Script 012809 5pm

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Transcript of Script 012809 5pm

  • 8/16/2019 Script 012809 5pm


    Armando and Jay’s Script

    Armando: People familiar with /my work know that there is a wide

    abundance of lucrative , profit- eneratin opportunities available to

    anybody who wants to learn how to flip real estate! "ost of the asset-

    flippin strate ies that # have talked about in the past focus on real

    estate! $sually residential real estate! %ven ri ht now, some incredible

    real estate , flippin situations --- and opportunities --- e&ist for anyone

    listenin to this session who that is willin to shift the way you look at

    everyone else's financial problems pressures and stress!

    (ut lately, ) Armando * # have been intri ued by the concept and hi h

    possibility of teachin men and women of every type how to and turn

    flip non-real estate assets! "ore specifically, # ) Armando * went to see a

    ood friend who is probably the world's foremost e&pert at turnin

    flippin such an array of little-known, non-real estate assets!!! into wild

    profits, it's almost unreal+

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    is name is Jay Abraham and many people have heard of him ! (

    because , he's considered .ust about the finest business buildin and

    marketin mind on the planet!

    (ut almost no one who's heard of Jay reali es that he has personally

    orchestrated, masterminded or counseled somethin like 011 prosperous

    people in the little known skill of non-real estate asset 2turnin ,3 as Jay

    calls the process flippin !

    is clients have made absolute fortunes doin it at a very hi h level!

    (ut, the very same methods and strate ies Jay has used to pull off

    multimillion dollar deals for #S his lar er clients can be easily

    modified and translated over to a more simplified method and system

    that ordinary people like you can use -- ri ht now to find and flip and

    turn assets almost anywhere in the world where there are businesses!


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    5hink of it this way: 6id you ever drive your car onto a toll road, where

    you had to pay the man or woman in the booth a fee .ust to o throu h

    their route! 6id you ever wish that you, too, could be the owner of that

    toll booth7or at least have your own or maybe many different toll roads

    you could collect transaction fees from8

    9ell Jay Abraham probably knows more ways to put someone like you

    into what he calls the 2toll-position,3 by tyin up non-real-estate assets

    and access in businesses than anyone else out there! # want ;$ to

    have as many of your own toll booths as you possibly desire!

    So, after considerable discussions, # persuaded Jay to sit down and create

    a simple, easily workable, non-real estate asset flippin and turnin

    system that anyone, anywhere, anytime could

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    #nstead of makin a few

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    And .ust like the businesses #’ve started from so scratch with absolutely

    no money, whatsoever! Almost everythin that Jay and # will teach you,

    here, re

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    5he only difference in the si e and level deal you want to o after is the

    level of confidence, deservedness and financial aspiration you're capable

    of feelin ! 5ruthfully, ri ht now in 5 #S horrible recession, the sky

    really #S the limit if you do it ri ht!

    5he techni

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    # further reali ed that you could o on and use what Jay Abraham has

    done for himself --- to create a potentially si nificant new source of

    ma.or, lon -term, )even lifetime * income for yourself or anyone else out

    there---youn or old, alike, who needs either a supplemental income

    source7or an entirely new income career or opportunity to et into!

    9hat Jay has developed and #’m helpin him e&pand , represents the

    ultimate profit pipeline you could possibly plu into in an economy like

    this! ;nce a ain, it utili es many of the very same powerful methods

    #’ve personally used to create ei ht separate, hi hly successful

    businesses u sin ero capital to et started!# also reali e that you could et all kinds of other people out there )who

    were seekin income opportunities for themselves* -- to o out and set

    up rich flippin and profit turnin deals, alore---A@@ under your

    direction! #n this situation, they would do all the work! (ut ;$ retain

    the lion’s share of the Profit Payday on each deal they’d do for you!

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    P@$S -- # saw a potentially lucrative personal opportunity # could create

    for Jay, too! (ecause once the people on my list learn Jay’s pro rams,


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    S%L;?6, you can usually find more than one asset flippin or profit-

    turnin opportunity in each business you look at -- So the number and

    combination of profitable ways someone listenin to this call can make

    themselves money flippin non-real estate assets )and turnin immediate

    profit situations into paydays* are enormous!

    5 #H6, unlike real estate flips )which while bein hi hly lucrative -- if

    done ri ht, can re

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    #f you can o to any )or every* one of them you want --- and offer them

    a hefty windfall profit bonan a opportunity by findin them a four to

    si&-fi ure .ackpot very

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    you can flip )or turn* it

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    e’ll walk you throu h a bunch of the basics! e'll carefully e&plain

    what the various classes and kinds of tan ible and intan ible non-real

    estate assets look like, where to find them in a iven business--and how

    to et other business owners e&cited about buyin these assets from you

    -- once you’ve tied them up and ained full functional control of them!

    5he key is when you turn the asset or access

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    5hen he’ll tell you what kind of deals to avoid! Jay will walk you

    throu h some hi hly-specific 2action steps3 to take, too, when you’re

    ready to start oin out there doin deals, for yourself!

    And he’ll answer the most important

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    At that point you're welcome to o out and do your own deals usin the

    rich information Jay and # will have shared with you, today!

    But it gets better...

    ou see, when # reali ed how powerful )and profitable* Jay’s non-real

    estate 2profit-turnin 3 and flippin methods could be to your income

    this year -- # asked Jay to create a never-before-offered, hi h level, roup

    mentorin pro ram---to teach a small, elite roup of people on my list

    how to flip assets like a master! 5hen # decided to become a key part ofthat pro ram, so # could personally add my own e&pert spins and power

    perspectives to everythin Jay talks about!

    (ut, # knew that none of you would have any desire to be mentored

    personally by wither me or him unless Jay and #, first ave you the

    education of a lifetime on this two-hour conference call! So, we’re both


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    rollin up our sleeves and ready to transform you into one very talented

    profit turner!

    S; # can promise that we’re oin to knock your socks off and

    absolutely rock your boat with the ideas, concepts, stories and strate ies

    we’re about to share with you, now!

    Cinally, afterwards #’ve structured a mind-blowin way you can actually

    et Jay E and #--- to ether, to personally mentor you in this roup -- for

    one full month -- without paying anybody a cent ! Cor one, full month

    absolutely no money will chan e hands!

    Seriously, it's a no lose, no-brainer, free 2 Test-Drive 3 offer to plu into

    Jay’s absolutely mammoth brain )and mine, too+* for one full month --

    without puttin out a dime+

    (ut #'m ettin way ahead of myself, now!


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    ?ow # want you to sit back, rela&, et your mind in ear and ready to


    "ake certain you have a pad of paper and plenty of pencils ready!

    (ecause you're oin to and # want to, take notes on every minute of

    every concept Jay talks about )and #’ll add spins and ideas E

    continuously, as we o*! So let's let Jay and # teach you how to make

    money flippin and turnin non-real estate assets7 starting today + Are

    you ready to do it, Jay8

    Jay: #’m ready if are Armando+

    ;kay, then please E let’s both take it away+

    i! 5his is Jay Abraham! # don’t want to waste any more time tellin

    you " back round or achievements! (ut # 6; want you to know that

    what #’m about to share really #S a 2Stepped 6own3 summary and

    overview of the very same kind of techni

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    clients and # have used to enerate enormous one-shot --- and recurrin

    --- profit paydays!

    After Armando persuaded me to do this for you )and with him*, # spent

    enormous time simplifyin , refinin and then systemati in all my

    methods so it would be 2 a piece of cake 3 for you to understand it all---

    and it should be surprisin ly easy and doable for .ust about anyone

    listenin here to earn handsome paydays doin what #’ll talk about!

    Plus, with Armando addin his own personal slant on everythin # share

    E you’re in store for somethin wonderful!


    9hat you're about to e&perience and learn here today has the power,

    profitability and timeliness to truthfully transform your financial fate

    and prosperity path.

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    #f you’ve been stru lin tryin to find a money-makin method that

    delivered what you need--or you ot disappointed when another income

    opportunity )you tried out* let you down7# promise that this

    teleconference won’t let you downGyou have both, my word and


    5oday # will be sharin over 41, closely uarded strate ies for makin

    serious money flippin non-real estate assets in a bad economy!

