Salea-roo- I. ForY t! i t JL OS-1 v i 4,j DY E. P. ADAMS. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS! LARGE SAIjE OF...

Y t! i t JL OS- 1 v i 4 ,j ! DY E. P. ADAMS. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS! LARGE SAIjE OF MULES & HORSES! BT ORDEa or Uessrs. G. W. Macfarlano & Co., for account of Messrs. BOWLKT EK0.8. San Francisco, I via mil ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 6th, At 11 'deck n, at tha pasture at H. MacferUn oa BRU-- al t, opposite to residence of B. Schmidt, Asa, . OO Xiarco Young Kentucky Bred Mules, Tt rianl ever Imported. 8 Handsome American Horses, 3. Thorouclibrod Stallion BASSWOOD ! 1 Flit Keiticky Jack, I flat Seaal.a Jack, I Flae Callferala Jeiaet, 1 Iiii'O JcrHoy Bull, S Elegiat Falllag-te- p Eaawajs, I Daidae Tw-Se- at Bach Wagsas, 4 Tap Bagrlea, t Open Baggies, 19 Sets DeaU Darmesa, 10 SetsKlagle Uaraess. Tb shove Carriage wr uU by B. Z. BRIOOS 4c CO.. A notary. Hut i lh IJarn by lb celebrated Baker, B. E ILL, Cooeocd, New Hampshire. K. P. ADAMS, A wet's-- . Rr$ULAR CASH SALE ! ON FRIDAY, : : OCT. 10th, At 10 o'clock A. M-- , at Bales Boom. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AMD Fancy G-ooXm- 9 White and Brown Cottons, A LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ! XT FOB PARTICULARS 8EB POUTERS. B. P. ADAMS, Auct'r. Pacific Iron Works, AS FRA5CISCO. MANCfACTCRRRSOP Sugar Mills, Engines, Boilers, VACUUM PAHS, EVAPORATORS, CLARTFIERS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF IRON WORX In Connection v'Uh Sugar Plants. Far Prices sad Tersu, Ipply t E. P. ADAMS, ylO T9 A (rat c lb Hawaiian Ittand. CALIFORNIA Furniture Manufacturing Companj, Si.l FRANCISCO.. H1MUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF AL.Ii DEHCIIIPTIONH Of FllTUBE PARTIES IN HONOLULU, at other part of the Islands, DESIRING FURNITURE ! CAN BATE THEIR Orders Filled at Lowest Rates By application to Mr. K. P. A DA MS. Queen Street, who Rao ear Deeeriptive Catalog with Prices. - O 1ST HfA. 1ST ID ! it Stare r L. W. nOPP, Klas St., Black Walnut Bedroom Sets ! Black Walnut Bidebnards, Black Waloat Dining Chairs, Oak Caoo 8rat Dining Chain, Cedar Bedroom Seta, Pine Brnmu, c, AC-- ,c. E. P. ADAMS, Agent forHaw'n Is. j13 T9 CJEW FURNITURE t3 WE II ATE JUST RECEIVED AT THE VYARER00MS ON KING STREET, A TERT LARGE AND FCLL INVOICE OF HEW FURNITURE! COMPRISING THE Best & Most Complete Assortment EVER RECEIVED AT TOE ISLANDS. HART MEW STYLES AND PATTERNS ! NEVER BEFORE IMPORTED g. P. ADAMS, aeCO los Agent California Furniture Company. Best South Wales Coal, DEPARTURE BAY COAL 1 JTOR SALE BT THEO. 33. DAVIES. mhl 79 SALAMANDER FELTING -- ror. Covering Boilers, Steam Pipes, &c. SAVES Si PER CENT. OF Fl'KU PI7ICE REDUCED TOvS7.BO PES BARREL. fcgT THEO. II. DAVIES. A LIME! LIME! ! TTX DISCOVERT. 800 BBL1. Re-lv- l jj this day. For sal by (mil) BOLIES) at CO. MEDrLTM BREAD AND CEACEEES. TUIS PAT HY RECEIVED BOLLE8 4c CO. JJ1IE ! LIME I ! T0O BARRELS RECEIVED THIS DAT BT 9 B0LLE3 at CO. BY C. S. BARTOW. IL Saturday- - : Oct. -- 1 At lOi.m, eon'inoatiia of aMtgnes lale. at Salea-roo- cn cf C. 8. Bartow, when will be aold, T DE3 X77' 313 I. JEt "ST Silrer and Plate Watchef , Oold and Bilrer Binga, BUrer aitd Plated Chain, and Oibrr Jtwtlry. Eatite of Chankao. C. 8. BARTOW. Aoct'r. HOUSEHOLD FUBNtTURE I AT ACCTIOX, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7th, At 10 a. bb. ,00 Punchbowl Street, near Beret an la. at the hoaea owned by Dr. J 8. McQrew, formerly occupied oj air. Q. C. Bidera. will be aold, oo account of departs re. PARLOR AKD 2ED ROOM EURHTTTJRE Marble Too Centra Table. Lcunee. WhatnoU. Black Walnut Bedroom Set. coropriaing-- i Bedrtead. Bo-rea- o. Waahatand. 2 Chain, Bncker, Bedateada, pinr Mat-trasa- Cook Racfe, Cockiof Ctenaila. Meal Saba, and other article. C. 8. BABTOW, Auct'r. ROOM SALE! ON THURSDAY, OCT. 9th, At 10 a. as. at Ealeeroom, will be aold, Dry Goods, Clotliin?, AND OTHER MERCHANDISE ! Also, Lot of Farnituie, Arm Chairs, and Platforms of Hawaiian Lodge, C. 8. BA RTOW, Aoct'r. POIl M A. JL.3JZ X Valuable Real Estate, ae20 Enquire of C. ft. BARTOW. AUCTIOIVT SALE ! AT WAILUKU, MAUL On WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22, Will be offered, it not prerloaale diepoeed of at Private Bale, the valuable property of T. J. MOSdil A J, which includes VALUABLE REAL ESTATE LARGE STORE AND NEW DWELLING HOUSE. AH of which U aitnated in the central bosineai part of Wailoka A L.SO on the aame day, a Large & Great Variety Merchandise CONSISTING IN PART Ad FOLLOWS: Clothing, Print. Boota and Shoe, Saddle. Blank elm. Tobacco, II. la, Ehawla, Btationery, Patent Medicines, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, HEAVY SILVER-PLATE- D WARE. Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Water-pro- Flannels, Uennos and Cobourga, lad a Central Assortment of Drj Goods and other Slerehandlse too Taried to partlealarlze. XT to fnrdter particalars apply to aoOtf T. J. MOSSMAX. Honolula. FOR SALE ! California Beef, California Pork, Bj Late Arrivals. For Sale Low, by ae20tf A. W. PEIRCK A CO. HAWAIIAN FERNS. rilllK I'NDKRSIGNEI) IS SOW PRE. Si PARaDtofill Orders for Complete geita of llawalian Ferns, anmoanted, oo short notice. Prlee $10.00 for the Sett of 115; or .mailer setts of 35, S2.50; 30, $3.00; or 50, $5.00. The Specimen are beautifully preserved, retaining their nat- ural f reen, and moat of the varieties have a portion of the root. Orarr far Mallias; .Mb si I Postage. sabl THOS. O. TBRCM. A Fall Cargo of General ITIcrclinndise BT Till BARK "STORMY PETREL," From OU(ow, Which will be effered for sale oo very liberal terms, at the oSces of oca G. W. HACFARLANE A Co. FOR SALE, AT KAL1III Chicken Ksarb, Thorouchbred Berkshire Pigs, of the I Crown f rince. Boblee and Sambo lamilies now reaUy for ase and for sale s 1 Berkshire Boar, 10 months old, $12. 1 Berkshire Boar, 12 months old, $12. - Both of these pica were awarded the Silver Cnp at the Sac ramento State Fair by the Committee on Bwine. Price of Berkshire Pigs, $20 to $100 each, aceordiof In number, Sfe and condition, being about one half the price charged In the Kaalern States for thoroughbred swine Parties wishing pigs can leave orders now, as 15 niters will come In in July and August next. Add me. says A. He. kbck r, uawaiian now. I tl FOREST QUEEN, A CONSIGNMENT OF GROCERIES I 8CCH A8 Condensed Milk. Aklerney brand; Camden Corn, Superior Stearic Acid Candles. Adamantine Candles, Amber 8oep, In boxes of 20 ban; Kitra Olive Soap, In boxes of 12 bars; Oermanla Starch, Dooley's Teaat Powder, Superior Columbia River Salmon, in barrels A cases; etc oct For sale by II. UACKFELD Ac CO. TO ARRIVE PER DISCOVERY A FINE LOT OF California Mules Broken to Harness, and MILCH OOTVS. INQUIRE tiF H. HACKFELD & CO. OC TUB HAWAIIAN BARK R . O . W Y LIE, SI. HiEKMJ.NN, Master. Has Just Arrived from Bremen, 122 days Passage, and is tow discharging her Cargo of New Goods COMPRISING -- A- Large Assortment AND VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE IX EVERY LINE. Jbove Goods are ofrred to the Trade AT LOW RATES and on LIBER A L. TERMS by oc4 H. HACKFELD & CO. TUB Ne Plus Ultra Spring Bed ONLY FIFTEEN DOLLARS So Cheap that all can hare it, and yet THE BEST IN THE MARKET XT Try ooe, and li not satlafactory, money will be refund ed. On exhibition and tor sale by DILLINGHAM At CO. . Agents. n,hl or of tilt manufacturer, B. F. FAS BAR. For Sale or Charter I 4. -- e THE A 1 ECnOOSER About 135 Tons XT Well found sod read for ea. Apply to ocslm CUtg LONG, a Merchant St For Portland. O. THE FAST BAILING BABKENTINE AT TTr. Jane V- - Fo.lltiri'bixrer, HCBBABD Master. Will have Quick Dispatch for above Fort For Freight or Passage, apply to se27 CASTLE A COOKE. Agents. For San Francisco, Ths American Schooner Yacht a 4 Clans Spreckcls,9 TON BCHMIDT, Master, Will have Quick Dispatch for above Fort. For freight or passage, apply to se27 BM.O. fflWlS k CO., A rente. FOR BREMEN. THE HAWAIIAN BARK R- - C. WYLIE, 99 M. BAKEMAN MASTER. Will have Quick Dispatch for above Fort. For Freight or Passage, apply to aelS H. HACKFELD A Co., Agents FOR SAIV FBAIVCISCO. rc- -s The Fine American Clipper Ship GOV. GOODWIN, ' LESTKR, Commander, ' Will have Dispatch for the Above Fort. For Freight or passage, apply to O. W. MACFA BLANK A CO., Agents. X. B. Freight Uken at reduced rates. au23 New York & Honolulu Packet Line W. H. Crossman & Bros., 118 Chamber Street, New York Agents. rBMIE NEXT VESSEL In this POPULAR M Line will leave New York in all the month of December. Parties bavins, freight for this port, will do well to patronise thie Line, beiog assured of a good vessel and a low rate of freight. sezr tt . FOR SXE. THE HAWAIIAN BRIO POMARE, Well Found. Ready for Sea. au23 Apply to H. HACKFELD A Co. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY ! FOR SA1V FRANCISCO. THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP DEARBON, COMMANDER. Will leave Honolulu for San Francisco on or about Monday, Oct. 27 For Sydney, via Auckland ! THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP tt CITY OF NEW YORK," COBB, COMMANDER. ON OR ABOUT MONDAY. OCT. 6th, H. HACKFELD A CO., Agents. Goads Tor Shipment per Steamer can mow be SlosecS. Free of Charge. 1st she Flre-pre- ef Wsrrksaie steal r the Steamer Wharf. Jal 79 TIME-TABL- E OF THE STEAMER ' LIKELIKE; RETXOLDS. tit j MASTER. Tuesday, Oct 7, 6 p m... Circuit or Hawaii Tuesdsy, Oct 14, 6 pm. Hilo Tuesday, Oct 21, 6 p m.. Circuit of Hawaii Tuesday, Oct 2S, & p m .. Hilo Tuesday, Nov 4. 6 p m... ...Circuit of Hawaii Tuesday, Nov ll.ipo, Hilo Tuesday, Nov 18, 6 p m., .........Circuit cf Hawaii Tuesday, Nov 25, 6 p m.. Hilo Tuesday, Dec 2, 6 p m... ...Circuit of Hawaii Tuesday, Dec 9, 6 pm ... Hilo Tuesday, Dec IS. 6 p m.. Circuit oT Hawaii Tuesdsy, Dec 23, 6 p m.. Hilo Tuesdsy, Dec 90,6 pm., Circuit of Hawaii No Credit for Passage Money ! We noaitirelv decline to open accounts for Passages, and we particularly call the attention of the traveling public to the necessity of having Bagfrage and Freight plainly market ; the Steamer will not be responsible for any unmarked baggage or for any Freight or Parcel unless Receipted far. FREIGHT MONEV DUE ON DEMAND! In all cases of Freight for parties not tesponslble or un known, the Freight Money will be required in advance. . PACKAGES OF LIQUORS AND WINES MUST BE PLAINLY MARKED For the Dirty whom they are for, or plainly stated In the re ceipt to whom they are consigned. All demands for vamage or vess, must oe mauc wiuiiu use month. In no way liable Tor loss or accident to live stock. n--r flsck Drivers. Boys, sod such like, will not be allowed on board the Steamer upon arrival, cntil after the passengers have been landed. mhS79 wiluek & MM. a. c. allis. H. P. BOBI9SOH. ALLEN & EOBINSON, ROBINSON'S WHARF. UKALKKSIS AT LUMBER and all kinds of BU1LDIMU MATERIALS Paicla, Oils, Nails, Ac, Ac. agists roa scHoosrss KCLAMANU, KEKACLUOHI, MART ELLEN, PAUAHI, HALEAKALA, FAIRT QUEEN, UILAMA, LKAHI. del) Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. FRANK COOKE, AQEXT OF THE FOLLOWING COASTERS t Wailele, Malolo, Waimalu, Kamaile. Waioli, Liliu, Waiehu, and Juanita. FLAG.