SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5....

2019 SAT ® SCHOOL DAY Student Answer Sheet Instructions This guide will help you fill out your SAT ® School Day answer sheet—including where to send your four free score reports. Be sure to record your answers to the questions on the answer sheet. Answers that are marked in this booklet will not be counted. If your school has placed a personalized label on your answer sheet, some of your information may have already been provided. You may not need to answer every question. Your instructor will read aloud and direct you to fill out the appropriate questions. How Answering These Questions Helps You Opting in to Student Search Service ® (marking “Yes” in Field 15) and answering Questions 16–38 helps you connect with educational and financial aid opportunities. Through Student Search Service, eligible colleges, universities, and scholarship and other educational programs can request information that you have provided on your answer sheet, but they won’t receive your actual test scores or phone number. We strongly recommend that you answer all these questions, because your answers: Guide your counselors and college admission officers in helping you plan your future. Help the College Board ensure that the SAT is fair and accurate for all students. Provide information to colleges and universities to create a picture of the academic preparation, extra- and cocurricular involvement, and post-high-school plans of your graduating class. Confidentiality Your high school, school district, and state may receive your responses to some of the questions. Institutions that receive your SAT information are required to keep it confidential and to follow College Board guidelines for using information. See the SAT School Day Student Guide for more details, including how to opt out of Student Search Service if you change your mind. Demographic and Nontest Questions 1. First and Last Name This field is required to score your test. 2. Testing Location This field is required as part of scoring. 3. School This field is required and will be used to validate your school if a processing exception occurs. 4. School Code This field is required and will be provided by your teacher or counselor on test day. It is a College Board identifier representing your school. 5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your Social Security Number.) This field is required and used to assist in reporting your scores to your school, district, and state. 6. Grade Level This field is required to validate your answer sheet as part of scoring. 7. Date of Birth This field is required to validate your answer sheet as part of scoring. 8. Sex This field is required to validate your answer sheet for scoring. 9–12. Home/Mailing Address These fields are optional but recommended. Your home or mailing address is used to assist the College Board in matching your answer sheet to your College Board record. (If you are homeschooled, you need to provide this information so that we can mail you a copy of your score report.) The College Board may contact you regarding this test, and your address will be added to your record. If you also opt in to Student Search Service (Question 15), your address will be shared with eligible colleges, universities, and scholarship and other educational programs. Use these street address abbreviations to answer Question 9: Apartment APT Northwest NW Avenue AVE Parkway PKY Boulevard BLVD Place PL Circle CIR Post Office PO Court CT Road RD Drive DR Route RT East E Second 2ND Expressway EXPY South S First 1ST Southeast SE Fort FT Southwest SW Fourth 4TH Square SQ Heights HTS Street ST Highway HWY Terrace TER Mount MT Third 3RD North N West W Northeast NE 13. Country Code Leave this field blank unless you live outside the United States or its territories. SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 1

Transcript of SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5....

Page 1: SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your



Student Answer Sheet Instructions This guide will help you fill out your SAT® School Day answer sheet—including where to send your four free score reports. Be sure to record your answers to the questions on the answer sheet. Answers that are marked in this booklet will not be counted. If your school has placed a personalized label on your answer sheet, some of your information may have already been provided. You may not need to answer every question. Your instructor will read aloud and direct you to fill out the appropriate questions.

How Answering These Questions Helps You Opting in to Student Search Service® (marking “Yes” in Field 15) and answering Questions 16–38 helps you connect with educational and financial aid opportunities. Through Student Search Service, eligible colleges, universities, and scholarship and other educational programs can request information that you have provided on your answer sheet, but they won’t receive your actual test scores or phone number. We strongly recommend that you answer all these questions, because your answers: � Guide your counselors and college admission officers in

helping you plan your future. � Help the College Board ensure that the SAT is fair and

accurate for all students. � Provide information to colleges and universities to

create a picture of the academic preparation, extra- and cocurricular involvement, and post-high-school plans of your graduating class.

Confidentiality Your high school, school district, and state may receive your responses to some of the questions. Institutions that receive your SAT information are required to keep it confidential and to follow College Board guidelines for using information. See the SAT School Day Student Guide for more details, including how to opt out of Student Search Service if you change your mind.

Demographic and Nontest Questions 1. First and Last Name This field is required to score your

test. 2. Testing Location This field is required as part of scoring. 3. School This field is required and will be used to validate

your school if a processing exception occurs.

4. School Code This field is required and will be provided by your teacher or counselor on test day. It is a College Board identifier representing your school.

5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your Social Security Number.) This field is required and used to assist in reporting your scores to your school, district, and state.

6. Grade Level This field is required to validate your answer sheet as part of scoring.

7. Date of Birth This field is required to validate your answer sheet as part of scoring.

8. Sex This field is required to validate your answer sheet for scoring.

9–12. Home/Mailing Address These fields are optional but recommended. Your home or mailing address is used to assist the College Board in matching your answer sheet to your College Board record. (If you are homeschooled, you need to provide this information so that we can mail you a copy of your score report.) The College Board may contact you regarding this test, and your address will be added to your record. If you also opt in to Student Search Service (Question 15), your address will be shared with eligible colleges, universities, and scholarship and other educational programs. Use these street address abbreviations to answer Question 9: Apartment APT Northwest NW Avenue AVE Parkway PKY Boulevard BLVD Place PL Circle CIR Post Office PO Court CT Road RD Drive DR Route RT East E Second 2ND Expressway EXPY South S First 1ST Southeast SE Fort FT Southwest SW Fourth 4TH Square SQ Heights HTS Street ST Highway HWY Terrace TER Mount MT Third 3RD North N West W Northeast NE

13. Country Code Leave this field blank unless you live outside the United States or its territories.

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 1

Page 2: SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your

14. Score Reporting Your instructor will give you directions for using the Score Reporting Code List (for Field 14) to complete this field to send your scores to colleges, universities, and scholarships. This field is optional.

15. Student Search Service Fill in the appropriate bubble to opt in to or out of Student Search Service (if you opt in, your email address will be included in your record). Student Search Service is a free, voluntary program that connects students with information about educational and financial aid opportunities from eligible colleges, universities, and scholarship and other educational programs. By marking “Yes,” you understand that your responses to Questions 16–38  will be kept by the College Board and, except for your response to Question 17, may be shared with eligible colleges, universities, and scholarship and other educational programs that participate in Student Search Service. Would you like us to supply your information for these purposes? Fill in “Yes” if you wish to share your information through Student Search Service. Otherwise, fill in “No.”

16. Email Address Email address is optional. If provided, it will be used to deliver reminders about test programs, test-preparation strategies, and score availability. If you supply a parent’s or guardian’s email, it will only be used by the College Board to provide updates on test programs.

17. Mobile Number This field is optional. If provided, you agree to receive text messages from the College Board about a test program for which you are registered, about participating in research surveys, and/or about receiving free college planning services.

Instructions for Questions 18–19 Use these instructions and options to answer each question. Questions 18 and 19 are optional. 18. Language Background Answer both questions about

your language background. A. What language did you learn to speak first?

(Mark only one.) a. English only b. English and another language c. Another language

B. What language do you know best? (Mark only one.) a. English b. English and another language c. Another language

19. Racial/Ethnic Group Answer both questions about Hispanic origin and about race. For these questions about your identity, Hispanic origins are not races. A. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? (You

may mark all that apply.) a. No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

b. Yes, Cuban c. Yes, Mexican d. Yes, Puerto Rican e. Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

B. What is your race? (You may mark all that apply.) a. American Indian or Alaska Native b. Asian (including Indian subcontinent and

Philippines origin) c. Black or African American (including African and

Afro-Caribbean origin) d. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

e. White (including Middle Eastern origin)

Special Questions (20–21) Use these instructions and options to answer each question. Questions 20 and 21 are optional. 20. Parents’/Guardians’ Level of Education Indicate the

highest level of education of your parent/guardian. If you have two parents/guardians, indicate the level of education for your other parent/guardian in the bubbles that correspond with “B.” A. Parent/Guardian 1

a. Grade school b. Some high school c. High school diploma or equivalent d. Vocational or trade school e. Some college f. Associate or two-year degree

g. Bachelor’s or four-year degree h. Some graduate or professional school i. Graduate or professional degree

B. Parent/Guardian 2 a. Grade school b. Some high school c. High school diploma or equivalent d. Vocational or trade school e. Some college f. Associate or two-year degree

g. Bachelor’s or four-year degree h. Some graduate or professional school i. Graduate or professional degree

21. Military Relation Please indicate if you have a parent or guardian in the military. Mark all that apply. A. I have a parent/guardian who is on active duty in the

U.S. military. B. I have a parent/guardian who is in the National Guard

or the Reserves. C. I have a parent/guardian who was in the U.S. military

but is not serving now. D. Neither of my parents/guardians has a current

military connection.

Turn to page 11 of the answer sheet (page 8 if you are us-ing a large-block answer sheet). Fields 22–38 are optional but recommended.

Coursework and High School Activities (22–26) These questions ask about activities that reflect your abilities and interests and your best estimate of your academic progress. In the coursework question (Field 26), indicate planned or completed areas of study. 22. High School Activities Mark up to 10 activities under the

grade(s) in which you participated or plan to participate. Include both school-sponsored and extracurricular activities. Bubble the “Officer/Award” column if you’ve been a leader or won special recognition (examples: team captain, prize for writing, state orchestra). Or, bubble “I have not participated in any of the above activities.” A. Academic honor society B. Athletics: Intramural C. Athletics: Varsity D. Career-oriented activity E. Community or service activity F. Dance activity or club

G. Debating or public speaking

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 2

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H. Ethnic or cross-cultural activity I. Foreign exchange or study abroad

J. Foreign language activity K. Government or political activity L. Journalism or literary activity

M. Junior ROTC N. Religious activity O. Science or math activity P. School spirit activity Q. Theater activity R. Work: co-op program S. Other activity

� I have not participated in any of the above activities. 23. Self-Rating  How do you think you compare with other

people your own age in the following three areas of ability? For each area, fill in one of the four ratings. Your answers to this question won’t be included on score reports sent to colleges. � Mathematics � Science � Writing

24. Grade Point Average Indicate your cumulative grade point average for all academic subjects in high school. If you don’t know your exact grade point average, give your best estimate. A. A+ (97–100) G. C+ (77–79) B. A (93–96) H. C (73–76) C. A– (90–92) I. C– (70–72) D. B+ (87–89) J. D+ (67–69) E. B (83–86) K. D (65–66) F. B– (80–82) L. E or F (below 65)

25. Expected High School Graduation Date Fill in the appropriate bubble for the month when you expect to graduate from high school. Then enter the last two digits of the year, and fill in the appropriate bubbles.

26. Coursework  For the courses listed under Math, Science, Languages, English/Language Arts, and Social Studies, do the following: � For each year of school, go down the list of courses

and fill in the ones you took in that year. If you took an honors, Advanced Placement® (AP®), or dual enrollment course in a subject, fill in the bubble in that column, too. (Dual enrollment courses offer both high school and postsecondary credits for the same course.)

� Next, if applicable, fill in courses you plan to take. � Finally, go down the list and mark the bubble in the

“None” column for courses you haven’t taken and don’t plan to take in high school.

College Plans (27–38) If you have any plans for what kind of college you’d like to go to, let us know by answering these questions on the back page of your answer sheet (or next page if you are using a large-block answer sheet). 27. College Setting (You may mark more than one answer to

each question.) A. What college setting(s) do you prefer?

a. Large city or metropolitan area

b. Medium-size city c. Small city or town d. Suburban community e. Rural f. Undecided

B. Where would you like to go to college? a. Close to home b. In my home state c. In a state bordering mine d. Beyond states bordering mine e. Outside the United States f. Undecided

28. College Size What size college(s) are you thinking of attending? (You may mark more than one answer.) A. Fewer than 2,000 students B. About 2,000 to 5,000 students C. About 5,000 to 10,000 students D. About 10,000 to 15,000 students E. About 15,000 to 20,000 students F. More than 20,000 students

G. Undecided 29. College Type Fill in the appropriate bubble(s) to indicate

the type of college or university you’re considering. (You may mark more than one answer to each question.) A. What type(s) of institution are you interested in

attending? a. Four-year college or university b. Two-year community or junior college c. Vocational/technical school d. Undecided e. None

B. Which of the following are you considering? a. Public university, state college, or community

college b. Private university, college, or junior college (not

religiously affiliated) c. Private religiously affiliated university, college, or

junior college d. Undecided

C. Which type(s) of college are you considering? a. All women or all men b. Coeducational c. Undecided

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 3

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30. College Housing Where do you plan to live during your first year in college? A. At home B. Off-campus housing

C. On-campus housing D. I don’t know

31. College Program and Activities  Which activities are you interested in pursuing in college? (You may mark more than one.) A. Art B. Athletics: Intramural or club sports C. Athletics: Varsity sports D. Community or service organization E. Cooperative work or internship program F. Dance

G. Debating or public speaking H. Departmental organization (club within my major) I. Drama or theater

J. Environmental or ecology activity K. Ethnic activity or club L. Foreign study or study-abroad program

M. Fraternity, sorority, or social club N. Honors program or independent study O. Journalism or literary activity P. Music: Instrumental performance Q. Music: Vocal performance R. Religious activity S. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (Army ROTC, Air

Force ROTC, or Navy ROTC) T. Student government U. None of the above

32. College Majors You don’t need to know what your college major will be—just indicate three majors or areas of study that interest you. Use the College Majors by Academic Area of Study list that follows to answer this question. Write in the code numbers, and fill in the appropriate bubble under each digit. If you’re not sure, please fill in number 999 (Undecided).

33. Degree Goal What is the highest level of education you plan to complete? (Mark only one answer.) A. Specialized training or certificate program

B. Two-year Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree (such as A.A., A.A.S., or A.S.)

C. Bachelor’s degree (such as B.A. or B.S.) D. Master’s degree (such as M.A., MBA, or M.S.) E. Doctoral or related degree (such as Ph.D., J.D., M.D.,

or D.V.M.) F. Other

G. Undecided

34. AP/Exemption Plans Fill in “Yes” if you plan to apply for AP credit for courses in any of the following subjects. Otherwise, fill in “No.” � Art � Biology � Chemistry � Computer Science � English � Foreign Languages

35. Sports Select up to six sports you have participated in or plan to participate in, or bubble “I have not participated in any of the above sports.” A. Baseball J. Lacrosse

B. Basketball K. Soccer C. Bowling L. Softball D. Cheerleading M. Swimming E. Cross-country N. Tennis F. Field hockey O. Track and field

G. Football P. Volleyball H. Golf Q. Wrestling I. Gymnastics R. Other

� I have not participated in any of the above sports. 36. Part-Time Job Do you plan to look for a part-time job

while in college? A. Yes B. No C. I don’t know

37. Financial Aid Do you plan to apply for financial aid? A. Yes B. No C. I don’t know

38. Arts and Music  Select the art and music subjects and/ or courses you have taken or plan to take, plus related activities. (You may mark more than one.) A. No coursework or experience in this area B. Acting or the production of a play C. Art history or art appreciation D. Dance E. Drama or theater for appreciation F. Music history, theory, or appreciation

G. Music: instrumental, or vocal performance H. Photography or filmmaking

I. Studio art and design

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College Majors by Academic Area of Study (for Field 32) Agriculture, Agriculture · Neuroscience 185 · Project management 235 · Early childhood education

Operations, and Related and teaching 407 · Pharmacology and · Real estate 219 Sciences 100 toxicology 172 · Educational administration · Transportation/mobility · Agricultural business and supervision 408 · Physiology, pathology, and management 220 and management 101 related sciences 173 · Education/teaching of the Communication, · Agroecology/sustainable gifted and talented 416 · Radiation biology/ Journalism, and Related agriculture 109 radiobiology 174 · Elementary education Programs 250 

· Agronomy and crop and teaching 417 · Zoology/animal · Communication and science 102 biology 175 · English/language arts media studies 252 · Animal sciences 103 teacher education 418

Business Management, · Digital communication and · Applied horticulture/ · Family and consumer Marketing, and Related media/multimedia 253

horticultural business sciences/home economics Support Services 200  · Journalism 254 services 104 teacher education 419 · Accounting and related · Photojournalism 255 · Equestrian/equine · Health teacher services 201

studies 105 · Public relations, education 420 · Actuarial science 202 advertising, and applied · Food science and · Higher education/ · Administrative assistant communication 270 technology 107 higher education

and secretarial · Radio and television 257 administration 421 · Soil sciences 108 science 203 · Junior high/intermediate/ Computer and Information Architecture and Related · Business administration, middle school education Sciences and Support Services 120 management, and and teaching 422 Services 300 operations 204 · Architecture 121 · Kindergarten/ · Artificial intelligence 301 · Business/managerial · Architectural technology/ preschool education

economics 205 · Computer technician 122 and teaching 423 programming 302 · Business statistics 206 · City/urban, community, · Mathematics teacher

· Computer science 303 and regional planning 123 · Construction education 424 management 207 · Computer software and · Environmental · Music teacher

design 124 · Fashion media applications 304 education 425

· Landscape merchandising 208 · Computer systems · Physical education analysis 305 architecture 125 · Finance and financial teaching and

management · Computer systems coaching 426 Area, Ethnic, Cultural, services 209 networking and · Psychology teacher Gender, and Group telecommunications 306 · General sales, education 427 Studies 140

merchandising, and · Data processing 307 · Science teacher · Area studies 141 related marketing · Information sciences/ education/general science · Ethnic, cultural operations 210 studies 308 teacher education 429

minority, gender, and · Hospitality administration/ group studies 142 · Information technology · Secondary education

management 211 project management 309 and teaching 430 Biological and Biomedical · Hotel, motel, · Modeling, virtual · Social science teacher

Sciences 160 and restaurant environments, and education 431 management 225 · Biology/biological simulation 310 · Special education

sciences, general 161 · Human resources and teaching 432 management and Construction Trades 390 · Biochemistry 162 · Student counseling and services 212 · Carpentry/carpenter 391 · Biophysics 163 personnel services 433

· Insurance 213 · Biotechnology 164 Education 400  · Teaching English as

· International · Adult and continuing a second or foreign · Botany/plant biology 165 business 214 education and language/ESL language · Cell/cellular biology and · Investments and teaching 401 instructor 434

anatomical sciences 166 securities 215 · Agricultural teacher · Technology teacher · Ecology 167 · Labor and industrial education 402 education/industrial arts

teacher education 435 · Genetics 168 relations 216 · Art teacher · Marine biology · Management information education 403 Engineering 450 

and biological systems/services 217 · Bilingual, multilingual, · Aerospace, oceanography 169 · Marketing/marketing and multicultural aeronautical, and space Microbiological Sciences management 218 education 404 engineering 451

and Immunology 170 · Meeting and event · Business teacher · Agricultural · Molecular biology 171 planning 230 education 405 engineering 452

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· Architectural · Electrical engineering · German language and · Pharmaceutical marketing engineering 453 technologies 511 literature 557 and management 670

· Biochemical · Environmental control · Italian language and · Pharmaceutical engineering 478 technologies 512 literature 558 sciences 671

· Biological/biosystems · Industrial production · Linguistics 559 · Physician assistant 625 engineering 480 technologies 513 · Russian language and · Podiatric medicine/

· Bioengineering · Mechanical engineering/ literature 560 podiatry (DPM) 626 and biomedical technologies 514 · Spanish language and · Prechiropractic engineering 454 · Nanotechnology 515 literature 561 studies 675

· Chemical · Nuclear engineering · Predentistry studies 627 Health Professions and engineering 455 technology 507 Related Programs 600  · Premedicine/premedical · Civil engineering 456 · Plastics and studies 628 · Allied health and medical · Computer engineering, polymer engineering assisting services 601 · Preoccupational general 457 technology 508 therapy studies 678 · Allied health diagnostic, · Construction · Robotics technology 516 intervention, · Preoptometry engineering 458 · Telecommunications and treatment studies 680 · Electrical and electronics technology 509 professions 602 · Prepharmacy engineering 459 · Alternative and studies 629 English Language and · Engineering complementary medicine Literature/Letters 520  · Prephysical therapy chemistry 485 and medical systems 640 studies 682 · American literature (United · Engineering · Athletic training/ States and Canada) 521 · Preveterinary mechanics 460 trainer 603 studies 630 · Creative writing 522 · Engineering physics/ · Clinical/medical laboratory · Public health 631 applied physics 461 · English literature (British science/research and

and Commonwealth) 523 allied professions 605 · Radiologic · Engineering science 462 technology/science-· Rhetoric and composition/ · Communication sciences · Environmental/ radiographer 632 writing studies 535 and disorders 606 environmental health · Rehabilitation engineering 463 · Professional, technical, · Dental hygiene/ business, and scientific hygienist 607

and therapeutic · Geological/geophysical professions 633 writing 525

engineering 464 · Dental laboratory · Respiratory care therapy/ Family and Consumer technology/ · Industrial therapist 634 Sciences/Human technician 608 engineering 465 Sciences 540  · Surgical technology/ · Dental support · Materials technologist 636

· Apparel and textiles 541 services and allied engineering 466 professions 609 · Therapeutic recreation/ · Foods, nutrition, and · Mechanical recreational therapy 637

wellness studies 542 · Dietetics and clinical engineering 467 nutrition services 610 History 700 · Housing and human · Mining and mineral environments 543 · Environmental health 611 · American history engineering 468

· Human development, · Health and medical (United States) 701 · Naval architecture and

family studies, and administrative · European history 702 marine engineering 469 related services 544 services 612

· Nuclear engineering 470 Homeland Security, · Health and wellness 650 Foreign Languages, Law Enforcement, · Ocean engineering 471 Literatures, and · Health services/ Firefighting, and Related · Petroleum Linguistics 550  allied health/health Protective Services 890 

engineering 472 sciences 613 · African languages, · Criminal justice and · Preengineering 490 literatures, and · Hospital/health corrections 891

linguistics 551 care facilities · Surveying · Criminal justice/ administration 614 engineering 473 · Arabic language and law enforcement literature 552 · Mental and social administration 892 · Polymer/plastics

health services 615 engineering 475 · Classics and classical · Cyber/computer forensics/ languages, literatures, · Music therapy/ counterterrorism 895 Engineering and linguistics 553 therapist 616 Technologies 500  · Financial forensics and

· Comparative · Nuclear medical fraud investigation 896 · Civil engineering literature 554 technology/ technology 510 · Fire protection 893 technologist 617 · East Asian languages, · Computer engineering · Forensic science and literatures, and · Nurse anesthetist 618 technology 501 technology 894 linguistics 555 · Nursing 619 · Drafting/design · Homeland security 897 · French language and engineering · Osteopathic medicine/ literature 556 technologies 502 osteopathy (DO) 622

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Legal Professions and · Nutrition sciences 775 · Chemistry 836 Theology and Religious Studies 710 Vocations 920 · Sustainability · Forensic chemistry 850

· Legal assistant/ studies 787 · Religious education 921 · Geological and paralegal 711 Earth sciences/ · Theological and Natural Resources and · Prelaw studies 712 geosciences 837 ministerial studies 922 Conservation 790 

· Materials science 854 Liberal Arts and Sciences, · Environmental Transportation and General Studies, and science 791 · Nuclear physics 838 Materials Moving 930 Humanities 720 · Environmental · Oceanography, chemical · Airline flight

· General studies 721 studies 792 and physical 839 attendant 931

· Humanities/humanistic · Fishing and fisheries · Organic chemistry 840 · Air traffic controller 932 studies 722 sciences and · Paleontology 841 Visual and Performing management 793 · Liberal arts and sciences/ · Physical chemistry 842 Arts 940 liberal studies 723 · Forestry 794

