San Diego Pets Magazine, July 2013



Forever Foster: Margaret Choi, founding president of Furry Foster, brings a new life to San Diego volunteerism with an emphasis on cooperation, while adding the “fun” back in fundraising.

Transcript of San Diego Pets Magazine, July 2013

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Casey Dean(619) 573-5615

[email protected]

Tania [email protected]

Wendy Rall(951) 704-3374

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[email protected]

COVER PHOTOOH MY DOG! PhotographyMichael Fish and Tee



Scott DiLorenzo, DVMKendra HartmannK.R. JohnsonMariko LambJudith PierceMimi Pollack

Stefanie Schwartz, DVMCathy Unruh

CARTOONISTBarbara Fuscsick

Puppy Paws Productions

San Diego Pets Magazine ispublished by Dean Publishing, Inc.P.O. Box 601081, San Diego, Ca92160-1081. No part of this pub-lication may be duplicated or

reprinted without express consent from the publisher.Editors reserve the right to edit all content. Submissionsare welcome, and may be edited for content and clarity.Please forward all unsolicited material to the editor.Views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarilythose of the publisher. The publisher reserves the rightto approve or accept advertising orders and content. Allcontents are copyrighted 2013. All rights reserved.

San Diego Pets MagazineP.O. BOX 601081

San Diego, Ca 92160-1081(619) 573-5615



Forever FosterMargaret Choi, founding president of Furry Foster,brings a new life to San Diego volunteerism with anemphasis on cooperation, while adding the “fun”back in fundraising. See Page 6

RIN TIN ZeNMeet Drupon Samten, a Tibetanspiritual teacher, and Tashi, the residentdog trained in Tibetan and English.

See Page 10

Top Ten Pet-Friendly Hotels in S.D.For some fun-in-the-sun at local dog-friendly beaches,walks alongside bustling shopping districts, or a pam-pered relaxing getaway for you and your pooch, SanDiego sports some of the best pet-friendly hotels tofit your needs – even if just for a staycation. See Page 15

Leptospirosis in San DiegoThe term, zoonosis, refers to diseases that can betransmitted directly from animals to humans. Oneof the most globally widespread zoonotic diseases isleptospirosis, and it has recently been diagnosed ina San Diego veterinarian hospital. See Page 22


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In 2009, a friend approached Mar-garet Choi with a favor to ask: fostera pit bull. Her friend had started a

pit bull rescue, and was looking forvolunteers to foster some of the dogsshe was taking in. Choi was admit-tedly looking to adopt another dog,especially a big one to complement thetwo small dogs she already owned, butshe was hesitant — mainly because shedidn’t know what fostering was.

“I had never heard of it before,” shesaid. “I had no idea it existed.”

Her friend explained that all of thefood and veterinarian bills would betaken care of, and that Choi would sim-ply provide companionship and train-ing to the dog on a temporary basis.Choi agreed to give it a try, and Laser, asix-month-old mastiff/pit bull mix,

came home with her.Laser was a challenge. Found as a

stray in Baja, he had never lived in ahome, Choi said. The challenge of in-troducing him to a new life, however,proved to be more rewarding than shehad anticipated.

“He had never walked on a leash, hewasn’t potty trained and he was a littlefearful of people,” Choi said. “But itwas so exciting to watch him learn and

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he grew into such an amazing andawesome family dog.”

Witnessing Laser grow and adaptand, a few months later, be adopted bya family was such a moving experiencethat Choi felt there was somethingmore she could do.

“When we eventually got the callthat someone wanted to adopt Laser,we were so excited for him,” Choi said.“It was such an awesome, awesomeexperience. I just fell in love with it. Ifelt like people really needed to knowmore about fostering.”

A couple years later, Choi and herfiancé, Kyle, were saving up for theirwedding. They had been saving forsome time, but something gnawed atChoi when she thought about wherethat money would be going. Ever since

Fostering hope on the quest to end euthanasia

“It was such an awesome,awesome experience. I justfell in love with it. I felt likepeople really needed to knowmore about fostering.”

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her first fostering experience withLaser, she had been thinking aboutstarting a nonprofit to help the localfostering community.

“We just decided to scrap the wed-ding, get married in court and throw asmall party for our friends, then investin something we really cared about,”she said.

Thus, Furry Foster was born. Choiquit her job and used the weddingmoney to launch the organization,which provides help to rescues by vet-ting foster families and pairing them upwith animals in need of a home — how-

ever temporary — to relieve the burdenon shelters and cut down on euthanasia.

Now Furry Foster partners withabout 20 rescue organizations. Thoughthe wedding money eventually ran outand Choi had to return to her work inmarketing, the organization has contin-ued on through grants and donations.

Though funding is, of course, alwaysan issue, the biggest challenge for Choiand her colleagues, she said, is findingmore foster families.

“When I started fostering and get-ting involved in the rescue community,I realized there is a huge need for more

foster parents,” she said. “I knew a lotof people hadn’t heard of it, but it’s awin-win-win for everyone involved —the rescues, the pets and the family.And some people do realize whenthey’re fostering that they’re not readyto adopt, and it’s good to find that out.”

Though excuses to not foster abound— even from avid animal lovers —Choi is able to address most potentialfoster parents’ concerns through FurryFoster’s programs. Afraid you can’t af-ford a pet? Fostering is free, with all


Furry Foster’s mission is to promote public awarenessabout pet fostering, create new foster homes, and provideresources for foster homes and rescue foster programs. Sonaturally, they are often found supporting local pet-events.Seen here at the Morris Animal Foundation’s K9 Cancer Walkin San Marcos (from left), Naomi Hillery, Livia Gibbons, KyleChoi and Margaret Choi.

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expenses taken care of through the rescue organization. Notsure how to train a pet? Furry Foster offers training programsand support. Feel like you’re too busy with work? The organi-zation partners with Camp Run-A-Mutt to provide free daycare to foster parents.

And the biggest question of all: just how hard is it to give upa foster pet you’ve fallen in love with?

“It is definitely hard, especially with the first one,” Choi said.“After you get past that, it gets better. A lot of people say theydon’t think they could do it because they couldn’t give the petup, but I just like to think of it as a selfless act. And it’s reallyawesome to see them grow into an awesome pet, that youknow will be loved by someone.”

