SANDRA IS AUCTIONING OFF HER QUIRKY MINIONS … · said NSUI’s national president Roji M John....

Reasons why accidents occur at black spots 5 1 There are no separate tracks for bicycles, rickshaws and horse carts, and no separate lanes for heavy vehicles 2 Rash driving and the large number of NMVs (bicycles, rick- shaws, and horse carts) on roads like Grain Market, Sector 26, and Transport Chowk cause crashes 3 Heavy traffic flow on roads linking the city with neighbouring states 4 Lane overlapping by motorists in the absence of marked lanes on busy roads 5 Driving in the opposite or wrong direction and taking of ‘short-cuts’ by two-wheeler drivers, cyclists TIMES NEWS NETWORK Chandigarh: Different student groups ac- tive in the city took to flexing their muscles – an indication of the heavy activity the next couple of months will witness before Panjab University (PU) goes to student polls. National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) and Students’ Organization of India (SOI) protested against each other at different ven- ues in the city on Tuesday. As NSUI protest- ers battled with cops and water cannons during their march against the SOI Chandi- garh president, NSUI-backed PU student council president was the point of attack for SOI. Hundreds joined the protest led by NSUI’s Punjab and Chandigarh units against Vikramjit Singh Middukhera, who was dis- qualified from PU’s law entrance exam after a complaint of using mobile phone was re- ceived against him. The student body at- tacked the Shiromani Akali Dal, parent body of SOI, for ‘protecting’ the candidate caught cheating. Leaders demanded expulsion of Middukhera from the party and submitted a memorandum to Chandigarh IGP to regis- ter a criminal complaint against him. “Our motive is to raise voice against the unfair practices of the SOI president. Senior leaders of SAD should take strict action against him and expel him from the party,” said NSUI’s national president Roji M John. Protests sound PU poll bugle Day Of Dissent Hits City SOI members (L) protest against PU student council president at varsity, (above) police use water cannons to disperse NSUI demonstrators in Sec 15 on Tuesday PUSU stirs against slow renovation of library E arlier in the day, Panjab University Students’ Union also protested outside the PU VC office, demanding quick completion of the renovation work at AC Joshi Library, as it was “causing inconvenience to many students”. TIMES NEWS NETWORK Panchkula: Police resorted to mild lathi-charge and used water cannons to disperse over 500 pro- testing JBT teachers at Housing Board Chowk on Tuesday after- noon. Seeking permanent jobs, the JBT teachers, who had gathered from all over Haryana, were march- ing from Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, to Haryana chief minister’s house to hold a demonstration when the cops stopped them. While some agitators received minor injuries, water cannons damaged the ear- drums of a few others, who were taken to Sector 6 General Hospital. Though the officer on special duty (OSD) to CM, Jawahar Yadav, met the JBT teachers around 2pm and assured to regularize their jobs, the agitators refused to budge. The JBT Teachers’ Welfare Association spokesperson, Pawan, said, “The OSD to the CM assured that we will get permanent jobs in the education department before July 31.” The association president, Ra- jendra Sharma, said, “We will in- tensify our stir if our demands are not met. Earlier, the Haryana CM had promised to make JBT teach- ers permanent on July 1, but till now the government has not taken any steps.” With the protesters’ march halted at the chowk, diver- sions and traffic jams gave a tough time to commuters as the road lead- ing to Housing Board Chowk was closed for more than two hours around noon. Camping in Pan- chkula for over a week, the JBT teachers had earlier held two pro- tests against the state government on June 22 and on June 27. Teachers’ march stopped with water cannons AT THE RECEIVING END: Police take on agitating JBT teachers in Panchkula Photos: Pritam Thakur & Agam Mahey Police detain protesters, P 4 TIMES NEWS NETWORK Chandigarh: The highest cut- off (CGPA 10) in science stream (general category) again went to Government Model Senior Secondary School, Manimajra Mod- ern Complex (GMSSS-MMC ), with GMSSS, Sec- tor 16, taking the second slot in Class XI admis- sions. For three years, the Manima- jra school has been popular among toppers. The bar has also been raised for the commerce stream (general category), with both GMSSS-16 and GMSSS-MMC recording cut- off of CGPA 9.4, higher than last year’s CGPA 9. The cut-off for humanities (general cate- gory) has also gone up from CGPA 8 to 8.4 at GMSSS-16. In science stream, second and third highest cut-offs were re- corded at GMSSS-16 (CGPA 9.4) and GMSSS-35 (CGPA 