samsung strategy.docx

7/23/2019 samsung strategy.docx 1/14 Coursework Header Sheet 228385-47 Course BUSI1271: Global Strategy: Analysis & r Course S!"ool#$e%el B#G Courseor' Grou( !ase analysis Assess)ent *eig"t 3+,++ .utor /0 .orlo Sub)ission ealine 12#11#2+15 Courseor' is re!ei(te on t"e unerstaning t"at it is t"e stuents on or' an t"at it "as not in "ole or (art been (resente else"ere or assess)ent, *"ere )aterial "as been use ro) ot"er sour!es it "as been (ro(erly a!'nolege in a!!oran!e it" t"e Uni%ersitys 6egulations regaring C"eating an lagiaris), +++853425 +++85483 +++88+5+7 +++87+7 +++85455 Tutor's comments Grade Awarded___________ For Office Use Only__________ Final Grade_________ Moderation reuired! yes/no Tutor______________________ "ate _______________ 

Transcript of samsung strategy.docx

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Coursework Header Sheet 


Course BUSI1271: Global Strategy: Analysis & r Course S!"ool#$e%el B#G

Courseor' Grou( !ase analysis Assess)ent *eig"t 3+,++

.utor /0 .orlo Sub)ission ealine 12#11#2+15

Courseor' is re!ei(te on t"e unerstaning t"at it is t"e stuents on or' an t"at it"as not in "ole or (art been (resente else"ere or assess)ent, *"ere )aterial"as been use ro) ot"er sour!es it "as been (ro(erly a!'nolege in a!!oran!e

it" t"e Uni%ersitys 6egulations regaring C"eating an lagiaris),






Tutor's comments 

Grade Awarded___________ For Office Use Only__________ Final Grade_________ 

Moderation reuired! yes/no Tutor______________________ "ate _______________ 

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Submitted By:Rohit Dixit 000865483

Kuldeep Singh 000853425

Kewin 000865455

Sandeep Kadilya 00086!0

"awan Bellam 00088050

#lobal St$ategy: %naly&i& ' "$a(ti(e)*ba +nte$national Bu&ine&&


Strategic analysis: case of Samsung Electronics

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Table of Contents

Coursework Header Sheet ............................................................................................................. 0

Introu!tion....................................................................................................................................... 3

Strategi! 9%er%ie o Sa)sung............................................................................................................ 3

;ternal en%iron)ent analysis.............................................................................................................. 3estle analysis................................................................................................................................... 3

orter<s 5 or!es analysis.................................................................................................................... 4

S*9. analysis.................................................................................................................................. 6

Internal n%iron)ent Analysis.............................................................................................................. 6

Internal analysis........................................................................................................................... 6

;ternal analysis..........................................................................................................................7

/alue !"ain analysis........................................................................................................................... 9

Inboun logisti!s............................................................................................................................. 9

9(erations..................................................................................................................................... 9

9utboun logisti!s.........................................................................................................................10

=ar'eting an sales...................................................................................................................... 10

Ser%i!es...................................................................................................................................... 10

/6I9 >ra)eor'............................................................................................................................. 10

6ele!tion on strategi! (osition o Sa)sung.........................................................................................11

Con!lusion...................................................................................................................................... 12

6eeren!e....................................................................................................................................... 13


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Sa)sung is a Sout" ?orean !o)(any "ea@uarters in Sa)sung ton Seoul, it as establis"e in 138 It is

a orlie ele!troni! !o)(any it" 11 subsiiary !o)(anies t"roug"out t"e orl in!luing nine relate

"ea@uarters or C !onsu)er ele!troni!s an I= inor)ation te!"nology an )obile !o))uni!ation

i%ision an i%e relate "ea@uarters or t"e S e%i!e solutions i%ision !o)(any se(arately o(erateea!" an e%ery i%ision Sa)sung,!o) 2+15

."e !o)(any oers an all "o)e a((lian!es li'e rerigerator ryers toasters tele%isions )obile ("ones an

tablets, ."e %ision o t"e !o)(any is %ision2+2+ ins(ire t"e orl !reate t"e uture e(ens on t"e %ision

!o)(any )a'e a strategy Sa)sung,!o) 2+15

Strategic Overview of Samsung

Sa)sung<s ai) is to in!rease t"e !or(orate an bran %alue in global !onsu)er )ar'et, Co)(any is!onsistently stressing on t"eir resear!" an e%elo()ent Sa)sung le!troni!s Co, $t 2+14, ."ey "a%e a

i%ersiie geogra("i! (resen!e "i!" reu!es t"eir e;(osure to ris's asso!iate it" a (arti!ular )ar'et

