SAINT PETER’S BASILICA Architecturally Inspired and Designed Directly From the Sacred Scriptures

1 SAINT PETER’S BASILICA Architecturally Inspired and Designed Directly From the Sacred Scriptures William John Meegan ABSTRACT This paper will illustrate exactly where the Holy Mother Church: i.e. The Roman Catholic Church obtained its inspiration and the designs to build Saint Peter’s Basilica and Bernini’s Square. This thesis is all about sacred geometry and the numerical patterns laid out in first eleven chapters of Genesis, which are known as the antediluvian times or better still the Matriarchal Culture or the Age of the Goddess. The core of this theme center on the principle that every mother (Matriarchal Culture) prepares her child for the period of puberty, when the child is initiated into the societal mores: i.e. Patriarchal Culture INTRODUCTION Those that have read my previous papers and/or books will know I have already discussed how Saint Peter’s ‘Bernini’ Square was inspired by the sacred geometry laid out in the first chapter of Genesis; nonetheless, I will repeat a great deal of that material here so that there will be a continuity in proffering this thesis.

Transcript of SAINT PETER’S BASILICA Architecturally Inspired and Designed Directly From the Sacred Scriptures


SAINT PETER’S BASILICA Architecturally Inspired and Designed Directly From the Sacred Scr iptures

William John Meegan


This paper will illustrate exactly where the Holy Mother Church: i.e. The Roman Catholic Church obtained its inspiration and the designs to build Saint Peter ’s Basilica and Bernini’s Square.

This thesis is all about sacred geometry and the numer ical patterns laid out in first eleven chapters of Genesis, which are known as the antediluvian times or better still the Matr iarchal Culture or the Age of the Goddess.

The core of this theme center on the pr inciple that every mother (Matr iarchal Culture) prepares her child for the per iod of puber ty, when the child is initiated into the societal mores: i.e. Patr iarchal Culture


Those that have read my previous papers and/or books will know I have already discussed how Saint Peter ’s ‘Bernini’ Square was inspired by the sacred geometry laid out in the fir st chapter of Genesis; nonetheless, I will repeat a great deal of that mater ial here so that there will be a continuity in proffer ing this thesis.


As you can imagine with the above schematics of Saint Peter ’s Basilica and ‘Bernini’s Square’ they join together as a consistent whole in the shape of a key symbolizing the key to salvation; yet, I did not sensibly put them conceptually together as a complete unit directly from the sacred scr iptures pr ior to wr iting this paper ; though, I had previously demonstrated in other wr itings that Saint Peter ’s Basilica was designed directly from the MATRIX OF WISDOM.

To understand the sacred scr iptures esoter ically it has to be understood that spir ituality doesn’ t reveal itself all at once; but, rather it does so in incremental par ts like climbing Jacob’s ladder . Sometimes I can put these esoter ic j igsaw puzzle pieces together and at other times; though, they are blatantly in my face their overall meanings escape me.

The Roman Catholic Church is called the Holy Mother Church and that is another extremely impor tant esoter ic nuance out of the sacred scr iptures that I failed to envisage over the years until now; though, I had unwittingly already wr itten about it; because, I had previously envisaged the first eleven chapter of Genesis as being synonymous to the Matr iarchal Culture.

The core of the problem is psychically dealing with these multifaceted scr iptural j igsaw puzzle pieces and esoter ically and conceptually putting them together . The reason why these different interpretations of the sacred scr iptures are disperse in my psyche and in my wr itings is because I individually researched each of those disparate texts of the sacred scr iptures separately. I am not looking to excuse myself; rather , I am trying to explain why such spir itual and esoter ic nuances can initially escape an initiate’s attention. L iving in a linear , literal and histor ical minded mater ialistically dr iven wor ld with ego-consciousness bombastically rar ing it ugly head incessantly to regain control of the psyche the initiate has to be eternally vigilant in maintaining control of his or her spir itual psyche. Because of these psychic problems of going in and out of the Eternal Temple of God the initiate is prone to having a slanted perspective about almost everything.

Another impor tant aspect of understanding esoter icism is that the initiate needs a reference point: a symbol to coalesce all the disparate pieces around a mandala like image, which were neither known or iginally to be par t of the solution nor that there was a problem at all with previous interpretations of the sacred scr iptures. Then all of a sudden, like a tsunami, seemingly without motivation the data from the separate and disparate interpretive pieces come together in a consistent whole and the entire esoter ic picture is abstractly visualizes. I t is liken to the idea that all the separate and disparate scr iptural interpretive aspects of the sacred scr iptures are esoter ically magnetized and set in motion to coalesce around a central point forming a mandala like image.



