SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance

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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance




    AP Solutions for Governance, Risk and Compliance

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    Abstract: SAP Solutions for governance, risk andcompliance (GRC) form an integrated portfolio ofapplications that embed and optimize all governance, riskand compliance activities to overcome the problems causedby business fragmentation and disjointed approaches toGRC management.

    Download this white paper to learn how to leverageinformation within your existing business applications to

    evaluate risk and apply controls directly within businessprocesses. Achieve greater transparency and predictability,enabling your organization to improve GRC activities andoverall enterprise performance.

    Learn how SAP solutions for GRC work together toautomate end-to-end GRC activities including:

    Corporate governance and oversight. Risk management. Control testing and remediation case management. User access and authorization. Global trade services. Environment, health, and safety management.

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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance



    General Mills uses SAP as the global platform for integrated transaction

    processing and segregation of duties in ensuring Sarbanes-Oxley compliance

    in the area of information systems. Software and business processes that

    streamline and advance a companys risk management and compliance

    capabilities are an important aspect of corporate governance. SAP tools

    that deliver an integrated solution across the enterprise are an importantand welcome new advance in this important area.

    Michael Carr, Director of Information Systems, General Mills Inc.

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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance



    SAP solutions for governance, risk, and compliance (SAP solutions for GRC) form an integrated portfolio

    of applications that embed and optimize all governance, risk, and compliance activities to overcome the

    problems caused by business fragmentation and disjointed approaches to GRC management. SAP solu-

    tions for GRC are powered by the SAP NetWeaver platform, which provides a common technical foun-

    dation that integrates with mySAP Business Suite and third-party applications. As a result, SAP solutions

    for GRC can leverage information within your existing business applications so you can evaluate risk and

    apply controls directly within business processes. This results in greater transparency and predictability,

    enabling you to improve GRC activities and overall enterprise performance.

    SAP solutions for GRC work together to automate end-to-end GRC activities, including corporate

    governance and oversight; risk management; control testing and remediation case management; user

    access and authorization; global trade services; and environment, health, and safety management.

    The solutions support the following business-critical functions: Central management of GRC information in a single system of record, including corporate policies,

    regulations, compliance and control frameworks, business process flows, and risk and control libraries

    Proactive identification, analysis, and monitoring to forecast and respond to potential threats

    Automated controls to ensure appropriate user access and authorization

    Monitoring of business processes to promote desired behaviors and maximize results

    Streamlined management of global trade compliance and environment, health, and safety


    SAPs holistic approach to governance, risk, and compliance provides you with a strategic business

    weapon to protect brand and reputation, master uncertainty, optimize opportunity, and free resources

    for innovation and growth.

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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance




    Much of the value creation and

    innovation within companies takes

    place as a consequence of the relation-

    ships between people, processes, and

    systems all of which may be frag-

    mented across different organizations,functions, and geographies. Given the

    complexity and uncertainty of todays

    business environment, this fragmenta-

    tion can hold your enterprise back in

    a number of ways:

    Organizational fragmentation

    Organizational fragmentation caused

    by disconnected, department-driven

    GRC activities can result in incon-

    sistent policies, difficulty predicting

    risk, a lack of enterprise transpar-ency, and duplication of effort. As

    you increase collaboration with

    partners and suppliers, the conse-

    quences of having no central body

    coordinating GRC activities enter-

    prise-wide intensify because most

    legislation holds you accountable

    for good governance and compliance

    within your own organization,

    as well as across your extended


    System fragmentation

    Most businesses lack GRC infor-

    mation integrity because their

    departments use different metrics,

    standards, software, and methodol-

    ogies for analyzing risk and com-pliance information. This makes it

    difficult to aggregate data, gain a

    complete view of enterprise risk,

    effectively monitor compliance and

    risk, and adjust business processes to

    meet changing requirements, market

    trends, and regulatory mandates.

    Regional fragmentation

    In most cases, policies and risks

    are generally defined and measured

    at the local level, without properconsideration for their impact on

    the global, multinational, national,

    or regional mandates with which

    an organization must also comply.

    Decision makers are often unaware

    of the interdependencies between

    mandates and the risks of non-

    compliance in specific regions

    and markets.

    Internal GRC discipline


    At the corporate level, as well as

    the departmental or regional levels,

    there is general uncertainty around

    the meaning and scope of the

    disciplines of governance, risk

    management, and compliance

    (see the sidebar). Most important,

    your management team may not

    recognize that these disciplines are

    inextricably linked and interdepen-

    dent, and as a result, must function

    interdependently as part of an

    integrated strategy.

