Scars of Mirrodin FAQ

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  • 8/8/2019 Scars of Mirrodin FAQ


    _Scars of Mirrodin_(TM) Frequently Asked QuestionsCompiled by Matt Tabak and Mark L. Gottlieb, with contributions from Laurie Cheers, Jeff Jordan, LeeSharpe, Eli Shiffrin, and Thijs van OmmenDocument last modified September 23, 2010

    An FAQ is a collection of clarifications and rulings involving the cards in a new _Magic: TheGathering_(R) set. It's intended to make playing with these new cards more fun by clearing up the commonmisconceptions and confusion inevitably caused by new mechanics and interactions. As future sets arereleased, updates to the _Magic_(TM) rules may cause some of this information to become outdated. If youcan't find the answer you're looking for here, please contact us at .

    This FAQ has two sections, each of which serves a different purpose.

    The first section ("General Notes") explains the new mechanics and concepts in the set.

    The second section ("Card-Specific Notes") contains answers to the most important, most common, and mostconfusing questions players might ask about cards in the set. Items in the "Card-Specific Notes" sectioninclude full card text for your reference. Not all cards in the set are listed.



    ***Release Information***

    The _Scars of Mirrodin_ set contains 249 cards (101 common, 60 uncommon, 53 rare, 15

    mythic rare, and 20 basic land).

    Prerelease events: September 25-26, 2010Launch Parties: October 1-3, 2010

    The _Scars of Mirrodin_ set becomes legal for sanctioned Constructed play on itsofficial release date: Friday, October 1, 2010.

    -- At that time, the following card sets will be permitted in the Standard format:_Zendikar_(TM), _Worldwake_(TM), _Rise of the Eldrazi_(TM), _Magic 2011_, and _Scarsof Mirrodin_.

    Go to to find an event or store near you.

    Go to for a complete list of formats and permittedcard sets.-----

    ***Mirran and Phyrexian Factions***

    The native Mirrans and the invading Phyrexians are battling for control of Mirrodin.Each _Scars of Mirrodin_ card (except planeswalkers and basic lands) has anidentifying insignia in its text box that shows which of these two factions itbelongs to. (The Mirran insignia looks like a segmented ring. The Phyrexian insignialooks like a circle with a slash through it.) Faction insignias have no effect ongame play.

    ***Returning Theme: -1/-1 Counters***

    Many cards in the _Scars of Mirrodin_ set put -1/-1 counters on creatures or careabout -1/-1 counters in other ways. Infect appears only on cards from the Phyrexianfaction.

    Carnifex Demon{4}{B}{B}Creature -- Demon6/6FlyingCarnifex Demon enters the battlefield with two -1/-1 counters on it.

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    {B}, Remove a -1/-1 counter from Carnifex Demon: Put a -1/-1 counter on each othercreature.

    For the most part, -1/-1 counters work a lot like +1/+1 counters. For example,Carnifex Demon enters the battlefield as a 4/4 creature, because it's a 6/6 creaturewith two -1/-1 counters on it. Working with negative numbers can have some trickyramifications, though.

    * A creature with -1/-1 counters on it may have 0 or less toughness. That creature isput into its owner's graveyard as a state-based action. Regeneration can't preventthis. This happens even if the creature is indestructible.

    * A creature with -1/-1 counters on it may have 0 or less power. If so, it deals nodamage in combat. If the effect of a spell or ability would change that creature'spower, its actual negative power is used in the calculation. For example, a -2/2creature that gets +3/+3 will end up as a 1/5 creature.

    * If an effect of a spell or ability would do something else based on the power of acreature with 0 or less power (such as allows a player to draw that many cards), theeffect will use 0 instead.

    * If a permanent has at least one +1/+1 counter and at least one -1/-1 counter on it,

    remove as many pairs of +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters from it as you can. This is done asa state-based action.

    ***Returning Theme: Poison Counters***

    Although a small number cards in previous _Magic_ sets have used poison counters, the_Scars of Mirrodin_ set features poison counters as a prominent Phyrexian strategy.

    Relic Putrescence{2}{B}Enchantment -- AuraEnchant artifactWhenever enchanted artifact becomes tapped, its controller gets a poison counter.

    * Poison counters are the only kind of counters that a player can get. (Usually,counters are put on permanents.) Keep careful track of how many poison counters eachplayer has. You may do so by keeping a running count on paper, by using a die, byhaving that player accumulate a number of items that represent poison counters (suchas the poison counters found in many _Scars of Mirrodin_ booster packs), or by anyother clear and mutually agreeable method.

    * A player who has ten or more poison counters loses the game. This is a state-basedaction.

    * No _Scars of Mirrodin_ cards enable a player to lose poison counters. (Only onecard in the entire game -- the _Homelands_(TM) card Leeches -- allows this tohappen.) Unless you're playing a format in which Leeches is legal, once a player gets

    a poison counter, he or she will have it for the rest of the game.

    ***New Keyword Ability: Infect***

    Infect is an ability that changes the nature of damage dealt to players andcreatures. Only cards from the Phyrexian faction have infect.

    Blight Mamba{1}{G}Creature - Snake1/1

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    Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and toplayers in the form of poison counters.){1}{G}: Regenerate Blight Mamba

    The official rules for damage dealt to players and creatures are as follows:

    119.3a Damage dealt to a player by a source without infect causes that player to losethat much life.

    119.3b Damage dealt to a player by a source with infect causes that player to getthat many poison counters.

    119.3d Damage dealt to a creature by a source with wither and/or infect causes thatmany -1/-1 counters to be put on that creature.

    119.3e Damage dealt to a creature by a source with neither wither nor infect causesthat much damage to be marked on that creature.

    The official rules for infect are as follows:

    702.87. Infect

    702.87a Infect is a static ability.

    702.87b Damage dealt to a creature by a source with infect isn't marked on thatcreature. Rather, it causes that many -1/-1 counters to be put on that creature. Seerule 119.3.

    702.87c Damage dealt to a player by a source with infect doesn't cause that player tolose life. Rather, it causes the player to get that many poison counters. See rule119.3.

    702.87d If a permanent leaves the battlefield before an effect causes it to dealdamage, its last known information is used to determine whether it had infect.

    702.87e The infect rules function no matter what zone an object with infect dealsdamage from.

    702.87f Multiple instances of infect on the same object are redundant.

    * Infect's effect applies to any damage, not just combat damage.

    * The -1/-1 counters remain on the creature indefinitely. They're not removed if thecreature regenerates or the turn ends.

    * Damage from a source with infect is damage in all respects. If the source withinfect also has lifelink, damage dealt by that source also causes its controller togain that much life. Damage from a source with infect can be prevented or redirected.Abilities that trigger on damage being dealt will trigger if a source with infect

    deals damage, if appropriate.

    * If damage from a source with infect that would be dealt to a player is prevented,that player doesn't get poison counters. If damage from a source with infect thatwould be dealt to a creature is prevented, that creature doesn't get -1/-1 counters.

    * Damage from a source with infect affects planeswalkers normally.

    ***Returning Ability Word: Imprint***

    Though originally printed in the _Mirrodin_ block as a keyword, imprint is now an

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    ability word. It appears in italics at the beginning of abilities, calling attentionto permanents that exile other cards and then use the exiled cards' characteristicsto define their other abilities. (An ability word has no rules meaning.) Imprintappears only on cards from the Mirran faction.

    Semblance Anvil{3}ArtifactImprint -- When Semblance Anvil enters the battlefield, you may exile a nonland cardfrom your hand.Spells you cast that share a card type with the exiled card cost {2} less to cast.

    * Each permanent with an imprint ability also has an ability that refers to the"exiled card(s)." These two abilities are linked. The second ability refers only tocards exiled as a result of the imprint ability, not by any other ability.

    * A permanent with an imprint ability might not have an exiled card for its linkedability to refer to. This might happen if all cards exiled by the imprint abilityhave left the exile zone, if you chose not to exile a card with an optional imprintability, or if the imprint ability failed to exile a card because it was countered,among other reasons. In such a case, the values of the exiled card called for by thelinked ability are undefined. That ability has as much of its effect as possible, but

    may be unable to have any effect at all.

    * If a permanent with an imprint ability leaves the battlefield and then returns tothe battlefield, it is a new object. It has no association with any cards it exiledduring its previous existence.

    ***New Ability Word: Metalcraft***

    Metalcraft is an ability word. It appears in italics at the beginning of abilitiesthat improve if you control three or more artifacts. (An ability word has no rulesmeaning.) Metalcraft appears only on cards from the Mirran faction.

    Galvanic Blast{R}InstantGalvanic Blast deals 2 damage to target creature or player.Metalcraft -- Galvanic Blast deals 4 damage to that creature or player instead if youcontrol three or more artifacts.

    Auriok Sunchaser{1}{W}Creature - Human Soldier1/1Metalcraft - As long as you control three or more artifacts, Auriok Sunchaser gets+2/+2 and has flying.

    * Some metalcraft abilities that appear on instants and sorceries use the word

    "instead." These spells have an upgraded effect if you control three or moreartifacts at the time they resolve. For these, you only get the upgraded effect, notboth effects.

    * Metalcraft abilities of instants and sorceries that don't use the word "instead"will provide an additional effect if you control three or more artifacts at the timethey resolve.