- - Red with White Ball- - OFFICE, Corner of ja!8 79 Kuusno and Queen Streets. T. R. FOSTER k Co., 'GESTS FOR SCHOONERS Mary E. Foster, Marion, Frince, Haunani, Annie, Jennie, Manuokawai, Liholiho. And the Water Boat. se30 ly Office on the Ksplanade, Honolulu. BOSTON & HONOLULU FACKET LINE! C. BREWER A. CO.. AGEN'TS. Favorable arrangements csn always be made for Storage and Shipment of Oil. Bone. Wool. Hides and other Merchandise to New Bedford. Boston. New York and other Kaatern Ports. IT Csah Advancea made. ja2 79 C. BRKWER A CO. RE OU L A R DISPATCH LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO C. BREWER it CO., AGENTS. Merchandise received STORAGE FREE and liberal cash advances made on shipments by this Ji2 79 C. BREWER A CO. ' THE SAN FRANCISCO MERCHANT," A Weekly Trade Paper. Published in San Francisco, CaJ., Every Friday Morning. Especially devoted to the Grocery, Tobacco. Provision. Drug and Wine sod Spirit Trades. The Advocate of Home Manufactnre and Island Interests. Able editorials on live topics. Newsy comments on all affairs sppertainins; to busioes. The fullest and most reliable market reports and the liveliest and most entertaining trade paper paoiisned In tne united etates. SrBSCRIPTI05, Tvt Dollars a Tear, la IdTaite (TJ. B. postage lnciuded). and received by tbos. o-- . Tsncrivr, News Dealer, Honolula, Agent lor the Hawaiian Islands. Ml3 AdvrrtUtmtntt Rntivti and Dulf Forvtritd. lis tgal btrtistmfiits. PR KM E COURT OF T H E H A W A1 1 A ' SC ia Probate. In toe matter of the ESTATE OF JOHN D. WATSON, late of Kaoeobe, Oaho. deceased, ' at Chambers, before Mr. J noire Judd. On rradicg and filing the petition and accounts of WILLIAM O. SMITH, Administrator de b"oJa non or tha Estate ot J. D VYataoo late of Kaneohe, Oaha, deceased, whrreio be asks to be allowed $103.12, and charges himself with $694.16, aod ask that the same may be examined and approved, aod that a Boa 1 order may be made of distribution ol the pnperty remaining in his bands to the persons thereto entitled, snd discharging him aod his sureties from all further responsibility as socb Admit. u'r.lor. It aftWtlered. that Tt'EsDAV. the 4th day of Nov. A. D. 1579, Tl0 o'clock. A. M. efore the said Justice, at Chambers, in the Court Hooae, at Honolula, be and the same hereby is appointed as the lime and place lor nrannc said peuuoa and accounts, snd that all persons Intereatrd may then and tber appear and snow causa, u any tney aave, why the same shooid not be granted, and may present evidence is to who art enti- - uea to tcs taxi property. And that this order, la the English and Hawaiian languages, be published in the Pacific Commercial Advertiser and Kookoa Dewsnaoera printed and pubusnea in uonomln. for three sac cessiT weeks Kevkms to the lime therein appointed for said Bearing. Dated at Honolulu, H. L, this 1st day of Oct., A. S. 1879. A. FRANCIS J CD I. Attest: Justice of ths Supreme Court. A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. oo St CIRCUIT COURT. SECOND JUDICIAL Hawaiian Islands, to Probate. In tha matter of the EststeoT HENRY W. DANIELS of Wail ok u. Aleut, deceased, at Chambers. On reading and filling too petition of William H. Daniels, asking that letters of administration be award to hint la the Etate of his father Henry Y. Daniels ol Wailuko, afanl. deceased lnttte. It is ordered that FRIDAY. Octnber 24th. 1879. at 10 a. m. at ths Court Hojse in Waiiuku. be set apart a the time and place for hearing said petition and any objections that may ne made thereto; ana all parties interested arc nertDy nounea to attend. Aon. rOBNANDe-B- , Circuit Judge 2nd Judicial District. H. I, Lahaina, Sept. 29th. 1&"9. oca 3t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. William Joseph Rawlins, Deceased. A LL Peraana haviaaT Claiaaa sislstl the JA. Estate of WILLIAM JOSEPH RAWLINS, late of a, Honolula, Soap Maker, deceased, whether secured by mortgage or otherwise are notified to present the same duly authenticated to the Kev. A. slacintosn and William o. Barnes the Executors named in the Will of the deceased, at the Office of the said William U. Barnes, No. 29, Fort Street, In the city of Honolulu, within six months from the date or ths first publication ol this Notice, or the same will be for ever barred. Aod all persons indebted to the said estate are re quested to make immediate payment. EDWARD PRESTON, Attorney for the Executors. Dated this 3rd day of October, 1879. - oc4 At Notice to Creditors. VOT1CE IS IIEREBT GIVEN THAT the i. w undersigned has been appointed Executor of the laat will and testament ol Akong of Honolulu, deceased, and all persons are truly notified to present claims duly aotheuueatea whether secured by mortgage or otherwise, at his office on Raabumanu Street, in Honolulu, within six months from the date hereof or tbey will be forever barred, and all people in debled to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment thereol. ALfcX. J. CAHTWBIUHT, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Akona, deceased Dated at Honolula, AprU 22, 1379. sp28 ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. rflHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN M. elected Asslfoees of the Estate of Chun Ran ol Hono lulu, Bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given to all persons in debted to the said Chun Kan, to make immediate payment to C. 8. Bartow, at his salesroom, Honolula. Any person own-lo- g articles, of any description, which have been deposited with Chun Kan and now in possession of the assignees may obtain the same upon proving ownership. V. B. BAKiUW, se!3 W. C. AKANA. F. A. SCIIAEFER& CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Per E. 0. Wylie, from Bremen, Mailer's Lager Beer and Fale Ale, In quarts and pints; Bremen Brewery Lager Beer, in qts.; Schloss Johaoniaberg and Hochheimer; SUPERIOR AND CHAMPAGNE, Q. Goulet & Co., qts. and pts.; Due de Montebello, qts. and pts.; Sillery Moussenx, qts. For Sale in Quantities to Suit! se27 2m $100 REWARD. DEPARTMENT OF TI1K ATTORNEY OKNERAL, Honolulu, September 26tb, 1879. J REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS A will be paid to any person who will give such in- formation ss will lead to the conviction of the person or per- sons who set fire to the house or the Hon. T. Martin, at Waiohiou. Kau, Hawaii. Information may be given to the Sheriff of Hawaii, the De-pn- ty Marshal or any Deputy Sheriff se27 4t rem: crv .a. l. i BOLLES & CO., OULD INFORM THEIR FRIENDS w and the public generally, that they nave Removed to their New Fire-pro- of Store, Which has just been completed, situated at the Old Stand, 34 Queen Street, where they have been making large additions to their stock of Ship Chandlery, Ship and Plantation Stores, which make their assortment Isrge and varied. Will be happy to have a call from their patrons, snd they will assure them that no pains will be spared to attend to their wants in a satisfactory manner. We have now In Stock: Cordage, hemp and Manila, an as- sortment or sixes; Cotton Duck, Flax Canvas, Hemp Canvas, Cotton Sail Twine, 6, 6, 7 and 8 ply; Flax 8ail Twine, 8 and 6 ply; Block, Oar. Shieves, Hooka and Thimbles, Ac, Ac, all or which will be sold at Bed Rock Prices. Honolulu, Nor. 23d, 1878. jal '79 EX BKS. D. C. MURRAY & DISCOVERY LIME, HAT, BREAD, CRACRERS, KEROSENE OIL, GOLDEN GATE FLOUR, LARD, HAMS, BACON, COTTON DUCK. COTTON SAIL TWINE, OYSTERS, Ac, Ac. Received this day, and for sale low. sc6 BOLLES A CO. STOCKHOLM TAR, 1VIIM1SGTON TAR. WILMINGTON T PITCH. ' For Sale by al '79 BOLLKS A CO. PROVISIONS, TlEEF. PORK, HAMS. BACON. CHEESE, M- - Lard. Ac, Ac For Sale by jal '79 BOLLE8 CO. MIXED RUBBER FAINTS, TaF A LLi SHADES. IN LARGE AND SMALL TLF Packages. For Sale by jal 79 BOLLES A CO. GROCERIES, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. NEW AND m. FKKSH. For Sale by al '79 BOLLES A CO. CHUTNEY, REAL. ARTICLE OF EAST INDIA THE in qusrt Bottle, assorted, al '79 For Sale by BOLLES Ac Co. MANILA CIGARS, TN BOXES OF 500. 200, AND 1 OO EACH. JL The Genuine Article. For sale ty m;24 BOLLES a CO SUGAR, CALIFORNIA CUBE IN 25lh BOXES. j Kegs of powdered sugar. jal 79 For Sale by BOLLES A CO. OIL ! OIL ! ! ni'RE SPERM OIL. ST RAINED AND FREE JL from foots. For Sal by al '70 BOLLKS A CO. COTTON DUCK, FROM 1 TO lO. COTTON SAIL NOS. 6, 6, 7 and ex Murray thia day. sefl BOLLES A CO. KEROSENE OIL. FROWN ER'S AND TUB PRIDE OF THE JLF WEST. 132 Fire Test. seo BOLLES A CO. McMURRATS OYSTERS. T1ASE ll AND 21b) TINS. FRESH AND in perfect order. sc8 BOLLES A CO GOLDEN GATE, fTtXTRA FA MILT FLOUR, M-- A Eldorado Flour at ti. Corn Meal In 10& bags Cracked W beat in 10 bags, ' Oat Meal in 10 b bags. Received this da by efl BOLUS ft CO. BY AUTHORITY. Sale of Government Land. ON MONDAY, November 3rd, 1ST9, at 12 oclock noon, will be offered for sale at public auction at the front en- trance of Aliiolani Hale a small piece of land on the Es- planade adjoining the premises of lion. H. A. WiJemanc. containing about th of an acre. Cpset price $750. Terms Ca&h. All information can be obtained at the Interior Office. Honolula, Oct. 3, 16T9. SajsT. O. Wnjjxn, Oct. 4- - Minister of the Interior. DAYTD TAYLOR has been this dav appointed Com- missioner of PriTste Ways and Water Rights for tha Dis- trict of Lahaina, Island of Maui, rice E. Jones resigned. U. MAEAALCA has also been this dav appointed a Commissioner of Private Wsrs and Water Rights for tha aame district, and thetBoard of Said Commissioners for the said district, of Lahaina now consists as follows, Hon. L. Abolo. David Taylor. Esq. M. Makalna, Esq. SasiX O. Wodii, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office. Oct. 3d. 1879. Oct 4 St Sale of Lease of Government Land. Kauai o and AuwaM, Honnanla, MauL On Monday. November 3d, 1879. at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hale, will be sold the lease for five years of those two tracts of Government Land known as Kastais and Aawaai. and situated in the district of Hoasm- - la. Mas). Cpset price $200 per annum. Terms-pay- able quarterly in advance. SAM'L O. WILDER. Minister of the Interior. Honolulu, 29th Sept. 1879. Oct 4 Sale of Government Land On Monday, November 3d, 1S79, at 13 o'clock noon, will be aold at public auction, at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hale, the following pieces of Government lands. 1 Oaihikaw, Has. Hawaii. One piece of land Kaaaalhl, containing 60 62-1- acres. Upset price 73 cts per acre. 2 Kaaweleaa, Has. Hawaii. Two pieces of land containing 127 22-1- acres. Cpset price 73 cts per acre. Terms cash. SAM'L O. WILDER. Minister of Interior. Honolula, Sept. 30th, 1879. oct 4 The intolerable nuisance caused by the speed at which Drays are driven through the streets, as well as the risk to life, and the damage done the roads, compels the Min- ister of the Interior to amend the regulations regarding licensed carriages and drays, issued August 12, 1873. REGULATION. No horse attached to any Licensed Wagon, Cart or Dray for the transportation of freight, shall, within the circuit of one mile from the Honolulu Post Office, be driven faster than a walk. Sam'l O Wilseb, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, Sept. 23, 1879. se27 Sale of Government Land. ON MONDAY, October 27, 1879, at 12 o'clock noon, will I be aold at public auction at the front entrance of Aliiolani I Hale, the following pieces of Government Land : 1st Walnakn. Hilo. Hawaii. One piece situa ted in Walnakn, Hilo, Hawaii, good for cultivation or as residence, containing 3 3-- acres. Upset price $50 per acre. 2nd Honolulu, Oaha. That piece of land known aa Kalin, adjoining on the south and west side of Hon J. W. Moanauli's residence on King Street, mauka of the road to the Prison, containing one acre. Upset price $200. 3rd liana, Maui. One strip of land in Niumalu, Hans, Maui, adjoining the Plantation of A. Unna, Esq., containing 9 5-- acres. Upset price $10 per acre. Terms Cash. Sam 'I. . Wilder, Minister of Interior. Honolulu, Sept. 23, 1879. se27 Sale of Lease of Government Land in Ha- - makua, Hawaii. ON MONDAY, October 27th, 1879, at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hale at 12 noon, will be sold the lease for ten years of that piece of Government land situated in W a Ikalala. Ilsiankus, Hawaii, between Kaapahn and Papalele below the Government road and adjoining Henry Cooper's land, containing SO acres. Upset price 75 eta. per acre per annum. Terms, rent payable quarterly in advance. Sam'l Q Wildeb, Minister of Interior. Honolulu, Sept. 23, 1879. se27 APPLICATIONS for the purchase of Government Lots, on the Eulaokabua Plains, will be received at the Interior Office. Parties desiring to purchase must state the number of the Lot, and the price they oner for the same. Appli- cants mnst state that they desire to purchase with the intention of improving the same ; the Government de cline to sell to parties desiring to hold tor an advance. Should the price offered be satisfactory, the Lots will be put up at auction, after a reasonable advertisement of the same. TERMS OF SALE. One fourth cash. One fourth in one year. One fourth in two years, unefourtn in three years with 9 per cent interest per annum payable semi annually ana a mortgage upon tne tana. Map of the said lots can be seen at the Interior Office and all information given BAM I. tt. WILDER au9 Minister of the Inerior. Col. W. F. Allen is appointed Acting Governor of the Island of Oahu during my absence. John O. Dominis. July 15th, 1879. list of Licenses Expiring in Oct., 1879. Notice is hereby given that all Licenses must be ap plied for direct to the Interior Office, and all parties are cautioned about failing to renew expiring Licenses, and all Sheriffs and Deputy nnerlffs nave instructions to pro secute without discretion, any and all parties doing business without the proper License. SAM A. tt. WLLUUI, Minister cf the Interior. Interior Office, AprU 30, 1879. RETAIL. . OAHU 1 Yuk Kee. Nuuann street Honolulu 1 Wong Leon A Co, Nuusnu street Honolulu 2 Chung Faa, Heela, Koolsupoko 4C 8 Wo Chong, Nuuann street, ' 4 Friel A Bush, Fort " 4 Amana, Waialua 5 Tung Hang A Co, Nuusnu street, ' 6 Ah Gee, cor Beretania A Maunakea st ' 9 Wilder k Co, cor Queen h Fort st, ' 10 E O Hall A Son, cor Fort A King st, 10 Dr E Hoffmann, Merchant street, ' 10 G Aio. 12 A L Smith, Fort " 13 Wing Chong Tai A Co, Hotel " 17 J T A H Waterhouse, King " " 18 CA Poor, Hotel " " 19 J Perry, cor Nuuanu A Hotel " 19 8 Magnin, Nuuanu " " 23 J H McLean A Co, Nuuanu " " 23 Hong Chau. Palama, King " 23 M Phillips A Co, Kaahumanu "' " 25 J T Waterhouse, Fort " " 29 J T A H Waterhouse, Queen " - 31 Frank Antone, Nuuanu " " 31 TongWo, " ' HAWAII 1 L Turner, Waiohinu, Kau IAS Cleeborn A Co, Punalun, Kan 1 J R Mills, Honokaa, Hamakua 4 Hitchcock A Co, Hilo 6 Chung Peu, Punaluu, Kau 15 Goo Kim A Co, Honomakau, N Kohala 25 John Worth, Hilo 26 Young Sing A Co, Kspaau 29 Akim, Laupshoehoe, Hilo MAUI 1 H Bryant, Waiiuku 6 T Alo, Hsmakualoa 14 Chung Wa A Co, Waiiuku 24 Aiona, Lahaina 25 T Alo, Waihee KAUAI 1 An Gip. Kapaa 26 Apau, Koloa 26 Tong Sing, Kalihiwai, Hanalei WHOLESALE. 