SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko:...


Transcript of SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko:...

Page 1: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science






Page 2: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

Kirill Eremenko: This is episode number 203 with aspiring data

scientist Sasha Prokhorova.

Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name

is Kirill Eremenko, data science coach and lifestyle

entrepreneur. Each week we bring you inspiring people

and ideas to help you build your successful career in

data science. Thanks for being here today, and now

let's make the complex simple.

Kirill Eremenko: Welcome back to the Super Data Science podcast.

Ladies and gentleman, I'm very excited to have you on

the show today. You can probably already feel the

energy that I have, and that is because I just literally

just now got off the phone with Sasha Prokhorova and

we had an amazing podcast session which you're

about to hear.

Kirill Eremenko: So, what did we talk about in this session? Well, first

off, what you need to know is that Sasha and I met at

Data Science GO 2018, which at the time when you're

listening to this podcast was just over a week ago. In

this session what I did was I asked Sasha about her

experience at the event. I found that this was a much

more interesting way to share with you some of the

highlights rather than me telling you the highlights

that happened at Data Science GO. It was very cool to

hear them from Sasha's perspective, from an

attendee's perspective. Through her lens you will see

what her takeaways were and what were some of the

key things that she learned from some of our speakers,

like Ben Taylor, Rico Meinl, Randy Lao, and some

other people. So, especially if you missed out on Data

Page 3: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

Science Go 2018, then this will be a great opportunity

for you to catch up on some of the things, some of the

key takeaways that an attendee had from this


Kirill Eremenko: The other thing that we did is we talked about Sasha's

background experience and her journey into data

science. She's been learning data science for one and a

half years and she actually brought up the usual

concern that I hear that how do I get a job, it's very

hard to apply for jobs and get through and get

recognized and actually get invited and get job offers. I

challenged Sasha on that, you will hear it, I had a

whole rant on what I think on this topic and gave my

advice on this topic. So, you'll hear that and plus I

gave Sasha a challenge. A challenge to get her name

out there and skyrocket her career.

Kirill Eremenko: In this podcast, by the time you're listening to this, she

should have completed her challenge so stay tuned

and inside the podcast you will know how to verify if

she has or hasn't completed her challenge. I think

that'll be a fun game. And, plus, to make it even more

fun, during the podcast I announce the same

challenge but in which you can participate in and

there's a prize. There's a prize for the person that will

do the best job on this challenge and you'll learn all

about the details throughout this podcast and the

prize is something that you don't want to miss out on.

It's something that will help skyrocket your career and

take it to the next level.

Page 4: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

Kirill Eremenko: There we go. That's what this podcast is in a nutshell.

I'll leave a cliffhanger like that for you and without

further ado, I'm going to introduce to you Sasha

Prokhorova, an aspiring data scientist.

Kirill Eremenko: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the Super Data

Science podcast. Very excited to have you on the show

today and we've got a very special guest, Sasha

Prokhorova, calling in from San Francisco.

Kirill Eremenko: Sasha, welcome to the show. How are you today?

Sasha Prokhorova: Doing wonderful, thank you very much, Kirill. I'm very

happy to be here.

Kirill Eremenko: Awesome! Very, very cool because for everybody out

there, we literally just met with Sasha five days ago at

the Data Science Go 2018 event and it was legendary.

Had such a great time. Sasha, tell us a bit about Data

Science GO 2018. How did you enjoy the conference?

Sasha Prokhorova: It was such an amazing event. I got to meet and

connect with a lot of interesting people in the industry.

It was not the usual format of the conference that I

was used to. [crosstalk 00:04:24] There was a lot of ...

(laughs) ... A lot of informal aspects, for instance, all

the speakers were so personable and approachable

and we started out the day with a little yoga and

meditation, as well as a little dance. I thought that was


Kirill Eremenko: That's awesome. That was very planned and also I

think it went very well. A lot of people were enjoying it

and opening up. Do you feel like you opened up? Do

Page 5: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

you feel ... Did you actually feel the energy in the room

go up after all of those informal elements?

Sasha Prokhorova: I did, certainly. I felt very inspired.

Kirill Eremenko: I had attendee come up to me at the end of day one

and he said ... well, at the end of Saturday and he said

that "Hey, Kirill, the energy's so good here that, so

high that I only now realize that all I had for food was

a sandwich in the morning." And then he even skipped

lunch even though there was, like, there was a

network he liked, he skipped lunch because he was so

into talking somebody and then he realized that he's

not hungry and he's not tired simply because of the

energy in the room which I totally loved, really loved

everybody contributing. I think it was like a

community effort in that sense.

Sasha Prokhorova: That's actually how I felt during, pretty much, most of

the day out there at Data Science Go. I almost felt like

I could have forgotten to eat because I just so

absorbed in meeting people and talking to them and

learning new things. That's the fear of missing out in a

nutshell. [crosstalk 00:06:01]

Kirill Eremenko: Nice. Tell us what was your favorite talk?

Sasha Prokhorova: I really enjoyed the talk by Ben Taylor. The opening

phrase was the market does not give a crap about your

dreams. I thought it is very true because it's not about

people seeking the opportunities on the market. It's

what the market needs and this is what the market is

going to select. The market is going to select the people

that are right for solving certain problems [inaudible

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00:06:38] particular company. It's all about the needs

of a particular company.

Kirill Eremenko: So what was your main takeaway for your career from

that phrase from Ben Taylor's talk? 'Cause it sounds

like maybe for somebody listening to the podcast who

wasn't at the conference, it sounds a bit like, I don't

know, like pessimistic that the market doesn't really

care about your dreams. I think Ben put it ... started

off like that but then he explained it in a way that

sheds light on the whole thing. What was your main


Sasha Prokhorova: Important to have a passion and even borderline

obsession. My main takeaway from this talk is the lack

of experience is not really the end of the world because

before when I was looking for jobs and internships in

the industry, I was getting a little frustrated in it

sometimes because you would need job experience to

acquire job experience. It's almost like needing a pair

of scissors to open a box that scissors came in.

