SealSign BSS Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

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Transcript of SealSign BSS Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

ElevenPaths, radical and disruptive innovation in security solutions

Page 2: SealSign BSS Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 17


1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3

2 Common Tasks ............................................................................................................ 4

2.1 Including Web Service References ........................................................................................... 4

2.2 Including the SealSignBSSClientLibrary Client .......................................................................... 6

2.3 Authentication of Calls to Web Services .................................................................................. 7

2.3.1 Credentials Transfer for Basic Authentication............................................................................ 7

2.3.2 Credentials Transfer for Windows Authentication ..................................................................... 7

3 Use Cases .................................................................................................................... 8

3.1 Biometric Signature .................................................................................................................. 8

3.1.1 Including the Handwritten Signature Capture Panel .................................................................. 8

3.1.2 Establishing a Transparent Signature Background ..................................................................... 8

3.1.3 Starting the Capture ................................................................................................................... 9

3.1.4 Stopping the Capture ................................................................................................................. 9

3.1.5 Deleting the Capture .................................................................................................................. 9

3.1.6 Beginning the Signature ............................................................................................................. 9

3.1.7 Client Cryptography .................................................................................................................. 10

3.1.8 Ending the Signature ................................................................................................................ 10

3.2 Verifying Signed Documents ................................................................................................... 10

3.3 Disconnected Biometric Signature ......................................................................................... 11

3.3.1 Disconnected Capture .............................................................................................................. 11

3.3.2 Synchronizing the Signature with the Server ........................................................................... 11

3.4 Biometric Signature with Document Provider (Document on Server) ................................... 12

3.4.1 Beginning the Signature ........................................................................................................... 12

3.4.2 Cryptography in Client .............................................................................................................. 12

3.4.3 Ending the Signature ................................................................................................................ 13

3.5 Document Providers Development ........................................................................................ 13

3.5.1 Including SealSignBSSTypes and SealSignDSSTypes ................................................................. 13

3.5.2 Interface Implementation ........................................................................................................ 13

3.5.3 Getting the Document and the Signature Parameters ............................................................. 13

3.5.4 Storing the Signed Document ................................................................................................... 14

4 Resources .................................................................................................................. 16

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 17

1 Introduction

SealSign BSS is a product developed entirely by ElevenPaths, designed to facilitate the integration of the electronic signature with corporate applications. SealSign BSS exposes its functionality through Web services based on WCF (Windows Comunication Framework) technology. These services can be invoked by applications implemented on most technologies on the market.

The SDK of SealSign BSS also provides several panels for the capture of handwritten signatures, available depending on the technology used by the client application.

This document is not intended as a manual for the specific aspects of the electronic signature, but a technical reference guide, developer-oriented, on integrating SealSign BSS in Windows 10 Applications.

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 17

2 Common Tasks

2.1 Including Web Service References

The Web services layer is used to interact with the server platform. The “SealSign BSS - Web Services Reference” document details each service and its parameters. In this section you will learn, as an example, how to include the reference to a platform web service using Visual Studio 2015.

To add a reference to a web service, you just have to right-click on the .NET project button, select the Add option and then Service Reference…

Figure 01: Add Service Reference Menu

The following wizard window will be displayed to add the reference to the Web service:

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 17

Figure 02: Wizard window to add a Service Reference

In this window you must include the Web service URL and, after clicking on the Go button, enter a name for the Namespace and click on the OK button. The reference is added to the project and displayed in the Solution Explorer panel:

Figure 03: Web service reference in Solution Explorer.

Another method for invoking web services is to generate proxy classes with utilities like svcutil.exe, available both with the Microsoft Windows SDK and with the different versions of Microsoft Visual Studio.

svcutil is a command line tool that generates one or more code files (depending on the language stated) and a .config file with the appropriate configuration for the web service invocation.

