft Uftrft ef need I ' ' nearl4, Irldcscent sequins nnd rhine- i

•tones. A CnUleya orchid backed ' !; wim French lllunlon n r l nnd cm - |

cades of stephnnoU* nnd pIco edited i » ' *ailn •tream ers, formed her bou- I

I quel. > • I) I , Mnld or honor. Judy llnwlclM, I ?' cousin of the bride, wn* fttUred In

■ ' » Uni blue tflffela Rown with an empire wftlflt*llne. Slie carried a I

I colonial bouquet of fenthercd camn- ' • lions to mnlch h e r drcs.< nnd wore

llil A headbnnd of Uie (innie Jlowers. l l D re.vea In IdenUcally *tyled rowm - ! | | were Phyllis MlHer. cousin of the p II _ bride. In orchid, and Pntay Slinrp, [. Pi *ororlty aUtcr, in 'Kold. They wore I t headbands and cnrrled colonial bou- II quets of feathered carnations to II m nlch the ir Rowns.I Howard W alton, served as w

mnn for hl.i brother. Ushern were S' I Jnck V/Alton nnd 'HarolU Walton, ol 1' brothers o f Uie brldeRroom. Denn il Barnhouse. b ro ther of the bride, nnd ^

Phlllp M cln turf. “CnndellRhtera were Anna Marie

i | Wnlton nnd MnrUynn Walton, sis- ^ . # tcra o f th e brJdccroom. They wore

Im ntchlnu rose tAffeta Rowns styled f n ite r tho mnld of honor's nnd wrist corsaRCs of*p lnk feathered carna- “ tlons. “

LItUo M iss ICathy KlnR, a cousin. ^ ucattered pink rose petaU from a g w hite basket Accented w ith pink snU In and n e l and wore a tnlnlnlure copy of th e bridesmaid's dresses In t p ink tolfetA a n d matchlnR head- „ band. _

T lie b ride’s m other chose a blnck ‘~ dreaa w ith pink acce.uorles and a corsage of pink tuberous begonias. *' T he m o lhe r of th e brldeRroom wore JJ A Rrey lace Afternoon d re n w ith ^ pink Accesorlcs. H er conuiRo -Also wns p ink tuberous bcRonlas. ^

Mrs. Porrls Freoslono sanjr “O *!' Promise Me", a n d . "Because," ac- “ com panled by M rs. D. K Radford a t the onrnn. . . a;

Im m ediately foUowlnR the wed- " . r dtnR a Tocepuon wns held In Uie

'i church PelloOThlp hall. “■. Ih , ,Tho bride:# tftble was covered with

I I a n 'em bro idered n y l o n ontandy _ • II flounce over pink w llh cascades of f

n ■ lea the r fern dow n’the front. In the “■ ,1 cenU r of th e tab le was & flve-Uered

cake topped w llh w eddln j bells. T he *? base o f the eako was surrounded by ^ pnstel RladloU florets and leather _

III fern . Pnl# 'p ln k tapers In crystal “ I lf holders were At each end. r- a Serving the cake were Mrs. Rolnnd

Balrd. n u n t o f th s bride, and Mrs,I',' R obert E . KtaR. cousin of Uie bride, r Tho orgnndy covered servlnR table

was centered w ith n ta ll arrnnRo- m e n t o f pastel Rladloll flanked by *-

' p ink U p ers encircled w ith leather fern . M ra. H oward \yn lton served nl punch And Mrs. M arie Hawkins, mi AUnt of th o ' brldo, presided a t the ro coffee scrvlce. ’ ' nn

M rs. J e rry UawU ds w u In charRe th o f Use 8u6st book. O lfls were ar* ran se d by M r^ H arold W alton nnd pe

; i M rs. J a c k W alton, nashtcd by Nor- T l ; m a U rdah l. Slicr>-1 Pike. Nancy ex

■ W nlton a n d D iane H nnklns, nn ■ ■ B ackground mualc wns played by ov

j M arian M artin « ; P attern “

' I

I W ARDROBE-BUILDER VI - T hat-iU U lm poftA nt slim sk irt - g ' I basis o f fa ll’s s n u r te s t wardrobes— S ' I . In a new version wlUi an easy- « ' : .Bwlnglng back plent. n e a l pockets »

, de tail Uic fro n t of UiU slmnlp P rin t- X I ed P a tte rn . - - t K

iP rln ted P a tte rn f iS S ir MU»es’ 8 ; I V w aist Rlzoa 24. 25. 28.28. 30.33 Inchc*. 5

61r4s. 38 takes iT i y a rd s-M -lnch »• -.fabric. [ g

1 P rin ted dlrccUons o a each pa ttern iS: ' p a r;. EoAler, accurate. S

Bend 60 cenU (coins) fo r th is p a t- 0 te rn —add 10 cen ts fo r each pa ttern S If you w ish flrs t-c la u m alllns. Send o to M arian M artin . Times-News P a t- 5 te rn D ept.. 23 i,-w cst iBth s t . New 8

, Y ork 11. N. y . P r in t plainly name, 5 • address w ith sone aod a ty h number.

Pair United In ChI f H H ' j H H H H BI S


»'■» — 1. r . p t ' ' ' M

ore MK. AND M H 8. GEOII. (Album pboto-H ita

S' D ate Marked by .. E ’“j; W oman in Paul

PAUL, Aug. 2 J -M rs . Leo O recn- Ml well WAS honored by a fam ily p icn ic ci c rt Sunday n l her home In observnnee nn of he r b irthday anniversary.>An OuesLt Included . Mr. nnd M rs. g; jnd Carlos Bornh and Mr. nnd Mr*. b|.

O ernld D enney, all Twin Pnll*: Mr.,ri« nnrt M rs. Lance Qrcenwcll nnd M rs. t,.

E ith e r Taylor, nil ORden; Mr. nnd “ Mrs. H erm an McFarlnnd. K Im ber- J ! IM )y: M rs. Annie M cFarland and fn m - , .1,1 Ily. Han.nen: Mr. and Mr*. Jun lous

Duke n n d W r. and Mr*, Ro** G cccn- well, n il Burley: Trlss Coffin. W nl- L, n u t Creek, Calif., nnd Mr. nnd Mr*. Clyde Oreenwell and- M rs. M ntlldn ^

' , Sanford. t"i* Ln.u week. Mr*. Oreenwell wa* ‘ In complimented a t a party a t the

nd- o f Mrs. H enry M anning.

D enn Bnmhou*o and PhyllU M iller, m I n Pre-nupU al shower* were given by Fr i _ supervisors a n d f e l l o w s tu d c n l w grj’ teachers a t ' t h e CollCRe of Idnho . Ui .Ul, Caldwell, summ er 'se-ulon. Also by n*

women of t h e Plrat ChrW tInn c hurch. I n charge were M rs. Pau l rc

« 0 Mosely. Mrs. UbA Allen, Mrs. F m n k - m IQ. Un S h a rp and Patsy Sharp. w

F o r h e r wedding tr ip to T e to n wi and Yellowstone naUonal-pnrk. the

f j . new Mrs. W alton a Invendct T linen chemise with white Acce-uorlcs m and th e orchid corsaga fro m h e r fr b ridal bouquet.

T h e bride, a graduate of T w in 28 nf Falls hlRh school, haa been o ltc n d -

the InR Uio CollCRe of Idaho. T he b rlde- Rroom was graduated from H ansen

n , . hlRh Bchool and also a ttended the Dt by Collcso of Idoho. fa;

T h ^ will m aki Uiclr hom e In ho Ita, T w in V i la . Cl

!■ Care of You* B y A N O E L O

ler A un t M arie fe lt bad because h e r th ed niece hod no t called on he r f o r a dll ns. m on th or so and said so. " I d id n o t —:i he RO, A untie , because, the c h ild ren cn

nnnoycd you so. I cnnnol lenve ge them alone so I ju s t couldn 't go." ini ir- W h a t hnppened has been th e e x - d r nd perlenco of o lhe r young' m o th e rs , foi ir- T h e two n in -abou t children w ere we cy excited by the new surround ings p r

nnd ' w anted to ieo -.nnd to u c h th by everythlDR In sight, “i^ e l r a u n t foi — kept tay lng . “D on't touch' H in t I t

Charlie; keep away from th a t tnb le . bll M ary; O h. m ind thn t Inmp co rd ;No. s i t on tht* chair; don 't tn k e bc th n t book: take th is onel" pr

A nteady stream of "do"* nnd ■‘d o n 't - soon render* a child d e a f vJ to nny w ord w hatever nnd h e goe.-j i-. b lithely on his wny. T hU app lies ch; to nny child under nny s itu a tio n . *T' T he fncl l» - ih e fewer order* , the more obedience. A small youriRster ^ cnn g e t Into more dlfflculUe* in n r few m inute* Uinn n n ftd u llC n n 'c len r | up In th e time—eo 11 Is n o t to , try. la i tc a d of saying. "No. S top : It, D on 't." trying unylng, •'G omel I here nnd help me—T here 's T im m y 1 I coming out--to . p lny-P leaso bring me th a t big spoon." Keep th e s h a rp I o rder fo r . the emergency a n d re - I m em ber th n t emergencies are rn re . I

C hild ren of nil ages need tim e In w hich to obey n direction. W e < a re likely to overlook the fac t th a t ' th e ir m inds aro occupied and th e ir '

responding to w hateve r ’ Is In th e ir minds a t Uie tim e. T l i t ' 1

1 child m u st havo Ume in w hich to ; I change hla Uiought and posture . 1

Mnybc h e needs n-few m inu tes lol f in ish w hat'T ie is doing. G row nup! people alw ays w ant to com plete w hat la in Uielr hands a t Uie tim e [L

n j i w l D EI ■ JO H N S-M / \ has cinanged a!

on Asb(

I C o m e o u t a n d s e e ‘t h e i

I o b l i g a t i o n - N o c o s t - M

“ I . e v e r .ly- 2

PHONE RE 3-2179es’ g . E a s i e s t o fC*. 4

: D A N D /s i ROOFIN<t- f i "C Ire Me a Place to 8 U n d an

151 ROSE ST. T W IN I:r.

/ - • • !

' ' ' ' - " ’ ' ^

C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h R(

H I m m o t v b ' H I . hbiIH H I Da'H H ' I ia H ' l■ Hu

npiI*D adct








SKORGK I. WALTON act] —«U ff enjravln*) boi ------------------ . ' ---------- ------------ Ul/

.. E w in g S p e a k s a t SS

ll W o m e n ' s . P a r l e y>J- n i’clmrd Ewing, from the Brnill wo

C hrbllan m lu lo n , ‘wn* the :<uejl len spcnktr n t th e '-g e n e rn l meeting me Insi week n t th e C hristian church nm Of tlie ChrlaUnn W om en's Fellow- a ship. flo

He told of conditions therq nnrt of boi hl.i work nmong th e Indian*. Indian ^ I

*“ hnndlcrafl nlso wn*..displayed nnd tot h e pl.iycd jcvcrn l records of jjraalj- K e

,* la n music. • ro*" After hi* ta lk Mr*. Merle Dcck- crj , ley. president, conducted a brief ccr * bu.ilneu mceUng. n I

* > /■ > ( ■ les

„ F a i r P l a n s M a d e S'J ■' B y B u h l W o m e n »»_ / ny,

BUltL, Aug. 22 — Plnn* were •r. mnde for Uie fn lr booth n l the IV In j ly Fnlls county fa ir by members of the ble fit Women of Uie Moose recently .a t 0. th e hom e. All members ore no' jy n.ikeil to bring tw o pies. i,rl‘H Mrs. Lynn L nngdon,' senior re- fio ul gent, was In chnrgo of th e seulon. pii t - M rs. Henry W nvrn, Mr*. Chester go,

Wlnlngton nnd M rs. R oberl Cnrney j in wcro reported on Uio sick ILil. ov« le Mr*. Clinrle* T ip p e tt. Mrs. Tom *j.i « Tverdy. W rs. D onnld W nlkcr nnd thi es Mra, Emil W nvrn served on. Uie rc- tr t er fresllm ent com m lllce. tic'

Next meeUng Is *lnted for Aug. tui In 28. pi;

e- ATTENDS REUNION------------ ih, :n VIEW, Aug. 22 - M r . and Mra. die le David M offett a tten d e d tho Wnlie chi

family reunion week a t . the f i , in homo of S. S. W hltehcnd , Snlt Lnko dlo

Clly.----------------------------------------------------J --------------- :-----------------------------------------1 ti„

)ur Children iELO PATRl

' we:r they nro enlled n n d ch ild ren Are no Eu a different from them In th n t r&ipeet Jo; Jt —«o Allow, those few m inutes before ble n cniling agnln. j»o nepcated ca lling cnn degcnemlc Mi

Into nngglng. I I w c tench Uie clill- mo [- d ren Uiat wc cnll a few m inutes be- re t s. fore we expccl th e m lo re.ipond b u t nci •c we do expect them to nnswer am ;s promptly n i th e end o t Uiat Ume, ser h they wlK- le iirn lo do *o. Tlil.t mnkcs — I t for n feellnR of tru s t on bolh'side*. _ \ t I t nlso laiU lls n- feeling of rc*ponsl- F e. blllty In Uic youngsters. - > • [1; T lie fewer cnlU for obedience the I ;e be tter. T tie unu.iunl nlwnys gets the I

prom pter respon;ic. • I

!<■«• rour thllil from lh» untiatiplnnt I t hrouiihl on l.r Dr, i’ulrl'* Jr«(l>t H

-> I'-l. "Kmn." Incluilra iu>itnii|,>n> lo lUin] H‘* chlMrtn asiilnrl frtr, To nhtaln • rop7, I (1. *“/« "!• >n roln Ir, him. t/t> Tlrer*. HIC YnrV'lS. N?'y. IIJ R e g i s t e r Y o u r I Ji C h i l r f N o w ! ®

ifti I B I Kindergart'en °eJ I Hours 9 :0 0 - 11:30 A. M.~re{ lO ne hou r dancing (Tap. Acrb-

bnllcs, and P re-B itllet) included Jr wim Uio reg u la r kindergarten cri t ' KACULTYlto Elennor Severson — K lndcrgnrten c. Donnn M nuldln—Dnncc la itru c- to ' lion,ip Cbono.jrtE 3-144C or RE 3-8234

I Clns.'i begins Septem ber fl, 1058


a l l t h e i r c o l o r s , I

sbestos ?

t - h e m o i l h e r e n o w - N o |

- M o r e , b e a u t i f u l t h a n p

7 9 - F r e e E s t i m a t e s ^

o f T e r m s |

t A N I E L S I

i n g 'c o . iId and 111 Roof Ihe World'* <IN FALLS RE.3-2T79 ^

Reception Fetes Cduple M arried B

In T em ple Rites iBOHL, Aug. 22—A reccptlon was M

held recently a t tho LD S church M honoring Mr. a n d M rs, - D. Monte .. BE Davis, w ho were m arried July 30 K in temple r l te j a t Id ah o Fall.v

T he • b ride, th o Jo rm cr Cnrnlcc 8 8 Hugentobler. Is th e daugUicr of Mr. Eg apd.M r*. Leland Hugentobler. D.-ivla Is th a son of Mr! nhd Mrs. fielti • Davl*. T hey were m nrrled by Prrsl- • den t W llllnm K lllpnck.

.Tliey were "occom panied lo the ' tem ple by Mr. nnd M rs. John E. Hogue. R upert. Uie bride's grand­p a re n ts; M r. and Mrs. Lclantl HuK- entobler, h e r parenUi; M r. and Mrs.Ed Johnson , the brldegroom 'i p»r- cn ts; M r. nnd Mrs. WlUlnm K. Potts. M r. and Mr*. Clyde Cox. ^^r. ai)U Mr*. E llon K endrick. Mrs. R.P . W alker, S a lt, tn k e City, the - , bride’s n u n t, and M r. nnd Mrs. H ar- •

For Uie reception for 200 giiwls N Uie bride wore a fu ll-lr/igili white crj'stalllne u t f e ln gown accented ,. >'iUi a fitted bodice, high roll b.ick •' collur" trim m ed w ith Ince nnd long . pointed aleevea trim m ed wllh tiny

. pearl bultoiis.'I 'he sk ir l hnd n h igh empire wnixt

In fro n t nnd n fu ll pleated *lclrt In back. T ho gown wna made nnd de- signed by the bride. H er JlngcrUp lliu-n veil wna c a u g h t in a crown of acqula i nnd pearl*. She carried a bouquet o( Im itation lu l l a n llly-of-

■ Uip-vnllcy centered wlUi a white o r­chid nnd Ued w llh a Inrge white ne tbow. S he cnrrled a n Austrnllnn Ince -----hnndkerchlof, a g if t from -the bride- - -

Mnld of honor. Ruby Pnrrolt,1 wore a pa le p ink crystnlflne street- ” /• I length dress ncccnted wlUi a cum- j “ ‘ I inerbund Ued In 'n bow In Uie bnck 1 nnd pink ncee&sorles. She carried F• A bouquet of d a rk p ink gladioli Uor

floretes Ued wlUi a dark pink n e t chof bow, dre1 ^ Bridesm aids w ere Sandra H ugen- whl 1 tobler. Uie bride's sLitcr. nnd K ny que■ K endrick. Mias HugwiioWcr wore Bul

roso nnd M iss K endrick a deep pink• crystalline s tre e t lengUi dresa ac- Pn> C ccnled w ith a cum m erbund Ued In *r

a bow In buck, nnd wlilto ncceasor- froi lea. Ench cnrrled a bouquet ot pnle ntU p ink gladioli floretes Ued w ith da rk no p ink ne t bow*. for

K eith Johnson , the brldegroom'a is i I uncle, served as beat m an, and D an- on:

ny. Dnvl*, the bridegroom'* broUier to t ° served aa nn a tten d a n t. ■ la r' F o r Uie reccptlon Mr*. Hugento- ^ 5 bier chose a blue in llle embossed .p^. afternoon dress, w liltc accessorlea

B and a p ink begonia corsage. The bridegroom'* m o lhe r wore n pink *

- flowered nylon s trcet-leng lh dress.I- pink occeasorle* a n d a pink begonia f corsnge. f_I* A hnnd crocheted lace table cloth “

over pnl« pink covered Uie bride’s ' * ’ table w hich w as centered with a

1 th tce-lle rcd w hlto wedding . cnke• trim m ed wlUi p ink roses, w hite Jat- n i

tlc'e work nnd topped w ith a mlnln«- L l'■ tu re bride nnd bridegroom. Deep

p ink roscleavea nlso decorated the base of tho cake, which w as'ciit in the trndU lonal m anner. Crystal can - E

'' die ho lders surrounded by palo pink the ’ c h o ’snnthem um s nnd w hlto tnpers wer ’ finnked tho cnke. Bouquets of gin- Ind ’ dloll decorated th e reception hall, wee

Background m usic w as played on Ear Uie piano by J e a n Cox. Mrs, R . P . ^ W nlker, tho bride's n u n t, nnd Mra. in Gnie Allen, the brldegroom 'a nunt, to 1 aerved Uie cake and poured th e jk i punch . Mr*. G ene Mooro was In dec c harge of the gueat book. G ifts boo wero opened nnd .dLiplnyed by Mra. i

) £ d Q nllncher, Mrs. D ale Butler,I Joyce Cox and Clnudla Hugento- ! b ier, Uie b rldc'a-alater.

A progfnm wna -pre.iented .w ith : Mr*. Clnude Cox ns m istress of cere- T : monies. Sally T e n n a n t presenied a 8c i• read ing ; M ary Johnson . Sand ra H u- ten t gentobler nnd E la ine Johnson eaeh hor f aang; P n lty Joe H ugentobler p re- ile , , sen icd n piano solo a n d S usan T en - Mo ) ' ■ —

• r ~ ~ — — :

MEMORIALS h o u p a r

P U R P O S E S .' EduenUon nnd tm ln ln

EducaUOD and, trolnlni

A I M S . . . ^ -PromoUon of growth i tralnJoR In ChrlsUan h e a lth nnd w fe ly habi

R e g i s l - r o t i o n A

THE LUTHER/^( 1. I n s tru c t io n in th e yi c o m p e te n t te a c h e rs . 2. C h r is tin n In tcirprcta 3. E c iuca tion in a C bri

5 , . 4. . D aily C h ris tia n pupi .'). S u p p o r t o f C h ris tia r

; 6. E f fe c tiv e t r a in in g a4 7. T ra ln in i? In C h ria tiaJ • ' 8. F a c u l ty o f 8 tc ach c r

i ' F O R - I N F O R M A T I

i ” ■ H . I

( . - .