Kirill Eremenko: That's a great analogy.

Sasha Prokhorova: It's almost like, given [inaudible 00:07:45] and that

circle and Ben Taylor's talk gave me a really good

insight about how to break out of the circle. For

instance, it said lack of experience is a crucial but if

you're capable of doing a project, my takeaway from it

is just find a data set that you're passionate about and

pick a data frame, decide what to do with it, and

showcase your work. Showcase your work to a

potential employer or to all those followers on Linkedin

or even showing the family. Just get your work out

Page 7: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

there and show that you did something productive

with your time. That you learned, you dared, and you


Kirill Eremenko: Fantastic. Love it. Tell us who else, who else, who's

else's talk did you enjoy? Because you were there for

the training sessions on Friday, but then the main

event is Saturday, Sunday. That's one and a half days.

I think we had close to 25 speaking sessions. Who else

did you like? Who else did you love there?

Sasha Prokhorova: I really enjoyed attending the talk by Rico Meinl. My

favorite quote from him is "What is possible is often

limited by how hard you try."

Kirill Eremenko: Wonderful. Rico, I heard he did a fantastic job. He flew

all the way from Germany. Do you know that Rico was

an attendee last year?

Sasha Prokhorova: No, he did not mention that.

Kirill Eremenko: So he was an attendee last year, DSGO 2017, and

then during the event he came up to me and he said,

"Kirill, I want to be on this stage next year and I want

to help inspire people." To that I said to him, "Hey,

Rico, that sounds really cool, but you need to prove

that you can do it. That you are going to actually bring

value to people." And so, what he did is he went back

to Germany. He started an AI meetup, which is now

attended by several dozen, if not a hundred, people,

it's just like once a month, once every several months.

So, a meetup on AI [inaudible 00:09:56] learning, then

he introduced artificial intelligence in the business

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that he's working for and the company he's working


Kirill Eremenko: He did quite a few cool things like presentations on AI

and things like that, and then he came on the podcast

and when he told all, all this, he told me all about this,

I was like, "Rico, you have to come to Data Science

GO. You have to present." He didn't take it lightly, that

invitation lightly. He actually prepared his talk and

then he hired an acting or like a speech, speaking

coach, who helped coach him how to do this talk. So,

this guy's really serious about the things he gets

started in and, hence, the result. Everybody was very

impressed with his talk.

Sasha Prokhorova: Wow! His dedication is truly admirable. He's such an

inspiration for all of us.

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, he's wonderful. Wonderful. Ben Taylor. Rico

Meinl. How 'bout influencers? How 'bout people that

you got to meet there, like who are also giving talks,

but did you have ... Were you excited to meet the

people that you follow on Linkedin in person?

Sasha Prokhorova: Absolutely. One of them would be Randy Lao. He's a

great resource to follow for those people who are new

industry, in the industry of those aspiring data

scientists. He's posts are just so informative and

incredibly concise and it's basically just a how-to

instruction. The algorithms that you need to learn. The

books you need to read. Just very on point.

Kirill Eremenko: And what was he like in person? Was he different to

what you were expecting?

Page 9: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

Sasha Prokhorova: He was very nice and approachable and kind. He was

very appreciative of all the attention.

Kirill Eremenko: He's a very, very cool guy and I ... What I've found

actually during the whole event was that most or all,

almost all of the influencers that, who were there from

Ben Taylor, Randy Lao, we had Nadieh Bremer, we had

lots of ... Terry Singh, all them were very humble. They

were very open to talking and giving advice and

connecting with people and hearing attendee's stories

and just getting into this community and really giving

back. So that's what I really appreciated from them

and I think it resonated well. There were so many, so

many great conversations. What was the most

surprising thing that you learned at the conference?

Sasha Prokhorova: The most surprising?

Kirill Eremenko: What was most impressive? Something that really got

you inspired and, apart from the talks, I mean during

networking opportunities with people?

Sasha Prokhorova: That everyone was really approachable. Data

scientists, data engineers, you have to remember that

they're people at the end of the day, very brilliant and

outstanding people but they're people and it's

important to connect. It's just important to get yourself

out there, no matter how shy you are, and no matter

how hard introducing yourself and talking to people is.

It's really important and actually just get yourself out

of the comfort zone.

Kirill Eremenko: That's a very good point. Oh, and one more thing I

wanted to ask you. As a woman, what did you feel

Page 10: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

about how represented women were at the conference

in terms of speakers and in terms of attendees?

Sasha Prokhorova: The demographics were very balanced. There were a

lot of women who attended and I definitely felt a lot of

support from everyone in the industry regardless of


Kirill Eremenko: That's very, very good to hear because one of our, one

of the things that we're trying to improve and change

is the status quo. In data science, typically, it's about,

the ratio of male to female is about 90 to 10. So 10%

female in the industry, about so, but at our event for

instance in terms of speakers, we had 35% female

speakers and in terms of attendees, I don't have the

numbers yet but as soon as we have the stats, I'll

announce them as well. I think, I think we did quite

well in that sense and it's important to inspire and

show role models for aspiring data scientists. That,

regardless of your gender, race, background, you can

succeed in data science. That's, I think, is good to hear

that you felt that at the event.

Sasha Prokhorova: No, absolutely.

Kirill Eremenko: Well, shifting gears, thank you very much for the quick

overview of DSGO and your experience there. Let's now

move on to your journey through data science. So, one

of the reasons, for our listeners out there, one of the

reasons why I decided to invite Sasha to the podcast

was when we met at Data Science GO, I found her

story quite inspiring. Actually, very different to what's,

very unique, I'd say, or unique and quite inspiring for

many people out there who are starting into data

Page 11: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

science or who are already in their journey in data

science and want to look back and see how it was to go

through it.