9). In commerce, GMSSS-35 had the second highest cut-off at CGPA 8.8 and GMSSS-19 and GMSSS-37-B had the third highest at CGPA 8.4. In humanities stream, the second highest cut-off (CGPA 7.6) was recorded at GMSSS-35 and the third highest (CGPA 6.8) at GMSSS 10 and 19. In GMSSS Manimajra Modern Complex, 92 students, including two from reserved categories, of the total class strength of 116 have scored CGPA 10 in science stream (general category). Class XI admissions: Manimajra govt school makes the cut, again WHAT NEXT? 1 Candidates can deposit fees in the school where they have been allotted seat on July 1 and 2 (9am onwards) 2 Report to the school along with admission form, photocopies of cer- tificates, original docu- ments for verification and latest photograph 3 In case fees is not deposited on the due date, the seat will be cancelled 4 Choice of school and stream given in the application form cannot be changed till the com- pletion of first round of counselling 5 For change of school/ stream, candidates can submit forms in the second round of counselling, which will start from July 16. For detailed schedule, they can refer to the prospectus Schools to reopen, P 4 Second counelling, P 4 3 most popular schools, P 4 Sets highest cut-off of CGPA 10 in science stream, 9.4 in commerce Chandigarh: The probe re- port into the death of three la- bourers in a sewer on May 30 has held MCstaff-cum-officials mainly the junior engineer concerned and a pri vate con- tractor guilty of negligence. The labourers employed by the MCs pri vate contractor had died in a 20-foot sewer chamber after inhaling toxic gases in front of the 3BRD sewage plant in Industrial Area, Phase II. Sources in the Chandigarh Administration revealed that the detailed report also pointed out that laid down precaution- ary measures were not fol- lowed by the MC engineering wing officials as well as the contractor at the time the la- bourers were cleaning the sew- er . The report, which is with the UTs home secretary , has revealed that employees of the MCs engineering wing should have been present there as per the guidelines to monitor the cleaning process. According to the report, the contractor acted carelessly by not providing even basic equipment to the labourers to carry out their work in the sew- er . The report has also made a startling revelation that some labourers might have been in an inebriated condition. But it also stated that the allotment of work to clean the sewer was al- lotted through a tender in a fair manner , by fulfilling all the gui- delines. Significantly , the ci vic body had at the time of the incident refused to take any action against its engineering staff by putting the blame only on the contractor , but now the inqui- ry has indicted MC employees too for not doing enough, as per the norms. The detailed report has also gi ven suggestions re- garding precautionary mea- sures needed to be taken while carrying out such works, and the MC has been asked to pro- vide all the necessary equip- ment. The report states that the cleaning of sewers is risky work, and there are guidelines for labourers on how to clean them by using equipment, but all the precautions were mis- sing in this specific case. Probe blames MC staff, contractor TIMES NEWS NETWORK Chandigarh: Son of a former head constable of Chandigarh police, who retired last month, jumped from the fifth-floor of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Sector 32, on Tuesday . He was taken to the emergency with serious injuries on forehead, chest and legs, but was declared brought dead. Jatinder Singh, 31, of Sec- tor 46, was a psychiatric pa- tient taking treatment from the hospital. The police said Jatinder had, on Tuesday , come to the psychiatry OPD situated in the B-block of the hospital. He was not accom- panied by his family ,said in- spector Balijeet Singh, SHO of Sector 34 police station. Police did not recover any suicide note. The post-mortem examination will be conduct- ed on Wednesday . An inquest proceeding under Section 174 of the CrPC has been initiated. Former cop’s son jumps off GMCH 5th floor Chandigarh: Non-availabil- ity of separate tracks for non- motorized vehicles (NMV), presence of a majority of non-motorized vehicle users, huge flow of heavy vehicles, and non-implementation of lane driving are some of the key reasons for crashes at the two most accident-prone or black spots of Madhya Marg –Transport Chowk, and Rail- ways Chowk. This was stated by Chandigarh Police in its report. Out of a total 10 roundabouts, most accidents have been found in these spots in the past three to four years. Arrive Safe, a city-based NGO, which has been work- ing for road safety and safe transportation in the city , in its detailed study of these two chowks have found that there is a dire need for separate tracks