SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite:...


Transcript of SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite:...

Page 1: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged

SAHCO Fine WAllCOveringS


Page 2: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Fine WAllCOveringS

eDiTiOn 3 rOYAl TWiST

eWal l s ac t a s t he f ramework

for a room. They offer an almost limitless wealth of opportunities for expressing per-sonality and the natural, and for changing the points of focus. Walls can be an element of pure elegance and genuine luxury, or may simply exude great warmth. In the fol lowing pages, we are presenting the third edition of SAHCO FINE WALLCOVERINGS: ROYAL TWIST. This is a collection of new, contemporary wallcoverings further enhancing our wall design collection. We have made every effort to ensure that this edition also fulfils the highest expectations in terms of design and quality. The result is as multi-faceted as it is fascinating – we present ROYAL TWIST.

Whether in muted colours or with a metallic accent, subtly textured or as a striking eye catcher, these non woven fabric, and paper backed vinyl wallcoverings of edtion 3 imbue any wall or any room with structure and class – and in the most individual style. Acquaint yourself with PATINA, ACCORDO, MONA, LAVINA, VEL-VETO and WOODLAND!

DWände s ind der Rahmen

e ine Raumes . Sie bieten nahezu unendlich viele Möglichkeiten, Persönlichkeit und Na-turell auszudrücken sowie Akzente zu setzen. Wände können pure Eleganz, echter Luxus sein oder einfach nur viel Wärme ausstrahlen.

Auf den folgenden Seiten stellen wir Ihnen die dritte Edition der SAHCO FINE WALLCOVERINGS vor: ROYAL TWIST. Eine Sammlung neuer, zeit-genössischer Tapeten, die unser Pro-gramm für die Wandgestaltung ein-mal mehr abrundet. Wir haben alles daran gesetzt, dass auch diese Edi-tion in puncto Design und Qualität höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht wird. Das Ergebnis ist so facettenreich wie kurzweilig – eben ROYAL TWIST.Ob nuancierte Farbigkeit oder metal-lischer Akzent, ob subtile Struktur oder echter Eyecatcher, ob Vlies, Vinyl oder Vinyl auf Papierträger : Die Tapeten der Edition 3 verleihen jeder Wand, jedem Raum Format und Klasse. Und das auf höchst indi-viduelle Art: Lernen Sie PATINA, ACCORDO, MONA, LAVINA, VEL-VETO und WOODLAND kennen!

A FreSH lOOk AT THe exCluSive, THe ClASSiCAllY beAuTiFul.

WiTH muCH CreATiviTY, imAginATiOn AnD COurAge. ein neuer bliCk

AuF DAS exkluSive, DAS klASSiSCH SCHöne. miT viel kreATiviTäT,

PHAnTASie unD muT.

Page 3: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Fine WAllCOveringS


Fine WAllCOveringS

Wallcover ing / Tapete PATINA W115-02Cover / Tite l : Wal lcover ings / Tapeten PATINA W115-02 OXID W114-03

inSPireD bY THOSe ObjeCTS WHiCH beCOme even mOre beAuTiFul

WiTH THe PASSAge OF Time. PATinA. THe meTAlliC WAllCOvering. inSPirierT

vOn Den Dingen, Die miT Der ZeiT nur nOCH SCHöner WerDen.

Die meTAllTAPeTe PATinA.

Page 4: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Fine WAllCOveringS

Wallcover ings / Tapeten ACCORDO W119-01 ACCORDO W119-04 Right page / Rechte Se ite : Wal lcover ing / Tapete ACCORDO W119-04

Glass pear l s in the form of f ine s tr ipesref lec t ing the l i ght . ACCORDO is subt le luxur y – per fec t

for cover ing large areas . Glasper len in Form fe iner Stre i fen , d ie das L icht ref lek t ieren .

ACCORDO is t subt i ler Luxus – und wie gemacht für große F lächen .

Page 5: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Fine WAllCOveringS


Fine WAllCOveringS

Wallcover ing / Tapete MONA W117-02Lef t page / L inke Se ite : Wal lcover ing / Tapete MONA W117-02

A screen pr inted poppy f lower, wi th i t s p ixe l s arranged in f ine ly graded shades of co lour. MONA is as much a work of ar t as i t i s a wa l l cover ing . E ine geras ter te Mohnblüte ,

deren P ixe l in fe in abges tuf ten Farbnuancen ange legt s ind . MONA is t e ine Tapete

wie e in Kuns twerk .

