SANDANONA - Sandanona Building 405: Tyler Stiene Using Art to Explore...


Transcript of SANDANONA - Sandanona Building 405: Tyler Stiene Using Art to Explore...

Page 1: SANDANONA - Sandanona Building 405: Tyler Stiene Using Art to Explore the English Language Stephen Fahring Life Hack Typeface 11:30 Miriam Pavon Soza Building


Page 2: SANDANONA - Sandanona Building 405: Tyler Stiene Using Art to Explore the English Language Stephen Fahring Life Hack Typeface 11:30 Miriam Pavon Soza Building

Monday, May 18th






Tuesday, May 19th






Wednesday, May 20th





Schedule At- A- GlancePlease use this to write which sessions you are interested in attending.

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Table of Contents

Schedule ........................................................................ 1

Speakers ........................................................................ 4


Tyler Stiene ........................................................ 6 Stephen Fahring ................................................ 7 Miriam Pavon-Soza ........................................... 8 Rachel Parker .................................................... 9 Lionel Meng ..................................................... 10 Timothy Schirmer ............................................. 11 Mats Haaland .................................................. 12 MuhammadRafiSiddiq..................................... 13 Katy Purviance ................................................. 14 Beatriz Erazo .................................................... 15 David Callahan ................................................. 16 Karlene Groshek .............................................. 17 Stephanie Brown ............................................. 18 Amy Rinaldo .................................................... 19 Tashi Rabdan .................................................. 20 Brittany Smith .................................................. 21 Lindsay Albrecht .............................................. 22 Annye Love ..................................................... 23 Shakera West .................................................. 24 Sara Fahring .................................................... 25 Kay Gibson ..................................................... 26 Mohamed LeKrama ......................................... 27

FacultyandStaff .................................................................... 28

Acknowledgements ............................................................... 30

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Time Monday Presentations

8:00 Morning Meditation with Brittany in Whitney

8:30 CaffeinefixinAuditorium

8:45Conference OpeningKeynote Speaker: Katy PurviancePlenary Speaker: Diane Larson Freeman


Auditorium: Sandanona Building 405:Tyler StieneUsingArttoExploretheEnglish Language

Stephen FahringLife Hack Typeface


Miriam Pavon SozaBuilding a Compassionate Vocabulary that Strength-ens our Relationships

Rachel ParkerPigeonholed Languages: To Give or Not Give Corrective Feedback


Lionel MengBrining Dynamicity to Backward Design

Timothy SchirmerBringing New Dimen-sions to Learning with Augmented Reality


Mats HaalandEffectivelyMergingLanguage and Content in the Classroom

MuhammadRafiSiddiqEnglish and Education in Afghanistan

6:00 Evening Yoga with Brittany in the Yurt


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Time Tuesday Presentations

8:00 Morning Meditation with Brittany in Whitney

8:30 CaffeinefixinAuditorium


Plenary Speaker: Steve Iams


Auditorium: Sandanona Building 405:Katy PurvianceShow What You Know:Performance- Based Assessment

Beatriz ErazoBeing Critical? Well, In My Classroom...


David CallahanUsing Poetry to Heighten Linguistic Awareness and Tap Creativity

Karlene GroshekTechniquesforMentoringIn- Service Teachers


Stephanie BrownGender- Neutral Pronouns:AnExplorationof Language as Power

Amy RinaldoThe Many Possibilities of a DIY Corpus


Tashi RabdanCriticalReflectiveTeaching and Tibetan Traditional Learning Style

Brittany SmithMindful Teaching: Integrating Mindfulness into the Classroom

4:00 Afternoon Hike to Putney Mountain

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Time Wednesday Presentations

8:00 Morning Meditation with Brittany in Whitney

8:30 CaffeinefixinAuditorium

9:00Keynote Speaker: Tashi Rabdan

Plenary Speaker: Marti Anderson


Auditorium: Sandanona Building 405:Lindsay AlbrechtHow to Use Refresher Ac-tivities to Promote Positive Learning

Annye LoveOrchestrating Words for SymphonicEffects


Shakera WestCreativity in the Classroom: Strengthening Fluency and Skills

Sara FahringMental CPR: Reviving Your EffectiveEducator


Kay GibsonTeaching Adults: Hidden but Somewhat Obvious Elements to Consider

Mohamed LeKramaThe Manipulation of Language and Distortion of Realities.