------------ ----------

T IM E iN E W S,. t w i n ' FX

t- ■ •

Wed in Idaho F(

■ p H ^

' ' ' ••

' H ,

’ ;.1j __M R . AND M RS. I). M

(IlamlltoD photo—tla

nan t. a violin solo. D l a ^ o 'ra n ti f n Sandm H ugentobler, D lnne Roskel- L / ley. GnU Cox, R ltn Nelson. B eth p Chrlstopherson nnd B rcndn H lteh - f cock sang 'T em p le by the R iver." ■ j.

For Uie tr ip to Yellowstone n a - \yj, Uonal pnrk th e i* w M rs. Davis crlr chose nn orange, lig h t wool ahea lh the: dreas, white accessorle* and th e Arv whlto orchid from h e r b ridal bou- ble quel. T h e bride w as griu luated from mat Buhl .h igh school in 1057, and n l- chll tended B righam Y oung Unlveralty, s Provo, fo r one year. Sur

T lie bridegroom w as grndunted “t r from B uh l h igh eehool in 1054. and *Pei a ttended Uie BY U fo r th ree years, and He completed a tw o-yenr m ission Mr. for Uie LDS church In A usU nlla and drei Is sta tioned w ith tho arm y n t F t . «” > Ord. Calif. T he couple bo th plnn to atUind BYU w hen th e bridegroom ^*'1 Ifl released from th e nrm y th la fall, "nJ

Q uests were from R upert. Burley. T w in Fnll*, S n lt Lnke Clly. BoUe, f . „ Blnekfoot and B uhl.

The bride was honored w ith p re- hui nupUnl showers n t Uie hom e of Kny K endrick with J e a n Cox serving na i • co-hMtes*. A show er alao wns given J C in he r honor by Mra. Mcll C arter . w ith .'M r*. Clydo' Cox- na a.islatnnl hostess. .

¥ ¥ ¥ Cnr

Elba U nit M akes hns! Plans fo r Booth °1

ELBA, Aug. 22—F ln n l plans for nur Uie booth nt th e Ctksala county fnlr pin; wcro mnde a t th e m eeting o t the do« Independence R ockcttea club N week n t tho hom e o t M rs. J . Roy hon Enmes. ' city

Mra. LewLi OtUey. p residen t, wna In charge of th e m eeting . Articles A to be dl.iplaycd n t th e fa ir were ne- ' ' lected and Mr*. T heodore T uttle decornted a wedding cnke for the booth. E

TliB group decorn ted Uie booth ntt< Mondny. . (e*t

¥ ¥ ¥ ;:1»> ATTENDS JtE U N IO N

riL E R , Aug. 22 — Mr*. Homer t Schinell wo* nm qng 45 rela tives a t- the tending at family reun ion n t the nflc home of Col- and Mra. .G eorge Kin- ler. zle, L>-ons, Colo. Sbo r e lu m e d home _ It M onday. . __________________ for

\L LUTHERAN !a n ( d B i r c h S t r e e t s — T w i n f

' • • « 'Inlng for membership tn th e Kingdom ol inlng. fo r American c itizenship.

r th and strength In th e fnlU i-llfe of a C la n life, tw in ing in social a n d clUten*h hab ili. a n d train ing in w ork a n d study h

I A u g . 2 8 - 2 9 — S c h o o l O p e i

^AN SCHOOL PROVle w o rd o f G o d a n d t h e c o m m o n i s r s .’• c ta t i o n o f itec tJ ln r s u b i e c t s . J h r i s t l a n e n v i r o n m e n t , l u p i l fe llo w K h ip . •t i a n H o m e tr a in in f r .Ig a n d p r (n in rH tio n f o 'r c h u r c h m e r j t i a n c itiz cn .'ih ip .: h c r s — c o v e r in g g r a d e .s o n e th r u 8.

a i O N P H O N E R E 3 - 7 8 2 0

] . E I N S P A H R , P r i n c i p a l .

' I - . • /•('

F ^ t 3 , I D A H (

.............. \

Falls Terhple - Cl



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-------Jw-..--, . J . . . . . . J u rcjMONTE D AVIS

- • t a f f e r r r a v ln i ) J*’®

Declo Pair Hosts Fam ily G athering gSDECLO. AUR. 22 -M r. nnd M ra. tho

W infield H u rs t held a lam lly gaU t- nble erlng over th e week-end for 10 o f fnm Uielr sons nnd xJaughter*. One non, nbst Arvll H u rs t. Fillmore, U lnh, wna u n - fam ble to n tte n d . T licre were npproxl- icre mntely SO presen t Including g rnnd - o children. ( x frs

Sundny a ll nltended the LD S nnd Sunday school. A dinner was se rved fnm n t noon n n d th e rest o t the dny w ns j.irs spen t visiting . Attending were M r. ^^w nnd M rs. P loyd H urst nnd ch ild ren , b u n Mr. a n d M rs. Archlo H urst nnd c h ll- „ dren and M rs.'A rlene H urst C heev- ' ers nnd chU dren. nil Salt Lake C ity ; . Mrs. L eonn Anderson a n d K | children. B lnekfoot; Mr. and Mra. Hnrold H u ra l nnd lamlly. H eybum , nnd M r. n n d Mra. Leo H urs t nnd family, M r. nnd Mr*. Ear) H urs t nnd B' family, M r. nnd M n . Norman H u rs t nns' nnd fam ily , Bclva H urst and L am ar of H urst, aU D eclo, auxl

♦ ¥ ¥ • bnni

Jan e Berkley Is ’ s'. H ostess to U n ite s

M em bers o f Uie T n-W i^C o-L n , ° Cnmp P lre g roup completed two more requirem ent* when they n « t „ last wccit -a t~ th a -h o m e of ^iinc Berkley. ; ' •

PollowlnB tho meeUng m ember* t; look bouquet.1 of flower* to H orton 'a nurslnR hom e. A fter lunch they d la- / * ' played K eep Idaho Green poaters downtown. .. I—

N ext m eeU ng will be held n t the homo of K ay Ililcr, norUi o f the city.

¥ ¥ »

A nnual Festival H eld for League

EDEN. A ug. 22-M ore thnn 300 attended th e nnnunl Mission lengue - (estlvnl S u ndny n t the L uthernn chureh g rove sou th o t town. A pot- luck d in n e r wnn served by member* of th e lengue.

Tlio Rev. Rnymond gnve the m orn ing nddrCM and In Uie nfternoon. Uie Rev. Armand Muel­ler. B urley, spoke.- I I wns repo rted *1,057 waa raisedfor m ission work._________________

' "j

JSCHOOLin F a l ls

m of Ood.

a ChrlaU nn ch ild through enshlp h a b lta , training la dy hablta.

ip en s S e p t . 2

)VIDES:':on sch o o l s u b je c ts by


membership. ’

u 8 . .

2 0 o r R E 3 - 3 0 2 7

i!. .


Cleric Speaks a t Er Local'Club M eet r ■

T h e Rev. Robert K elm told of tiic Red Cross and th e blood bank n l th o meeUng of the, C ountry W om­a n 's club W ednesday n fternoon n t i lh e hom e o t Mr*. BIrdella M cClnln. - J -M rs .-L !oyd 'N lch6 Ison .- p rr.ildcn l, r ‘ i conducted the sCMlon. Mr.i. Me- I f l C laln opened th e . mecUng w ith V soliloquy collect*. , 1

Mr*. Homce T u rner wna In chnrge ! I of th e program. B arbara Stevenson, ■ | dnURhtcr of Mr. nnd Mr*. Chtirles Stevenson, played accordion aclcc- Uona.

Mr*. Willard Bonnr, B uhl, wn* n Kuc*l. ' >

Refrcohmenl* were *erved by Mr*. Lnlla Llttlcr tind Mr.i. McCliiln. J

N exl meethiR will be ht;ld Sept. ,17 a t the home of Mrs. G rnndvlllc / Allen. • y

■ ¥ ¥ ¥

A rrington Farnily-AAeets-at^Rettnim - ■

M ore thnn 85 nicmber* of Uie fam ily altcndfd_tlio_ l,. R . A riliig - sil ton reunion Sunday n t th e Sho­shone fnll* plc_jilc ground.-!. n.*A

Following a picnic d inner, n lcjh ness meeting wn* conduoted by L. n„ur W . A rrington, president. New o tfl- jMm. cers elected. for Uie com ing yenr Uoth nro Lewis Arrington, pvc.sldent; J n - were cob P. Arrington and G raver N. high A rrington, coutwelor*. nnd Mr*, for tE m m a Adams, secretary nnd trcn*- -------u rer.

L. W. Arrington waa In charge of I th o program . Mrs, B ruce A rrington told of Uielr rccent tr ip to the iB lac k -H llto .-M rs.-N rW -A n 1 n R to n ------rend letters from Mrs. C nlllc’W ard. , , Lognn. U tah: J . Enrl A rring ton . , J ) ” i Holll*. N. Y.. nnd Mra. Petirl Spnrk*. O nklnnd. Cnllf.. Uie only th ree from tho original fnmlly Uint were un - " nble to Dltend. Member.n o f the fnm lly gave Uie la te.u new* from r ab sen t member* of th e ir rc.ipcctlve Mr. famine*. T he closing prnyer wiui of- fcred by K enneth A rrington. ?qi,ou.

O ut-of-tow n guests w ere M r. nnd sne MTS. Bruce S. A n ln g to a nnd Mr. ^dnm a n d Mrs. Woodrow A rring ton and fjex fam ily, a ll Idaho P a lls ; M r. nnd nt Un M rs. W. O. Fisher nnd M r. and Mrs.NeweU Plshcr and fnmlly, tkll H ey- _ ; b u m . and Mr. and Mrs. B jTon P lah - R i cr. R upert. ' ^

', ¥ ¥ ¥ al :

Birth Dates A re i?"' Answer fo r Roll

BUHL. Aug. 23 — Roll cnll wn* answ ered by Uie elly nnd s ta te >i„ ti of bIrUi of the NnUonnl G unrd [," ,,, nuxlllary members nnd Ihelr hus- ninn iband* n f n mecUng o t th e auxiliary- E------T uesday evening n t Uie arm ory.

Sally Robbins, homo aervleo a d - , v isor fo r the Idaho Pow er company, displayed slides of smtvll appliance*. M

DlscaiAlon waa held on a H nl- / ■ lowecn box Aoclal. G roup p rlr« wns V j received by Mra. J e r r y jqlin-ton. • ^ — Refre*hmenta-were-«crved-by-M rs; — fl L arry Morrison. Mrs. Clifford Spre - ■ ler nnd Mrs. K ennth M ason, T w in I Fnll*. I

N ext mecUng will b« held Sept, A W;_______________ , _________________



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A c ro ts from Gi

. • FRTI

.Engaged to Wej L

SHANNON c o l l i - : e n .SWAJI . . ,.whow engagem rnl ig j . i , H u b l

n . Anderson, snn of Mr. and Vrv H tm Leslie A ndenon. K lm bcrlj, i , ' ' fi nnunceil liy h e r parentn. Mr >o H w rd Mrs. S tuart Sw an. T.vln Vm V v Doth Miss Swan nnd her lUj,. H l i l a were sradualeJ frnm Twin tii, high srhool. Nn dn te lia i |>t(a,„ for the wedding. (S taff e n zm ti '

Lodge Club Has — Bi-eokfast-Meet-K

Member* of P a s t Ornclcs cidtft fojf a holcnke brcnkfn.M M iit morning In Uie ya rd n l the Mrs, Wllllnm A rm ga. Mr.i. JL~, was aviLilcd w ith serving lij v.x Roberl Adnmson. M rs. Mntk E i Sue P ra tt nnd MyrUe Andenon.

Mr*. Lllllnh H nrm on conducttlt short bu.ilncM moeUng which n i followed by a noclnl hour. ■ “

Special Kuc.st3 were Mr*. Mir.rj, ■ M ' Adnm* and Mra. Lymnn Siiimffifr, ^ ( l ^

Next meeting will bc held Etp-.ii H * ’u'S nt Uie home of Sue P ra tt. H ■£*

' ¥ ¥ ¥ , ■ 'P® !

Rehearsal Held K iALMO, Aug. 23 — Tlio flfji r e - J i i w for Uie M IA festlvnl,Yc l l i e .Lord." wn* held Taaitj night n t the LDS church. ■ S i

Mr.i. H. E. K ing. .Mn. Flovd ■ tbs Knlgllt. Mr*. W nllnce Taylor. Llntf* H i s I and Mnrllyn D urfee nnd Mn. M»> H lS l^ tin Tnylor m et Sundny evcninj it H the home of M rs. W illiam Traer la H v plnn the fi-.itlvnl. . H ] g

\ ~ 4 IH ih om e I n ,

VK|' REDUCINGI ' Lose pounds. Inclieil H l »

W Improve posture. Toni H ! f 3 ■ , Uuuea. P lrm muKlM.

n 151 3rd Ave. No. RC X-ZIU H ik k

'be. . In<c

l o p p y . . . “

goleggy S


s ibri1lianttto{lilngt...long,l •..wii

beautiful legil Suth o • '‘jVt

happy (ombinatlon of fun' gj«:

anti fojMon. Ihets or#

Iwenly'onscolort.i.with' . -

and wilhoul Momi, with'

,ond,wilhou( heols! B#' ■'rll'n

■ happy, go leggy, In i V ‘


Uso O ur C onvenien t Rear Entronce o ff the

M etered Park ing Lot*

'■ Ubi,

*‘lVs the Fashioji'’

mSLfJ Ii n c I '<

,®^Ennd Streef E o if

im Greyhound Bui D»P®*___________ ■ ___J


Qefending ( VVay Into St (j.S.WomeinA R lE N , C onn., Augr. 2 2 (/P) — :

a a the pressure mcmiae.s, guicrolf tournttinent Thursday v

< /w h iz from Illinois. Miss Gun wfll ploy Anne Quast of :

» ^ 'Bomnck of Sacra-----------

B M m b

% reSd ot ellmlnaUoM a l Uic . >*^5„^!rTDunW club which eaw I n c I

OwrBC h u n lle r "

g ; . “LSC2iJ’'BurSi=!LS S S T th e three-time Conndlan

s ,“» j ; r r M S R u s ; J f S S ' T . S M S s a n 1“ • i . year #bo m Sftcrnmenlo. __

V v n n t cllmlnaled Bosemary £!tnrf k Toron'^ gchool tcnch^ IDAHO o T n d ’ s. 'n ien ihe put oul Mr*. SpyliaL.kl f-. cuey JoliMtone ol Mnaon Onvller-;; i-* l o « a nnd I. nltiK overuil* ouaat 31. (I senior a t filAn- Rnmi- rim

M (totaled Mra. Onlnfa .Wilson 'nmr.sdiiy ?7/,MiiTllle. Ky., * *nd 3. and t^ cc n thi ifl beat Mrs. Mnrgc Mnson of Ihc Mlv.o SrtTOod. N. J - 8 3. Mrs. T lie lar

Canada'^ Mr*. S lrc ll ha.i h it i , UK morning, 5 and 3. son In HliUii Romack. 2J, a flaxen blonde, m nn iip. 1

M ti fc thrce-yearrold acore w llh n ,„ „o -p in. Valentine, < and 3, and then [„ tj,(, jj ra .eaiUy over BerrldRc • Long, K iidnjoikl -Unjton. W. V*-. 6 and 4. u m Slnqi

,vn. ValenUne had crushed Bar- nn^jr r d r a 7 Uld 6. in the BrlUah finals in to cenlt % Bu»h. northern Ireland, In ^

Bailey won a closs battle xfm berjnc ^h trC u rll* Cup ttam m ale, Pol- ElJer. 2*“P- nnd an et

------------------------------------------ i

(anks UpsetI • M cKcori u s s i e s m

D o u b l e s M e e t - a *BSOOKLYN. Mass., Aug. 23 UT— Inndfid V

In u t combinations. Darlene rlRht fleli 8rt-Aiane Arth and Alex Otmc- M cndota b-BiaWchardion, Jolted the ten- —A “niursday wllh ■>iVtato In tho national doubles l - l o I «

1TUi'4 &onIy the ir second tour- ■,

u a o tu tp a l r , Mlxs Hard from I l iv l- i U oD l^ C4lir.. and Miss A rth ■*■ im H Pid. Minn., turned In —

Ibdr m sf con.ucuUve upset by Iw i^ ce&r lUrd-seeded A m lrnllans JL •

l£illi7Kawton and M n.T helm aM, «-3 In a women'# acml- CinCAC

ll, eoDch Oc(u d lUchardMn defeated. ChlcaRO B

I t t t o C t tandem of Bob Mark and th n n Just ■ b l Uw 9-4, c-a. C.4 fn a men-fl oU»or tow

wl«r-/lD»l te s t a t the Longwood e rn dlvblc tUri club, bnll lenffU'ftfedlng champion A s h lo y T h e 03-;

Uld N eale- F ^ e r -from ou t o f-re i lasiUa fotiRht off deUrmlned crack a t c( tSilmen Mike Davies and Billy bcllcvca O I j t for an a-C, lo-8, 13-11 tr l- Improved ?■ ■ "T he Lora other women'* semifinal and Improved

'lu*‘ftcr-flnaU will ba w in tho tro ll, ot

■ — a n d 8 a n BP i • to lo.w in

lOWLONG* * hlblUon • VMAGIC BOWL Cftrdnlal.-!INDUSTRIAL cd th e pti

^aco defeated Bruley* 3-1: C llf. T hey IneJu «*fldD crrlcolt defeated C /P 3-1: *■»* Douftla

apllt Id ah o Power 2. 2. • U U h and s th Individual Rame J . C^eaMv m crly of C

high Individual aeries j . Crca-h igh Acralch team Bame P 'tli

>‘«rd ftnd D crrlcolt 827; high w h team aerie* Texico 2 « l defcn.ilve

Crcaaey had 223 game and 5'*"“ ' ' ' wiea. appolntlnir

i p i S H r S

iaseball ScoresHATtONAI, I.KA{HIE ’ • » t j ■

f c {U tah '’■ <*'>• l») *nj 'J * 0 J j J J

....m BJO-, , „ SA LT h f

M r llh H 'V Y* flCWW Ed]today to lu

- t '’®" « '« -! 18 1 IhB $17,000 ” *“ » T 0 lhe S a lt Ll

: ‘oo eo4-4 » 0 lh e Open, i•'hriii.^““ v"®? * I eluding Ed

— ' m ent were‘■“•Cll, URACtiK ' p realdent Sf'*«ion ; ...... ll" om-T IJ 0 chairm an I

Vice Jo , , ’c i.» ;j. nnd , open

„ „ Davidson,

Coachf c :

R oger B anr ii"i B?,' >• 1 four-m inute

. f".T™ ’

“ "•"■S'*' ^ C r o n i n ' ^ ; Calif.. ^ “8- 32 a 10-day co La,i A n ''7 ' eoJumnlst a t th e Cana

• T,'*'lincML of T lio Am' In Joined T huraday lii °nH y vWona « 3;1“^ Mltro? I t wlH requl

' ' dou i jta c i iii

Champ Poi 5emi-Pinals e n ’s G o l f T l -loAnnc C

a.y w t h tw o r iv a ls f r o m t h e P n c if O u m ie r s o n . sU in ly , IS -y e a r-o lc i dn

j ^ M a r y . s v i l l c , F r id a y ’s

’ ankees Bump VHifcrfceaginM „ x> •». , , .® y 'T h e AMoclated Pre.h e N c \V \» , . ]{ Y a iik ce .s j u n k e d C hic

. s e w i p i m e s I h u r .s d a y iiiK lit, d c fc i l)ohMuM-htrTSKr-lii t - p rtchlT T g~oT B 6b~T

id e r w o n l i i s 1 8 th w i th t h e h e lp o f inR . J t w a s o n ly th e f o u r t h v ic to r y