The first word of Genesis; BERESHITH has six Hebraic letters, which are extrapolates out into ten letters and when analyzed they are shown to be the crux of the entire Old and New Testament. BERESHITH is spelt out Beth (2), Resh (200), Aleph (1), Shin (300), Yud (10) and Tav (400) and by following that skip-pattern-sequence four other letters can be envisaged formatting the Genesis Formula. Hebrew is wr itten r ight to left; thus, the COSMIC letters clear ly illustrates the skip-pattern-sequence and show how the spir itual forces of creation come into manifested creation and then go back out of creation nanosecond by nanosecond formulating the GENESIS FORMULA. Two circles place around the deuces center ing on the four number ones reveals the Vesica Piscis and the Hebraic letters’ Gematr ia values relating to the Genesis Formula are reduce to their lowest common denominators. There is a great deal more researches to this discovery, which I will not discuss in this paper . I t should be pointed out that in the Prologue of the Zohar there is an allegor ical account of the 22-letters of the Hebraic coder coming into and going back out of creation that inspired my interpreting the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH in this manner , which allowed me as time went by to make some extraordinary Kabbalistic discover ies in the first chapter of Genesis.

Chief amongst those discover ies was taking the thir ty-two (32) times that the word ELOHYM is used in the first chapter of Genesis and sequentially placing them in a circle and then analyzing the results by classifying each of the ELOHYMS’ associate word to one of the four categor ies of the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife: 10-Sefirahs (“ said” ), 3-Mother letters (“ made” ), 7-Double letters (“ saw” ) and 12-Elemental letters (var ious words used).

I show this image of the creation panel: God Dividing the L ight from the Darkness located on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to illustrate where Michelangelo obtained his inspiration for it. In addition the word ELOHYM breaks down via Gematr ia to exude the


formula for PI : 3.1415: Aleph (1), Lemmed (30 - 3), Heh (5), Yud (10 - 1) and Mem (40 - 4). Go counterclockwise from the number three; thus, you find that the word ELOHYM symbolizes itself as the diameter of its own circle, which I interpret this to mean that ELOHYM is the center and circumference of its own creation.

While studying numer ically the first four days of creation: positions 3-18, which has an aggregate of 168, it will be noted that there are 207-words: 3 x 69 associated to those sixteen (16) ELOHYMS.

The word LIGHT in the first and four th days of creation has the Gematr ia value of 207, which illustrates that the sacred scr iptures interpret its own database of knowledge. There are 168-hours in a week and the number 168 is the diameter of the circle of 528: i.e. 528 is the aggregate of the thir ty-two (32) ELOHYMS. The aggregate of sixteen (16) ELOHYMS in the fifth and sixth days of creation in positions 19-32 plus the positions of 1, 2 in the first and second verses of Genesis totals to three hundred and sixty (360), which symbolizes 360˚ of a circle, which shows the 32-ELOHYM, which each are the diameter and circumference of itself and that they collectively symbolize the diameter and circumference of their collectivity.

The numer ical aggregate of positions 3-18 = 168, which in turns breaks down into Sefirah = 48, Double letters = 48, Elemental letters = 48 and Mother letters = 24 or the given pattern of three and a half (3½) or the symbol of the Kundalini Serpent going up the central column of the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife.

The Kabbalistic Tree of L ife is the initial slanted version of the 32-Elohyms. The Kabbalistic Tree of L ife is actually a slanted version of Ezekiel’s Merkabah (Char iot), which I am wr iting two papers on showing the Merkabah in both Char tres Cathedral and the Sistine Chapel. I t is clear ly shown in both Char tres Cathedral and the Sistine Chapel that the 32-ELOHYMS are divided between the odd and even sequential numbers creating to separate circles: i.e. a circle within a circle.

Since there are 207-words in the first four days of creation denoting one L ight Chakra then when the 1449-words in the first four chapters of Genesis are divided by 207 they equal Seven (7) L ight Chakras (Hindu mythology).

There is a direct reason why there is only one circle of L IGHT and DARKNESS in the first chapter of Genesis. I believe that the other circle implies the Tree of the L ife, which cannot be completely known. Think of Chr ist crucified between the two thieves. One thief repented and the other thief didn’ t. That crucifixion image is also conceptually a Vesica Piscis image.

Per se the slanted perspective that is inherent in common sense: i.e. reason and logic hold truthful data; nonetheless, biases, prejudices and preconceived notion warps the soul’s two-par t psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind’s perspective. The sacred scr ipture guides the initiate as to how to work him or herself out of that milieu.

