Se c o n d a r y Building co a c,...

©2008, Infinite Campus. All Rights Reserved. Last modified: 18 August 2008 1 SECONDARY BUILDING COACH Campus Overview (30 minutes) Learn to: Navigate Search Use the Help documents Learn the role of Building Coaches in the sup- port process Create School Notices Role of Coaches (30 minutes) Learn the role of building coaches in the sup- port processes. Student Informa- tion > General for Secondary Schools (2 hours) Understand the information available in Student Information > General tabs Schedule (full Walk-In Scheduler) Transcript Credit Sumary Lockers Athletics System Administra- tion for Secondary Student Functions (1 hour, 30 min- utes) View system setup and tools related to secondary tabs of student information general. Locker setup Transcript Post Activity Eligibility (1 hour) Learn options for tracking activity eligibility in Campus. Creation of Activity courses Roster setup for participants Options for eligibility grade submission Grading Task Pulling from Gradebook Running the eligibility report Grad Planner (1 hour) View the Student Grad Planner Understand the Grad Planner setup in Grading and Standards. Review (30 minutes) Review questions/activities Q/A with the trainer

Transcript of Se c o n d a r y Building co a c,...

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Secondary Building coach

Campus Overview(30 minutes)

Learn to:Navigate•Search•Use the Help documents•Learn the role of Building Coaches in the sup-•port processCreate School Notices•

Role of Coaches(30 minutes)

Learn the role of building coaches in the sup-•port processes.

Student Informa-tion > General for Secondary Schools(2 hours)

Understand the information available in Student Information > General tabs

Schedule (full Walk-In Scheduler)•Transcript•Credit Sumary•Lockers•Athletics•

System Administra-tion for Secondary Student Functions(1 hour, 30 min-utes)

View system setup and tools related to secondary tabs of student information general.

Locker setup•Transcript Post•

Activity Eligibility(1 hour)

Learn options for tracking activity eligibility in Campus.

Creation of Activity courses•Roster setup for participants•Options for eligibility grade submission•Grading Task•Pulling from Gradebook•Running the eligibility report•

Grad Planner(1 hour)

View the Student Grad Planner•Understand the Grad Planner setup in Grading •and Standards.

Review(30 minutes)

Review questions/activities•Q/A with the trainer•

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What information can you gain from the Credit Summary tab?1.

What is the difference between cumGPA, Rolling GPA and Term 2.GPA?

Is it possible toenter any course number when adding a transcript 3.item?

What are the key components necessary for making sure the 4.students have the appropriate transcript information added if they transfer from another school?

Is it possible to reserve a locker for a student? How?5.

What setup distinguishes an “activity course” (being used to track 6.participation for activity eligibility from a regular academic course?

Review Questions

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Logging In & Navigation

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OverviewIn this lesson, you will be introduced to the Infinite Campus Student Information System.

ObjectivesAt the conclusion of this lesson, you should be able to:

Log in to Campus•Know and accurately describe the three tabs in your outline.•Know and accurately describe the three areas of the window.•Log out of Campus•

Figure 1

Access & Logging InEach district’s data is stored in a different location on the Internet and is accessed through a Web browser such as Internet Explorer. The web address used in training will be different than the address you will use in your everyday use of your school’s Campus application.

Launch a web browser such as Internet Explorer on your the web address (URL) provided by your trainer in the 2.location bar of your browser.When the page loads, your screen should display the login 3.screen for Infinite Campus.Enter the user name and password provided by your trainer.4.Click OK.5.

Training Site:

User Name:


logging in & navigation

Campus is a web-based product. The system is acces-sible anywhere in the world at any

time. Security is of utmost importance and it is highly recommended and in many districts “strong passwords” are required. A strong password is at least eight characters long, case sensitive, with a combi-nation of letters and numbers or special characters (!, @, # etc.). Passwords should not contain parts of your name or username. If your password is entered incorrectly 5 times the account will be disabled. Con-tact your school or district office to have your password reset.

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Logging In & Navigation

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NavigationOnce you have logged into the Campus application, you will notice your screen is divided into three main areas. (See Figure 2.)

Figure 2

Campus ToolbarThe Campus Toolbar, noted as area 1 in Figure 2, contains drop down menus to select which year and school needed. In addition, a calendar and schedule structure drop down menu will appear if applicable. Your account’s rights will determine which schools and what years’ data you can access.

Outline The Outline, noted as area 2 in Figure 2, contains three tabs. The Index tab contains all the Campus tools an individual has access to as determined by security rights. The tools are collected into groups called modules. To open a module, click on either the plus sign or the name of the module. The Search tab allows the user to quickly find student and course information, or help topics. The context sensitive Help tab allows the user to quickly find more information about the Campus tool currently in the workspace. For example, if a question arises during taking attendance through the Daily Attendance tool, clicking the help tab will pull up an article describing how to take attendance in Campus using the Daily Attendance tool.

Workspace The Workspace, noted as area 3 in Figure 2 is the space selected tools from the Index tab will load. Upon logging into Campus, district and school notices displaying important announcements and reminders. At the bottom of your workspace is a section called the process inbox which contains the user’s “to do” list in Campus. Depending on your role and tools, different items may appear in the process inbox section as a reminder to complete particular tasks in Campus.

Logging Out of CampusAt the end of a session or if the user will be away from their computer for an extended amount of time it is important to end the Campus ses-sion by clicking on Log Off located in the Outline under the Index tab. Your session will close and return to the login screen.

Calendar- a data element in Campus that defines the terms, periods, instruction-al days and grade levels at a school for a year. State reporting data is extracted and aggregated out of a particular calendar.

Schedule Structure- a sub-division of a calendar for the purposes of setting up a group of students on a different scheduling pattern, such as different terms, periods or set of instructional days.

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User Communications

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OverviewUser notices are text that can be placed on either the Portal login screen or on the Campus home page for staff members and/or users of the Campus portal. These messages are created using the User Notices tool found in User Communication.

ObjectiveCreate and modify User Notices.•Learn best practices for using User Notices.•

Creating a User Notice for a SchoolA school user notice can be viewed by people with rights to that school. Rights are determined for staff members by calendar rights, and for parents or students by the enrollment in the school for that year.

To create a user notice:Select the appropriate school from the school drop down list1.In the index outline, expand User Communication and select 2.User Notices.On the user notice tab, click the New icon.3.Enter a start and end date for the notice. The notice will 4.appear at midnight on the start date and will disappear at 11:59 PM on the end date.Select if the notice will be published to Campus (where it will viewed by staff members) only, to the Portal (where it will be viewed by parents and students) or to both.Enter the text of the notice in the text field. The WYSIWYG 6.editor may be used to format the user notice for color and layout options. In addition, web links, tables or images may be inserted into the user notice.Click Save when finished.7.

