Science and Society BSc - · Science and...


Transcript of Science and Society BSc - · Science and...



Science and Society BSc /

This degree explores science in its varied andcomplex forms and we train you to study scienceand scientists as part of modern society. Wecombine science policy, ethics, and governance,science communication, and sociology of modernscience and technology. UCL is unique in the UK inoffering this BSc.

Key information

Programme startsSeptember 2019

LocationLondon, Bloomsbury

Degree benefits

// Modules in science policy and governance are local and global inscope. They engage with ethics, historical decision-makingprocesses, governance of emerging technologies, and futuredirections in science, medicine, and technology.

// Modules in science communication focus on the complexinteractions between scientists and the public. We consider themethods of science journalism, including radio and television andonline environments.

// Practical modules in public engagement and evaluation buildhands-on skills with communication and conversation. You will alsodevelop the skills of evaluating the effectiveness of sciencecommunication: what works and what doesn't?

// Modules in sociology of modern science and technology engagewith classic sociological theory and practical field methods to studyscience as a human activity, shaped by modern society.

Degree structure

In each year of your degree you will take a number of individualmodules, normally valued at 15 or 30 credits, adding up to a total of 120credits for the year. Modules are assessed in the academic year inwhich they are taken. The balance of compulsory and optional modulesvaries from programme to programme and year to year. A 30-creditmodule is considered equivalent to 15 credits in the European CreditTransfer System (ECTS).

This programme aims to produce graduates ready to talk about scienceand interpret its influences in modern society without committing to a lifeat the laboratory bench. Science involves many more people thanscientists themselves, and this degree seeks to build policymakers,communicators, and other observers who can contribute informed viewsto ongoing debates about science’s direction and impact. This mightinvolve contributing to debates on science funding or ethics; weighingthe value of different social priorities; or consulting on the impact of newtechnologies and new discoveries.


Core or compulsory module(s)

// Science Communication and Public Engagement History of Modern ScienceHistory of Science: Antiquity to EnlightenmentInvestigating History and Philosophy of ScienceInvestigating Science and SocietyPhilosophy of Science IRevealing ScienceScience Policy

Optional modules

// There are no optional modules in year one.


Core or compulsory module(s)

// There are no compulsory modules in year two.

Optional modules

// Students select options from a wide range of modules offered by the department andmore widely across UCL, including:

// Engaging the Public with ScienceEvolution in Science and CulturePhilosophy of Science IIPolicy Issues in the Life SciencesScience and EmpireScience and EthicsScience and ReligionScience in Popular CultureSociology of Science and TechnologyThinking about Technology Applied Medicine and Society

// Our intermediate- year optional modules vary from year to year to reflect currentpractice and the latest academic research. Students may also select options from awide range of optional and elective modules offered by the department and throughoutUCL.

Data taken from the 'Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education' survey undertaken by HESA looking at the destinations of UK and EU students in the 2013-2015 graduating cohorts six months after graduation.


Core or compulsory module(s)

// Dissertation

Optional modules

// Advanced Philosophy of MedicineCommunication of Scientific IdeasDisease in HistoryGoverning Emerging TechnologiesHistory of Astronomy and CosmologyHistory of MedicineMedical EthicsNature, Technology and the EnvironmentPhilosophy of InformationPhilosophy of Natural ScienceScience and Film ProductionScience in the Age of NewtonScience, Art and PhilosophyScience, Politics, and the State in Russia and the Soviet UnionSleep and DreamingGlobalisation in Theory and PracticeScience Communication in Digital EnvironmentsPhilosophy of Natural SciencesZoos in Science and Culture

// Our final-year optional modules vary from year to year to reflect current practice and thelatest academic research. Students may also select options from a wide range ofoptional and elective modules offered by the department and throughout UCL.

Your learning

The department has a reputation for excellence in the classroom. Tutorshave won local and international teaching awards and we consistentlyrank highly in student evaluations, obtaining 100% student satisfactionfor the STS degrees from the National Student Survey in 2016, 2014, and2013. Our teaching methods adapt to specific needs of students. Manymodules include small-group discussions and active participation. Thestudent-to-tutor ratio is approximately 10:1.

