script journey to the west.doc

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Transcript of script journey to the west.doc

  • 7/24/2019 script journey to the west.doc


    Drama scenario :

    Themes :

    Tittle : Journey To The West

    Character :


    1. Dwi Aris Tamar Sun Go Kong

    2. Anyelus Drostenyelus Mon Tong Sam Cong

    !. Alan Christo"her Cut #at ay

    $. %hwanul Muslimin Sha Wu&ing

    '. (uniar %snani )ull Gu Moong Demon

    *. #etrus Joni +r ,ang Go-

    . An-i Win-ha /ama-hani 0an #rincess

    . Mentari Kwam %n Go--ess

    . /eita /osana Snae Demon

    13. %ntan 4o5ita /ahayu S"i-er Demon

    11. Din-a Ayu 0itriana White Sull Demon

    12. Win-i /iani Malia Scor"ion Demon

    1!. Juli Astia 6ueen 78 0ire

    1$. Jusmi Dwi 0a-ilah 6ueen 78 Water

    1'. 4a9ila %n-ra Wi-ya 6ueen 78 air

    1*. Mustia Gita Wi-hani 6ueen 78 ,an-

    1. Mustiah Chang e

    1. (oyo en-ra ).K. Tum #ei Money

    1. An-i Astri- Armelia Arsya- Daughter o8 s"i-er -emon

    23. %n-ah 0au;iah Taher Daughter o8 snae -emon

    21. Megawati Sihite Daughter o8

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    Setting o8 "lace :

    Setting o8 time :


    SCENE 1

    7nce u"on a time there was a magical money who calle- himsel8 a han-some ing money. e

    was 5ery strong= 5ery con8i-ent= cle5er = an- also moneyish no one can han-le him= at the age o8 !23

    years he hea-e- to the mount hua guo= an- 9ecoming a go- with the tittle >6i Tian Da Sheng? at the age

    o8 !' years. 13 years later= 9ecause o8 his re9elliousness= he was sentence- in un-er the mount o8 wu

    sing 8or '33 years 9y )u--ha.

    ACT 1

    Goong : )u--ha "lease@ "lease.. 8orgi5e me@. )u--ha "lease let me out 8rom this. % "romise %

    will 9eha5e- )u--ha "lease taling to himsel8B

    Someone accrose- himB

    Goong : hey you "lease hel" me &ust hel" me -estroy this stone. +(@@@@@.. Dont go E

    That "erson &ust "asse- him 9y.B

    4ot long wan im go--ess a""eare-B

    Kwam in : Goong @ so8t 5oiceB

    Goong : Go--ess "lease "lease let me out 8rom this= i regret e5erything %ll -o anything to 8iF

    this u"Kwam in : % -o ha5e a way. 9ut e5erything comes with a "rice .9u--ha will 8orgi5e you an- let you

    8ree with one con-ition.

    Goong : %ll -o e5erything % "romise .

    Kwam in : a mon @ he nee-s your hel"= he nee-s to 8in- a holy 9oo in the west. What you ha5e

    to -o is to "rotect him 8rom e5erything. %8 you can hel" him )u--ha will 8orgi5e you an-

    let you 8ree 8ore5er. An- youll 9e 9ac to the hea5en.

    Goong : hahahahahaha@@ me as a guar- ahahah arrogantlyB are you i--ing

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    Kwam in : well i8 you -ont want it %ll come 9ac in other '33 years.

    Goong : oay oay @ %ll -o that= now let me go.

    Kwam in : SmilingB its not me who will let you go. (ou ha5e to wait@.

    Goong : again you sai-@.

    Kwam in : there is a mon= he will come this "lace an- set you 8ree. %5e to go goong .

    Goong : go--ess wait= youre not 9e s"eci8ic how long %5e to waitKwam in le8t him.. B

    SCENE 2

    Tong sam chong was a mong he li5es in Tang Dynasty at *32 AD**$ AD= he was 9orn in enan

    #ro5insi with a real name Chen ui 9e8ore he 9ecomes a mon. e was the $ thchil-ren 8rom $th9rothers.

    0inally tong sam chong -o a &ourney to the west at *22 AD -uring the reign o8 em"eror Tang= 9ecause o8

    his -ream= )u--ha came to his -ream an- tol- him a9out the holy 9oo. Then wam in go--ess came to

    him while he start his &ourney.

    ACT 1

    Tong sam chong: Amita9a@.. what is go--ess wam in -o in this "lace

    Kwam im : Tong sam chong % came to let you now that in your &ourney youre not going alone.

    (oure going to ha5e ! a""rentice they will "rotect you 8rom the -emon an- 9a- "eo"le.