WYSIWYG- “what you see is what you get”. A type of editor that shows how the final result will look as it is edited.

uSer communication

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User Communications

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Editing an Existing NoticeSelect the appropriate school from the school drop down list1.In the index outline, expand user communication and select user 2.notices.The User Notice List will contain all notices for the selected school. 3.To edit a particular message, select it in the list.Make changes as needed, such as changing the end date or 4.changing the content.Click Save when finished.5.

Creating District NoticesThe process of creating or changing district notices is the same as creating school notices. The key difference is to change the school selection to all schools. Any notices created with all schools selected will be seen by Campus as a district notice.

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Student Information>General

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OverviewThe Student Information>General set of data is based on being enrolled in a specific school for a year. Much of the data, such as schedules, attendance, and grades are for the year selected in the grey menu bar at the top of the screen. To access information from prior years, select the relevant year and school combination in the drop down menus at the top.

ObjectivesNavigate to the tabs for specific student information•View particular information•

Navigating to a student’s fileIn the Index outline on the left side of the window, expand Student Informa-1.tion.Select General.2.Search for a student.3.Select a student.4.

The Student Information>General file is subdivided into separate •tabs for commonly used information. The name of the student you are working with will show above the tabs. Next to the student name you may notice an icon. This icon is •known as a program in Campus and is designed to call your atten-tion to an issue or concern about this child. Common examples may include a bee sting allergy or a custody restriction. Hovering over the icon with your cursor will open a pop-up with more informa-tion about the child. If being tracked in Campus, you may also see which team the stu-•dent is on and their counselor in the header.

Summary TabThe summary tab is a •read-only view of the data for the student in Census. The top section will be •personal identification information for that stu-dent. The mailing addresses •for the student will show below the student’s information. Clicking Map will open a new window showing the location of the address on Google Maps.The households that a •student is a member of will display below the mailing addresses.

Ky Student information

There are two print options on the Stu-dent summary tab: Print and Print with Picture. Print With Picture is a separate distinct user right. Depending on your rights, you may not have the right to print the summary with picture in your district’s live site.

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Relationships to people outside of the households will display in the •below the households.

Enrollment tabThe enrollments tab will list all enrollments for the child that have been created in Campus. Many pieces of data used for state reporting are stored here and are tied to an enrollment. To view this data, click on the enrollment in the Enrollment Editor.

The general enrollment infor-•mation determines what school and grade the child is in and also records their enrollment dates and status for state report-ing.The graduation area holds diploma information for the 12th grade •enrollment.

Adding a new enrollment to a school in your district

Click “New” at the top of the 1.enrollment tab.Select the calendar (year and, schedule structure, and grade level the student will be.Enter the start date (first date 3.of attendance) and choose the state-defined enrollment start status that describes the child’s situation.Expand the “state reporting” 4.section to modify the data used for reporting to the state. If the student qualifies for 5.Special Education services, expand the Special Educa-tion area to enter data to be reported to the state.Click Save when finished.6.

State Reporting and Special Edu-cation fields are used in preparing extracts for the

state and will vary in each state. Your training site will have a state-neutral set of data elements rather than the state reporting fields for your state.

The basis of student data in Campus is an enroll-ment; no attendance or grades can be entered for an individual without an enrollment. A mass enroll-ment roll forward tool found in System Administration can be used to “mass promote” students from one grade level to the next. The process described in this lesson should be used for enrolling one student at a time.

If the student’s enrollment start/end status changes (such

as a W1/R1 change in grade level) AND the district site settings do not allow for overlapping enrollments, the student’s schedule will need to be restored using the Walk-In Scheduler.

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Temporary Pending Enrollment OverlapA start status of E98: Temporary Pending Overlap Resolution is popu-lated while enrolling a new student from another district via the student locator. The user should modify the status to an E01: First Enrollment of the Year, after a resolution to the overlapping enrollment records has been determined.

Adding historical enrollment data (not in your district)A historical enrollment records the schools outside of your district the student has attended.

Click “New Enrollment History” at the top of the enrollment tab1.Enter the year, school, and grade level for the student for a particular year.Click save when finished.3.

Ending an enroll-mentEnding an enrollment will drop the student from all courses they are sched-uled into. Any attendance data entered for dates outside of the enrollment dates will be deleted.

Select the enrollment wish to end.Enter an end date and end status that describes the situation.2.Click Save when finished.3.

‘No Show’ PolicyThe Kentucky Depart-ment of Education (KDE) recommends the following procedure of using the “No Show” checkbox on a student’s enrollment record.

If a student fails to show up in your school district, mark the “No 1.Show” checkbox.Enter the first day of school in the End Date field and use an appro-2.priate End Status based on the knowledge you have concerning the whereabouts of the student. For example, if you know the student has enrolled in a neighboring district, the correct code would be W22. The “No Show” status will override the enrollment in your district so it 3.will not show on any funding or truancy attendance reports.If the student has simply changed schools within your district, they 4.

When a student is leaving a school, their enrollment should be ended,

NOT deleted. Deleting an enrollment will remove all records associated with the student for that school in that year.

If a new enrollment is being created in the SAME SCHOOL due to a change in

a state-reported status, the child’s schedule will need to be restored on the Walk-In Scheduler.

If the student you have marked as a “No Show” shows up a few days later,

do not change or delete the original enrollment record. Go to the Student Locator to search for the student and enter a New Enrollment for the student using the appro-priate entry code.

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are not actually considered a “No Show.” However, some district would like to track the “No Show” status at the original school for truancy purposes in case the student simply doesn’t show up at the other school for several days. Districts have two options: (1) the enrollment can be deleted from one school and the student enrolled as an E01 at the other school; or (2) the student can be marked as a “No Show” at the original school with an end status of W02. Then the other school can enroll with an E01 on the student’s first day of attendance.

Schedule tabThe schedule tab will show the courses that the student is registered for. •The terms (divisions of the year) will be across the top and the periods (divisions of the day) will be down the left side. To switch to a different view of the schedule, choose a different option in •the left dropdown menu.To print the student’s schedule in the on-screen layout, click the print icon. •Your district may also have created a template that will be available in the “Choose a report option” dropdown. Campus will then create an Adobe PDF ver-sion of the schedule that can be printed, saved to a local drive, or emailed as needed.Depending on user rights, you •may see a red gradebook icon on each entry in the schedule. If the teacher is using Campus grade-book, clicking on this icon will take you to a read-only summary of the student’s assignments and progress in that course.Changing a student schedule is done using the Walk in Scheduler which is •covered in a specific lesson.

Attendance tabAttendance tabThe student’s summary attendance information displays on this tab as shown. The key above the attendance summary describes the information displayed.

Whole Day AbsentUsers may select to mark the student absent for an entire day. To create a Whole Day Absent:

From Student’s 1.Attendance tab, Choose New atten-dance event.In Attendance 2.Information

When hovering over an attendance code, the name of the teacher who entered

the attendance will display.