Y a n k e e s ,

ussct Homer “ 110th Inning p''£"peats'Jack^~ “iEs•A H O 'p a l l s , Aug. 22 <^WJlmlaLikl. Idnho Falla, poled D on ‘k a L ?,, c?iHer;; flr« t p lw h In lhe lOlh In- f ; , ,i?J

over Ulf le ft fltld fence fo r a timl .lerlcs wlmiliig hom erun

rsday n fte r iv wc-.iaw balUe be- n thi? lilnho Fnlls Hu.viet3 andMlv.ouhi Tlmberji>ck.v ?o?'ui“rSS ^le lanky outfielder, w ho sd hits inh it th ree homeruns Uili vicn- « u ,r , anrt

In Hlglilni^d park, wa.i lhe f irs t Ho ha« hitu p in Uie extra Inning. o ther six /

uho P n lls got one unennied n m Ous Trlhe fo u rth Inning when J e rry homer willtijcfikl walked and scored w hen a four-runSlnqucflcld msdc a hnd Ihrow th e Bnlllm

• retriev ing Jake Wood's single lory over 1 cen lcr. fourtli plai!

ih o FnlLi added another In th e The Orlion th ree hii« and a n o th e r tro ll by t

je rjnck error. Je u Queen '«eor- Uirce.gnmi le riin on a slnRle. a slblen base Tlie Trln an e rro r by mnnnger Jack M e- center flel r o n n throw. . . AcorlnR. P•vioulft cnme roaring bflck In th e Doyd nnd )

Inn ing wllh four rtms to go a w n lk sc l d . clout off C:Kcon and Ron DIbellus singled th ird game O rw llcr walked. T lia t choaed The Bost in In fivvor of Swertgager w ith with enoUE out. Jnke Wood then e rred on display of

. looked like a double play ball, a n 6-0 vie M cKcon iicorril. W ith ba«es sUll Indians.:d Vftlder. 'Vila .lacrlflced (o The Red . field Morlng DIebellu*. Rny land pitch lo u i tripled In two more runs. lected l l 'v

----------------------------- ' stranded IrI o test Internalas hees ,

gin BattleT fc T W illiams 1.Pro League

IC A G O , Aug. 22 M>-Owncr- I G eorge H olej, siting up his iRO Bcara a s 20 per eent be tter la s t year. Is looking for o n -

■ tOM-up bfttUe In the W est- *llvb lon of tho NnUonal Foo t- . _ _

B*'o?^yenr-old Hales, who cam e I j H l l l )f-retS rcm cnt-to -U ike n no thc r •. a t coach ing his Chicago Beara, I ■ea G reen Boy will be the m ost ■*• ”)ved tcnm In the leaRue. le Lon Angelea Rnma are a lw i - C A Q i ' )ved nnd BalUmore expect* lo J - » V a i - tho UUe," said Hales. -D e- Tlo t courae. Is the cham pion TVni/miT

Jan n ran c lsc o Ued D etroit only . dtouhle lq w In Uio playoff. W ell be 20 cuh* nin* :cnt b e tte r so It ahould b e a u ,c P l ltS u ip as to w holl w in the UUe. i» m ased by h is team ’s 24-7 ex- th e wiry cu on • victory over the ChlCARo for u ie clrc ilal.i la s t Sunday. Hales laud- sh o r t of li le play of several newcomers, m ajor leagi Included rookie fullbaek M er- —nnd l5 cl

louglaa from the University of o f 'COliomu and linem en Abe Olbron fo r- hLi 40lh o

• of Cleveland nnd Philadelphia game. Thu; Wlllle Lee who was acquired game.

P lttsburg li. Big Don> B ears had One of th e best nlng form, .live tew ns In Ihe league la.-'l cL«o G ian t b lit aUil finished with a d ls- ClncinnaU l nU ng 5-7 record. T he 6-f<! big reason Halea Lt looking w inning hU rd to a b e lter season U end and his th n H ill. Hill Injured his shoul- up only ot IUll ncn.ton b u t appears lo be W agner’a * lelely recovered and ready to accond Innl

m cnnco th e opposlUon w ith Only foua**.catehlnB ab ility ..,..... . . i ' , , base.I Beikra have a fine ba tch of Larry Jai I llne-m en. Including Chuck th e S t. t«ui ry of W est Virginia, Ted K a r- tlnued h is : in All-Service s ta r with Uie alArter by Diego M arlnw last fall, a n d m ons for a ; K le in o t Iowa. They could adelphia PI a sleeper In Don H ealy of Jnckson ; and. • . them In Ui

___________________ held on U, y-, y t ' against 10 d

lh Group Hopes Lure Top Pros

.T LAKE C J ^ , Aug. 22 (iW—A uncover Uie of UtAh'A top golf officlnU ed.

0 E dm onton, Alberta, C anada, Lew Burd to lu re more professlonabi to kee ,Braves

;7,000 U U h O pen SepU 6-8 a t nosedive bj a lt Lnke County elub. or> four h itotal o r 52 pros have en tered th ird Collsei pen, w ith th o la tes t group In - w on 4.0. g Ed (Porky) Oliver. Burdette,ng to on Edmonton t«um B - &n<> <lrove 1 were U U h golf assoclaUon nw>o«rftnce

cn t S teve D unford, o p e n victory , of la n Lnndon Pe^son^ assocla- career and rice presildent Merlin Blokes to 11-B. He ipen finance chairm an C arl s tra ig h t con ,on, . 8lnc« m e A

ich Says 3:50 Compl e Is Possible j —Jim OfwlONTO. Aug. 23 W -T h e m a n ^coached B rlU sh- track « t«r B ann iste r to , the world’* f i r s t .!ilnutB m ile aays he expects a 'illQ will be ru n wlUiin Uiree

IS StASlpn, now track a h d ^ y * ” 0Pto 3ach n t th e Unlveralty of M el-I, Is h e re a s guest lecturer n t 2 uay coaching cJlnie being he ld $ . , PC anad ian natloiuU exhlblUon, ♦ M '

A ustrlan-bO m coach aa ld T AnIny In an Intervleiy he e n - ^ c*

a 3:44 m ile some day. B u t + . *require a ru n n er of irem ea- T AUT

ijTwlna (q d «lpi»rh tim lny. ■_

owers ^I S 'O f ' , I

Courney^le G underson , w h o kcI.'? inala of th e U .S ._ \vom on 's ’ncific cojiflt nn'ii n stock i da iijjh te r o f h S e a ttle J Y f ly’s f ir s t 18 -ho lc m a tch . < N l /

p Sox 6 -3 w n e f c e a d ~ ^PreH

ChicaKo’s w in n ln ir .•itrcak . v J licfeatiiiy t h e W ti'ite Sox 5b~TiTrIey. T h e b in riKliP" ' r> of « th re e - ru n se v e n th , r \ l H lo ry in 12 Kftme.H fo r tlic . J * tees, who pu.Hhcd th e ir y W rican leaprue le a d to 111/.;. f i in over th e second-p lace • Sox in the opener o f a th ree- «set. Bul it WIUI no brccr.e until k hnmps finally go t r id of liny!. who hnd beaten th em three ___ J LlliLi'sciison.

:lor Lopez, a m enace to Wa.<ih- A1 pllehtrs a ll se.-uon, bln.stcd n ^ ^ ■ 3f homers and a s ing le ns Uic . J O W - iis Clly AUiletlcs. w llh six runs J ^ ^ 5 Ilrst two innings, whipped th e ' \ •ors7-4. C►cs's hoinera b ro u g h t h l j sea- i S lolal to 12. Seven of them have p i against W ashington. HU Uircc- ^ q irce Thursday n ig h t , gave him f U In 71 trips a g a in s t th e Sen- and a JCO average for IffSe. ^ 0 /

M h ll a mere 535 ngala-st the f q ' i six American league teams. { V y ^

i Triandoa c louted h is 24lh r wllh two ru n n ers on bw e In r-run, scven lh-lnn lng rally by f nlllmore Orioles fo r a 7-0 vie- . , . iv tr Detroit In ih e lr scrap for ^ J I piflie In the ’A m erican league.! Orioles drew even w llh 13e- j K S t by taking' the f i r s t of the ir •gnme series. i! Triandos drive ove r th e le ft- fr lleld fenco w ound up t h e __________Ig. Preceding s ing les by Bobnnd Bob N iem an coupled w llh t \ ^ T \k se t the stage fur Ills winningoff Oeorge Susce, looer o t hisgame out of seven.I Boston Red Sox cnm e through O l * " enough timely h lu to offset a y of fullllly in th o clutch for /" v0 victory over Uio Cleveland

1 Red Sox combed fo u r Cleve- BOISE i p itchers fo r IS h lU and col- wntcrfow’l s

11 walk.1, b u t le ft 10 .runners of hunUng led In the sloppily played con- octoOer 4 a iterrupted by ra in fo r 24 m ln - o 1&59 th e n the seventh in n in g . p’nhmc’n t nton slugger T ed W illiam s le ft WorklnR nncrs stranded aa h e filed o u t csUibllshA Uie bases loaded lo end bo th of interior, leventh and e ig h th Innings, recommend' ms h ll inlo a double play, Idaho duck ded oul and w alked twice in before wate her appearances. /a ll m onthsI record for th e m oat .men le ft ing to nort lie In a n lnc -Inn lng game ts nual watcrf t by Uie New Y ork Yankees hunting usi a th e Red Sox In 1060. lower Snnk

* i , 1, 4e partm ent at* * * , Bag limit

.nks Homers 'w ' 'f. . . . widgeon. Is

dee as Cubs four wldgeo

atPii-ates .■ly Tbe Associated T r e u extra or "bi :e Banks h ll two hom eruns and orni.]Ie lo account fo r a ll Chicago T lie goo.w runs in the 8*3 victory over as Inst yea Itsburgh P lratea T liu rsday . Uiree dnrk 'a .1 Uie sixth gam e In which permitted, ry Cub shorLitop h a d h i t twice to UiLi In c e circuit. H e now Is only four more thnn i of hLi 19S5 m a rk o f '4 4 —a aubspecica i league record fo r a aliortalop Lake, Btfnn< l5 close to Babe R u th ’s pace Hen. T h is i lOtsers In 1027. R u th slam m ed labllshed ti lh on Aug. 22 In h is I20th Rceae In th Thuraday waa D ank*’ 122nd eludes restrl

Callfomlft aDon Newcombe. ba ck In w in- —'orm, lim ited th e S a n P ra n - U - i . i Slants to six hILi n n d led th e J T a l l C r naU Redtegs to oji 8-1 victory. ■«,.

6-foot-4.lnch rig h th a n d er, W Q O H tg his first gam e In a m onth ”Is th ird of Uie leafton'. gave NEW YO: ly one extra-ba-w h it, Leon heavyweight ■r’a 420.foot h o m er In Uie lerson punc

Inning. ,__ . , Hoor In th’ four G iants w ere ' tleft on w inning UU

H arris? Mo(y Jackson; o ne -tlm c-.s tf tr-o f aide agreed . Loula C ardinal buUpcn, con- sliove th a t d h is late season success ns a pion Monda by oulpltching C u r t S im - Movle.i of

or a 2-1 victory over th e P hil- day confirm ia PhUlles. I 'ls h t expson yielded 10 h iU . five o t moUon spqU' In the last two Innings bu t Incident un >n lo get h is 10t h victory th# referee 1 10 defeats. I t w’a s h is fourth » knockdowi it complete gam e. H e won uppercut to }f them. left U ial sho•hau ler Simmons, now 6-12, “ ” t Floyd Jie Cardinals s c ra tc h ha rd lo r Uie few runs Jackaon need- “ “ ‘“ y to Ja

raves out^ o t th ree-gam e Webb I t by stopping L a i AnReles ! > « /» „ + > , r hiU. He a lso .s lam m ed h ts F O C a i C Jollseum hom er na th e Braves pocA T E L

ette, who h i t tw o hom ers u du^hw e*. 'ove In five runs In his la s t in? headaui ance hw e. picked u p Uie 89Ui bout againsi

of his NaUonnl league x^ke City and roD hla »ea*on record w i l l ' t

). He now h as plte lied five days before t complete game.1 nnd Is 8^3 k c a a char ho All S tar gam e. jd^ho S U te

' ' Fullmer, t

ipletes SweeplAMENTO, C a lif , Aug. 33 Ml _ Greengrass s ing led In theof Uie n in th Inn in g Thura- MT . ^ T T

g h drive In th e winning . T Kd give Sacfom ento n 3-3 vie- ■

iv e r------- ilOO 000 101—a 5 1 •• | S M /le n tO -----OQl 001 0 0 1 -3 11 I ^

H Y D R A U L rC J ■ JA C K S E R V IC E t t f S T ?

And R ebuild ing tSTEP-KEN t B B i

IkUTO P A R T S C O / ^ , I I — ^

, ' ________ ° g


tfrf » o u T T A / / T r r f ^ f ^ o s r ^ j V A I H C B E . V A ^ ^ r H E L M r r r >U'-Nrii'Hf cou emt1 . b A tK /D U C S ^ t f

p ^ y t M o t . o c

\ I V

^ ^ ^ C l.A U 4 T R D (^ 0 e iA .T ^ ^J H COWPOUNMO 8 Y ■««»

/ V a CCOPwioS I A ^ ^

■ D a y S e a s o n P a u lW T /»' . 1 SALT L

V W a t e r f o w l f f i h i f i— m e n t he ro

l e n s Oct. 4JE, Aug. 22 — T lie I d a h o ! * ° p a u i 't ^ )wl season will pcrm il 05 days w a pUng aRiiln thU year, opening' jey yjon d r 4 and running UirouRli Jan . p „ y o j , th e Ktntc ILih and game de­n t announced today.:lnR wlUiln lhe Immcwork -■ ^ " w r ihcQ by llie U .S . depiirtm enl I / - Y I Tlor, Uie Idaho fca.wn was lendcd to provide ciuitcrn x V T * duck hu n te rs some Khootlng l Y l l l G water* frcc7.e up In lhe earlymlhft—nnd also furni-shliunt- O lno rth Id ah o during tho a n - , ^ M n O aterfow l m igration. Tlie late it ususftlly plck-1 up along- Uie v a m o a t t snake river region. Uio de- n t aald yCor-old c>llm iu will be th e aame ns i r cxccpt U iat one addltiSnnl 9 , , ® • duck. elUier p intail or I, Is allow ed Uils ficftson. A f'’*'’ will be Allowed five durks 'il;!?- „

ith a dd ition of four plhtftls, dgeon, o r 'fo u r In th e aggre-

• who will ersalon lim it a fte r Uie first yerslly nex t 11 be 10 duck.1 and the four 20 yar ■•bonus” p in tails o r wldge- ‘cature.

T ho eventROO.W bag lim it Ll the r-ime by ra in . Mos

year, w ith 'n o t more than d e a « groi lark species (C anada Y oung E n ed. T here Is one cxcepllon fore "won a In eastern Idalio where n o t picked up nl

in n one Canada goose or Its quest. He s lea may be talten In Bear money to fu itfnneville and Caribou coun- - i w on 't h is rcgulaU on has been cs- how m uch 1 Id to a ffo rd prolecUon to dad Is Iff U n the G re a t Ba.^ln nnd In- rcau " restrlcUona In Arizona, UUUj. .,^,,,4lift nnd Nevadalift nnu w evaoa. ihouaanda t

terson’sFall I Knockdown

YORK; A ug. 22 (41 - W as Pelera of Pi e igh t cham pion Floyd P a t- the la te atiu- punched or. pu.Oicd to the ever to fire I th e second round ot h is ^hat 75 tn r ; UUe f ig h t wiUi T exan Roy line b u l ml&s M ost observers a t the r ing- E rrlco Is n

-cod It'w aa bo th n..pundi a n d elected to tnl l a t dum ped Uie proud cham - he w as ehl onday n ig h t a t Los Angeles, Junior .chnmi a o f th e figh n Tliurs- n u il o f Wtiii iflrmed thL% opinion. , 07 Irom 23 y

expert* observing the slow R on Roshi sequence of the controvcrslnl ^ as n e x t wli ; unanlmouKlj? ngrced lh a t „•ree waa c o rre c f ln calling ll ,down. A le l t hook and righ tIt to th e jaw followed by aI shoved P a tte rson 's shoulderoyd toppling 10 Uie canvaa. I’! hook nnd uppercu t landed • • • -------

.- Blank lb Returns to .SflSJ itdlo SaturdayiTELLO, Aug. 22 l* -S IX lh - Spokane 8-0 m iddlew eight Spider Webb game aeries.

lere S aturrlay to open tra in - S po k a n e ___idquortera for his Sept. 11 P h o e n ix ___a in a t G eno Pullm er In S alt o^ob ^ 0

111' tra in he re unUI. a fewtore th e fig h t. Webb was an Ji'"* - ‘ ■

er, M cond-ranked contend- oldlng h la tra ln ln s aessioai ,. Jo rd a n , U tah . < S p <

rSSCiLEii:OUB OWN LIVESTOCK , 'f a l implements ' 1 i f f l v s e furniture , I


S f f l H l l ' M a !j j ^ ^ r e g g j I K im b e i



irness of You—M \ A X y Y

> /l.O<mlOAL- in » . . . \ ^ V

l a W t o ^ ' li;;.-/ o o o < i & i s ^ ®

^ G c r 9 0 f i t f 6 | M , . x £ « r f r > o w v 6 B f J

. • • ' r 6 - c w £ . y ^ H B B 2 S k '/ / WHEM H £ ' ^ f , A W A Y PRO/A

HO/AE T H A T J K ^ H tM E LlEO.

ilWins- Jaycer UVKE CITY, Aug, 23 — ' •'' fourU i ward^vas knocked W o / > r k - r h o LDS all-church toum a- lero Thuraday night In sen - _ _ vision b u t the Paul Junior | ? - n r l c ou g h t lla way Into th« con* i J l l U o n semi-finals.. took a nw fow 3-2 decision 'A^apella, Idaho, while B ur- » d to jp i™ „ l - l , . , a i c t VO WUl ward.I , cco Inlernnll

' nam ent read

Year-Old .— stroke lead c

ns National of Sllllwnlct- Secondo ofiot Honors N.k. %2

Florence, 8. lALIA, O., Aug. 22 MV-A 17- One stroki

college frcsliman, who Jim Folks 1 n maUicmatlca.ouiAliot 1.010 Diff Lovett la tlo n ’s trapshoolers T hu rs- 70, a n d ' ' ^ w in the preliminary han d l- cross, Ga., 7 . t^ e 58th Grand A m erican . Gary n o a

74 ThursdayB rrlcorn-sllm 'bcspcctJic led- TOunQ-Korc.- :rom Hlgliland Pork, in.. Falls hnd 0 1 en ter Northwestern U n i- rounds with ( ic x t monUi, broke 09 o t 100 le ft him a t 1 I ya rd s In Tliursday’s big m a shot a 76

Jim Seeleyv e n t was intcrruplxd tw ice consolation i M ost of It waa fired th rough -------

K J . S h . . „ . e r . , - S t a n d h^ a slate or naUonaJ. tit le - . q ,p about 52^00 for h i s c o n - •Ic M id he would th e mIiwuI* _ _ _0 fu rth e r his college carccr. _ n 't be able lo kid oboutc h I wnn." Tom said. “My iiiiiino . . . FT UlB Internal revenue bu-

Mild have added several am rila to h is'w lnnlngs h a d 'h e v lIho option. H . p « ™ a up S . S * =Blo .and won only various Ho.uin _____

th e downpours. Errlco hod c"ri»i«nd“T I "1 Bcrlous challenger. H arvey chi' _ f P a rm er Clly, III., one of wuhinrton sUu-ters In the biggest.field n a t i r ire In the event, broke hista rg e ts from Uie 23-yard X i ln u iM __

ml&sed three ot Uie fina l’25. f . u u t ' Is n Junior Im p shooter b u t u n ^r .,,\n "Z> tnke the big prize to w hieh st. U m ii-----'ehU Uea.''T lU >t~BaVe~‘Uie inm plonship to Eugene D u- i'ii"i«j»i*[>hU’" '’ WnukciOia, Wls.. who broke 22 yard*. TACirKw h e r of Saskatoon, Sask.. r h c n l . ____; w llh 05 from 22 yards. —om en ’s race wound up in r*r"unrt".~"r tw een Mrs. RuUi L . C on- g .ii u k . cuy, Q uakerlown, Pa., and Mra. —lo n l Lelmonlco of M iam i, ...h h a d 05. ’ -

k Indians Ro<r a c . Arlz., Aug. 22 (J (_hom erun power and a h u t- I Scrufitilng by Dom Z annl com - I Alliu n d a y n igh t to c u t down I d8-0 In th e last of a fo u r- I "

