Script for discussing questionnaire

Liv- So we have now collected all of our information from our questionnaires and we think we have gained some really useful results that will help us target our audience effectively and engage them with our film, posters and media products. Ellie- we wanted to ask a range of different ages, both sexes & people of varying demographics and people with different interests. I think we achieved this as we had an almost equal ratio of female to male and a wide range of ages shown on our bar chart ‘ age of our audience’. Chloe- From our questionnaire we really wanted to find out as much as we could about our audience preferences towards film noir. We weren’t sure how well known the genre was and if their was a gap in the market for a modern film noir and a new black and white film. Liv- we are pleased with what our results tell us, as there seems to be some interest into the film noir genre. 48% of our audience have already seen a film noir proving they have been interested and engaged with this media product. 52% haven’t seen one, which isn’t a negative result as we think this could give us the opportunity to create something new and give our film a unique selling point due to its genre. Ellie- We asked our audience if they would like to see a black and white film with a modern narrative and we were pleased to see that a large proportion of our audience said yes. Developing the idea of what genre our audience liked we asked if they liked hybrid films a combination of two film genres. A large 95% stated yes so from this we could start to think about making our film a hybrid film and include two genres like film noir & action. Chloe- The setting of our film is a key element of our film and we wanted to know which settngs our target audience like to see in a film. We found that 10 people liked to see a city/urban setting which is a great result as our film will be set in the busy, fast moving city of London. 5 people said they liked to see a range and 2 people said they liked to see a small town. Liv - Our results have given us confidence in our narrative and in the setting our film will take place.

Transcript of Script for discussing questionnaire

Page 1: Script for discussing questionnaire

Liv- So we have now collected all of our information from our questionnaires and we think we have gained some really useful results that will help us target our audience effectively and engage them with our film, posters and media products. Ellie- we wanted to ask a range of different ages, both sexes & people of varying demographics and people with different interests. I think we achieved this as we had an almost equal ratio of female to male and a wide range of ages shown on our bar chart ‘age of our audience’. Chloe- From our questionnaire we really wanted to find out as much as we could about our audience preferences towards film noir. We weren’t sure how well known the genre was and if their was a gap in the market for a modern film noir and a new black and white film. Liv- we are pleased with what our results tell us, as there seems to be some interest into the film noir genre. 48% of our audience have already seen a film noir proving they have been interested and engaged with this media product. 52% haven’t seen one, which isn’t a negative result as we think this could give us the opportunity to create something new and give our film a unique selling point due to its genre. Ellie- We asked our audience if they would like to see a black and white film with a modern narrative and we were pleased to see that a large proportion of our audience said yes. Developing the idea of what genre our audience liked we asked if they liked hybrid films a combination of two film genres. A large 95% stated yes so from this we could start to think about making our film a hybrid film and include two genres like film noir & action. Chloe- The setting of our film is a key element of our film and we wanted to know which settngs our target audience like to see in a film. We found that 10 people liked to see a city/urban setting which is a great result as our film will be set in the busy, fast moving city of London. 5 people said they liked to see a range and 2 people said they liked to see a small town. Liv - Our results have given us confidence in our narrative and in the setting our film will take place.

Page 2: Script for discussing questionnaire

Choe - We have chosen to use padlet to present this evidence as it is a new, innovative website allowing users to create an interactive wall of information. As a group we want to vary the technology and websites we use and try different ways to present information such as data, images and text. We can also easily embed this onto our blogs