    * Some metalcraft abilities are activated abilities of permanents. To activate suchan ability, you must control three or more artifacts at the time of the activation.The ability will resolve as normal even if you no longer control three or more

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    artifacts as it resolves.

    * Some metalcraft abilities are static abilities. These abilities constantly checkwhether or not you control three or more artifacts to see if the bonus applies. Withone exception (see the "Stoic Rebuttal" entry in the Card-Specific Notes section),these abilities function only on the battlefield.

    * A creature with a static metalcraft ability that increases its toughness, such asAuriok Sunchaser, loses that bonus as soon as its controller controls fewer thanthree artifacts. If damage marked on that creature is greater than or equal to itstoughness after the metalcraft ability stops applying, the creature is destroyed andput into its owner's graveyard as a state-based action.

    * Triggered metalcraft abilities include an intervening "if" clause. You must controlthree or more artifacts at the appropriate time in order for these abilities totrigger, otherwise they do nothing. The game will check again as these abilitiesresolve. If you don't control three or more artifacts at that time, these abilitieswill do nothing.

    * Some metalcraft abilities appear on artifacts. Since you already control thatartifact, you need to control only two others for the ability to work.

    ***New Keyword Action: Proliferate***

    Proliferate is a keyword action that appears on Phyrexian cards. It allows you to addanother counter to each player and/or permanent that already has one.

    Throne of Geth{2}Artifact{T}, Sacrifice an artifact: Proliferate. (You choose any number of permanents and/orplayers with counters on them, then give each another counter of a kind alreadythere.)

    The official rules for proliferate are as follows:

    701.23. Proliferate

    701.23a To proliferate, choose any number of permanents with one or more counters onthem, and choose any number of players with one or more counters. For each permanentchosen this way, choose a counter on that permanent, then put another of thosecounters on it. For each player chosen this way, choose a counter that player has,then he or she gets another of those counters.

    * You can choose any player that has a counter, including yourself.

    * You can choose any permanent that has a counter, including ones controlled byopponents. You can't choose cards in any zone other than the battlefield, even ifthey have counters on them, such as suspended cards or a Lightning Storm on the


    * You don't have to choose every permanent or player that has a counter, only theones you want to add another counter to. Since "any number" includes zero, you don'thave to choose any permanents at all, and you don't have to choose any players atall.

    * If a permanent chosen this way has multiple kinds of counters on it, only a singlenew counter is put on that permanent.

    * Players can respond to the spell or ability whose effect includes proliferating.

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    Once that spell or ability starts to resolve, however, and its controller chooseswhich permanents and players will get new counters, it's too late for anyone torespond.

    ***Emblems and the Command Zone***

    An emblem is a new type of object that exists in the command zone. The command zoneis a game area reserved for certain specialized objects, such as nontraditional_Magic_ cards (vanguard, plane, and scheme cards). Like all objects in the commandzone, emblems aren't permanents and can't be destroyed.

    Venser, the SojournerPlaneswalker -- Venser3+2: Exile target permanent you own. Return it to the battlefield under your controlat the beginning of the next end step.-1: Creatures are unblockable this turn.-8: You get an emblem with "Whenever you cast a spell, exile target permanent."

    The official rules for emblems are as follows:

    113. Emblems

    113.1. Some effects put emblems into the command zone. An emblem is a marker used torepresent an object that has one or more abilities, but no other characteristics.

    113.2. An effect that creates an emblem is written "[Player] gets an emblem with[ability]." This means that [player] puts an emblem with [ability] into the commandzone. The emblem is both owned and controlled by that player.

    113.3. An emblem has no characteristics other than the abilities defined by theeffect that created it. In particular, an emblem has no name, no types, no mana cost,no color, and no expansion symbol.

    113.4. Abilities of emblems function in the command zone.

    113.5. An emblem is neither a card nor a permanent. Emblem isn't a card type.

    * To date, only three cards have abilities that create emblems. Two are the _Scars ofMirrodin_ planeswalkers Koth of the Hammer and Venser, the Sojourner. The third isthe planeswalker Elspeth, Knight-Errant, whose wording was recently updated.

    * Emblems behave similarly to enchantments: They have an ability that, in a generalsense, continually affects the game. The primary difference between them is thatemblems aren't permanents and don't exist on the battlefield. Nothing in the game canremove an emblem, simply because no other spell or ability references them. Once youget an emblem, you keep it for the rest of the game.

    ***Cycle: Spellbombs***

    The _Scars of Mirrodin_ set includes a cycle of five Spellbombs, a variation of acycle originally seen in the _Mirrodin(R)_ set.

    Horizon Spellbomb{1}Artifact{2}, {T}, Sacrifice Horizon Spellbomb: Search your library for a basic land card,reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.When Horizon Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {G}.If you do, draw a card.

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    * The second ability triggers when the Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from thebattlefield for any reason, not just as a result of sacrificing it to activate itsfirst ability.

    * You choose whether or not to pay the triggered ability's cost as it resolves. Bythis time, it's too late for players to respond. You may pay only once and draw onlyone card.

    * If you activate the first ability, the second ability will trigger and resolvebefore the first ability does. For example, if you activate Horizon Spellbomb's firstability, you'll choose whether to pay {G} and draw a card before you search yourlibrary for a basic land card.

    ***Cycle: Smiths***

    The _Scars of Mirrodin_ set includes a cycle of five Smiths, each of which is acreature with an ability that triggers whenever you cast an artifact spell.

    Lifesmith{1}{G}Creature -- Human Artificer

    2/1Whenever you cast an artifact spell, you may pay {1}. If you do, you gain 3 life.

    * Whenever you cast an artifact spell, the ability of each Smith you controltriggers. You can put the abilities on the stack in any order, keeping in mind thatthe one you put on the stack last will resolve first. All of the abilities willresolve before the artifact spell does.

    * A Smith's ability will resolve even if the artifact spell that caused it to triggeris countered.

    * Putting an artifact token onto the battlefield will not cause a Smith's ability totrigger.

    * Three of the Smiths (Embersmith, Lifesmith, and Myrsmith) require a payment of {1}to get the bonus. You choose whether to pay {1} as the ability resolves. Althoughplayers may respond to a Smith's ability, once it begins to resolve and you decidewhether to pay, it's too late for players to respond.

    * As a Smith's ability resolves, you can pay {1} only once and get the bonus onlyonce.

    ***Cycle: _Scars of Mirrodin_ Tap Lands***

    The _Scars of Mirrodin_ set includes a cycle of five lands that produce two colors ofmana and enter the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer other lands.

    Blackcleave CliffsLandBlackcleave Cliffs enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewerother lands.{T}: Add {B} or {R} to your mana pool.

    * If one of these lands is your first, second, or third land, it enters thebattlefield untapped. If you control three or more other lands, however, it entersthe battlefield tapped.

    * If one of these lands enters the battlefield at the same time as one or more other

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    lands (due to Scapeshift or Warp World, perhaps), it doesnt take those lands intoconsideration when determining how many other lands you control.

    ***Rules Note: Targeted Spells and Abilities***

    Arc Trail{1}{R}SorceryArc Trail deals 2 damage to target creature or player and 1 damage to another targetcreature or player.

    * If a spell or ability requires more than one target, like Arc Trail, you must beable to choose that many targets. If you can't, you can't cast the spell or activatethe ability.

    * If a spell or ability has multiple targets, and all targets are illegal by the timeit would resolve, the spell or ability is countered. However, if at least one ofthose targets is still legal, the spell or ability will resolve. It can't performactions on illegal targets, nor can it make illegal targets perform actions.

    Twisted Image{U}

    InstantSwitch target creature's power and toughness until end of turn.Draw a card.

    * If a spell or ability requires a target, and all targets of the spell or abilityare illegal targets by the time the spell or ability resolves, the spell or abilityis countered. None of its effects, including the untargeted effects (like TwistedImage's "Draw a card"), will happen.-----


    Argent Sphinx{2}{U}{U}Creature -- Sphinx4/3FlyingMetalcraft -- {U}: Exile Argent Sphinx. Return it to the battlefield under yourcontrol at the beginning of the next end step. Activate this ability only if youcontrol three or more artifacts.

    * If you activate Argent Sphinx's metalcraft ability, Argent Sphinx will return tothe battlefield at the beginning of the next end step no matter how many artifactsyou control at that time.

    * If you activate Argent Sphinx's metalcraft ability during a turn's end step, ArgentSphinx will return to the battlefield at the beginning of the following turn's end


    * If you control an Argent Sphinx owned by another player and activate its ability,Argent Sphinx will return to the battlefield under your control at the beginning ofthe next end step. You'll retain control of it indefinitely.-----

    Argentum Armor{6}Artifact -- EquipmentEquipped creature gets +6/+6.

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    Whenever equipped creature attacks, destroy target permanent.Equip {6}

    * The second ability triggers and resolves during the declare attackers step. Thetarget permanent will be destroyed before blockers are declared.

    * You may target any permanent with the triggered ability, not just one controlled bythe defending player. If no other player controls a permanent, you must target one ofyour own.-----

    Asceticism{3}{G}{G}EnchantmentCreatures you control can't be the targets of spells or abilities your opponentscontrol.{1}{G}: Regenerate target creature.

    * You may target any creature with the regeneration ability, not just one youcontrol.-----

    Auriok Edgewright{W}{W}Creature -- Human Soldier2/2Metalcraft -- Auriok Edgewright has double strike as long as you control three ormore artifacts.

