Sapa Mindanaw



Sapa Mindanaw is the official publication of the Federation of Mindanao State University Supreme Student Councils (FEMSUSSCO).

Transcript of Sapa Mindanaw

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Sapa Mindanaw means Mindanao‘s Promise,

roughly translated from the Maranao and Tau-

sug language. The hand symbolizes the oath

that the university‘s student leaders made to

achieve a better, peaceful and progressive


The cover shows the home of Mindanao State

University, the bountiful islands of Mindanao,

Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. Rising competencies for

competitiveness among the member campus-

es is symbolized by the rising and developing

structures. The dominant color blue stands for

the call for peace, with education provided by

the Mindanao State University as the prime

beacon of hope.

It is indeed commendable that the student leaders of the different MSU campuses have put together their

efforts to come up with and revive this publication. The FEMSUSSCO has done a great job of monitoring each of all

the MSU campuses by linking them as one. The same reason that this publication is revived – to remind us how

strong we are when we unite. The idea of uniting all the Mindanao State University units instead of identifying and

dividing themselves as to what campus they belong to is the very strength of us. With a very diverse Board of Re-

gents, dynamic Chancellors, energetic FEMSUSSCO, and the sense of taking the hand of the other, no one is stop-

ping our journey to a world-class university. With this publication issue, we proudly offer you the heights we've



Mardella D. Matba Editor-in-Chief

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Assalamu alaykum warakhmatulahi wabarakatuh!

This is indeed a fortuitous year for the student leaders of the Mindanao State Universi-

ty. As representatives of the second biggest bloc of student councils in the country, the federa-

tion leaders have shown their willingness to cooperate and unite for the call of change and de-

velopment brought about by the changing academic perspectives and student governance

within the university.

As such, I am proud to lead the federation whose council members are very support-

ive, attested by the campuses‘ complete attendance in the federation assemblies and summits

despite the geographical landscape of the Mindanao State University campuses.

This year, student leaders of different religion and ethnicity were able to share experi-

ences and held consultations on different student government functions that can be re-echoed

and emulated by other student organizations.

As the university is venturing to world-class status, the leadership of the student gov-

ernments shall be intensified to heed the call for globalization and I am thankful to the different

Campus Chancellors and the system officials in their never-ending support.

Being the lead server of the prime clientele of the university, I am offering my deepest

gratitude to all the student leaders whose support has strengthened the federation. We shall

continue to work for genuine student leadership and participation as we venture to another lev-

el of being globally-competitive student leaders, working hand in hand with university officials

in ensuring the upholding of student rights and welfare.


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Greetings of Peace and Solidarity!

The manifestation of our sincerity to address various concerns of our con-

stituents was comparable to trekking. The sweat we shed is our commitment in

dispensing just course of actions to the hapless ones. With these, my sincere

commendation because of our combined efforts!

Now as we take another journey, we must embrace the principle of one-

ness that we have established. This will serve as a potent tool in overcoming bar-

ricades that hinder our way towards development.

As we serve our country may the gift of wisdom set us on eagerness to

solve daunting challenges. Take the lead MSUans, as we took the great learning

and experiences!

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The Supreme Student Council (SSC) of MSU-GSC, as the highest governing student organization in the University, envisioned to have a novelty in its activities and programs for the welfare of the stu-dents. With its various committees headed by the Councilors, it helped to realize the objectives of the administration as it lives by the Latin maxim salus populi est suprema lex.

The Project and Physical Developments Committee has realized the cementing of 16-meter pavement at the front of the OSA (Office of Student Affairs) building with simple drainage systems. It also holds the first Freshmen Day in MSU General San-tos.

The Budget and Finance Committee through its PPP (Pang-enrol sa Pamantasan Pro-gram) has helped 24 deserving students to continue their academic endeavor. The committee also initiat-ed the Pagarbo Night, an event that showcases the diversity of talents in MSU General Santos.

The Academic Matters Committee recog-nized the ten highest Dean‘s listers of the seven col-leges and has awarded the seven outstanding uni-versity students and the first recipient of the SSC Gawad Karangalan Award.

The Student’s Rights and Welfare Commit-tee spearheaded the creation and dissemination of STRAW Bill, which has given the students a back-ground knowledge about their standpoint in the insti-tution. It also initiated the university-wide Cleanup Walk, which was participated by over a hundred CWTS, LTS, and ROTC students.

The Ways and Means Committee has finan-cially helped the activities of the council through its income-generating project and sponsorship efforts. The committee also arranged an insurance company, Oriental Assurance Company, which helped 11 stu-dents through its services.

