SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted Have your Pre-Service Teacher complete the top section of this form. Then finalize the Progress Report and sign. Pre-service Teacher EDU 202 Instructor/Section PROGRESS REPORT OF INTRODUCTORY FIELD EXPERIENCE (EDU 202) Toward Meeting Program Goals The University of Montana-Missoula Phyllis J. Washington College of Education and Human Sciences Semester: Pre-service Teacher’s I.D.: Phone: Grade & subject area: Email: School: Cooperating Teacher: PURPOSE: This introductory field experience is taken in conjunction with the EDU 202 course. Primary goals of this field assignment include introducing pre-service teachers to the various roles of a teacher, providing opportunities for focused observation, and structuring initial opportunities for interaction with individual students and groups in a supervised teaching setting. EVALUATION: Rate the student using the following criteria as a guide for a novice pre-service teacher. Written feedback regarding the pre-service teacher’s progress can be provided on the following page. Circle the number of the most appropriate response. Meets Criteria In each Performance Outcome area, this rating indicates that the per-service teacher 1) completes activities as assigned by the cooperating teacher; 2) demonstrates initiative by suggesting relevant teaching/learning opportunities; and 3) demonstrates understanding of basic concepts through actions and discussions. Does Not Meet Criteria In each Performance Outcome area, this rating indicates one or more of the following: 1) failure to complete activities assigned by the cooperating teacher; 2) a lack of initiative to seek and engage in relevant teacher/learning activities, and/or 3) failure to demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts in actions and discussions. Not Observed: This rating may occasionally be an appropriate response if the pre-service teacher has not had the opportunity to observe or engage in activities relevant to the specific performance outcome in this education setting. (The pre-service teacher is responsible for using the Student Learning Activities (pg. 5- 7) to initiate/suggest strategies for addressing each outcome area.)


SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Have your Pre-Service Teacher complete the top section of this form.

Then finalize the Progress Report and sign.

Pre-service Teacher EDU 202 Instructor/Section


Toward Meeting Program Goals

The University of Montana-Missoula

Phyllis J. Washington College of Education and Human Sciences


Pre-service Teacher’s I.D.: Phone:

Grade & subject area: Email:

School: Cooperating Teacher:

PURPOSE: This introductory field experience is taken in conjunction with the EDU 202 course. Primary

goals of this field assignment include introducing pre-service teachers to the various roles of a teacher,

providing opportunities for focused observation, and structuring initial opportunities for interaction with

individual students and groups in a supervised teaching setting.

EVALUATION: Rate the student using the following criteria as a guide for a novice pre-service teacher.

Written feedback regarding the pre-service teacher’s progress can be provided on the following page. Circle the number of the most appropriate response.

Meets Criteria In each Performance Outcome area, this rating indicates that the per-service teacher 1)

completes activities as assigned by the cooperating teacher; 2) demonstrates initiative by suggesting

relevant teaching/learning opportunities; and 3) demonstrates understanding of basic concepts through

actions and discussions. Does Not Meet Criteria In each Performance Outcome area, this rating indicates one or more of the

following: 1) failure to complete activities assigned by the cooperating teacher; 2) a lack of initiative to

seek and engage in relevant teacher/learning activities, and/or 3) failure to demonstrate an

understanding of basic concepts in actions and discussions. Not Observed: This rating may occasionally be an appropriate response if the pre-service teacher has not

had the opportunity to observe or engage in activities relevant to the specific performance outcome in this

education setting. (The pre-service teacher is responsible for using the Student Learning Activities (pg. 5-

7) to initiate/suggest strategies for addressing each outcome area.)

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Performance Outcome 1: Demonstrates knowledge of the disciplines and subject matter

related to curriculum. If a content area is weak, please indicate the area(s) in the comment

section. Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Demonstrated knowledge of most major concepts, processes

of inquiry related to the discipline(s). Presented content

information accurately. Reviewed curriculum resources prior

to class. Clarified goals and objectives with teacher as needed

to assist students with independent or group work.

