SCADA Security - University of Oregon

SCADA Security NLANR/Internet2 Joint Techs Meeting Columbus OH, July 21, 2004 Joe St Sauver, Ph.D. University of Oregon Computing Center [email protected]

Transcript of SCADA Security - University of Oregon

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SCADA Security

NLANR/Internet2 Joint Techs MeetingColumbus OH, July 21, 2004

Joe St Sauver, Ph.D.

University of Oregon Computing Center

[email protected]

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I. Introduction

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My Interest In SCADA; This Talk• I grew up around industrial facilities (for example,

my Dad was a stationary engineer who helped runan industrial steam facility for a major airline)

• My terminal degree is in Production and Operations

• SCADA-related incidents have continued to pop upin the news, sustaining my interest over time

• One note: The technical level of this talk has beentailored to insure that it doesn’t provided a detailed“cookbook” that can be used by the bad guys toattack SCADA systems, while still providingsufficient technical detail/evidence to highlight someof the issues that need to be addressed.

• Given the venue, we’re not going to talk about policystuff today (but security policies are important).

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So What the Heck IS “SCADA?”• SCADA is “Supervisory Control and Data

Acquisition” – realtime industrial process controlsystems used to centrally monitor and controlremote or local industrial equipment such asmotors, valves, pumps, relays, etc.

• SCADA is used to control chemical plant processes,oil and gas pipelines, electrical generation andtransmission equipment, manufacturing facilities,water purification and distribution infrastructure, etc.

• Industrial plant-scale SCADA is often referred to as a“Distributed Control System” or DCS

• SCADA nuzzles up to embedded system issues, too.

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Think of SCADA As…• … the computer equivalent of George, the guy in

the hard hat, going around reading gauges andrecording values on a clip board, or openingvalve #173 and turning on pump #8 at 10:15AMon July 24th when the schedule says it is time tomake another batch of product <foo>.

• Of course, because we’re talking aboutcomputerized systems, we’ll typically be talkingabout complex systems with hundreds,thousands or tens of thousands of remotelymanaged control points. At that volume, it is notsurprising that SCADA is often “event driven”(e.g., “signal an alarm, something’s out of spec”)

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II. Wow. That Sounds About AsExciting As Watching Paint Dry….

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Actually, SCADA Can BeFrighteningly “Exciting”…

• SCADA insecurity may have contributed tothe end of the Cold War*

• SCADA may be of substantial interest tomajor terrorists

• SCADA systems may suffer sabotage bydisgruntled insiders, acting individually

• SCADA may have “big” technical failures

• … but we’d really prefer it to be VERY dull!

*SCADA’s role in bringing an end to the Cold War needs to balancedagainst activities elsewhere, as described, for example, in George Crille’sbook “Charlie Wilson’s War,” (Grove Press, 2003, 0-8021-4124-2)

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“The Most Monumental Non-NuclearExplosion and Fire Ever Seen From Space."

• Thomas C. Reed, Ronald Regan’s Secretary of the Air Force,described in his book At The Abyss (Ballantine, 2004, ISBN0-89141-821-0) how the United States arranged for the Sovietsto receive intentionally flawed process control software for use inconjunction with the USSR's natural gas pipelines, pipelines whichwere to generate critically needed hard currency for the USSR.

Reed stated that "The pipeline software that was to run the pumps,turbines, and values was programmed to go haywire, after a decentinterval, to reset pump speeds and valve settings to producepressures far beyond those acceptable to pipeline joints and welds."

