SAM# OLIVER SAYS T Wanted -€¦ · ai his: Mi-.;lack I.eota Gattis, f...

Friday, January 12. 1917 r 1 SAM OLIVER SAYS HE GAINED 15 POUNDS # T out- midst. Mr. Mike Ilcy, our popular mayor, has returned from a weeksvisit to his son in Charleston. The new consolidated school build- ing has been completed and is now ready for occupancy, which will be year just opening to make us a liv- f ome tjme noxt week, with approp-, Sunt Oliver, for eight years fore- . , , !nK «»>'>• illustration of the overcom- ,.jate exercises. The building is a man „f the bridge (tan* for the A. As I have not seen any happenings in*., all sufficient, satisfying, joyous , ro,|it t0 uny community and one of g. y. railroad and living at Chunky, trom these parts in some time, Christian life. which all should be proud, and an in- Miss., said a few days ago: thought 1 would sendin a bit of -'If. and Mrs. T. A. Horton have .(jtution which in every way reflects "Since I began taking Tanlae i ews- moved in their new home near ttl(, future 0f the coming generation, )laV(, picked up fifteen pounds in Wc are glad to state that Mrs. A. Graysport. We hope for them a life ,y. wc]] as community. ! weight and now I feel as strong as a I.. Cohea is up, after having been of prosperity and happiness. y|r. 1. L. Singleton, of Lamliert,' mule. For throe or four years I quite ill. We regret to learn that Miss Cordie visjted homefolks Sunday, returning suffered from stomach trouble and in- Mr. R. D. Parker visited home- Pritchard, the beautiful, fascinating t0 |,jg w-ork Monday morning. ! digestion. I couldnt cat much of folks during the Christmas holidays, and accomplished young daughter of------------------------ I nnvthing and what I did eat disagreed at Millport, Ala. Mr. and Mrs .lames Pritchard, who T h e Sentinel nnd Pro*r»»»iv« with me'. I was constantly suffering Mrs. Jesse McCormick and sister, live in our midst, is stricken with pRrmer> $2.00 the year. Subscribe gas on my stomach and often Miss Hattie Cohea, returned to Mem- serious sickness. The entire family |low ! fcjt nauseated, weak ami dizzy. I phis Saturday, after spending Christ- have our most heartfelt sympathy ' ___ ___________ kept losing weight and strength and mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. and we hope fov the sweet, noble WOLFE SCHOOL NOTES. I petting more nervous until I couldnt C. O. Cohea. sufferer a speedy recovery. | ________ sleep at all well. I had very little Mr. and Mrs. P, C. McClure spent Mr. I.uther I.ackcy, of Paris. Miss., ^Ir an(j Mrs \ Whitten and energv and felt so tired and worn Sunday with Mrs. Rosa Willis. but who now has a position in Chi- chi|(Jr'en- jamie and Mary Holmes, out all the time that it was a hurd- Miss Clara Kilgore spent Christ- cago, spent the Christmas holidays of (jascj]|a spent Sunday with Mr. chip for me to look after my work mas with homefolks at Big Creek, at his home. Mr. Lackey is a young an(j jjrs j ^ Whitten. properly. None of the many medi- i She will resume her school duties man of noble Christian character. sadie Rice, who is spending cines I tried did me any good and I next Monday. Mr. Ellis McCord, of the hickory ^f timc uith her sister, Mrs. Ed was getting in a had fix. Mr. J. N. Roberts and family spent mill, was unexpectedly called to Cal- grunson> 0f Cascilla, spent Sunday One day while talking to a friend Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Maggie houn City to attend the funeral of a homefolks. about my condition he told me nhout Cohea. Miss Lottie Cohea returned relative. We extend our sympathy <-j]as ftuchanan, of Rosebloom, was Tanlae and advised to to try it. with them to spend several days. , to Mr. McCord. . a recent visitor here. Well, after a few days I began to Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Powell, of Kin- Mr. Sullivan made a business trip jjr anfj jjrs Rice Hnd little feel better and I got so I could eat caid, were called to the bedside of to Hary Saturday and stayed over ^ jrtf were Rosebloom visi- and cn.ioy my meals. I have, now their daughter, Mrs. Lula Cohen, last till Sunday. jors' Sunday. taken five bottles and without de- v.eek. I Mr. Berry Ballard, of the heading Messrs. Curtis Whitten, of Cascil- scribing how I improved with each Miss Wilma Criss spent the day mill, likes jolly girls, *nd he never )h ' anf) p-reddie Little, of Center- bottle, Ill just say that my stomach last Saturday with her sister, Mrs. suffers with lonliness except once or 'jn^ were visitors here Sunday. j3 now in fine condition and I can eat Sadie Criss McClure. twice a month. j Miss Sadie Whitten is spending the anything I want and as much as I Mrs. Jennie McClure, of Coffee- BLONDE AND BRUNETTE. 