SA10 - MC Express

Getting the Most Out of MC Express (SA10) System Administrator Track


One of the most exciting new products offered by Maintenance Connection. Learn about what is available in this new cross-device technician portal, and how to implement MC Express in your business.

Transcript of SA10 - MC Express

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Getting the Most Out of MC Express (SA10)

System Administrator Track

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Presenter Name: Arlene Roberg

Background information:

• Role and expertise at Maintenance Connection

• Fun Fact

Presenter Bio

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Joe Droid and Aubrey iOS

Configuration Overview

Search Methods

User Interface Tips and Tricks

What’s New in Each Module

Bonus Features


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Joe Droid and Aubrey iOS

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MRO Permissions

MC Express Permissions

MC Express Preferences

Forms Manager

Configuration Overview

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Which Permissions are Used?

Imp & Admin Guide – MC User Connect

MRO Permissions

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MC Express Permissions

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Too Many to Review



Work Orders

Status Update

MC Express Preferences

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Labels, Required Fields, and Hidden Fields

Preference to Honor UDF Forms Manager Settings

Forms Manager

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Global Search


Filter and Search

Search Methods

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Powerful New Feature

Always Available…

Global Search

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What fields in each module?

Check Help…

Global Search (cont’d)

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Selected Filter Serves as Base

RC / Shop Settings Honored

Filter Icon to Add Criteria


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Add As Much Criteria As Needed

Custom Labels Honored

Logical Prompts

Filtering (cont’d)

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Let’s Create Criteria…

• Logical / Bit Fields

• Text Entry (contains)

• Multi Select Lookups

• Dates

Filtering (cont’d)

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Clear Criteria…

• Select New Filter…

• Go Home…

Filter and Search

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Action Control

Lookup Features

Custom Fields – Expanded WO List

User Interface Tips and Tricks

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Home, Home, Home

Back Button

Header Bar

Jump to Asset

Asset History


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Record Summary and Detail Pages

• Permission and State Based

• Light vs. Dark Grey

Lists, Lookups, Home

Action Control

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RC Filtering

Other Filter Controls

Search Options

Lookup Features

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Add Data to Expanded WO List


Custom Expression

Custom Fields – Expanded WO List

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Work Orders



What’s New in Each Module

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Start / Stop

All Status Updates

Follow Up / Add Note


Work Orders

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List View with Filtering / Search

More Data… Configurable

Meter Entry



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More Data Such as History / Transactions

Stock Room Default

Lots of New Features

• Adjust On Hand/Apply Counts

• Transfer

• Part Checkout

• Part Receive

Separate Permissions


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My (Labor) Profile

Manage Sessions

Asset Task List

Part Checkout

Part Receive

Bonus Features

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Users Can Update Contact Info

Change Password

Upload / Set Photo

My (Labor) Profile

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Session Administration

• Does Not Use License

• URL:

• Ctrl – Shift – Click on Log In Page Logo

Manage Sessions

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Update Tasks from Multiple WO on Single Page

Great for Inspections

Linked Through Asset Task and/or Direct

Asset Task List

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Checkout Parts from Perspective of Part


Existing or New Work Order

Multiple Parts

Part Checkout

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Receive Parts on Open Purchase Orders

Receive Line Item, All, or Partial

Receive Parts

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Stop by the MC Express Booth

• More Info..

• Demo Access…


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For access to documentation and tutorials, reference

MC User Connect

Page 34: SA10 - MC Express

MCUC Documentation / Tutorials Article PDF Video Tutorial

User Guide

MC Express Implementation and Administration Guide

MC Express Webinar

Additional Resources