around both these roundabouts. Discussing the two crossroads, Harman Sid- hu, president of Arrive Safe, said: These zones do not have any provision of sepa- rate tracks for users of non- motorized vehicles (NMVs), whereas considering the high numbers of NMV-users, there should be designated, relatively wide, and well-lit tracks. Most of the road users are on NMVs (Non-Motori- zed Vehicles), and they share the road with vehicles that are either entering or leaving the city , which normally move at a high speed. Fur- ther , users of the NMVs move in the wrong direction of the traffic to shorten’ their rid- ing distance, and there is no mechanism to plug this flow.Here is what making roads accident-prone TIMES NEWS NETWORK Chandigarh: The Punjab and Haryana high court stayed the UT administration’ s demoli- tion dri ve in Dhanas colony on Tuesday . Around 1,000 resi- dents had allegedl y made con- structions on “shamlat(gov- ernment) land in the colony . Now, the constructions will not be demolished till further orders. The di vision bench led by Justice Ajay Kumar Mittal stayed the dri ve after hearing a petition filed by Eisha Arora and other residents. According to petitioners, the Chandigarh administra- tion decided to carry out the demolitions without issuing notices to them or gi ving them an opportunity of being heard. It was also argued that the administration should not go ahead with the dri ve, as a num- ber of Muslims in the colony were on fast in the hol y month of Ramzan. On June 27, the administra- tion had announced that the colony would be removed since it had come up on “shamlatland. But they were under the impression that it was on pri- vate land, they added. The petitioners arguedthat the decision to launchthe dri ve was arbitrary and illegal, as their side of the story was not heard. The case will now come up for further hearing on Jul y 2. On Monday , Dhanas colony residents, who were protesting against the proposed demoli- tion, had clashed with cops af- ter Chandigarh police lathi- charged them. Around 12 people were injured in the clash. HC stays Dhanas colony demolition Why share your vacation photos with just FB friends? Send us your best pictures from Goa, Disneyland, Singapore, Sydney or wherever you went and we will carry them in our pages Write in to us at: [email protected] We will also post your pictures on our social media pages Also, tell us in 50 words about the craziest thing you did while out there… TOI VACATION W ALL TELL THE WHOLE WORLD WHAT YOU DID THIS SUMMER! SEWER DEATH OF 3 LABOURERS Chandigarh: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the National Optical Fibre Net- wor k (NOFN) via streaming ho- lographic video from village Da- ria of Chandigarh on Wednesday evening. Thoughthe NOFN project will be inaugu- rated across India, the 3D holo- graphic video will be streamed onl y from Daria village to New Delhi, showcasing the strength of the high speed optical fibre in- ternet connecti vity at the gram panchayat level. The exercise is being done on the occasion of Digital India Week, being launched from Jul y 1 to 7. The li ve interaction with the Daria sarpanch will also be showcased as a 3D holographic image at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi, on Jul y 1 between 4pm and6pm. The same will be telecast on Doordarshan. To make this happen, the UT ad- ministration had signed a tri- partite Memorandum of Under- standing (MoU) with the Department of Telecommunica- tion, Government of India, and BBNL (Bharat Broadband Net- wor k Limited), for implementa- tion of the NOFN Project here- .The UT department of information technology as a no- dal department, had ensured that optical fibre was successful- l y laid across all 12 gram pan- chayats of UT . The UT has also planned key events during the week, including the launch of e- Stamping that will provide has- sle-free electronicall y generated stamp paper , and e-Education through which admissions will be done online for colleges and communication during the aca- demic session will be carried out through mobile applications. During the week, a wor kshop on Information Security & Educa- tion Awareness will also be held in government schools, and digi- tal lockers will be opened for city residents, which will enable storage of e-documents. TNN PM to kick-start Digital India Week from UT village today The division bench led by Justice Ajay Kumar Mittal stayed the drive after hearing a petition filed by Eisha Arora and other residents 'Crash barriers serve no purpose', P 3 TIMESOF CHANDIGARH THE TIMES OF INDIA | WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 2015 | PAGES 8 SCHOOL BUS OPERATORS GET TIME TILL JULY 31 TO INSTALL CCTV CAMERAS AND GPS 2 YOUTH POWER: GETTING THAT PICTURE PERFECT 3 SANDRA IS AUCTIONING OFF HER QUIRKY MINIONS INSPIRED SHOES 8

