S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus

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  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus



    [ Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of Mumbai ]


    S.Y. B. TECH.(Civil Engineering)



    MATUNGA, MUMBAI 400 019.

    [ YEAR 2010-2011 ]

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 2

    Scheme of Teaching and Evaluation

    S Y B Tech (Civil Engineering)(Semester III)

    Theory CoursesCourseCode

    Course Name Hr/Week CreditsExamination Scheme

    (Evaluation in % Weightage)

    L T P TA IST ESE Total



    MA0203 Applied Mathematics III 3 1 - 4 10 30 60 100 3

    CE0201 Geomatics 3 - - 3 10 30 60 100 3

    CE0202 Building Construction 3 1 - 4 10 30 60 100 3

    CE0203 Fluid Mechanics 3 - - 3 10 30 60 100 3

    SE0223 Mechanics of Solids 3 1 - 4 10 30 60 100 3

    Total 15 3 - 18

    Laboratory CoursesCourseCode

    Course Name Hr/Week CreditsExamination Scheme

    (Evaluation in % Weightage)

    L T P TA ESE (O / P) TotalESE(P)


    CE1201Construction EngineeringLab I

    - - 3 1.5 50 50 100 -

    CE1202Construction EngineeringLab II

    - - 3 1.5 50 50 100 -

    CE1203 Hydraulics Lab I - - 3 1.5 50 50 100 -

    CE1204Computer Applications inCivil Engg Lab

    - - 3 1.5 50 50 100 -

    Total - - 12 6

    Co-curricular ActivitiesCourseCode

    Course Name Hr/Week

    L T P


    - - 2 A/NA

    CC4232 E-Library/ Internet - - 3 -

    Total - - 5 -

    Total for


    L T P Total Hours Credits

    15 3 17 35 24


    L: Lectures, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, TA: Teacher Assessment, ESE (P): End Semester Practical Examination, ESE (O):End Semester Oral Examination, IST: In Semester Test/s, ESE (W): End Semester Written Examination, ESE (W) (hrs):End Semester Written Examination duration, ESE (O) (hrs): End Semester Practical Examination (duration), A/NA:Attended/Not Attended

    Notes:TA for Theory and Laboratory courses shall carry 25 marks.IST: One mid semester test (40 marks of two hour duration) and two surprise Tests/Quizzes (5% weightage of each). ESE(W) shall be of 100 marks of 3 hours, ESE (P) and ESE (O) shall be decided as per course requirement. ESE (O) and ESE(P) shall together carry 25 marks.Industry - Academia Interaction: Wednesday afternoon slot will be used. Module or broad subject outline will be decidedby the course coordinator. Lectures as per module in the defined areas of eminent personalities from industry or academiawill be arranged. Assessment will be done on the attendance of the students for the module. More than 60%: Attended,otherwise: Not Attended.

    E- Library/ Internet: Every theory course must have at least one assignment or case-study which requires exhaustiveinternet search/support.

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 3

    Scheme of Teaching and Evaluation

    S Y B Tech (Civil Engineering)(Semester IV)

    Theory CoursesCourseCode

    Course Name Hr/Week CreditsExamination Scheme

    (Evaluation in % Weightage)

    L T P TA IST ESE Total



    MA0204 Applied Mathematics - IV 3 1 - 4 10 30 60 100 3

    SE0224 Structural Analysis I 3 1 - 4 10 30 60 100 3

    CE0204 Engineering Geology 3 - - 3 10 30 60 100 3

    SE0225 Soil Mechanics 3 - - 3 10 30 60 100 3

    CE0205 Applied Hydraulics 3 1 - 4 10 30 60 100 3

    CE0221 Environmental Studies 3 - - 3 10 30 60 100 3

    Total 18 3 - 21

    Laboratory CoursesCourseCode Course Name Hr/Week Credits

    Examination Scheme(Evaluation in % Weightage)

    L T P TA ESE (O / P) TotalESE(P)


    CE1205Construction EngineeringLab III

    - - 3 1.5 50 50 100 -

    SE1202Structural EngineeringLab I

    - - 3 1.5 50 50 100 -

    CE1206Construction EngineeringLab IV

    - - 3 1.5 50 50 100 -

    CE1207 Hydraulics Lab II - - 3 1.5 50 50 100 -

    Total - - 12 6

    Co-curricular Activities


    Course Name Hr/Week

    L T P


    - - 2 A/NA

    Total - - 2 -

    Total for


    L T P Total Hours Credits

    18 3 14 35 27


    L: Lectures, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, TA: Teacher Assessment, ESE (P): End Semester Practical Examination, ESE (O):End Semester Oral Examination, IST: In Semester Test/s, ESE (W): End Semester Written Examination, ESE (W) (hrs):End Semester Written Examination duration, ESE (O) (hrs): End Semester Practical Examination (duration), A/NA:Attended/Not Attended

    Notes:TA for Theory and Laboratory courses shall carry 25 marks.IST: One mid semester test (40 marks of two hour duration) and two surprise Tests/Quizzes (5% weightage of each).. ESE(W) shall be of 100 marks of 3 hours, ESE (P) and ESE (O) shall be decided as per course requirement. ESE (O) and ESE(P) shall together carry 25 marks.Industry - Academia Interaction: Wednesday afternoon slot will be used. Module or broad subject outline will be decidedby the course coordinator. Lectures as per module in the defined areas of eminent personalities from industry or academiawill be arranged. Assessment will be done on the attendance of the students for the module. (More than 75%: Attended,otherwise: Not Attended.

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 4

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER III

    Course Code : MA 0203


    Course Contents:-Module 1 Laplace Transforms

    1.1 Functions of bounded variation1.2 Laplace transforms of standard functions such as



    1.3 Linear property of Laplace transforms.1.4 First shifting theorem, Second shifting theorem



    tfLtfLtftL n




    1.5 Change of scale property: Unit step functions, Heaviside, Dirac deltafunctions, Periodic functions and their Laplace transforms.

    1.6 Inverse Laplace transform using linear property, theorems, partial fractionsand convolution theorem.

    1.7 Application to solve ordinary differential equations with one dependentvariable.

    Module 2 Matrices2.1 Types of matrices

    2.2 Adjoint (Adjugate) of a matrix. Inverse of a matrix.2.3 Elementary transformations of matrix, rank of a matrix.2.4 Reduction to a normal form.