An example of command line for the generation of SealSign BSS proxy classes would be as follows:

svcutil.exe /out:BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.cs /config:BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.config http://localhost/SealSignBSSService/BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.svc /n:*,SealSignBSSService /n:,SealSignDSSTypes /n:,SealSignBSSTypes

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 6 of 17

In this example, svcutil.exe will generate two files: BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.cs and BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.config. The BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.cs file will be incorporated to the .NET project as just one more code file, and the contents of the BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.config file will be added to the app.config file of the .NET project.

2.2 Including the SealSignBSSClientLibrary Client

In order to include cryptographic functions in the platform client, you need to add the reference to the SealSignBSSClientLibrary library in the project. To do so, just right-click on the .NET project, select the Add option and then Reference...

Figure 04: Adding the SealSignBSSClientLibrary.dll library.

Once you have done this, the reference manager window that will allow the selection of the SealSignBSSClientLibrary.dll library will be displayed:

Figure 05: Visual Studio 2015 Reference Manager.

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 17

2.3 Authentication of Calls to Web Services

Depending on the configuration and operations you wish to conduct, requests to the platform web services will be conducted with authentication. For example, a certificate enumeration operation must be performed with authentication from the client, so that the use of allowed certificates is secure.

For .NET applications, depending on the scenario in which they run, it may not be necessary to provide the credentials programmatically, since they can use the integrated authentication of the Windows platform.

2.3.1 Credentials Transfer for Basic Authentication The following example shows the connection to a SealSign web service, configured with basic authentication and providing credentials through .NET code:

SignatureServiceBasicClient service = new SignatureServiceBasicClient(BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient.EndpointConfiguration.BasicHttpBinding_IBiometricSignatureServiceBasic2); service.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "SealSignTest"; service.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "Passw0rd"; CertificateReference[] certs = await service.GetCertificateReferencesAsync(null, false); await service.CloseAsync();

2.3.2 Credentials Transfer for Windows Authentication The following example shows the connection to a SealSign web service, configured with Windows authentication and providing credentials through .NET code:

SignatureServiceClient service = new SignatureServiceClient(BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient.EndpointConfiguration.BasicHttpBinding_IBiometricSignatureServiceBasic1); service.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Domain = "localhost"; service.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = "SealSignTest"; service.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = "Passw0rd"; CertificateReference[] certificates = await service.GetCertificateReferencesAsync(null, false); await service.CloseAsync();

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 17

3 Use Cases

3.1 Biometric Signature

3.1.1 Including the Handwritten Signature Capture Panel Once the SealSignBSSClientLibrary.dll library is added to Visual Studio, the next step involves adding the capture panel in XAML code, adding the namespace SealSignBSSControlLibrary and the control onto the screen.

Figure 06: Including the capture panel.

3.1.2 Establishing a Transparent Signature Background The default signature is shown in the image on a white background. If a transparent background is required for the graphic representation, the property TransparentSignature can be used:

sealSignBSSWacomSTUPanel1.TransparentSignature = true;

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 9 of 17

3.1.3 Starting the Capture Once the panel is integrated in the development, the biometric capture starts by calling the Start method of the panel:


3.1.4 Stopping the Capture The Stop method of the panel stops the capture of biometric data. It is convenient to stop the capture once it has been recognized and before beginning the signature process with the server platform:


3.1.5 Deleting the Capture To reset and delete the capture, you can call the CleanSignature method of the signature panel:


3.1.6 Beginning the Signature In order to biometrically sign, you need to follow these steps:

1. Notifying to the platform the document that will be signed.

2. Performing the biometric data fusion and cryptography operations through the SealSignBSSClientLibrary client library using data from the server (i.e., instance and signature token).

3. Notifying the platform of the operation result in order to complete the signature operation and form the final document.