    Success requires that you align your

    corporate strategy with effective

    oversight and institutionalized policysetting, risk management, and business

    process control; you can only accom-

    plish this through a holistic approach

    to governance, risk, and compliance

    that unifies these areas of fragmenta-

    tion. As a result, you can capture new

    information about emerging threats

    and opportunities and exploit them for

    competitive advantage.

    A Definition of Governance, Risk, and Compliance

    Heres a simple way to think about GRC:

    Governance manages the strategic directives a company

    wants to follow.

    Risk management assesses the areas of exposure and

    potential impacts.

    Compliance is the tactical action to mitigate risk.

    SAP Snaps Up Virsa Systems to Enhance Compliance Story, AMR Research,

    April 3, 2006.

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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance



    Fragmented GRC activities may be the

    status quo, but they are costing your

    business more than you think. AMR

    Research reports that compliance

    spending will reach $27.3 billion in 2006.

    And approximately two-thirds of the

    cost is in people because fragmented

    GRC efforts tend to result in people-

    powered GRC ineff icient, manual

    processes that are duplicated across

    departments. Of even greater signifi-cance is the lost opportunity that

    results from a tactical, fragmented

    approach to managing GRC. Without

    a comprehensive and cohesive GRC

    strategy, you are deprived of a powerful

    tool for effectively navigating todays

    highly regulated business environ-

    ments, as well as a critical driver of

    revenue and competitive advantage.

    The Way Forward

    In the face of shifting industry condi-

    tions, compliance mandates, and

    governance requirements set forth

    by executives and the board, you need

    to take a broader, more structured

    approach to managing governance,

    risk, and compliance. Doing so allows

    you to proactively identify inefficiencies

    and errors, adopt a risk-based approach

    toward embedding controls in business

    processes, and continuously monitor

    operations to optimize and guide futurepolicy. SAP solutions for governance,

    risk, and compliance deliver applications

    to help you achieve all of this and


    The High Cost of Point Solutions

    Organizations that choose individual solutions for each regulatory challenge

    they face will spend 10 times more on compliance projects than those that

    leverage each implementation for multiple requirements (0.9 probability).

    Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, Technologies for Compliance: Automating Your Way Out

    of Confusion, French Caldwell, October 2005.

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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance




    SAP solutions for GRC deliver the

    industrys first comprehensive, inte-

    grated portfolio of applications that

    embed and optimize all governance,

    risk, and compliance activities to

    overcome the problems of fragmenta-

    tion across the enterprise. These solu-

    tions give you the visibility needed to

    stop simply reacting to business risks

    and events and to improve business

    predictability and performance.

    Business Process

    SAP Solutions for

    Industry-Specific GRC

    Business Process Platform

    Business Applications


    Cross-Industry GRC

    GRC Repository: Documentation and Monitoring

    Risk Management

    Access Controls EnvironmentGlobal Trade Process Controls





    Figure 1: SAP Solutions for Governance, Risk, and Compliance

    These solutions deliver world-class,

    integrated applications that leverage

    a common software platform and a

    central GRC data repository. When

    deployed together, these applications

    form a holistic solution for GRC. And

    because all the applications are inte-

    grated, they can break down require-

    ments and relationships across different

    regulations and mandates. (See Figure 1.)

    These applications reach deep into your

    existing SAP and non-SAP software to

    embed compliance functions across the

    enterprise and beyond, giving you the

    real-time visibility you need to ensure

    compliance and maximize competitive


    The GRC RepositoryThe SAP GRC Repository application

    centrally documents and stores records

    for all governance, risk, and compli-

    ance information. The repository

    centrally manages all GRC content,

    including frameworks, policies, pro-

    cesses, risks, controls, test plans,

    applications, systems, remediation

    cases, and evidence. It ensures consis-

    tent, effective, and efficient coverage of

    regulatory frameworks, laws, andinternal company policies by providing

    visibility into related requirements and

    by cross-referencing organizational

    policies and procedures with regulatory




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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance



    The repository gives you a complete,

    enterprise-wide view of all GRC

    activities so you can analyze risk, makeinformed decisions, and take a risk-

    based approach to satisfying multiple

    company initiatives and regulatory

    mandates. You can link risks and

    controls to multiple security and

    control frameworks such as the

    Committee of Sponsoring Organiza-

    tions (COSO) and Control Objectives

    for Information and Related Technol-

    ogies (COBIT) and to mandates like

    the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and U.S. Food

    and Drug Administration (FDA)

    regulations. This ability enables you to

    take advantage of opportunities thatyou might not have noticed before to

    improve efficiency, optimize risk and

    return portfolios, and ultimately,

    increase business predictability and

    shareholder value. By providing a

    central repository that is reusable and

    flexible, SAP solutions for GRC also

    minimize duplicate GRC efforts so you

    can optimize effectiveness and combat

    complexity over the long run.