    2.5 Partitioning of matrix, System of homogeneous and non- homogeneousequations, their consistency and solution.2.6 Eigen values Eigen vectors of square matrix.2.7 Cayley Hamiltons theorem and function of square matrix.2.8 Brief revision of vectors over real field, Inner product, Norm, Linear

    dependence and independence, Orthogonality of matrix.2.9 Characteristic polynomial, values and vectors of square matrix.

    Module 3 Fourier Series and Integrals3.1 Orthogonal orthonormal functions, Expression for a function in series of

    orthogonal functions.3.2 Dirchlets conditions.

    3.3 Fourier series of periodic function with period l2,2 ,Dichlets theorem,even and odd functions.

    3.4 Half range expansions, Parsevals relations.3.5 Complex form of Fourier series. Fourier integral.

    Module 4 Numerical Methods4.1 Solutions of systems of linear algebric equations.4.2 Gauss elimation , Gauss Jordan, Crouts(LU) method4.3 Gauss Seidal and jacobi iteration.4.4 Differential equation, Taylor Series method, Picard method, Rungakutta

    method, Euler method.Text Books

    1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, H K Dass, S Chand & Co. Ltd, 3rd Edition,2006 ,2007

    2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr B S Grewal, Khanna Publications, 39th Edition,2005.

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 5

    3. Theory and Problems in Numerical Methods, T Veerarajan, T Ramachandran, TataMcGraw-Hill, First Edition, 2004.

    Reference Books1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erurin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern Ltd,20002. Engineering Mathematics for semester III, T Veerrajan, Tata McGraw Hill.,20053. Matrices, A R Vasishtha,2005

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER III

    Course Code : CE0201

    Course Title : GEOMETICS

    Course Contents

    1 Introduction

    Various types of surveying- based on methods and instruments, classifications, uses andnecessity of geodetic surveying, photographic, astronomy and hydrographic surveyingDiagonal scale, various types of venires, micrometers on surveying instruments, principlesof surveyingChain surveying, instruments required for linear measurement, minor instruments for settingout right angle

    2 Leveling and contouringDefinitions, technical terms, different types of levels such as dumpy, quickset, precise, autoTemporary and permanent adjustments of dumpy and auto levelDifferent methods of leveling, reduction of levels, problems

    Difficulties in leveling work, corrections and precautions to be taken in leveling workContour definitions, contour interval, equivalent, uses and characteristics of contour lines,direct and indirect methods of contouringRunning a level line, L section, cross section, methods of interpolationGrade contour- definition, use, setting out in fieldComputation of volume by trapezoidal and prismoidal formula, volume from spot levels,volume from contour plan

    3 Plane Table SurveyingDefinitions, uses and advantages, temporary adjustmentsDifferent methods of plane table surveying, Two point problemErrors in plane table survey, use of telescopic alidade

    4 Traverse SurveyingCompass: Bearings- different types, compass prismatic, surveyor, whole circle, reducedbearings, Local AttractionTheodolite:- Various parts and axis of transit, technical terms, temporary and permanentadjustments of a transit, horizontal and vertical angles, methods of repetition and reiterationDifferent methods of running a theodolite traverses, Gales traverse table, balancing oftraverse by Bow-Ditchs transit and modified transit rulesProblems on one-plane and two-plane methods, omitted measurements, Precautions in

    using theodolite, errors in theodolite survey, Use of theodolite for various works such asprolongation of a straight line, setting out an angle

    5 Setting out WorksGeneral horizontal and vertical control, setting out of foundation plan for load bearing and

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 6

    framed structure, batter board, slope and grade stakes, setting out with theodoliteSetting out of sewer line, culvert, use of laser for worksSetting out center line for tunnel, transfer of levels to underground workProject / route survey for bridge, dam and canalChecking verticality of high rise structures

    6 Areas

    Area of a irregular figure by Trapezoidal rule, average ordinate rule, Simpsons 1/3 rule,various co ordinate methodsPlanimeter: types of planimeter including digital planimeter, area of zero circle, use ofplanimeter

    7 Tachometric surveyingPrinciples and uses, advantages, stadia formula, different methods of tacheometer,subtense bar method, location details by tacheometer, stadia diagram and tables, error andaccuracy in tacheometry survey work

    8 Curves

    Definitions of different terms, necessity of curves and types of curves. Simple circular curvesand compound curves, office and field work, linear methods of setting out of curves

    Angular methods for setting out of curves, two theodolite and Rankine deflection anglemethodsReverse and transition curves, their properties and their advantages, design of transitioncurves, shift, spiral angleComposite curves office and field work, setting out of curve by angular method, compositecurve problemsVertical curves definitions, geometry and types, tangent correction and chord gradientmethods, sight distance on a vertical curve, difficulties in setting out curves and solutions forthe same

    Text Book

    1. Surveying and Leveling. N.N.Basak,1st Edition ,Tata McGraw Hill Publications,2010

    Reference Books

    1. Surveying and Leveling, Vol I & II, Kanetkar and Kulkarni, 24th edition, Pune Vidyarthi Griha,Pune.,2006

    2. Surveying, R Agor, Khanna Publishers, 2009.

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 7

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER III

    Course Code : CE0202


    Course Contents1 IntroductionTypes of structures framed, load bearing and composite, suitability and economic aspects ofeach type

    2 Building materialsClassification of Building materials, requirements of building materials and products, functional,aesthetical and economicStudy of properties of materials: physical, mechanical, chemical, biological, aesthetical andother complex properties like durability, reliability, compatibility, and economic characteristics

    3 Surface finishesPointing: types, plastering: materials and types, painting, Building facia,Materials and products based on mineral binders, gypsum, lime, plaster of paris, cement,hydraulic lime, mortars and concrete, gypsum-concrete products.Paints and Varnishes: types and uses

    4 Masonry ConstructionStructural Clay products, Classification, Common clay brick, face bricks and tiles, ceramic tiles,paving blocksBrick masonry, stone masonry and block masonry

    5 Doors and windowsTypes, materials used, manufacture of doors and windows, fixturesGrill work materials used, manufactureMetal and metal alloys: Products made of ferrous and non ferrous metals, Aluminum alloys,Types and Uses, Anticorrosive treatment. Glass Types and uses

    Wood varieties and uses, defects in timber, preservative treatments, and wood composites.6 Floors and roofs

    Floors types of floors, floor finishes, suitabilityRoofs materials used, types, wooden and steel trusses, roof coverings, roof drainageSynthetic Polymer resins and resins based materials, floor covering, wall facing, heat insulatingand sound proofing plastics, water proofing and sealing resins, Method of Fixing.