The beginning of the signature is notified to the server platform by calling the BeginSignature method. The used service is /SealSignBSSService/BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.svc. The returned values and syntax of the method can be found in the “SealSign BSS - Web Services Reference” document.

signaturePanel.Stop(); var assetsFolder = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFolderAsync("Assets"); StorageFile documentFile = await assetsFolder.GetFileAsync("sample.pdf"); IRandomAccessStream documentStream = await documentFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read); DataReader reader = new DataReader(documentStream.GetInputStreamAt(0)); await reader.LoadAsync((uint)documentStream.Size); byte[] documentBytes = new byte[documentStream.Size]; reader.ReadBytes(documentBytes); BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient service = new BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient(BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient.EndpointConfiguration.BasicHttpBinding_IBiometricSignatureServiceBasic3); var response = await service.BeginSignatureAsync(

SignatureProfile.PDF, BiometricSignatureType.Default, string.Empty, string.Empty, BiometricSignatureFlags.Default, null,

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 17

SignatureFlags.Default, null, null, documentBytes);

3.1.7 Client Cryptography Calling the signature panel results in the obtaining of biometric data and the cryptographic operation:

// Client encryption with SealSignBSSClientLibrary byte[] biometricState = await signaturePanel.GetSignature(response.instance, response.biometricState);

3.1.8 Ending the Signature The ending of the signature is notified to the platform and the final document is obtained. The used service is SealSignBSSService/BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.svc. The returned values and syntax of the method can be found in the “SealSign BSS - Web Services Reference” document:

//End signature var signedBytes = await service.EndSignatureAsync(response.instance, biometricState); StorageFolder localFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; StorageFile signedDocument = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync("sample.signed.pdf", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); using (Stream signedStream = await signedDocument.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()) {

signedStream.Write(signedBytes, 0, signedBytes.Length); } await service.CloseAsync(); signaturePanel.Start();

3.2 Verifying Signed Documents

It is possible to verify a signature captured against the signatures located within a document. To do so, a single call is made to the Verify method of the server platform. The used service is /SealSignBSSService/BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.svc. The returned values and syntax of the method can be found in the “SealSign BSS - Web Services Reference” document:

BiometricSignatureServiceClient service = new BiometricSignatureServiceClient(BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient.EndpointConfiguration.BasicHttpBinding_IBiometricSignatureServiceBasic3); byte[] biometricState = null; var assetsFolder = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFolderAsync("Assets"); StorageFile documentFile = await assetsFolder.GetFileAsync(" "); IRandomAccessStream documentStream = await documentFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read); DataReader reader = new DataReader(documentStream.GetInputStreamAt(0)); await reader.LoadAsync((uint)documentStream.Size); byte[] documentBytes = new byte[documentStream.Size]; reader.ReadBytes(documentBytes); byte[] biometricFinalState = sealSignBSSPanel.GetSignature(new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), biometricState);

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 11 of 17

if (biometricFinalState != null) {

BiometricSignatureVerification verifyResponse = await service.VerifyAsync( SignatureProfile.PDF, BiometricSignatureType.Default, "", "", BiometricVerificationFlags.Default, null, biometricFinalState, null, documentBytes);

} await service.CloseAsync();

3.3 Disconnected Biometric Signature

In some scenarios, there may be no connection to the biometric signature server. SealSign can create a preliminary signature to synchronize with the service when the client is connected again. The document must be located on the client in order to uniquely associate the signature captured with the same.

3.3.1 Disconnected Capture Calling the signature panel results in the obtaining of biometric data and the cryptographic operation. Instead of the data obtained from the service on a normal call, the biometric token is obtained by transferring the document to be signed as a parameter. Subsequently, the temporary instance generated on client is also obtained:

var assetsFolder = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFolderAsync("Assets"); StorageFile documentFile = await assetsFolder.GetFileAsync("sample.pdf"); IRandomAccessStream documentStream = await documentFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read); DataReader reader = new DataReader(documentStream.GetInputStreamAt(0)); await reader.LoadAsync((uint)documentStream.Size); byte[] documentBytes = new byte[documentStream.Size]; reader.ReadBytes(documentBytes); //Client encryption with SealSignBSSClientLibrary var response = await signaturePanel.GetOfflineSignature(documentBytes); byte[] biometricFinalState = response.BiometricState; Guid instance = response.Instance;