Kirill Eremenko: So, in short, Sasha will give us a background just now

but Sasha's in a bit of a different industry. She's now

specifically in data science. She's an electrical

engineering student, but Sasha feels the importance of

knowing data science and integrating it into her

career. So, that's what I want to dig into a bit further

and why you feel that way and how you go about it.

How you're structuring your journey through data

science and what [inaudible 00:15:50] you. So, to kick

us off could you, please, give us a quick overview? Who

is Sasha Prokhorova and how, what are you doing in

San Francisco?

Sasha Prokhorova: I'm currently a student at San Francisco State

University, pursuing my undergraduate degree in

electrical engineering. Originally I'm from Russia,

[inaudible 00:16:12]. That's where I obtained my first

degree in linguistics.

Kirill Eremenko: So why did you just jump from linguistics to electrical

engineering? That's a radical shift. That's like going

from South Pole to the North Pole.

Sasha Prokhorova: I do agree. I've always been interested in languages

while growing up, but also, when I grew older, I

haven't always been good in math. Not at least until

my early twenties. That's when I feel the gears really

shifted somehow because I noticed a lot of people say

that math is not really their thing because I think it

takes a certain age to be able to appreciate certain

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mathematical concepts because of how abstract they

are and I'm inclined to believe that this is what

happened to me as well.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay, gotcha. That's very interesting and why data

science then? So electrical engineering, yeah, I

understand, but how is data science related to

electrical engineering and how are you leveraging it?

Sasha Prokhorova: First of all, we're living in a world that's drowning in

data, way more data than we can surmainly process.

I'm a firm believer that it's very important to have

certain data science and [inaudible 00:17:29] analytic

skills regardless of the industry you're in and in order

to maintain the edge in the competitive nature of

today's world. It's just impossible to, it's very

important to acquire those skills, at least, to any level.

Kirill Eremenko: Gotcha, gotcha. But is that just for technical

professions like electrical engineering or would you say

that's for management consultants and for, I don't

know, somebody running a bakery store or for

somebody who has a, who has a little tourism office?

Do you think it's important to have data skills for

anybody in this world?

Sasha Prokhorova: Well, yes, of course. We all produce data whether we

want it or not and our customers do produce data as

well, regardless of the industry we're in. If we are

bakers or management consultants, we all use and

produce data products to one extent or another.

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, okay. I would totally agree with that. I think

some level data acumen or data knowledge is

Page 13: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

necessary for anybody. But in your case, so electrical

engineering, data science, are you planning on moving

from electrical engineering completely to data science

or are you planning to integrate the two and have a

career that combines the two together?

Sasha Prokhorova: I don't believe I'm gonna move away from electrical

engineering. I just enjoy this industry way too much.

Currently, I'm working on a project of analog

integrated circuit designs and I'm having a great time.

But I do want to improve my data science skills and

knowledge and I'm currently trying to teach myself

some [inaudible 00:19:23] because it's just another

passion of mine. Something that I enjoy to the great

extent. I started going to some extracurricular classes

outside of school in San Francisco. Thankfully, the

data community is very strong in San Francisco and

they offer us has a lot of resources to improve our

skills and perfect ourselves. So, there's definitely a lot

of things that you can explore and try. Such things as

boot camps or evening workshops that you can just

explore before you commit to the full time course. It's a

great way to discover your passions and full-time

course. It's a great way to discover your passions and

interests and maybe even hidden skills and talents.

Who knows?

Kirill Eremenko: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Gotcha. Gotcha. And now let's

think about the other way around. So you already

mentioned how you're going to use data science. Why

are you going into data science now and like how that

can help augment your career and take it to the next

level. And in fact, how that could help anybody. But

Page 14: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

tell us the other way around, like how does your

existing background help you be successful. As you

mentioned, you have quite a diverse background, with

linguistics and electrical engineering. How do you

leverage your background to be successful or be more

successful in data science?

Sasha Prokhorova: Well, actually I just started reading your book called

Confident Data Skills, which I find an incredibly

interesting read. And one of my favorite portions of it

would be quote that data science is one of those skills

that benefits from having experience in a different


Kirill Eremenko: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Sasha Prokhorova: Such as linguistics in my case. Or history or

management or consulting. I have very unusual

background for other young professionals who are

working in my industry. And I also have a very

unusual angle that I approach problems, which also

gives non-standard solutions.

Kirill Eremenko: Awesome, well tell us a bit about that angle. How

would you describe the angle at which you approach

data science problems? Very interesting.

Sasha Prokhorova: I would believe it's my ability to approach

unstructured data due to my data in linguistics. And

it's just my ability to read certain connotations that

maybe a non-linguist would not identify right away.

Kirill Eremenko: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Okay, that's very true. Very,

very interesting as well. So you're combining your

linguistics unstructured data skills with... And what'd

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you get from electrical engineering? What kind of

mindset or thinking do you leverage from that field?

Sasha Prokhorova: Mathematical background. It definitely implies a lot of

structure, a lot of logic and a lot of discipline.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay. Gotcha. All right. So tell us then how do you go

about learning data science? Like are you taking

courses? Are you reading books? All right you

mentioned like you're reading my book, which thank

you very much. I'm very humbled to hear that you're

enjoying it. What are your main points of contact with

data science?

Sasha Prokhorova: I would definitely recommend couple of good books.

One of them would be Learning Python the Hard Way.

And there's also Statistics for Data Scientists. It's

really well written and not a difficult read at all. But

also use a lot of online resources, such as Code

Academy and DataCamp. There is a lot of very good

interactive exercises. And also I'm learning a lot of

MATLAB because my school requires it. It's part of the

curriculum for electrical engineers. And I recently

discovered that you can do data analytics and machine

learning in MATLAB, which made me even more

excited. I can use my engineering background and just

learn a couple new skills in MATLAB and I would be

able to use this incredible and powerful tool for data


Kirill Eremenko: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah, wow. That's a very good

recommendation. So you started learning data science

with Python. Is that correct?

