Sdane Final Multimedia

Social Justice Intern Manual Misericordia


This is the final multimedia project for the Social Justice Internship. I created a "manual" for the next intern in my position.

Transcript of Sdane Final Multimedia

Social Justice Intern Manual


Personal Effectiveness Program

Created by Samantha Dane


Welcome to the Social Justice program and welcome to P.E.P! Get ready for an amazing, rewarding experience that will teach you about adult with developmental disabilities, Misericordia, and yourself. I will miss this position very much and hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

P.E.P. is day programing for 15-17 Misericordia residents whom need a little more individualized attention. Many of the residents have a behavior that we are trying to avoid. Each of the residents bring their unique personalities to the group, making it a dynamic program. At first, it may seem overwhelming trying to get to know each resident (and instructors!) but give yourself time and jump right in! Everyone is friendly and wants to help you.

I know when I started I felt a little lost. I wasnt sure how to do a lot of things and wasnt even sure what needed to be done. I think that everything is a work in process so I came up with the idea of this manual to hopefully make things a little better for you! This will give you a good idea of what to expect before you even begin. That will let you make a bigger impact in the short time youre there!

Im not sure which days youll be going to work. I went primarily on Mondays and Wednesdays, with Fridays as needed. Because of this, much of my information is about activities that take place on those days, such as yoga and music therapy. However, much of it, such sensory room and meal plan information, will be useful no matter which days you go on.

Good luck with the year! I have full confidence that you will do great things. Please reach out if you have any questions at [email protected] or 586)322-7183.

-Samantha Dane, P.E.P. Intern 2014-2015

P.E.P. Schedule

Below is the general schedule that P.E.P. follows. The name in parenthesis is the individual who generally ran that activity this past year (this may change in the coming year) to give you an idea of what you may be doing. Youll find that sometimes things can get off schedule but this helps to give everyone an outline of what the days will look like.


Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3




PEP Talk/Juice

Vocational Work


Morning Meeting (Isaac)

Lunch Prep (Samantha)

10:45- 11:30

Hot Lunch Prep (Samantha)

Vocational (Susie)








Yoga (Rita/Samantha)

Social Skills (Isaac)


Art (Sarah)

Book Club (Isaac)

Vocational Work (Susie)




Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3




PEP Talk/Juice

Escorting McAuley (Susie)

Vocational Work


Morning Meeting (Isaac)

Escorting McAuley (Susie)

Lunch Prep

10:30- 11:15

PEP OT Group (Isaac)

Vocational Work

Mass- leave at 11am(Susie)

Lunch Prep






SMART Board- Unit of the Month activity (Isaac)


Vocational Exploration (Susie)




Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3




PEP Talk/Juice

Vocational Work

Grocery Store


Morning Meeting (Isaac)

Vocational Work (Susie)

Lunch Prep (Samantha)


Music with Andrew (Isaac)

Lunch Prep (Samantha)



Healthy Food Cart on SMARTboard (Isaac)

Lunch Prep (Samantha)






Vocational Work (Isaac)

Music Therapy (Jose/Samantha)




Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3




PEP Talk/Juice

Escorting McAuley (Susie)

Lunch Prep


Morning Meeting

Escorting McAuley (Susie)

Lunch Prep

10:30- 11:15

OT Group (Alisa)

Vocational Work

Mass- leave at 11am(Susie)

Lunch Prep






SMART Board- Unit of the Month activity (Isaac)

Swimming (Susie)

Vocational Exploration




Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3




PEP Talk/Juice

Vocational Exploration


Morning Meeting

Vocational Work

Lunch Prep (Susie)


Awards (Isaac)

iPad/Photo Club

Lunch Prep (Susie)






Games (Isaac)

Music in the Gym



P.E.P. Sensory Room

The sensory room is a space for the residents to relax and calm down in. Sometimes a resident will come in here if the rest of P.E.P. is too loud or if they are feeling overwhelmed. After lunch, most of the residents come into the Sensory Room to relax before afternoon activities. This is a great time to bond with the residents. You have a chance to sit and talk with them. Plus, some of the residents (KW, DB, and CM especially) enjoy having their hair brushed or arm tickled with the white brush with gives you a unique way to bond with them.

The switch to the right of the door controls the main features of the sensory room. Switched to the left are turned on. During the day and especially after lunch, switch A, C, and D on. Also, turn on the group of string lights.





Controlled by light switch

A. Projector

Sometimes takes a few minutes to warm up and turn on.

B. Lights

Refers to overhead light.

C. Air Tube

To turn on colored light as well, use big button on wooden part in front.