    7 Excavation and foundationsExcavation in soils and rocks, shoring and strutting, dewateringSimple foundations like isolated, strip, continuous and raft, Pile Foundation

    8 Concrete constructionBatching and mixing, transportation and placing, curing

    Pre-cast concrete advantages, suitability, manufacturing storage curing and erectionmethods for pre-cast componentsFormwork design of simple form work, materials for formwork, centering and staging,scaffolding

    9 Damp proofing and water proofing materials and methodsBitumen, tars and asphalt: Properties and uses

    Text Book1. Building Construction, B C Punmiya, 10th Edition, Laxmi Publications., 2008.

    Reference Books1. Building Construction, Mackay, Vol I to VII, Orient Longman Publication.,19712. Engineering Materials, Rangwala, Charotar Publication,2010

    3. Materials of Construction, Ghosh, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.,19894. Relevant IS Codes, BIS5. National Building Code 2003, Indian Standards Institution., BIS

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 8

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER III

    Course Code : CE0203

    Course Title : FLUID MECHANICS

    Course Contents

    1 Properties of FluidMass density, specific weight, specific gravity, specific volume, vapour pressure,compressibility, elasticity, surface tension, capillarity; Newtons law of viscosity, classificationof fluids, dynamic viscosity and kinematics viscosity, variation of viscosity with temperature;Basic concept applicable to fluid mechanics.

    2 Fluid StaticsMeasurement of Pressure

    Pressure variation in a static fluid, PASCALs law, Units and scales of pressure measurement Atmospheric pressure, Absolute Pressure, Gauge Pressure and Vacuum Pressure,Hydrostatic Paradox.Piezometer,U-Tube Manometer, Single Column Manometer,U-Tube Differntial Manometer ,Inverterd U-Tube Differntial Manometer, Micromanometers. Mechanical Pressure Gauges.Hydrostatic force on plane and curved surfaceTotal Pressure and Center of Pressure, Pressure Diagram, Total Pressure on Plane Surfacesand Depth of Center of Pressure, Total Pressure on Curved Surfaces, Practical applicationsof Total Pressure and Center of PressureBuoyancy and FlotationBuoyant force, Buoyancy and Center of Buoyancy, Archimedes Principle, Principle of

    FloatationMetacentre and Metacentric Height, Equilibrium of Floating bodies and Submerged bodiesEvaluation of Metacentric HeightTheoretical Method and Experimental MethodOscillation of Floating BodyFluids in Relative EquilibriumStatic fluid subjected to uniform linear accelerationLiquid containers subjected to constant horizontal acceleration and constant verticalacceleration, Liquid containers subjected to constant rotation

    3 Fluid KinematicsFluid flow Methods of analysis of fluid motion, Streamlines, Pathlines, Streaklines andStreamtubes.Types of fluid flow Steady and unsteady flow, Uniform and non-uniform flow, Laminar,Transitional and Turbulent flow Reynolds number, Reynolds Experiment, Rotational andIrrotational flow, Subcritical , Critical and Supercritical flow, Compressible and IncompressibleFlow , One , Two and Three dimensionalCirculation and vorticity, Velocity potential and Stream function, Flow net

    4 Fluid DynamicsEulers equation, Bernoullis equation, Energy correction factor

    5 Flow Measuring DevicesMeasurement of discharge- Venturi meter, Orifice meter, Nozzle meter, Bend meter,Rotometer.Measurement of velocity-Pitot tube.Orifice - Classification, Flow through a Reservoir Opening i.e. Orifice, Trajectory of free jet,

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 9

    Hydraulic Coefficients, Experimental determination of hydraulic coefficient, Small and largeorifice, Time of emptying a tank with orificeMouthpieces-Classification, External cylindrical mouthpiece, Convergent divergentmouthpiece,Bordas mouthpieceNotches and Weirs -Discharge over a rectangular notch and a triangular notch, Velocity ofapproach, End contractions, Cippoletti Notch, Discharge over a stepped notch, Time of

    emptying a tank with notch or weir, Ventilation of weir, Proportional Weir or Sutro Weir

    6 Flow Past immersed bodiesDrag and lift, Types of drag, Drag on a sphere, cylinder, flat plate and Airfoil, Karman VortexStreet, effect of free surface and compressibility on drag .Development of lift on immersedbodies, Lift, Magnus Effect and Circulation, lift characteristics of airfoils, polar diagram.

    7 Compressible flowBasic equations of flow (elementary study), Mach number, Mach cone,

    Area Velocity relationship, Stagnation Properties

    8 Ideal fluid flowUniform flow, source and sink, doublet, free vortex.

    Text Book

    1. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, K L Kumar, 8th Edition, S Chand & Company Ltd, 2008

    Reference Books

    1. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Dr P M Modi and Dr S M Seth, Standard Book House,20092. Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, K. Subramanya,1 st edition, Tata McGraw Hill

    Publishing Co. Ltd.,19933. Fluid Mechanics, Dr A K Jain, 4th edition, Khanna Publishers,2009

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 10

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER III

    Course Code : SE0223

    Course Title : MECHANICS OF SOLIDS

    Course Contents

    1 Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram for statically determinate beams andframes.

    2 Simple Stress & StrainDefinitions of Stress, Strain, Modulus of elasticity, Modulus of Rigidity, Bulk Modulus, YieldStress, Ultimate stress, Factor of safety, Shear stress, Poisson ratio, Bars of varying sections,Stress due to self weight. Composite sections, Temperature stresses.

    3 Theory of Pure Bending

    Flexure formula for straight beams, moment of inertia, product of inertia and polar moment ofinertia of plane areas, principal axes of inertia, moments of inertia about principal axes, Transfertheorem, flitched beams. Unsymmetrical bending. Flexural stresses due to bending in two planesfor symmetrical sections, bending of unsymmetrical sections.

    4 Shear Stress in BeamsDistribution of shear stress across plane sections, shear connectors. Shear center of thin walledsections such as angle, tee, channel and I sections.

    5 Simple theory of torsionTorsion of circular shafts solid and hollow, stresses in shaft when transmitting power, close-coiled helical springs under axial load.