'week in Rosebloom, attending the please and every sign of my indiges- ville. spent last week with her daugh- ^ * ~ _ meeting. tion is gone. I feel as active and ter, Mrs.Paul Gray. The Sentinel end Progressive | kittle Misses Addie Mae and Geor- run 0f energy as I ever did and hard- Miss DotCoheais spending the Farmer, $2.00 the year. Subscribe Wolfe spent Saturday night jy i^now my strength. Tanlae is great week with her brother, Mr. A. L. Co- now. ari(j Sunday with their cousins, Misses an,j },as fixed me up so I can eat any- hen. i Madic and Mottie Wolfe. thing, sleep like a log and work all Misses Jessie and Annie Whitten ,|ay anr| still feel fine when night spent Saturday afternoon in Paul. comes.Miss Zania Whitten and sisters. Tanlae is sold in Grenada by the Nolie Irene and Lina, attended ser- 2nd Class and Corner Drug Stores; at Rosclboom Sunday. a]so by S. S. Flowers, Kilmichael, Mr. C. J. Cox, Jr., of England. Miss., G. Y. Gillespie. Duck Hill, Ark., was a recent visitor of Mr. R. Miss.. W. H. Kelly, Winona. Miss., K. Rice. G. E. Chamberlain. Kincaid, Miss., Caffey & Horton, Elliott, Miss. j wews ©ver tbe Countv Wanted Bridge Foremen Feele «• Strong a, a Mule After Taking TanlaeSuf- fered Three Year*. i j +Ml-W SPEARS. PRIH All Kinds of HIDES and FURS! Beeswax and Tallow, Cow Hides, Mink, Coon, Muskrat aad Opossum Hides. HIGHEST CASH MARKET PRICES! Also all kinds of Peas-Whips. Stocks and Mixed King Produce Co Jno. S. King, Manager Grenada, Miss. 4' i [volume holcoh Mill ! did A Most That .< Edu dr*»*Oth«r ' On la® j, 10.0°° ,t Hold I school d I v.-cre I , -ted f I school | .ratn v 1. ii E. «• 2. C peach, cile l' Ci | a Ei 1 !raiS®3i3JBO/5EO®Sfajaja/3/3Ef3f3iaf L5I13 For Sale or Trade cT : Mesdumcs Fred Boh Austin nnd children were very pleasant visi-; tors at the home of Mrs. Paul Grey Tuesday. Mr. Sam McClure wears a broad here, grin now. due to a New Year card from the Big Creek route- sender please send her name so he -as. can answer same? HARDY ITEMS. ) 3. Mr. Glen Thomason, of Tatum, is spending several days with relatives ucatii * 4. vices elcome Mr. C. Will the E. Smith back from a trip to Arkan- We are glad t (Lac I 5. A r>. Mrs. Annie Collins went to Grena- Master Robert and Miss Lina Gray da Sunday night, to give a reading spent last week with relatives here. Monday, by special invitation, to the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thigpen are directors and friends of the Grena- entertaining a little s Mr. Lewis Thigpen spent the Xmas her readings are alwa holidays with his cousins. Mr. and joyed. Mrs. Clyde Williams, near Coffeeville. Mv. R. B. Thomason was a Grena- Mr. and Mrs. Orliff Davis spent da visitor Monday, the holidays with homefolks. There were too many things hap- Mr. Lester Cole spent several days pening during the holidays to be re- with friends at Grenada last week, ported, hence our absence the past Mr. R. H. Gray and Radford Aus- two weeks. out last Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Seals, of near Cascilla, have moved among us, and BILLY BOY. we are glad to welcome such good ------ people to our community. Rev. S. T. Courtney preachel his Subscribe last sermon here on the 1th Sunday ; in January. He and his family will move to Florence, Miss., where he has accepted a pastorate. Wc much re- gret to lose him after three years oik among us. As yet e have no pastor for this year. Mr. John Thomas, Constable of regret little Herbert Pitt- j Beat 4. spent a night with his sister man has been very ill. Hope he will there. ai his: Mi-.; I.eota Gattis, f Memphis, I Misses Townes and Baker and Mrs. it. il'ttkiv, of Hi. Lore, visited >i 1 The Sentinel and Progressive Farmer. $2.00 the year. Subscribe SUP OVF.R *2,000.000 FOR COTTON PRODUCTS OF 1910 CROP. S She is very gifted, and greatly en- da Bank. Lu M1STERTON DOTS The December report of the De-i nartment of Agriculture nuts the av- “rage pri m of cotton paid the farm- ers a.; of December first, at 10.6 -erts a wound, at which the vears cron would be worth $1,070,351,616. evrlu-ive of the value of linter cot- ton i»"d seed. Based on an estimate ccntlv isseud bv the Department ns he average selling price of seed this -ear the value of the seed will ox- eod bv *1150.000.000, which would make the total for the cron, includ- ing seed and linters. considerably in excess of $1,350,000,000. About 3,000.00 bales of cotton were brought over from previous crons. Possibly the amount will exceed these figures. A nuantity of cotton has been car- ried hv farmers for several years. On this basis, however, the total val- ue of this years cron and of the cron brouht over from last vear would be over *1.500.000.000, Tiiese figures more than sustain the estimates made bv the Manufac- turers Record a month or more ago to the value of this years eron. The value added to the cotton which will he manufactured in Southern cotton mills and the value'of the out- put of Southern cotton seed oil mills will make the total income to the South fro mcotton during this crop season considerably larger than $2,000,000,000. In view of the fact that this vears crop, following a short crop of last '-ear. gives a supply very much Ipss than the worlds consumptive re- quirements, it is not surprising that prices have reached such high figures and despite temporary fluctuations in the speculative market we can see no reason why verv full figures should not prevail through the bal- ance of the crop year and likewise through the coming year, unless we should have a phenomenally good yield in 1917, and this hardly seems possible in view of the fertilizer sit- uation and the scarcity of labor. While the South may therefore ex- pect a large price for cotton it would be a fatal mistake of this section not to give increased attention during the coming year to the production of food stuffs. Nothing but bumper grai ncrops next year can prevent this country from facing almost a food-famine condtion. with prices of foodtsuffs far beyond present figures, heading over $2,000,000,000 for cot- ton and cotton products this year.Manufacturers Reocrd. tel Miss Irene Frazier spent several lays with her sister, Mrs. L. E. Trus- seil in Grenada. Mrs. J. E. Phillips and daughter, Miss Minnie, were guests of Mrs. R. F. Carpenter Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Collins vis- ited Mr. S. P. Caffey Sunday. Mr. J. E. Carpenter made a busi- ness trip to Grenada Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Caffey are en- tertaining a young gentleman in their home. Mrs. Webb and Mrs. English were at Mi.