KY Attendance TermsPresent Days = FTE •Percent of the Day Present calculationAbsent Days = FTE •Percent of Day Absent calculationTardies = Total number •of KY calculated tardies (60 minutes or less).Unexcused = Total •number of unexcused attendance records as defined by school codes maped to a state code with a status of unexcused.Enrolled days = •the total number of instructional days in the current school year in which the student is enrolled.

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box, fill in Date field and click Refresh.Select the “Click here to mark whole day absent” link, which will create a 3.pop up. User will select an Attendance Code from the dropdown. Addi-tional comments are optional. Click Add.4.

Note: When using the Whole Day Absent feature, the student’s attendance code will turn ‘pink’ to indicate that this action was done without creating a check-in/check-out time.

Using Check Out/Check In timesUsers can also modify a student’s attendance record using the Check Out/Check in time fea-ture. To modify attendance events using this feature:

Choose New attendance event1.Fill in proper date for event2.Fill in Check Out and/or Check In time using 4-digit numeral; user can 3.also choose the specific period, in which case the time will pre-fill in the field.Choose the appropriate Attendance Code from the dropdown menu.4.Click Add.5.To add comments, in the Comments field of the Atten-dance Event after it has been entered and add comments.

EHO FTEThe EHO FTE displays a sumary of the full-time equivalency for the selected student. This is a calculation that totals the days of all attendance records with an Educational Enhancement Oppor-tunity (EHO) code applied. The maxi-mum allowed per student is ten days cumulative. If the user attempts to add an attendance record greater than 10 days cumulative, a warning message will appear and this record will not be saved.

Print OptionsPeriod Detail - Opens an Adobe PDF report that summarizes the student’s attendance history broken down by period, by course and by term.Daily Detail - Opens an Adobe PDF report that summarizes the student’s attendance history by total number of missed days per term and the total

Multiple attendance events, such a stu-dent being absent for multiple days

or multiple students being absent from one day may be entered from the Attendance Wizard tool found in the Attendance module.

Scheduled days = the •total number of sched-uled days in the cur-rent school year (i.e. if a student is scheduled to attend this school for half of a day then the scheduled days will be half the number of enrolled days).

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number of absent and present minutes and FTE percentages per day.Attendance Profile - Opens an Adobe PDF report that sumarizes the student’s accumulative attendance information for the current school year.

Programs TabThe Programs tab is where more information can be found out about the •“warning flag” that is seen next to the student’s name above the tabs. Many users will not have access to this tab, but you may have access depending on district policy and procedure.To find out more information about a particular warning program, select the •program in the editor list. The details will open on screen and provide more information about the concern.

To create a new program/flag:

Click new at the top of the pro-1.grams tab.Choose the type of program in the 2.dropdown menu.Enter the start date for the program3.Enter the text you wish all users of 4.campus to see in the user warning field.Enter any additional information that should be accessible only on this tab the comments area.Click save when finished.6.

Grades TabThe Grades tab will display all •grades that have been submitted for a student for the year. This will include report card grades and/or standards and may also include mid-term progress marks and weekly eligibility grades.The report card format dropdown •allows the user to select a defined template and generate a report card for one student if needed.Down the left side will be the courses a student is in and the grading tasks •the teacher was expected to turn in. Across the top will be the terms. A white cell in the table indicates that this particular grade was expected to be submitted at that point in time. To view a student’s overall progress in a course, click the red gradebook •icon below the course name. If the teacher is using the Campus grade-book, the student’s individual scores on assignments in that class can be seen.At the bottom of the grades tab will be the term GPA for that term. •Below the Term GPA is the Rolling Cumulative GPA, which is a rough esti-•mate of the child’s Cumulative GPA. The Rolling Cumulative GPA is calcu-lated by taking the GPA from the end of the previous year and averaging it with the Term GPA the student has earned. Again, this is a rough estimate only.

Changing grades for a student in a particular course is done on the section in the scheduling area of Campus.

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Transcript TabThe transcript tab holds the permanent academic record for the student. The grading system in Campus is set up by the district to indicate which grading tasks are posted to the transcript. A user with proper rights can also manually add or adjust grades to the student transcript if needed. A printed version of the transcript may be generated by choosing a format type in the dropdown. A PDF version of the transcript will then display in a new window and can be printed or saved as needed.

Editing a transcript entrySelect the line item on the 1.transcript that needs to be changed.The current score will as a text item. Select the new grade in the change score dropdown. The num-bers in parentheses indicate the GPA value for the score and the maximum GPA value from that score group.If needed, change the 3.amount of credit earned by the student.Click save when finished.4.

Adding a single transcript entryGrades that the student has earned at your school are added to the transcript using the Post To Transcript tool found in System Administration module. To avoid duplicate items on the transcript, the following process should be used only when adding credits that were earned outside of your district, such as transfer credits.

Click the New icon at the top of the transcript tab. 1.Select the year and grade level in which the student earned the credit.2.Enter the institution that the credit is from including school name and the 3.numbers if known.Enter the number and name of the course.4.The transcript by term template uses the Actual Term to subgroup courses year and term. A value is only required if the district or school uses the transcript by term option.The remaining term fields may be filled in and then used for internal if desired.Select the score the student earned in the course in the dropdown. All 7.scores used in the district will display. The numbers in parentheses will

When adding a course from another school, the course number does not

have to match any numbering used in your district. Some schools will use a generic transfer number, while others will enter the course number from the other school. Check with your district’s estab-lished policy and procedure for the correct method in your school.

The transcript is permanent academic record of the student’s

academic work and in the database is completely separated from the grades that are seen on the grades tab in Student Information>General. If the teacher reported grade is changed after the Post to Transcript tool found in System Administration is used, the grade will need to be changed on the transcript as well.

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indicate the GPA value for that score and the maximum on that score group.Enter a GPA weight. This is a multiplier used to determine how the score 8.the student earned is calculated into the cumulative GPA. If required, enter a standard number and name.9.In the transcript credit area, enter the amount of credit the student earned the course, an amount attempted, and choose a credit type in the credit name. If multiple types of credit will be awarded (example: a physics class in some schools offers 2 credits—1 math and 1 science), click Add Tran-script Credit to add the second credit amount and type.When finished, click Save. 11.

Adding Multiple Transcript Items Using Batch Add

If adding multiple items to a student transcript (as in the case of a student transferring into the district), the Batch Add mode will allow rapid entry of the transcript data.

Click Batch Add at the top of the transcript tab.1.Select the School Year from the dropdown menu.2.Select the grade the student was that year.3.Enter the district number and school name.4.Enter the course number and name.5.Enter the number of credits earned and select a credit group type.6.Select the Term the grade was earned in.7.Select the score the student earned.8.Enter the GPA Weight and Value.9.Click add to create a new line or click Clone Last Record to copy the identifying information to the next line.When finished, click Save.11.