So how many foster parents end up adopting their fosterpets? Not as many as you might think, said Choi.

“If I had to guess, I’d say maybe a quarter end up adoptingtheir pet,” she said. “It’s just really fulfilling to see that pet withtheir new family.”

Choi said she has had about seven fosters over the years(“Maybe more, I’ve lost count,” she laughed). She and herhusband held out for a long time, but they eventually decidedto keep one of their fosters.

“We had taken in a litter of four pit bull puppies,” Choi said.“My husband, who had never owned a dog of his own, was


Chris Suh (back left), Livia Gibbons and Margaret Choi show how fun it is tofoster at the Yappy Chihuahua Hour held at Mission Brewery in downtownSan Diego .

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sitting on floor one day and one of the puppies crawled up ontohis lap, and that was it. He felt like this was his dog and hewanted to keep him.”

They named him Dodger. He was six weeks old when histhree sisters and mom were brought to the animal shelter inCarlsbad as found strays. Now, five years old, Dodger is con-sidered to be their “Forever Foster.”

For more information on Furry Foster or to find out how youcan become a foster parent, visit Choi said even those whocan’t foster can help in other ways, by donating, volunteeringor simply getting the word out about fostering opportunities.

Furry Foster volunteer’s Chris Suh, Erika Lo and Yasi Ostovar Funahashi atGreen Flash Brewing Co. Join Furry Foster’s volunteers list and help toend euthanasia forever!

Furry Foster plans events every month to get the community involved.Mutt Movie Night at Sally and Henry's Doghouse Bar & Grill is a crowdfavorite! Find more events at

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There is an old expression about aboy and his dog, but in this caseit is a Tibetan spiritual teacher

and his dog. Tashi, a 7-year-oldPomeranian, is the resident dog at theDKC Tibetan Buddhist MeditationCenter in Escondido. Tashi is a veryspecial dog who was given to DruponSamten, the spiritual leader of the cen-ter, and his long time assistant and fel-low animal lover, Ani Chodron.

Tashi is an important and devotedmember of the center. He is very smartand likes to take part in all of the cen-ter’s activities. When construction andlandscaping were being done at thecenter, Tashi worked alongside Druponfetching whatever tool he needed.Tashi is trained in both Tibetan andEnglish. For several years, DKC heldspecial fundraising events to cover thecost of the construction and Druponworked closely with Tashi, teachinghim many clever tricks. They put on asuccessful show that delighted the au-dience. To this day, Tashi will lie downand pray, do prostrations, and chantwith Drupon.

Drupon thinks he is a very compas-sionate dog who is tuned into othersand wants to please. If Drupon is sick,Tashi never leaves his side. He alsolikes to get close to lizards and bunnies,but will not chase them. He likes to jointhe others during the meditation cere-monies and remains calm and quiet. Hegives healing and company. Finally, healso knows how to bring a smile toeveryone’s face. Tashi loves to wear theTibetan meditation hat and robe thatDrupon made especially for him, andDrupon even grooms Tashi himself.

Tashi will pose for pictures and de-lights in knowing others are enjoyinghis antics. He is truly a treasured mem-ber at the DKC Tibetan MeditationCenter. For more information on thecenter, visit their

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Meet Tashi, the Meditation Dog

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Photos by Casey Dean, San Diego Pets Magazine

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12 JULY 2013 | | Facebook/Twitter @SanDiegoPets

At one point in my life, I lived in St. Louis in a town-house row. There were six attached houses in our row;only one neighbor, Barbara and her hubby, their two

girls and no pets.One day, Barbara knocked on my door and asked me for ad-

vice on getting a cat. It seemed that the field mice were mak-ing a home in her basement.

OK, so don’t ask a cat lover for advice unless you really, re-ally want it.

Apparently, my massive overdose of information worked,because the next thing I knew, they had a sweet little white Hi-malayan kitten named Snowball. (Aw, c’mon; the kids wereonly 6.)

Well, they had the kitten, but nothing else.“What does a kitten eat?” Barbara cried as I open the door to

her frantic knocking.We went through all the options, finally settling on a nutri-

tious kitten formula.“How do you get the kitten to use the toilet?”“Well, just get a nice low-sided box and keep clean litter in

it. She’ll know what to do.”“What’s litter?”I stared for a moment, open-mouthed, before I realized it

was rude. I broke out paper and pen and started a list, until Irealized it would be far easier to go shopping with her.

Day one ended with everyone getting fed, including Snow-ball. I thought all was well…

Until 6 the next morning.I awoke to Barbara pounding on the door, ringing the bell. I

threw on my robe and stumbled downstairs.“Kris!” a completely panicked Barbara shouted, grabbing

my shoulders. “There’s something wrong with Snowball! Canyou come over?”

Dread in my heart, and feeling a little ill, I went.I entered the house. The girls were on the floor, giggling and

dangling a feathery toy. Snowball is cheerfully bouncingaround, chasing the toy, frisky, bright-eyed and, yes, bushy-

tailed.“She’s fine,” I said. “But, but, she got on my pillow and she was making this

sound!” I leaned down and picked up Snowball, cuddling her under

my chin. Snowball immediately began to rumble, which madeBarbara’s eyes bug out. She turned pale.

“That’s it! That’s the sound!”I tried not to laugh. Really I did.“Barbara, she’s purring!”Dead silence.“That’s purring?”I handed Snowball to Barbara. Snowball rumbled louder

and nuzzled Barbara’s chin.“Yes. Purring is a good thing. She likes you.”“Oh, what a relief!”A purr is worth a million words.

KR Johnson is an award-winning speaker, longtime educator andadvocate for kids and improvisational theater performer. She is theauthor of The Eleventh Sense, the hilarious journey of Simon, whomust find his mother’s killer with the help of the most unusual, andannoying, bunch of friends ever, available on

Snowball and the rumble in a St. Louis rowhouseB y K . R . J O H N S O N | S A N D I E G O P E T S

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Join us on August 10 for the 3rd Annual Hounds for HopeWalk at Liberty Station. Sponsored this year by Furlocity(, the Walk is a canine cancer aware-

ness and wellness festival designed to promote healthy carefor our furry friends. Bring your friends and family out for amile walk around the bay and park then stay to explore themany vendor booths for healthy products and pet-gear. Takepart in raffles throughout the event and let your dogs enjoythe games in the Howlin’ Hounds Fur Zone for treats andprizes. Dagmar Midcap from NBC 7/39 news is our guest

of honor again this year! Join her for this wonderful day ofcelebration.