8:30 Bowling at Brattleboro Bowl

Events Scheduled For Thursday, May 21Program Closure: 9:00 a.m. in the AuditoriumFinalBanquetattheDummerstonGrange:5:00-9:00p.m.Funk Night at Metropolis: 9:30 p.m.

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SPEAKERSDiane Larson Freeman

Marti Anderson

Steve Iams

Diane Larsen-Freeman holds a doctor-ate in linguistics and has been associated with the SIT Graduate Institute faculty since 1978. She has authored articles and books on discourse analysis, English gram-mar, language teaching methodology, and secondlanguageacquisitionresearch,andis series director for Grammar Dimensions, a four-level grammar series for ESL/EFL students.

Steve Iams teaches courses related to linguistics and course design at SIT. He is interestedinnarrativeinquiryasameansofcapturing and co-constructing the stories of students and teachers.

Roots in Minnesota, Hawaii, France, Ver-mont, Botswana, South Africa, Thailand and more. One husband, two sons, one daughter and a granddaughter too.Fascinated by subtle energies, systems theory and education as a transformational tool.Color-lover,textilecollector,walker,reader, yoga appreciator, seeker, curious educator.

Keynote Speakers: KatyPurviance,MuhammadRafiSiddiq,TashiRabdan


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Welcome to the 2015 Sandanona Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Languages at SIT Graduate Institute! Thank you for coming! Have a seat; make yourself comfortable. Now, we know: you treasure your time. You should! It’s a precious thing. We get it. We’re with you. But listen: attending this three-day confer-ence will surely be—especially considering the breadth of topics it will cover: from language and gender to DIY corpora, from learning in Tibet to teaching in Afghanistan, from the distortion of reality to its augmentation—the best possible use of your time imaginable. You’ll be glad you came, eager to stay, and sad to go. There will be multitalented keynote and distinguished plenary speakers. There will be hiking and bowling, yoga and meditation. There will be good cof-fee, Thai food, and cake. It will be time spent well, spent fully—especially once you consider with whom it will be spent. We’re MAT 46. We’re from Afghanistan, Bolivia, Korea, Mauritania, Ni-caragua, Tibet, and the US. Collectively, we speak over a dozen languages and are learning a dozen more. We’re Peace Corps volunteers and Fulbright schol-ars. We’re artists and athletes and activists. We’re readers and writers. We’re lovers of animals and votaries of nature. We’re yogis and foodies. We swim and cycle and sing. We dance and dream. We knit mittens and climb mountains. We’re intelligent, compassionate, and creative. We’re mindful, patient, and spontaneous. We’re humble, hopeful, and bold. We’ve bungeed and skydived. We’ve snacked on scorpions in Beijing, scaled Wyoming’s Grand Teton, and run with the bulls in Pamplona. We’re students and linguists and teachers. We’re educators of the English language with hungry minds and hearts as wide as sky. Putdifferently:haveyoueverseenblackopal?Haveyouseenwhat’sknownasits“fire”—thoseexplosionsofpolychromaticlightagainstaback-drop of deepest space? Each stone, studied closely, a singularity containing semblances of whole worlds, intimations of other starlit universes? Each a new palmsized cosmology? Well, it’s the colors, their iridescence: the corals and co-balts,theharlequinsandheliotropes,thesunfloweryellowsandfireenginereds.Emblazoned as if Pollock-tossed, but with depths that spill into immensities. Like paintflungrollickinglybychildrenatplaytoasoundtrackofbellylaughs.That’sus,too—figuratively,loosely,cosmicallyspeaking:thatludiccolorsplash,thoseliquidgalaxiesoflight;that’swhoweare,too. So, again: Welcome! Thank you so much for joining us! Please, make yourself at home; you are among friends. —Dave Callahan, MAT 46


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Ty le rSt iene

UsingArttoExploretheEnglish Language

Thisworkshopseekstoexplorethelearnedassocia-tion between language and imagery and how it can be a means of empowerment for students looking to develop fluencyintheEnglishlanguageclassroom.Thepresenterwill demonstrate several classroom activities that utilize the visual arts in English language learning.