AssessmentCoursework ranges from short position pieces to significant researchpapers. In addition to essays, we sometimes assess using posters,blogs, and multimedia projects. Practical work includes mockparliamentary reports, radio programmes, presentations, and webprojects. Group work sometimes is used, as are unseen examinations.

Your career

The programme is designed to enable you to gain understanding of thediscipline, and to develop intellectual, practical and transferable skills,such as critical thinking; retrieving, researching and analysing material,time and project management and working effectively bothindependently and as part of a team.

In this scientific and technological world, this programme provides anexcellent foundation for many careers, especially those at the interfaceof professional science and the wider culture transnationally.

First destinations of recent graduates (2013-2015) of this programmeinclude:

// Civil Servant, Home Office

// Non-Managed Deposit Liaison, Savills

Your application

Application for admission should be made through UCAS (theUniversities and Colleges Admissions Service). Applicants currently atschool or college will be provided with advice on the process; however,applicants who have left school or who are based outside the UnitedKingdom may obtain information directly from UCAS.

Your application will be assessed on your prior and predicted academicachievement, and we will be seeking evidence of your interest inhistorical and contemporary issues in science and technology. You

should also be able to demonstrate your ability to construct a reasonedargument and to participate in debate.

After assessing your application, we invite applicants in the UK to visitthe department for an open day. This includes introductory talks fromstaff and tours given by current students. The afternoon meetings withacademic staff provide an opportunity to discuss your personal interestsand aspirations in relation to your chosen degree.

Entry requirements

A LEVELSStandard Offer: AAB. No specific subjects.

Contextual Offer: BBB. No specific subjects.

GCSEEnglish Language and Mathematics at grade C or 5. For UK-basedstudents, a grade C or 5 or equivalent in a foreign language (other thanAncient Greek, Biblical Hebrew or Latin) is required. UCL providesopportunities to meet the foreign language requirement followingenrolment, further details at:

IB DIPLOMAStandard Offer: 36. A score of 17 points in three higher level subjects,with no score lower than 5.

Contextual Offer: . A score of 15 points in three higher level subjects,with no score lower than 5.

CONTEXTUAL OFFERS – ACCESS UCL SCHEMEAs part of our commitment to increasing participation fromunderrepresented groups, students may be eligible for a contextual offeras part of the Access UCL scheme. For more information

OTHER QUALIFICATIONSUCL considers a wide range of UK and international qualifications forentry into its undergraduate programmes. Full details are given

UNDERGRADUATE PREPARATORY CERTIFICATES(International foundation courses)UCL Undergraduate Preparatory Certificates (UPCs) are intensiveone-year foundation courses for international students of high academicpotential who are aiming to gain access to undergraduate degreeprogrammes at UCL and other top UK universities.

Typical UPC students will be high achievers in a 12-year school systemwhich does not meet the standard required for direct entry to UCL.

For more information see:


The fees indicated are for undergraduate entry in the 2018/19academic year. The UK/EU fees shown are for the first year of theprogramme at UCL only. Fees for future years may be subject to aninflationary increase. The Overseas fees shown are the fees that willbe charged to 2018/19 entrants for each year of study on theprogramme, unless otherwise indicated below.

// UK & EU: £9,250 (2018/19)

// Overseas: £22,790 (2018/19)

Overseas fees for the 2019/20 academic year are expected to beavailable in July 2018. Undergraduate UK/EU fees are capped by theUK Government and are expected to be available in October 2018.Full details of UCL's tuition fees, tuition fee policy and potentialincreases to fees can be found on the UCL Students website.

Additional costsIf you are concerned by potential additional costs for books,equipment, etc. on this programme, please get in touch with therelevant departmental contact (details given on this page).


Various funding options are available, including student loans,scholarships and bursaries. UK students whose household incomefalls below a certain level may also be eligible for a non-repayablebursary or for certain scholarships. Please see the Fees and fundingpages for more details.


Dr Carina Fearnley

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 1328

Department: Science and Technology Studies

EU referendumFor up-to-date information relating to specific key questions followingthe UK's decision to leave the EU, please refer

DisclaimerThis information is for guidance only. It should not be construed asadvice nor relied upon and does not form part of any contract. Formore information on UCL's degree programmes please see the UCLUndergraduate Prospectus at

PDF updated: 17 April 2018 © UCL 2018