    Simplifying Segregation of Duties

    The transformative power of a central GRC Repository can be illustrated

    best through example. Consider the necessity of ensuring proper segre-

    gation of duties for such mandates as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, FDA

    regulations, and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. SAP solutions for GRC

    include access control applications that are integrated with the SAP GRC

    Repository application. All of an organizations policies, initiatives, and

    regulations that require proper segregation of duties (or, alternatively,

    need appropriate definition and assignment of compensating controls)

    are automatically documented within SAP GRC Repository, complete

    with links to the appropriate access controls for automated monitoring.

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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance


    likelihood of impact, as well as monitor

    GRC activities and time frames at the

    most granular level information that

    is automatically aggregated to create

    higher-level views and risk networks.

    All of these activities are monitored

    through executive-level dashboards

    and reports that provide you with

    visibility into key risk metrics and

    policy compliance. The software

    provides role-based dashboards to

    provide transparency to managers at all

    levels of your organization from line

    managers to business unit, country,

    division, and regional managers, and

    ultimately, to executive managementand the board.


    Enterprise Risk Management

    Executives recognize that proper risk

    management improves decision

    making and creates value. But compa-

    nies often tackle risk reactively within

    departmental silos and overlook critical

    interactions between risks. At the same

    time, because risk management is often

    regarded as a theoretical exercise with

    no practical methodology, front-line

    managers arent equipped to properly

    analyze risk-reward trade-offs and carry

    out appropriate responses that are

    backed by quantitative metrics.

    The SAP GRC Risk Management

    application addresses these issues by

    enabling you to implement proactive,

    collaborative processes to balanceopportunities with financial, legal, and

    operational risks at all levels of the

    enterprise. The software provides a

    best-practice framework for enterprise

    risk identification, collaborative risk

    analysis, predefined risk responses, and

    continuous risk monitoring and

    reporting so that you can effectively

    anticipate and respond to changing

    business conditions. Key risk indicators

    enable you to monitor the overall riskportfolio and to alert management

    immediately when high-impact and

    high-probability risks exceed company-

    specific thresholds. Managers can

    analyze risks in terms of severity and

    A conservative estimate is thatorganizations are missing out on billions

    of dollars in potential savings annually

    through inefficient risk management


    Source: Aberdeen Group, 2006

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    Business Process Control

    The SAP GRC Process Control appli-

    cation applies a risk-based approach to

    setting up your control environment

    and identifying the most effective and

    efficient controls needed to achieve

    compliance. The application integrates

    directly with control documentation in

    SAP GRC Repository, enabling you to

    centralize control management and to

    eliminate the need to integrate separate

    tools for documentation, testing,

    remediation, and control monitoring.

    Upon completion of control documen-

    tation, you can choose to implement

    controls for key risks with a combina-

    tion of automated controls monitor-

    ing, manual controls tests, or self-

    assessments. This powerful com-

    bination works together to help you

    establish controls that promote desired

    employee behavior and optimize busi-

    ness processes, as well as ensure that

    your organization meets compliance

    mandates on time and in a cost-

    effective manner.

    SAP GRC Process Control allows

    you to monitor hundreds of critical

    procure-to-pay, order-to-cash, and

    reconcile-to-report configurations and

    transactions, as well as IT controls. You

    can deploy a single automated control

    test for multiple combinations of

    criteria, reducing the amount of set up

    and ongoing maintenance required.

    The software also automatically routes

    manual control tests to the appropriate

    personnel for timely performance

    and guides testers with step-by-step

    procedures and approved templates

    to minimize errors. In addition, f lexible

    survey creation functionality allows

    you to perform self-assessments for

    entity-level controls, as well as for

    management sign-off.