Credit SummaryThe Credit Summary tab will show the total amount of credits that are listed on the student’s transcripts based upon the credit groups or categories that are defined in the school. Click-ing the student total for a credit group will show the courses that a student has taken in that area, while clicking on the credit group name will show where credit could be earned in the selected school and calendar.

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AssessmentThe Assessment tab will show the scores a student has earned on district, state, or national standardized tests. A test may have subtests that are organized beneath the top level test. To see scores on these subtests, click on the plus sign to the left of the assessment name.Adding a new test score

Click new.1.Select the assessment in the test 2.dropdown menu.Enter the data in the fields pro-3.vided—the fields available will change depending on how the test was set up in System Administra-tion.Click save when finished.4.

BehaviorThe behavior tab can be used to track student behavioral events (positive and nega-tive), the student’s role in the event, and the resolution that occurred as a result of the event. To create a new behav-ior event & resolution:

Click New Event.1.Select the event name from 2.the dropdown list. This list of events is created and maintained in the System Administration module.The date and time will pull current time from the server’s internal 3.clock. This field may be changed if needed to reflect when the behavior happened.The weapon field and violence indicator are used to supply further to state reporting. Fill in checkboxes related to the incident for state reporting.5.The comments field can be used to provide more information about 6.the behavior event. These comments are visible on the Portal if the school is sharing behavior data on the Portal, so school and district policy regarding student data privacy should be followed.Enter a role for this student in the behavior event. 7.If tracking demerits, enter a number of demerits to assign for this 8.behavior event.Enter any clarifying comments in the behavior role. Again, these 9.

Behavior Admin Staff- the principal, dean of students, or other staff member who met with the student to deal with the behav-ior event. The names in this list are based on that person’s staff assignment being marked with the behavior checkbox.

The Referral Name is the building staff member who reported the event. All people with a district assignment to that school will show in this list unless “exclude from behavior referral” was checked.

A mass import tool in System Administration may be used to enter scores

from a file, so entry on each student’s assessment tab is not needed. A score may be entered manually for one student, however the assessment and any subtest(s) will need to be defined in System Adminis-tration before entering the score.

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comments are visible on the Portal if the school is sharing behavior data on the Portal, so school and district policy regarding student data privacy should be followed.Select a resolution for this event. The resolution and time should be when this resolution will begin and the end date is the last day the resolu-tion will be in effect.

Adding an involved studentIf a specific behavior event has multiple students involved (as in the case of a fight), other students may be linked to the same behavior event.

Select the event in the list of behavior events.1.Click the Add Student button.2.In the pop-up window, search for the student who 3.was also involved in the behavior event. Select the correct student from the search results 4.on the right side of the pop-up window.Select the role for the involved student and enter 5.any comments or demerits.Click save.6.

Administrators may wish to consult the involved stu-dent’s behavior tab to complete the resolution process for the behavior event.

Adding a Second ResolutionIf the behavior event will have multiple consequences, more than one resolu-tion may be added.

In the student’s list of behavior events, select the student’s name that is 1.attached to the behavior event.Click “new resolution.”2.Enter the additional resolution for the event. When finished click save.3.

TransportationThe Transportation tab houses the student transportation code and related data.If the student’s transportation code changes:

Click New. 1.Select the proper transportation code.2.Enter the start date of that transportation 3.code.Enter additional data as needed.4.

Click Save when finished.5.

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FeesThe fees tab will show all fees that have been assessed to a student, the payments that have been made and their current balance. The Print icon will generate a billing statement for the student.

Adding a fee assignment to an individual studentA mass fee assignment wizard is available in System Administration to give a grade or defined group of students a fee, such as all 12th grad-ers being assigned a graduation fee.

Select the New Fee Assignment tool.1.Select the fee from the district-defined list. The amount of the fee listed after the name of the fee. Any fees with an asterisk are variable rate fees, which allow the amount to vary, as in the case of a lost book fee.Enter a due date for the fee.3.If the fee will be waived, check the exempt box.4.Click Save.5.

Entering a paymentSelect new payment from the top of the fees tab.1.Enter a date for the payment, or select the date using the calendar 2.tool. If the student is making a partial payment, enter the amount in the 3.Payment Amount field. Clicking the fill button will then credit fees in the order they were assigned to the student. The distribution of the payment may be changed as needed.If the student is paying off all fees, clicking the Fill button to the right 4.of the Balance will credit all fees and set the stu-dent’s balance to zero.Select the type of pay-5.ment. If a check or credit card is used, an addi-tional field will appear for the check number or Credit card authorization numberWhen finished, click 6.Save.

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Student Information>General

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LockersThe lockers tab will show all lockers that the student has been assigned to. You may multiple types of lockers, such as academic and gym, and mul-tiple locations for those lockers, such as the senior hallway.

Creating a new locker assignment

Click new.1.Choose the type of locker 2.the student needs to be assigned.To find lockers, click either 3.the “All” or the “Unassigned” links next to the locker number field.In the popup search results, choose a locker for the student. 4.If the locker has a built-in combination lock, the combination will 5.display on the screen. If the locker needs a padlock, a field will display for the lock’s serial number. If your school supplies locks to the student, enter the number for the lock.Enter an End Date for when that student will end using that locker.6.Click Save.7.

Ending a locker assignmentSelect the locker from the assignment list.1.Enter an End Date for that student’s use of that locker.2.Click Save.3.

AthleticsThe Athletics tab holds basic information about the student’s athletic eligibility. Your school may add additional fields or areas to the athletics tab to track specific sports or partici-pation as needed.

AdHoc ReportsAn AdHoc Report is a form letter generated using a tool found in the AdHoc Reporting module. This tab allows one of these form letters to be gener-ated for one particular student.

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Walk-In Scheduler

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OverviewThe Walk-in Scheduler allows a counselor or secretary to build a schedule for a student from a blank or make changes to an existing schedule. The moment that changes are made in the walk-in sched-uler, the change is made to the teacher’s roster and in the teacher’s gradebook, thus minimizing the amount of time spent in duplicate data entry.

ObjectivesCreate a full schedule for a student to include the required courses 1.and “electives” to fill the time slots.Change a student’s schedule for a current term while preserving all 2.grading and attendance data.Change a student’s schedule for a future term in the proper way.3.Given a student schedule with an empty period, fill the gap with a 4.course that is available at that given time.Given a student who has withdrawn from school, restore their 5.schedule to put them back into their sections.

Accessing the Walk-In ScheduleExpand Student Information.1.Select General2.The Student Information for the last student whose data you worked 3.with will display. If this student is the correct one, skip to step four. If the incorrect student displays, click on the search tab. Select Student as the search type, and search for the student using part of their last name [comma] first name.Click on the schedule tab to bring up the current schedule for the 4.student.On the schedule tab, click Walk-in Scheduler.5.

Ky WalK-in Scheduler

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Walk-In Scheduler

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Building a schedule from scratch for a new student.There are two methods to find courses for a student.Method 1: Request Based

Enter the course numbers 1.for the courses the student needs to take in the fields in the walk-in scheduler.

