SALES Mastering...Preparation Take your notes on the research… it's time to get ready for the...

SALES Mastering

Transcript of SALES Mastering...Preparation Take your notes on the research… it's time to get ready for the...

  • SALESMastering

  • Pre-Sale





  • Market Research

    In order to make a better sale, first you need to do an analysis of the possible partners there may be on your city or segmentation of the city.

    You can start on the current accounts on Podio, checking which Partners can you approach and which you cannot. Once you and your team have reached out all these accounts, you may start looking for new sources. To do this you need to have in mind which are the kind of NGO or Institution you want to look for. How do you do this? Simple. Look for Partners that have a background that can fit any of our projects.

    Once you have done all the previous steps, you can shortlist the Partners you want to approach. Then you can do a research about them to know more about their history, their vision, their goals and any other information that can help you sell our Value Proposition.

  • Preparation

    Take your notes on the research… it's time to get ready for the Sale.

    Fist, make sure you have prepared a Sales Speech, both for the Call and for the Visit itself. The next step is adding to your Visit Speech the Vision of the Partner and how partnering with us can benefit both AIESEC and their NGO/Institution.

    After that, rehearse! Say you speech out loud many times 8 to do it in front of mirror helps a lot), find someone that can hear you and give you feedback, and repeat again. This will boost your confidence at the moment of doing the sale with the partner and will make your speech stronger.

    Finally, check again the Contracts and Projects Portfolio to make sure you know them by heart and can explain them to the Partner.


  • Projects

    Check your LC´s Project Goal. How many opens are expected from each Project? After you check them, choose the project(s) you feel more comfortable with when selling.

    Check with your TL/VP which are the Projects your team is expected to sell. Now, the last thing to do is to decide how many opens do you want to bring to your LC!

    Once you decided the number of opens you want to achieve, do a backward planning for the number of contracts, visits and calls and you need to do.

  • Partners

    The last step after the analysis of possible Partners is to put a goal on which and how many partners do you want to approach. It is also connected to your personal Open Goal.

    Make sure you have diverse Partners to ensure your incomes do not depend only on one source.

    You can break down your goal in weeks, according to ours and their timeline. So you can have a month calendar with specific partners that you want to visit on each week. Take into account also the DDL for WP Opens, how long does it take for the Partners to answer, the amount of days should pass between the call and the visit (max. 3), and between the visit and the contract sign(max. 3).

    Last step? Have Podio open and updated.


  • Calls

    We consider a call when somebody picks up.

    Why do we have this touchpoint? Calls have as an expected outcome booking an appointment. Nothing else. We do not sale over the Phone.

    The calls should last maximum one minute. You should aim to speak with a responsible or someone that can take decisions. If they want to know more about AIESEC, make sure you give a brief explanation, but do not sell anything.

    At the end of the call you should either have an appointment book within the following 3 days, or a concrete date to call again.

    Don´t forget to update Podio after each call.

  • Visits

    Go to the visit prepared! Get two copies of the contract, a booklet of the Project(s) (if it is in digital version, better! Let's go green).

    Don´t forget about the homework you did before with the analysis. Try to use this information on your advantage, specially when selling our Value Proposition. With this you will show professionalism and responsibility.

    Ask about the NGO/Institution before start talking about AIESEC. Listen carefully to check what can you use in your favour.

    Follow your agenda and lead the conversation. Always sell the why and Value Proposition, both of AIESEC and each Project.

    Remember that you are an ambassador of AIESEC in Greece, so make sure your attitude and how you present yourself, our Projects and AIESEC itself is the image of our organization.

  • Post-Meeting

    Make sure you leave the Visit with a concrete Follow-Up date. Put it on your calendar.

    Send all material within the 24 hours after the visit. Include booklet, XPPs, Contract and any further info the Partner asked for.

    Do Follow Up. Call them when you are supposed to. Make sure you give them clear DDLs for signing the contract or giving an answer.


  • Check the changes in Portfolio. We cut and added some Projects. For some others, there are changes in the JDs.