Page 6: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Fine WAllCOveringS

Wallcover ing / Tapete LAVINA GOLD W121-02


Fine WAllCOveringS

lAvinA mAkeS iTS STATemenT THrOugH iTS FOrm AnD mATeriAl

SubSTAnCe. AS STYliSH AS iT iS TimeleSS. lAvinA SeTZT

AkZenTe in FOrm unD mATeriAliTäT. unD iST DAbei SO STilvOll

Wie ZeiTlOS.

Page 7: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Fine WAllCOveringS


Fine WAllCOveringS

Wallcover ing / Tapete VELVETO W120-05 Right page / Rechte Se ite : Wal lcover ings / Tapeten VELVETO W120-05 CENTRO W100-08 Rug / Teppich VISCO T007-01 FTH-302

Incomparab le e legance , but wi th a g lance into the pas t and referr ing back

to ant ique patterns , VELVETO lends an impos ing a i r to the room. E leganz ohne Verg le ich , aber mit Referenz :

Ange lehnt an ant ike Stof fmus ter, ent fa l tet VELVETO e ine imposante Raumwirkung .

Page 8: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Fine WAllCOveringS

Wallcover ings / Tapeten WOODLAND W116-04 WOODLAND W116-05Next page / Nächste Se ite : Wal lcover ings / Tapeten WOODLAND W116-04 WOODLAND W116-05 Armchair / Sesse l KENT 2580-13 Cushion / Kissen JAVA 2579 - 06 P la id / Decke MILOS 2582- 0 4 Rug / Teppich LANE T0 01- 01 F TH - 069


TexTureS WHiCH nATure AlOne CAn CreATe. WOODlAnD erinnerT

An miT ZeDernHOlZ geTäFelTe WänDe. An STrukTuren, Wie Sie nur Die

nATur ZeiCHnen kAnn.

Page 9: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Fine WAllCOveringS


Fine WAllCOveringS

Page 10: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Non-woven wa l l cover ing w i th f ine g l a s s bead s t r ipes ,

on a text i l e tw i l l base /V l i e s t apete mi t fe inen

S t re i fen aus G la sper len und text i l em Chevron-Dess in im Fond

V iny l wa l l cover ing RAF IA pr in ted w i th a poppy f lower mot i f /

V iny l t apete RAF IA bedruck t m i t e inem Mohnb lü ten Mot iv

Ro l l S i ze / Ro l lenmaß

27 ,0 inch × 11 yds / 0 ,70 × 10 ,05 m

Pane l S i ze / Pane lmaß

27 ,0 inch × 3 ,7 yds / 0 ,68 × 3 ,40 m

W119-01 W119-04

W119-02 W119-05

W119-03 W119-06

W117-01 W117-02


FiNe WAllCOveRiNgs


Non-woven wa l l cover ing w i th met a l l i c pa t ina e f fec t /

V l i e s t apete mi t Met a l l - und Pa t ina -E f fek t

Non-woven wa l l cover ing w i th met a l l i c pa t ina e f fec t

embro idered w i th Lurex yarn /V l i e s t apete mi t

Met a l l - und Pa t ina -E f fek t , bes t i ck t m i t Lurex-Garn

Ro l l S i ze / Ro l lenmaß

26 ,0 inch × 11 yds / 0 ,65 × 10 ,05 m

Rol l S i ze / Ro l lenmaß

26 ,0 inch × 11 yds / 0 ,65 × 10 ,05 m

W114-01 W114-03

W114-02 W114-04

W115-01 W115-02


FiNe WAllCOveRiNgs

Page 11: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged


Non-woven wa l l cover ing w i th c l a s s i c ornament a l f lock des i gn /

V l i e s t apete mi t ornament a lem F lock Dess in .

V iny l wa l l cover ing w i th embossed wood texture /

V iny l t apete mi t gepräg ter Ho lz s t ruk tur

Ro l l S i ze / Ro l lenmaß

27 ,0 inch × 11 yds / 0 ,70 × 10 ,05 m

Rol l S i ze / Ro l lenmaß

27 ,0 inch × 11 yds / 0 ,70 × 10 ,05 m

W120-01 W120-04

W120-02 W120-05


W116-01 W116-04

W116-02 W116-05

W116-03 W116-06

lAviNA gOlD lAviNA

Non-woven b lock- s t r ipe wa l l cover ing w i th a t t ached s tone

and go ld - lu s t rous granu les /V l i e s t apete im B locks t re i fen-Dess in ,

