Sea-surface salinity variations in the northern Caribbean Sea ......By reconstructing past...

Clim. Past, 7, 75–90, 2011 doi:10.5194/cp-7-75-2011 © Author(s) 2011. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Climate of the Past Sea-surface salinity variations in the northern Caribbean Sea across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition S. Sepulcre, L. Vidal, K. Tachikawa, F. Rostek, and E. Bard CEREGE, Universit´ e Aix-Marseille, CNRS, Coll` ege de France, IRD, Europ ˆ ole de l’Arbois, BP80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence, France Received: 4 June 2010 – Published in Clim. Past Discuss.: 29 June 2010 Revised: 7 January 2011 – Accepted: 12 January 2011 – Published: 11 February 2011 Abstract. By reconstructing past hydrologic variations in the Northern Caribbean Sea and their influence on the stability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during the last 940 ka, we seek to document climate changes in this tropical area in response to the Mid-Pleistocene Tran- sition (MPT). Using core MD03-2628, we estimated past changes in sea surface salinity (SSS) using δ 18 O, the dif- ference between the modern, and the past δ 18 O of seawater (obtained by combining alkenone thermometer data with the δ 18 O of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white) and corrected for ice-sheet volume effects). Today, the lowest SSS values in the area studied are associated with the northernmost location of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The δ 18 O record obtained from core MD03- 2628 exhibits glacial/interglacial cyclicity with higher values during all glacial periods spanning the last 940 ka, indicat- ing increased SSS. A long-term trend was also observed in the δ 18 O values that exhibited a shift toward lower val- ues for interglacial periods during the last 450 ka, as com- pared to interglacial stages older than 650 ka. A rise in SSS during glacial stages may be related to the southern- most location of the ITCZ, which is induced by a steeper cross-equator temperature gradient and associated with re- duced northward cross-equatorial oceanic transport. There- fore, the results suggest a permanent link between the trop- ical salinity budget and the AMOC during the last 940 ka. Following the MPT, lower salinities during the last five in- terglacial stages indicated a northernmost ITCZ location that was forced by changes in the cross-equator temperature gra- dient and that was associated with the poleward position of Correspondence to: S. Sepulcre ([email protected]) Southern Oceanic Fronts that amplify the transport of heat and moisture to the North Atlantic. These processes may have contributed to the amplification of the climate cycles that followed the MPT. 1 Introduction The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) corresponds to a pe- riod of pronounced change within the climate system that varies between 1.5 Ma to 650 ka depending upon the paleo- climatic archive utilized (e.g., Head and Gibbard, 2005). The MPT led to the emergence of low-frequency, quasi-periodic climate cycles of asymmetrical shape and 100-ka in length, especially well-defined for the last 450 ka following a transi- tional interval (Tzedakis et al., 2009; Yin and Berger, 2010). In the absence of a marked change in insolation forcing (e.g., Maslin and Ridgwell, 2005), several hypotheses have been explored in order to explain this transition and include long- term changes in the atmospheric CO 2 (Clark et al., 2006), changes in ice-sheet bedrock – the so-called “regolith hy- pothesis” (Clark and Pollard, 1998), or changes in ice-sheets dynamics (e.g., Berger et al., 1999; Tziperman and Gildor, 2003; Bintanja and van de Wal, 2008) leading to the pro- gressive synchronization of the Northern Hemisphere and Antarctic ice-sheets (Raymo et al., 2006). The latter hypoth- esis implies a series of internal feedbacks, including changes in the deep-water circulation (McClymont et al., 2008) or the oceanic carbon pool (Raymo et al., 1990 and 1997; Mix et al., 1995; Schmieder et al., 2000; Hoogakker et al., 2006). Other studies have invoked the role of the tropics (McClymont and Rosell-Mel´ e, 2005; Liu et al., 2008) or the Southern Hemi- sphere (Raymo et al., 2006; Schulz and Zeebe, 2006; K ¨ ohler Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

Transcript of Sea-surface salinity variations in the northern Caribbean Sea ......By reconstructing past...

Page 1: Sea-surface salinity variations in the northern Caribbean Sea ......By reconstructing past hydrologic variations in the Northern Caribbean Sea and their influence on the stability

Clim. Past, 7, 75–90,© Author(s) 2011. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

Climateof the Past

Sea-surface salinity variations in the northern Caribbean Sea acrossthe Mid-Pleistocene Transition

S. Sepulcre, L. Vidal, K. Tachikawa, F. Rostek, and E. Bard

CEREGE, Universite Aix-Marseille, CNRS, College de France, IRD, Europole de l’Arbois, BP80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence,France

Received: 4 June 2010 – Published in Clim. Past Discuss.: 29 June 2010Revised: 7 January 2011 – Accepted: 12 January 2011 – Published: 11 February 2011

Abstract. By reconstructing past hydrologic variations in theNorthern Caribbean Sea and their influence on the stabilityof the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)during the last 940 ka, we seek to document climate changesin this tropical area in response to the Mid-Pleistocene Tran-sition (MPT). Using core MD03-2628, we estimated pastchanges in sea surface salinity (SSS) using1δ18O, the dif-ference between the modern, and the pastδ18O of seawater(obtained by combining alkenone thermometer data with theδ18O of the planktonic foraminiferaGlobigerinoides ruber(white) and corrected for ice-sheet volume effects). Today,the lowest SSS values in the area studied are associated withthe northernmost location of the Inter-Tropical ConvergenceZone (ITCZ). The1δ18O record obtained from core MD03-2628 exhibits glacial/interglacial cyclicity with higher valuesduring all glacial periods spanning the last 940 ka, indicat-ing increased SSS. A long-term trend was also observed inthe 1δ18O values that exhibited a shift toward lower val-ues for interglacial periods during the last 450 ka, as com-pared to interglacial stages older than 650 ka. A rise inSSS during glacial stages may be related to the southern-most location of the ITCZ, which is induced by a steepercross-equator temperature gradient and associated with re-duced northward cross-equatorial oceanic transport. There-fore, the results suggest a permanent link between the trop-ical salinity budget and the AMOC during the last 940 ka.Following the MPT, lower salinities during the last five in-terglacial stages indicated a northernmost ITCZ location thatwas forced by changes in the cross-equator temperature gra-dient and that was associated with the poleward position of

Correspondence to:S. Sepulcre([email protected])

Southern Oceanic Fronts that amplify the transport of heatand moisture to the North Atlantic. These processes mayhave contributed to the amplification of the climate cyclesthat followed the MPT.

1 Introduction

The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) corresponds to a pe-riod of pronounced change within the climate system thatvaries between 1.5 Ma to 650 ka depending upon the paleo-climatic archive utilized (e.g., Head and Gibbard, 2005). TheMPT led to the emergence of low-frequency, quasi-periodicclimate cycles of asymmetrical shape and 100-ka in length,especially well-defined for the last 450 ka following a transi-tional interval (Tzedakis et al., 2009; Yin and Berger, 2010).In the absence of a marked change in insolation forcing (e.g.,Maslin and Ridgwell, 2005), several hypotheses have beenexplored in order to explain this transition and include long-term changes in the atmospheric CO2 (Clark et al., 2006),changes in ice-sheet bedrock – the so-called “regolith hy-pothesis” (Clark and Pollard, 1998), or changes in ice-sheetsdynamics (e.g., Berger et al., 1999; Tziperman and Gildor,2003; Bintanja and van de Wal, 2008) leading to the pro-gressive synchronization of the Northern Hemisphere andAntarctic ice-sheets (Raymo et al., 2006). The latter hypoth-esis implies a series of internal feedbacks, including changesin the deep-water circulation (McClymont et al., 2008) or theoceanic carbon pool (Raymo et al., 1990 and 1997; Mix et al.,1995; Schmieder et al., 2000; Hoogakker et al., 2006). Otherstudies have invoked the role of the tropics (McClymont andRosell-Mele, 2005; Liu et al., 2008) or the Southern Hemi-sphere (Raymo et al., 2006; Schulz and Zeebe, 2006; Kohler

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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and Bintanja, 2008). However, no theory has supplanted an-other and no real consensus has been adopted to explain thecauses for the MPT (e.g., Raymo and Huybers, 2008). Inparticular, the relationships between low and high latitudesduring this time period remain unexplored (Rutherford andD’Hondt, 2000).