------------000 000 000- 0_ « 3 L C L----------- 100 Ml-DOX':^ 0S c o tt (4). Palm qulst (5). ' RADI:S) and N. Sherry a n d R o n . Dl-Way 3: Z nnol and Haller. lud ta lw *


Specialized Service on All

RAKES and SPIF R O N T - E N D A L I G N f v


‘ H 'jj , * t h e - B a r d J o M ’

If it'cao’t be fixed bring il

aster Spring Seiiberly Rpad


" i .

f f s :


POCATELL< Bolae Braves Inning acortne

----------------------------------------- 11-7 score. Th:

c e e M e e t

ond Round- £ ~1 • f v Ink© the rubbeIsm Draw3N, Arlz., Aug. 23 U l- J c r ry alx losses alUii um of A tian tn a n d Don R ich made h i ot Belleville, N . J .. were »a m nny n ight

130 Thursday as th e Ja y - letic rally In I rnnllonal Junior golf tour- T h e A 's acoi readied Uie halfw ay m ark, ^ r e e h l u antjaum's 70 and M om no’s 73 P ™ *"Kl cnough to provide a one-.Ml o „ r th o Held o t Itn . 5 r , " , S b' a HO were L abron H arris the tie by bei valcr, Okla,; -72-03; M itch field boarda

of Watsonville, C allt.. 07- Jo h n O arofali d Blackmon of H ighland, T h e A 's pul: -72, nnd Buddy B aker o f tho seventh w, 8. C.. GO-71. K llmehock anitroke behind n t 141 wero succcsslon forIks of O cala, F la ., 72-69; hla appcaw ncti-ett of Portla n d . Ore.. 71- the next th ree' Charles L ayton o t W ay- sh o rt lhe rallya.. 70-71. • . B oL iescn tn i Floan of Lew iston sho t a the e igh th , k tsday and h a s a 144 second iQ Clng'four Porc.-C B arK a-cuuer'o rT w ln -fore-Etl-pfrtci Id one of th e day 's best ter. D ennis S<■ Ith 68 but h is 83 W ednesday more ru n s Ina t 151. Mike Sw eet of P a r- tripled fo r hi a 76 and haa a 153 toU l. ' sam e,eeley of Jerom e wound up “ -------- -

C e n t e r Idings .nOSBER LEAfillF In UlBDcUoit

w I, pcL Gii haa signed his- .........-.... .» >* •«” Ing, NaUonal ]• m !«» r ’ season................ .- J- n • !« In Th® C-fcet-*Li.i!rZ=:ir 5.':!!! liw “ » j at .................. 19 21 .ISO i m sum m er nfaM l

. . ifhiE S T T eao ui! S , ' ' i M d S'• re ' r -s*" p o ln u .ln 4

------------ 16 n<^ tons la»t year.

1 1 P |I'-" .. ........... 5» « •«« « HOME \h<n - ...... .......»i .«!» jg(,0 lua jberlKATIOSAL LEACtTE CRESS E

^ M MT 11“ NO. dn. payn•Ik o --------- ;:«.1 M is u • «>4 W e give S

jj : j |


ladidtorsNEW AND USED I . H R K f e:rv ice k R e p a i r s I

RE 3 -6 0 8 0 * I Jllll®xYDrs B iADIATOR SHOP'a r 30—O n T ruck Lan* I |H n R 7 ] ^ ■ters Are O n r B oa tnen | I H K ^ V W

N ot a Sideline - 1

PRINGS ; i !. M E N T , V S T

i«” / r c r c * ' I

! ' 206.41efyice, i . c . i | w m

' I m M

inner Giyen ;ter Appare ►sing on Fo:K H 0L M , A ur . 22 f/P) — B r i ta in ’s ay n i^ h t w as declared w in n e r o f thi ffic ia ls e rased h is d isq u a lif ic a tio n i (It) fie ld cham pionsh ips. T h e 24 .year. hnd com e fro m behind to n o se o u t !

Boy.sen in -th (

n e r - R e d I r “m"!lti"S;Y d l ^ a l l f f t '

C i r ”A j O O i n S n w i^ e S ' W 'th”f , M>n h a d been I

s I l K r l - p c t Boysen, a yardJ l U g l C f e i : B ritish team'O R K, Aug. 22 u > -w e it« r- !>■ f^jpeijlcd; Af 311 T urner nnd SIcfan Rcdl th e Juryr -th ln c - ln-e o miiioii. T lifT •dlaquaUflcftUoij. irow a lot of nunchw . the gold me<ini re should be p lenty of ac- " ““ ‘’cr medal any n lghl wlicn the two a c rm n n y recelv

the 10-round televlilon th ird place. M«( Square gnrdcn. . Raw son sa id 1 , 27-ypar-old Philadelphia the track wlllln 3f eight yeara of pro bat- puslied o f : duri

been made a 8-5 choice the "iiulclde cc .1 25-ycar-old opponent, c lgh l-m an race, ngarlnn-bnni and Onrriinn‘- for pM ltlon on low llvia a t P iuw ic, N. J. lunky Imnilgriini hn* been n . i ^ f f w rtnri.!! pro only 20 monllis bul he illcd a fbie 20-1 record. His :a l ,wus a sp ilt dcclslon to B ritish tcnm « Twin n t Uie G arden la.nt rie hns scfli-fd IB knockouts. th e track L m ick driver nnd cnrpen- 'questloi

he Un’t boxing, ha.n wnn tl'C lr view, lig h t since the I0.W lo Ker- M ike s la rted hl.i lost s ta rt, he hu rt his acknowledged 1 id In beaUng Gcrd Mueller to be the m ost art, Germflny, ifa j- 31. o f Uils sort. — ^ “I r a n aa fas. ^ • . . ou t o f U w ib le-

aaw naw son ._ ” ' I t w as a sU

) * i r i 4Y 1 A -f -o acU on-paeked c L i n f f J L 6 I S ala w in th ree g

^ . it fou r fo r the-

s e T i p A ’ s o r ' - " " ”'-

™'^i„*“ b“tti“’ oT.’S”ives won a balUe of la te . g., rv jlnts to 3-rtag from Pocatello by an s. Thursday n lgh l to creep o , . i gomes of first-place Mis- „® Uie second-half Pioneer ^

: 4.3 a fte r seven Innings, v ," iJS scored four runa in Uie ^ “ Boslavla 2 arid .th r e e in th e n in th to __•ubber contest o f th e three-

Dave Scran ton gained F i i I l l T l g r h is lOth. victory against ' OalUiough relief ace Woody ____I . T

Ie h is th ird appearance In I ? r O I H J! nlghta to.choke off a n A thl ' In the seventh. n p _ T ) ^ ^I scored one In Uie first on i . O 1 5 6 8 t and two walks b u t Tom rened ‘m a lte ra w llh 0 solo B IL L IN G S, A Uie fourth off N orm Bass, lings M ustangs

Iso homered In the sixth In a n e x tra .ln n Jl Bob Ueckcr, who broke the G re a t Falls J beUing one over Uie left Sh rine n ig h t ga irda following a walk to b lt’o f everyUiln: rofalo, T lie M uatanir« pulled w ithin one run In * 10, . m ^ on th w hen Alex George. Lou ^ “^ 0 k and Joe Ala singled In J t a H lc t a a j i hi I fo r one run . R ich made run over -the I ranee a t th a t po in t and got 350 fee t fro m I Jiree batters In order to cu t S o S i e S t ? a

n t niiie men to th e p la le In ‘I”h. knocking o u t Bass and 5 . J ' lu r -p o c a ^ o -p lU h e r s be- * frtc r -m lrtd the- lo st ba t-

,r Wf,<oory , h , . . . t V ;“ =SdS.'“E£t‘ . ' Woslalc brought

and posted him 11* Q i < r n a betw een th ird a tJ f O l g n S bun t, Sylvester'IT . Aug. 22 «V -P h ll J o r . awlne “ fter Ibly the biggest " I f m an e ^ c k ou t. Lou Lroit Pistons’ 1058-50 plans, ■’u t “ "“tl w aa 01 1 h is con tract for th e com- on » b rillian t na l Basketball aasociaUon Cranshaw . bock

lleld. G alen W fecH O Inch ccn ter from ^ i j f c h a s been working Uila M icnaeia. .faA raln lng cam p In West M ich , w ith Uio PUtons' • . ^:d Rocha. Jo rd an averaged W.In 48 games w ith th e FIs- ^

. C o lG A R A G E S ] f o r IE IM P R O V E M E N T S j — ^ „ ‘ nberty lUL B E 3-7M0 | ^ O M I SS BLD G . S U P P L Y ,paym ents, 60 mos. to pay. < O i a l fTO 8 & G reen S tam ps J S f t H Gi

T - i a a H \ H i«r« b no com prom ise wll ■ n n B \ you chocs* U .S. RoyolSafol

v H ■■ MwToxoftdTftodoh

i \ o « U » » * \ l |3 7 ” 7 .(M S 4 i

WOW AVAmiu IH 14" a n TO


- 4 f h A v e n u e W e s t

3nWm.•ently W lain’s Mike R a w s o n r if the 800-meter’t i tle tlon in tht- European .year-old Birnjinffham'Qut Norway's A udun

in the last 20 yards of and tumblernce. B u t J-munnercd B r i t o nunllfftd for leav^^_ th a

to the Norn'cglan. R aw ^ 1 been U!hed' In 1:47.8 -and • ya rd behind. In 1;47J». 'team officials Imm edlate-

cd; AfWr meeting for tw o * e Jury of appeal lifted th oJftU o ij-and-gaT e-R aw jott-------medni. Boysun was given I m edal. Paul Schm idt o f | received Uie btonzc m edal place. . •

. sa id flatly he didn’t icavo willingly. He said ho w aa {

rf during a baUle royal a t , Ide com er" s ta r i o f th o I I race. All eight struggledon on tha abrupt' t u r n . ........ |d a y two runners were d la - • ' during mile meleea In th o I Of Uie 800. • tcnm officials oiserled th o

.clearly a ru n n e r ' m u s t track w llllngb--and th e ro

.uestlon bu t th a t Raw son, view, waa shoved.' '

Uirtod on tlie laifde lone Igcd by a ll the ru n n ers m ost dangerous in a raco

»rt. • Iaa fast aa I could to g e t B uble-and I ran Into it," son.a starUing finish to a n

eked day -Uut saw R u a- hree gold medals to m ake >r the-U iree days. B r ita in * gold medala and P o land

forged further a h e a d - la riclal team batUe, p iling n ts to 55 for G reat B r lt- 43 for Germany. B ehind •a came Poland 37, Sw eden loslovakla 8, H ungary 7,

7. Norway 7, I ta ly «., F inland ,4, Holland 4,X 2 and Switzerland 2.

xigs Gomes n Behind ieatG.F.0 3 , Aug. 23 HV-The BU- itanga came trom b eh ind ra .ln n ln g gome to d e fe a t . FalU Electrics, 10-0. In a g h t game th a t h a d a UtUo ryUUng.ja tan gs were trailing 0-7.'' . a n on base and two aw ny ittom of Uie nlnUi w hen n a n h it a towering h o m e- -the leftfleld «-all nb o u t ’rom homo plate to se n d in to ex tra Innings, le r the Electrics h a d gono rder In tho tenUi to e M us- lo -the lr-m ove .-L y le-K r»a—,-lth a . double-and M lk o ------w as deUberately w alked, nga plichcr. Blaine S y l - .Qt to b a t and wlUi a b u n t

E lectrio m anag(c S t a n o u g h t In his righ t f ie ld er 1 h im on the infield ( tn tu il rd and home to field th o vester received orders to —I a fte r fouling off % fow . Lou Brown then sing led w aa ou t sliding in to hom o lllan t throw from B ruco , bock In bla place in i l g b t len Williams walked a n d lo Lewis h i t ft alngle- to haels.

C a llo lo n ia lFor. QualityN C R E T EDial RE 3-5500 I H G ro e n S tam p *


itse wllh w fefy wbw»4 Safely ly U fM , ^

A f S Om &70-IS ■ UetlWI

IJ! I ' - ”"TraedebiaTIr*


15 414S8.m .i s 4 S ’ &llTQb.Typ#

t m T o m i W 4 i o u s • •• •



R E 3 -1 4 6 4 .

j j ~

J : ■ - l a i i B l i l i s yAClioBS «0.noitUa

, S '

” ; r ’^*ailJi* stT orrldiQ M ' .

« « t 3fl.n«»lnoui; f f l ’ - llE ip lo d * nb tU n n' • ' . 7 l7.D«een<l. n.Toobad - . ' t l i taU efShem 30.Mean«of .

I t t . W .Cardinal- . M ta svi t t Dumber 43.TroubIt

' . l | SO.Malce»s. maker 1■ I I I laeliien « .C lU r :

1 1 Jl.TowcU • 45.De5«fl«I f aJIe» lhen <O.Bl»ek J, a & P tr to ta - *>

R J l J7.'’Nollhlnf 4irem al#' ' I I 2fl.EK-ih»pcd ihtfp I: ' M .lwect 49.Leaso

_ - , i _ E = = r i r - - -

I P ^ ^ Z E Z ^ Z Z - -


" ^ . . _ l

J l , » , « . » . » ""—


e U ^ C O f ^ S e r W E l D H A ^ f c LE/^NiDER— ARSVOO 3UST ^ TRViMG TO MAKE m . ffAjCTEE ^ > MAD V'JHEM HE LOOKSCNER F.


I “Don’t be sills

I ; THE G i y p s '

M? !chT -*CwUTPO ) It’ ' J N


Ilf \v h a ts t h e A iA -n iiSI *. . U N C A D O N A L R -T r^ -% i

m a M ■

Bolutlon of Y saurday 't PuzzU

DOWN I T h tb lr d al.B uJk 7.Ste«pa.Mcdlcla*l tP ro e ce tf iplant.. B.Produeed

S.A w innltis (erment«Uoa_ * :o .o Mngim . , -

‘0 ‘yp* ■ h !d ip18. Wine cask

ro ln le r Jl.ArUflclal-I hairVTpTTTTT" iLKiu

_ ^ __ ___ 23. Haven24.neOucedto

a mean U.AuU) fuel

-------------------- — 20.Execpla j.C litern

— I--------------- ^ 30. More (avorabla

— :rv ^ — — 32. Counle-nonce ,

--------S .r r - --------- — — 31. Head

■ ' "39.Entice* ...............

51 Rounded— iT i - i i W ' appendne*

4Q.Enslltb ? T “ “ “ fcheoV

4I.Tnlkw UdI/'f:, « ------------------C , Land

m f a«ur#>;K n ik'jncT,

_ - marble B-12

JSE - MAJOR HOOPLK .■ T > I i n r A SPeC lA t KlMD y


P E E P g M S *

A T B y N E H E R

^ ^ U S - MODB^H$r —

s i l ly . . . It’s milk r

7 , , 1 , 1 ^ , SW Rtt NOT W

i WFA i 1I 4REY-WU?.' ^

37^ . W K >'D O N Y >t3U SO D O fcV l^]S ,* > ANc> e e r A g l a s s ,

------ _ L _ — ^ ^


. . / ■ . : . ■

~ -O tIT O U R W A Y

V WITH •TH'CAR T I rr»aMLVTV«>..f\ r o f l d l W l B 1 0 C K » ^* > J


- w W 'V I(tpWI[ni"|l’_____ THE COMMIT


' ‘H enry, you 're missinj


w ,

“Why, yes, son, girls* volcc a f te r th e y get m arried 1"

»i-ousr"A I B

■ By Wj


B y W IL L IA M S .

I ..

i X p ' A -V h i

wnTEe *'t* •'


^ '

isins ths cattle Judging T



______ a-aa ■_________

'olccs change too ' . . . only later,

WALT DISNEY -‘ a g y / THAT MILK SURE K I • . VVORKEO.,!-® D1C5NT EVEN )^ ----- / M A K E r r BACK • /


~ ~ r

r W iN FA3XS, ID A H O

^ ^ ^ ■ H H V soqwoiPoriarFRETFoaM ei «up



______/ v Q ^


H W ■■ m■ A r - » V ,

' ■ M l l l l f e


- - T — -------------- —A W m MI I H T b


AsX L_JK3£!

. B ltoO i<D EP,'.


G ,

/ C u r s o , I t l o o ts cc0 if w o e a c h w anb

Lt h 0 o n s w e r t o th i

saiTiB q i ia $ t lon .

■ N • *<2 v w i '! a ' ‘ M r

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A ’ ’B W m ' /N ■ I S i F r ^ - '


A T H O U B U w rrH W l o, NEW.PEOPLE.MXJ V <L t CAN F D C I^ IT/

,L . 5»ir— y - i ®E U M , |( T ^Y .

0 ’ il OT■ P

S00N «r«E I3E 0rU .B * 1 V T l*M E A R *neo MCKWrmSOMB ' J . |T » M e iO R N 4 A l W PPUESANOW >UT-fl ■ JEODOnNTPr NSWSTHARMAVee. ■ ■ THE SPAMISH 01 ReSTTHBTANKLS ■ ■ ./W t.H O M e> m

C NOW. 9TEWM£Xr; « * g [£ LONSP

L ^ i i i i s sl \ /WH!lt AflATHAt MOW 111 VPtfLL gg


, H W M B y

I TU^-oEW^H I I f w E ^= r i . . . f \S l O V tt iE 3 a \ _--• L - — , - '«■ - 1 r - --------- ^

— V Z ' Y e a n - i« - ^ ^ Judy ! YoI ac X „ *1® marj-icd'?, 1 / a ro u n d aca n t B u t t h a t d o e sn ’t 1 I Eric iiunl , t h a e x a c t^ m a k 9 BoruA 257 pi|T

I S m J1 E l s

I)DjlflWrVs'^L—'T ^ T7 !

- j | f iN T m iN O —

I flrni

u s ju m p r ~ ^■ r W O - F E E T B E U 3 W '^ ( W > W SOtVE ANYTHINQ o

( T S ^ j V f l F ^ l____8 \ f / V \ ___ MPTER f

i t e AMONSB

O frrCETM EV fflO M S'? ) r y BUT D O T 'SOUR.FWINKPia<IS < I REALLV^-— -y^A U D D LE \ SwiWDER’H; ^ J ^ O N O S U A l ^ ( a s LUNG/I



’aikcC^ yUBII V m m o ® r T I S W I •L f i 1

neoiR i5rM A 9A N oiootcN a ~V IN4AKJPMV60NTWeAK£R.lP ■ CAMVDM ITFlNJflMiMHBUaiMeMWnM I B g 6«00TC 9H 0«IO <l.VrA lM T095TtyP ■ Y ^ \ TMAR^5 - iu .N a ro ia v p A a v M u c H ■ b . ' --------- --3N0ER. • ^ ^ ^


/ zN A B b u ’ w ^ L ^ r ^ j n

E M O O T O M J^ '? j j

J ,

A You h a n g in g T V o u ^ t T ' ' ^ F T id a g a in ? I f o t h a t c la irv o y a n t. 1 no iiune , I'll b e b . / Doc. I d ld 1 . hi'

- _ ^ . ^ w a n f c t o d r o p . Jy j n on h l ^ ^

B m m ,.C


'w??j r S ’evJoRKiNo^ eusTOMtniEWiJ FOR A USED C ^ l VWYVJOOl.^

'" . - r I l

UVE^B®/ sR FALL V K r gs CEEFS | H I

___________________ - /

n"SAL0MEf7-SHErS ’Ujjl/DAD^L- f ,fiO M E m iN <!r-SH E 'L L ) i ‘. WERE- *r ’ h a w a v a w a r d , _ y : , o p t h e

* S r n 1 v ^ u lp n t beJM-' K ( 2rJ?