Builing an In-ouse Co)(eten!y to !o)(ete it" t"eir !o)(etitors, Allian!ing it" leaing global te!"nology

(layers or stanariDation an to se!ure stable su((lies or its (rou!ts, i%ersiie (rou!ts an )ar'eting in

t"e )aEor global e%ents li'e 9ly)(i!s, 9ly)(i!,org 2+15

External environment analysis

Pestle analysis


• In general Sa)sung is o(erate in !ountries it" (oliti!ally stable en%iron)ent,

• oliti!al instability in ?orean (eninsula ue to rising tensions it" Fort" ?orea,

• roitability o !o)(any getting ae!te by e%elo(ing (oliti!al (ressure in $atin A)eri!an an Ari!an

!ountries ue to re@uent s"it in go%ern)ental regi)es,


• ."ere e;ists a nee o ining a (ere!t strategi! solution, As t"e (ur!"asing (oer o !onsu)ers "a%e

been reu!e ue to ongoing global e!ono)i! !risis,• 6ise in liberaliDation o e)erging an e%elo(ing e!ono)ies !reates an in%est)ent an )ar'e

o((ortunities or )ultinational enter(rises =F<s li'e Sa)sung,


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• Surge in Sa)sung<s (roit in e%elo(ing e!ono)ies oul "el( in !o)(ensating lost business it"in

e%elo(e e!ono)ies,


• 9rganiDational !ulture o Sa)sung is signii!antly inluen!e ro) national !ulture o Sout" ?orea,

• Fee or sel-aa(tion an restru!turing a!!oring to ra(i !"ange it"in (reeren!es o !onsu)er is

!ulturally ierent e)erging )ar'ets,

Technological factors

• $o entry barriers ue to usage o Google anroi 9S (lator) leaing to ii!ulties in (rou!t

ierentiation BAGU6 2+15,• ea%y in%est)ents by Sa)sung in 6esear!" an e%elo()ent to gain sustainable !o)(etiti%e

a%antage a)ong its ri%als $ an CFG 2+15,• ig"er gains an (rou!t ierentiation to !o)(anies oering (ro(rietor 9S, >or e;a)(le A((le

ierentiates itsel !learly by oering is sel-one I9S o(erating syste) >o; Fes 2+15,


• $asuit ile by A((le in !onte;t o i)itating 'ey eatures o ia an i"one Eeo(ariDe !o)(any<s

re(utation, =oreo%er it ae!te (roitability an !as" lo o t"e !o)(any as a "ety su) neee to be

(ai as (enalties,


• Fo ire!t ee!t o en%iron)ental !on!erns on (roitability or business o Sa)sung,

• 6e!y!ling an (ro!essing aste in an en%iron)ent rienly )anner oul "el( Sa)sung in gaining

better re(utation,

Porter’s 5 forces analysis

.o %isualiDe an o%er%ie o e;isting !o)(etiti%eness it"in inustry (orter i%e or!es analysis ra)eor' tool

is utiliDe,


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Figure 1: Porter’s five forces Framework (wwwinvesto!e"iacom# $%1&'

ivalry among com!etitors: Significantly Hig

*it"in a slo grot" inustry su!" as !onsu)er an )obile se!tor (resen!e o a signii!ant nu)ber o

!o)(anies it" !o)(arati%ely si)ilar )anua!turing an istribution !a(abilities in!reases ri%alry a)ong t"e

!o)(anies, ri!e base !o)(etition a)ong !o)(anies is one o t"e attribute o su!" an inustrial en%iron)en

=anage)entstuyguie,!o) 2+15,

Threat of !otential entry: !ot significant

.o ta!'le t"reats ro) (otential entrants t"ere e;ist signii!antly "ig" entry barriers it"in !onsu)er ele!troni!s

an )obile se!tor su!" as 1 e;isting nu)ber o large (layers in si)ilar o)ain su!" as A((le Sa)sung .Cet!, 2 lo !ost a%antages ue to o(erations in e!ono)ies o s!ale 3 (rou!t ierentiation !"allenges 4

ne entrants in t"is se!tors are usually is!ourage ro) in%estors an go%ern)ent aut"orities *il'inson