The tropical Atlantic is a key area for the modern cli-mate system due to its role in the stability of the AtlanticMeridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) which trans-ports warm and salty waters from low latitudes into the NorthAtlantic. The efficiency of the AMOC may have a major im-pact on global climate change, particularly in northern At-lantic areas as suggested by model experiments and paleo-climatic data (e.g., Rahmstorf, 2002). Specifically, modelsimulations suggest that the strength of the AMOC is moresensitive to changes in the Atlantic salt budget than to vari-ations in sea-surface temperature (SST) and, therefore, pointto the importance of reconstructing past changes in low lat-itude hydrologic cycles (Rahmstorf et al., 2005; Rahmstorf,2006). Under modern conditions, the Atlantic salt budgetis determined by a combination of local and regional pro-cesses partly linked to tropical climate dynamics, such as thefollowing:

1. The seasonal migration of the inter tropical convergencezone (ITCZ) which impacts the local salt budget in thetropical Atlantic through direct freshwater inputs viaprecipitation, as well as by the amount of freshwaterexported toward the Pacific (Broecker et al., 1990; Za-ucker and Broecker, 1992).

2. The duration and amplitude of the northward shift of theITCZ. The northern ITCZ location is associated with theenhanced cross-equatorial transport of salt and heat intothe North Atlantic (e.g., Dahl et al., 2005). The effectof ITCZ migration is clearly observed for meridionalheat transport in the oceans, showing interhemisphericasymmetrical behavior for the Atlantic basin (Trenberthand Caron, 2001).

3. Remote control of the salt amount exported from theIndian Ocean to the tropical Atlantic via the South At-lantic through the “Agulhas leakage” (AL) under mod-ern and past conditions (Gordon, 1996; Peeters et al.,2004; Biastoch et al., 2008). The relationships betweentropical Atlantic hydrology, the AMOC, and climatechanges have been determined through estimations ofthe salt budget at low latitudes during rapid climatechange (Ruhlemann et al., 1999; Schmidt et al., 2004),during glacial/interglacial climate transitions (Durkoopet al., 1997), and on long time scales (Haug and Tiede-mann, 1998; Haug et al., 2001), as well as through mod-elling studies (Wan et al., 2010).

In this study, we examined climate changes associated withthe MPT in the tropics by estimating past variations in hy-

drologic conditions in the northern Caribbean Sea and re-lated changes in the AMOC. Here, we discuss the variationsof past sea-surface salinity (SSS) related to the ITCZ loca-tion, and estimate past SSS at the core site using theδ18O ofseawater, by combining oxygen isotopic measurements ob-tained from the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminiferGlo-bigerinoides ruber(white) and using SSTs obtained from thealkenone unsaturation index (UK ′

37) analysis. We correctedthe δ18O of seawater for ice-sheet volume effects and cal-culated the1δ18O as the difference between the modernand pastδ18O for seawater. Major trends observed in the1δ18O record were that a marked glacial/interglacial patternspanned the entire record and that a shift toward decreasedSSS’s during interglacials occurred for the last 450 ka ascompared to the previous time interval (650–940 ka). Onthe glacial/interglacial timescale, the core MD03-2628 re-sults emphasize the existing link between the ITCZ and theAMOC for the past 940 ka. The results obtained for inter-glacial stages for the last 450 ka allowed us to discuss thecauses and consequences of ITCZ migration following theMPT, as well as the possible relationships between changesin oceanic and atmospheric northward heat transfer associ-ated with ITCZ migration.

2 Modern climate and hydrologic parameters

Core MD03-2628 was retrieved in the Walton Basin (26.56 mof length, 17◦21.26′ N, 77◦42.45′ W, 846 m water depth,Fig. 1) during the IMAGES MD132 expedition, aboard R.V.Marion Dufresnein 2003. All of the details regarding thecore’s sedimentology are given in the auxiliary material ofSepulcre et al. (2009). The Walton Basin is located in thenortheastern portion of the Nicaragua Rise, which separatesthe Colombian Basin from the Cayman Basin (Fig. 1a). TheWalton Basin consists of a deep seaway between the Ja-maican shelf and the Pedro Bank, with water depths rang-ing between 200 and 2000 m (Fig. 1b). Modern climateand oceanographic data near the core MD03-2628 location(Fig. 1b) were extracted from the DASILVA dataset (pre-cipitation and evaporation rates were obtained at 17.5◦ N,77.5◦ W, da Silva et al., 1994), the NOAA data center (at-mospheric temperature at Montego Bay, 18.47◦ N, 77.99◦ W,Jamaica), and the LEVITUS (1994) dataset (at 17.5◦ N,77.5◦ W).

2.1 Climatology and hydrologic parameters

The climate in the Caribbean Sea is typically tropical with-out a pronounced cooling season (Fig. 2a). A maximumeasterly zonal wind at 925 hPa in the Caribbean region iscalled the Caribbean Low-Level Jet (CLLJ). The CLLJ is atits maximum in winter (Fig. 1a), when the atmospheric tem-perature gradient between the Caribbean zone and the Trop-ical North Atlantic is large and the ITCZ is further south(Wang and Lee, 2007). The summer wet period extends from

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0 500 1000






40˚Source :

ITCZ Sept.


Caribbean low-level jets

Venezuela Basin

Yucatan Basin




Cayman Basin NorthEquatorial


Florida CurrentLoop


Gulf Stream

Pedro Channel




79°W 78°W 77°W

100˚W 80˚W



DASILVA and LEVITUS stations



Colombia Basin




Fig. 1Fig. 1. The modern setting of the studied zone and the locationof core MD03-2628.(a) The climatic and oceanic context of theCaribbean Sea; the purple arrows represent surface currents; thegreen arrows represent winds; and the blue hatched zones repre-sent the seasonal extreme positions of the Inter-Tropical Conver-gence Zone (ITCZ, e.g., Haug et al., 2003). The locations of coresODP 999A (12◦45′ N, 78◦44′ W, 2827 m in water depth, pink star);DSDP 502 (11◦ N, 80◦ W, 3051 m in water depth, gray star); andODP 847 (0◦ N, 95◦ W, 3373 m in water depth, orange star) arealso specified.(b) A zoom-in of the Walton Basin and the loca-tion of core MD03-2628 (WBk: Walton Bank). The location forthe LEVITUS (1994) and the DASILVA (da Silva et al., 1994) sta-tions at 17.5◦ N, 77.5◦ W; and for the NOAA (station 78388) station(18.47◦ N, 77.99◦ W) are also specified in Fig. 1b (adapted fromReijmer and Andresen, 2007).

