Satellite Radar Altimeter

7/28/2019 Satellite Radar Altimeter 1/6 SYSTEM DESI GN AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FOR A LIGHTWEIGHT, LOW COST, SATELLI TE RADAR ALTI METER The simul ati on included the interactions shown in Fi gur e 2. Radar al t i meter subsyst emout put si gnal par ameters ar e shown in Tabl e 3.  The i ntegrated Autonet i cs St r ategi c Syst ems D vi si on Defense El ect r oni cs Rockwel l I nt ernat i onal Corpor ati on P.O. Box 4192, Anahei m CA 92803-4192 Abstract-A light weight (16.1 kg), low power (35-watt) small satellite radar altimeter suitable for launch on a Pegasus launch vehicle is described. The altimeter is capable of measuring ocean surface height with a preci sion of 3.5 cm from an altitude of 800 km. Risk reduction is achieved by the use of non-developmenta l items and devices demonstrated under IUD. This radar altimeter will permit 8CientifiC and military ocean topography data to be collected well into the 2lst century. JNTRODUCTION A sat el l i t e r adar al ti meter measures t he di st ance between i t sel f and t he surf ace of t he ocean di rectl y bel ow w th a precisi on of a few cent i met ers. Si nce the satel l i te' s orbi t can be i ndependentl y ascer t ai ned, t he shape of t he ocean surf ace can be preci sel y determned along a l i ne under t he sat el l i t e. The r esul t i ng shape can be compared t o t he ocean' s l ong- t erm geopotent i al sur f ace ( geoi d) and ocean mesoscale f eat ures i denti f i ed. These f eat ures have sci ent i f i c and ml i tary i mportance.' ** Radar al ti meters were carri ed aboar d SKYLAB, SEASAT, GEOSAT-I, ERS-1 and TOPEX sat el l i t es. The abi l i ty to provi de preci si on al ti meter dat a in the f utur e depends on t he devel opment of a l i ght wei ght r adar al ti meter compati bl e w t h a small sat el l i t e bus and a rel at i vel y i nexpensi ve l aunch vehi cl e such as the ai r- l aunched Pegasus. 3 Thi s paper descri bes systemdesi gn of a r adar al t i meter sat i sf yi ng t hese requi r ement s and IR&D perf ormed by Rockwel l to reduce ri sk associ ated w t h t he concept . RADAR ALTIMETRY HISTORY Space- based radar al ti metr y began w th Skyl ab in 1973 fol l owed by others shown in Tabl e l.4,5 Earl y mssi ons were concerned wth mapping the eart h' s geopot ent i al f i el d whi l e mor e recent m ssi ons f ocused on measurement of ocean t opographi cal f eat ures. GEOSAT- 1 i s a representati ve exampl e of a radar al t i met er sat el l i t e. GEOSAT-1 was a 1450- pound, compl et el y r edundant sat el l i t e w t h a 207- pound, 165- wat t r adar al t i meter devel oped by t he Johns Ho~!:;ns Uni versi ty Appl i ed Physi cs Laboratory and l aunched on an Atl as- E. Tabl e 1. Radar Al t i met er Sat el l i t es 1s 1 TOPEX SATELLITE RADAR ALTIMETER REQUIREMENTS Perf ormance speci f i cati ons based on the proven GEOSAT- 1 radar al ti meter are shown i n Tabl e 2.  Tabl e 2. Radar Al t i met er Per f ormance Speci f i cat i ons iwxle Preci s on 3. 5 cm (10) @ 2m si gni f i cant wave hei ght (SWH) Measurement rate 10 Hz Modulati on l inear FM Bandw dth 32 0 MHz PRF 1020 Hz Fr equency 13.5 GHz Waveform Dur ati on 102. 4 ps Ti me- t o- t rack i sec I 15 cm r ec i s i on Accur acy 10.1 SWH or 0. 5 m whichever is l ar ger wave hei aht CSWKL Surface radar cross sect unL BXL Accur acy 1 dB Cali brati on mode r equi r ed f or RCS and hei ght bi as Detai l ed satel l te bus desi gn perf ormed by Rockwell's Space Systems D visi on indi cated a maximum all owable weight and average power for t he al ti meter of 17- kg and 35- wat t s, r espect i vel y, i ncl udi ng r edundancy. Thi s al l ocati on was based on an overal l sat el l i t e wei ght of 272 kg and a 240-wat t sol ar panel . The resul t i ng sat el l i t e can be pl aced i n an 800- km ci rcul ar orbit by a Pegasus l aunch vehi cl e. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS r-