The Hounds for Hope Walk benefits Labrador Harbor, alocal non-profit that has helped over 400 families in Californiaby offering grants to cover the cost of veterinary procedures.We currently have many families who need help to get theirdogs back in tip-top shape and we have a complete listing onour website at Below are some fam-ilies that are currently looking for assistance. Donations tothese dogs can be made directly through our website.

B y M I K E F R O U N F E L T E R | L A B R A D O R H A R B O R

Walk for a cause with Labrador Harbor


Lucy and Linus need your help. Their dad went to the shelter to adopta new dog and fell in love with Lucy. As they were taking her out, an-other little Lab started howling. They found out that the two were sib-lings and ended up leaving the shelter with both young Labs. Then Lucygot really sick with PARVO...$2,900 in vet bills to save her…then Linusgot sick and another $800 plus to save him. This family said they wouldtake any lengths needed to save both, but their financial resources arelimited. They need your help today.

To donate, visit


Freedom is a Lab with a lot of roles and a wonderful life, but themelanoma on his foot has got to come off and his dad cannot afford thesurgery. Freedom is best friend, kid and service dog for his dad, Jeremy.A minor, but expensive, surgery can remove the growi ng tumor fromhis foot. Can you reach out to help him today?

To donate, visit

Pre-registration for the Hounds for Hope Walk at

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14 JULY 2013 | | Facebook/Twitter @SanDiegoPets

You tiptoe to the hall closet, open the door as quietly as you canand stretch up on your stocking-clad toes to grasp the cat carrierfrom the top shelf. You tuck it under your arm, trying not to janglethe zipper and make any noise. But on your way back to thekitchen, a blur of fur rushes by your ankles and darts under the bed.Busted. Fluffy knows it’s time to travel.

Try a similar scenario with a dog: you roll out your suitcase, grabFido’s leash and whoomph! He’s at your heels, grinning and wag-ging and panting in anticipation. Travel! Yippee!

Vacationing with pets in tow is increasingly common for severalreasons. We cherish our animal companions more than ever. We’retrimming the budget and vacationing closer to home, so it’s easy totake the pets with us – and we don’t have to spend money forboarding or pet sitting. Accommodations and airlines are becom-ing increasingly friendly to pets. But if your pet is going with you,it’s important to plan ahead.

Make sure that your rental property or hotel is indeed petfriendly so that there are no unhappy surprises upon arrival. Onceyou’ve made a choice and a reservation, you will likely be asked topay an additional deposit in case of any damages, and numbers andsizes of your animal companions will be considered.

If you are traveling by air, book early so that you can be assuredof a space for your pet. Airlines limit the numbers of animals al-lowed in the cabin. In my opinion, the cargo hold is no place for aliving creature, but if you are considering it, do your research thor-oughly. What are the conditions in terms of space, temperature andhandling? Talk with your veterinarian about whether this type oftravel is too stressful or dangerous for your pet. There are now airtransport companies that exist just to cater to Fido and Fluffy, butthey may not fit your budget.

Decide what’s best for your pet. A longer drive may well beworth it in terms of health, togetherness, and less stress. If youranimal is prone to motion sickness, talk with your veterinarianabout appropriate medications. I’ve found that Feliwaypheromone spray used liberally on the bottom of a cat carrier cansoothe even the most travel-leery, sensitive-stomached cat.

You know where you’re going, you know how you’re gettingthere – now it’s time to pack. Take toys and bedding that your petis familiar with. Don’t forget adequate food, bowls, and litter. Dis-posable litter boxes are ideal for cat travel. Include mats to placebeneath feeding and litter areas. Take cleaning solution and wipesin event of accidents or ordinary spills.

Once you’re at your vacation destination, introduce your pets tothe new surroundings, unpack their familiar belongings, and theninclude your animal companions in as many activities as possible.After all, they are part of the family and came along for the fun!Cathy Unruh is the author of Taming Me: Memoir ofa Clever Island Cat, a rags-to-riches adventure novelset on a tropical island where sumptuous mansionsand lush foliage disguise deadly intentions. Narratedby a formerly feral kitten, the suspense tale is garneringrave reviews. You'll find it on Amazon, Apple, andBarnes and Noble, as well as in bookstores. Cathy isa nationally known animal advocate and an Emmyaward-winning television journalist, who currentlyhosts "Up Close with Cathy Unruh" for the PBS affiliatein Tampa, Florida. Learn more about Cathy at


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Traveling with your pet has neverbeen easier with accommoda-tions that cater to you and yourfurry friend’s every whim and

fancy. For some playful fun in the sun atlocal dog-friendly beaches, walks along-side bustling shopping districts, or a pam-pered relaxing getaway for you and yourpooch, San Diego has some of the bestpet-friendly hotels to fit your needs – evenif just for a staycation. For hos“pet”alitylike no other, check out some of SanDiego’s hotels that are leading the packin pet accommodations and amenities.

LOewS CORONaDO BaY ReSORT4000 Loews Coronado Bay Rd. (619) 424-4000www.loewshotels.comFrom the hotel that brings you San Diego’s first ever SurfDog Competition, Loews on Coronado Bay pampers allof its guests – two-legged and four-legged alike – at its15-acre peninsula resort surrounded by the PacificOcean and Coronado Bay. For pet-owners, Loews pro-vides a detailed brochure with information about SanDiego’s pet hotel services, such as the Loews Loves Petsroom service menu, local dog walking routes and areapet services. Upon check-in, Loews’ furry guests also re-ceive a special gift package including a pet tag, bowland special treat to kick their staycation off right. Fee: $25 per stayPet policy: Up to two pets of any size per room

HOTeL SOLaMaR435 Sixth Ave. (619) 819-9500www.hotelsolamar.comHotel Solamar loves pets so much, they welcome themto share your room free of charge and accept any num-ber of pets of any size or weight. Pet amenities at thesleek Gaslamp District hotel include a welcome treat atcheck-in, essential pet travel items, pet sitting, groom-ing and walking service referrals, and unique pet mas-sages and dining upon request. Fee: nonePet policy: Accepts any number of pets of any size orweight