1 Bolles A Co, Queen street, Honolula 6 Cbulsn A Co, Nuuanu " " 9 Wilder & Co. cor Queen A Fort st, Honolulu 10 EO Hall A Son, cor King A Fort sts, " 23 C Afong, Nuusnu st, " RETAIL SPIRIT. 28 James Old, Empire House JOBBING SPIRIT. 9 Frank Brown, Merchant st, Honolulu VICTUALLING. 1 Ah Psu. Halawa. X Kohala, Hawaii 1 W S Lokai, Waianae, Oaha 1 Pahana, Makapsls, N Kohals, Hawaii 1 Wing Sing A Co, Kspasu, N Kohala, Hawaii 11 Akaua A Ahoe, Honokas, Hamakua, " 26 Leum Keon, Ksiopihi, N Kohala, " 26 Len Hin A Co, Halawa, " 26 Peter Fornandez, King st, Honolulu 27 A Conchee, Kaneohe. Koolaupoko 28 A Walter, Lahaina, Maui 28 Ah Hok, Honomakau, N Kohala, " HUTCH ER. 1 Chss Notley, Hamakua, Hawaii 2 A Conradt. 13 Ahi. Haiku, Maui 18 J H Woods. N Kohsls, Hawaii 29 G Waller, King street, Honolula 29 " Hotel " " 29 " Nuusnu 29 " Fish Market " DISTILLING. 7 J McKesgue, Heeia, Koolaupoko AUCTION. 1 8W Wilcox, Kauai 2 T W Everett, Maui BILLIARD. 25 J H Canaro, N Kohala, Hawaii CAKE PEDDLING. 1 An Gip, Kapaa, Kauai FIRE ARMS. 14 G P Wilder. Kona, Oahu 14 SG Wilder. Jr 17 Guy 8 Comly. 17 Guy Wodehouse. 17 Hay Wodehouse, " 23 C P Iaukea, NOTICE OF SALE. ISHERERY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE Cheong Tai. conaiating of Meters. Chilian A Co., Wong Ala Pon Tong, Look Sans, Yun Quan, Lee Tab Fon, Chang Faa, Yung He, Chang Hing, Chang Yuog, Con- chee A Ahung, Kwong Chow Kee, Wing Wo Yen. Ching Chin Sam, have, on the 21 day or Sept., 1879, sold all their right, title aod interest in the business carried on under the firm name or Wing Cheong Tai, to a firm In Hongkong, named Wing Wo Yaen, whicn firm has authorised and empowered Loo Chit Sam to carry on and conduct the said business for them. The name or the new firm will be called Wing Cheong Tai Yaen Kee. No member of the late firm of Wing Cheong Tai will be held responsible for any debts contracted by the new firm of Wing Cheong Tai Ynen Kee. The new firm of Wing Cheong Tai Yuen Kee will not be re- sponsible lor any debts contracted by the old firm of Wing Cheong Tai from and after the 2id instant. All debts sgalost tha late firm of Wing Cheong Tai, and all accounts dae and owing them, mnst be settled within one month from this date. LOO CHIT SAM. HonoluJu, 8ept. Stto, 1379. (eST) the PAOino SATURDAY. OCTOBER A. BRIEF MENTION. Two Chlnee surreptitious gin seller were fined on Monday in the Police Court, one $10 and tha other 130 rather light sentences, it wonld seem. Hot WxaTBXB. The warm weather of the dog-da- has continued all the week, the thermometer In tha city ranging from M toP6 In the shade. The nights have been unpleasantly warm too, although occasional showers cooled the air. Tu Vsoa Satk. A telegram from Yokohama, Sept S. re porta tha axrival there of tha Swedish ship Taa. Prof. Xordenakjold, all well. Tha rya sailed on bar voyage la search of tha Xorth-we- st passaga July 4th, 187S, and passed Last Cape Into Bhertcgs Straits July 2Cth, 1579. Pzxsosax. Among tha passengers par Zwummi oa Monday we note tha names of C. P. Ward, wife and familv. and M. Lonlsson. Mr. Ward has been absent .from hia post in the Custom House but one before. during a service of 26 years. HoaaK Rack To-joa- t. The race between tha native mare " Leach" and tha imported horse 'Jimmy," will coma off at Kapiolanl Park at 3 JO o'clock sharp this after noon. As both animals have a good record for speed. and as the hour sppolnted is one at which everybody is at leisure, w anticipate a full attendance of spectators. Thi Aatesiax Will, -- a recent visitor to Honoultull reports the well as continuing to flow freely and without any diminution In tha quantity of water discharged; con atituting in fact quite a river, which for the present and until planting can be accomplished is allowed to run Into the sea. Auction Sals or Stock, Ac Mr. E. P. Adams will sell at public auction, next Mondsy, the 6th Inst., at 12 o'clock noon, a lot of horses, mules, buggies and harness The sale will be held at tha Corner of Punchbowl and Beretania ..... streets, instead of . at the salesroom aa tre-- l yiously advertised. I Fast Dbivino. Complaints have reached as about tha y manner in which the two Pnnahoa omul busses sr driv en to and from the city. Young and inexperienced driv- ers with apparently half-broke- n horses go tearing and zigzagging along aa if carrying the maila on time. Thoaa young people should be talked to. AV Kearney, the Sand lot orator of San Francisco, has threatened in a public speech that when Gen. Grant ar- rive he will be hung In effigy at tha Sand lots. The peo- ple of San Francisco of all parties, even to are anxious to do honor to tha dis tinguished General, and it is very doubtful If Kearney wtll be allowed to oner tne proposed insult witn impun- ity Tibbetta A Sorenson are building at their ship-- yard, of heavy timbers and plank, a large box to put un-d- or the steamer LiMike, to ascertain whether she was ' damaged when recently touching the ground. Mr. T. re marked, when explaining the object of the box, " It may perhaps kill somebody." It Is a fact that these operations of " boxing" a ship are more or less attended with dan- ger. W hat we need at this port, and will some day have, is a marine railway. Music The band will play this afternoon at Emma Square, commencing at 4.30 p. it. The following ia the programme. March The Parade Bsrtholomous Overture Fra Diavolo Acber Cavatina 1 Brigandi Marcadjinta Waltz Ollva Marriott Selection II Sonnaiabula Bellini Quadrille Fatinitza , Suppe Capsize. The sloop yacht Water Lily, formerly the Loiut, was ont on Sunday afternoon on a trial trip, She is supposed to be very fast, being heavily sparred, and is said to have been brought here with a view of beating all our Island boats. While entering the harbor, a sud- den puff of wind threw her over on the side, the boom and sail caught in the water, and ahe fairly capsized. Eleven persons were oil poard, but none were drowned, as all but three could swim, and assistance was close at nBd illicit Liqtron Selling. A letter from Maul com- - plaints bitterly of the laxity of the police on that Island in respect to illicit liquor selling by the Chinese. The writer says it is notorious that the Chinese shop- keepers keep gin for sale to both foreigners and natives, and that there is good ground for believing that the po- lice receive bribes to keep silence on the subject. This is not the first time that we have heard similar com- plaints. Is It not high time the government officials in- vestigated the subject f Trouble with ths Maobis. We notice In the New Zealand papers that on the 29th August last, on tha Thames river, some English surveyers were fired upon by the natives the former being in the act of surveying lands which the latter claim aa theirs, but which govern- ment has declared confiscated on account of the native rebellion some years since. One of the surveyors was wounded, but not seriously. The natives who did the shooting were not given up by the Maori chiefs, and fur- ther trouble was anticipated. Music anp Moonlight. The moon was at the full on Monday night, and Emma Square was also full of listeners to the concert by tha band. The selection of pieces was excellent, and the playing by the native musicians un- der the leadership of Berger, was never better, and elicited expression of pleased surprise, especially by the strangers present passengers on the Zealandia from the Colonies. ' How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon the trees I Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears; soft stillness and the night, Become the touches or sweet harmony. Chinese Riot on a Plantation. At Ookala Plantation in the District of Hilo, on Friday the 2Cth nit., a gang of Chinese employed in the field cutting cane suddenly made an attack on the overseer with cane knlvea and hatchets. He defended himself for a time with sticks of sugar cane, until becoming bard pressed he drew his re. volver and fired two shots over the heads of the crowd As this did not seem to intimidate them, be fired point blank, hitting one Chinaman, but not seriously Injuring him, but it bad the effect to put a stop to the riot. Some fifty-si- x of the rioters were taken to Hilo for punishment. A pleasant position truly, that of overseer for a lot of heathen Chinese 1 A Permanent Improvement. Mr. D. W. Clark, watch maker and jeweler, has this week removed from hia old stand nearly opposite this office to the new brick build ing recently erected by him on the east side of the street. The new structure has a very tasty decorated front and is a decided ornament to Merchant street. It is 42 feet deep by 18 feet front, is of two stories, respectively 12 and 11 feet high. The lower story la occupied by Mr. Clark in his business, and is provided with two large plate glass windows. The building stands back 6H feet from the line of the old Snow building, which forms a rather unsightly contrast to its new and trim-looki- neighbor. There ia room for a good deal of similar im- provement on Merchant street the most frequented thoroughfare in the city. Joolies Shipped fob Gambling Debts. A Congres- sional Commission has been holding sessions in San Francisco, taking evidence in regard to the Chinese. Mr. Jsmes Gilroy, for a number of years a merchant in China, in the course of his testimony made the follow- ing statement: " In the seaport towns of China gambling shops are as numerous as drinking places here. It is a common custom for coolies of the most degraded and vicious class to enter one of these shops and stake their services for a number of years against a certain sum of money which they play against the game. If they lose, and they generally do, they are imprisoned and bought from the owner of the shop by agents of companiea here or in Peru or Cuba, and when a sufficient number are coralled they are bound by a cast-iro- n contract and ship- ped to their destination to work out their indebtedness. These are facts, gentlemen, which the testimony of many foreign merchants In China can substantiate." Meteorological. The rainfall at Wilder's Ice Factory in Nuuanu Valley is reported for the year ending Octo- ber 1st. to have reached the very large amount of 75 inches. At the same place the record for the paat four months reads as follows: June 8.16 inches July 6.29 " AuguBt 6.80 " September 8.88 " At Mr. W. W. Hall's for Sept " At Dr. B. McKibbin's 0.45 " It will be observed that the fall of rain varies much in amount in localities comparatively near to each other, caused, without doubt, by the direction given to currents of air by the formation of the mountains. But this neighborhood has been unusually favored in the matter of rains during the past rear. yTrom Mr. Dickey's observatory