EITHER IP fm M n n 'w t t a swepGNEM k / V ^ ! / S g L

i l7 Bvj i-n^

- - FR

/ASATHAHA5S0 V B L E M ^ r m B ^ f FURlOUS.SHesWP) K 5 A « t l i ^ B - ‘ '’S

— - I ^ r -------^ ■

3 i ' \ W m . t lL I A I

T W W w iT ilifT in iii i j------------- I - ^u<

WE— ---------------- - T o ^ s —

-'■itM -V y? »n r S’-I f

I kr woiildn’t advise it V-^ ;S I now. Mr;s, Rune I& in f Oh. \ •I . his nsom with him. I noi ;,p„

- ifi’ tt

JDINS ME AW )G U V 'N O R T r'^ n - » —

A i ^ 2 z


; M w ^ c u r o M « B r ; v w , W A Y m ‘” -


|\ K -i »>

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& iK M U O F jr ^

Vr-VV r 'f ^ i - ^ 'i ^ iT^

rthiiPlitei,/ ________ • non* n. One

iCfeL-LA SrV JO RO S \W i;W ia»((j, -RE--yOimETHEHEAD ) f i ^ 3- :T H E FA W lL 'y ,N O W ;f'A W lU utriuc DWHATICOULONTtXJirip-.jf^rt h u i , I M T H A T H A f A M Y f r ^ ,^ * ^ W i

'■'^wktchaN — _ ffposE SHE Ix— ttTj J l z:::SSES IN A C.LUG UKE /

■ " lirT iix 1'

FRIDAY, ATJflUST 22,] ' ® ^

i A B K E f s l' • ♦ * * • * 1

^Stoclis t i v (

R f f S i i

A G L A N C E i S S ',

i f f " ! i l l

l i i l j i p i

I n i i it e ^ i im f s s t s s MP ^ S - aSS

For Vo

h 4 l . ® Sf c ; - . Rh.r....... t i n J “re urKCd Iq c■ ^ 7 ' * ...............- *.iii I M Mrs. Tom ^■ i» rks.- i« ........... ' ■“•;} J-i: Itif ■M W , s,riw j ' i i J7,' worker* nre ne

............ la;?* «io fnlr niid i■ T m'""."’* ............ - » » «i to wnli on In> M i u | S ' ” ThoKcnLwwiii;

..... ..............- *.ii ii'sj rcquMlcd lo KlE s j : ; :::::::: ::: IB: I S ____

1 Scout ab. .sa-"' r v g;: Given i

m ~ " - airosHO N E,

ea Board Sets S S . S Dates for School “ r S .

*1 KMlon to tompleic plaiia lo r ®**'of «l>ool. I. « tei« n o a.m. u-M M t. w ith no '"cmbcr.ililp et« fmm iMi KliMl term . "■"* Pff«i

'V"“C ' " . ‘« n ‘' l h " S i r nr” « “ hS ™

i* r 'w S « X S ‘.;! Teactlitr,H IWILEY. AU

ot liiKi, Bciiooj „ i„ . Ifl vl.ililn(t he^ .^ .w in o im e e d by P r ln - M « . RnyMcCo ^ V o o d 3 .n tffu tn it lo n .fo rn ll McCoy, wlio

h r ld »nu5lo I'• Aus. 38, between th e #chooj Inst win:

lUih * P '”>' Illc h - lowftrd her mi«t»aent8 do n o l U nl« r* lty of l

i conr She will reti” ^ e r n ,i. year. to teach 'agatr

** f '”' hiKh yew-wndlS« ‘ fo r ---------*choo&i.°J "hrt 51 New EnRliuid!_ ‘ book ;ce with n fio c e n l now In cxcea^ nually.

^ Twin Falls Mark'*JVE3T0C* ,

-------------- - Alfilf. ______ifcj I I llfl IIII 11 CO Alfalrji.non-^frlirii

----- ^ Ill .O B -U JO Al/.If.,■ZT------ nfl.nikTi a t C«ril/I,d Ilnl Clor

----------- -nO.OM*;?# tTwo df4l«r.

1 ' I ' l . ........ .......—Ml.SO (DMl*n BDt auoi------------------ , I-tVBIpaaUn set «wl

a n d ^ ^ i n a :

ivestock— "Ct

'm m m m m

■ ■ ■

■ * s f : ^ £ r ’i s s ! “5 - ......... :

i s l ® 5 s s

S i s s S I iS '. , ............... | | ;

r3 « S !ira iC 8 sr!--a ,‘'*rn7A~-«n.-s mK

Potato!/ i ’ru '« r„ 'i;’'ir:^ 'i ,« .''‘ ■ Cl

. Am. ." V o " , ' i,.r.

i i i l i Si s s s J l i i

rnicAc.) * ’ 3'*''*“

« ! ■. ' '7 J L

Bureau Asks oVolunteer Aid ; S r r : S

needed' (o a^ ils t w ith the 2M*i*'« nnd tho^e winhlnR to help ----------1 Itt contact W n rren lln rt. n i i n l l P Q iom ^ c r d y . woman'A chnlr- l - ' U J J U t a l

the event, rep o r te d three ’D r t n . . ! *\re. needed for en ch day of X V C o l I l l iftlid n!.io ftlrla a r c needed , on tnble* in t h e eveninn.flwblilnj: lo d o n a K p le i iire } ,I U , n In touch WUh M™, U S X U i t o___________________ North nntl :, 1 , . Mrs, H. M illert Awards Are ^en at Assembly r X T SlONE, A ur. 22 — Scout Herbert BurRes *'cro pre.ncntcd b y Unrrell Coy nnd Mra. , 6coutinfi5tcr. n t th e LDS. for fourtit and tlnft held W ednesday night E iut and wei lurch. . Jen e Cover nnjng comp aw ards were Uoyd first; 'M r. ont Andy Pfiyne, DouRlas Mall sccond; Mra. E

n sllva.-'D ouslna Hnll rc- MontRomery, t 1.1 lendcrfo« bndge. TJio Cole* nnd M r Itlp card of M elv in Trom- fourUi.preiented. -----------

. N. Stowell conducted the /aviembly m eeting . Conrnd U r c H I I l v ;nve the Ih rm e. M usic wwi by Harrell T h o rn e wltli - O A L V E ^ N

•oft a-1 ftccompanlKt. Pnt* J *.riw n nnd M. J . D ille gave ^ " e

_________’ LlRhtnlnR s tr' ■ -v r* « i neth Luker, IS,

acher Visits-y, Aug. 22—M a rie McCoy Jng notified ofi(t her pcirent.1. Mr. .nndMcCoy for two w eeks. MLuwho lAURht EnRlW i nndl* a Sliver SprlnR*, Md„It winter, hns t>ecn workins _er maatcr’a d e B ree /n t the ' ' D l i f of D enver th la 'summer. i V f cII return to S i lv e r Springn oBUln th a co m in g school

iRliuid's toreiRn bujilnes* u l •occcM Of »i,,ooo M - l With u n

and Lon

r k e ls 9 I;8KR08 ^

-..... - J i F m 1

■......................................?}•?? T W IN'•” « s - 'J . n -« i ducUn. uBtn <RT» ,^ e o y . .

_______L , ^ , . ■ p L “ 'nUUTTKnrAT

iDt quot*<t.tLIVE rOULntX

.01 nwiad.)• ‘ • I 1

\N C E^ . :M rctiea etub ------- :--------:------------------ tln y ^ o ^ o tn e n i 'n• * * * Ih-i . . Vfh-it K ell

^ ■ wi'icoine nddres.i.j r i a r n kciiojjr

cn club conKre.v A"U. j ; Ml . Iim.d nnd Joan Owen-1i.-“.‘'" r . i i clinuVru" I’f f c c t nltcndanh'lr i<i..imii cii<-» nn Ihr. phrlM .ri'crlved i '. •■•ni- t.. nrw loWi f„r «hr plnilnR Jicr projeV >„M..u.ll, ..Altnrrnr 11.1 MII..I i,f iiir iWnr wilh Tlio )nembeMinlhj; al.nit > t»iit • lni»hrl wllloll Will l3C dl..‘i", ‘ * ' " '•'’*■*1 PnH-'' eoun

...I .»!,!. ----‘--------

■ F r e n c h

S a y s C

' i i S i S S M - = - G a n - ^T A N A N A R m

• AMI (JHMV ■■ ~ ((fl — PremilIly told M

I J5'! NV* Other F rench col<■'. ■: .»ii,,w i.i j .r .r .: So', i Irave Uie F rench•'*: t jTiii.w e n t nntloa't bef(

' ‘ n* PeoplM..,rlH-.M'’ri.«l D r Onulle.

lUnu riiciir* I 'o i i o - I llirouKlJ France':............ told MftdiiRaacai

---------- th e ir de.iire willA*.l^..fV,T}’i‘l ' ' ’* sep i. ::o refcrencrn iliih i .,» new P rrn ch core.,, ,, , The rcfi-renduii's- i« ji ! I 'b ' M.Mlon of< 'i, . l i i 'iu __ i j a i l__ linjil acnUillve 'aasen:i".,, i.uv , pcopicA in the

■................. ' • chnnce to decidi.v:.--. i,;_rs I . : ; ' . a m ajority vo

' l i * stllutlon, he coi> , ‘ th a t MadtiK.i.'.ca• 'I. MTii i.n .'j i.K.'i to be n .w cin tcd

; :v .‘ the Prcnch rovcii '.m: i - n ’. 1 npproprlnte con<

T he InipllcAtlom; .m : > .i : «4i- would menn nn «

.'-r.i, .(i-'.ij cinU upport,esse........................... ... of th e bic lilnn

„ij. i ........ 1 co.t.%t o’f Afrlcn.<•: i -< ' DeCaulle did

du d e (Jr exelud-. . . . . . j ,jj pfomir.e

I wanted. A lserl

itoes-Onions_ r.... Labor Cl

More l! iiS r Labor

u n i t y h o ,n^h,1 Ji.” 3 l , r (U P D -A F L -C KI! <;.iif..rn(. ii>r» .hiiM S.15. Mcony slM d- u:

4,35-*.5'i; T rj.i r.iiiM rr.1. cleanup drIVO 1!” n^Vr^ 3 s'lM [..nVthuri •■coii-’' pi• <.n': wohinirinn ruorii out crookx nnd tiB whiir. .V25; US JA :.i4. Ion office. Ur!.,lrrrrmm!' 5 : i ' : '» “ UR^-ta 1-l.llr. nnxlrnitf; dfininri trdw; Corrupt iBbor b

there still In a.! N-inr rfT|..rlr,1 ns m uch

called Uiree mi; i ; (uiifi.rni. rriiiiwrnMiumt Icr.i. hotel nndnn S'.'lr*;'" 'm '"’' "n d m eat culteiThL. J , ill.« Tl, lo answer eorniiiJ “nV.ii.imt I.!u. B u t Meony v

---------- jleve th n l. Iho /Kt)TiiUK« „ o re r«vpldly U-

• " poMlblo w hen/.'ill. bepan d lgetng t

onidiia of Int>or.Itlilh Luw CIm« Can ------------

E E i i i:i ; Tire Bio Accide

er and Eggs .AUTK.dMto swerve and i

~ • io5o -po rd 'n rtii<inuton s tre e t nc

'lo n X rn . T he driver off 3i-3«i c»i>< itkdt A 4«-<H- den D onald Mi

P®'*'• M .rl!r» *9 IcS” t?i • nillcs a n hou r

'nr* sa : Kl t:* ,. ' ‘ ‘ occurred. Damni ion <tr<i!r: whlK Urci- hlcic WOS CStlffl nl.rd l.r« .e ilrM u ,q M acPaw n• uin.i.iv< airii« i t ; poliae. Mil Jured. T lie P o n

cate Bridgealts Reported SnOSHONE'.n P a lls un it of u le Ameri-■net -Bridge JeaRue m e t “ ) * ff'n t th e Y\VCA bulIdlnR V‘

iblca in nlnv - nephiM S t ™lll le r Proctor and H arry ___________Jt; Mr*. Helen SpacUi, , ^ cy Kurlebns, Mrs. Joseph 1 M rs. Paul Dowman, tied

nnd th ird ; Dr. nnd Mrs. .jrRess, Mrs. SturRcon Me- ^ra. Jo h n Peidhusen, lied ^ f and fif th ; - k '

1 w est winner* were Mrs. r and Mrs. J . C. McMlllin,

and Mrs. Lewis H ack. J W lra. Eiva Meeks and E . C. £ 'ry. th ird , ond Mr.v Ouy ". M rs. B. ^V. Slac lair, % j -

n Comes True H0<T O N . Tex.. Aur, 23 (^\—I d rcnm Utnl her boy wns I a v jlo dlo tragically cam e ^ ^ J V l lK Btnick and killed K en- * s -, IS, of nearby Lnmnrque.5 Ills bicycle. Mrs. Allen ^ ^

o f th e drenm n fter be- tl o ^ h e r son's deatlj.___i? T _ . . •

RELIABLE-MOI LAN&BAHKLC1 unreatricted prepayment privilcgi Low Coat features — aro the answi ;6 Froeram of Land and Building


For further dcfniU contact yoi NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSO

/IN FALLS GOODING .. O -F e L T ' A I^ N D. McCOAIBSleoy.-Treaa. Seej-.-Treai.O. Box 832 P . t>. Box S97'

no BE J-2S77 FtaatM WE 4-4321

■ . TIM]

•. ■ ------------------------- 1------ ---

ClubMeetl C a lls a t Avp Msni-nrifl-cue.its-of-niem-— 1A I . - C — IX l.

JS clloK a_dfiU «rf.d_ti?e,_____ _________-yrcs.i. A f P t llojjR gave a brief ta lk v / t*,Siie LoughmlllcT sHOSHONE, A ven- received nwnrcU for vocfttlonnlndance. Marilyn H um - ^ ifu d o r in flhos • ed nn award for com - j, „ „„ ^.Qrk this project for A chievement of

- - • Home projects,ber.^- modeled prnjccl.t ^1,^ entlr« prOBTfl 30 dl.'|)lnycd durinK th e f ) r , i year pupil*.. county fair. cntlon ts focuscd--------------- :------ ’ • fam lly“IivinR and

1 * £ ' ' cloUilng. cle h L h i e i • m ent health, grc>

InR. howlnR anc /~ i 1 • th e th ree clas.«si Colonies

, i _ 4 2 u U _ O u t + S S ^ S =m eet and mnp p

^rVE. Mnclnfinscar. A ur. ncil'iltlea. Lucrel rem ier de Oauilc today den t of the sno. i MndnKn.rcar nnd a ll conduct h colonies ttint Uiey c an !■> nddlllon en ch union an Indepcnd* pnronl.teacher-pi

before lhe end-of 105S InM will be hel jpies ao desire. homemftklng preHe. Alnrllng- a sw ing P/JIJJI ince's African Icrrliorles. ’‘“ '■to nomemnxi. aaeans Uint the te s t of Pocal.'lio In June will be Uiclr vote In th e nstruclloM In

crendum on his proposed hon'emaitinB conatltutloii, cipnlt'tl In two

endum. he told a special n of Iho Wnnd'a rcp rc - Mrs, Bond reee ,aem b ly _ w U i.. o ffer a ll

Uie French union a w here *h8 spent iecide lhc lr own fu tu re . ‘"B o " ber mnsU ;y vote ngalnsi the con- e conUnucd. "will m ean ' \ r ^ / v . . y x A ;.i.'.car no lomjer w ishes i i C l ^ I U C lied w ith Prance , . . nnd ”jovem m ent will drnw the conclusions." i f i O l C5

cation wns tha t secc-vilon . _. nn end lo French fin n n - A , cssenUnl to the economy I C i t'llnnd oU the ^oulhcaat lea. OKLAHOMA C did no t specifically In - —Negro youUi*.

xlude rebellious A lgeria tln i success In nir.e of Independence If Mrvice nt a don iKerln Is technically a «nnde plnns toda n p n it of m etropolitan t* '” ' ‘IglU in ot

. A fter nearly t ------------------------ down strike n t 11

Cleans up;: Is Needed,or Chief Says W hile a groupHOUSE. -Pa.. Aug. 22 * 'f '.-C IO Pre.ildenl OeorRe 2!;, d ' up organb.<d lnbbr'8< J i ®Ivo today .and reported „ 1,le progre.v- on weedingnnd rnckctecni from u n - Negro»™

:h-talking prM cculor of Ran Wednesday o r baron i acknowledged the Oklahoma i U a blR Job nhend. H e of th e Nnllonal jc h yesterday when h e Advancement o f ( B more unions—c n rp e n - to the KaU at nnd re.itaurant worker* abou t hnlf Uie c< cullers—onto the c a rp e t Yealerday mo orniptlon charges. RSthered agnln ai ny wos reported io be - counter seal*, ti ■ho APL-CIO has m oved oil th e ntore's fc ly ihnn he hnd th o u g h t nomb J?c: len senate InvesllRfttor* _ v. ;ng up d irt In the house T hen Uiey chc

aeU'cs, read ronf _______________ bnck n t a group <

Slows, Auto ' 3 E ‘S ident Results Sl“ mi” ™"tire on • 1D55 OldMnobile chnnge ot heated'ridny caused the vehicle f'®'' * wtille yi»nd crajth into a p a rked th e a tm aipnere \ir tli e ’200 ''b lM r0fW aaIi- bomb-scate-swepiel north . a telephone-colli:r of Uie Cldimobile. A l- employe i. bonib1 MacPawn. 2i. D ouglas th e store #nortljpolice he wa* driving 25 police who Invelour when Uie b low -out bomb, lamnge to the parked ve-estimated a t 1250 nnd to 1iwn vehicle a t $450 by YVOmail J

MhcFawn was n o t In - _Pord U owned'by R . T . ENTERPRISE.f ^ l w oy f t. J,.• ^ _______ m an, Ore., wna f:

w to v r v ru fiB R^d. Isolated V )UR.NEV ENDS ^ hospital he INS'. Auff. 23—Mr. a n d so o n by an a ir . 0 Zerphy returned hom e T h e womon

from Jaekson H ole, bruisea, shock a •0 Uiey spen t a vacnUon nesdny n ight wh lephew nnd family, M r. from a hors# t r. W. &{cKny. S a lt I ^ k e w hich Is about ________' ____________nearest road.