    * If Auriok Edgewright has double strike as the combat damage step begins, there willbe a second combat damage step. As that second combat damage step begins, if AuriokEdgewright no longer has double strike (perhaps because an artifact creature youcontrolled was destroyed), Auriok Edgewright will not assign combat damage a secondtime.-----

    Auriok Replica{3}Artifact Creature -- Cleric2/2{W}, Sacrifice Auriok Replica: Prevent all damage a source of your choice would dealto you this turn.

    * You choose a source of damage as the ability resolves. Since the ability doesn'ttarget the source, you could choose a source with protection from artifacts, forexample.

    * If the chosen source would deal damage to you and to other creatures, players,and/or planeswalkers, only the damage that would be dealt to you is prevented.


    Auriok Sunchaser{1}{W}Creature -- Human Soldier1/1Metalcraft -- As long as you control three or more artifacts, Auriok Sunchaser gets+2/+2 and has flying.

    * For the purposes of blocking (either because Auriok Sunchaser is attacking orbecause a creature with flying is attacking Auriok Sunchaser's controller), whether

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    Auriok Sunchaser has flying is checked only as the declare blockers step begins.

    * If Auriok Sunchaser blocks a creature with flying, causing it to lose flying (bydestroying an artifact its controller controls, for example) won't change that.-----

    Blade-Tribe Berserkers{3}{R}Creature -- Human Berserker3/3Metalcraft -- When Blade-Tribe Berserkers enters the battlefield, if you controlthree or more artifacts, Blade-Tribe Berserkers gets +3/+3 and gains haste until endof turn.

    * Once the metalcraft ability resolves, Blade-Tribe Berserkers retains its bonusesfor the rest of the turn, even if you cease to control three or more artifacts forsome reason.-----

    Bloodshot Trainee{3}{R}Creature -- Goblin Warrior

    2/3{T}: Bloodshot Trainee deals 4 damage to target creature. Activate this ability onlyif Bloodshot Trainee's power is 4 or greater.

    * Once Bloodshot Trainee's ability is activated, it will resolve as normal even ifBloodshot Trainee's power is less than 4 by the time the ability resolves.-----

    Blunt the Assault{3}{G}InstantYou gain 1 life for each creature on the battlefield. Prevent all combat damage thatwould be dealt this turn.

    * You gain 1 life for each creature on the battlefield, not just for each attackingand blocking creature.-----

    Bonds of Quicksilver{3}{U}Enchantment -- AuraFlash (You may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.)Enchant creatureEnchanted creature doesn't untap during its controller's untap step.

    * Bonds of Quicksilver may target and may enchant an untapped creature.-----

    Carnifex Demon{4}{B}{B}Creature -- Demon6/6FlyingCarnifex Demon enters the battlefield with two -1/-1 counters on it.{B}, Remove a -1/-1 counter from Carnifex Demon: Put a -1/-1 counter on each othercreature.

    * As Carnifex Demon's last ability resolves, you'll put a -1/-1 counter on each

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    creature on the battlefield -- including creatures you control -- except for thatCarnifex Demon.-----

    Cerebral Eruption{2}{R}{R}SorceryTarget opponent reveals the top card of his or her library. Cerebral Eruption dealsdamage equal to the revealed card's converted mana cost to that player and eachcreature he or she controls. If a land card is revealed this way, return CerebralEruption to its owner's hand.

    * If the targeted opponent is an illegal target by the time Cerebral Eruptionresolves, the spell is countered. No cards will be revealed and no damage will bedealt.

    * Once the card is revealed, it's too late for players to respond. The targetedopponent can't, for example, see how much damage will be dealt, then cast a damageprevention spell or activate a regeneration ability. All such actions must be donebefore Cerebral Eruption starts to resolve.

    * The converted mana cost of the revealed card is determined solely by the mana

    symbols printed in its upper right corner. The converted mana cost is the totalamount of mana in that cost, regardless of color. For example, a card with mana cost{3}{U}{U} has converted mana cost 5.

    * If the mana cost of the revealed card includes {X}, X is considered to be 0.

    * If the revealed card has no mana symbols in its upper right corner (because it's aland card, for example), its converted mana cost is 0.

    * If a land card is revealed this way, Cerebral Eruption is returned to its owner'shand from the stack. It finishes resolving, but it isn't put into the graveyard.-----

    Chimeric Mass{X}ArtifactChimeric Mass enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it.{1}: Until end of turn, Chimeric Mass becomes a Construct artifact creature with"This creature's power and toughness are each equal to the number of charge counterson it."

    * If the number of charge counters on Chimeric Mass changes while it is a creature,its power and toughness will change accordingly.

    * If you activate Chimeric Mass's last ability while it has no charge counters on it,it will become a 0/0 creature and be put into its owner's graveyard as a state-basedaction.

    * Activating the last ability while Chimeric Mass is a creature will override anyeffects that set its power and/or toughness to another number, but effects thatmodify power and/or toughness without directly setting them will still apply.

    * For example, say you activate the last ability of a Chimeric Mass with three chargecounters on it. After it resolves, you cast Giant Growth targeting it. It's now 6/6.Then Diminish ("Target creature becomes 1/1 until end of turn") is cast targeting it.Once Diminish resolves, Chimeric Mass would be 4/4. Activating Chimeric Mass's lastability a second time would make it 6/6 again until end of turn.-----

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    Clone Shell{5}Artifact Creature -- Shapeshifter2/2Imprint -- When Clone Shell enters the battlefield, look at the top four cards ofyour library, exile one face down, then put the rest on the bottom of your library inany order.When Clone Shell is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, turn the exiled cardface up. If it's a creature card, put it onto the battlefield under your control.

    * If you have fewer than four cards in your library as Clone Shell's first abilityresolves, you'll look at all of them.

    * As Clone Shell's first ability resolves, you must exile one of the cards you lookat, even if none of them is a creature card.

    * As Clone Shell's second ability resolves, if the exiled card is not a creaturecard, it simply remains in exile face up.

    * If you gain control of another player's Clone Shell, you won't be able to look atthe face-down exiled card. However, if Clone Shell is put into a graveyard, you will

    turn that card face up as the ability resolves and, if it's a creature card, you willput it onto the battlefield under your control (even if you don't want to).-----

    Contagion Clasp{2}ArtifactWhen Contagion Clasp enters the battlefield, put a -1/-1 counter on target creature.{4}, {T}: Proliferate. (You choose any number of permanents and/or players withcounters on them, then give each another counter of a kind already there.)

    * Contagion Clasp's first ability is mandatory. If you're the only player whocontrols a creature, you must target one of them.-----

    Contagion Engine{6}ArtifactWhen Contagion Engine enters the battlefield, put a -1/-1 counter on each creaturetarget player controls.{4}, {T}: Proliferate, then proliferate again. (You choose any number of permanentsand/or players with counters on them, then give each another counter of a kindalready there. Then do it again.)

    * As Contagion Engine's activated ability resolves, you'll complete an entireproliferate action, then you'll complete a second proliferate action. You may choosedifferent players and/or permanents, or different counters on those permanents, when

    you proliferate the second time.

    * Players can't respond between the first and the second proliferate actions.-----

    Copperhorn Scout{G}Creature -- Elf Scout1/1Whenever Copperhorn Scout attacks, untap each other creature you control.

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    * As Copperhorn Scout's ability resolves, you'll untap each other creature youcontrol regardless of whether that creature was attacking.

    * Untapping an attacking creature doesn't cause it to stop attacking.-----

    Corrupted Harvester{4}{B}{B}Creature -- Horror6/3{B}, Sacrifice a creature: Regenerate Corrupted Harvester.

    * You may sacrifice Corrupted Harvester to pay for its own regeneration ability. Ifyou do, however, it won't regenerate. It'll just end up in its owner's graveyard as aresult of the sacrifice.-----

    Culling Dais{2}Artifact{T}, Sacrifice a creature: Put a charge counter on Culling Dais.{1}, Sacrifice Culling Dais: Draw a card for each charge counter on Culling Dais.

    * As Culling Dais's last ability resolves, its last existence on the battlefield ischecked to determine how many charge counters were on it.-----

    Darksteel Axe{1}Artifact -- EquipmentDarksteel Axe is indestructible. (Effects that say "destroy" don't destroy it.)Equipped creature gets +2/+0.Equip {2}

    * Darksteel Axe itself is indestructible, not the creature it's equipping.

    * Although Darksteel Axe is indestructible, it can still be put into the graveyardfor other reasons. The most likely reason is if it's sacrificed.-----

    Darksteel Juggernaut{5}Artifact Creature -- Juggernaut*/*Darksteel Juggernaut's power and toughness are each equal to the number of artifactsyou control.Darksteel Juggernaut is indestructible and attacks each turn if able.

    * The first ability works in all zones.

    * Since Darksteel Juggernaut is itself an artifact, its power and toughness willalways be at least 1 while it's on the battlefield (unless a spell or ability somehowchanges its card type).

    * Lethal damage and effects that say "destroy" won't cause Darksteel Juggernaut to beput into the graveyard. However, it can be put into the graveyard for a number ofother reasons. The most likely reasons are if its toughness is 0 or less or it'ssacrificed.

    * If, during your declare attackers step, Darksteel Juggernaut is tapped, is affected

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    by a spell or ability that says it can't attack, or is affected by "summoningsickness," then it doesn't attack. If there's a cost associated with having DarksteelJuggernaut attack, you aren't forced to pay that cost, so it doesn't have to attackin that case either.

