Sample file - watermark.rpgnow.comThe Heroes must stop these dark monks in order to ... Called the...

Earl Gifford has summoned the Characters together in the hopes of finding out what happened to his son, Tulwen. Those Characters who received a written summons know of Tulwen through some direct interaction, be it socializing, military service, or some other way. It is recommended that elements from the PlayerCharacters’ backgrounds be used to create a story in which Tulwen may have played a favorable part. Tulwen had been sent over a week ago to the small village of Wilford, twenty or so miles outside of town. The Baron of Wilford has recently stopped paying the rent and taxes. As the village is under the Earl’s demesne, he sent Tulwen to try and find out the reason why the taxes, which while not overly burdensome, are not being paid. There is a bit of urgency, as the yearly Royal Accounting will soon take place, and the lapse will come to the notice of the King. Since the young heir of the Earl is known to champion the causes of the down trodden, it was decided that he would be sent as a mediator. The House of Gifford is well known for its kindness and generous nature, and are among the more popular noble families with the common folk. It would be hard to imagine that, given the family’s reputation, the villagers would attempt to harm Tulwen. Fearing some foul play, perhaps by enemies or forces unknown, Earl Owain has called the Characters together to investigate. The Earl suggests that perhaps the adventurers might take a walk out to Wilford and see what happened to Tulwen. He even claims he would grant them a boon for seeing to it that his son is safe. If you choose not to play with Noble Boons in your campaign, the Earl will simply offer each Character a reward of 50 gold coins for the safe return of his son. ~Adventure Synopsis~ After traveling to Wilford, the Adventurers will meet with some townspeople at the local inn, The Fairy in the Glen. They will find the villagers closedmouth and a little fearful, as they question them about Tulwen’s whereabouts. The Heroes soon learn that the brave young nobleman went to investigate a band of strange monks that have taken up residence at the Wilford Manor. Baron Wilford and his family have not been seen since the monks arrived almost ten years ago. The monks terrorize the villagers regularly, and exact a heavy tithe of their food and money. Those who complain have been known to disappear, and all attempts to send word to the Earl have met with failure. The monks seem to know all that goes on in the village, and the messengers are never seen again. The Adventurers will soon learn that these monks are cultists of unknown faith, and who are attempting to harness the energies of the Shadowmoor and Feyweald for some arcane and sinister purpose. The Heroes must stop these dark monks in order to find out what became of Tulwen, and even travel beyond their own world to rescue the young Knight. 4 Variant Rule - Noble Boons A Noble Boon is a favor, that can be collected in either goods or services. Typically, a boon’s “goods” value is equal to about 10% of the Total Monetary Treasure for the Treasure Parcels at that Level. Double that amount if the boon is taken out in services. Example: A 1st Level Character would likely be able to request that the Earl grant him a gift, such as a horse, or a fine piece of armor. In services, it might be more valuable, such as having an expensive fine waived, or be given a letter of recommendation to use to gain favor from another noble, or even to be sent on another quest that will result in fame and potential wealth. Sample file

Transcript of Sample file - watermark.rpgnow.comThe Heroes must stop these dark monks in order to ... Called the...

  • Earl Gifford has summoned the Characters together in the hopes of finding out what happened to his son, Tulwen.  Those Characters who received a written summons know of Tulwen through some direct interaction, be it socializing, military service, or some other way.  It is recommended that elements from the Player‐Characters’ backgrounds be used to create a story in which Tulwen may have played a favorable part.  Tulwen had been sent over a week ago to the small village of Wilford, twenty or so miles outside of town.  The Baron of Wilford has recently stopped paying the rent and taxes.  As the village is under the Earl’s demesne, he sent Tulwen to try and find out the reason why the taxes, which while not overly burdensome, are not being paid.  There is a bit of urgency, as the yearly Royal Accounting will soon take place, and the lapse will come to the notice of the King.  Since the young heir of the Earl is known to champion the causes of the down‐trodden, it was decided that he would be sent as a mediator.  The House of Gifford is well known for its kindness and generous nature, and are among the more popular noble families with the common folk.  It would be hard to imagine that, given the family’s reputation, the villagers would attempt to harm Tulwen.     

    Fearing some foul play, perhaps by enemies or forces unknown, Earl Owain has called the Characters together to investigate.  The Earl suggests that perhaps the adventurers might take a walk out to Wilford and see what happened to Tulwen.  He even claims he would grant them a boon for seeing to it that his son is safe.  If you choose not to play with Noble Boons in your campaign, the Earl will simply offer each Character a reward of 50 gold coins for the safe return of his son. 