3.3.2 Synchronizing the Signature with the Server Once the communication with the service is restored, you will need to synchronize the signature or signatures generated without connection in order to obtain the final document including all the necessary elements by calling the SyncOfflineSignatures method. The used service is /SealSignBSSService/BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.svc:

//Sign document ObservableCollection<OfflineBiometricSignature> offlineSignatures = new ObservableCollection<OfflineBiometricSignature>(); var offlineSignature = new OfflineBiometricSignature(); = ""; offlineSignature.account = ""; offlineSignature.biometricOptions = BiometricSignatureFlags.Default; offlineSignature.biometricParameters = null; offlineSignature.options = SignatureFlags.Default;

Page 12: SealSign BSS Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 12 of 17

offlineSignature.parameters = null; offlineSignature.instance = instance; offlineSignature.offlineBiometricState = biometricFinalState; offlineSignatures.Add(offlineSignature); BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient service = new BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient(BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient.EndpointConfiguration.BasicHttpBinding_IBiometricSignatureServiceBasic3); var signedBytes = await service.SyncOfflineSignaturesAsync(SignatureProfile.PDF,

offlineSignatures, null, documentBytes); //Store signed document StorageFolder localFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; StorageFile signedDocument = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync("sample.signed.pdf", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); using (Stream signedStream = await signedDocument.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()) {

signedStream.Write(signedBytes, 0, signedBytes.Length); } await service.CloseAsync();

3.4 Biometric Signature with Document Provider (Document on Server)

The signature procedure against the platform using a document provider is similar to that of the biometric signature, but the document does not have to be on the client. Instead, a URI that the document provider will use to get the document from a documentary Backend on the server part is specified.

3.4.1 Beginning the Signature The beginning of the signature is notified to the server platform by calling the BeginSignatureProvider method. The used service is /SealSignBSSService/BiometricSignatureService Basic.svc.

The returned values and syntax of the method can be found in the “SealSign BSS - Web Services Reference” document:

BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient service = new BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient(BiometricSignatureServiceBasicClient.EndpointConfiguration.BasicHttpBinding_IBiometricSignatureServiceBasic3); BiometricSignatureBeginResponseBasic response = await service.BeginSignatureProviderAsync( "", "", @"demo://c:\samples\sample.pdf", null, null);

3.4.2 Cryptography in Client Calling the signature panel performs the obtaining of biometric data and the cryptographic operation:

// Client encryption with SealSignBSSClientLibrary

Page 13: SealSign BSS Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 13 of 17

byte[]biometricFinalState = await signaturePanel.GetSignature(response.instance, response.biometricState);

3.4.3 Ending the Signature The end of the signature is notified to the platform. The used service is /SealSignBSSService/ BiometricSignatureServiceBasic.svc. The returned values and syntax of the method can be found in the “SealSign BSS - Web Services Reference” document:

if (biometricFinalState != null) {

await service.EndSignatureProviderAsync(response.instance, biometricFinalState, @"demo://c:\samples\sample.pdf", null, false); } await service.CloseAsync();

3.5 Document Providers Development

As mentioned in the previous section, there is a possibility of signing documents that are not located on the client but on a documentary Backend on the server part. To use this feature, you need to develop and register a type of add-ins, called document providers, which will manage the access to the document repository of the server part.

A document provider is an assembly developed in any .NET language and that implements the SealSignBSSFrontend.IDocumentProvider interface. The description of the interface and the document providers registration on the platform can be found in the “SealSign BSS - Web Services Reference” document.

3.5.1 Including SealSignBSSTypes and SealSignDSSTypes The definition of the SealSignBSSFrontend.IDocumentProvider interface is located within the SealSignBSSTypes.dll assembly. Therefore, you will need to include the reference to SealSignBSSTypes.dll in the .NET project of the new document provider.