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Sasha Prokhorova: Yes. I was inspired by Craig Sakuma. He's one of the

instructors in General Assembly. It's a school in

downtown San Francisco. He taught me some Python

and some SQL. And he was actually one of those

mentors who made me believe that I can do it. I can

program. I can learn coding. The way he taught Python

and especially SQL, it totally made sense to me. He

basically did what Ben Taylor suggested to do all

along. Find the project that's exciting and important to

you. He did it based on the music. We were analyzing

his iTunes playlist in SQL. Not necessarily just for the

genre or for the length of the songs, but for instance,

how many songs does Craig have in his playlist that

are love songs? And also what signifies a love song? Is

it the word love, hug, kiss, or could they be used in

any sarcastic contexts? That could be, that's one of the

tougher projects for machine learning, too.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay. That's a very interesting project. When you were

at the conference at [inaudible 00:25:03], did you

attend Sinan Ozdemir's talk?

Sasha Prokhorova: Yes. Yes, I did.

Kirill Eremenko: Because Sinan is also an instructor at General

Assembly. Or maybe he was, but he definitely spent

quite a lot of time at General Assembly. And I just... In

San Francisco as far as I remember. Did you know

that about him?

Sasha Prokhorova: No, actually I did not. I cannot believe I missed out on


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Kirill Eremenko: Yeah. Yeah, well, there you go. Yeah, I heard they have

some very nice courses there. Okay. So do you attend

like the General Assembly events in San Francisco?

Sasha Prokhorova: I do frequently. That's something that I enjoy doing

after my regular classes at school. I would say spend

the whole day at campus at San Francisco State,

attending lectures and labs, I would spend some time

in the library. But then in the evening, I would find

something that's interesting and appealing to me that

sounds like I might enjoy and I just go check it out.

And General Assembly... And I just have fun meeting

different people and learning new things.

Kirill Eremenko: That's very cool. And are those... How are you... In

terms of technical complexity, how would you describe

the General Assembly classes? Just for like listeners

out there. Because General Assembly's not just San

Francisco, it's all... I think it's nationwide for the US,

maybe somebody else might want to attend one of

these. Like would you recommend it for beginners or

advanced data scientists? What kind of level do they


Sasha Prokhorova: You know, that's the beauty of this place. It's tailored

for very diverse crowd. It works for very complete

beginner. Even for someone who is just very curious

about data science or machine learning. They can just

attend an evening workshop and just get the gist of it

and decide if it's right for them or not. And they have

more advanced programs as well. Such as bootcamps

and more full-time courses. So yeah, it's an amazing,

amazing resource.

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Kirill Eremenko: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Okay. Awesome. All right. Well

tell us a bit more about your... You know, you

mentioned you learned Python already. And how did

you find learning Python? Like obviously everybody's

background is different, and you had some experience,

I'm assuming you had experience in MATLAB before

Python? How did you find Python after MATLAB?

Sasha Prokhorova: I enjoy [inaudible 00:27:23] a lot because it truly made

sense to me. It was very similar to MATLAB and the

search and Python syntax structures. They echoed

MATLAB in my brain.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay. Gotcha. And is there any other tools that you're

looking forward to learning sometime soon?

Sasha Prokhorova: Tableau. That's actually one of my good friends, and

one of my mentors who I met at the Open Data Science

conference last year. His name is Pratyush [inaudible

00:27:52]. He suggested that I should learn Tableau as

a first step in my data analytics journey, and just

create a project in Tableau and showcase it.

Kirill Eremenko: Yup.

Sasha Prokhorova: Because Tableau is known to be a very flexible and

eloquent, and yet very powerful tool. And I think it

could be a good starting point for any aspiring data

scientist or analyst.

Kirill Eremenko: Wow. Definitely. I really like Tableau, that's kind of like

where... I think I started my data science journey from

SQL, then I moved to Tableau, then came R and

Python. Everybody has their own way. But, yeah. It's

good to always kind of be looking forward to the next

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step, the next thing that you're gonna be learning. So

tell me this Sasha, do you take courses on Udemy?

Just out of curiosity?

Sasha Prokhorova: Yes, I do. I actually took your and Hadelin's course

about data science careers. I downloaded a couple of

courses about Python and I'm actually very excited to

embark on that journey. Yeah-

Kirill Eremenko: Awesome. And I'm assuming, well from what you told

me, that you listen to the Super Data Science podcast

as well?

Sasha Prokhorova: Yes. It's actually one of my favorite podcasts. I

discovered it when I was commuting to my industrial

engineering internship in [inaudible 00:29:14] and

yeah, I just came across it. And I was so grateful and

lucky that this resource fell on my lap. Because I was

actually looking forward to my commute to work so

that I could listen to the podcast.

Kirill Eremenko: That's awesome. Thank you. Thank you for the

comment. And tell me, how long have you been

exploring data science for so far?

Sasha Prokhorova: I wanna say for about a year and a half.

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah and a half? Okay, so the reason why I'm asking

all these questions is because I'm trying to

understand... Or actually I just want to show to our

listeners what passion means. What passion looks

like. So as you can see, Sasha is reading books on

data science, listening to podcasts, taking courses on

Udemy and Code Academy and DataCamp. She's

attending conferences, not just DataScienceGO, but

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she's also been to ODSC. She's attending the General

Assembly occasionally when she feels like doing

something fun after a hard day at University. Winding

down with some data science at General Assembly.

And I'm sure there's lots more other things that you do

in this space. You follow people like Randy Lau on

Linkedin and you find ways to get in touch with Ben

Taylor, or maybe meeting him at a conference and

asking him about some advice. So you're getting

mentors directly or indirectly.

Kirill Eremenko: So as we can all see, like you, this, I wanna just show

to our listeners, especially those who are starting out

or those who want to like propel their career and you

might be finding that your career's not really going

where you want it to. Well, as Ben Taylor described in

his talk, you've gotta be passionate about something.