““f you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”- Antoine de Saint- Exupery

Tyler Stiene has worked as an English instructor in South Korea, and as an English teacher trainer with the Peace Corps in Ethiopia.

10:30 Auditorium



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S tephenFahr ing

Life Hack Typeface

Learningbarriersexistinallshapesandforms.Thiswork-shopseekstohelpparticipantsexperienceandidentifysuchbarriers in reading instruction. Universal Design Theory and readingstrategiesinstructionwillbeexploredasresponsestrategies to these challenges in facilitated discussion.

“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.”- Mark Twain

StephenhasbeenanEnglishteacherinthreedifferentcountries over the last 6 years. He has a love of discovering new cultures and trying to learn from diversity of people to improvethelifeexperience.

10:30 SGC 405



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MiriamPavon Soza

Building a Compassionate Vocabulary that Strengthen Our Relationships

This workshop is intended to give the participants the opportunity to explorethethirdcomponentsofNonviolentCommunication,theac-knowledgementofneedsbehindourfeelings,andexperiencehowthiscomponent helps us to take responsibility of our own feelings and oth-ers’inordertosolveconflictsandstrengthenourrelationships.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”- Alvin Toffler

Miriam Pavón earned her B.A in TEFL from Universidad Centroamerica (UCA) in 2000. She enjoyed working for Centro Cultural Nicaragüense Norteamericano and other private institutions for more than 8 years. In 2009,shewenttoCostaRicatogetherSITTESOLcertificatewithMary Scholl. Currently, she is part of the Access Program Nicaragua family –a Microscholarship Program sponsored and managed by the USA Embassy. Miriam enjoys teaching and learning, and she is mainly interested in how community building facilitates learning in the language classroom. In her free time, Miriam loves reading and spending time with her family and friends.

11:30 Auditorium



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Rache lParker

Pigeonholed Languages: To Give or Not To Give Corrective


KoreanstudentsstudytheEnglishword‘fighting’inclass.Intheircontextitisalsousedwithanadditionalmeaning.Whatis the teacher’s responsibility in giving corrective feedback and/orrespectingEnglishindifferentcontexts?Inthiswork-shop, teachers’ responses to World Englishes of culturally diverse learners will be discussed.

“Through others we become ourselves”- Lev Vygotsky

Rachel Parker has worked in Seoul, South Korea in public and private education with students of all ages. Her interests are bilingualism, multiculturalism and teacher training.

11:30 SGC 405



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L ione lMeng

Bringing Dynamicity to Backward Design

Backward design, though powerful, can easily be con-struedasastrictandsuffocatingframeworkinlessonandcurriculumplanning.Thispresentationseekstoofferinsighton how to build a process that reconciles top-down think-ing,flexibility,anddynamicitywiththetargetednatureofbackward design.

“The truth may be puzzling... It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what’s true. We have a method, and that method helps us to reach not absolute truth, only asymptotic approaches to the truth — never there, just closer and closer, always finding vast new oceans of undiscovered possibilities.”-Carl Sagan

Lionel Meng is a curious soul who is passionate about day-dreaming, learning, and people.

1:30 Auditorium



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T imothySch i rmer

Bringing New Dimensions To Learning With Augmented


Imagine being able to create a classroom where your 2-D materials come to life. Augmented Reality (AR) allows teach-ersandstudentstocreatelayersor“auras”ofdigitalinforma-tion on top of the physical world that can be viewed through an Android or iOS device. We will look deeper into its possi-bilities in the classroom.

“People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds, people who possess strong feelings, even people with great minds and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls.”- Lev Vygotsky

Timothy J. Schirmer has taught in Morocco, Colombia and the United Sates and is interested in Whole Language learn-ing and creating multiple entry points in the classroom.

1:30 SGC 405



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MatsHaa land

EffectivelyMergingLanguageand Content in the Classroom

Content based instruction is a widespread practice that seeks to teach language through subject areas and their related themes. This presentation will frame the present use of content in the ELL classroom, as well as demonstrate the possibilities of multilevel teaching with history as a fo-cusing theme.