Transcript of Satellite Radar Altimeter

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The si mul ati on i ncl uded the i nteracti ons showni n Fi gure 2.   Radar al t i meter subsystemoutput si gnalparameters are shown i n Tabl e 3 .   The i ntegrated

Autonet i cs St r ategi c Syst ems D vi si onDefense El ect r oni cs

Rockwel l I nt ernat i onal Corporati on

P .O . Box 4192, Anahei m CA 92803-4192

Abstract-A light weight (16.1 kg), low power

(35-watt) small satellite radar altimeter suitablefor launch on a Pegasus launch vehicle is described.

The altimeter is capable of measuring ocean surface

height with a precision of 3.5 cm from an altitude

of 800 km. Risk reduction is achieved by the use

of non-developmental items and devices demonstrated

under IUD. This radar altimeter will permit

8CientifiC and military ocean topography data to be

collected well into the 2lst century.


A sat el l i t e radar al t i met er measures t hedi st ance between i t sel f and t he surf ace of theocean di rectl y bel ow w t h a preci si on of a fewcent i met ers. Si nce t he sat el l i t e' s orbi t can bei ndependentl y ascer t ai ned, the shape of t he ocean

surf ace can be preci sel y determned al ong a l i neunder t he sat el l i t e. The resul t i ng shape can becompared t o the ocean' s l ong-t erm geopotent i alsur f ace ( geoi d) and ocean mesoscal e f eat uresi dent i f i ed. These f eat ures have sci ent i f i c andml i t ary i mport ance. ' ** Radar al t i meters were carr i edaboard SKYLAB, SEASAT, GEOSAT- I , ERS- 1 and TOPEXsat el l i t es. The abi l i t y to provi de preci si onal t i meter data i n the f uture depends on t hedevel opment of a l i ght wei ght radar al t i metercompat i bl e w th a smal l satel l i te bus and a rel at i vel yi nexpensi ve l aunch vehi cl e such as the ai r - l aunchedPegasus. 3 Thi s paper descr i bes systemdesi gn of aradar al t i meter sat i sf yi ng t hese requi rement s andIR&D per f ormed by Rockwel l t o reduce r i sk associ atedw t h the concept .


Space- based radar al t i metr y began w t h Skyl abi n 1973 f ol l owed by ot hers shown i n Tabl e l . 4 ,5

Earl y mssi ons were concerned w t h mappi ng theeart h' s geopot ent i al f i el d whi l e more recent mssi onsf ocused on measurement of ocean t opographi calf eat ures. GEOSAT- 1 i s a representat i ve exampl e ofa radar al t i met er sat el l i t e. GEOSAT-1 was a 1450-

pound, compl et el y redundant sat el l i t e w t h a 207-

pound, 165-wat t r adar al t i meter devel oped by t heJohns Ho~!:;ns Uni versi t y Appl i ed Physi cs Laboratoryand l aunched on an At l as- E.

Tabl e 1. Radar Al t i met er Sat el l i t es



Per f ormance speci f i cati ons based on the provenGEOSAT- 1 radar al t i meter are shown i n Tabl e 2.  