    SAP GRC Process Control pinpoints

    risks of control violations through a

    global heat map, making it easy for

    executives and auditors to prioritize

    corrective action and avoid the devel-

    opment of material weaknesses in the

    control environment. The software

    automatically creates remediation

    cases for each control exception,

    immediately alerting control ownersand managers so that they can quickly

    take action to address risk. To prevent

    future risk from entering production

    environments, you can use SAP GRC

    Process Control to perform real-time

    what-if analyses that simulate the

    impact of application control changes

    before changes are put into effect.

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    Global Trade Services

    The SAP Global Trade Services (SAP

    GTS) application helps you master the

    manifold challenges of internationaltrade. You can automate and stream-

    line complex import and export pro-

    cesses, ensure regulatory compliance,

    expedite customs clearance, mitigate

    the financial risk of global transactions,

    and take full advantage of international

    trade agreements.

    With SAP GTS, you can manage and

    standardize trade compliance processes

    throughout your organization. The

    software automatically screens businesspartners against official sanctioned-

    party lists, checks for embargo restric-

    tions, and manages export and import

    licenses. SAP GTS expedites customs

    processes by facilitating interactions

    between your enterprise and customs

    agencies, driving the efficient move-

    ment of goods and information across

    international borders. SAP GTS also

    lets you tap into the opportunities

    Globalization is not an emerging trend; its a business reality. Whats changed is the increased

    level of complexity and risk associated with moving goods across borders, especially after the

    9/11 terrorist attacks. Technology is the key enabler of any global trade management strategy,

    and companies must take a broader perspective and view their entire enterprise software platform

    as a global trade management solution.

    Adrian Gonzalez, Director, Logistics Executive Council, ARC Advisory Group

    available through trade agreements,

    such as the North American Free Trade

    Agreement (NAFTA) and those of the

    European Union, and automates andstreamlines all aspects of restitution

    management to ensure more efficient

    export refund processing and less risk

    of forfeiting securities. The Unicode-

    enabled software provides a single,

    central solution for all of your global

    trade requirements no matter

    where you do business.

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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance


    accordance with laws and regulations.The softwares central database makes

    it easy to manage product safety speci-

    fications, hazardous substance inven-

    tories, and dangerous goods for safe

    handling, tracking, document manage-

    ment, and risk calculation. You can

    also create hazardous waste permits

    and ensure that authorized waste

    quantities are not exceeded by selecting

    suitable disposal firms and by allocating

    disposal costs among internal depart-ments. SAP EH&S also supports the full

    range of industrial hygiene and safety

    processes, centrally managing core

    tasks, such as risk assessments, expo-

    sure logs, incident management,

    exposure profiles, and safety manage-

    ment of specific work areas.

    SAP xApp Emissions Management

    The SAP xApp Emissions Management(SAP xEM) composite application,

    which was jointly developed by SAP

    and its special expertise partner

    TechniData, helps you improve

    manufacturing productivity by

    Environment, Health, and Safety

    SAP solutions for GRC include applications that help you efficiently manage your

    business while ensuring compliance with complex environmental, health, and

    safety processes and regulations, such as Restriction of Hazardous Substances (ROHS),

    Waste from Electronics and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), the Health and Safety

    at Work Act, and regulations around emissions trading schemes.


    SAP Environment, Health & SafetyThe SAP Environment, Health & Safety

    (SAP EH&S) application streamlines all

    activities necessary to implement EH&S

    processes safely, effectively, and in

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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance


    aligning business processes with

    required environmental regulations

    worldwide. The software also allows

    you to reap the financial benefits of

    the emissions trading markets because

    it determines and documents emission

    credits and communicates emissions

    credits with emission trading plat-

    forms. SAP xEM tracks, analyzes, and

    records emission data. Integration with

    plant and equipment maintenance

    systems supports equipment calibra-

    tion and maintenance tasks; sophisti-

    cated tools calculate emissions (such

    as greenhouse gases) that cant be

    measured directly. When a reference

    value exceeds normal plant values for

    operations, automatic notifications

    are fired off to determine the impactand trigger changes necessary to

    correct operations. The extensive

    reporting functionality in SAP xEM

    fulfills legal requirements for docu-

    mentation and reporting to regulatory


    SAP Solution for Product Compliance

    Compliance for Products is a solution for

    environmental product compliance that

    was developed on the SAP NetWeaver

    platform by TechniData. The software

    collects, organizes, analyzes, and

    evaluates data about various products,

    factories, suppliers, countries, and

    customers information needed to

    provide proof of compliance with

    environmental directives that regulate

    the development, manufacture,

    distribution, disposal, or recyclingof products.