May to November and can be divided in two time intervals(Fig. 2b, Taylor et al., 2002). From May to July, precipitationreaches 90 mm month−1 and from August to November, dur-ing the hurricane season, values increase to 130 mm month−1

as a result of ITCZ positioning (Figs. 1a, 2b, and 3c; seeSect. 2.2 for details). Evaporation rates (Fig. 2c) exhibitsmall seasonal variations, with maximum values occurring





























S (p







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


T (



a) Atmospheric temperature

c) Evaporation rate

b) Precipitation rate

d) Sea surface salinity

e)Sea surface temperature

Fig. 2Fig. 2. Monthly climate and sea-surface water parameters.(a) At-mospheric temperature from NOAA climate station 78388;(b) pre-cipitation;(c) evaporation rates from the DASILVA dataset (da Silvaet al., 1994);(d) Sea-surface salinity (SSS); and(e) temperature(SST) from the LEVITUS (1994) dataset.

during winter (183 mm month−1 in December) and minimalvalues occurring during spring (120 mm month−1 in May).Seasonal changes may be related to the strength of the CLLJ(see above).

Near the core MD03-2628 location, hydrographic condi-tions indicate that SST-monthly variations are limited, withina range of 26.5 to 29◦C, with a trend of high and low val-ues during boreal summer and winter, respectively (Fig. 2e).Monthly surface water salinity (SSS) ranges between 35.6and 36.1 p.s.u. (Fig. 2d) and is mainly controlled by sea-sonal ITCZ migration and freshwater advection (see Sect. 2.2for details) (Fig. 1a). SSS minimum values are linked to thenorthern location of the ITCZ at the studied site in Septem-ber, and from October to December to a “late” contributionof the freshwater supply from the Orinoco River (see be-low). SSS maximum values are reported in July. No clearrelationship appears to exist between the evaporation rate andSSS at the core MD03-2628 location (Fig. 2c and d). Clim. Past, 7, 75–90, 2011

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1 1.2




0.2 0



10050 150





100 10050


200 300350





50 50







3636 35














35 35






Salinity (p.s.u.)30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37


80°W 70°W 60°W 50°W 40°W Longitude

80°W 70°W 60°W 50°W 40°W Longitude















































300 250250 300



100 250






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Precipitation rate (mm/month)


Core MD03-2628 location



























Fig. 3Fig. 3. Maps of precipitation rates(a–d) and sea surface salinities(e–h) during March (a ande), June (b and f), September (c andg),and December (d andh). The core MD03-2628 location is shown by a star, and the ITCZ position is shown by the thick beige line (e.g.,Haug et al., 2003). The Orinoco and Amazon Rivers are indicated by the O and A letters, respectively. Maps were constructed from the DASILVA (da Silva et al., 1994) and LEVITUS (1994) datasets.

2.2 Salinity variability and surface-water circulation

Caribbean Surface Water (0–50 m) flows from the southeasttoward the northwest within the Caribbean Current (Fig. 1a)(Wust, 1964; Tomczak and Godfrey, 2003), and results fromthe mixing of South Atlantic Water from the Guyana Cur-rent and Equatorial water from the North Equatorial Current(Fig. 1a) (Schmitz and Richardson, 1991).

Seasonal SSS variations are determined by the position ofthe ITCZ through both direct inputs of freshwater from lo-cal precipitation and by the advection of low SSS water fromsurface currents. In March, the ITCZ is located southwardsand provides freshwater to the Amazon Basin (Fig. 3a). Thefreshwater supply to the studied area is limited and SSS val-ues are 35.9 p.s.u. (Figs. 2d and 3e). In June, the ITCZis located further north above the Orinoco Basin (Fig. 3b).During that time, the maximum discharge of the AmazonRiver is observed (Fig. 3f, Morrisson and Nowlin, 1982;Muller-Karger et al., 1988; Hernandez-Guerra and Joyce,

2000; Hellweger and Gordon, 2002; Cherubin and Richard-son, 2007). However, the low SSS waters that are trans-ported northward through the Guyana Current do not reachthe northern Caribbean Sea (Figs. 2d, 3f and g). As a re-sult, the SSS value at the site location is high (36.1 p.s.u.,Figs. 2d and 3f). The northward migration of the ITCZin September results in high precipitation rates within thestudied area (Figs. 2b and 3c) and SSS values decreaseto 35.8 p.s.u. (Figs. 2d and 3g). Freshwaters originatingfrom the Orinoco River flow westward into the CaribbeanSea (Fig. 3g, Cherubin and Richardson, 2007). In De-cember, the ITCZ moves southward (Fig. 3d) and Orinocofreshwaters reach the study area causing a decrease in SSSto a level of 35.7 p.s.u. (Cherubin and Richardson, 2007)(Figs. 2d and 3h).

Under modern conditions, SSS seasonal variability at thecore site is best explained by the northward position of theITCZ during boreal summer as a result of in situ freshwaterinput by precipitation during September and the “delayed”

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advection of low SSS waters during late summer (Septemberto November) from the Orinocco River, for which freshwa-ter supply occurs in June. Therefore, in the following, weassociate low SSS values with the northern location of theITCZ.

2.3 Oceanic intermediate and deep-water circulation

Below surface waters, Subtropical UnderWater (SUW) liesbetween 50 and 300 m in the Walton Basin (Fig. S1). TheSUW water mass originates in the Sargasso Sea and is char-acterized by a salinity maximum of 36.7 p.s.u. (Morrisonand Nowlin, 1982). At the studied site, Antarctic Interme-diate Water (AAIW) is found at intermediate water depths(300–1000 m) and is mixed with underlying North AtlanticDeep Water (NADW) (Wust, 1964; Fratantoni et al., 1997;Tomczak and Godfrey, 2003). Between 900 and 1900 m,the Caribbean Sea is filled with upper NADW mixed withAAIW, as well as with Upper Circumpolar Deep Water thathas a salinity of approximately 35 p.s.u. (Wust, 1964; Fratan-toni et al., 1997; Johns et al., 2002 in Schmidt et al., 2006a;Tomczak and Godfrey, 2003).

2.4 Globigerinoides ruberand coccolithophoriddistribution within the water column

Even if the Caribbean Sea is an oligotrophic area, its primaryproductivity (PP) shows seasonal variability. Maximum PPoccurs between February and April when nutrients are car-ried to the northern Caribbean Sea either from upwelling ac-tivity that is created by the CLLJ (Muller-Karger et al., 1988;Hu et al., 2004) in the Southern portion of the Caribbean Sea,or by river plumes that are carried by the Guyana Current(Martinez et al., 2007 and references therein).

The planktonic foraminifer speciesG. ruber inhabitsthe upper portion of the water column, between 0 and 20 m(Schmuker and Schiebel, 2002, Fig. S1), with correspond-ing temperature and salinity averaged values of 27◦C and35.9 p.s.u., respectively (February to April period, Fig. 2dand e).

Coccolithophorids that produce C37 alkenone moleculesoccupy the entire photic zone of the Caribbean Sea, corre-sponding roughly to the depth of the nutricline (Kameo etal., 2004, Fig. S1). In the Northern Caribbean Sea, the nutri-cline fits within the limit of surface waters and the SUW (i.e.the first 50 m of the water column, Fig. S1).

Under modern conditions, coccolithophorids (Kameo etal., 2004) andG. ruber(Schmuker and Schiebel, 2002) bothdwell in nearly the same depth range within the water col-umn of the Caribbean Sea. Today, the seasonality signalis small in SST for the Northern Caribbean Sea (Sect. 2.1and Fig. 2). The thermocline is not well-defined, with nearlyconstant temperature values of approximately 27◦C down to50 m in water depth, followed by a progressive decrease toreach 15◦C at 400 m (Fig. S1). Therefore, in the following

we consider that coccolithophorids andG. ruber inhabit al-most identical temperature conditions (Fig. S1).

3 Methods

Core MD03-2628 was sampled at every 20 cm interval forthe δ18O analysis and for the UK

37 determination. Samplesfor δ18O measurements were wet-sieved for the<63 µm, 63–150 µm, and>150 µm fractions and dried in an oven at 50◦C.G. ruber (250–355 µm) was hand-picked from the>150 µmfraction. Samples for the alkenone analysis were freeze-driedand ground in a mortar. All of the preparations and instru-mental measurements were carried out at CEREGE.