versehen mi t e inem Granu la t aus ger iebenen S te inen und

Go ld-G lanzpar t i ke ln

Non-woven b lock- s t r ipe wa l l cover ing w i th

a t t ached s tone granu les /V l i e s t apete im

B locks t re i fen-Dess in , versehen mi t Granu la t aus ger iebenen S te inen

Ro l l S i ze / Ro l lenmaß

27 ,0 inch × 11 yds / 0 ,70 × 10 ,05 m

Rol l S i ze / Ro l lenmaß

27 ,0 inch × 11 yds / 0 ,70 × 10 ,05 m

W121-01 W121-02 W122-01 W122-04

W122-02 W122-05



FiNe WAllCOveRiNgs


FiNe WAllCOveRiNgs

Page 12: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged

Centro rafia

One-tone non-woven wa l l cover ing w i th pear l sur face f in i sh /

Un i -V l i e s t apete m i t Per l -Ober f l äche

V iny l wa l l cover ing w i th embossed text i l e s t ruc ture /

V iny l t apete mi t gepräg ter text i l e r S t ruk tur

Ro l l S i ze / Ro l lenmaß

27 ,0 inch × 11 yds / 0 ,70 × 10 ,05 m

Rol l S i ze / Ro l lenmaß

27 ,0 inch × 11 yds / 0 ,70 × 10 ,05 m

W100-01 W100-08

W100-02 W100-09

W100-03 W100-10

W100-04 W100-11

W100-05 W100-12

W100-06 W100-13

W100-07 W100-14

W108-01 W108-04

W108-02 W108-05

W108-03 W108-06


fine WallCoverings


credits & imprint

Page / Se i te : 1 , 5

S ide t ab le / Be i s te l l t i sch “G iacomet t i S ide Tab le , S imp le” Por t a Romana

Be l l j a r / Glashaube 1

6 , 7

Armcha i r / Ses se l “Fumoir 1929” Po l t rona Frau 1

S ide t ab le / Be i s te l l t i sch “Domino” Mol ten i 1

Wal l l amp / Wand leuchte “Zoe” Ant a

8 , 9

S too l / Hocker BoConceptF loor l amp / S teh leuchte “Rosy Ange l i s ”

Ph i l i ppe S t arck , F los 1


Table / Konso le “Cru i se” Mer id i an i 2

F loor l amp / S teh leuchte “Emma” A lva l i ne 2

G la s ses / Br i l l e „Hunter“ Tom Ford

12 , 13

S ide t ab le / Be i s te l l t i sch “L i t hos” Maxa l to 1

Vases / Vasen “Peony Vase” Por t a RomanaArmcha i r / Ses se l “Ming ” Casami l ano

15 , 16

Table / Konso le “Cru i se” Mer id i an i 2

Armcha i r / Ses se l “Emma” Casami l anoS ide t ab le / Be i s te l l t i sch “Edo” Promemor ia

SAHCO Hess le inGmbH & Co. KG

Headof f i ce NürnbergKreuzburger S t r. 17-19

90471 Nürnberg Te l . +49 (911) 99 87- 0

Fax +49 (911) 99 87 480in [email protected]

Photography : Se i te 2 , 4 , 10 und 14 Get ty ImagesThomas Esch , mbs Nürnberg GmbH

Pic tures ( image and co lour thumbs) may var y in co lour. M i spr in t s excepted . / D ie abgeb i ldeten Ar t i ke l und Farbmus ter s ind n i ch t fa rbverb ind l i ch . Druck feh ler vorbeha l ten .

With k ind suppor t o f / M i t f reund l i cher Unters tü t zung von

1 re im Wohndes i gn Nürnberg 2 Bodack & Ke l lenberg NürnbergAnt a Leuchten , Casami l ano, Por t a Romana , Promemor ia

Page 13: SAHCO Fine WAllCOvering S 2013 · Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 Left page / Linke Seite: Wallcovering / Tapete MONA W117-02 A screen printed poppy flower, with its pixels arranged

ARTE nvIndus t r iezone “De Waerde”

Sena tor A . Jeur i s sen laan 1210B-3520 Zonhoven

Be lg ium

Be lg iumTe l . 011 81 93 00 (Dutch) / Té l . 011 81 93 03 (French)

Fax 011 81 93 01sa les .be l g ium@ar te- in terna t iona l . com

The Nether l andsTe l . 0800 235 27 83Fax 0800 329 27 83

sa les .nether l ands@ar te- in terna t iona l . com te - in terna t iona l . com SAh