    # hope to cover no less than 40 little-known---yet surprisin ly easy ways

    that you can tie somethin up that no one else sees! 5hen turn ri htaround and flip it to someone else who will pri e its value -- and pay you

    a small )or lar e* 2 bundle 3 for what it's worth to them! ou'll walk away

    with a hefty )almost instant* transactional profit on each deal like that

    you ever do! Armando calls it flippin )# call it profit turnin ! ou’ll

    call it the most rewardin recessionary money-makin method you’ve

    ever heard*!


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    ou merely identify overlooked assets that are .ust sittin - idly in a

    business---waitin to be tied up-&-turned , as # call it! See the

    overlooked asset! Sei e on it! 5ie it up! Clip it to someone else! (ank a

    fat profit check!

    Stated differently, if you can see somethin no one else sees, then et

    paid for doin this over and over a ain anywhere you find businesses --

    that's a formula for moneymakin everyone needs to learn!

    9hat you need to understand ri ht from the start is that this involves

    nothin more than ainin control )or access* to hidden assets,overlooked opportunities that no one else in a business sees --- or even

    knows they have! 5hen ;$ fi ure out who out there would value,

    desire, appreciate, use, benefit and/or profit from ownin 7or merely

    accessin that asset!


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    5hen you make what # call 2the money connection,3 and flip )and turn*

    that asset from one business or individual to another business or


    "ost of the deals #’ll talk about re

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    @ayered to ether over time the residual income streams can combine to

    produce si nificant passive income for you!

    6o a handful of front-end type, payday flippin )and profit turnin *

    deals every month and it could provide you with a very rewardin full-

    time income7and career!

    Armando? Armando adds his comments

    Jay - ou can start small to ain your confidence and move up )at your

    own pace* to bi er, better payoff deals as soon as you are ready!

    #t can be easily done part-time, days, evenin s or weekends7#C you


    ou can decide to do it A@@ yourself! ;r easily recruit and retain one ---

    or do ens ---of other motivated, opportunity seekers to perform all the


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    work for you! %ither way, ;$ et to keep all )or the ma.ority* of profit

    enerated! #’ll e&plain how in a moment!

    #’ve developed a killer way for anyone--anywhere to et do ens of other

    people sourcin , closin and even flippin )and turnin * the deals for

    you! (elieve it or not, you’ll only need to pay most of them a small share

    of your profits!

    # call this usin the 5om Sawyer 2School of (usiness3 and #’ve done it

    worldwide to et people on four continents findin , closin then flippin

    deals for me! ou can easily do a version in your own city, state or as far away as you like!

    Hi ht now you may be stru lin financially! So, your sense of

    ambition and scope may be limited to ettin your bills paid off or your

    kids’ tuition covered in colle e! understand that !


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    ($57once you see how truly easy, doable and abundantly available all

    these asset flippin opportunities really are---you may decide to raise

    your si hts and dramatically e&pand you sense of what’s now possible

    financially7for you!

    Probably most impressive of all the thin s # want to tell you about today

    is the fact that this recessionary, bad economy we’re in is

    A(S;@$5%@ the very best environment for doin non-real estate

    flippin )and profit turnin * deals!

    ou probably are wonderin 2 why3! So let me tell you!

    #n ood and boom times almost everyone in business is makin tons of

    money! So they aren’t hurtin ! 5hey aren’t stru lin ! 5hey aren’t

    interested in makin a

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    (ut now7fast-forward to today’s terrible business climate! #n today’s

    bad economy, the vast ma.ority of small businesses )which make up

    nearly M0O of the estimated >0 million enterprises in the $S* are

    hurtin -financially!

    Sales are down! Profits are droppin !

    "any, )if not most*, small to medium-si ed business owners,

    entrepreneurs and professionals are scared! 5hey don’t know what to do,

    where to turn, how to make more money from their business!

    ere’s where ;$ come in Ein a number of lucrative ways!

    # probably need to stop for a moment and draw a few similarities in the

    psycholo ical motivations that drive what #’m about to teach you7and

    those that make real-estate flippin work, too+

    Armand! please "ump in anytime to add perspective#


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    Armando comments$

    Jay: 9hen you focus on doin real-estate flips, your oal is to find

    motivated sellers and buyers, alike! our money/profit ets made in

    makin that mental connection! #n the investment world they call it

    financial arbitra e! Armando calls it flippin real estate! # call it many

    different thin s!!!from makin the hidden money connection to findin

    the overlooked assets, hidden opportunities, underperformin activities

    in a iven business or professional practice---then persuadin that

    business owner to let you, to trust you!!!to encoura e you to find a

    way---or numerous ways for them to better moneti e that situation! Corour discussion today, think of these as profit turnin transactions!

    uite frankly, this is the world # personally live and operate in each and

    every day---and it’s proven e&tremely rewardin to me and my partner!

    (ut # usually approach it somewhat differently than #’m recommendin

    that ;$ do it!


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    # typically find all kinds of businesses out there who aren’t makin the

    most out of all the thin s they are doin ! 5hen --- # et personally

    involved, lon -term, helpin them mine and better moneti e as many as

    twenty-five different profit opportunities they may be sittin on!

    9hen # choose ri ht7and when # do my thin 7 ma%e an absolute


    (ut #’ve been doin versions of this for nearly thirty years! So #’ve

    ained considerable skill and proficiency at actually doin all the final


    5here’s a much simpler, far easier, infinitely faster way that ;$ can do

    a very lucrative variation of what # do---(ut you don’t have to be

    burdened with A? of the e&ecution, implementation or operational

    demands and re

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    eriously 7you can en.oy much of the same kinds of 2 monster profit

    potential 3 # en.oy with a mere fraction of the effort re

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    9hen # show you e&actly what all those enrichin cate ories of

    opportunity are in a iven business and specifically where they most

    e(ist 7you’ll probably lau h! (ecause it’s like seein a hu e pool of oil

    bubblin up on top of the round in your own front yard! Armando and

    # are about to ive you the drill to try it and then pump to create your

    own pipeline of profits!

    # call this money makin concept 2 capitali*ing on capitalism 37

    because that’s e&actly what you et to do! ou find businesses )i!e!

    capitalistic enterprises* sittin with hu e storehouses of untapped


    ou tie up these opportunities in any of a multitude of ways we’ll

    discuss in a moment! 5hen you flip that asset, access or profit

    opportunity and turn it over to someone -- or some other business who

    wants to mine it! ou do almost nothin but see the opportunity and

    sei e control!


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    ou 2 lay off 3 all the effort, investment and actions needed to make that

    opportunity successful to someone else! 5hey pay ;$ for the privile e!

    5hink of it almost like ettin control of someone else’s drillin ri hts

    for oil in a field that’s certainly promisin 7but still unproven! ou pay

    nothing to tie up an option for these ri hts --- other than a reein to pay

    the land or ri hts holder you’re ettin them from, a specific fi&ed

    and/or variable compensation7#C you o forward and the land produces


    5hen you turn ri ht around and re-sell or flip those ri hts, turnin themover to someone else who has a stron interest )and desire* to drill that

    oil lease!

    ou char e them a fat mark-up above and beyond the fee ;$ must pay

    the land owner!


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    Plus, you can also et a mark-up on the royalty payments, too! 5he

    driller pays you! ou take out your fat mark-up or flippin profit and

    send the a reed-upon fee over to the ri hts owner!

    5his is merely an illustrative e&ample! (ut #’m oin to show you how

    to take this simple understandin and the automatic, two-tiered --- built-

    in profit it creates for you---to enerate conceivably A@@ the full or part

    time income you may ever want!

    (y the way, your options here are ama in !

    ou can do it in your own industry! ou can do it for your employer or

    anyone else's employer!

    ou can do it in your city or state or any other city or state in ?orth

    America you wish to work in! ou can do it in any of 011 different

    industries, lar e and small, and in over 11 different professions! ou

    can actually do it anywhere in the world where capitalism prevails!


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    #n fact, we call it 2capitali in on capitalism,3 because it ethically

    levera es off of all kinds of opportunities, assets and revenue-producin

    elements sittin ) totally unrecognized * in businesses of every kind!

    ou can use those skills, talents and e&istin abilities you already

    possess and only concentrate on doin asset-flippin deals that work

    best with what you’ve ot!

    ;r you can harness and levera e-up all kinds of other people’s skill sets,

    contacts or influence to vastly e&pand the scope and payoff of the dealsyou do!

    Armando + "ump in here$

    Armando,s comments


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    5he breadth and depth of ways you can do it provide total fle&ibility,

    complete freedom and absolute ease of entry!