The Sn# (Section Number) 2.will fill in once the requests are loaded into the schedule.

The type indicates the 3.source of the request. There

are three types of requests:A Required Request (R) is a request entered by a school •staff member through Campus. These requests will be loaded by Campus.An Elective Request (E) is a request that is entered by the •parent or the student from the Portal for online registration. These requests will be loaded by Campus.An Alternate Request (A) is a request that will NOT be ful-•filled by Campus automatically, but it can be scheduled by hand as needed.

Click Save Reqs. Campus will look up the course numbers and if 1.a match is found will display the course name. It will also total the number of units requested based on the terms, schedules and peri-ods defined on the course.If the school is divided into teams and the student should be placed 2.on a particular team, select the relevant team from the alphabeti-cally listed drop down at the top of the requests.To load requests for a student into a particular part of the year (as in 3.a student who enrolled at midyear) uncheck the boxes for the terms that should not be scheduled.To load all requests for a student, click the load button at the top of 4.the student’s schedule.

The @ sign next to the course may be used to find when a course is offered if the scheduler wishes to build the student schedule manually, or find sections of a course that were not placed. When using the @

Request. A piece of data in Campus that is used by the system when scheduling students based on how well they can be met based on the master schedule created by the school scheduler. These requests may be fulfilled (or loaded) into the student schedule by the Schedule Wizard for an entire school population or for one stu-dent at a time via the walk-in scheduler.

Requested Units will show the number of units of time that the student has requested over the possible number that can be sched-uled. The total number of possible units is based upon the school’s calendar, spe-cifically the product of the number of terms multiplied by the number of period sched-ules times the number of periods on the longest day. For example, in a four-by-four block schedule, the number of units possible to be sched-uled is 16, while in a trimes-ter based, 2 day rotation, 8 period day, the number of units possible is 48 (3*2*8)

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Walk-In Scheduler

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A particular user right exists to be able to overload full

sections in the walk-in scheduler. Depending on user rights, you may be able to click on a section and overload the course or you will get an error mes-sage if you do not have the rights for this.

sign functionality, the student schedule grid may show 1 of 3 colors:Red-shows a section •exists during that time on the schedule, but is at capacity.Blue-shows a section •exists during that time and has open seats.Yellow-the student is •currently scheduled into the course at that time.

To add a student into a section using this method, click on the cell for the term and period you wish to add that course in for the student. When the course is added to the stu-dent’s schedule, click on the Course/Section link to open up the Roster Edit. Clear or make null the Start Date for the section. The start date information will be pulled from the student’s enrollment. Failure to do so may result in an inacurrate SAAR Report.

Method 2: Search mode. The second method uses a course search functionality to add courses to the schedule.

To load this mode of scheduling, click the search button at the top 1.of the student schedule tab. You may then search for courses using any of the fields provided.2.

When search-ing for course sections to add to a student’s schedule from

the Walk-In Scheduler, the start date entered at the top of the Section Search will be used as the start date of the student attend-ing that section. This date will pre-fill in the Start Date field of the Roster Edit on the student’s schedule. Clear this date and click Save.

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Walk-In Scheduler

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Search results will appear below the section search in the white 3.area. The search results will show 4.course number, section number, current student count/maximum, teacher, term, period, and the number of stu-dents currently in that section with a locked (active) IEP. To add a course using this 5.method, click on the section in the search results.The selected section will 6.appear in the student’s sched-ule. Select the section link to open the Roster Edit window.Make the Start Date null.7.Click Save.8.

Changing a course for a student in the current termIf a student has attended the class even once, it is critically important to preserve any and all data associated with that roster entry, such as grades in the teacher grade book and attendance data. Preserving this information will be done if the correct drop date is added to the section the student is dropping and the start date is blank or null.

Drop and Add using the Section Search modeFrom the Walk-In Scheduler, select the section that needs to be 1.changed.Add an End Date2.Choose a new section through the Section Search mode. (Located 3.above Effective Date and Terms)Click either the section (in Section Search) or the @ sign in Student 4.Request.After section has been added to the student’s schedule, select the 5.section number to open up Roster Edit window.Clear the Start Date to null.6.Click Save.7.

Drop and Add using the @ Sign modeUsers can schedule students through requests or by manually entering the course and section numbers.

The course that was in that time slot will be dropped as of the previous day, indicating their last day of attending that section.

When adding a course to a stu-dent’s schedule, it is recommended that the user does

NOT enter a start date. Doing this prevents gaps between start and end dates, resulting in accurate attendance. When ending a course section, the end date should represent the student’s last day of atten-dance in that course section.

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Manual drop datesTo manually add an end date for a student for a section, click the section number in the student’s schedule. This will open a new window where the End Date can be entered.

Changing a course for a student in a future termIf a student has NEVER attended a course, and there are no grades or attendance data, a course may be deleted off the child’s schedule. There are two ways to accomplish this:Replace mode using the @ SignTo automatically drop a student and add them to a new section, change the Manual Mode to “Replace.” When a schedule change is made, the course that was in that time will be deleted.Manual deleteTo manually delete a section from the schedule, click the section number in the student’s schedule. This will open a new window where the roster entry can be deleted.

Filling an empty hole in the scheduleWhen scheduling students in either of the previously described meth-ods, it may not be possible to fulfill all requests. In the case of filling empty holes in the schedule, clicking on the word “EMPTY” in a par-ticular term and period will automatically do a search for the sections that meet during that time. Search results will show in the white area in the lower right. To add a course from the search results, click on the section. When the section appears in the schedule, select the section link and open the Roster Edit. From there, clear the Start Date and click Save.

Restoring a schedule for a re-enrolled student.If a student has left the school and an end date was put on their enroll-ment, the schedule will automatically be ended. If the student returns to school, their schedule can be restored once a new enrollment in the same school and year is created. To restore a schedule:

Open the Walk-In Scheduler.1.Enter the Effective Date.2.Click Restore.3.Click on the section link for the restored courses and clear out the 4.Start Date. Click Save.Clear out the Start Date for each of the restored sections and click 5.Save after each.

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System Administration > Lockers

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IntroductionThis lesson will provide an overview of locker management in Campus, including defining the types and lockers available, mass assignment tools, and combination rotation tools available in the System Adminis-tration module.

ObjectivesAt the conclusion of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

Create new locker types and locations in Campus•Create new lockers in Campus•Create new locks in Campus•Assign students to lockers as a group using the Locker Assignment •WizardAssign students to lockers individually•Generate relevant reports•Change the combination on file in Campus using the Combination •Rotation Wizard

Overview Lockers are created in the Resources > Resources area of System Administration. Lockers are organized by both locker type (such as academic, physical education and athletics) and by locker location (such as the senior wing, the boys’ locker room or the second floor commons area) For lockers with built-in combinations, Campus sup-ports up to six combinations; padlocks that are checked out separately can entered and stored on the locks tab of Resources > Resources.