δ18O measurements were performed on five to ten in-dividuals of G. ruber using a Finnigan Delta Advantagemass spectrometer directly coupled to an automatic carbon-ate preparation device (Kiel Device III), dedicated to theanalysis of small samples providing low gas amounts and cal-ibrated to the international scale (Vienna Pee Dee BelemniteVPDB). Analytical precision of the method was controlledwith the regular standard analyses of NBS19 and was betterthan 0.04‰ forδ18OVPDB (1σ ; n = 169). The reproducibilityof this approach was tested using replicate measurements ofG. ruber from the same level at different depths in the core,and showed no significant shift (Table S1).

The analytical procedure and the extraction method for theC37 alkenone measurements are fully described in Sonzogniet al. (1997). The quality of the measurements carried outat CEREGE was confirmed by an international intercalibra-tion study (Rosell-Mele et al., 2001). The analytical accuracywas approximately 0.01 (1σ). SSTs were calculated with theUK ′

37 index using the calibrations of Sonzogni et al. (1997)and Conte et al. (2006). The global calibration provided byConte et al. (2006) sought to take into account the full rangeof temperatures by using a polynomial approach, with an un-certainty of±0.6◦C. Indeed, there is a decrease in the sen-sitivity of the UK ′

37 proxy at temperatures above 24◦C. Thework of Sonzogni et al. (1997) was specifically performedfor temperatures higher than 24◦C. Sonzogni et al. (1997)provided a detailed analysis for higher temperatures, with alinear relationship between the UK ′

37 proxy and temperatures,and an uncertainty of±0.7◦C. SST records from both cal-culations are presented and discussed below (Sect. 4.2. andFig. 4b).

4 Results

4.1 Stable isotope record

Chronology in core MD03-2628 is based upon theG. ru-ber δ18O record (Fig. 4a) as well as paleomagnetic mea-surements and has been fully described elsewhere (see aux-iliary material in Sepulcre et al., 2009 for details). Briefly,the age model was obtained using a correlation for theδ18O Clim. Past, 7, 75–90, 2011

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0 200 400 600 800 1000Age (kyr)











δ18O G. ruber

UK’ calibration from Sonzogni et al. (1997)37

2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

UK’ calibration from Conté et al. (2006)37


b) SST alkenones





MPT100 kyr cycles

Fig. 4







Fig. 4. Core MD03-2628 records for:(a) theδ18O of the planktonicforaminifera Globigerinoides ruber(green curve and dots); and(b) sea-surface temperatures as determined by the UK ′

37 index andcalculated with the Sonzogni et al. (1997) (red curve and squares)and Conte et al. (2006) (yellow curve and triangles) calibrations.Light gray bars and even numbers show the glacial stages as de-fined by δ18O. The yellow area indicates the 650 to 450 ka timeinterval, when the duration and shape of the climate cycles changed(see text for details).

record with a reference record (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005)using the software “Analyseries” (Paillard et al., 1996). Theisotopic correlation was supported by the identification ofthe paleomagnetic events in core MD03-2628, such as theDelta (∼685 ka), the Kamikatsura (∼900 ka), the Santa Rosa(∼940 ka), and the Bruhnes-Matuyama reversal (∼780 ka).The core MD03-2628 record spans the last 940 ka, up to MIS24 (Fig. 4a). The average sedimentation rates for interglacialand glacial periods were 4 and 2 cm ka−1, respectively, witha corresponding time-resolution of 5 and 10 ka.

To test the isotopic stratigraphy established with theδ18Oof G. ruber, the δ18O of the benthic foraminiferaCibici-doides wuellerstorfi(250–355 µm) was measured on coreMD03-2628 for the last five glacial-interglacial Terminationsin order to evaluate the synchronicity between bothδ18Orecords over glacial-interglacial changes (data not shown).The records are in good agreement, indicating that the corre-lation procedure would have been the same when using thebenthicδ18O record of core MD03-2628, and then reinforc-ing the original chronological framework established for coreMD03-2628 at the studied temporal resolution.

A relative uncertainty was estimated for the core MD03-2628 age model by comparing the original age model fromSepulcre et al. (2009) to two other chronologies based onthe stacking for the MD03-2628δ18O of G. ruberto the fol-lowing: (1) the compositeδ18O record of Asian stalagmites

dated using Uranium-Thorium measurements compiled byCheng et al. (2009) for the last 350 ka (Fig. S2a), and (2)the Antarctic CO2 record with the Kawamura et al. (2007)chronology based on the O2/N2 ratio for the last 360 ka(Fig. S2b). Mean age differences of – 2.4 ka (std. dev. = 2.5,n = 33) and 2.3 ka (std. dev. = 6.9,n = 19) were obtained be-tween the published age model (Sepulcre et al., 2009) andthe new chronology based on the Cheng et al. (2009) stalag-mite δ18O record for interglacial and glacial stages, respec-tively. Calculations obtained using an age model based on theKawamura et al. (2007) record yielded average differencesof – 1.3 ka (std. dev. = 3.6,n = 33) during interglacials, and of0.01 ka (std. dev. = 4.2,n = 19) during glacials. Therefore, thedifferences between the three chronologies are minor com-pared to the temporal resolution of our study (Fig. S3). Takentogether, as a conservative estimate, we chose a mean relativeerror for the age model of core MD03-2628 of approximately±2.5 ka.

The δ18O values of G. ruber ranged from −2.2‰(Holocene) to 1.2‰ (MIS 16) (Fig. 4a). The results arein good agreement with previous planktonicδ18O recordsfrom the Caribbean Sea spanning the last 350 ka (Wolff etal., 1998; Schmidt et al., 2004 and 2006a). With the excep-tion of MIS 16, theδ18O values for glacials are nearly con-stant at approximately 0–0.4‰ for the overall record. From940 to 650 ka, glacial-interglacial amplitudes for theδ18Ovariations through glacial Terminations were approximately1‰, with values for interglacials ranging between−1.4 and−0.7‰ (Fig. 4a). Between 650 and 450 ka (from MIS 16to MIS 13), we observed a very high value for MIS 16, outof range for other glacialδ18O values recorded, and aδ18Ovalue for MIS 14 as high as a cold event during MIS 15(Fig. 4a). Glacial-interglacial amplitudes spanning Termina-tions from 450 ka to the core top increased to approximately2‰, as compared to the oldest time interval. The changein amplitude is due to a shift in interglacial stage values to-ward lowerδ18O, ranging from−2.2 to−1.4‰ (Fig. 4a). Inthe following, we define three time intervals correspondingto downcore variations in theδ18O of G. ruber, as follows:(1) the period older than 650 ka, (2) the 650–450 ka time-interval, and (3) the last 450 ka.

The core top value for theδ18O of G. ruber was−2‰,very close to the expected value (−2.3‰) obtained when us-ing the equation of Mulitza et al. (2003) and modern hydro-logic data (theδ18Oseawater= 1.01‰ from the Global Seawa-terδ18O Database (Schmidt et al., 1999) and the mean annualSST = 27.8◦C at the core location). The Mulitza et al. (2003)equation provided a result that is in better agreement withmeasuredδ18O than the Bemis et al. (1998) equation. Thecore topδ18O value was close to the calculated value evenwhen we considered the possible shifts between modern andfossil G. ruber from Holocene samples (Waelbroeck et al.,2005). In the following, we used the equation of Mulitza etal. (2003) to calculate theδ18O record of seawater.