HOTeL INDIgO509 Ninth Ave. (619) folks at Hotel Indigo understand that pets are a partof the family. That’s why the hotel allows pets to stayfree of charge alongside their owners at its chicGaslamp District location. With pet amenities to meetyour every need, including water bowls, dog beds andtreats on hand, the hotel ensures that you and your petfeel right at home. Fee: nonePet policy: Up to two dogs of any size per room

THe BRISTOL HOTeL1055 First St. (619) 232-6141www.thebristolsandiego.comThe centrally located Bristol Hotel in the heart of down-town San Diego provides a boutique staycation experi-ence for you and your pet like none other. For asophisticated yet casual haven for discerning travelersand their beloved pets, Bristol Hotel offers a pet-friendlyhotel package that will have you and your pooch’s tailwagging in delight. The package includes overnightaccommodations in a Superior Series guest room,welcome amenities for your pet upon arrival, pet bowlsand beds placed in your room throughout your stayand nightly turndown service for you and your pet.Fee: nonePet policy: Pets must be in a kennel if left unattended inthe room. Pets are not allowed in food and beverageareas. No limitations on number, weight or types of pets.

THe SOFIa HOTeL150 W. Broadway (619) 234-9200www.thesofiahotel.comSan Diego’s historic luxury Sofia Hotel offers a “Pam-pered Paws” package to help make you and your pet’sstay an unforgettable experience. Upon arrival, patronsand pooches will receive information about hotel petservices, dog-walking routes, pet friendly restau-rants and area pet services to ensure you have all theresources you need up front. The exclusive package in-cludes a deluxe suite for two nights, special amenity giftbag with a special toy, treat and essential items for yourpet’s stay, and a luxurious two-night stay in a deluxepet bed throughout the stay. The package also in-cludes complimentary pickup and drop off to theDogs and the City Daycare & Spa. Cost of the petpackage is $600 plus taxes and fees.Fee: $25 per nightPet policy: Up to two pets of any size. Pets may not beleft unattended at any time.

SURFeR BeaCH HOTeL711 Pacific Beach Drive (858) 483-7070www.surferbeachhotel.comFor a comfortable surfside retreat for you and your pup,book an ocean-facing room at the relaxing beachsideSurfer Beach Hotel in Pacific Beach. This sensible get-away is near a number of local attractions and pet-friendly parks for those seeking endless entertainment.Alternatively, for those looking forward to a relaxingstaycation, just kick back on your private balcony witha good book, a dog bone or a drink while enjoying thestunning panorama and coastal breeze from the Pacific.Fee: $50 per stayPet policy: Small pets welcome

THe KeaTINg HOTeL432 F St. (619) 814-5700www.thekeating.comThis premier boutique luxury hotel infuses sleek mod-ern amenities in a historic 1890 building for a lavishstaycation for you and your pet in the heart of down-town San Diego. The hotel even has a resident BostonTerrior, “Smudge”, who welcomes guests in the lobby,patrols the halls during the day and prepares for the ar-rival of the hotel’s four-legged friends. Personalized pet-friendly accommodations include food and waterdishes, a pet bed, walking services and a canine turn-down for an all-around pampered stay for you and yourcompanion.Fee: $25 per pet, per nightPet policy: Small pets welcome. Dogs over 50 poundsrequire manager approval

DOUBLeTRee BY HILTON gOLF ReSORT14455 Penasquitos Drive (858) 672-9100 To escape the hustle and bustle of the city with your

San Diego’s Top 10 Pet-Friendly Hotels

photo courtesy of Loews Coronado Bay Resort


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pet, try a getaway to this contemporary hideaway in the foothills of the striking BlackMountains. The DoubleTree Golf Resort hotel is nestled amongst rolling hills, palmtrees and 18-hole golf course just minutes from Rancho Bernardo, creating endlessopportunities for outdoor activities and adventures to em“bark” upon.Fee: $30 per nightPet policy: All pets up to 50 pounds welcome

La JOLLa VILLage LODge1141 Silverado St. (858) 551-2001www.lajollavillagelodge.comJust a few steps away from timeless landmarks, boutique shopping and La Jolla’sworld famous cove is La Jolla Village Lodge, an always friendly, accommodating andaffordable lodge in the heart of the village. Enjoy comfortable accommodations nearpedestrian- and pet-friendly streets lined with boutique shopping, fine and casualdining, art galleries and museums. Nearby nature trails and reserves, oceanfrontboardwalks and the bustling main shopping district provide the perfect place to gofor a stroll with your pet in this charming seaside village.Fee: $20 per nightPet policy: Clean, well-behaved pets welcome. Pets not allowed to be left alone in theroom

SHeRaTON SaN DIegO HOTeL & MaRINa1380 Harbor Island Drive (619) 291-2900 For relaxing accommodations right on San Diego’s stunning bay, the Sheraton in PointLoma offers fun-filled staycation amenities including swimming pools, tennis courts,spa services, restaurants, jogging trails and water sports to cater to any guest’s de-sires. The Sheraton is the perfect location for you and your pet to stay and play on thebay nearby San Diego’s biggest attractions. Fee: $35 per nightPet policy: Dogs up to 40 pounds allowed. Maximum one dog per room. Cats are notallowed.

This last hotel is not in San Diego, but we felt it deserved a mentionsince their online commercial features our local superstar pup,Jack from Leash Your Fitness. Watch the video here: RITZ-CaRLTON, LagUNa NIgUeLOne Ritz-Carlton Drive, Dana Point (949) 240-5088http://www.ritzcarlton.comAt The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel, our discriminating guests include four-leggedfriends. When Fido is included on the trip to the resort, they will give "tails" ofdevotion from your family friend for a long time to come.

Nowadays, many hotels offer special amenities for pets. A special dog-bed with a tiny cookie placed on top was found here at the Hotel Indigo.


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Dr. Stefanie Schwartzis a board-certifiedveterinary behavioristbased in SouthernCalifornia. She seespatients at CaliforniaVeterinary Specialistsin Carlsbad and at TheVeterinary NeurologyCenter in Tustin, CA.