The Public Relations Committee helped break students‘ apathy through its efforts of conven-

ing all seven colleges during the 1st and 2nd SSC General Assembly, with the highest attendance ob-served as compared to past assemblies. It also host-ed the year‘s Students‘ Night, which was dubbed as best in the history because of its unprecedented sur-prises. It also made the official logo for the MSU General Santos‘ Transport Group.

The Sports, Literary, and Cultural Affairs Committee initiated new events during the Intramu-rals such as the Sayaw SA Casadya Street Dancing Competition, College Booth Exhibit, Nationalistic Contemporary Dance, and Miss MSU 2014, which was graced by internationally renowned individuals.

The Internal and External Affairs Committee made the closing ceremony of the Intramurals vibrant and lively through its Mass Demonstration Competi-tion, which was participated by the seven colleges. The committee also initiated the Queen of MSU 2015, which helped in alleviating prejudice in the LGBT community, and Freshmen Night 2014.

The Administrative Affairs Committee took charge of the council‘s responsibilities in FEMSUSSCO including the agenda preparation for the Executive Summit held at MSU-Sulu. It also sub-mitted a proposal to the administration and transport group for the conversion of motorcycles to tricycles inside the campus.

Most importantly, the SSC crafted its very first Solid Waste Management Program (SWMP), which governs all existing student organizations in achiev-ing the cleaner environment through abiding the 3R Principle (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). A compo-nent of this program is the culmination of the institu-tion‘s Environment Day (EnviUday), which happened on the 18th of February 2015 with a theme ―Action for a Greener Cause: Uplifting Ecoethics in MSU-GSC Community,‖ mandatory installment of garbage bins at the kiosks of its organizations –civic, religious, and Greek, and massive information dissemination about the SWMP plan of the council.


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Many people see the leader as the person on top—the one with the perks, the

privileges, and the praise. (And) that‘s a myth. The truth is, leaders are at the bottom

of the pyramid. It‘s the leader who bears responsibility for the group, not vice versa.

It‘s the leader who must make hard decisions—deciding quickly and carefully

who goes and who remains. It‘s the leader who must ensure that the needs of the

group are met; and it‘s the leader who is responsible for making the work or ministry

environment either happy or horrible.

The leader must go to the extra mile if the organization is going farther down

the road. On the other hand, it‘s not always easy being at the controls, especially

when the road seems so long, the terrain is rugged and these ―backseat drivers‖ keep

insisting that they can do better. Thus, the leader is the servant of all, not the greatest

of all.

Aspiring leaders acknowledge that the achievement of others offer a key to

unlocking their own excellence. They associate with great men and women not as an

act of worship but rather to learn the cause of their success. Every leader should be a

mentor. But more important, every leader should have a mentor.

Call it success by association—the people who strive for personal excellence

will find a way to rub shoulders with the great people around them.

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The Supreme Student Council of Minda-nao State University-Maguindanao this year has experienced such trials which challenged their capacities to rule the entire campus. Nev-ertheless, those were just trials which were passed by their strong dedication and devotion to their positions and so with the correspond-ing responsibilities attached.

Hence, as what SSC means to the

school, they are the people who advocate

such initiatives and ideas on how to respond

to the demands and needs of the students.

The best examples of the said demands or

needs of the students of MSU-Maguindanao

which were responded to by the SSC Officers

this year are the following: need of water sup-

ply in the dormitories both for girls and boys;

and the basketball players‘ major concern to

have at least complete facility during their


Henceforth, to mend the first concern—

the need of water supply in the dormitories—

the SSC Officers initiated a project which ben-

efits the occupants of the girls and boys dormi-

tory. This said project is called, ―Jetmatic

Pump Project.‖ This provided one of the basic

amenities of the dormitory occupants both for

girls and boys. It consisted of two (2) Jetmatic

pumps for the said dormitories. It was built last

September 27-28, 2014; and was officially

turned over to the dormitory occupants last

September 30, 2014, with the presence of

their elected officers and dorm managers.

On the other hand, to respond to the oth-

er concern of the students especially the bas-

ketball players, another project was proposed

and was done by the SSC—the basketball

scoring board. This project answered the ma-

jor concern of the basketball players of the

school. This scoring board was built on De-

cember 27, 2014, with the active participation

of all SSC Officers of MSU-Maguindanao. It is

placed in front of the basketball court of the


Therefore, these projects implemented

and done by the SSC of MSU-Maguindanao

are just manifestations that the heart of leader-

ship is living upon them; and that the responsi-

bilities of being the students‘ leaders are all

set in their minds—that‘s why these simple yet

unique projects were done, for the students to

feel that MSU-Maguindanao‘s Supreme Stu-

dent Council cares.


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Greetings in the name of God the Almighty!