The result? A three-kiloton blast in a remote area of Siberia in 1982,which, only by some miracle, apparently didn't result in any deaths.(For context, the Halifax Fire Museum lists the massive 1917 MontBlanc ship explosion in the Halifax Harbor at a force of 2.9 kilotons.)(but also see )

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Nation-States Aren’t the Only OnesInterested in SCADA Security

• ‘A forensic summary of the investigation, prepared in theDefense Department, said the bureau found "multiple casings ofsites" nationwide. Routed through telecommunications switches inSaudi Arabia, Indonesia and Pakistan, the visitors studiedemergency telephone systems, electrical generation andtransmission, water storage and distribution, nuclear power plantsand gas facilities. ‘Some of the probes suggested planning for a conventionalattack, U.S. officials said. But others homed in on a class of digitaldevices that allow remote control of services such as fire dispatchand of equipment such as pipelines. More information about thosedevices -- and how to program them -- turned up on al Qaedacomputers seized this year, according to law enforcement andnational security officials.’“Cyber-Attacks by Al Qaeda Feared”[See also: ]

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Sabotage By Insiders May AlsoPose A Risk to SCADA Systems

• [Apologies to those of you with queasy stomachs]In 2000, in Maroochy Shire, Queensland, VitekBoden released millions of liters of untreatedsewage using a wireless laptop, apparently takingrevenge against former employers. He wasarrested, convicted and jailed.

-- 0,4057,3161206%255E1702,00.html

-- hacker_jailed_for_revenge_sewage/

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The Boden Incident Wasn’t Unusual…Wireless Network Porosity Is Common

• ‘Paul Blomgren […] measures control systemvulnerabilities. Last year, his company assessed a largesouthwestern utility that serves about four millioncustomers.“ Our people drove to a remote substation," herecalled. "Without leaving their vehicle, they noticed awireless network antenna. They plugged in their wirelessLAN cards, fired up their notebook computers, andconnected to the system within five minutes because itwasn't using passwords. […] Within 15 minutes, theymapped every piece of equipment in the operationalcontrol network. Within 20 minutes, they were talking tothe business network and had pulled off several businessreports.’

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The ($50B) 9/14/2003 U.S. Blackout• “Starting around 14:14, FE [FirstEnergy] control room operators lost

the alarm function that provided audible and visual indications when asignificant piece of equipment changed from an acceptable to problematicstatus. Analysis of the alarm problem performed by FE after theblackout suggests that the alarm processor essentially “stalled” whileprocessing an alarm event. With the software unable to complete thatalarm event and move to the next one, the alarm processor bufferfilled and eventually overflowed. After 14:14, the FE control computerdisplays did not receive any further alarms, nor were any alarms beingprinted or posted on the EMS’s alarm logging facilities. “FE operators relied heavily on the alarm processor for situationalawareness, since they did not have any other large-scale visualization toolsuch as a dynamic map board. The operators would have been onlypartially handicapped without the alarm processor, had they known it hadfailed. However, by not knowing that they were operating without an alarmprocessor, the operators did not recognize system conditions werechanging and were not receptive to information received later from MISOand neighboring systems. The operators were unaware that in thissituation they needed to manually, and more closely, monitor andinterpret the SCADA information they were receiving.” [emphasis added]

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Mundane Attacks Could Target SCADANetwork Fiber As Easily as Powerlines

• SCADA systems are often physically distributed over large areas, makingphysical security a challenge. Simple vandalism is a real/well known risk:-- “[…] vandals shot out approximately 80 individual insulators on the BPACougar-Thurston 115,000 volt transmission line causing it to go out of service atthat time. The vandalism occurred near Cougar Dam, which is approximately 25miles east of Eugene. BPA crews replaced the damaged insulators at anestimated cost of $6,000. Even though no electrical service to EWEB and LaneElectric Cooperative customers was disrupted by the vandalism, Eugene Waterand Electric had to purchase additional power to serve its customers during the13 hours that it took to repair the damaged line.” ‘A Washington man who admitted to tampering with more than 20 high-voltagetransmission towers in four Western states said yesterday he was trying to pointout the power system's vulnerabilities. "I intended to loosen the bolts and bydoing so illustrate the vulnerabilities of these towers," Poulin told the judge.Poulin said in a telephone interview before his arrest that he considered hisactions necessary to point out that he was able to damage the towers despitebeing "62 years old, overweight, arthritic, diabetic, half-blind and a cancer patientliving on a minimum of 12 medication pills a day.“’

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And In The Interest of Balance,A Dissenting Opinion

• “Despite tantalising accounts of Al Qaeda interest intargeting SCADA networks and other critical infrastructure,there actually appears to be little interest among the hackercommunity in developing tools and exploits against PLC orindustrial protocols such as Modbus/TCP or Ethernet/IP.Unlike IT products, tools for automatically "hacking " PLCs,remote IO devices, robots, or Ethernet-based sensors arenot readily available.