    6 Bending moment combined with axial loadsApplication to members subjected to eccentric loads, core of a section, problems on chimneys,retaining walls etc., involving lateral loads.

    7 Stresses and strains in thin cylindrical and spherical shells under internal pressure.

    8 Principal stressesGeneral equations for transformation of stress, principal planes and principal stresses, maximumshear stress, determination using Mohrs circle, principal stresses in beams, principal stresses inshafts subjected to torsion, bending and axial thrust, concept of equivalent torsional and bendingmoments.

    Text Books1. Mechanics of Structures Vol I, S.B. Junnarkar, 27th Edition, Charotar Publication house,2008

    Reference Books

    1. Mechanics of Materials, E. P. Popov, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.1976

    2. Strength of Material, S S Bhavikatti, 3rd edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,2008

    3. Mechanics of Materials, Timoshenko & Gere, 3rd edition, PWS Publication Co. Ltd.,1997

    4. Engineering Mechanics, Timoshenko & Young, Tata McGraw Hill Book Publishing Co. Ltd.,1956

    5. Mechanics of Materials, James M. Gere,6 th edition, Brooks/Cole. Publishing Co.,2008

    6. Strength of Materials, G.H. Ryder, 7th edition, Prentice Hall Publications.1969

    7. Mechanics of Materials, Peter & Singer, Publisher :McGraw Hill,2004

    8. Strength of Materials, Schaums Outline Series, William A. Nash,4th edition, McGraw Hill BookCo.1998

    9. Mechanics of Materials, Beer & Johnston,4 th edition, McGraw Hill Books Publishing Co. Ltd.2009

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 11

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER III

    Course Code : CE1201


    Course Contents

    Following experiments to be performed as per relevant IS standards:

    Bricks water absorption compressive strength

    Aggregates sieve analysis crushing value shape test impact test abrasion test crushing test Los angels abrasion test soundness test

    Bitumen Penetration test Ductility test Softening point test Viscosity test Flash & fire point test

    Text Books/Manual

    1. Laboratory Manual in Highway Engineering, Ajay K. Duggal and Vijay Puri, New ageInternational Publication.,2005

    2. Relevant IS codes. BIS3. National Building code BIS4. ASTM Manual , American Instt.

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER III

    Course Code : CE1202



    Linear and angular measurements

    Traditional surveying and mapping techniques

    Contour maps , irregular area calculations and volumes of earthworks

    Fieldwork record keeping and drawing sheet preparation

    Land record documentation, height of buildings / Towers etc

    Practicals1. Use of Amslar polar planimeter for finding the area of irregular figures and certifying it by using

    Digital Planimeter2. Use of optical theodolite / Electronic theodolite for measurement of horizontal and vertical

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 12

    angles3. Theodolite traverse, Gales traverse table4. A two day project on theodolite traversing and plane table detailing,5. Use of optical theodolite / Electronic theodolite for one plane and two plane methods6. Simple and compound leveling by using Dumpy / Auto Level, booking methods7. Methods of plane tabling: - Radiation. Intersection and Traversing8. Setting out a simple foundation plan in the field9. To find the constants of a tacheometer and to verify field distances10.Height and distance problems in tacheometric surveying11.Setting out the circular curve by Rankines method of deflection of angles

    Text books1. Surveying and Leveling, N Basak, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publications. 20102. Surveying and Leveling, Vol I & II, B C Punmiya, Laxmi Publications.20063. Surveying, R Agor, Khanna Publishers,2009

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER III

    Course Code : CE1203

    Course Title : HYDRAULICS LAB - I

    Course Contents1. Hydrostatics2. Measurement of viscosity3. Study of Pressure Measuring Devices4. Stability of Floating Body5. Hydrostatics Force on Flat Surfaces/Curved Surfaces6. Bernoullis Theorem7. Calibration of Flowmeter8. Calibration of Orifices9. Calibration of Mouthpieces10.Calibration of Notches11.Calibration of Weirs12.Flow Visualisation -Ideal Flow13.Length of establishment of flow14.Velocity distribution in pipes15.Laminar Flow

    Text Books1. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, K L Kumar, 8th Edition, S Chand & Company Ltd,20082. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Dr. P M Modi and Dr S M Seth, Standard Book House, 20093. Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, K Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing co.

    Ltd.19934. Open channel Flow , K Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.2009

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 13

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER III

    Course Code : CE1204




    Practice session for exploring worksheet functions, Creating tables in worksheet,entering formulas, statistical functions, Using worksheets to data sorting, filtering,creating charts, linking worksheets etc.


    Practice session for exploring database structures and functions, Creating databases,running query, Using databases to create reports

    1 Session: Preparing presentation slides, formatting, inserting figures & tables7

    Sessions:Write programmes in C++ to solve at least 2 problems in each of the following area:



    Fluid mechanicsUse of Open Office / MS Office recommended

    Text Books1. Object oriented programming with C++, E Balguruswamy, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill

    Publications.20082. Object Oriented Programming with C++, M P Bhave and S A Patekar, Publisher :Pearson


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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 14

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : MA 0204


    Course Contents

    Module 1: Statistics

    1.1 Review of measures of central tendency, measures of variation andprobability.

    1.2 Discrete and continuous Random variable.1.3 Binomial, Poison and Normal distribution.1.4 Random sampling, sampling distribution, standard error, Central limit theorem.1.5 Estimation of parameters, point estimation, interval Estimation, confidence

    internal.1.6 Testing of Hypothesis, large sample and small sample, teststtest and F test,

    Chi-square test.1.7 Correlation and regression.1.8 Coefficient of correlation and Rank correlation1.9 Regression analysis, curve fitting, method of least square1.10 Statistical quality control and control charts.1.11 Analysis of variance (One way & Two way).

    Module 2: Vector Calculus

    2.1 Scalar and vector point functions.2.2 Directional derivative Curl and Divergence.2.3 Consecervative, Irrotational and Solenoidal field.2.4 Line integral and its properties.2.5 Grrens theorem, Stokes theorem, divergence theorem and its applications.

    Text Books

    1. Mathematical Statistics, Kapur and Saxena, S Chand & Co. Ltd, 20092. Engineering Statistics, T Veerarajan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 2nd Edition.20053. Advance Engineering Mathematics , H K Dass, S Chand & Co., 3rd Edition, 2007.