-tertor. shopping Tuesday after- Ki ~ T tin, of Coffeeville. were week on a hunting trip. 1 ( for other stock, two Al first-class home raised Jacks, perfect condition. This is some man's opportunity to secure a bargain. Reas'on for selling is that I am in bad health. The Sentinel and ProgreMire Fermer, $2.00 the year. W. R. YEARGER. EMBRY DOTS. noon. Mr. Tom Woods and brothers, of Eupora, were enroute Monday for the delta. Misses Odie and Esther Carpenter visited the Misses Minafore Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard were guests of Mr. W. E. Abies Saturday night and Sundav. Miss Lula Abies was shopping Tuesday afternoon Mrs. P. M. Searcy was in Grenada several days on business. There was preaching at Providence Sunday. Rev. Land is pastor for the year. We wish him success with re- ligious work. There never was a ime when ihe world needed this true -pirit of fraternalism as now. With doubt, dread, fear and fury al! about us. fraternity stands forth and beck- rns utto confidence, hope and peace. How monstrous the wrong to use fraternity for baser purposes, for selfish aims! Finally, the spirit of fraternity bids us be charitable. Judge not, that ye be not judged,is a gooil rule. To do good, to be on the square, to be just, to speak well of others, to help the unfortunate, is the spirit of fraternity, and to this onri let real fraternity work, for thus will be realized that oft-repcateu pravei, Thy Kingdom come, th; will be done on earth as it is in Heav- LII AC.Mr. Oris Pittman and Miss Jimmie of fruitful Lou Pendergrast were recently mar- ried at the. home of the groom. To our lack ) i! work -cho % tin # Julia Mart * the C; : amny have j W l&retta neighbor-1 Mrs Aldridge Monday. We are glad m ci mo hood fro.Spirng hill, to have them with us. Our school at Cadaretta is pro- gressing nicely. Christmas was highly celebrated and everybody seemed to have en- joyed it immensely. Mr. Herman Montgomery and wife leturned home Saturday where they spent Xmas week with her mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Childs, of Holcomb. 1A The W. M. U. met at the hospit- able home of Mrs. R. B. Thomason on Monday afternoon. Instead of a program, the ladies spent the time making a quilt, to be sold for mis- sions. After finishing work, nice re- freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bell, of Gre- nada. visited their sisters, Mesdames Martin and Harris, on Sunday. Mrs. Martin. Jr., and Mrs. B. W. Smith have returned from visits to their parents at West Point and Goodman, respectively. Mr. E. Prewitt was a visitor here on Sunday. Mrs. Bettie Lee Cox. of Tatum, was here Monday. Mrs. Coats and little James returned home with her to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Thomason. Little Misses Doris and Wrenn and Fri nk Thomason spent several days with relatives here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Childress and rhil- Thomason and Mis > . * WF m (7 ft*"* ^CTE# WINTER WH#OF BEST OVALITY N 0 A. N-7 W. F. n and Lela Montgomery visited Mrs. Lillian Pendergrast Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Fannie Avery and daughter were the guests of Mrs. Fannie Lank- ford Thursday. Mr. Walter Misses Aria fjj i >.j A f ife and daughter spent the night Thursday with Mr. Julian Marter. Mis Aria Montgomery and sister- in-law, Mrs. Sallie Montgomery, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jell Pittman. Mr. Oris Pittman and wife visited her brother, Mr. Grover Pendergrast, l dren, also Mi Wednesday. Julia were here too. I.ittle Jack Townes has recovered from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Miss Margaret and Edwin Aldridge have returned to their work in Wi- a. after a few days here with homefolks. The beautiful weather of the past few days makes the farmers glad and the housewives want to begin gar- dening. Plenty of winter weather to come vet. Cooper. Good because it tastes good. Quality in flour means more than just baking ^ quality. The most important result that you ^et from the extra fino qualify ot Valiers Dainty rlour is the extra tmoflcnwr of your baking. V^lier'a Dj.nty F'r> L en.*' Mr. Leslie Pittman and family spent the day with his brother, Mr. Alfred Pittman Wednesday. The people of Embry are rejoicing over the beautiful weather which we are having now. after so muchc rain. BLONDE AND BRUNETTE.* c* f00** flavored wheat; milled by a special fcjl'Ot the line flavor: then silted throuRh ailh lon •O/dlf/y flnur *nd gives quttfv results inf; Valier s Dairity tie*turn* you need flour.V r.