Sandra Pires Coach - Info Pack


Transcript of Sandra Pires Coach - Info Pack

I am privileged to have a life and working career in Learning and Development. Lifelong Learning has always been present in my life as a teacher, a woman and a mum. The first 15 years of my career were dedicated to teach people to become better speakers and more effective learners and teachers, now in my most recent role I help people to Learn about their potential and maximise their performance.

I am passionate about helping people who want to reach their goals and realise their dreams in all areas, through 1:1 or group coaching sessions.

I have worked with clients who wanted to improve their personal and professional development and make changes in their lives. I am passionate about coaching and during my sessions I have lots of energy and empathy, we set goals, use tools to find out clients’ strengths, agree on actions, move towards the goals by taking small steps, learn from mistakes and create new productive and successful habits, positive mindsets and empowering beliefs.

Specialties: Being a Mum, Teaching, Coaching, Training, Visualisation, Questions, Listening, Rapport, Awareness, Goal Achievement, Influence, Mindset, Attitude, Motivation, Empowerment, Action-Taking, Productivity

+ 44 (0)75 61 00 4714




Do you feel that currently you aren’t reaching your potential and feeling fulfilled?  Is there a gap of where you are now to where you want to be? Do you sometimes feel you don’t have the skills, resources or confidence to get something complete? Do you feel stuck and put off making decisions or fail to stick to those decisions you have made? Are you ready to entertain new and fresh ideas? Are you willing to be accountable for what you desire? If you answer yes to any of these questions then coaching can most definitely support you to be the best that you can be.

How do I know if Coaching is right

for me?

Coaching is a tool that is used to empower individuals and help them reach their goals; it is a structured conversation between the Coach and the Client.

During a coaching session your coach will walk by your side to help you to reach your ultimate goal and aspirations. They will listen to you, ask questions, find out what your challenges are and inspire you to reach that end goal. You will be encouraged to make decisions and take responsibility for these decisions.

What is Coaching?

What Coaching is not?

Coaching is not about your coach giving you suggestions or advice. They are not mentoring or counselling you.

How does Coaching work?

If you commence a series of coaching sessions and it is deemed that coaching is not the correct support mechanism for you at this moment in time this will be discussed with you directly to find a suitable solution to support your onward journey.

Different coaches use different models to structure their sessions. A popular model is the GROW model which is an acronym for the areas explored, Goals, Reality, Options and Way forward. This model keeps you moving forward towards your goal. Your coach will be asking you questions, listening to your responses, challenging you whilst all the time remaining non-judgemental regarding the details and not offering you any advice.

Coaching is predominantly carried out over the telephone/SKYPE or face to face. The usual procedure is that the client will contact the coach after arranging a convenient time and date.

You will be guided through a 6 point process.

1. Review the previous session and the actions that you completed 2. Set the goal for that session 3. Consider where you are at the present moment with this goal 4. Consider your options in meeting this goal 5. Agree on some actions 6. Summarise the session before completing the session.

Each session will be 1 hour. The coach will manage the timing of the session and ensure you gain full value from the session.  

Who else will know what has been said?

A coaching session is completely confidential. I agree and comply to the Coaching Code of Conduct which you will find attached and only in extreme circumstances will this confidence be breached. This includes the intent to cause harm to yourself or others or criminal acts. 

What will happen during a coaching


I want to start coaching now. What

do I do?

You just need to contact me to discuss your requirements in a little more depth and find out how you would like to be coached.  I will send details through regarding the terms and conditions which will include the frequency of our sessions, payment for the sessions and taking of some basic contact information and a little bit of detail around where you see yourself at the moment.  We would organise an ‘Intake’ session which will start us talking about you and your aspirations. 

After all this is all about YOU! 

Drop me an email at [email protected]

What does the coach need from me

during a session?

To make sure that your time is being well spent with your coach you are expected to come to the session fully prepared and with a goal or aspiration in mind that you would like to work towards.  Preparation is very important for the coaching session so you are encouraged to spend 15 minutes prior to the session taking yourself to an environment where you will not be disturbed, with a drink and feeling refreshed to relax prior to the start of the session. You will also need to ensure that you have a pen and paper to hand and any other items that you may think will be useful such as a diary.


AlejandroHollywood Actor

“I’ve experienced how easily I could achieve a goal with support and specific actions. I never thought that life could be easier if I take a little step after another with confidence, structure and specific steps that we’ve discussed and planned in every session.  With little effort I felt I could do everything. In only 6 weeks with Sandra, I have achieved big changes.”


“Throughout the sessions with Sandra I gave more steps forward to my main goal than in the last 2 years, based on the weekly goal-actions system. In almost every session one of the points involved used to be “insecurity and lack of self-confidence”, aspects that Sandra helped me to approach and to work on during all our time together.”


Development Coach

“Sandra has a skill set that has helped me uncover and move forward uncovering my hidden potential. I feel more confident in making decisions as I worked with Sandra to simplify my life and find clarity. The journey over the past 6 weeks had been professional but still personable which created a supportive space to explore. I uncovered some powerful insights into my behaviours and made changes that have impacted me positively.”



“I found that my sessions with Sandra had a positive impact on my goal of finding a fulfilling career. She helped me understand that achieving a goal is done by taking small steps, which I have discovered makes the career-changing process seem more manageable and achievable. I felt challenged by our discussions and pushed out of my comfort zone and I have been motivated to take steps I was too afraid to take before.”

SandraClient Coordinator

“Very positive experience! Sandra was an excellent coach, She really cared about my needs, she was very supportive, professional and truly caring.”