And this is what passion looks like. To me this is what

passion looks like, these are the indicators of passion.

Sasha is definitely a person who is passionate about

the field of data science. Because otherwise she

wouldn't be doing all this. Sasha would you agree that

you're passionate about data science?

Sasha Prokhorova: Absolutely. I would say passion has a power to move

mountains if you are determined enough.

Kirill Eremenko: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Definitely. Definitely. And now

you're on this podcast. And I don't think that's a

coincidence. Like I... Probably when we were there we

didn't talk for long, but already just by your

excitement and energy that you came into that

conversation with I could feel your, you know passion

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it kind of like translates itself. And so therefore when

somebody who's passionate, like maybe Sasha in your

case, when you go for an interview in data science,

you're gonna like in a 30 minute interview, the

recruiters or data science manager, they will feel that

from you as well. Just like how I felt it. And hence, it

will be so easy for you to get any kind of career that

you want. And people who don't feel it, that is kind of

like they're going to be missing out.

Kirill Eremenko: And that's for our listeners out there, once again it

doesn't matter if you're just starting out into data

science or you're already an expert in data science,

you wanna position yourself like that. You wanna be

the person that's emanates this energy, this passion or

bordering on the level of obsession, that people will

come to you with job offers. So Ben Taylor had this

example in his talk that there was a group of students

that he was talking to and all of them were like you

know I would love a job in data science, but it's so

hard to find one. And among them there's this one

student out of like maybe seven students. Among them

there's this one student who had all the job offers

because all the employers in the area or all the

companies that knew about this group, they knew that

this guy was super passionate and they could feel it

from when he was sharing online, how he was talking,

what he was doing. And you want to be in that

position. You want to be getting all the job offers.

Would you agree with that, Sasha?

Sasha Prokhorova: Absolutely.

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Kirill Eremenko: Yeah.

Sasha Prokhorova: It's important to love what you do and have good work

ethic. And just keep trying and trying and trying

without being afraid of failure. Because failure's just a

natural part of the learning process and it's inevitable.

And I think, actually as you said during the

conference, that we learn a lot about success, but we

also learn ten times more from failure. Because as long

as it's important to know what to do, from failure you

actually learn exactly what not to do.

Kirill Eremenko: That's a great way of putting it. Okay, speaking of

failures, tell us a bit about, what is... Or let's talk

about your failures. What would you say has been like

your biggest failure, that you've learned from the most,

in this pursuit of data science and technology and

data and career some.... Attached to data.

Sasha Prokhorova: Well I wouldn't necessarily call it a failure yet, because

I'm just so new to this industry. I haven't even entered

yet. I would call it a temporary lack of result.

Kirill Eremenko: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Sasha Prokhorova: Because it's also important to know how to approach

recruiters correctly because this field is so competitive

and it's so cut throat. And recruiters, both in Linkedin

and in real life, they're so overwhelmed by the volume

of applications they received. So I've applied to

probably hundreds of positions that are relevant to my

field and I either received either thank you but no

thank you or no response whatsoever. But I don't let it

discourage me, I just keep trying. So basically, short

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answer to your question, my main failure would be not

getting an entry level position yet, since I'm still at


Kirill Eremenko: Yup. [crosstalk 00:35:10]

Sasha Prokhorova: But my main takeaway from all this job hunt and the

conference would be for recruiting managers correctly.

I have the theory that I call what keeps you up at

night. You would ask the manager what are the main

challenges that your company faces nowadays and

what can I do to help you to solve those problems? To

improve your company and to achieve the goal by the

end of the year that you want to. What can I help you

with to help us both succeed?

Kirill Eremenko: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Okay. All right. So, I've got a

few comments here. So first one, I would like to

comment that I wouldn't agree that it is a cut throat

field, and I'll explain why. Because when I was a

consultant in Deloitte, right? And I know what cut

throat means and what cut throat looks like. And that

is like a completely different story when you are, when

people who you're working side by side with... I'm not

talking about this about specifically at Deloitte, so

don't wanna get anybody in trouble or anything like

that. But just I've seen the world of consulting, and

that is cut throat, right? Like when people are, like you

kind of like think they're friends, and then there's

promotions in question and you have this two year

policy to... Like you're either up or out within two

years. You either get a promotion or it's implied that

you leave the company because you're not good

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enough. And you know, in that kind of environment,

where everybody's competing with each other, that's

what I define as cut throat.

Kirill Eremenko: And data science, I think data scientists as a

community are much stronger. Like I wouldn't call

consultants as a community, like I'm sure they are

communities in consulting that are fantastic, but

overall in general it is more cut throat. Whereas in

data science, everybody wants to help everybody.

Everybody's sharing their code, everybody's

commenting on each other's mistakes. There's plenty

of resources like Quora and Stack Overflow and Kaggle

and wherever you ask your question, you get answers

very quickly. I would say it's a more communal effort.

But I do agree with you in the sense that, the fact that

there is so much, like there's a massive demand for

data sciences, but there's an overwhelming supply.

There's so many people that have gotten into data

science just for the sexiest job of the twenty-first

century or the massive salaries and so on, that are

there maybe for the wrong reasons. Or that are... You

know recruiters have so much to choose from, and in

that sense yes, it can be very difficult to get those

applications and job positions. So, in that sense,

disagree that it's cut throat. I would say that

terminology is different, it's just that it's overwhelming

supply at the moment.

Kirill Eremenko: On the other hand, what I wanted to say is, do you

mind if I give you a bit of advice in terms of how you

approach your career? And I think that it would be

helpful for our listeners as well.

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Sasha Prokhorova: Please do, I would love that.

Kirill Eremenko: All right. So what I would say in this case is what

you're doing, I would say what you're doing wrong and

what a lot of people are doing wrong, is they're going

for the recruiters. Yes, inevitably you're going to send

hundreds of job applications and you're going to get

refusals, you're gonna get people turning you down.

