Safety, Health and Medical Services Division Ames Research Center These slides do not contain a...

Safety, Health and Medical Services Division Ames Research Center These slides do not contain a complete summary of the Draft RFP. Therefore, please refer to the Draft RFP for all information. David B. King, CIH October 6, 2004

Transcript of Safety, Health and Medical Services Division Ames Research Center These slides do not contain a...

Safety, Health and Medical Services DivisionAmes Research Center

These slides do not contain a complete summary of the Draft RFP. Therefore, please refer to the Draft

RFP for all information.

David B. King, CIH

October 6, 2004

Our Mission

• To support all NASA and Ames’ missions by proactive implementation of both risk and compliance based mishap and injury prevention systems.

Areas of Support

• Primarily in support of NASA/Ames missions.

• Primarily at Ames Facilities/Projects

• Other sites– Crows Landing, CA– Other NASA Centers/Headquarters

Ames Research CenterSafety, Health and Medical Services Division

M iriam G lazer, M PHErgonom ics

EAP/W e llnessH azard Com mun ica t ion

Stan Ph ill ips , C IHIndus tria l Hygiene

H ealth Phys icsVP P

M ichae l H u let, MSO ccupational Safe ty

H eavy Equ ipm en t Sa fe tyFa ll Pro tec t ion

R alph Pe llig ra, MDH uman Resea rchC ontrolled D rugs

John Steen , PE , C SPF ire P rotec tion Eng.C ons truc tion Safe ty

C ente r Facility Safe ty

J im W ellerTra in ing M anager

Sa fe ty Accoun tabilityS tudent Safe ty

D av id K ing, C IH , CACD iv is ion Ch ief

Sa fety , H ea lth and Med ica l Se rvices

M ike D ud leyD irec tor

Sa fety , Env ironmen tal and M iss ion Assu rrance

Stan N ew berryC en ter Depu ty D irector

Primary Mission Areas

In d u s tria l H yg ien e H ea lth P h ys ics

O ccu p ation a l S a fe ty F ac ility S a fe ty

M ed ica l W e lln ess

Tra in in g E m erg en cy R esp on se

S afe ty, H ea lth an d M ed ica l S ervice D ivs ion

Ames Safety Principles

• Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility

• Safety is Vital to NASA Missions

• Risks can and will be Managed

• Injuries can be Prevented with Training, Preparation and Awareness

• Management is Accountable for Ensuring a Safe Work Environment

Safety, Health and Medical Services Division – QH

Customer Focus For 2004

• Customer Focus– One safety professional and one industrial hygienist has been

assigned to each Directorate. – Why? Want safety staff to focus on helping each customer with

their specific needs.• We want to ensure…

- Customers to know us on a first name basis- We provide consistent service- The safety staff know the customer’s facilities- We understand their mission - We want to help them achieve their mission

• We want to provide…- Specific training as needed- Custom assistance that ensures that external requirements are met

in tandem with mission requirements- Efficient and easy access to all safety and health services- Efficient turnaround time

  QH Contractor Staff (PAI)

  QH Civil Servant Staff



Safety Industrial Hygiene Civil Servant Staff VPP Directorate Leaders


Code A Deborah Hunter, 43352

Gayle Frank, 46295 Michael Hulet, 40268

Phil Snyder, 44592


Code C Don Dains, 43276 Amy Johnson, 45986

Miriam Glazer, 45172

Randy Rodriguez, 43312


Code D Rob Clark, 41806 Ramsey Razik, 46946

David King, 41316 Rho Christensen, 42476


Code E Rob Clark, 41806 Ramsey Razik, 46946

Michael Hulet, 40268

Geoff Lee, 46406


Code H Don Dains, 43276 Ramsey Razik, 46946

Miriam Glazer, 45172

Carolina Blake, 40893


Code I Shawn Puma, 43971 Amy Johnson, 45986

Miriam Glazer, 45172

Paul Grams, 44011


Code J Shawn Puma, 43971 Danielle Prohaska, 43680

Michael Hulet, 40268

Randy Rodriguez, 43312


Code P Bill Bramble, 40922 Diana Harrington, 43787

John Steen, 45726

John Reed, 42950


Code Q Deborah Hunter, 43352

Amy Johnson, 45986

John Steen, 45726

Jim Weller, 42303


Code S Presley Millare, 40925

Jennifer Kapp, 46371

Stan Phillips, 43530

Bernadette Luna, 45250 and Joe Hanzel, 40265

Customer Service

Industrial Hygiene Programs

• Chemical Hygiene/Lab Safety

• Noise Exposure Monitoring

• Hearing Conservation

• Fixed Gas Detection

• Regulated Carcinogens

• Respiratory Protection

• Bloodborne Pathogens

• Biosafety

• Personal Protective Equipment

• Process System Safety

• Asbestos

• Lead

• Confined Space

• Ergonomics

• Chemical Exposure Monitoring

• Sanitation

• Laboratory Hood Systems

• Local Exhaust Systems

• Indoor Air Quality

• Hazard Communication

Number & Type of IAQ Concerns2001-2004










er o

f C


2001 2002 2003 2004

IAQ Cases by Category




Symptoms andOdorsOdors


















• Nuclear Regulatory Commission License

• Radiation Safety Committee

• Semi Annual Radioisotope Inventory

• Leak Source Testing

• Receival Inspections

• Radioisotope Project Review and Approval

• Field Radiography Program (Center Wide)

• Radioactive Waste Disposal– Waste packaging and

storage facility

• X-Ray Equipment Inventory Semi Annual X-Ray Survey

• Filter Box Surveys

• Quarterly Lab Inspections

• Laboratory Decommissioning/Funding Authorization

• Employee Dosimetry

Health PhysicsIonizing Radiation

• Lasers

• Microwave Generators

• Radio Frequency

• EMF/ELF Surveys

• RF Surveys

• Microwave Surveys

Health PhysicsNon-Ionizing Radiation

• Non-ionizing Radiation Safety Committee