One of the eminent facets of college life is one's pragmatic exposure to extracur-

ricular activities for holistic development. By leaving an array of good inscriptions, others

are being inspired to strive for success. Indeed, learning takes place greatest outside the

four corners of the room. To respond in the calling of empowerment, among the gears to

efficient exponent in governance are integrity, professionalism and accountability ob-

served at all times. Hence without malice, it is good that stereotypes against black politics

are being gently eradicated and thus resume its fairest attribute as an art since we are in

an academe. In that case, we shall become a paradigm of candid and responsible regime

to boosting out the common men in the bureaucracy. Bequeathal of duties connotes confi-

dence in leaving the portals of administration in all aspects. Boon or bane, the essence of

leadership will at all times persist wherever your ego is. Hence, default and distress are

just a part of the tough reality of a genuine leader and it is normal. While the system's

catchphrase is "towards a world-class university,‖ for this reason, why not conquer also

the prestige of a world-class asset to our alma mater and then build capacity?

Let's show the world our unique and best identity of being an MSUan. Godspeed!

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Crafting of our new Supreme Student

Council Constitution and By-Laws (SSC CBL)

is the top triumph that the student populace of

the Mindanao State University Tawi-Tawi Col-

lege of Technology and Oceanography has

achieved this academic year. It has been at

last approved during the Second Semester

General Assembly on February 15, 2015 after

a series of consultations, postings and plenary

sessions. If ratified on a referendum until the

first week of March, this will be a long-lasting

bequest the student leaders of the academic

year 2014-2015 can leave for the next genera-

tion. From the grass roots level of existing stu-

dent policies of our campus, it is a relief on the

part of the student leaders to make their own

laws, reflective of their desires and is for the

good and the general welfare of the students.

The idea started with the nullification

of the previous CBL as ruled so by a Constitu-

tional Tribunal duly created by our Director for

Student Affairs which is chiefly composed of

faculty members deemed experts in law .

Realizing this important matter under

the ad interim government of the current coun-

cil, the President by virtue of his power, has

issued a memorandum creating the Students‘

Legislative Assembly composed of SSC offic-

ers except the President, college organization

presidents of different departments, and even

the Editor-in-Chief of the KAWASA. This is to

ensure that each sector or college is well rep-


This CBL shall be for the general wel-

fare and interest of the students. This shall be

a CBL for all. One that allows everyone to

serve in the council regardless of his or her

academic status. A CBL that protects stu-

dents‘ eminent rights with a strong sense of

democracy and a council of fiscal autonomy.

It is hoped that what we started will be

continued by the future student leaders. And

since student regency will nearly come from

MSU-TCTO, this could be a good help for any

aspiring SSC President in preparation for his/

her term with highly motivated and capable

officers in the council in performing his duty

well and in giving enough time for the agenda

of the MSU-TCTO students.

Though it is not that easy if we look

into the history of our CBL, it is realized some-

how on the part of the Students‘ Legislative

Assembly and to the previous student leaders

the struggle to come up with this commenda-

ble work. The previous councils had taught us

to be independent on our own and made us

realize to craft a new CBL. It is anticipated that

before the semester ends, this would be legiti-

mately ratified by the yes‘s of more than fifty

percent (50%) plus one of our total population. 9

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Good day leaders!

According to John C. Maxwell, a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. As we go on to our journey as leaders, we continually face challenges and how we

view them defines us. Either we see these challenges as obstacles or as stepping stones.

Whatever kind of challenges that will come into our lives as leaders, we should always

see these challenges as stepping stones. We should consider it as an opportunity that will help

us to step on so that we can achieve more, develop further and ultimately actualize more of our


We should always remember that our decision will always determine our destiny.

Whatever challenges or chances that we encounter in our lives, our choices will help us

change for the betterment not only to ourselves but also to school or even society as well.

As the future leaders of our country, we need to create a vision whereby our name be-

comes synonymous with excellence, innovation, honor, integrity, and outstanding quality and

service. If we keep our vision simple yet goal focused, then we will have turned defining our

vision into a stepping-stone, one which we will use to reach even greater heights.

I hope that this burning passion that we have for leadership does not only end here.

We should continue to become an inspiration to all the youth not only in the MSU System but

also to all the corners of the world so that together, we can make a big difference.

Always put in your minds that life is all about choices. How we choose to respond to

those challenges is indicative of leadership potential and development whether on a corporate

level or an individual level.

Thank you and Mabuhay ang FEMSUSSCO!