· Physics 843 · Art history, criticism, and · Natural resources Library Science and conservation 941

management and · Planetary astronomy Administration 730 and science 844 · Arts, entertainment, and policy 795

· Library and archives media management 960 assisting 731 · Wildlife, fish, Precision Production 860  · Dance 942 wildlands science/ · Machine tool technology/ Mathematics and management 796 · Digital arts 965 machinist 861 Statistics 740

Parks, Recreation, Leisure, · Drama and theater · Precision metal · Applied mathematics 741 arts 943 and Fitness Studies 800  working 862 · Financial · Health and physical · Design and applied

mathematics 746 Psychology 870 arts 944 education/fitness 801 · Mathematics 742 · Clinical psychology 871 · Fashion/apparel · Outdoor education 804 · Statistics 743 · Developmental and child design 945 · Parks and psychology 872 recreation facilities · Film/video and Mechanic and Repair

management 802 · Experimental photographic arts 946 Technologies/ Technician 750 · Sport and fitness psychology 873 · Fine and studio art 947

administration/ · Industrial and · Game and interactive organizational

· Airframe mechanics and aircraft maintenance management 803 media design 970

psychology 874 technology 751 · Sports studies 805 · Graphic design 948 · Social psychology 875 · Automobile/ Personal and Culinary · Interior design 949

automotive mechanics Services 810 Public Administration and · Music 950 technology 752 Social Services 880 · Cosmetology and personal · Music history, literature, · Electrical/electronics grooming services 811 · Human services, and theory 951 maintenance and repair general 881 · Culinary arts and technology 753 · Music performance, related services 815 · Public administration 882 general 952 · Heating, air conditioning,

· Funeral service and · Public policy ventilation, and · Music technology 975 mortuary science 812 analysis 883 refrigeration maintenance · Music theory and

technology 754 · Social work 884 Philosophy and Religious composition 953 Studies 820 Military Technologies and Social Sciences 900  · Musical theater 976

Applied Sciences 360 · Philosophy 821 · Anthropology 901 · Photography 954

Multi/Interdisciplinary · Religion/religious · Archaeology 902 · Technical theater/ studies 822 Studies 770 theater design and · Criminology 903

· Biological and physical Physical Sciences 830  technology 955 · Economics 904 sciences 771 · Voice and opera 956 · Analytical chemistry 831 · Geography 905 · Human biology 780 · Astronomy 832 · International relations Other 990 · International/global · Astrophysics 833 and affairs 906 studies 772 Undecided 999

· Atmospheric sciences · Political science and · Marine sciences 784 and meteorology 834 government 907 · Mathematics and · Atomic/molecular · Sociology 908 computer science 773 physics 835

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Score Reporting Code List (for Field 14) U.S. COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES

ALABAMA Southern Union State Community Estrella Mountain Community Ouachita Technical College 3619 Alabama Agricultural and College Opelika 0086 College 3810 Ozarka College 3621

Mechanical University 1003 Southern Union State Community Frank Lloyd Wright School Philander Smith College 6578 Alabama Southern College Wadley 1728 of Architecture 6808 Phillips Community College of the Community College Spring Hill College 1733 Gateway Community College 0455 University of Arkansas 6583

· Monroe 1644 Stillman College 1739 Glendale Community College 4338 Pulaski Technical College 3622 · Thomasville 0184 Talladega College 1800 Golf Academy of Arizona 3460 Rich Mountain Community

Alabama State University 1006 Trenholm State Technical Grand Canyon University 4331 College 0226 American Sentinel University 3806 College Patterson 0187 High-Tech Institute 3170 Shorter College 6649 Athens State College 0706 International Baptist College 5461 South Arkansas Community Trenholm State Technical

College Trenholm 0207 Auburn University 1005 International Institute of the College 1550

Auburn University Montgomery 1036 Americas Tucson 3454 Southeast Arkansas College 3624 Troy University

Bevill State Community College 0720 · Dothan 0346 Long Technical College 3052 Southern Arkansas University

Bevill State Community College 0213 · Florida 1796 Mesa Community College 4513 · Magnolia 6661

Bevill State Community · Montgomery 1798 Midwestern University 3792 · Tech Branch 6704 College Brewer 0723 Mohave Community College 0443 University of Arkansas · Troy 1738

Birmingham Southern College 1064 Tuskegee University 1813 Navy Recruiting District Phoenix 9352 · at Little Rock 6368 Bishop State Community University North Alabama 1735 North Central University 3883 · Fayetteville 6866

College 1517 University of Alabama Northern Arizona University 4006 · Fort Smith 6220 Bishop State Community · Birmingham 1856 Northland Pioneer College 0325 · Medical Sciences Little Rock 0424 College Carver 0087 · Huntsville 1854 Paradise Valley Community · Monticello 6007 Calhoun Community College 1356 · Tuscaloosa 1830 College Center 2179 · Pine Bluff 6004 Central Alabama Community University of Mobile 1515 Phoenix College 4606 University of Arkansas College 0715 University of Montevallo 1004 Pima Community College 4623 Community College Central Alabama Community University of South Alabama 1880 Prescott College 0484 · at Batesville 3628 College Childersburg 0189

University of West Alabama 1737 Refrigeration School 2888 · at Hope 3629 Chattahoochee ValleyCommunity College 1187 Virginia College 2596 Rio Salado College 0997 · at Morril 3881

Columbia Southern University 3878 Virginia College Huntsville 3451 Scottsdale Community College 4755 University of Central Arkansas 6012

Community College of the Wallace Community College Sessions College for University of the Ozarks 6111 Air Force 1175 Sparks Campus 0103 Professional Design 6356 Williams Baptist College 6658

Concordia College 1989 Wallace State Hanceville 0528 South Mountain CommunityCollege 4734 CALIFORNIA Enterprise State Community ALASKA Academy of Art University 1981 College 1213 Southwest University of Alaska Bible College 1237 Visual Arts 3037 Academy of Couture Art 6454 Enterprise State Community Alaska Christian College 7227 College Aviation Campus 0177 The Paralegal Institute 3888 Acupuncture Integrative

Alaska Pacific University 4201 Medicine College 5865 Faulkner State Community United States Army Yuma Proving College 1939 Charter College 3453 Ground Command 4080 Allan Hancock College 4002

Faulkner University 1034 Covenant Life College 0127 Universal Technical Institute 2504 Alliant International UniversitySan Diego 4039 Fredd State Technical College 0094 Ilisagvik College 0469 University of Advancing

Gadsden State Community Kenai Peninsula College 4373 Technology 3608 Allied American University 7920

College 1262 Kodiak College University University of Arizona 4832 AMDA College and Conservatoryof the Performing Arts 5754 George C. Wallace State Community Alaska Anchorage 4372 University of Phoenix 1024

College Selma 3146 Matanuska-Susitna College 4509 Western International American Academy of DramaticArts West 7024 George C. Wallace Community Prince William Sound University – Online 4419

College 1264 Community College 4636 Yavapai College 4996 American Career College 3694

Heritage Christian University 0805 University Alaska Southeast 4897 American Jewish University 4876 ARKANSAS Herzing University 2851 University of Alaska American University of Health Agape College 4453 Sciences 7346 Huntingdon College 1303 · Anchorage 4896 Arkansas Baptist College 7301 Antelope Valley College 4005 J. F. Drake State Technical · Fairbanks 4866

College 2108 Arkansas Northeastern College 1267 Antioch University Los Angeles 1862 ARIZONA Arkansas State University 6011 Jacksonville State University 1736 Antioch University Santa American Indian College of the · Beebe 0782 Barbara 3071 Jefferson Davis Community Assemblies of God 2597 College 1355 · Mountain Home 6057 Argosy University 6237 Arizona Automotive Institute 3196 Jefferson State Community · Newport 6631 · Inland Empire 6239 Arizona Christian University 4736 College 1352 Arkansas Tech University 6010 · Orange County 7910

Judson College Alabama 1349 Arizona State University 4007 · Ozark Campus 6028 Art Center College of Design 4009 Arizona Western College 4013 Lawson State Community Black River Technical College 3879 Art Institute of California

College 1933 Art Institute Central Baptist College 0788 · Hollywood 3463 Lurleen B. Wallace Community · of Phoenix 4003 Champion Baptist College · Inland Empire 6717 College 1429 Benedictine University Mesa 7243 and Institute 4454 · Orange County 3831 Marion Military Institute 1447 Brookline College Phoenix 2188 Cossatot Community College 3613 · Sacramento 5737 Miles College 1468 Brookline College Tempe 3455 Crowleys Ridge College 6131 · San Diego 3036 Northeast Alabama State Brown Mackie College Tucson 3458 East Arkansas Community · San Francisco 4421

Bryman School 3040 College 0847 Community College 1576 Ashford University 6418

Central Arizona College 4122 Ecclesia College 6442 Northwest-Shoals Community College 0188 Azusa Pacific University 4596

Oakwood University 1586 Chamberlain School of Nursing 5768 Harding University 6267 Bakersfield College 4015 Chandler Gilbert Henderson State University 6272 Reid State Technical College 0193 Barstow Community College 4020

Remington College Mobile 3157 · Community College 0535 Hendrix College 6273 Berkeley City College 7711 · Sun Lakes 3826 John Brown University 6321 Samford University 1302 Bethesda Christian University 3895

Selma University 1792 · Williams Campus 3827 Lyon College 6009 Biola University 4017 Cochise College 4097 Mid-South Community College 3880 Shelton State Community Brandman University 6791

College 3338 Coconino County Community National Park Community Brooks Institute 4228 Snead State Community College 1721 College 1712 College 6243

Butte College 4226 Dine College 4550 North Arkansas College 1423 South University Montgomery 3947 Cabrillo College 4084 Eastern Arizona College 4297 Northwest Arkansas Community Southeastern Bible College 1723 College 7101 California American University 4357 Southern Christian University 7001 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical

Ouachita Baptist University 6549 California Baptist University 4094 University Arizona 4305 Ouachita Hills College 7927 California Christian College 4123

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California College of the Arts 4031 DeVry University Los Medanos College 4396 Salvation Army CrestmontCollege 3890 California College San Diego 3354 · Fresno 5994 Loyola Marymount University 4403

Samuel Merritt University 4750 California Institute of Integral · Long Beach 1934 Maric College San Diego 3064 Studies 3609 San Bernardino Valley College 4679 · Pomona 4214 Marymount California University 4515

California Institute of San Diego Christian College 4150 · San Diego 6585 Masters University 4411 Technology 4034 San Diego County Community District · Sherman Oaks 2800 Mendocino College 4517

California Institute of the Arts 4049 City College 4681 · Dharma Realm Buddhist Menlo College 4483 California Lutheran University 4088 University 4282 · Mesa College 4735 Merced College 4500 California Maritime Academy 4035 Diablo Valley College 4295 · Miramar College 4728 Merritt College 4502 California Miramar University 6458 Dominican University of San Diego State University 4682 Mills College 4485 California National University California 4284 San Francisco Art Institute 4036 Mira Costa College 4582 Advanced Studies 3894 East Los Angeles College 4296 San Francisco Conservatory Mission College 7587 California Northstate University of Music 4744 El Camino College 4302 Mission Language & Vocational · College of Health Sciences 7669 Empire College School of San Francisco State University 4684 School Inc. 7607

· College of Pharmacy 7306 Business 4275 San Joaquin Delta College 4706 Modern Technology College 3085 California Polytechnic State University Enterprise for High School San Joaquin Valley College 2052 Monterey Institute International Students 5747 · San Luis 4038 Studies 4507 San Jose City College 4686

· Pomona 4082 Evergreen Valley College 4273 Monterey Peninsula College 4490 San Jose State University 4687 California State University Moorpark College 4512 Santa Ana College 4689 Fashion Institute of Design and

Merchandising 2948 · Bakersfield 4110 Moreno Valley College 6512 Santa Barbara City College 4690 · Los Angeles 4457 · Channel Islands 4128 Mount Saint Mary’s College 4493 Santa Clara University 4851 · San Diego 2949 · Chico 4048 · Doheny 4520 Santa Monica College 4691 · San Francisco 4988 · Dominguez Hills 4098 Mount San Jacinto College 4501 Santa Rosa Junior College 4692 Feather River College 4318 · Dominguez Hills EOP 2602 Mount Sierra College 3090 Santiago Canyon College 2830 Folsom Lake College 4462 · East Bay 4011 MTI College 3543 Scripps College 4693 Foothill College 4315 · Fresno 4312 Musicians Institute 0107 Shasta Bible College 4717 Fremont College 3007 · Fullerton 4589 Napa Valley College 4530 Shasta College 4696 Fresno City College 4311 · Long Beach 4389 National Hispanic University 4593 Shepherd University 7212 Fresno Pacific University 4616 · Los Angeles 4399 National University 0470 Sierra College 4697 Fullerton College 4314 · Mentor 3594 National University Polytechnic Silicon Valley University 3600 Gavilan College 4678 · Monterey Bay 1945 Institute 1243 Simpson University 4698 Glendale Community College · Northridge 4707 California 4327 Navy Recruiting District Skyline College 4746 Los Angeles 9350 · Sacramento 4671 Golden Gate University 4329 Soka University of America 4066

Navy Recruiting District · San Bernardino 4099 Golden State Baptist College 3695 Solano Community College 4930 San Diego 9351 · San Marcos 5677 Golden West College 4339 Sonoma State University 4723 New Charter University 3877 · Stanislaus 4713 Golf Academy of San Diego 3495 New School of Architecture Southern California College Calvary Chapel Bible College 5982 Optometry 4392 Grossmont Community College 4334 and Design 2419 Canada College 4109 Southern California Institute Hartnell College 4340 New York Film Academy Cerritos College 4083 Los Angeles 6513 of Architecture 1575

Harvey Mudd College 4341 Southern California Institute Cerro Coso Community College 4027 Norco College 6503 Hebrew Union College California 1344 of Technology 3034 Chabot College 4725 Northwestern Policy University 4335 Holy Names University 4059 Southern California University Chaffey College 4046 Notre Dame de Namur University 4063 Hope International University 4614 of Health Sciences 4838 Chamberlain College of Nursing 6736 Occidental College 4581 Hult International Business Southwestern College California 4726 Chapman University 4047 School 7754 Ohlone College 4579 Stanford University 4704 Charles R. Drew University Humboldt State University 4345 Olivet University 4561 Taft College 4820 Medicine Science 4982 Humphreys College 4346 Orange Coast College 4584 Thomas Aquinas College 4828 Citrus College 4051 Imperial Valley College 4358 Otis College of Art and Design 4394 Touro College Los Angeles 4753 City College of San Francisco 4052 Interior Designers Institute 2318 Oxnard College 4591 Travel University International 2890 Claremont McKenna College 4054 International Institute of Pacific States University 3547 TUI University 6332 Claretian Junior Seminary 4095 San Francisco 7236 Pacific Union College 4600 University of California Riverside Clovis Community College 7973 International Sports Science Palo Alto University 7885 Extension International Coastline Community College 0933 Association 7682 Programs 6780 Palo Verde College 4603 Cogswell Polytechnical College 4057 Irvine Valley College 3356 United States Marine Corps Palomar College 4602 Coleman College 0955 John F. Kennedy University 1362 Berkeley Ost 1949 Pasadena City College 4604 College of Alameda 4118 John Paul the Great Catholic University of California San Francisco Patten University 4620 University 4576 School of Pharmacy 4794 College of Marin 4061 Pepperdine University 4630 Kaplan College 3461 University of Antelope Valley 6606 College of San Mateo 4070 Pitzer College 4619 La Sierra University 4380 University of Calif San Fran School College of the Canyons 4117 Platt College of Dentistry EAO 3841 Laguna College of Art College of the Desert 4085 and Design 7248 · Alhambra 3014 University of California College of the Redwoods 4100 Lake Tahoe Community College 4420 · Ontario 3015 · Berkeley 4833 College of the Sequoias 4071 Laney College Undergraduate 4406 · San Diego 3020 · Berkeley Professional College of the Siskiyous 4087 Development 4905 Las Positas College 6507 Point Loma Nazarene University 4605 Columbia College Lassen College 4383 Pomona College 4607 · Davis 4834

· Columbia California 4108 · Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Porterville College 4608 Irvine 4859 · Hollywood California 1247 Arts Los Angeles 7422 Presidio Graduate School 0243 · Los Angeles 4837

Community Christian College 5781 Life Pacific College 4264 Professional Golfers Career · Merced 4129 Compton Community College 4078 Lincoln University 4386 College 3548 · Online Education 7292 Concorde Career Institute 2238 Long Beach City College 4388 Providence Christian College 7893 · Riverside 4839 Concordia University 4069 Los Angeles City College 4391 Puente Project Program at · San Diego 4836 Contra Costa College 4943 University of California 3293 Los Angeles County College of · Santa Barbara 4835 Copper Mountain College 3889 Nursing & Allied Health 4405 Queen of Holy Rosary College 0228 · Santa Cruz 4860 Cosumnes River College 4121 Los Angeles Film School 7410 Reedley College 4655 University of La Verne 4381 Crafton Hills College 4126 Los Angeles Harbor College 4395 Relativity School 7663 University of Redlands 4848 Cuesta College 4101 Los Angeles Mission College 4404 Rio Hondo College 4663 University of San Diego 4849 Cypress College 4104 Los Angeles Pierce College 4398 Riverside Community College 4658 University of San Francisco 4850

Sacramento City College 4670 D-Q University 1285 Los Angeles Southwest College 4409 University of Southern California 4852 De Anza College 4286 Los Angeles Trade Technical Saddleback College 4747 University of the Pacific 4065 Defense Language Institute 1963 College 4400 Saint Katherine College 7430 USMC Officer Selection Office 6207 Design Institute of San Diego 3492 Los Angeles Valley College 5546 Saint Mary’s College California 4675

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· Selection Station Orange Intellitec College Colorado Post University 3698 Chamberlain College of Nursing 5968 County 7755 Springs 2500 Quinebaug Valley Community Chamberlain College of

· Selection Team Los Angeles 7887 Intellitec Colleges 2489 College 3716 Nursing Miramar 7752 · Selection Team Sacramento 7446 Interior Design Institute 1650 Quinnipiac University 3712 Chipola College 5106

Vanguard University of Johnson and Wales University Sacred Heart University 3780 Christian Institute 4436 Southern California 4701 Colorado 3567 Saint Basil’s College 3750 City College

Ventura College 4931 Jones International University 2785 Saint Thomas Seminary · Fort Lauderdale 3578 Victor Valley College 4932 Lamar Community College 4382 of Hartford 3758 · Gainesville 3579 Weimar Institute 4440 Lincoln College of Technology Saint Vincent’s College 3789 · Miami 3580 West Coast Baptist College 3717 Southern Connecticut State Denver 3133 College of Central Florida 5127 West Coast University Metropolitan State University University 3662 Daytona State College 5159 Denver 4505 · Graduate Studies 7980 Three Rivers Community DeVry University Keller Grad Morgan Community College 0444 College 3558 · Los Angeles Campus 6184 School of Management 2881 Naropa University 0908 Trinity College Connecticut 3899 · Ontario Campus 7977 DeVry University Miramar 4134 Navy Recruiting District Denver 9354 Tunxis Community College 3897 · Orange County Campus 7976 Digital Media Arts College 5295 Nazarene Bible College 0476 United States Coast Guard West Hills College Lemoore 5500 Eastern Florida State College 5073 Northeastern Junior College 4537 Academy 5807 West Hills Community College 4056 Eckerd College 5223 Otero Junior College 4588 University of Bridgeport 3914 West Los Angeles College 4964 Edward Waters College 5182 Pickens Tech 3718 University of Connecticut 3915 West Valley College 4958 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Pikes Peak Community College 4291 University of Hartford 3436 Western Career College 3033 University Florida 5190

Platt College School of University of New Haven 3663 · Pleasant Hill 2922 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Nursing Aurora 3012 University of Saint Joseph 3754 Worldwide Campus 5036 · Sacramento 2917 Pueblo Community College 4634 Wesleyan University 3959 Everest University 3801 · San Leandro 2918 Red Rocks Community College 4130 Western Connecticut State · Brandon 3585 · Stockton Campus 4886 University 3350 Regis University 4656 · Largo 2154 Western University of Health Rocky Mountain College of Yale University 3987

Services 3633 · Tampa 0428 Art and Design 1943 Westmont College 4950 DELAWARE · Melbourne 3586 Teikyo Loretto Heights Delaware College of Art · Whittier College 4952 University 4878 South Orlando 3587

and Design 5161 Everglades University 3191 William Carey International Trinidad State Junior College 4821 Delaware State University 5153 University 5756 · Sarasota Campus 4877 United States Air Force Delaware Technical William Jessup University 4756 Academy 4830 · Orlando Campus 7399 Community College Woodbury University 4955 University of Colorado · Tampa 6737 · Owens Campus 5169 Woodland Community College 5762 · Denver 4875 Flagler College 5235 · Dover 5201 Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad West · Boulder 4841 Florida Agricultural Mechanical · Newark 5204 Coast Talmudical Seminary 1331 University 5215 · Colorado Springs 4874 · Wilmington 5154 Young Americans College of Florida Atlantic University 5229 University of Denver 4842 Performing Arts 7384 Goldey-Beacom College 5255 Florida Baptist College 4435 University of Northern Colorado 4074 Yuba College 4994 University of Delaware 5811 Florida Bible College 7781 Western State Colorado Zaytuna College 6152 USMC Officer Selection Station 7347 University 4946 Florida Career College 3581

Wesley College Delaware 5894 COLORADO Westwood College of Aviation Florida College 5216

Wilmington University 5925 Adams State College 4001 Technology 2230 Florida College of Natural Health Aims Community College 4204 William Loveland College 7962 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA · Miami 5231 Arapahoe Community College 4014 Yeshiva Toras Chaim Talmudical American University · Oviedo 5239

Seminary 7008 Washington, DC 5007 Art Institute of Colorado 7150 · Pompano Beach 5238 Catholic University of America 5104 Aspen University 7359 CONNECTICUT Florida Gateway College 5377 Gallaudet University 5240 Bel-Rea Institute Animal Tech 0928 Albertus Magnus College 3001 Florida Gulf Coast University 5221

Blair College 0934 Asnuntuck Community College 3656 Geophysical Laboratory Florida Hospital College of Carnegie Institute 9404 Health Sciences 3614 Colorado Christian University 4659 Beth Benjamin Academy 3359 George Washington University 5246 Briarwood College 3121 Florida Institute of Technology 5080 Colorado College 4072 · MD Program 5075

Colorado Mesa University 4484 Capital Community College 3421 Florida International University 5206 Georgetown University 5244 Florida Keys Community College 5236 Colorado Mountain College Central Connecticut State Georgetown University MICP 8137 University 3898 Florida Memorial University 5217 · Edwards 5483