Threats of su)stitutes: Potentially ig

."ere e;ists a "ig" (otential t"reat ro) substitutes as t"e sit!"ing !osts are lo or buyers, =oreo%er

(rou!t ierentiation be!o)es )ore ii!ult on basis o "arare an esign ue to ao(tion o Google

 Anroi 9S as o(erating (lator) or s)art("one by large nu)ber o !o)(anies in!luing Sa)sung C"ea" etal, 2+13,

*argaining !ower of *uyers: significantly ig

In!reasing (ri!e sensiti%ity o !onsu)ers on (rou!t s(e!ii!ation leas to "ig" bargaining (oer o buyers as

Sa)sung !usto)er !an easily s"it any ot"er !o)(any su!" as A((le Fo'ia an .C it" no e;tra aitiona

!ost, =oreo%er rising !o))oitiDation an stanariDation o )obile 9(erating Syste)s o )obile ("ones


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urt"er en"an!es buyer<s bargaining (oer as t"ey ails in (ro%iing aition e!ono)i! %alue or !ost sa%ing

uo%s'iy 2+15,

*argaining !ower of su!!liers: Hig for su""liers of essential com"onents 

ue to la!' o alternati%e (lator) or its s)art("ones an "ig" e(enen!y on Google<s anroi (lator) or

its 9S Sa)sung "a%e to !o(e it" t"e substantially "ig" bargaining (oer o Google, In !ontrast t"e ot"er

!o)(onents su((liers o Sa)sung s)art("one o not "ol a si)ilar strong (osition li'e Google in bargaining

(oer as )aEor s"are o t"eir business is e(enent u(on bul' %olu)e o orers gi%en by Sa)sung

uo%s'iy 2+15,

S#OT analysis

Figure $: Situational analysis of Samsung

Internal Environment $nalysis

Internal analysis


Soli" market share an" )ran" value

Sa)sung "ols a "ig" bran e@uity ine; an )ar'et s"are as it is a leaing (layer in )e)ory business it"

)ar'et s"are o%er 38 or FAF >las" )e)ory an 3,8 in global yna)i! rano)-a!!ess )e)ory, In

aition it is global leaer in lat ./ it" a global )ar'et s"are o 2,8 in > 2+13H Sa)sung "a "istori!

sales 1++ )illion units o its )obile e%i!es by !a(turing a )ar'et s"are o 32,3 o global s)art("one )ar'et

Sa)sung le!troni!s Annual 6e(ort 2+15,

esearch an" "evelo!ment 

*it" o%er 47 registere (atents in US Sa)sung is "ig"ly o!use on inno%ation an resear!" an

e%elo()ent by in!reasing 6& e;(ense o 24,3 in >2+13 $ an CFG 2+15, In aition by


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establis"ing an o(en inno%ation syste) "i!" urt"er en"an!es its (artners"i( it" oreign resear!" institutes

an a!ilitates in gaining !o)(etiti%e a%antage in )ar'et,

+iversifie" geogra!hic !resence

It beneitte Sa)sung by reu!ing ris' asso!iate it" !onstraine geogra("i!al )ar'et =oreo%er by

(ro%iing (ro;i)ity to !usto)ers by builing !lose relation to its !usto)er,

Figure ,: re!resentation of sales revenue of 

-eogra!hical market (Samsung Electronics .nnual e!ort# $%1&'


Legal issues relating Patents

ue to in!reasing (atent litigations against Sa)sung negati%e i)(li!ations on t"e !o)(any<s re%enue

(eror)an!e an inan!ial (osition !an be seen, 6e!ently A((le ile a 1,+5 billion lasuit against Sa)sung

on !"arges o (atent inringe)ent t"is !oul ae!t negati%ely on !o)(any<s (roitability !as" lo an bran

%alue >o; Fes 2+15,

+e!en"ency on .n"roi" S

 As s)art("one<s "arare an esign ierentiation is sus!e(tible to ae or eroe it" ti)e Sa)sung is

(ose to an e%ient strategi! isa%antage ue to e(enen!y on Google anroi 9S or its s)art("one, In

!ontrast A((le (ossesses its sel-one i9S or its s)art("ones,

External analysis


-rowing smart!hone an" ta)let market


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anset )ar'et o)inate by s)art("ones by 5+ is esti)ate to gro at t"e !o)(oune annual grot"

rate CAG6 o 13,3 beteen years 2+13 to 2+17, In aition Sa)sung "ols t"e se!on largest )ar'et

s"are o tablets it" 1,1, ."ereore groing )ar'et oul urt"er en"an!e !o)(any<s sales in !o)ing