-fuirfli ten tjrJ. ••ss. which s. The Sentinel and Progre»*ive Farmer, $2 00 the year. Subscribe now. It I :ng. iiavo yoi nil n. ui, noi TT ni ■v SPARTA COMMUNITY GOSSIP Wc arc sorry to know our good people of the community have the measles. Mr. Dewey Head, of Helena, Ark., is visiting friends and relatives in tnir. vicinity. Mr. Joe Ray and family were at .spai-ta Sunday School Sunday after- noon. Mrs. A. W. Hammond and two at- tractive little children were at Sun- day Sehool. Mr. Laney Ray was a visitor in our community Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Organ have been busily engaged sitting up with the sick in the community. Dr. L. H. Hightower and family, , of Holcomb, motored through the country Sunday afternoon. A real bad storm passed through ... ,, the community last week, tearing the r loyn s from one 0f jir, W. C. Mul- lens houses on the place, and tore 1 up things in general. ' Mr. H. F.. Bibb, one carriers for the Consolidated School j at Holcomb, has had only three ehil- f th r't .1 dren to take to school, and the cause] fat hog of t tne ltv f|j. tjle others not going is on account; pounds.Miss Geneva Lott, of Carrollton,! 1 is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lake Clark. I The Farmer, $2.00 the now. Sentinel and Progreisive Subscribe TED. PRINTERS OR PUBLISHERS: t KINCAID PICK UPS.Sentinel and Progressive Farmer, $2.00 the year. Subscribe The THE OFFICE BOYS ANSWER. Messrs. R. A. Me Re; >f Grenada, wei in Kincaid j G al. The editor was away for a week, according to an exchange, and the office boy answered the inquiries. Following were some results: Please tell mo how hash is made.(YV. M.) Hash is not made. It akuinulates. Is it ail right to feed hogs eorn- in-the-ear?(G. K.) No. Put in the trof aid let them help themselves. I -am in love with a homely girl who works fov us but she dont seem to care for me, while a pretty girl with lots of money wants to marry What shall I do?" (Will M.) Marry the one you love, and send f the rural I me the name and address of the oth- -w last Monday. HOLCOMB LOCALS. Rev. Lee Gillon. >f Jackson, came out last week and spent a few days other. Mrs " ' ■■■ •as a delta i vi-;ior Sunday and Monday. Mr. M. I). Brett attended the Gre- nada Bank meeting at Grenada Mon- Mr. R. D. Williams M. J. Gillon. nt to Grenada ! with his Mr. F. K. Gillon We have one 10x15 C. & P. Gordon Job Pres* for sale CHEAP. Recently overhauled and painted and as good as new. rollers, 2 wrenches, 3 chases, throw-off. Reason for selling, larger press installed and have 4 $100 cash takes press, F. O. B. Grenada. last Tuesday on business. Dr. R. C. James, Guy James, Mal- colm James and K. M. Trussell were in Oakland last Saturday. Mrs. Mollie Tru U Mr. L. A. Young;, log buyer for the James E. Stark i Co., of Memphis was a business visitor here Thlira- day. Steam fixtures, treadle, 6 11 and Miss F.ilic Trussell were visitors at the home of Mrs. J. J Gi last Sunday atter- Kev. and Mrs. C. T. Floyd anti son. i Wayne, have returned from spend- ing the holidays v a rents in Memphis. The erection lor the Methodist church, adjoining flu church building, has been com- menced end will be completed at an now. ! Mrs. M. T. Chamberlain has re- turned home after a pleasant visit p; to her daughter. Mrs. J. W. Leverett, 1 of Elliott. The pretty, attractive Miss Mary Ellen Leverett. of Elliott, was in town la t week, being the guest of her cousin, Mi>s Elbe Agnes Trussell. The entertainment rith Mr. me. THE SENTINEL f l nice parsonage I er one. Please tell me how to raise a nice about «r)00 hundred ! early date. GRENADA, MISS. Mr. Sam .1. Simmons, the ; 1 -umber Go.. Grenada, was a busine home of Mr. J. H. James last Friday j visitor here Wednesday, night was enjoyed by all present. Quite a crowd attended and all re- port a pleasant time. The dance given at the residence of Jack Caffey last week was greatly enjoyed by all who attended, had a dandy time" was fr heard as the crowd departed. al given Get a derrick. How can I tell when the water is ' Mr. Thomas Organ was n Holcomb | the right temperature for bathing] baby?” (Young Mother.) If the kid gets red and hollers, the! water is too hot; if he gits blue and shivers, its too cold. I am 40 years old, have a nice lit- tle farm, ami am thinking of taking j !. wife. What would you advise?" j (Old Batch.) I would advise you to he kerful j whose wife you take.Cotton Oil 1 News. i 0 Messrs. R. V Nason and L. T. Hayden attended the Grenada Bank meeting at Grenada Monday. Quite a crowd of young people en- joyed Monday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Curie. South visitor Saturday. Mr. Frank Lott munity Sunday. Miss Lois Elliott is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Clifton Staten, of Holcomb, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. vas in the com- JasMSon Bakers & Fancy Grocers PHONE 59 "We ■quently i of ( own. I Mi. Kllett Lawrence, Business Manager of The Sentinel, Grenada ,, countys popular newspaper, visited '' 100rein the home of Mr. J. W. Wood, near] Oxhcrry Sunday evening, and inci-: dentally talked to someone else, so I he says (?) Better watch out El-1 Six-room cottage, 801 College St., lett, somebody down West.or up near school building; modem im- North Statewill get your number, provements. Apply to then you'll have a different story to S. C. HALL. Hattiesburg. Miss, tell. At any rate, come again to 12-22-4t Station A. BOB." ■i LOCALS FROM THE FORK.FOR SALE OR RENT. Another new year has dawned up- on us; let us all in proof of our af- fections to God for the past years blessings, reconsecrate ourselves, all N we are and have to Him and His ser- Vitt. May He see fit during the An old Japanese prophecy says, ,__ When men fly like birds, ten great Kinks will go to war against one another.Subscribe for Tbe Sentinel, $1.50 per year. IV i /V 4 \ [rsssss.' .r--sssfcs3Rft** 3f