■ ^ y "<>1CTION at AUCI

W here th rough com petitive bldd , you ore o ssu re d o f B etter Pric«


'Bring y o u r sto ck in eorly •

O G S . ; . S H E E P . . . C >

erome Livestock CommW h e n a ll itoek ro o d re s onr petM nat »ti

Topa la MTTlee . . . exceUeal fa«Ulll

ODERN ».oaUs Kilcgcs—Long .Term isw er to your Lona ding improvement. E S P j j J

5%. 2 ?yoar local >



6 e ey ..T reu . S«('• P. O. Do* 509 . 1'21 . Pbena O B 8-7113 n o n e


rt Home ■; jg . Made by jL—— —__ —1 -----------------------1- ii«uai*-w»i»uu.-j1, reaciicr2, Auu. i,„Uii ,, , iiA llM onnl hoini'Mi.UuK ir.. I C c l i l ^ iu r . Bhosljonc .v:h(> is wrck w ith ?lMln, of Kills riin.lli-d,

:c ts nre (H,'cu;.'.prt and i-'-'- f«t..jim i PRTflm K i.-vl.-vu'd)ll*. ,Hn;ncmakiiii: n tu - l ' . ' w jxii used on |)i'i:.0l»Trf and , f-vl«'i>i<l Ilniiic. and iiiehules iinitx in 'i ’/rv,i^,‘'i>iTi'(lf"auf

g, child cure, liilitiiu;''*; Al"iy Jolinnon. nLi

fnT"rrlaii!lni!h',»!'’ln !B<S lAUgln ill lliu localMrs. Uond .•.(all':.. Itnrjl Aril week priiir 10 scliiwii';, •'•imiy ii*iii.^i)fui

Future Honicmakrr'x of cisrn jr in*r:!im

“ p t o iiSrn.'SSK S!icrelln S0lr>aK0. pr.'f;!- r.iiiUy n«iurf.b«vfr Sho-ihone clmpler, will Wi.hcm Jrnkii... Mi

■ Joi. DiivUlson,I l^ hon ir viMt.s. so;ni? nuMiNmi, w ^n , hi •r -^ ip il pliinimiK M irn.

held lo evaluatr ilie ' kaum "k m t i proRraiii iii view ofl ^ iiixi.iom

Mrs. Bond aitendPd Hi-'I crrM.'.-Mi blur ?i naklnR Confci-rnee n i.ib iy Moin. .tune where.Mir recrivd ll* )'"* ''" ' in c u rren t trend-, m ‘edUCnllOll. fihc pa rll- r ic l .irc ‘.rcUoa.'i

WA work-sliniis, nnc m any unxua-ltoiiiu

recently fcitiriK'd from »'-o>i»i. tsjiuroidtri S ta te eoilece. {■ullntaii, 'icril th e ^llIl^lncr work'- mu .n c w u fs- iin . nnsler’s dcKrrc. nn>l mmioii liiiiil__________ _____ Mr.'. Ulck DrlcMrs

)es Plan e Strikes er Success i l s ? S

1 Is Rescued A ^ISE . Ore.. Aug, '22 ^ ^MabeL Allen. 52. Bonrd- — 1na flown from Uie n ig - . I1 W altown m ounta ins A1 here y e s te rd w a fte r - ■a ir force helicopter. Ian I n c u r r e d severe ^ , &:k and exposure W ed- ^ ,1 ) ■ , w hen she was th row n .SB near A neroid "lake. out 10 m iles from the

: T I 0 N j , T>ldding . FronI•ricei yoiue

>a y ) : ced

: a t t l e - P

im. Co. ') kttenU tm . ^ ^cUlUes. < « ' ■

•— ^ )C

RUPERTxoxD p n u r r ^

Secy.-’l ^ w . . , • ^ r - R npert ^ %

tione UB 6-8G5I. £


erome Fair Resurcn rsT R v i^nm. C c i i . f«i;

Judllli WkUon^ Coup«r.-ilrslt-«iiil )Jt», blue; Jraniix JUndo. nun. »rcniiU: prucilciiiiiimoiti. BUir: I’AtrlcK Krnnan, Sint, and MiKl M lrliirl WAtvm. rrd. on<1.IIV.HITTI.SO • I’Ulovr CR/iM - Mn«. Mnnt Ufr«rili, lilur; »a«l(oii, Ilrst,. nnd :ulur. niiii laicrii Jciikliu. i<m, •cs-oiid: luce tr:

u rrn.H rrd '^* li^e" 'lr im '‘ ?», Jriuiiiif lllndfn, blnr>; Coalra, rrU: »i)i)Ilnur«, iMi; Jury Hlod»«. uiuri Wiir, nnd Mra. Jay , .Jimmy Van Z*ni». hUirj Crwa »m cn—Toiiltl. iW . ana ratrlcK Wal- Mrs. Cllffnra BlaOMi,' I r<l-Mra. ami llPiidiVIXIIiNd 1 mn lacp—Mra. niiiij. ouUiundlnK iniu>a. while—Tonip'Hawkiil*, bliif; John (rd. tolorixl—Mr*. .M Our JncKion. t>lue. and t>or& plIlowA—Iirrl. nl'ir. rr<l: UanOkcrchlrta,I'KI.DINn II flirlMl—ricnaant I’laltil' u i i ' r •'bill''-” uVm"b^ir’i'nl*bVv"'"’'.tm v iT V ’ t,'>llnl--Liicl'llr OUllAril und CrafU ■ colorrd—Lucltte

I —a»>l— f ll-lwrK.-r..iw. idlvuion)!!, VauKlin, lilur; *con itrtrr. ijjup. (Oiviiiion si. l,u ill« oidtiam, tilii>. liUtr, (Ol'vlMUli l l . ; ' art. crociirln]—Mr*.

Crotx bliiP. Thrri- plrcnon, IkUn. hliip; Vkttr mrlKlit. blue, and C -11 hliiu; Carl Monlijom- milfn, cdiiuii pin

D«'nnli UUocklcy.'fideM. rnl; <|iillir<l. colon

s iT sriiwU Dnvldion, nine Carlor allk pieced

p; .'Jirlc Joliaiuinn, bUlf; aon. i>lii<-, Ituw, hocup; Jo« Davi(l««n. blue; cill* Oldlinm. blnr, 1-Jiiiira PirklnKOn, blue; m l: liraldrO — Klor;alun Paiklnanii. blua. an<l Urnp llmiiiilm

tli;i'AUTMi;ST W nr^nd*A^'°W *‘ Cjnl'ia A’5 ’pr,7im.\"iHl'’n<-n" “ f"-' ’npfilpr,Waifr coli>r niatuir atlll Co'*"' rnl; rrcvctirtPii-lkiiill» Aiilpf nnt And t>»nald, liHip. AlKlinii Oldcrrcl wool-Min. n rna {'f''- knliirU>iia Ilnby Main.-a«ond.luu.- iMii>cll-or-4Mi^And —8w»t«r,- knIlW -a-U n. J» p llrliik, (Itit, Ilurkhaltor. bin* ai

An 'bTndA Maranl'jtaJslsiwn.' rc JUTPTIIIP ipcIicitlwMlrhA* rhrtjvlIJ. n r .^ g ,j.,

- l» ru ^ F»H1 _ ^ '° l ^

T h e exccutoi ^ iVr. ’ '*'1 ®CW

'ence if you are need ing fencing e f ony k ii ’ront yard . . . th e n eom e, t e e u t — alues we h a re for-you. •



WIRE121/2 Gauge

80 Rod Spool

7 .9 9

^iu Si,n<^ M,. n ,...,. 'T w o MBglc'Vnlley I

to.lci\vc.D.ol4e.Monda; fkcticAi—Mm. A. It. Ila. train ing center .for nd Mra, Carl Uean. m-c- BiilnbrUlRC. Md„ repO; - Mra. D«r\rnp Marilil. « c r‘.i Male Tliomns nnd Mra. Qcnr^iuouuii- c ru ller in charge of I

" ‘" ’■'1 recruiting subjT Kid kiiSi S s Tl«! «rt.’ «re a«lly .)iin'ie<l-l-iiciiie Oiciiiam. rTwln Fails, who hftj tSI',1 »“ '>■ Rrandfnlher. M atifs'. p.r“ j”” Hu.ylipndricKaon, biiip; tiair Mr. niid Mrs. Rob

M. II. VAiiKtin, blue; Edenn “ " ‘v L 'u Z '- Biini* nlso report*-I'lrriiia Uc, blur And Blnndlee. Eden, an , V i’m' s. *’!!','1 currently receiving no;S,!£''’A.SlmV1,"!K "i u«:.s«n uireo. aHP, Ai)<i iiubv Mnln, r«i; Dana nox.1 D o tk in .,

Uo.icoe d : BoU ‘r'rii m ainhion -"inI application lo ^biup; bp<i'.ptr«d.. [juiii. C., for the navy sc ?*• fo r an audition nppi

,,*I)|[^T««iiri*>^jr w.'uir Twl“ ^i'rtiiiiiuinii. bliiP. ■lUllfrl band.'-Mr*. A. R, llabrrmnn,[ild■DJ^^n’.^f:;^T.^!“V;r,: w nA N O LEits

plecp»l-.\1VfiIc , .Mvir.. SHOSHONE. AUR.aiio*’ irr.?'jack ” vfiliirT' H one W ranglcn-Mrn. E. A. Hhic, uiiip; n t th e Royd OOflC pl

{r*;, T, Achievement day. C(il hM7«i ra? -M r7 'i , ': Hownrd Manning shi>liir, And nichatd Handy, bers how to lead Uie-Klorciicr llollcn, blui', — iiliilitoii, rro; crnchrtni.«ia, blMp; A, w. ur>aui. .Mary Dutkhaltfr. redW, Crox. rp<l; wovni— cliplrd dirw—Itctx-CCAPfalpr/ blijp, and Uiid» nnd rp<t: child crocliei-ftirtPd yarn- EthPl Me- lyn ItydalPli, blu*-. me(Khnn. criK-hrird llprtha KMnk ivipmfin.,liUiflUlrd — lAiclile Oldlmiii. low cn<r>. craui atllcK

nnd rmlirolclrrrd aearf,

en. blup; liAltnin lac<>—


CANYONnA Ylnpil. rrfl: baby cap <•i" - - t i i iS . ° v S S : S i;;: : ? p nw ltH n ., -i;I awpBtef—Mra. Thfilma:*!- tornejs, realtors,rocheiwl enp-Mr*^ C. n , « beautlelnn.s, barbotlp«~Mn. DonlU Adlrri <• <**^5 Store. knltl«l a»fp«uir—Mra, C. *■AT-iiff s:ss:k;: s p h o n e r eil« Oldham, rtd; knitipd * a%«.Durkhaltor. blue, nnd y

n, red;' knIttKl «lfw»—


BUSINESS POSSIBILITIES* u to r of the E state of Florence Trentowak ie residence property Jocaied n t 156 T h ird Av is, Idnho. on AuRuai 27. 1D5B, a t 2:00 o'clo . T lie properly conr.l.iui of lots 17.18 nnd 10

Townslte, on which is located a ' lnrge I lome. nnd may be seen by appointment , i t Daly, a ltom eys.

3lds are now beliift received by the Executor : Robertson 4; Dnly. a ttorneys, ridellly Bni

s. Idaho, nnd will be received unUl t t a e of s n o t before, all bids will be opened.

of Uie sale are Jl.ooaoo cash wiUi th e bid I be forfeited to 'E xecutor If bidder does n o t nd to apply on purchase pHce If.bldder la tl Jierwlie, to bo re lu m ed to him . Balance ti .ion ot sale by th e Probato Court and lende: w llh revenue s tam ps nlU cbcd ond w ith p< Insuring Utle In th e nm ount o f the ta le su

] asseum enta fo r 1050. Bfda in an nmoui I which Is the appra ised value of saldisrop* cd.

m m .

SPECIALf k in d . . . fo rm , ro n ch b a m ya rd coi It —- L ilted h u e a r e tom o la m p le t 1

; e a c h 4 4STEEL FENCI

PO S1^5 foot : . . . .8 . 6 foof . . . . . S , fi}/2 foot . . . .

7 foot ; . . . . .8 foot . . . . . .



Iley Girls , bin WAVE

'n lley s lr ls a re slatedrfonday_for tho navnl_______!r :fo r WAVES n t ., reports Chief G un-~ ~ lomns J . 'B u m s . r e - , , . . , . ’ ge of th e Tw in PalU ig substation.Sally A nn Rledlngcr,

ho has realded wiUi r. MAtt Schm idt, and

Huey, daughter of . R obcrl P. Huey,

;porls th n t O n ry -R ^ '1, a n , ex -m adne. Is 'ing naval orlentaUoa ;go. Cnllf., center, otkin. son of Mr. and ). Botkin. Buhl, hns ^ in to W nshlngton, D .I ivy . school of ma-flT" n appointm ent. Dot-

l a A iIU municipal

3LERS MEET , AUR. 22—T h e Diet- anRlers 4-H club m et a^e place Sundny for lay. County A gent J .Ing show ed th e mem- ad Uielr horses.

fr. red; tnfanl’t ero*(rbrccA. Bldwpll, bliia irroelieird Article—Mari­us. mens depiutment—,li1u(« rlbbona for pll-' atlich luncheon clotha

1 acArf.■ff <Jrpw—LuWanA Hal-

drra*. alUrt..iUlt, and

“ ■ “ r T ¥ T T T T F

E SPACE I 1iv o i l a b te o t j-

ONVILUVnns. 'denUats. nt< x allors. Inaumnces, Z

barber shqp or >

E R E 3 - 1 3 3 3 j

W ITHr i E S

itowaky, deceased, ilrd A venue N orth, •3 o'clock P .M . on Imd 10 in-Block 57, orge two-bedroom 1m ent w ith P a n ; ,

« u t« r a t th e office ly B ank BuRdlns, le o f snle a t which

he b id a s earnest H n o t com ply w ith er la th e successful ince Is .p ayable on tender o f deed, by.

v lth policy o l tlUe lale su b je c t only to am o u n t less lh a n

l ^ p c r t y , WlU n o t

' ' t- ■

- .

.-1 r "

IS! crd c o r r a l e r ip le t o f t h e

4 ‘ ;;- k


TS.u.[. . 8 6 V 2 C

. 9 8 V 2 C < .

. . 1.07 ' '. . 1.14


h \ ■'


AGE t h ik 'i EEN . . 'i

, v [ | | ; p ■ P A G E FO D llT E E N

; i | i ' W A N T j ^ R / ^

. [M I. '

- i f s s i s —'nl EHEEE. II I „?;iaw=s-“

■’•I' "S iS is, j l c . « , D r . " f . " s u - . .........

r H O Y r S ‘J V ”

i : j | . PERSONALS

jlj ^ f f g

. h I I t r a v e l a n d r e s o r t sHIII .

'Ir e



C in iJ ATTKNUINU _T*In K.II. Hu;|-

i j . ■ S S ? K -

■ ei& 3^3H ?S


I ■


i i " E E l E l i " • ■ , . . , . . d . , . . » , . .

.;;;;; " -T-HELP WANTtO-^iilALE;k “ES.“ S i " K ; K ^ b ;

f e ' I ? 5 S S , a»

S ..': p r £ . , MOTOR CO.

^ iiS P feM S :

g i s i S r i J S

iOi'lS . “ S A L E S M A N

^ W o,ti„shou,or ^ . RCA Victor

RCA Whirlpool

- T r W . ^

— M & Y '

1 ^ . E L E C T R I C C O .


“ a g ’. . - ' ” " - ' " "■■ ■''■■ ° '“

I ^ AIRLINES RAILROADSbu7 i i n e e d m e n , w o m e n •

t i l l i s i i

r m : U A T A N rO A K ^ fa rM k d'oIb, ,ocr j ^ r T ^ rN v Jr ‘‘•^'1

" S . " ; JIAJOR OIL

^ rMHsi•• M A I N S T R E E T

b u s i n e s s b u il d in g

; iS - — —I.1J1S ' j j j g J^QY KING’S ,

5 ;si


s s . . r - ' 5 ; : , ' i . r t s r { ; , - T -

- g g m m7 ' • ,

1<: nttii^l,>kr. noulrrmrd

i N

Hf • t i"uoM wim* k*"Xn" l u . ' miiiiiM~r

“ " - ' ' " u n f u r n i s h e d A P T S . ■

' ; ' ; ; ; ; [ I S Z g S S E ! ! :

:-s ' i i i i S l i .

— - i f i s s

SMM.1. .M „ n > ™ , m ™ . I - , . . . „E

^ ' S ! | S | S S : 3 £ ; ;

i ' | p l l ~ s

f i i r “ v r . ' i v r v v i K r j . ' S ^ f f i :

'r ■- S i

f " M A C K S U - D I O T


m o ' n e 7 t ^ l W - "

' ; § - H O M E L O A N S

B B S s g S a ;.j'l';; MAOIO VALLEY llEA LTY

— HOMES FOR SALE-------NICh „ ,h „ bu.lj

g f i S i« “ " i l l p l ^ g s




, Lurpe Lot LiirBC Home ,

; s m m m^ GI TERMS


• ’- r . •

, . T I M E S - N E W S , 1

m m & W i

5 B B S

■ W A N T O F F E R

2 - : ^

III iu.: I,'. CW^L'^aEHC^- ^ ; SrM-.?;— • '- .lE tS r :


. . . « . i . g w "„.'"‘" " '‘ nn' M ..I

F O R S A L E .

^ B Y . O W N E R ■

"I— . TWO-BEDROOM HOUSEr r :T k ■ -V un ' H,.., . ,

P H SACRIFICE r o r r iM K D I A T E .

i i i i i i i

SliilP^i-CHAS. s . LOONEY.


SE*..!';;? ( I K S ---------------- ------------------------------ :

^ ‘T H E E X C H A N G E ”

201 SHOSHONE EASTf DInl O tn c e R E 3-3103

-bMj. - j h ^ . | --------------------------— ------------------1

. B U S I

I D I R- ' . N-E E D

I, TW lN F A IL S , roAHO

U . Q U A L I T Y



! ! L VACANT , .'•

j i S i S S ^g m m m




" l!r .rK U '

N ^ ^ ^ -------------


- i » a

,T.': ^^^H A M LETT^M A ^^^

“ L

n" S iV -v 'r-’s ''""•'"



S I N E S S a n d P R O F E S S K

r E C T (D . A N - : E X f

) f T h e s e • G a n H e 1


i B £ T —■

— • Lawn AfoivE/t s£iiv/c£



P H O N E -

R E 3 - 0 9 3 1

------- ------------ -------- f :


i i f H i f c~ R p L ESTATE FOR SALE *

I m i i i_ - s s s m s s

rfii ' A. G. HOLLAND

I -


■ o /llE J-ltlO. Tw1b‘ j-.II,"'°"

F O R S A t E

X SALE o T r I ™ E S T A T E ‘ -

: :


_ _ j H l i i l i _S I G N A L

O R Y IP E R T ?

e 1 p Y o u !

* ™ °” .'“ " w’I'l! ~

f»fmln'li IniUfH Vtiiimiun. HK I.Ta«i~

— ^ ^ ^ __________


y H T E i = g i ^

S l l i S S i'idVh'i ■ HAROLD'S L e n CY

^ : F O R S A L E

F . ! L r ' i S , ■ i . ' i i - T i . I S - l 'S .

i m m r ma - « = » ! " • ■ •


___ ..'J»'o«._WK_^4K*.ar.WE.M:(j' .'.. .

.TY ■

i f ; FOR THE "REST” i


? ' | & 3 = S 3 ~ :

f s i p i s ; 3 s m m m :


m . C. C.IM.CU3 ' “ ‘ k n..Kh liI:

Irit • • -

::; ; f a r m s f o r s a l e --------

- s w u r - j

^ m a n n nEAL'^ECTATB


-H E iss iN v : C O .------------"• —


:G0 A C R E S -


j ^




. Jc*. s. »l.ll„.™ OIAI. 1.K ! . ! .» ^

J = = - . = S S = |

- CHOICE 80 ACRE « | a .F A R M F O R S A L E ' 5 ^

i ^ s lI ' , . 1: ............. m:

t - 'i Dnfcit Mc'Min„„, sr . .

ij J g |L j■ s s a s g g g f

PA U L EQU1J’JIE,V].,..B!1.'

: : : .-- .

s N E r " ^

~ p s ®

~ ~ ' SEEDS AND~PL jH f ^ p


: I.H S S S i S *




S S s i®

W A N T E D -7 5 T ® ' * ^ CLEAN BALED STIH" » j i g »

Will I’»>-

............. ■• .

r n e

^^^^ jL jW ^ * „^ ^ |-k o ti> ll« l--rh o n « F U R N IT I

» i« i i - i ' “ ■

K ' “■■ ‘ ■•■” ’i l f l

■ ^ ■ s i S ^ ' ' . f \ S . , T . . ,» '•“ •"'■■ '■ - K T f

„ r .n v c i« 0 'S B — :— m

' ,w

- « i& 5 T J # ^ L r ‘S ' SE: .■' j E s S a # ; ; - ; ,

ig g % = a f f s i " ' ' - ', J , , 1k rtwni. c u l lr ro m -----------TIj-k,.. CuUelorU J « I . - I d f t . .

■ S s f S i S M

^ K ? “ 'n'l!![r^'i'i i " '^ : f 7 L < Z r : _____ ^-•-AKC ii<vi>i<rr.i. rnun- SPE'

Hk.t i .; ,.n

[ ■ ^ r e i i . . t i i r r r a: * S « UM MMk.U 4« «h Avcnu, ^ .■

M ^ w a n t e d t o b u thrnt. About 3t. I’hatif j t A. Tt

* - . " ’v" ' tui, ^ J 2 - r^ O U ) a ‘**""’’ w*‘7 '••'.^B nE isI"u*ru*’i I’oultn »'»rm. 1-hon* —iT ilL il!!'

p rnn n .T r . - » n . »u ,rr.