at Baiku, East Maui, we have received the following account or the rain-fa- ll at that place at an elevation of about 3000 feet on the windward side of the Island during the three months last past: July 6.42 inches August 6.35 " 4.6 " Total .15 43 " Chiabini's Circus. This company, comprising some of the most renowned performers in the world, it will be seen by the following letter msy be expected by the steamer on Monday en route for Australia, and will give one or two performances at Lnproil's tent. The latter company performs this evening as usnaL San Francisco, Aug. 20, 1879. Mr. George Ltjtroil, Dtar Sir : Yon csn advertise an exhibition of my com- pany, of all that is possible to perform under the circum- stances, on arrival of stesmer and the time she lays in Honolulu. I shall make it ss attractive aa possible in or- der to give satisfaction to the inhsbitants of the Island, therefore you can advertise to that effect. I remain, ours respectfully, tt. ClilAKlM, per 1. MAiA. Waihee, Oct. 1st. 1879. fo the Editor of tyt Pacific Commercial Advertiser: f Dear Sib : My attention has been called to an article fcr extract from a Maul letter) in the Gazette of the 24tn inst., which states that I bad been buried alive, Ac. I flat- ly contradict the whole statement, and pronounce it false in every particular. The writer of the letter must have been asisinforinetS. and I will suggest to him to sttend to his employer's business, and in future to let out all contracts for sensational communications to ' some other man." Yours Bespectfully, F. A. W ARSES. We are assured that the allegation contained tn the article above referred to are indeed quite unfounded, and constitute a gross libeir The Gazette aa' " We are permit- ted to make the following extracts." A valuable privilege to wvantonly libel an inoffensive man 1 It is only anoth, er spedman of tha Gaeetu't utter reckleaaneaa and unre-Uibil-ltr. Ed. P. 0. A. ' , FOREICfl NEWS. Per S. 8. Zealandia, Sept 9, via Utv Zealand. , Bj the mail atearaer from tha South bart London dates (telegraphic) to Sept. 13. mtd days later than received from the East. The newt ia important. Tb British embaj at Catul, la Afghanistan, bas been maaoacred bj the natlvea. and the Ameer, who ao lately cam Into power through British influence, baa breo murdered. All Afghanistan was in open rebellion. Besides, a wax between the King ol llurmah and England appear to be imminent. Altogether the situation la IuJla Li i ious. We quote telegrams, which bowtrtr ar proverbially brlf and nnsatiafactorj by way of the Colonlea. , BoktBAY, Sept. . Intelligence baa juat been r ceired of m terrible mutiny amongat the troopa At Cabul. Tha news state that they rose, and, being joined by the lobabi'anU. attacked and let tire to the, British Residency. Tby also beaieged tha Ameer, who endearored by erery meant to LU power to qnell the rebellion. Tha late of Major-Cavijroar- l and auite are unknown. Tha Viceroy of India ia ordered to conduct an '.mmedlat ad- vance of the British into Afghanatan. Bombay, SepL T. Further intelligence baa bean received from Cabul regarding the mutiny of tha troopa aod rebellion of the inhabitania. Natlvea in wboa statement reliance can be placed report that they bare aeen the dead bodiea of some of the British officers in the vicinity of the Reaideney. Nine member of Major Caragnari'a eacort ara said to have escaped lb massacre. Bombay, SepL 9. The attack on lb rit!ati Residency at Cabul waa sudden, and attended with great loss to the attacking party of rUbulea. An unsuccessful attempt waa made by the Cabul. ese to storm the building. They finally Cr4 the doorway aod swarmed in and killed the defenders. The Governor of Candahar expressed bU devotion to the British. The miliury preparation ara be- ing rapidly pushed forward. London, Sept. 13. News from Afghanistan states that the Ameer's guards rrtdually 0srtecL Yakoob Kbnn fell defending himself against lbs mutineers. The adranced posts of tha British reached Shutar Garten on the Bib. and occupied the road to Cabal through Karkacba Pane, which, it was aaid waa defended by hostile tribe. Tha rebellion baa extended to Herat The litterect animosity is manifested. Thebau la abandoned. All Burmese capable of bearing arms ara summon- ed to Mandalay. The British, fearing a threatened general massacre, sought refuge across the British Burmah frontier, where Brown resided, and re- main awaiting events General Roberta tele- graphs to the Viceroy that the situation la most serious, the oalla for reinforcementa amounting to double the number of men In the field, lip saya it is impossible to make a dash at Cabul. Lokdos, Sept. 13. Latest newa from tb Cap states that Sir Garnet Wo 1st ley Is hopeful of ulti- mately forcing Cetewayo to unconditional sur- render. The troopa are in excellent health. The country for on hundred milea beyond TJliindl is completely in the bands of the British. The Zulus have ceased to shew la largo number and offer no resistance. Shanghai, Aug. 15. A most destructive Brex-tendin- g throughout eleven streets, baa occurred ; 991 bouses were completely destroyed ; Tb bulk of them were uninsured. , Shanghai, Aug. 15. Cholera la raging at Ton-qui- n, Macao, Loocboo. In on district 10,000 bar died. - , Per bktne Eureka, September 30tk. . By thia arrival on Tueaday morning, San Fran cisco dailies have been received to 8ept li. W compile a summary. Aa waa anticipated in onr last, the election ia California has resulted in victory for the ILrpublU cftn party, their entire State Ticket being elootci by mora than 2U.000 plurality. Great preparations were being made in Ben Fran. cisoo for tha reception of Gen. Grant, who was ex- pected to arrive from Yokohama on tha 17th Sept. The ateamer City of Tolio waa to b met outalda tbs beads by a fleet of ateamers and yaohte and ttoortad into port, while salutes will be fired from all tb forts. Numerous committees of tba oitlsena bav been appointed, on Reception, Marin display, Ban quet, Music, Parade and Deooratlona, ato. 80 f'rsnclsoo does nothing of thia kind by halve. As an illustration of tb growing commerce of tl city, tb Bulletin states that oa lb 9th of Beptem- - ber, there arrived at that port 28 vessels, inoladloc 8 teamen, 14 ships, 8 barks, 1 brig, and 6 eohoontri. From the Ban Franclaco Merchant, Sept, IL The Commercial Correspondent of th " Hawaiian Gazette." The editor of the Hawaiian Gauett Is probably aware that there Is a little knot of Jobbers (tbraal In this city who ara the avowed enemies of tha It landa' friends, the refiners, and also the opponents of tba treaty and tba slanderer of its operstlous. On or two discontented newspaper men have lent their aid to brln-- " Island sugar, tb island trade and the treaty Into disrepute with the Americsn people as a means of sctallatlon for fancied slights or for refusal to submit to blackmail. One of these newspaper men controls tb Grocer of this city, and tn hia columns he lose no opportunity cf n .a. paraging the treaty. The other, from circumstances be- yond his control, is compelled to work mora secretly ia this city, but 1 not less Industrious, and If we mistake not he is the Commercial Correspondent of tha JaanO GaeeUe. To tb ngbt going on between tn Island sugars and th importations from New York, tb Hawaiian Kingdom is a party. Its Interests are Inseparably bound up witn tbosa wnlcn tba Merchant advocate. Th ut- ter unscrupulouaness of th other side may be estimated from th persual of our article concerning tb Cail't bogus news. No Hswailan paper can afford to allow its enemies to use its columns to publish matter thai tb proprietbr of trade journels her forbid appearing la their own, becaus they are untrue and unjust. If they are untrue tbey are slandera upon thc-- who era giving life to the treaty, if tbey are unjust they are unjust f Island interests. The very article of which w complain could not have been inserted by it writer In the baa Francisco Journal which his mane I connected with, ex- cept at the risk of th loss of his position. For th future it would be prudent to edit that corres- pondent's letters, or better still, drop them tn the waat basket. Tha Mtrclmnt'i fight 1 th Islands' fipht and the Groerr'e fight is for Usvemeyer snd Jlr York . sugars. The Commercial Correspondent of the uwenaw Gatettc is the avowed friend of tb New Tork sugar im- porter and haa only been silenced Isr this city tn th most Important journal he has access to, by spuing his ' gun. II has two channels of communication with tb public yet; on is a literary weekly in Han Francisco, th other the Hawaiian GaeeUe. Verb. sap. Calendar for the October Term, A. D. 1870. Hawaiian Jrsr Ckimihax. Casks, Els Ex. E. Preston, Attorney General, for th Crown. The King vs. Naiwi, (ky Perjnry: continued from July Term. K F Bickerton for defendant. .O The King vs. Ilalaki. (wl Perl urn continued from July Term, B F Bickerton for defendant. The King vs. I U Bilvs Jr, (k) llallcious Injury. B T Bickerton for defendant. Th King vs. Bsmuela Eaanaana Malicious Injury. 2 F Bickerton for defendant. Curat. Caushs. Naholowaa vs. vTalaha Ejectment A S Bartwell for plaintiff. Makia vs. Nalua, et al Ejectment Caatl It Hatch for plaintiff, WL Holokahlkl for defendant. i L Kaulukou, ct al.. Administrators of Estate of It Keliipio, deceased, vs. 8 Kaanaaua Beplevin for a hors. J L Kaulukou in person, R F Bickerton for defendant John &apua vs. J Si Kaalkswsba Assumpsit; appeal from Intermediary Court H F Bickerton for Plaintiff. A 8 Ilartwell for defendant. Mixed ubt. I H Coney vs. Maneie Ejectment. A 8 BariwaU for defendant. Kabuik (k) et al. vs. Hikaalani Hobron, et al. Eject ment. A. 6 Ilartwell for plaintiff, Preston and Irown lor aeienaanta. Malaihi (k) vs. Anee, fChlnaman Assumpsit. Prsa- - to? and Brown for plalntift. l. 'bela fw) vs. Akau, (Chinaman) Ejectment Caatl k Hatch for plaintiff, Preston and Brown for defendant. Antone Levaro vs. CD alaboe Trespass: appeal. S Hartwell for plaintiff, Preston and Browu for de- fendant Kahoomaauck) vs. James Campbell Ejectment vL Holokahlkl for plaintiff, Preston and Brown for de fendant. FOBEIOK JCBT CalMIXAL CASKS. The King vs. Yin Tat, (Chinaman) Smuggling Opinm. The King vs. Karclssus Perry Malicious Iniurr. A S Hartwell for defendant Civii. Cacsis. Frsolda Sherman vs. Charles Long Ejectment. Csstle k Hatch for plaintiff, Preston snd Brown for defendant. k.llzaoetb C Klcbardeon In her own right ana ss UnsrO Ian of her minor children, et al. vs. Th North We tern Mutual Life Insurance Com psny Assumpsit A S Hart well for plalntifla, E Preston for defendants. Charles coake vs. r A bebaerer and Bam rarier Action for damago for breach of apscta! agreement Bickerton and Jones for plaintiff. Preston for de fendant. Akowal vs. Lu Pong Trespass. Preston and Brown for plaintiff. Chung Hoon vs. La Pong Trespass. Prestos aod Brown for plalnlff. Bimxu IV BANCO. J H Coney vs. His Excellency the Minister of Interior Appeal from Commlfaioners of Ways and Water. X Preston for defendant In the matter of the application to settle th bound lies of the Ahupusa of Pulebunul Appeal from Ooiumis- - loner or boundaries, Maul. A o Hartwell and Caatl at Hatch for applicants, E Prmton for appellants. J li Keaunui et al. vs. H Poka and others Ejectment ; writ of error. Castle ; Hatch for plaintiffs, E Preston for defendants. And 19 libels for dlvorc. SPECIAL NOT1CE0. 1ST I have again been obliged to refuse to task a Pro-- fssuonal visit. If the Policeman mad th Podar who War Instrumental In my arrest, will call, they can leant full particulars. (It) T. P. TI8DAXE, M. D. Scwrao Machistks at Acctiom. A larg lot of new and 2d hand Sewing Machines, which have been taken tn exchange for the " American Sewing Machln," by Geo. F. Well, will be disposed of at Pnblie Auction. This lot embrace many new first class Machines, In- - eluding th Florence, Doineatlc, Wheeler k Wilson, Sing. er. Howe, O rover k Bsker's, kc, ke. One or two Machine will be sold by E. P. Adams at each of his sales, till th who) lot have been disposed of. Oct 4 lm T SOMETHING NEW I TO PLANTERS. PLANT A. tion Agents, Graziers, etc., who are In need of a light handy machln for setting up and mending fane wire, will find Just th thing at DUUcgham 4 Co.'s evor. Fort Itrtet. u I f M i ! i t 1 f I ! ,1 I ! I i r n H i '; t ii i : J )