The circle of 32-Elohyms has the circumference of 528 and the diameter of 168. Consider that the Vesica Piscis having two cycles: 2 x 528 = 1056 subtract-168 and

the quotient is 888, which is the Gematr ia value ofadditionally, the last four letters of the Hebraic coder : spells out the word CHRISTinformation besides this in the interpretive aspects of the esoter ic patterns codified into the numer ics of the Hebraic religions of the wor ld wrote the Old Testament(universalism): the Roman Catholic Church

The Vesica Piscis’ two circles are obviously Ezekiel’s Merkabah (Char iot) Wheels. The Vesica Piscis’ two circles implied in the symbol from the DARKNESS actually has different real life numer ics other than what this symbol suggest; tscr ibes of the sacred scr iptures used the 32-Elohyms to create a Vesica Piscis; however , the scr ibes it very clear they knew the actual mathematics of the Vesica Piscis. One example is in the fact that the amount of times the name of Godand Elohym are used in the fir st eleven chapters of Genesis which is a number that is the transposition of the number 153. The 135-times that the word YAHWEH and ELOHYM are used in the first eleven chapters of Genesis are three groups: 32 (5)-times in the first chapter of Genesis, 3verses of the second chapter of Genesis and 100 (1)second chapter of Genesis to the pattern of 5, 3, 1, which is a transposition of 153 or the numer ics of the Vesica Piscis.

There are other sophisticated ways illustrating the number 153, which I have wr itten about in my other wr itingthat research here. In the New Testament Jesus tells his disciples to cast the net into the sea and when they did and then153-fishes (John 21:11).

In viewing Saint Peter ‘Bernini’ Square it can be esoternumer ics and patterns codified to the first chapter of Genesis is transformed ar tistically and architecturally Squares obviously points to the waters of creation. When obelisk from each of the fountains the Vesica Piscis is formed. The two colonnades having seventy (2 x 70) sculptured thir teen (13) statutes: 12-apostles and Jesus Chr ist in the cePeter ’s Basilica, which totals to 153colonnades may well be designed from Luke 9:1


the quotient is 888, which is the Gematr ia value of the Greek , the last four letters of the Hebraic coder : Qoph, Resh, Shin and Tav

CHRIST in Greek using Hebraic letters. There is a great deal of information besides this in the interpretive aspects of the esoter ic patterns codified

Hebraic letters that definitively illustrates that wrote the Old Testament in order to develop Catholicism

(universalism): the Roman Catholic Church. The Vesica Piscis’ two circles are obviously Ezekiel’s Merkabah (Char iot)

The Vesica Piscis’ two circles implied in the symbol that dividesfrom the DARKNESS actually has different real life numer ics other than

; thus, the scr ibes of the sacred scr iptures used

e a Vesica also made

it very clear they knew the actual Vesica Piscis. One

example is in the fact that the amount of times the name of God: Yahweh

used in the fir st eleven chapters of Genesis are 135, which is a number that is the transposition of the number 153. The

YAHWEH used in the first eleven chapters of Genesis are segmented into times in the first chapter of Genesis, 3-times in the first three

verses of the second chapter of Genesis and 100 (1)-times from the four th verses in second chapter of Genesis to the end of eleventh chapter of Genesis; hpattern of 5, 3, 1, which is a transposition of 153 or the numer ics of the Vesica Piscis.

There are other sophisticated ways illustrating the number 153, which I have wr itten about in my other wr itings; however , it would be too cumbersome to repethat research here. In the New Testament Jesus tells his disciples to cast the net into

they did and then pulled the net out of the water it had collected

Saint Peter ‘Bernini’ Square it can be esoter ically envisaged that the numer ics and patterns codified to the first chapter of Genesis is transformed ar tistically and architecturally into Bernini Square. The two fountains in Bernini

oints to the waters of creation. When a circle is put around the obelisk from each of the fountains the Vesica Piscis is formed. The two colonnades

sculptured saints on their roofs and in addition there are apostles and Jesus Chr ist in the center on the roof of Saint

, which totals to 153-statues. This pattern of seventy (70) on two colonnades may well be designed from Luke 9:1-6, 10; Luke 9:52; and Luke 10:1;

word JESUS; Qoph, Resh, Shin and Tav

letters. There is a great deal of information besides this in the interpretive aspects of the esoter ic patterns codified

that the Gentile in order to develop Catholicism

The Vesica Piscis’ two circles are obviously Ezekiel’s Merkabah (Char iot) that divides the LIGHT

segmented into times in the first three

four th verses in eleventh chapter of Genesis; hence, the

pattern of 5, 3, 1, which is a transposition of 153 or the numer ics of the Vesica Piscis. There are other sophisticated ways illustrating the number 153, which I have

too cumbersome to repeat that research here. In the New Testament Jesus tells his disciples to cast the net into

of the water it had collected

ically envisaged that the numer ics and patterns codified to the first chapter of Genesis is transformed

into Bernini Square. The two fountains in Bernini a circle is put around the

obelisk from each of the fountains the Vesica Piscis is formed. The two colonnades saints on their roofs and in addition there are

on the roof of Saint This pattern of seventy (70) on two

6, 10; Luke 9:52; and Luke 10:1;


where Chr ist sent out his twelve disciples and then they returned, He again sends out more messengers in Luke 9:52 and again another seventy (70) in Luke 10:1. These sections in Luke gospels would be consistent with the symbolism denoting the spir itual forces coming into manifested creation from outside the TIME/SPACE CONTINUUM: Chr ist, 12-disciples and 140-additional disciples.