And it is not a reflection of your skills or passion. Like

we already established on this podcast already that

you're definitely passionate about data science, you're

doing so many things, you're learning. You're gonna go

a very long way in this field. Like I can already tell that

you have a very bright future.

Kirill Eremenko: The question is, how do you people, as you said,

there's so many job offers or job applications that

recruiters get that they get like for every offer, for every

job posting they get maybe a thousand, I don't know a

couple hundred job applications. And it is physically

impossible to go through them. So no matter how great

you are, if you're going through the standard pipeline,

standard process, you will find that you are, they

might just not see your application in the first place.

Like if they were to see it, then you'll stand out to

them. But if they don't see it, it's never gonna stand

out. And moreover, as they say about 70 to 80 percent,

not just as they say, studies have shown that 70 to 80

percent of jobs are filled or job postings are filled

behind the scenes. They're never actually posted

online for everybody to see. What we see online is all

these jobs offers or job positions that recruiters and

managers need to fill. That's just 30 percent of the

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whole job market. Most of the jobs get filled through

referrals, through managers going out there before

posting a job and just like looking for somebody

through friends of friends, through people in your

network on Linkedin and stuff like that. So, first step

is, we only see 30 percent of the demand for data

science. We only see 30% of the demand for data

scientists and moreover, for every job, there's

hundreds of applications and therefore nobody sees

your application. So, it's a losing game. You're playing

a losing game and some people turn to get up numbers

and they send a thousand applications and maybe one

or two succeeds.

Kirill Eremenko: That's not the opposition that you want yourself to be

in. Right? You don't wanna be scavenging for jobs and

only getting the one where the manager did notice your

application and therefore, you're just picking out of

one or two jobs that might not ultimately be the best

job for you, but that's all you have to choose from. You

wanna flip the table. You want to be in the ocean of

people applying for jobs, an ocean of applicants or

data science professionals. You want to be like a

shining star.

Kirill Eremenko: You want to be something that stands out, like if you

look at an ocean in the darkness of the night and

there's nothing there, it just looks black But if there's

a ship sailing from left to right, you will see the ship

right away, right? It stands out. So you wanna be that

shining star. And how do you get to that level? How do

you become the shining star?

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Kirill Eremenko: Well, it's actually ... there's nothing difficult about

that. You just have to start building your brand online.

You have to start making some noise. You have to

start making some ripples in the water so that you do

attract attention, because if you're doing same thing as

everyone else is doing, there's no way you're gonna

stand out.

Kirill Eremenko: For instance, that's what I did, and I did this a long

time ago when I was, you know, when was this? 2014,

so four years ago when I was leaving Deloitte and I

decided, I want a job. I don't wanna be in consulting

anymore. I want a job. And one way I could've gone

about it, and I tried to do it, but then I didn't have

time, because I was still working at Deloitte. And I

looked around, and one way I could do it is apply for

jobs in data science, but then I realized that it's taking

too much time. I'm way to perfectionist to just send

out a standard template resume to all these jobs. I

wanted to tailor my resume to every single position,

write a cover letter. That was taking me hours for every

application, and that was not sustainable, and not

scalable. So I couldn't-

Sasha Prokhorova: Yeah. I'm guilty of that too.

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, and so I couldn't turn that into a numbers

game. I couldn't send thousand applications out at

once, because I knew that I'm too perfectionist for

that. So instead what I did was, alright, let's flip the

game. Let's flip the table, and instead I'm just gonna

start posting on LinkedIn. Not even huge stuff. Not

even [inaudible 00:42:33] writes an article, which

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takes a few weeks to write. I just started reading,

finding stuff online that is relevant to data science and

technology, reading it, commenting on it in like one or

two lines of comments, and then re-posting it on

LinkedIn, saying, hey guys, I found this article. I found

it interesting. This is what I thought about it. And I

think it's controversial. I think, I agree, or I disagree,

it's my opinion. And I would post that and I actually

automated the posts. I would read all those in the

weekend and then I would post them, get a tool like

Hootsuite and post them throughout the week. You

know you gotta post it like three times on Monday, or

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Or Thursday when

people actually read that stuff.

Kirill Eremenko: And within six weeks, magic happened. I started

getting recruiters checking my profile, I started getting

managers, and within six weeks I got three job offers.

I'm not making this up, I had three jobs offers within

six weeks for a very basic LinkedIn profile with only a

couple of years experience in the field. All I did was

just start making some noise and I didn't write my

own class of articles, I just commented on stuff and I

got a job offer from a pension fund which is in

Australia called [inaudible 00:43:43] fund, in the city

that I lived in and I got two job offers from banks in

Sydney. From very large banks, I think both of them,

or one of them was one of the big four banks in

Sydney. I actually went through the interview process

with I believe all three companies and then two of

them, the third one, I just didn't go to the final

interview stages. Two of them gave me job offers which

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one of them I picked and I went to it and I worked


Kirill Eremenko: In essence, all of them were almost double the salary I

was making at Deloitte. So, not only I got job offers,

not only I got double my salary, but I actually didn't

have to do much. I didn't have to apply for any jobs

myself. They just came to me. Right? So and now it's

been four years later, the demand for data scientists

has skyrocketed, the applicants - there's still an ocean.

It's a bigger ocean, but it's not an ocean - not many

people doing much about standing out. Still an ocean

of applicants. But the demand has skyrocketed, so it's

so much easier to stand out now. All you have to do is

make some noise, post some articles, plus you could

write about what you learned in general assembly,

write a little article about how you went into data

science, what you learned there. You don't even need a

blog, you just write those in LinkedIn [inaudible

00:45:00] share them there.