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The Kataas-taasang Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral

(KASAMA), the official student council of Mindanao

State University- Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-

IIT), has successfully served the student body for the

academic year 2014-2015. Headed by President and

Student Regent Datu Esma Mikee Pantaran Maruhom,

the KASAMA officers have executed an incredible job

in providing transparent and genuine service to the


Despite of the challenges and uncertainties, KASAMA

has achieved building a community that advocated

primarily for student welfare as the chief stakeholder

of the institution. The council has created a student

government that is truly for the students and by the

students through various activities organized to em-

power the MSU-IITians.

Among these worthy activities and programs are as


Student Insurance Policy Bidding

KASAMA Strategic Planning & Summit

Enrollment Assistance Programs

Freshmen Orientation

General Assembly and Acquaintance Party


Charter Week Student Celebration

Tulong Eskwela: A Scholarship Program

46th FEMSUSSCO General Assembly & Execu-

tive Summit

Annual Institute Palakasan

Anti-Sexual Harassment & Reproductive

Health Forums

Alay sa Graduates

Pamaskong Handog

Org Fair 2K15

National Commission on Culture and Arts

(NCCA) Forum

3rd MSU-IIT Students Choice Award (MISCA)

Iligan City Tertiary Schools Athletic Associa-

tion (ICTSAA) Meet

KASAMA Days & Student Officers’ Night

Sang-linggong Kantahan

Insurance Claims

KASAMA Medical Assistance Program

IIT Hoodie

Student Welfare Identification System (SWIS)

KASAMA Handbook



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To represent the student populace of MSU-MSAT comes with great honor and privilege.

Being elected as the SSC President of MSU-MSAT is the most challenging role yet a colorful jour-

ney to be remembered. Balancing your time for your studies and working in your SSC responsibili-

ties is not an easy task but despite the consequences, I manage to overcome it because I have

God who provides, supportive Campus Head, concerned SSC Advisers, active SSC Officers and

very supportive family and friends.

To my FEMSUSSCO family, I am very grateful that I have met brilliant, unique and em-

powered student leaders. To our ever active and very approachable Student Regent Datu Esma

Mikee P. Maruhom, thank you for your influence and contribution and I would not forget your

bountiful deeds!

One speaker in a leadership training said that, ―a good leader should think that serving

other people is an opportunity and not an obligation.‖ This is one of my basis of becoming an ef-

fective student leader.

Our journey as elected SSC officers for the academic year 2014-2015 is a colorful one

and the central goal of this colorful year of supremacy is the empowerment of students.

This superb journey is worth to be reminisced! God bless and more power!

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A council can only be considered as

actively existing when projects and activities

were done and has left a legacy when it ends.

This year‘s Supreme Student

Council organized and hosted activities which

were actively supported and enjoyed by the

student body. Some of which are, the Ac-

quaintance Party, Intramural Meet, Outreach

Program, Valentine‘s Day Activities. However,

the council was still active in supporting the

implementation of the Solid Waste Manage-

ment purchasing several sets of trash bins,

sanitary materials and constructed a Globe-like

Mechanical Plastic Bottle Storage (expected to

be completed by the third week of March).

The Plastic Bottle Storage is a tangible

project that serves as an Income Generating

Project and at the same time helps in the

beautification of the campus. This is consid-

ered as the major project of the council. Since

the garbage problem is common in the cam-

pus, the officers themselves helped one anoth-

er just to attain the project with betterment pur-

poses as to suppress the said problem. The

Council does its best to support the campus-

wide cleanliness and beautification. In connec-

tion to this matter, the council is immensely

happy while foreseeing its possible positive



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Dear student leaders:

It is with zeal and verve that we choose to serve our fellow students without even thinking what

we will get in return. We exemplary lead not because we need to, but because it is innate to us leaders.

As a member of the executive board, I am very proud together with my fellow student leaders

from other campuses for being a catalyst and an instrument for the realization of the appeals of the stu-

dents in the system.

As the President of MSU - Buug for two consecutive years, I owe to FEMSUSSCO the material-

ization of the need of my constituents and my legacy to the next generation of officers in my campus. To

name a few of its biggest contributions are the ratification of the Constitution and By-Laws that made our

student council a strong one, the approval of the creation of our varsity which caters our athletes, and the

revival of our student publication.

I am confident, however, that the steps taken by my administration shall continue to serve as a

stepping stone for my ideals and vision to have a full bloom student entity for MSU—Buug in the very

near future.

Being an MSUan, we are distinct and unique from the rest.

Mabuhay MSU! Mabuhay FEMSUSSCO!

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―Leadership is the capacity to translate

vision into reality.‖ -Warren Bennis

The council has made history in the life of

Mindanao State University Buug Campus, as tangi-

ble results of the once promised platforms and pro-

jects were materialized. For several years, other

organizations had existed like shadows and not the

front-line leaders as they were expected to be.