    Reference Books

    1. Computational Mathematics for Semester-IV by G V Kumbhojkar, C Jamnadas & Co.- 2005,5th Edition.

    2. Engineering Mathematics by S.S. Sastri- Prentice Hall of India, 2005, 4th Edition.

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    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 15

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : SE 0224

    Course Title : STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS - I

    Course Contents

    1 General theorems : Theorems relating to elastic structures, Principle of virtual work, Strainenergy in elastic structures, complementary energy, Castiglianos theorem, Bettis andMaxwells reciprocal theorems.

    2 Deflection of statically determinate structures: Deflection of determinate beams by Doubleintegration Macaulays, Moment area and Conjugate beam methods, Principle of virtual work(unit load method) and Castiglianos theorem, Deflection of determinate pin jointed trusses

    and rigid jointed frames by principle of virtual work (unit load method),b Strain Energy andCastiglianos theorem.

    3 Influence lines for statically determinate structures : Influence lines for cantilever, simplysupported beam, overhanging beam and pin jointed trusses, criteria for maximum shear forceand bending moment under moving loads for simply supported beams, absolute maximumbending moment

    4 Elastic arches : determination of normal thrust, shear force and bending moment for parabolicand segmental three hinged arches, Influence lines for normal thrust, shear force and bendingmoment for three hinged parabolic arch.

    5 Suspension bridges: Suspension cable with three hinged stiffening girder, influence linediagrams for horizontal tension in the cable, shear force and bending moment at any sectionof the stiffening girder.

    6 Struts: struts subjected to axial loads, concept of buckling, Eulers formula for strut wit hdifferent support conditions, Eulers and Rankines design formulae. Struts subjected toeccentric and lateral loads, struts with initial curvature.

    Text Books

    1. Structural Mechanics Vol I & II, Junnarkar S B, Charotar Publishers,2008

    Reference Books

    1. Structural Analysis Volume I , Devdas Menon, Narosa Publication,2010

    2. Structural Analysis Volume I, Bhavikatti, 3rd edition, Vikas Publishers.,2008

    3. Basic Structural Analysis, C S Reddy, Publisher: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,2001

    4. Theory of Structures, Timoshenko & Young, Publisher: Tata McGraw Hill Book Publishing Co.Ltd. 2009

    5. Intermediate Structural Analysis, C K Wang, Publisher: McGraw Hill Publishing Co. 1984

    6. Elementary Structural Analysis, Norries & Wilbur, Publisher: McGraw Hill Publishing Co.1990

    7. Structural Analysis, Laursen H I, Publisher: McGraw Hill Publishing Co. 1988

    8. Structural theorems and their application, B G Neal, Publisher, Pergaman Press.1972

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 16

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : CE 0204


    Course Contents

    1 IntroductionBranches of geology useful to civil engineering, scope of geological studies in various civilengineering projects. Department dealing with this subject in India and their scope of work-GSI, Granite Dimension Stone Cell, NIRM.

    2 MineralogyMineral, Origin and composition.

    Physical properties of minerals, susceptibility of minerals to alteration, basic of opticalmineralogy, SEM, XRD. Rock forming minerals, megascopic identification of common primary& secondary minerals.

    3 PetrologyRock forming processes. Specific gravity of rocks. Ternary diagram.Igneous petrology- Volcanic Phenomenon and different materials ejected by volcanoes. Typesof volcanic eruption. Concept of Hot spring and Geysers. Characteristics of different types ofmagma. Division of rock on the basis of depth of formation, and their characteristics.Chemical and Mineralogical Composition. Texture and its types. Various forms of rocks. IUGSClassification of phaneritic and volcanic rock.. Field Classification chart. Structures.

    Classification of Igneous rocks on the basis of Chemical composition. Detailed study of AcidicIgneous rocks like Granite, Rhyolite or Tuff, Felsite, Pegmatite, Hornfels. Metamorphic

    Aureole, Kaolinization. Landform as Tors. Engineering aspect to granite.Basic Igneous rocks Like Gabbro, Dolerite, Basalt. Engineering aspect to Basalt.Sedimentary petrology- mode of formation, Mineralogical Composition. Texture and its types,Structures, Gradation of Clastic rocks. Classification of sedimentary rocks and theircharacteristics. Detailed study of Conglomerate, Breccia, Sandstone, Mudstone and Shale,LimestoneMetamorphic petrology- Agents and types of metamorphism, metamorphic grades,Mineralogical composition, structures & textures in metamorphic rocks. ImportantDistinguishing features of rocks as Rock cleavage, Schistosity, Foliation. Classification.Detailed study of Gneiss, Schist, Slate with engineering consideration.

    4 Physical GeologyWeathering. Erosion and Denudation. Factors affecting weathering and product of weathering.Engineering consideration.Superficial deposits and its geotechnical importance: Water fall and Gorges , Rivermeandering , Alluvium, Glacial deposits, Laterite (engineering aspects), Desert Landform,Loess, Residual deposits of Clay with flints, Solifluction deposits, mudflows, Coastal deposits.

    5 Strength Behaviour of Rocks

    Stress and Strain in rocks. Concept of Rock Deformation & Tectonics. Dip and Strike. Outcropand width of outcrop. Inliers and Outliers. Main types of discontinuities according to size.Fold: Types and nomenclature, Criteria for their recognition in field.Faults: Classification, recognition in field, effects on outcrops.Joints & Unconformity; Types,. Stresses responsible, geotechnical importance.

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 17

    Importance of structural elements in engineering operations. Consequences of failure as landsliding, Earthquake and Subsidence.Strength of Igneous rock structures.

    6 Geological Hazards

    Rock Instability and Slope movement:Concept of sliding blocks. Different controlling factors. Instability in vertical rock structures

    and measures to prevent collapse. . Types of landslide. Prevention by surface drainage,slope reinforcement by Rock bolting and Rock anchoring, retaining wall, Slope treatment.Case study on black clay.

    Ground water: Factors controlling water bearing capacity of rock. Pervious & imperviousrocks and ground water. Lowering of water table and Subsidence.

    Earthquake: Magnitude and intensity of earthquake. Seismic sea waves. Revelation fromSeismic Records of structure of earth. Case Study on Elevation and Subsidence inHimalayan region in India. Seismic Zone in India.

