School Prospectus 2015/16 - Littleham C of E Primary … Prospectus 2015-16 Firm Foundations for the...

Littleham Church of England Primary School School Prospectus 2015/16 Firm Foundations for the Future

Transcript of School Prospectus 2015/16 - Littleham C of E Primary … Prospectus 2015-16 Firm Foundations for the...

Littleham Church of England Primary School

School Prospectus 2015/16

Firm Foundations for the Future


At Littleham Church of England Primary School (VC) , we work as a

team, with children, parents, staff and the community. Through this

partnership we aim to provide a stimulating, vibrant atmosphere in

which all the children can reach their full potential.

We are proud of our school, and we believe that it is one that caters for

the needs of all children.

This prospectus aims at answer any questions you may have about how

our school is organised and to help you understand more about our


We hope that your association with the school is a long and happy one.

Kind regards,

Duncan Nelmes

Executive Headteacher

Firm Foundations for the Future

Welcome to Littleham

Church of England Primary


School Prospectus 2015-16

Firm Foundations for the Future


Mr D Nelmes Executive Headteacher

Mrs S Padbury Head of Learning KS2

Mrs V Briggs Head of Learning KS1/EYFS

Mrs J Tweedy SENCo (part time)

Mrs H Seymour Class Teacher (part time)

Mr E Thomas KS2 Class Teacher

Mrs S Iley Year 3/4 Teacher

Mrs G Cambridge Key Stage 2 Teacher (part time)

Mrs S Gosling Reading Recovery teacher (part time)

Miss B Moass Class Teacher

Mrs C Thorn Class Teacher (part time)

Miss C Acquilina Class Teacher

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Jo Poslett HLTA

Mrs Celia Roberts

Mrs Lin Hopkins

Mrs Val Ziegler

Mrs Leigh Dickinson

Mrs Ali Jeffries

Mrs Siobhan Scott

Mr James Glover

Mrs Emma Gibson

Ms Diana Bradbury

Mrs Chris Thorn

Mrs Rebecca Zervou

Mrs J James

Mr Sam Burnett

Miss L Eyres

Mrs E Trail

Mrs S Atkins

Mrs M Gregson

Mrs Twycross

Meal Time Assistants

Mrs L Hopkins

Mrs L Twycross

Mr J Glover

Mrs C Roberts

Mrs Gibson

School Administrator

Mrs Carolyn Robson

Kitchen Manager

Mrs V Land—Kitchen Manager

Mrs H Cowling

Mrs James

Mrs Mueller


Mr A Glover

Our Achievements and Plans

We are proud of the outcomes of our recent

inspections as these confirmed our own view of

the school. Our most recent church schools

inspection in May 2011 recognised the as an

outstanding church school. They noted the

―harmonious relationships based on the Christian

values of friendship, compassion and for-

giveness‖ that exist in the school. They noted

that Collective worship has a key role in promot-

ing the high level of spiritual development

A good school - Ofsted

Our most recent Ofsted inspection in January

2014 recognised that our school is a school that

―The headteacher, leaders, managers and

governors are very well focused on school

priorities and are driving improvement well.

As a result, the quality of teaching and pupils‘

achievement continue to improve. ―

―Pupils currently in the school make good

progress from their starting points because

they fully engage with their lessons, are

appropriately challenged and teachers expect

them to do well. Their achievement in

reading and writing is particularly good‖

Please visit our school website for details of the

full report..

Our School

Mission Statement

We aim to provide high standards of care and

education for all our children, and to help them

achieve their individual potential. We want

children to be confident, curious and creative, to

have high expectations of themselves, to respect

themselves and others and to make a positive

contribution to their community.

Our Aims

Give all children access to a curriculum

which is varied, challenging, motivating

and inspiring, and gives them an

enthusiasm for learning which they carry

into later life

Enable children to be active and engaged

in their learning

Be a happy, caring, secure and stimulating

school where every child is encouraged

and helped to develop their full potential

Develop respect for the spiritual, religious

and moral views of others, and consider

their own attitudes, values and beliefs

Help children develop into independent,

confident people with high expectations of


School Prospectus 2015-16

Parents in Partnership

We welcome parents into school at Littleham

CE Primary, believing we are partners in the

education of your child.