    * If there are multiple combat phases in a turn, Darksteel Juggernaut must attackonly in the first one in which it's able to.-----

    Dispense Justice{2}{W}InstantTarget player sacrifices an attacking creature.Metalcraft -- That player sacrifices two attacking creatures instead if you controlthree or more artifacts.

    * The targeted player chooses which attacking creature(s) to sacrifice as DispenseJustice resolves.-----

    Dissipation Field{2}{U}{U}

    EnchantmentWhenever a permanent deals damage to you, return it to its owner's hand.

    * The ability triggers whenever you're dealt any damage (not just combat damage) byany permanent (not just creatures). This includes permanents you control.-----

    Dross Hopper{1}{B}Creature -- Insect Horror2/1Sacrifice a creature: Dross Hopper gains flying until end of turn.

    * You may sacrifice Dross Hopper to pay for its own ability. If you do, however, itwon't gain flying because it won't be on the battlefield by the time the abilityresolves.-----

    Echo Circlet{2}Artifact -- EquipmentEquipped creature can block an additional creature.Equip {1}

    * Destroying or unequipping the Echo Circlet after blockers have been declared willnot undo any blocks made by the equipped creature.

    * Echo Circlet's effect is cumulative. If it equips a creature that can already blockan additional creature, now it can block three creatures. The same is true if twoEcho Circlets equip the same creature, for example.-----

    Elspeth Tirel{3}{W}{W}Planeswalker -- Elspeth4[+2]: You gain 1 life for each creature you control.[-2]: Put three 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens onto the battlefield.

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    [-5]: Destroy all other permanents except for lands and tokens.

    * As Elspeth Tirel's last ability resolves, each permanent that isn't a token, aland, or Elspeth Tirel herself is destroyed.-----

    Engulfing Slagwurm{5}{G}{G}Creature -- Wurm7/7Whenever Engulfing Slagwurm blocks or becomes blocked by a creature, destroy thatcreature. You gain life equal to that creature's toughness.

    * Engulfing Slagwurm's ability triggers and resolves during the declare blockersstep. Creatures destroyed this way will not deal combat damage.

    * If your Engulfing Slagwurm blocks or becomes blocked by multiple creatures, itsability triggers that many times. Each trigger will be associated with a specificcreature. You choose which order to have the abilities resolve.

    * If Engulfing Slagwurm's ability resolves and the other creature is not destroyed(perhaps because it has already left the battlefield or it regenerates), you'll still

    gain life equal to that creature's toughness.

    * As each ability resolves, the amount of life you gain is equal to the appropriatecreature's current toughness (if it's somehow still on the battlefield), or itstoughness as it last existed on the battlefield (in all other cases).

    * Even if the ability of an attacking Engulfing Slagwurm destroys each creatureblocking it, Engulfing Slagwurm won't deal combat damage to the player orplaneswalker it's attacking unless it somehow gains trample.-----

    Etched Champion{3}Artifact Creature -- Soldier2/2Metalcraft -- Etched Champion has protection from all colors as long as you controlthree or more artifacts.

    * "Protection from all colors" means protection from white, from blue, from black,from red, and from green. (In other words, it doesn't just mean "protection fromobjects that have all five colors.")-----

    Exsanguinate{X}{B}{B}SorceryEach opponent loses X life. You gain life equal to the life lost this way.

    * Players can lose more life than they have. For example, say you're playing amultiplayer game in which one of your opponents has 3 life and your other opponenthas 10 life. If you cast Exsanguinate with X of 4, your opponents will wind up at -1life and 6 life, respectively. You'll gain 8 life.-----

    Ezuri, Renegade Leader{1}{G}{G}Legendary Creature -- Elf Warrior2/2

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    {G}: Regenerate another target Elf.{2}{G}{G}{G}: Elf creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.

    * Ezuri's first ability can't affect itself, but its second ability does.

    * Only Elf creatures you control when the last ability resolves will get +3/+3 andgain trample until end of turn. Non-Elf creatures that become Elves or Elf creaturesthat enter the battlefield under your control later in the turn won't get thebonuses.-----

    Ezuri's Archers{G}Creature -- Elf Archer1/2Reach (This creature can block creatures with flying.)Whenever Ezuri's Archers blocks a creature with flying, Ezuri's Archers gets +3/+0until end of turn.

    * If Ezuri's Archers somehow blocks multiple creatures with flying (perhaps becauseit's equipped by Echo Circlet), its ability triggers that many times.-----

    Flameborn Hellion{5}{R}Creature -- Hellion5/4HasteFlameborn Hellion attacks each turn if able.

    * If, during your declare attackers step, Flameborn Hellion is tapped, is affected bya spell or ability that says it can't attack, or is affected by "summoning sickness,"then it doesn't attack. If there's a cost associated with having Flameborn Hellionattack, you aren't forced to pay that cost, so it doesn't have to attack in that caseeither.

    * If there are multiple combat phases in a turn, Flameborn Hellion must attack onlyin the first one in which it's able to.-----

    Flesh Allergy{2}{B}{B}SorceryAs an additional cost to cast Flesh Allergy, sacrifice a creature.Destroy target creature. Its controller loses life equal to the number of creaturesput into all graveyards from the battlefield this turn.

    * Flesh Allergy counts each creature put into a graveyard from the battlefield thatturn, including token creatures, the creature sacrificed to cast the spell, and the

    targeted creature (if it is destroyed).

    * If the targeted creature is an illegal target by the time Flesh Allergy resolves,the spell is countered. No player will lose life.

    * If Flesh Allergy resolves but the targeted creature is not destroyed (because it'sindestructible or enchanted by an Aura with totem armor, for example), its controllerwill still lose life.

    * You can target a creature you control, then sacrifice that creature to pay theadditional cost. However, if you do, Flesh Allergy will be countered for having an

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    * Sacrificing a Furnace Celebration will cause the abilities of other FurnaceCelebrations to trigger, but not its own ability.-----

    Genesis Wave{X}{G}{G}{G}SorceryReveal the top X cards of your library. You may put any number of permanent cardswith converted mana cost X or less from among them onto the battlefield. Then put allcards revealed this way that weren't put onto the battlefield into your graveyard.

    * If you have fewer than X cards in your library, you reveal all of them.

    * A permanent card is an artifact, creature, enchantment, land, or planeswalker card.

    * The converted mana cost of a card in your library is determined solely by the manasymbols printed in its upper right corner. The converted mana cost is the totalamount of mana in that cost, regardless of color. For example, a card with mana cost{3}{U}{U} has converted mana cost 5.

    * If the mana cost of a card in your library includes {X}, X is considered to be 0.

    * If a card in your library has no mana symbols in its upper right corner (becauseit's a land card, for example), its converted mana cost is 0. Such cards can alwaysbe put onto the battlefield with Genesis Wave.

    * You don't have to put permanent cards revealed this way onto the battlefield if youchoose not to, regardless of their converted mana costs.-----

    Geth, Lord of the Vault{4}{B}{B}Legendary Creature -- Zombie5/5Intimidate{X}{B}: Put target artifact or creature card with converted mana cost X from anopponent's graveyard onto the battlefield under your control tapped. Then that playerputs the top X cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard.

    * The converted mana cost of a card in a graveyard is determined solely by the manasymbols printed in its upper right corner. The converted mana cost is the totalamount of mana in that cost, regardless of color. For example, a card with mana cost{3}{U}{U} has converted mana cost 5. If the mana cost of a card in a graveyardincludes {X}, X is considered to be 0.

    * The X in Geth's activation cost must be exactly the converted mana cost of thetargeted artifact or creature card. You can't pay more than X to put more cards fromthe opponent's library into his or her graveyard.

    * If the targeted artifact or creature card leaves the graveyard by the time theability resolves, the ability is countered. The player won't put any cards into hisgraveyard.

    * If the player has fewer than X cards in his or her library, he or she puts allcards from his or her library into his or her graveyard.-----

    Glimmerpoint Stag{2}{W}{W}

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    * The creature type "Bird" was inadvertently omitted from each of Glint Hawk Idol'sabilities. It has received errata to correct this omission; when either of itsabilities resolves, it will become a Bird artifact creature.

    * If Glint Hawk Idol becomes a creature before you begin a turn with it under yourcontrol, it will be affected by "summoning sickness."

    * If Glint Hawk Idol and another artifact enter the battlefield under your control atthe same time, Glint Hawk Idol's first ability will trigger. You may have it become acreature, but since it will be affected by "summoning sickness," it won't be able toattack that turn.

    * If either of Glint Hawk Idol's two abilities resolve while it's a creature, thatability will override any effects that set its power and/or toughness to anothernumber, but effects that modify power and/or toughness without directly setting themwill still apply.

    * For example, say one of Glint Hawk Idol's abilities has resolved and it's a 2/2creature. You cast Giant Growth targeting it. It's now 5/5. Then Diminish ("Targetcreature becomes 1/1 until end of turn") is cast targeting it. Once Diminishresolves, Glint Hawk Idol would be 4/4. Activating Glint Hawk Idol's last ability atthis point would make it 5/5 again until end of turn.


    Goblin Gaveleer{R}Creature -- Goblin Warrior1/1TrampleGoblin Gaveleer gets +2/+0 for each Equipment attached to it.