“It’s useful to go out of this world and see it from the perspective of an-other one.”-Terry Pratchett

Mats Haaland has taught both history and English in Italy and Poland, and seeks to combine the two practices in the language classroom.

2:30 Auditorium



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English and Education in Afghanistan

Afghanistanhasbeenintheheartofconflictsforthelastthree decades. This paper will facilitate a discussion that will help enhance your knowledge of the region and the impor-tant role English and Education play in bringing peace and stability to the country.

MuhammadRafiSiddiq,amultilingualeducatorsince2003,teaches English at university and British Council in Afghani-stan.Heteachesbothciviliansandmilitaryofficers.

2:30 SGC 405



Two there are who are never satisfied: the lover of the world and the lover of knowledge.”-Rumi

“Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life”-Sandra Carey

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Show What You Know: Performance-Based Assessment

Get your students more interested, more involved, and more invested in learning. Let them decide how they will demonstrate what they’ve learned in this new spin on Show & Tell. Come participate in a fast-paced demonstra-tion of Katy’s proprietary Show What You Know method of post-learning assessment.

“Whatever an education is, it should make you a unique individual, not a conformist; it should furnish you with an original spirit with which to tackle the big challenges; it should allow you to find values which will be your road map through life; it should make you spiritually rich, a person who loves whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whomever you are with; it should teach you what is important: how to live and how to die.”- John Taylor Gatto

Katy Purviance is a Freirean dogme ESL professor who uses student-generated material and improvisation tech-niquestocreatelessonsthatarerelevantandfun.

10:30 Auditorium



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Beat r i zErazo

Being critical? Well, in my classroom...

Thispresentationwilladdressthefollowingquestions:Whatis the role of criticism in the language classroom? What does it mean for teachers to be critical? For students? Are there limits to how critical one can be? How are those limits de-finedandbywhom?

“No hay amor más grande que dar la vida por los amigos.”Juan 15, 13

SoyesencialmentemuyBoliviana,meidentificoconsudiver-sidad y el valor de mi pueblo. Pero además soy paceña, chucuta, come chuño, pico verde, enamorada del Illimani, criada con helado de canela, y Stronguista de corazón. He compartido con mis alumnos el idioma inglés por toda una vida, y espero tener otra más para seguir haciéndolo.

10:30 SGC 405



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DavidCa l lahan

Using Poetry to Heighten Linguistic Awareness and

Tap CreativityThis demo/workshop will introduce several ways in which poetry might be used in the ESL/EFL classroom and how its use can promote language learning and creativity. Par-ticipantswillbeencouragedtotryactivitiesfirsthandandtobrainstorm variations and adaptations that might suit their respectiveteachingcontexts.

“Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning; that there is always another dawn risen on mid-noon, and under every deep a lower deep opens.”-Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Instead of writing about himself in the third person singular, David Calla-han would like to use this space to dedicate his Sandanona project to his mother, Elisa, who was large-hearted, slightly troubled, and sidesplittingly funny—and who was at heart and in spirit a poet.

11:30 Auditorium




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Kar leneGroshek

TechniquesforMentoringIn-Service Teachers

Observation and feedback, whether obligatory or invited, canbedauntingtoeducatorsofanylevelofexperience.Byforming a strong ongoing bond with mentees, peer teacher-mentors can better facilitate the enhanced awareness, skills andknowledgeofcolleagues.Thesetechniquespromoteprofessionalexchangeandteacherdevelopmentforallconcerned.

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” -Abigail Adams

Karleneisaplurilingualeducatoreagertoprovidequalitysupport to in-service language tutors and teachers. She has taught ELLs of all age levels.

11:30 SGC 405



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Gender-Neutral Pronouns: An ExplorationofLanguageasPower

Language is power. Gender related language is power. Thispresentationexploresthethreemaincomponentsofthis statement including the gender spectrum, grammar, and social justice. Together we will deconstruct the as-sumptions we make about others, their gender, and their preferred gender pronouns.

“Reading is not walking on the words; it’s grasping the soul of them.” -Paulo Freire

Stephanie N. Brown is the Publisher’s Liaison for the North-ern New England TESOL (NNETESOL) Association. Steph-anie is passionate about social justice issues.