    ~Adventure Synopsis~  After traveling to Wilford, the Adventurers will meet with some townspeople at the local inn, The Fairy in the Glen.  They will find the villagers closed‐mouth and a little fearful, as they question them about Tulwen’s whereabouts.    The Heroes soon learn that the brave young nobleman went to investigate a band of strange monks that have taken up residence at the Wilford Manor.  Baron Wilford and his family have not been seen since the monks arrived almost ten years ago.  The monks terrorize the villagers regularly, and exact a heavy tithe of their food and money.  Those who complain have been known to disappear, and all attempts to send word to the Earl have met with failure.  The monks seem to know all that goes on in the village, and the messengers are never seen again. 

    The Adventurers will soon learn that these monks are cultists of unknown faith, and who are attempting to harness the energies of the Shadowmoor and Feyweald for some arcane and sinister purpose.  The Heroes must stop these dark monks in order to find out what became of Tulwen, and even travel beyond their own world to rescue the young Knight. 


    Variant Rule - Noble Boons  A Noble Boon is a favor, that can be collected in either goods or services.  Typically, a boon’s “goods” value is equal to about 10% of the Total Monetary Treasure for the Treasure Parcels at that Level.   Double that amount if the boon is taken out in services.  Example: A 1st Level Character would likely be able to request that the Earl grant him a gift, such as a horse, or a fine piece of armor.  In services, it might be more valuable, such as having an expensive fine waived, or be given a letter of recommendation to use to gain favor from another noble, or even to be sent on another quest that will result in fame and potential wealth.  


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  • ~PLAYER BACKGROUND~  Read or paraphrase to the Players: You receive an invitation to the home of the Earl of Gifford, which comes as a bit of a surprise, since it comes from the Earl himself and not his son, Tulwen, with whom you are acquainted.  You make your way to the estate at the appointed hour, and are shown into a large study to meet with Earl Owain.  The Earl, a robust and regal man older man, sits behind a massive desk of carved oak, and invites you to be seated.  He gazes at each of you in turn, as if searching for faces for something, and it is difficult to meet his eyes.  “My son, Tulwen, with whom some of you are acquainted, has gone… missing,” he states flatly, his deep voice low and tense.  “I fear something may have happened to him, for he is nearly a week overdue in returning.”  The Earl rises and comes around the desk to stand before you, moving with the ease of a fighting man.  But his powerful shoulders slump when, despite his great dignity, and he lets forth a weary sigh.   

    The Earl fixes you with a sad stare and says, “I would require… no, I ask you, as Tulwen’s friend… to go and find out what happened to my son.”  

    Role‐play Opportunity: You are free to impart as much or little information from the DM’ Background as you see fit, based upon the questions asked by the Characters.     

    The Earl is honest and forthright, but will not tolerate impertinence.  He will stress the importance of discretion when acting as his agents, but also will promise to reward those faithful to the House of Gifford. 



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     Read or paraphrase to the Players: After marching out of town through the cool damp spring air for several hours, you come to the village of Wilford.  It is a small farming community, and most folks out working  in the fields, tilling to be ready for the spring planting.  The village’s inn, The Fairy in the Glen, looks comfortable and would be a good place to start asking after Tulwen.  Read or paraphrase to the Players as they enter the inn: The innkeeper eyes you warily as you enter, and the villagers stop talking and turn to gaze at you.  They exchange nervous, and perhaps even frightened, glances.  The Innkeeper, Rolf, is brusque and cold, and appears to be a terrible host.  If the Characters ask to be served, they will be given dried bread and moldy cheese, with the only beverages being water or a sour beer.    

     An Insight DC10 will reveal that it is clear the villagers are hiding something, and the innkeeper is doing everything he can to make sure the Heroes do not want to stay here.  

    ~Skill Challenge: Looking for Tulwen~

     Setup: To  locate Tulwen, the adventurers must overcome the villagers’ fears. Level: 1 Complexity: 2 (6 Successes before 3 Failures) Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, History  Secondary Skills: Insight, Perception, Intimidate  Perception (DC 10): (One try only) The Character realizes that while the village land looks prosperous and productive, the villagers look down trodden and poor.  Insight (DC 15): (One try only) The Character realizes that the villagers are hiding a secret and are afraid ‐ more afraid of it than of the wrath of the Earl. Bluff (DC 15): The Character can use bluff to make the villagers believe that they are “important” persons looking for Tulwen  If Insight Success: The Characters can play upon the villagers’ fears, and bluster that they can help the village out of whatever predicament they are experiencing.    



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  •  If Perception Success: The Characters can play upon the villagers’ poverty and hint that they will share the reward for recovering Tulwen.  Diplomacy (DC 15): The Character can reason with the villagers that they are simply looking for their lost friend.  If the Insight Check Success: They can offer assistance if only the villagers will reveal what is really going on.  If Perception Check Success: The Characters can promise that they will help the village.  History (DC 10): (One try only) The Character can point out that the village is part of kingdom and has prospered under the Earl’s care, and they should want to help out finding his lost son.  Intimidate (DC 15): (Can try twice) The Character can threaten the villagers that if they do not reveal the whereabouts of Tulwen, the wrath of the Earl will be great.  Intimidate Failure: All DCs of the skill challenge increase by +2.  Partial Success: After 3 Successes, the villagers admit Tulwen did come to town about 6 days ago.   