But for the two consecutive administra-

tions, the council made a leap to change their im-

age. The following were the pride and greatest

achievements of the A.Y. 2014-2015 administration:

First, the council had made a bold move

on students‘ issues and concerns and crafted the

Constitution and By-Laws that will serve as the

framework of ideals and aspirations of the Supreme

Student Council. The body convened on January

16, 2014 and the document was ratified on January

22, 2014;

Second, Ghendaw, the official student

publication of MSU - Buug, is now actively operating

and will soon release its comeback issue after the

last publication issue released last 2008;

Third, the financial transparency and sta-

bility of the council brought completion of projects

one after the other such as the information billboard

near the area of St. John, two hundred fifty (250)

chairs and steel cabinets for student use and a

computer set for the student council. An ongoing

mission and vision marker project is still to be com-

pleted, and;

Lastly, the council has successfully lobbied

for the creation of a university varsity with our lawn

tennis team winning on its first national competition.

All this happened in just a year. A legacy

made by the current administration. Leaving a chal-

lenge to the next administration, a challenge, not

just to sit and heat up their chairs but to translate

the vision into reality. 15

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Greetings of peace!

Congratulations for we had come a long way in representing and heeding the voices of our

primary clientele, the students of the MSU system. The Federation has continue to improve in our gen-

eration of leaders. Proof of this are the written inputs that we could pass to the succeeding batch of

officers; the integration and aggregation of journalists to our family, the Sapa Mindanaw; and the well

represented campuses during the general assemblies and executive summits.

During the 49th General Assembly and Executive Summit, we had claimed that this federa-

tion‘s officers are the most ‗prolific‘ in terms of attendance in the general assemblies. It is also safe to

say that we‘re the most bonded and most enthusiastic so far. Yet, the FEMSUSSCO gatherings were

not just for fun. For those who do not know how and what we did in our assemblies, let them know that

during those times, we did not only learn the different situations in the different campuses, but we did

give collective advices on how to efficiently and effectively solve each problem. We were also inspired

as we learned on a firsthand basis how our fellow leaders implemented activities and programs for the

improvement of their constituents. FEMSUSSCO also helped us develop holistically. We learned how

to adjust and adapt to our multi-cultured family as we stay in one roof. Indeed, we sure will miss one

another as this year‘s federation term ends.

As we end our term as student leaders, let us continue to aspire for the betterment of every

student in the system. Let us be ambassadors of peace and virtue. Let us be living proofs that multi-

cultured Mindanaoans, with different religions and dialects can live not just harmoniously in an area but

can also unite to pursue one collective goal, which in our case, the goal of FEMSUSSCO.

Hoping for the continuous improvement and prosper of the Federation of Mindanao State Uni-

versity Supreme Students Councils. Surely, God would bless us all!

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Palakasan 2014 was scheduled August 23-

September 1. It was one of the longest and

most joyous ever celebration of the Palakasan.

The SSC organized the sports, cultural and arts

activities with the help of the campus admin-

istration, faculty and staff.

One of the added events in the Pala-

kasan was the Park Beautification Contest.

Each college was assigned to an area where

they must make a mini-student lounge and park.

They must maintain the cleanliness all through-

out the school year for there will be surprise vis-

its from the judges. This activity aims to let the

students practice the 5S and 3Rs.

Another remarkable change in the

SSC this year was the halting of collection of the

monetary fines. Instead of letting the students

pay for not attending SSC activities, the fines

are therefore converted to community service

wherein they will be assigned to clean their col-

lege‘s assigned areas.

To further answer the nature‘s call, all

graduating students are required to plant at

least two trees for the ―Grow a Tree Project.‖

Unlike any other tree planting activities, graduat-

ing students are advised to plant the tree at

least a month before their graduation and are

required to water and make sure the trees do


Though the officers do not get a hold of their own money, and the procurement of such takes so much time and effort, we man-aged to implement projects that do not require a slice of the budget. Indeed, leadership is not just

about expenditures, it‘s about taking initiatives and making things happen efficiently.


Page 20: Sapa Mindanaw

In behalf of the president of Mindanao State University, Lanao Norte Agricul-

tural College, Supreme Student Council Organization, it is my honor as a student

leader to lead a single institution together with my companion, the SSC officers.