-rowing smart T0 an" Flash memory market 

Strong bran (ositioning o Sa)sung in s)art ./ "i!" is %alue at 255 billion by 2+17 an in 3 las"

)e)ory )ar'et oul enable Sa)sung to !a(ture )a;i)u) return out o grot" trens, As e)an or las"

)e)ory is ri%en by surging usage o tablets an s)art("ones oul (ro%ie an to(line grot" o((ortunity,


ommo"iti2ation of mo)ile sector 

 A onar (ressure on (ri!ing is being itnesse ue to !o))oitiDation o )obile se!torH ue to (resen!e

o Google anroi e!osyste) "i!" reu!e t"e entry barriers o )obile se!tor (rou!t ierentiation "a%ebe!o)e e;tre)ely ii!ult BAGU6 2+15, *it" t"e !o)bine ee!t o ris' o ire!t an inire!t litigations o

intelle!tual (ro(erty rig"ts in anroi e!osyste) intense !o)(etition an in!reasing !o))oitiDation oul

i)(a!t !o)(any<s (roitability an s"are in )ar'et,

Foreign e3change risks

 As Sa)sung is e;(ose to %arious !urren!ies o its !ountries o o(eration t"ere e;ists an e%ient ris' o

i)(a!t on !o)(any<s balan!e s"eet !as" lo an in!o)e state)ent in !on%ersion or translation o oreign

!urren!y in ?orean *on ue to !urren!y e;!"ange lu!tuations,


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&alue cain analysis

  Sa)sung %alue !"ain is base broaly on t"e 9ra!le %alue !"ain or "i te!" businesses it" t"e

e;(ansion o logisti!s "i!" assu)e su!" a !riti!al (art in an organiDation o t"e e;tent o Sa)sung,

Figure 4: value chain analysis of Samsung (Samsung# $%1&'

 Inbound logistics

  ."e o)inant (art o Sa)sung su((liers are situate in Asia an a!!oringly 7,4 o its su((ly-

!"ain e;(enses o!!ur in Asia, ."is is olloe by A)eri!as 14,8 uro(e 4,4 an ot"er (la!es, All

toget"er !ontrol inboun logisti!s (art o t"e business all t"e )ore ae@uatelyH Sa)sung (ossesses %arious

logisti!s ir)s as its ba!'u(s, C"ul 0ung Sang 2+15


  As o e!e)ber 31 2+14 t"e !o)(any )aintaine 213 orlie o(erations "ubs t"at in!lue

subsiiaries sales subsiiaries esign !entres an resear!" !entres, Sa)sung )anua!turing o(erations

!o)(rise t"e olloing:

• General )anua!turing: se)i!onu!tors an !o)(onentsH

• Syste) )anua!turing: a((li!ation an sotare,

• e%i!e asse)bly (a!'aging: batteries an ot"er !o)(onents label asse)bly,


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Outbound logistics

  Introu!ing )oern s)art("ones Sa)sung "as turne out to be e;!e(tionally @ui!' in laun!"ing

its on (rou!ts to !o)(ete it" A((le, /iable outboun logisti!s ra)eor' assu)es an i)(erati%e (art or

Sa)sung as ar as "a%ing t"e !a(a!ity to !on%ey u(graes o its ell-'non ite)s to !usto)ers in a ti)ely

)anner, C"ul 0ung Sang 2+15

'ar%eting and sales  ."e target !lient seg)ent to t"e a((arent u((er "an o t"e bran !onne!te it" a)aDing an

a%an!e un!tions an !a(abilities o (rou!ts, Sa)sung "as aa(te sales (ro)otion as one o t"e !entre

!o)(onents o its )ar'eting te!"ni@ue, C"ul 0ung Sang 2+15


  Sa)sung stri%es to !on%ey t"e !lient a)inistrations o t"e )ost ele%ate )easures, ."e

organiDation !onu!ts !onsu)er loyalty o%er%ies o%ersa by outsie gat"erings in a !usto)ary ay 'ee(ing

in )in t"e en goal to a!!o)(lis" an )aintain ele%ate a)ounts o !onsu)er loyalty C"ul 0ung Sang2+15