For more information, please call (949) 342-6644 or visit

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Behavior Bytes

Stefanie Schwartz, DVM, MSc, DACVBVeterinary Behavior [email protected]

Dear Dr. Schwartz,My Ragdoll cat, Esmerelda, is 2 years

old and is normally playful and affec-tionate. I’ve noticed that on really hotdays, she really does live up to thebreed’s name. She just lies around andavoids being held if I try to pick her up.Sometimes I’ll find her in a dark closetor lying spread eagle on the tile floor. Isthis normal?

Dear Esmerelda’s Dad,Ragdolls may have been more inten-

tionally bred to tolerate human han-dling than are other feline breeds, butthis doesn’t mean that they are literallyragdolls with no individuality or spunk.It is normal for animals, including us, tofeel sluggish on hot days. Higherambient temperatures trigger our bodiesinto conservation mode, to maintainhydration and energy for emergency useonly. It is also normal to feel less hungry,and to drink more.

Esmerelda is not rejecting you; it’sreally nothing personal. But on these dogdays of summer (sorry, perhaps I shouldsay cat days or the more generic pet daysof summer?), cuddling means sharingbody heat and she instinctively wantsmore ventilation and cooler restingplaces right now. This behavior is part ofa survival mechanism that helps us tocope with environmental fluctuations.We see similar behavioral changes inresponse to fever, and for many of thesame reasons. If Esmerelda’s lethargyrebounds when it is cooler, and she hasno other signs of illness right now, thenI would not worry. If, however, she doesn’treturn to more normal behavior whentemperatures fall or if she does indeedhave a fever, please make an appoint-ment for her evaluation by her primarycare veterinarian without delay.

Dear Dr. Schwartz,My 6-year-old Dachshund, Little Willie

loves to dig in the yard. He is out therefor at least an hour in the morning andagain at night, with shorter outings inbetween. We have spent a lot of money inlandscaping and he is ruining our lawnand flower bed. He gets very agitatedand pants heavily and it can take himquite a while to calm down and cool offonce he’s back in. Can you please help?

Dear Little Willie’s Mom,Dogs dig for a number of reasons.

Burying bones or food for later use iscommon in many animals. Some dig ahole into the deeper layers of soil tomake a cool spot for themselves. Nordicbreeds dig a hole into the snow to keepwarm and better protected from thewind. Dachshunds were born to dig,bred to dig to pursue their prey. Dachs-hund means ‘badger dog.’ They are theonly breed of dog to hunt undergroundto this degree. Badgers live in networksof dens deep underground and Dachsieswere selectively bred to fit through thosetunnels, digging along the way, and withthe tenacity and aggression to confrontan animal trapped in its den. Most dogsdig, Dachsies are just built for it withtheir deep, broad muscled chests andtheir oversized paddle-shaped front feet.Little Willie may look like an awkwardsausage to some, but he is a lean, meandigging machine…if he has nothing elseto do.

Dogs need to get out of their bubble(your house and yard) and explore be-yond it in the company of their pack.Left unattended with no other outlets forhis intelligence and energy, your dog issimply entertaining himself by doingwhat comes naturally. From your de-scription, he is not happy to be out thereall alone. However much you may enjoyyour landscaping, he is socially isolated,alone, anxious and frustrated out there.Dogs can suffer heat stroke and becomecritically ill very fast when they have in-adequate shade or cool water, and arestressing on top of it all. He is also aneasy mark for coyotes on the hunt. LittleWillie needs two long walks a day, start-ing with at least a 30-minute walk everymorning. Walk him until he’s ready tohave a nice long nap when you return,not just until you’ve had enough. Lethim stay indoors where it’s cool andsafe, after he’s enjoyed some qualitytime in your company during yourwalks. I’m sure that when his needs aremet, he will be content to enjoy yourgarden…with you.

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18 JULY 2013 | | Facebook/Twitter @SanDiegoPets

Retired Easter Bunny? Yes - thistime of year you’ll be able tomeet many “Easter retirees” in

your local shelters and rescue organi-zations.

Summer is a fun time for families,celebrating graduations, planning va-cations, and enjoying the sunshine andgreat weather. But for rescues and shel-ters, summer is known as “EasterBunny Dump Season.” It’s a really dif-ficult time of year because more bun-nies come in than they have room for.

The summer dump season is a result

of rabbits being purchased as gifts forEaster. Sadly, most families that makethe decision to give a live animal as agift don’t take the time to do the neces-sary research about caring for that ani-mal and its future needs. If only theyhad learned that rabbits must bespayed or neutered when they reachsexual maturity (at four months old),they would have enjoyed their new petso much more. Instead, when bunnyreached puberty and became frustratedby hormones and acting out (sprayingurine, chewing, digging and aggressive

behavior), the bunny got “dumped” be-cause no one wanted to deal with him.

If you are an animal lover and are in-terested in adopting a rabbit compan-ion, we advise you to do your researchon their care and what to expect in theway of their needs and behaviors. Thebest place to start is one of the HouseRabbit Society websites: www.rabbit.organd aregood choices. These sites will give youcomprehensive information on hous-ing, diet, litter box training and generalcare. They’ll also teach you what to

Hello! I’mYour Retired Easter BunnyB y J U D I T H P I E R C E | S A N D I E G O P E T S


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expect in the way of behavior and howto determine if a rabbit is the right familycompanion for you.

Today, we give our rabbit compan-ions the same attention as our dogs andcats. We allow them to live inside as in-door family companions. This is possi-ble because once spayed or neutered,rabbits are easy to litter box train andlive in the house. They can even be-come great friends with your cat or gen-tle dog.

Visit your local rabbit rescue or shel-ter to meet former Easter bunnies look-ing for new homes. San Diego HouseRabbit Society holds adoption daysevery Sunday afternoon at their KearnyMesa location and the County sheltersand local humane societies are openmost days for meeting rabbits. Thereare many wonderful rabbits hoping tobecome your “lifetime” companion, in-stead of a holiday gift.

Kiki is a former Easter Bunny whohas been waiting for a new home fornearly two years. She’s funny, sweetand loves attention. learn more about Kiki.

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20 JULY 2013 | | Facebook/Twitter @SanDiegoPets

It’s Summertime! Time to pack upthe SUV, hitch up the JetSki trailer,lock the front door, take the kids to

the kennel and put the dogs in the carand head off to Vacationland, USA!

Uh, wait. I got that backwards. Putthe dog in the kennel and get the kids inthe car. Yes. But I’m sure some of youwould like the first version. After all,the dogs won’t fight over what DVD towatch. They won’t whine, “Are wethere yet?” or complain, “I got no bars!How can I text my friends now? AndI’ll miss all my TV shows!”