    7 Rock masses as construction material Definition of Rock masses. Main featuresconstituting rock mass. Main features that affects the quality of rock engineering and design.Basic element and structures of rock those are relevant in civil engineering areas. Main typesof works connected to rocks and rock masses. Important variables influencing rock propertiesand behaviour such as Fresh rock Influence from some minerals. Effect of alteration andweathering.Measurement of velocity of sound in rock. Classification of Rock material strength. Corelogging .Rock Quality Designation. Rock mass description.

    8 Geology of dam and reservoir siteRequired geological consideration for selecting dam and reservoir siteFailure of Reservoir. Favorable & unfavorable conditions in different types of rocks in

    presence of various structural features, precautions to be taken to counteract unsuitableconditions, significance of discontinuities on the dam site and treatment giving to suchstructures.

    9 Tunneling: Detailed knowledge of different governing factor for tunneling condition.Stratigraphy Principles of stratigraphy, Geological Time scale. Structural Division of India. .Significance of stratigraphy for tunneling. Over break. Tunneling in folded rock.

    Text Book

    1. Engineering and General Geology , Parbin Singh ,8th Edition, S K Kataria & Sons,2010

    Reference Books

    1. Text Book of Engineering Geology, Kesavalu, Publisher : MacMilan,20072. Geology For Geotechnical Engineers , J C Harvey, Publisher : Cambridge University


  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 18

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : SE 0225

    Course Title : SOIL MECHANICS

    Course Contents

    1 Introduction1.1 Definitions: soils, soil mechanics, soil engineering, rock mechanics,

    geotechnical engineering.1.2 Scope of soil engineering.1.3 Comparison between soil and rock.

    2 Basic Definitions and Relationships2.1 Soil as three-phase system in terms of weight, volume, voids ratio, and porosity.2.2 Definitions: moisture content, unit weights, degree of saturation, void ratio,

    porosity, specific gravity, mass specific gravity etc.2.3 Relationship between volume- weight, void ratio- moisture content, unit weight-

    percent air voids, saturation- moisture content, moisture content- specific gravityetc.

    2.4 Determination of various parameters such as:2.4.1 Moisture content by oven dry method, pycnometer, sand bath method,

    torsional balance method radioactivity method, and alcohol method.2.4.2 Specific gravity by density bottle method, pycnometer method, measuring

    flask method.2.4.3 Unit weight by water displacement method, submerged weight method,

    core cutter method, sands replacement method.

    3 Plasticity Characteristics of Soil3.1 Introduction to definitions of: plasticity of soil, consistency limits-liquid limit,

    plastic limit, shrinkage limit, plasticity, liquidity and consistency indices, flow &toughness indices, definitions of activity and sensitivity.

    3.2Determination of: liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit.3.3Use of consistency limits.

    4 Classification of Soils4.1 Introduction of soil classification: particle size classification, textural

    classification, unified soil classification, Indian standard soil classification system.4.2 Identification: field identification of soils, general characteristics of soil in different


    5 Permeability of Soil5.1 Introduction to hydraulic head, Darcys law, validity of Darcys law.5.2Determination of coefficient of permeability

    5.2.1 Laboratory method: constant head method, falling head method.5.2.2 Field method: pumping- in test, pumping- out test.5.2.3 Permeability aspects: permeability of stratified soils, factors affecting

    permeability of soil.

    6 Seepage AnalysisIntroduction, stream and potential functions, characteristics of flow nets, graphicalmethod to plot flow nets.

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 19

    7 Effective Stress Principle7.1 Introduction, effective stress principle, nature of effective stress, effect of water

    table.7.2 Fluctuations of effective stress, effective stress in soils saturated by capillary

    action, seepage pressure, quick sand condition.

    8 Compaction of Soil8.1 Introduction, theory of compaction, laboratory determination of optimum moisture

    content and maximum dry density.8.2Compaction in field, compaction specifications and field control.

    10 Consolidation of SoilIntroduction, comparison between compaction and consolidation, initial, primary &secondary consolidation, spring analogy for primary consolidation, consolidation testresults, basic definitions, Terzaghis theory of consolidation, final settlement of soildeposits, consolidation settlement: one- dimensional method, secondary consolidation.

    11 Shear StrengthPrinciple planes parallel to the coordinate axes, Mohrs circle, important characteristicsof Mohrs circle, Mohr-Coloumb theory, types of shear test: direct shear test, merits ofdirect shear test, triaxial compression tests, test behaviour of UU, CU and CD tests,relation between major and minor principal stresses, unconfined compression test, vaneshear test.

    12 Stability of Slopes:Introduction, different factors of safety, types of slope failures, analysis of finite andinfinite slopes, wedge failure Swedish circle method, friction circle method, stabilitynumbers and charts.

    13 Soil ExplorationIntroduction, methods of investigation, methods of boring, soil samplers and sampling,number and deposition of trail pits and borings, penetrometer tests, borehole logs,geophysical methods.

    Text Book

    1. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by B C Punmia,16th Edition, Laxmi

    Publications, 2005

    Reference Books

    1. An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering by Holtz, R.D., Prentice Hall, New Jersey20082. Soil Mechanics by Craig.R F, Chapman & Hall. 20043. Soil Mechanics by Lambe T.W. & Whitman R.V., John Wiley & Sons.19694. Theoretical Soil Mechanics by K. Terzaghi,3 rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons 19655. Relevant Indian Standard Specifications & Codes, Indian Standard Institution. BIS6. Geotechnical Engineering by C. Venktatramaiah, New Age International.2009

    7. Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice by Alam Singh, Standard Publishers andDistributors, New Delhi. 2009

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 20

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : CE 0205


    Course Contents

    1 Laminar FlowLaminar flow through: circular pipes, annulus and parallel plates. Stokes law, Measurement of

    viscosity.2 Turbulent Flow:

    Reynolds experiment, Transition from laminar to turbulent flow. Definition of turbulence, scale andintensity, Causes of turbulence, instability, mechanism of turbulence and effect of turbulent flow inpipes. Reynolds stresses, semi-empirical theories of turbulence, Prandtls mixing length theory,universal velocity distribution equation. Resistance to flow of fluid in smooth and rough pipes,

    Moodys diagram.3 Boundary Layer Analysis

    Assumption and concept of boundary layer theory. Boundary-layer thickness, displacement,momentum & energy thickness, laminar and Turbulent boundary layers on a flat plate; Laminarsub-layer, smooth and rough boundaries. Local and average friction coefficients. Separation andControl.

