s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web viewDaniel (‘God is my J_____’) was born into the royal family...

2215 Bible Survey OT - part two (Job-Daniel) 1

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Page 1: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web viewDaniel (‘God is my J_____’) was born into the royal family and carried away to Babylon as a youth. He was trained in the royal school of Babylon

2215Bible SurveyOT - part two



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Open Note/Group Review1) Divisions of the bible

Old Testament New Testament

__________ ___ books ___________ ___ books__________ ___ books ___________ ___ book__________ ___ books ___________ ___ books


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__________ ___ books ___________ ___ books__________ ___ books ___________ ___ books

__________ ___ books ___________ ___ books

total ____ books ____ books2) Name the book that goes with the following clues...

(note the books that are I and II go together)2nd law - ___________________________Israel conquers the promise land -__________________A devoted daughter in-law - ___________________________Everyone did as they saw fit - __________________In this book we read about the 12 spies - ________________This book is named after a tribe of Israel - ______________Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - ______________“Going out” - ____________Israel gets a king - ____________The walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt - __________________A Jewish orphan becomes queen and saves her people -

__________________The temple is rebuilt - _________________A Monarchy book that looks back in time - _________________________ The nation of Israel divides and is conquered - ___________________

3) How are the 12 books of History divided?Pre - M_________________________M__________________________Post - M _________________________

4) The Big Picture Of The Bible (The C________ of Christ)

Old Testament - Jesus Is C__________!


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Gospels – Jesus Is H__________!

New Testament – Jesus Is Coming A_________!

Periods Of OT HistoryP____-Flood time frame unknown(Genesis 1-6)

P_____-Flood time frame unknown(Genesis 9-12)

P____________ 2000BC- 1800BC(Genesis 12-50)

E___________ 1800BC-1400BC(Exodus 1-Exodus 12)

W______________ 1400BC-1350BC(Exodus 13-Deut 31)

C__________ 1350BC-1330BC(Joshua)

J__________ 1330BC-1000BC(Judges)

U_______ Kingdom 1000BC-900BC(1 and 2 Samuel)

D____________ Kingdom 900BC-722BC(1 and 2 Kings 17)

J_________ 722BC-586BC (2 Kings 17-25)

E_______ 586BC-538BC(Ezra-Esther)

P_____ Exile 538BC-432BC(Ezra-Esther)

(Answers - Pre, Judean, Conquest, Post, Wilderness, Patriarchal,Exile, United, Divided, Judges, Egyptian, Post)


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The Books Of PoetryThe third section in the Old testament is called the books of poetry (sometimes referred to as the “wisdom” books). There are 5 books in this section:

Job Is a dramatic debate in poetic form that deals with the issue of human suffering. Job the key figure in this book in a short time looses his wealth, his children and his health. As Job struggles with the reality and confusion of suffering we see him in various discussions with ‘friends’ who come to comfort - but actually make matters worse (Job 13:4,5; 16:2,3).

Theme of book - Faith under T___________

Author - traditional author is M__________...


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The Organization of the book:

The A__________________ of Job (1-2) - in prose

The D___________________ with Job (3-41) - in poetry

The R_____________________ of Job (42) - in prose

The Teaching of the book:

God has absolute control over S_________

God wants His children to T_________ Him for who He is not what He does.

S_______________ is not always a judgment on sin, or an act of discipline, so much as it is an opportunity to expand our T_________ and L________ harder into God.

Psalms Are a collection of praise songs many of which are written by David. In these Psalms we see how in life when our focus is on ourselves and on our situation rather than on God things are dark and hopeless, yet when that focus is placed on God hope renews.

A reoccurring theme is how God is our rock, our fortress and our deliverer.

The Hebrew word for this book is Tehillim which means P___________. The word Psalms is from a Greek word which means a song sung with a musical instrument.

Theme of book - Faith in various C____________________

The Author of the book:


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David - 73 PsalmsAnonymous 50Asaph 12Sons of Korah 10Solomon 2Ethan 1Heman 1Moses 1

Psalms is the L_______________ book in the entire bible.

The Teachings of the book:

How to E____________ oneself in praise & petition

The coming of the M______________(Ps 2, 8, 16, 22, 40, 45, 68, 69, 72, 102, 109,

110, 118, 132).

Rich teaching about W_____ God is and His R___________________ with His people.