Think about it. Most of us eitherarrange for a friend to watch the dogsor put them in a kennel. They’re wellcared for, but it can get expensive.

The alternative? True, bringing dogson a vacation does have some factorswhich can limit your mobility. But witha little planning and Internet searching,you can find some wonderful places totake Rover.

Dogs need vacations, too. It’s been along year, sleeping, eating, poopingand barking at the neighbor’s cat.

So consider taking them along on adriving trip. They love the new smells,meeting new people and leaving theirscent all over the country. It’s like ‘Kil-roy was here.’

Lodging is an issue. Many, if notmost, motels and even hotels are ‘dogfriendly.’ What that means is they wel-come some dogs, usually under 60pounds. They have designated reliev-ing areas, poop bag dispensers andeven treats on the pillows. But it’s a

two-way street. We have to respect themotel’s other guests and keep ourpooches from making a mess or being anuisance. Picking up after them is animportant courtesy.

Jane and I traveled with Musket, mynow-retired Guide Dog, and now Saf-fron. Of course, they are welcomedeverywhere, but I try to set a good ex-

ample so the hotel will be encouragedto welcome other non-working canines.Saffron, and Musket before her havevery charismatic personalities, andbeing Yellow Labs, are popular wher-ever we go.

One place we have traveled is Cam-bria, south of Hearst Castle on the Cal-ifornia coast. A lovely little craft andfarming community, it’s very dogfriendly. The Cambria Shores Inn, righton the beach takes good care of its furryguests. (And I don’t mean bikers). Theyeven have a St. Francis of Assisi, patronsaint of animals, statue outside the of-fice door. He’s holding a tray with dog-gie treats. Musket spent a lot of time‘praying’ to him.

Dogs can make a family trip acrossthe country even more memorable.

B y M A R K C A R L S O N | S A N D I E G O P E T S

On the Road With Rover

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MARK CARLSON lives in San Diego with with hiswife, Jane and Guide Dogs, Musket and Saffron. A do-cent at the San Diego Air & Space Museum and avia-tion historian, Mark writes for several nationalaviation magazines. He is a featured speaker formany local adult education programs. His first book,‘Confessions of a Guide Dog – The Blonde Leading theBlind’ is a humorous memoir about the adventures oflife with Musket. It is available online, and Contact Mark, Musket and Saffron

Just think of the possibilities. A trip to the big trees in theSierras comes to mind. Just think of your Pekingese gazing inwonder up at a Giant Sequoia Redwood and then glancing atyou with a look of ‘You’ve got to be kidding! So much tree, solittle pee!’

Or, if you’re like me (crazy), you might try the Fire HydrantMuseum in Sacramento. Or the World’s Biggest Fire Hydantin Beaumont, Texas.

Outdoor attractions like Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco,or the Boardwalk at Santa Cruz are great places to take yourdog.

There are dog beaches all along the coast, and dog parks inmost large cities. They’re easy to find on the Internet, usuallyin the ‘Parks and Recreation’ listings.

True, some state and national parks prohibit dogs, but notall. Keeping Fido on a leash is a requirement. State and countyfairs and big outdoor events like chili cook offs are a wonder-ful dog haven. Just watch out for the dropped Jalapenos!

We humans need clean bathrooms to do our business, butdogs only need a roadside clearing. They’re not picky. Mostrest areas have a dog relieving area complete with trash cans.When I took Musket to a rest area to let him go, he spent mostof the time sniffing. After 10 minutes, I invariably said, “Hey,Musket, I can pretty much guarantee you won’t meet any ofthose dogs. Just leave your contribution and let’s go.”

He never listened. Sometimes dogs and kids aren’t too dif-ferent.

It’s a good idea to have your veterinarian give the dog some

shots to protect them from ticks or fleas, and make sure theirheartworm meds are up to date. Since my readers are intelli-gent and responsible, I’m sure that I don’t have to remind any-one to never leave a dog unattended in a vehicle, even withthe windows cracked. It only takes a few minutes for the tem-perature to reach 120 degrees. From that it’s a short time be-tween panting, confusion, unconsciousness and death. Andyou know, in California, it’s illegal.

Sorry, I had to say that. It’s still a problem.Back to fun and frolics in the summer sun! One thing that

can’t be denied, dogs are great ice-breakers. People who lovedogs will be attracted to your Beagle or Setter or Dachshund.They’ll want to come over to your campsite and meet the dog.After a few moments, a new friendship is formed. It’s reallyamazing to watch and even better to be a part of. So considertaking the family hound along on the next trip. And yes, youcan take the kids along. Kennels don’t have WiFi.

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BUSINESS LISTINGSList your Business, call (619) 573-5615

Dog Beach Dog WashDo-It-Yourself•Service•Accessories4933 Voltaire St., San Diego, CA 92107(619) 523-1700

Kittycare La JollaProfessional Pet SittersExperience with Special Needs AnimalsCertified Pet First Aid & CPR(858) 352-6988 • [email protected]

Puptown Doggy Daycare205 16th Street.San Diego, CA 92101(619) 234-5278

Project WildlifeWildlife Rehabilitation and Education887 1/2 Sherman Street, SD, CA 92110Wildlife Information Line

Leash Your FitnessFitness class for you and your DOG.Classes / events throughtout San Diego.619-822-3296

Home Buddies by Camp Bow WowDog Walking, Pet Sitting & Dog TrainingBonded and Insured (619)

Behavior Buddies by Camp Bow WowDog Training, Dog Walking & Pet SittingBonded and Insured(619)

Custom Braiding Custom made dog collars and leads.Made Local.(760) 726-3042

Linda Michaels, MAVictoria Stilwell-licensedPrivate/Customized Force-free Dog TrainingLa Jolla to Carlsbad (858)

Four Legged LifePet event speaker Arden MooreDog/cat behavior consultsHost dog parties • (760)

Pet First Aid 4 UDog and cat 1st aid, CPR classesHands-on training. Earn certificate.Throughout S.D. • (760)

The term, zoonosis, refers todiseases that can be trans-mitted directly from animalsto humans. While to most of

us this may conjure up images ofStephen King’s Cujo and the deadlyRabies virus, less often do we considerone of the most globally widespreadzoonotic diseases: leptospirosis.