Notice that the whole of the oval shape Bernini Square is designed in the pattern of the Kamea of Saturn (Magic Square), which I will discuss fur ther shor tly.

The obelisk is 82-feet tall, which is symbolic of the first wr itten Hebraic letter of Genesis: BETH (2) and the first hidden Hebraic letter in the first chapter of Genesis: PEI (80), which inundates and surrounds the Hebraic letter BETH in the white area of the page. Because of the Cross at the top of the obelisk there no doubt that the Vatican see it as symbolizing also the Hebraic letter RESH being inser ted into the first letter of Genesis: BETH forming the word BE-RESH-ITH. In the letter /word RESH the Hebraic letter ALEPTH sits between RESH (200 [2]-Heavens) and SHIN (300 [3]-Ear th). The Hebraic letter ALEPH is spelt Aleph (1), Lemmed (30 [3]) and Pei (80 [8]), which gives the pattern that is the transposition of the number 318 that is the Gematr ia value of the word CROSS; thus, the Vesica Piscis literally vocalizes Jesus’ saying, “ when two or three are gathered together in my name their am I in the midst of them” . There is a great deal more interpretive data than this discussed in my other wr itings that I am not go over again in this paper .

Every Hebraic and Greek letter of the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures is alphanumer ically structured just as the letter PEI is hidden from the first letter of Genesis: BETH. This means that each Hebraic and Greek letter is given an ordinal number and a Gematr ia value that are esoter ically hidden from the iconoclastic thought pattern. Ego-consciousness essentially reads the grammatical aspects of the scr iptural texts (Grammar, Rhetor ic and Logic); thus, the scr iptural student has no guidance as to how to read the texts and this is why ego-consciousness can only have slanted perspectives on life; on the other hand, spir itual guidance is given to every word of the sacred scr iptures through iconography via the numer ics of each Hebraic and Greek letter : i.e. this latter data on the numer ics of scr iptural letter ing is summar ily dismissed by ego-consciousness. I interpret the guidance of the numer ics of scr iptural letter ing as symbolically, for the par t, the unknown unconscious mind.


THE ANTEDILUVIAN TIMES In the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures

I t is common knowledge that the Matr iarchal Age hosted the goddess. The first eleven chapters of Genesis symbolizes that Matr iarchal Age; because, two spir itual nuances stand out in the sacred scr iptures emphasizing this idea. The fir st nuance is that the word ELOHYM (gods, angels) is interpreted as God, which literally via the formula for PI : 3.1415 divide the L IGHT from the DARKNESS. The word ELOHYM is a feminine Hebraic word.

The second nuance is that from the four th verses in the second chapter of Genesis to the end of the eleventh chapter of Genesis the word God is used as YAHWEH or ELOHYM exactly one hundred (100) times: 50-Yahwehs and 50-Elohyms infer r ing the MATRIX OF WISDOM. Elohym (unconscious mind) creates equality; whereas, Yahweh (ego-consciousness) takes 50+% in the mater ial wor ld; which for the most par t summar ily dismisses the unconscious mind.

I take this division of the words YAHWEH and ELOHYM to symbolize TIME; because, Saturn has a 29.5… year cycle; however , the number twenty-nine (29) is associated to Saturn/Cronus the Father of Time. The 2 x 29 = 58 infer r ing a set in the Fibonacci sequence: 5/8, which I interpret as the Father of Time; because, of the oscillation process of the two to three (2/3) ratio inherent in every set in the Fibonacci sequence. Chr ist says in the New Testament that when two or three are gathered together in his name there in the midst of them is he. This is a direct reference to the twentieth (20th) Hebraic letter , RESH, which when inser ted into the second (2nd) letter of the Hebraic coder ; BETH forms the fir st word of Genesis: BE-RESH-ITH. When RESH is broken down letter by letter it forms the pattern 2-1-3: i.e. “ When two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20)” . I t is no coincidence that the two letters BETH and