    4 Dimensional Analysis and Hydraulic SimilitudeDimensional homogeneity, Rayleigh method, Buckinghams Pi method and other methods.Dimensionless groups. Similitude, Model studies, Types of models. Application of dimensionalanalysis and model studies to fluid flow problem.

    5 Introduction to Open Channel Flow

    Comparison between open channel flow and pipe flow, geometrical parameters of a channel,classification of open channels, classification of open channel flow, Velocity Distribution ofchannel section.

    6 Uniform FlowContinuity Equation ,Energy Equation and Momentum Equation ,Characteristics of uniform flow , Chezys formula , Mannings formula Factors affecting Mannings Roughness Coefficient n .Most economical section of channel. Computation of Uniform flowNormal depth.

    7 Non-Uniform FlowSpecific energy, Specific energy curve, critical flow, discharge curve Specific force Specific depth,and Critical depth .Channel Transitions.Measurement of Discharge and Velocity Venturi Flume, Standing Wave Flume, Parshall Flume,Broad Crested Weir.Measurement of Velocity- Current meter, Floats, Hot-wire anemometer.

    8 Gradually Varied FlowDynamic Equation of Gradually Varied Flow, Classification of channel bottom slopes,Classification of surface profile, Characteristics of surface profile. Computation of water surfaceprofile by graphical, numerical and analytical approaches. Direct Step method, GraphicalIntegration method and Direct integration method.

    9 Hydraulic Jump

    Theory of hydraulic jump, Elements and characteristics of hydraulic jump in a rectangularChannel, length and height of jump, location of jump, Types ,applications and location of hydraulicjump. Energy dissipation and other uses, surge as a moving hydraulic jump. Positive and negativesurges.

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 21

    10 Dynamics of Fluid FlowMomentum principle, applications: Force on plates, pipe bends, moments of momentum equation

    11 Flow through PipesLoss of head through pipes, Darcy-Wiesbatch equation, minor losses, total energy equation,hydraulic gradient line, Pipes in series, equivalent pipes, pipes in parallel, flow through laterals,flows in dead end pipes, siphon, power transmission through pipes, nozzles.

    12 Analysis of pipe networks

    Hardy Cross method, water hammer in pipes and control measures , branching of pipes , threereservoir problem

    13 Computational Fluid DynamicsBasic equations of fluid dynamics, Grid generation, Introduction to in viscid incompressible flow,Boundary layer flow as applicable to C.F.D.

    14 Hydro informaticsConcept of hydro informatics scope of internet and web based modeling in water resourcesengineering.

    Text Book

    1. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Dr. P.M. Modi and Dr. S.M. Seth, Standard Book House.2009

    Reference Books

    1. Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., 1993

    2. Fluid Mechanics, Dr. A.K. Jain, Khanna Publishers20093. Fluid Mechanics and fluid pressure Engineering, D. S. Kumar, F.K. Kotharia and sons.20074. Open channel Flow, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd 20095. Open channel Hydraulics, Ven Te Chow, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.2009

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 22

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : CE0221


    Course Contents

    Unit 1: The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies

    Definition, scope and importance, Need for public awareness.

    Unit 2: Natural Resources

    Renewable and non renewable resourcesa) Natural resources and associated problems

    Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies,Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribalpeople.

    Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water,floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams benefits and problems.

    Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects ofextracting and using mineral resources, case studies.

    Food Resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture andover grazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizers- pesticides problems,water logging, salinity, case studies.

    Energy Resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewableenergy sources, use of alternate energy sources, case studies

    Land Resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induces landslides, soil erosion, and desertification.

    b) Role of individual in conservation of natural resources.c) Equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles.

    Unit 3: Eco SystemsConcept of an eco system

    Structure and function of an eco system.

    Producers, consumers, decomposers.

    Energy flow in the eco systems.

    Ecological succession.

    Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.

    Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystems:-

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 23

    Forest ecosystem

    Grass land ecosystem

    Desert ecosystem.

    Aquatic eco systems(ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

    UNIT 4: Biodiversity and its Conservation

    Introduction-Definition: genetics, species and ecosystem diversity.

    Biogeographically classification of India.

    Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic andoption values

    Biodiversity at global, national and local level.

    India as a mega diversity nation.

    Hot-spots of biodiversity.

    Threats to biodiversity: habitats loss, poaching of wild life, man wildlife conflicts.

    Endangered and endemic spaces of India.

    Conservation of biodiversity: in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

    UNIT 5: Environmental Pollution

    Definition Causes, effects and control measures of:-

    a. Air pollutionb. Water pollutionc. Soil pollutiond. Marine pollutione. Noise pollutionf. Thermal pollutiong.

    Nuclear hazards

    Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrialwastesRole of an individual in prevention of pollutionPollution case studiesDisaster management: Floods, earth quake, cyclone and land slides

    Unit 6: Social issues and the Environment

    Form unsustainable to sustainable development

    Urban problems related to energy

    Water conservation, rain water harvesting, water shed management

    Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns, case studies

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 24

    Environmental ethics: issues and possible solutions

    Climate change, global warming, acid rain , ozone layer depletion, nuclear

    accidents and holocaust, case studies.

    Wasteland reclamation

    Consumerism and waste products

    Environment protection Act

    Air(prevention and control of pollution)Act

    Water((prevention and control of pollution)Act

    Wildlife protection act

    Forest conservation act

    Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislations

    Public awareness

    Unit 7: Human population and the environment

    Population growth and variation among nations

    Population explosion- family welfare programme

    Environment and human health

    Human rights

    Value education


    Women and child welfare

    Role of information technology in environment and human health

    Case studies

    Unit 8: Field work

    Visit to a local area to document environment assets river/ forest/ grassland/ hill/mountain.Visit to a local polluted site-urban/rural/industrial/agricultural. Study of common plants,insects, birds. Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hills lopes, etc(field work equal to 5lecture works)

    Text Books

    1. Textbook of Environmental studies, Erach Bharucha, UGC 2005

    2. Fundamental concepts in Environmental Studies, D D Mishra, S Chand & Co Ltd 2010

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 25

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : CE1205


    Course Contents

    1. Study of physical properties of minerals.2. Study of different group of minerals.3. Study of Crystal and Crystal system.4. Identification of minerals

    a. Silica group: Quartz, Amethyst, Opalb. Feldspar group: Orthoclase, Plagioclasec. Cryptocrystalline group: Jasperd. Carbonate group: Calcitee. Element group: Graphitef. Pyroxene group: Talcg. Mica group: Muscoviteh. Amphibole group: Asbestos, Olivine, Hornblende, Magnetite, Hematite, Corundum,