    The software documents product

    content and regulatory or sector-

    specific substances lists, integrates

    compliances checks and analyses with

    central business processes, and auto-

    mates communications with customers

    and suppliers. For example, when a

    product is being checked for compli-

    ance with the ROHS directive, the

    solution verifies that all the necessary

    information, such as the lead content

    of a supplied part, is in place. If this data

    has not been provided, the solution

    automatically requests the suppliers

    manufacturing department to disclose

    the exact lead weight percentage of the

    product and notifies the user when the

    supplier has provided the data.


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    Access Control

    Proper segregation of duties (SOD) and

    access control over sensitive transac-

    tions is one of the most effective safe-

    guards against fraud and a prerequisite

    for sound corporate oversight. It is also

    one of the most difficult controls to

    effectively deploy and sustain given the

    thousands of users, roles, and processes

    that all require access and authoriza-tion evaluation, testing, and remedia-

    tion. The immense task of managing

    proper user and role access can only be

    accomplished when business process

    owners (who can determine appropri-

    ate access in business terms) and IT

    experts (who can define the underlying

    technical objects that make up business

    functions) work together. The problem

    is that communication between the

    two groups is typically disjointed and

    unsuccessful because there is no bridgelinking business language with IT


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  • 7/31/2019 SAP Solutions for Governance-Risk-Compliance


    SAP solutions for GRC closes this gap

    with a comprehensive set of access

    control applications that enable all

    corporate compliance stakeholders

    including business managers, auditors,

    and IT security managers to collab-

    oratively manage proper SOD enforce-

    ment. The applications include the


    Virsa Compliance Calibrator: The

    Virsa Compliance Calibrator applica-

    tion supports real-time compliance

    by stopping security and controls

    violations before they occur. With the

    most comprehensive library of SOD

    rules available for enterprise appli-

    cations, such as SAP, Oracle, and

    PeopleSoft, the application makes it

    easy for business process owners toselect rules applicable to your


    Virsa Role Expert: The Virsa Role

    Expert application centralizes and

    standardizes enterprise role manage-

    ment, eliminating manual errors and

    enforcing best practices. The appli-

    cation empowers business managers

    to define functional roles, as well as

    IT managers to define the associated

    technical permissions.Virsa FireFighter for SAP: The

    Virsa FireFighter application for SAP

    enables your super users to perform

    emergency activities outside the

    parameters of their normal role, but

    to do so within a controlled, fully

    auditable environment. The appli-

    cation assigns a temporary ID that

    grants the super user broad, yet

    regulated access and tracks and

    logs every activity the super user

    performs using that temporary ID.

    Virsa Access Enforcer: The Virsa

    Access Enforcer application supports

    fully compliant user provisioning

    throughout the employee life cycle.

    Leveraging the applications dynamic

    workflow functions, you can

    automate even the most complex

    approval processes, as well as preventrisks from entering production

    environments by performing real-

    time analysis on proposed user


    Partnering for Success

    Recognizing the importance of external

    collaboration for innovation, SAP is

    committed to establishing a robust

    GRC ecosystem that includes recog-

    nized domain experts and thought

    leaders in diverse fields, including, but

    not limited to, audit, management, and

    risk consultancies; key software and

    technology partners; and information

    and content partners. Key software and

    technology partners integrate applica-

    tions through the SAP NetWeaver

    platform to provide much needed

    transparency over the extended GRCecosystem. In addition, professional

    services partners support the GRC

    ecosystem by delivering deep intellec-

    tual capital and by bringing decades

    of proven best-practice content and


    Virsa [software] allowed us to significantly reduce

    the amount of time to document and test the

    effectiveness of our compliance with segregation

    of duties requirement in SAP [software].

    Jayne Gibbon, Internal Audit Manager, Kimberly-Clark Corporation


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    By embarking on an integrated strategy

    and employing a comprehensive GRC

    solution, you can proactively achieve

    significant returns on your investment.

    Consider the following:

    Customers who have used the access

    controls applications have reported

    a 25% savings in audit costs, a 28%

    reduction in the cost of managing

    user authorization risk, and a 32%

    savings in time spent on managing

    user authorization risk.