Proverbs The Hebrew word that is translated ‘proverb’ is also translated ‘taunt’ ‘oracle’ and ‘parable’. Though there are some long discourses in chapters 1-9, most of the proverbs; are short compact statements that express T___________ about human behavior. A common feature of the proverbs is the use of figurative language (usually done by using the words, ‘like’ or ‘as’) chapter 25 is full of this type of language (3, 12,13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 25)

The proverbs were written by a man who had tried many things and found out from experience that following God’s commands makes life work out better.

Also note that the proverbs are NOT P______________ - they are P_______________ - more than likely this is how things will work out (for example; Proverbs 22:6 is a probability not a promise).


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One writer says that Proverbs is a collection of lamps. Lamps that do for your H__________ what the lamps in your house do for your eyes, they chase away the D_______________. The proverbs turn on the lamps in the dark corner of our lives.

Having trouble with an enemy? Flip on the lamp of P______________ (15:1)Having trouble with greed? Flip on the lamp of P________________ (15:16)Anxious about tomorrow? Sit under a lamp of T__________ (16:3)

Where the Psalms focus on how to get along with G_____ the Proverbs seem to focus more on getting along with P____________ and living a W______ life. The Author of the book;

Solomon - 1-29Agur 30King Lemuel 31

The Themes of the book

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of W___________

W__________ is always calling out to us and the smart thing is to L_________.

The Teachings of the book;

A collection of wise sayings (proverbs) about life, dealing with such subjects as; wisdom, righteousness, fear of God, knowledge, morality, diligence, self-control, trust in God, speech, honesty, laziness, justice, cheerfulness, common sense.etc

Ecclesiastes This book was also written by Solomon and it his reflections and conclusions about life. In this book Solomon now an old man looks at the folly of trying to find meaning for life in things like; W___________, W____________ and W__________.

Solomon had tried these things himself and had concluded that it all was meaningless & empty. He concludes this book by telling us the only thing


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that will give life meaning.

This book vividly describes a dissatisfied life and then tells us the only way and place where we will ever find true and lasting satisfaction.

Ecclesiastes - Greek for ‘one who addresses an assembly’

The Author of the book - Solomon

The Theme of the book – F__________ the key to meaning

The Teachings of the book:

Life without God is E____________ & M__________________

God intends for man to E___________ his life

F_________ God and K_______ His C_____________________

Song of SolomonAgain the author of this book is (you guessed it) Solomon. This book is more than likely a collection of love letters... (have you ever written any; “I will love you forever” “When I look into your eyes it’s like I’m looking into the deepest blue ocean, when you walk into a room it is like a warm sun bursting on the horizon.”)

Too many people get hung up trying to find deeper meanings - rather than just appreciating them for what they are letters between people who are madly in love. Now they use words to express that love - that were powerful and beautiful to them BUT after 3,000 years have lost some of that power & beauty (for example 4:1-3)

The Author of the book - Solomon

The Theme of the book - Faith expressed in L_________


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The Teachings of the book;

Love is C_________________Love cannot be bought with M_________ or flatteryGod smiles on Human Love

Significant Passages:Job 1 God has C_____________ over satan.Job 16:1-5 Some lessons about comforting others.Job 38-41 The Lord puts Job in his place.Psalm 1 How God blesses the righteousPsalm 15 Answers who can come into God’s presencePsalm 19 How God reveals Himself Psalm 23 The Lord is My S_______________Psalm 32 A Psalm that describes how guilt eats us upPsalm 46 God is our refugePsalm 51 David’s psalm after being confronted about sin (Bathsheba)Psalm 103 God removing our sin Psalm 119 A Psalm about God’s Word (longest chapter in bible)

Other great Psalms; 61, 63, 103, 121, 127, 139, 150


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Proverbs 1 Benefits of wisdomProverbs 3 More benefits of wisdomProverbs 9:7-9 About accepting correctionProverbs 30:7-9 A pretty cool prayerProverbs 31:10ff The wife of noble character

Ecclesiastes 1 Meaninglessness of life Ecclesiastes 3:1-14 A t________ for everythingEcclesiastes 4:9-12 Power of unity & friendshipEcclesiastes 5:1-7 Making vows and promises to God

Song of Solomon 8:6,7 The power of love

Great Verses:I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.”