Limited demonstration of knowledge of main concepts, or

processes of inquiry related to the discipline(s). Made errors

when presenting content.. Did not consistently review

curriculum prior to class meetings. Rarely consulted with the

cooperating teacher.

Performance Outcome 2: Assist in organizing interdisciplinary and discrete subject area

instruction to achieve curriculum goals. Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Asked relevant questions and demonstrated a developing

understanding of how classroom teachers plan and organize

instruction to help students connect information from prior

knowledge. Used available instructional aides to help

students achieve. Helped organize the classroom and prepared

resource materials for lessons.

Rarely if ever inquired about lesson planning or ways to help

students connect information to prior knowledge. Limited use

of readily available instructional aides to support student

achievement. Efforts to assist with the preparation of resource

materials or classroom organization were limited or


Performance Outcome 3: Observe and assist with the use of appropriate technology and

resources to enhance instruction and student performance Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Generally demonstrated the knowledge for using different

technology and helped students effectively use technology.

Took the initiative to review technical resources available in

the classroom and the school library.

Displayed limited knowledge or interest in using technology.

Provided minimal help for students using technology. Did not

review or try to learn the technical resources available in the

classroom or the school library-media center.

Performance Outcome 4: Assist teacher with appropriate assessment of student learning

and progress. Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Conferred with the teacher regarding the criteria for assessing

assigned student work. Accurately reviewed/graded student

work. Made notes to reinforce student’s efforts and/or clarify

student understanding of the subject, and identify the learning

abilities of students. Was willing to work with students

needing additional help.

Did not demonstrate initiative to increase individual

understanding regarding ways to assess student work.

Assigned grading of student work needed ongoing oversight

for accuracy. Written notes seldom supported student

understanding. Pre-service teacher usually appeared reluctant

to work with students needing addition help.

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Performance Outcome 5: Observe instructional and behavioral management strategies to

promote a safe and positive learning environment.

5a: Instructional Management Strategies Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Observed instructional management strategies: how to

provide for a safe physical environment, use class time

effectively, build connections to students’ prior knowledge,

incorporate student responses/questions, engage all students

equitably in discussions and activities.

Did not observe nor demonstrate evidence of understanding

instructional management skills. Did not use class time

effectively. Rarely if ever inquired about lesson planning or

ways to help students connect information to prior


5b: Behavioral Management Strategies Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Reviewed school and class policies with cooperating teacher.

Observed and helped monitor student behavior during class

learning activities. Observed in two-three other teachers’

classrooms. Identified/ recorded ways to provide appropriate

feedback for student behavior. Worked to engage and keep

students on-task.

Reviewed some classroom policies with cooperating teacher.

Observed student behavior during class learning activities.

Tended to be a “Buddy” to the students rather than

implementing strategies to gain their respect as teacher.

Performance Outcome 6: Engages students in learning activities that promote critical and

creative thinking. Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Participated in class discussions as assigned to help expand

students thinking skills. Generally reviewed unit and lesson

materials prior to class meetings in order to help students with

class work. When appropriate, asked questions to challenge

their thinking or problem solve.

Rarely participated in class discussions even when prompted.

Did not seek the opportunity to review subject content prior to

class meetings to help students with class work. Asked mostly

“yes or no” questions of students.

Performance Outcome 7: Assist the teacher in organizing learning environments to

accommodate learners. Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Knew the names of most students in the class(es) and acquired

an understanding of individual interest and cultural heritage.

Developed a positive rapport with students that supported

learning. When appropriate helped with room arrangement to

accommodate learning needs. Used teacher’s suggestions to

accommodate individual needs of learners.

Did not learn or consistently use the names of most students.

Lacked initiative and appeared uninterested in individual

student’s background. Limited (or adverse) rapport with

students. Students appeared uncomfortable seeking advice

from the pre-service teacher.

Performance Outcome 8: Communicates clearly, accurately, and professionally with

students and their families, colleagues, and community members. Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Generally demonstrated effective listening skills and used

standard oral and written English. Immediately informed the

teacher of any personal schedule changes. Good ability to

explain information for the developmental level of students.

Failed to carefully listen to instructions or student questions.

Lacked the knowledge and skill for using standard English.