Being a leader is not an easy task for students like us. To accomplish several

tasks is such a wonderful achievement we could give and contribute towards the insti-

tution for MSU-LNAC where we took an oath to render our services. To lead is not to

ask in return. We the leaders decided to take the position that we are currently han-

dling for the reason of willingness to serve because of our concern towards the institu-

tion. As one of the leaders, I will heartily serve the campus where I am currently stud-


In line with this, let me extend my grateful message for all the student leaders

like me for having leaders like you in your respective campuses. God bless and more


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The Orly‘s band was given by the school

OIC Professor Orlando A. Fernandez with

assistance from the SSC fee to produce bet-

ter learners not only in the field of academics

but also in the forte of playing any musical

instruments that will develop or mold their



The SSC officers organized an event in the

month of February, which is the Feb Film

Festival, a short movie, music video and

bulletin board contest where the students

showed their hidden talents in acting and



The Bulletin Boards were purposively cho-

sen as our main project to give information,

as one of the needs of the students of MSU

– LNAC to become aware of the activities

that we are implementing and to post pic-

tures as a proof of accomplishing something.


Page 22: Sapa Mindanaw

Assalamu Alaykum!

My warmest congratulations to the editorial board of Sapa Mindanaw and the Execu-

tive Board of the Federation of Mindanao State University Supreme Student Councils for the

finest execution of the Sapa Mindanaw headed by Ms. Mardella D. Matba and supervised by

Hon. Datu Esma Mikee P. Maruhom, In Sha Allah, this publication will mark the beginning of

the unified voice of the student populace.

It is in my great pleasure and honor to be part of this federation year, as we altogether

mark the essence of having a unified student government and student publication. In Sha Al-

lah (In God‘s will), the Sapa Mindanaw will represent the voice of all MSUans. Therefore, the

great hold of responsibility to showcase the truth whatever it takes, to be vigilant and fearing

not in the fight for what is right.

―Press freedom is everything: very attractive but controversial‖ the message I want for

the staffers and editorial board to bear in mind. As we hand in hand move towards making a

difference in MSU System, I strongly vow to support the Federation‘s productivity and its publi-

cation‘s quest for the truth and contribution in shaping MSU.

Finally, yours truly has been part of the finest execution of Sapa Mindanaw and

FEMSUSSCO, be reminded that the kind of leadership we have today is the leadership that

Mindanaons and Filipinos need tomorrow. Long Live FEMSUSSCO, Long Live Sapa Min-

danaw, Long Live MSUans.

More power and God bless!

Page 23: Sapa Mindanaw

In behalf of MSU—LNCAT Students Supreme Government, I am truly glad and honored

to present to you the accomplished tasks we have done as this year‘s Student Supreme Govern-

ment officers.

I would like to thank our almighty God for being always there to guide us and help us in

everything that we do and to every path that we take. I would like also to thank the entire campus

for giving us the opportunity and their trust to prove to them that we can do better in improving

and managing our school campus.

These are the finished products of our persistence as an SSG officers and I know that

this isn‘t end here for there are so many more things that we can still give and offer to our fellow

students and for the betterment of our school. The first project we accomplished was providing

roofed pavements and pathways inside the campus to give comfort to our fellow students in go-

ing to their classes especially when the it is too hot or when it is raining. The second accom-

plished task was the renovation and general cleaning of our school toilet after suffering for al-

most a year not being able to use it due to its condition. For so many complaints from among the

students and staffs, we have decided to renovate, repaint, and clean our campus toilet and we

are now comfortably using it.

Aside from the money consumed for projects, we, the Student Supreme Government

also played an important role in assisting, guiding, managing, and participating in every school

activities such as enrollment process, Sports Fest, Buwan ng Wika, School Community Services,


I am hoping that these valuable deeds and responsibility will be continued by the suc-

ceeding generations by the time we graduated, and continue to improve our school‘s perfor-

mance, beauty and stability, so that we can live in peace and in harmony.

―A good leader is a good listener and also a good follower.‖ Thank you!

Page 24: Sapa Mindanaw

Eighty seven student leaders

from different MSU campuses gathered

during the 46th General Assembly and

Executive Summit of the FEMSUSSCO

(Federation of Mindanao State Universi-

ty Supreme Student Councils) on Au-

gust 9-12, 2014 at Mindanao State Uni-

versity-Iligan Institute of Technology, A.

Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, Iligan City

with MSU General Santos having the

highest delegation. The event was host-

ed by the MSU-IIT KASAMA (Kataas-

taasang Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral)

headed by its President, Hon. Datu Es-

ma Mikee P. Maruhom. All of the MSU

campuses were present during the as-

sembly, except the MSU-LNCAT.

The General Assembly proper

was presided by the outgoing MSU Sys-

tem Student Regent, Hon. Datu Hamad

Abas of MSU Maguindanao. Included in

the meeting was the election of the new

set of Federation officers for the aca-

demic year 2014-2015. KASAMA Presi-

dent, Hon. Maruhom, was elected as

the President; MSU General Santos

SSC President, Hon. Vanjo B. Salinda,

as Vice President; MSU at Naawan

SSC President, Hon. Devorrah Shane L.