Transcript of SANDRA IS AUCTIONING OFF HER QUIRKY MINIONS … · said NSUI’s national president Roji M John....

Reasons why accidents occur at black spots5

1There are no separate tracks for bicycles,

rickshaws and horse carts, and no separate lanes for heavy vehicles

2Rash driving and the large number of

NMVs (bicycles, rick-shaws, and horse carts) on roads like Grain Market, Sector 26, and Transport Chowk cause crashes

3Heavy traffic flow on roads linking the city

with neighbouring states

4Lane overlapping by motorists in the

absence of marked lanes on busy roads

5Driving in the opposite or wrong direction

and taking of ‘short-cuts’ by two-wheeler drivers, cyclists


Chandigarh: Different student groups ac-tive in the city took to flexing their muscles – an indication of the heavy activity the next couple of months will witness before Panjab University (PU) goes to student polls.

National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) and Students’ Organization of India (SOI) protested against each other at different ven-ues in the city on Tuesday. As NSUI protest-ers battled with cops and water cannons during their march against the SOI Chandi-garh president, NSUI-backed PU student council president was the point of attack for SOI. Hundreds joined the protest led by NSUI’s Punjab and Chandigarh units against Vikramjit Singh Middukhera, who was dis-qualified from PU’s law entrance exam after a complaint of using mobile phone was re-ceived against him. The student body at-tacked the Shiromani Akali Dal, parent body of SOI, for ‘protecting’ the candidate caught cheating. Leaders demanded expulsion of Middukhera from the party and submitted a memorandum to Chandigarh IGP to regis-ter a criminal complaint against him.

“Our motive is to raise voice against the unfair practices of the SOI president. Senior leaders of SAD should take strict action against him and expel him from the party,” said NSUI’s national president Roji M John.

Protests sound PU poll bugle

Day Of Dissent Hits City

SOI members (L) protest against PU student council president at varsity, (above) police use water cannons to disperse NSUI demonstrators in Sec 15 on Tuesday

PUSU stirs against slow renovation of library Earlier in the day, Panjab University

Students’ Union also protested outside the PU VC office, demanding quick completion of the renovation work at AC Joshi Library, as it was “causing inconvenience to many students”.


Panchkula: Police resorted to mild lathi-charge and used water cannons to disperse over 500 pro-testing JBT teachers at Housing Board Chowk on Tuesday after-noon.

Seeking permanent jobs, the JBT teachers, who had gathered from all over Haryana, were march-ing from Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, to Haryana chief minister’s house to hold a demonstration when the cops stopped them. While some agitators received minor injuries, water cannons damaged the ear-drums of a few others, who were taken to Sector 6 General Hospital.

Though the officer on special duty (OSD) to CM, Jawahar Yadav, met the JBT teachers around 2pm and assured to regularize their jobs, the agitators refused to budge. The JBT Teachers’ Welfare Association spokesperson, Pawan, said, “The OSD to the CM assured

that we will get permanent jobs in the education department before July 31.”

The association president, Ra-jendra Sharma, said, “We will in-tensify our stir if our demands are not met. Earlier, the Haryana CM

had promised to make JBT teach-ers permanent on July 1, but till now the government has not taken any steps.” With the protesters’ march halted at the chowk, diver-sions and traffic jams gave a tough time to commuters as the road lead-

ing to Housing Board Chowk was closed for more than two hours around noon. Camping in Pan-chkula for over a week, the JBT teachers had earlier held two pro-tests against the state government on June 22 and on June 27.

Teachers’ march stopped with water cannons

AT THE RECEIVING END: Police take on agitating JBT teachers in Panchkula

Photos: Pritam Thakur & Agam Mahey

Police detain protesters, P 4


Chandigarh: The highest cut-off (CGPA 10) in science stream (general category) again went to Government Model Senior Secondary School, Manimajra Mod-e r n C o m p l e x (GMSSS-MMC ), with GMSSS, Sec-tor 16, taking the second slot in Class XI admis-sions. For three years, the Manima-jra school has been popular among toppers.

The bar has also been raised for the commerce stream (general category), with both GMSSS-16 and GMSSS-MMC recording cut-off of CGPA 9.4, higher than last year’s CGPA 9. The cut-off for humanities (general cate-gory) has also gone up from CGPA 8 to 8.4 at GMSSS-16. In

science stream, second and third highest cut-offs were re-corded at GMSSS-16 (CGPA 9.4) and GMSSS-35 (CGPA 9).