Charter Oak State College 0870 Howard University 5297 Florida National College 2057 · Glenwood Springs 4112 Johns Hopkins University Advanced Choate Rosemary Hall 1883 Florida Polytechnic University 7303 · Leadville 4113 Academic Programs 7275 Connecticut College 3284 Florida Southern College 5218 · Steamboat Springs 4140 Society for Science & the Public 4898 Eastern Connecticut State Florida Southwestern State · Aspen Campus 7417 University 3966 Strayer University 5632 College 5191 · Breckenridge/Dillon Campus 7418 Fairfield University 3390 Trinity Washington University 5796 Florida State College at · Rifle Campus 7416 Gateway Community College 3425 University of the District Jacksonville 5232 Colorado Northwestern of Columbia 5929 Goodwin College 5879 Florida State University 5219 Community College 4665 University of the Potomac Holy Apostles College and Florida Technical College Colorado School of Mines 4073 · Washington, DC 3569 Seminary 0921 · Lakeland 3432 Colorado School of Trades 3211 Hotchkiss School 3967 · Herndon, VA 2604 · Orange City 3589 Colorado State University Housatonic Community- FLORIDA · Orlando 3588 · Fort Collins 4075 Technical College 3446 Academy Prep Foundation 6257 Full Sail University 3164 · Global Campus 6903 Legion of Christ College of American College of Applied Galen College of Nursing 5678 · Pueblo 4611 Humanities 7407 Science 4669 Gulf Coast State College 5271 Colorado Tech 4133 Lincoln College of New England 0481 American University of the Herzing University Orlando 3438 Community College of Aurora 0969 Loomis Chaffee School 3968 Caribbean 5964 Hillsborough Community Community College of Denver 4137 Lyme Academy College Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale 5040 College 5304 of Fine Arts 1791 Denver Academy of Court Art Institute of Tampa 6314 Hobe Sound Bible College 5306 Reporting 3561 Manchester Community College 3544 Ave Maria University 4249 Hodges University 5307 Denver School of Nursing 7419 Middlesex Community College 3551 Aviator College Aeronautical Indian River State College 5322 DeVry University Westminster 1327 Mitchell College 3528 Science and Technology 6747 Jacksonville University 5331 Ecotech Institute 7244 Naugatuck Valley Community Baptist College of Florida 5209 Johnson and Wales University College 3550 Emily Griffith Technical College 7680 Barry University 5053 Florida 3441 New England Baptist College 1653 Everest College Beacon College 3611 Johnson University Florida 2167 Northwestern Connecticut · Thornton Campus 0349 Bethune-Cookman University 5061 Jones College 5343 Fort Lewis College 4310 Broward College 5074

Community College 3652 Keiser University

Front Range Community College 4119 Broward College North Campus 5735 Norwalk Community College 3677

· Daytona Beach Campus 5351 IBMC College 3566 Carlos Albizu University 2102

Paier College of Art 3699

10 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions

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· Flagship Campus 5162 · Fort Meyers Campus 6740 · Lakeland Campus 5039 · Latin American Campus 3840 · Melbourne Campus 3708 · Miami Campus 5353 · Orlando Campus 6316 · Pembroke Pines Campus 7760 · Sarasota 5320 · Tampa Campus 5838 · West Palm Beach 7004

Keiser College · Port St. Lucie Campus 5355 · Tallahassee Campus 5311

Key College 3577 Lake Erie College of Osteopathic

Medicine Bradenton 9037 Lake Sumter State College 5376 Landmark Baptist College 5388 Lynn University 5437 Miami Dade College 5457 Miami International University

of Art and Design 5327 Naaleh College Online 7273 Navy Recruiting District East

Jacksonville 9369 Navy Recruiting District Hialeah 9372 New College of Florida 5506 New England Institute of

Tech Florida 0529 New World School of the Arts 1602 North Florida Community

College 5503 Northwest Florida State College 5526 Nova Southeastern University 5514 Palm Beach Atlantic University 5553 Palm Beach State College 5531 Pasco-Hernando Community

College 5578 Pensacola Christian College 5970 Pensacola State College 5535 Phoenix East Aviation 4625 Polk State College 5548 Quality Leadership University 6523 Reformation Bible College 6202 Remington College Tampa 0123 Ringling College of Art

and Design 5573 Rollins College Winter Park 5572 Sacred Heart of Jesus 9050 Saint John Vianney College

and Seminary 5650 Saint Leo University 5638 Saint Petersburg College 5606 Saint Thomas University 5076 Santa Fe College Florida 5653 Schiller International University 0835 Seminole State College

of Florida 5662 South Florida Community

College 5666 South University

· West Palm Beach 5321 · Tampa 5734

Southeastern University 5621 Southwest Florida College 3445 St. Johns River State College 5641 State College of Florida

Manatee-Sarasota 5427 Stetson University 5630 Tallahassee Community College 5794 Talmudic University Florida 0514 Trinity Baptist College 5780 Trinity College of Florida 1979 Trinity International University

South Florida 4598 University Central Florida 5233 University of Florida 5812 University of Miami 5815 University of North Florida 5490 University of South Florida 5828

· College of Pharmacy 7881 University of Tampa 5819 University of West Florida 5833 Valencia College 5869 Warner University 5883 Webber International University 5893 West Coast University Miami

Campus 7978 Whitefield College 2570 Wyotech 3017

GEORGIA Abraham Baldwin Agricultural

College 5001 Agnes Scott College 5002 Albany State University 5004 Albany Technical College 3921 American Intercontinental

University 2486 Andrew College 5009 Appalachian Technical College 4785 Armstrong State University 5012 Ashworth College 3912 Athens School of Ministry and

Worship Arts 7066 Athens Technical College 0462 Atlanta Bible College 1616 Atlanta Institute of Music

and Media 7367 Atlanta Metropolitan State

College 5725 Atlanta School of Biblical

Studies 5031 Atlanta Technical College 5030 Augusta Technical College 2620 Augusta University 5406 Bainbridge State College 5062 Berry College 5059 Beulah Heights University 5082 Brenau University 5066 Brewton-Parker College 5068 Cardiac & Vascular Technology 4342 Central Georgia Technical

College 1709 Chamberlain College of Nursing 6994 Chattahoochee Tech 5508 Chattahoochee Technical

College 5441 Clark Atlanta University 5110 Clayton State University 5145 Coastal Pines Technical College 4172 College of Coastal Georgia 5078 Columbus State University 5123 Columbus Technical College 5704 Covenant College 6124 Dalton State College 5167 Darton College 5026 DeKalb Medical School of

Radiologic Technology 5175 DeVry University Decatur 5715 East Georgia College 5200 Emmanuel College Georgia 5184 Emory University 5187

· Medical Imaging Program 5700 Flint River Technical College 3732 Fort Valley State University 5220 Georgia Piedmont Technical

College 3226 Georgia Baptist College and

Theological Seminary 3876 Georgia College and State

University 5252 Georgia Gwinnett College 4796 Georgia Highlands College 5237 Georgia Institute of Technology 5248 Georgia Military College 5249 Georgia Northwestern

Technical College 2860 Georgia Southern University 5253 Georgia Southwestern State

University 5250 Georgia State University 5251

Georgia State University’sPerimeter College 5711

Gordon State College 5256 Grady Health System Professional

Schools 5263 Gupton-Jones College

Funeral Service 6200 Gwinnett Technical College 5168 Herzing University Atlanta 2342 Holy Spirit College 6551 Kennesaw State University 5359 Lagrange College 5362 Lanier Technical College 7289 Life University 7006 Mercer University

· Atlanta 5025 · Macon 5409

Middle Georgia State University 5411 Middle Georgia Technical

College 5035 Morehouse College 5415 Morris Brown College 5417 Navy Recruiting District Marietta 9367 North Georgia Technical College 5507 Oconee Fall Line Technical

College 5772 Ogeechee Technical College 0154 Oglethorpe University 5521 Oxford College 5186 Paine College 5530 Piedmont College 5537 Point University 5029 Reinhardt University 5568 Savannah College of Art and

Design All Campuses 5631 Savannah State University 5609 Savannah Technical College 3741 Shorter University 5616 South Georgia State College

· Douglas 5619 · Waycross 5889

South Georgia Technical College 6555 South University 5157 Southeastern Technical College 5652 Southern Crescent Technical

College 5670 Southern Regional Technical

College 7196 Spelman College 5628 Stephen W. Brown School of

Radiography 4326 Swainsboro Technical Institute 5671 Thomas University 5072 Toccoa Falls College 5799 Troy University 1738

· Atlanta 5472 · Columbus/Fort Benning 1209

Truett-McConnell College 5798 University of Georgia 5813 University of North Georgia

· Blue Ridge 7985 · Dahlonega 5497 · Gainesville 5273 · Oconee 7986

University of West Georgia 5900 Valdosta State University 5855 Wesleyan College 5895 West Georgia Technical College 6342 Wiregrass Georgia Technical

College 4557 Young Harris College 5990

HAWAII Brigham Young University

Hawaii Campus 4106 Chaminade University of

Honolulu 4105 Hawaii Community College 1801 Hawaii Pacific University 4352 Hawaii Theological Seminary 4362 Hawaii Tokai International

College 2588

Honolulu Community College 4350 Kapiolani Community College 4377 Kauai Community College 4378 Leeward Community College 4410 Remington College Honolulu 3507 UH Maui College 4510 University of Hawaii

· at Hilo 4869 · at Manoa 4867 · West Oahu 1042

Windward Community College 4976

IDAHO Boise Bible College 0891 Boise State University 4018 Brigham Young University 4657 College of Idaho 4060 College of Southern Idaho 4114 College of Western Idaho 7924 Eastern Idaho Technical College 0975 Idaho State University 4355 Lewis-Clark State College 4385 New Saint Andrews College 3855 North Idaho College 4539 Northwest Nazarene University 4544 University of Idaho 4843

ILLINOIS American Academy of Art 1013 American Islamic College 1031 Argosy University

· Chicago 3922 · Schaumburg 6227

Augustana College 1025 Aurora University 1027 Benedictine University 1707

· at Springfield 1734 Black Hawk College 1483

· East Campus 0690 Blackburn College 1065 Blessing-Reiman College

of Nursing 0139 Bradley University 1070 Carl Sandburg College 1982 Chamberlain College of Nursing 7274

· Addison 5759 · Chicago 6504

Chicago School of ProfessionalPsychology 5962

Chicago State University 1118 Christian Life College 2632 College of DuPage 1083 College of Lake County 1983 Columbia College Chicago 1135 Concordia University Illinois 1140 DanEl Christian College 7203 Danville Area Community

College 1160 DePaul University 1165 DeVry Institute of Technology

Calgary 1991 · Addison Campus 3204 · Chicago 1171 · Corporate Office 0077 · Downers Grove 6524 · Online 3816 · Tinley Park 2818

Dominican University Illinois 1667 East-West University 0798 Eastern Illinois University 1199 Elgin Community College 1203 Elmhurst College 1204 Eureka College 1206 Fox College 2670 Gem City College 0808 Governors State University 0807 Greenville College 1256 Harold Washington College

(Loop) 1089 Harrington College of Design 0940 Harry S. Truman College 1111

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Heartland Community College 1361 Resurrection University 1927 Grace College 1252 Vincennes University 1877 Hebrew Theological College 0817 Richard J. Daley College 1093 Hanover College 1290 Wabash College 1895 Highland Community College 1233 Richland Community College 0738 Harrison College 6344 IOWA Illinois Central College 1312 Robert Morris University 1670 · Evansville 3346 AIB College of Business 7302 Illinois College 1315 Rock Valley College 1674 Holy Cross College 1309 Allen College 3610

· Illinois College of Optometry 1317 Rockford Career College 2459 Huntington University 1304 Briar Cliff University 6046 Illinois Eastern Community College Rockford University 1665 Indiana Academy for Science, Buena Vista University 6047

· Frontier 1894 Roosevelt University 1666 Mathematics, and Humanities 5731 Central College of Iowa 6087 · Lincoln Trail 0758 Rosalind Franklin University Indiana Baptist College 4476 Clarke University 6099 · Olney Central 0827 Medicine and Science 0768 Indiana Business College 2317 Clinton Community College 6100 · Wabash Valley 1936 Saint Anthony College of · Anderson 3364 Coe College 6101 Nursing 3923 · Columbus 3349 Illinois Institute of Art Cornell College 6119 · Chicago 2908

Saint Augustine College 0697 · Indianapolis Medical 3370 Des Moines Area Community College Saint Francis Medical Center · Lafayette 3353 · Schaumburg 3043 College of Nursing 1756 · Ankeny 6177 Illinois Institute of Technology 1318 · Terre Haute 3348

Saint Joseph College Loyola · Boone 6044 Illinois State University 1319 University 1755 Indiana Institute of Technology 1323 Divine Word College 6174 Indiana State University 1322 Illinois Valley Community Saint Xavier University 1708 Dordt College 6171 College 1397 Indiana University Sauk Valley Community College 1780 Drake University 6168 Illinois Wesleyan University 1320 · Bloomington 1324 School of the Art Institute Ellsworth Community College 5528 John A. Logan College 1357 of Chicago 1713 · East 1194 Emmaus Bible College 1215 John Wood Community College 1374 Shawnee Community College 0882 · Gary 1338 Faith Baptist Bible College & Joliet Junior College 1346 Shimer College 1717 · Kokomo 1337 Theological Seminary 6214 Judson University 1351 South Suburban College 1806 · New Albany 1314 Graceland University 6249 Kankakee Community College 1380 Southeastern Illinois College 1777 · South Bend 1339 Grand View University 6251 Kaskaskia College 1108 Southern Illinois University Indiana University Purdue University Grinnell College 6252 Kendall College 1366 · Carbondale 1726 · Columbus 4216 Hamilton Technical College 1588 Kennedy-King College 1910 · Edwardsville 1759 · Fort Wayne 1336 Hawkeye Community College 6288 Kishwaukee College 0511 Southwestern Illinois College 1057 · Indianapolis 1325 Indian Hills Community College Knox College 1372 Spertus College 1128 Indiana Wesleyan University 1446 · Centerville 6083 Lake Forest College 1392 Spoon River College 1154 International Business College 1330 · Ottumwa 6312 Lake Land College 1424 Swiss Benevolent Society 4037 · Indianapolis 3374 Iowa Central Community College Lakeview College of Nursing 0149 Taylor Business Institute Illinois 2488 Ivy Tech Community College 3825 Fort Dodge 6217 · Lewis and Clark Community Telshe Yeshiva Chicago 7009 · Bloomington 1455 · Webster City 6932 College 0623 Tribeca Flashpoint College 7300 · Columbus 1286 Iowa Lakes Community College Lewis University 1404 Trinity Christian College 1820 · Evansville 1277 · Emmetsburg 6195 Lincoln Christian University 1405 Trinity College of Nursing and · Fort Wayne 1278 Estherville 6196 · Lincoln College 1406 Health Sciences 2555 · Gary 1281 Iowa State University 6306 Lincoln Land Community Trinity International University 1810 · Indianapolis 1311 Iowa Wesleyan College 6308 College 1428 Triton College 1821 · Kokomo 1329 Iowa Western Community College Lincoln Technical Institute University of St. Francis College · Lafayette 1282 Melrose Pak 3055 · Clarinda 6098 Nursing and Allied Health 0155 · Madison 1334 Lindenwood University 6781 · Council Bluffs 6302 University of Chicago 1832 · Muncie 1279 Loyola University Chicago 1412 Kaplan University 3388 University of Illinois · Richmond 1283 MacCormac College 1520 Kirkwood Community College 6027 · Chicago 1851 · Sellersburg 1273 MacMurray College 1435 Loras College 6370 · Springfield 0834 · South Bend 1280 Malcolm X Chicago City College 1144 Luther College 6375 · Urbana/Champaign 1836 · Terre Haute 1284 McHenry County College 1525 Maharishi University of University of Saint Francis 1130 Kaplan College 2461 Management 4497 McKendree University 1456 Vandercook College of Music 1872 Lincoln Technical Institute Marshalltown Community Methodist College of Nursing 1503 Vatterott College Quincy 3640 Indiana 3058 College 6394 Midstate College Peoria 3329 Waubonsee Community College 1938 Manchester University 1440 Mercy College of Health Midwestern University 3788 Western Illinois University 1900 Marian University 1442 Sciences 2803 Millikin University 1470 Wheaton College 1905 Martin University 1379 Morningside College 6415 Monmouth College Illinois 1484 Wilbur Wright College 1925 Mid-America College Funeral Mount Mercy University 6417 Moody Bible Institute 1486 William Rainey Harper College 1932 Service 0644 Muscatine Community College 6422 Moraine Valley Community Navy Recruiting District North Iowa Area Community College 1524 INDIANA Indy North 9346 College 6400 Morrison Institute of Technology 1269 American College of Education 7269 Oakland City University 1585 Northeast Iowa Community Morthland College 7296 Ancilla College 1015 Professional Careers Institute 7700 College 6754 Morton College 1489 Anderson University 1016 Purdue University Northwest Iowa Community National University of Health Art Institute of Indianapolis College 1359 · Northwest 1638

Sciences 1567 International Culinary School 7891 Northwestern College Iowa 6490 · West Lafayette 1631 National-Louis University 1551 Aviation Institute of Palmer College of Chiropractic 6593 Rose-Hulman Institute of Maintenance 3192 Navy Recruiting District 9360 Technology 1668 Saint Ambrose University 6617

Ball State University 1051 North Central College 1555 Saint Elizabeth School of Saint Luke’s College 3625 Bethel College Indiana 1079 North Park University 1556 Nursing 1761 Scott Community College 0282 Brown Mackie College Northeastern Illinois University 1090 Saint Joseph’s College 1697 Shiloh University 7362 Fort Wayne 3379

Northern Illinois University 1559 Saint Mary-Woods College 1704 Simpson College Iowa 6650 Butler University 1073 Northwestern Business College 2433 Saint Mary’s College Indiana 1702 Southeastern Community College Calumet College Saint Joseph 1776 Northwestern University 1565 Taylor University Upland · North 6048 Chamberlain College of Nursing 7906 Campus 1802 · School Continuing Studies 6456 · South 6340 College of Court Reporting 3532 Oakton Community College 1573 Trine University 1811 Southwestern Community Commonwealth Business Olive-Harvey College 1584 College 7115 Trinity College of the Bible College 6122

Theological Seminary 5958 Olivet Nazarene University 1596 Crossroads Bible College 3811 University of Dubuque 6869 Union Bible College 2850 Pacific Oaks College 0482 DePauw University 1166 University of Iowa 6681 University of Evansville 1208 University of Northern Iowa 6307 Parkland College 1619 Earlham College and Earlham University of Indianapolis 1321 Prairie State College 1077 School of Religion 1195 Upper Iowa University 6885 University of Notre Dame 1841 Principia College 1630 Fairhaven Baptist College 5764 Vatterott College Des Moines 2909 University of Southern Indiana 1335 Quincy University Illinois 1645 Franklin College 1228 Waldorf University 6925 University of St. Francis 1693 Rend Lake College 1673 Goshen College 1251 Wartburg College 6926 Valparaiso University 1874

12 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions

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Western Iowa Technical Community College 6950

William Penn University 6943

KANSAS Allen County Community

College 6305 Baker University 6031 Barclay College 6228 Barton County Community

College 0784 Benedictine College 6056 Bethany College Kansas 6034 Bethel College Kansas 6037 Brown Mackie College 3366 Brown Mackie College

Kansas City 5979 Butler Community College

Kansas 6191 Central Christian College

of Kansas 6088 Cleveland University

Kansas City 6659 Cloud County Community

College 6137 Coffeyville Community College

Area Technical School 6102 Colby Community College 6129 Cowley County Community

College 6008 Dodge City Community College 6166 Donnelly College 6167 Emporia State University 6335 Flint Hills Technical College 6232 Fort Hays State University 6218 Fort Scott Community College 6219 Friends University 6224 Garden City Community College 6246 Haskell Indian Nations University 0919 Hesston College 6274 Highland Community College 6276 Hutchinson Community College 6281 Independence Community

College 6304 Johnson County Community

College 6325 Kansas City College Bible

School 5937 Kansas City Kansas Community

College 6333 Kansas State University

· Manhattan 6334 · Polytechnic 1172

Kansas Wesleyan University 6337 Labette Community College 6576 Manhattan Christian College 6392 McPherson College 6404 Mid-America Nazarene

University 6437 NCK Technical College 2616 Neosho County Community

College 6093 Newman University 6615 Ottawa University 6547 Pittsburg State University 6336 Pratt Community College 6581 Saint Mary’s College 6690 Seward County Community

College 0286 Southwestern College 6670 Sterling College 6684 Tabor College 6815 University of Kansas 6871

· Medical Center 0414 University of Saint Mary

Leavenworth 6630 Vatterott College Wichita 3638 Washburn University 6928 Wichita State University 6884


States Army 5801 Alice Lloyd College 1098

Asbury University 1019 Ashland Comm & Tech College 0611 Ashland Community and

Technical College 0703 Beckfield College 3404 Bellarmine University 1056 Berea College 1060 Big Sandy Community and

Technical College 0869 Bluegrass Community and

Technical College 0645 Bowling Green Technical College 1968 Boyce College 3858 Brescia University 1071 Brown Mackie College

· Hopkinsville 5375 · Louisville 0305 · North Kentucky 3419

Campbellsville University 1097 Centre College 1109 Clear Creek Baptist College 5975 Commonwealth Baptist College 4960 Daymar College

· Louisville 3407 · Owensboro 0772

Draughons Junior College 3399 Eastern Kentucky University 1200 Elizabethtown Community and

Technical College 1211 Frontier Nursing University 3980 Galen College of Nursing 5739 Gateway Community and

Technical College · Edgewood 0594

Georgetown College 1249 Glasgow Health Technology

Center 1977 Harlan Regional Technology

Center 1870 Hazard Community & Tech

College 0815 Hazard Regional Technology

Center 1896 Henderson Community College 1307 Hopkinsville Community College 1274 Interservice Physician

Assistant Program 3994 Jefferson Community and

Technical College 1328 Kentucky Advanced Technology

Center 2207 Kentucky Christian University 1377 Kentucky Mountain Bible

College 1384 Kentucky State University 1368 Kentucky Tech

· Jefferson Campus 0736 · Laurel County Campus 1903

Kentucky Wesleyan College 1369 Lindsey Wilson College 1409 Louisville Bible College 4254 Madisonville Community

College 1606 Madisonville Health Technology

Center 2386 Madisonville Regional

Technology Center 2408 Mayo Regional Technology

Center 0657 Maysville Community College 0693 Mid-Continent University 0254 Midway College 1467 Morehead State University 1487 Murray State University 1494 National College Business Technology

· Danville 3413 · Florence 3408 · Louisville 3415 · Pikeville 3412 · Richmond 3414 · Lexington 0987

Northern Kentucky University 1574

Owensboro Community andTechnical College 0613

Owensboro Technical College 2330 Paducah Tech College 0669 Rowan Technical College 0707 Somerset Community College 1779 Southeast Kentucky Community

and Technical College 1770 Southeast Tech 2437 Spalding University 1552 Spencerian College

· Lexington 3424 · Louisville 3422

Sullivan College of Technologyand Design 1501

Sullivan University 0811 Thomas More College 1876 Transylvania University 1808 Union College 1825 University of Kentucky

Lexington 1837 University of Louisville 1838 University of Pikeville 1625 University of the Cumberlands 1145 Western Kentucky Community

and Technical College 1620 Western Kentucky University 1901

LOUISIANA Baton Rouge Community

College 6023 Baton Rouge School of

Computers 3197 Bossier Parish Community

College 0787 Camelot College 3427 Centenary College of Louisiana 6082 Charity Hospital 6125 Delgado Community College 6176 Delta College of Arts and

Technology 3131 Delta Tech 2252 Dillard University 6164 Remington College

· Baton Rouge 3428 · Lafayette 3429

Fletcher Technical CommunityCollege 7872

Grambling State University 6250 Herzing College 3430 Louisiana College 6371 Louisiana Delta Community

College 3992 Louisiana State University

· Alexandria 1632 · Baton Rouge 6373 · Eunice 6386 · Shreveport 6355

Louisiana Tech University 6372 Louisiana Technical College 4633 Loyola University New Orleans 6374 McNeese State University 6403 Navy Recruiting District

New Orleans 9357 New Orleans Baptist Theological

Seminary 5034 New Orleans Baptist Theological

Seminary 6472 Nicholls State University 6221 Northwestern State University 6492 Nunez Community College 0295 Our Lady of Holy Cross College 6002 Our Lady of the Lake College 3928 River Parishes Community