RESH are the first two wr itten letters of Genesis; because, they wr ite the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. Whereas, the name YAHWEH ELOHYM combines the two names Yahweh and Elohym twenty-one (21) times; because, they become alchemically mystically marr ied: i.e. Chr ist consciousness; because, this alchemical mystical marr iage is what causes creation: i.e. civilization (ORDER) to develop out of CHAOS. CHAOS reign when YAHWEH and ELOHYM are separated into opposing forces creating CHAOS. These twenty-one (21) times that YAHWEH ELOHYM are mentioned in the second to the ninth chapter are symbolized in the twenty-one words that are found in the first two verses of Genesis. This goes to the Zohar ic tradition of there being 42-words that descr ibe creation. The twenty-one (21) YAHWEH ELOHYMS symbolizes the spir itual forces of creation that are codified into the Hebrew Coder . There are twenty-two Hebraic letters; however , BETH symbolizes the mater ialistic psyche of the initiate: i.e. that which enamors the initiate’s psyche. I t is my contention that on a symbolic level the Fibonacci sequence is spir itually and mathematically annulled (not mater ialistically); because, in this state of 0.58% it does not equate to 0.618% (Golden Means); thus, to reduce the Fibonacci sequence to 0.58% is literally genuflecting (deflating) ego-consciousness. Also I interpret the 21-sets of YAHWEH ELOHYM, which symbolizes Chr ist consciousness to represent Saturn (Father of Time) and Jupiter (Chr ist consciousness = Timelessness). The reason I interpret it this way is because the psyche is TIMELESS and the outer mater ial wor ld decays via TIME. When numer ically analyzing the zodiacal cycle both Saturn (Capr icorn [10] and Aquar ius [11]) total to twenty-one (21). Jupiter (Pisces [12] and Sagittar ius [9]) signs total to 21. All the other Astrological Sun Signs total to nine (9): Mars (1 + 8), Venus (2 + 7),


Mercury (3 + 6) and Moon and the Sun (4 + 5). These latter numer ics are what developed the L IGHT of creation in the MATRIX OF WISDOM and the number nine creates the vor tex of TIME and TIMELESSNESS. This above image of the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife is actually codified to the MATRIX OF WISDOM and then scr ibed into the sacred geometry of the first chapter of Genesis, which I will not discuss here. I t is found in my other wr itings. This above image of the twelve signs of the Zodiac aligned to the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife is actually how the brain is structured via the cerebral lobe. The Frontal Lobes face west: i.e. “ Go West Young Man” and the Occipital Lobes are in the east. The Par ietal and Temporal lobes on the nor th side symbolize Chr ist coming from heaven and the Par ietal and Temporal Lobes on the South symbolizes the Garden of Eden. This is precisely the manner the symbolism in the Sistine Chapel is frescoed into the walls and ceiling. Here I take the slanted perspective out of the rectangular building of the Sistine Chapel and I show how the slanted perspective is cor rected. These one hundred (100) uses of the word YAHWEH and ELOHYM used in the second to the end of the eleventh chapters of Genesis are der ived directly from the MATRIX OF WISDOM: i.e. the divine author the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures. There is a great deal more evidence than what I placed in this paper as to the MATRIX OF WISDOM being the spir itual author to the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures. Chief amongst that evidence is that the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife (GRA Tree: i.e. Natural Ar ray) and the Star of David der ived from the MATRIX OF WISDOM are esoter ically codified via sacred geometry into the first chapter of Genesis. Therefore, it can be envisaged that the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures were wr itten by Gentile Religions and not Judaism. Judaism is analogous to a secret society like Freemasonry, which has esoter ic knowledge that has to be divinely interpreted. This religious institution is very much Freemasonry or vice versa; for the reason that, they make Good Men (Jews) into Better Men (Chr istians). In every sense there are three modes of psychic exper iences in the human psyche. All of life is lived between the ears in the phantasmagor ia of the psyche, which projects the real wor ld out from itself.

ARCHETYPAL: MATRIX OF WISDOM symbolizes the infant child born into the wor ld with all his or her personality character istics. Just like the seed is grown after its kind. The MATRIX OF WISDOM symbolizes a commentary on the MONAD: Soul: Chr ist: God/Man, which the ancient’s called God. The infant child is sent into the wor ld unfettered by any rules and regulations other than what the MATRIX OF WISDOM mandates, which are of course the secrets of the mystery schools and religions around the wor ld. This MATRIX OF WISDOM inherently holds the secrets of the EXISTENTIAL and COSMIC esoter ic myster ies.

o The ARCHETYPAL myster ies symbolize the Matr iarchal Age governed by the Goddess ELOHYM, which is symbolized by the Holy Mother Catholic Church in Chr istianity.


