
Saturday, 21 July It was a very hectic weekend as I did plenty of useful activities on that day. My day was started at 7.00 a.m as I was awakened by the chirping of multitude birds. Oh my.. it was holiday but still I had to wake up early. After I woke up , I bathed and had my Continental breakfast . Even though the breakfast was quite simple, it really made me full. In fact, I am used to it as it is my daily breakfast since I have career and busy parents. After that, around 8.00 a.m , I watched my recorded series of Star King on television while munching all-time favourite potato chips, Springles on my dad’s favourite Fella Design wing chair. At 9.00 a.m , I did my daily routine to visit my neighbour, Uncle Lim . I also did not forget to bring him along chicken broth prepared by my mom before she went to work this morning. He said it was the second best chicken broth he had ever tasted after his late wife’s cooking. After having a long chat with him, I went home to dress myself to Suria KLCC. I headed off to the mall with my sister; Lili to shop for Ram’s birthday present at 10.30 a.m . It took quite some time to find the best gift for Ram as Lili is quite fussy and pernickety. My tummy was growling as my watch struck to 1.00 p.m . Plus, I only had simple breakfast this morning. So we decided to have our lunch at the food court . I ordered Chicken Rice, strawberry-peanut butter waffle and apple juice while Lily just had Tuna croissant and still water as she is on diet. Argh..I just don’t understand why she has to suffer and really



Transcript of Saturday

Saturday, 21 July 

            It was a very hectic weekend as I did plenty of useful activities on that day.

My day was started at 7.00 a.m as I was awakened by the chirping of multitude birds.

Oh my.. it was holiday but still I had to wake up early. After I woke up, I bathed and

had my Continental breakfast. Even though the breakfast was quite simple, it really

made me full. In fact, I am used to it as it is my daily breakfast since I have career

and busy parents.

            After that, around 8.00 a.m, I watched my recorded series of Star King on

television while munching all-time favourite potato chips, Springles on my dad’s

favourite Fella Design wing chair. At 9.00 a.m, I did my daily routine to visit my neighbour, Uncle Lim. I also did not forget to bring him along chicken broth

prepared by my mom before she went to work this morning. He said it was the

second best chicken broth he had ever tasted after his late wife’s cooking. After

having a long chat with him, I went home to dress myself to Suria KLCC. I headed off to the mall with my sister; Lili to shop for Ram’s birthday present at 10.30 a.m. It took quite some time to find the best gift for Ram as Lili is quite fussy and


            My tummy was growling as my watch struck to 1.00 p.m. Plus, I only had

simple breakfast this morning. So we decided to have our lunch at the food court. I ordered Chicken Rice, strawberry-peanut butter waffle and apple juice while Lily just

had Tuna croissant and still water as she is on diet. Argh..I just don’t understand why

she has to suffer and really concern about the appearance instead of inner beauty?

Well..everybody has different perspective or perhaps she might afraid that Joe would

leave her for another curvy and sexy lady if she becomes plump. Hahahaha….When

my food arrived, I ate gluttonously as I was so famished until I could finish all my

meal in a blink of an eye.

            We went home and like always, I took a nap at 3.00 p.m to rejuvenate and

revilatize myself because I had to continue my day with another cumbersome activity.

At 5.00 p.m I went to Shah Alam Municipal Pool for my swimming lessons.

Actually, I was forced to enrol for this lesson because my mom is really worry about

my stout-size body but I’d rather go for swimming instead of jogging because I still

can burn my calories without realizing that I’m sweating. On top of that, the trainer is

also muscular and charming like Hugh Jackman.

            Around 6.30 p.m, my dad fetched me and when we reached home I straight

away took my bath and then watched television while waiting for Maghrib prayer

call at 7.00 p.m. After performing my obligation as a Muslim, I went downstairs to

help my mom in the kitchen. Since it was weekend, my mom prepared her signature

dish; Soto Ayam. It is a yellow spicy chicken soup served with cube rice. The add-ins

and toppings are blanched bean sprouts, shredded chicken, glass noodles, chopped

celery leaves, golden fried shallots, tiny potato croquettes and spicy soy sauce. It is

truly the best meal I won’t resist. We had our appetizing dinner at 8.00 p.m while

chitchatting about our studies and works.

            I revised my lessons and did my architectural history assignments at 8.30 p.m. Before I went to bed, I did not miss to surf the Internet to update my status on

Facebook and check out my favourite K-Pop band; SHINee latest update at 11.00 p.m. My day ended at 12.00 p.m when I dozed off. Good night and have a sweet