There are many opportunities for parents to

become involved in the life of the school and

to gain a greater understanding of what

happens at school. In accordance with our

safeguarding procedures all adults are CRB

checked before helping in school.

Parents are invited to a wide range of events,

parents evenings, sports days, Collective

Worships and assemblies throughout the


The school also has Home School agreement

which include the views of parents, staff and



We are very fortunate in school to have the

support of an excellent and hard-working

Parent Teacher and Friends Association. The

group organise a wide range of fund-raising

events during the school year including a

duck race and hog roast, school fete and

numerous children‘s discos throughout the


School Prospectus 2015-16

Firm Foundations for the Future

Parents in Partnership

Family Learning

We are very happy to be offering a wide

range of family learning courses in school

where parents and carers can have the

opportunity to take part in courses where

they can improve their understanding how

their child learns in schools and develop their

own skills at the same time and get a

nationally recognised qualifications in literacy

and numeracy.

Home/School Links

Reports are sent out at the end of the

summer term for children from year 2 to

year 6. Foundation stage and year 1 children

receive their reports at the end of the Sum-

mer term. Each term there will be an oppor-

tunity to look at your children‘s work and to

meet with their class teacher. 'Parents

Evenings' are arranged to give parents and

carers the opportunity to discuss the work

and progress of their children with class

teachers. Children are also invited to attend.

School Prospectus 2015-16

Firm Foundations for the Future


We believe children‘s education and good

behaviour are shared responsibilities between

parents, children and the school. We expect

high standards of behaviour from our pupils and

encourage them to take responsibility for their


We expect children to behave in a kind,

thoughtful, considerate and safe manner at all



The school is a ‗reward rich‘ environment where

everyone recognizes that wide range of

‗rewards‘ that children receive.

The schools uses a whole school reward system

based on the colours of the Christian calendar.

Children get stickers or stamps on each certifi-

cate. The headteacher or senior teacher sign the

card before the child is able to move onto the

next card. Upon completion of all cards the child

will receive a special reward (to be confirmed by

the School Council). The colours include and are

linked to skills:

Green – ordinary time – Time for Growth

Blue – Advent – Readiness to Learn

Purple – Lent – Preparation and Perseverance

Red – Pentecost – An open Mind for the Future

Yellow – Christmas - Celebration

Gold – Easter – Firm Foundations for the Fu-


Pupil Voice

We firmly believe that children need to have a

say in their education. As a result we have a

wide variety of pupil voice groups that are in-

volved in making real decisions about their edu-

cational provision in school. These include:

School Ambassadors

School Councilors

Children with Special Educational


Littleham Church of England Primary

School does not discriminate against

pupils on the grounds of disability. All

children have equal access to the

curriculum, school grounds and buildings.

If necessary, children can be assisted by

support staff, additional equipment or

resources. Our accessibility plan identifies

future policies for increasing access to the

school by pupils with disabilities.

There is good school provision for

children with Special Educational Needs.

Early identification of children‘s individual

needs allows class teachers to plan

appropriately. We also work closely with a

number of outside agencies to gain advice

and support from other professionals who

have specialist knowledge and expertise.

Religious Education

As a Church of England Voluntary Controlled

School our children attend daily acts of

collective worship and we have close links

with the church of St. Margaret‘s and St.

Andrew‘s in Littleham village. We follow the

Devon Agreed Syllabus for Religious

Education and aim to provide opportunities

for children to develop their spiritual, moral

and social awareness as well as encourage a

tolerant and reflective approach to living.

Parents can withdraw their children from the-

se activities by a request to the Headteacher.

These children will continue with other work

supervised by a teaching assistant.

Core Values

Core Values are an important part of the

school and we currently have six core values

which are:







School Prospectus 2015-16

Firm Foundations for the Future

Using the Local Environment

We are fortunate to be close to a rich and

diverse local area which includes coastal,

woodland, moorland, town and river

environments. We draw on these rich resources

to give the children powerful first-hand

experiences which provide good quality contexts

and stimuli for learning throughout the


School Prospectus 2015-16

Firm Foundations for the Future

Safety and Security

Parents are responsible for the safety of

their children on the way to and from

school. Our crossing patrol is near the

junction of Littledown Close and Littleham

Road. Older children who walk to school

unaccompanied should always cross the

road with Kerry Hughes, our crossing pa-


Our School Travel Plan has been ap-

proved and improvements to the school

entrance have been made to create a saf-

er environment. The plan is available for

you to look at in the school office.