In commerce, GMSSS-35 had the second highest cut-off at CGPA 8.8 and GMSSS-19 and

GMSSS-37-B had the third highest at CGPA

8.4. In humanities stream, the second highest cut-off (CGPA 7.6) was r e c o r d e d a t

GMSSS-35 and the third highest (CGPA

6.8) at GMSSS 10 and 19. In GMSSS Manimajra

Modern Complex, 92 students, including two from reserved categories, of the total class strength of 116 have scored CGPA 10 in science stream (general category).

Class XI admissions: Manimajra govt school makes the cut, again


1Candidates candeposit fees in the

school where they have been allotted seat on July 1 and 2 (9am onwards)

2Report to the school along with admission

form, photocopies of cer-tificates, original docu-ments for verification and latest photograph

3 In case fees is not deposited on the due

date, the seat will be cancelled

4 Choice of school and stream given in the

application form cannot be changed till the com-pletion of first round of counselling

5 For change of school/stream, candidates can

submit forms in the second round of counselling, which will start from July 16. For detailed schedule, they can refer to the prospectus

Schools to reopen, P 4Second counelling, P 43 most popular schools, P 4

Sets highest

cut-off of CGPA 10 in science stream, 9.4 in


Chandigarh: The probe re-port into the death of three la-bourers in a sewer on May 30has held MC staff-cum-officials– mainly the junior engineerconcerned – and a private con-tractor guilty of negligence.The labourers employed by theMC’s private contractor haddied in a 20-foot sewer chamber

after inhaling toxic gases infront of the 3BRD sewage plantin Industrial Area, Phase II.

Sources in the ChandigarhAdministration revealed thatthe detailed report also pointedout that laid down precaution-ary measures were not fol-lowed by the MC engineeringwing officials as well as thecontractor at the time the la-bourers were cleaning the sew-er. The report, which is withthe UT’s home secretary, hasrevealed that employees of theMC’s engineering wing shouldhave been present there as perthe guidelines to monitor thecleaning process.

According to the report, thecontractor acted carelessly bynot providing even basicequipment to the labourers tocarry out their work in the sew-er. The report has also made astartling revelation that somelabourers might have been inan inebriated condition. But italso stated that the allotment ofwork to clean the sewer was al-lotted through a tender in a fairmanner, by fulfilling all the gui-delines.

Significantly, the civic bodyhad – at the time of the incident– refused to take any actionagainst its engineering staff byputting the blame only on thecontractor, but now the inqui-ry has indicted MC employeestoo for not doing enough, as perthe norms. The detailed reporthas also given suggestions re-garding precautionary mea-sures needed to be taken whilecarrying out such works, andthe MC has been asked to pro-vide all the necessary equip-ment. The report states thatthe cleaning of sewers is riskywork, and there are guidelinesfor labourers on how to cleanthem by using equipment, butall the precautions were mis-sing in this specific case.

Probe blames MCstaff, contractor


Chandigarh: Son of a formerhead constable of Chandigarhpolice, who retired last month,jumped from the fifth-floor ofGovernment Medical Collegeand Hospital (GMCH), Sector32, on Tuesday. He was taken tothe emergency with seriousinjuries on forehead, chestand legs, but was declaredbrought dead.

Jatinder Singh, 31, of Sec-tor 46, was a psychiatric pa-tient taking treatment fromthe hospital. The police saidJatinder had, on Tuesday,come to the psychiatry OPDsituated in the B-block of thehospital. “He was not accom-panied by his family,” said in-spector Balijeet Singh, SHO ofSector 34 police station.

Police did not recover anysuicide note. The post-mortemexamination will be conduct-ed on Wednesday. An inquestproceeding under Section 174of the CrPC has been initiated.

Former cop’sson jumps off

GMCH 5th floor

Chandigarh: Non-availabil-ity of separate tracks for non-motorized vehicles (NMV),presence of a majority ofnon-motorized vehicle users,huge flow of heavy vehicles,and non-implementation oflane driving are some of thekey reasons for crashes at thetwo most accident-prone orblack spots of Madhya Marg– Transport Chowk, and Rail-ways Chowk. This was statedby Chandigarh Police in itsreport. Out of a total 10roundabouts, most accidentshave been found in thesespots in the past three to fouryears.