M tr.fiU<- ________________ Kr« 1S tfor s a l e o r t r a d e

^ l!i7i!<[Tl>lot« •IkKIc Iiilllilnv niachlnr. »OU llKN'l i fy jT r tut. I'hnn* ItK «.a07K. ••Mk or a<

^BEHTuTAIir mil •lorns* hln. I'ricnl »■<>«•to «k> iktnMt. Pbon« KK 1-017. TUAWK in

^ H m u u : nm Ud «nil •hcrprick. •» shMh«n». c«m«r.nillUl lomnl lUnd nlr rotnprnur aUMMhll 1

MAnOK Rubber WoMera. *erownle

® - « S S i ' K m. " “ “*■ """ •■ " '• “ ‘ ™"»i,.ii. I . , . . ' , j a i a

^W W Jia .M wl£Ii.n, I . ..cb.ta *T«aui TUii.____________ IW K()l{l> I

H Jri^ «»ur». 'biu?"bl'tii'ul»r».*B r r u ' IT J" .,

. 1 »«'> Uiii'tW?' *'*'* *** **^ *“'* *"ri'l I/'»Ii'■ R b U C \ ton pickup. Good <»n.lltJ>>Ti: jrT W O 'i li■ •J'^-'noni .rf.1., IJOO dlKount. 717 n - IV

w i ?

■ H i r L A. l u , ■ , „ „ ^ , , , “ " . S " " ,

I / c i i i uV mJH:• I)rl.» outB -^ ; i l fur ti.«t. .Im. I-- t„ii^ii„.—’, ln'Tm-iiinl■ P*fP*' •h»vVn. TJi. lot or J'**'.'

- X T " ; " i l . ™ " ;

.,7h„ ■®*’' a.lurtliir - Olifn ,

l g S i ? S ^ , ' T . U ' “.v ; a - " ! '

s E r ? v - - ” ' ' “ - “ i Ellv. •'fpn, T h « / " n i /{^'"'l ’i!l

j a c k e t s t r .„ J1.00 DOWN

ANY ini' 1 Milt No

J6« ------------ ---

n A n iiY K o p p i i ' c a "--------ii- ="'1 Houih ' USp S P p T i N ^ G O O D S '


i'.>i.*7“-'" ‘|['i‘ |''” -|'|*[“*'- «on>(>ifw__________ }

g i l i p s i i c - L - E .

i - r s . ■.■;'...!!■>'■■ ■ 1 '" iih .t.,k .,. n „ ,„ , WE ARE

!',“■! I>i'niiuf.. i,n,| ,m i •

" l l

" K E N ' S ”■ USED ■ ' ■ S w i

l*"i. ™"''1'.'.'''‘““ A r

' ' MO)

' ^ J g s i . a - , “ " S

n a r k e t p la c e 1~> ' o f - ^ ^ B u i

g g g jc v a lje v —

N lT U R E - t , A P P L IA N C i;5 | T R U C K S

t---------------- ' ' “ '"M

’ Q U

---------------• 'O B

^ . T R A I

* ' • - T R A I l

^ i M S S J l L T ^— :-------■-■ — ___________ ____________

.Si’O J.C A Sit A U T(Jly" r ” Thlnti ^|-—^

Khl‘l^n.^'v"ii‘’ ' n ' ‘ '’" ’ - . i . . , N"-‘‘r.I'iw'J''

S A \ '[ . ; ! ~ S A V E !O N L Y ? 1 0 D O W N '

r AU. M- T IIE E D ELIV ERY ' ' ’ ' MO im

;*lj.f.(llim Cii.pnirr.l ur J.'ur ___ ________

S K A R S 0.1 rK O K B U C K & C O .

• ______ ouA RSPECIA L SE R V ICE S >' " iuck :-------- ------------------------- ------------ JI Kmn

ni l'‘A"^ Vl'h*"'' n lTl?vll''ic Urk r)r«nliii:. T>llr» .S inle TunV *' CADIt.lJ

M S S S r ^ .>i> UK t-MB?__________________ 25D :■ JIUdTKII S r.rr .uri dr.l "iTrni;!'! , , ,,.

_______________________ ___________

P R O F E S S I O N A L S H A EC A R P E T C M O A N IN G +•nie s c n ’lcc M aster WayKr« / >11.1 a<l>lc* on __

R E L IA B L E C A R P E T .■ R N IT U R E C L E A N E R S'•• DIAL RE 3.0B47 ^ 0 D Ortlnt Th« Kiiiit. iUgle V«ll»“ ON ’52 NR A D IO A N D ~ M U S ICINI-n' atitl il.itrJll Acenrdlun. UK \iWrIr It- 'l. - -______________ Y

' ' " • M (1‘ o'TooDlb.'.*V.‘i2^ V«uptJ *^8 NORT!a___________________________ (Acft* «B »“"b. w Mo X -----------------t«r.______ _______________ionlo ipintt frnm''l69[;. New tlu|. ' i»<in iplntU (mni tSSU. Trrmi. Cltiirir .»n Muilt nml K»rnlnir>, T»ln Kmll». 1 IV irlr«trle i<irtibl« Iuuti« urcati. lilral . .hrmn pl«rin». lU Cumt «•• ll. A U C-tlc.n Co.. IIS JIIui U k«lr.r.1. ltBj:_UtP._____________ „ .(U C K S A N D T R A IL E R S i S ' i i

All.Kit h<iUM in MuKuw. Cumulrlelx 30il.hiHl nnil rtrprlM. IlK .1.x;:ii'.,7' KI.KKT-CIIAI-T lr«II.r. B..-I cm. CUI>n, tCOO. rUurrr TialUr l‘i>ik. lul

. Nrw llrn. mfl«l mb. fronl-»ml COI

— M U ;3V a n brtlfooni. ItftrffKlni

rmounuln Trtllar Sitlct. Soulb e( Durl[J'• ■ --------- fj----- tinit' ' Md i 14 Summi

ll.rt.ln Hpo. of ( J ,UUTII for Ihf wlntor In ih« l.f*l .Him tralTrr vn whr<'1>. Tha Ililrt pSll.rr Slrj«k. ti. .t,«V -:4 ' lo

IthCKIVKO lh« Jr.IcTi'hip on HcM- >ll trallrrt. Kr** Idnho boonilnr.'• out and •*« lh> ntw 10 foot widi.rm.iiml.ln Tr.llrn.._____________ V A T 7(iSli; 'Vl.m. 4<ii|'< l. Driut. r.b. . JL U U 1 ilr«, 1»nIit. <roU.*p 7113 ,u.o,1^Sprln,. tnmrr ,-l.nt. I'honr

F « r i

t Ilm . orw f r.ta Tup

;urr, I'aramnunt. I’an Amrrlcan.’ Tr^an.r "s.l^ !" r21o"'’Klm. C (

I WHITK''KrflshlIin.r .lu.l drivr pORO 8 /•rr r.h i i—W i lira Sir. IIPnr. Eiill tl Atialll.rr. KI.DD dual g ^• : I—ItiSH Hm J. T. Cummlna. Mtl,ml •iiilllarr. KQnn .lu.l dri.r,a Whil. Trurk .ud i:<]ulpm«iil. Inc..fir Z-SHim, lloiir._________________

V u- Siy^TA TnAII.Fn.<I-SW;» il.uiht. Jh->r. tih»r il.aa In.ulalloa,

gee DEL fttJ I I L L E R O U A '

T R A I L E R S A L E S ' II. N o r t h * i u . V of j„vm» 5f> M e rc u— . ‘ ' fid"'NlcE

D I A M O N D - T ' 57 F o r .) ■

U S E D T R U C K S ' ‘'■T D IE S E L A N D G A S

'cldtf'chmi*''for-Dump"' B6 01(ls

W E S T E R N -‘rO T O R T R U C K , I N C . .• •5-1 I< o rd

JOJt Kln.!-rl» Ifr.d d ' • '5 1 - F o r dVlflorl».-roi

M I D - S U M M E R 52 F o r d

: ^ E - A - R - A - N - C - E

S - A - L ^ E 4 D P o n t .Itadlii, hMl.

ARE ALL O UT O P USED. rn r> tj e“ S S , ?


I S A W A Y J S - J ' J ' i .

" S w e d e ” n n d ' ‘E d " B l C h c v n

A r e T r a d i n g on k ’in " o

L I K E M A D !

.s n v iP S O N M fM O B IL E H O ^ I E S w a -i

. UK d-SiJd IlLp^ri. Id.h«Opan Krrninn (III K P.M. '8uadwi fren » UU ( V.U. i'tlO .

CK S A N D TR A IL ER S A U T (I)K>I_ UtKUIIAUK, liralti It.i.rr, - ;------- -------

1 ; ; : ; ^ ^ : : ^ ' z A ^ r S " ; t w o

j u a T l i t y

MOBiLE HOMES BcnuiiA T Locnlly

l A D E R ' H O R N

A I L E R S A L E S '>j)I.SI)N WUST R K M Ill ■_____

_ ;__ '^UT'OS f o r s a l e .^ q j

; ^ r . t:.ii IIK vm ;i!

* A-lI t a l i a n L<

F I A T , .

E ,u i p p c , l ■; EROVVK

B O R R E E S K ‘ ---------------------J I O T O ^ CO.

u s ;


K f i i ' f ; : : 3 :S ; i r . ; i .S " ;S ; ! : ! iS f " : ! l ; o u r[)II.[.AC 4-dr. .,I3I.»- 1'.,. JlD:

H A L O U S K A ■'"‘S\ , U T O S A L E S nioroURhlj25D 2nd A venue En.MI \V„Vof lb. Srw n . r ll.[| O K US

PHONE R E 3-8575 *. w*-

W ide Scl

A R P E S T C A R S . „

I N T O W N ! AU.M,




t l

Y O U R E E • M (

M O T O R C o ,[ORTH M AIN RE3-6aU **

(Across From Scw«)________________________ ^ O ur 01


C R A D E N O W ! ■ -----------------;

i n d B e S u r e O f

3 - A - V - I - N - G - S R E d :

30 N E W F O R D ------------------C a r s a n d T r u c k s

_____ 3 5 U S E D__________ L O OC a r s a n d T r u c k s

U J S I 3 E - S 0 L D — -------------- ---

D uring O ur Anhuni ‘R T T A Tummcr, C learance Sale! X V il iA l.


R E D U C T I O NExa

T E R R . .

O U - L L a g r e e

? W o r th t h e D riv e —

'o r W h a t Y o u S a v e W n s/$ 4 G l

A T •' X t t <

i U H L M O T O R

C O M P A N Y ^

D SALES AND SERVICE Duhl. Thonra H or 11 . 1 9 5 6 Cftd

OrlUi tVKNINCS DaVllla. I'oIni, .IrcttU

___________________________ ‘ rat, air ciof th . tinn

T H E I S E N ’S ■

J A L I T Y C A l i Sov.rdrlv.. II

e r c u r y ?1295 „ n r o-n*-Low mllraef. Tullr «<iuli» 1, ^ u jp p ^

. „ , V - 8 . S2105

................................. 1 0 5 2 B uiio r i t 4 - d o o r ?1195 llartltup. IIhraur. On. o«n«r. CLkAN ,

Ills $1705f. i.o.dH. su A n p W a s ?69 f

o r d 4 - d o o r , $ 8 4 5 ' m c i tj„!»tamlin«. HEAL NICI iuU i5 iiU li

o r t v - 8 J 39E ; r “ 5 S..-ror,lomaUe. radio .ml hr.trr ^.^gj

o r d V - 8 • S 595.1956 For

o n t 4 - d o o r ' $ 1115 ' • n«tur" hurr'ha.l*r, GOOD TinC3 W flS S H S

d.s S u p e r 8 8 $995n»Hc. radio, h«»l»r. Ont o»utr

'M a :e r e 4 - d o o r S495lalle. radlp. h t.l t r . naw Ulrti.t«l7 U ka n.w ’ '

l e v r o l c t JM R

........... . ■

- T H E I S E N M l

M O T O R C O . . u s : 7 0 1 M a i n E . . ' '

P h o n o R E S -7 7 0 0 '

I l l• ..J •


^^0 SPECIALS1047

^ D IL L A G C O U P E —cnullful Dlnclc F lrtahcnlly O-Aiica, Prem ium , RICEjC •c..t. LUc-Ouitrd Tubes, See This$ 3 5 0 • T R A D I

- i n t iiutcK

1 3 5 6v o L k S v a g o n . “ *•■

3 DOOR .3. H entcr «nd- Refro*\er «ia*i, nA -l CONDITION c lkaM

L o w M ile a g e ' im 'cH K vn i

■ . 1 1 5 9 5 .

IW N IN O A U T O C O . . „ „ ! l o c uTvin Kail. Jl.dln, I

— malrhlni tillAHl’

' “ O K ” ' ’“ M 5

U S E D C A R S19» rLYWO

14 M SaJan.^

• OK“ ” - . • COM

)u r Cars A re ' ' ' " " O TJNCONDITIONALLY ”a'ri7ra^

GUARANTEED - Ntfw !l ughly Inspected «nd recon- it&s ciiKvmdlUoned under tho*

USED CARS TAG ' i!iSo" c r

I Sclcctlon of Used C ars irnl'S*!and T ruck.

W e Are ilie or.^^Loulhorlzcd Dcnlcr for —



• I

k - E O f t l C E -------------------

M O T O R C Ol-<73l or « 3 8 — Goodins K N O W Volley's Oldest Auto Dealer

NINE T IL NIN E A - L Wur OK Lot Shines Prom .

[.DAY SUNDAY T IL t r . J i . ' H ^

--------- 1---------) r - --------------C - ' i ^ . RW S N T A D S

' P H O N E F O R '

Edwood 3-0931 'v a l u e

■ F I N E S T I

O O K M W O i y _ _ ^ . ^

■ L O O K !

• ' , . 57 C h e v .


E x a m p le s o f O u r


T h ^ f l e r - B i r d

es f o r d

S4695 NOW ?4195 Sine, tinird si

_ ^ NfW tJrca. L<" C u d ill tc C o u p eyjuu'llli.,^«i»w. Powar al»tr- , •oWr br.krw alretrla windowi. TiTTTnrrlMrU.»a.trnKAUTIKUL CAK 55 B U IC I ?4G95 N O W 540D5

C a d U lac S e d a n .l’o>*r br.kta, power alrat^

Ircltla wlndowa, «-war poataf air condliiouin,. Till. 1. o » 55 B u ic k

fln«t cara C.dlll.c mad... v .l Woor a.?3695 N O W $3195 » •“ M'~- «

F o r d 2 -d o o r-hll !• a.rtkl (U Mvar. Kaa 55 PLYAva. Il.aullful whit* flnlab. Lo* S.rer 4^eorown»{. Whiltwall tIm . nl«*-ilppa<l.51855 N O W 51488_ . , _ filar Chlat 4-B u ic k S u p e r Auiom.tio trp. Ila<lln, h .at.r, aulomatls " ‘laalon. llrautlful r«] and bl.<k

$0^5 “ ■ “ n o w « 8 8 6 3 J a s i i a l M>.k v m I

Buick r .» £ ." ••<.<loar. Dm.flow drlvt. mdlo,IJKAL NICE.

$795 N O W ?5GGNUMEROl

F o r d v -8 ,. *-ip««<I tranatnlaalon. bMlar, hurry oa diU <ina. _ .p

51495 N O W $1188. DOW'^




M U R PH Y 'S C A R USED .GARS Vb -rbNTixc-t

601Ain Bouth RE,3-23-a


» ^ ........... .............. I' rhnnr’u K .'n :


tCK Spwl.l l.'i..if llnr.l-T.'P._____________ - J

.'.^tlnlr.l cl..., A \,'ry"!v l", HKAUV TO «;o . . . |;ojJ

r s ^ 0 T (6& i T '. ’'M 'i ; ■KVnOI-KT 11,1 ( lJi« I-IIKVIIOlndrr Wllh n,r.,|r„ ,. n.-.irr. •• -M »1*M. -hllr.,11 I,-,; |,) |! |)a jialnl. K\<.i;i'TIONAI.I.V«ial I

r ”K l ” r : " v ; " Skhlnr ‘I’nurl.,AHl’ ..... ............... ........ |;;?s IlKSAHI.irK n.iailM-.irr I'l.VMoi:Coup.. Il=.1|r.. r,r,i„, •

ff,™'. " S . ' " ' - T i i i s E CAREAN............ ...... ............I:sj AND INYMOIJTII Oranbrook l.,lr-.r M A Wlan. lla<llo, )ir.t,r. ..vrr.Iri.a A lA M ,ta. Urand nf>» lli»t

:O M M E R C IA L S M O T tUDEBAKKU ' i T.m PlrVup. IV iV j-Vi.V o ” ; sr . ''. ',! :;;,™ ';; ';;; : r i i o " '

Jv'g r --------------------

' o k “ (T or CONDITION , ’ ”

K ouw iour ___ •.____ ji«5j Js'ETKIlNATION.M. ;.. T.m. •,.

^ a t e i

r i . . - ' : . “iv; o l d e r

JSED CAR LOT '.SO TO . LINCOLN, TODAY BHJ# — Phona EA 4-<aia g jj(

oprn •wkdara • A.M. - > P.M. o A V I

fluDdari 10 '111 ( ^ a - y *■ - Uasla V.llfr‘

» CHII W Y O U R A - B - C s O L I

Ci!. W A Y S

: Y ’ L E

. R L E S O N ’ S wEi-t73i

O ur OK>R T H E B E S T IN W Ni

:^UES . . . FOR T H E


----------------n aSELECTION

ov . v - 8 B o l ^

h ”S " .A l ';b . . *.7“ C L E A I; aiistnr. pawtr liraUr«. Dual I. lltauUful IwiHtun. rr,| an.l Ix>w Rillratr. Nrw «thlt«i>all 111. It Ih. E V C rV th l

3V V -8 4 - d o o r “ iBadio, hMUr. al.iidard

* ' " $ 1 4 9 5 LOW ]o f t h

>RD FnirlaneMr Tuwn Snian. JIadlo. hrairr, le traniminlop. p-mrr «lr»r- Ird s lu t. Thund.r-lllrd tntlur.r .U ,w n ; W . ONKOWN.U

■ ? 1 6 9 5 , „ .t i , Ihrattr. J

I IC K S U P E R . - " ^ 7 -. IwOMloor nivlari. EqulppMjtomalk iranami.tlon. Pow.r KOItD V

and br«kr». Very cltan, ti> n n lubVtr. lUdl^.hi

? 1 6 9 6 • • t i S

ic k S p c c ia l ■ S ° . ™» r ta<lan. A1>-««>ulpva4. Whitf .r . .utoi««. On.-ownrr.

$ 1 4 9 5 LocAU. 1 1D5J rONTIA

:.YMOUTH ] top. Kui-.dear atd.n. Ovtrdrlvc.

$ 1 1 9 5 ' • .

)NTIACl.( 4^oor .rfan. R.dln, W itr, idji vnnD' ^lie traniml>*lon. Cuttom Itat^ hrat.r <l»r. Ona loc.l ownar, . „ ‘

$ 1 1 4 6I tu OLPSUC

ruar NEwlIII 4-deor t« l.n . FuIIr aqul|» w palm tnd Urt«. All iMIbtr I» ] FOIU> V.:

and e«$ 1 1 9 5 *'*•*•

i i » DnntJB



\ E O r l o w ■ :

IN PA Y M E N T , “"i™AND N O '- 5- a o o D n


AT s , . . . ... . .


iOl m a i n E A ST •.>pen ’till #;00 p jn . ’ ’ opkn kvkni

^ S j p k " E

T O S FO R SA LE;_____________A U TO SniY tw .,.u„ . r.niiuii.o.



G - Phnne

O R E ’S■ ' E ; '

~ WE


1I.I,\C Cu,.. ,____ i.-.n.i ' e«e us bcforiVIK.I.KT ..,l,..r, J 'n yr RQ R

l) \.lrU n ." I . , t , MOT..... .......... jjij :

MOVTIl llrl,.-|r„ S p o n

a u g u s tSmUTH |Vl>.-I,r. J-.l—r.rr .i.,rlM , . 0,1 l,r.kc. K m 1 ^ g3ARS ARE AM. SHARP ‘IN A -l C O N D rnO N -


G O R E ’S

) T O R M A R T n r n F R l .o n e R E M 12.1- O L D E R_________________________ V) CUKV :-(!