Transcript of Salea-roo- I. ForY t! i t JL OS-1 v i 4,j DY E. P. ADAMS. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS! LARGE SAIjE OF...

Page 1: Salea-roo- I. ForY t! i t JL OS-1 v i 4,j DY E. P. ADAMS. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS! LARGE SAIjE OF MULES & HORSES! BT ORDEa or Uessrs. G. W. Macfarlano & Co., for account of Messrs. BOWLKT









4 ,j





Uessrs. G. W. Macfarlano & Co.,for account of Messrs. BOWLKT EK0.8. San

Francisco, I via mil

ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 6th,At 11 'deck n, at tha pasture at H. MacferUn oa BRU-- al

t, opposite to residence of B. Schmidt, Asa, .

OO XiarcoYoung Kentucky Bred Mules,

Tt rianl ever Imported.

8 Handsome American Horses,3. Thorouclibrod

Stallion BASSWOOD !

1 Flit Keiticky Jack,I flat Seaal.a Jack,

I Flae Callferala Jeiaet,

1 Iiii'O JcrHoy Bull,S Elegiat Falllag-te- p Eaawajs,

I Daidae Tw-Se- at Bach Wagsas,

4 Tap Bagrlea, t Open Baggies,

19 Sets DeaU Darmesa, 10 SetsKlagle Uaraess.Tb shove Carriage wr uU by B. Z. BRIOOS 4c CO..

A notary. Hut i lh IJarn by lb celebrated Baker, B.E ILL, Cooeocd, New Hampshire.

K. P. ADAMS, A wet's-- .


ON FRIDAY, : : OCT. 10th,At 10 o'clock A. M-- , at Bales Boom.


White and Brown Cottons,



B. P. ADAMS, Auct'r.


Sugar Mills, Engines, Boilers,VACUUM PAHS,




In Connection v'Uh Sugar Plants.

Far Prices sad Tersu, Ipply t

E. P. ADAMS,ylO T9 A (rat c lb Hawaiian Ittand.



Companj,Si.l FRANCISCO..




at other part of the Islands,


Orders Filled at Lowest RatesBy application to Mr. K. P. A DA MS. Queen Street,

who Rao ear Deeeriptive Catalog with Prices.

- O 1ST HfA. 1ST ID !

it Stare r L. W. nOPP, Klas St.,

Black Walnut Bedroom Sets !

Black Walnut Bidebnards,Black Waloat Dining Chairs,

Oak Caoo 8rat Dining Chain,Cedar Bedroom Seta,

Pine Brnmu, c, AC-- ,c.E. P. ADAMS, Agent forHaw'n Is.

j13 T9






Best & Most Complete AssortmentEVER RECEIVED AT TOE ISLANDS.



aeCO los Agent California Furniture Company.

Best South Wales Coal,



THEO. 33. DAVIES.mhl 79


Covering Boilers, Steam Pipes, &c.





TTX DISCOVERT. 800 BBL1. Re-lv- ljj this day. For sal by (mil) BOLIES) at CO.




9 B0LLE3 at CO.



Saturday- - : Oct. -- 1

At lOi.m, eon'inoatiia of aMtgnes lale. at Salea-roo- cn

cf C. 8. Bartow, when will be aold,

T DE3 X77' 313 I. JEt "STSilrer and Plate Watchef , Oold and Bilrer Binga,BUrer aitd Plated Chain, and Oibrr Jtwtlry.

Eatite of Chankao.C. 8. BARTOW. Aoct'r.


ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7th,At 10 a. bb. ,00 Punchbowl Street, near Beret an la. at the

hoaea owned by Dr. J 8. McQrew, formerly occupied oj air.Q. C. Bidera. will be aold, oo account of departs re.

PARLOR AKD 2ED ROOM EURHTTTJREMarble Too Centra Table. Lcunee. WhatnoU.Black Walnut Bedroom Set. coropriaing-- i Bedrtead. Bo-rea- o.

Waahatand. 2 Chain, Bncker, Bedateada, pinr Mat-trasa-

Cook Racfe, Cockiof Ctenaila. Meal Saba, and otherarticle.

C. 8. BABTOW, Auct'r.


At 10 a. as. at Ealeeroom, will be aold,

Dry Goods,Clotliin?,


Also, Lot of Farnituie, Arm Chairs,and Platforms of Hawaiian Lodge,

C. 8. BA RTOW, Aoct'r.


Valuable Real Estate,ae20 Enquire of C. ft. BARTOW.


On WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22,Will be offered, it not prerloaale diepoeed of at Private

Bale, the valuable property of T. J. MOSdil A J, which includes



NEW DWELLING HOUSE.AH of which U aitnated in the central bosineai part of Wailoka

A L.SO on the aame day, a

Large & Great Variety MerchandiseCONSISTING IN PART Ad FOLLOWS:

Clothing, Print. Boota and Shoe, Saddle.Blank elm. Tobacco,, Ehawla,

Btationery, Patent Medicines,


Groceries, Hardware, Paints,Water-pro- Flannels, Uennos and Cobourga,

lad a Central Assortment of Drj Goods and otherSlerehandlse too Taried to partlealarlze.

XT to fnrdter particalars apply to

aoOtf T. J. MOSSMAX. Honolula.


California Beef, California Pork,Bj Late Arrivals. For Sale Low, by

ae20tf A. W. PEIRCK A CO.


Si PARaDtofill Orders for Complete geita of llawalianFerns, anmoanted, oo short notice.Prlee $10.00 for the Sett of 115; or .mailer setts of

35, S2.50; 30, $3.00; or 50, $5.00.The Specimen are beautifully preserved, retaining their nat-ural freen, and moat of the varieties have a portion of the root.

Orarr far Mallias; .Mb si I Postage.sabl THOS. O. TBRCM.

A Fall Cargo of

General ITIcrclinndiseBT Till


Which will be effered for sale oo very liberal terms, at theoSces of


FOR SALE,AT KAL1III Chicken Ksarb,Thorouchbred Berkshire Pigs, of the ICrown frince. Boblee and Sambo lamilies

now reaUy for ase and for sale s

1 Berkshire Boar, 10 months old, $12.1 Berkshire Boar, 12 months old, $12. -

Both of these pica were awarded the Silver Cnp at the Sacramento State Fair by the Committee on Bwine.

Price of Berkshire Pigs, $20 to $100 each,aceordiof In number, Sfe and condition, being about one halfthe price charged In the Kaalern States for thoroughbredswine

Parties wishing pigs can leave orders now, as 15 niters willcome In in July and August next. Add me.

says A. He. kbck r, uawaiian now.





Condensed Milk. Aklerney brand; Camden Corn,Superior Stearic Acid Candles.Adamantine Candles, Amber 8oep, In boxes of 20 ban;Kitra Olive Soap, In boxes of 12 bars;Oermanla Starch, Dooley's Teaat Powder,Superior Columbia River Salmon, in barrels A cases; etc

oct For sale by II. UACKFELD Ac CO.


California MulesBroken to Harness, and




R . O . W Y LIE,SI. HiEKMJ.NN, Master.

Has Just Arrived from Bremen,122 days Passage, and is tow discharging her

Cargo ofNew GoodsCOMPRISING

--A- Large AssortmentAND


Jbove Goods are ofrred to the Trade AT LOWRATES and on LIBER A L. TERMS by


Ne Plus Ultra Spring Bed

ONLY FIFTEEN DOLLARSSo Cheap that all can hare it, and yet

THE BEST IN THE MARKETXT Try ooe, and li not satlafactory, money will be refund

ed. On exhibition and tor sale by DILLINGHAM At CO.. Agents.

n,hl or of tilt manufacturer, B. F. FAS BAR.

For Sale or Charter I4. --e THE A 1 ECnOOSER

About 135 Tons XT Well found sod read forea. Apply toocslm CUtg LONG, a Merchant St


TTr. Jane V- - Fo.lltiri'bixrer,HCBBABD Master.

Will have Quick Dispatch for above FortFor Freight or Passage, apply tose27 CASTLE A COOKE. Agents.

For San Francisco,Ths American Schooner Yachta

4 Clans Spreckcls,9TON BCHMIDT, Master,

Will have Quick Dispatch for above Fort.For freight or passage, apply to

se27 BM.O. fflWlS k CO., A rente.


R- - C. WYLIE, 99


Will have Quick Dispatch for above Fort.For Freight or Passage, apply to

aelS H. HACKFELD A Co., Agents

FOR SAIV FBAIVCISCO.rc- -s The Fine American Clipper Ship


LESTKR, Commander, 'Will have Dispatch for the Above Fort.

For Freight or passage, apply to

O. W. MACFA BLANK A CO., Agents.

X. B. Freight Uken at reduced rates. au23

New York & Honolulu Packet LineW. H. Crossman & Bros.,

118 Chamber Street, New York Agents.

rBMIE NEXT VESSEL In this POPULARM Line will leave New York in all the month of December.

Parties bavins, freight for this port, will do well to patronisethie Line, beiog assured of a good vessel and a low rate offreight. sezr tt .


POMARE,Well Found. Ready for Sea.

au23 Apply to H. HACKFELD A Co.




Will leave Honolulu for San Francisco onor about Monday, Oct. 27

For Sydney, via Auckland !




Goads Tor Shipment per Steamer can mowbe SlosecS. Free of Charge. 1st she Flre-pre- ef

Wsrrksaie steal r the Steamer Wharf. Jal 79



Tuesday, Oct 7, 6 p m... Circuit or HawaiiTuesdsy, Oct 14, 6 p m . HiloTuesday, Oct 21, 6 p m.. Circuit of HawaiiTuesday, Oct 2S, & p m .. HiloTuesday, Nov 4. 6 p m... ...Circuit of HawaiiTuesday, Nov ll.ipo, HiloTuesday, Nov 18, 6 p m., .........Circuit cf HawaiiTuesday, Nov 25, 6 p m.. HiloTuesday, Dec 2, 6 p m... ...Circuit of HawaiiTuesday, Dec 9, 6 p m ... HiloTuesday, Dec IS. 6 p m.. Circuit oT HawaiiTuesdsy, Dec 23, 6 p m.. HiloTuesdsy, Dec 90,6 pm., Circuit of Hawaii

No Credit for Passage Money !

We noaitirelv decline to open accounts for Passages, and weparticularly call the attention of the traveling public to thenecessity of having Bagfrage and Freight plainly market ; theSteamer will not be responsible for any unmarked baggage orfor any Freight or Parcel unless Receipted far.FREIGHT MONEV DUE ON DEMAND!

In all cases of Freight for parties not tesponslble or unknown, the Freight Money will be required in advance. .PACKAGES OF LIQUORS AND WINES

MUST BE PLAINLY MARKEDFor the Dirty whom they are for, or plainly stated In the receipt to whom they are consigned.

All demands for vamage or vess, must oe mauc wiuiiu usemonth.

In no way liable Tor loss or accident to live stock.n--r flsck Drivers. Boys, sod such like, will not be allowed

on board the Steamer upon arrival, cntil after the passengershave been landed.

mhS79 wiluek & MM.

a. c. allis. H. P. BOBI9SOH.


Paicla, Oils, Nails, Ac, Ac.agists roa scHoosrss





del) Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


Wailele, Malolo,Waimalu, Kamaile.