Did not consistently inform the teacher of personal schedule

changes. Frequently did not explain information appropriate

to the developmental level of students.

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Performance Outcome 9: Reflect on professional responsibilities and demonstrate

commitment to fairness and the ability of all to learn. Meets Criteria = 2 Does Not Meet Criteria = 1

Met required deadlines. Grooming and dress were

professionally suited for the school setting. Observed class

and school policies and procedures. Observed confidentiality

of student information. Took the initiative to learn by asking

questions. Efficiently completed all assigned tasks. Generally

offered to help with additional teaching responsibilities or

meetings. Accepted and implemented feedback. Recognized

the need to expand background knowledge and skills for

teaching. Understood community and cultural expectations.

Was aware of the significance of treating students fairly and

worked to develop rapport with each member of the class.

Pre-service teacher’s belief that all children can learn was

evident during interactions with students, help with grading,

and conversations with the teacher.

Frequently late. Grooming and dress were not always

appropriate for the school setting. Inconsistent in observing

class policies and procedures. Did not observe confidentiality

of student information. Lacked initiative. Completed only

minimum hours. Assigned tasks were often completed

inaccurately. Frequently gave excuses during feedback given

to improve preparation and teaching skills. Demonstrated

limited interest in expanding and improving knowledge and

skills for teaching. Did not demonstrate a growing awareness

of community/cultural expectations. Focused attention

primarily on a few students. Limed evidence of the pre-

service teacher’s belief that all children can learn during

interactions with students, grading, and/or conversations with

the teacher.

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Final Assessment of Student Teaching – Cooperating Teachers The University of Montana – Phyllis J. Washington College of Education and Human


Submit to university supervisor or the Office of Field Experiences during the final week of student teaching.

Teacher Candidate: Student ID (790#):

Subjects & Grade Level(s): School:

Cooperating Teacher(s):

Rating Scale: 4= Exemplary 3 = Highly Competent 2 = Competent 1 = Minimally Competent

For each of the following criteria, check the most appropriate response for a beginning teacher. Refer to the UM Student Teaching Handbook for grading standards and descriptors to help determine the level of performance.

Performance Outcomes Check the most appropriate rating 1. Demonstrates knowledge of the disciplines and subject matter related to curriculum. - Uses accurate sources of information. - Exhibits a depth of understanding of the content to be learned. - Presents content in a way students can understand. - Integrates history, cultural heritage, and contemporary status of Montana Indians, and other diverse populations. - Answers questions appropriately and correctly.

4 3 2 1

2. Designs interdisciplinary and discrete subject area instruction to achieve curriculum goals. - Establishes clear and useful objectives. - Develops unit plans matching curriculum standards and demonstrating logical progression of concepts and skills for content area and grade level.

- Seeks opportunities to integrate learning from various disciplines. - Considers the local community and events in class lesson plans. - Seeks ways to integrate knowledge of history, cultural heritage, and contemporary status of Montana Indians when appropriate.

4 3 2 1

3. Uses appropriate technologies and resources to enhance instruction and student performance. - Has knowledge of current technology and incorporates it in teaching. - Matches appropriate technologies and resources to lesson objectives. - Instructs students in use of technology and instructional materials. - Uses technology and other resources for students, parents or guardians to access course requirements and information.

4 3 2 1

4. Selects and designs appropriate and authentic means of assessing student learning and progress. - Uses preassessments to determine students' background knowledge, and reviews criteria with the cooperating teacher.

- Matches assessments with objectives. - Uses multiple assessments, including performance-based assessments. - Uses rubrics to help students understand grading policies and encourages students to assess and monitor their own progress.

- Provides accurate feedback on academic performance. - Keeps complete and accurate records of student progress. - Returns graded assignments and exams promptly.

4 3 2 1

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Performance Outcomes Check the most appropriate rating 5. Implements instructional and behavioral management strategies to promote a safe and positive learning environment. 5a. Instructional Management - Presents plans in advance of the lesson to the cooperating teacher. - Prepares for each lesson. - Provides for a safe physical environment for students. - Establishes a classroom environment that fosters student achievement. - Uses class time effectively. - Builds connections to students’ prior knowledge. - Incorporates student responses or questions to direct curricular decisions. - Engages all students equitably in discussions and activities.