Bagares, as Treasurer; MSU Maigo

SSC President, Hon. Marjune Carballo,

as Auditor. Lynrose Jane D. Genon of

MSU-IIT was appointed as the Federa-

tion‘s Secretary-General.

The Executive Summit, which

happened on the 10th of August 2014 at

the Board Room of the Office of the

Chancellor, gathered the executives of

various campuses to discuss matters

regarding the problems faced by the

student councils in their respective insti-

tutions. On the other hand, the KASA-

MA officers have prepared team-

building activities to acquaint the stu-

dent leaders who were not part of the

summit. The KASAMA has prepared a

traditional Maranao activity, Pagana

A‘Mranao, for the federation attendees

on the night of August 10. Student lead-

ers dressed in Maranao-inspired cou-

ture was entertained with Mindanao

tribe dances performed by MSU-IIT‘s

Kalimulan Cultural Dance Troupe. The

group also witnessed the MSU-IIT‘s

pride in theater acting, IPAG, which

played Steven Patrick Fernandez‘ SUHI

at MSU-IIT Mini Theater.

The last day was spent touring

the prominent landmarks of Iligan City. The group visited the strong cascading waters of Maria Cristina Falls at Brgy.

Fuentes, which provides most of the electricity in mainland Mindanao. The group‘s next stop was the Macaraeg-

Macapagal Ancestral House, where the former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo spent most of her childhood

days. The day was concluded with a luncheon meeting of the student leaders together with the MSU-IIT Chancellor,

Dr. Sukarno D. Tanggol.

Page 25: Sapa Mindanaw

The President of FEMSUSSCO and incoming

Student Regent, Datu Esma Mikee P. Maruhom, graced

the 41st Foundation Anniversary of the Mindanao State

University Maguindanao on the 10th of October 2014

with the theme ―Soaring high towards academic excel-

lence for peace and development.” With him is the Con-

gresswoman of the First District of Maguindanao and

Cotabato, Hon. Bai Sandra Sinsuat A. Sema.

MSU System Student Regent, Datu Esma

Mikee P. Maruhom, has visited the 41st MSU Naawan

Anniversary Foundation 2014 on the 4th of December

2014 at MSU Naawan Function House with the theme

―MSU Naawan at 41: Visionary and Dynamic Govern-

ance amidst Global Challenges.” His visit was warmly

welcomed by the university‘s Supreme Student Coun-

cil headed by Hon. Devorrah Shane L. Bagares.

(from left) Shown in the photo is President Jay Mark P. Bal-

bosa of MSU – Buug, Vice Pres Khiemark Luzal B. Abas of

MSU-Naawan, President Vanjo B. Salinda of MSU – GSC,

MSU System Student Regent and KASAMA President Datu

Esma Mikee P. Maruhom of MSU-IIT, President Aljemedin

S. Jaudines of MSU –TCTO and President Datuali Rahim

Macacana of MSU- Maguindanao during the celebration of

the 3rd Mindanao State University System Athletic Associa-

tion held at MSU – GenSan Campus, General Santos City

last December 16 to 20, 2014 with the theme ―Lakas, Tibay:

Sulong Dugong MSUans‖ attended by the different campus-

es of MSU. The said event convened all of the SSC Execu-

tive Officers.

Two staffs of Sapa Mindanaw, Kier Mitchel E. Pitogo

(Associate Editor) and Floyd Lawrence Escalante (Layout

Artist), together with the President of the FEMSUSSCO

(Federation of Mindanao State University Supreme Student

Councils), Datu Esma Mikee P. Maruhom, have visited the

island province of Tawi-Tawi on February 21-24, 2015 for a

special purpose regarding the completion of the Federation‘s

publication and an important executive discussion with MSU-

TCTO‘s student council. Mardella D. Matba, the EIC of KA-

WASA (official student publication of MSU-TCTO) and the

Sapa Mindanaw as well, arranged the itinerary of the group.

Together, they have toured the historic island municipality of

Simunul and hiked up to the peak of Bud Bongao. Their visit

was concluded with a farewell dinner sponsored by the

chancellor of Mindanao State University Tawi-Tawi College

of Technology and Oceanography, Atty. Lorenzo R. Reyes.

Page 26: Sapa Mindanaw

The Federation of Mindanao

State University Supreme Student

Councils (FEMSUSSCO) conducted

the Executive Committee Summit on

November 28-30, 2014 at Mindanao

State University- Sulu (MSU- Sulu)

hosted by MSU-Sulu‘s Supreme Stu-

dent Council headed by Nickmar Asjali,


The summit is the semestral

activity of the student leaders from

different campuses of the MSU system

which aims to discuss the issues and

trends in their respective campuses.