1:30 Auditorium



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AmyRina ldo

The Many Possibilities of a DIY Corpus

Creating an original corpus is easy to do, informative, and rewarding for language teachers and learners alike. In this demonstration,thepresenterwillguidetheaudienceinex-ploring how to build an original corpus as well as its potential applications in the language classroom.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” -Nelson Mandela

Amy Rinaldo has worked with English language learners from all over the world. Her teaching highlights student empower-ment through heuristic learning.

1:30 SGC 405



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CriticalReflectiveTeaching and Tibetan

Traditional Learning Style

This sesson presents an introduction to a Tibetan tradi-tionallearningstylerelatedtocriticalreflectivepracticeinthemoderneducationsystem.Whatdifferencescanteachersasreflectivepractitionersmakecomparedtoteachersastechnicians,basedonselflearningexperiencesatSIT?

“If speaking is silver, then listening is gold.” – Turkish Proverb

Tashi is a Tibetan teacher dedicated to educational devel-opment in his hometown on the Tibetan Plateau region of China. He wants to create more opportunities for younger generationsthroughabetterqualityofeducation.

2:30 Auditorium



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B r i t tanySmi th

Mindful teaching: Integrating Mindfulness Into

the Classroom

Mindfulnessenhancesattention,executivefunction,learning,and promotes prosocial behavior and well-being. This pre-sentationexploresholistictechniquesthatwillhelpstudentsdevelop their inner lives through yoga, meditation, and com-passion. Participants will develop a deeper understanding of mindfulnessandparticipateinreflectivepracticesthatcanbeused in the classroom.

Brittany Smith is a dedicated educator and yoga instructor. Shepassionatelypromotesthebenefitsofusingmindfulnessand compassionate communication in the classroom.

2:30 SGC 405


21“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” -Lao Tzu

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LindsayA lbrecht

HowtoUse“Refresher”Activities to Promote Positive

LearningThis workshop will address the need for English language teacherstoinclude“refresher”activitiesintheirlessonstoensure learners reach the best mindset for learning. Teach-ers can actively promote positive group dynamics through group“refresher”activities.Participantswillcollaboratetocompile a list of accessible resources.

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remem-bers to turn on the light.”– Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Lindsay Albrecht has taught English in India, Moldova, Colombia, Thailand and the U.S. She advocates for using “refresher”activitiesinordertoteachdiverselearners.

10:30 Auditorium



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Orchestrating Words for SymphonicEffects

Conductors bring together the right instruments to produce themusicaleffectstheywanttoachieve.Togetherwewillexploreatopicforwhichwewantsymphoniceffects.Wewill carefully orchestrate our words in concert with other well-placed instruments of speech and discuss the potential poweroftheireffects.

“...You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth...” -Louise Erdich

Annye has enjoyed writing and music for many years. She believes in the power of both.

10:30 SGC 405

Presentation/ Demonstration


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Creativity in the Classroom: Strengthening Fluency and


This presentation will address the topic and issues sur-rounding‘fluency’and‘skills’intheclassroom,whetherthere is a lack of either, and strategies to help improve both throughcreativeactivities.Oneaimistolookathowfluencyactivities can be repurposed to build skills and vice versa.

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” -Maya Angelou

Shakera West’s teaching style is inspired by creative writing, activities, and all things artistic, and she uses all of these to inspire students as well.

11:30 Auditorium

Demonstration/ Workshop


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SaraFahr ing

Mental CPR: Reviving Your EffectiveEducator

Lesson plans. Meetings. Grading papers. Teaching. So much to do inside and outside the classroom that time for yourselfiseasilyforgotten.Thisworkshopwillexploretheneed for self-care and how it can be used to help prevent burnoutandreviveyourabilitytoeffectivelyeducate.

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” -Elanore Roosevelt

Sara Fahring has taught in China, Turkey, and Costa Rica. She has a curiosity for life, the world around her, and human connection.

11:30 SGC 405



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Teaching Adults: Hidden but Somewhat Obvious Elements to Consider

This workshop will include a look at ways teachers can help drawforththeexperiencesandcapacitiesadultsstudentspossess.Alookatsociallearninginthecontextofdevel-opmental stages of adult learners will yield a rich and inter-active dialog.