In addition, some of the classes used in this interface are defined in the library of electronic signature types definition (SealSignDSSTypes.dll). The inclusion of a reference to this assembly in the project will also be required.

3.5.2 Interface Implementation Once the reference has been added to the SealSignBSSTypes.dll and SealSignDSSTypes.dll, you must create a class with public access that implements the SealSignBSSFrontend.IDocumentProvider interface. using SealSignBSSFrontend; public class PDFTestProvider : IDocumentProvider { . . .

3.5.3 Getting the Document and the Signature Parameters The first IDocumentProvider interface method is the method to get the document and signature parameters that will be applied in the operation (GetSigningDocument). With the input parameters

Page 14: SealSign BSS Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 14 of 17

specified from the signature client (uri and providerParameter), the document provider must access the document repository, obtain the document to be signed and return both the document and the signature parameters that will be applied.

The following example shows the code of a document provider that accesses the server file system and gets the document specified in the uri that was specified from the client application:

public Stream GetSigningDocument(string uri,

string providerParameter,

out SignatureProfile signatureProfile,

out BiometricSignatureType biometricSignatureType,

out BiometricSignatureFlags biometricOptions,

out BiometricSignatureParameters biometricParameters,

out SignatureFlags options,

out SignatureParameters parameters,

out byte[] detachedSignature)


// Signature parameters specification

signatureProfile = SignatureProfile.PDF;

biometricSignatureType = BiometricSignatureType.Default;

biometricOptions = BiometricSignatureFlags.Default;

biometricParameters = null;

options = SignatureFlags.Default;

parameters = null;

detachedSignature = null;

biometricParameters = new BiometricSignatureParameters();

biometricParameters.imageParameters = new BiometricImageParameters();

biometricParameters.imageParameters.signatureVisible = true;

biometricParameters.imageParameters.onAllPages = true;

biometricParameters.imageParameters.offsetX = 370;

biometricParameters.imageParameters.offsetY = 220;

biometricParameters.imageParameters.height = 80;

biometricParameters.imageParameters.width = 100;

// Getting document using uri parameter

Uri documentUri = new Uri(uri);

return new FileStream(documentUri.LocalPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);


3.5.4 Storing the Signed Document The second IDocumentProvider interface method is the method for storing the document once the signature operation has been performed (SetSignedDocument). With the input parameters specified from the signature client (uri and providerParameter), the document provider will be able to access the document repository to store the document once it has been signed.

The following example shows the code of a document provider that accesses the server file system and stores the document from the uri that was specified from the client application:

public void SetSignedDocument(string uri, string providerParameter, Stream document)

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 15 of 17

{ // Storing signed document using uri parameter

Uri documentUri = new Uri(uri); FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(documentUri.LocalPath+".bio.signed.pdf",

FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); byte[] buffer = new byte[16 * 1024];

int read; while ((read = document.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) {

outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, read); } outputStream.Flush(); outputStream.Close();



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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 16 of 17

4 Resources

For information about the different SealSign services available, please go to this address:

Also, on the ElevenPaths blog you can find interesting articles and innovations regarding this product.

You can find more information about Eleven Paths products on YouTube, on Vimeo and on Slideshare.

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SealSign BSS (Biometric Signature Services) Integration Guide for Windows 10 Applications

V.3.2 – October 2016

2016 © Telefónica Digital España, S.L.U. All rights reserved. Page 17 of 17


October 2016

At ElevenPaths we have our own way of thinking when we talk about security. Led by Chema Alonso, we are a team of experts who are passionate about their work, who are eager to redefine the industry and have great experience and knowledge about the security sector.

Security threats in technology evolve at an increasingly quicker and relentless pace. Thus, since June 2013, we have become a startup company within Telefónica aimed at working in an agile and dynamic way, transforming the concept of security and, consequently, staying a step ahead of our attackers.

Our head office is in Spain, but we can also be found in the UK, the USA, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia.


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