Samantha Stanfield - Architecture Portfolio

Samantha Lynn Stanfield Master of Architecture



Transcript of Samantha Stanfield - Architecture Portfolio

Page 1: Samantha Stanfield - Architecture Portfolio

Samantha Lynn Stanfield Master of Architecture

Page 2: Samantha Stanfield - Architecture Portfolio

Uptown City Center - Seattle, WAGraduate Architectural Design Studio | Fall 2014

Using Power to Empower - Seattle, WAGraduate Architectural Design Studio | Summer 2014

Books and Booze - Tieton WAUndergraduate Architectural Design Studio | Fall 2013

Vacation Home - IdahoUndergraduate Architectural Design Studio | Spring 2012

13008 174th St. E, Puyallup, WA 98374 | 253.318.7685 | [email protected]

OBJECTIVE:Seeking a position to further develop my skills in architectural design and obtain professional experience in the field.


» Skilled at Multitasking

» Exceptionally Organized

» Natural Leader

» Proficient in Adobe Illustrator,

InDesign, and Photoshop

» Experienced in Rhino, AutoCAD,

and Revit



Teaching Assistant - Laser Cutter TechnicianWSU School of Design and Construction Fabrication Lab | Pullman, WA

Service AttendantWSU Student Recreation Center | Pullman, WA

Master of Architecture | School of Design and ConstructionWashington State University, Pullman, WA

B.S. in Architectural Studies, English Minor | School of Design and ConstructionWashington State University, Pullman, WA

Summer College | School of Art and ArchitectureCornell University, Ithaca, NY




08|14 to Present

01|13 to 05|15

Samantha Lynn Stanfield Contents

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The goal of the project is to provide Uptown with its own unifying living

room, by making families and children the focus of a new neighborhood

center that reaches out to establish connections to the nearby Queen

Anne neighborhood and the Seattle Center. By enriching the area with a

new public high school, multi-family housing and diverse retail spaces,

the design will embrace the spirit of Uptown and unify the community

as a whole. During the exploration of Meeting House Square and

Vancouverism, I recognized the significance of families in urban areas

as a tool to bring safety, security and pride to the area. Therefore, the

residential units were designed for families, focusing on three to four

bedroom units, and include neighborhood elements such as the pea

patch, playground, and open green space.

City CenterThe City Center re-envisioned providing Uptown with its own unifying living room, by making families and children the focus of a new neighborhood community center and High School.

Washington State UniversityGraduate Architectural Design Studio | Fall 2014Approximately 580,000 Sq. Ft.


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Seattle School Districts

The diagrams on this page showcase some of the research

which lead to the development of the program and the

design. The diagrams to the far right highlight the three

major connections the Uptown City Center emphasizes,

the Key Arena, the path from Queen Anne Blvd. to the

Gates foundation, and lastly the ballet school.

Residential in Uptown

New Residential Projects

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Approximately 150,000 sq ft total

Enrollment of 1,200 student

STEM program housed in NW


Library with community access


Approximately 70,000 sq ft total

Individual units from 4,000 to

15,000 sq ft

Size of units modeled after shops

located on Queen Anne Avenue


Approximately 360,000 sq ft total

3 and 4 bedroom units

Approximately 60 units total

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t Flo

or P




or P




or P


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This project is a design for people without homes, specifically those

residing in temporary and mobile settlements such as Tent City 3. Tent

Cities have formed all over the country as encampments for people

in need of transitional housing. The city of Seattle has an agreement

with TC3 which allows them to reside on church property for up to

three months at a time. The goal of the project is to liberate these

encampments from the power grid through the creation of their own

energy using solar power. Tent Cities such as TC3 are self-governed, and I

want to introduce the idea that they can also become self-sufficient and


Using POWER To


Washington State UniversityGraduate Architectural Design Studio | Summer 2014 Approximately 570 Sq. Ft.

A 24 foot long trailer designed as the main community space within a tent city, the location of weekly meeting, daily meals, and social engagement.

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H a l l e r L a k e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

H a l l e r L a k e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

R i v e r t o n Pa r k U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

H a l l e r L a k e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

H a l l e r L a k e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

R i v e r t o n Pa r k U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

H a l l e r L a k e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

H a l l e r L a k e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

R i v e r t o n Pa r k U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

Inventory Analysis (Tent City 3) Solar Power System

Site Analysis (Tent City 3)

X 45 = Enough to Power... (For 24 hours a day)

(42) Fluorescent Light Bulbs

(1) Desktop Computer

(17) Laptops

(2) Refrigerators

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The design is a 24 foot long trailer which will serve as the main

community “tent” within a tent city, which has 45 solar panels and the

ability to hook up to the power grid and literally turn back the meter.

When open, the trailer will provide 570+ square feet of community space

for the 100+ residence of the city. This is the space where people not

only relax, eat and socialize throughout the day, but also the space which

houses the weekly meetings, and where hot meals, provided by churches,

are served. The adjustable floors, roofs, solar panels, and seating, allow

the space to transform easily with the needs of the camp. And lastly, with

the trailer completely closed up and ready to go, there is ample interior

space which can be used to transport items from one site to the next,

speeding up the moving process.

Pallet System Floor Seating System Roof System

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I proposed a mixed-use facility which combines the expansion of Tieton

Cider Works with a new public library, each program separate yet

unavoidably integrated. Cider Works is a business which emerged out of

Tieton and the surrounding apple orchards, and has grown far beyond

its current facilities. The library gifts something entirely for the people

of Tieton as individuals. The design is meant to exemplify the linear

character of the industrial process of hard cider making, drawing from

the design of dam powerhouses. The elevated glass box housing the

library provides an exaggeration of this linear language by paralleling

the rhythm of cider making while connecting visually with each step of

the process. In turn the library becomes a similar U-shaped process of

drawing one from the entrance to the back balcony then back down the

sky lit path to the front balcony. cold storage and a tasting room.


Washington State UniversityUndergraduate Architectural Design Studio | Fall 2013Approximately 12,000 Sq. Ft.

and BoozeGiving Tieton, not only a place to house books and produce Cider, but a place to: dwell, learn, and interact with the books, and cider in a new way.

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Second Floor Plan

C i r c u l a t i o n

S e c t i o n A S e c t i o n B

R e a d i n g R o o m

S e c t i o n C

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First Floor Plan

Ta s t i n g R o o m

P r e s s i n g

S e c t i o n BS e c t i o n A

F e r m e n t a t i o nB o t t l i n g

S e c t i o n C

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Basement Plan

C o l d S t o r a g e

Sect ion A

Sect ion B

Sec t ion C

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Our assignment was to design a vacation home for an artist, next to

the river in Northern Idaho. It was significant to take advantage of the

spectacular views, creating a picturesque environment for the visiting

artist and his guests. The project developed into a study of perspective

and capturing a different view point in each space. The separation

between public and private space also became very important within

the design because of the minute size of the project. Capturing the

most significant view, which was the bend in the river to the South

East became a driving force for the project. The site itself was also a

significant challenge because of its very steep grade leading down to the

river. The dichotomy between public and private spaces introduces the

concept of this project which is about perspective and capturing different


Washington State UniversityUndergraduate Architectural Design Studio | Spring 2012Approximately 1,500 Sq. Ft.

A Vacation HOMEin Idaho

A study of perspective, and capturing a different point of view between public and private space.

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Section A cut through the main public space and kitchen.

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S e c t i o n B

S e c t i o n B

S e c t i o n A S e c t i o n A S e c t i o n B

S i t e P l a n

D e t a i l

S e c t i o n