Transcript of SAM# OLIVER SAYS T Wanted -€¦ · ai his: Mi-.;lack I.eota Gattis, f...

Friday, January 12. 1917r1


Mr. Mike Ilcy, our popular mayor, has returned from a weeks’ visit to his son in Charleston.

The new consolidated school build­ing has been completed and is now ready for occupancy, which will be

year just opening to make us a liv- f ome tjme noxt week, with approp-, Sunt Oliver, for eight years fore- . , , !nK «»>'>• illustration of the overcom- ,.jate exercises. The building is a man „f the bridge (tan* for the A.As I have not seen any happenings in*., all sufficient, satisfying, joyous , ro,|it t0 uny community and one of g. y. railroad and living at Chunky,

trom these parts in some time, Christian life. which all should be proud, and an in- Miss., said a few days ago:thought 1 would send in a bit of -'If. and Mrs. T. A. Horton have .(jtution which in every way reflects "Since I began taking Tanlaei ews- moved in their new home near ttl(, future 0f the coming generation, )laV(, picked up fifteen pounds in

Wc are glad to state that Mrs. A. Graysport. We hope for them a life ,y. wc]] as community. ! weight and now I feel as strong as aI.. Cohea is up, after having been of prosperity and happiness. y|r. 1. L. Singleton, of Lamliert,' mule. For throe or four years Iquite ill. We regret to learn that Miss Cordie visjted homefolks Sunday, returning suffered from stomach trouble and in-

Mr. R. D. Parker visited home- Pritchard, the beautiful, fascinating t0 |,jg w-ork Monday morning. ! digestion. I couldn’t cat much offolks during the Christmas holidays, and accomplished young daughter of------------------------ I nnvthing and what I did eat disagreedat Millport, Ala. ’ Mr. and Mrs .lames Pritchard, who T h e Sentinel nnd Pro*r»»»iv« with me'. I was constantly suffering

Mrs. Jesse McCormick and sister, live in our midst, is stricken with pRrmer> $2.00 the year. Subscribe gas on my stomach and oftenMiss Hattie Cohea, returned to Mem- serious sickness. The entire family |low ’ ! fcjt nauseated, weak ami dizzy. Iphis Saturday, after spending Christ- have our most heartfelt sympathy ' ___ ___________ kept losing weight and strength andmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. and we hope fov the sweet, noble WOLFE SCHOOL NOTES. I petting more nervous until I couldn’tC. O. Cohea. sufferer a speedy recovery. | ________ sleep at all well. I had very little

Mr. and Mrs. P, C. McClure spent Mr. I.uther I.ackcy, of Paris. Miss., ^Ir an(j Mrs \ Whitten and energv and felt so tired and worn Sunday with Mrs. Rosa Willis. but who now has a position in Chi- chi|(Jr'en- jamie and Mary Holmes, out all the time that it was a hurd-

Miss Clara Kilgore spent Christ- cago, spent the Christmas holidays of (jascj]|a spent Sunday with Mr. chip for me to look after my workmas with homefolks at Big Creek, at his home. Mr. Lackey is a young an(j ‘jjrs j ^ Whitten. properly. None of the many medi- iShe will resume her school duties man of noble Christian character. sadie Rice, who is spending cines I tried did me any good and Inext Monday. Mr. Ellis McCord, of the hickory ^f timc uith her sister, Mrs. Ed was getting in a had fix.

Mr. J. N. Roberts and family spent mill, was unexpectedly called to Cal- grunson> 0f Cascilla, spent Sunday “One day while talking to a friend Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Maggie houn City to attend the funeral of a homefolks. about my condition he told me nhoutCohea. Miss Lottie Cohea returned relative. We extend our sympathy <-j]as ftuchanan, of Rosebloom, was Tanlae and advised to to try it. with them to spend several days. , to Mr. McCord. . a recent visitor here. Well, after a few days I began to

Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Powell, of Kin- Mr. Sullivan made a business trip jjr anfj jjrs Rice Hnd little feel better and I got so I could eatcaid, were called to the bedside of to Hary Saturday and stayed over ^ jrtf were Rosebloom visi- and cn.ioy my meals. I have, nowtheir daughter, Mrs. Lula Cohen, last till Sunday. jors' Sunday. taken five bottles and without de-v.eek. I Mr. Berry Ballard, of the heading Messrs. Curtis Whitten, of Cascil- scribing how I improved with each

Miss Wilma Criss spent the day mill, likes jolly girls, *nd he never )h ' anf) p-reddie Little, of Center- bottle, I’ll just say that my stomach last Saturday with her sister, Mrs. suffers with lonliness except once or 'jn^ were visitors here Sunday. j3 now in fine condition and I can eatSadie Criss McClure. twice a month. j Miss Sadie Whitten is spending the anything I want and as much as I

Mrs. Jennie McClure, of Coffee- “BLONDE AND BRUNETTE. 'week in Rosebloom, attending the please and every sign of my indiges- ville. spent last week with her daugh- ^ * ~ _ meeting. tion is gone. I feel as active andter, Mrs. Paul Gray. The Sentinel end Progressive | kittle Misses Addie Mae and Geor- run 0f energy as I ever did and hard-

Miss Dot Cohea is spending the Farmer, $2.00 the year. Subscribe Wolfe spent Saturday night jy i^now my strength. Tanlae is greatweek with her brother, Mr. A. L. Co- now. ari(j Sunday with their cousins, Misses an,j },as fixed me up so I can eat any-hen. i Madic and Mottie Wolfe. thing, sleep like a log and work all

Misses Jessie and Annie Whitten ,|ay anr| still feel fine when night spent Saturday afternoon in Paul. comes.”