4 3 2 1

5b. Behavioral Management - Defines and adheres to clear classroom policies and procedures. - Establishes a classroom fostering a positive social environment for learning. - Develops attitudes and work habits promoting responsibility and respect for others.

- Engages and keeps students on task. - Provides appropriate feedback for student behavior. - Analyzes classroom problems and initiates appropriate solutions. - Uses preventive behavior and intervention management strategies.

4 3 2 1

6. Engages students in learning activities that promote critical and creative thinking. - Uses varied questioning strategies. - Uses "think" time for student responses. - Helps students assess accuracy of information. - Encourages students to use problem solving strategies. - Helps students summarize and develop generalizations.

4 3 2 1

7. Designs and organizes learning environments to accommodate learners. - Helps students to accept responsibility for learning. - Uses a variety of materials, strategies, and activities. - Creatively connects lessons with student experiences. - Designs developmentally appropriate lessons.

4 3 2 1

8. Communicates clearly, accurately, and professionally with students and their families, colleagues, and community members. - Communicates proactively with parents, other school personnel, and

community members. - Seeks to establish cooperative partnerships with parents/guardians to

support student learning. - Communicates with students, colleagues and others honestly and appropriately. - Emphasizes the value and importance of the lesson content/activity. - Communicates enthusiasm for learning and teaching. - Uses effective listening skills to modify instruction. - Uses humor appropriately. - Speaks clearly and with appropriate voice inflection. - Uses standard English. - Models appropriate language for the maturity level of the students. - Gives clear directions and explanations appropriate for the grade level.

4 3 2 1

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Performance Outcomes Check the most appropriate rating 9. Reflects on professional responsibilities and demonstrates commitment to fairness and the ability of all to learn. - Is punctual and reliable in meeting obligations. - Reflects on teaching practice to improve performance. - Protects the legal rights of students. - Conduct is consistent with the Professional Educators of Montana Code of

Ethics. - Observes policies, regulations and channels of communication. - Maintains a professional appearance. - Attends faculty meetings, in-service seminars, parent activities, student

teaching seminars and other opportunities for professional growth. - Exhibits openness to new resources, ideas, suggestions and strategies. - Consults with the cooperating teacher and various resource personnel. - Demonstrates a familiarity with professional organizations and publications. - Demonstrates understanding of and sensitivity to community/cultural

expectations. - Demonstrates fairness by meeting the educational needs of all students in a

caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner. - Lesson plans and student interactions demonstrate the belief that all

students can learn.

4 3 2 1

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

The pre-service teacher completes the top section.

The cooperating teacher completes the Final Progress Report.

Pre-service Teacher University Mentor



Toward Meeting Program Goals

The University of Montana-Missoula College of Education and Human Sciences

Semester: Year:

Pre-service Teacher’s I.D.: Phone:

Grade & subject area: Email:

School: Cooperating Teacher:

This intermediate field experience provides an opportunity to observe and apply basic teaching skills in a

P-12 classroom with the guidance of an experienced teacher. The cooperating teacher rates the pre-service

teacher’s developing abilities using the following criteria as a guide and provides written feedback

regarding progress. The cooperating teacher circles the number of the most appropriate response. The

attached assessment rubric for each outcome may be helpful for completing this evaluation.

Assessment Rubric for Rating the Pre-service Teacher

in the Elementary Professional Methods Field Experience

Performance Outcome: 1. Demonstrates knowledge of the disciplines and subject matter

related to curriculum. If a content area is weak, please indicate the area(s) in the comment


Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional Experience = 1

Demonstrates knowledge of

major concepts, processes

and inquiries related to the

discipline(s). Willing to

study curriculum and

research information for

tutoring students and for

teaching lessons. Is an

astute observer of student

Demonstrates knowledge of

most major concepts, processes

and inquiries related to the

discipline(s). Willing to study

curriculum and research

information for the class or for

tutoring students. Seeks some

conference time with the

cooperating teacher regarding

Demonstrates a basic

knowledge of major content,

processes and inquiries related

to the discipline(s). Beginning

to take initiative to review

curriculum resources prior to

assisting students with

instruction and to teach lessons

in a logical and comprehensible

Limited demonstration of

knowledge of major concepts,

processes or inquiries related to

the discipline(s). Does not

consistently review curriculum

resources prior to the class or to

scaffold lessons in a logical and

comprehensible format. Makes

errors. Needs additional

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

understanding of concepts.