    )ut@ it is not going to 9e easy= 9ecause your 8irst a""rentice was an arrogant money

    9ut hes 5ery strong . )u--ha gi5es you this a gol- crownB ee" this an- "ut this in his

    hea-. is name is sun go ong . goo- luc tong sam chong SmilingB

    ACT 2

    A8ter a long way 8innaly tong sam chong arri5e- in mount o8 wu sing :

    Tong Sam Chong: Amita9a@ you must 9e sun go ong

    Goong : (es iam .. who are you 7h -ont tell me % now you. Why too so long im tire- o8waiting . now let me go

    Tong Sam Chong: Smiling B

    Goong : % now % now.. % o88ere- mysel8 in eFchange 8or my 8ree-om %ll "rotect you to 8in-

    your holy 9oo.

    Tong sam Chong: he un-erstoo- that the money wasnt really inten-ing to escort him there8ore he "uts

    the crown to go ongs hea-B

    Goong : what youre -oing what is this

    Tong Sam Chong: now im rea-y to set you 8ree. are you rea-y@

    Goong : %m rea-y since long time ago.

    Then.. tong sam chong cast a s"ell to let him go. Then the mountain -estroye-B.

    Goong : wuhuy@.. yeahE %m so ha""y

    ACT 3

    %n-ee- he try to run awas 8rom tong sam chong 9ut not 8or a while @ tong sam chong s"ea the s"ell an-

    go ong 8eel so much "ain on his hea-..

    Goong : oh no what youre -oing .. this is hurting me. Mae it sto" "lease sto"@ uhhh@.. hel"


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    Tong sam chong: will you "romise will 9eha5e- goo-.

    Goong : yes@ yes.. % "romise % "romise.

    Tong sam chong: sto" rea-ing the s"ell an- goong 8eel no "ain anymore. Actually he 8eel a little 9it


    Tong sam chong : that crown will mae your hea- in so much "ain i8 you mis9eha5e- %ll rea- a s"ell

    then something ha""en lie 9e8ore.Goong : alright alright % un-erstan-.. not lets go to the west E ArrogantlyB

    ACT 4

    +r lang : why is 9u--ha &ulay let goongs 8ree= he -i-nt -eser5e it= he ruine- hea5en an- ill

    13.333 guar-s how come is )u--ha &ulay 8orgi5e him. % cant let this ha""en

    %n a mi--le o8 their way er lang 9locing their way= er lang was a comman-er in hea5en he hates go ong

    9ecause o8 their "ast= goongs ruine- hea5en.

    +r lang : G7 K74G..EEEEEEE

    Goong : Comman-er er lang

    +r lang "ointing his gun to go ongB

    Goong : how -are you is rea-y to 8ight 9ut tong sam chong sto" em.B

    Tong sam chong: comman-er er lang goongs will not 8ight with you= his 8ocus now is to 8in- a holy

    9oo in the west. is alrea-y change . "lease let us go .

    +r lang : change-EE hahaha this money will ne5er change- he lies to ill others "eo"le an- show


    Go ong : oh= you want me to humiliating you again= -ont you remem9er that -ay Ahahaha you

    are no match 8or me.

    +r lang : im not the same er lang= heaaaaahEEEE 9egin to attac go ongB

    Tong sam chong: "lease you two sto"=go ong -ont 8ight him= there is no a-5antage in a 8ight

    Go ong : % cant=he attac me 8irst= he want to try me= an- its a challenge attacing er langB

    Tong sam chong: s"ell cast on go ongBGo ong : aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh "lease stoo" arrrrrgh= % ha5e to -e8eat him= aaaaaarrrrghEEEE 8ell

    to the groun-B

    +r lang : now= you will -ie moneyEEEE rush to go ong an- 9egin to attacB

    Tong sam chong: mo5e in 8ront o8 go ong to "rotect himB "lease sto"= "lease -o not harm him

    +r lang : imme-iately sto" the attacB why= who are you try to "re5ent me

    Tog sam chong : "lease= trust me= go ong will not 9e the same a8ter this= he still in his "unishment=

    "lease 8orgi5e him=he is a goo- "erson now=an- we ha5e to go to the west right now= 8or

    goo- sae o8 human race

    +r lang : silent 8or a secon- an- thiningB you loo 5ery strange= 9ut % 8eel a sense o8 goo- in

    you= you must 9e the tong sam chong= o % will let go ong li5e= 9ut i8 he -o something

    9a- again= % ha5e no -ou9t to ill him at once.

