SATAN’S MUSI in the HURH – Part Five: …€™S MUSI in the HURH – Part Five: CREATION FEST...

Page 1 of 26 SATAN’S MUSIC in the CHURCH – Part Five: CREATION FEST Back in 69 a bunch of people and bands got together at Woodstock and partied for a week. Now there is the burning man festival where people go out into the Nevada desert and party for about a week, drinking and having orgies and all sorts of perversion. Now the “Christians” want to have their fun. Stick Jesus’ name on it and it’s all good right? WRONG!!!! **Please play from 2:56 to 3:34 Creation fest 2016** Smoke machines, confetti blown out, jumping and acting like head bangers on stage, light shows look at all the people going to these events. Does this singer look like she is in a state of praise and worship?

Transcript of SATAN’S MUSI in the HURH – Part Five: …€™S MUSI in the HURH – Part Five: CREATION FEST...

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Back in 69 a bunch of people and bands got together at Woodstock and partied

for a week.

Now there is the burning man festival where people go out into the Nevada

desert and party for about a week, drinking and having orgies and all sorts of


Now the “Christians” want to have their fun. Stick Jesus’ name on it and it’s all

good – right? WRONG!!!!

**Please play from 2:56 to 3:34 Creation fest 2016**

Smoke machines, confetti blown out, jumping and acting like head bangers on

stage, light shows – look at all the people going to these events.

Does this singer look like she is in a state of praise and worship?

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**Please play from 00 to:54 Family Force 5 at Creation Fest Northeast – in the big ball surfing the crowd**

This song is not even about praise or worship to the Lord. It is a 100% worldly song and the lyrics are horrible. They keep doing this because it is being accepted.

By the way, remember that in Star Wars which is a very occultic show, we learned that “may the force be with you” is an inside message that witches understand because witchcraft is called “the force.” So now we have a “Christian” band calling themselves “Family FORCE 5.” There it is again, the hidden messages that the Christians have not been wise to.

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Let’s talk about monster energy drinks for a minute. Those 3 marks that look like

claw marks stand for 6’s in Hebrew. So that is really 666. They have stylized them

to make an M and in the occult that stands for the number 13 which they like.

Look at the o. There is a line going through the o and in the occult that

symbolizes a phallus or male body part penetrating the female body part.

Someone that comes to this church said that there is a cross formed by the line

that goes through the O and that when you drink the drink you actually turn the

cross upside down. That is what satanist do to mock what Jesus did for us on the


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This can is about sun worship, “ultra sunrise.” That is worship to


Clearly you can see the moon, Saturn and stars here with 6’s disquised as squiggly

lines all over the can. This is about worship of the sun, moon and stars – the


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Notice “khaos” with a K

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To me being spelled with a K that illudes to kali, the hindu goddess of destruction.

The same one we put on our Empire State Building in NY.

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They want you to drink these drinks in hopes of killing yourself. They are

marketing them as cool and living on the edge to appeal to young people and

putting out that vibe that only those that are brave enough do this. There are

people out there now who claim these drinks took the lives of their loved ones.

This can mess with your heart and get it racing and yes, it can lead to death.

**Please play from :54 to 10:39 Christian talks about mantra’s, alpha and beta

brain waves and different music beats and how the music is effecting us.**

**Please play from 17:32 to 21:38 music in the operating room – does effect our

heart and vital organs**

Remember the runner he spoke of that dropped dead from listening to the

wrong music.

satan wants to take you out any way he can. He doesn’t care if it is music

designed to work against our bodies on purpose, or if it is a hit of caffeine that is

too powerful for your heart to recover from.

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John 10:10 – The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I

am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

You know this is talking about the beast in Revelation and they put this on their

products. As a Christian you should want nothing to do with this sort of drink.

This is a product you can avoid.

Rev. 13:18 – Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number

of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred

threescore and six.

Rev. 13:4 – And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:

and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to

make war with him? WORSHIP

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These t-shirts are fashioned after the monster drink and they say “Messiah,

eternal drink.” This is sick. Why are Christians trying to imitate the world and be

worldly instead of setting the standard, they are following the world. We just

showed how that brand is lifting up beast worship and now so called Christians

think it is perfectly fine to slap Jesus’ name on this.

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This is an ad for beer. Budweiser beer, part of their slogan is “king of beers” and

“this bud’s for you.”

Isaiah 5:11 – Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may

follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them! (this is in the

passage that speaks about hell enlarging herself, to take on such people)

1 Peter 5:8 – Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring

lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

When you drink and do drugs you are opening the door for satan to come in and

wreak havoc in your life. If you have these type of strongholds in your life, ask

Jesus to help you and to deliver you and get the strongholds out. Seek

deliverance if you are serious.