D. Disco ball

Works well with the projector. Some residents may get dizzy from this so be aware.

Manually Operated

Light Strings

You must manually turn this on. The switch is on top of the white box that is attached to the wall. It is pictured here turned on.


Ensure the unit is plugging into the outlet to the right on the unit.

Power button use to turn system on/off, control volume, switch between music source

For a list of favorite music and radio station, see the music sheet.

CD Eject Button

IPad Plug-in

(AUX cord kept on top of unit)

Sensory Room Closet

Latex Gloves

*Can wear while brushing hair

Yoga Idea Cards

*Helpful when Rita cant come to yoga

Various sensory items

*Playdough, snow globes, beads, etc


Hair brush/arm brush

*Residents may ask you to brush their hair or use the white rectangle brush to brush their arms

*Each resident has their own hairbrush. Match the initials.

Weighted Vest/Blankets

*Only use according to residents plans

Yoga Mats

With your set up and cultivation of this peaceful environment, the residents are sure to benefit!

Music at P.E.P.

On Wednesday afternoons Jose comes to P.E.P for music therapy. It is a really great experience for everyone. Besides morning meeting, it the longest the most residents are sitting, or dancing, together. Dancing and singing with the residents is a great way to let down your guard and bond with them from the beginning, They like being goofy with their friends just like you do.

Sometimes, Joses schedule doesnt allow him to come to P.E.P. On those days, you will likely be asked to run music for the afternoon. The Ipads both have YouTube apps that are easy to use. Below I have listed P.E.P. Classics that are sure to be a hit. I have also listed Suggestions of artists or songs you might play to introduce them to something new! Many of them I have tried with success.

P.E.P. classics

1. Leaving on a Jet Plane John Denver

1. Country Roads John Denver

1. Beatles (anything)

2. Love Me Do

2. Yesterday

2. Secret

1. Happy Pharrell

1. Lean on Me Bill Withers

1. Whats Love Got to do with it? Tina Turner

1. American Pie Don McLean

1. Grease soundtrack

1. Top Gun soundtrack

1. Michael Jackson


1. Jack Johnson

1. Coldplay

1. Bruno Mars

1. Alicia Keys

1. Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix) Omi

1. Go Your Own Way Fleetwood Mac

1. Back to The Earth Jason Mraz

1. Rebel Beat The Goo Goo Dolls

1. Live Like a Warrior Matisyahu

1. Sing - Ed Sherean

1. Left Hand Free Alt J


Yoga is great. Rita comes from the Fitness department on Monday afternoon to do yoga with the residents in P.E.P. We do yoga in the sensory room. She brings lavender hand oil and room spray. She also brings a yoga cd to help bring a calm energy into the room. Each residents gets their own matt with a resident on the large flat bean mattress by the door if we run out of mats

Rita will help guide you through how to help the residents have a relaxing session. Her therapy session is focused around a message that deals with energy healing (bringing it back to the center or heart) and on Thai yoga massage. You will help the residents stretch and move where they might have difficulty.

If Rita doesnt come Use the yoga cards in the closet! Find a calm Pandora radio station and plug the Ipad to help start calming everyone down. Having the residents do some breathing exercises is a great way to bring the energy to center and to help you keep everyone under control. Susie will help more if Rita doesnt come!

Resident notes


Try to get her to take off her backpack. Happy when Rita comes.


Get her fingers out of her nose. Untuck her shirt. Be quiet.


Lay on mat by door


Quiet. Touch appropriately.


Very flexible. Happy.

ABs Story

Working with AB on his story is something I will miss very much. So cherish it!

If he arrives on time to P.E.P. and participates all day, AB earns 15 minutes of computer time to work on his story. This is strong motivation for him to go to fitness.

AB requires help to type his story and to find pictures. He will begin telling a story and you can just jump in, typing. AB also enjoys looking for pictures. He will give you a description or an idea that you try to find the best you can. With both, AB will edit as what youre making doesnt match his idea.

Using the large timer has greatly helped AB follow the 15 minutes rule. Set it to 15 minutes when you begin then remind him at about 5 minutes and 1 minute about the time limit. Having him look at the clock seems to help reinforce this. The alarm that goes off at the end sometimes makes him a little sad or upset but he can quickly be redirected.

After the time is up, I let Andrew finish the idea we are writing or finding the picture we are working on. Every day he is allowed to print the new material. Once that is done, I redirect him to putting on his jacket and collecting his stuff while I collect the printed sheets.