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0 100 200 300 400 500

Age (kyr)

2 6 8 10 12a) MD03-2628 Alkenones SST






b) ODP999A Mg/Ca SST

(Schmidt et al., 2006)

c) ODP999A Faunal Assemblages SST

(Martinez et al., 2007)














Fig. 5Fig. 5. A comparison of the MD03-2628 sea-surface temperature(SST) record with other SST reconstructions in the Caribbean Sea.(a) A zoom-in for the last 500 ka for the SST results obtained usingthe UK ′

37 index on core MD03-2628;(b) and(c) results obtained onODP core 999A (Fig. 1a) by(b) Schmidt et al. (2004 and 2006a),with Mg/Ca SST results (red curve and dots) and by(c) Martinez etal. (2007), with mean annual values of faunal SST reconstructions(pink curve and dots). Light gray bars and even numbers are thesame as in Fig. 4.

4.2 Paleosea-surface temperatures

The SST records of core MD03-2628 calculated using theSonzogni et al. (1997) and Conte et al. (2006) calibrationsboth exhibited a well-defined glacial-interglacial cyclicity,with lower values during glacials (Fig. 4b). No long termtrend was observed for both SST records.

With the Sonzogni et al. (1997) calibration, the core topSST was 27.7◦C, in good agreement with modern annualSST (Fig. 2e). SST values ranged from a minimum valueof 24.8◦C (MIS 22) to a maximum value of 28.1◦C (MIS15). Interglacial and glacial stages had an average SST of27.3◦C (±0.07◦C, 1σm with σm =


n, n = 69) and 26.5◦C

(±0.14◦C, 1σm, n =33 ), respectively. The average ampli-tude of the glacial-interglacial change was approximately1.9◦C (±0.17◦C, 1σm, n = 11), with values ranging from0.78◦C to 2.8◦C (Terminations VI and X, respectively).

By using the calibration of Conte et al. (2006), we ob-tained SST values ranging from 26.2◦C during MIS 8 andMIS 22, and 28.6◦C during MIS 15. The SST at the core topwas 28.3◦C, which is slightly higher than the annual mod-ern SST value of 27.8◦C (Fig. 2e). The average interglacialand glacial SST values were 28◦C (±0.04◦C, 1σm, n = 69)and 27.3◦C (±0.1◦C, 1σm, n = 33), respectively. SST vari-ations during the Terminations ranged from 0.3 to 2.1◦C for

Terminations V and X, respectively, with an average value of1.2◦C (±0.15◦C, 1σm, n = 11).

The average SST values calculated using both calibrationmethods are in good agreement if we take into account therelated uncertainties. The main difference relies on the am-plitude of the SST change during the Terminations whichis due to a higher sensitivity of the Sonzogni et al. (1997)calibration in a temperature range warmer than 24◦C, suchas at the core MD03-2628 site, as compared to the calibra-tion of Conte et al. (2006). Therefore, in the following, weuse the SST reconstruction from the Sonzogni et al. (1997)calibration.

Since, here, we present the first alkenone-based SST re-construction available for the Caribbean Sea, our data werecompared with previous SST records from the same areaobtained from micropaleontological assemblages (Huls andZahn, 2000; Schmidt et al., 2006a; Martinez et al., 2007),and foraminiferal Mg/Ca (Hastings et al., 1998; Schmidt etal., 2004 and 2006a) (ODP core 999A, Figs. 1a and 5).

The SST difference through Termination I was well-documented, showing a glacial to interglacial change rang-ing from 1 to 4◦C (Fig. 5b and c). Thus, a value of approxi-mately 2◦C, as determined in core MD03-2628 (Fig. 5a), iswithin the range of previous reconstitutions.

For the last 350 ka, all of the SST records exhibiteda glacial/interglacial pattern with a similar amplitude forglacial Terminations except for the MIS 5e and TerminationIV Mg/Ca-SSTs, and the MIS 3 micropaleontological-SSTs(Fig. 5).

When comparing Mg/Ca and alkenone SST records, mostof the differences were within the uncertainties of both pale-othermometers (±0.4 and±0.7◦C, respectively). However,additional factors might imprint SST reconstructions as lowsedimentation rates at the core MD03-2628 location that mayhave smoothed the SST signal and its amplitude as comparedto the record of Schmidt et al. (2006a). For the 360–465 katime-interval, differences between both reconstructions arerelated to the dissolution processes described at the core ODP999A site by Schmidt et al. (2006a).

Alkenone and micropaleontological SST records are sim-ilar and within the uncertainties of both methods (±0.7 and±0.5–1.5◦C, respectively), except for the time-interval olderthan 450 ka. According to Martinez et al. (2007), the aver-age distance to the nearest analog tends to increase with timewith maximum values reached during MIS 13-14. There-fore, SST reconstructions based upon micropaleontologicalassemblages can not be considered as fully robust before450 ka.

Finally, part of the observed discrepancies may also berelated to the different core sites, and in particular thenearly permanent location inside the Atlantic Warm Poolfor core ODP 999A, unlike core MD03-2628 (for a com-plete discussion, see Ziegler et al., 2008). Additionally, SSTrecords from core ODP 999A exhibited differences betweenreconstructions depending on the proxy utilized, whereas Clim. Past, 7, 75–90, 2011

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they were determined on the same marine archive (Schmidtet al., 2006a; Martinez et al., 2007). Therefore, even whentaking into account the few differences between availableSST reconstructions, general agreement was found betweenthe alkenone-SST record in core MD03-2628 and other SSTrecords, supporting the application of alkenone-SST for es-timations of paleohydrological variability in the northernCaribbean Sea. The impact of these SST differences on thecalculation of theδ18O of seawater is evaluated in Sect. 4.3.

4.3 The calculation of local surfaceδ18O variability

By combining theδ18O of G. ruber and the alkenone-SSTrecords of core MD03-2628, we estimated theδ18O of sea-water at the core location (Fig. 6a). Since foraminifera andcoccolithophorids have different ecologies, we first consid-ered the potential impact of past changes in their growthdepth and seasonality on the hydrological reconstruction.Under modern conditions, coccolithophorids andG. ruberinhabit nearly the same depth range within the water col-umn (Fig. S1 and Sect. 2.4., Kameo et al., 2004; Schmukerand Schiebel, 2002). Reconstructions of the stratifica-tion between surface and subsurface waters in the NorthernCaribbean Sea for the past 300 ka have shown that coccol-ithophorid populations were controlled by the nutrient sup-ply rather than the temperature influence, and that the studiedgroups are always occupied within the first 50 m of the watercolumn (Kameo et al., 2004).G. ruberis a symbiont-bearingspecies, so its migration in the water column deeper than50 m seems unlikely. The impact of past seasonality changesis difficult to estimate. At the core MD03-2628 site, we knowfrom modern conditions that the seasonality signal in the SSTrecord is weak (Fig. 2e). Additionally, low sedimentationrates may have contributed to smooth the record. Therefore,we assume that past changes in the growth depth and season-ality did not significantly bias the climatic record at the coreMD03-2628 site at the studied temporal resolution.