Tabl e 2. Radar Al t i meter Per f ormanceSpeci f i cat i ons

iwxlePreci s on 3. 5 cm (10) @ 2m

si gni f i cant wavehei ght ( SWH)

Measurement r ate 10 Hz

Modul ati on l i near FMBandw dth 32 0 MHz

PRF 1020 Hz

Frequency 13. 5 GHz


Durati on 102. 4 ps

Ti me- t o- t r ack i sec

I 15 cmreci si onAccur acy 10. 1 SWH or 0. 5 m

whi chever i s l arger

wave hei aht CSWKL

Sur f ace radar cross s ec t unL BXLAccuracy 1 dBCal i brat i on mode requi red for RCS

and hei ght bi as

Detai l ed sat el l t e bus desi gn perf ormed byRockwel l ' s Space Syst ems D vi si on i ndi cated a maxi mumal l owabl e wei ght and average power f or t he al t i meterof 17- kg and 35- wat t s, r espect i vel y, i ncl udi ngredundancy. Thi s al l ocati on was based on anoveral l sat el l i t e wei ght of 272 kg and a 240-wat t

sol ar panel . The resul t i ng sat el l i t e can be pl acedi n an 800-kmci rcul ar orbi t by a Pegasus l aunchvehi cl e.



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Tabl e 3 . Al t i meter out put si gnal parameters

Number of I&Q sampl esI&Q sampl e rate 1. 25 MHzAnti al i asi ng f i l ter 1. 28 MHz

Range span extentSampl e si ze 8-bi t sSampl e rate 1020 Hz

I EU bus r ate 2. 5 Mbps

The al t i meter processes the recei ved si gnalusi ng a st retch techni que where r ange resol ut i on i sgi ven by t he expressi on,

60=MaximumVelociW= I26Wsec

Maximum Acceleration =


Track Used

Derived From

GEOSAT Data ITonga Trench

0 I1 I

600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400

Time (sec) MTD 920116-2821

Fi gure 1. Perf ormance w a s Obtai ned by Si mul ati onl rsing Real i st i c Sea Sur f ace Data

f uncti ons, i ncl udi ng hei ght t racki ng. A di gi t alsi gnal processor i n t he I EU per f orms a Fast Four i erTransf orm ( FFT) of t he t i me-domai n al t i met er out putt o t ransf orm t he recei ved ret urn i nt o ampl i t udeversus r ange bi ns.

Common Antenna

PretriggerT (Blanking) PulseI

Radar Altimeter Subsystem II I

128 ComplexSamples Calibration '-


IEU in TT& C Subsysterr

Coarse Heightand Rate, AGC,SelectiveAttenuation,PRI, Mode


71FFT and Fine Heighta p Tracker for HeightAGC Tracker LoopAcquisition Processing and ControlCalibration Processing and ControlCombine Two 50-Pulse Averages10.2 Hz Telemetry

b Telemettv Data

Ground Segment

SWH and RC S Estimation

User Seg me nt MTD 920204-3034

Fi gur e 2. The I nt egrated El ectroni c Uni t ( I E U J

Cont rol s the Al t i meter

I -

where,c = 3 x 10 8 m s

Bc = chi r p bandw dt h.

For B = 320 MHz, t he resul t i ng range resol ut i oni s 47 cm The accuracy (oh)w t h whi ch t he ocean' ssurf ace can be measured can be rel ated to thesi gnal - t o- noi se (SNR) i n a range cel l by,

1+ 2 I SNRoh=-

2 K , K , a


KW = sl ope of ocean returnKG = t rack gate parameter

PRF = pul se repet i t i on f requencyTi nt = t rack f i l t er i nt egrati on t i me.

N = PRF x Ti nt

The deri vati on of Equat i on 2 assumes oceanscatteri ng i s Rayl ei gh, N measurements are averaged,and the t rack gate i s opt i mal l y f ormed based on theocean surf ace' s si gni f i cant wave hei ght (SWH).6 Forexampl e, i f SNR = 18 dB, Kw = 0. 713 (corresponding toa SWH of 2 m, = 1, PRF = 1020, and Ti nt = 1 sec,then oh = 2. 13 cm Note that Equat i cn 2 i ndi cates thatas l ong as SNR remai ns above 12 dB, accuracy i s l i mt edpri mari l y by ocean surf ace scat ter i ng stat i st i cs.