Takes the initiative to

regularly confer with

cooperating teacher to

become familiar with

curriculum materials.

Clarifies goals and

objectives to scaffold

lessons in a logical and

comprehensible manner.

Answers student questions

correctly or directs learners

to appropriate sources.

curriculum resources

appropriate for the subject and

grade level. Generally clarifies

goals and objectives to present

lessons in a logical and

comprehensible format.

Answers student questions

correctly or directs learners to

appropriate sources.

manner. Answers student

questions, but needs assistance

of the teacher to direct learners

to appropriate sources.

experience working with young

people to be able to explain

subject content appropriate for

the development level of

students. Rarely consults with

the cooperating teacher regarding

curriculum materials.

Performance Outcome: 2. Participates in organizing interdisciplinary and discrete subject

area instruction to achieve curriculum goals.

Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional

Experience = 1

Immediately recognizes

ways the classroom

teachers plan and

organize instruction to

help students connect

information from

previous knowledge. Uses

instructional aides to help

students achieve. Seeks to

identify and use various

instructional aides to help

students achieve. Helps

develop and prepare

resource materials for

lessons. Confers with the

cooperating teacher and

methods instructor to plan

lessons. Prepares and

teaches a lesson(s) to the

whole class. Progress

includes planning and

teaching an

Interdisciplinary mini-

unit. Lessons demonstrate

careful thought and

preparation for teaching.

Is developing an

understanding of how

classroom teachers plan

and organize instruction to

help students connect

information from prior

knowledge. Identifies

various instructional aides

to help students achieve.

Helps prepare resource

materials for lessons.

Confers with the

cooperating teacher to

plan, prepare and teach a

lesson(s) to the whole

class. Progress includes

planning and teaching an

Interdisciplinary mini-unit

to the entire class.

Lesson(s) generally

demonstrate thorough

preparation for teaching.

Beginning to identify and

ask questions regarding

how a class room teacher

plans and organizes

instruction to help students

connect information from

prior knowledge. Uses

available instructional

aides to help students

achieve. Helps prepare

resource materials. Confers

with the cooperating

teacher to plan, prepare

and teach a lesson(s) to the

whole class. Progress

includes planning and

teaching an

Interdisciplinary mini-unit

to the entire class.

Improving in lesson(s)

preparation appropriate for

the grade and subject area.

Occasionally makes an

inquiry about lesson

planning and ways to help

students connect

information to prior

knowledge. Observes

preparation of resource

materials. Minimal help

with room arrangement.

Occasionally consults with

the cooperating teacher to

plan, prepare and teach a

lesson(s) to the whole

class. Progress includes

planning and teaching an

Interdisciplinary mini-unit

to the entire class.

Lesson(s) preparation is

not effectively planned or

organized to meet the

needs of the learner.

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Performance Outcome: 3. Participates in the use of appropriate technology and resources

to enhance instruction and student performance.

Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional

Experience = 1

Takes the initiative to

learn and review technical

resources available in the

classroom and the school

library-media center.

Researches additional

resources for the

cooperating teacher and

assists in preparing

instructional aides for

lessons. Demonstrates

excellent knowledge of

technology and the ability

to efficiently use

technology to present a

lesson(s) including print

and non-print media.

Helps students effectively

use the technology.

Takes the initiative to

review technical resources

available in the classroom

and the school library-

media center. At the

cooperating teachers

direction researches

additional resources for a

unit or a lesson. Generally

demonstrates the

knowledge for using

different technology and

other resources to present

a lesson(s). Helps students

effectively use technology.

Reviews some technical

resources available in the

classroom and the school

library-media center.

Demonstrates the

knowledge for using some

technology to present a

lesson(s) or a mini-unit.