College 7805 Saint Joseph Seminary College 6689 South Louisiana Community

College 4521 Southeastern Louisiana

University 6656 Southern University Agricultural

and Mechanical College 6663

Southern University atShreveport 0322

Southern University NewOrleans 1647

Sowela Technical CommunityCollege 6803

Tulane University 6832 University of Louisiana

· at Lafayette 6672 · at Monroe 6482

University of New Orleans 6379 Xavier University Louisiana 6975

MAINE Andover College 0688 Bates College 3076 Beal College 3114 Bowdoin College 3089 Bridgton Academy 3269 Central Maine Community

College 3309 Colby College 3280 College of the Atlantic 3305 Eastern Maine Community

College 3372 Husson University 3440 Kennebec Valley Community

College 3475 Maine College of Art 3701 Maine College of Health

Professions 3302 Maine Maritime Academy 3505 New England Bible College 5727 New England School of

Communications 3101 Northern Maine Community

College 3631 Saint Joseph’s College of Maine 3755 Southern Maine Community

College 3535 Thomas College 3903 Unity College in Maine 3925 University of Maine

· Augusta 3929 · Farmington 3506 · Fort Kent 3393 · Machias 3956 · Orono 3916 · Presque Isle 3008

University of New England 3751 University of Southern Maine 3691 Washington County Community

College 3961 York County Community College 3990

MARYLAND Allegany College of Maryland 5028 American Association of Colleges

of Osteopathic Medicine 3709 American Veterans Association 2508 Anne Arundel Community

College 5019 Antietam Bible College 5738 Arlington Bible College

and Institute 5696 Baltimore City Community College

· Harbor 5131 · Liberty 5051

Bowie State University 5401 Capitol Technology University 5101 Carroll Community College 5797 Catonsville Community College 4196 Cecil College 5091 Chesapeake College 5143 College of Southern Maryland 5144 Community College of

Baltimore County 5137 Coppin State University 5122 Dundalk Community College 5176 Frederick Community College 5230 Frostburg State University 5402 Garrett College 5279 Goucher College 5257

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 13

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Hagerstown Community College 5290 Berkshire Community College 3102 Northern Essex Community Compass College of College 3674 Cinematic Arts 5933 Harford Community College 5303 Boston Architectural College 1168

· Radiologic Tech 3493 Concordia University 1094 Hood College 5296 Boston Baptist College 4323 Northpoint Bible College 3942 Cornerstone University 1253 Howard Community College 5308 Boston College 3083 Olin College of Engineering 2824 Davenport University 1183 Johns Hopkins Boston University 3087 Phillips Academy 0156 Delta College 1816 · Carey Business School 6810 Brandeis University 3092 Pine Manor College 3689 Eastern Michigan University 1201 · Peabody Institute 5532 Bridgewater State College 3517 Quincy College 3713 Ferris State University 1222 · University School of Bristol Community College 3110

Education 3926 Quinsigamond Community Finlandia University 1743 Bunker Hill Community College 3123 · University Undergraduate Glen Oaks Community College 1261 College 3714 Cambridge College 3612

Admissions 5332 Regis College 3723 Gogebic Community College 1250 Cape Cod Community College 3289 Kaplan University 0804 Roxbury Community College 3740 Grace Bible College 0809 Career Education Institute 4224 Lincoln College of Technology 3056 Saint John’s Seminary 3295 Grand Rapids Community Clark University 3279 Lincoln Technical Institute 4233 Salem State University 3522 College 1254 College of the Holy Cross 3282 Loyola University Maryland 5370 School of the Museum of Grand Valley State University 1258 Curry College 3285 Fine Arts 3794 Maryland Institute College of Art 5399 Great Lakes Christian College 7320 Cushing Academy 5802 Signature Health Care McDaniel College 5898 Great Lakes Maritime Academy 6982 Dean College 3352 Brockton Hospital 3112 Montgomery College Great Lakes University 4328 Eastern Nazarene College 3365 Simmons College 3761 · Germantown 5393 Henry Ford College 1293 Educational Opportunity Center 4218 Smith College 3762 · Rockville 5440 Hillsdale College 1295 Elms College 3283 Springfield College 3763 · School of Art and Design 5394 Hope College 1301 Emerson College 3367 Springfield Technical Community · Takoma Park 5414 Jackson Community College 1340 Emmanuel College 3368 College 3791 Morgan State University 5416 Kalamazoo College 1365 Endicott College 3369 Stockbridge School 3769 Mount Saint Mary’s University 5421 Kalamazoo Valley Community Fisher College 3391 Stonehill College 3770 National Labor College 3930 College 1378

Fitchburg State University 3518 Suffolk University 3771 Kellogg Community College 1375 Framingham State University 3519 Tufts University 3901 Navy Recruiting District

Hyattsville 7490 Kendall College of Design 1376 Gordon College 3417 · School of Medicine 6150 Ner Israel Rabbinical College 0839 Kettering University (Formerly GMI Greenfield Community College 3420 · Cummings School of Eng. and Mgmt. Inst) 1246 Notre Dame of Maryland Veterinary Medicine 7676 University 5114 Hampshire College 3447 Kirtland Community College 1382

University of Massachusetts Peabody Conservatory of Music 5532 Harvard College Kuyper College 1672 · Amherst 3917 Prince Georges Community · Undergraduate Admissions 3434 Lake Michigan College 1137 · Boston 3924 College 5545 · Undergrad Transfer Lake Superior State University 1421 · Dartmouth 3786 Saint John’s College Maryland 5598 Admissions 3500 Lansing Community College 1414 · Lowell 3911 Saint Mary’s College Maryland 5601 · Medical School 4238 Lapeer Intermediate School

Saint Mary’s Seminary and Hebrew College 3435 Urban College of Boston 3630 District 6520 University 5602 Hellenic College 3449 USMC Officer Selection Lawrence Technological

Station Amherst 7929 Salisbury University 5403 Holyoke Community College 3437 University 1399 Wellesley College 3957 Sans Technology Institute 7398 Laboure College 3287 Macomb Community College 1722 Wentworth Institute of Stevenson University 5856 Lasell College 3481 Madonna University 1437

Technology 3958 Towson University 5404 Lawrence Memorial Regis Marygrove College 1452 Western New England University 3962 UMD Institute of Applied College 3488 Michigan Jewish Institute 1505 Westfield State University 3523 Agriculture 7069 Lesley University 3483 Michigan State University 1465 Wheaton College 3963 United States Naval Academy 5809 Longy School of Music 3467 Michigan Technological Wheelock College 3964 University of Baltimore 5810 Massachusetts Bay Community University 1464

College 3294 Williams College 3965 University of Maryland 5814 Mid-Michigan Community Woods College of Advanced Studies College 1523 · Baltimore County 5835 Massachusetts College

at Boston College 7670 · Dental School 5880 · of Art and Design 3516 Monroe County Community Worcester Academy 5118 College 1514 · Eastern Shore 5400 · of Liberal Arts 3521 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 3969 Montcalm Community College 1522 · School of Nursing 6528 · of Pharmacy and Health

Sciences 3512 Worcester State University 3524 Muskegon Community College 1495 · University College 0551 Massachusetts Institute of North Central Michigan College 1569 Walden University 6755 MICHIGAN Technology 3514 Northern Michigan University 1560 Washington Adventist University 5890 Adrian College 1001 Massachusetts Maritime Northwestern Michigan College 1564 Washington Bible College 5884 Albion College 1007 Academy 3515 Northwood University Michigan 1568 Washington College 5888 Massasoit Community College 3549

Alma College 1010 Oakland Community College 1607 Women’s Institute of Torah Alpena Community College 1011 Merrimack College 3525 Oakland University 1497 Seminary 5491 Andrews University 1030 Middlesex Community College Olivet College 1595 Wor-Wic Community College 1613 Aquinas College 1018 Massachusetts 3554 Robert B. Miller College 4801 Min Man Regional Vocational Art Institute of Michigan 5750 MASSACHUSETTS Rochester College 1516 and Technical 4369 Baker College American International College 3002 Sacred Heart Major Seminary 1686 Montserrat College of Art 9101 · Allen Park 6588 Amherst College 3003 Saginaw Valley State University 1766 Mount Holyoke College 3529 · Auburn Hills 1457 Andover Newton Theological Saint Clair County Community School 6811 Mount Ida College 3530 · Cadillac 1381 College 1628

Anna Maria College 3005 Mount Wachusett Community · Center for Graduate Studies 6707 Schoolcraft College 1764 College 3545 Asian University for Women 5769 · Flint 0806 Siena Heights University 1719 National Aviation Academy 3371 Assumption College 3009 · Jackson 1887 South University Novi Campus 6553 Navy Recruiting District Atlantic Union College 3010 · Muskegon 1527 Cambridge 9376 Southwestern Michigan College 1783 Babson College’s F.W. Olin Graduate · of Clinton Township 1386 New England College Spring Arbor University 1732 School of Business 6727 · Online 4193 · of Finance 3376 University of Detroit Mercy 1835 Babson College 3075 · Owosso 5270 · of Optometry 3511 University of Michigan Bard College at Simon’s Rock 3795 · Port Huron 1413 New England Conservatory · Ann Arbor 1839 Bay Path University 3078 Bay College 1049 of Music 3659 · Dearborn 1861 Bay State College 3120 Bay Mills Community College 2101 Newbury College 3639 Flint 1853 · Becker College Worcester Calvin College 1095

Campus 3079 Nichols College 3666 Walsh College of Accountancy Central Michigan University 1106 North Central Educational and Business 0372 Benjamin Franklin Institute Charles Stewart Mott of Tech 3394 Opportunity Center 4250 Washtenaw Community College 1935 Community College 1225 North Shore Community College 3651 Bentley University 3096 Wayne County Community Cleary University Livingston 1123 Northeastern University 3667 College 1937 Berklee College of Music 3107 College for Creative Studies 1035 · School of Professional Wayne State University 1898 Berklee Online 6774 Studies 4999 West Shore Community College 1941

14 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions

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Western Michigan University 1902 North Hennepin Community Pearl River Community College 1622 Ozarks Technical Community College 6498 College 2583 Yeshiva Gedolah 7010 Rust College 1669

Northland Community and Park University 6574 Southeastern Baptist College 1781 MINNESOTA Technical College 6500 Pinnacle Career Institute 2271 Southwest Mississippi Academy College 3311 Northwest Technical College 3626 Community College 1729 Ranken Technical College 7028 Alexandria Technical College 0771 Northwestern Health Sciences Tougaloo College 1807 Rockhurst University 6611 Anoka Technical College 6084 University 6516 University of Mississippi 1840 Rockhurst University Research Anoka-Ramsey Community Oak Hills Christian College 7247 College of Nursing 6612 · Medical Center 0358 College 6024 Pine Technical College 7118 Saint Charles Community University of Southern Argosy University Twin Cities 6427 Rainy River Community College 6613 College 0168 Mississippi 1479 Augsburg College 6014 · International Falls 1637 Saint Louis Christian College 0334 William Carey University 1907 Bemidji State University 6676 Rasmussen Business Saint Louis College of Pharmacy 6626 Bethany College of Missions 0681 College Eagan 2449 MISSOURI Saint Louis Community College Bethany Lutheran College 6035 Ridgewater College 4924 Avila University 6109 · Florissant Valley 6225 Bethel University 6038 Riverland Community College 6017 Baptist Bible College Missouri 0991 · Meramec 6430 Bethlehem College and Rochester Community and Barnes Jewish College Goldfarb Saint Louis University Missouri 6629 School of Nursing 6329

Saint Luke’s College of Seminary 7072 Technical College 6610 Blue River Community College 6060 Capella University 3829 Saint Cloud State University 6679 Health Sciences 7127

Carleton College 6081 Saint Cloud Technical College 1986 Calvary Bible College 6331 Sanford-Brown College Central Lakes College 6045 Saint John’s University 6624 · Des Peres 3320

Central Christian Collegeof the Bible 6145 Century College 6388 Saint Mary’s University of · Hazelwood 3321 Central Methodist University 6089 Minnesota 6632 College of Saint Benedict 6104 · Saint Peters 3323 Chamberlain College of Nursing 3139 Saint Olaf College 6638 College of Saint Scholastica 6107 Southeast Missouri Hospital College City Vision University 5920 Saint Paul College CommunityConcordia College Moorhead 6113 of Nursing & Health Sciences 4459

and Technical College 0534 College Bound St. Louis 6453 Concordia University 6114 Southeast Missouri State South Central Technical College 7124 College of the Ozarks 6713 University 6655 Crossroads College 6412 Southwest Minnesota State Columbia College Mo 6095 Southwest Baptist University 6664 Crown College Minnesota 6639 University 6703 Conception Seminary College 6112 St. Louis Community College Dakota County Technical St. Catherine University 6105 Concorde Career Institute 3126

· Minneapolis 6701 College 7149 · at Wildwood 5467

Cottey College 6120 University of Minnesota

District 279 Overall 4758 · Forest Park 6226 Culver-Stockton College 6123

· Crookston 6893 Duluth Business University 3312 State Fair Community College 6709

Drury University 6169 Technology 2265 Evangel University 6198

Dunwoody College of Stephens College 6683 · Duluth 6873 Stevens Institute of Business · Morris 6890 Fond Du Lac College 2047 Fontbonne University 6216 and Arts 3319 · Rochester 5877 Globe University 2296 Global University Systems Three Rivers Community · School of Dentistry 4397 (ICI/Berean) 4916 College 6836 Gustavus Adolphus College 6253 · Twin Cities 6874 Grantham University 2244 Truman State University 6483 Hamline University 6265

University of Northwestern Hannibal-Lagrange University 6266 University of Central Missouri 6090 St. Paul 6489

Hennepin Technical College 6290 Harris-Stowe State University 6269 University of Missouri Herzing University 3051

University of Saint Thomas Hickey College 2308 · Columbia 6875 Hibbing Community College 6275 Minnesota 6110 Jefferson College 6320 · Kansas City 6872 Institute of Production & Vermilion Community College 6194 Recording 6461 Kansas City Art Institute 6330 · Saint Louis 6889 Winona State University 6680 Inver Hills Community College 6300 Lester L. Cox College of Nursing Urshan College 6241

Itasca Community College 6309 MISSISSIPPI Vatterott College and Health Science 3932

Keller Graduate School of Alcorn State University 1008 Lincoln University Missouri 6366 · Berkeley 2507 Management 4294 Antonelli College 3193 Lindenwood University 6367 · Joplin 3635

Lake Superior College 6352 · Hattiesburg 3195 Logan University College of · Kansas City 2893 Leech Lake Tribal College 3931 Belhaven University 1055 Chiropractic 4965 · Springfield 2895 Luther Northwestern Seminary 6377 Blue Mountain College 1066 Longview Community College 6359 · St. Joseph 2896

Lulac Educational Service Macalester College 6390 Coahoma Community College 1126 · Sunset Hills 2898 Center 0120 Martin Luther College 6435 Copiah-Lincoln Community Washington University 6929 Maryville University Saint Louis 6399 Mayo School of Health Sciences 5839 College 1142 Webster University 6933 Metro Business College McNally Smith College of Music 4194 Delta State University 1163 Westminster College Missouri 6937 · Cape Giradeau 3316 Mesabi Range Community East Central Community College 1196 William Jewell College 6941 · Jefferson City 3318 and Tech College East Mississippi Community William Woods University 6944 · Virginia 6432 College 1197 · Rolla 3317

· Eveleth 7122 Hinds Community College 1296 Metropolitan Community College MONTANA · Utica 1858 · Maple Woods 6436 Blackfeet Community College 0379 Metropolitan State University 1245

Minnesota State University Holmes Community College 1299 · Penn Valley Campus 6324 Carroll College Montana 4041 Moorhead 6678 Itawamba Community College 1326 Midwestern Baptist Theological Chief Dull Knife College 5938

Minneapolis Business College 7126 Jackson State University 1341 Seminary 6441 City College at Montana State Mineral Area College 6323 University Billings 1990 Minneapolis College of Art Jones County Junior College 1347

and Design 6411 Missouri Academy of Science College of Technology University Magnolia Bible College 0162 Mathematics and Computing 3848 of Montana 2041 Minneapolis Community and Meridian Community College 1461 Technical College 6434 Missouri Baptist University 2258 Dawson Community College 4280 Millsaps College 1471 Minnesota School of Business Missouri Southern State College 6322 Flathead Valley Community Mississippi College 1477 College 4317 · Richfield 3313 Missouri State University Mississippi Delta Community Montana State University College Minnesota State College · Springfield 6665 College 1742 of Technology Great Falls 4482 Southeast Technical 7123 · West Plains Campus 6662 Mississippi Gulf Coast Little Big Horn College 0536 Minnesota State Community and Community College Missouri University of Science

Technical College Fe 2110 Miles Community College 4081 and Technology 6876 · Jefferson Davis 1353 Minnesota State University Montana Bible College 5955 Missouri Valley College 6413 · Gautier 1354 Mankato 6677 Montana State University 4488 Missouri Western State Minnesota West Community · Perkinston 1623 University 6625 · Billings 4298

and Technical College Mississippi State University 1480 Moberly Area Community · Northern 4538 · Gran Forks 7125 Mississippi University for College 6414 Montana Tech University Women 1481 · Worthington 6945 National College Kansas City 5357 of Montana 4487

Mississippi Valley State National American University 5358 Navy Recruiting District Rocky Mountain College 4660 University 1482 Navy Recruiting District St. Louis 9366 Salish Kootenai College 0898 Northeast Mississippi Minneapolis 9363 Community College 1557 Northwest Missouri State Stone Child College 7044 Normandale Community College 6501 University 6488 Northwest Mississippi University of Great Falls 4058 North Central University 0051 Ozark Christian College 6542 Community College 1562 University of Montana 4489

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· Helena College 2022 · Western 4945

Yellowstone Christian College 4998

NEBRASKA Bellevue University 6053 Bryan College of Health

Sciences 6058 Central Community College 6136 Chadron State College 6466 Clarkson College 2250 College of Saint Mary 6106 Concordia University 6116 Creighton University 6121 Doane College 6165 Grace University 6248 Hamilton College Lincoln 3385 Hastings College 6270 Kaplan University 3326 Little Priest Tribal College 3616 McCook Community College 6401 Metropolitan Community

College 5755 Mid-Plains Community College 6497 Midland University 6406 Navy Recruiting District Omaha 9364 Nebraska Christian College 1332 Nebraska College Technical

Agriculture 1305 Nebraska Indian Community

College 1431 Nebraska Methodist College 6510 Nebraska Wesleyan University 6470 Northeast Community College 6473 Peru State College 6468 Saint Gregory the Great

Seminary 2626 Southeast Community College 1189

· Beatrice 6795 · Milford 6502

Union College Nebraska 6865 University of Nebraska

· Kearney 6467 · Lincoln 6877 · Medical Center 6896 · Omaha 6420

Vatterott College Omaha 2900 Wayne State College 6469 Western Nebraska Community

College 6957 · Scottsbluff 6648

York College Nebraska 6984

NEVADA Art Institute of Las Vegas 3832 Career College of Northern

Nevada 3202 Chamberlain College of

Nursing Las Vegas 7444 College of Southern Nevada 4136 Deep Springs College 4281 Great Basin College 4293 Kaplan College Las Vegas

Campus 3167 Las Vegas College 2149 Nevada State College 4572 Sanford Brown College

Las Vegas 5971 Sierra Nevada College 4757 Truckee Meadows Community

College 1096 University of Nevada

· Las Vegas 4861 · Reno 4844

Western Nevada College 4972

NEW HAMPSHIRE Colby-Sawyer College 3281 College for America at Southern

New Hampshire University 7233 Daniel Webster College 3648 Dartmouth College 3351 Franklin Pierce University 3395

Granite State College 0458 Great Bay Community College 3661 Keene State College 3472 Lakes Region Community

College 3850 Manchester Community College 3660 Massachusetts College of Pharmacy

& Health Science 7802 Nashua Community College 3643 New England College 3657 New Hampshire Institute of Art 3868 New Hampton School 3913 NHTI Concord’s Community

College 3647 Northeast Catholic College 3562 Phillips Exeter Academy 1884 Plymouth State University 3690 River Valley Community College 3684 Rivier University 3728 Saint Anselm College 3748 Southern New Hampshire

University 3649 Thomas More College of

Liberal Arts 3892 Tuck Business Bridge Program 3902 University of New Hampshire

· Durham 3918 · Manchester 2094

White Mountains CommunityCollege 3646

NEW JERSEY APA Transport Education

Foundation 4050 Assumption College Sisters 2009 Atlantic Cape Community

College 2024 Atlantic City Medical Center School

of X-ray Technology 7033 Bergen Community College 2032 Berkeley College

· West Paterson 2061 · Woodland Park 2064

Beth Medrash Govoha 2166 Bloomfield College 2044 Brookdale Community College 2181 Caldwell University 2072 Camden County College 2121 Centenary College of New

Jersey 2080 Christ Hospital School of

Nursing Jersey City 2139 College of New Jersey 2519 College of Saint Elizabeth 2090 County College of Morris 2124 Cumberland County College 2118 DeVry University 2203 Drew University 2193 Eastern International College 7930 Eastwick College

· Ramsey 5829 · Hackensack 7463 · Nutley 7464

Essex County College 2237 Fairleigh Dickinson University

· Madison 2262 · Teaneck 2263

Felician University 2321 Fortis Institute 7253 Georgian Court University 2274 Hohokus School of Trade &

Technical Sciences 7465 Holy Name Hospital School

of Nursing 2304 Hudson County Community

College 2291 Jersey College School

of Nursing 7339 Kean University 2517 Liberty Township School 0649 Lincoln Technical Institute

· Union 3053

16 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions

· Mahwah 4237 Mercer County Community

College 2444 Mercer County Technical

Schools 4769 Middlesex County College 2441 Monmouth University 2416 Montclair State University 2520 Mountainside Hospital School

of Nursing 2427 Muhlenburg Regional

Medical Center 2452 Navy Recruiting District

New Jersey 9375 New Jersey Army National

Guard 3339 New Jersey City University 2516 New Jersey Institute of

Technology 2513 New Jersey Youth Corporation

Newark 8031 Ocean County College 2630 Our Lady of Lourdes School

of Nursing 2631 Passaic County Community

College 2694 Petrocelli College 2232 Princeton Theological Seminary 7992 Princeton University 2672 Ramapo College of New Jersey 2884 Raritan Valley Community

College 2867 Reading Fleming Intermediate

School 2727 Rider University 2758 Rowan at Burlington County

College 2180 Rowan College at Gloucester

County 2281 Rowan University 2515 Rutgers University 2765 St. Francis Medical Center Trenton

School of Nursing 2858 Saint Peters University 2806 Salem Community College 2868 Seton Hall University 2811 Somerset Christian College 3933 Stevens Institute of Technology 2819 Stockton University 2889 Sussex County Community

College 2711 Talmudical Academy of

New Jersey 0686 The Cittone Institute 4219 Thomas A. Edison State College 0682 Trinitas School of Nursing at

Union County College 2239 Union County College 2921 Warren County Community

College 2722 Westminster Choir College of

Rider University 2974 William Paterson University

of New Jersey 2518

NEW MEXICO Armand Hammer United World

College American West 1882 Central New Mexico Community

College Main Campus 3387 Clovis Community College 4921 Dona Ana Branch Community

College 6296 Eastern New Mexico University

· Roswell 4662 · Portales 4299

Institute American Indian Native Cultural Arts 0180

Luna Community College 2591 Mesalands Community College 3618 National American University 5360 New Mexico Highlands

University 4532 New Mexico Institute of

Mining and Tech 4533

New Mexico Junior College 4553 New Mexico Military Institute 4534 New Mexico State University