    Tong sam chong: than you comman-er= % guarantee he is a 9etter "erson now hel" go ong stan-B come

    go ong we shall go

    Go ong : stare at tong sam chongB than you guru

    SCENE 3

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    Cut "at ai is always 8eeling lo5esturc= his ho99y was always teasing each womans who

    accrose- in 8ront o8 him. e has a 8a5ourite line it is >that is lo5e= misery without en-? "at ai is always

    o5erwhelme- 9y inner "leasure= 8ille- 9y lust so e5erytime he mets woman his mouth will 8ille- 9y his

    slo99er. 4ot only that "atai is a gree-y "erson we can see it 8rom his -isten-e- 9elly.

    ACT 1

    #atai : hi girls.. hahaha you now that % was the highest comman-er tiang 8eng % rules a lot o89ig nation show u"B

    Kwam in : cut "at ai ..

    #atai : wam in go--ess= what were you -oing here.

    Kwam in : "atai -o you want to 9e a human again

    #atai : yes go--ess o8 course % want.

    Kwam in : there will 9e a mon hell 9e accrose- this 5illagers. The )u--ha choose you to

    accom"anie- him to his &ourney i8 succe- we will gi5e you anything . what -o you say

    #atai : sure why not it woul- 9e easy &ust accom"anie- him

    Kwam in : goo- = ohh % remain- you there will 9e a lot o8 -emon an- o9stacle also "ro9lem in your

    way = so 9e wise an- 9ecare8ull oay.

    ACT 2

    #atai : hey you@ are you a mon

    Tong sam chong : amita9aa@

    Go ong : hey "ig get away i8 -i-nt want to get hurt= lets go guru.

    #atai : wait@ wam in came to me she sai- %5e to go with you= to "rotect you.

    Go ong : AAAA @.. are you i--ing me. (ou .. with that 9elly % -ont thin so.

    #atai : hey -ont insult me .

    Tong sam chong : go ong 9e nice= are you telling the truth

    #atai : yes mon.

    Tong sam chong : whats your name #atai : cut "at ai= so can % go with you

    Tong sam chong: sure .. wam in choose you .

    SCENE 4

    Wu ching= he was once a mem9er o8 celestial 8orces 9ut 9ecause he 8eels that he is the one an- the

    most intelligent go- = so he was sentence- to some "lace an- always 9eing chase- with arrows until he

    su88ere- not only that his intelligence was also taen an- he 9ecames 8ool. A8ter he 8inishe- his sentence-

    he choose to 9ecame a -emon that stay inn the ocean an- he lies to eat the 8lesh o8 the "eo"le. When he

    hear- that a holy mon will try to 8in- a holy 9oo to the west= hes waiting he wants to eat a mon 8lesh.

    ACT 1

    Goong : Do we really ha5e to across this ocean guru..

    #atai : why are you a8rai- o8 ocean

    Goong : what.. nothing can scare me ArrogantlyB

    Tong sam chong : goong "re"are our 9oat to across this ocean.

    Goong : o guru.. "atai li8t your ass to hel" me out E

    ACT 2

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    Su--enly wam in a""eare-..

    Tong sam chong : Amita9a@

    Kwam in : smiling B tong sam chong 9e8ore you going % woul- lie to warn you that the neFt "lace

    where youll sto" 9y= calle- water nation it was a nice "lace until the snae -emon comes.


    Goong an- "atai hear- it ..BGoong : go--ess -ont worry % can han-le that snae woman. %ll "rotect guru.

    Kwam in : % 9elie5e you goong ..

    Then she [email protected]

    #atai : guru come on the 9oat is rea-y..

    ACT 3

    %n the mi--le o8 their way.

    Goong : "atai "a--le this 9oat

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    A8ter awhile wu chinng reali;e an- -eci-e to &oin that mon try to 9e a goo- "erson an-

    8in- a holly 9oo. Theyre all 9ac to the sur8ace o8 the ocean

    Wu ching : im sorry guru % try to eat you ali5e . % now a way to the water nation let me lea- you.

    SCENE 5

    ACT 1While theyre in a way to go to the water nation = they -i-nt now that water nation has 9een controlle-

    9y the snae -emon. Snae -emon is 5ery sli""y also 9eauti8ul she has a -aughter name huo &u an- she

    was also 5ery sli""y.

    uo &u : mother @. Mother@ running B

    Snae Demon : huo &u -o not running in the castle E

    uo &u : mom sun go ong an- a mon is on the way to this "lace= % hear- they -e8eat wu ching

    Snae -emon : % can not wait to see all o8 them an- eating the 8lesh o8 the mon so we can 9e

    immortal. ahahaha

    6ueen o8 water : youre going to 9e lose.. -emon ..

