Scalable Fault Tolerance: Xen Virtualization for PGAs Models on High-Performance Networks

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007 Scalable Fault Tolerance: Scalable Fault Tolerance: Xen Virtualization for Xen Virtualization for PGAs Models on High- PGAs Models on High- Performance Networks Performance Networks Daniele Scarpazza, Oreste Villa, Fabrizio Petrini, Jarek Nieplocha, Vinod Tipparaju, Manoj Krishnan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Radu Teodoresci, Jun Nakanom Josep Torrellas University of Illinois Duncan Roweth Quadrics In collaboration with Patrick Mullaney, Novell Wayne Augsburger, Mellanox


Daniele Scarpazza, Oreste Villa, Fabrizio Petrini, Jarek Nieplocha, Vinod Tipparaju, Manoj Krishnan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Radu Teodoresci, Jun Nakanom Josep Torrellas University of Illinois Duncan Roweth Quadrics In collaboration with Patrick Mullaney, Novell - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Scalable Fault Tolerance: Xen Virtualization for PGAs Models on High-Performance Networks

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Scalable Fault Tolerance: Scalable Fault Tolerance: Xen Virtualization for PGAs Models Xen Virtualization for PGAs Models

on High-Performance Networkson High-Performance Networks

Daniele Scarpazza, Oreste Villa, Fabrizio Petrini, Jarek Nieplocha, Vinod Tipparaju, Manoj Krishnan

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Radu Teodoresci, Jun Nakanom Josep Torrellas

University of Illinois

Duncan Roweth


In collaboration with

Patrick Mullaney, Novell

Wayne Augsburger, Mellanox

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Project MotivationProject Motivation

• Component count in high-end systems has been growing

• How do we utilize large (103-5 processor) systems for solving complex science problems?

• Fundamental problems– Scalability to massive processor

counts– Application performance on single

processor given the increasingly complex memory hierarchy

– Hardware and software failures1000 10000 100000

System Size (number of nodes)


















MTBF as a function of system size

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Multiple FT TechniquesMultiple FT Techniques

Application drivers Multidisciplinary, multiresolution, and multiscale nature of scientific problems drive the demand

for high end systems

Applications place increasingly differing demands on the system resources: disk, network, memory, and CPU

Some of them have natural fault resiliency and require very little support

System drivers Different I/O configurations, programmable or simple/commodity NICs,

proprietary/custom/commodity operating systems

Tradeoffs between acceptable rates of failure and cost Cost effectiveness is the main constraint in HPC

Therefore, it is not cost-effective or practical to rely on a single fault tolerance approach for all applications and systems

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Key Elements of SFTKey Elements of SFT

Virtualization of High Performance Network Interfaces and Protocols

Virtualization of High Performance Network Interfaces and Protocols

ReVive and ReVive I/O provide efficient CR capability for shared memory servers (cluster node):

ReVive and ReVive I/O provide efficient CR capability for shared memory servers (cluster node):


ReVive (I/O)

Buffered Coscheduling provides global coordinationof system activities, communication, CR

Buffered Coscheduling provides global coordinationof system activities, communication, CR


Fault-Tolerance module for ARMCI runtime system Fault-Tolerance module for ARMCI runtime system


Hypervisor to enable virtualization of compute nodeenvironment including OS (external dependency)

Hypervisor to enable virtualization of compute nodeenvironment including OS (external dependency)







FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Transparent System-level CR of PGA Transparent System-level CR of PGA Applications on Infiniband and QsNETApplications on Infiniband and QsNET

We explored a new approach to cluster fault-tolerance by integrating Xen with the latest generations of Infiniband and Quadrics high-performance networks

Focus on Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAs) programming models Most of existing work focused on MPI

Design Goals low-overhead and transparent migration

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Main ContributionsMain Contributions

Integration of Xen and Infiniband Enhanced Xen’s kernel modules to fully support user-

level Infiniband protocols and IP over IB with minimal overhead

Support for Partitioned Global Address space programming models (PGAs) Emphasis on ARMCI

Automatic Detection of a Global Recovery Line and Coordinated Migration Perform a live migration without any change to user


