Scrum Introduction

Scrum Introduction Alex Su 2013/05/13

Transcript of Scrum Introduction

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Scrum Introduction

Alex Su2013/05/13

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What is Scrum Dive into User Story

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Job Trends

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What is Scrum

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What is Scrum

Scrum is an agile process that allows self organizing teams to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time.

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Scrum Process

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Scrum Lifecycle

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Scrum Roles Stakeholder

The stakeholders are the customers, vendors.They are only directly involved in the process during the sprint

reviews. Product Owner

Creates and prioritizes the product backlogUnderstands the customer’s needs and the business value

Scrum MasterOrganizes the processKeeps track of the teams progressRemoves obstacles from the path of the team

Scrum Team MemberOrganizes itself to perform the work and deliver business value

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As a QA in Scrum

Building Test Cases Participate In Estimating Stories Help Keep Vision And Goals Visible Collaborate With Customers And Developers Provide Fast Feedback Automate Regression Testing Participate In Release Readiness/Demos Enforce the Definition of Done

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As a QA in Scrum

QA tasks are included on every sprint, and your sprint is not successully completed unless all QA tasks for that sprint are completed

or QA always runs a sprint behind development,

in which case QA's testing tasks for sprint 1 are done while devs work on sprint 2.

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Product Backlog Used to determine the work for the next

sprint A prioritized list of everything needed or

wanted for the entire product Often written in the form of user stories Have estimates associated with them

(often Story Points)

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Product Backlog Phase The Product Owner compiles the requirements The requirements is broken down into segments

Each segment should be part-deliverable and add business value to the product

The Product Owner personally creates a prioritized list The list reflect the order in which the items should be

delivered. This order can change over time.

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What is a Sprint

Scrum projects make progress in a series of sprints

Target duration is pre-decided. Scrum suggests 2 weeks to one month.

Scope does not change within a sprint.In the beginning of each Sprint, the Product Owner

freezes the foremost items on the list and summons the Scrum Team to a meeting

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Sprint Backlog

List of tasks that are to be completed in a sprint

The tasks are created by breaking down the stories during the planning meeting

Have estimates (often in hours) associated with them

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Sprint Backlog Phase

The first day of the Sprint is reserved to create a Sprint BacklogCreated from the frozen items of the Product

Backlog When the tasks and required time has been

determined, the Product Owner lets go. As of now the Scrum Team works under its own

responsibility in a time box

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Daily Scrum Every day at the same time Everyone stands - it helps keeping the meeting short Anyone can attend, but only the team may speak Each participant should answers 3 questions

What have you done since yesterday?What will you do today?Is there anything preventing you from doing what you

have planned?

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Agile Board in Jira

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Burndown Chart

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Demo and Evaluation The Sprint ends with a demonstration during

which functioning software is run before a larger groupConsisting of, besides the Product Owner, users and

representatives from management as an example. This is the basis for an Evaluation Meeting that

in turn is the starting block for the next Sprint

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All team members reflect on the past sprint Make continuous process improvements Two main questions are asked in the sprint

retrospectiveWhat went well during the sprint? What could be improved in the next sprint?

Two-hour time limit This meeting is facilitated by the


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Myths about Scrum

Scrum means no documentation Scrum means no plan Scrum is easy Scrum is a silver bullet solution to solve

any problem Scrum is only for team players Scrum doesn't need up front design We're doing scrum so we don't need to do

TDD, Refactoring Pair Programming, etc.

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Dive into User Story

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User Story

As a role I want something [so that I get a benefit]

As a User I want to login so that I can access personal data on

the website

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More Examples

As a student, I can find my grades online so that I don’t have to wait until the next day to know whether I passed.

As a book shopper, I can read reviews of a selected book so that I can decide whether to buy it.

As a user, I want to search for my customers by their first and last names.

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Good User Stories

Focus on the user Keep your stories visible Use stories to facilitate a conversation

with the team and with the users Keep your stories simple Progressively decompose your stories Don’t forget the acceptance criteria Consider grouping user stories into


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Well-formed User Stories

I – Independent N – Negotiable V – Valuable E – Estimable S – Small T – Testable

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As Product Owner, I want a list of highly-rated restaurants on the website.Drawbacks: It’s not only about you!Better: Focus on your end users and

stakeholders. “As a gourmet tourist, I want a list of highly-rated restaurants on the website.”

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Write game rules.Drawbacks: not independent, no business

value, not small.Better: “As a newbie game player, I want to

know who goes first so we can start the game.”

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Non-functional Requirements

Reliability Availability Portability Scalability Usability Maintainability Security Performance Robustness

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Non-functional RequirementsThink of non-functional requirements as constraints As a customer, I want to be able to run your

product on all versions of Windows from Windows 95 on.

As a user, I want the site to be available 99.999% of the time I try to access it so that I don't get frustrated and find another site to use.

As the CTO, I want the system to use our existing orders database rather than create a new one sot that we don't have one more database to maintain.

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