The said event was attended

by three of the prestigious campuses in

the MSU system namely: MSU- IIT

headed by Hon. Datu Esma Mikee

Maruhom, Student Regent,

FEMSUSSCO President, MSU- Gen-

eral Santos headed by Vanjo B. Salin-

da, and MSU- TCTO headed by

Aljemedin Jaudines.

The first day of the event was

spent getting to know each other. They

had a courtesy call with the MSU- Sulu

Chancellor, Dr. Adjarail B. Hapas, in

the morning. They toured around the

MSU-Sulu campus, and had a pizza

party in the evening in order to widen

the range of interaction and socializa-

tion to one another spearheaded by the

Student Regent. Academic calendar

shift was one of the issues that they

had brainstormed.

The second day of the event

started with the Dagan-Bitad Exercise

at 5:00-7:00 from MSU –Sulu campus

to Sulu‘s airport to energize the partici-

pants. The Executive Summit was

held at around 8:30-11:30am and con-

tinued in the afternoon at 2:00pm to

6:00pm as they discussed the rising

issues in the different campuses and

the future plans of the FEMSUSSCO

for the MSU student populace. One of

the main agendum was the revival of

the FEMSUSSCO publication, the

Sapa Mindanaw.

The last day was spent for a

tour to Maimbung, Sulu and a dialogue

with the Student Regent with other

MSU –Sulu organizations.

It was indeed a legacy for the

MSU – Sulu SSC officers in bringing

the brave and passionate student lead-

ers to see the hospitality and rich cul-

ture of the Tausug and Sulu settlers.

Page 27: Sapa Mindanaw

For the first time in

FEMSUSSCO, all of the MSU cam-

puses were gathered in the 47th

General Assembly and Executive

Summit in Mindanao State Universi-

ty at Naawan on January 24-28,

2015. Almost a hundred student

leaders were gathered at MSU at

Naawan Function House with MSU

Maguindanao having the highest

number of attendees. Spearheaded

by the MSU at Naawan Supreme

Student Council officers, the assem-

bly meeting discussed institutional

problems of the different MSU Cam-

puses. The event also convened

the publication writers of various

campuses for the rebirth of Sapa

Mindanaw, the official publication of

the FEMSUSSCO, with Mardella D.

Matba of MSU-TCTO elected as the


One of the highlights of the

event was the dinner sponsored by

MSU at Naawan Chancellor, Dr.

Proserpina G. Roxas, who had giv-

en an inspirational message to the

young student leaders. The group

was entertained by the university‘s

official dance troupe Indak Ka-

launan and chorale group Koro

Kaayad Kaligaon. The General As-

sembly proper approved agenda to

be lobbied to the next MSU Board

of Regents meeting, dated 18th of

March 2015. The FEMSUSSCO

President and MSU System Student

Regent, Hon. Datu Esma Mikee P.

Maruhom, gave his words of good-

bye and appreciation to the mem-

bers of this academic year‘s

FEMSUSSCO. In addition, he

awarded each campus‘ student

council Presidents for their dedica-

tion in service to the students in

their respective campuses.

The assembly meeting has

ended in MSU at Naawan. The

group then headed to MSU-IIT to

have a campus visit before reaching

the next part of itinerary, the Tinago

Falls. Tinago falls is a 30-minute

ride from the city proper. The group

bathed in its cold waters and was

amazed to witness a waterfall

unique only in Iligan. After the tiring

yet fulfilling adventure in the falls,

the group headed to the main cam-

pus of MSU System, the MSU


The Student Government of

MSU Marawi headed by Hon. Amer-

hassan Mala accommodated the

members of the Federation in a

night of stay in the campus. The

group toured around the campus,

especially in the renowned golf

course and the Aga Khan Museum.

They were able to meet some of the

executives of the MSU System in-

cluding the Executive Vice Presi-

dent Dr. Emmanuel M. Lagare and

Univeristy Secretary, Dr. Mary

Joyce Z. Guinto-Sali. The MSU Sys-

tem President, Dr. Macapado Mus-

lim, also welcomed the group in his

home inside the campus.

The last campus the group visited was the MSU LNCAT (Mindanao State Univeristy Lanao National College of Arts and Trade) at Marawi City, Lanao del Norte. They were accommodated by the MSU LNCAT‘s student council President, Hon. Jamel Calbe Ampu-an. This is the first attendance of MSU LNCAT‘s Supreme Student Council in the FEMSUSSCO Gen-eral Assembly and Executive Sum-mit after 4 years. The assembly has

also the largest number of at-tendees in the history of FEMSUSSCO.

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