    * Goblin Gaveleer's bonus is in addition to whatever bonus the Equipment gives it.-----

    Golden Urn{1}ArtifactAt the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a charge counter on Golden Urn.{T}, Sacrifice Golden Urn: You gain life equal to the number of charge counters onGolden Urn.

    * As Golden Urn's last ability resolves, its last existence on the battlefield ischecked to determine how many charge counters were on it.-----

    Golem Artisan{5}Artifact Creature -- Golem3/3

    {2}: Target artifact creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.{2}: Target artifact creature gains your choice of flying, trample, or haste untilend of turn.

    * Both of Golem Artisan's abilities may target any artifact creature, includingitself.

    * You don't choose whether the targeted artifact creature gains flying, trample, orhaste until Golem Artisan's second ability resolves.-----

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    Golem Foundry{3}ArtifactWhenever you cast an artifact spell, you may put a charge counter on Golem Foundry.Remove three charge counters from Golem Foundry: Put a 3/3 colorless Golem artifactcreature token onto the battlefield.

    * Whenever you cast an artifact spell, Golem Foundry's first ability triggers andgoes on the stack on top of it. It will resolve before the artifact spell does.-----

    Golem's Heart{2}ArtifactWhenever a player casts an artifact spell, you may gain 1 life.

    * Unlike Golem Foundry and the Smith cycle, Golem's Heart's ability triggers wheneverany player casts an artifact spell, not just when you do.

    * Whenever a player casts an artifact spell, Golem's Heart's ability triggers andgoes on the stack on top of it. It will resolve before the artifact spell does.-----

    Grafted Exoskeleton{4}Artifact -- EquipmentEquipped creature gets +2/+2 and has infect. (It deals damage to creatures in theform of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)Whenever Grafted Exoskeleton becomes unattached from a permanent, sacrifice thatpermanent.Equip {2}

    * In addition to the effect of its equip ability, Grafted Exoskeleton becomesunattached from the creature it's equipping if a spell or ability (such as FulgentDistraction) causes it to become unattached, if Grafted Exoskeleton leaves thebattlefield, if the equipped creature ceases to be a creature, or if GraftedExoskeleton ceases to be an Equipment. (It also becomes unattached if the equippedcreature leaves the battlefield, but the triggered ability won't do anything in thatcase.)

    * If Grafted Exoskeleton's last ability triggers, but you don't control the permanentit became unattached from at the time that ability resolves (perhaps because anotherplayer has somehow gained control of it), you won't be able to sacrifice it.-----

    Grand Architect{1}{U}{U}Creature -- Vedalken Artificer1/3

    Other blue creatures you control get +1/+1.{U}: Target artifact creature becomes blue until end of turn.Tap an untapped blue creature you control: Add {2} to your mana pool. Spend this manaonly to cast artifact spells or activate abilities of artifacts.

    * Other blue creatures you control will get +1/+1 whether they are artifacts or not.

    * Turning an artifact creature blue with the second ability will override any othercolor(s) the creature previously had. It will still be an artifact. You may target ablue artifact creature with this ability.

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    * Since Grand Architect's last ability doesn't have a tap symbol in its cost, you cantap a blue creature (including Grand Architect itself) that hasn't been under yourcontrol since your most recent turn began to pay the cost.-----

    Grindclock{2}Artifact{T}: Put a charge counter on Grindclock.{T}: Target player puts the top X cards of his or her library into his or hergraveyard, where X is the number of charge counters on Grindclock.

    * If Grindclock leaves the battlefield before its last ability resolves, its lastexistence on the battlefield is checked to determine how many charge counters were onit.-----

    Hand of the Praetors{3}{B}Creature -- Zombie3/2Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to

    players in the form of poison counters.)Other creatures you control with infect get +1/+1.Whenever you cast a creature spell with infect, target player gets a poison counter.

    * Whenever you cast a creature spell with infect, Hand of the Praetors's last abilitytriggers and goes on the stack on top of it. It will resolve before the creaturespell does.

    * The last ability triggers only if Hand of the Praetors is already on thebattlefield at the time you cast a creature spell with infect. Casting Hand of thePraetors itself will not cause its own last ability to trigger.-----

    Heavy Arbalest{3}Artifact -- EquipmentEquipped creature doesn't untap during its controller's untap step.Equipped creature has "{T}: This creature deals 2 damage to target creature orplayer."Equip {4}

    * The controller of the equipped creature may activate the damage ability, not thecontroller of Heavy Arbalest (if they somehow wind up being different players).

    * If the equipped creature's ability is activated, that creature is the source of thedamage. It doesn't matter if Heavy Arbalest leaves the battlefield or somehow becomesattached to another creature by that time.

    * The equipped creature is the source of both the damage ability and the resultantdamage, not Heavy Arbalest. For example, you can activate the ability to target anddeal damage to a creature with protection from artifacts (assuming the equippedcreature isn't an artifact itself, of course).

    * The creature that doesn't untap during its controller's untap step is the one thatHeavy Arbalest is equipped to at that time. If a different creature was tapped toactivate the ability granted to it by the Arbalest, but the Arbalest is no longerequipping it, it will untap as normal.-----

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    Hoard-Smelter Dragon{4}{R}{R}Creature -- Dragon5/5Flying{3}{R}: Destroy target artifact. Hoard-Smelter Dragon gets +X/+0 until end of turn,where X is that artifact's converted mana cost.

    * If the targeted artifact is an illegal target by the time the activated abilityresolves, the ability is countered. Hoard-Smelter Dragon won't get the bonus.

    * If the activated ability resolves but the targeted artifact isn't destroyed(perhaps because it's indestructible or it regenerates), Hoard-Smelter Dragon willstill get the bonus.

    * If the mana cost of a permanent includes {X}, that X is considered to be 0.-----

    Ichor Rats{1}{B}{B}Creature -- Rat

    2/1Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and toplayers in the form of poison counters.)When Ichor Rats enters the battlefield, each player gets a poison counter.

    * If Ichor Rats's last ability causes each player to have ten poison counters, thegame is a draw.-----

    Ichorclaw Myr{2}Artifact Creature -- Myr1/1Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and toplayers in the form of poison counters.)Whenever Ichorclaw Myr becomes blocked, it gets +2/+2 until end of turn.

    * Whenever Ichorclaw Myr becomes blocked, its last ability triggers just once, nomatter how many creatures it became blocked by. It will get just +2/+2.-----

    Inexorable Tide{3}{U}{U}EnchantmentWhenever you cast a spell, proliferate. (You choose any number of permanents and/orplayers with counters on them, then give each another counter of a kind alreadythere.)

    * Whenever you cast a spell, Inexorable Tide's ability triggers and goes on the stackon top of it. It will resolve (and you'll proliferate) before the spell resolves.-----

    Infiltration Lens{1}Artifact -- EquipmentWhenever equipped creature becomes blocked by a creature, you may draw two cards.

    * If the equipped creature becomes blocked by multiple creatures, Infiltration Lens's

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    ability triggers that many times.-----

    Kemba, Kha Regent{1}{W}{W}Legendary Creature -- Cat Cleric2/4At the beginning of your upkeep, put a 2/2 white Cat creature token onto thebattlefield for each Equipment attached to Kemba, Kha Regent.

    * The number of Equipment attached to Kemba is determined as the ability resolves. IfKemba is no longer on the battlefield at that time, its last existence on thebattlefield is checked to determine the number of Equipment attached to it.-----

    Koth of the Hammer{2}{R}{R}Planeswalker -- Koth3[+1]: Untap target Mountain. It becomes a 4/4 red Elemental creature until end ofturn. It's still a land.[-2]: Add {R} to your mana pool for each Mountain you control.

    [-5]: You get an emblem with "Mountains you control have '{T}: This land deals 1damage to target creature or player.'"

    * Koth's first ability can target any Mountain, including an untapped Mountain and/ora Mountain another player controls.

    * If Koth's first ability animates a Mountain that came under your control that turn,it will have "summoning sickness" and be unable to attack. It will also be unable tobe tapped to activate an ability with the {T} symbol in its cost, such as theMountain's mana ability or the ability granted to it by Koth's emblem.

    * Loyalty abilities can't be mana abilities. Koth's second ability uses the stack andcan be countered or otherwise responded to. Like all loyalty abilities, it can beactivated only once per turn, during your main phase, when the stack is empty, andonly if no other loyalty abilities of this permanent have been activated this turn.

    * Koth's emblem grants an activated ability to each Mountain you control at any giventime for the rest of the game. It will continuously check which permanents youcontrol are Mountains to determine what has the ability. For example, a Mountain thatcomes under your control later in the game will have the ability, while a Mountainyou controlled at the time the emblem was created, but that later came under thecontrol of another player, will no longer have the ability.

    * You retain the emblem even after Koth leaves the battlefield.

    * See the "Emblems" entry in the General Notes section for more information onemblems.


    Kuldotha Forgemaster{5}Artifact Creature -- Construct3/5{T}, Sacrifice three artifacts: Search your library for an artifact card and put itonto the battlefield. Then shuffle your library.

    * Kuldotha Forgemaster can be one of the three artifacts you sacrifice to activatethe ability.

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    Kuldotha Phoenix{2}{R}{R}{R}Creature -- Phoenix4/4Flying, hasteMetalcraft -- {4}: Return Kuldotha Phoenix from your graveyard to the battlefield.Activate this ability only during your upkeep and only if you control three or moreartifacts.