    (ecause, all you have to do is pick out the area, opportunity and tar et

    income stream level you want to start out creatin -- then go wild doing


    #t's really, almost that easy+

    #t's really all about seein -- then sei in , asset and access opportunities

    in a business that no one else who was runnin that business understands-- and they are everywhere! 5hen turn them over to someone else, for

    hu e mark-ups on profits!

    #t's sort of like the money-makin world .ust became a >-6 movie, and

    you'll have the only clear pair of profit lasses to see it all, with!


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    ou'll have that kind of immediate advanta e -- #C you learn to start

    doin it ri ht away today E in this horrible recession, when the timin is

    so perfect!

    5he secret behind virtually every one of the asset flippin and profit

    turnin cate ories #’ve developed and that #’ll tell you about ne&t are

    that they each put ;$ squarely in the 2 toll position ! So people have

    to pay ;$ a .uicy fee --- and fre>

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    So, he went out and tied up the ri hts, )sub.ect to him makin a payment

    when they were e&ercised* to use the Hose (owl weekends as a flea


    "y friend knew absolutely nothin about flea markets! e didn’t even

    like flea markets! (ut he knew a bunch of other ma.or flea market

    operators would pay my friend (#F, up-front money --- and si nificant

    override on sales for the ri hts to pirate the flea market for him!

    So he turned ri ht around and relicensed another flea market operator torun the Hose (owl flea market for my friend!

    "y friend received an upfront payment from the flea market licensee

    that far e&ceeded the lesser-si ed payment my friend had a reed to ive

    to the Hose (owl when he e&ercised his option!


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    P@$S, my friend packed a rich 2 mark-up” onto the revenue override he

    char ed the flea market operator, too!

    5he other operator paid my friend a certain percenta e of their total

    booth sales every weekend! 5hen, my friend sat down and resent about

    half that amount to the Hose (owl!

    5hat’s a ood e&ample of the kind of nifty flippin deals that can be

    done! Lertainly it may be a bi er and more complicated type of an asset

    or in this case access flips, or profit turnin transactions, than ;$

    probably want to do when you first start out! (ut .ust hearin this storyshould really start to et your .uices flowin +

    Another student in Australia worked downtown and was always walkin

    by prominent office buildin s and lookin in the round floor buildin s

    wonderin what hidden opportunity e&isted there!


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    Then he figured it out e could et the ri hts to place ma.or

    advertisin si na e #?S#6% on the round floor office windows that

    would be seen by hundreds of thousands of people who worked and

    shopped downtown every day.

    "y student went out to a do en hi h traffic/hi h visibility round floor

    offices and tied up the ri hts to place ads in their windows for so much

    per window, per month!

    5hen, once my friend had tied up so many prime, round floor office

    windows that he could deliver almost full downtown covera e toadvertisers, he did somethin very smart! ou see, my friend knew

    absolutely nothin about sellin ads! (ut he ri htfully suspected that the

    bi companies who sold advertisin on si ns on top of buildin s would

    be ea er to have access to A@@ the potential si na e e&posure my friend

    had .ust tied up downtown!


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    So he went to the top si n advertisin companies in Australia and

    offered them the ri ht to take over all his si n spots on downtown first-

    floor office windows!

    e made a deal with one of them who ave him a fat, upfront check


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    9hen the sports center was most likely to have ames and events, he

    tied up the au&iliary usa e ri hts on a flat rate basis! 5hen he turned

    around and found a ma.or parkin lot operator who speciali ed in

    runnin speciali ed parkin durin sports events! "y friend made a deal

    with the parkin lot mana ement people to take over his ri hts to the

    unused office parkin he’d ained access to ne&t to the sportin


    e ot a .uicy upfront payment when the deal closed7which he ot to

    keep entirely for himselfQ because )remember* his deal with the office parkin lot owners only called for my friend to pay them 2flat rate3

    monthly usa e fees for evenin and weekend access!

    (ut my student was S"AH5! e turned around and char ed the sportin

    events parkin company usa e fees on a 2 per event 3 basis , P@$S an

    override when they sold a iven parkin lot out E entirely!


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    # did somethin rather impressive when # was only 40 or 4I! # went to a

    chain of mini-marts like - and ot the ri hts to put different types of

    impulse-purchase items into their stores at the front counter7 on


    5hen # turned ri ht around and # flipped different ri hts over to all kinds

    of other manufacturers and distributors who had the best products that

    would sell impulsively at the front counter in a mini-mart store, as

    people check out!

    # received a nice upfront - payment from each supplier for ettin themthe deal! P@$S, # ot a payment )above and beyond )the amount each

    supplier paid as a profit share to the mini-mart for the sales they

    enerated each month at each of their BK stores!

    # knew another uy who tied up every vanity K11 number he could think

    of for the no-char e 2 grace period !3 9hile he had the numbers blocked


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    out from bein available to anyone else, my uy went to every business

    he thou ht could want each vanity number!

    And he turned or re-sold them for bi up-front payments7and many

    times he even ot additional fees per call or per month )for each number*

    for years after!

    Art @inkletter did a brilliant deal 01 years a o with 9alt 6isney! 6isney

    needed Art to emcee the openin of the first 6isneyland in @os An eles!

    6isney was really ti ht on money, because nobody thou ht that

    6isneyland would succeed!

    Art told 9alt not to worry! #nstead of payin him a hu e talent fee, all

    Art asked for from 9alt 6isney was the ri hts to control the

    photo raphy booth concession in 6isneyland! Supposedly, Art offered

    9alt a small royalty on film sales the concession would enerate! 9alt

    said 2 yes.”


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    So what does Art @inkletter do ne&t8 5he moment it became clear that

    6isneyland was a runaway me a success, Art turned ri ht around and

    went to Rodak and sold 5 %" the ri hts to his concession in

    6isneyland --- for a hu e upfront mark up fee, P@$S on oin royalties

    well above the fi ure Art had to pay back to 9alt 6isney!

    ;ne more story, then we’ll move on to a fundamental education of all of

    the cate ories of assets )or access* ;$ can turn ri ht around and flip or

    turn for up-front profits as well as fre

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    ?%N5, he found two 2out-of-work3 salesmen --- and ot 5 %" on the

    phone callin all the people advertisin used cars for sale in the

    newspaper classifieds and Auto 5rader type specialty ma a ines!

    5hese telephone marketers offered to put those people’s cars on my

    friend’s lot --- on a pure consignment basis , where the car owner ot

    prime e&posure for their used car!

    And my friend ot an a reed upon Success Fee whenever their car sold!

    5he telephone sales people only ot paid when a car sold, too+ So did thecar salesmen my uy ot to work the lot!

    All that my uy needed was a used car re-sale license and the knowled e

    of how to process the paperwork---and what to do with all the money he

    took inGor turned+


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    uite frankly, my new found friend rarely showed up at the lot! e

    didn’t have to! And he only paid money out AC5%H much more money

    first * came in that my friend ot to keep for himself!

    Armando + any thoughts or additions on what ,ve "ust covered?

    ;kay! ?ow we’re ready to start lookin at A@@ the wildly profitable

    asset and access flippin cate ories you can mine!

    ;kay -- so how do you put yourself in that toll position #'ve talked about

    and become the controllin force of as many mounds of flippin profitsas you want8

    /irst thing is , to reco ni e some -- not all -- but some of the places in

    business that these $F% chunks and pools of income and money can

    come from for you !


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    H%"%"(%H: the key to this is A@9AS!!! capitali*ing on

    capitalism !

    So, you "$S5 learn to look at businesses of all kinds and si es! ou are

    lookin to find, uncover, identify and/or stimulate newfound profit,

    revenue and cash flow areas and opportunities that other business

    owners or professionals miss seein !

    Armando? 0ommentary

    Jay: 9here do all these assets and access e&ist8

    A number of places$

    C#HS5, almost all reat moneymakin sources---whether they are one-

    shot or on oin , be they active or passive --- come from solvin a

    problem, fillin a need, brin in more benefit and advanta e to someone

    else’s situation!


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    #n business, the product or service a business owner provides delivers

    this outcome to the consumer or client!

    #n asset and access flippin )and profit turnin * ;$ brin these

    elements and attributes to both the business you et the asset or access

    from--- as well as the business you flip and turn those assets and access

    over to!

    Heali in that you .ust became the ultimate business problem solver is

    your first iant step down the path of prosperity!

    Armando + comments?