A more detai l ed si mul ati on of the hei ght t racki ng

process was created and i ncorporated actual GEOSAT-1al gori thm. The ocean return wavef orm si mul ati oni ncl uded the anal yti c convol ut i on of ( 1) the averagef l at sea-surf ace i mpul se response, ( 2) a Gaussi anhei ght probabi l i t y densi ty of ocean- surf ace specul arpoints, and ( 3) a Gaussi an systempoi nt - target response.Other model ed ef f ects were a Gaussi an antenna gai npat tern and spher i cal earth correcti ons.

The t rack al gor i t hmwas the same U- P t rackerused on GEOSAT- 1. Hei ght est i mates were i nput t ot he f i l t er every 49 ms ( i . e. , each f i l t er i nputconsi st s of 50 r awmeasurement s averaged together ) .Automati c gai n control ( AGC) out put was used tomai nt ai n a const ant pul se l evel t o avoi d hei ghtt racki ng er rors whi ch are a funct i on of si gnall evel . vol t ages proport i onal t o SW H ( Vsm) and

sat el l i t e at t i t ude ( Vat t ) deri ved f romt he recei vedsi gnal were al so computed f romthe si mul ated di gi t i zedwavef orm Af t er r aw hei ght ( and raw hei ght r ate)have been cal cul ated on board, the hei ght measurementi s corr ect ed dur i ng ground processi ng usi ng the SWHand sat el l i t e at t i t ude paramet ers.


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Si mul ated ground cor recti ons are based onbi cubi c pol ynom al s i n Vswh and Vat t si m l ar t ot hose used f or TOPEX. The coef f i ci ent s are f oundf roml i near l east squares based on dat a af t er a-P

t racker and AGC l oop st abi l i zati on.Fi gure 3  shows predi cted range preci si on

versus SNR w t h PRF as a parameter and rangepreci si on versus sat el l i t e of f - nadi r angl e w t h SWH

as a parameter. The upper curve shows that a SNR =

18 dB and a PRF of 1 0 2 0 Hz resul t i n a rangepreci si on of 2 . 4 cm consi derabl y bet t er t han t he

requi red 3 . 5 cm Li kew se, the l ower cur ve showsthat a sat el l i t e at t i t ude of f - nadi r angl e of 0 . 7 5

degr ees and SWH of 2 m w l l resul t i n a rangepreci si on of 2 . 8 cm

Radar range equat i on parameters used to achi evea SNR 2 1 8 dB ( w t h3 dB margi n) are shown i n Tabl e 4 .


tecei ved Power (S)

Peak RF power (P, )Transm t t er

l osses (L, )Antenna gai n (G )Wavel engt h (1)

Ref l ecti vi ty ( 0 0 )

Sur f ace area ( A)4rr

Al t i t ude ( H)At mospheri c

At t i t ude

Recei ver l oss (L,)Processi ng l oss ( Lp)

Subt otal ( dBm

l oss (Latm

l oss (L* t t )

Recei ved power ( dBm

Selected Requirements Yield 2 20 %Margin at SW H =2 m

PRF Requirement: 1,020 HzSNR Requirement: 2 18 dBOff-Nadir Angle Requirement: s .75 deg


7 W0. 9dB

4 0 . 3

2 . 2 2 cm9dB63.72 dBsm1 2 . 5 7

800 km

1 dB

0 db

2 . 1 1 dB1 dB

PRF (Hz):

p 10n

0 5 10 15 ' 20

SNR (dB)

8smcmcabon I margin

11 I I I II

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Off-Nadir Angle (deg)

MTD 920116-2818

Figure 3. SNR, PRF and Attitude Control Accuracy

were Selected to Provide Robust Range Precision


The si mul ati on al so predi ct ed SWH esti mati onaccuracy w t h the resul t s shown i n Fi gure 4 .   Thedi sconti ni 7; ' i es i n t he per f ormance curve are t heresul t of i hangi ng t rack gat e si zes as a f unct i on

of SWH.