Miss Zania Whitten and sisters. Tanlae is sold in Grenada by the Nolie Irene and Lina, attended ser- 2nd Class and Corner Drug Stores;

at Rosclboom Sunday. a]so by S. S. Flowers, Kilmichael,Mr. C. J. Cox, Jr., of England. Miss., G. Y. Gillespie. Duck Hill,

Ark., was a recent visitor of Mr. R. Miss.. W. H. Kelly, Winona. Miss.,K. Rice. G. E. Chamberlain. Kincaid, Miss.,

Caffey & Horton, Elliott, Miss.

j wews ©ver tbe Countv WantedBridge Foremen Feele «• Strong a, a Mule After Taking Tanlae—Suf­fered Three Year*.i j


PRIHAll Kinds of HIDES and FURS!Beeswax and Tallow, Cow Hides, Mink,

Coon, Muskrat aad Opossum Hides.HIGHEST CASH MARKET PRICES!

Also all kinds of Peas-Whips. Stocks and Mixed

King Produce CoJno. S. King, Manager

Grenada, Miss.

4' i





That .< Edu

dr*»*— Oth«r '

On la®j, 10.0°°

,t Hold I school d I v.-cre I , -ted f I school| .ratn v

1. ii

E. «•

2. Cpeach, cile l'

Ci| • • • a Ei


!raiS®3i3JBO/5EO®Sfajaja/3/3Ef3f3iaf L5I13

For Sale or TradecT

:Mesdumcs Fred Boh Austin

nnd children were very pleasant visi-; tors at the home of Mrs. Paul Grey Tuesday.

Mr. Sam McClure wears a broad here, grin now. due to a New Year card from the Big Creek route- sender please send her name so he -as. can answer same?


3.Mr. Glen Thomason, of Tatum, is spending several days with relatives ucatii* 4.vices

elcome Mr. C. Will the E. Smith back from a trip to Arkan-

We are glad t (LacI5.A r>.Mrs. Annie Collins went to Grena-

Master Robert and Miss Lina Gray da Sunday night, to give a reading spent last week with relatives here. Monday, by special invitation, to the

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thigpen are directors and friends of the Grena- entertaining a little s

Mr. Lewis Thigpen spent the Xmas her readings are alwa holidays with his cousins. Mr. and joyed.Mrs. Clyde Williams, near Coffeeville. Mv. R. B. Thomason was a Grena-

Mr. and Mrs. Orliff Davis spent da visitor Monday, the holidays with homefolks. There were too many things hap-

Mr. Lester Cole spent several days pening during the holidays to be re- with friends at Grenada last week, ported, hence our absence the past

Mr. R. H. Gray and Radford Aus- two weeks.out last Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Seals, of near

Cascilla, have moved among us, and BILLY BOY. we are glad to welcome such good------ people to our community.

Rev. S. T. Courtney preachel his Subscribe last sermon here on the 1th Sunday

; in January. He and his family will move to Florence, Miss., where he has accepted a pastorate. Wc much re­gret to lose him after three years

oik among us. As yet e have no pastor for this year.Mr. John Thomas, Constable of

regret little Herbert Pitt- j Beat 4. spent a night with his sister man has been very ill. Hope he will there.

ai his: Mi-.; I.eota Gattis, f Memphis,I Misses Townes and Baker and Mrs.

it. il'ttkiv, of Hi. Lore, visited

>i1The Sentinel and Progressive

Farmer. $2.00 the year. Subscribe SUPOVF.R *2,000.000 FOR COTTON PRODUCTS OF 1910 CROP. SShe is very gifted, and

greatly en-da Bank.

LuM1STERTON DOTS The December report of the De-i nartment of Agriculture nuts the av- “rage pri m of cotton paid the farm­ers a.; of December first, at 10.6 -erts a wound, at which the vear’s cron would be worth $1,070,351,616. evrlu-ive of the value of linter cot­ton i»"d seed. Based on an estimate •—ccntlv isseud bv the Department ns he average selling price of seed this -ear the value of the seed will ox- eod bv *1150.000.000, which would

make the total for the cron, includ­ing seed and linters. considerably in excess of $1,350,000,000. About 3,000.00 bales of cotton were brought over from previous crons. Possibly the amount will exceed these figures.

A nuantity of cotton has been car­ried hv farmers for several years. On this basis, however, the total val­ue of this year’s cron and of the cron brouht over from last vear would be over *1.500.000.000,

Tiiese figures more than sustain the estimates made bv the Manufac­turers Record a month or more ago

to the value of this year’s eron. The value added to the cotton which will he manufactured in Southern cotton mills and the value'of the out­put of Southern cotton seed oil mills will make the total income to the South fro mcotton during this crop season considerably larger than $2,000,000,000.

In view of the fact that this vear’s crop, following a short crop of last '-ear. gives a supply very much Ipss than the world’s consumptive re­quirements, it is not surprising that prices have reached such high figures and despite temporary fluctuations in the speculative market we can see no reason why verv full figures should not prevail through the bal­ance of the crop year and likewise through the coming year, unless we should have a phenomenally good yield in 1917, and this hardly seems possible in view of the fertilizer sit­uation and the scarcity of labor.

While the South may therefore ex­pect a large price for cotton it would be a fatal mistake of this section not to give increased attention during the coming year to the production of food stuffs. Nothing but bumper grai ncrops next year can prevent this country from facing almost a food-famine condtion. with prices of foodtsuffs far beyond present figures, heading over $2,000,000,000 for cot­ton and cotton products this year.— Manufacturers Reocrd.

telMiss Irene Frazier spent several

lays with her sister, Mrs. L. E. Trus- seil in Grenada.