Waioli, Liliu,Waiehu, and Juanita.

FLAG.- - Red with White Ball- - OFFICE, Corner ofja!8 79 Kuusno and Queen Streets.


Mary E. Foster,Marion,




And the Water Boat.se30 ly Office on the Ksplanade, Honolulu.


Favorable arrangements csn always be made forStorage and Shipment of Oil. Bone. Wool. Hides

and other Merchandise to New Bedford. Boston. New York andother Kaatern Ports. IT Csah Advancea made.

ja2 79 C. BRKWER A CO.


C. BREWER it CO., AGENTS.Merchandise received STORAGE FREE andliberal cash advances made on shipments by this

Ji2 79 C. BREWER A CO.


A Weekly Trade Paper.Published in San Francisco, CaJ.,

Every Friday Morning.Especially devoted to the Grocery, Tobacco. Provision.

Drug and Wine sod Spirit Trades. The Advocate of HomeManufactnre and Island Interests.

Able editorials on live topics. Newsy comments on allaffairs sppertainins; to busioes. The fullest and most reliablemarket reports and the liveliest and most entertaining tradepaper paoiisned In tne united etates.SrBSCRIPTI05, Tvt Dollars a Tear, la IdTaite

(TJ. B. postage lnciuded). and received bytbos. o-- . Tsncrivr,News Dealer, Honolula, Agent lor the Hawaiian Islands.Ml3 AdvrrtUtmtntt Rntivti and Dulf Forvtritd. lis

tgal btrtistmfiits.

PR KM E COURT OF T H E H A W A 1 1 A 'SC ia Probate. In toe matter of the ESTATEOF JOHN D. WATSON, late of Kaoeobe, Oaho. deceased,

' at Chambers, before Mr. J noire Judd.On rradicg and filing the petition and accounts of

WILLIAM O. SMITH, Administrator de b"oJa non or thaEstate ot J. D VYataoo late of Kaneohe, Oaha, deceased,whrreio be asks to be allowed $103.12, and charges himselfwith $694.16, aod ask that the same may be examined andapproved, aod that a Boa 1 order may be made of distributionol the pnperty remaining in his bands to the persons theretoentitled, snd discharging him aod his sureties from all furtherresponsibility as socb Admit.u'r.lor.

It aftWtlered. that Tt'EsDAV. the 4th day of Nov. A. D.1579, Tl0 o'clock. A. M. efore the said Justice, at Chambers,in the Court Hooae, at Honolula, be and the same hereby isappointed as the lime and place lor nrannc said peuuoa andaccounts, snd that all persons Intereatrd may then and tberappear and snow causa, u any tney aave, why the same shooidnot be granted, and may present evidence is to who art enti--uea to tcs taxi property.

And that this order, la the English and Hawaiian languages,be published in the Pacific Commercial Advertiser and KookoaDewsnaoera printed and pubusnea in uonomln. for three saccessiT weeks Kevkms to the lime therein appointed for saidBearing.

Dated at Honolulu, H. L, this 1st day of Oct., A. S. 1879.A. FRANCIS J CD I.

Attest: Justice of ths Supreme Court.A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. oo St

CIRCUIT COURT. SECOND JUDICIALHawaiian Islands, to Probate. In tha

matter of the EststeoT HENRY W. DANIELS of Wail ok u.Aleut, deceased, at Chambers.

On reading and filling too petition of William H. Daniels,asking that letters of administration be award to hint la theEtate of his father Henry Y. Daniels ol Wailuko, afanl.deceased lnttte.It is ordered that FRIDAY. Octnber 24th. 1879. at 10 a. ths Court Hojse in Waiiuku. be set apart a the time andplace for hearing said petition and any objections that mayne made thereto; ana all parties interested arc nertDy nouneato attend. Aon. rOBNANDe-B-,

Circuit Judge 2nd Judicial District. H. I,Lahaina, Sept. 29th. 1&"9. oca 3t

NOTICE TO CREDITORS.William Joseph Rawlins, Deceased.

A LL Peraana haviaaT Claiaaa sislstl theJA. Estate of WILLIAM JOSEPH RAWLINS, late of a,

Honolula, Soap Maker, deceased, whether secured bymortgage or otherwise are notified to present the same dulyauthenticated to the Kev. A. slacintosn and William o. Barnesthe Executors named in the Will of the deceased, at theOffice of the said William U. Barnes, No. 29, Fort Street, Inthe city of Honolulu, within six months from the date or thsfirst publication ol this Notice, or the same will be for everbarred. Aod all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment.

EDWARD PRESTON,Attorney for the Executors.

Dated this 3rd day of October, 1879. - oc4 At

Notice to Creditors.VOT1CE IS IIEREBT GIVEN THAT thei. w undersigned has been appointed Executor of the laatwill and testament ol Akong of Honolulu, deceased, and allpersons are truly notified to present claims duly aotheuueateawhether secured by mortgage or otherwise, at his office onRaabumanu Street, in Honolulu, within six months from thedate hereof or tbey will be forever barred, and all people indebled to said estate are hereby notified to make immediatepayment thereol. ALfcX. J. CAHTWBIUHT,Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Akona, deceased

Dated at Honolula, AprU 22, 1379. sp28


M. elected Asslfoees of the Estate of Chun Ran ol Honolulu, Bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted to the said Chun Kan, to make immediate payment toC. 8. Bartow, at his salesroom, Honolula. Any person own-lo- g

articles, of any description, which have been depositedwith Chun Kan and now in possession of the assignees mayobtain the same upon proving ownership.

V. B. BAKiUW,se!3 W. C. AKANA.


Per E. 0. Wylie, from Bremen,

Mailer's Lager Beer and Fale Ale,

In quarts and pints;

Bremen Brewery Lager Beer, in qts.;

Schloss Johaoniaberg and Hochheimer;



CHAMPAGNE,Q. Goulet & Co., qts. and pts.;

Due de Montebello, qts. and pts.;

Sillery Moussenx, qts.

For Sale in Quantities to Suit!se27 2m


Honolulu, September 26tb, 1879. J

REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOL-LARSA will be paid to any person who will give such in-

formation ss will lead to the conviction of the person or per-sons who set fire to the house or the Hon. T. Martin, atWaiohiou. Kau, Hawaii.

Information may be given to the Sheriff of Hawaii, the De-pn- ty

Marshal or any Deputy Sheriff se27 4t

rem: crv .a. l. i

BOLLES & CO.,OULD INFORM THEIR FRIENDSw and the public generally, that they nave

Removed to their New Fire-pro- of Store,Which has just been completed, situated at the Old Stand,

34 Queen Street, where they have been making large additionsto their stock of Ship Chandlery, Ship and Plantation Stores,which make their assortment Isrge and varied.

Will be happy to have a call from their patrons, snd theywill assure them that no pains will be spared to attend to theirwants in a satisfactory manner.

We have now In Stock: Cordage, hemp and Manila, an as-

sortment or sixes; Cotton Duck, Flax Canvas, Hemp Canvas,Cotton Sail Twine, 6, 6, 7 and 8 ply; Flax 8ail Twine, 8 and 6ply; Block, Oar. Shieves, Hooka and Thimbles, Ac, Ac, allor which will be sold at Bed Rock Prices.

Honolulu, Nor. 23d, 1878. jal '79






Received this day, and for sale low.sc6 BOLLES A CO.


T PITCH. ' For Sale byal '79 BOLLKS A CO.


jal '79 BOLLE8 CO.


TLF Packages. For Sale byjal 79 BOLLES A CO.



al '79 For Sale by BOLLES Ac Co.

MANILA CIGARS,TN BOXES OF 500. 200, AND 1 OO EACH.JL The Genuine Article. For sale ty

m;24 BOLLES a CO

SUGAR,CALIFORNIA CUBE IN 25lh BOXES.j Kegs of powdered sugar.jal 79 For Sale by BOLLES A CO.

OIL ! OIL ! !

ni'RE SPERM OIL. ST RAINED AND FREEJL from foots. For Sal by

al '70 BOLLKS A CO.

COTTON DUCK,FROM 1 TO lO. COTTON SAILNOS. 6, 6, 7 and ex Murray thia day.





in perfect order.sc8 BOLLES A CO


M--A Eldorado Flour at ti.Corn Meal In 10& bags

Cracked W beat in 10 bags,' Oat Meal in 10 b bags.Received this da byefl BOLUS ft CO.


Sale of Government Land.ON MONDAY, November 3rd, 1ST9, at 12 oclock noon,

will be offered for sale at public auction at the front en-trance of Aliiolani Hale a small piece of land on the Es-

planade adjoining the premises of lion. H. A. WiJemanc.containing about th of an acre.

Cpset price $750. Terms Ca&h. All information can beobtained at the Interior Office.

Honolula, Oct. 3, 16T9. SajsT. O. Wnjjxn,Oct. 4-- Minister of the Interior.

DAYTD TAYLOR has been this dav appointed Com-missioner of PriTste Ways and Water Rights for tha Dis-trict of Lahaina, Island of Maui, rice E. Jones resigned.

U. MAEAALCA has also been this dav appointed aCommissioner of Private Wsrs and Water Rights for thaaame district, and thetBoard of Said Commissioners forthe said district, of Lahaina now consists as follows,Hon. L. Abolo. David Taylor. Esq. M. Makalna, Esq.

SasiX O. Wodii, Minister of the Interior.Interior Office. Oct. 3d. 1879. Oct 4 St

Sale of Lease of Government Land. Kauaioand AuwaM, Honnanla, MauL

On Monday. November 3d, 1879. at the front entranceof Aliiolani Hale, will be sold the lease for five years ofthose two tracts of Government Land known as Kastaisand Aawaai. and situated in the district of Hoasm- -

la. Mas). Cpset price $200 per annum. Terms-pay- able

quarterly in advance.SAM'L O. WILDER. Minister of the Interior.

Honolulu, 29th Sept. 1879. Oct 4

Sale of Government LandOn Monday, November 3d, 1S79, at 13 o'clock noon,

will be aold at public auction, at the front entrance ofAliiolani Hale, the following pieces of Government lands.

1 Oaihikaw, Has. Hawaii. One piece of landKaaaalhl, containing 60 62-1- acres. Upset price 73cts per acre.

2 Kaaweleaa, Has. Hawaii. Two pieces ofland containing 127 22-1- acres. Cpset price 73 cts peracre. Terms cash. SAM'L O. WILDER.

Minister of Interior.Honolula, Sept. 30th, 1879. oct 4

The intolerable nuisance caused by the speed at whichDrays are driven through the streets, as well as the riskto life, and the damage done the roads, compels the Min-

ister of the Interior to amend the regulations regardinglicensed carriages and drays, issued August 12, 1873.

REGULATION. No horse attached to any LicensedWagon, Cart or Dray for the transportation of freight,shall, within the circuit of one mile from the HonoluluPost Office, be driven faster than a walk.

Sam'l O Wilseb, Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, Sept. 23, 1879. se27

Sale of Government Land.ON MONDAY, October 27, 1879, at 12 o'clock noon, will I

be aold at public auction at the front entrance of Aliiolani I

Hale, the following pieces of Government Land :

1st Walnakn. Hilo. Hawaii. One piece situated in Walnakn, Hilo, Hawaii, good for cultivation or asresidence, containing 3 3-- acres. Upset price $50 per acre.

2nd Honolulu, Oaha. That piece of land knownaa Kalin, adjoining on the south and west side of Hon J.W. Moanauli's residence on King Street, mauka of theroad to the Prison, containing one acre. Upset price $200.

3rd liana, Maui. One strip of land in Niumalu,Hans, Maui, adjoining the Plantation of A. Unna, Esq.,containing 9 5-- acres. Upset price $10 per acre. TermsCash. Sam 'I. . Wilder, Minister of Interior.

Honolulu, Sept. 23, 1879. se27

Sale of Lease of Government Land in Ha--makua, Hawaii.

ON MONDAY, October 27th, 1879, at the front entranceof Aliiolani Hale at 12 noon, will be sold the lease for tenyears of that piece of Government land situated in W aIkalala. Ilsiankus, Hawaii, between Kaapahnand Papalele below the Government road and adjoiningHenry Cooper's land, containing SO acres. Upset price 75eta. per acre per annum. Terms, rent payable quarterly inadvance. Sam'l Q Wildeb, Minister of Interior.

Honolulu, Sept. 23, 1879. se27

APPLICATIONS for the purchase of GovernmentLots, on the Eulaokabua Plains, will be received at theInterior Office.

Parties desiring to purchase must state the number ofthe Lot, and the price they oner for the same. Appli-cants mnst state that they desire to purchase with theintention of improving the same ; the Government decline to sell to parties desiring to hold tor an advance.

Should the price offered be satisfactory, the Lots willbe put up at auction, after a reasonable advertisement ofthe same.

TERMS OF SALE. One fourth cash. One fourth inone year. One fourth in two years, unefourtn in threeyears with 9 per cent interest per annum payable semiannually ana a mortgage upon tne tana.

Map of the said lots can be seen at the Interior Officeand all information given

BAM I. tt. WILDERau9 Minister of the Inerior.