Arrive Safe, a city-basedNGO, which has been work-

ing for road safety and safetransportation in the city, inits detailed study of these two

chowks have found that thereis a dire need for separatetracks around both these

roundabouts. Discussing thetwo crossroads, Harman Sid-hu, president of Arrive Safe,

said: “These zones do nothave any provision of sepa-rate tracks for users of non-motorized vehicles (NMVs),whereas considering thehigh numbers of NMV-users,there should be designated,relatively wide, and well-littracks. Most of the road usersare on NMVs (Non-Motori-zed Vehicles), and they sharethe road with vehicles thatare either entering or leavingthe city, which normallymove at a high speed. Fur-ther, users of the NMVs movein the wrong direction of thetraffic to ‘shorten’ their rid-ing distance, and there is nomechanism to plug this flow.”

Here is what making roads accident-prone


Chandigarh: The Punjab andHaryana high court stayed theUT administration’s demoli-tion drive in Dhanas colony onTuesday. Around 1,000 resi-dents had allegedly made con-structions on “shamlat” (gov-ernment) land in the colony.

Now, the constructions willnot be demolished till furtherorders.

The division bench led byJustice Ajay Kumar Mittalstayed the drive after hearing apetition filed by Eisha Aroraand other residents.

According to petitioners,the Chandigarh administra-tion decided to carry out thedemolitions without issuingnotices to them or giving theman opportunity of being heard.

It was also argued that theadministration should not goahead with the drive, as a num-ber of Muslims in the colonywere on fast in the holy monthof Ramzan.

On June 27, the administra-

tion had announced that thecolony would be removed sinceit had come up on “shamlat”land. But they were under theimpression that it was on pri-vate land, they added.

The petitioners argued thatthe decision to launch the drivewas arbitrary and illegal, astheir side of the story was notheard. The case will now comeup for further hearing on July2. On Monday, Dhanas colonyresidents, who were protestingagainst the proposed demoli-tion, had clashed with cops af-ter Chandigarh police lathi-charged them. Around 12people were injured in theclash.

HC stays Dhanascolony demolition

Why share your vacation photos with just FB friends?

Send us your best pictures from Goa, Disneyland, Singapore, Sydney or wherever you went and we will carry them in our pages

Write in to us at:[email protected]

We will also post your pictures on our social media pages

Also, tell us in 50 words about the craziest thing you did while out there…





[email protected]

Chandigarh: Prime MinisterNarendra Modi will inauguratethe National Optical Fibre Net-work (NOFN) via streaming ho-lographic video from village Da-ria of Chandigarh onWednesday evening. Though theNOFN project will be inaugu-rated across India, the 3D holo-graphic video will be streamedonly from Daria village to NewDelhi, showcasing the strengthof the high speed optical fibre in-ternet connectivity at the grampanchayat level. The exercise isbeing done on the occasion ofDigital India Week, beinglaunched from July 1 to 7.

The live interaction with theDaria sarpanch will also beshowcased as a 3D holographicimage at Indira Gandhi IndoorStadium, New Delhi, on July 1between 4pm and 6pm. The samewill be telecast on Doordarshan.To make this happen, the UT ad-ministration had signed a tri-partite Memorandum of Under-standing (MoU) with theDepartment of Telecommunica-tion, Government of India, andBBNL (Bharat Broadband Net-work Limited), for implementa-tion of the NOFN Project here-.The UT department ofinformation technology as a no-dal department, had ensuredthat optical fibre was successful-ly laid across all 12 gram pan-chayats of UT . The UT has alsoplanned key events during theweek, including the launch of e-Stamping that will provide has-sle-free electronically generatedstamp paper, and e-Educationthrough which admissions willbe done online for colleges andcommunication during the aca-demic session will be carried outthrough mobile applications.During the week, a workshop onInformation Security & Educa-tion Awareness will also be heldin government schools, and digi-tal lockers will be opened for cityresidents, which will enablestorage of e-documents. TNN

PM to kick-startDigital India

Week from UTvillage today

[email protected]

The division benchled by Justice AjayKumar Mittalstayed the driveafter hearing apetition filed byEisha Arora andother residents

�'Crash barriers serveno purpose', P 3





Product: TOIChandigarhBS PubDate: 01-07-2015 Zone: Times Of Chandigarh Edition: 1 Page: CHTFP User: apneetb2508 Time: 07-01-2015 00:05 Color: CMYK