“Bedroom hackers with little or no knowledge of automationsystems are, in reality, unlikely to cause deliberate harm.”

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Still Not Clear What the Official PositionIs On The Urgency of SCADA Security

• -- “Senator Edwards Introduces Cyberterrorism Legislation” the text of the Cyberterrorism Preparedness Act of 2002 at )-- Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-7(Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection) “Industrial control systems seen as 'undeniably vulnerable:'Congress is focusing on securing the nation's critical infrastructure”,10801,91790,00.html (March 31, 2004)

• BUT… “Cybercrime becomes DHS priority”“Cybercrime, emerging as the leading public and private sector IT threat,now ranks above cyberterrorism on the DHS radar screen, said AmitYoran, Homeland Security Department cybersecurity chief.” 21, 2004, emphasis added).

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III. Say What You Will, The Security ofSCADA Systems *IS* Often Poor

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SCADA Security Today : WhereEnterprise Security Was 5-10 Years Ago

• “The present state of security for SCADA is not commensuratewith the threat or potential consequences. The industry hasgenerated a large base of relatively insecure systems, withchronic and pervasive vulnerabilities that have been observedduring security assessments. Arbitrary applications of technology,informal security, and the fluid vulnerability environment lead tounacceptable risk. […] Security for SCADA is typically five toten years behind typical information technology (IT) systemsbecause of its historically isolated stovepipe organization.”

Federal Technical Support Working Group (TSWG)’s“Sustainable Security for Infrastructure SCADA” added)

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The “Hidden Half” of the Network• Traditionally network and security folks

have focused virtually all our attention onthe “enterprise” side of the network,ignoring the parallel “hidden” half of thenetwork associated with process controlsystems and embedded systems.

• Process control systems and embeddedsystems use different protocols, differentjargon, and no one ever really mentionedthem. They were out of sight and out ofmind, and “handled” by hardware guys.

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Unfortunately, “Hidden” Does NotAlways Equal Physically Separated

• In the old days, process control systems usedproprietary protocols and ran with serialcommunications (e.g., modems) or onphysically separated (“air gapped”) privatededicated networks, but that’s no longeralways the case.

• These days, process control systems oftenrun using MODBUS/TCP on the enterpriseLAN and over the Internet; process controltraffic may be commingled with web pages,email, P2P traffic, VoIP traffic, etc.

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But Don’t Take My Word For It…

• ‘MISCONCEPTION #1 – “The SCADA system resideson a physically separate, standalone network.”

‘Most SCADA systems were originally built before andoften separate from other corporate networks. As aresult, IT managers typically operate on the assumptionthat these systems cannot be accessed throughcorporate networks or from remote access points.Unfortunately, this belief is usually fallacious.’

“Understanding SCADA System Security Vulnerabilities” (RIPTECH, Inc., January2001)

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Serious Consequences ofSCADA-Related Compromises

• While enterprise network security isundeniably important, unlike enterprisenetwork security, SCADA compromises canhave real world life safety impacts.

• Enterprise network security breach: financialconsequences, customer privacy iscompromised, systems need to be rebuilt,spam gets sent, etc., but life goes on.

• SCADA security breach? Property can bedestroyed and people can be hurt or killed.

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Simple Protocols• Because SCADA devices with embedded controllers

tend to have limited computational power, and werehistorically connected via low speed serial lines, SCADAprotocols tend to be quite simple, with little or noprotection against spoofing, replay attacks, or a varietyof denial of service attacks.

• ‘In a demonstration at a recent security conference, [JeffDagle, a PNNL EE] hacked into his testbed system andtripped an electrical breaker. The breaker then signaledthe SCADA software that it had opened. But the SCADAcontroller did not respond because it had not instructedthe breaker to open. It was a classic denial-of-serviceattack. "We were demonstrating a weakness at theprotocol level itself," said Dagle.’