AB is supposed to keep his stories relatively PG. His parents prefer that there are no zombies. They also prefer that the characters arent directly attaching or fighting something in his story. Make sure pictures follow this rule as well. Cover any weapons or blood with a symbol.

Here is an example of what to expect:

Chapter 19: Starship Troopers

Giant mutant alien bugs were running loose in the biolab facility. They broke out of their test room and an alarm started flashing red. One of them grabbed a scientist and hopped in a spaceship. The leader of this breakout was Dr. Locust. The starships troopers were flying on their way. There must have been a breakout! Alright troops, lets get on our way. Get your gear on and well find those giant bugs and exterminate the lab. Overload was working with bugs but Plasma was with the good guys. A giant alien centipede knocked over half of the starship troopers station. Oh no, well never be able to get in! Its blocked

Starship TroopersQueen of the Giant Locusts A meeting of the troops

General Scar-Eye The Raging Scorpion Starship Troopers

P.E.P. Kitchen

P.E.P. kitchen is where I bonded the most with the residents, and where I learned the most. Its also where I focused much of my time at Misercordia (hence how long this section is!)

At first, it seemed overwhelming. You have to juggle diet plans, getting residents involved, and staying on schedule. But its a blast. The residents enjoy getting to help cook and really enjoy eating the end product!

Every day except Wednesday is normal lunch. This means most residents will eat a peanut butter and jelly with the choice from two sides. On Wednesdays, we have hot lunch. This means we cook the recipe that the residents have picked out earlier in the week. More details on all of this to come!

Meal Plan Information

Unlimited food servings SM, A, AP, DS, AM, KF


1. Clothing protector

1. 5 nuggets on a plate

1. Leave next to microwave (she will microwave herself)

1. When time is up on microwave, take out, cut each nugget in half, put catsup on plate and bring to KW seat

1. If not nuggets 2 slices of bread with cheese

1. One yogurt in bowl

1. One apple sauce in bowl

1. Banana cut up in bowl


1. 2 Flat circle bread with melted cheese sandwiches

0. One slice of cheese on each

0. He will make himself

1. Nutrigrain bar

1. Prompt him to eat sitting down with his feet facing the right way


1. 2 flat circle bread with melted cheese sandwiches (tacos)

1. Oatmeal with one sugar


1. Plate guard

1. Clothing protector

1. Salad in bowl


1. Weights for wrists

1. Two handle cup for milk/juice


1. All food must be dime-sized


1. All food must be dime-sized


In my exploration of how best to cook with individuals with developmental disabilities, two ideas kept coming up. One, color coding and labeling the kitchen. This aids in cooking independence by letting the residents find their own measuring utensils. Two, visual recipes. These recipes include simple directions and many pictures to help the individual be more independent in cooking. More on both of these areas is below!

Color Coding

The color coding system is based on the Look n Cook books. It is as follow:

Cup Measurement

Spoon Measurement


1 cup

1 tablespoon


1 teaspoon

1/3 cup





Peanut Butter and Jelly Recipe


+Two slices of bread+Two jelly packets+Spoonful of peanut butter


+Butter knife +Spoon +Plate



Spread a spoonful of peanut button on one slice of bread. Make it even throughout the piece.


Spread two packets of jelly on the other slice of bread. Mate it even throughout the piece.


Put one slice of bread on the other.


Cut in half and put in Tupperware.

Cheese Sandwich Recipe


+Round bread+Two slices of cheese


+Plate +Microwave



Separate two halves of round bread.


Place one slice of cheese on each half.


Microwave for 45 seconds.


Let stand 1 minute. Serve and enjoy!

Tuna Noodle Casserole Recipe


+3 cans of tuna (drained) +3 cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup +2 milk cartons

+Bag of frozen peas and carrots +2 tablespoons breadcrumbs

+2 cups eggs noodles (cooked and drained) +2 packets butter (melted)


+Large Mixing Bowl +Casserole dish +Small Mixing Bowl

+Over Mitts +Oven +Large spoon



Preheat oven to 400 degrees.


Put soup, tuna, peas, carrots, and noodles into large bowl.


Mix well. About 30 stirs.


Put mixture in 1.5 quart casserole dish.


With oven mitts on, put in pre-heated oven.

Set timer for 20 minutes.


Put butter in microwave for 25 seconds.


Mix butter with breadcrumbs.


When oven time goes off, using oven mitts, remove casserole from oven. Stir casserole.

8. Evenly sprinkle breadcrumbs on top.


Put casserole back into the oven.


Set timer for 5 minutes.


When time goes off, using oven mitts, remove casserole.


Let stand for 5 minutes. Then, serve and enjoy!