Mrs. J. E. Phillips and daughter, Miss Minnie, were guests of Mrs. R. F. Carpenter Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Collins vis­ited Mr. S. P. Caffey Sunday.

Mr. J. E. Carpenter made a busi­ness trip to Grenada Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Caffey are en­tertaining a young gentleman in their home.

Mrs. Webb and Mrs. English were at Mi.-tertor. shopping Tuesday after-



tin, of Coffeeville. were week on a hunting trip.1

(for other stock, two Al first-class home raised Jacks,

perfect condition. This is some man's opportunity

to secure a bargain. Reas'on for selling is that I am

in bad health.

The Sentinel and ProgreMire Fermer, $2.00 the year.


noon.Mr. Tom Woods and brothers, of

Eupora, were enroute Monday for the delta.

Misses Odie and Esther Carpenter visited the Misses Minafore Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Pollard were guests of Mr. W. E. Abies Saturday night and Sundav.

Miss Lula Abies was shopping Tuesday afternoon

Mrs. P. M. Searcy was in Grenada several days on business.

There was preaching at Providence Sunday. Rev. Land is pastor for the year. We wish him success with re­ligious work. There never was a ‘ime when ihe world needed this true -pirit of fraternalism as now. With doubt, dread, fear and fury al! about us. fraternity stands forth and beck- rns ut—to confidence, hope and peace. How monstrous the wrong to use fraternity for baser purposes, for selfish aims! Finally, the spirit of fraternity bids us be charitable. “Judge not, that ye be not judged,” is a gooil rule. To do good, to be on the square, to be just, to speak well of others, to help the unfortunate, is the spirit of fraternity, and to this onri let real fraternity work, for thus will be realized that oft-repcateu pravei, “Thy Kingdom come, th; will be done on earth as it is in Heav-


Mr. Oris Pittman and Miss Jimmie of fruitful Lou Pendergrast were recently mar­ried at the. home of the groom.

To our

lack)i! work-cho %tin# Julia Mart

* the C;: amny have j W

l&retta neighbor-1 Mrs Aldridge Monday. We are glad

m cimohood fro.’” Spirng hill, to have them with us.

Our school at Cadaretta is pro­gressing nicely.

Christmas was highly celebrated and everybody seemed to have en­joyed it immensely.

Mr. Herman Montgomery and wife leturned home Saturday where they spent Xmas week with her mother and father. Mr. and Mrs.Childs, of Holcomb.

1AThe W. M. U. met at the hospit­able home of Mrs. R. B. Thomason on Monday afternoon. Instead of a program, the ladies spent the time making a quilt, to be sold for mis­sions. After finishing work, nice re­freshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bell, of Gre­nada. visited their sisters, Mesdames Martin and Harris, on Sunday.

Mrs. Martin. Jr., and Mrs. B. W. Smith have returned from visits to their parents at West Point and Goodman, respectively.

Mr. E. Prewitt was a visitor here on Sunday.

Mrs. Bettie Lee Cox. of Tatum, was here Monday. Mrs. Coats and little James returned home with her to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Thomason.

Little Misses Doris and Wrenn and Fri nk Thomason spent several days with relatives here recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Childress and rhil- Thomason and Mis

> .*WF




0 A.

N-7W. F.

nand Lela Montgomery visited Mrs. Lillian Pendergrast Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Fannie Avery and daughter were the guests of Mrs. Fannie Lank­ford Thursday.

Mr. Walter

Misses Aria fjji >.j

Afife and

daughter spent the night Thursday with Mr. Julian Marter.

Mis Aria Montgomery and sister- in-law, Mrs. Sallie Montgomery, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jell Pittman.

Mr. Oris Pittman and wife visited her brother, Mr. Grover Pendergrast, l dren, also Mi Wednesday. Julia were here too.

I.ittle Jack Townes has recovered from a severe attack of tonsilitis.

Miss Margaret and Edwin Aldridge have returned to their work in Wi-

a. after a few days here with homefolks.

The beautiful weather of the past few days makes the farmers glad and the housewives want to begin gar­dening. Plenty of winter weather to come vet.


Good because it tastes good.Quality in flour means more than just baking ^ quality. The most important result that you ^et from the extra fino qualify ot Valier’s Dainty rlour is the extra tmoflcnwr of your baking.V^lier'a Dj.nty F'r>

Len.*'Mr. Leslie Pittman and family

spent the day with his brother, Mr. Alfred Pittman Wednesday.

The people of Embry are rejoicing over the beautiful weather which we are having now. after so muchc rain.


“ * c* f00** flavored wheat; milled by a special fcjl'Ot the line flavor: then silted throuRh ailh lon

•O/dlf/y flnur *nd gives quttfv results inf; Valier s Dairity tie*turn* you need flour.V

r.-fuirfli ten tjrJ.

••ss. which s.The Sentinel and Progre»*ive Farmer, $2 00 the year. Subscribe now.

ItI:ng. iiavo yoi niln. ui, no i


Wc arc sorry to know our good people of the community have the measles.

Mr. Dewey Head, of Helena, Ark., is visiting friends and relatives in tnir. vicinity.

Mr. Joe Ray and family were at .spai-ta Sunday School Sunday after­noon.

Mrs. A. W. Hammond and two at­tractive little children were at Sun­day Sehool.

