Scalable Tracking & Querying for Wireless Sensor Networks Murat Demirbas SUNY Buffalo CSE Dept.

Scalable Tracking & Querying for Wireless Sensor Networks Murat Demirbas SUNY Buffalo CSE Dept.
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Transcript of Scalable Tracking & Querying for Wireless Sensor Networks Murat Demirbas SUNY Buffalo CSE Dept.

Page 1: Scalable Tracking & Querying for Wireless Sensor Networks Murat Demirbas SUNY Buffalo CSE Dept.

Scalable Tracking & Querying for Wireless Sensor Networks

Murat Demirbas

SUNY Buffalo

CSE Dept.

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Sensor networks

A sensor node (mote)

4Mhz processor, 128K flash memory magnetism, light, heat, sound, and vibration sensors wireless communication up to 100m costs “in bulk” ~$5 (now $80~$150)

Applications include

ecology monitoring, precision agriculture, civil engineering traffic monitoring, industrial automation, military and surveillance

In OSU, we developed a surveillance service for DARPA-NEST

classify trespassers as car, soldier, civilian LiteS: 100 nodes in 2003, ExScal: 1000 nodes in Dec 2004

A. Arora, et al. A Line in the Sand: A Wireless Sensor Network for Target Detection, Classification, and Tracking. Computer Networks (Elsevier), 2004.

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Desiderata for sensor networks

• Scalability :

Large-scale deployment: 10K nodes

Communication-efficient (local) distributed programs are needed

• Fault-tolerance :

Message corruptions, nodes fail in complex ways

Self-healing programs are needed

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Overview of my research

• Distributed & local WSN algorithms

Tracking: local and fault-locally healing Querying: local and lightweight routing Spatial clustering, etc.

• Reliable communication in WSN

Consensus in WSN: Dependable applications Reliable broadcast at MAC layer: Solving hidden terminal problem

Reliable transactions for WSN: A programming framework for concurrency-safe real-time control applications

• Specification-based design of self-healing

Scalability wrt code size: dependability preserving refinement of code

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Tracking in WSN

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Tracking problem

• Evader strategy is unknown

• Pursuer can only talk to nearby sensor nodes, pursuer moves faster than evader

• Design a program for sensor nodes to enable the pursuer to catch the evader (despite the occurrence of faults)

Applications: battlefield scenarios, border patrol, personnel tracking, routing messages to mobile processes

M. Demirbas, A. Arora, and M. Gouda. Pursuer-Evader Tracking in Sensor Networks. Sensor Network Operations, 2005.

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Evader-centric program

Tracking involves two operations– Move: update the tracking structure after evader relocates– Find: direct pursuer to reach evader using the tracking structure



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STALK: Scalable tracking

• Maintain tracking structure

over fewer number of nodes

with accuracy inversely proportional to the distance from evader

communication cost of msgj,k= distance(j,k), delay= δ*distance(j,k)

nearby nodes (cheap to update) have recent & accurate info

distant nodes (expensive to update) have stale & rough info

• Local operations :

— Cost of move proportional to the distance the evader moves

— Cost of find proportional to the distance from the evader

— Cost of healing proportional to the size of the initial perturbation

• To this end we employ a hierarchical partitioning of the network

M. Demirbas, A. Arora, T. Nolte, and N. Lynch. A Hierarchy-based Fault-local Stabilizing Algorithm for Tracking in Sensor Networks. OPODIS, 2004.

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Hierarchical clustering

R: dilation factor of clustering to determine size at higher levelsRadius at level L is ≈ RL

M. Demirbas, A. Arora, V. Mittal, and V. Kulathumani. Design and Analysis of a Fast Local Clustering Service for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Trans. Par.&Dist.Sys. 2006.

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Hierarchical tracking path


Grow action for building a tracking pathShrink action for cleaning unrooted paths

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Local find

• Searching phase:

A find operation at j queries j’s neighbors & j’s clusterhead at increasingly

higher levels to find the tracking path

• Tracing phase:

Once path is found, operation follows the path to its root

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evader find find find

Examples of find

A find for an evader d away incurs O(d) work/time cost guaranteed to hit the tracking path at level logRd of hierarchy

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A problem for move

evader dithering between cluster boundaries may lead to nonlocal updates

evader evaderevader

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Local move

• Lateral links to avoid nonlocal updates

• When evader moves to new location j:

a new path is started from j

the new path checks neighbors at each level to see whether insertion of a lateral link is possible

• Restricts lateral links to 1 per level in order not to deteriorate the tracking path

otherwise find would not be local since it could not hit the path at level logRd for an evader d away

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evader evader evader evaderevader evader evader