Job 19:25

The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom should I be afraid? Ps 27:1

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Ps 61:1,2

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you, my body longs for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Ps 63:1

He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him, as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Ps 103:10-12

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Ps 119:105

I have hidden your words in my heart that I might not sin against you. Ps 119:11


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I lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord the Maker of heaven and earth.” Ps 121:1,2

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One, is understanding. - Pr 9:10

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing...

Pr 12:18

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. - Pr 15:1

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.

Pr 29:11

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter; Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. - Eccl 12:13

Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned. Song 8:7


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The ProphetsThe prophets lived during a time when God's people turned their backs on God and His Word as they bowed down and worshipped false gods and idols.

The people and the leaders were rotten and decaying both spiritually and morally. Wrong had now become right... and God was reduced to a distant deity and worship had become nothing more than heartless religion…

"These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. – Is 29:13

Justice was nowhere to be found and the poor were greatly oppressed. It was during these perilous and ungodly times, that the Prophets lived and that is why - they looked forward to, clung to, and spoke about with unwavering hope the coming of a New and Better Kingdom.

Note – the majority of their writing is more teaching then p______________


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Major ProphetsThe fourth section of the Old Testament is the Major Prophets. They are called “major” because they are larger in S_________, not in I___________________.

There are ___ books in this section – Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel

Each of these books bears the name of the prophet who wrote it.

Lamentations was written by J .

These books are in chronological order and cover the years 739 BC to 536 BC. Isaiah is the first, then Jeremiah, Ezekiel starts a few years after Jeremiah and Daniel extends a few years beyond Ezekiel.

These books tell how God was calling the people to R______________ or they would face judgment. They did not listen so in 587 BC after 18 months of a Babylonian siege, Jerusalem was totally destroyed. Both Ezekiel and Daniel were taken as prisoners to Babylon prior to the fall of Jerusalem.

Ezekiel lived with the other Jewish exiles while Daniel lived in the King’s palace.



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Is sometimes called the Gospel Prophet, because his book contains many prophecies about Jesus. This book has 66 chapters and has also been called the little B__________

The first _______ chapters focus more on J_________________ and the last ________ on R__________________.

Isaiah was a blue blood among the prophets. His Hebrew was classic. His style was noble. His circles influential. But his message was bare-knuckled. Through the reigns of four kings he proclaimed one message: God will not wink forever wink at W___________ and the M____________ is coming..

Isaiah’s ministry began with a dramatic vision of seeing God seated on His throne in heaven.

The Author of the book - Isaiah

The Theme of the book - “Yahweh is Salvation” (The meaning of the name Isaiah) Major Teachings

God’s people must T_________ God in every circumstanceGod is superior to every I_________Salvation is by G___________The M______________ would come through the line of Judah

Chronology of the book

739 BC - spectacular V___________ to 685 BC - the reign of Manasseh


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JeremiahIs sometimes called the “W_______________ Prophet” because he was not allowed to marry, attend parties and because of the unrepentant attitude of the people and the opposition he faced throughout his ministry of 50+ years.

And Jeremiah along with another teenager King J________ helped to bring reform to Judah.

Jeremiah really struggled with the message God gave him. It was a message that Judah needed to S_______________ to Babylon because God was angry with them. God was using Babylon to punish Judah and he was not going to turn back his wrath (Jer 15:1)

Needless to say it was a very unpopular message - Jeremiah as Paul later commanded Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2ff preached the word of God even out of season - result Jeremiah remained an outcast, alone and attacked..


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Jeremiah really opens up about his struggles and his anger at times towards God, his struggle is very helpful to any servant of God who struggles today...

The Author of the Book - Jeremiah ‘son of Hilkiah the priest’ (Jeremiah was a PK)

The Theme of the book - Be faithful even in the worst of circumstances

Major Teachings

God keeps His W______ to his servants’Only R_________________ could avert total destructionThe nations would serve Babylon for ______ yearsGod is P________________ with discouraged servants.Judah would be restored after J____________God is making a new C_________________ with his people


627 BC - (reign of Josiah) - 575 BC (after fall)


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LamentationsIs collection of 5 poems about the fall of Jerusalem. Chapters 1,2 and 4 have 22 verses one for each letter of Hebrew alphabet (acrostic), chapter 3 has 66 verses - also an acrostic but with 3 consecutive letters of Hebrew alphabet.