Kirill Eremenko: You could write about what you're reading in a book,

what you're taking in a course. You know, write up a

couple of those things, share this podcast episode that

you've been on. I have no doubt that within, by the

start of next year, by the start of 2019, you will have

so much attention. If on LinkedIn, if you get premium

you can see who [inaudible 00:45:21] who is visiting

your profile, who is seeing what you're doing, what the

company they're from, what positions they are. You

will see slowly managers will start popping up,

recruiters will start popping up, and then the job offers

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will start coming. And that's all it takes. That's my

thoughts on this.

Kirill Eremenko: What do you think?

Sasha Prokhorova: I completely agree. I believe blogging is the new CV as

mentioned by Andy Parker, a medium whom I follow.

And it just important to generate quality contents, and

just put yourself out there.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay, my question is why, if you believe that, why are

you not doing that? Was something preventing you

from doing that?

Sasha Prokhorova: I'm trying to accumulate more skills and more

knowledge that I can share with people.

Kirill Eremenko: Oh my, this is the typical issue. Why! You hear this all

the time. This is fear that I am not enough. This is fear

that I'm not good enough. You've been in this one and

a half years. You can have so many people. There is

literally 100s of thousands, as we've discussed at the

conference, there's a shortage of 173,000 data

scientists nationwide in the US right now. There's so

many people. There's 100s of thousands of people

going into this field. You're one and a half years of

experience of learning data science is golden to tens, if

not 100s of thousands of people.

Kirill Eremenko: You can start now. Just take the first step, write the

first article. Make it, or just share something. You will

see how many you have helped. And even if you help

one person, that's already a massive step and trust

me, you don't need to be an expert in this field to be

able to share your experience and help people.

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Sasha Prokhorova: Maybe all I need is just to begin. I just need to find a

project that I am passionate about, and just start

writing, start exploring, and just trying to find out

what I'm capable of.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay. How about, do you want to make a commitment

on this podcast publicly? Like Rico says -

Kirill Eremenko: What's it called? What is the term, a radical

commitment? Or something like that?

Sasha Prokhorova: A reckless commitment.

Kirill Eremenko: Reckless commitment. How about we do one of those

right now.

Sasha Prokhorova: Absolutely. I was actually quite enamored by his words

that you can be an expert in something in three

months if you commit to it. Let's say my commitment

for the next three months would be finding a data set

on let's say, [inaudible 00:47:53] or some resource like

that, and just start working with it, starting to look for

patterns and see what I can make of it.

Kirill Eremenko: Love it. I totally love that. I think we will lock that

commitment in, but I think you can do better. So, do

you have any exams in the next week?

Sasha Prokhorova: Yes, actually.

Kirill Eremenko: How many exams do you have?

Sasha Prokhorova: I'm kinda half-way through my midterms, so on

Monday I have my integrated circuit design class,

where I have to analyze the performance of certain

MOSFET transistors.

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Kirill Eremenko: And then after Monday?

Sasha Prokhorova: I have a communications systems and I also have a

power systems.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay. Cool. So, do you think you'll be able to find

three hours of free time until Thursday next week?

Sasha Prokhorova: Absolutely! I think I'm gonna break it into the

increments of 30 minutes each day, which would bring

me to six days of week on working on the project,

without it taking away too much from my course work.

I'm convinced I can do that.

Kirill Eremenko: Awesome. Okay, so, the new commitment that I'm

offering to you right now on the podcast is that - so

this session, we're recording this today on Friday the

19th of October, and this session is going to go live on

evening of Wednesday the 24th of October. So that is

five days away. My challenge to you is can you write a

500 words article that you're gonna share on LinkedIn

by Wednesday, and then our listeners will be able to

check, because once you write it, you will send us the

link, or you send me the link, and I will include it in

the show notes. So as soon as this session is live, so

for our listeners, when you're hearing this, this session

is live, on iTunes or SoundCloud, wherever you're

listening to it, and that means that by now Sasha has

finished writing her first 500 word article and it's live

on LinkedIn and you can go to the show notes and

check it out there. So the show notes, I'll announce

where they are, and [inaudible 00:50:05]. You can go

to show notes, click on it and read it.

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Kirill Eremenko: How does that sound to you Sasha?

Sasha Prokhorova: It sounds really good. I'm very excited, yes, let's make

complex, simple.

Kirill Eremenko: Nice, nice. Very good. So, we're going to do that and

that's a good way - and then you can then e-mail Rico,

and say, hey Rico I did your reckless commitment

thing and this is what I came up with. And that's a

good way to get - sometimes we need to kickstart,

right? So, we need somebody or something external to

force us to actually do something about our careers

and lives, and this is going to help you kickstart into

the process and then hopefully, once you've written

the first article, and you've seen how many people

you've helped and how easy it is - then you will get

into the mood for it and maybe you'll start writing one

per month or two per month, and that is the way, I

think for you and many people in this field, that is the

way to cause those ripples on the water so that you

will be seen by recruiters and managers.

Kirill Eremenko: Sounds good?

Sasha Prokhorova: Yeah! I think, it sounds great. I think we all need to be

pushed out of our comfort zone every now and then,

and this is kind of what happened to me today, and

especially seen Rico's and yours, and using it

[inaudible 00:51:22] as knowledge and dedication.

Those [inaudible 00:51:24] are really and truly

contagious, and inspiring to me.

Kirill Eremenko: Fantastic. And I want to actually extend this invitation

further to our listeners. If you are stuck in the same

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boat as Sasha and you know you've been applying for

jobs, especially if you've been applying for jobs and

with no success, then I challenge you to take one week

- so this podcast is going live on the 24th, evening,

24th of October, so one week until the first of

November, to write something. Doesn't matter how

long it is, aim for 500 words, but even if you do 200,

that's enough. And, share it on LinkedIn. Write, and

then see what happens. See how you feel, how long it

takes you, and in fact in order to make this even more

fun, send your link to your article to podcast at, and we will pick the best one

and we will reshare it on our LinkedIn. So we will pick

the best one that you guys write up, and we will

reshare on our LinkedIn with 25,000 plus followers. So

you can actually impact a lot of people.

