SARAH GOODE - Springfield Public Schools...Sarah went to co!age at Concord university in Toledo...

SARAH GOODE The folding cabinet bed By: OliviaM

Transcript of SARAH GOODE - Springfield Public Schools...Sarah went to co!age at Concord university in Toledo...

  • SARAH GOODEThe folding cabinet bed

    By: OliviaM

  • The cabinet bed is a basically a desk with a bed and a cabinet mixed into it. With this invention you can put or store something in the

    cabinet part, sleep on the bed part, and wright on the desk part. It can be used for many more things.

    What the cabinet bed really is and how it can be used.

  • Sarah Goode lived during the times of slavery, she picked cotton with her mother father and her six brothers

    And sisters. Sarah and her family successfully escaped slavery during the Civil War. When segregation came Sarah protested with everyone else and helped

    end it. It successfully worked and she was able to do anything she wanted. She decided to go to collage a few years after segregation ended. So she did...

  • Sarah went to collage at Concord university in Toledo Ohio. She then moved to Chicago and got married. Soon after her marriage she opened a furniture store. After a few years of working at the furniture store costumers started to

    complain how they don't have a bed to sleep on because they have a house and can't afford to buy another one. After seeing her costumers complain for a few weeks she then got an idea. She could put 3 peaces of furniture into one. She

    spent day and night working on the invention. When she was done she called it the cabinet bed. It was a peace of furniture that worked as a cabinet a desk and a bed. She soon got a patent for it and she became very famous.


    The cabinet bed help people who lived in tight housing to utilize their space efficiently.

    When the bed was folded up it was a cabinet or a desk when it was unfolded it was a nice comfy bed.

    How Sarah got the idea was from her costumers saying or complaining that they don't have a bed to sleep on because their house didn't have enough space.


    Sarah Goode was the first African American woman to get a patent for her invention.

    Just by creating this one invention she helped millions of lives.


    Think of having to lay on a hard floor every night because u have no room in it house for a bed. The house only has a front room and

    kitchen. U need all the space for the kitchen to make or bake things, and the front room u need most of the space for furniture and a tv

    and some other things. A few years later the cabinet bed is made. U now have enough room to fit it in and u can now do more things

    with it.