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Long Life Cycle Devices• Industrial plants, and the instrumentation they include, tend to

be long life cycle projects – ten, fifteen or twenty year projectlives are by no means uncommon. As a result, the devices thatmay be deployed as part of that construction may be virtualantiques by the time the facility is finally decommissioned, andthere’s no provision for refreshing those devices the way youmight upgrade out of date PCs in some office.

• ‘"Anti-virus software doesn't work on these SCADA systems,"said Robert Childs, information security analyst at the PublicService Company of New Mexico, who spoke at NetSec aboutthe challenges in working with SCADA vendors to get them tocomply with the new rules. "Many of these systems are basedon old Intel 8088 processors, and security options are limited tous.“’

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Windows-Based Control Stations

• SCADA devices are often controlled fromcentral monitoring stations (MTUs, or“master terminal units”). Historically thosewere Unix-based systems, but manycontemporary MTUs are now MicrosoftWindows based.

• “The end-of-life for Windows NT is having abig impact on manufacturers.”

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Hard-to-Upgrade Remote Devices

• Remote devices (RTUs and PLCs) also tendto be hard to upgrade :-- the device may use an OS and applicationthat was burned to ROM, and which is notrewritable (“upgrade” == replacing ROMs)-- the device may be physically sealed andnot upgradeable, or be located in a difficultlocation, or have no removable media--- the vendor may no longer be in business,or may not be producing upgrades, or thevendor may not be allowing upgrades

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Certifying Patches

• An example from the embedded system world:“Health care IT professionals say medical devicemakers prohibit them from changing the systemsand even from running anti-virus software insome cases. These IT administrators saymanufacturers often are slow to supply softwarepatch updates and routinely claim the Food andDrug Administration (FDA) requires approval ofpatch-base changes. However the FDA says ithas no such rules…”

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Need For Positive Control ==>Simple Known/Shared Passwords

• Because of the need for positive access andcontrol, there is a trend toward simple,known, and shared passwords. Users like toavoid situations such as: “Do you know thepassword to turn off the nuclear reactorbefore it melts down? I forgot mine today…”

• But there’s hope: people in the SCADAcommunity are beginning to talk about strongauth systems:

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Common PasswordsAcross Multiple Devices

• There’s also the sheer issue of managingpasswords for thousands of devices –passwords will tend to be common acrossdevices as a practical matter (this is muchlike SNMP community strings)

• And of course those passwords aren’tchanged very often (if at all), even whenstaff transitions occur or years have goneby…

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Access Control Granularityand Accountability

• Related to the problem of shared, simplepasswords is the issue of poor accesscontrol granularity; again, like SNMP, in mostcases access control is “read” (everything) or“read/write” (everything).

• Accountability with common passwords ispoor/non-existent, which may be one reasonthat transaction logging also may be limited.(Any bets how long it will take to getsomething like syslog-ng or SDSC SecureSyslog for SCADA systems?)

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Plain Text (Unencrypted) Traffic

• These days, few of us would be willing tosend our passwords over plain texttransmissions paths (as we would whenusing telnet), yet plain text transmissionsare still very common in the SCADA world.

• One notable exception: the AGA/GTISCADA Encryption initiative…

• In the realtime world, encryptionoverhead and jitter may be the crucialproblems to overcome…

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All Traffic Is On Just One Port• In many cases, SCADA traffic will be on

just one port such as 502/tcp (e.g.,Modbus/TCP). This is both good and bad.

• The use of a single port (or just a couple ofports) makes it easy to track that traffic, orto poke a hole in firewalls to allow thattraffic to pass, but it also makes it easy forthe bad guys to scan for connecteddevices, and it makes it impossible to doport-based selective filtering.

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Few Firewall Options

• Speaking of firewalls, SCADA-protocolaware firewall choices are pretty limitedout there right now; I’m aware of: that’s about it.