Once the lockers are created in Campus, they may be assigned to students individually on the locker tab of Student Information>General or assigned to a group using the Locker Schedule Wizard.

Accessing Locker Setup

Select the school from 1.the dropdown on the gray header bar.Expand the System Admin-2.istration and the Resources folder.Select System 3.Administration>Resources > Resources.

SyStem admin: locKerS

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Locker LocationThe Locker Location tab provides a place to organize lockers by their location in the school, such as by wings or sections. It is essentially a placeholder for lock-ers. This location will appear on locker reports and is used in the gen-eration of locker assign-ments.To Create a new Locker Location:

Click on the Locker Location tab.1.Click on the New icon.2.Enter the name of the location (this field can be up to 20 characters 3.long).Click the Save icon.4.

The new locker location will appear in the Locker Location List in the locker tab.

To delete a Locker Location:Click on the location name.1.Click on the Delete icon.2.

Locker TabThe Locker tab defines and stores the locker number, serial number, combinations the locker may have, type of locker, and location. Users may also assign lockers to a certain grade level. This may be used in the locker assignment wizard to assigning students in a grade level to particular lockers.

To create a new locker:Click New.1.Enter the locker 2.number (this field can be up to ten characters in length).Enter the serial number.3.If applicable, select the Grade level of the students that should be 4.assigned to this locker.Select the type of locker.5.Select the location.6.If this is a locker that should be reserved (and should not be 7.

Locker data may be imported from spreadsheet or database files during the data

conversion process. Consult with your Project Manager for more information.

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System Administration > Lockers

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assigned by the locker assignment wizard) check the Reserved box.If the locker does not have a built-in lock and students can have 8.their own lock, check the Allow Lock checkbox.For lockers with built-in locks and a series of combinations, enter 9.the combination sequences in Built-in Lock area.After entering the combinations, select which combination is cur-10.rently active.Click the Save icon.11.

To edit or view existing locker information: Enter the locker number to view in the Number field.1.Click the List icon to display a dropdown of all matching lockers.2.Select from that list the one to correct.3.Make any changes as needed.4.When finished click save.5.

To delete a locker, search for and select the locker from the locker list and click Delete .

Locks TabThe Locks tab provides information on locks that are owned by the school and checked out to the students for use on lockers that do not have built-in locks. Users can list the serial number, the type of lock it is and the combination of the lock.To create new locks:

Click the New icon 1.

Type in the serial number2.Select they type of locker (built into locker or pad lock)3.Type in the combination. If a key lock, the field will allow text to be 4.entered also.Click the Save icon5.

Assigning Students to Lockers

Lockers may be assigned to students individually on the locker tab of Student Information>General, or using a mass assignment tool found in the System Administration module.

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Individually assigning students to a lockerSearch for the student using the search tab.1.Select the locker tab of Student Information.2.Click New3.Select the 4.type of locker to be assigned to the student.To search 5.for available (unassigned) lockers, click Unassigned. Results will display in a pop-up window. Select the locker for the student to be assigned to.6.Enter the start date for the assignment (when did the student “move” to the locker) and if known the date the assignment will end (what day will the student need to clean out the locker).If the locker has a built-in lock, the currently active combination will 8.display.If the locker does not have combinations assigned to it, the padlock 9.field will open. If the student will supply their own lock, you may leave the field blank. If using a school-supplied lock, clicking Unas-signed will show all locks that are currently available. Once a lock is selected, its combination will also display.When finished, click save.10.

Mass assigning students using Locker Schedule Wizard

Expand the System Administration module and the Lockers folder.1.Select the Locker Schedule Wizard.2.Select the type of 3.lockers to be sched-uled.Select the group of 4.students by select-ing grade level(s) or using an AdHoc filter.Select the method 5.that will be used to assign students to particular lockers. Assigning lockers by grade level will require all lockers to be associated with a grade level. This is done on the locker tab of Resources > Resources. Alternatively, students in a grade level or AdHoc filter

Changing which combination

is assigned to a student will change the active combination on the locker in System Administration. This should only be done if the combination of the locker has in fact been changed.

Sorting lockers by alpha order will group low numbers

among higher numbers in alpha order. For example, the lock-ers would be order 1,11,100,101...199, 2,20, 21,22...

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System Administration > Lockers

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may be assigned to a particular location of lockers.Select the assignment order for the lockers.6.Select how lockers should be ordered (sorted as numbers or sorted 7.alpha.If there are not enough lockers, you may click share to assign two 8.students to a locker. This will require the locker to be flagged as shareable in Resources > Resources.Enter the start date for the locker assignment.9.Enter an end date for the locker assignments.10.Click Schedule Lockers.11.

Combination Rotation WizardThe Combination Rota-tion Wizard may be used to set all lockers to a particular combination sequence. This may be one building wide or for a particular locker loca-tion.To use the rotation wizard:

Select the Rotation 1.Wizard from the Locker folder of System Administration.Choose if all lockers will be incremented up to the next sequence, 2.or if a custom sequence will be used for each locker group. If setting a custom sequence, select the locker location(s).3.Select either to set all lockers in the location to a particular 4.sequence OR to increment all lockers in the location to the next sequence.Click Rotate Combinations.5.

Lockers will not be ended when a student’s enrollment is

ended (either individu-ally or using the Enroll-ment End Batch). An end date will be needed to make lockers available for students for the next year, or the locker assignments will need to be deleted.

No additional duplicate locker numbers will be entered for a

particu- lar locker type. There still may be dupli-cate lockers in the district database that will require the district to manually remove and reassign. Dis-tricts should use an adhoc query to find potentially duplicate lockers after the locker assignment wizard has been run.

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Activity Eligibility

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Tracking of activity eligibility allows a school to pull user selected grades in academic courses based upon the student being on a roster for an activity course. These grades may be teacher-posted (as in a grading task) or pulled directly from the current scores in the teacher grade books.

ObjectivesBy the conclusion of this lesson, you will be able to:

Describe the setup needed to be done by the System Administrator.•Create activity courses and sections•Create rosters for activity classes.•Describe the two options for pulling grades from academic courses•Generate the Activity Eligibility report.•

There are 5 key steps in tracking eligibility:Adding an activity period to the school day.•Adding activity types.•Creating Activity courses and sections in Campus•Creating rosters for activity courses•Running eligibility reports•

Adding an activity periodAn activity period (a non-instructional period at the end of the day) should be added to the calendar setup so that sections of activity courses may be scheduled in a period. This period if marked non-instructional will not count towards instructional minutes or ADA calcu-lations.To create an activity period:

Expand the System 1.Administration module Expand the Calen-2.dar folder.Select the calendar 3.tool.Click the Periods 4.Tab.Open the existing 5.period schedule(s)Click “Add Period”6.Enter the name as it 7.should be seen on the student schedules.Enter the Sequence number for the period. The sequence should next in order after the last instructional period.Enter a start and end time for the period.9.Check the non-instructional box so it doesn’t count into ADA calcu-10.lations.Click Save when finished.11.

activity eligiBility

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Activity Eligibility

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Defining Activity TypesThe district may define particular types for activities for reporting and organization.