Glacial-interglacial variability was well-expressed in thepast δ18O of seawater, with values ranging from 1.05 to4.12‰ and with a trend of higherδ18O during glacials.Glacial values were nearly constant for the 940–650 ka timeinterval when compared to the 450–0 ka period, with val-ues of 3.08± 0.06‰ (1σm, n = 12) and 2.97± 0.07‰ (1σm,n = 15), respectively. Interglacial stages displayed the samepattern as theδ18O of G. ruber, with lower values of 0.61‰

(±0.07, 1σsum, whereσsum=√

σ 21 +σ 2

2 ) for the last 450 ka(1.7‰± 0.05, 1σm, n = 37) as compared to the 940–650 katime interval (2.3‰± 0.04, 1σm, n = 24). Taking into ac-count the uncertainty of the SST reconstruction (± 0.7◦C)led to an error of 0.23‰ for the calculation of the pastδ18Oof seawater, a value that is lower than the difference of 0.61‰observed for interglacial stages from 940–650 ka and from450–0 ka, and the average glacial-interglacial amplitude of1.46‰ (±0.17, 1σm, n = 11).

a)2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

0 200 400 600 800 1000Age (kyr)

c) MD03-2628 Δδ18O water (this study)





Δδ18O water(reconstructed-modern)

b)Δδ18O relative to present








δ18O of G. ruber corrected from alkenones SST (this study) MD03-2628


Benthic Δδ18O, Lisiecki and Raymo (2005)

Δδ18O due to ice-sheet volume Bintanja and van de Wal (2008)

Δδ18O due to ice-sheet volumeWaelbroeck et al. (2002)







100 kyr cycles



W (




W (




W (%

o )

Fig. 6Fig. 6. The calculation steps for the correction procedure for MD03-2628 δ18O for Globigerinoides ruber. (a) The core MD03-2628δ18O record (blue curve and dots) corrected for temperature effectsusing sea-surface temperatures (from the UK ′

37 index) and the equa-tion of Mulitza et al. (2003). The error bar at the left shows the errorin the calculation due to SST uncertainty.(b) The global oceanic1δ18O relative to the present; the global benthic1δ18O stack fromLisiecki and Raymo (2005) is shown in dark blue. From this record,Bintanja and van de Wal (2008) extracted the ice-volume effect(IVE, orange curve) in global1δ18O. The IVE effect was also re-contructed by Waelbroeck et al. (2002) (pink curve). See the textfor calculation details.(c) Variations in theδ18O of seawater rel-ative to modern values (noticed1δ18O) at the core MD03-2628location calculated using the records in(a) and(b). The black boldline is the average of a global IVE correction from Waelbroeck etal. (2002) and Bintanja and van de Wal (2008). The standard devia-tion is indicated by the thin lines and includes the variability of bothIVE reconstructions as well as an uncertainty of±2.5 ka on the coreMD03-2628 age model. See the text for calculation details. Lightgray bars, even numbers, and yellow area are the same as in Fig. 4.

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As discussed in Sect. 4.2., differences between SSTrecords in the Caribbean Sea are documented and may con-tribute to the variability observed in the calculatedδ18O ofseawater. However, on glacial-interglacial timescales, thetemperature signal only accounts for approximately 0.2‰,on average, of the total amplitude of theδ18O of seawa-ter change (1.46‰) during Terminations. Additionally, thelong-term trend observed for theδ18O of G. ruber and forthe calculatedδ18O of seawater is not documented in SSTreconstructions from the Caribbean Sea. Therefore, webelieve that the discrepancies between the different paleo-temperature reconstructions have little influence on the vari-ability for theδ18O of seawater.

As a second step, we corrected the MD03-2628δ18Oof seawater from global ice volume changes. For the last430 ka, two reconstructions for the ice volume effect (IVE)obtained from Waelbroeck et al. (2002) and Bintanja andvan de Wal (2008) were used (Fig. 6b). In general, goodagreement was observed between the IVE curves for the last430 ka (Fig. 6b). We calculated the differentδ18O IVE’s pro-vided within the records of Bintanja and van de Wal (2008)and Waelbroeck et al. (2002) by including the age model un-certainty of±2.5 ka for core MD03-2628. We used thesedifferent estimations to correct theδ18O of seawater at thecore MD03-2628 site from the IVE. At the studied temporalresolution, a shift of±2.5 ka does not affect the phase re-lationships between the differentδ18O IVE reference curvesand core MD03-2628δ18O and SST records. Finally, the cal-culatedδ18O of seawater takes into account the core MD03-2628 age model uncertainty and the variability induced us-ing two different IVE corrections. For an easier comparison,here, we present the difference between theδ18O of seawaterin the past and theδ18O of modern seawater (1.01‰), indi-cated as1δ18O (Fig. 6c). As expected, the uncertainties arehigher during glacial stages, when sedimentation rates arelower.

The conversion for theδ18O of seawater into paleo-SSSvalues may be uncertain due to a lack of information regard-ing the temporal evolution for theδ18O of the seawater/SSSrelationship (that is theδ18Oseawater= 0.263(±0.06)· S-8.57(±1.99) at the core site if we consider calibrations fromthe Caribbean Sea and the Tropical Atlantic of Watanabe etal., 2001, Steph et al., 2006, and Regenberg et al., 2009).Therefore, we decided to discuss the change in1δ18O asa proxy for variations in SSS relative to modern conditions(Fig. 6c). The1δ18O record exhibited a glacial/interglacialpattern with high and low values during glacial and inter-glacial stages, respectively, for the last 940 ka (Fig. 6c). Av-erage interglacial values were 0.5‰ (±0.05‰, 1σm, n = 37)for the last 450 ka, and 0.95‰ (±0.05‰, 1σm, n = 24) forthe 940–650 ka time-interval, resulting in a1δ18O differencebetween the two periods of 0.45‰ (±0.07‰, 1σsum). Onthe contrary, we observed a trend of nearly constant1δ18Ofor all of the glacial stages throughout the record, with av-erage values of 1.36‰ (±0.07‰, 1σm, n = 12) and 1.26‰

(± 0.07‰, 1σm, n = 15), from 940 to 650 ka and from 450 to0 ka, respectively. Hereafter, we refer to an average glacial1δ18O value of 1.31‰ (±0.09‰, 1σsum) for both time-intervals.

On glacial-interglacial timescales, variations in the1δ18Ofrom −0.35 to 0.65‰ have been described for the last 130 kain the Caribbean Sea (Schmidt et al., 2004). For the sametime interval,1δ18O results ranged from−0.02 and 1.5‰.A higher 1δ18O amplitude of change in core MD03-2628may be related to a less pronounced variability in the SSTrecord when compared to previous studies, mainly due to thelow resolution of core MD03-2628 sampling and a decreasein sedimentation rates during glacial stages (Fig. 5). In spiteof the difference in the1δ18O amplitude, the same trendwas found in both reconstructions with high values duringglacials and low values during interglacials. Additionally, theaverage glacial/interglacial difference for core MD03-26281δ18O resulted in 0.8‰ (±0.1‰, 1σsum), in good agreementwith the amplitudes of 0.5 and 0.8‰ as determined for thelast two glacial Terminations in the Caribbean Sea, respec-tively (Schmidt et al., 2004), and with a study in the tropicalAtlantic for the last Termination (Wolff et al., 1998).