    Jay: @ook, if you're brin in a business owner a 5;? more profit )or

    business* or customers then he or she is makin ri ht now on their own

    -- and it s all incremental ... it's all windfall , bonus revenue to them -- on

    top of anythin else they're doin now E A?6 ;$ brin them a


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    lucrative, ori inal, fresh new way to do it -- they rarely refuse you your

    reward and compensation for brin in them a bi er payoff!

    et me give you some more specific e(amples$

    ;nce # found a newsletter publisher whose subscription sales were

    terrible---but his newsletter was wonderful--- and e(pensive. # told him #

    had a way to double --- or triple --- his number of subscribers!

    # showed him that #C # could do that for him --- the amount of money

    he’d make )when they all renewed* was outlandish!

    5hat illustration and reali ation, persuaded #" to let "% do whatever

    --- # wanted to enerate new subscribers7P@$S, he a reed that # only

    had to pay him the =41 a year it actually cost to put out each subscription

    # sold!

    (ut his subscriptions sold for =011 retail a year!


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    So, my potential flippin or the transactional profit # could turn, per

    newsletter7#C # could find workable, no-cost ways to solve the

    publisher’s problem and sell a ton more subscriptions for him -- was

    12)345)3 !

    6ere,s what did.

    Cirst, # went to other non-competitive hi h-priced newsletter publishers

    and showed them how they could make =401 offerin my uy’s financial

    newsletter to their subscribers throu h a small blurb # ave theirnewsletter to print!

    5hey did what # su ested and one newsletter sold 4,111 subscriptions

    for me! 5hey kept =401 of every =011 that people paid!


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    5hat money came to them! 5hey’d turn around and send "% the other

    =401! #’d keep =4>1 and send the =41 per new subscriber we’d a reed

    upon to my uy!

    "y real insi ht in this uni

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    lower-priced newsletter publisher! # had to pay them .ust =I for every

    subscription # sold!

    (ut we didn’t really sell any of these subscriptions! 9e literally 2 gave-

    them-away 3 to people when they renewed or re-subscribed to someone

    else’s =011 newsletter!

    Bottom line 8+8G # char ed the hi h-priced newsletter publisher =41 per

    subscription for every lower priced newsletter he ave people who

    renewed his hi h priced subscription!

    All told we enerated nearly K11,111 renewal subscriptions usin this

    unusual flippin and profit turnin techni

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    ;ne time # found a technolo y company with a B1-person sales force

    that was ettin ready to o bankrupt! 5hey had been doin nearly =01

    million dollars in sales7 ;9% %H, their mar ins were small and they

    were losin money! (ut many of their sales people were reat and had

    tremendous accounts that many of their competitors really wanted!

    (efore the company li

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    ow about a nice share of the front payment and a smaller share of the

    on oin profit payments they received!

    ;r -- a friend found an attorney who had developed a speciali ed

    business focus and uni

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    "y friend sat back and earned nearly seven fi ures a year flippin and

    turnin this asset! So did the ori inal attorney that my uy ot the

    system from!

    5hink that this kind of a deal is a rarity8

    5hink a ain!

    #n almost every type, kind or si e of business you’ll ever look at you’ll

    be able to find between 1 and >1 different levera e )or impact* points,

    as # call them!

    5hese levera e points represent 2hi h-probability3 areas in those

    businesses that are prime candidates for flippin and profit turnin either

    an asset or access!

    5hey can easily be rouped into cate ories of a business, so it’s easy for

    you to see and understand where all the bi opportunities e&ist!


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    Crankly, doin it the way #’m recommendin you follow---you can et

    paid serious money---lon before anythin successful even happens!

    @et me ive you a bunch of e&amples to show how easy )and e&citin *

    this concept really is for someone in your shoes!

    (ut before # do so, let me focus your attention clearly on what you’ll be

    playin off of when you pursue any of the flippin and profit turnin

    deals # teach you about hereG!

    @et’s start by lookin at one of the easiest flippin cate ories for you to

    mine: 2ew profit sources for a business.

    9hat business today do you really think would turn down the chance to

    add one or more new, short )or lon -term* profit sources, #C they didn’t

    have to do anythin , but bank all the newfound profits8


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    Fo ahead visit as many businesses in your city or state as you like! Ask

    the owners if they’d like a new source )or multiple sources* of windfall

    income that you could enerate for them --- without them ever raisin a

    hand, spendin a dime ;H compromisin one penny of the income they

    already enerate8

    # would be shocked if at least M1O of those business owners didn’t

    almost salivate in their ea erness to say 2 %S7please+3

    ere’s .ust a few ways you could do it for them and O of those leads! M O )or M 1 people* who in

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    ou could model this same e&ample7;?@ instead of tellin the

    software company what to do --- 7ou,d tie up the ri hts to offer lesser

    priced enterprise software to all their unsold leads for a pre-a reed upon

    share of the sales or profits you’d enerate!

    Say, for e&ample, your deal called for you to ive the software company

    >0O of sales!

    )8 , once you’ve ot ;$H deal tied up and on paper7you then o out

    and find different lesser-priced software companies who don’t have the

    bud et to spend the = 11,111 a month that the hi h-priced softwarecompany spends!

    And ;$ use that fact to et the smaller company to pay you =40,111

    up front 93 T for the ri hts to access your deal! Plus, you ask and et

    01O of sales from them! ou keep the entire front payment! 5hen you

    ive >0O to the bi er software company---keepin 0O of sales


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    enerated every month for yourself! 5hat’s a profit turn # think you’ll


    5y software business e(ample is anything but rare.

    #n your city, #’d bet bi money you could easily find home improvement

    companies that enerate lead prospects for everythin from remodelin ,

    re-roofin , re-carpetin , re-doin driveways, kitchens, bathrooms, etc!

    5hese home improvement companies 6;?’5 usually follow-up well, or

    try to do anythin else with their lead once the prospect declines to buyfrom them! So, there’s an immediate profit turnin opportunity to et

    them past the hands of other lesser priced home improvement firms!

    But --- there’s actually a S%L;?6 flippin and profit turnin

    opportunity here --- that no one else sees and it could be massive.


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    ou see, whenever someone does one area of remodelin or home

    improvement, there’s an K1O probability they are soon oin to remodel

    )or improve* another part of their home!

    So not only are the unsold prospects valuable7because they in

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    ?e&t, you take all the 2sold clients3 that home improvement firm handed

    you and flip those to complimentary-type home improvement


    /or e(ample , if someone repaved their driveway, they may be an

    e&cellent prospect ne&t for re-roofin , or ara e doors or e&ternal

    paintin 7or all of the above!

    ou can honestly ) and ethically * re-flip and turn the deal many different

    places and ways ---each time takin yourself an upfront payment 7 P@$S, whatever on oin financial participation you can ne otiate on


    # can teach most people listenin , here too, how to et paid both ways on

    most of the deals like this you’d ever do!

    Armando + comments? Armando shares his perspective


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    9ay$ )r how about this one : A number of years a o --- # ran all the

    marketin for %ntrepreneur ma a ine! 5hey sold a number of products,

    like books, manuals, L6’s and reports7($5, they did it all throu h

    unskilled order takers who never even tried to increase the si e of the

    sales a call-in customer ordered!

    # had a friend back then who was an e&pert at turnin order-taking

    departments into sales ma%ing departments! # worked out a deal for

    %ntrepreneur where my friend took over all order-takin activities for


    e only ot paid for sales enerated from call-in orders that e&ceeded

    the previous avera es the old order takers were producin !

    (ut my friend ot paid handsomely on all those increases!


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    #n fact, he ot half of every additional profit dollar! 9ell, in less than

    three months’ time, my friend was pullin down profit share payments

    on his side, alone---that fre

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    ou char e them a cash fee for ivin them the deal7P@$S, you take a

    small weekly or monthly override on the performance payout they make

    every week or month!

    # can promise you that well over half of all businesses that take orders

    6;?’5 have a clue how to multiply and increase the si e of their sale or


    A ain, the fundamentals to understandin this take about M1 minutes to

    rasp! ;nce you’ve ot this knowled e, you can o online or offline toas many businesses out there and strike revenue enhancement deals,


    5hen you o online and search out a bunch of telemarketin )or online*

    marketin specialists that you flip, or turn each deal over to work!