Leptospira are a group of bacteriathat are transmitted by wildlife, includ-

ing mice, rats, opossums and raccoons.Once excreted through the urine, thebacteria contaminate all types of surfacewater such as ponds, lakes and streams.Even water fountains, birdbaths andFido’s water bowl are not immune torodent excrement. Ingestion of thiswater by our pets propagates this lifecycle. Although more common in geo-graphical regions with higher rainfallsuch as northern California and thenortheastern part of the United States,an increase in cases within San DiegoCounty have been documented.

So how do I know if my pet is in-fected? Infection with Leptospira re-sults in a varying array of illness withmultiple factors dictating the severity.Given that the bacteria’s primary targetare the kidneys, signs to watch out forinclude increased thirst and urination,vomiting, inappetance, lethargy andabdominal pain. A recent case thatpresented to my hospital involved a5-year-old American Bulldog withmultiple other symptoms includinguveitis (red, inflamed eyes) and lower

LeptospirosisA threat to you and your pets

Scott DiLorenzo, DVM Associate veterinarian at Animal Urgent Care and Specialty Group

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Scott DiLorenzo, DVM is an associate vet-erinarian with Animal Urgent Care and Spe-cialty group in Escondido. He is the NorthCounty chapter representative for the SanDiego Veterinary Association, as well as anadvisor for Furlocity online pet accommo-dations. In his free time,Dr. DiLorenzo enjoysall things outdoors, in-cluding surfing, soccer,and riding motor-cycles.

respiratory tract symptoms (panting andheavy breathing). Since any of these symp-toms is not normal behavior for our dogs,prompt evaluation by your veterinarian isrecommended.

After a diagnosis of leptospirosis is madeby your veterinarian, treatment will be de-termined based on how badly affectedyour pet is. Most cases of leptospirosis di-agnosed early on in the course of diseaserespond favorably to antibiotics and sup-portive care.

The best means of prevention is avoid-ance of contaminated water. Since tellingyour 3-year-old Labrador Retriever not toswim in the pond isn’t entirely practical, itsbest to avoid stagnant bodies of water andconstantly provide a fresh source of drink-ing water. Vaccinations for Leptospira areavailable and should be discussed withyour veterinarian.

Since leptospirosis is transmitted prima-rily through urine, it is imperative to avoidcontact with affected animals urine. Dogsshould be brought out to pee in one spot,and that spot should then be sprayed withdilute bleach and affected dogs should bekept away from healthy dogs until directedotherwise.

If you feel you may have been exposedto leptospirosis or develop any unex-plained symptoms (fever, chills, muscleaches, jaundice, vomiting, or red eyes) inthe presence of an infected animal then youshould seek immediate medical attentionfrom your physician.

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H Bd5D

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Emergency HospitalsBONITA/CHULA VISTAPet Emergency & SpecialtyCenter of South County (619) 591-4802885 Canarios Court, #108, Chula Vista, CA 91910

CARLSBADCalifornia Veterinary Specialists7 days 24 hours (760) 431-2273 2310 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008,

ENCINITASVCA North Coast Veterinary & Emergency(760) 632-1072 414 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas, CA 92024,

ESCONDIDOAnimal Urgent Care of Escondido 7 Days 24 hours (760) 738-9600 2430-A S. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, CA 92025,

KEARNY MESA/CLAIREMONTAnimal ER of San Diego (858) 569-06005610 Kearny Mesa Road, San Diego, CA 92111 M-F 6 p.m.-8 a.m. Sat/Sun 24 hours

LA MESAPet Emergency & Specialty Center 7 Days 24 hours (619) 462-4800 5232 Jackson Drive #105, La Mesa, CA 91942,

MISSION VALLEYVCA Emergency Animal Hospital7 Days 24 hours (619) 299-24002317 Hotel Circle South, San Diego, CA

MURRIETACalifornia Veterinary Specialists7 days 24 hours (951) 600-9803 25100 Hancock Ave. #116, Murrieta, CA 92562,

OCEANSIDEMission Animal & Bird Hospital 7 Days 24 hours (760) 433-3763 655 Benet Rd., Oceanside, CA 92058

POWAYAnimal Emergency Clinic (858) 748-738712775 Poway Road, Poway, CA 92064 M-F 6 p.m.-8 a.m. Sat/Sun. 24

SAN MARCOSVeterinary Specialty Hospital(760) 466-0600 2055 Montiel Road, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA

SORRENTO VALLEYVeterinary Specialty Hospital7 Days 24 hours (858) 875-750010435 Sorrento Valley Road., San Diego, CA

Animal Shelters & Humane SocietiesACCEPT STRAYS & HAVE ADOPTION

BAY PARK/MISSION VALLEYCounty Animal Services5480 Gaines St., CA 92110 (619) Hours: Tues-Sat 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

BONITACounty Animal Services5821 Sweetwater Road, CA 91902 (619) Hours: Tue-Sat 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

CAMP PENDLETONCamp Pendleton Animal Shelter4th St. Area 25 Bldg. 25132 CA 92054 (760) 725-8120

CARLSBADCounty Animal Services2481 Palomar Airport Road, CA 92011 619) Hours: Tue-Sat 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

CHULA VISTACity of Chula Vista Animal Shelter 130 Beyer Way, CA 91911 (619) Hours: Sun & Mon Closed, Tue-Fri 9:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

CORONADOAnimal Care Facility1395 First Street, Coronado, CA 92118 (619) 522-7371Hours: 7 days 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

EL CAJONCity of El Cajon Animal Shelter 1275 N. Marshall Ave., CA 92020 (619) 441-1580Hours: Tue-Sat 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

ESCONDIDOEscondido Humane Society 3450 E. Valley Parkway, CA 92027 (760) 888-2275 www.EscondidoHumaneSociety.orgHours: 7 days 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

OCEANSIDESan Diego Humane Society-North (For dogs)2905 San Luis Rey Road, CA 92058 (619) Hours: 7 days 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

San Diego Humane Society-North (For cats )572 Airport Road, CA 92058 (619) Hours: 7 days 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

ACCEPT OWNER RELINQUISHED ANIMALSBAY PARK/MISSION VALLEYSan Diego Humane Society-San Diego Campus5500 Gaines Street, CA 92110 (619) 299-7012 Hours: Mon-Fri 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat-Sun 11 a.m.-5 p.m.EL CAJONFriends of Cats15587 Olde Highway 80, CA, 92021 (619) Hours: Tue-Sun 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

ENCINITASRancho Coastal Humane Society389 Requeza Street, CA 92024 (760) 753-6413 www.sdpets.orgHours: 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Tue 11:30 a.m-5 p.m.