Experimental evaluation

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Xen HypervisorXen Hypervisor

On each machine Xen allows the creation of a privileged virtual machine (Dom0) and and one or more non-privileged VMs (DomUs)

Xen provides the ability to pause, un-pause, checkpoint and resume DomUs

Xen employs para-virtualization Non-privileged domains run a modified operating

system featuring guest device drivers Their requests are forwarded to the native device driver

in Dom0 using a split driver model

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Infiniband Device DriverInfiniband Device Driver

The driver is implemented in two sections A paravirtualized section for slow path control operations (e.g., q-

pair creation) and A direct access section for fast path data operations


Based on Ohio State/IBM implementationDriver was extended to support additional CPU architectures and Infiniband adapters Added proxy layer to allow Subnet and Connection management

from guest VMs Propagate suspend/resume to the applications not only kernel

modules Several stability improvements

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Software StackSoftware Stack

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Xen/Infiniband Device Driver: Xen/Infiniband Device Driver: Communication PerformanceCommunication Performance

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Xen/Infiniband Device Driver: Xen/Infiniband Device Driver: Communication PerformanceCommunication Performance

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Parallel Programming ModelsParallel Programming Models

Single Threaded Data Parallel, e.g. HPF

Multiple Processes Partitioned-Local Data Access


Uniform-Global-Shared Data Access OpenMP

Partitioned-Global-Shared Data Access Co-Array Fortran

Uniform-Global-Shared + Partitioned Data Access UPC, Global Arrays, X10

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Fault Tolerance In PGAs ModelsFault Tolerance In PGAs Models

Implementation considerations 1-sided communication, perhaps some 2-sided and collectives Special considerations in implementation of global recovery line Memory operations need to be synchronized for


Memory is a combination of local and global (globally visible) Global memory could be shared from OS view Pinned and registered with network adapter




SMP node 0

SMP node nP










FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Xen-enabled ARMCIXen-enabled ARMCI

Runtime system - one-sided communication Global Arrays, Rice Co-Array Fortran, GPSHEM, IBM X10 port

under way

Portable high performance remote memory copy interface

Asynchronous remote memory access (RMA)

Fast Collective Operations

Zero-copy protocols, explicit NIC support

“Pure” non-blocking communication - 99.9% overlap

Data Locality Shared-memory within SMP node and RMA across


High performance delivered on wide range of platforms

Multi-protocol and multi-method implementation

message passing2-sided model

P1P0receive send




remote memory access (RMA)1-sided model




shared memory load/stores0-sided model


Examples of data transfers optimized in ARMCI

Fundamental CommunicationModels in HPC

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Global Recovery Lines (GRLs)Global Recovery Lines (GRLs)

A GRL is required before each checkpoint / migration

A GRL is required for Infiniband networks because IBA does not allow location-independent layer 2 and 3 addresses IBA hardware maintains stateful connections not accessible by


The protocol that enforces a GRL has A drain phase, which completes any ongoing communication Followed by a global silence, where it is possible to perform node

migration And a resume phase, where the processing nodes acquire

knowledge of the new network topology

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

GRL and Resource ManagementGRL and Resource Management

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Experimental EvaluationExperimental Evaluation

Our experimental testbed is a cluster of 8 Dell PowerEdge 1950

Each node has two dual-core Intel Xeon Woodcrest running @ 3.0 GHz, with 8 Gbytes of memory

The cluster is interconnected by a Mellanox Infinihost III 4X HCA adapters

Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10.0

Xen 3.02

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Timing of a GRLTiming of a GRL

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Scalability of Network DrainScalability of Network Drain

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Scalability of Network ResumeScalability of Network Resume

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Save and Restore LatenciesSave and Restore Latencies

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007

Migration LatenciesMigration Latencies

FastOS, Santa Clara CA, June 18 2007


We have presented a novel software infrastructure that allows completely transparent checkpoint/restart

We have implemented a device driver that enhances the existing Xen/Infiniband drivers

Support for PGAs programming models

Minimal overhead, 10s of milliseconds Most of the time is spent saving/restoring the node