The Author of the book - Jeremiah

The Theme of the book - Sorrow over the nations fall

Teachings of the book

God allowed Judah to be D________________ because of her sinEven in the most adverse situations we can count our B_______________


Just after the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC

EzekielWhose name means ‘God S____________________’ was a prophet who came from a priestly family of Buzi. He was born during Josiah reform and he was


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deported to Babylon in 597 BC. At the age of 30 in 592 BC he was called into the ministry. His entire ministry was in Babylon.

Ezekiel ministry had two phases…

Before the fall – S______________ the false hopes of those who felt God would never let Jerusalem be destroyed.

After the fall - M_________________ broken spirits.

Ezekiel is called the ‘A_____________ Prophet’ because he performed many action parables (4:1-12; 5:1-4; 12:17-20; 24:16,17).

The Author of the book - Ezekiel

The Themes of the book - God is F______________ to his eternal purpose. The sinful nation must be D____________, yet God will not F_____________ his own.

The Teachings of the book

Each person R_____________________ before God

People can C_____________ direction in life

Jerusalem must F_________

God will R____________ his people after exile

A glorious K__________ from house of David would rule in the future

Chronology - 592 BC - 560 BC


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DanielDaniel (‘God is my J___________’) was born into the royal family and carried away to Babylon as a youth. He was trained in the royal school of Babylon and served as a high official under 3 kings.

He is most famous for his stay in the lion’s den, but we see his faith in God demonstrated in many ways. His book contains some prophecies written in a style like the book of Revelation.

The Author of the book - Daniel

The Theme of the book - There is a God in heaven who controls both K__________ and K______________.

The Teachings of the book

God knows the F____________God rewards the F______________The ultimate hope is the M____________God’s people will suffer before the M___________ comes



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604 BC - 536 BC

Significant Passages:Isaiah 1 God’s rebuke of the nationIsaiah 6 C________ of Isaiah (sees God in temple)Isaiah 7 V____________ birth of ChristIsaiah 9:6-7 For unto us a child is bornIsaiah 36-39 Good King Hezekiah and the deliverance of JerusalemIsaiah 40 God’s comfort and greatnessIsaiah 52:13-53:12 The suffering servant

Jeremiah 1:4-19 The call of JeremiahJeremiah 7:1-20 False religion is worthlessJeremiah 18:5-12 Predictions are conditionalJeremiah 31:31-34 A new C_________________ is coming

Lamentations 3:22,23 Great is your F____________________

Ezekiel 2:1-3:15 Ezekiel’s callEzekiel 18:19-24 Great Discussion about sin


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Ezekiel 36 The promise of the Holy Spirit Ezekiel 37 Valley of dry B____________

Daniel 1 Daniel refuses to defile himself with diet of BabyloniansDaniel 3 The image of gold and the fiery F_____________Daniel 6 The L___________ denDaniel 9:4-19 An awesome prayer by Daniel.

Great VersesWoe to those who go down to Egypt for help, who rely on horses, who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in great strength of their horsemen, but who do not look to the Holy One of Israel, or seek help from the Lord. - Is 31:1

Even youth grow tired & weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. - Is 40:30,31

But if I say, ‘I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed , I cannot.

- Jer 20:9

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. - Jer 29:11-13

Because of your great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. - Lamentations 3:22,23

As a shepherd looks after his scattered sheep. I will rescue them from the places where they were scattered on the day of clouds and darkness. - Ezk 34:12

If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O King. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.

- Daniel 3:17,18


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Answer Key

7 – trial, Moses, affliction, discussion, restoration, satan, trust, suffering trust, lean 8 – praise, circumstances, longest, express, Messiah, who, relationship9 – truth, promises, probability, heart, darkness, patience, prudence, trust, God, people, wise, wisdom, wisdom, listen10 – wine, women, wealth. Faith, empty, meaningless, enjoy, fear, keep, commandments11 – love, commitment, money12- control, shepherd, time 15 – predictive17 – size, importance, 5, Jeremiah, bible, 39, judgment, 27, restoration. Wrong, Messiah18 – trust, idol, grace, Messiah, vision19 – weeping, Josiah, surrender, word, repentance, 70, patient, judgment, covenant20 – destroyed, blessing21 – strengthening, smashing, mending, action, faithful, destroyed, forsake, responsible, change, restore, King22 – judge, king, kingdoms, future, faithful, Messiah, Messiah23 – call, virgin, covenant, faithfulness24 – bones, furnace, lion