The l i ght wei ght r adar al t i met er i ntenti onal l yuses a majori ty of nondevel opmental i tem to mni mzecost , and where necessary, demonst rati on of cri ti calcomponents under I R&D to reduce r i sk. A l ayout of theal t i meter mounted on the f orward bul khead of the

Table 4. Altimeter Parameters were Selected to

Provide a 21 dB SNR based on GEOSAT-1 OceanRef1 c t i ty Da ta

P, G, ~~L~G~A A = I cHc/Bc = 3x108m/s=

(4rr )3H4LatmattL,LpB = 320 MHZ

Noi se power ( N)Bol t zmann' s


Noi se fi gure (F )

Processi ngbandw dt h (B)Subtotal

const ant ( k)

t emperature (To

Noi se power ( dBm

Si gnal - t o- noi serati o ( dB)


1 . 3 8 ~ 1 0 - ~ '

mw/K / Hz290K

2 . 3 3 dB9.77 KHz

38. 5


9 . 0


1 9 1 . 8 2

2 4 . 6 2


6 4 . 5 1



0 . 9




1 . 0



1 . 0

307. li


1 9 8 . 6 (



136.4 :




SW H (m )

MTD 020121 2930

Figure 4. SWH Measurement is Accurat e

Over 0 to 20 m SWH

satel l i te i s shown i n Fi gure 5 .   Al t i meter el ementsand bui l t - i n redundancy are i l l ustrated i n Fi gure 6.  

The wei ght and power consumpti on of the al t i meter areal so shown i n t he i nsert contai ned i n Fi gure 6 .

Two approaches for LFM chi rp generati on wereexamned as part of the I R&D ef f ort . The f i rst was anovel approach8 where the 102.4 ps, 32 0 MHz w deband


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Ambient Temperature Load

MTD 920120-2918

RadiometerSky HornA

Figure 5. The Altimeter Consists of Two Redundant Sides ( A & B ) Sharing

a Common Transmi /Recei e Swi h

b o IEU-POrt Waveguide

Solid-statePower Amplifier

Peak RF Power

7 t o 9W


Electronics I

Low-NoiseElectronics Amplifier

l b I Solid-state JAltimeter

II r I

(Side6)1 Electronics Power Amplifier

Component Weight (kg)-TransmiVReceive Switch (1) 1.6

+Port Waveguide Switch (2) 0.3

Low-Noise Amplifier(2) 0.73

Altiineter E lectronics (A and B) 7.3

Solid-State Power Amplifier (2) 5.5

Waveguide 0.7-otal 16.13

DC P ower (W)






Source Heritage_ _ _ ~






Commercial Supplier



Mars Observer




MTD 920121-2914

Figure 6. Use of Nondevelopmental Items and Components Demonst rated

Under IR&D were Emphasized

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l i near FM pul se was synthesi zed f romei ght l i near FM

subpul ses 12.8 ps l ong each w t h a bandwdth of 40 MHz.

The desi red f requency versus t i me character i st i c i sshown i n Fi gure 7. Two surf ace acoust i c wave ( SAWdevi ces operati ng i n “pi ng- pong”mode were used generatet he cont i gnuous subpul ses. Thi s technique was cal l edt he Hybri d Stepped Frequency ( HSF) techni que. HSFbreadboard hardware i s shown i n Fi gure 8  and aspectrumanal yzer output shown i n Fi gure 9.  