Examples of move

A move to distance d away incurs O(d*logRd) work/time cost

a level L pointer is updated at every iL-1

Ri distance; level L is updated d/iL-1

Ri times

update at L incurs O(RL) cost

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Local healing

Local healing means work/time for recovery proportional to perturbation size & not the network size

In the presence of faults

• a grow can be mistakenly initiated; shrink should contain grow

• a shrink can be mistakenly initiated; grow should contain shrink

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• Give more priority to the action that has more recent info regarding the validity of the path

• A shrink or grow action is delayed for longer periods as the level of the node executing the action gets higher

j.grow-timer = g * R lvl(j)

j.shrink-timer = s * R lvl(j)

• Catching occurs within a constant number of levels

For g=5δ, s=11δ, b=11δR

grow catches shrink in 2 levels:

logR ((bR–b+sR2–gR-δR)/(sR-gR-3δ))

shrink catches grow in 4 levels:

logR ((bR–b+sR+gR-2s+3δR)/(gR-s-δ))

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Seamless tracking

• Fault-containment does not affect responsiveness

Total delaying up to l is a constant factor of communication delay up to l, δR l

• Concurrent move operations

move occurs before tracking path is updated a complete path is no longer possible; discontinuity in the path give a bound on evader speed to maintain a reachable path

• Concurrent find operations

when find reaches a dead-end, search phase is re-executed reachability condition guarantees that new path is nearby

• Cost of find & move unaffected


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Querying in WSN

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• A.k.a “information brokerage”, or “data-centric routing”

• Static event (rather than dynamic event in tracking)

• Two operations:

Publish: invoked by the nodes that detect an event

Aims to inform any potential nodes interested in the event

Query: invoked by any node in the network

aims to inform the querying node about a matching event and construct a path from the querying node to the event

• Centralized solutions are not acceptable due to high communication cost

Locality (distance-sensitivity) should be maintained

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• Distance-sensitive (local) and tunable

ensures that a query operation invoked within d hops of an event intercepts the event’s publish information within d*s hops

s is a “stretch-factor” tunable by the user

• Easily implemented without localization or hier.-clustering

Lightweight, applicable to a wider range of WSN

• Unifies both modes of operation in WSN monitoring app.

Centralized logging & monitoring In-network querying (location-dependent querying)

M. Demirbas, A. Arora, and V. Kulathumani. Glance: A Lightweight Querying Service for Wireless Sensor Networks. In submis. 2006.

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• Multihop dense WSN

Cost of communication over d hops is O(d)

• Geometric network

triangle inequality is satisfied

• Distinguished basestation C

de : dist(e,C), e denotes an event

dq : dist(q,C), q denotes a querying node

d : dist(e,q) z : angle eCq

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Two cases

• Case1: z’> threshold angle– dq’ is relatively small compared to d’

– dq’ < d’*s

– OK for q’ to learn about e from C

• Case2: z’’< threshold angle– dq’’ is relatively large compared to d’’

– dq’’ > d’’*s

– NOT-OK for q’’ to learn about e from C











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Outline of the solution

• The publish operation advertises the event on a cone boundary for some distance. Then goes straight to C.

• The query operation goes straight to C.






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Areas where s is satisfied

• For s=1, take successively larger circles centered at e and C and intersect them.

• A2 is the region where stretch-factor is readily satisfied.

• For a querying node in A1 stretch-factor may be violated, publish should do local advertisement to ensure stretch-factor.

e C

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Areas where s is satisfied

• For s=2, similarly, we let a circle with radius r centered at e intersect with a circle with radius s*r centered at C

• Stretch-factor is readily satisfied for A2, A3, and A4.

• For A1, s may be violated. A1 is a bounded area, since all the circles centered at e are subsumed by circles with radius 2*r centered at C, for r>de

e C




• From HCe right-triangle, z is calculated as arcsin(1/s)=arcsin(0.5)=30

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Local advertisement

• The angle for the cone is taken as z. The event is advertised on the cone boundary for some distance. These account for any querying node in A1.

• The lateral advertisements inside the cone are to account for the querying nodes in area A1 that also fall within the cone boundaries.

e C



30d d

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≡ |QK| < s|QE|≡ |QL|+|LE|cot(x+x’)<s|QE|≡ |QE|cos(w)+|QE|sin(w)cot(x+x’)<s|QE|≡ sin(x)cos(w)+sin(x)sin(w)cot(x+x’)<1≡ sin(x+w+x’)<sin(x+x’)/sin(x)≡ True (for x+x’<90 and x+x’<180)




x xx’




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Avoiding the need for localization

• Glance requires only an approximation for the direction to C

• After deployment, C starts a one-time flood that annotates each node with its hopcount from C and creates a spanning tree rooted at C

• To send the query or publish as a straight line, nodes route the message to the parent node along a branch in this tree.