EXISTENTIAL: KAMEA OF SATURN (LOSHU in China) symbolizes TIME, which is basically YAHWEH the masculine deity that takes the knowledge of the ARCHETYPAL esoter ic myster ies from ELOHYM and creates societal mores: the Patr iarchal Age: the institutional civilization that the infant child is to live in and be spir itually enlightened.

o The KAMEA OF SATURN is symbolic of the Greek ‘equidistant’ cross; however , in the construct of Saint Peter ’s Basilica and Bernini Square it is used between these two aspects of the architectural structure to create the Roman ‘elongated’ cross. This Roman ‘elongated cross’ goes to illustrating the par ticular manner that Catholicism defines itself.

o Genesis 2:1-3; symbolizes this Kamea of Saturn � “ Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of

them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made” .

� SEVEN is a direct reference to the Bir th of Consciousness: i.e. New Testament as in the first letter of Genesis: BETH, which is sur rounded by the hidden letter PEI . BETH has the Gematr ia value of 412 (7). This symbolizes the dawn of spir ituality in the psyche and without it creation cannot begin.

� In fact the number 412 or 1-2-4 represents the sphere: center , up, down and nor th, east, south and west. The Zohar actually says that the word BERESHITH represents the six ordinal directions and when the spher ical mathematics are conducted on the word BERESHITH (#2 being the radius) the secrets to the book of Genesis are revealed illustrating why the antediluvian age ends at the end of the eleventh chapter of Genesis.

• The diameter of BERESHITH’s sphere is four (4) and the sur face area calculates out to 50.26…, which infers 50-chapters of Genesis.

• The volume of said sphere is 33.51…, which when this number has the decimal point removed and the number reversed it comes to 1533, which is the precise amount of verses in the book of Genesis.

• There are 299-verses in the first eleven chapters of Genesis and when divided by 1533 = 0.195…, which implies the psyche’s tetrahedral forces of creation.


• In 1977 two Voyager Probes mapped the solar system and it was found that at 19.5˚ of the axis poles there were scarr ing of vor texes or sun spots or volcanoes: i.e. tetrahedral forces.

o By the initiate studying these bible verses: Genesis 2:1-3; it literally can be seen that this section literally speaks of the Holy of Holies, which is fifteen (15) feet cubed. All eight directions of this Magic Square: Kamea of Saturn are totaled to fifteen (15) as is the Holy of Holies in Solomon Temple.

o In addition if the initiate studies this Kamea of Saturn proper ly he or she will find that the numer ics in the hor izontal, ver tical and diagonals coincide with the Astrological Sun Signs’ numer ics envisaged in the larger version of itself: i.e. the MATRIX OF WISDOM.

o The KAMEA OF SATURN goes a long way in grasping the architectural structure of Saint Peter ’s Basilica and Bernini Square.

COSMIC: VESICA PISCIS is the fir st symbol to appear in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH; though, there are many more symbols including mini-versions of the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife and the Star of David and Crown of Creation, which are all inherent in the Vesica Piscis. The VESICA PISCIS is developed fully in the first chapter of Genesis

o I t takes a very sincere and ardent biblical student to envisage it all. I am not saying I am that student; for the reason that, I have not given all the time that is truly necessary to get into the minutia of the alphanumer ics of all the scr iptural Hebraic wr itings even on the small version of the bible I have been working on for for ty-years: i.e. the first four chapters of Genesis.

o Without the VESICA PISCIS there literally can be no civilized creation. Society without the VESICA PISCIS would be analogous to modernity’s barbar ism. L ife will remain pr imitive and barbar ic in the most animalistic manner as seen in the streets of modernity. There would be no societal mores. I t would be like the pioneers civilizing the western United States where there was no law and order or iginally.

o I am not saying that modernity is fully barbar ic; for the reason that, there are religions and mystery schools that have the divine knowledge for those that truly want to know what life is about.

o The child is cast into a dog-eat-dog wor ld much like the Amish and Mennonites r ites of Rumspr inga releasing their children into the savage wor ld of modernity to decide for themselves what they want out of life. Most of these children return to their religious her itage; however , most of mankind is not trained religiously in this manner . I am not advocating their religions I am merely use Rumspr inga as an example of this transition from the Matr iarchal culture to the Patr iarchal culture that parents release their children into.


MATRIX OF WISDOM And the Two-Par t Psyche

And the Eternal Temple of God

Below there are four images of the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which definitively demonstrates everything I have been discussing in this paper . When a child comes into the wor ld he or she is blessed being surrounded psychically by the Eternal Temple of God; however , the child is quickly educated out of that spir itual psychic milieu into societal mores where the child develops to the fullest potentiality his or her raison d’etre (reason for existence).

The MATRIX OF WISDOM is symbolic of the Fibonacci sequence, which has the oscillation process of flipping from the two to three: i.e. 2/3 ratio in every set of the Fibonacci sequence. In the Two-Par t Psyche the male: ego-consciousness is number two (2) and the female: unconscious mind is number three (3); though, it would be thought to be the opposite. The Fibonacci sequence is symbolic of time; because, every single replication or cloning of organic cells is a depletion of the previous cells; hence, aging.