A second approach usi ng di rect di gi tal synthesi s(DDS) technol ogy si ml ar t o that used for t he GEOSAT-

32 0

28 0

24 0

2 200E.x

16 0

t 12 0


3 80a




F i g

40-MHz LFM

Subpulse Chirp

Time-Bandwidth Product I 2,768

I l l

12*8 Subpulse DurationPS I I-02.4 ps Pulse Duration-4

re 7 . HSF was Used to S y n t h e s i z e the

MTD 920204-3030

Wideband LFM Pu ls e Pr ove n on GEOSAT-1 wi t h Eig ht

Con t ing uous LFM Subpu lse s wi th D i f f e r e n t C e n t e r


1 chi rp generator was al so examned under IR&D I nthi s case, the w deband chi rp waveformwas synthesi zedf roma si ngl e baseband l i near FM pul se 102.4 ps l ong.The baseband pul se consi st ed of a pul se w th astart i ng f requency of - 20MHz varyi ng l i nearl y to +20

MHz. The baseband pul se I &Q channel s were combi ned i na si ngl e si deband mxer to forma real si gnal at 125MHz. The real si gnal was t hen l i mted and f requencymul t i pl i ed by a factor of ei ght to achi eve the f ul l 320

MHz bandw dth. A bl ock di agramof the I R&Dhardware i sshown i n Fi gure 10  al ong w th the baseband I&Q

out put s. Thi s i mpl ement ati on i s based on a Stanf ordTel ecommuni cati ons ( STEL) Chi r p- Numeri cal l yCont rol l ed Osci l l at or ( C- NCO) speci f i cal l y desi gnedf or chi rp waveform generat i on. The STEL C- NCO i st he smal l ret angul ar devi ce i n t he upper l ef t - handport i on of Fi gure 11.  

F i g u r e 9 . HSF Techn olog y Gene rat es the Wideband

P u l s e f r o m C o n t i g u o u s L i n e a r FM S u b p u l s e s .

Fi gu re 8. HSF Perf orma nce was Demonstr ated Under IR&D



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Fine Track Inputs- Chirp Rate (Autom atically Updated Every 12.5 ns)- Pulse Duration

Initial A-Phase word

Coarse Acquisition InputA-Phase Word Every 0. 8 s

From ReferenceFrequency Gsnerator



t80MH z


ModulatorI SSF-IE I


125 MHzFrom Reference




Fine Track Pulse

(8192 4882.8 Hz Steps)(in 102.4 ps )

125 MHz- 0 MHz

Coarse Acquisition Pul-

(128 4882.8 HzSteps)(in 102.4 ps )

125 MHz-312.5 KH Z

~ ~

Fi gure 10. The STEL- 1180 C- NCO was t he Key El ement of t he DDS Demonst r at i on

As a r esul t of t hi s I R&D work, t he DDSapproach was f el t to be more mature and of l owerr i sk t han the HSF techni que and was sel ected asbasel i ne. However , i t was al so recogni zed t hat HSFt echnol ogy of f ers a pat h t o chi rp waveforms ofarbi t r ar tl y l arge bandw dt hs and enhanced rangeresol ut i on. I n addi t i on, a si gni f i cant degreeof j ammng i mmuni t y can be real i zed w t h HSF si ncesubpul se center f r equenci es can be generat edi n random or der w t hout af f ecti ng the st retchprocess.

Fi gur e 11. LFM Pul se Generat i on Usi ng Modern DDSTechnol ogy was al so Demonst rated

EPS 50713 POL6

Concl usi on

The radar al t i meter descri bed i n thi s paper w l lenabl e space-based al t i metr y data to be col l ected wel li nto the 21st century where hi gh perf ormance must beachi eved at modest cost . The al t i meter (excl udingsi gnal processi ng) wei ghs onl y 16. 1 kg and consumes35- watt s Dc power. I t consi st s of of f - the- shel fcomponents and technology demonst rated under I R&D andw l l resul t i n l i t t l e devel opment r i sk.




3 .

4 .

5 .



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GEOSAT Fol l ow- on, A IM Space Program & Technol ogy