5 Discussion

Reconstruction for the regional1δ18O of seawater in theNorthern Caribbean Sea has revealed two major trends – amarked glacial/interglacial pattern spanning the last 940 kaand a shift toward lower surface water1δ18O during inter-glacial stages over the last 450 ka (Fig. 7a). In both cases theresults are interpreted as changes in the salinity budget at thecore location. After validating our reconstructions, the cli-mate mechanisms responsible for these hydrologic changesand their implications are discussed according to the follow-ing main lines:

1. Processes influencing the ITCZ location on glacial-interglacial timescales. We refer to the evidence forthe ITCZ migration in paleoclimatic records and dis-cuss the mechanisms involved based on modeling re-sults. Changes in the cross-equatorial transport of saltand heat into the North Atlantic associated with theITCZ migration, and their related consequences on theAMOC, are also considered;

2. Using the mechanisms pointed out for the glacial-interglacial timescale, we discuss the possible causesand consequences of an ITCZ migration for interglacialstages spanning the last 450 ka, following the MPT. Weexplore changes in oceanic and atmospheric heat trans-fers in particular that may have been associated withITCZ movement, and examine how these different pro-cesses may have contributed to the amplification of theclimate cycles after the MPT. Clim. Past, 7, 75–90, 2011

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0 200 400 600 800 1000Age (kyr)

a) Caribbean Sea (MD03-2628, this study)

Decreasing salinity







d) Benthic stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005) Atmospheric CO2 (Luthi et al., 2008)









2 (p




c) Sea surface temperaturesAntarctic sector of the South Atlantic(Becquey and Gersonde, 2002)


Δδ18O water(reconstructed-modern)



W (




(%o )

Fig. 7

2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24




B (%

o )














b) Caribbean Sea δ18O of G. ruber (MD03-2628, this study) Caribbean Sea δ18O of G. sacculifer (DSDP502, Prell, 1982) Equatorial Pacific δ18O of G. sacculifer (ODP 847, Farrell et al., 1995)










MPT100 kyr cycles

Fig. 7. (a)Mean variations for theδ18O of seawater relative to mod-ern values (noticed1δ18O) at the core MD03-2628 location, as aproxy for past sea-surface salinities (SSS) (the black bold line andfull circles, the thin lines indicate the standard deviation). The lightblue bold line represents the average glacial values for the 950–650and the 450–0 ka time interval. The thin blue lines are the error at1 σm. The red bold lines represent, for each time interval (950–650and 450–0 ka), the associated mean1δ18O value for interglacialstages (thin red lines exhibit the error given by 1σm). The redarrow indicates the shift in past-SSS values for interglacial stagesoccuring after 650 ka.(b) A comparison between the planktonicδ18O records of core MD03-2628 (green curve and dots, this study)with theδ18O of G. sacculiferrecords from the Southern CaribbeanSea (DSDP 502, Fig. 1a, Prell, 1982, gray curve and dots), and theEquatorial Pacific (ODP 847, Fig. 1a, Farell et al., 1995, orangecurve and dots).(c) The sea-surface temperature record from theAntarctic sector of the South Atlantic (core ODP 1090, Becqueyand Gersonde, 2002).(d) The global benthicδ18O record fromLisiecki and Raymo (2005) in dark blue, and past atmospheric CO2concentrations in light green (Luthi et al., 2008). Light gray bars,even numbers, and yellow area are the same as in Fig. 4.

5.1 The validity of 1δ18O reconstructions

5.1.1 Glacial/interglacial1δ18O changes

The glacial/interglacial pattern for the1δ18O record in coreMD03-2628 is clearly documented for the entire record, ex-cept for MIS 20 and 22 (Fig. 7a). Even if the mean1δ18Ovalue changed over time (see below), glacial/interglacialvariations of1δ18O were maintained downcore, suggest-ing that the surface water salinity increase in the northernCaribbean Sea during glacial stages was a recurrent featureof the last million years. Similar patterns have previouslybeen described for the last glacial/interglacial cycle in theCaribbean Sea (Schmidt et al., 2004) and in the western trop-ical Atlantic for the last 350 ka (Durkoop et al., 1997). Undermodern conditions, the northern position of the ITCZ duringboreal summer modulates the freshwater supply to the stud-ied area and, thus, the SSS variability (see Sect. 2.2). Themain process for explaining an increase in SSS at the coresite is a southern position for the ITCZ that would preventdirect and indirect freshwater supplies during glacial peri-ods. Evidence for southward displacement has already beendetermined in other paleoclimatic records from the same area(e.g., Schmidt et al., 2004; Ziegler et al., 2008 and referencestherein). Additionally, it is generally accepted that glacialstages are associated with a reduced AMOC (e.g., Stoufferet al., 2006; Lynch-Stieglitz et al., 2007). Therefore, a re-duced cross-equatorial flow would keep salty surface watersat low latitudes rather than transport them to the high lati-tudes of the northern Atlantic (Crowley, 1992). Such a fea-ture is found in the core MD03-26281δ18O record, whichreflects an increase in salinity during glacial periods span-ning the last 940 ka, in agreement with previous modellingstudies and paleoceanographic records from tropical areas(Ruhlemann et al., 2004; Dahl et al., 2005) (Fig. 7a).

5.1.2 Long-term1δ18O shifts

The other remarkable feature in the1δ18O record of coreMD03-2628 is a shift toward lower values occurring duringinterglacial stages after 450 ka (Fig. 7a). This trend in localsalinity in the northern Caribbean Sea is robust and is not anartifact produced by the SST reconstruction (Figs. 4b and 5),and/or by the global oceanicδ18O (Fig. 6). The SST record incore MD03-2628 does not show any shift between 650 ka and450 ka (Fig. 4b), a feature that is supported by other tropicalSST records for the last million years (even if other areasare controlled by different climate processes) (de Garidel-Thoron, 2007; Liu et al., 2008). We have shown that the trendobserved in the1δ18O record already exists in the seawaterδ18O record reconstructed only by correcting theδ18O of G.ruber for SST without considering the global mean oceanicδ18O (Fig. 6a).

The effect of long-term changes in the preservation state ofplanktonic foraminiferal tests onδ18O values can be ruled out

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since Sepulcre et al. (2009) have shown that calcium carbon-ate minerals were well-preserved in core MD03-2628 overthe last 940 ka, as indicated by high amounts of metastablefine aragonite as well as magnesian calcite.

The comparison between core MD03-2628δ18O resultsand other planktonic records supports the fact that the ob-served trend is related to Caribbean water hydrology. TheGlobigerinoides sacculiferδ18O record at site ODP 847in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (Fig. 1a, Farrell et al.,1995) does show constant mean values for the last millionyears (Fig. 7b). On the other hand, theG. sacculiferδ18Orecord from core DSDP 502 obtained from the CaribbeanSea (Figs. 1a and 7b) also shows a significant difference (ofapproximately 0.4‰) in meanδ18O values between the lateand early Quaternary (Prell, 1982).

Therefore, we suggest that the observed shift in the1δ18Oof core MD03-2628 reflects changes in the regional salin-ity of the Caribbean Sea mainly during interglacial stages(Fig. 7a). The ITCZ may have migrated farther northwardduring interglacials over the last 450 ka (as compared tothe period before 650 ka), explaining these local hydrologicchanges. A northward position would bring more freshwa-ter to the site and cause a salinity decrease during inter-glacials, as observed during modern late summer conditions(Figs. 2 and 3). An alternate explanation would be an in-crease in ITCZ intensity following the MPT. Warmer SSTs inthe Northern tropics could have resulted in more intense at-mospheric convection and thus, more intense rainfall result-ing in reduced interglacial SSS. However, there is no clearlong-term trend observed in SST records from different loca-tions of the tropical area over the MPT (de Garidel-Thoron,2007; Liu et al., 2008). Therefore, the impact of warmer SSTon the ITCZ intensity at the MPT timescale seems unlikely,and in the following, we discuss processes involved in ITCZmigration.

5.2 Mechanisms for ITCZ migration and links with theAMOC

The processes responsible for ITCZ migration at glacial-interglacial timescales can be inferred both from modernconditions and modelling results. The modern seasonal mi-gration of the ITCZ is influenced by the cross-equator tem-perature gradient, with a relatively warm Northern Hemi-sphere compared to the Southern Hemisphere; this north-south asymmetry implies that the ITCZ lies within the rela-tively warm Northern Hemisphere for most of the year (e.g.,Chiang et al., 2002 and 2003).