• Cone boundary is approximated by occasional lateral advertisement

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Spanning tree construction

• Flooding protocols result in a large number of anomalous situations– Stragglers– Backward links– Highly clustered nodes

• These are due to collisions, nondeterministic non-isotropic nature of radio broadcasts, and earliest-first parent selection in the tree

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Optimized spanning tree

• Snooping to deal with stragglers/backward links– Reactive repairing– When a node with hopcount x

hears a message with hopcount x+2, it detects a straggler, to correct it decides randomly to rebroadcast

• Randomized adoption to deal with highly-clustered nodes– A node with hopcount x may

randomly select a node with hopcount x-1 as new parent

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Query costs

• Scalability of average # of hops for query operation is very good for Glance– ideally query hops depends only on

the distance between query and


– however, since event and query

locations are selected uniformly, for

larger network the average distance

between the two increases

• Glance does not involve any

lateral advertisement but it

performs very well!

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Publish costs

• The publish hops for Glance is equal to de, the cost of going to C, and is proportional to the depth of the MST constructed by C.

– the depth of MST scales nicely

wrt the network size.

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• Stretch-factors are independent of the network size– Both Glance and GlanceP satisfy

very low stretch-factors (less than 1.2)

• The reason Glance performs well is that MST performs significant aggregation– Using MST, the information from

two points e, q close to each other are bound to intermingle

– The probability that ancestors of e and q are always >1-hop away rapidly drops to zero due to aggregation in MST

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• Stretch-factor wrt increasing distance for 30x30 network

• For “300 > eCq > 60” dq is always less than d and stretch-factor is less than or equal to 1

• For small distances between e and q, aggregation in MST ensures that query-hops remain low

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Open research directions in WSN

• Distributed data structures for nearest-neighbor queries, range queries, especially for geometric networks

• Mobile WSN

MAC layer issues Adaptive networking algorithms (geometric networks)

• WSN-Internet integration

Genie project from NSF

• Programming frameworks for WSN

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Questions ?

• Distributed & local WSN algorithms

Tracking: local and fault-locally healing Querying: local and lightweight routing Spatial clustering, etc.

• Reliable communication in WSN

Consensus in WSN: Dependable applications Reliable broadcast at MAC layer: Solving hidden terminal problem Reliable transactions for mobile WSN: A programming framework for

concurrency-safe real-time control applications

• Specification-based design of self-healing

Scalability wrt code size: dependability preserving refinement of code

Page 38: Scalable Tracking & Querying for Wireless Sensor Networks Murat Demirbas SUNY Buffalo CSE Dept. iComp

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Overview of my research

• Distributed & local WSN algorithms

Tracking: local and fault-locally healing Querying: local and lightweight routing Spatial clustering, etc.

• Reliable communication in WSN

Consensus in WSN: Dependable applications Reliable broadcast at MAC layer: Solving hidden terminal problem Reliable transactions for mobile WSN: A programming framework for

concurrency-safe real-time control applications

• Specification-based design of self-healing

Scalability wrt code size: dependability preserving refinement of code

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Coordinated attack problem

• Two armies waiting to attack the city; they need to attack together to win

Each army coordinates with a messenger Messenger may be captured by the city

• Can generals reach agreement?

Agreement is impossible in the presence of unreliable channel

• Wireless communication is unreliable due to collisions !

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Collision awareness

Necessary for coping with undetectable message loss Receiver side monitoring and notification of collisions No info wrt # of lost messages or identities of senders

• Completeness: Ability to detect collisions

Majority-complete: a collision is detected if a majority of messages in a round is lost

0-complete: collision is detected if all messages in a round is lost

• Accuracy: No false positives Always and eventually accurate CD

• Receiver side collision detection is easily implementable in mote and 802.11 platforms

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Vote-Veto algorithm

• Two phases: vote and veto

• The algorithm is adaptive, employs active-passive service

• Vote phase:

Every active node sends out its vote If a node hears no collision, the node updates its vote to min of received votes If a node hears collision or different votes, it decides to veto

• Veto phase:

If no veto messages are received or collisions detected, then a node can decide, else nodes continue to next round

• Intuition: By having a dedicated veto phase, effects of collision is detectable

Chockler, Demirbas, Gilbert, Newport PODC 2005

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Proof (for majority-complete CD)

Let r be the first round any node decides

Since no node vetoed in r, every node heard only a single vote and no collision during vote phase in r

Since maj-◊AC detects when ≥ half the messages are lost, each node received a majority of messages broadcasted in vote phase in r

Since every majority set intersects, every node received the same unique vote

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Rumor routing

• Deliver packets to events

query/configure/command No global coordinate system

• Algorithm:

Event sends out agents which leave trails for routing info

Agents do random walk If an agent crosses a path to

another event, a path is established Agent also optimizes paths if they

find shorter ones

Braginsky, Estrin WSNA 2002