· Alamogordo 4012 · Carlsbad 4547 · Grants 0461 · University Park 4531

Northern New Mexico Community College 0425

Saint John’s College NewMexico 4737

San Juan College 4732 Santa Fe Community College 4816 Santa Fe University of Art

and Design 4676 Southwest University of

Visual Arts 3039 Southwestern Indian Poly

Institute 7047 University of New Mexico

· Albuquerque 4845 · Gallup 0977

University of the Southwest 4116 Western New Mexico University 4535

NEW YORK Adelphi University 2003 Albany College of Pharmacy 2013 Alfred University 2005 American Academy McAllister

Institute Funeral Services 0774 American Academy of Dramatic

Arts East 2603 American Musical and Dramatic

Academy 2103 Arnot-Ogden Medical Center 2016 Aspira New York Inc. 9014 Bank Street Graduate School

of Education 8028 Bard College 2037 Barnard College 2038 Barrytown College of Uts 6812 Berkeley College New York City 0954 Beth Hamedraash Shaarei

Yosher 0731 Beth Hatalmud Rabbinical

College 7317 Bnai Brith Career Counseling

Service 1886 Boricua College 2901 Bramson Ort College 0944 Broome Community College 2048 Bryant and Stratton College 3328

· Amherst 3331 · Buffalo 2058

Bryant and Stratton Business Institute · Albany 2018 · Rochester 7327 · Syracuse 0654

Canisius College 2073 Cayuga County Community

College 2010 Cazenovia College 2078 Center Legal Education Community

College New York 4030 Central Yeshiva Tomchei

Tmimim Lubavitz 0549 Clarkson University 2084 Clinton Community College

of New York 2135 Cochran School Nursing Saint

John’s Riverside Hospital 2894 Colgate University 2086 College New Rochelle School

New Resources 1236 College of Mount Saint Vincent 2088 College of New Rochelle 2089 College of Saint Rose 2091 College of Westchester 1023 Columbia Law School 7982 Columbia University

· School of ContinuingEducation 2594

Page 17: SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your

· School of General Studies 2095 Hebrew University Rothberg Navy Recruiting District Saint Thomas Aquinas College 2807 · Undergraduate Admissions 2116 Samaritan Hospital School International School 0859 of New York 9380

Henry Street Settlement Expanded Nazareth College of Rochester 2511 of Nursing 3439 College 2138 The New School for Drama 7336 Sarah Lawrence College 2810

Columbia-Greene Community College Prep Program 8251

Herkimer County CommunityCompass Seneca Center 8026 The New School for Jazz and Schenectady County College 2316 Contemporary Music 6153 Community College 2879 Hilbert College 2334

Concordia College New York 2096 The New School for Public School of Visual Arts 2835

Hobart William Smith College 2294 Engagement 7335 Cooper Union 2097

Schwartz College of Pharmacy 2068 Hofstra University 2295 New York Career Institute 5324

Cornell University 2098 Shor Yoshuv Rabbinical College 7129

Veterinary Medicine 4818 Siena College 2814 Cornell University College of

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary 2298 New York Chiropractic College 3607 Houghton College 2299 New York Conservatory for Hudson Valley Community

Corning Community College 2106 Skidmore College 2815 Dramatic Arts 3853 Crouse Hospital 2109 Sotheby’s Institute of Art 7913 College 2300 New York Institute of Technology 2561 Culinary Institute of America 3301 Sponsors Educational Icahn School of Medicine at New York Junior Tennis League 8978 Opportunity 8798 CUNY UAPC 2950 Mount Sinai 7333 New York Law School 7386 Sprain Brook Academy Boces 8030 · Baccalaureate for Unique and Institute International New York School of Interior Interdisplinary Studies 3988 St. John’s University College Education NY 2326 Design 0333 of Insurance 2112 · Baruch College 2034 Institute Special Education 6346 New York University 2562 St. John’s University Jamaica 2799 · Borough of Manhattan Iona College 2324 Niagara County Community

Island Drafting and Technical College 2568 Community College 2063 St. Joseph’s College of Nursing 2825

· Bronx Community College 2051 SUNY Institute 3048 Niagara University 2558 · Brooklyn College 2046 · Adirondack 2017 Ithaca College 2325 North Country Community · City College of New York 2083 · Center at Albany 2532 Jamestown Business College 2346 College 2571 · College of Staten Island 2778 · Cobleskill 2524 Jamestown Community College Nyack College · Hostos Community College 2303 · College at Binghamton 2535 · Jamestown 2335 · New York City Campus 5959 · Hunter College 2301 · College at Brockport 2537 · Olean 2158 · Nyack Campus 2560 · John Jay College of · College at Buffalo 2533 Jefferson Community College 2345 Ohr Hameir Theological Criminal Justice 2115 Seminary 0610 · College at Cortland 2538 Jewish Theological Seminary · Kingsborough Community of America 2339 Onondaga Community College 2627 · College at Fredonia 2539

College 2358 Juilliard School 2340 Orange County Community · College at New Paltz 2541

· LaGuardia CommunityCollege 2246 Kehilath Yakov Rabbinical College 2625 · College at Oneonta 2542

Seminary 0619 Pace University · College at Oswego 2543 · Lehman College 2312 Keuka College 2350 · New York City 2635 · College at Potsdam 2545 · Medgar Evers College 2460 Kol Yaakov Torah Center 0541 · Pleasantville Briarcliffe 2685 College at Purchase 2878 · · New York City College of

Technology 2550 Le Moyne College 2366 Pacific College of Oriental · College at Canton 2523

· Queens College 2750 Lebanese American University 2595 · College of Environmental Medicine 6801 Parsons School of Design 2638 Liberty Academy for Law Justice Science and Forestry 2530

College 2751 and Public Service 8041 Paul Smith’s College of Arts · College of Optometry 2897 and Sciences 2640

· Queensborough Community

· Stella and Charles Guttman Lim College 2380 · College of Technology Community College 7886 Long Island Business Institute 3334 Phillips Beth Israel School at Alfred 2522

of Nursing 2031 · York College 2992 Long Island University · College of Technology Plaza College 0545 at Delhi 2525 Daemen College 2762 · Brooklyn Campus 2369 Poznan University of Medical · College of Technology at Darkei Noam Rabbinical College 1270 · Post Campus 2070 Sciences 6981 Farmingdale 2526

Davis College 2233 Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical Pratt Institute 2669 · Empire State College 2214 College 0726 DeVry College of New York Rabbinical Academy · Geneseo 2540 Midtown Campus 4276 Mandl School: College of Mesivta Berlin 0719 Allied Health 6463 · Health Science Center Dominican College of Blauvelt 2190 Rabbinical College Brooklyn 2534 Dowling College 2011 Manhattan College 2395

· Beth Shraga 0668 · Maritime College Bronx 2536 Manhattan School of Music 2396 Dutchess Community College 2198 · Bobover Yeshiva B’nei Zion 7011 · Morrisville State 2527 Manhattanville College 2397 · Ch’san Sofer 0714 · Old Westbury 2866

Dyouville College 2197 Mannes College New School

for Music 2398 · Long Island 0675 · Plattsburgh 2544 Eastman School of Music

University of Rochester 2224 Rabbinical Seminary Maria College of Albany 2434 · Polytechnic Institute · Adas Yerem 0666 Utica/Rome 0755

Einstein STEP EEP-AECMed at Yeshiva University 7229 Marist College 2400

· M’kor Chaim 0767 · Stony Brook University 2548 Ellis Medicine Belanger School Marymount Manhattan College 2405 Medaille College 2422 of Nursing 2216 · of America 2776 · Sullivan 2855

Elmira Business Institute 3332 Memorial Hospital Albany 2472 Relay Graduate School of · University at Buffalo 2925

Elmira College 2226 Education 7374 · Upstate Medical University 2547 Memorial Sloan Kettering School Erie Community College of Rad Therapy 9143 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2757 Suffolk County Community

Roberts Wesleyan College 2759 College 2827 · City Campus 2213 Mercy College Dobbs Ferry 2409 Rochester Institute of · Riverhead 2846

Technology 2760 · North Campus 2228 Mesivta Eastern Parkway

Rabbinical Seminary 1590 Syracuse University 2823

Mesivta Tifereth Jerusalem Rockland Community College 2767 Talmudical Institute Upstate · South Campus 2211

Eugene Lang College the New of America 0632 Russell Sage College 2764 New York 1426 School Liberal Arts 2521

Mesivta Torah Vodaath Sae Institute New York 7068 Talmudical Seminary European School of Economics Seminary 0636 Oholei Torah 0712 New York 5918 Sage College Albany 2343

Metropolitan College of Tel Aviv University 0810 Excelsior College 0759 Sage Evening College 2771 New York 4802 The Kings College 2871 Fashion Institute of Technology 2257 Saint Bonaventure University 2793

Michlalah College 2323 Tompkins Cortland Community Fei Tian College 7077 Saint Elizabeth College Mildred Elley 3335 of Nursing 2847 College 2904

Finger Lakes CommunityCollege 2134 Mirrer Yeshiva Central Institute 0661 Saint Francis College New York 2796 Torah Temimah Talmudical

Seminary 7132 Five Towns College 3142 Mohawk Valley Community Saint George’s University School

College 2414 Touro College 2902 of Arts and Sciences 2864 Fordham University 2259 · Health Sciences Bayshore 5577 Molloy College 2415 Saint James Mercy Hospital Franklin University Switzerland 0922 Monroe College 2462 School of Nursing 2831 · Health Sciences New York 2120

Fulton-Montgomery Community · Bronx 2463 Saint John Fisher College 2798 Trocaire College 2856 College 2254

Monroe Community College 2429 Saint John’s University Ulster County Community Genesee Community College 2272 Montefiore School of Nursing 2455 Staten Island 2845 College 2938

Global College of Long IslandUniversity 2248 Mount Saint Mary College 2423 Saint Joseph’s College Brooklyn 2802 Union College 2920

Saint Joseph’s College United States Marine Corps Hamilton College 2286 Nassau Community College 2563 Patchogue 2841 · Officer Selection 3984 Hartwick College 2288 Nativ Program Israel 3683

Saint Lawrence University 2805 · Syracuse 3874 Hebrew Union College NY 2290 Navy Recruiting District Buffalo 9377 Saint Paul’s School of Nursing 3400

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 17

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United States Merchant Marine Academy 2923

United States Military Academy 2924 United Talmudical Academy 0696 University of Rochester 2928 USMC Officer Selection

Recruiting Station 7925 Utica College 2932 Utica School of Commerce 3341 Vassar College 2956 Vaughn College of Aeronautics

and Technology 2001 Villa Maria College New York 2962 Wagner College 2966 Webb Institute 2970 Wells College 2971 Westchester Community

College 2972 Wood Tobe-Coburn School 2913 Word of Life Bible Institute 7974 Yeshiva Derech Chaim 0552 Yeshiva Karlin Stolin Beth 1582 Yeshiva Nitra Rabbinical College 0691 Yeshiva Shaar Hatora 0743 Yeshiva University New York 2990 Yeshivat Mikdash Melech 1432

NORTH CAROLINA Alamance Community College 5790 Ambassador Baptist College 0760 Appalachian State University 5010 Art Institute

· of Charlotte 3834 · of Raleigh-Durham 7899

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College 5033

Barber-Scotia College 5052 Barton College 5016 Beaufort County Community

College 7307 Belmont Abbey College 5055 Bennett College North Carolina 5058 Bladen Community College 3082 Blue Ridge Community College 5644 Brevard College 5067 Brunswick Community College 7314 Cabarrus College of Health

Sciences 5136 Caldwell Community College

Technical Institute 5146 Calvary Baptist Bible College 5203 Campbell University 5100 Cape Fear Community College 5094 Carolinas College of Health

Sciences 6211 Carolinas Medical Center

School Radiology 5129 Carteret Community College 5092 Catawba College 5103 Catawba Valley Community

College 5098 Central Carolina Community

College 5147 Central Piedmont Community

College 5102 Chamberlain College of

Nursing Irving 7993 Chefs Academy of Harrison

College 6991 Chowan University 5107 Cleveland Community College 5140 Coastal Carolina Community

College 5134 College of the Albemarle 5133 Craven Community College 5148 Davidson College 5150 Davidson County Community

College 5170 DeVry University Raleigh-

Durham 6977 Duke University 5156 Durham Technical Community

College 5172

East Carolina University 5180 Edgecombe Community College 5199 Elizabeth City State University 5629 Elon Academy at Elon University 7220 Elon University 5183 Fayetteville State University 5212 Fayetteville Technical

Community College 5208 Forsyth Technical Community

College 5234 Fuqua School of Business 5946 Gardner-Webb University 5242 Gaston College 5262 Grace College of Divinity 7907 Greensboro College 5260 Guilford College 5261 Guilford Technical Community

College 5275 Halifax Community College 0621 Haywood Community College 5289 High Point University 5293 Isothermal Community College 5319 James Sprunt Community

College 6256 Johnson & Wales University

Charlotte 4360 Johnson C. Smith University 5333 Johnston Community College 0727 Kings College North Carolina 5361 Laurel University 5348 Lees-McRae College 5364 Lenoir Community College 5378 Lenoir-Rhyne University 5365 Living Arts College 7763 Living University 5384 Livingstone College 5367 Louisburg College 5369 Mars Hill University 5395 Martin Community College 5445 Mayland Community College 0795 McDowell Technical Community

College 0789 Meredith College 5410 Methodist University 5426 Mid-Atlantic Christian University 5597 Miller-Motte Technical College 3342 Mitchell Community College 5412 Montgomery Community

College 0785 Montreat College 5423 Nash Community College 5881 Navy Recruiting District Raleigh 9374 North Carolina Agricultural &

Technical State University 5003 North Carolina Central

University 5495 · Raleigh 5496

North Carolina WesleyanCollege 5501

Pamlico Community College 0864 Pfeiffer University 5536 Piedmont Community College 5518 Piedmont International

University 5555 Pitt Community College 5556 Presbyterian School of Nursing

Queens University 5544 Queens University of Charlotte 5560 Randolph Community College 5585 Richmond Community College 5588 Ridgeview Preparatory and

Sports Academy 7438 Roanoke-Chowan Community

College 5564 Robeson Community College 5594 Rockingham Community

College 5582 Rowan-Cabarrus Community

College 5589 Saint Andrews University 5214 Saint Augustine’s College 5596 Salem College 5607

18 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions

Sampson Community College 0505 Sandhills Community College 5649 Shaw University 5612 South College Asheville 0508 South Piedmont Community

College 3623 South University High Point 7242 Southeastern Baptist Theological

Seminary 7050 Southeastern Community College

North Carolina 5651 Southeastern Free Will

Baptist College 3776 Southwestern Community

College 5667 Stanly Community College 0496 Surry Community College 5656 Tri-County Community College 5785 United Piedmont Center for

Educational Excellence 9092 University of Mount Olive 5435 University North Carolina

· Asheville 5013 · Charlotte 5105 · Chapel Hill 5816 · Greensboro 5913 · Pembroke 5534 · School of the Arts 5512 · Wilmington 5907

Vance-Granville CommunityCollege 0617

Wake Forest University 5885 Wake Technical College 5928 Warren Wilson College 5886 Watts School of Nursing 5915 Wayne Community College 5926 Western Carolina University 5897 Western Piedmont Community

College 5922 Wilkes Community College 5921 William Peace University 5533 Wilson Community College 5930 Wingate University 5908 Winston-Salem State University 5909

NORTH DAKOTA Aakers College 3343 Bismarck State College 6041 Cankdeska Cikana Community

College 1306 Dakota College Bottineau 1540 Dickinson State University 6477 Fort Bethold Community

College 7304 Lake Region State College 6163 Mayville State University 6478 Medcenter One College

of Nursing 7051 Minot State University 6479 North Dakota State College

of Science 6476 North Dakota State University

Fargo 6474 Sitting Bull College 0310 Trinity Bible College 0356 Turtle Mountain Community

College 0352 United Tribes Technical College 4915 University of Jamestown 6318 University of Mary 6428 University of North Dakota

Grand Forks 6878 Valley City State University 6480 Williston State College 6905

OHIO Academy of Court Reporting 3344 Allegheny Wesleyan College 4120 Antioch College 1017 Antioch University McGregor 4527 Art Academy of Cincinnati 1002 Art Institue of Cincinnati 3181 Ashland University 1021

Aultman College of Nursing &Health Sciences 3203

Baldwin Wallace University 1050 Belmont Technical College 1072 Bluffton University 1067 Bohecker’s Business College 2195 Bowling Green State University 1069

· Fireland 0749 Bradford School 3952 Brown Mackie College

· Akron Campus 3266 · Cincinnati Campus 3576 · North Canton Campus 3148

Bryant and Stratton College 3251 · Parma 0577 · Eastlake Campus 0814

Capital University 1099 Case Western Reserve

University 1105 Cedarville University 1151 Central Ohio Technical College 7321 Central State University 1107 Chamberlain College of

Nursing Cleveland 7251 Chamberlain School of

Nursing Ohio 5763 Chatfield College 1143 Christ College of Nursing and

Health Sciences 2200 Cincinnati Christian University 1091 Cincinnati College of Mortuary

Science 0945 Cincinnati State Technical

Community College 1984 Clark State Community College 0777 Cleveland Institute Electronics 0802 Cleveland Institute of Art 1152 Cleveland Institute of Music 1124 Cleveland State University 1221 College of Wooster 1134 Columbus College Art

and Design 1085 Columbus State Community

College 1148 Cuyahoga Community College

· Eastern Campus 1978 · Metropolitan 1159 · Western Campus 1985 · Westshore Campus 7439

Davis College 2155 Daymar College 3263 Defiance College 1162 Denison University 1164 DeVry University Ohio 1605 Eastern Gateway Community

College 2264 Edison State Community

College 1191 Education America Remington

College Ohio 3154 ETI Technical College of Niles 3149 Fortis College 1610 Franciscan University of

Steubenville 1133 Franklin University 1229 Galen College of Nursing 5967 Gallipolis Career College 2469 God’s Bible School and College 1238 Good Samaritan College

of Nursing 1259 Heidelberg University 1292 Herzing University 7277 Hiram College 1297 Hocking College 1822 Hondros College 3255 International College of

Broadcasting 3047 James A. Rhodes State College 0754 John Carroll University 1342 Kent State University 1434

· Ashtabula 1485

Page 19: SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your

· East Liverpool 0328 Southern State Community Southwestern Christian Willamette University 4954 College 1752 University 1433 · Geauga Campus 6979 PENNSYLVANIA Stark State College of Tech 1688 Southwestern Oklahoma · Kent Campus 1367 AFNA National Educational State University 6673 Terra State Community College 0365 · Salem Campus 0683 Research Fund 8606

Thompson Bible Institute 2589 · Sayre 6646 · Stark Campus 0585 Albright College 2004 Tiffin University 1817 Spartan College 0336 · Trumbull 0593 Allegheny College 2006 Trinity Health System School Tulsa Community College 6839 Kenyon College 1370 Allied Medical and Technical of Nursing 1611 Tulsa Welding School 2958 Kettering College of Careers 3190 Trumbull Business College 3270 University of Central Oklahoma 6091 Medical Arts 0602 Alvernia University 2431 University of Akron 1829 University of Oklahoma 6879 Lake Erie College 1391 Arcadia University 2039

· Wayne College 1892 · Health Science Center 0430 Lakeland Community College 1422 Argosy University Online University of Cincinnati 1833 University of Science and Arts Programs 6141 Lorain County Community of Oklahoma 6544 College 1417 University of Dayton 1834 Aria Health School of Nursing 2247

University of Tulsa 6883 Lourdes University 1427 University of Findlay 1223 Art Institute of Philadelphia 2033 Vatterott College Oklahoma City 2899 Malone University 1439 University of Mount Union 1492 Art Institute of Pittsburgh 2029

Marietta College 1444 University of Northwestern Ohio 0816 Vatterott College Tulsa 3637 Art Institute Online 3835 Western Oklahoma State Marion Technical College 0699 University of Rio Grande 1663 Berks Technical Institute 3198 College 6020 Medcentral College of Nursing 3935 University of Toledo 1845 Bidwell Training Center 3199 Western Technology Center 6071 Mercy College of Ohio 4685 Urbana University 1847 Bloomsburg University of

Miami University 1463 Ursuline College 1848 OREGON Pennsylvania 2646

· Hamilton 1526 Valor Christian College 5972 Art Institute of Portland 4231 Bradford School Pittsburgh 2206

· Middletown 1509 Vandalia-Butler City Schools 1266 Blue Mountain Community Bryn Athyn College 2002 College 4025 Miami-Jacobs Career College 1528 Vatterott College Cleveland 7331 Bryn Mawr College 2049

Central Oregon Community · Independence Campus 2173 Virginia Marti College of Art Bucknell University 2050 College 4090 Mount Carmel College and Design 0396 Bucks County Community Chemeketa Community College 4745 of Nursing 1502 Walsh University 1926 College 2066

Clackamas Community College 4111 Mount Saint Joseph University 1129 Washington State Community Butler County Community College 0381 Clatsop Community College 4089 College 2069 Mount Vernon Nazarene

University 1531 Wilberforce University 1906 Columbia Gorge Community Buxmont Christian Education College 3185 Institute 1885 Muskingum University 1496 Wilmington College 1909

Concordia University Oregon 4079 Cabrini University 2071 North Central State College 0721 Wittenberg University 1922 Confederated Tribes Grand Ronde Cairn University 2661 Northeast Ohio Medical Wright State University Community of Oregon 4253 University 1692 California University of · Dayton 1179 Corban University 4956 Pennsylvania 2647 Northwest State Community Lake Campus 1947 ·

College 1235 Eastern Oregon University 4300 Cambria-Rowe Business College 2210 Xavier University 1965

Notre Dame College 1566 Everest College 2152 Career Training Academy Youngstown State University 1975

Oberlin College and George Fox University 4325 · Monroeville 3207 Zane State College 1535 Conservatory 1587 Gutenberg College 2605 · New Kensington 3205

Ohio Bible College 3117 OKLAHOMA Klamath Community College 4127 Carlow University 2421 Ohio Business College Bacone College 6030 Lane Community College 4407 Carnegie Mellon University 2074

· Sandusky 3260 Cameron University 6080 Lewis and Clark College 4384 Cedar Crest College 2079 · Sheffield 2470 Carl Albert State College 1474 Linfield College 4387 Central Pennsylvania College 1061

Ohio Christian University 1088 Connors State College 6117 · Portland 4333 Chatham University 2081 Ohio College of Massotherapy 2985 East Central University 6186 Linn-Benton Community College 4413 Chestnut Hill College 2082 Ohio College Podiatric Medicine 1589 Eastern Oklahoma State College 6189 Marylhurst University 0440 Cheyney University of Ohio Dominican University 1131 Herbert W. Armstrong College 4648 Mount Angel Seminary 4491 Pennsylvania 2648

Ohio Institute of Photography Langston University 6361 Mount Hood Community Chi Institute and Technology 3380 Mid-America Christian College 4508 · Broomall 3398

Ohio Northern University 1591 University 0918 Multnomah Education · Franklin Mills 3386 Ohio State University Agricultural Murray State College 6421 Service District 4205 Citizens School of Nursing 2132

Technical 1009 Navy Recruiting District North Multnomah University 4496 Cittone Institute Northeast Ohio State University Oklahoma City 9358 Navy Recruiting District Portland 9348 Campus 4221

· Columbus 1592 Northeastern Oklahoma New Hope Christian College 4274 City Year Greater Philadelphia 4612 A&M College 6484 · Lima 1541 Northwest Christian University 4543 Clarion University of

Northeastern State University 6485 · Mansfield 0744 Oregon Coast Community College Pennsylvania 2649 Northern Oklahoma College 6486 Central County Campus 7456 Clarks Summit University · Marion Campus 0752

