Safety Tool Box Talk


Transcript of Safety Tool Box Talk

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Page 2: Safety Tool Box Talk

The purpose of conducting Safety

Tool Box Talk is to make everyone

aware of the safety requirements to


followed, while on duty and to ensure

that, Health & Safety of everyone is


jeopardized due to lack of

awareness of one or more.

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“ Safety is acceptable level of risk ”

05 important things to remember while on duty.

• Aircraft has right of way always.• Aware of what is happening around you.• Never Rush.• No Complacency or Indifferent Attitudes.• Know regulations.

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In the event of Accident.

• Do not Panic.• Report immediately to concerned

Authority.• Call Emergency Services.• Administer First Aid, if trained to

do so.

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• 30 kmph - Service Road.• 20 kmph - Apron Areas.• 10 kmph - Near the Aircraft.

( Please stick to Limits ).

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Do not drive, if you are not in possession of a valid A.D.P.

ADP (Airside Driving Permit) is issued by OAMC.

(Always carry it with you, while on duty )

Violators will be fined.

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Do you know the Parking around the

Aircraft ?

Please see the next slide carefully !

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Please Remember !

• Never park any Ramp vehicles on the Road Way.

• Road Way is for all vehicles to come in & go out.

• Never Obstruct the Road Way.• Always park your vehicle in the designated slot,• If the designated slot is occupied, then use the free slots

available at the back of the aircraft.

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Remember !Aircraft

have “ Right of Way ”

at all times.

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Do you know what P.P.E. stand for ?

P.P.E. stands for Personal Protective Equipment.

They are;

• Hand Gloves,• Ear Protective,• High visible Glow vest,• Safety shoes.

( Always ware them, while performing your duties )

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If you see any FOD (Foreign Object Debris) or spillage,

Please report and or pick it up !

Contact the Ramp officer immediately and report the incident.

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Do you know that there are 3 classes of FIRE.

They are,

Solid Fire.

Liquid Fire.

Electric Fire.

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Three Elements required to start a Fire.

Fuel + Oxygen + Heat = FIRE

Once, any one of the Three elements is taken out,

Fire can be extinguished !

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In case of FIRE !Know your Fire Extinguishers ?

• Different types of Fire Extinguishers are available for different types of Fires.

• For easy identification, they are colour coded.

• Let’s now see what they are and which is more suits to the type of fire that was detected.

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Colour Codes for Fire Extinguishers.

• RED ( containing Water ) for Solid Fires only.

• BLUE ( containing Dry Powder ) for All Types of fires.

• CREAM ( containing FORM ) for Liquid Fires only.

• Black ( containing Carbon Dioxide ) for All types of fires.

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Do you know what Ramp stands for,

R - Respect ( Rules ).

A - Attention ( Pay ).

M - Marshal ( Follow ).

P - Park ( Properly ).

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Beware of JET ENGINES !Please keep your distance.

Jet In-take .( Safe distance at least 8 meters in front )

Jet Exhausts .( Safe distance – Twice the length of the aircraft )

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• There are some articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment.

• They are called Dangerous Goods.

• During our work, we often come across these articles and substances.

• They require special care and attention, while handling.

• Therefore, let’s learn a little about them.

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Dangerous Goods.( There are in 09 classes ).

1. Explosives.2. Gases.3. Flammable Liquids.4. Flammable Solids.5. Oxidizing Substances.6. Toxic & Infectious Substances.7. Radioactive Materials.8. Corrosive.9. Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods.

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Beware of Dangerous Good.

• Pay attention, while handling Dangerous Goods.

• If any discrepancy noticed, immediately contact the Ramp Officer.

( Please refer, IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations manual available in the Ramp

Office for detailed handling instructions and for any clarification ).

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An Emergency situation can arises at any moment and to avoid confusions, while

transmitting the information, they are Coded numerically in the descending order,

according to the severity of the Emergency.

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Do you know the Airport Emergency Codes ?

Being familiar with them will help us,

• To responds and react effectively to any Alarm or Notification,

• Prepare for any eventuality,

• Protect the Image & properties of the Company.

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There are Twelve ( 12 ) Emergency Codes.

• Code 1 - Aircraft Accident (on airport),• Code 2 - Aircraft Accident (off airport),• Code 3 - Full Emergency (Airborne aircraft)• Code 4 - Unlawful Interference,• Code 5 - Bomb Threat to Aircraft,• Code 6 - Bomb Threat to Building,• Code 7 - Ground Incident,• Code 8 - Structural Fire,• Code 9 - Local Standby,• Code 10 - Weather Standby.• Code 11 - Illness / Mass casualties on board.• Code 12 - Other unspecified Incidents.

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Now, let us see what they are in


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Code 1.


When an aircraft accident has occurred on the airport or in the immediate vicinity of the

airport ( within 4 Kilometers of the airport boundary ).

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Code 2.


When an aircraft accident has occurred but not in immediate vicinity of the airport ( more than 4

Kilometers from the airport boundary )

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Code 3.

Full Emergency ( Airborne aircraft ).

When an aircraft approaching the airport has declared an emergency or is known to have a

problem or defect which will cause or likely to cause an aircraft accident

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Code 4.

Unlawful interference.

When it is known or suspected that an aircraft has been subjected to a threat of sabotage or

unlawful seizer or any act has been committed which would affect the normal operation of

that aircraft and safety of it’s occupants.

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Code 5.

Bomb Threat to aircraft.

When information is received that an explosive device has been located (or suspected) on an

aircraft, either in the air or on the ground.

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Code 6

Bomb Threat to Building.

When information is received that an explosive device has been located (or suspected) in, or

around airport buildings, facilities or equipment.

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Code 7.

Ground incident.

When an incident occurs involving an aircraft on ground which will affect the safety of

passengers, crew, ground staff, the aircraft or other aircraft.

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Code 8.

Structural Fire.

When a fire occurs in the airport building, facilities, equipment or vehicle and does not

directly involves an aircraft.

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Code 9.

Local Standby.

When an aircraft approaching the airport has developed or suspected to have developed some defect, but this defect would not create and difficulty in effecting a safe landing.

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Code 10.

Weather Standby.

A weather standby is initiated when weather condition deteriorate to a point where these conditions could

affect the safety of aircraft operation at the airport or Tower has difficulty observing aircraft landing and take-offs or where weather condition may affect the

safety of aircraft, personal, services or facilities at the airport.

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Code 11.

Reported Illness and / or Mass Casualties on board aircraft.

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Code 12.

Other unspecified incident.

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Please inform the Ramp Manager / Officer on duty immediately,

Whenever, any information received regarding any emergency situation.

Ramp Duty Manager & Officer’s contact numbers.

Tele - 24519990 & 95158341 (Mobile)or

Radio 355 / 362.

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Follow Ramp Duty Manager or the Officer’s

instructions in case of any evacuation.

Know where the nearest Assembly Point to you.

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For more information !

Please refer the

Emergency Response Manual available in the Ramp Office.

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Please sign the Safety Tool Box Talk form, after the show is over to enable us to keep a track of the Safety Tool Box

Talks carried out & for Auditing purposes..

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Thank You For

Investing time on this show.

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The End.