    Typical user and role approval

    processes are reduced from two

    weeks to two days. Customers can automate nearly 100%

    of their export processes, enabling

    them to reduce headcount and

    redeploy employees on more

    strategic activities.

    Customers can ensure that they

    do not deal with sanctioned parties

    in millions of trade compliance

    screenings per month.


    Here are some of the ways that your

    business can benefit from SAP solutions

    for GRC:

    Free resources for innovation and


    Integrate GRC applications to

    simplify GRC tasks and reduce total

    cost of ownership

    Shift from manual, resource-

    intensive control activities to

    embedded and automated control


    Rationalize and reuse corporate

    controls and risk responses to reduce

    effort and increase productivity

    Manage by exception with actionable

    dashboards and key performance

    indicators, threshold-based alerts,and automated escalation


    Protect brand and reputation

    Identify and resolve potential points

    of failure by continuously monitor-

    ing control activities across the


    Prevent issues and weaknesses using

    mandatory risk analysis for critical

    processes Ensure compliance with global

    import and export regulations

    Improve transparency with threshold-

    based global dashboards that aggre-

    gate financial exposure to control

    deficiency risks

    Prevent brand erosion from environ-

    mental, health, and safety catastro-

    phes by automatically classifying

    and tracking hazardous substances

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    Safeguarding Your Success

    SAP solutions for GRC are delivered

    by SAPs experienced and knowledge-able professional services team who

    can help you realize the full value of

    your investment. Leveraging SAP

    experts, methodologies, tools, and

    certified partners, our professional

    services teams can accelerate imple-

    mentations, meet deadlines, transfer

    knowledge, and enable long-term

    success, no matter how large or how

    complex the project. Equally important,you are assured that no factors are

    overlooked that might jeopardize the

    achievement of your goals. And once

    your solution is in place, our compre-

    hensive, customized training programs

    make it easy to ramp up employees

    and ensure successful adoption across

    your enterprise.


    Master uncertainty and optimize


    Analyze risk exposure and trends tooptimize risk-return portfolio

    Optimize capital allocation based on

    insight into enterprise risk position

    Implement effective controls to

    promote desired behavior and

    improve results of business processes

    Identify and exploit opportunities in

    international trade preference


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    Activity Benefits

    Governance Enable strong alignment between strategic objectives, r isk management, and complianceactivities to create stakeholder value

    Minimize fragmentation of GRC information Reduce redundant efforts and resources spent on multiple GRC requirements Provide a foundation for risk-return portfolio optimization, business performance optimization,

    business control, transparency, and predictability

    Risk management Improve managements ability to achieve strategic objectives Understand key risks that organization faces to ensure that a comprehensive strategy is in place

    to manage risks in the best manner Gain new insights for decision making and capital allocation across various risk classes

    (for example, insurance, operational, external, and financial) Reduce the probability of default, credit downgrade, or serious financial loss

    Business process control Strengthen managements confidence that business controls are well designed and operatingeffectively

    Boost employee morale by focusing skilled resources on activities that require expertise andjudgment

    Reduce cost and increase assurance by shifting from point-in-time testing to continuous controlsmonitoring

    Evaluate and prioritize response to highest impact control violation risk

    Global trade services Ensure vigilant trade compliance and help facilitate tighter national security Streamline electronic communications with customs authorities Mitigate the financial risk of global trade through automated handling of payment guarantees

    Maximize opportunities offered by trade preference agreements

    Environment, health, and safetymanagement

    Deploy global EH&S processes while adapting them to practices in individual circumstances andgeographies

    Ensure safe handling and tracking of hazardous substances, dangerous goods, and wasteproducts

    Deliver full-scale health management to provide for employee health and well-being Ensure the compliance of individual products with ROHS, WEEE, and End of Life Vehicle (ELV)

    regulations Improve manufacturing productivity by aligning business processes with the fulfillment of

    environmental regulations for emissions management

    Access and authorization control Enable all corporate compliance stakeholders to collaboratively manage proper segregation ofduties enforcement

    Detect and resolve in real time segregation of duties and user authorization control violations Ensure efficient and compliant provisioning of user access throughout the entire employee life

    cycleAllow super users privileged but controlled access to quickly address emergency requirements

    or help mitigate situations where segregation of duties cant be accomplished

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    SAP solutions for GRC are the right choice for your business. A large number of

    customers in a variety of industries including some of the worlds best-known

    brands are already reaping the benefits of an integrated, comprehensive GRC

    solution. To find out more, visit

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