Expand the Custom 1.folder of System Administration.Select the Attribute/2.DictionaryExpand the Course 3.item.Expand the activity 4.type data element.Select the activity type dictionary.5.Activity types (categories) can be added as desired. The Activity 6.Eligibility report may then be ran for a particular activity or group of activities by type.When finished making changes, click Save.7.

Creating Activity Courses in CampusSetting up a course for each sport/activity

Scheduling > Add Course1.Enter the name and a number for the activity. The name should be 2.reflective of the activity, such as “Football” or “One-Act Play.”Select proper activity type3.A department may be selected if desired.4.Attendance may be taken if desired by selecting the attendance 5.checkbox.Click save when finished.6.

Creating Sections for ActivitiesSections are created in the same manner •as sections for academic courses.Each section of the activity course can •represent a different group who participate in the activity. For example:

9999-1 Varsity•9999-2 JV•

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Activity Eligibility

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9999-3 10th Grade•9999-4 9th Grade•

Coach/adviser can be selected as teacher.•Section placement should be placed in “Activity” period.•

Building Rosters for Activity SectionsRosters for activities may be created using either Roster Setup or the Walk-In Scheduler.

Collecting grades from academic courses.Grades for the activity eligibility report may be pulled from either a grading task or straight from the teacher grade book.

If using a Grading Task, a distinct grading task must be created, •such as “Weekly Eligibility.” Teachers will then need to post grades to the eligibility grading task as required by district P&P. This grad-ing task will need to be assigned to every academic course and term mask for all terms. The grading window for this grading task could be opened and closed as needed, or could be left open for the entire year. Teachers will. Be able to post grades and make adjustments based on their professional judgement as needed.If pulling straight from the teacher Gradebook, there is no additional •setup needed outside of the setup needed for the regular report card process. Teachers will not need to post grades to a weekly eligibility task, rather they will only need to insure their grade books are up to date.

Generating the Activity Eligibility Report.Select the 1.Activity Eligi-bility report from Student Information >Reports.Select the 2.activity to query eligibil-ity for.Select the 3.term and grading task(s) that are needed. If teachers posted an eligibility grade, select the eligi-bility grade in the grading task list. If pulling from the Gradebook, select the task or tasks that teacher gradebooks are built on.Select the source of the grades—pull from Gradebook or pull from 4.posted grades.Select sorting option needed5.Select the scores to include in the report to filter on (F or equiva-6.lent)Click Generate Report.7.

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Student Information>Counseling

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OverviewThe Counseling folder in Student Information provides a place for coun-selors to track documents for a particular student, a team of staff mem-bers working with a student, and contacts made regarding an individual student. In addition, if the counselor is attached to the student’s coun-seling folder, a system preference can be set to show the counselor’s name in the header for all staff members of the school.

ObjectivesBy the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

Create a Counseling team, including selecting the counselor•Fill out a Counseling document•Enter contacts into the contact log•

Navigating to the Counseling folderExpand Student Information by clicking the name or the plus sign.1.Select Counseling2.The counseling file for the last student you worked with will load. If 3.this is not the correct student, click the search tab to search for the student you need.

Team Members TabThe Team Members tab can be used to track individuals working with a student. The indi-viduals may include the school counselor, other school staff members (including teachers), parents and other people from the student’s relationships, or outside consultants.

To Assign a Counselor:A tool in the Scheduling module may be used to mass assign students to a counselor based upon an AdHoc filter or name range. This tool will be covered at the end of this lesson. To individually assign a counselor:

Click New Coun-1.selor.Select the counselor 2.for the student.Enter a Start Date.3.Comments and qualifications may be entered if needed.4.Click Save.5.

Student info > counSeling

Find & Link New Member will show all individuals who have a connection to the student in Campus, either through the student’s household(s), their schedule, or staff members at school who would work with multiple students, such as special education staff, advisors and counselors.

New Counselor will assign the student to a particu-lar counselor’s case load. Names in this dropdown menu are based on having a District Assignment marked counselor.

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Adding Team Members Using Find & Link:1. Click Find & Link

New Member.2. Select the person

that you wish to add.Guardians •will be located under the Census Dropdown List. Teachers that have this student in their roster will be located •under the Classroom Teachers Dropdown List. Special Education Staff will be located under the Special Ed •Staff Dropdown List.

3. Set the individual’s role on the team.4. Click the Add Member button at the bottom.5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for all members on the team.

To add a person that is not already in Campus.Additional individuals (such as social workers or other outside consul-tants) may be added to the students team by using “Enter New Team Member.” This option does not add them to the Census.

Click Enter New 1.Team Member.Enter their Start 2.Date on the team.Enter their Title and last and first names.3.If they are a services coordinator from outside of the district, then 4.check off this box.Enter their qualifications, if desired.5.Enter their contact information.6.Click Save at the top of the tab.7.

Enter New Team Member will allow user to assign a member that is not associ-ated with the school (social worker, for example).

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DocumentsFDF forms may be created at district level and uploaded to the Coun-seling Documents tab. FDF forms allow the user to fill out the form using Adobe Reader and save the form to Campus. Data elements (such as name and address) may be pulled from Campus to pre-popu-late the document, reducing the amount of data entry.

Filling Out an FDF DocumentSelect the form from the Create New Form dropdown. There is also 1.a Blank Form option.Certain fields on the form may be pre-populated from the Campus 2.database. Additional fields may be typed in by the user or marked with check boxes or radio buttons.To save the form, click on the Save button and the document will listed in the List Editor on the Documents tab, along with the date and name of the person generating this form. The size limit on document uploads is 2.7 MB.To print a saved PDF, click on the name of the document and click 4.the Print button at the top of the tab. Once the PDF opens, then press Print again on the PDF menu.

Archiving a DocumentOnce a document is saved in Campus, it is accessible by any user who has access to that tab. Documents are not deleted by Campus, but can be moved to Archive so that fewer documents display at one time:1. Select the document.2. Click Archive.3. Click OK in the warn-ing text.To view the archive, click Show Archive on the documents tab.

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Contact LogTo view the contact log, click the Contact Log Tab. To see each entry fully, click on the entry in the Log.

Entering a Con-tact:

Click New at the top of the tab.1.The date and the will automati-cally be set.Choose the contact 3.type from the drop down list.Enter the name 4.of the person that you contacted or attempted to con-tact.Under Text, put in 5.the contact details.Click Save at the top of the tab when done.6.

Printing the Contact Log:To print the Contact Log, click Print at the top of the page.1.The PDF will show the Contacts Listed by Date for this student.2.Click print on the PDF menu to send it to your printer.3.