&(IO )ramewor%.o unerstan t"e sour!e o sustaine !o)(etiti%e a%antages internal resour!es an !a(abilities o an

organisation is analyse using /6I9 >ra)eor',

Sa)sung "as %arious assets an abilities t"at gi%e a )anage u((er "an, angers ro) C"inese )a'er

out(ut turn out to be "uge o%er t"e long "aul in t"e e%ent t"at t"ey )a'e u( or lost ti)e it" ort" ri%ers int"e transitory )aintaine u((er "an !lass, ."ese in!or(orate %ariables or e;a)(le )anua!ture li)it

@uality an ite) blen#!usto)iDation !a(a!ities, 9ur in%estigation "ig"lig"ts Sa)sungs @uality ri%ers as ar

as )e!"ani!al o!al (oints an (rote!te inno%ation in t"eir boono!'s ite)s, ."ese @uality ri%ers a%ert

i)(ersonation by ne !ontestants, Sa)sungs @uality an e(enability estee) ri%er 'ee(s !lients ro)

!"anging to !ontener<s ite)s,


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 Sa)sung "as a %alue-or-)oney (ositioning strategy "i!" is a !o)(etiti%e (arity, By oering %alue-or-

)oney (rou!ts Sa)sung aress t"e !lients issues outstaningly ell sin!e it !an oer antasti! ite) it"

generally sensible !ost, ."en again it is not un!o))on in lig"t o t"e a!t t"at t"ere are organiDations it" su!"

e;!"ange o beteen %alue an @uality o (rou!t, So essentially t"ere is no se(aration beteen Sa)sung a

large (ortion o its ri%als as ar as o %alue-or-)oney, $a) ayne 2+12

."e (rou!t inno%ation esign o Sa)sung<s s)art("ones#)obile ("ones is Eust a transitory u((er "an ont"e grouns t"at regarless o t"e (ossibility t"at it is (roitable un!o))on an all aroun abuse by t"e

organiDation it is not troubleso)e or t"e !onteners to !o(y it, It is an u((er "an Eust a)i (retty )u!"

)ont"s an aterar it gets to be out o ate regarless o t"e a!t t"at t"e organiDation tries to (atent


Sa)sung "as !o)(letely use its !a(a!ity to aEust in a @ui!' !"anging business se!tor !an be !onsiere as

its e!ono)i!al u((er "an, It is e;tre)ely (roitable to t"e organiDation (arti!ularly in a @ui!' !y!le !ell ("one

)ar'et, It is i)itable an su(re)e as not ea!" organiDation !an anti!i(ate an "a%e t"e !a(a!ity to !"ange

it" t"e !onstantly e%ol%ing en%iron)ent, un Eoo sung 2+11

u)an Ca(ital is t"e last u((er "an t"at Sa)sung "as, In s(ite o t"e a!t t"at it is (roitable be!ause o its

e;(ertise e)(loyees an (re(aring (roEe!ts it is not un!o))on in lig"t o t"e a!t t"at ierent organiDations

or instan!e aitionally "a%e great !"oi!e an training (roEe!ts in t"eir on s(e!ii! )anner ."us Eust turning

into an aggressi%e e@uality on 2+12,

(eflection on strategic "osition of Samsung

In 2+15 Sa)sung regains its nu)ber 1 (osition in s)art("one )ar'et globally an !ontinues to be a )ar'et

leaer in !onsu)er ele!troni!s goos, 9n t"e strategi! ront Sa)sung "as one e;!e(tionally ell by its

geogra("i!al i%ersii!ation to bot" e)erging )ar'ets an e%elo(e e!ono)ies resulting in "ig" grot" an

(roits, In aition "ig" 6& e;(enses an ot"er signii!ant )o%es ensure Sa)sung gaining !o)(etiti%e

a%antage an labele as an inno%ati%e !o)(any, =oreo%er "ig" e(enen!y on Google anroi (lator)

"a%e ae!te its (rou!t ierentiation an t"us )argins as no s)art("ones !an only be ierentiate on

basis o "arare an esign,

9%erall unerstaning t"e strategi! (osition o Sa)sung t"ere arises nee o stri!t !o)(lian!e )anage)ent

strategy to )itigate ris' o !ost (enalties in%ol%e in (atent inringe)ent lasuits, In aition to in!rease (roit

)argins an !reate (rou!t ierentiation Sa)sung nee to a!!elerate its on 9(erating syste)

e%elo()ent (rogra) to "el( its (rou!ts gaining !o)(etiti%e ege !o)(are to A((le i"one series,


