Satiety-Enhancing Products for Appetite Control Science and Regulation

     P     r     o     c     e     e      d      i     n     g     s     o      f     t      h     e      N     u     t     r      i     t      i     o     n      S     o     c      i     e     t     y  A satellite symposium co-hosted by the University of Aberdeen Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health was held at the University of Reading on 4 July 2011 Satellite Symposium: Industry and academic partnerships for developing health-improving products* Satiety-enhancing products for appetite control: science and regulation of functional foods for weight management† Jason C. G. Halford  and Joanne A. Harrold  Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Liverpool, Eleanor Rathbone Building’, Liverpool L69 7ZA, UK The current review considers satiety-based approaches to weight management in the context of health claims. Health benets, dened as benecial physiological effects, are what the Euro- pean Food Safe ty Author ity bases their recomme ndatio ns on for claim appro val. The liter ature demonst rat es tha t foods tha t tar get wit hin-me al sat iat ion and pos t-meal sat iet y provide a plausible approach to weight management. However, few ingredient types tested produce the sustainable and enduring effects on appetite accompanied by the necessary reductions in energy intake required to claim satiety/reduction in hunger as a health benet. Proteins, bre types, novel oils and carbohydrates resistant to digestion all have the potential to produce benecial short-term changes in appetite (proof-of-concept). The challenge remains to demonstrate their enduring effects on appetite and energy intake, as well as the health and consumer benets such effects provide in terms of optimising successful weight management. Currently, the benets of satie ty-en hanci ng ingre dient s to both consumers and their health are under resear ched. It is possible that such ingredients help consumers gain control over their eating behaviour and may als o hel p red uce the negati ve psychologica l impact of die ting and the physiologi ca l con- sequences of energy restriction that ultimately undermine weight management. In conclusion, industry needs to demonstrate that a satiety-based approach to weight management, based on single-manipulated food items, is sufcient to help consumers resist the situational and perso- nal factors that drive overcon sumpti on. Nonet heles s, we posses s the methodologi cal tools, which when employed in appropriate designs, are sufcient to support health claims. Satiety: Satiation: Health Benet: Consumer: European Food Safety Authority Ove r the las t 40 yea rs, con sidera ble res ear ch ind ica tes that certain ingredient s, combi ned in foods, can produce signicant effects on short-term appetite regulation. Such changes in energy intake could translate into reductions in body weight if used in conju nction with necessary changes in diet and lifestyle. Nonetheless, despite a considerabl e number of appeti te-control hea lth cla im submis sions to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), few products have had their claims approved. It is apparent that much of the exi sti ng lite rat ure is ins ufcie nt to substa nti ate appeti te-r el at ed heal th cl ai ms, fall ing shor t of EFSA requirements to demonstrate sustained and enduring effects of these foods on appetite. Specically, many studies fail to incl ude the sig ni cant reductions in ener gy intake required to produce meaningful changes in body weight. Non ethele ss, ove r the las t 40 yea rs, the met hod ologic al pla tfor m nec ess ary to dev elop protoc ols cap abl e of sub- stanti ating appetite health claims has been establ ished. The cur rent rev iew con siders the contex t of wei ght man age - ment from the perspective of the consumer, discusses the Abbreviations:  CCK, cholec ysto kinin; CNS , centra l ner vous syst em; EFS A, Eur opea n Food Saf ety Aut hor ity; GLP -1, glucagon-l ike peptide -1; PYY, peptide YY; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale. ‡Corresponding author:  Professor Jason C. G. Halford, fax  + 44 151 7942945, email j.c.g.h alford@liverp uk *This symposium was industrially sponsored and was supplementary to the Nutrition Society Summer meeting. †This review is not a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) endorsed or sponsored document. It contains the authors’ comments, which are based entirel y on publish ed EFSA guidance and opinion s in the context of publis hed scientic literat ure. Published EFSA guidanc e is only availabl e in draft form at the time of writing. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society  (2012),  71, 350362 doi:10.1017/S0029665112000134 g  Th e Author s 2012 First pub lishe d online 8 Ma rch 2012

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