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    Sound hard8 #t’s really only a function of workin the hu e number of

    opportunities out there and pickin the best shots you want to flip and


    :ant another e(ample 8 A while a o # reali ed that .ust about anyone

    who sells A? kind of membership, subscription or periodical product

    or service has a need to improve the number of people who keep stayin

    and payin them, every year! 9henever you find a situation that has

    renewals and e&pirations associated with it7you’ve found a wonderful

    flippin and profit turnin opportunity!

    :hy 8 (ecause these kinds of businesses, be they publications,

    associations, book clubs, technical services, warranty e&tensions, auto

    clubs, etc!---lose sometimes as many as 0O of their first-year members,

    subscribers or users when it comes time to renew!


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    9ell, #’ve developed simple strate ies and systems for renewin ,

    reactivatin , even lifetime renewin ) and upgrading * .ust about every

    kind of subscription based member or subscriber you can think of!

    9hen # do it, # create a renewal pro ram or reactivation pro ram and

    resell it over and over a ain -- to all kinds of different subscription-type

    or ani ations! # et paid up to 40O of all the monies my efforts brin in!

    ?ow think about how many ma a ines, newsletters, coachin pro rams,

    affinity clubs, e&tended warranty pro rams technical )monthly or

    annual* support services there are out there7both on and off the web!

    5hen think about how many are probably losin a lot of members,

    subscribers, users, etc .- right now because of this recession!

    9ell, there are A@9AS bri ht people out there who can salva e more

    of those subscribers for these businesses! ($5 the business doesn’t

    know who they are7 nor frankly do most small to medium-si ed


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    subscription type providers even know they can et much better renewal

    or reactivation results!

    ere’s where ;$ swoop in and make a killin by doin it over and

    over and over a ain!

    C#HS5, you do some simple research -- and you identify and then tar et

    a few do en )or hundreds* of subscription-based enterprises and

    or ani ations! ?e&t, you contact them and make a pure ) no downside to

    them *, performance-based deal --- where ;$ brin someone else who

    possesses the e&pertise in to do a better renewal or reactivationapproach! ou can find do ens of capable people to do it for you by

    lookin on line at places like e-lance and other e&pert resource postal’s

    or sites!

    "ost of those people are tryin to sell their services for paltry, little, one

    time fees!


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    (ut, ;$ can show them how they could earn themselves vast multiples

    of their ordinary income levels -- by takin over your ri hts!

    ere you do a simple profit turn!

    5 %? you char e the specialist an initial fee for flippin them your deal

    7P@$S you take as much as a third of their performance based

    percenta e payments, too+

    6o this for a few do en or hundreds of subscription based businesses ---

    and your payoff can be gargantuan."# ! 5his ne&t one is killer and it e&ists more places than you can

    possibly ima ine! Somethin like half of the businesses offline and

    online sell sin le cate ory products or services! 5hey may offer many

    different versions of somethin ! (ut these businesses fundamentally sell

    .ust one basic thin !


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    ou o to the e-book sellers and tie up the ri hts to offer their buyers

    seminars, coachin and or cd/dvd sets!

    5 %?, you o out to people who offer these specific products or

    services A?6 you char e them an up-front fee plus a piece of all their

    future sales to flip or turn your ri hts deal over to them!

    ou can decide whether to put the two companies directin to ether or

    whether to have everythin flow throu h ;$7with you bein in the

    2toll booth 3 position we talked about earlier!

    # counted over ei ht thousand websites sellin non-fiction e-books!

    ?early half don’t sell anythin else!

    5o the weddin dress shop you could offer to source flowers, a

    limousine service, tu&edo rental, etc! $nd% of course , once you’ve

    2locked up3 your ri ht to the asset or access, you then o out and char e


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    the different providers fat up-front fees for ettin them the deal P@$S

    7 you guessed it% ongoing override fees on top

    Armando comments here

    6ow much money or profit can you really ma%e doing continuous

    flips ;and profit turns< li%e these 8

    #t all depends on different factors, like how bi or successful the

    company is you tie up the ri hts to do somethin with! #t depends on the

    realistic sales potential you can pro.ect or that the businesses you areflippin and turnin the deals to can conservatively estimate they mi ht

    do and make!

    Hemember here that )optimally* you are accomplishin two different

    oals with each successful flip or profit turn you transact!


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    /irst , you are sellin a third party on the pure untapped future potential

    in a deal! ou are makin absolutely no promises! (ut what you do show

    them is the reason why doin the deal makes such economic ood sense!

    So, part one is the up-front fee you et -- .ust for matchmakin and

    turnin the deal!

    =art two , which you should be able to do in as many as half your

    flippin deals, is ettin a piece of the actual sales or profits that result

    when the deal works and performs!

    And frankly, whether you only et =011-= ,111 up-front on each deal

    ;H you move up to doin =40,111 up-front fees at a popGthe

    cumulative amount of money or profits you can amass doin multiple

    flips and turns every month can become very, very meanin ful!


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    A ain for simplicity’s sake, there are some basic cate ories you can look

    at to find screaming flippin and profit turnin opportunities in .ust

    about any business out there!

    #n fact, we’ve actually created a >uic%-start 5AT4 that lets you o

    to .ust about any business out there and, in all of about B0 minutes,

    fi ure out the best, easiest, most promisin asset or access flippin and

    profit turnin plays to o after!

    Armando comments here

    ?ow, # want to show you how to simplify, accelerate and eliminate

    probably M0O of the difficulty, intimidation, concern, fear or uncertainty

    you may have about actually doin these deals yourself!

    # want to ive you permission ?;5 to do any of them yourself!

    Seriously, if you have any inhibition, aversion, phobia or insecurity

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    about anythin 7 and do mean anything #’ve talked about here---stop

    worryin ! ere’s why!

    Hemember earlier we/# talked about the 5om Sawyer School of


    5hat’s where you find all kinds of other people who possess the different

    talents, skill sets, abilities or willin ness to perform the functions that

    you don’t like to do or want to do!

    uite honestly, in a simple sense this is no different than what (illFates, Stephen Jobs, 9arren (uffet or Hupert "urdoch did to build

    each one of their respective empires !

    5hey found people who loved to sell and people who loved to do deals

    and people who loved makin thin s happen! Hupert, Stephen and (ill’s

    real enius was fi urin out how to et all those other people---those

    5om Sawyer types, if you will , to perform all the heavy lifting --- and do


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    all the activities that Hupert, Steve or (ill hated doin 7but Hupert,

    Stephen and (ill kept almost A@@ the money!

    5hat’s frankly the same strate y ;$ can apply and follow in your

    entire asset flippin and profit turnin activities! 9hen you eliminate all

    the ne atives that turn you off or stop you--- guess what 8 ou only o

    forward and accomplish incredible thin s+

    So once ;$ reali e you can use the 5om Sawyer School of (usiness to

    accelerate and enable ;$ to accomplish .ust about any )and as many*

    different non-real estate flippin and profit turnin deals as you like---itliberates your spirit and allows you to set your si hts on the moon and

    stars --- and start makin loads of ood thin s happen!

    # have another friend who makes seven fi ures a year as a finder/a ent!

    ou can model what he does, too7with one, simple twist and ma%e an

    absolute small fortune flipping deals.


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    "y friend oes out and makes friendships and contacts with virtually

    every business in the health and beauty mail-order and online marketin

    business! e does the same thin with the key companies in the

    investment advisory business, the reli ious publishin business A?6 the

    conservative politics field!

    %ach and every one of these businesses depends on copywriters to create

    their advertisin , sales letters, direct mail and web sites that they use to

    sell their products, services or to raise funds!

    5hose copywriters et paid richly! 5ypically they’ll et a mid-five fi ureinitial upfront payment P@$S a fee for every sales letter that ets mailed

    or every e-mail that’s sent out or every lead that ets enerated7or all

    of these thin s!

    "y friend turns around and ne&t makes friends with all kinds of

    different copywriters he ends up representin !


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    5ypically he ets paid 41->1O "F $&& '(F)"*+ F,,S he ets the

    copywriter plus the same share of all the future performance payments

    the copywriter receives! Cor that money7that totals over a million

    dollars a year to my friend7all he does truthfully, is be a matchmaker!

    Fast forward now to YOU!

    ou could model and replicate what my friend does, but do it as a

    flipper! ere are .ust a few of the cool ways you could operate!

    ou could find any business that needs better sales, advertisin or

    marketin copy! 9ork out a compensation packa e they are willin to pay to that copywriter7say, hypothetically it’s =>111 initially plus 0O

    of sales enerated! 5hen o out and find copywriters to do the .ob )it’s

    easy* and take = 11- 4>1 up front for ettin them the deal!!!plus >1O

    of their override!