Mr. Laney Ray was a visitor in our community Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Organ have been busily engaged sitting up with the sick in the community.

Dr. L. H. Hightower and family,, of Holcomb, motored through the country Sunday afternoon.

A real bad storm passed through ... ,, the community last week, tearing ther loyn s from one 0f jir, W. C. Mul­

len’s houses on the place, and tore 1 up things in general.' Mr. H. F.. Bibb, one

carriers for the Consolidated School j at Holcomb, has had only three ehil-

f th r't .1 dren to take to school, and the cause] fat hog of t tne ltv f|j. tjle others not going is on account; pounds.”

Miss Geneva Lott, of Carrollton,!1 is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lake Clark. I

The Farmer, $2.00 the now.

Sentinel and ProgreisiveSubscribe



tKINCAID “PICK UPS.” Sentinel and Progressive Farmer, $2.00 the year. Subscribe


Messrs. R. A. Me Re; >f Grenada, wei in Kincaid jG al.

The editor was away for a week, according to an exchange, and the office boy answered the inquiries. Following were some results:

“Please tell mo how hash is made.” (YV. M.)

Hash is not made. It akuinulates. “Is it ail right to feed hogs eorn-

in-the-ear?” (G. K.)No. Put in the trof aid let them

help themselves.“I -am in love with a homely girl

who works fov us but she don’t seem to care for me, while a pretty girl with lots of money wants to marry

What shall I do?" (Will M.) Marry the one you love, and send

f the rural I me the name and address of the oth-

-wlast Monday. HOLCOMB LOCALS.Rev. Lee Gillon. >f Jackson, came

out last week and spent a few days other. Mrs " ' “■■■

•as a delta i vi-;ior Sunday and Monday.

Mr. M. I). Brett attended the Gre­nada Bank meeting at Grenada Mon-

Mr. R. D. WilliamsM. J. Gillon. nt to Grenada !

with hisMr. F. K. Gillon

We have one 10x15 C. & P. Gordon Job Pres* for sale CHEAP. Recently overhauled and painted and as good as new. rollers, 2 wrenches, 3 chases, throw-off. Reason for selling, larger press installed and have 4 $100 cash takes press, F. O. B. Grenada.

last Tuesday on business.Dr. R. C. James, Guy James, Mal­

colm James and K. M. Trussell were in Oakland last Saturday.

Mrs. Mollie Tru


Mr. L. A. Young;, log buyer for the James E. Stark i Co., of Memphis was a business visitor here Th lira- day.

Steam fixtures, treadle, 611 and Miss F.ilic

Trussell were visitors at the home of Mrs. J. J Gi last Sunday atter- Kev. and Mrs. C. T. Floyd anti son.

i Wayne, have returned from spend­ing the holidays v a rents in Memphis.

The erection lor the Methodist church, adjoining flu church building, has been com­menced end will be completed at an

now.! •

Mrs. M. T. Chamberlain has re­turned home after a pleasant visit p; to her daughter. Mrs. J. W. Leverett, 1 of Elliott.

The pretty, attractive Miss Mary Ellen Leverett. of Elliott, was in town la t week, being the guest of her cousin, Mi>s Elbe Agnes Trussell.

The entertainment

rith Mr.


THE SENTINELf l nice parsonage

I er one.‘Please tell me how to raise a nice

about «r)00 hundred !■early date. GRENADA, MISS.Mr. Sam .1. Simmons,

the ; 1 -umber Go.. Grenada, was a busine home of Mr. J. H. James last Friday j visitor here Wednesday, night was enjoyed by all present.Quite a crowd attended and all re­port a pleasant time.

The dance given at the residence of Jack Caffey last week was greatly enjoyed by all who attended, had a ’dandy time’ " was fr heard as the crowd departed.

algivenGet a derrick.“How can I tell when the water is '

Mr. Thomas Organ was n Holcomb | the right temperature for bathing] baby?” (Young Mother.)

If the kid gets red and hollers, the! water is too hot; if he gits blue and shivers, it’s too cold.

“I am 40 years old, have a nice lit­tle farm, ami am thinking of taking j !. wife. What would you advise?" j (Old Batch.)

I would advise you to he kerful j whose wife you take.—Cotton Oil 1 News. i

0Messrs. R. V Nason and L. T. Hayden attended the Grenada Bank meeting at Grenada Monday.

Quite a crowd of young people en­joyed Monday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Curie. South

visitor Saturday.Mr. Frank Lott

munity Sunday.Miss Lois Elliott is on the sick list

this week.Mrs. Clifton Staten, of Holcomb,

is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

vas in the com-

JasMSon Bakers& Fancy Grocers’PHONE 59

"We■quently i of ( own. I

Mi. Kllett Lawrence, Business Manager of The Sentinel, Grenada ,, county’s popular newspaper, visited '' •100re’in the home of Mr. J. W. Wood, near]Oxhcrry Sunday evening, and inci-: dentally talked to someone else, so I he says (?) Better watch out El-1 Six-room cottage, 801 College St., lett, somebody “down West.” or “up near school building; modem im- North State” will get your number, provements. Apply to then you'll have a different story to S. C. HALL. Hattiesburg. Miss, tell. At any rate, come again to 12-22-4t Station A.



Another new year has dawned up­on us; let us all in proof of our af­fections to God for the past year’s blessings, reconsecrate ourselves, all

Nwe are and have to Him and His ser- Vitt. May He see fit during the

An old Japanese prophecy says, ,__“When men fly like birds, ten great Kinks will go to war against one another.” Subscribe for Tbe Sentinel, $1.50 per year.IV




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