The bible speaks basically from a Patr iarchal perspective; thus, I advise the initiate to read and study the works of Car l G. Jung’s on psychology, which speaks to the animus (female’s masculine inner guide) and anima (male’s feminine inner guide) and Mary Baker Eddy metaphysical wr itings in order to train oneself to read the bible abstractly and psychologically; because, the bible only speaks about the two-par t psyche and Chr ist’s relationship to the soul.

The number two symbolizes LIGHT (Sun [Boaz] egocentr ic environment: i.e. solar system) and number three symbolizes DARKNESS (Moon [Jachin]: universal star system). The LIGHT is culled from the DARKNESS. Ego-consciousness in the mater ial wor ld dominating the outer wor ld existence br inging ORDER out of CHAOS; whereas, the unconscious mind dominates the sleeping wor ld of dreams; though, the unconscious mind is all about explaining to its captive audience: i.e. ego-consciousness why it is have problems in the outer wor ld and what can be done to solve those problems; however , dreams are mostly summar ily dismissed; though, subtlety dreams do have effects on ego-consciousness.

Ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind laid out in the Fibonacci sequence’s MATRIX OF WISDOM is clear ly seen as opposites for each of their numer ics are diametr ically opposite to their counterpar t. From ego-consciousness perspective neither aspect of the Two-Par t Psyche can agree on anything. This is why the Two-Par t Psyche come at each other in a Tai Chi symbolic pattern as in the number sixty-nine (69) or the symbol of Cancer , which is natural; because, L IGHT comes out of the unconscious mind CHAOTICALLY and it is up to ego-consciousness to br ing ORDER out of that CHAOS. Of course this is practically impossible for ego-consciousness to do; because, there is no VESICA PISCIS


involved to initiate spir itual creation; therefore, the common person lives by the spur of the moment or by the seat of his or her pant so-to-speak.

Above I discussed the KAMEA OF SATURN where the first nine numbers are introduced. The Temple of the Rock in Jerusalem is built in an octagon shape analogous to the KAMEA OF SATURN. I t is beneath this building that the nine Templars found their treasure. I believe the nine numbers symbolize the nine Templars: numer ical treasure no matter what the mythoi say.

Now look at the MATRIX OF WISDOM called the PRELIMINARY TEMPLE OF GOD. Here it is seen that the unconscious mind switches around its numer ics to mir ror -im age ego-consciousness’ numer ics. This is actually well played out in the ceiling fresco of the Sistine Chapel where there are twenty-four columns with two cherubim on each column mir ror -imaging two-other cherubim on the opposing columns with a zodiacal sign in between the two columns. Then there are twenty-four bronze like figures lounging upon twelve tr iangular spandrels. Each tr iangular spandrel has two bronze figures mir ror imaging each other ; however , between the twenty-four columns there are twelve signs of the Zodiac: i.e. five Sibyls and seven Prophets that are interactively working with two cherubim.

ACTIVE IMAGINATION takes place in the awaken state when ego-consciousness intentionally and actively works with the unconscious mind; thus, what I did was to take the PRELIMINARY TEMPLE OF GOD image and inter twined the numer ics of ego-consciousness with that of the unconscious mind and I came up with the ETERNAL TEMPLE OF GOD.

The ETERNAL TEMPLE OF GOD image at the top row: i.e. 41312213 14 is what I have named the GENESIS FORMULA. Strange as this may sound I had actually discovered this GENESIS FORMULA years before I envisaged it in the MATRIX OF WISDOM. The numer ics in this first row create the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH and are collectively the pivot pattern for the entire Old and New Testament.

This Fibonacci sequence’s MATRIX OF WISDOM and the ETERNAL TEMPLE OF GOD are the very pattern that were used to design and build the entire symbolic history of Char tres Cathedral and designed the patterns of the symbolic mosaics and fresco imagery in the Sistine Chapel. These are two of Catholicism per fect examples of the fir st eleven chapters of Genesis.




