Search and rescue_Fifth Grade Lesson 10

Search and Rescue When, Where, and Why Does it Happen?

Transcript of Search and rescue_Fifth Grade Lesson 10

Search and RescueWhen, Where, and Why Does it Happen?

disasters (noun) 灾难

People are often injured or trapped somewhere dangerous

as a result of a natural disaster. In cases such as these,

search and rescue workers are called to find and save

these people by bringing them to safety.


Le persone sono spesso feriti o intrappolati da qualche

pericoloso a causa di un disastro naturale. In casi come

questi, di ricerca e salvataggio lavoratori sono chiamati a

trovare e salvare queste persone portandoli in salvo.

examples (noun) 例

Let’s look at some examples. We will first learn the word

for a particular type of natural disaster. Then, we will look

at a picture that depicts the aftermath of that disaster.


Vediamo alcuni esempi. Per prima imparare la parola per

un particolare tipo di disastro naturale. Poi, vedremo un

quadro che raffigura le conseguenze di quel disastro.

volcano (noun)



the aftermath

hurricane (noun)



the aftermath

earthquake (noun)



the aftermath

tsunami (noun)



the aftermath

Not only natural disasters

Sometimes people need search and rescue teams to help

them for different reasons. Occasionally, people become

lost at sea, or get injured in remote hard-to-reach places.


A volte le persone hanno bisogno di ricerca e soccorso

squadre per aiutarli per motivi diversi. Di tanto in tanto, le

persone si perdono in mare, o vengono feriti in remote

difficili da raggiungere.

lost at sea

stranded on a mountain

Let’s Chat and Write

What are some reasons that a search and rescue crew

might be called to help people?

What type of search and rescue do you think might be

most dangerous? Explain.

Search and rescue workers risk their own lives to save

other people’s lives. Would you be willing to do a job like

this? Why or why not?