
Han Scheduling Schedule: The pattern in which media programmes are arranged and presented to the audience. Watershed: The watershed is a team used to identify the times when television programmes should not be broadcast that might be unsuitable for children. The watershed is at 1200. Material unsuitable for children should not be shown at certain times. (9pm- 5:30am) Hammocking: The strategic placement of a programme between two other programmes; positioning a new series between two well- established shows that appeal to the same target audience often gives the right viewers on opportunity to sample new series. Pre-Echo: Programme placed in a schedule to come before a popular programme. Inheritance: Programme placed after a successful programme in the hopes of inheriting some of its audience. Theming: When a particular channel will have special days or weeks dedicated to a topic. Bridging: A technique used to discourage the viewer from changing channels. For example: advertising the next programme during brakes of previous programme. Stacking: This involves grouping together particular programmes with similar appeal to “sweep” the viewer



Transcript of Scheduling

Page 1: Scheduling



Schedule: The pattern in which media programmes are arranged and presented to the audience.

Watershed: The watershed is a team used to identify the times when television programmes should not be broadcast that might be unsuitable for children. The watershed is at 1200. Material unsuitable for children should not be shown at certain times. (9pm-5:30am)

Hammocking: The strategic placement of a programme between two other programmes; positioning a new series between two well- established shows that appeal to the same target audience often gives the right viewers on opportunity to sample new series.

Pre-Echo: Programme placed in a schedule to come before a popular programme.

Inheritance: Programme placed after a successful programme in the hopes of inheriting some of its audience.

Theming: When a particular channel will have special days or weeks dedicated to a topic.

Bridging: A technique used to discourage the viewer from changing channels. For example: advertising the next programme during brakes of previous programme.

Stacking: This involves grouping together particular programmes with similar appeal to “sweep” the viewer from one programme to the next. An example of this is ITV3 who shows of detective programmes in a row.