Col. W. F. Allen is appointed Acting Governor of theIsland of Oahu during my absence.

John O. Dominis.July 15th, 1879.

list of Licenses Expiring in Oct., 1879.Notice is hereby given that all Licenses must be ap

plied for direct to the Interior Office, and all parties arecautioned about failing to renew expiring Licenses, andall Sheriffs and Deputy nnerlffs nave instructions to prosecute without discretion, any and all parties doingbusiness without the proper License.

SAM A. tt. WLLUUI,Minister cf the Interior.

Interior Office, AprU 30, 1879.


OAHU 1 Yuk Kee. Nuuann street Honolulu1 Wong Leon A Co, Nuusnu street Honolulu2 Chung Faa, Heela, Koolsupoko4 C 8 Wo Chong, Nuuann street, '

4 Friel A Bush, Fort "4 Amana, Waialua5 Tung Hang A Co, Nuusnu street, '

6 Ah Gee, cor Beretania A Maunakea st '9 Wilder k Co, cor Queen h Fort st, '

10 E O Hall A Son, cor Fort A King st,10 Dr E Hoffmann, Merchant street, '

10 G Aio.12 A L Smith, Fort "13 Wing Chong Tai A Co, Hotel "17 J T A H Waterhouse, King " "18 C A Poor, Hotel " "19 J Perry, cor Nuuanu A Hotel "19 8 Magnin, Nuuanu " "23 J H McLean A Co, Nuuanu " "23 Hong Chau. Palama, King "23 M Phillips A Co, Kaahumanu "' "25 J T Waterhouse, Fort " "29 J T A H Waterhouse, Queen " -

31 Frank Antone, Nuuanu " "31 TongWo, " '

HAWAII 1 L Turner, Waiohinu, KauIAS Cleeborn A Co, Punalun, Kan1 J R Mills, Honokaa, Hamakua4 Hitchcock A Co, Hilo6 Chung Peu, Punaluu, Kau

15 Goo Kim A Co, Honomakau, N Kohala25 John Worth, Hilo26 Young Sing A Co, Kspaau29 Akim, Laupshoehoe, Hilo

MAUI 1 H Bryant, Waiiuku6 T Alo, Hsmakualoa

14 Chung Wa A Co, Waiiuku24 Aiona, Lahaina25 T Alo, Waihee

KAUAI 1 An Gip. Kapaa26 Apau, Koloa26 Tong Sing, Kalihiwai, Hanalei

WHOLESALE.1 Bolles A Co, Queen street, Honolula6 Cbulsn A Co, Nuuanu " "9 Wilder & Co. cor Queen A Fort st, Honolulu

10 E O Hall A Son, cor King A Fort sts, "23 C Afong, Nuusnu st, "

RETAIL SPIRIT.28 James Old, Empire House

JOBBING SPIRIT.9 Frank Brown, Merchant st, Honolulu

VICTUALLING.1 Ah Psu. Halawa. X Kohala, Hawaii1 W S Lokai, Waianae, Oaha1 Pahana, Makapsls, N Kohals, Hawaii1 Wing Sing A Co, Kspasu, N Kohala, Hawaii

11 Akaua A Ahoe, Honokas, Hamakua, "26 Leum Keon, Ksiopihi, N Kohala, "26 Len Hin A Co, Halawa, "26 Peter Fornandez, King st, Honolulu27 A Conchee, Kaneohe. Koolaupoko28 A Walter, Lahaina, Maui28 Ah Hok, Honomakau, N Kohala, "

HUTCH ER.1 Chss Notley, Hamakua, Hawaii2 A Conradt.

13 Ahi. Haiku, Maui18 J H Woods. N Kohsls, Hawaii29 G Waller, King street, Honolula29 " Hotel " "29 " Nuusnu29 " Fish Market "

DISTILLING.7 J McKesgue, Heeia, Koolaupoko

AUCTION.1 8 W Wilcox, Kauai2 T W Everett, Maui

BILLIARD.25 J H Canaro, N Kohala, Hawaii

CAKE PEDDLING.1 An Gip, Kapaa, Kauai

FIRE ARMS.14 G P Wilder. Kona, Oahu14 S G Wilder. Jr17 Guy 8 Comly.17 Guy Wodehouse.17 Hay Wodehouse, "23 C P Iaukea,

NOTICE OF SALE.ISHERERY GIVEN THAT THENOTICE Cheong Tai. conaiating of Meters. Chilian

A Co., Wong Ala Pon Tong, Look Sans, Yun Quan, Lee TabFon, Chang Faa, Yung He, Chang Hing, Chang Yuog, Con-chee A Ahung, Kwong Chow Kee, Wing Wo Yen. Ching ChinSam, have, on the 21 day or Sept., 1879, sold all their right,title aod interest in the business carried on under the firmname or Wing Cheong Tai, to a firm In Hongkong, namedWing Wo Yaen, whicn firm has authorised and empoweredLoo Chit Sam to carry on and conduct the said business forthem.

The name or the new firm will be called Wing Cheong TaiYaen Kee.

No member of the late firm of Wing Cheong Tai will be heldresponsible for any debts contracted by the new firm of WingCheong Tai Ynen Kee.

The new firm of Wing Cheong Tai Yuen Kee will not be re-sponsible lor any debts contracted by the old firm of WingCheong Tai from and after the 2id instant.

All debts sgalost tha late firm of Wing Cheong Tai, and allaccounts dae and owing them, mnst be settled within onemonth from this date. LOO CHIT SAM.

HonoluJu, 8ept. Stto, 1379. (eST)

the PAOino


BRIEF MENTION.Two Chlnee surreptitious gin seller were

fined on Monday in the Police Court, one $10 and thaother 130 rather light sentences, it wonld seem.

Hot WxaTBXB. The warm weather of the dog-da- hascontinued all the week, the thermometer In tha cityranging from M toP6 In the shade. The nights havebeen unpleasantly warm too, although occasional showerscooled the air.

Tu Vsoa Satk. A telegram from Yokohama, Sept S.

re porta tha axrival there of tha Swedish ship Taa. Prof.Xordenakjold, all well. Tha rya sailed on bar voyagela search of tha Xorth-we- st passaga July 4th, 187S, andpassed Last Cape Into Bhertcgs Straits July 2Cth, 1579.

Pzxsosax. Among tha passengers par Zwummi oaMonday we note tha names of C. P. Ward, wife andfamilv. and M. Lonlsson. Mr. Ward has been absent.from hia post in the Custom House but one before.during a service of 26 years.

HoaaK Rack To-joa- t. The race between tha nativemare " Leach" and tha imported horse 'Jimmy," willcoma off at Kapiolanl Park at 3 JO o'clock sharp this afternoon. As both animals have a good record for speed.and as the hour sppolnted is one at which everybody isat leisure, w anticipate a full attendance of spectators.

Thi Aatesiax Will, --a recent visitor to Honoultullreports the well as continuing to flow freely and withoutany diminution In tha quantity of water discharged; conatituting in fact quite a river, which for the present anduntil planting can be accomplished is allowed to run Intothe sea.

Auction Sals or Stock, Ac Mr. E. P. Adams will sellat public auction, next Mondsy, the 6th Inst., at 12o'clock noon, a lot of horses, mules, buggies and harnessThe sale will be held at tha Corner of Punchbowl andBeretania.....streets, instead of .at the salesroom aa tre--

l yiously advertised.I Fast Dbivino. Complaints have reached as about thay manner in which the two Pnnahoa omul busses sr driv

en to and from the city. Young and inexperienced driv-ers with apparently half-broke- n horses go tearing andzigzagging along aa if carrying the maila on time. Thoaayoung people should be talked to.

AV Kearney, the Sand lot orator of San Francisco, hasthreatened in a public speech that when Gen. Grant ar-

rive he will be hung In effigy at tha Sand lots. The peo-

ple of San Francisco of all parties, even toare anxious to do honor to tha dis

tinguished General, and it is very doubtful If Kearneywtll be allowed to oner tne proposed insult witn impun-ity

Tibbetta A Sorenson are building at their ship--yard, of heavy timbers and plank, a large box to put un-d- or

the steamer LiMike, to ascertain whether she was' damaged when recently touching the ground. Mr. T. re

marked, when explaining the object of the box, " It mayperhaps kill somebody." It Is a fact that these operationsof " boxing" a ship are more or less attended with dan-ger. W hat we need at this port, and will some day have,is a marine railway.

Music The band will play this afternoon at EmmaSquare, commencing at 4.30 p. it. The following ia theprogramme.March The Parade BsrtholomousOverture Fra Diavolo AcberCavatina 1 Brigandi MarcadjintaWaltz Ollva MarriottSelection II Sonnaiabula BelliniQuadrille Fatinitza , Suppe

Capsize. The sloop yacht Water Lily, formerly theLoiut, was ont on Sunday afternoon on a trial trip, Sheis supposed to be very fast, being heavily sparred, andis said to have been brought here with a view of beatingall our Island boats. While entering the harbor, a sud-

den puff of wind threw her over on the side, the boomand sail caught in the water, and ahe fairly capsized.Eleven persons were oil poard, but none were drowned,as all but three could swim, and assistance was close atnBd

illicit Liqtron Selling. A letter from Maul com- -

plaints bitterly of the laxity of the police on thatIsland in respect to illicit liquor selling by the Chinese.The writer says it is notorious that the Chinese shop-keepers keep gin for sale to both foreigners and natives,and that there is good ground for believing that the po-

lice receive bribes to keep silence on the subject. Thisis not the first time that we have heard similar com-plaints. Is It not high time the government officials in-vestigated the subject f

Trouble with ths Maobis. We notice In the NewZealand papers that on the 29th August last, on thaThames river, some English surveyers were fired uponby the natives the former being in the act of surveyinglands which the latter claim aa theirs, but which govern-ment has declared confiscated on account of the nativerebellion some years since. One of the surveyors waswounded, but not seriously. The natives who did theshooting were not given up by the Maori chiefs, and fur-ther trouble was anticipated.

Music anp Moonlight. The moon was at the full onMonday night, and Emma Square was also full of listenersto the concert by tha band. The selection of pieces wasexcellent, and the playing by the native musicians un-

der the leadership of Berger, was never better, andelicited expression of pleased surprise, especially bythe strangers present passengers on the Zealandia fromthe Colonies.

' How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon the trees IHere will we sit, and let the sounds of musicCreep in our ears; soft stillness and the night,Become the touches or sweet harmony.

Chinese Riot on a Plantation. At Ookala Plantationin the District of Hilo, on Friday the 2Cth nit., a gang ofChinese employed in the field cutting cane suddenlymade an attack on the overseer with cane knlvea andhatchets. He defended himself for a time with sticks ofsugar cane, until becoming bard pressed he drew his re.volver and fired two shots over the heads of the crowdAs this did not seem to intimidate them, be fired pointblank, hitting one Chinaman, but not seriously Injuringhim, but it bad the effect to put a stop to the riot. Somefifty-si- x of the rioters were taken to Hilo for punishment.A pleasant position truly, that of overseer for a lot ofheathen Chinese 1

A Permanent Improvement. Mr. D. W. Clark, watchmaker and jeweler, has this week removed from hia oldstand nearly opposite this office to the new brick building recently erected by him on the east side of the street.The new structure has a very tasty decorated front and isa decided ornament to Merchant street. It is 42 feetdeep by 18 feet front, is of two stories, respectively 12

and 11 feet high. The lower story la occupied by Mr.Clark in his business, and is provided with two largeplate glass windows. The building stands back 6H feetfrom the line of the old Snow building, which formsa rather unsightly contrast to its new and trim-looki-

neighbor. There ia room for a good deal of similar im-provement on Merchant street the most frequentedthoroughfare in the city.

Joolies Shipped fob Gambling Debts. A Congres-sional Commission has been holding sessions in SanFrancisco, taking evidence in regard to the Chinese.Mr. Jsmes Gilroy, for a number of years a merchant inChina, in the course of his testimony made the follow-ing statement: " In the seaport towns of China gamblingshops are as numerous as drinking places here. It is acommon custom for coolies of the most degraded andvicious class to enter one of these shops and stake theirservices for a number of years against a certain sum ofmoney which they play against the game. If they lose,and they generally do, they are imprisoned and boughtfrom the owner of the shop by agents of companiea hereor in Peru or Cuba, and when a sufficient number arecoralled they are bound by a cast-iro- n contract and ship-ped to their destination to work out their indebtedness.These are facts, gentlemen, which the testimony ofmany foreign merchants In China can substantiate."

