Save Essbase!

Save Essbase! Essbase is a powerful tool – the market-leading OLAP engine - but its survival is threatened due to compeve pressure from other vendors in the EPM soſtware space. These relavely new vendors are taking away some of Essbase’s market share through the promise of more “modern” funconality. Frankly, it’s normal to want to innovate beyond the capabilies of standard Essbase front end tools like Smartview but - don’t be fooled into thinking that you need to discard Essbase in order to do so. Enter Shule – a way to “modernize” your Essbase applicaons. Shule is leading the charge to save Essbase! To help make Essbase more com- peve against other vendors, Shule offers customers the ability to rapidly deploy much more modern, intelligent and full-service applicaons on top of Essbase through a broad range of front-end features detailed below. Countless customers have invested heavily (me, money, and resulng intellectual capital) in Essbase. Discarding this capital would constute a significant loss – not to menon - rolling out new soſtware to replace Essbase guarantees a sizable investment, and risk. So don’t replace Essbase. Assuming your data models make sense, don’t even touch your exisng Essbase appli- caons – and, most importantly, don’t let anyone convince you to discard your valuable Ess- base capital. Instead, snap a Shule applicaon on top of your exisng Essbase applicaons and realize more value from your Essbase applicaons immediately. If your data models are outdated, update them knowing that Shule can help you very rapidly realize more modern funconality from your Essbase applicaons. With nave Essbase integraon, SHUTTLE allows customers to benefit from the type of “modern” funconality that customers should expect from state-of-the-art technology like Essbase. We will be there! Let’s discover how Shuttle can help you « Save Essbase! » Come visit us Booth #111

Transcript of Save Essbase!

Save Essbase!

Essbase is a powerful tool – the market-leading OLAP engine - but its survival is threatened due

to competitive pressure from other vendors in the EPM software space. These relatively new

vendors are taking away some of Essbase’s market share through the promise of more

“modern” functionality. Frankly, it’s normal to want to innovate beyond the capabilities of

standard Essbase front end tools like Smartview but - don’t be fooled into thinking that you

need to discard Essbase in order to do so. Enter Shuttle – a way to “modernize” your Essbase

applications. Shuttle is leading the charge to save Essbase! To help make Essbase more com-

petitive against other vendors, Shuttle offers customers the ability to rapidly deploy much more

modern, intelligent and full-service applications on top of Essbase through a broad range of

front-end features detailed below.

Countless customers have invested heavily (time, money, and resulting intellectual capital) in

Essbase. Discarding this capital would constitute a significant loss – not to mention - rolling out

new software to replace Essbase guarantees a sizable investment, and risk. So don’t replace

Essbase. Assuming your data models make sense, don’t even touch your existing Essbase appli-

cations – and, most importantly, don’t let anyone convince you to discard your valuable Ess-

base capital. Instead, snap a Shuttle application on top of your existing Essbase applications

and realize more value from your Essbase applications immediately. If your data models are

outdated, update them knowing that Shuttle can help you very rapidly realize more modern

functionality from your Essbase applications.

With native Essbase integration, SHUTTLE allows customers to benefit from the type of “modern” functionality that customers

should expect from state-of-the-art technology like Essbase.

We will be there!

Let’s discover how Shuttle can help you « Save Essbase! »

Come visit us Booth #111

Custom Workflows

Qualitative data

Konvergence | [email protected]

How Can Shuttle Modernize your Essbase?

Standalone Essbase centralizes, secures and calculates data very well but

Smartview is limiting when that is your only interface for Essbase applications.


Data entry

Data analysis

Shuttle provides an all-in-one solution with native Essbase integration

Here are some of the Shuttle features that will help you realize more from

your Essbase investment