· Newark 0824 Northwestern Oklahoma Oregon College of Art and Craft 4236 Pennsylvania 2036 State University 6493 Community College of Ohio Technical College 2999 Oregon Health and Science

Oklahoma Baptist College University 4900 Allegheny County Ohio University and Institute 2609 · Oregon Institute of Technology 4587 Allegheny 2156

· Athens 1593 Oklahoma Baptist University 6541 · Monroeville 2122 Oregon State University 4586 · Chillicothe 0775 Oklahoma Christian University 6086 · North Campus 2025 Pacific Northwest College of Art 4504 · Eastern Campus 0828 Oklahoma City Community Pacific University 4601 · South Campus West Mifflin 2123 · Lancaster 0826 College 0270

Pioneer Pacific College 0492 Community College of · Southern Campus at Ironton 1912 Oklahoma City University 6543 Beaver County 2126 Portland Community College 4617 · Zanesville 0846 Oklahoma Panhandle State Community College of Portland State University 4610 Ohio Valley College of University 6571 Philadelphia 2682

Technology 5852 Oklahoma State University Reed College 4654 Conemaugh Valley Memorial Ohio Wesleyan University 1594 · Okmulgee 3382 Rogue Community College 4653 Hospital 2128

Otterbein University 1597 · Stillwater 6546 Southern Oregon University 4702 Consolidated School of Business

Owens Community College 1643 · Technical Oklahoma City 1436 · Southwestern Oregon Lancaster 2240 Community College 4729 · Findlay 5487 Oklahoma Wesleyan University 6135 · York 2242

Tillamook Bay Community Pontifical College Josephinum 1348 Oral Roberts University 6552 Curtis Institute of Music 2100 College 7470 Rabbinical College Telshe 1660 Randall University 0927 Dean Institute of Technology 2199 Treasure Valley Community Rosedale Bible College 3936 Redlands Community College 7324 College 4825 Delaware County Community

College 2125 School of Advertising Art 5953 Rogers State University 6545 Umpqua Community College 4862 Delaware Valley University 2510 Shawnee State University 1790 Rose State College 1462 University of Oregon 4846 DeSales University 2021 Siegal College of Judaic Studies 1190 Seminole State College 0316 University of Phoenix Oregon 7856 DeVry University 3866 Sinclair Community College 1720 Southeastern Oklahoma University of Portland 4847

State University 6657 Dickinson College 2186 South University Cleveland Warner Pacific College 4595 Campus 6992 Southern Nazarene University 6036 Douglas Education Center 3288 Western Oregon University 4585

Drexel University 2194

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 19

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DuBois Business College · Huntingdon 3290 · Oil City 3292

Duquesne University 2196 East Stroudsburg University

of Pennsylvania 2650 Eastern University 2220 Edinboro University 2651 Educational Opportunity Centers

Incorporated 0116 Elizabethtown College 2225 Erie Institute of Technology 2284 Franklin and Marshall College 2261 Gannon University 2270 Geneva College 2273 Gettysburg College 2275 Gratz College 2280 Grove City College 2277 Gwynedd Mercy University 2278 Harcum College 2287 Harrisburg Area Community

College 2309 Harrisburg University of

Science & Tech 4511 Haverford College 2289 Holy Family University 2297 Hussian College, School of Art 7309 ICS Center Degree Studies 7313 Immaculata University 2320 Indiana University of

Pennsylvania 2652 · Academy of Culinary Arts 2349

Jameson Memorial HospitalSchool of Nursing 2337

Jefferson College of GraduateStudies 7923

NJA Institute of Culinary Arts 3049 Johnson College 1542 Joseph F. McCloskey School

of Nursing 2693 Juniata College 2341 Kaplan Career Institute

ICM Campus 3823 Keystone College 2351 Kings College 2353 Kutztown University of

Pennsylvania 2653 La Roche College 2379 La Salle University 2363 Lackawanna College 2373 Lafayette College 2361 Lake Erie College of Osteopathic

Medicine 7334 Lancaster Bible College 2388 Lansdale School Business 5853 Laurel Business Institute 2329 Laurel Technical Institute 2466 Lebanon Valley College 2364 Lehigh Carbon Community

College 2381 Lehigh University 2365 Lincoln Technical Institute

· Philadelphia 9010 · Allentown 2741

Lincoln University of theCommonwealth of Pennsylvania 2367

Lock Haven University ofPennsylvania 2654

Luzerne County CommunityCollege 2382

Lycoming College 2372 Manor College 2260 Mansfield University of

Pennsylvania 2655 Marine Corps Officer Programs 6725 Marywood University 2407 McCann School of Business

and Technology 7392 · Mahanoy 3887 · Pottsville 3296 · Sunbury 3298

Mercy School of Nursing 2447 Mercyhurst University 2410 Messiah College 2411 Methodist Hospital School

of Nursing 2458 Metropolitan Career Center

Computer Tech Institute 3065 Millersville University of

Pennsylvania 2656 Misericordia University 2087 Montgomery County Community

College 2445 Moore College of Art and Design 2417 Moravian College 2418 Mount Aloysius College 2420 Muhlenberg College 2424 National Education Center

Harrisburg 2402 Navy Recruiting District

· Pittsburgh 7287 · Philadelphia 9381

Neumann University 2628 New Castle School of Trades 2404 Northampton County Area

Community College 2573 Ohio Valley General Hospital

School of Nursing 2624 Orleans Tech Institute

Center City 3127 Peirce College 2674 Penn View Bible Institute 2639 Pennco Tech 0380 Pennsylvania Academy of

Fine Arts 3038 Pennsylvania College

· of Art and Design 2681 · of Health Sciences 2374 · of Optometry 2645 · of Technology 2989

Pennsylvania HighlandsCommunity College 2484

Pennsylvania Instititute of Health& Technology 3214

Pennsylvania Institute ofTechnology 2675

Pennsylvania State University 2660 Philadelphia University 2666 Pittsburgh Institute of

Aeronautics 0652 Pittsburgh Institute of

Mortuary Science 7030 Pittsburgh Technical College 0382 Point Park University 2676 Prism Career Institute 2887 Reading Area Community

College 2743 Reading Hospital & Medical

Center 4444 Reading Hospital School of

Health Sciences 2772 Restaurant School at Walnut

Hill College 4883 Robert Morris University 2769 Rosedale Technical Institute 3025 Rosemont College 2763 Roxborough Memorial Hospital 2473 Saint Charles Borromeo

Seminary, Overbrook 2794 Saint Francis University 2797 Saint Joseph’s University 2801 Saint Luke’s Hospital School

of Nursing 2852 Saint Margaret School of

Nursing 2882 Saint Vincent College 2808 Seton Hill University 2812 Shippensburg University of

Pennsylvania 2657 Slippery Rock University of

Pennsylvania 2658 South Hills Business School 2467 South Hills School of Business

and Technology 2176

South University 4664 Susquehanna University 2820 Swarthmore College 2821 Talmudical Yeshiva Philadelphia 1037 Temple University 2906 Thaddeus Stevens State

School of Tech 0560 Thiel College 2910 Thomas Jefferson University

Jefferson College of HealthProfessions 2903

Thompson Institute · Harrisburg 3212 · Philadelphia 3213

Tri-State Business Institute 2502 Triangle Tech

· Dubois 7133 · Greensburg School 0658 · Pittsburgh 0734 · Erie School 1572

University of Pennsylvania · College Liberal/Professional

Studies 2986 · School of Dental Medicine 2944 · Undergraduate Admission 2926

University of Pittsburgh 2927 · Bradford 2935 · Greensburg 2936 · Johnstown 2934 · School of Dental Medicine 2580 · Titusville 2937

University of Scranton 2929 University of the Arts 2664 University of the Sciences 2663 University of Valley Forge 2579 UPMC Shadyside School

of Nursing 2836 Ursinus College 2931 USMC Officer Selection Station

Philadelphia 7911 Valley Forge Military College 2955 Vet Tech Institute 7134 Villanova University 2959 Washington and Jefferson

College 2967 Washington Hospital School

of Nursing 2973 Waynesburg University 2969 Welder Training and Testing

Institute 2531 West Chester University of

Pennsylvania 2659 Western Pennsylvania Hospital

School of Nursing 2983 Western School of Health and

Business Careers 2933 Westminster College

Pennsylvania 2975 Westmoreland County

Community College 2968 Widener University 2642 Wilkes University 2977 Williamson Free School

Mechanical Trade 0765 Wilson College 2979 Yeshivath Beth Moshe 1657 York College of Pennsylvania 2991 York Learning Center Freedom

Academy 5689 York Technical Institute 2943

RHODE ISLAND Brown University 3094 Bryant University 3095 Community College of

Rhode Island 3733 Community College of Rhode

Island Educ Talent 8010 Johnson and Wales University 3465 Mater Ecclesiae College 6229 Naval Academy Preparatory

School 7690

New England Institute of TechnologyRhode Island 0339

Providence College 3693 Rhode Island College 3724 Rhode Island School of Design 3726 Roger Williams University 3729 Salve Regina University 3759 St. Joseph School of Nursing 3797 United States Marine Corps Officer

Selection Program 4143 University of Rhode Island 3919

SOUTH CAROLINA Aiken Technical College 5037 Allen University 5006 American College of the

Building Arts 4287 Anderson University 5008 Anmed Health Radiologic

Technology Program 7041 Art Institute of Charleston 5583 Benedict College 5056 Bob Jones University 5065 Central Carolina Technical

College 5665 Charleston Southern University 5079 Claflin University 5109 Clemson University 5111 Clinton Junior College 5743 Coastal Carolina University 5837 Coker College 5112 College of Charleston 5113 Columbia College South

Carolina 5117 Columbia International

University 5116 Converse College 5121 Denmark Technical College 5744 Erskine College 5188 Florence-Darlington Technical

College 5207 Forrest Junior College 7138 Francis Marion University 5442 Furman University 5222 Geneva Reformed Seminary 7019 Golf Academy of the Carolinas 3223 Governors School for Science

and Math 6073 Greenville Technical College 5278 Holmes Bible College 6514 Horry-Georgetown Technical

College 5305 Lander University 5363 Limestone College 5366 McLeod School of Medical

Technology 7926 Midlands Technical College 5584 Morris College 5418 Navy Recruiting District

Columbia 9368 Navy Nuclear Power Training

Command 5777 Newberry College 5493 North Greenville University 5498 Northeastern Technical College 5095 Orangeburg-Calhoun

Technical College 5527 Piedmont Technical College 5550 Presbyterian College 5540 South Carolina State University 5618 South University Columbia

Campus 5097 Southern Methodist College 5663 Southern Wesleyan University 5896 Spartanburg Community

College 5668 Spartanburg Methodist College 5627 Tech College Low County 8996 Technical College of the

Lowcountry 5047 The Citadel 5108 Three Rivers Midlands Campus 5646 Tri-County Technical College 5789

20 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions

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Trident Technical College North 5049 University of South Carolina

· Aiken 5840 · Beaufort 5845 · Columbia 5818 · Lancaster 5849 · Salkehatchie 5847 · Sumter 5821 · Union 5846 · Upstate 5850

Voorhees College 5863 Williamsburg Tech College 5892 Winthrop University 5910 Wofford College 5912 York Technical College 5989

SOUTH DAKOTA Augustana University 6015 Black Hills State University 6042 Cheyenne River College Center 6279 Dakota State University 6247 Dakota Wesleyan University 6155 Kilian Community College 6149 Lake Area Technical Institute 0717 Mitchell Technical Institute 7038 Mount Marty College 6416 National American University 6464 Northern State University 6487 Oglala Lakota College 1430 Presentation College 6582 Sinte Gleska University 7328 Sisseton-Wahpeton College 3403 South Dakota School of

Mines and Tech 6652 South Dakota State University 6653 Southeast Technical Institute 7054 University of Sioux Falls 6651 University of South Dakota

Vermillion 6881 Western Dakota Technical

Institute 6393

TENNESSEE American Baptist College 2401 Aquinas College TN 7318 Argosy University 5685 Art Institute of Tennessee

Nashville 7291 Austin Peay State University 1028 Baptist College of Health

Sciences 6548 Belmont University 1058 Bethel University 1063 Bryan College 1908 Carson-Newman University 1102 Chattanooga College 2267 Chattanooga State Technical

Community College 1084 Christian Brothers University 1121 Clarksville Baptist College 1104 Cleveland State Community

College 2848 Columbia State Community

College 1081 Crown College TN 2385 Cumberland University 1146 Draughons Junior College

· Clarksville 3225 · Nashville 7325

Dyersburg State CommunityCollege 7323

East Tennessee State University 1198 Fisk University 1224 Fountainhead College of

Technology 0446 Freed-Hardeman University 1230 Hiwassee College 1298 Huntington College Health

Sciences 3945 Jackson State Community

College 2266 John A. Gupton College 0539

Johnson University 1345 King College 1371 Knoxville College 1373 Lane College 1395 Lee University 1401 Lemoyne-Owen College 1403 Lincoln Memorial University 1408 Lipscomb University 1161 Martin Methodist College 1449 Maryville College 1454 Meharry Medical College 1458 Mid-America Baptist Theological

Seminary 7039 Middle Tennessee School

of Anesthesia 3944 Middle Tennessee State

University 1466 Miller-Motte Technical College 3228 Milligan College 1469 Motlow State Community

College 1543 Nashville Auto-Diesel College 3098 Nashville State Community

College 0850 National College 3247 National College of Business

and Technology 3227 Navy Recruiting District

· Nashville 9373 New College Franklin 6294 Northeast State Community

College 0453 Nossi College of Art 3118 Omore College of Design 1545 Pellissippi State Technical and

Community College 0319 Remington College Memphis

Campus 3159 Rhodes College 1730 Roane State Community College 1656 South College 0711 Southern Adventist University 1727 Southern College Optometry 1725 Southwest Tennessee

Community College 0274 Tennessee State University 1803 Tennessee Technological

University 1804 Tennessee Wesleyan College 1805 Trevecca Nazarene University 1809 Tusculum College 1812 Union University 1826 University of Memphis 1459 University of Tennessee

· Chattanooga 1831 · Knoxville 1843 · Martin 1844

University of the South 1842 Vanderbilt University 1871 Visible Music College 5450 Volunteer State Community

College 1881 Walters State Community

College 1893 Watkins College of Art

and Design 4927 Welch College 1232 Williamson College 7388

TEXAS Abilene Christian University 6001 Alvin Community College 6005 Amarillo College 6006 Amberton University 6140 Angelina College 6025 Angelo State University 6644 Arlington Baptist College 6039 Art Institute

· of Austin 5980 · of Dallas 2680 · of Houston 8271 · of San Antonio 7043

Austin College 6016 Austin Community College

Texas 6759 Austin Graduate School

of Theology 4969 Baptist Health System School

Medicine Imaging Tech 4243 Baptist Hospital Southeast Texas

School of Radiologic Tech 1789 Baptist Missionary Association

Theological Seminar 7042 Baptist University of the

Americas 7685 Baylor College of Dentistry 6059 Baylor University 6032 Blinn College 6043 Brazosport College 6054 Brookhaven College 6070 Cedar Valley College 6148 Central Texas College 6130 Chamberlain College of Nursing 6586

· Irving 6714 · Pearland 7426

Cisco College 6096 Clarendon College 6097 Coastal Bend College 6055 College at Southwestern 7052 College of Biblical Studies

Houston 3946 College of the Mainland 6133 Collin County Community

College 1951 Commonwealth Institute of

Funeral Service 7031 Concordia University Texas 6127 Criswell College 0794 Dallas Baptist University 6159 Dallas Christian College 0792 Dallas Institute Funeral Service 7032 Del Mar College 6160 DeVry University Houston 4132 Irving 6180 East Texas Baptist University 6187 Eastfield College 6201 Education Service Center 3604 El Centro College 6199 El Paso Community College

Texas 6203 Frank Phillips College 6222 Galen College of Nursing

San Antonio 6433 Galveston College 6255 Grayson County College 6254 Hallmark College of Aeronautics 3166 Hallmark Institute of Technology 2307 Hardin-Simmons University 6268 Haven Alternative Learning

Center 1992 Hill College 6285 Houston Baptist University 6282 Houston Community College 0929 Howard College 6277 Howard Payne University 6278 Huston-Tillotson College 6280 International American University

College of Medicine 4375 Jacksonville College 6317 Jarvis Christian College 6319 Kilgore College 6341 The King’s University 3896 Lamar Institute of Technology 4239 Lamar State College

· Orange 1694 · Pt Arthur 6589

Lamar University Institute TechParticipating Stud Serv 8037

Lamar University Beaumont 6360 Laredo Community College 6362 Lee College Texas 6363 Letourneau University 6365

Lincoln College of TechnologyTexas 3059

Lone Star College 6508 · North Harris 9537 · Tomball 5413

Lubbock Christian University 6378 McLennan Community College 6429 McMurry University 6402 Messenger College 4929 Mexican American Catholic

College 5957 Midland College 6459 Midwestern State University 6408 Mountain View College 6438 Navarro College 6465 Navy Recruiting District

· Houston 9355 · Dallas 9353

North American University 6558 North Central Texas College 6245 North Harris College

Education Talent 4147 North Lake College 6519 Northeast Texas Community

College 6531 Northwest Vista College 6517 Northwood University Texas 6499 Our Lady of the Lake University 6550 Palo Alto College 3730 Panola College 6572 Paris Junior College 6573 Paul Quinn College 6577 Prairie View Agricultural

Mechanical University 6580 Ranger College 6608 Remington College

· Dallas 3232 · Fort Worth 3151

Rice University 6609 Richland College 6607 Saint Mary’s University 6637 Saint Philips College 6642 Sam Houston State University 6643 San Antonio College 6645 San Jacinto College 6694

· North 6729 · South 6693

Schreiner University 6647 South Plains College 6695 South Texas College 6654 South University Austin 6719 Southern Methodist University 6660 Southwest School of Art 7260 Southwest Texas Junior College 6666 Southwestern Adventist

University 6671 Southwestern Assemblies of

God University 6669 Southwestern Baptist Theological

Seminary 4546 Southwestern Christian College 6705 Southwestern University 6674 St. Edward’s University 6619 Stephen F. Austin State

University 6682 Sul Ross State University 6685 Tarleton State University 6817 Tarrant County College

· South Campus 6834 Temple College 6818 Texarkana College 6819 Texas A&M International

University 0359 Texas A&M Univerity

· Central Texas 6756 · College Station 6003 · Commerce 6188 · Corpus Christi 0366 · Galveston 6835 · Kingsville 6822

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 21

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· Rangel College of Pharmacy 6509 Snow College 4727 Emory & Henry College 5185 Southside Virginia CommunityCollege 5669 · San Antonio 5996 Southern Utah University 4092 Ferrum College 5213

· Alberta 5660 · Texarkana 6206 Stevens-Henager College 4751 Gateway Christian College 5686 Southwest Virginia Community Texas Christian University 6820 University of Utah 4853 George Mason University 5827 College Keysville 5659 Texas College 6821 Utah Career College 2892 Germanna Community College 5276 Stratford University 3778 Texas Lutheran University 6823 Utah State University 4857 Hampden-Sydney College 5291 Sweet Briar College 5634 Texas Southern University 6824 · Eastern 4040 Hampton University 5292 Thomas Nelson Community Texas State Technical College Utah Valley University 4870 Hollins University 5294 College 5793

· Harlingen 6843 Weber State University 4941 J. Sargeant Reynolds Tidewater Community College 5226 · Waco 6328 Western Governors University 3949 Community College 5676 Troy University · West Texas 3137 Westminster College Salt J. Sargeant Reynolds Community · Fort Myer 4770 College Parham 5340 Lake City 4948 Texas State University 6667 · Norfolk 4767 James Madison University 5392 Texas Tech University 6827 VERMONT University of Mary Washington 5398 Jefferson College of Health · Health Sciences School Bennington College 3080 Sciences 5099 University of Richmond 5569 of Nursing 3423 Castleton University 3765 John Tyler Community College 5342 University of Virginia 5820 Texas Wesleyan University 6828 Champlain College 3291 Liberty University 5385 · at Wise 5124 Texas Woman’s University 6826 College of St. Joseph 3297 Longwood University 5368 Virginia Baptist College 4230 Trinity Baptist Bible College 3602 Community College of Vermont 3286 Lord Fairfax Community College 5381 Virginia Commonwealth Trinity University 6831 Goddard College 3416 University 5570 Loudoun Campus Strayer Trinity Valley Community Green Mountain College 3418 University 4925 · School of Medicine 2060 College 6271 Johnson State College 3766 Lynchburg College 5372 Virginia Highlands Community Tyler Junior College 6833 College 5927 Landmark College 0081 Lynchburg General Hospital University of Texas Southwestern School of Nursing 5379 Virginia International University 4592 Lyndon State College 3767 Medical Center 6686

Marlboro College 3509 Marine Security Guard Battalion Virginia Military Institute 5858 United States Air Force Health Care Science 6900 Middlebury College 3526 Headquarters 3844 Virginia Polytech Institute

Mary Baldwin University 5397 State University 5859 Universal Technical Institute 2503 New England Culinary Institute 3405 Marymount University 5405 Virginia State University 5860 University of Dallas 6868 New England Culinary

Institute Essex 3100 Mountain Empire Community Virginia Tech Center for University of Houston College 5451 Teacher Education 4222 Northeastern Baptist College 7999 · Clear Lake 6916 National College Virginia Union University 5862 Norwich University 3669 · Downtown Campus 6922 · Danville 3249 Virginia Wesleyan College 5867 Saint Michaels College 3757 · Main Campus 6870 · Harrisonburg 3173 Virginia Western Community Southern Vermont College 3796 · Victoria 6917 College 5868 · Martinsville 3171 Sterling College Vermont 3752 University of the Incarnate Word 6303 Washington and Lee University 5887 · Roanoke Valley 5502 University of Vermont 3920 University of Mary Hardin Baylor 6396 World College 3970 National College of Business Vermont Agency of Education 4142 University of North Texas 6481 and Technology Wytheville Community College 5917 Vermont College of Fine Arts 4208 · Dallas 5999 · Charlottesville 3248 WASHINGTON Vermont Technical College 3941 University of Saint Thomas 6880 · Lynchburg 3172 Antioch University Seattle 3070

University of Texas VIRGINIA Navy Recruiting District Art Institute of Seattle 4805 · Arlington 6013 Ad Fontes Academy 9081 Richmond 7489 Ashesi University Foundation 3653 · Dallas 6897 American Military University 3955 New River Community College 5513 Bastyr University 0181 · Tyler 6850 American Public University Norfolk State University 5864 Bates Technical College 4152 · Austin 6882 System 6000 Northern Virginia Community Bellevue Community College 4029 · El Paso 6829 Apprentice School 5011 College 4365

Bellingham Technical College 3499 · Alexandria 5510 Art Institute · Health Science Center Big Bend Community College 4024 San Antonio 6908 · of Virginia Beach 6231 · Annandale 5515 Cascadia College 2859 · Medical Branch 6887 · of Washington 3836 · Manassas 5774 Cathy McMorris 4442 · Permian Basin 0448 · of Washington Northern · Sterling 5775 Central Washington University 4044 · Rio Grande Valley 6568 Virginia 6620 · Woodbridge 5517

· San Antonio 6919 Astar Education Institute 5430 NSPE Headquarters 1794 Centralia College 4045 City University of Seattle 4042 · Southwestern Medical Averett University 5017 Old Dominion University 5126

Center 0273 Clark College Washington 4055 Bethel College 7013 · Job Corps Center 8011 · Arlington Educational Blue Ridge Community College 5083 Patrick Henry College 2804 Clover Park Technical College 3971