    Another approach mi ht be to o to businesses that don’t normally use

    an employment a ency or search firm7because they’re too small! (ut

    say you show them )or your 5om Sawyer shows them* how addin a


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    purely commissioned sales person to their business could make their

    business a ton more money!

    5hey a ree and offer you a finder’s fee for findin them a pure,

    commission-based salesman or woman! ou work out what the

    commission structure will be! And you tie up the ri hts to find them their


    5hen you turn around and find other people in the search business who

    are hurtin ri ht now because most companies are layin off their

    salaried sales people !!!So a lot of reat prospects are available!

    ou o to these search firms, offer them two thirds of your up-front fee

    for findin you a ood applicant! 9hen they find the applicant you

    ne otiate an override or small share of the commission the applicant will

    earn for the first I, M or 4 months!


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    6on’t want to do that8 2o problem ! #nstead, you could o to any A?

    business out there that buys supplies, merchandise, e

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    ou take the two-part flippin fee and profit turnin you earn and you

    ive 40O to your 5om Sawyer!

    7 ;$ ou keep 0O! 6o this ten times a month or >uarter )dependin

    upon whether you decided to do it part or full time* and the money really

    mounts up!

    A ain there are numerous cate ories of opportunity in .ust about any

    business where you can find and create rich asset or access flippin

    deals! #’m merely tellin you a handful of ways it can be done to e&cite

    your renewed sense of what’s really and truly possible ri ht now!

    @ook # know that the economy is tou h ri ht now---for everyone else! #

    also suspect that you’ve ;$’ % been disappointed with the results

    other income eneratin activities you tried produced!

    (ut the asset flippin and profit turnin concepts and strate ies #’m

    talkin about here work best in a bad economy! 5hey can work for you


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    ;$ because almost every business out there will be open to ways you

    brin them that make them more money, save them more money, and

    ive them new sources of profit!

    "y flippin and profit turnin system takes fullest recessionary

    advanta e of the psycholo y and motivations of the business owner


    @et me share a few other cate ories you can focus on for lucrative up-

    front flippin profits:

    T?ew income enerated from what the business already does

    @2ew profit sources to add to their current business model

    T?ew ways to use their assets both tan ible and intan ible, resources

    activities and distribution channels

    @2ew ways to use or ta%e their business products or services into

    other fields


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    T?ew ways to et their underperformin or underutili ed or undervalued

    activities producin more profit and income

    @2ew ways to get other businesses or people to drive business to


    T?ew ways to moneti e their distribution situation, solve their problems,

    and profit from their problems

    @2ew ways to moneti*e their methods! procedures and even

    processes they don't even %now have value

    T?ew ways to supply the e

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    2umber two : is "$@5#P@#?F the scope and/or profit results of what

    they are doin 2umber three : you H%P$HP;S% somethin that a

    business has or is doin but only in limited way

    ou ma&imi e the rewards for what that business is already doin ;H

    you multiply the number of new sources of profit the business can be

    receivin or you repurpose dormant, undervalued, unreco ni ed or

    distressed elements of the business and turn them into moneymakers

    et,s >uic%ly loo% at the category of finding new ways to use their

    business in other fields$

    ere’s an easy and cool e&ample out of maybe fifty cool ways you could

    do itG!

    Hemember my e&ample in the be innin of 5im orton’s hi hway road-

    stop restaurant doin a deal with 9endy’s8


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    9ell most of you in the $S have seen banks move 2satellite operations3

    into rocery stores! ou’ve seen Starbucks o into roceries, too+

    "ost of you have seen Subway sandwich stores poppin up inside mini-

    mart as stations! )r !!!how about the A5" machines in fast-food

    restaurants! ;r!!!even somethin as simple as the soft drinks in the

    refri erated coolers at check-out counters like (est (uy!

    9ell it’s

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    approach them for you7 ot the ri hts to either provide the different

    new businesses---or at least ot the ri hts to find the ri ht business to


    (ecause --- in my lucrative flippin and profit turnin system --- you

    can profit many different ways dependin upon how a iven situation

    plays out!

    #f you can’t secure the ri hts to an asset or access7you still have an

    e&cellent fall back” of securin the e&clusive ri hts to find that

    provider for a iven company! %ven then, you can et paid a 2success orfinder’s3 fee from the first company for findin them the ri ht partner!

    P@$S in many cases, you can also receive a 2Lonsummation Cee3 from

    the other side when the deal closes! And you could A@S; et 2pe ed3

    on a piece of the on oin sales resultin , too! #t’s totally ethical and

    doable7 if you follow a few basic fundamental steps!


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    And even if you could never see yourself doin a deal as lar e as a

    rocery chain or bank or fast food chain7 think about t this !

    Hemember nearly M0O of A@@ businesses in this country are small,

    individually owned enterprises!

    4emember! too that the vast ma.ority of those businesses are down in

    sales )ri ht now* and probably hurtin for more profits!

    Cew small businesses are lar e enou h to have a new business

    development person7or staff! Cewer, still have the time, when the

    economy and their sales are oin south7to even think about new waysto use their business! 5his is .ust one of the sweet spots of screamin

    opportunity you can zoom in on and profit from usin my various asset

    or access flippin and profit turnin methods!

    et me >uic%ly and e(citingly illustrate how much easier it probably

    than you thin%.


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    5ake a local realtor, for e&ample! 9e all know that most of them are

    hurtin , ri ht8

    (ut the ood ones, with a lar e, past client list )and a ood reputation*

    still possess %?;H";$S ood will they aren’t usin ! ou could o to

    one of them7or 0 of them and offer to source” other business

    products or services they can make available and endorse or recommend

    that their past clients purchase!

    9hat kinds of products or services mi ht this mean8 9ell obvious first

    choice is home improvements, since more people today are stayin in

    their homes and choosin to remodel, re decorate and improve ratherthan sell or buy7since their values are down!

    #f your deal with the realtor was to receive a share of all profit payments

    they made from deals you set up for them!!!5hat’s flippin and profit

    turnin transaction number one !


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    from, for and throu h that company! 6on’t believe me8 Fair enough !

    @et’s prove it ri ht now!

    ?ow to be

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    5ell the repair shop that every time they refer their client to these dealers

    )and a deal ets done* they’ll receive a flat rate referral fee P@$S a

    small commission override on the profit on the sale! Fet them to a ree to

    let ;$ put the deal or deals to ether and ask the repair shop for a small

    portion of their payments from the car dealer!

    Fet the car dealer to pay ;$ a small set-up fee plus a tiny override on

    the payments they ive to the repair shop!

    ou can do a different version with wholesale car buyers who want reat

    condition older cars and will pay finder’s fees to both the repair shopand you! ou can do it with insurance a ents who can make a more

    attractive rate offer to certain types of older car owners )check

    licensin *! ou could approach service providers who offer services that

    can make an older car look much better!

    # can o on, but let’s choose a different cate ory! ;bviously, check to

    make certain that different professional service providers can pay you!


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    # ne&t picked delicatessens! ?ow what on earth could # possibly come up

    with to flip or turn assets or access for a delicatessen, you mi ht ask8

    Freat uic% answer.

    #’ve helped tons of restaurants create daily delivery services to offices

    and businesses for breakfast, lunch and dinner! 5hey’ve sometimes

    doubled or tripled their business because of this! #’ve also developed

    complete caterin activities that the restaurant wasn’t doin before!Sometimes these new income streams produced more sales and a ton

    more profits than the restaurant was makin on their own!

    Since we know almost every restaurant, sandwich shop, and delicatessen

    out there is seein a drop in sales7they are A@@ hi hly motivated to

    find ways to increase their business! So you come in and offer to both

    find them people who’ll build them different luncheon delivery routes to


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    offices and businesses in the nei hborhood, and separately you offer to

    find them someone or many people to o out and build them new

    caterin business, too!

    ou et the restaurant to a ree to pay you a small share of all sales

    enerated from these activities!

    5hen you o out and char e men and women7much like youGwho are

    lookin for new or additional full or part-time income opportunities7a

    modest up-front fee to put them into the restaurant delivery service or

    caterin service!

    ou also receive a small override on A@@ the future business and money

    they make!