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Sa)sung<s InternationaliDation strategy is to )a;i)iDe t"e bran e@uity an )ar'et s"are t"roug" su(erior

esign )ar'eting an !usto)er ser%i!e an to !onstantly eli%er t"e "ig"est @uality (rou!ts, .o be 'non as

best an )ost res(e!te bran in t"e orl,


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• BAGU6 , 2+15, ."e Co))oitiDation o t"e S)art("one, *ire, JonlineK A%ailable at

"tt(:##,ire,!o)#insig"ts#2+12#12#t"e-!o))oitiDation-o-t"e-s)art("one# JA!!esse 11 Fo%

2+15K,• >o; Fes 2+15, A((le ins lasuit against Sa)sung as Eury aars 1B or (atent inringe)ent

JonlineK A%ailable at: "tt(:##,o;nes,!o)#te!"#2+12#+8#24#Eury-rea!"es-%eri!t-in-a((le-%s-

sa)sung-!ase,"t)l JA!!esse 11 Fo%, 2+15K,• $ =, an CFG 0, 2+15, Sa)sung Google Sign atent-$i!ense eal, ."e *all Street 0ournal,

JonlineK A%ailable at: "tt(:##,sE,!o)#arti!les#SB1+++1424+527+23+32777+45734571388237228

JA!!esse 11 Fo%, 2+15K,• SA=SUFG $C.69FICS AFFUA$ 696., 2+15, 1st e, Jeboo'K sa)sung, A%ailable at


13-sa)sung-ele!troni!-re(ort,( JA!!esse 11 Fo%, 2+15K,•

MSa)sung le!troni!s Co, $t, S*9. Analysis 2+15 Sa)sung le!troni!s Co, $t, S*9. Analysis((, 1- Business Sour!e re)ier BSC9"ost %iee 1+ Fo%e)ber 2+15

• C"ea" =, $iu , an 0, an Niu $, 2+13, CAS SF9SIS >96: SA=SUFG, 1st e, Jeboo'K

 A%ailable at: "tt(:##,su,!a#Os"e((ar#478#syn#1131#Grou(L,( JA!!esse 11 Fo%, 2+15K,• uo%s'iy 0, 2+15, Sa)sung orters >i%e >or!es Analysis - 6esear!" =et"oology, Jonline

6esear!" =et"oology, A%ailable at: "tt(:##resear!"-)et"oology,net#sa)sung-(orters-i%e-or!es-

analysis# JA!!esse 11 Fo%, 2+15K,• =anage)entstuyguie,!o) 2+15, orters >i%e >or!es Analysis o Sa)sung, JonlineK A%ailable at

"tt(:##)anage)entstuyguie,!o)#(orters-i%e-or!es-analysis-o-sa)sung,"t) JA!!esse 11 Fo%

2+15K,• *il'inson 0, 2+13, ."reat o Fe ntrants one o orters >i%e >or!es PQR ."e Strategi! C>9

JonlineK Strategi!!o,!o), A%ailable at: "tt(:##strategi!!o,!o)#i'i!o#t"reat-o-ne-entrants-one-o-

(orters-i%e-or!es# JA!!esse 11 Fo%, 2+15K,• ,in%esto(eia,!o) 2+15, orters 5 >or!es, JonlineK A%ailable at

"tt(:##,in%esto(eia,!o)#ter)s#(#(orter,as( JA!!esse 11 Fo%, 2+15K,• 6eisinger on, =obile Carriers ro)ote anset Co)(etition, ee',!o), F,(, 2+12, *eb, 8 Fo%,

2+15,• *ayne la), Sa)sung 6egain S)art("one $eaers"i(, 2+12, *eb, 7 Fo%, 2+15,

• un Eoo Sung et al, 2+11 Sustainability 6e(ort, sa)sung 2+15, *eb, 8 Fo%, 2+15, Global ar)ony

it" eo(le So!iety an n%iron)ent,• Sa)sung, SA=SUFG, F,(, 2+15, *eb, 7 Fo%, 2+15,

• Sang C"ul 0ung, ."e Analysis 9 Strategi! =anage)ent 9 Sa)sung le!troni!s Co)(any ."roug"

."e Generi! /alue C"ain =oel, ,sers!,org, F,(, 2+15, *eb, 8 Fo%, 2+15,