I Tim.6:14b-15 - …until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: Which in His times

He shall shew, Who is the blessed and only Potentate (absolute rule), the King of

kings, and Lord of lords;

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Here is an attempt to mix God with beer and act like it’s all good. Look at the

illuminati symbolism in this picture, you see the eye in the middle with wings wich

is also for the sun disk with wings that is for the sun god osiris who is nimrod. This

says, Godiswiser, King of kings – for all you do, His blood’s for you. This is a

disgrace to the Lord. He’s not a cool slogan, a slick advertisement, HE IS HOLY!

He is not to be compared to a beer. This is subliminal programming so that when

people see these type of shirts, they are automatically going to think of the

original product, not Jesus. So in this marketing idea, satan is still getting the

attention and being lifted up, not Jesus.

Hebrews 9:22 – And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and

without shedding of blood is no remission. (it is understood that it is remission of

sins that is spoken of here)

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This t-shirt makes it sound like it is no big deal to sin, and just have His blood

applied to wash it away. That is so wrong. If you don’t have a repentent heart,

then your sin isn’t going anywhere. His blood is only for those who are truly sorry

for their sin and recognize that they need a Savior.

James 4:17 – Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him

it is sin.

Where is the fear and reverence for the LORD?

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Prov. 1:7 – The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise

wisdom and instruction. Fear/reverance

David was not moving the ark of the LORD properly and the oxen stumbled and

Uzzah put his hand on the ark to steady it. God’s anger burned against Uzzah for

this and He struck him down on the spot.

II Samuel 6:9 – And David was afraid of the LORD that day, and said, How shall the

ark of the LORD come to me?

Prov. 16:6 – By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD

men depart from evil.

You need to have reverance and honor of and for the LORD but you also should

have a healthy fear knowing that your life is in His hands. You don’t diminish Him

down to just a buddy or someone you can tell rude jokes or hang with and act

cool around. He’s not about pride and ego and impressing people. He is above


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This is supposed to represent a “Christian” company. But this is an occultic way of

writing this logo. Notice the n and the cross penetrate through the circle, again

this is symbolic of male and female body parts. This is satan’s perversion and

occultist know what this means. The laugh is on so called christians.

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This is from Jehovah’s Witnesses which is a cult, see the logo in the top left


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Charles Taze Russell’s grave marker, on the plate it says: Watch Tower Bible and

Tract Society

In this sign you will conquer – this is a masonic cross.

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Look at the inside of this cross, it is a celtic sun cross and has stylized 666’s. That’s

not a Christian cross. Sweet Child of Mine is a rock-n-roll song.

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This is a triquetra or a celtic knot and it stands for the triple goddess (maiden,

mother and old crone)like the phases of the moon. It also stands for the false

trinity. This is not a christian symbol.

Guns-n-Roses is a rock-n-roll band, what abomination to mix God with this.

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Look at the M and the W. They are drawn the same way just one is upside down.

As above, so below, also 2 M’s stands for master mason. They are also placed in

such a way to form diamonds that is a symbol for lucifer. There is color

symbology here too, red, black white and gold. Now look at the C in the middle,

in the occult, a C = the number 3. So the C is a 3 and there is a 3 in the middle of

it so that equals 33 – that is the mason’s calling card.

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Here is the black, red and white. The W and the M are clearly split into V’s for 6’s.

So there’s the 666.

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Weapons of mass creation fest. This image is totally of the devil. This does not

uplift God in any way. Skulls represent death and God is not about death.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that

whosoever believeth in Him should not perish (die and go to hell and live in

torment forever), but have everlasting life (in heaven in peace and happiness with

Jesus and the Father and Holy Spirit forever).

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Benjah 2014 throwing up the devil horns.

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Is this worship because it looks like entertainment to me.

**Please play from 6:02 to 6:22 Jumping at Hillsong church NYC**

When did jumping up and down become worship? Yes, sometimes you may get excited and shout or jump but when that is all you’re doing, you don’t convince me that you’re even thinking about Jesus or the Father.

**Please play from 57 to 1:21 Creation fest – jumping, confetti blown out, light show

This is entertainment, not worship.

**Please play from 28:49 to 29:35 / 42:49 to 43:24 Skillet at Creation Fest 2015 Talking about revolution /Tonight we rise to fight THEN smoke blowing and hard rock/metal sounding music**

**Please play from 0:00 to 3:09 – running and opening the crowd up to a false



**Please play from 0:00 to 3:12 Rick Joyner false ministry using bongo’s and

sending out a wrong spirit**

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We have lost our power because we have not kept watch like Jesus said to do. If you are in a church that is playing music like this and acting like this, I would advise you to leave that church.

Next week I hope to talk about back masking/playing songs in reverse and we will get into what true praise and worship looks like as well as let you guys know some good Godly singers to praise with.


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Creation fest 2016 video

Creation Fest North East – Family Force 5

Christian Berdahl talks about how music is effecting us

Hillsong Church NY, held in a club and jumping to the music

Creation Fest

Skillet at Creation Fest 2015

Running around whipping up the crowd in “praise and worship”

Rick Joyner’s false ministry sending out a bad spirit/anointing