    # wish # had time on this Briefing to o throu h each and every listin

    cate ory in the yellow pa es to show you how amazingly-abundant all

    the flippin and profit turnin opportunities really are!


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    $nfortunately # don’t have time! (ut # hope my

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    have to do this on a nationwide basis to make tons of flippin profits!

    Ask yourself what locali ed businesses wouldn/t pay a small fee plus a

    tiny piece of future profits --- to et themselves a hu e marketplace sales

    advanta e8

    %ven if you ot the local bike shop to a ree to pay a = ,111 success fee

    to you and a similar fee to someone who participated in the tour de

    Crance who’d lend their name to the bike shop! Sounds tiny doesn’t it8

    But wait...what if you thin% bigger?

    Say you o out---or et a 5om Sawyer to o out --- and contact one bike

    shop in every ma.or city!!!?ow, maybe you’ve ot 411 bike shops each

    willin to pay you = ,111 for that bicycle star’s endorsement and willin

    to pay the star = ,111 each to do so7this doesn’t even count any

    override payments you could et the bicycle uy or irl!


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    Lertainly you’d keep all the success fees, less only those splits you

    mi ht want to pay to your 5om Sawyer helper who performs all the

    heavy liftin work! (ut you’d be perfectly reasonable to et paid 0-

    41O of the a re ate monies the bicycle star collects from everyone,


    And, frankly, this is only one random e&ample #’m sharin ! (ut the key

    points to reco ni e in this e&ample are that:

    2umber one$ 5here are a near-infinite number of ways you can

    enerate small to lar e si ed flippin and turnin profits from .ust aboutany type or si e business out there!

    2umber two$ %ven doin little deals can make you a ton of money #C

    you look at syndicatin or replicatin that transaction over and over

    a ain all across the country!


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    5hese methods and techni

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    She was in advertisin but makin modest money! She had as her

    account a prominent specialty bakery that had premium

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    facilities to bake and packa e the cookies for her, in e&chan e for a

    fi&ed payment per packa e of cookies! ($5 the payment would

    only be made to the cookie baker7 A/T14 the ad woman ot

    %H check each month from the specialty bakery!

    4! #t ets better! (ecause, this woman sensed from the very

    be innin that the deal mi ht become hu ely successful! So she

    actually struck 59; separate flippin deals ri ht from the et- o!

    >! 6eal one was that, #C her level of production for the local bakery

    who was bakin and packa in the cookies rew to at least half

    their business, she would automatically receive a B1O ownership

    in that local bakery for 2) investment on her part!And surprisin ly

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    if her cookie sales throu h their retail rocery customers reached a

    certain si e!

    B! She walked away with B1O ownership in a lar e local bakery! She

    ot seven fi ures up-front from the specialty bakery!!!and

    supposedly her children are still collectin meanin ful royalty

    checks years later from all the retail sales those cookies still


    As #’ve said throu hout this session7the opportunities and possibilities

    AH% everywhere!

    VArmando commentsW

    ;ne of the hu e keys that make my powerhouse approaches to flippin

    and turnin non-real estate assets )and access* so potentially profitable7

    #S that # look at everythin with an entirely different set of eyes,

    e&periences and understandin s! ?ot .ust because #’ve done so much,

    e&perienced so many different industries and successesG but also

    because thin% differently than anybody else !


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    # see opportunity where everyone else sees adversity --- or nothin !

    #n case you haven’t yet reali ed it, one of my reatest talents and

    abilities also, is takin somethin that other people see as a .ob or

    function of a business7and reclassifyin it so businesses on both sides

    of a transaction will pay throu h the nose to have ;$ either do it for

    them7;H source the people who’ll do it!

    9hen # look at a business # know how to take intan ible, more abstract

    or conceptual issues and elements such as untapped potential,underperformin activities, underutili ed relationships---A?6 value

    them so hi h and tangibly that businesses et thorou hly e&cited about

    havin "% put these deals to ether for them!

    #’m e&tremely ood at revealin potential in such a promisin way that

    businesses on both sides of a deal are more than willin to pay-to-

    play%” so-to-speak!


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    # know where the money e&ists in more untapped areas of a business

    than .ust about anyone else out there!

    %now that this is a bold and brash statement to ma%e.

    ($5 it’s totally true and # hope #’ve demonstrated enou h here-today, to

    prove # LA? help someone in ;$H situation ain a tremendous,

    money-makin new skill and source very quickly 7#C, of course, you are

    willin to do your part!

    VArmando commentsW

    ?ow before # run out of time we need to tell you that even thou h #’ve

    shared a wide array of interestin stories today, #’ve actually broken my

    flippin and profit turnin system down into a hi hly-structured, totally

    cate ori ed, completely -modulari ed process and system that


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    )truthfully* anyone listenin here, today could easily follow -- and

    quickly learn to use !

    Armando asked me to modify, simplify and streamline my system in a

    specially created pro ram and process for his people7and that is

    precisely what # have done!

    VArmando commentsW

    @et me tell you all about what #’ve created for you, why # think it can

    make all the difference in your financial outlook, where # think you can best use these methods and strate ies!

    5hen # want to make you a darin proposition to let me and Armando

    personally mentor you in a small, intimate roup session7 by

    teleconference 7for one full month- on us to show you how much of a

    profitable difference we can make! ou won’t pay out a penny to


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    e&perience and, in essence 5%S5 6H# % our uni

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    ;bviously, #’m a bit ahead o myself, here! (ut # want you prepared to

    receive an utterly-irresistible offer on a mentorin pro ram that we both

    believeGis capable of totally transformin your prosperity picture!

    /inally , before # et deep in e&plainin and describin the system,

    content, intent , process and comprehensive 0-month mentorin

    pro ram Armando and # want to put you throu h, let me

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    certainty for businesses everywhere and for business owners and

    professionals of every si e, shape and kind!

    5he psycholo y of the market is gushing ri ht into your hands7if you

    et this mentorship! 5he press is echoin almost daily the very critical

    need you’ll be able to help provide and fi&!

    #f ever there was a perfect positive storm where opportunity, motivation

    and need intersected7it is ri ht ?;9+

    5here’s a sayin # use, #’ll share it now before # talk about my systemand our mentorin pro ram! #t’s this:

    9hen the stakes are hi h and the moment is ?;9, you’ve ot to know

    the ri ht steps to take --- and the ri ht commitments to make! # sincerely

    hope at the end of this detailed overview e&planation of our new

    mentorin pro ram7you’ll decide to commit yourself7at very least for


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    that first, ?;-L;S5 month to put yourself in the true "et stream of

    where the real opportunity for you most e&ists, ri ht now!

    5hat saidQ let me tell you about our pro ram and no-cost try-out


    #’ve broken my system down in a number of lo ical ways and elements

    that makes it clear, easy and user-friendly to learn how to master!

    #t starts out takin each one of those nine silos or cate ories # briefly

    identified earlier and oes deep to analy e, e&plain, e&amine, illustrate

    and then help you model e&act ways to apply the bi est and easiestopportunities that cate ory hold!

    A ain in case you don’t remember all of those cate ories, #’ve listed

    them on the test drive enrollment form we’ll tell you about in a moment!

    #’ve also created separate instructional lessons in my system for

    concentratin on three different probable scenarios in your life! "any

    people listenin here have no capital to use to pull these flippin and


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    profit turnin opportunities off! o created a specific strategy

    approach that wor%s when you have no capital to invest.

    A lot of you listenin still work for someone else! ;H your own business

    is takin enormous amounts of your time ri ht now to keep #5 oin !

    So, #’ve created a different strate y approach that works for ;$7it

    uses a lot of 5om Sawyer assistance to allow you to still function as the

    mastermind/puppet master! (ut everyone else does your bidding” for

    you, so-to-speak!

    Cor people with some capital, #’ve identified the hi hest payoff dealsyou should o after! Cor people with a little more time7or a lot, #’ve

    fi ured out where ;$H hi hest and best paydays will be!

    5he point here is that # 6; ?;5 believe that one-si e strate y or

    money-makin approach fits all people’s circumstances!

    ?either does Armando!


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    si nin up! So you can start identifyin all the easiest and appropriate

    opportunities available to o after!

    econd , we will systematically teach you how to command ma&imum

    respect, lead anyone to the outcome you're after, take fullest advanta e

    of the psycholo y of the business market today, and how to et almost

    anybody to do an asset or access flippin and profit turnin deal! Part of

    5 #S instructional mode will be teachin you how to levera e off of the

    efforts, ideas, actions and resources of other people!