    * You can activate Kuldotha Phoenix's ability only if it's in your graveyard.-----

    Leonin Arbiter{1}{W}Creature -- Cat Cleric2/2Players can't search libraries. Any player may pay {2} for that player to ignore thiseffect until end of turn.

    * If an effect says "You may search your library . . . If you do, shuffle your

    library," and you haven't paid {2}, you can't choose to search, so you won't shuffle.

    * If an effect says "Search your library . . . Then shuffle your library," and youhaven't paid {2}, the search effect fails, but you will still have to shuffle.

    * Since players who haven't paid {2} can't search, they won't be able to find anycards in a library. The effect applies to all players and all libraries. If a spellor ability's effect has other parts that don't depend on searching for or findingcards, they will still work normally.

    * Effects that tell a player to reveal cards from a library or look at cards from thetop of a library will still work. Only effects that use the word "search" will failunless a player pays {2}.

    * Paying {2} to ignore Leonin Arbiter's effect is a special action. Any player maytake this special action any time he or she has priority. It doesn't use the stackand can't be responded to.

    * Paying {2} doesn't let a player pick up a library and search it -- it just allowshim or her to ignore Leonin Arbiter's effect that turn. That player can search alibrary only if another spell or ability instructs him or her to do so.

    * If a player pays {2}, that enables only him or her to ignore Leonin Arbiter'seffect that turn. Each other player is still affected by it.

    * A player who has paid {2} may search any library when instructed to do so thatturn, not just his or her own library.

    * Once a player has paid {2}, he or she may search libraries that turn as many timesas he or she is instructed to do so.

    * If there are multiple Leonin Arbiters on the battlefield, a player must pay {2} foreach one before being able to search libraries that turn.-----

    Liege of the Tangle{6}{G}{G}Creature -- Elemental

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    8/8TrampleWhenever Liege of the Tangle deals combat damage to a player, you may choose anynumber of target lands you control and put an awakening counter on each of them. Eachof those lands is an 8/8 green Elemental creature for as long as it has an awakeningcounter on it. They're still lands.

    * You may choose to target zero lands.

    * Whether a targeted land remains an 8/8 green Elemental creature depends only onwhether it has an awakening counter on it, not on whether Liege of the Tangle isstill on the battlefield.

    * If all awakening counters on a land are moved to a land without an awakeningcounter on it (perhaps by using Fate Transfer), the animation effect doesn't followthem. The first land is no longer an 8/8 green Elemental creature because it nolonger has an awakening counter on it. The second land isn't an 8/8 green Elementalcreature because Liege of the Tangle didn't target it.-----

    Liquimetal Coating{2}

    Artifact{T}: Target permanent becomes an artifact in addition to its other types until end ofturn.

    * You may target any permanent with the ability, including an artifact.

    * Becoming an artifact doesn't change what color(s) a permanent is.-----

    Livewire Lash{2}Artifact -- EquipmentEquipped creature gets +2/+0 and has "Whenever this creature becomes the target of aspell, this creature deals 2 damage to target creature or player."Equip {2}

    * When the equipped creature becomes the target of a spell, the ability granted to itby Livewire Lash will trigger and go on the stack on top of it. It will resolvebefore the spell does.

    * The equipped creature is the source of both the triggered ability and the resultantdamage, not Livewire Lash. For example, you can target and deal damage to a creaturewith protection from artifacts (assuming the equipped creature isn't an artifactitself, of course).-----

    Lumengrid Drake

    {3}{U}Creature -- Drake2/2FlyingMetalcraft -- When Lumengrid Drake enters the battlefield, if you control three ormore artifacts, return target creature to its owner's hand.

    * The triggered ability is mandatory. If you control three or more artifacts asLumengrid Drake enters the battlefield, you must target a creature. If there are noother creatures on the battlefield, you must target Lumengrid Drake itself. As theability resolves, if you control three or more artifacts, you must return the

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    targeted creature to its owner's hand.-----

    Melt Terrain{2}{R}{R}SorceryDestroy target land. Melt Terrain deals 2 damage to that land's controller.

    * If the targeted land is an illegal target by the time Melt Terrain resolves, thespell will be countered. No damage will be dealt.-----

    Memoricide{3}{B}SorceryName a nonland card. Search target player's graveyard, hand, and library for anynumber of cards with that name and exile them. Then that player shuffles his or herlibrary.

    * Because you're searching for "any number" of cards with the chosen name, you canopt to find all of them, none of them, or any number in between. That means you mayleave any cards with that name in that target's graveyard, hand, and/or library.


    Mimic Vat{3}ArtifactImprint -- Whenever a nontoken creature is put into a graveyard from the battlefield,you may exile that card. If you do, return each other card exiled with Mimic Vat toits owner's graveyard.{3}, {T}: Put a token onto the battlefield that's a copy of the exiled card. It gainshaste. Exile it at the beginning of the next end step.

    * The imprint ability will trigger whenever a nontoken creature is put into anygraveyard from the battlefield, not just your graveyard.

    * Exiling the card as the first ability resolves is optional. If you choose not toexile it, or you can't exile it because the card has somehow left the graveyardbefore the ability resolves, the ability simply doesn't do anything as it resolves.Any card currently exiled by Mimic Vat remains exiled.

    * If multiple nontoken creatures are put into their owners' graveyards from thebattlefield at the same time, the imprint ability will trigger that many times. Youput the triggered abilities on the stack in any order, so you'll determine in whichorder they resolve. However, since exiling those cards is optional, and choosing toexile a card this way causes the previously exiled cards to return to their owners'graveyards, the order generally doesn't matter: You'll wind up with at most one ofthose cards exiled, and the rest will be in the appropriate graveyards.

    * You may exile a noncreature card with Mimic Vat's first ability. For example, if anontoken artifact that's become a creature is put into a graveyard from thebattlefield, Mimic Vat's first ability triggers and you may exile that card.

    * The token created by the second ability will be a copy of whatever card is exiledwith Mimic Vat at the time the ability resolves. This might not be the same card thatwas exiled with Mimic Vat at the time the ability was activated. It also might not bea creature card.

    * If the token is a copy of a noncreature card, it will still have haste, though thatwon't matter unless that token somehow becomes a creature.

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    * You may activate the second ability even if no card has been exiled with Mimic Vat.If no card has been exiled with Mimic Vat by the time the ability resolves, no tokenwill be created.

    * If the exiled card has {X} in its mana cost (such as Protean Hydra), X isconsidered to be 0.

    * Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the exiled card will trigger when the tokenis put onto the battlefield. Any "as [this permanent] enters the battlefield" or"[this permanent] enters the battlefield with" abilities of the exiled card will alsowork.

    * The token is exiled at the beginning of the next end step regardless of whocontrols it at that time, whether the exiled card is still exiled at that time, orwhether Mimic Vat is still on the battlefield at that time.

    * If Mimic Vat's second ability is activated during a turn's end step, the token willbe exiled at the beginning of the following turn's end step.

    * If the token isn't exiled when the delayed triggered ability resolves (due toStifle, perhaps), it remains on the battlefield indefinitely. It continues to have


    Mindslaver{6}Legendary Artifact{4}, {T}, Sacrifice Mindslaver: You control target player during that player's nextturn. (You see all cards that player could see and make all decisions for theplayer.)

    * Although the template for Mindslaver has changed since its original printing in the_Mirrodin_ set, the functionality of this card has not.

    * Mindslaver's effect applies during the next turn that the targeted player actuallytakes. You control that player for the entire turn; the effect doesn't end until thebeginning of the following turn.

    * The player who is being controlled is still the active player.

    * While controlling another player, you can see all cards that player can see. Thisincludes cards in that player's hand, cards in his or her teammates' hands in certainmultiplayer formats, face-down cards that player controls, and any cards in any otherzone an effect allows him or her to look at.

    * You don't control any of the affected player's permanents, spells, or abilities.

    * While controlling another player, you also continue to make your own choices and


    * While controlling another player, you make all choices and decisions that player isallowed to make or told to make. For example:

    ** You choose which land that player plays (if any).

    ** You choose which spells that player casts (if any), and make all decisions asthose spells are cast and as they resolve. This includes choosing targets, modes, andany other decisions called for. For example, you choose the value of X for thatplayer's Earthquake, the target for that player's Lightning Bolt, what mana that

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    5/3TrampleWhenever an artifact is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, Molder Beast gets+2/+0 until end of turn.

    * If Molder Beast and an artifact creature are both involved in combat during thesame combat damage step, and that artifact creature is destroyed due to lethal combatdamage, Molder Beast's triggered ability will trigger -- but it will get the bonustoo late to affect that combat.-----

    Molten Psyche{1}{R}{R}SorceryEach player shuffles the cards from his or her hand into his or her library, thendraws that many cards.Metalcraft -- If you control three or more artifacts, Molten Psyche deals damage toeach opponent equal to the number of cards that player has drawn this turn.

    * If a player doesn't have any cards in his or her hand, the player will stillshuffle his or her library.

    * The metalcraft effect counts all cards each opponent drew for any reason duringthat turn, not just the cards those opponents drew due to Molten Psyche's firsteffect.-----

    Myr Battlesphere{7}Artifact Creature -- Myr Construct4/7When Myr Battlesphere enters the battlefield, put four 1/1 colorless Myr artifactcreature tokens onto the battlefield.Whenever Myr Battlesphere attacks, you may tap X untapped Myr you control. If you do,Myr Battlesphere gets +X/+0 until end of turn and deals X damage to defending player.