    Kyanite, Garnet, Galena, Gypsum5. Identification of rocks( Igneous Petrology)

    a. Acidic Igneous rock: Granite and its varieties, Syenite, Rhyolite, Pumice, Obsidian,Scoria, Pegmatite, Volcanic Tuff.

    b. Basic rock: Gabbro, Dolerite, Basalt and its varieties, Trachyte.6. Identification of rocks( Sedimentary Petrology): Conglomerate, Breccia, Sandstone and its

    varieties , Laterite, Limestone and its varieties, Shales and its varieties7. Identification of rocks( Metamorphic Petrology) : Marble, slate,

    Gneiss and its varieties, Schist and its varieties, Quartzite, Phyllite8. Study of Topographical features from Geological maps. Identification of symbols in maps

    Text Book

    1. Engineering and General Geology, Parbin Singh, 8th Edition, Publisher: S.K.Kataria & Sons.2010

    Reference Books

    1. Text Book of Engineering Geology, Kesavalu, Publisher :MacMilan 20072. Geology For Geotechnical Engineers , J. C. Harvey, Cambridge University Press 1983

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 26

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : SE1223


    Course ContentsPracticals (List of tests) :

    1. Field Density using Core Cutter method.2. Field Density using Sand replacement method.3. Natural moisture content using Oven Drying method.4. Field identification of Fine Grained soils.5. Specific gravity of Soil grains.6. Grain size distribution by Sieve Analysis.7. Grain size distribution by Hydrometer Analysis.8. Consistency limits by Liquid limit9. Consistency limits by Plastic limit10.Consistency limits by Shrinkage limit.11.Permeability test using Constant Head test method.12.Permeability test using Falling Head method.13.Compaction test: Standard Proctor test.14.Compaction test: Modified Proctor test.15.Relative density.16.Consolidation Test.17.Triaxial Test (UU)18.Direct Shear Test.19.Unconfined Compression Strength Test.20.California Bearing Ratio.21.Application of the test performed to foundation problems should be demonstrated

    by solving at least two problems using data from the tests.

    Text Book

    1. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by B.C. Punmia, 16th Edition, LaxmiPublications. 2005

    Reference Books

    1. An Introduction to Geo-Technical Engineering by Holtz, R.D., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.2008

    2. Soil Mechanics by Craig, R.F. Chapman & Hall.2004

    3. Soil Mechanics by Lambe T.W. & Whitman R.V., John Wiley & Sons.19694. Theoretical Soil Mechanics by K. Terzaghi,3 rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons19655. Relevant Indian Standard Specifications & Codes, BIS6. Geo-Technical Engineering by C. Venktatramaiah, New Age International.20097. Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice by Alam Singh, Standard Publishers and

    Distributors, New Delhi.20098. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by K.R. Arora, Standard Publishers and

    Distributors, New Delhi.20059. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by V.N.S. Murthy, SciTech Publications 2009.

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Effective from Academic Year 2010-11 27

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : CE1206


    Course Contents


    Geodesy , Map projections and Basic of Geographical Information System (GIS)

    Geodetic coordinates , UTM coordinates and their relationship

    Space geodesy , Basics of Global Positioning System ( GPS), WGS-1984 and Everest1956

    Electromagnetic spectrum, Ideal Remote sensing system , satellite imageriestechniques

    Principle of EDM, total station, digital levels and precision levels.

    Database Management system

    Practicals1. A two day project on L section and cross section, block contouring and tacheometric

    survey2. Study of satellite images and its interpretation, false color combination etc.3. Determination of horizontal, sloping and vertical distance between any two points by

    using Total Station4. Preparation of contour map by using road suitable software such as Surfer or Road

    Master5. Geo-registration of map and its digitization by using suitable GIS software.6.

    Map editing, vector and raster analysis of digitized map by using suitable GIS software7. Preparation of Contour map by using Triangulated Irregular Network( TIN) in GISsoftware

    8. Generation of 2D and 3D digital elevation model (DEM) from contour map using GISsoftware

    9. Collection of field data like point data, line data and area data by using surveying andmapping GPS receiver

    10.Post-processing the GPS data by using post processing software such as Pathfindersoftware.

    11.Generation of Databases and relation database management system (RDBMS) usingMS ACCESS.

    Text book1. Advanced Surveying - Total station , GIS and Remote sensing , Satheesh Gopi, R.

    Sathikumar , N. Madhu , Pearson education 2009Reference books

    1. Surveying and Leveling, N N Basak, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publications. 2010

    2. Surveying and Leveling, Vol I & II, III, B.C.Punmiya , Laxmi Publications 2006

    3. Surveying, R Agor, Khanna Publishers 20094. Concepts and Techniques of Geographical Information System, Lo C.P.Yeung A K W,

    Prentice Hall India2010

    5. Introduction to Geographical Information System, Kang-tsung Chang, Tata McGraw Hill 20096. Remote sensing and Geographical information system, K. Anji Rao , BS Publications 2007

  • 8/3/2019 S Y BTech(Civil Engg)Syllabus


    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

    Programme Name : S.Y. B. Tech. (Civil) SEMESTER IV

    Course Code : CE1207

    Course Title : HYDRAULICS LAB II

    Course Contents

    List of Experiments1. Flow Visulisation2. Studies in Wind Tunnel3. Boundary Layer4. Flow around an Aerofoil / circular cylinder5. Uniform Flow6. Velocity Distribution in Open channel flow7. Venturi Flume8. Standing Wave Flume9. Gradually Varied Flow10.Hydraulic Jump11.Flow under Sluice Gate12.Flow through pipes13.Turbulent flow through pipes14.Flow visualisation15.Laminar flow through pipes16.Major losses / Minor losses in pipe

    Text Book

    1. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Dr. P.M. Modi and Dr. S.M. Seth, Standard Book House.2009

    Reference Books

    1. Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing co.Ltd.1993

    2. Fluid Mechanics, Dr. A.K. Jain, Khanna Publishers 20093. Fluid Mechanics and fluid pressure Engineering, D. S. Kumar, Publishers, F. K. Kotharia and

    sons.20074. Open channel Flow, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 20095. Open channel Hydraulics, Ven Te Chow, Tata McGraw Hill Publications. 2009