    Snae -emon : shut u" an- tell all your guar-s to ca"ture the mon an- 9ring him to me .

    GHA/DS@@@@.EEEEEEE Tell them E yelling at the

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    6ueen o8 water : shocB what -o you mean

    Snae -emon : +47HG EE huo &u gi5e her your "oison % CA4T tae a traitor % shoul- ill you since

    the 8irst time.

    Go ong : hey you EEE

    Snae -emon : huo &u catch that mon E

    Go ong : Dont you -are -emon goong 8ight with her B#atai :

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    Kwam in : go ong i8 you cant han-le it %ll sent you 9ac to the mountain. S"i-er -emon was

    alrea-y stay an- -estroy the 8ire nation hel" them .

    Tong sam chong: yes go--ess well try anything .

    ACT 2


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    Wu ching : we must go nowE We ha5e to go to the air nation .

    (uan &u : what @. Air nation ha5e you hear- the rumor

    #atai : what rumor

    (uan &u : the air nation has 9een controlle- 9y the -emon.. 9ut % -ont now what -emon= "lease

    9ecare8ul. An- % ha5e the 8astest way to that nation.

    Wu ching : is that so (uan &i : this is the ma" = 8ollow it oay

    SCENE 7

    ACT 1

    At the castle o8 air nation :

    Sull -emon : go--amnit.. they -e8eat the s"i-er -emon@ how its "ossi9le 4ow they on their way to

    my "lace.. % cant let this ha""en..

    6ueen air : hey -emon.. you sai- youre going to hel" me to sol5e my nation "ro9lem. Were

    running o8 a 8oo- 9ecause o8 this -ry season. Dont you remem9er % let you stay 9ecause

    you sai- you now how to sol5e this .

    Sull -emon : 7W DA/+ you taling lie that in 8ront o8 me Who -o you thin youre

    6ueen air : im the

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    Go ong : what its your "lan D+M74

    Mei 8eng : % now that % cant lie to you that % AM a -emon .. hahaha..

    Go ong : (7H..EEEE go ong ice- her with his wea"on an- mei8eng "reten- to 9e -ea-B

    Tong sam chong : G7 K74G EEEE why -i- u -o that. % ne5er teach you to ill others "eo"le

    Go ong : 9ut shes not a human. Why guru -i-nt 9elie5e me .

    Tong sam chong : 9ut still ille- her. An- % -ont want an a""rentice lie you to stay here .Wu ching : guru 9ut we nee- go ong ..

    #atai : &ust got 9ac 8rom search water Bmei8eng @@ EEE whats ha""en to her con8use-B

    go ong -i- you -i- this.. what is her 8ault. Guru -o something

    Tong sam chong: go away go ong . % -ont want my stu-ents acte- lie that. (ou can lea5e us now.

    #atai : crying B yes.. go away go ong E G7EE

    Wu ching : guru -ont -o this to goong

    Goong : 8in- @ %ll lea5e Go ong lea5e sa-lyB

    A8ter go ong lea5es sull -emon comes B

    Sull -emon : hallo tong sam chong

    Wu ching : what -o you want -emon

    Sull -emon : % can smell it @ so -elicious. Mei8eng wae u" = we ha5e to go now.

    #atai : you -o -emon

    Mei8eng : its too 9a- you -i-nt trust your 9rother "ig.

    Then -emon an- mei8eng lea5es with tong sma chong .B

    Wu ching : what shoul- we -o now 9rother. They tae guru we shoul- call go ong .

    #atai : are you cra;y -ont you remem9er how 8ast go ong is may9e hes alrea-y go aroun-

    hal8 o8 this "lanet right now.

    Wu ching : we shoul- go to the

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    ACT 5

    6ueen water : whats ha""en here = what is he -oing here

    Sull -emon : -ont worry

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    )ull -emon : % hear- hes 5ery strong he can -estroy a mountain with one han-. Go ong tum "ey

    an- others -emon gathering in the lan- nation. We nee- more han-.

    +r lang comes @B

    +r lang : im rea-y to hel"..

    Go ong : er lang

    +r lang : you "ro5e it that youre change now go ong= % see it 8rom the sy= % also call all theall?

    Sull -emon : -ont you see. Theres no way go ong will come alone .

    Scor"ion -emon : the

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    0innaly go ongs an- the others arri5e- in the lan- nation. They saw a lot o8 misery in the 8ace o8 lan-s


    #atai : theyre 8ace is so horri9le

    Go ong : alright

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    6ueen o8 lan- : my -aughter are you alright

    #rincess 8an : my

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