Asks questions if not

confident and helps

students use technology.

Spends very little time

reviewing or trying to

learn the technical

resources available in the

classroom or the school

library-media center.

Displays limited

knowledge or interest in

using technology for

instruction. Provides some

help for students using


Performance Outcome: 4. Participates with the teacher to develop appropriate assessments

of student learning and progress.

Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional

Experience = 1

Confers with the teacher

regarding various

assessment measures and

criteria to help with

assessing students’ work.

Promptly and carefully

completes all assigned

grading of students’

work. Adds comments to

reinforce students’ efforts

and/or clarify students’

understanding of a

subject. Carefully

monitors and records the

learning progress of a

specific student for the

semester and identifying

the learning abilities of

the student. Confers with

the cooperating teacher to

develop appropriate

assessment measures for

lessons or unit taught.

Implements several

different assessment

measures to evaluate the

Generally confers with the

teacher regarding the

criteria for assessing

assigned students’ work.

Accurately reviews and

grades students’ work.

Makes notes to reinforce

students’ efforts and/or

clarify students’

understanding of the

subject. Identifies the

learning abilities of

students. Monitors and

records the learning

progress of a specific

student for the semester

identifying the learning

abilities of the student.

Confers with the

cooperating teacher to

develop appropriate

assessment measures for

lessons or unit taught.

Implements several

different assessment

measures to evaluate the

Attempts to follow

teachers’ instructions for

reviewing and assessing

assigned students’ work.

Completes assigned grading

of students’ work. Adds a

few comments to reinforce

students’ efforts and/or

clarify students’

understanding of the

subject. Is beginning to

recognize different learning

abilities of students.

Beginning to monitor and

record the learning progress

of a specific student.

Confers with the

cooperating teacher to

develop assessment

measures for lessons or unit

taught. Implements some

assessment measures to

evaluate the learning

progress of students.

Does not take the

initiative to increase

students’ understanding.

Will complete assigned

grading of students’ work,

but cooperating teacher

must carefully review

each assignment for

accuracy of assessment.

Occasionally monitors and

records the learning

progress of a specific

student. Occasionally

confers with the

cooperating teacher to

develop assessment

measures for lessons or

unit taught. Implements

an assessment measures to

evaluate the learning

progress of students

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

learning progress of


learning progress of


Performance Outcome: 5. Assists in instructional and behavioral management strategies to

promote a safe and positive learning environment.

5a: Instructional Management Strategies

Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional

Experience = 1

Encourages students to

achieve success in class

work. Helps arrange and

maintain the physical

environment for students’

learning. Demonstrates

the ability to keep

students focused when

presenting a lesson. Seeks

to observe in other

teachers’ class-

rooms. Records ways to

properly address students

throughout the


Helps arrange and maintain

the physical environment

for students’ learning.

Generally manages to

maintain the focus of

students during the lesson

presentations. Observes in

two to three other teachers’

class rooms. Identifies and

records ways to

appropriately address

students throughout the


Generally manages to

maintain the focus of

students during most of the

lesson presentation.

Observed at least two other

teachers’ class

rooms. Identify and record

some ways to appropriately

address students

throughout the instruction.

Did not demonstrate

evidence of understanding

instructional management

skills. Limited skills in

maintaining the focus of

students during a lesson

and/or during practice

teaching. Observed

another teachers’ class

room and identified

another way to

appropriately address

students throughout the


5b: Behavioral Management Strategies

Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional

Experience = 1

Reviews and discusses all

school and classroom

policies with cooperating

teacher. Observes and

takes the initiative to

monitor students’

behavior during class

learning activities.

Reviews school and

classroom policies with

cooperating teacher.

Observes and helps monitor

students’ behavior during

class learning activities.

Helps arrange and maintain

the physical environment

for students’ learning.

Generally manages to

maintain the focus of

students during the lesson

presentations. Observes in

two to three other teachers’

class rooms. Identifies and

records ways to

appropriately address

students throughout the


Reviews class room

policies with cooperating

teacher. Observes and

helps monitor some

students’ behavior

throughout the class

learning activities.