Opportunity Center 8039 Bluefield College 5063 Patrick Henry Community Columbia Basin College 4077 · Galveston School of Nursing 1577 Cornish College of the Arts 0058 Bon Secours Memorial College College 5549

Vernon College 6913 of Nursing 5576 Paul D. Camp Community Crown College 3129 Victoria College 6915 Bridgewater College 5069 College 5557 DeVry University Federal Vista College Longview 7085 Bryant & Stratton College Piedmont Virginia Community Way Campus 3696

Wade College 1537 · Virginia Beach 4761 College 5561 DigiPen Institute of Technology 4138 Radford University 5565 Dominion College 4242 Wayland Baptist University 6930 · Richmond 4762

Weatherford College 6931 Central Virginia Community Randolph College 5567 Eastern Washington University 4301

West Coast University Dallas College 5141 Randolph-Macon College 5566 Edmonds Community College 4307 Campus 7979 Chamberlain College of Nursing 6522 Rappahannock Community Everett Community College 4303

College Glenns 5590 West Texas A&M University 6938 Christendom College 5691 Evergreen State College 4292 Regent University 4452 Western Technical College 2941 Christopher Newport University 5128 Gonzaga University 4330 Richard Bland College 5574 Western Texas College 6951 College of Saint George 4492 Grays Harbor College 4332 Riverside College of Health 5580 Wharton County Junior College 6939 College of William and Mary 5115 Green River Community College 4337 Roanoke College 5571 Wiley College 6940 Columbia College 7882 Heritage University 4344 Roanoke Memorial Hospital 5581 Dabney S. Lancaster Community Highline Community College 4348 UTAH College 5139 Sentara Rockingham Memorial Interface College 4124 Ameritech College 7428 Hospital 5586 Dalby Tutoring Inc. 1288 Lake Washington Technical Argosy University Salt Lake City 6238 Sentara School of Health Danville Community College 5163 College 1453 Brigham Young University 4019 Professions 5504

Danville Regional Medical Center Lower Columbia College 4402 Dixie State University 4283 Shenandoah University 5613 School of Health Professions 5448 Mars Hill Graduate School 4774 Everest College 5341 South University Richmond DeVry University Arlington 3813 Campus 6989 Navy Recruiting District George Wythe University 6462 Eastern Mennonite University 5181 Northgate 9347 South University Virginia Beach 7204 Latter-Day Saints Business Eastern Shore Community North Seattle Community College 4412 Southern Virginia University 5625 College 5844 College 4554 Neumont University 4516 Southside Regional Medical Center ECPI College of Tech 7140 Northwest Aviation College 3115 School of Nursing 5547 Provo College 3021 ECPI Technical College Roanoke 3147 Northwest College of Art 2432 Salt Lake Community College 4864 ECPI University 3145

22 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions

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Northwest Indian College 3973 Corinthian Schools National Cardinal Stritch University 1100 · Eau Claire 1913 Institute of Technology 1579 Northwest School of Wooden Carroll University 1101 · Fond du Lac 1942

Boatbuilding 3116 Davis and Elkins College 5151 Carthage College 1103 · Fox Valley 1889 Northwest University 4541 Eastern West Virginia Community Chippewa Valley Technical · Green Bay 1859 Technical College 3837 Olympic College 4583 College 0786 · La Crosse 1914 Fairmont State University 5211 Pacific Lutheran University 4597 College of Menominee Nation 3974 · Madison 1846 Glenville State College 5254 Peninsula College 4615 Concordia University Wisconsin 1139 · Manitowoc 1890 Huntington Junior College 7310 Pierce College 4103 Edgewood College 1202 · Marinette 1891 Marshall University 5396 Renton Technical College 0790 Fox Valley Tech College 0747 · Marshfield 1997 Mountain State College 2389 Saint Martin’s University 4674 Gateway Technical College · Milwaukee 1473 Mountwest Community and Racine 1255 Seattle Central College 4033 · Oshkosh 1916 Technical College 5438 Herzing University 0388 Seattle Pacific University 4694 · Parkside 1860 New River Community Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Seattle University 4695 Technical College 5943 · Platteville 1917 Community College 7351 Shoreline Community College 4738 Ohio Valley University 5519 · River Falls 1918 Lakeland University 1393 Skagit Valley College 4699 Old Paths Baptist College 7688 · Rock County 1998 Lakeshore Technical College 0618 South Puget Sound Community Pierpont Community & · Sheboygan 1994 Lawrence University 1398 College 4578 Technical College 6455 · Stevens Point 1919 South Seattle Community Madison Area Technical College 1536 Potomac State College 5539 · Stout Menomonie 1740 College 4759 Maranatha Baptist University 2732 Salem International University 5608 · Superior 1920 Spokane Falls Community Marian University 1443 Shepherd University 5615 · Washington County 1993 College 4752 Marquette University 1448 Southern West Virginia Tacoma Community College 4826 Community College 0770 Medical College of Wisconsin 1911 · Waukesha 1999

United States Marine Corps · Wausau 1995 Mid-State Technical College 0635 Truth & Liberty Bible College 5281 Officer Selection Team 2786 · Whitewater 1921 Milwaukee Area Technical University of Puget Sound 4067 University of Charleston 5419 College 1475 University of Wisconsin

Valley College of Technology 3176 Colleges 4495 University of Washington 4854 Milwaukee Institute of Art West Liberty University 5901 · Richland Center 1662 · Bothell 4467 and Design 1506 West Virginia Junior College Viterbo University 1878 · School of Pharmacy 5981 Milwaukee School of

· Tacoma 4445 · Charleston 3180 Engineering 1476 Waukesha County Technical USMC Officer Selection · Morgantown 3179 Moraine Park Technical College 0667 College 0724

Team Spokane 6533 West Virginia Northern Mount Mary University 1490 Western Technical College 1087 Community College 0674 Wisconsin Indianhead Walla Walla Community College 4963 Nicolet Area Technical College 0713

West Virginia State University 5903 Technical College 1580 Walla Walla University 4940 Northcentral Technical College 0735 West Virginia University Wisconsin Lutheran College 1513 Washington State University 4705 Northeast Wisconsin Technical

· at Parkersburg 5932 College 4190 Wisconsin Military Academy 0507 Western Washington University 4947 · Hospitals Radiologic Tech 3863 Northland College 1561 Whatcom Community College 1275 WYOMING · Institute of Technology 5902 Northland International Whitman College 4951 Casper College 4043

Whitworth University 4953 · Morgantown 5904 University 1787 Central Wyoming College 4115 West Virginia Wesleyan College 5905 Ripon College 1664 Eastern Wyoming College 4700 WEST VIRGINIA Wheeling Jesuit University 5906 Saint Norbert College 1706 Laramie County Community Alderson-Broaddus College 5005 Sanford-Brown College 5702 College 0360

Appalachian Bible College 7305 WISCONSIN Silver Lake College 1300 Northwest College 4542 Alverno College 1012 Bethany College 5060 Southwest Wisconsin Sheridan College 4536 Bellin College of Nursing 1046 Blue Ridge Community and Technical College 0900 University of Wyoming 4855 Technical College 4892 Beloit College 1059 University of Wisconsin Western Wyoming Community Bluefield State College 5064 Blackhawk Technical College 7319 · Baraboo/Sauk County 1996 College 4957 BridgeValley Community and Bryant & Stratton College 3617 · Barron County 1772 Wyoming Catholic College 4748 Technical College 5786 · Bayshore Campus 7075 · Colleges Online 7654 Wyoming Technical Institute 7141 Concord University 5120 · Wauwatosa Campus 7074


AMERICAN SAMOA PUERTO RICO · Aguadilla 2042 Universidad Interamericana 7918 American Samoa Community

College 0020

ARMED FORCES AFRICA University of Maryland

European Division 7213

American University ofPuerto Rico 0961

Atlantic College Universidades 7137 Bayamon Central University 0840 Calvary Baptist College 0049

· Arecibo 1411 · Barranquitas 2067 · Bayamon 2043 · Guayama 2077 · San Juan 0873

University Adventista DeLas Antilla 1020

University Central Del Caribe 1549 University Del Turabo 0780 University Inter-American 5882


Caribbean University College 0779 Carlos Albizu University 2104

· Ponce 3531 · San German 0946

University of Puerto Rico · Aguadilla 0983

College of Micronesia 0115

GUAM Guam Community College 2302 University of Guam 0959

MARSHALL ISLANDS College of the Marshall Islands 7142

NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Northern Marianas College 0781

PALAU Palau Community College 7329

Col Regional de la Montana 3088 Columbia College Puerto Rico 2315 Columbia Central University

Yauco 3215 Conservatory Music Puerto Rico 1115 EDP University of Puerto Rico 2243 EDP University San Sebastian 3219 Escuela de Artes Plasticas

Puerto Rico 7036 Huertas Junior College 3406 Humacao Community College 2313 ICPR Junior College 7315 Inter American University

of Puerto Rico

International Junior College 3220 National College Colegio

Universitario 3222 National College of Business

Tech 7135 Pontifical Catholic University

of Puerto Rico 0910 Puerto Rico Baptist College 2618 Puerto Rico Technical Junior

College 3022 Universidad de Puerto Rico 0979

· Medical and Science Campus 0631 · Arecibo 0911

Universidad del Este 0883

· Bayamon 0852 · Carolina 3891 · Cayey 0981 · Humacao 0874 · Mayaguez 0912 · Ponce 0836 · Rio Piedras Campus 5997 · Utuado 3893

University Politecnica DePuerto Rico 0614

University Sagrado Corazon 0913 Universidad Metropolitana 1519

VIRGIN ISLANDS · Fajardo 2065 University of the Virgin Islands 0879


AFGHANISTAN American University of

Afghanistan 7890

ANGUILLA Anguilla Community College 7796

ARMENIA American University of Armenia 7257

AUSTRALIA Australian International

Hotel School 0108 Australian National University 3582 Bond University 5345

Central Queensland UniversityBrisbane 7984

Curtin University 7677 Edith Cowan University 5552

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 23

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Flinders University SouthAustralia 9002

Griffith University 5195 James Cook University 7371 Macquarie University Sydney 5447 Monash University 7083 Murdoch University 5701 Queensland Tertiary Admissions

Centre Brisbane 7404 Queensland University of

Technology 7971 Swinburne University of

Technology 0054 Tertiary Institutions Service

Center 3846 UAC – University Admissions

Centre (NSW & ACT) 3719 University of Adelaide 7889 University of Canberra 7377 University of Melbourne 9015 University of New South Wales 9026 University of Newcastle 7988 University of Queensland 7750 University of South Australia 7395 University of Sydney 0867 University of Technology,

Sydney 7238 University of Western Australia 7600 Victoria University 7987 Victorian Tertiary Admissions

Centre 3847

AUSTRIA MODUL University Vienna 7090 Webster Vienna Private

University 9131

AZERBAIJAN ADA University 7799 Qafqaz University 6716

BAHAMAS Cherub College 6772 College of the Bahamas 1775

BAHRAIN University of Bahrain 4622

BANGLADESH Independent University

Bangladesh 6702 International University of Business

and Agriculture 2378 North South University 2505

BARBADOS American University Barbados

School of Medicine 7263 Barbados Community College 3852

BELGIUM Hogeschool Universiteit Brussel 5749 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 7387 Vesalius College 3574

BELIZE Saint John’s College Sixth Form 0863

BERMUDA Bermuda College 2581

BOLIVIA Universidad Privada Boliviana 0856

BRAZIL Universitario Ritter dos Reis 6298

BULGARIA American University Bulgaria 2451

CANADA Acadia University 0901 Alberta College of Art

and Design 7154 Algoma University 0820 Algonquin College 0172 Ambrose University College 5672 Bishops University 0906 Booth University College 3194 Brandon University 0905

British Columbia Institute of Technology 6162

Brock University 0895 Burman University 0914 Camosun College 7239 Campion College 0862 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic

College 4568 Canadian Mennonite University 5432 Cape Breton University 5274 Capilano University 7892 Carleton University 0854 Champlain Regional College

Lennoxville 0962 Champlain Regional College

Saint Lambert 0937 CLI College of Business Health

Technology Edmonton 7234 CLI College of Business Health

Technology Toronto 7286 College of New Caledonia 1865 Columbia College Canada 0800 Compucampus College 4499 Concordia University 0956 Concordia University Edmonton 0916 Confederation College of Applied

Arts and Technology 5872 Crandall University 6785 Dalhousie University 0915 Douglas College 9568 Emily Carr Institute of Art

& Design 4148 Fairleigh Dickinson University

Vancouver Campus 5823 Grant MacEwan University 5976 HEC Montreal – Business School 6506 Humber College 2168 John Abbott College 0875 Kings University College 2677 Kingswood University 5433 Kwantlen Polytechnic University 5973 Lakehead University 0888 Langara College 0464 Laurentian University 0889 Lethbridge Community College 0930 Loyalist College 1715 Marianopolis College 0832 Masters College and Seminary 5449 McGill University 0935 McMaster University 0936 Memorial University of

Newfoundland 0885 Mohawk College of Applied

Arts and Sciences 4448 Mount Allison University 0939 Mount Royal University 0007 Mount Saint Vincent University 0865 Nipissing University 4149 Northern Lights Community

College 6311 Northwest Community College 1763 NSCAD University 5773 OCAD University 6026 Ontario Agricultural College 0943 Prairie Bible Institute 4217 Queens University 0949 Quest University Canada 4798 Redeemer University College 0907 Royal Military College Canada 0998 Ryerson University 0886 Saint Clair College 4446 Saint Francis Xavier University 0953 Saint Jerome’s University 0853 Saint Mary’s University Canada 0958 Saint Thomas University Canada 0803 Saskatchewan Institute of

Applied Science/Tech 5873 Sault College of Applied Arts

and Technology 6813 Selkirk College 0838 Seneca College 2171

24 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions

Simon Fraser University 0999 Southern Alberta Institute

of Technology 0849 St. Mary’s University College 6451 St. Paul’s College 0994 Talpiot College 7394 Taylor University College

Seminary 5692 Thompson Rivers University 7158 Trent University 0896 Trinity Western University 0876 Tyndale University College

and Seminary 7211 Universite de Saint-Boniface 7668 University Kings College 0990 University of Alberta 0963 University of British Columbia 0965 University of British Columbia

Faculty of Medicine 3939 University of Calgary 0813 University of Guelph 0892 University of Laval 0931 University of Lethbridge 0855 University of Manitoba 0973 University of Montreal 0992 University of New Brunswick 0976 University of Northern British

Columbia 2023 University of Ontario Institute

of Technology 4192 University of Ottawa 0993 University of Prince Edward

Island 0941 University of Regina 0830 University of Saskatchewan 0980 University of the Fraser Valley 6750 University of Toronto 0982 University of Victoria 0989 University of Waterloo 0996 University of Western Ontario 0984 University of Windsor 0904 University of Winnipeg 9379 Vancouver Community College 1875 Vancouver Island University 6561 Vanier College 0964 Wilfrid Laurier University 0893 York University 0894 Yukon College 0418

CAYMAN ISLANDS University College of Cayman

Islands 0022

CHINA Duke Kunshan University 7059 South China University of

Technology 7956 University of Michigan – Shanghai

Jiao Tong Joint Institute 6563 Zhejiang University 6521

COLOMBIA Fundacion Universitaria Ceipa 7378 Pontificia University Javeriana 6814 Universidad CES 6407 Universidad de los Andes 6779 Universidad Tecnologica

de Bolivar 4939

COTE D’IVOIRE International University of

Grand-Bassam 5733

CROATIA Zagreb School of Economics

and Management 7397

CYPRUS Near East University 6761

CZECHIA Charles University Prague Faculty

of Social Sciences 7280 Charles University Prague Faculty

Mathematics & Physics 7249 Czech College 7994

Charles University PragueFaculty Medicine 7453

DENMARK CIRIUS The Danish Ministry

of Education 6807 Roskilde University 7405 Via University College 7968

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Universidad Dominicana O&M 7064 Universidad Iberoamericana 5952

ECUADOR Universidad San Francisco de Quito

– Campus Cumbaya 7079

EGYPT American University in Cairo 0903 Arab Academy – Science Technology

Maritime Transport 7455 Cairo University Faculty of

Engineering 7437 Delta University Science &

Technology 5978 El-Asseel College 6118 Ministry of Higher Education 6134 Misr International University 4937 MSA University 4806 Nile Academy for Science 5347 Zewail University 7209

EL SALVADOR Instituto Americano de

Educacion Superior 3856

ESTONIA Estonian University of Life

Sciences 7383 University of Tartu 6424

FINLAND Aalto University School

of Business 1700 Savonia University of Applied

Sciences 7448 Tampere University of

Technology 0599 University of Helsinki 0483

FRANCE American University of Paris 0866 Ecole Superieure de Commerce 0073 Institut Francais du Petrole 7084 Paris College of Art 4627 Schiller International University 0835 Sciences Po – Paris Institute of

Political Studies 6192

GERMANY Bard College Berlin 4422 Berlin University of the Arts 6569 Cologne Institute of Technology 6802 Dusseldorf-Bezirks-Regiarung 9029 European Business School

Oestrich Winkel 2615 FH Aachen 9023 Frankfurt School of Finance and

Management GmbH 7402 International University of

Applied Sciences 4912 Jacobs University 3665 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover 6604 Leuphana Unversitat Lueneburg 7965 Mannheim University of

Applied Sciences 8004 Mariengymnasium Jever 7578 Munich Business School 5956 SRH University Berlin 7360 Uni-Assist 7217 University of Erfurt 6722 University of Karlsruhe 3592 University of Regensburg 5390 WHU – Otto Beisheim School

of Management 7951

GHANA Malku Institute of Technology 7459

Page 25: SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your

Webster University GhanaCampus 7950

GREECE American College of Greece 0925

GUATEMALA Colegio Evangelico La Palabra 6745 Universidad del Valle de

Guatemala 3875 Universidad Francisco

Marroquin 6758

HONDURAS Universidad Catolica de

Honduras 7240 Universidad Tecnologica

Centroamericana 7457

HONG KONG Chinese University of

Hong Kong 5690 City University of Hong Kong 7903 CUHK School of Business

Finance 7356 Hong Kong Baptist University Ho

Sin Hang Campus 7904 Hong Kong Institute of

Education 7380 Hong Kong Polytechnic

University 7261 Hong Kong University of Science

and Technology 2787 Lingnan University 4791 University of Hong Kong 9671

HUNGARY CEU Business School 4567 Corvinus University of Budapest 7942

INDIA Ahmedabad University 6760 Ashoka University 7343 Bits Pilani, Vidya Vihar Campus 7759 Chanakya Community College 7087 Flame University 6784 Indian Institute of Technology 0035 Indian School of Business

and Finance 7198 International Institute of

Information Technology 6997 Jain College for Women 7389 Lovely Professional University 5940 Mahindra Ecole Centrale College

of Engineering 6723 Mahindra United World

College of India 2683 Malaviya National Institute of

Technology Jaipur 7664 National Institute of Technology

· Karnataka 6530 · Srinagar 7283

National Management School 7900 NIFT – National Institute of

Fashion Technology 7258 O. P. Jindal Global University 7345 Srishti Institute of Art Design

and Technology 7959 St. Xavier’s College 7391 Technology Incubation

Center CIU 7460 Visvesvaraya National Institute

of Technology 7035

IRAQ Ishik University 7905

IRELAND Griffith College Dublin 0506 Mary Immaculate College 7053 National University of

Ireland Galway 5878 National University of Ireland,

Maynooth 7266 Royal College of Surgeons

in Ireland 4628 University College Cork 4920 University College Dublin

International 6675

University of Dublin TrinityCollege 2494

University of Limerick 4959

ISRAEL Bar-Ilan University of Israel 0967 Ben Gurion University of

the Negev 2549 College of Law and Business

– CLB 6633 Hebrew University Degree

Programs 4551 International School University

of Haifa 7012 Midreshet Lindenbaum 2221 Raphael Recanati International

School 4267 Technion 5899

ITALY American University of Rome 0262 Bocconi University 7206 European School of Economics

· Florence 6387 · Milan 6405 · Rome 6310

Florence Institute of DesignInternational 7432

John Cabot University 2795 Luiss Guido Carli University 7055 Politecnico di Milano 7364 Politecnico di Torino 7679 Universita Cattolica Del

Sacro Cuore 7414 Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze 9034 University of Bologna 6993

JAMAICA Northern Caribbean University 1967

JAPAN Aoyama Gakuin University 0053 Chiba University 7355 Chuo University 4423

· Tama Campus 1648 Doshisha University Institute

for the Liberal Arts 7231 Gakushuin University 0052 Hitotsubashi University 4349 Hokkaido University 3706

· Modern Japanese StudiesProgram 7944

Hosei University 3686 International Christian

University Japan 0860 Kanagawa University 5808 Kansai University 9042 Keio University 0773 Kwansei Gakuin University 3818 Kyoto University 3814 Kyoto University Faculty of Law 0090 Kyushu University 3135 Meiji University 3128 Nagoya University International

Programs Admission 6535 Nanzan University 3067 Nihon University 2995 Nippon Daigaku 3815 Osaka University 7895 Rikkyo University 3077 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific

University 2791 Ritsumeikan University 5766 Saga University 7255 Seikei University 2702 Sophia University 0819 Tama University School of

Global Studies 5050 Temple University Japan 3702 Tohoku University 7372 Tohoku University Future Global

Leadership Admissions 7666 Tokai University 3443 Tokyo College of Music 7804 Tokyo Institute of Technology 6787

Tokyo University of ForeignStudies 7425

Tokyo University of Science 6539 Tokyo Woman Christian

University 4652 University of the Sacred Heart 5620 University of Tokyo 4783 University of Tokyo PEAK

Admissions 7656 University of Tsukuba Division

of Admission 7264 Waseda University 0837 Yamanashi Gakuin University 7667 Yamanashi Medical Center 4814 Yokohama City University 3742 Yokohama National University 3785

JORDAN Al-Ahliyya Amman University 7451

KAZAKHSTAN Nazarbayev University 7915

KENYA Augustana College Kenya 2701 Pioneer International University 7290

KOREA, SOUTH (ROK) Catholic University of Korea

Songeui Campus 7415 Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of

Science & Technology 6566 EWha Womans University 6204 Ghent University Global Campus 9031 Gwangju Institute of Science

and Technology 7655 Handong Global University 6527 Hankuk University of Foreign

Studies 7449 Hanyang University 5751 Kaist University 4433 Kangwon National University 6744 Korea Aerospace University 7270 Korea University 5443 KOREATEch – Korea University of

Technology and Education 7952 POSTEch – Pohang University

Science and Technology 7228 Seoul National University 7972 Sogang University 5721 Sungkyunkwan University 7081 SUNY Korea, State University

of New York 7442 Underwood International College,

Yonsei University 7441 UNIST 7440 Yonsei University 9893

KOSOVO American University in Kosovo 6242 Iliria College 7997

KUWAIT American University of Kuwait 4185

KYRGYZSTAN American University of

Central Asia 5825

LATVIA RTU Riga Business School 7254

LEBANON Al Maaref University 6735 American University of Beirut 0902 American University of Culture

and Education 7801 American University of Science

and Technology (AUST) 4973 American University of

Technology Lebanon 4151 Arts, Science and Technology

University in Lebanon 7063 Beirut Arab University 7373 Haigazian University 0106 Holy Spirit University Kaslik 7061 Lebanese Ministry of Education

and Higher Education 6128 Notre Dame University 7696

Rafik Hariri University 4438 University of Balamand 2960

LIBERIA University of Liberia 0745

LITHUANIA Vilnius University Faculty

of Medicine 6841

MALAYSIA American Degree Program 0005 Taylor’s University Lakeside

Campus 7401 University of Nottingham

Malaysia Campus 6641

MALTA American University of Malta 7057

MEXICO Alliant International University

Mexico City 0733 Centro de Ensenanza Technical 7143 Instituto Tec Estudios Superior 7145 Instituto Tec y de Estudios