• Where are the commercial SCADA-protocol-aware firewall vendors? I’d love tofind out that there are dozens out therethat are available which I’ve missed…

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Critical Control Trafficon a Best Effort Network

• In some cases, SCADA systems may beimpacted incidentally, as a side effect of amore general problem (e.g., frame relaynetwork congestion and outagesassociated with the Slammer worm).See for example “Slammer worm crashedOhio nuke plant network,” in

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IV. What Needs to Be Done?

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Hard-won Lessons From EnterpriseIT Need to Be Tech Transferred to

SCADA Networks and Systems

• Much of what’s being faced in the SCADAworld has already been hashed throughand fixed in the enterprise IT world. Thosesolutions, where suitable, need to be“thrown over the wall” to SCADA networksand systems so SCADA folks don’t“reinvent the wheel.” We need to visit withour process control brethren.

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Secure Your OwnSCADA Infrastructure

• While admittedly many SCADA issues arenational in scope, there are undoubtedlySCADA control systems on your campus.Are those local SCADA systems secure?

• Do you see local port 502/tcp traffic onyour campus backbone or transit links?Should it be there?

• Are you seeing probes targeting SCADAfacilities from offsite? Are you reporting orblocking those probes?

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Run a SCADA Honeypot?• One familiar technique from enterprise

network security is the “honeypot,” or asystem that *looks* vulnerable/exploitable,but which is actually well instrumented andbeing run solely to capture evidence ofmiscreant misbehavior.

• There’s one SCADA honeypot project: how many folks are actually deployingSCADA honeypots? Not very many, Isuspect… Maybe deploy one?

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Update Intrusion Detection Systems

• Work has just recently begun on a DHS-funded research projected focused ondeveloping Snort signatures forMODBUS/TCP; see:

• The excellent open source protocolanalyzer Ethereal ( anda number of other common protocolanalyzers also support Modbus protocols.

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Add SCADA Security to YourNetwork Security Syllabus

• If you teach network security courses,either for university credit or as part of aprofessional training program, make sureSCADA security becomes part of thatsyllabus.

• Besides the topics covered already in thistalk, some additional areas which may beworth consideration include…

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Embedded Real TimeOperating Systems (RTOS)

• We all know some version of Unix and/orWindows, but quick check: how many of youare also familiar with embedded RTOS’s like:-- Integrity from LynxOS or BlueCat from QNX Neutrino RTOS-32 from TinyOS from

• What are their respective security strengthsand weaknesses? SHOULD you know?

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How About Hardware Topics, Suchas Programmable Logic Controllers?

• Unless you’re an electrical engineer, youprobably haven’t had a chance to learn aboutPLCs, even though there’s excellent supportfor educational use of programmablemicrocontrollers such as Basic STAMPs fromwww.parallax.comor more traditional ladder-logic programmingPLCs such as Toshiba’s T1 (see and

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SCADA SecurityResearch Opportunities

• Because of strong federal interest inhomeland security and the relativelyprimitive state of SCADA security rightnow, there are substantial opportunities tosuccessfully seek research support,particularly in conjunction with industry.

• There are also some remote-device-control-related activities already underway, such as the NSF Grid-relatedInstrument Middleware Project:

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Vendors Are Ramping Up, Too

• Cisco deserves a big “atta boy” for itsCritical Infrastructure Assurance Group:

• You may also want to check out the CyberSecurity Industry Alliance (CSIA) at whose membersinclude over a dozen leading security-relatedvendors.

• Make sure vendors know what SCADAsecurity products YOU need them to bemaking!

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Thanks for the Chance to Talk Today!

• Are there any questions?

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Some References• “SCADA and Industrial Automation Security,”

• “SCADA Security Blog”

• “SCADA Gospel Archives (edited archives of the SCADA mailing list)”“

• “21 Steps to Improve the Cyber Security of SCADA Networks,”

• “Critical Infrastructure Protection: Challenges and Efforts to Secure ControlSystems”

• “Myths and Facts Behind Cyber Security of Industrial Controls”

• Cisco’s “Integrating IT and Control System Security”