Reviews some classroom

policies with cooperating

teacher. Observes

students’ behavior during

class learning activities,

but tendency is to be a

“buddy” to the students

rather than taking time to

gain their respect as a


Performance Outcome: 6. Engages students in learning activities that promotes critical and

creative thinking.

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional

Experience = 1

Seeks opportunities to

participate in class

discussions and helps

expand students’ thinking

skills. Obtains and

reviews unit and lesson

materials prior to class

meetings to assist students

with class work. Asks

questions to challenge

their thinking skills.

Carefully plans and

presents a lesson(s) that

provides students the

opportunity to use

problem solving

strategies, inquiry skills or

creative thinking skills.

Participates in class

discussions and helps

expand students’ thinking

skills. Generally reviews

unit and lesson materials

prior to class meetings in

order to help students with

class work. Asks questions

to challenge their thinking

skills. Plans and presents a

lesson(s) that provides

students the opportunity to

use problem solving

strategies, inquiry skills or

creative thinking skills.

Participates in class

discussions when the

cooperating teacher

engages the pre-service

teacher in discussions.

Reviews some lesson

materials prior to class

meetings to help students

with class work. Asks

some questions to

challenge their thinking

skills developing the

ability to efficiently

process information. With

guidance of the

cooperating teacher

presents lessons that

provide students the

opportunity to use problem

solving strategies, inquiry

skills or creative thinking


Rarely participates in class

discussions. Does not seek

the opportunity to review

subject content prior to

class meetings to help

students with class work.

Asks mostly “yes or no”

questions of students.

Lessons do not provide

students the opportunity to

use problem solving

strategies, inquiry skills or

creative thinking skills.

Performance Outcome: 7. Participates in organizing learning environments to

accommodate learners.

Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional

Experience = 1

Learns the names of

students in the class(es).

Seeks to acquire a more


understanding of

individual interest and

cultural heritage to

develop a rapport with

students to facilitate


Helps with organization

and setup of room to

accommodate class

instruction. Actively seeks

a range of strategies to

help with individual or

group instructions.

Collaborates with the

cooperating teacher to

modify lessons that

accommodate the needs of


Strives to learn the names

of students in the class(es).

Tries to acquire an

understanding of

individual interest and

cultural heritage to

develop a rapport with

students to facilitate

learning. When

appropriate helps with

room arrangement to

accommodate the learning

needs of students. Uses

teachers’ suggestions to

accommodate individual

needs of learners.

Knows the names of most

students in the class(es).

Attempts to develop an

understanding of

individual interest and

cultural heritage to develop

a rapport with students to

facilitate learning. Works

with individuals or group

instruction to help meet the

needs of students.

Beginning to identify ways

to accommodate individual

needs of learners

throughout a lesson.

Does not remember names

of students. Lacks

initiative or interest in any

individual students’

interest or cultural heritage

limiting positive rapport

with students. Students are

not comfortable seeking

advice from the pre-service

teacher. Works with only

one or two students. Does

not consult with

cooperating teacher to

identify ways to

accommodate the lesson to

meet an individual needs.

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Performance Outcome: 8. Communicates clearly, accurately, and professionally to diverse


Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional

Experience = 1

Demonstrates excellent

listening skills and uses

standard oral and written

English. Stays in close

contact with cooperating

teacher and immediately

informs the teacher in

advance of any personal

schedule changes. Uses

good voice inflection to

capture the attention of

students. Excels in ability

to explain information for

the developmental level of

students. Uses positive

communication and humor

effectively and

appropriately to establish

rapport with students.

Generally demonstrates

effective listening skill

and uses standard oral and

written English.

Immediately informs the

teacher of any personal

schedule changes. Uses

good voice inflection

when teaching. Good

ability to explain

information for the

developmental level of

students. Uses positive

communication skills to

establish rapport with


Demonstrates excellent

listening skills and is

striving to improve using

standard English.

Generally informs the

teacher of any personal

schedule changes.

Beginning to use more

voice inflection for

instruction. Strives to use

positive communication

skills to establish rapport

with students. Developing

the ability to explain

information appropriate for

the developmental levels of


Fails to carefully listen to

instructions or student

questions. Lacks the

knowledge and skill for

using standard English.