Superior de Monterrey 0843 Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo

de Mexico 7144 Universidad Anahuac 7146 Universidad Auto

Aguascalientes 7147 Universidad Auto Coahuila 7148 Universidad de Las Americas

Puebla 0938 Universidad de Monterrey 6591 Universidad Panamericana 4786

MONGOLIA English Academy of MUST 7067 National University of Mongolia

Orkhon Branch 6536

MOROCCO Al Akhawayn University 6596 EMAA Business School 7060

MYANMAR American University of Myanmar 7686

NETHERLANDS Amsterdam University College 6700 Eindhoven University of Technology

Bachelor Programs 7684 Erasmus University College 7443 Erasmus University Rotterdam 6757 Hogeschool Inholland 4175 Hogeschool Van Utrecht

University 3634 Leiden University College

The Hague 6708 Rotterdam Business School

at Rotterdam University ofApplied Sciences 7936

Rotterdam School of Managementat Erasmus University 6767

Tilburg University 7435 University College Roosevelt 7859 University College Utrecht 7297 University of Amsterdam

College of PPLE 7932 University of Groningen 7237 Webster University 7953

NEW ZEALAND AUT – Auckland University

of Technology 7299 Lincoln University 6842 Massey University 7878 University of Auckland 7207 University of Canterbury 7225 University of Otago 7224 University of Waikato 7265 Victoria University of Wellington 7223

NICARAGUA Thomas More Universitas 6440 Universidad Catolica 6419 Universidad de Ciencias UCC 6327 Universidad Politecnica de

Nicaragua – UPOLI 6496

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 25

Page 26: SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your

NORWAY Bi Norwegian Business School 7995 University of Bergen 5804 University of Oslo 0756

PAKISTAN Aga Khan University 1746 Bahria University 4181 CMH Lahore Medical College &

Institute of Dentistry 7678 GIK Institute 0096 Habib University 7344 Institute of Space Technology 7966 Lahore University of Management

Sciences 0513 LUMS School of Science &

Engineering 5788 Millennium University College

TMUC Bahria Springs 7815 Ministry Education Government

Pakistan 4626 National University of Computer

and Emerging Sciences 4575 National University of Sciences

and Technology 2790 Pakistan Institute of Engineering

and Applied Sciences 7272 Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Institute of Science 4552 Shifa College of Medicine 7393 University of Lahore 7909

PALESTINE, STATE OF Birzeit University 7268

PHILIPPINES Ateneo de Manila University 6786 Ateneo de Zamboanga – Mindanao

State University 7673 De La Salle University 6623 Enderun Colleges 6738 University of the Philippines 0978

POLAND AGH University of Science

and Technology 6518 Cracow University of Economics 6743

PORTUGAL Universidade Catolica

Portuguesa 7423

QATAR Carnegie Mellon University

Qatar 4246 Georgetown University in Qatar 4563 Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Qatar Foundation 7675 Northwestern University in Qatar 5714 Qatar University 5264 Texas A&M University Qatar 4290 Weill Cornell Medicine Qatar 3999

RWANDA African Leadership University

Rwanda 7807

SAUDI ARABIA Alfaisal University 5752 King Abdullah University of Science

and Technology 7672

SEYCHELLES International School of

Seychelles 5717

SINGAPORE Center for American Education 0186 Curtin Singapore 7421 DigiPen Institute of Technology

Singapore 5473 Nanyang Technological

University 3721 National University of Singapore 3720 Singapore Institute of

Management 6590 Singapore Management

University 2861 Singapore Polytechnic 5648

SUTD – Singapore University ofTechnology and Design 6532

UniSIM College 7382 Yale-NUS College 7003

SOUTH AFRICA Stellenbosch University 7798 University of Cape Town 7431

SPAIN American College in Spain 7800 Esade Business School 7073 IE University Campus de Santa

Cruz la Real 6293 La Salle University 5939 La Universidad Francisco

de Victoria 6494 Saint Louis University Madrid

Campus 2586 Suffolk University Madrid 4195 The College for International

Studies 9815 Universidad Europea de Madrid 6475

SRI LANKA American College of Higher

Education 2480 Institute of Technological

Studies 0276

SWEDEN Livets Ord University 5436 Lunds Universitet 9022

SWITZERLAND Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne 4102 ETH Zurich 9025 Geneva University 7338 Les Roches Gruyere University

Applied Sciences 5875 SBS Swiss Business School 3722 University of Basel 7406 University of Zurich 7960 Webster University 6139

TAIWAN Fu Jen Catholic University 0829

THAILAND Chulalongkorn BBA 4559 Chulalongkorn University Faculty

of Psychology 7433 Chulalongkorn University International

School of Engineering 6806 King Mongkut’s Institute of

Technology Ladkrabang 7803 Mahidol International Dental

School 7967 Mahidol University International

College 7208 Thammasat University Faculty

of Law, Business 7420 Thammasat University 0288

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Caribbean Life Resource Center 5803

TURKEY Abdullah Gul University 7466 Ankara University 7964 Antalya International University 7957 Baskent University 7955 Beykent University 6980 Bilkent University 9877 Bogazici University 0796 Cumhuriyet College 7450 Hacettepe University Beytepe

Campus 7661 Ipek University 7369 Istanbul Bilgi University 7293 Istanbul Medipol University 7226 Istanbul Sehir Universities 6775 Istanbul Technical University 6715 Kadir Has University 7396 Koc University 1931 Middle East Technical University 6383 Ozyegin University 7271 Sabanci University 7100

26 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions

Sakarya University 7665 Ted University 7413 Yeditepe University 6739 Yildiz Technical University

Davutpasa Campus 7946

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES American University in Dubai 2688 American University of Ras

Al Khaimah 7983 American University of Sharjah 5543 Canadian University Dubai 7808 Emirates Academy of Hospitality

Management 7958 Higher Colleges of Technology 7937 Khalifa University of Science

Technology Research 7860 Petroleum Institute 9036 United Arab Emirates University 4749 University of Dubai 5695

UNITED KINGDOM Abertay University 7948 Anglia Ruskin University 7000 Arts University Bournemouth 7761 Aston University 7943 Bangor University 7200 Bath Spa University

Newton Park 7945 Birmingham City University 7880 Bournemouth University 7427 Brunel University London 7022 Cambridge University 7181 Cardiff University 7078 City University London 6364 Coventry University 7931 Davies Laing and Dick

Independent College 2614 De Montfort University 7879 Durham University 5488 Edinburgh Napier University 7894 Ese London 6395 Girton College 2062 Glasgow Caledonian University 5300 Goldsmiths, University

of London 7674 Heriot-Watt University 0951 Hult International Business

School 6385 Imperial College of London 7919 Jesus College 9997 Keele University 7623 Kings College London 7884 Kingston University London 7342 Lancaster University 7687 Leeds Beckett University 6698 Liverpool John Moores

University 9009 London Centre of Contemporary

Music LCCM 9033 London Metropolitan University 6762 London School of Economics 9007 London School of Economics

and Political Science 4466 London South Bank University 7370 Loughborough University 7877 Manchester Metropolitan

University 6622 Middlesex University London 3985 Newcastle University 5408 Northumbria University 7873 Norwich University of the Arts 7065 Nottingham Trent University 4556 Oxford Brookes University

Headington Campus 7020 Plymouth University 7660 Queen Mary University

of London 7902 Queens University Belfast 7753 Regent’s University London 7400 Richmond American International

University London 0823

Royal Central School of Speechand Drama 7870

Royal Holloway College 4899 Royal Veterinary College 7970 Sheffield Hallam University 9008 SOAS School of Oriental and

African Studies 7348 St. George’s University

of London 7954 St. Mary’s University,

Twickenham 7949 UCFB Wembley 7462 University of Chichester 7869 University of Stirling 0881 University of Wales Swansea 9878 University College London 6067 University for the Creative Arts 7467 University of Aberdeen 0818 University of Bath 7376 University of Birmingham 7390 University of Bradford 9001 University of Brighton 7806 University of Bristol 5371 University of Central Lancashire 6687 University of Chester 6603 University of Derby 7452 University of Dundee 0857 University of East Anglia 6313 University of East London

Docklands Campus 7332 University of Edinburgh 0917 University of Essex 7216 University of Exeter 6592 University of Glasgow 0923 University of Gloucestershire 9028 University of Greenwich International

– Avery Hill Campus 7279 University of Huddersfield 6788 University of Hull 9004 University of Kent 9027 University of Leeds 7602 University of Leicester 7241 University of Lincoln 6562 University of Liverpool 7095 University of Liverpool 9011 University of London 7917 University of Manchester UK 3737 University of Northampton

Park Campus 7357 University of Nottingham 5046 University of Oxford 6706 University of Portsmouth 6567 University of Reading 7381 University of Roehampton 7914 University of Sheffield 7601 University of South Wales 7681 University of Southampton

Highland Campus 4872 University of St. Andrews 7775 University of Stirling 9003 University of Strathclyde 0841 University of Sunderland 6768 University of Surrey 4809 University of Sussex 9166 University of the Arts London 7082 University of the Highlands

and Islands 7468 University of the West of

England 7409 University of Warwick 4881 University of West London 7197 University of Westminster 7385 University of Worcester 7062 University of York 7780 Van Mildert College 9998 Warnborough College 5765 York St. John University 4807

VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH H. Lavity Stoutt Community

College 7363

Page 27: SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your


Initiative 6564 Aecom Nuclear and Environmental

Services 6448 AIG Foundation Scholarship

Program 9883 Air Force ROTC Scholarships 0868 Air Force Sergeants Association

Scholarship Program 0500 Amalgamated Transit Union

Scholarship 3734 American Electric Power Award

Scholarship 0010 American Federation of State County

and Municipal Employee FamilyScholarship Program 3134

American Foreign ServiceAssociation Scholarship 0540

American Physical Society 0634 American Society for Engineering

Education 5770 AMIDEAST Alexandria 7898 AMIDEAST Cairo 7897 AMIDEAST DC 5027 AMIDEAST Saudi Arabia 7896 Army Emergency Relief

Scholarship 0547 Ashby B. Carter Scholarship 0498 AUI Trustee Scholarship 9992 Avon Foundation Scholarship

Program 9919 BMW/SAE Engineering

Scholarship 0592 Brookhaven Science Associates

Scholarship Program 9018 Calvin Coolidge Presidential

Foundation Scholarship 6728 Campbell Soup Company

Scholarship Program 9911 Carle C. Conway Foundation

Scholarship Program 9944 Catholic Order of Foresters

Scholarship Program 0306 Center for Scholarship

Administration, Inc. 0196 Center for Talent Development 4977 Chamberlain Manuf Scholarship 2738 Charlie Logan Scholarship

Program 0110 Chevron Scholarships 9826 Chubb Foundation 0032 Citibank Employees Foundation

Scholarship 9866 The College Initiative 7963 Conoco Scholarship Plan 0509 Daniels Scholarship Program 9903 Distinguished Young Women

of California 4053 Doherty Scholarship Program 0402

Dolphin Scholarship Foundation 6326 Douglas College Scholarship

Program 3240 Dressbarn/Maurices/Ascena

Scholarship Program 9167 Duchossois Industry

Scholarship 0417 Education and Cultural

Trust Fund 0071 E.K. Welles Scholarship Program 5474 Energen Scholarship Program 4776 Evans Scholars Foundation 0153 Fermi Research Alliance

Scholarship Program 7461 FM Global Scholarship Program 9912 Freeport-McMoran Scholarship

Program 9941 Fred and Susan Breidenbach

Scholarship Fund 5000 GMP Memorial Scholarship

Program 9958 Golf Course Superintendents

Association Scholarship 3681 Gordon A. Rich Memorial Foundation

Scholarship Program 9937 Grant H. Flint International

Scholarship 7935 Gruss Life Monument Fund 3725 Guardian Industries Education

Foundation 9869 Gulfstream Goldie Glen

Scholarship Fund 2045 Hellenic University Club of New

York Scholarship 7282 Henry Ford Health System

Scholarship Program 9975 Hillside Work-Scholarship

Connection 4661 Hitachi Data Systems Scholarship

Program 9906 IBM Watson Scholarship

Program 9928 II-VI Foundation 6347 Illinois Department of Children

and Family Services 0311 International Brotherhood of

Electrical Workers 1157 International Scholarship and

Tuition Services, Inc. 9075 ISIA Education Foundation

Scholarship 6724 ITT Industries Inc. Scholarship

Program 9901 Jackie Robinson Foundation 4248 Jackie Spellman Scholarship

Foundation 7408 James Kerrigan Memorial

Scholarship Program 9991 James R. Hoffa Scholarship 0518 John Lyons Scholarship 0554


ALABAMA Alabama School of Mathematics

and Science 1032

ALASKA Alaska Performance Scholarship

Private Schools 7215

ARIZONA The Flinn Foundation 2175

AMERICAN SAMOA Department of Education

– Pago Pago 9401

CALIFORNIA California Student Aid

Commission 0024 Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship 3862

Entertainment Merchants Association 3175

Marin Builders Association 5694 Marin Education Fund 4076 Reality Changers 5876 San Francisco Mainliner Club

Scholarship Program 0439 Schwab-Rosenhouse Memorial

Foundation 9982 SFSU Presidential Scholarship

Programme 4961 Sonoma State University USPS 0165 University of California Berkeley

ACDMC Talent DevelopmentProgram 4824

The Junior Statesman Foundation 5227

KIPP Foundation 7205 Knights of Columbus

Connecticut 0313 Kraft Foods Scholarship

Program 9864 Laspau Scholarship 0606 Marin Builders Association 5694 Marine Option NROTC

Scholarship 0868 McEwen Family Scholarship Fund

at Modern Group Ltd 9917 McNair Foundation 0725 MDNA Austin D. Lucas

Scholarship Fund 3006 MECEP 5455 Miller-Coors Scholarship

Program 9972 Modern Woodmen of America

Scholarship 0579 Mondelez Global LLC Scholarship

Program 9030 Motiva Enterprises Scholarship

Program 9986 NAACP 0089 NAIA Eligibility Center 9876 National Beta Club Scholarship

Program 9867 National Italian-American

Foundation Scholarship 5782 National Merit Scholarship

Corporation 0085 National Society of Black

Engineers 7218 National Society of Professional

Engineers 5241 Navy Enlisted Commissioning

Program 0493 NCAA Eligibility Center 9999 Neiman Marcus Group

Scholarship Program 9960 Nuclear Energy University

Program 5965 Nuclear Forensics Undergraduate

Scholarship Program 7349 Pei Foundation 7671 Pennsylvania Joint Board,

Unite Here 0076 Pennsylvania Knights Columbus 0167 PGA of America 6151 Phillips University Legacy

Foundation 7922 Posse Foundation Inc. 9016 Print and Graphics Scholarship

Foundation 0145 Royal Neighbors of America

Scholarship 0348 Russian Brotherhood

Organization 0452

COLORADO Boettcher Foundation

Scholarship 0019

CONNECTICUT Alternate Route to Teacher

Certification 7014 State Department of Education 3132 Pitney Bowes Scholarship 0100 Raymond F. Gates, Jr. Memorial

Scholarship Program 4781

DELAWARE Delaware Community

Foundation 9914

Sac and Fox Nation 0301 Saint Peters School Talent

Program 2163 Samuel H. Scripps-BAM

Scholarship Fund 9995 Sanofi-Synthelabo Scholarship

Program 9956 Schacht Scholarship 0332 Schindler Corporation

Scholarship Program 5771 SDMS Educational Foundation 1815 Service Employees International

Union Scholarships 0330 Sheet Metal Workers International

Scholarship Association 4187 Sheet Metal Workers Local 104

Scholarship Fund 4667 Shell Oil Company Minority

Scholarship Program 9946 Simpson Scholarship 9053 Society of Actuaries 4401 Solid Waste Association of

North America ScholarshipProgram 5935

Sons of Italy Foundation 7757 Studio Electrical Lighting

Technicians Local 728 4428 The Sunflower Initiative 7230 Supreme Council Royal Arcanum

Scholarship Program 0494 Tailhook Education

Foundation Inc. 6752 Teagle Foundation Scholarship 0638 Teddy Gleason Scholarship 9032 Telluride Association

Scholarship 0148 Thomas Shortman Scholarship 4565 Timken Educational Fund

Scholarship 0135 Toyota Community Scholarship

Program 9974 Toyota Scholarship Program 9979 Two Ten Scholarship 0569 U.S. Army Cadet CMD ROTC

Scholarship 0454 United Borax Scholarship

Program 3822 United States Marine Corps

Officer Selection 2565 United States Navy ROTC 0656 United Steelworkers Union

12103 3563 Walt Disney Company

Foundation 9953 Westinghouse Family

Scholarship 0157 WRPS Family Scholarship

Program 7683 WSSC Berger Memorial

Scholarship 6840

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DC Tuition Assistance Grant

Program – HEFS 4451

FLORIDA Orange County Public Schools

Tip Program 7447

GEORGIA American Cybersystems High

Achievers Scholarship 7888 Georgia Rotary Student Program 5285 Georgia Student Finance

Authority 0472 I Have A Dream Atlanta Inc. 6748 Middle Georgia Center for

Academic Excellence 9325

SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions 27

Page 28: SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions · Board identifier representing your school. 5. Student Identification This field is your student ID number. (Do not provide your

ILLINOIS Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago 9043 Joseph Blazek Foundation 0294 Lake County Educational

Services 5135 Link Unlimited Scholars,

Scholarship Program 7403 Schuler Family Foundation

Scholar Program 4980

INDIANA Moore Foundation 0130

KANSAS Fellellgas Scholarship Program 1608

KENTUCKY Kentucky Grocers Education

Foundation 7874 Lincoln Foundation Whitney Young

Scholars Program 1180

LOUISIANA Chase Louisiana Smart Start

Scholarship Program 9994 Louisiana School for Math

Science and Arts 6351 Tops-Taylor Opportunity

for Students 9019

MARYLAND Bakery Confectionary Tobacco

Workers International Union 0404 Baltimore Urban Debate League 9110 Considering College Program 5658 Hariri Foundation 5302

MASSACHUSETTS Beta Kappa Phi Alpha Gamma

Rho Scholarship 1748 Boston Scholar Athletes 7080 Henry David Thoreau

Foundation 4269 Mass Elks Scholarship 3501 MGH Youth Scholars 7996 Nova Biomedical Scholarship

Program 6766 Walter S. Barr Scholarship 0017

MICHIGAN Focus Hope 2593 Michigan Merit Award 1173 Office of Gifted and Talented

Education 2717

Tawas Area Educational Foundation Scholarship 0924

The Yes Foundation 5842

MISSOURI Hall Family Foundation 0321

MONTANA Montana Agate Scholarship 0605

NEBRASKA Union Pacific Railroad

Scholarship 0037

NEVADA Nevada Scholars Program 2707

NEW HAMPSHIRE Standex Scholarship Program 1699

NEW JERSEY Community Foundation of

New Jersey 9925 Eastern Star Charity Foundation

of New Jersey 2578 Gloucester Township Day

Scholarship 0355 Princeton Area Community

Foundation NRG Scholarship 6594

NEW YORK Armory Foundation 6764 Carpenters Local 608

Scholarship Program 1156 Charles Johnson Jr. Memorial

Scholarship 0028 Cirio Foundation 2105 Con Edison Scholarship

Program 0665 Daiwa Securities of America

Scholarship Program 2479 El Puente – I Have A Dream

Program 8025 Greater New York Floor Coverers

Scholarship Fund 9988 Lepper Memorial Scholarship 0573 Mason Tenders District Council

Scholarship 5760 Masters Mates Pilots Scholarship

Program 0199 Metal Lathers Local 46

Scholarship Program 0526 New York Building Industry

Scholarship 0312 New York Post Office

Scholarship Fund 2982


AUSTRALIA South Australian Tertiary

Admissions Centre 7436

BAHRAIN Crown Prince Court International

Scholarship Program 3692

BERMUDA Center for Talented Youth

Bermuda 4718 Institute for Talented Students

Hamilton Bermuda 3983 Passports to College of

Bermuda 5992

BRAZIL Instituto Brasil-Estados

Unidos IBEU/BNC 3859

CANADA Hiram Walker Scholarship 0161

CYPRUS Cyprus Fulbright Commission 9454

CZECHIA Centrum Pro Talentovanou

Mladez 7934

FRANCE Schlumberger Scholarship 0036

Philip Morris TFPP Scholarship 9954 Phillip Morris International

Management 9921 Prep for Prep 3800 Starrett City Scholarship

Program 2723 Steamfitting Industry Scholarship

Program 0112 Thomas Labrecque Smart Start

Scholarship Program 9963 Valentine Memorial Scholarship 9905 YMCA of Greater New York Y

Scholars Program 7662

NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina State Education

Assistance Authority 5757 Virginia Shadd Scholarship

Program 7262

OHIO Les Best Scholarship Fund 6446

PENNSYLVANIA Berwind Foundation 0151 Crawford Company Scholarship 0680 Frank Thomson Scholarship

Program 0048 IBEW Local 5 WPA NECA

Scholarship 0480 L.B. Foster Company Scholarship

Program 2998 McKee Scholars 0069 PHEAA 0490 Philadelphia City Scholarship

Program 0195 Thoburn Foundation for

Education 3187 Union League of Philadelphia

Scholarship Fund 0327 White-Williams Scholars 5942 Women’s Aid Scholarship 0403

PUERTO RICO Kinesis Foundation 7246

RHODE ISLAND NeighborWorks Blackstone

River Valley 5661 The College Crusade of Rhode

Island Scholarship 3793

SOUTH CAROLINA Palmetto Electric Wire

Scholarship 1214

GHANA Mise Foundation 7076

IRELAND Irish Centre for Talented Youth 0046

NIGER Chevron Nigeria Limited 6450

NETHERLANDS Fulbright Center 6742

NEW ZEALAND Education New Zealand 7379

QATAR Academic Bridge Program 3982

SRR Savannah River Remediation Scholarship Program 3703

TENNESSEE Tennessee Student Assistance

Corporation 3168

TEXAS CoServ W. Tip Hall, Jr.

Scholarship Program 7232 El Chico Restaurants Incorporated

Scholarship 0831 Irene S. Wischer Education

Foundation Scholarship 9947 Moody Foundation 0292 Permian Honor Scholarship 0371 Rocco Caffarelli Scholarship

Trust 0553 Roy F. & Joann Cole Mitte

Foundation 6765 Sid Richardson Fund 6457 Vista Chemical Company

Scholarship Program 0465 Young Achievers Summer

Scholarship Program 7358

VIRGINIA Community Foundation for

Northern Virginia 7016

WASHINGTON Edmund F. Maxwell Foundation 6697 KMR Group Foundation 7975 Paul Pigott School Foundation 4666 UW Academy for Young

Scholars Program 9899 Washington Apple Education

Foundation 7928 Washington College Bound

Scholarship Program 6792

WEST VIRGINIA Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation

Scholarship 0709 West Virginia Higher Education

Grant Program 3456

WISCONSIN Milwaukee Teacher Education

Center 7017 Wisconsin Department of

Public Instruction 4909 Wisconsin Grocers Association 6538 Wisconsin Public Service

Foundation 0451

SAUDI ARABIA Aramco Services Company 0047 SABIC Americas Scholarship

Program 6996

TUNISIA University Mission of Tunisia 9260

UNITED KINGDOM Our Moon Scholarship Program 7445 US-UK Fulbright 7252

ZIMBABWE U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section

Education Center 5516

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28 SAT School Day Student Answer Sheet Instructions