The school grounds are well fenced, and

during the school day access to school is

through the main front doors which have

security keypads fitted. There is no parent

parking on the premises. Parents bringing

children to school should park on Little-

ham Road.

The School Day

Breakfast Club is available to all pupils

from 8.00am. Cost £2.00 a day.

Foundation Stage Unit 9am -12pm

and 12pm—3pm

Key stage 1 8.50am -12.15pm and


Key Stage 2

8.50am -12.25pm and 1.15pm—3.20pm

Essential information


As from the 1st September 2013, all schools are

unable to authorise any requests for absence

relating to holidays in term time. This has

been brought about by an amendment to the

Education (Pupil Registration England) Regula-

tions 2006 which has removed reference to

holidays and the ten day period. Please note

that you are required to complete a S2 Ab-

sence Request Form for any absence request

(even a planned visit to the dentist/hospital)

and that it is completed in advance. A copy of

this form is available from the school office and

on our school website.

These changes reinforce the government‘s

view that every minute of every school day is

vital and that pupils should only be granted

authorised absence by the school, in excep-

tional circumstances e.g. illness, exclusions, or

due to other unavoidable causes.

We would remind parents that unauthorised

absences may well result in the instigation of

parental responsibility measures which could

be a penalty notice. We hope you will support

your child‘s school by ensuring that your son/

daughter obtains the maximum benefit from

their time at school by attending punctually for

the 190 days each year that the law requires,

unless prevented from doing so by unavoida-

ble circumstances.

Attendance Awards

For children to make progress at school they

need to regularly attend, a figure of 95% or

above being expected by the government as a

minimum target for Primary Schools. Each

term we recognise those children will excellent

attendance with an attendance Award.

School Prospectus 2015-16

Firm Foundations for the Future

School Lunches

We have adopted a new ‗healthy‘ menu which uses

fresh ingredients which are prepared and cooked on the

premises. Menus are regularly sent home with the

newsletter and can also be seen outside the office. Chil-

dren can bring packed lunches. On special occasions

such as Christmas and Sports Day parents and carers

are invited to join the school for lunch.


We follow the Local Authority guidelines for medicine in

school. Medicines will only be administered in school if

parent/carers have completed the appropriate form giv-

ing consent and the information needed. These forms

can be obtained from the school office. First aid is car-

ried out by a qualified first aider.

If your child has an allergy or specific medical condition

please give all details to Mrs Robson in the office in the

first instance so we are fully prepared.

School Uniform

Our school uniform colours are grey/black and royal

blue. Sweatshirts and Games shirts bearing the school

logo are available from the school office.

In the Foundation Stage Unit: Tracksuit bottoms

(black plain), Polo shirt and sweat shirt for F2

In the summer we recommend shorts and summer



Grey/black trousers

White shirt/polo shirt

Royal blue sweatshirt


Grey/black skirt or trousers

Black/grey tights

White blouse/polo shirt

Games Kit (boys and girls)

Blue T-shirt and black shorts with trainers or


For outdoor games in cold weather a tracksuit

may be worn.

A spare pair of socks is essential in wet


All clothing, footwear and equipment MUST

be clearly named and carried in a suitable

P.E. bag, which should also be marked and

kept on the child‘s peg.

Hair cuts

As part of our school uniform policy can we

remind parents that we expect children‘s hair

cuts to be of a suitable style for a child of

school age. Hair must be neat and tidy, of

conventional style and natural colour. Ex-

treme cuts, such as shaving part of the head

or Mohican styling is not acceptable.

Mobile phones

Children are not encouraged to bring phones

to school. If it is necessary to bring a mobile

phone to school this should be taken to the

school office for safe keeping. If a pupil is

found to have a phone in their possession this

will be held at the office to be collected at the

end of the school day. This rule applies to

other electrical devises, such as MP3 players

or small gaming devises.