“There is light in the space between.” -Anonymous

Katharine Gibson is a seasoned educator of all ages. She has taught in a variety of settings. She enjoys teaching adults using engaging activities.

1:30 Auditorium



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The Manipulation of Language and Distortion of


Language is a powerful tool. It can shape how we perceive the reality of an individual or a group. This presentation ad-dressestheissueofhowspecificsocialandethnicgroups’realities are shaped by the way in which the media depict them through the manipulation of language.

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” -Robert Frost

Mohamed has taught English in Mauritania and Arabic as a Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant at Colorado College, Colorado Springs where he worked as Arabic Lan-guage House Cultural Program Coordinator.

1:30 SGC 405

Presentation/ Workshop


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Steve Iams


Susan Barduhn holds a doctorate in Eng-lish language teaching. In 2003, she joined SIT Graduate Institute, where she has directed the summer MA in TESOL pro-gram and now directs the low-residency MA in TESOL program, teaches in the MA in TESOL program, and supervises student teachers all over the world.

AlexSilvermanholdsmaster’sdegreesinSlavic and French linguistics. A faculty mem-ber of SIT Graduate Institute since 1974, he serves as a supervisor and teaches in the areas of general linguistics, methodology, cul-ture, sociolinguistics, and English language and linguistics.

Steve Iams is originally from Columbus, Ohio, and has spent the past several years at Ohio State University as a PhD student in foreign, second, and multi lingual lan-guage education.

Elizabeth TannenbaumA member of SIT Graduate Institute’s faculty since 1987, Elizabeth Tannenbaum teach-es courses in methodology and applied linguistics, with a special interest in teach-ing large classes with limited resources, self-directed language learning, and adult literacy.


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Leslie Turpin

Marti Anderson

Elka Todeva is a language educator, teach-er trainer and an applied linguist whose key mottois“engage”.Sheviewsthestudentsandtheteacherasco-explorersandpromotes socially embedded brain-friendly teaching.

Marti Anderson has taught, trained, and supported teachers in both formal and nonformalcontextsfor25years.Shehasworked with teachers of English and French as well as those who teach non-language subjects and trainers who work in the trades and other technical environments.

After teacher-training in refugee camps in Thailand, Leslie began teaching in SIT’s MA in teaching programs in 1989. Her inter-ests include refugee adjustment, cultural identity and memory, cultural and linguistic revitalization,reflectivepractice,classroominquiry,teachingpractice,literacynon-formal education, and teaching supervision.

Beth NeherBeth Neher has been an educator for over 35 years, working with graduate, under-graduate, and EFL/ESL students aged 16+. Her teaching has involved both direct classroom delivery and blended and fully online courses in private language schools and universities in the US and abroad.


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Registration Committee: Annye Love (Chair), Tashi Rabdan, Beatriz Erazo

Plenary/ Keynote Committee: Dave Callahan (Chair), Lionel Meng, Kay Gibson, Tim Schirmer, Mohamed LeKrama

Social Events Committee: Lindsay Albrecht (Chair),KatyPurviance,RafiSiddiq,StephanieBrown, Brittany Smith, Amy Rinaldo, Karlene Groshek

Program Committee: Steve Fahring (Chair), Mimi Pavon Soza, Rachel Parker, Tyler Stiene

Tech/EquipmentCommitee: Shakera West (Chair), Sara Fahring, Mats Haaland, Steve Fahring

Thanks to all those who helped make this event a success.

Page 36: SANDANONA - Sandanona Building 405: Tyler Stiene Using Art to Explore the English Language Stephen Fahring Life Hack Typeface 11:30 Miriam Pavon Soza Building



Page 37: SANDANONA - Sandanona Building 405: Tyler Stiene Using Art to Explore the English Language Stephen Fahring Life Hack Typeface 11:30 Miriam Pavon Soza Building



Page 39: SANDANONA - Sandanona Building 405: Tyler Stiene Using Art to Explore the English Language Stephen Fahring Life Hack Typeface 11:30 Miriam Pavon Soza Building

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Page 40: SANDANONA - Sandanona Building 405: Tyler Stiene Using Art to Explore the English Language Stephen Fahring Life Hack Typeface 11:30 Miriam Pavon Soza Building