     Complete Success: After 6 Successes, the villagers will admit that things are bad since the monks set up shop at the old manor house, and they charge “protection” to the village and that’s why they can’t pay their taxes.  Sometimes people have been known to disappear in the night, once or twice a year.  They admit that despite their warnings, Tulwen went up to have a word with the villainous monks.    The adventurers now can head to the Manor to find out what happened to Tulwen. 

     Failure: The villagers will lie about where Tulwen went, claiming that he went to the nearby woods to investigate the outlaws that make them pay protection, so they can’t make their taxes, and he has not returned  This will initiate the Into the Fairy Woods Skill Challenge. 

    The Feyweald

    There is wondrous realm beyond the touch of most mere mortals, where the eladrin and fairy folk dwell in a land of bright beauty. Called the Feywild by some scholars, it is a dangerous place that only be reached where the veil between worlds is weak, or through special gates. And where the veil is weak, the mundane world can be changed by the power of the Feyweald, giving rise to tales and legends of “fairy woods” It is a dangerous place, for all its wild majesty, and even Heroes must tread carefully where the fairy creatures hold sway.



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  • ~Skill Challenge: Into the Fairy Woods~

     DM’s Note: Skip over this encounter to The Old Hermit if the  Adventurers were successful in the previous skill challenge.  Read or paraphrase to the Players:  You plunge into the woods looking for signs of the outlaws the villagers warned you about.  But the trail you follow twists about and soon you realize you are lost in a very strange forest.  Setup: To find your way out of the fairy woods.  Level 1 Complexity: 1 (4 Successes before 3 Failures) – Checks represent 1 hour of time passing. Primary Skills: Arcana, Nature, Perception  Arcana (DC 10): (Only one try ‐ first time through) You realize that this is no ordinary woods, and may be enchanted, or even in touch with the Feyweald.  Arcana (DC 15): You clear your mind of the befuddling effects of the Feyweald and hold true to your course. 

    Nature (DC 15): Despite the strangeness of the woods, you use your crafts to seek a true path out.  Perception (DC 10): You notice something odd about the enchanted woods and point it out to your comrades, giving them an edge.  Does not count toward successes, but grants a +2 to the next Nature or Arcana Roll.  Success: After 4 successes, the Characters reach the Old Hermit encounter, and are free of the forest.  Failure: The Characters lose a healing surge and must start the skill challenge over again.  

    ~The Old Hermit~ Read or paraphrase to the Players if they are coming from the Looking for Tulwen Skill Challenge: On the way to the old manor house, you notice a shack off the road at the edge of the woods.  A warm glow from the shack’s windows seem to beckon, and the faint sounds of a flute can be heard playing a sad tune.   

    Read or paraphrase to the Players if they are coming from the Into the Fairy Woods Skill Challenge:  The woods are thinning ahead, and this may be the path out.  Appearing at the edge of the woods is an old shack, and beyond appears to be a road beyond it!  A warm glow from the shack’s windows beckons, and  faint sounds of a flute playing a sad tune can be heard.  The old hermit has lived here for many years, long before the coming of the strange cult to the old manor house.  He will not seem surprised to see the adventurers, and will offer them some tea or wine, and is very hospitable.  He is very open, as if he knew that the adventurers, or folks like them, would one day come to help the village.    He is very garrulous, and with little prompting, will reveal these facts:   The old lord Wilford was a fair man, 

    not like these monks that use his estate. 

      The old lord and his family disappeared 

    one autumn ten years ago.  And by winter, the monks had moved into the manor. 



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    The Perilous Secrets of Wilford ManorIntroductionVariant Rule - Noble Boons

    Player BackgroundThe Village SecretSkill Challenge: Looking for TulwenSidebar: The Feyweald

    Up to the ManorSkill Challenge: Into the Fairy Woods

    Wilford Manor HouseSidebar: Dynamic Manor Encounters

    At the Family PlotSidebar: The Shadowmoor

    The Dark PortalObstacle: Faces of the Dead

    A Perilous ConunctionSidebar: An Unfinished Letter

    The Waygate of the FeyInto the FeywealdSkill Challenge: Making Meadhbh Believe

    Encounter #1: The Guardians at the StableEncounter #2: Ambush in the Great HallEncounter #3: The Darkest of SoulsEncounter #4: Horror in the KitchenEncounter #5: The Shadowmoor CurseEncounter #6: Haunters in ShadowEncounter #7: The Broken FocusEncounter #8: Mercenary FairiesMap of Wilford Manor

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