/ Bl CHEV 4-d//«-, . ..N ,,. •'■1 l- o n o Crc

C A R S O K 52 I-ORD 4-d50 MERCURY


,’E M O D E L C A R S D icso-ro51 BUICK, Sli

M O D E L P I C K U P S « p o n t . 4-d

ER MODEL CARS J 'S S s “ c“ Soc U., -== ■


S l io p A ro u n d . OK IV

57 CHEV 2-dtAVE WITH US B7 rxDRD mli

S S L ” ™ ;C H E V R O L E T ?o c h e v BcLD L D S M O B IL E ss m e r c w i


50 PONT. Sti

LEO RICElOTOR CO. ,731 o r «38 — Ooodlng O b b iN I

OK L o t Shine* Prorrf R ESINE T IL -N IN E ' _lAY SUNDAY TIL I P.M. ^ IW


ilitz Prices!___________t h i s a b u

F or S E L E C T


3 A R A N C E S A L E a

■ ‘. r - - Wr th i i i j j m u s t g o to T T Q E D C r o o m f o r t r a d e - i n ’s



C t h e w h o le y e a r • vokd, >'o:

ia5« ciiKVnoiLOOK! •intoT.'a;’

^MOUTII V.l Woor. Aul». CU;A.Sla traninlulon, i r r« b ..lT 1H7 HAURLZrl.r. Br.uUful roa. afld pUik. ^ “ Jdr"...ifMl Tifw ilrta. wall. Loo 1til Sa le Price, II095 ~ „ „ nmcR suiID V-S Wor'Rtallon Wason. Sbi and'lJr1. hoatar. pow.r .Irtrin . aud „ „ CHEVnOLlr«lri*». Vtrr Clt.n. Enslnt. IINICE l-AMILV CAR UwiOTO 4^oor S«!.n, Two-lon. y_, « and llehl blua. U.dio, h t.uautomalle traiomlMlon. Vart NEWmllfaa*. LIk. ntw and' j ts i CIlRVnOI

:ALLY OWNED. Waioiu 1

KTIAC SUrchl.f Hard- „ „ ^ "” ^ 0 1. Full powar. lUillo, htaler, Csupa. Jti

mllrast, iwo-tona dark blua poattr at». e tt wblt*. ItEALLY NICE. n ( j nAURLEI

Wa<on. I

L O O K !RD' V-X <Hlaar Srdati. lUdlo, CLEANt»r. overdrlvt. j , „ rLYMOlTTflorvest Price tSSS tr. siamii

^ N tw .riuc

rk. C«od Urt*. KUN3 UKE c tt^ Nlis t FOnb Fal

» V.* *Hl«»r. Hadlo. h tattr. Court. HatI e<trdrlv«. War abavt ar- _ ItKALNIC**• i i u na"Sh StIB V.* J.door lUr-llop. J . t h-l»r. or,tk fInltH. Full po-rr. Il.dlo. b«l uolt. . (rr. aiilnmaUa irtnaniUtlun.KY SlIAIir. p j

LOOK! ’“ ' S S S 'nn 1 Ten wltb t» d ' atMk " IIK DODGE ) . lluni A-l and la »trr sood.[an -est Special $376 ' h<

D U3EX> 3-TON TRUCKS i t i i cilEvnoLPICK U PS ’« to '87 CLEANa • _ _ m i cuEvn^L

mr Uoon and Don Wtleh MAN

30B REESE ,, aO TO R CO. "h e R E T i

Bl«k . . . 0 . - ■■Pkest Its l-l.


> s


■" ^ AUTOS T

k V l C . R O Y ’S U Stosi I’ONTIAC au

RE 3-0931 Efi’l l i ;-IQSl I-ONTIAC 8

________________________ Kuiir »iuipp«i----]3:9 DKHOTO Kir

rO S FO R SALE J S S i . '’' ; ; ? !n w —i.iu'u' ' imilff I « k— Ail nillCIC ■ Supti■romlllloii. 1' IlK J.iTtK.-------------- --------------------- :DSS I’CINTIAC Cui

( O U N G ' S ' S kdT ii!;- :o :i DODGE. S To

3 T 0 R S A L E S — "bvEu :o moke t

M E O F F i n e " “ “ '“ "a™ , ! ! J T O M O B IL E S .

'hnne RE 3*3703

1 i lA I N E A S T USEDF.VKKIS-C8 TIL * T.a.____________;___________ l» i; nUICK Sptcla

_____________n i l I-LYMOUTH i

i V E B U Y '. ■ ■ 19;4OI.DSM0UlLE

c lc a n u.sctl c a r s , I’Lymoutii 4 ;<s a n d p id n i]) .‘i.

ucfore you sell a r buy / ^ 1 ^ 1 »


l»Da FOIID »i Ton Ofk :nd A.toua South ' |g i | INTCHNATI0

ai.K-k rack-----;------------------------------- » H WILLY8 Rieki

1ST CLEANUP a n d ’ T SALE f;i;:v«oii-rr

• 19:: KOIID TbornU

J e n k i n s “ “ . . ‘i ' ! " ! :1950 CIIKVIlfiI.CT


ER MODELS ^ ,f M i w ____ * _ « « . J . W 11N .

e q u i p m :! o n ? ° l ~ Z s S s , r h o n e R i m v --------

IC, S l in rp _______ V..S355 --------------------'. 4 -d o o r_____X__ S OS)EDAK1CR __ ..™ .$ !9 5 _.. Clean ....................$JOS I3E H A rd lo p _____ 5195 (

C MODELS I• 2-iloor _____ ..$20D SI Fnlrlano_______ S!0a5 T - R - A - D -

' Hardtop -- -------- $1705 ' . c TT TVT' B elA lr_________ $IC05 O - U - iV i-C WnROn ..............S1505 C T> T?YS S Ton. 4-WD..$M05 O - r - i l i - O) P a rk la n o ______ $1005r. S tn r th le f _____.$1005 C H Evnounr ?i T o n ________ $1695 » « ciiEviioLtn



R E 3-3033

T w in F a l l s «9sj b u ic k v - i .' . 1»1SrUDEBAKI__________ • ________ 4-door -- -

19tl UUICK t-doe“ S E E ” »M (HJ18M0DIL

A B U N D A N T C R O Po f- 1‘lckup____

SCT U S E D C A R S »5« « iid v-» w195J INTERNATII

• P T f ’T r rieku#-------4. AVylV ...................... -IMI'STODEUXKI

IE OP YOUR CHOICE ---------------AT TH E ISM VOrtD V.» V

_____ , ^ 1»« -OllD tT »nW ILL5 ^^ 1*J1 ro n o l i Tor

l) c a r D E P ’T .

•■SH OP"


'^5^ s :a"’. i i ”v iK m o t o ]IITKD —£aea SafcirOerD Cualoia ~S0O" S«loor. tttjlo. HACK OF 1,r. Fordon,.tlc VKUY CLEAN ^VnOLET » paiitnrrr Station

AN • ,IRLER Co»l«B» “t* i-deer f l - O - l W -on Wa*on. ll.dlo. btalcr.'Lo’^ » t t ' v o ‘"cLEA^. Y O U W I L lK Suptr lUrdlop Coope. H*- D E A L I S

JUICK 5.^nOLCT DtlAlr -Coupe. V.» blu»*1knil’’i1,t. Uadlo. lltauir. rewar. ACTUAL UU - Ulltaia. PniCED TO „ „’ far hai nD V-» Falrlant "JHa" Coup.. at««rln« U(ics bteUr, Fordomatle. UKE CLEaS’ uN

JvnOLCT V.* Woor fltallon « « “ f;oiu lladle. braltr. atandard tlnlih. SJn

■ - radio and h.:VUOLCT V.s BelAlr Sport brak»« and i

i S x t S * .

anlaaloB. ............... .. ,„4 ,) V*l Vielc'ria Coupt. Radio. (ul Ua andrr. Ferdonatlc. ONE OWNER jg j; roUD Cuito\N FuIlr teulppHOimi I. *-d»or Stdaa. Ilaat. MH.rr‘ 'fiEFBlanilar.1 Traniml.iloei. Uka “ “ “ V.rlllCED FOU QUICK SALE c'iilZCURY Mopltrw H . r d t o p Radio. hNt., lUdIo, litaltr. B E A L CALLY OWJ

l t d MF.ROUKY) Falrlaaa Vleterla Hardtop ■ dan. Radio,I. Iladlo. Uaaur. Fordetaalle. . Fl^ih like

in ''iu ‘',«™a. rsloer. Radle. » ». FROK n £«

- P I C K U P S — “S o *^ROLCT^^Y.* H Ton ri«k- <]

IGE V, Ton ridtnp. V-» *. , . .A ^ l

!;.( b.».« and .lock raek op- • P o r th e FU■ or N<

/ROLET U Too. t Speed C CarS U, « l the L«

/R^IXT % Ton «-Spet^ ^

lA N Y O T H E R ' '

LES o « d M O D E L S- - C A K <s

E T O S E R V E Y O U " Q Q ^

Mrd. Ro» nevud. LowaU Wllle PORD—M H;E*-7«» Twin'FalU TBualMien Brad TkaU Frtende” \ m l 4-XSU - OM



rOS FOR S A U • ’

S USED CABS iilAC aulion Wt«en. ruUr ' rd 9 paaatncer.lA lT 's ilw treek^ 'W eer. ' »iulpp«l. Varr claea—t i l l TO Flrnloma V-I Uaor. hftly.^To^u^/Ilte, P®*" .

:'Suprr'lIardltFp.~nadlo.•tandard ahlfl ____ | 1»

lAC Cualom 4-doar.'Radle, nrw hrdramaCJe snd tirta.

;D IIKIHTK.S Tori __________t i l ltOIlE TO CHOOSE FROU Ave. No. R B 3-iaO}

ED CARS: 5pk!.I 4-deer ' T OUTH «Mlear V-t.___________

dOUILE -H - lUr^i;>h ■

OUTH 4-door e.ardrlri *'


E 14 Ton. 4-apttd 'Ton. Eitra (ood I

INATIONAL I Tpa. Dualf. «

YB plekup. 4-whrtl drha

D TRUCKSUOLCT : Toiu LonJ wbtal

Tbornlon Tamltm aila

nil'jraln Srd ” *" lt/)I.CT Celerar. Ntw me- •prrU aal.ROMrr :.ii>trd. r.«od U r- • L:-<pttd. <M>od.,tlrte . n


[PMENT RE 3-4420 .

:n e v e n i n g s



i-D -E . I-N-S

J-M -M -E-R . -E-C-I-A-L-S'ROLET I Ton Tnick-$U9I 'IIOLtrr U Ton Plekup.4><lrilOLET 4-deor _____| ] l »/ROLET V-t BatAalr

/ I I O I ^ >-<Soor _____tU UklOUTK *-d»er _____I104t |: s y . | Hardtop_____t l l l l IK V-I 4-deer Uatdtep.4iiW _ lEBAXER Championr -------------- ------------ t41lK t-doer U ^ to p ____tl> »lUODILE »l lleltdaro p ------------------ :----- tli» lnMATtnWAt. ^4 T . . '

} V-« H Ton Fleksp ...41(91 jWATIONAL K Ton

IEBXKEII H Ton Pfctarp '

> V-» « Ton r ie k u p _ |I ») t Ton Tr«ek ______ t i » ') ^ Ton riekup . ^ _ | l < g t ) \ Ton rkknp tm'E V-t BlaUon •n „, . , t l » l

J N I O N T O R S , Inc.- 'biroer —Jake Bstk:K o f TAStZ nOTEU ' Lota Oleee SsotoV- \

)-M -P-A-R-E , .WILL TOTO OUR L IS THE BESTl;K special RUI.rm 4,deer n. Drnaflew, beeuUtu] t tone and white (Inlab. 19,000

UAL ULES ---------- l l t i lD 4iSoor CountiT Sedan, m * haa rmdk). h teltr. powtr

ICURY MOBlelalr 4-4er 8e> llMUlUal . red u d wblu

h. UtttemaUe tren>a>U<ion.I and heaUr, Powtr aletrfnf.A N d"^in^V'^UAB- *****■EED --------------------- no<iCURY C o r a m o te r H soron WavoB. &j«Ipped with--........9; btater. Tower Btetrin*.■■ and rear wladew. Oaauti* ■ en and white {Inlth _ 4 » a D Cuitom too Sedan l^leer . TCOlpi^. J tone.blo. fliw Cannot be told tM a-se*^ - T SEE TO ArPBE.^^^ ^

D Cualom JOO Moor Sedan.9. hMtar. FordomaUe. LO*'LY OWNED CAR _ _ tl74i ,OUKY Wonltrw 4-deer Se. 1 ' Radio, .hwiltr. MtreosaUo.

h like a«w. rram lua . |

J K S ;]? 5 o ? - ] iW i3U NEW ^ - tl«>»

ANY M O R E 't o 3BOOSS 7 R O U

e’ll Trade for Anything

'time—Any Way the F inest Belectloa

or New Fo rd Sara and T rucks the Lowest P riee i l a th« VaUey

BM .



.... • t ; ” :


■ I G O P ? D e m o s

[ P l a n t o P i c k

5 1 L o c a l C h i e f s

R e p u W le w « ^ ^I«l*ho ,1^S t S « county Jevel today lor the

eI«Uon « m -

conunltU M WlU m tet 10- . V w T fc “ >* 44 eoucU« U,

i ■ S i iS U county Chfclnnan. «Ute com-’ [ “ K S . M U . com m ltU «om *a

and leeretoiT In e tch puty>U " o n ^ . w S in« tinw

• I I o f RepubUean Mid Democratic prc- ' I cinct eommltteca wUl ^

' I m l K ’w cw e k '^ d ” t iM t w«k'«

_______ lf_llt««wom«a-aiuL-sULt£^QZiunu‘££ii Ll I - inen-vlll be entlUcd to attend pint-

' f l S m convenUoM of tho rcspccUvc •I I DorUo. T he RepubUcfin convention ,■ 18 *eheduled fo r Idaho FalU andI : ' the DemocraUc convention -lor

Bol»e. both Sep t. 12-13.Nominees for tho atale Jeslslalure

; , Blw n ro 'de lega tes to lhe conven- I I I Uon*. Ada county will send theII | l lorseat deles#Uon-<^lRht mem^r*’ • con»l*tlnj o t th e three eommUtee offlccr*, ft flcnate nominee and lour

'. l l The focus o f In tcre it a t the Dem-1/ ocraUc platform convention h Illielyll to be the IcftaJiMd locni-opllon Ram­i l bllnic atate of S la te Sen. A. M, Derr. I I Dctt won th e nom ination for k<"'- II emor by 133 vntca In lhe offlclnlly f f cftnvn.wcd counly returns. '

• l l Derr Mild h e doesn’t think .lejnt- II ized flambllntt needs to be pa rt of II the slfllewlde p latform , alnce under

.. I h is plan each locality would haveI the chDlce-of mnklnB casino «am-‘ bllnc lawful.I 11 Bepiibllcans a rc expecUd lo eon-f , Btnict a pla tfo rm based on the con-

; J> . tlnuance of .th e policies 'Of Oov.I Robert E. Sm ylle. who la BctlclnitI l l re-eleet/oc to * sccond lour-year

I • **""■ ■IL |1 f o r m e r o f f i c i a l d ie s

' W i REXBURO. Auff. 22 Hi—FormerW Madlaoa county S ta te Ben. Lorenzo■ f f Y . Rigby died W ednesday niRht a tV | | h la h« n e h e re followlns a prolonscdn i l Ulnesfc H e wn< 60.________________


II • Potat • B e e t |


T e a r e t tb * fines t qoality . . powtble w ith e re r r Unk e l’ A ene C h a in ye t


Y o u g o t d o u b le M• « i n g » I L o w er p r i e o i , n o f r e i g h t t o p a y !A n d y o u g e tp o to to a n d *r ^ 'S : ^b e e t c h a in t h o t ! i • ^ a u o l i ty c o n tro l le d

^ f ro m s t a r t t o f in ish .

. ACME U th e only w eiUm mai make* o f poUCo and beet d in

3 .■ chain foB yon r aac h ln e and tll' Sprockets, cones and n b b c r co

•; your loeal ACME dealer.

|;!i Get your chain for■ I’" Beet Diggers and :i M agic Valley Ir

''i CASSIA EQl; | i i BU

11 T R E V I N O t

'l- ___________ ^

I ;! VALLEY TlliiilI -v \ WESTERNI II ' ' ■ o


r ■ ll h a i

y J e s s e r equ' T W IN

i ■ ACMEMAf i:

jl - ’pAOBBrgrgEN

U — ------- ------— r - ----------

Won’t T aik^c

ifsa t s '• •

idcn ’ I ^ Bm n —.IHu l o

:om- imaa ^




“A t Jo«!ph Costello, fit. XoaU. M o , iazl lino owner, slU a t w ltncM

ulure table TuewJay before th e aeoa t*iven- raekcta committee. Costello r e -

the fused to tell th e senato p ro b e nnbcrs w hether h e ir*M InroWed Jn th eilllee the ft of the m lu ln* G reenleaao(our kidnap money. (AP w lrephoto)

iikdy Votes Are ListedR»m- WASHINGTON. AUR. .23 Un

nep. O racle Pfosl. D ,. Ida., and .f ,n J Ulfth-B lAvo Republican conRrcsa-

' men, WlHlartj' Dawson nnd H enry , Dixon voted In favor of th e m ine ra ls

subsidy blU defeaUd In the house ,„,ui yeAlcrday.

ReP' Hiwner’ Dud jc, R .. Ida ., -was, no t lis ted as partlelpatlng in the

'' vole. _________________

con- Today*s Btsf Bay for—S BodyLicc-Fle«

on Dogs, Cits or Birds;S slmplT Mmer rSi off. **

2 BUHACH* - > a f» - l««y ! • U «»-S «eoeekeH -_


i t o M e n

G r o w e r sACME

Spring Steel Rod "Premiubi Grade"


Draper Chain IS BEST



a m anufacturer o f draper chain fo r ml]I d in e rs and harresters . . . f e t ACME and th is fall you'll do the )ob (or le u .>er covered c h a in alio aTSIIable ih ro u ih

For all m akes Potato and ind Harvesters a t these y Im plem ent Dealers








Ma c h i n e c o .fIL E R

f 3S I

I ]css-


S 2 P °‘ <u 2 2 0 S hee ts— R o;

’ FILLER PAPl^ R«a. 6 9 c Spiral

^ THEME BOCReg. 1 .29 Faih ion T o n o

ZfFPER BINIReg. 2 .96 C om pui V o g u e


n SCHOOL T /Reg. 89e



1 9 iI | tV D ly 5 PlCtSWEET " : ^ Beef, Chickei

' \ Y E I'l




' TiiaiiNEWS, tw:

g ▼ j T i

•Reg. 1 .00 V alue


) 0 K


NDER . ....? 3

'ABLET 2 f o r





INNERSTcen or T u rk e y ........... E

s b o c

{ E E >resh 'n Tasty" B

:e d o i

iL B Y 'S1913 A ddison East —'

| | lw a

l l49. I49c I 79c 2.29 B’ 2 9 c ,69cl i i

l l ™ E A C H W

B T O OSaturday & Sun from 10 ;tilBREAD


I^M K- " M o d e r n i n O u r S e r





BEACH BALWith Each 10.00 Pu

W v iitrk's tender, smc




M I Pound

W . . .

indoy f R(

il 12 T r e a s u h

purcHo.. ' 5 1 0 o Z . p l

lU T S .

n ml e r v i c e . O l d F a s h i o n e d


Mh a s !


{ ^ { ■ K With Each School

i l l OR SWIM RPurchase o f SchopI Si

i c W inoked

. . . 2 i ’ l

A P Is 6 n s e e d l e s s a

l O j2 5 lbs. ^

lOZEN s mu r e C h e s t ^

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DOi• f • •

l e d i n O u r F r i e n d l i n e s s '

■ K


5 7EAKABLE JITHYLENE ^[CLE" MOLD OR ^POINT PENl Slach $5 Purchase of J±ooI Supplies ^

RING ^I S u p p l i e s , ^


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