    * You choose the value for X as the last ability resolves. You can't choose a valuefor X that's greater than the number of untapped Myr you control.

    * You can tap any untapped Myr you control as the last ability resolves, not just theMyr tokens you put onto the battlefield with the first ability. This includes Myrthat haven't been under your control since your most recent turn began.

    * The defending player referred to by the last ability is the player attacked by MyrBattlesphere or the controller of the planeswalker attacked by Myr Battlesphere. Forthe purposes of this ability, that player remains the defending player even if MyrBattlesphere or that planeswalker is removed from combat before the ability resolves.

    * As the last ability resolves, you can tap untapped Myr you control even if Myr

    Battlesphere is no longer on the battlefield by then. If that has happened, MyrBattlesphere won't be able to get the +X/+0 bonus, but it will still deal X damage tothe defending player.-----

    Myr Propagator{3}Artifact Creature -- Myr1/1{3}, {T}: Put a token that's a copy of Myr Propagator onto the battlefield.

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    * Normally, when a token is created by this ability, it will simply be a MyrPropagator, so it'll also have the token-creating ability. (See below for weirdexceptions.)

    * Here's the detailed version of what happens. As the token is created, it checks theprinted values of the Myr Propagator it's copying -- or, if the Myr Propagator whoseability was activated was itself a token, the original characteristics of that tokenas stated by the effect that put it onto the battlefield -- as well as any copyeffects that have been applied to it. It won't copy counters on the Myr Propagator,nor will it copy other effects that have changed Myr Propagator's power, toughness,types, color, or so on.

    * If Myr Propagator has left the battlefield by the time its ability resolves, you'llstill put a token onto the battlefield. That token has the copiable values of thecharacteristics of Myr Propagator as it last existed on the battlefield.

    * Here are the weird exceptions promised above. If any copy effects have affected theMyr Propagator whose ability was activated, they're taken into account when the tokenis created. For example:

    ** If Myr Propagator's ability is activated, then Myr Propagator temporarily becomesa copy of another creature before its ability resolves (due to Cytoshape, perhaps),

    the token will be a copy of whatever creature the Myr Propagator is currently a copyof. After the turn ends, the Cytoshaped Myr Propagator reverts back to what it was,but the token will stay as it is.

    ** If the copy ability of a creature (such as Cemetery Puca, perhaps) makes it becomea copy of Myr Propagator and gain another ability, the token created by thiscreature's ability will be a Myr Propagator with that additional ability.-----

    Myr Reservoir{3}Artifact{T}: Add {2} to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast Myr spells or activateabilities of Myr.{3}, {T}: Return target Myr card from your graveyard to your hand.

    * You can use the mana produced by Myr Reservoir's first ability to pay analternative cost or additional cost incurred while casting a Myr spell. It's notlimited to just that spell's mana cost.

    * The mana can't be spent to activate activated abilities of Myr sources that aren'ton the battlefield.

    * A card, spell, or permanent is a Myr only if it has the subtype Myr, regardless ofits name. For example, Myr Reservoir itself is not a Myr.-----

    Necrotic Ooze{2}{B}{B}Creature -- Ooze4/3As long as Necrotic Ooze is on the battlefield, it has all activated abilities of allcreature cards in all graveyards.

    * Necrotic Ooze gains only activated abilities. It doesn't gain keyword abilities(unless those keyword abilities are activated), triggered abilities, or staticabilities.

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    * Activated abilities contain a colon. They're generally written "[Cost]: [Effect]."Some keywords are activated abilities; they have colons in their reminder text.

    * If an activated ability of a card in a graveyard references the card it's printedon by name, treat Necrotic Ooze's version of that ability as though it referencedNecrotic Ooze by name instead. For example, if Cudgel Troll (which says "{G}:Regenerate Cudgel Troll") is in a graveyard, Necrotic Ooze has the ability "{G}:Regenerate Necrotic Ooze."-----

    Neurok Replica{3}Artifact Creature -- Wizard1/4{1}{U}, Sacrifice Neurok Replica: Return target creature to its owner's hand.

    * You may target Neurok Replica with its own ability. However, if you do, the abilitywill be countered for having an illegal target.-----

    Nihil Spellbomb{1}

    Artifact{T}, Sacrifice Nihil Spellbomb: Exile all cards from target player's graveyard.When Nihil Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {B}.If you do, draw a card.

    * You may activate Nihil Spellbomb's first ability targeting any player, even onewhose graveyard has no cards in it.----

    Nim Deathmantle{2}Artifact -- EquipmentEquipped creature gets +2/+2, has intimidate, and is a black Zombie.Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, you maypay {4}. If you do, return that card to the battlefield and attach Nim Deathmantle toit.Equip {4}

    * Once Nim Deathmantle returns a card from your graveyard to the battlefield, it willremain on the battlefield indefinitely, even if Nim Deathmantle becomes unattachedfrom it.

    * Nim Deathmantle's color-changing and type-changing effects override the equippedcreature's previous colors and creature types. After Nim Deathmantle becomes equippedto a creature, that creature will bea black Zombie, not any other colors or creaturetypes.

    * Nim Deathmantle causes the equipped creature to be a black Zombie even if it didn'treturn that creature to the battlefield from the graveyard.

    * Once Nim Deathmantle becomes unattached from a creature, its color-changing andtype-changing effects stop affecting that creature. The creature will no longer beblack and will no longer be a Zombie (unless its printed characteristics or someother effects still cause it to be black and/or a Zombie, of course). This is trueeven if Nim Deathmantle returned that creature to the battlefield from the graveyard.

    * You choose whether to pay {4} as Nim Deathmantle's second ability resolves.Although players may respond to this ability, once it begins to resolve and you

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    decide whether to pay, it's too late for players to respond.

    * If the nontoken creature that caused Nim Deathmantle's second ability to trigger issomehow removed from your graveyard before that ability resolves, you may still pay{4} as it resolves. Even if you do, however, no card will be returned to thebattlefield.

    * Nim Deathmantle's second ability may return a card it can't equip to thebattlefield. For example, if a nontoken artifact that's become a creature is put intoyour graveyard from the battlefield, Nim Deathmantle's second ability triggers. Ifyou pay {4} as it resolves, you'll return that card to the battlefield. However, NimDeathmantle can't equip it, so Nim Deathmantle remains attached to whatever it wasalready equipping (or, if it was unattached, it remains so). The same is true if anontoken creature with protection from artifacts is put into your graveyard from thebattlefield, for example.

    * If multiple nontoken creatures are put into your graveyard from the battlefield atthe same time, Nim Deathmantle's second ability triggers that many times. You put thetriggered abilities on the stack in any order, so you'll determine in which orderthey resolve. If you pay {4} more than once, each card you paid {4} for will end upon the battlefield under your control, and Nim Deathmantle will end up attached tothe last card that returned to the battlefield this way that it could equip.


    Ogre Geargrabber{4}{R}{R}Creature -- Ogre Warrior4/4Whenever Ogre Geargrabber attacks, gain control of target Equipment an opponentcontrols until end of turn. Attach it to Ogre Geargrabber. When you lose control ofthat Equipment, unattach it.

    * If the targeted Equipment can't be attached to Ogre Geargrabber for some reason,you'll still gain control of it until end of turn.

    * Any ability of the targeted Equipment that triggers "whenever equipped creatureattacks" won't trigger. That's because Ogre Geargrabber is already attacking at thetime that Equipment becomes attached to it.

    * The delayed triggered ability ("When you lose control of that Equipment, unattachit") triggers the next time you lose control of the Equipment for any reason, notjust when Ogre Geargrabber's control-changing effect ends. The Equipment will becomeunattached from whatever creature it happens to be attached to at that time. Itdoesn't matter if Ogre Geargrabber is still on the battlefield at this time.

    * Ogre Geargrabber's control-changing effect ends during the cleanup step, at thesame time that damage marked on permanents is removed. If you still controlled theEquipment at that time, this causes the delayed triggered ability to trigger. It goeson the stack and players can respond (which normally doesn't happen during the

    cleanup step), then, once that cleanup step ends, another one begins.-----

    Oxidda Scrapmelter{3}{R}Creature -- Beast3/3When Oxidda Scrapmelter enters the battlefield, destroy target artifact.

    * This ability is mandatory. If you're the only player who controls any artifacts,you must target one of them.

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    Painful Quandary{3}{B}{B}EnchantmentWhenever an opponent casts a spell, that player loses 5 life unless he or shediscards a card.

    * Whenever an opponent casts a spell, Painful Quandary's ability triggers and goes onthe stack on top of it. It will resolve before the spell does.-----

    Platinum Emperion{8}Artifact Creature -- Golem8/8Your life total can't change. (You can't gain or lose life. You can't pay any amountof life except 0.)

    * The ability doesn't prevent damage. Rather, it changes the results of that damage.For example, if a creature with lifelink deals damage to you, you won't lose anylife, but its controller will still gain that much life. Similarly, if a creature you

    control with lifelink deals damage to another player, that player will lose life butyou won't gain any life. Notably, if a creature with infect deals damage to you,you'll get that many poison counters.