Below I added to this paper the INTERACTIVE FLOOR PLAN to Saint Peter ’s Basilica to illustrate how it is designed internally. I deliberate marked off the twenty locations of what are called the Founder Saint Statues, which total to for ty (40) statues located in nooks one statue over another . Some of these saints lived in the twentieth century. I introduce these Founder Saints here to show the design in the inter ior of the basilica denoting the Greek equidistant cross and Roman elongated cross. These twenty-locations of the Founder Saints give quite a beautiful image of how the MATRIX OF WISDOM designed Saint Peter ’s Basilica. There is another image that shows all three interconnecting images that designed Saint Peter ’s Basilica and Bernini’s Square: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM, KAMEA OF SATURN and the VESICA PISCIS which are actually depicting all three as the ARCHETYPAL, EXISTENTIAL and COSMIC spir itual forces that come into creation to aid the soul to live life beautifully in the phantasmagor ia of the psyche. Saint Peter ’s Basilica in the MATRIX OF WISDOM or the area I have colored off into two squares. This octagon shape I believe comes from the three uses of the phrase “ ELOHYM MADE” in the fir st chapter of Genesis, which are in the 8th, 16th and 24th positions of the 32-sequential ELOHYMS. This denotes the eighth multiplication table especially when looking at the 32nd position and seeing the word MADE not associated with an Elohym word. Now look at the verse count (not the positions) of where the sequential ELOHYM MADE are located: verses 7th, 16th and 25th, which are incremented by the ninth multiplication table. When looking at the 34th verse: i.e. Genesis 2:3; the word MADE is again seen; but, not associated to the word ELOHYM. This second square goes outside of the first chapter of Genesis to the second chapter showing a deliberate connection between the two chapters: i.e. connecting to the KAMEA OF SATURN.

The Jewish alphanumer ic Hebraic Coder is literally based solely upon these ARCHETYPAL, EXISTENTIAL and COSMIC patterns, which I believe denote the Tr inity: Father (Archetypal), Son (Existential) and Holy Spir it (Cosmic). There is no doubt that esoter ically the Roman Catholic Church is symbolically teaching the laity to study the bible letter by letter via the Hebraic Coder not word by word.

I have placed a char t showing the Hebraic Coder that is alphanumer ically outlined by Jewish Scholars. I highly recommend that all initiate do their best to learn all they can about the Hebraic Coder to try and teach themselves how to read and study the Hebrew texts. I really don’ t expect many to take my advice on this: SPIRITUALITY AND THE SEARCH FOR KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IS WHAT IT IS: the only path to seek contentment in this wor ld.


The final image of the MATRIX OF WISDOM shows all three images: MATRIX OF WISDOM, KAMEA OF STURN and the VESICA PISCIS inherently connected spir itually, which inspired and designed Saint Peter ’s Basilica and Bernini Square. What the Roman Catholic Church did in breaking down these three aspects of the MATRIX OF WISDOM was to illustrate and inform the laity that the TRINITY: Father , Son and Holy Spir it are inherent to the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH.

There are of course a great deal more symbolic patterns in the sacred scr iptures and in the ar twork of the Roman Catholic Church that teaches a great deal more about the spir itual dynamics of Chr istianity.





I am only beginning to understand why there are such things as institutional religions blanketing the globe; though, via the psyche’s inherent nature I don’ t see why religious institutions should exist at all. What we humans believe is God are actually natural Archetypal, Existential and Cosmic universal laws, which human have come collectively to name those universal tetrahedral forces in creation (psyche) as God. Humans are not trained by their parents to understand these psychic tetrahedral forces; for the reason that, they themselves were never trained by their parents to understand these natural psychic laws, etc., etc. The MATRIX OF WISDOM is a symbol that coalesces in the psyche so that the universal tetrahedral forces (laws) of creation can intelligently communicate with the soul. I t is not that this actual spir itual symbolic matr ix looks like that; because, it is only a commentary (interpretation) on the MONAD (soul: God/Man Chr ist), which the ancients called God. The MONAD as I envisage it is a pulsating universe of tetrahedral forces. Above I have discussed the Archetypal, Existential and Cosmic tetrahedral forces of the psyche, which are actually three in one: i.e. the Tr inity: i.e. God. Apparently, everything the Roman Catholic Church does it follows the esoter ic traditions of the unconscious mind. I t teaches entirely through the auspices of iconography (symbolism) and not by the iconoclastic (non-symbolic) wr itings that blanket the sur face area of the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures. Humans read the sacred scr iptures in the same manner that they live out their lives in the wor ld. Humans summar ily dismiss the unconscious mind; because, for the most par t humanity does not know that the unconscious mind exist. In the same manner when reading the bible most bible students have no idea that each letter of the texts of the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures are alphanumer ically structured; thus, the numer ics of the sacred scr iptures are unwittingly summar ily dismissed. I t is only when the deflated ego-consciousness consciously communicates with the unconscious mind (Active Imagination) which is analogous to a bible student studying the alphanumer ics of the sacred scr iptures that the natural laws of creation reveal themselves to the awakening initiate. I am only beginning to see that the MATRIX OF WISDOM that each soul enters the wor ld in via the soul’s two-par t psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind may well be the condition of the angelic soul that falls from heaven and has to truly want to r ise back up to his or her true inherent place in the tetrahedral forces of creation.