Does not inform the

teacher of any personal

schedule changes. Needs

to use more voice

inflection when teaching.

Humor tends to be in the

form of sarcasm. Does not

explain information

appropriate to the

developmental levels of


SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Performance Outcome: 9. Reflect on professional responsibilities and demonstrate

commitment to fairness and the ability of all to learn.

Highly Competent = 4 Competent = 3 Minimally Competent = 2 Needs Additional

Experience = 1

Is punctual and reliable in

meeting obligations.

Grooming and dress are

always professionally suited

for the school

setting. Observes all class

and school policies and

procedures. Observes

confidentiality of student

information. Takes the

initiative to learn by asking

questions and seeking

feedback from the

cooperating teacher and the

students. Accepts

constructive criticism and

implements suggestions.

Efficiently and accurately

completes all assigned tasks.

Offers to help with any

additional teaching

responsibilities or attend

meetings or conferences.

Seeks to expand background

knowledge and skills for

teaching. Is responsive to


expectations. Demonstrates

fairness by meeting student

educational needs in a caring,

non-discriminatory and

equitable way. Lesson Plans

and student interactions

demonstrate a clear belief

that all students can learn.

Meets required


Grooming and dress are

professionally suited for

the school

setting. Observes class

and school policies and

procedures. Observes

confidentiality of student

information. Takes the

initiative to learn by

asking questions.

Efficiently completes all

assigned tasks. Generally

offers to help with

additional teaching

responsibilities or

meetings. Accepts and

implements feedback.

Recognizes the need to

expand background

knowledge and skills for

teaching. Understands

community and cultural

expectations and is

typically responsive in

planning and classroom

interactions. Is aware of

the significance of

treating students fairly

and generally meets

student educational

needs in a caring, non-

discriminatory and

equitable way. Lesson

Plans and student

interactions generally

demonstrate a belief that

all students can learn.

Generally fulfills required

obligations in a timely

manner. Grooming and

dress are generally

appropriate for the school

setting. Observes class

policies and procedures.

Observes confidentiality

of student information.

Takes the initiative to

learn by asking questions.

Efficiently completes all

assigned tasks. When

possible offers to help

with some additional

teaching responsibilities

or meetings. Interest in

expanding background

knowledge and skills in

some subject areas. Is

aware of


expectations and is

beginning to respond

accordingly. Strives to

treat students

fairly. Articulates the

belief that all students can

learn and is beginning to

develop lesson plans


Frequently late, lesson(s)

are not completely

prepared in advance of the

day to teach.

Grooming and dress is not

always appropriate for the

school setting.

Inconsistent in observing

class policies and

procedures. Does not

observe confidentiality of

student information.

Lacks initiative. Manages

to complete only the

minimum hours All

assigned tasks are not

accurately completed.

Frequently gives excuses

during feedback given to

improve preparation and

teaching skills. Limited

interest in expanding and

improving knowledge and

skills for teaching. Does

not demonstrate an

awareness of


expectations. Lesson plans

and interactions tend to

meet the select needs of

some/not all students. The

belief that all students can

learn is not yet evident in


SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Data from the three assessments above can be accessed with the following link: click here

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

Student outcomes on diversity for the Educational Leadership Department based on the

highlighted components of the rubrics above.

















SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

School Psychology Conceptual Framework The School Psychology program assesses the Unit’s Conceptual Framework on seven indicators. The first six indicators are:

1. Consultation and Collaboration 2. Diversity and Development of learning 3. Professional Work Characteristics 4. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking 5. Interpersonal Relations 6. Respect for Human Diversity

The final and seventh indicator is:

7. Is sensitive to cultural differences, diversity of values, and community standards

This data is collected from the Supervisor Evaluation of the candidate’s comprehensive internship experience


SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

EDU 345: Exceptionality and Classroom Management

Classroom Management Plan Rubric

(70 points)

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted


SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted

SCORING RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENTS THAT INFORM DIVERSITY Components that inform diversity are highlighted