Meteorological. The rainfall at Wilder's Ice Factoryin Nuuanu Valley is reported for the year ending Octo-

ber 1st. to have reached the very large amount of 75

inches. At the same place the record for the paat fourmonths reads as follows:June 8.16 inchesJuly 6.29 "AuguBt 6.80 "September 8.88 "At Mr. W. W. Hall's for Sept "At Dr. B. McKibbin's 0.45 "

It will be observed that the fall of rain varies much inamount in localities comparatively near to each other,caused, without doubt, by the direction given to currentsof air by the formation of the mountains. But thisneighborhood has been unusually favored in the matterof rains during the past rear.yTrom Mr. Dickey's observatory at Baiku, East Maui,we have received the following account or the rain-fa- ll atthat place at an elevation of about 3000 feet on thewindward side of the Island during the three monthslast past:July 6.42 inchesAugust 6.35 "

4.6 "Total .15 43 "

Chiabini's Circus. This company, comprising someof the most renowned performers in the world, it will beseen by the following letter msy be expected by thesteamer on Monday en route for Australia, and will giveone or two performances at Lnproil's tent. The lattercompany performs this evening as usnaL

San Francisco, Aug. 20, 1879.Mr. George Ltjtroil,

Dtar Sir : Yon csn advertise an exhibition of my com-pany, of all that is possible to perform under the circum-stances, on arrival of stesmer and the time she lays inHonolulu. I shall make it ss attractive aa possible in or-

der to give satisfaction to the inhsbitants of the Island,therefore you can advertise to that effect. I remain,

ours respectfully, tt. ClilAKlM, per 1. MAiA.

Waihee, Oct. 1st. the Editor of tyt Pacific Commercial Advertiser:f Dear Sib : My attention has been called to an articlefcr extract from a Maul letter) in the Gazette of the 24tninst., which states that I bad been buried alive, Ac. I flat-ly contradict the whole statement, and pronounce it false inevery particular. The writer of the letter must havebeen asisinforinetS. and I will suggest to him to sttendto his employer's business, and in future to let out allcontracts for sensational communications to ' some otherman." Yours Bespectfully,

F. A. W ARSES.We are assured that the allegation contained tn the

article above referred to are indeed quite unfounded, andconstitute a gross libeir The Gazette aa' " We are permit-ted to make the following extracts." A valuable privilegeto wvantonly libel an inoffensive man 1 It is only anoth,er spedman of tha Gaeetu't utter reckleaaneaa and unre-Uibil-ltr.

Ed. P. 0. A. ' ,

FOREICfl NEWS.Per S. 8. Zealandia, Sept 9, via Utv

Zealand. ,

Bj the mail atearaer from tha South bartLondon dates (telegraphic) to Sept. 13. mtd dayslater than received from the East. The newt iaimportant. Tb British embaj at Catul, laAfghanistan, bas been maaoacred bj the natlvea.and the Ameer, who ao lately cam Into powerthrough British influence, baa breo murdered. AllAfghanistan was in open rebellion. Besides, a waxbetween the King ol llurmah and England appearto be imminent. Altogether the situation la IuJlaLi i ious. We quote telegrams, which bowtrtrar proverbially brlf and nnsatiafactorj by wayof the Colonlea. ,

BoktBAY, Sept. . Intelligence baa juat been rceired of m terrible mutiny amongat the troopa AtCabul. Tha news state that they rose, and, beingjoined by the lobabi'anU. attacked and let tire tothe, British Residency. Tby also beaieged thaAmeer, who endearored by erery meant to LUpower to qnell the rebellion. Tha late of Major-Cavijroar- l

and auite are unknown. Tha Viceroyof India ia ordered to conduct an '.mmedlat ad-vance of the British into Afghanatan.

Bombay, SepL T. Further intelligence baa beanreceived from Cabul regarding the mutiny of thatroopa aod rebellion of the inhabitania. Natlveain wboa statement reliance can be placed reportthat they bare aeen the dead bodiea of some of theBritish officers in the vicinity of the Reaideney.Nine member of Major Caragnari'a eacort arasaid to have escaped lb massacre.

Bombay, SepL 9. The attack on lb rit!atiResidency at Cabul waa sudden, and attendedwith great loss to the attacking party of rUbulea.An unsuccessful attempt waa made by the Cabul.ese to storm the building. They finally Cr4 thedoorway aod swarmed in and killed the defenders.The Governor of Candahar expressed bU devotionto the British. The miliury preparation ara be-ing rapidly pushed forward.

London, Sept. 13. News from Afghanistanstates that the Ameer's guards rrtdually 0srtecLYakoob Kbnn fell defending himself against lbsmutineers. The adranced posts of tha Britishreached Shutar Garten on the Bib. and occupiedthe road to Cabal through Karkacba Pane, which,it was aaid waa defended by hostile tribe. Tharebellion baa extended to Herat The litterectanimosity is manifested. Thebau la abandoned.All Burmese capable of bearing arms ara summon-ed to Mandalay. The British, fearing a threatenedgeneral massacre, sought refuge across the BritishBurmah frontier, where Brown resided, and re-main awaiting events General Roberta tele-graphs to the Viceroy that the situation la mostserious, the oalla for reinforcementa amounting todouble the number of men In the field, lip saya itis impossible to make a dash at Cabul.

Lokdos, Sept. 13. Latest newa from tb Capstates that Sir Garnet Wo 1st ley Is hopeful of ulti-mately forcing Cetewayo to unconditional sur-render.

The troopa are in excellent health.The country for on hundred milea beyond

TJliindl is completely in the bands of the British.The Zulus have ceased to shew la largo number

and offer no resistance.Shanghai, Aug. 15. A most destructive Brex-tendin- g

throughout eleven streets, baa occurred ;991 bouses were completely destroyed ; Tb bulkof them were uninsured. ,

Shanghai, Aug. 15. Cholera la raging at Ton-qui- n,

Macao, Loocboo. In on district 10,000 bardied. - ,

Per bktne Eureka, September 30tk. .

By thia arrival on Tueaday morning, San Francisco dailies have been received to 8ept li. Wcompile a summary.

Aa waa anticipated in onr last, the election iaCalifornia has resulted in victory for the ILrpublUcftn party, their entire State Ticket being elootci bymora than 2U.000 plurality.

Great preparations were being made in Ben Fran.cisoo for tha reception of Gen. Grant, who was ex-pected to arrive from Yokohama on tha 17th Sept.The ateamer City of Tolio waa to b met outalda tbsbeads by a fleet of ateamers and yaohte and ttoortadinto port, while salutes will be fired from all tbforts. Numerous committees of tba oitlsena bavbeen appointed, on Reception, Marin display, Banquet, Music, Parade and Deooratlona, ato. 80f'rsnclsoo does nothing of thia kind by halve.

As an illustration of tb growing commerce of tlcity, tb Bulletin states that oa lb 9th of Beptem- -ber, there arrived at that port 28 vessels, inoladloc 8teamen, 14 ships, 8 barks, 1 brig, and 6 eohoontri.

From the Ban Franclaco Merchant, Sept, ILThe Commercial Correspondent of th

" Hawaiian Gazette."The editor of the Hawaiian Gauett Is probably aware

that there Is a little knot of Jobbers (tbraal In this citywho ara the avowed enemies of tha It landa' friends, therefiners, and also the opponents of tba treaty and tbaslanderer of its operstlous. On or two discontentednewspaper men have lent their aid to brln-- " Islandsugar, tb island trade and the treaty Into disreputewith the Americsn people as a means of sctallatlon forfancied slights or for refusal to submit to blackmail.One of these newspaper men controls tb Grocer of thiscity, and tn hia columns he lose no opportunity cf n .a.paraging the treaty. The other, from circumstances be-yond his control, is compelled to work mora secretly iathis city, but 1 not less Industrious, and If we mistakenot he is the Commercial Correspondent of tha JaanOGaeeUe. To tb ngbt going on between tn Island sugarsand th importations from New York, tb HawaiianKingdom is a party. Its Interests are Inseparably boundup witn tbosa wnlcn tba Merchant advocate. Th ut-ter unscrupulouaness of th other side may be estimatedfrom th persual of our article concerning tb Cail'tbogus news. No Hswailan paper can afford to allow itsenemies to use its columns to publish matter thai tbproprietbr of trade journels her forbid appearing latheir own, becaus they are untrue and unjust. If theyare untrue tbey are slandera upon thc-- who era givinglife to the treaty, if tbey are unjust they are unjust fIsland interests. The very article of which w complaincould not have been inserted by it writer In the baaFrancisco Journal which his mane I connected with, ex-cept at the risk of th loss of his position. Forth future it would be prudent to edit that corres-pondent's letters, or better still, drop them tn the waatbasket. Tha Mtrclmnt'i fight 1 th Islands' fipht andthe Groerr'e fight is for Usvemeyer snd Jlr York .

sugars. The Commercial Correspondent of the uwenawGatettc is the avowed friend of tb New Tork sugar im-porter and haa only been silenced Isr this city tn thmost Important journal he has access to, by spuing his 'gun. II has two channels of communication with tbpublic yet; on is a literary weekly in Han Francisco, thother the Hawaiian GaeeUe. Verb. sap.

Calendar for the October Term, A. D. 1870.Hawaiian Jrsr Ckimihax. Casks,

Els Ex. E. Preston, Attorney General, for th Crown.The King vs. Naiwi, (ky Perjnry: continued from July

Term. K F Bickerton for defendant. .OThe King vs. Ilalaki. (wl Perl urn continued from

July Term, B F Bickerton for defendant.The King vs. I U Bilvs Jr, (k) llallcious Injury. B T

Bickerton for defendant.Th King vs. Bsmuela Eaanaana Malicious Injury. 2

F Bickerton for defendant.Curat. Caushs.

Naholowaa vs. vTalaha Ejectment A S Bartwell forplaintiff.

Makia vs. Nalua, et al Ejectment Caatl It Hatch forplaintiff, W L Holokahlkl for defendant.

i L Kaulukou, ct al.. Administrators of Estate of ItKeliipio, deceased, vs. 8 Kaanaaua Beplevin for a hors.J L Kaulukou in person, R F Bickerton for defendant

John &apua vs. J Si Kaalkswsba Assumpsit; appealfrom Intermediary Court H F Bickerton for Plaintiff. A8 Ilartwell for defendant.

Mixed ubt.I H Coney vs. Maneie Ejectment. A 8 BariwaU fordefendant.

Kabuik (k) et al. vs. Hikaalani Hobron, et al. Ejectment. A. 6 Ilartwell for plaintiff, Preston and Irownlor aeienaanta.

Malaihi (k) vs. Anee, fChlnaman Assumpsit. Prsa--to? and Brown for plalntift.

l. 'bela fw) vs. Akau, (Chinaman) Ejectment Caatl kHatch for plaintiff, Preston and Brown for defendant.

Antone Levaro vs. CD alaboe Trespass: appeal.S Hartwell for plaintiff, Preston and Browu for de-fendant

Kahoomaauck) vs. James Campbell Ejectment vLHolokahlkl for plaintiff, Preston and Brown for defendant.

FOBEIOK JCBT CalMIXAL CASKS.The King vs. Yin Tat, (Chinaman) Smuggling Opinm.The King vs. Karclssus Perry Malicious Iniurr. A S

Hartwell for defendantCivii. Cacsis.

Frsolda Sherman vs. Charles Long Ejectment. Csstlek Hatch for plaintiff, Preston snd Brown for defendant.

k.llzaoetb C Klcbardeon In her own right ana ss UnsrOIan of her minor children, et al. vs. Th North We ternMutual Life Insurance Com psny Assumpsit A S Hartwell for plalntifla, E Preston for defendants.

Charles coake vs. r A bebaerer and Bam rarierAction for damago for breach of apscta! agreementBickerton and Jones for plaintiff. Preston for defendant.

Akowal vs. Lu Pong Trespass. Preston and Brownfor plaintiff.

Chung Hoon vs. La Pong Trespass. Prestos aodBrown for plalnlff.

Bimxu IV BANCO.J H Coney vs. His Excellency the Minister of InteriorAppeal from Commlfaioners of Ways and Water. X

Preston for defendantIn the matter of the application to settle th bound

lies of the Ahupusa of Pulebunul Appeal from Ooiumis--loner or boundaries, Maul. A o Hartwell and Caatl at

Hatch for applicants, E Prmton for appellants.J li Keaunui et al. vs. H Poka and others Ejectment ;

writ of error. Castle ; Hatch for plaintiffs, E Prestonfor defendants.

And 19 libels for dlvorc.

SPECIAL NOT1CE0.1ST I have again been obliged to refuse to task a Pro--

fssuonal visit. If the Policeman mad th Podar who WarInstrumental In my arrest, will call, they can leant fullparticulars. (It) T. P. TI8DAXE, M. D.

Scwrao Machistks at Acctiom. A larg lot of new and2d hand Sewing Machines, which have been taken tnexchange for the " American Sewing Machln," byGeo. F. Well, will be disposed of at Pnblie Auction.

This lot embrace many new first class Machines, In- -

eluding th Florence, Doineatlc, Wheeler k Wilson, Howe, Orover k Bsker's, kc, ke.

One or two Machine will be sold by E. P. Adams ateach of his sales, till th who) lot have been disposedof. Oct 4 lm

T SOMETHING NEW I TO PLANTERS. PLANT A.tion Agents, Graziers, etc., who are In need of a lighthandy machln for setting up and mending fane wire,will find Just th thing at DUUcgham 4 Co.'s evor. FortItrtet. u

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