As mentioned previously by several authors (Chiang et al.,2003; Broccoli et al., 2006; Stouffer et al., 2006), an inter-hemispheric temperature contrast was initiated during peri-ods of reduced AMOC and played an important role in ITCZdisplacement in the past on glacial/interglacial timescales. Arecent study focused on simulations of the last glacial maxi-mum. Special emphasis on the ITCZ has shown that a south-

ward shift of the ITCZ, resulting from an increased equatorto pole temperature gradient in the Northern Hemisphere as-sociated with glacial boundary conditions, is a robust feature,since it has been observed in several model outputs (Bracon-not et al., 2007). The associated oceanic response in the trop-ical Atlantic is a warming of thermocline waters that resultsfrom the decreased strength of the northward flowing currentin surface and thermocline waters (Ruhlemann et al., 2004;Dahl et al., 2005). Warm and salty waters stay in the tropicswithout being exported to the north (Dahl et al., 2005; Wanet al., 2010).

The interesting feature is that the ITCZ migration, whichis related to a change in the cross-equator temperature gra-dient due to a reduced AMOC, has been mentioned for dif-ferent timescales and corresponds to different modes of cli-mate variability and thermohaline circulation (Mix et al.,1986; Durkoop et al., 1997; Schmidt et al., 2004; Ziegleret al., 2008); and occurs during rapid climate changes (e.g.,Heinrich events) (Ruhlemann et al., 1999; Vidal et al., 1999,Schmidt et al., 2004 and 2006b; Weldeab et al., 2006; Ziegleret al., 2008). Similar mechanisms for different timescalesmay be involved and may help to explain ITCZ migrationin the past. We propose that North Atlantic variability inter-acted with the ITCZ position over the MPT.

5.3 Links between the ITCZ location and climatechanges associated with the MPT

One possible interpretation for the low SSS estimates dur-ing interglacial stages spanning the last 450 ka is a north-ward shift of the ITCZ. The comparison between theδ18Orecords of core MD03-2628 and core DSDP 502 suggeststhat ITCZ migration influenced the Caribbean Sea overall(Figs. 1a and 7b). In contrast, theδ18O record of core ODP847 obtained from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean didnot record lowerδ18O values during interglacials spanningthe last 450 ka (Fig. 7b). Under modern conditions, coreODP 847 lies at the southernmost limit of the ITCZ’s influ-ence (Fig. 1a); therefore, a northward ITCZ migration wouldnot influence the core ODP 847 site.

One way to explain the northward ITCZ migration is achange in the cross-equator temperature gradient that may berelated to an increased northward oceanic heat transfer dur-ing the interglacials of the past 450 ka (Trenberth and Caron,2001). Evidence of enhanced oceanic mass transport can befound in results obtained from the South Atlantic (Peeters etal., 2004). Faunal assemblages in the Cape Basin were usedto reconstruct the so-called “Agulhas leakage” (AL), an in-dex for heat and salt export from the Indian Ocean into theAtlantic Ocean. The temporal evolution of this index clearlyshows a marked variability with 100 ka-cycles with an en-hanced export of warm and salty waters into the south At-lantic during the past five glacial Terminations (Peeters etal., 2004). The strong relationship between the efficiencyof the AL and the strength of the AMOC is supported by Clim. Past, 7, 75–90, 2011

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observations in the modern ocean and by model simulations(Knorr and Lohmann, 2003; Biastoch et al., 2008). The in-tensity of the AL depends on the location of Southern Oceanoceanographic fronts (SOF) and the related Southern Hemi-sphere westerlies (Rouault et al., 2009; Biastoch et al., 2009).A poleward migration of the SOF induces changes in windstress that cause the resumption of the Agulhas currrent and,as a consequence, intense leakage from the Indian Ocean tothe Atlantic Basin. At glacial-interglacial timescales, influ-ence of the SOF migration on the AL and its impacts on theAMOC has been invoked for extreme glacial stages (Bardand Rickaby, 2009). On a longer timescale, a study basedon past SST from the South Atlantic spanning the MPThas pointed to a shift toward higher SST values during in-terglacial stages for the last 450 ka, as compared to olderinterglacial stages (Becquey and Gersonde, 2002, Fig. 7c).The abrupt change in SST values reflects a southernmostSOF location, implying a stronger AL for the last five inter-glacial stages as compared to interglacials older than 650 ka(Becquey and Gersonde, 2002, Fig. 7c). These long-termchanges in the SOF location may have induced a more vigor-ous AMOC during interglacial stages of the last 450 ka. Anenhanced northward oceanic transfer during the interglacialstages could have promoted more intense heat transport tohigh latitudes, and therefore, warming of the Northern Hemi-sphere (Chiang et al., 2003; Braconnot et al., 2007; Togg-weiler, 2009). As a result, the ITCZ could have moved north-ward. Finally, the combination of a northernmost ITCZ loca-tion and an increase in oceanic heat transfer may be involvedin the amplification of climate cycles during the last 450 ka(Fig. 7d).

A final piece of evidence for a long-term migration of theSOF during the MPT is derived from the change in atmo-spheric CO2. Model simulations have shown links betweenthe location of the SOF and atmospheric CO2 through theoceanic carbon pump efficiency (Saenko et al., 2005; Tog-gweiler et al., 2006; Toggweiler and Russell, 2008; Kohlerand Bintanja, 2008). The recent record of atmospheric CO2from the EPICA spanning the last 800 ka clearly shows a dif-ference in the glacial-interglacial amplitude for CO2 changesbetween the last five climate cycles, and for periods olderthan 450 ka (Luthi et al., 2008, Fig. 7d). Profound changes inthe carbon cycle may need to be invoked in order to explainthe transition of the overall climate system from the 41-ka tothe 100-ka world.

6 Conclusions

The goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of changesin the climate system following the Mid-Pleistocene Transi-tion (MPT) on the tropical Atlantic Ocean by evaluating pastvariations in the hydrologic cycle in the Northern CaribbeanSea. In core MD03-2628, we estimated past sea surfacesalinities (SSS) using reconstructions of the past changes of

seawaterδ18O relative to modern conditions (1δ18O). Theδ18O of seawater was obtained by combining the alkenonesea-surface temperature record with theδ18O of G. ruberand by applying a correction for the ice-sheet volume ef-fect over the last 940 ka. Today, the main control on SSSat the core site is the modern seasonal inter-tropical con-vergence zone (ITCZ) migration. Variations in the1δ18Odisplayed a pattern of lower and higher SSS during inter-glacial and glacial stages, respectively, over the past 940 ka.Glacial stage values for1δ18O were nearly constant for thelast 940 ka, whereas interglacial values for the 940–650 katime-period were higher than for the 450–0 ka interval.

The core MD03-26281δ18O record allowed us to docu-ment the relationships between the low latitude hydrologiccycle and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC) at the glacial/interglacial timescale over the last940 ka. We propose that for all glacial periods during the last940 ka, the southward position of the ITCZ induced an in-crease in SSS at the studied site, in association with a reducedAMOC, keeping warm and salty waters at low latitudes, aspreviously suggested for the last glacial period. On a longertimescale, the1δ18O results highlight the response of tropi-cal areas to climate changes associated with the MPT. A shiftin the1δ18O values reflects the northward migration of theITCZ during the last five interglacial periods, when com-pared to the time-period before 650 ka. Northward move-ment during interglacial stages could have been associatedwith an enhanced cross-equatorial oceanic transport, as sup-ported by evidence from the South Atlantic. The combina-tion of enhanced northward atmospheric and oceanic trans-fers could have participated in the amplification of climatecycles during the last 450 ka.

Supplementary material related to thisarticle is available online at:

Acknowledgements.Paleoclimate work at CEREGE is supportedby grants from the CNRS, the ANR-PICC, the Gary ComerFoundation for Science and Education, the European Community(Project Past4Future) and the College de France. We are grateful toCorinne Sonzogni for technical assistance.

Edited by: H. Fischer

The publication of this article is financed by CNRS-INSU.

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