Schilling joel pso_1304_tedslideshow


Transcript of Schilling joel pso_1304_tedslideshow

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DAVID KELLEYAs the founder of the design firm IDEO, his business is creativity on a global level.

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“How to Build Your Creative Confidence”His talk covers people’s general fear of making mistakes and how this is misinterpreted as a lack of creativity.

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“How to Build Your Creative Confidence”He discusses how these fears are developed at a young age and continue to grow into adulthood.

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“How to Build Your Creative Confidence”The presentation goes on to cover how facing these fears can increase one’s creativity. Ending with the benefits to society from individual creative thinkers.

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David captures the audience by telling a story that we can all relate


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He continues to keep the audience engaged by telling a series of stories. His stories range from relatable to factual to emotional. This variety keeps it interesting and guides listeners through his speech.

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That being said he definitely strives to connect with the audience on an emotional level.

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DYNAMISM RATING: 4/5Although he does move around on stage, I feel he could use gestures more effectively. I also think he could increase the range in his voice more. There are a few places where he is almost monotone.

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David’s slides made sense and represented who or what he was talking about chronologically. They provided examples and effective visual support for the topic being discussed.

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David has shown me how effective the use of story-telling can be when relaying an educational message.

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To compare, both men are very intelligent, both speak clearly and both know their subject.

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David speaks of society viewing people in two different groups; creative and non-creative.

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He has a friendly, yet serious demeanor and delivers his message with genuine sentiment.

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Ken speaks of society viewing people in two different groups; thinking and non-thinking.

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He speaks with urgency and uses his dry wit to lighten the mood and keep people interested. He uses pauses effectively to allow the audience to respond.

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My advice to my peers based solely off of this video would be to face your fears. Once you overcome you will be amazed at

what you can accomplish.