    * Abilities that trigger whenever damage is dealt to you will still trigger becausethat damage is still dealt, even though your life total doesn't change as a result.

    * Spells and abilities that would normally cause you to gain or lose life stillresolve, but the life-gain or life-loss part simply has no effect.

    * You can't pay a cost that includes the payment of any amount of life other than 0life.

    * If a cost would include causing you to gain life (like the alternative cost of anopponent's Invigorate does), that cost can't be paid.

    * Effects that would replace having you gain life with some other effect won't beable to be applied because it's impossible for you to gain life. The same is true forevents that would replace having you lose life with some other effect.

    * Effects that replace an event with having you gain life (like Words of Worship'seffect does) or having you lose life will end up replacing the event with nothing.

    * If an effect says to set your life total to a certain number that's different thanyour current life total, that part of the effect won't do anything.

    * If an effect would cause you to exchange life totals with another player, the

    exchange won't happen. Neither player's life total changes.

    * The ability won't preclude you from losing the game. It just precludes your lifetotal from changing.-----

    Precursor Golem{5}Artifact Creature -- Golem3/3When Precursor Golem enters the battlefield, put two 3/3 colorless Golem artifact

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    * You may not activate the second ability if no card has been exiled with PrototypePortal. In that case, the value of {X} is undefined and can't be paid.

    * Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the exiled card will trigger when the tokenis put onto the battlefield. Any "as [this permanent] enters the battlefield" or"[this permanent] enters the battlefield with" abilities of the exiled card will alsowork.-----

    Psychic Miasma{1}{B}SorceryTarget player discards a card. If a land card is discarded this way, return PsychicMiasma to its owner's hand.

    * If a land card is discarded this way, Psychic Miasma is returned to its owner'shand from the stack. It finishes resolving, but it isn't put into the graveyard.----

    Quicksilver Gargantuan{5}{U}{U}Creature -- Shapeshifter

    7/7You may have Quicksilver Gargantuan enter the battlefield as a copy of any creatureon the battlefield, except it's still 7/7.

    * Except for its power and toughness, Quicksilver Gargantuan copies exactly what wasprinted on the original creature and nothing more (unless that creature is copyingsomething else or is a token; see below). It doesn't copy whether that creature istapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras attached to it, or anynon-copy effects that have changed its power, toughness, types, color, or so on.

    * If the chosen creature has {X} in its mana cost (such as Protean Hydra), X isconsidered to be zero.

    * If the chosen creature is copying something else (for example, if the chosencreature is a Clone), then your Quicksilver Gargantuan enters the battlefield aswhatever the chosen creature copied, except for its power and toughness.

    * If the chosen creature is a token, your Quicksilver Gargantuan copies the originalcharacteristics of that token as stated by the effect that put the token onto thebattlefield, except for its power and toughness. Your Quicksilver Gargantuan is not atoken.

    * If the chosen creature has a characteristic-defining ability that sets its powerand/or toughness, that ability will overwrite Quicksilver Gargantuan's printed powerof 7 and/or its printed toughness of 7. For example, if Quicksilver Gargantuan copiesa Nightmare, its power and toughness will each be equal to the number of Swamps youcontrol.

    * If Quicksilver Gargantuan is not a creature (for example, if it entered thebattlefield as a copy of an animated land), it will not have the characteristics ofpower or toughness at all, so it won't be 7/7. If it later becomes a creature, itspower and toughness will be determined by the effect that causes it to become acreature; again, it won't be 7/7.

    * Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the copied creature will trigger whenQuicksilver Gargantuan enters the battlefield. Any "as [this creature] enters thebattlefield" or "[this creature] enters the battlefield with" abilities of the chosencreature will also work.

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    * If Quicksilver Gargantuan somehow enters the battlefield at the same time asanother creature (due to Mass Polymorph or Liliana Vess's third ability, forexample), Quicksilver Gargantuan can't become a copy of that creature. You may onlychoose a creature that's already on the battlefield.

    * You can choose not to copy anything. In that case, Quicksilver Gargantuan simplyenters the battlefield as a 7/7 creature.-----

    Ratchet Bomb{2}Artifact{T}: Put a charge counter on Ratchet Bomb.{T}, Sacrifice Ratchet Bomb: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana costequal to the number of charge counters on Ratchet Bomb.

    * As Ratchet Bomb's last ability resolves, its last existence on the battlefield ischecked to determine how many charge counters were on it.

    * Ratchet Bomb's second ability destroys only those nonland permanents whoseconverted mana cost is exactly equal to the number of charge counters on Ratchet

    Bomb. It doesn't matter who controls them.

    * If Ratchet Bomb's second ability is activated while it has no charge counters onit, it will destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost 0.

    * The converted mana cost of a permanent is determined solely by the mana symbolsprinted in its upper right corner, unless it's copying something else (see below).The converted mana cost is the total amount of mana in that cost, regardless ofcolor. For example, a card with mana cost {3}{U}{U} has converted mana cost 5.

    * If a permanent is copying something else, its converted mana cost is the convertedmana cost of whatever it's copying.

    * In all cases, ignore any alternative costs or additional costs (such as kicker)paid when the permanent was cast.

    * If the mana cost of a permanent includes {X}, X is considered to be 0.

    * If a nonland permanent has no mana symbols in its upper right corner (because it'sa token that's not copying something else, for example), its converted mana cost is0.-----

    Razor Hippogriff{3}{W}{W}Creature -- Hippogriff3/3

    FlyingWhen Razor Hippogriff enters the battlefield, return target artifact card from yourgraveyard to your hand. You gain life equal to that card's converted mana cost.

    * If the artifact card in your graveyard is an illegal target by the time the abilityresolves, the ability will be countered. You won't gain any life.

    * If the mana cost of the targeted card includes {X}, X is considered to be 0.-----Relic Putrescence{2}{B}

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    Enchantment -- AuraEnchant artifactWhenever enchanted artifact becomes tapped, its controller gets a poison counter.

    * Relic Putrescence may target and may enchant an artifact that's already tapped. Itwon't do anything until the enchanted artifact changes from being untapped to beingtapped.

    * When the enchanted artifact becomes tapped, Relic Putrescence's ability triggers.The player who gets the poison counter is the player who, at the time the abilityresolves, controls the artifact that became tapped. If that artifact is no longer onthe battlefield, its last existence on the battlefield is checked to determine itscontroller. It doesn't matter whether Relic Putrescence is still on the battlefieldas the ability resolves, what artifact it's enchanting at that time, who controlledthe artifact at the time it became tapped, or who tapped it.

    * If the enchanted artifact is tapped as a cost to activate a mana ability, the manaability resolves immediately, then Relic Putrescence's ability goes on the stack.

    * If the enchanted artifact is tapped as a cost to activate an ability that's not amana ability, Relic Putrescence's ability will go on the stack on top of thatactivated ability and resolve first.


    Rust Tick{3}Artifact Creature -- Insect1/3You may choose not to untap Rust Tick during your untap step.{1}, {T}: Tap target artifact. It doesn't untap during its controller's untap stepfor as long as Rust Tick remains tapped.

    * You may target a tapped artifact with Rust Tick's activated ability.

    * If the affected artifact is untapped by some other spell or ability, Rust Tick'seffect will not end. If you keep Rust Tick tapped, and that artifact becomes tappedagain, Rust Tick will continue to prevent it from being untapped during itscontroller's untap step.

    * Rust Tick doesn't track the artifact's controller. If the affected artifact changescontrollers, Rust Tick will prevent it from being untapped during its newcontroller's untap step.

    * If Rust Tick untaps or leaves the battlefield, its effect will end. This has noimmediate visible effect on the affected artifact. (It doesn't untap immediately, forexample.) The artifact will just untap as normal during its controller's next untapstep.

    * If you control both Rust Tick and the affected artifact, that artifact won't untap

    during the untap step in which you choose to untap Rust Tick. (It will untap duringyour next one.)-----

    Rusted Relic{4}ArtifactMetalcraft -- Rusted Relic is a 5/5 Golem artifact creature as long as you controlthree or more artifacts.

    * If Rusted Relic stops being a creature during combat (because you lose control of

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    Shape Anew{3}{U}SorceryThe controller of target artifact sacrifices it, then reveals cards from the top ofhis or her library until he or she reveals an artifact card. That player puts thatcard onto the battlefield, then shuffles all other cards revealed this way into hisor her library.

    * If the targeted artifact is an illegal target by the time Shape Anew resolves, thespell is countered. Nothing else happens.

    * If the first card the player reveals is an artifact card, he or she will still haveto shuffle his or her library even though no other cards were revealed this way.

    * If there are no artifact cards in the player's library, all the cards in thatlibrary are revealed, then the library is shuffled. (The targeted artifact remainssacrificed.)

    * If the targeted artifact's controller can't sacrifice it (due to Tajuru Preserver,perhaps), the other effects of the spell will still happen.-----

    Skinrender{2}{B}{B}Creature -- Zombie3/3When Skinrender enters the battlefield, put three -1/-1 counters on target creature.

    * This ability is mandatory. If there are no other creatures on the battlefield, youmust target Skinrender itself.-----

    Snapsail Glider{3}Artifact Creature -- Construct2/2Metalcraft -- Snapsail Glider has flying as long as you control three or moreartifacts.

    * For the purposes of combat, whether Snapsail Glider has flying is relevant only asthe declare blockers step begins. If an attacking Snapsail