    Third : 9e’ll teach you up to 01 ways to structure .oint ventures,strate ic alliances for flippin and profit turnin purposes -- to ain

    ma&imum control of other people's assets, access ri hts, distribution

    resources etc!

    /ourth$ 9e’ll teach you nearly 01 different ways to use other

    businesses resourcesQ everythin from plu in into their sales team and

    flippin them to usin their idle staff to levera in their marketplaces,


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    products, services and so much more your eyes will pop out when we

    et to this part!

    /ifth$ #t will teach you no-cash ways to put yourself- permanently in

    the middle of somethin like 40 different ways to provide businesses

    with the cash e

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    1ighth$ 9e’ll transform your mind into a formidable leader, dealmaker,

    ne otiator, motivator, advisor and master of seein assets and access

    opportunities in businesses the owner never reco ni es! This will allow

    you to produce ma(imum results from minimum time! effort or


    2ine$ 9e’ll identify some utterly hu e, little-known, flippin and profit

    turnin niches that you can focus on for rich veins of the windfall

    paydays and potentially substantial on oin income stream!

    Tenth$ 9e’ll turn you into a creative --- idea-producin ---moneymakin asset and access flippin and profit turnin machine -- by

    turnin on, then turnin up the creative switch in your brain

    1leventh$ ;nce your mind is fully in ear, we’ll create to ether a

    turnkey, step-by-step customi ed flippin income eneratin ame plan

    for you to follow -- complete with timelines, implementation actions to

    do and e&pected results you'll tar et producin !


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    Twelfth$ 9e'll show you how to set hi her financial e&pectations for

    yourself and your flippin business -- and then achieve )and even

    e&ceed* throu h the .oy of findin businesses of all types the windfall

    profits revenue and sales opportunities they desperately need!

    Thirteenth$ An ever e&pandin resource forum with speciali ed

    trainin instruction reports, confidential interviews, and short course

    primers to refine and improve any performance area you ever want or

    need to work on! 5hese include your sellin skills, ettin more passion

    from and for what you do, findin your hi hest and best use,ma&imi in the moneymakin potential you're sittin on, self-

    confidence, strate ic thinkin , critical thinkin , mana in and

    ma&imi in your time and effectiveness, settin and achievin hi her

    and add richer oals

    /ourteenth$ (y walkin you throu h real life case studies you can

    model, then by workin throu h 014 different ways you can do


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    variations of this yourself, you can't help but find do ens of immediate

    ways to set up impressive and si nificant asset and access flippin

    opportunities for yourself!

    #n case you're wonderin what it will be like to be mentored for 0

    continuous months by Armando and me when we try to describe e&plain

    and demonstrate what you can e&pect!!!

    Cirst, no one else in the world )that # know of* possesses the e&tensive,

    documented e&periences and e&pertise, success and a multitude of actual

    success stories necessary to truly mentor you to prosperity throu h thisuni

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    all the key elements and scenarios----until each participant is ready and

    actually out there doin flippin and profit turnin deals for themselves!

    (y e&periencin and encounterin virtually every possible flippin and

    profit turnin scenario, situation and issue each of our live participant

    encounters --- over the course of that 0-month mentorin e&perience ---

    you'll be able to formulate your own hi hly personali ed ;and fast-


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    better know, understand and appreciate the needs and abilities and the

    specific opportunities each of the individual participants have!

    So unlike any other seminar or coachin pro ram or roup trainin

    encounter you've ever e&perienced----this one-of-a-kind asset and access

    flippin and profit turnin mentorin pro ram offers ;$ the hi hest

    possible probability of walkin away as a hi hly skilled, totally

    confident hi h performin flippin and profit turnin master!

    Specifically, here's some of the content you can e&pect to learn and ain

    skillful ability from on these calls! Hi ht away, we’ll e&plain how youcan best benefit, profit and prosper from not .ust the e&perience but from

    the whole world of asset and access flippin and profit turnin !

    ;ne session, we’ll spend almost the entire two hours workin on your

    mindset, your motivation and helpin you learn to ain the ma&imum

    momentum from whatever you decide to do with this trainin ! Part of

    this will be helpin you become a visionary!


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    ou’ll learn to lead others to help make your visions happen! 9e’ll be

    helpin you reco ni e how to achieve the pre-eminent position in all the

    activities you decide to o after!

    Part will be believin your vision and makin it real! Part will be

    becomin passionate about what you're doin ! Part of it will be

    understandin the different kinds of different cate ories of flippin

    situations out there! ou'll see the best opportunistic ones and strate ic

    situations and what the benefit and advanta es are of both!

    ou'll learn the advanta e of control and access versus ownership! ou’ll

    learn the strate y of preeminence and how to lead while commandin

    total respect and trust!

    Another session we’ll spend almost the entire two hours workin on

    your e&istin or emer in skills! 9e’ll take a skill set inventory so we

    can discover where you’re stron est and where you are weakest!


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    A?6, whether it's more intelli ent to develop those needed skills --- or


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    9e’ll tell you the areas we would focus on if we were in your shoes!

    9e’ll clearly walk you throu h ettin access and flippin it and ettin

    the actual option or control of the asset and flippin it! 9e’ll ive you

    an inventory checklist so you can immediately evaluate where all the

    assets and access points e&ist in the business, both tan ible and

    intan ible!

    Another session we’ll teach you to understand and master the keys to the

    5om Sawyer School of (usiness! 9e'll supply rich e&amples and case

    studies of how different deals can play-out!

    9e’ll role-play with you and the roup and walk throu h firsthand

    scenarios to evaluate the weaknesses the opportunity the nuances you

    need to understand!

    Another session will be desi ned to help you choose what flippin and

    profit turnin opportunities you're best suited to pursue! 9e’ll talk about

    the ones you can do with none of your own capital investment! 9e’ll

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    talk about doin it with no time! 9e'll talk about doin it with little

    time! 9e'll talk about how to install yourself in that 2toll position3 that #

    talk so enthusiastically about!

    Another session , we’ll look at a concept called enture "arketin ,

    which is ettin the ri hts to add permanent revenue and profit centers

    to someone else's business and licensin a ri ht that a third party could

    use while you stay financially involved enerously in forever!

    9e'll look at the keys to settin up different, permanent profit centers

    and flippin and turnin them! 9e’ll e&plore doin barter deals you canflip!

    9e’ll look at the many ways to attract partners who do all the heavy

    liftin for you and could provide any of the financial re

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    9e'll look at >4 profit options no one else # know has ever done, but that

    # have intimate understandin of ;and teach you that it,s very easy to

    do them all< !

    9e’re talkin about some utterly unima inable activities that are so

    simple once understood that can make you money up front and on oin

    for months, even years, even decades to come!

    9e’ll e&plain how to et started 5 #S ";?5 without spending a


    9e’ll help you et so motivated on your own that you no lon er have

    any e&cuse, any reason, any fear, any reservations about --- doin it

    yourself or ettin other people to o out there for you and make all

    kinds of flippin and profit turnin deals happen!


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    9e’ll nourish, stimulate and stretch your creativity so you can e&pand

    your ability to see more lucrative and e&tensive flippin and profit

    turnin opportunities and possibilities!

    9e’ll teach you how to master flippin arbitra e, asset and access

    arbitra e!

    9e’ll teach how to make the money connection, see the implications for

    correlations, the connections that no one else in that business sees , and

    how to maintain functional control or ownership so that you can then

    take it and flip and turn it in any )or as many ways* as you like!

    9e'll teach you how to become a passive flippin and profit turnin

    impresario and let everyone else do all the work for you! 9e call this

    the P5 (arnum school of flippin and turnin !

    9e'll teach you how to approach businesses with no money and become

    their cash-less financier!


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    Another session will be devoted to customi in your own optimal

    revenue and flippin profit model, formali in your strate y and

    developin a customi ed, specific action plan to implement!

    9e’ll look at the wonderful opportunity to o after if you want to do

    licensin ri hts, or buyin , sellin , and .oint venturin processes,

    brands, endorsement deals!

    Another session will be the keys to the to the asset and access flippin

    kin dom and a detailed look at the steps to take in order to take yourachievements up many levels hi her!

    ou’ll learn about flippin e

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    stimulate the ma&imum number of deals closin , startin and payin off

    for you as possible in the shortest amount of time!

    Another sessio