Kirill Eremenko: But it has to be done by the 31st of October, so all

submissions need to be in first of November. So,

there's my challenge out to you guys, and that will

help you kickstart your work career and if you already

have a career as well, if you are already a successful

data scientist doing plenty of work and your happy

with everything, it's a great way to give back to the

community and I also encourage you to put this bid

into this challenge.

Kirill Eremenko: See Sasha what you did! You started a whole thing.

Sasha Prokhorova: Hashtag homework challenge!

Kirill Eremenko: Hashtag - yeah, let's call it hashtag SDS homework

challenge. One word. Okay, awesome. That is really

fun so I'm going to actually put a reminder for myself

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to check the submissions. What else? Tell us what

else. We're slowly coming to a wrap up of this podcast,

what are some thoughts that you would like to share

with your fellow data scientists, maybe people you met

at DataScienceGO, maybe - just people who are

listening to this podcast, or getting into the field of

data science or moving from another field into data

science. What is something that you would like to

share [inaudible 00:53:39]?

Sasha Prokhorova: I would say don't stop exploring and don't be afraid to

discover new interests.

Kirill Eremenko: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Curiosity, right? Is the

[crosstalk 00:53:50]

Sasha Prokhorova: Curiosity - absolutely.

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah.

Sasha Prokhorova: Curiosity and passion and thirst for knowledge, for

constant learning. Next stop learning.

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah that's very true. Very true. I find curiosity - you

know [inaudible 00:54:04] obsessions? I find curiosity

my obsession. I find that sometimes I - for instance,

let's say I'm cooking something, I don't know, a pasta

or some beans or something like that, and then I know

that the recipe says do this, but then sometimes I just

have this idea of what happens if I do this? What

happens if I put the ingredients in the wrong order?

What happens if I add this ingredient that's not in the

recipe, or what happens if I replace this with that. And

sometimes, it's just such a burning desire to explore

what will happen that I just like, what if? And I do it.

Page 36: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

And then it's either, most of the time it's a failed

result, to be fair, but sometimes something epic comes

out of it. It's not just in cooking, it's pretty much in

anything that I do. I always - as soon as I have this

question in my head, what if? I don't let it slip away.

Very rarely have I let it slip away. I'm always, okay,

let's do it.

Kirill Eremenko: Screw it, like Richard Branson says, screw it, let's do

it, let's see what happens. And I think that's curiosity,

right, in data science you gotta be the same. You gotta

be like, what if I write logistic regression in this way,

what if I apply this data set, what if I worked on this

project, what if I read this book and so on. What will

happen? And don't let that slip away. As soon as you

have the what if, there's always gonna be another voice

saying, I'm too tired, I'm too lazy, I really know that

this other method is gonna work. Well nothing new

comes out of doing the same things the same old way.

You gotta try new things, and that's when you break

boundaries, whether it's in science, in exploring new

fields, or whether it's in your career and your personal

life, in general and things that you are capable of


Sasha Prokhorova: Yeah absolutely.

Kirill Eremenko: Awesome. Okay well, Sasha, thank you so much for

such an inspiring session. I had a massive pleasure

talking to you, I'm sure lots of people learned from

this. Before I let you go, could you let us know where

our listeners can get in touch, contact you, follow you,

Page 37: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

learn more about your career and see where it takes


Sasha Prokhorova: Feel free to follow me on LinkedIn, it's Aleksandra

Sasha Prokhorovaa. Sasha in the parenthesis, because

Sasha is short for Aleksandra in Russian. Yeah the

last name is Prokhorovaa.

Kirill Eremenko: Wonderful, okay. So, well also include the URL to your

LinkedIn in the show notes for all listeners to catch up

on there. On that notes, once again, thanks so much

for coming on this show, best of luck with your career.

Let's stay in touch and I am looking forward to reading

your article for Wednesday next week.

Sasha Prokhorova: Thank you very much Kirill.

Kirill Eremenko: Alright, take care.

Kirill Eremenko: So there we go, that was our chat with Sasha. I hope

you enjoyed it. You can get the show notes and check

if Sasha has completed her challenge successfully at There you'll get all

the show notes and everything from this podcast, all of

the things that we've mentioned.

Kirill Eremenko: Another thing I wanted to outline today, before we

finish off, is that during this session we talked about

DataScienceGO 2018 quite a lot. As you could see, and

feel, and hear, Sasha had an amazing time. There was

plenty of speakers there, and lots of things to learn. So

if you missed out on DataScienceGO 2018, or if you

attended and missed out on certain sessions, because

we did have two rooms in parallel, so if you missed out

on certain sessions, then I have some great news for

Page 38: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 203 WITH SASHA PROKHOROVA€¦ · scientist Sasha Prokhorova. Kirill Eremenko: Welcome to the Super Data Science podcast. My name is Kirill Eremenko, data science

you. You can get the recordings from DataScienceGO

2018 and keep them for life, today. You can go to


and you will find all of the sessions there. You'll be

able to purchase the whole package and keep it for life,

and revisit any talks that you loved if you were there,

any talks that you missed, if you weren't there, and get

all the value of it. We recorded every session with

professional camera crew, so the quality is outstanding

and you get the full package both Saturday and

Sunday included.

Kirill Eremenko: So make sure to check out, if you want to relive

this experience or get all of the value from our

speakers that our attendees got. Of course you won't

be able to get the networking that is something you get

only by being there, but at least you can get all of the

value that our speakers were there to share in terms of

their talk, in terms of the things that they prepared for

this conference.

Kirill Eremenko: So, highly recommend checking it out, it's, you can find it there,

and on that note, thank you so much for being here,

for being part of the SuperDataScience podcast today,

spending this hour with us, with me and Sasha, and I

look forward to seeing you back here next time. And

until then, happy analyzing!