RANCHO SANTA FEHelen Woodward Animal Center 6461 El Apajo Road, CA 92067 (858) 756-4117 Hours: 7 days 11 a.m.-6 p.m.SPRING VALLEYNational Cat Protection Society9031 Birch Street, CA 91977 (619) Hours: Tue-Sat noon-5 p.m.

A Passion For Paws (Akita Rescue)(818) 925-4827 www.AP

Baja Dog Rescue(619) 407-9372

The Barking Lot (619) 796-2253

Cat Adoption Service(760) 550-2287

Chihuahua Rescue of San

Coastal German Shepherd Rescue of San Diego858-779-9149

Forgotten Paws Animal

Furry Foster858-848-PETS (7387)

German Shorthaired Pointer


Independent Therapy Dogs, Inc.

It’s The Pits (Specializing in the Bully Breeds)(858) 484-0985

Last Chance at Life All Breed Animal Rescue(760) 433-3763 x224 (Schedule an appointment)

List Srv 4 Therapy Dog [email protected]

Open Arms Rescue (Dogs under 15lbs)(760) 470-7643

Operation Greyhound(619) 588-6611

Paws of Coronado(619) 522-7371

Pit Bull Rescue of San Diego(858) 693-7331

Rescue House(760) 591-1211

San Diego House Rabbit Society(858) 356-4286

San Diego Spaniel Rescue(619) 922-0545

San Diego Turtle & Tortoise Society(619) 593-2123

Second Chance Dog Rescue(619) 721-3647

Upward Dog Rescue(858) 345-2434

Westie Rescue of California(619) 579-6395

Wee Companions(619) 934-6007

Rescue & Adoption

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Abandoned in a crate outside of theSan Diego Humane Society, a fright-ened Kovu looked up at the staff

members who found him last October.Though shy initially, it wasn’t long before the3-year-old brown tabby started to trust thosearound him and let his true colors come shin-ing through. Kovu was adopted just weekslater.

Unfortunately for the lovable kitty, theadopter returned Kovu the week beforeChristmas due to an allergic girlfriend.

But disappointments like these are oftenredeemed, so long as there are plenty of peo-ple who have room in their hearts and homesfor our furry friends. And it just so happenedthat a couple matching that description de-cided to stop by the San Diego Humane So-ciety a few days later.  It was then that theymet Kovu and...They fell in love.

Now named Mr. Kitty, life has never beensweeter. His pet parents simply adore himand are ever-eager to share photos andwords of gratitude to the staff who helpedthem and praise for their cherished familymember.

“At first we were worried about how Mr.Kitty would get along with our two dogs, butthey love each other! We love him and he isa perfect fit into our family. We can’t imagineour lives without him.”

About the San Diego HumaneSociety & SPCAThe San Diego Humane Society offers San Diegansa wide range of programs and services thatstrengthen the human-animal bond, prevent ani-mal cruelty/neglect, provide medical care and ed-ucate the community on the humane treatmentof animals.


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Tuesday, July 9, 4:10 p.m.Dog Days of Summer atPetco Park (Pardres Game)Dog Days of summer with feature a pre-game "tail" gate party and an on-fieldpet parade. Once the game commencesat 7:10 p.m., guests and their pets areinvited to cheer on the Padres from the“Park in the Park” area. Must have ticketsahead of time. No walk ups.

Sat., July 13, 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Canine Companions for Independence Open HouseThe Open House will be held on Satur-day, July 13, 2013 from 11AM to 2:30PMat 124 Rancho Del Oro Drive, Oceanside,CA 92057. Enjoy assistance dog demon-strations, meet local human-canineteams, take a campus tour and meetpuppies in program at this free event. Po-tential assistance dog applicants, profes-sionals serving people with disabilities,dog-lovers and charitable communitymembers interested in getting involvedare encouraged to

Sunday, July 14, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.Doggie Street Festival – L.A.Join us for the 2nd Annual Doggie StreetFestival - Los Angeles.

Saturday, July 27, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.Doggie Street Festival – S.D.Join us for the 5th Annual Doggie StreetFestival - San Diego, Southern California’sLargest Dog and Cat Adoption Event atLiberty Station - Preble Field. DSF cele-brates our pet companions and urgesthe public to act, advocate and work to-gether to effect positive change and helpend the tragedy that is pet homeless-ness.

August 10, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.Hounds for Hope WalkHounds for Hope Walk is a canine cancerawareness and wellness festival designedto promote healthy care for our furryfriends held at Liberty Station for the firsttime this year . A short walk around theperimeter of the park will kick off theevent. This is a family-friendly celebrationand all leashed dogs are welcome for agreat day of fun and hope. (Details page 13)

August 10, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.Dog Days of SummerHosted by Cardiff-by-the-SeaWant a little exercise, socialization, andbonding with your dog in addition tohaving some fun? Come enjoy dog con-tests, custom pet products and animaladoptions. The Dog Days of Summer isSan Diego County's largest dog-centricevent, hosted in Cardiff-by-the-Sea byCardiff 101 Main Street. This day-longevent draws over 8,000 attendees fromall over San Diego and we anticipate over10,000 attendees in 2013. There are over200 vendors, dog contests, live music,food, an agility course, a doggie photobooth, doggie crafts and a large silentauction. Come join the fun at SouthernCalifornia's premier dog event.

September 21, 8 a.m. - noonBark for Life of Valley CenterBates Nut Farm in Valley Center. TheAmerican Cancer Society Bark For LifeTM

is a noncompetitive walk event for dogsand their owners to raise funds andawareness for the American Cancer Soci-ety's fight against

OUR New weBSITe IS OPTIMIZeD FOR MOBILe DeVICeS! San Diego Pets Magazine has more events listed and highlighted online.We invite you to add your own events and share your comments on our website.

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Be Your Pet’s Health Ally!

Pet First Aid/CPR classeswith a real cat and dog!