Mass Assigning Counselor Using Fill CounselorExpand the Scheduling module.1.Select Fill Counselor in the Index Outline.2.If assigning based on grade level, select the grade level and click 3.Search Students.If assignment is 4.based on a name range, enter the starting and ending value in the name fields and click Search Students.If a student should 5.not be assigned to the counselor, click on their name to remove them.Select the counselor the dropdown menu.Click fill.7.

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Record Card & Transcript Setup

©2008, Infinite Campus. All Rights Reserved. Last modified: 18 August 2008 39

OverviewThis lesson will provide an overview of the processes involved in creat-ing report card and transcript templates and how to post scores to the student transcript tab.

ObjectivesAt the conclusion of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

Create a report card template•Post scores to transcripts•Create a transcript template•

Report CardsA template for a report card may be created in System Administration and then used to batch print or individually print report cards. Templates are built on a building by build-ing basis and may be copied forward form year to year.Two types of report cards exist in Campus, conventional secondary report cards and standards-based. Traditional report cards (at right) will show the selected grades (and stan-dards) a student has received organized by class, while the standards-based report card

report card & tranScript Setup

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Record Card & Transcript Setup

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(below) will show student progress in terms of the standards bank. Classes and grades do not show on the standards-based report card.

To create a report card template:

Expand System Administra-1.tion.Expand Preferences.2.Select Reports.3.Click New.4.Enter a name for the report 5.card. This name will be seen in the drop down menu used to select report cards when printing, so the name should be descriptive of the setup.Publish to Portal will make 6.the report card available for parents in the Reports area of the Portal.Choose the type- conventional secondary or standards-based. 7.If using the secondary report card format, select the terms the card should include. If the report card should only include the current grades, click “Exclude all prior terms.”Select the layout of the report card.9.Select the display options needed on the report card.10.Period will indicate the period next to the course name.11.Score Comments are the comments teachers entered in Grading Task or Grading by Student. Select which term(s) comments should be included on the report card. Select the grading task(s) and/or standards that should be included 13.on the report card, or you may click select all. Only the grading tasks and standards that were assigned to the classes the student has a roster entry for will show for each class.To include a grading scale or rubric on the report card as a key, a score group.The School Comment will print at the bottom of the report card for 15.all students. Common uses include announcements about parent/teacher conferences, next term’s grading dates, etc.Click save when finished.16.

TranscriptsAs the permanent academic record of a student, transcripts in Campus are separate from report card grades. A tool called Post to Transcript can be used to enter report card grades on the transcript; keep in mind that this tool is designed to avoid duplicates on the transcript. Once this tool is ran, a student’s grade in a course for a particular term cannot be copied again by the tool; any changes to the grade will need to be made on the transcript manually.

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Transcript TemplatesA template for a transcript may be created in System Administration and then used to batch print or individually print transcripts. Tem-plates are built on a school by school basis and may be copied forward form year to year. The courses on the transcript may be grouped by year (all credits earned in 10th grade in 2006-2007) or by term (all courses in 1st term 2006-2007, 2nd term 2006-2007, etc).

To create a transcript templateExpand System Administration.1.Expand Preferences.2.Select Reports.3.Click New.4.Enter a name for the transcript. This name will be seen in the drop 5.down menu used to select the template when printing, so the name should be descriptive of the setup.Select transcript in the report type options.6.Publish to Portal will make the transcript available for parents in the 7.Reports area of the Portal.Choose how courses should grouped, by year or by term.The School Year Options 9.Drop down may be used to exclude any grades from years after the selected year.Select the GPA to include 10.on the transcript. Once checked, a pop-up will open showing the options asso-ciated with GPA, such as a weighted or unweighted GPA, as well as class rank and percentile.Select the credit and stan-11.dard groups that should be included on the transcript. If a group is selected, credits from other groups will be excluded. If no credit group is checked, all credits will display.Select which test scores 12.should print on the transcript.Select the display options. 13.Depending on the grouping type chosen, different display options may or may not be selectable. Click Save when finished.14.

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To Post Grades to TranscriptExpand System Administration.1.Expand Student Portfolio.2.Select Transcript Post.3.Select the calendar(s) to post grades in.4.Select the credit group(s) that grades are associated with.5.Select the grade level(s).6.Select the term(s).7.Post Score Comments if checked will also copy the grading com-8.ments to the transcript.When all options are set, click Run.9.

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Grad Planner

©2008, Infinite Campus. All Rights Reserved. Last modified: 18 August 2008 43

OverviewThis lesson will provide an overview of the processes involved in reviewing student progress towards a particular diploma type using the Grad Planner. The plan is created in Grading & Standards as a Gradu-ation Program and the student’s progress towards meeting the plan is based on their transcript, current schedule, and assessments.

ObjectivesAt the conclusion of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

Assign an individual student to a graduation program.•Mass assign students to a program.•View student’s progress on a Graduation Program using Grad Plan-•ner.Generate associated reports.•

Assigning Individual Students to a Graduation Pro-gramAssigning students to a program is done in Student Information General.

Use the Search tab search for the par-ticular student.Select the student 2.from the search results.Select the Program for that student.Click New at the top 4.of the Program tab.Choose the correct graduation program in the dropdown menu.5.Enter the start date for the program.6.User Warning is designed to be used with other programs, such as 7.medical or custody issues. When these programs are assigned, any user may hover over the program’s icon in the student header. The user warning may be left blank for a graduation program.Click Save when finished.8.

Mass Assigning Stu-dents to a Graduation Program

Expand System Administra-1.tion & the Student subfolder.Select Program Participa-2.tion Wizard.Select Add Program mode.3.Select the graduation program in the Program menu.4.Enter the start date for the program.5.Select the grade level(s).6.To add an entire grade level, click RUN. 7.

grad planner

Having access to the tools used in this process is based on user rights as defined in your district. You may not have access to all tools described here.

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Grad Planner

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To filter using an 8.AdHoc filter, select the “Filter on Team or ad hoc set” and click the Next button. Select the correct AdHoc filter and click Run.

Viewing Student Progress in Grad PlannerTo view a student’s progress in the Grad Planner, search for and select the student if needed.In the Student Information module, select the Grad Planner tool.

The first tab will show the selected student’s progress towards the 1.requirements of the Graduation Program, while the Required Credit tab will allow the user to review the details of the program. Criteria that the student has met will be high-lighted green, while items that the student has not met will be highlighted pink.Requirements (Misc.) 2.will include the GPA requirement, all course group requirements, and any test requirements defined in the Graduation Program.The other option(s) will be the credit group(s) attached to the To check student’s progress towards particular credits, select the credit group in the dropdown menu.

A course group is a list of courses that can be a subset of a credit group (such as having three math courses at a level of Algebra II or above) or courses that come from multiple groups (such as a fine arts requirement, where the student must take 3 courses from music, art, or theatre credit groups.